Baltimore Afro-American Newspaper May 24 2014

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Volume 122 No. 42

May 24, 2014 - May 24, 2014, The Afro-American A1 $1.00

Courtesy photo

MAY 24, 2014 - MAY 30, 2014

NAACP Presidential Selection Process Again Mired in Controversy By George E. Curry NNPA Editor-in-Chief WASHINGTON (NNPA) – A search firm hired by the NAACP ranked the Rev. Frederick D. Haynes III, senior pastor of FriendshipWest Baptist Church in Dallas, Texas, as the top candidate five years ago


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to become president and CEO of the NAACP. But Haynes wasn’t the favorite of Julian Bond, then chairman of the board of directors, who preferred Benjamin Todd Jealous, president of a small, private foundation in California, for the spot. So when the selection process shifted from the search committee to the NAACP’s executive committee, the NAACP’s legendary political maneuvering came into play. At Bond’s urging, the executive committee opted to present only Jealous’ name

Morgan State University Commencement

Calvin Butler: If I Can Do It, So Can You By AFRO Staff

Cornell William Brooks, newly elected NAACP president to the full board for an upor-down vote. To no one’s surprise, Jealous was elected (34-21). Though Benjamin L. Hooks, one of the association’s most popular leaders, pastored two churches – one in Memphis and one in Detroit – while serving as executive director of the NAACP from 1977 to

Calvin Butler Jr., CEO of Baltimore Gas and Electric Co. , addresses Morgan State University 2014 grads.

Continued on A3

Photo by A. Lois DeLaine

Town Hall Meeting: Protecting Our HBCUs

Exactly 60 years after the Supreme Court struck down the fallacy of the “separate but equal” doctrine as it applied to public education in the United States, 1,300 beneficiaries of that legacy received degrees at Morgan State University’s 138th spring commencement ceremony, May 17. The spirit of the landmark Brown v. Board of Education decision covered the entire exercise—evident in the attendance of the 50th Continued on A4

A Demand For Equity and Equality In Higher Education By Jonathan Hunter AFRO Staff Writer A town hall meeting on the plight of the state’s HBCUs and their future was the site of much discussion, May 13, at Coppin State University in Baltimore. State Del. Aisha N. Braveboy, attorney John C. Brittain, State Sen. Joan Carter Conway, Dr. John Organ, attorney A. Dwight Pettit, Dr. Earl S. Richardson and Mr. David Burton, president of the Coalition for Equity and Excellence in Maryland Higher Education, served on the panel that was moderated by George E. Curry, editor-in-chief of the National Newspaper Publishers of America. The focus was the ongoing 2006 lawsuit in which the Coalition, representing students, alumni and supporters of Continued on A6

The panelists focused on the ongoing 2006 lawsuit.

Photo by JD Howard

Council Closer to Renewing Ravens’ Jacoby Jones Brings Curfew Law Tech Tools to Area Schools curfew is intended to keep young children from wandering the streets at night and becoming victims of crime The Baltimore City Council, on and neglect. May 12, preliminarily approved The legislation states that kids a tough new curfew for children, under 14 are to be indoors by 9 p.m. designed to have them off the streets year-round. Kids ages 14 through and inside by 9 p.m. Opponents of the 16 could stay out until 10 p.m. on school nights and 11 p.m. on other nights. The bill also establishes a daytime curfew of 7:30 a.m. to 3 p.m., with the exception of children traveling to or from school. Parents can be fined up to $500 or made to attend counseling sessions if their children are not inside by the designated curfew hours. The bill has faced much opposition from unions and citizens alike. The American Civil Liberties Union and the head of the – Mayor Rawlings-Blake city’s police union have criticized the bill. City new curfew say it is unconstitutional Councilmen Carl Stokes and Warren and will create conflict between youth Branch voted against it. and police. A Baltimore City resident, Kirby According to the bill’s sponsor, Griffin, thinks the bill will create more Councilman Brandon Scott, the Continued on A6 By Victoria Jones Special to the AFRO

"I believe this legislation will be another much needed tool to help reduce the number of juveniles on the streets at night, while furthering a commitment my administration has made to provide more services for young people we know are vulnerable."

AFRO Staff Margaret Brent Elementary School on St. Paul Street in Baltimore was just one stop on the May 20 trail for the Jacoby Jones Foundation. Jones, along with his Emily London Jones, brought tablets for each student as a part of his Playbook for Success Program, one he created to put tools in the hands of hard working students Jacoby Jones and his mother whose families might Emily London Jones not be able to afford them. Photo by Robert Blount Tablets were also donated to City Neighbors Charter School on Raspe Avenue and to Deer Park Middle Magnet School. Jones said in a statement that he was blessed to be in a position to provide access to technology. “In order to score big wins in life, these kids must choose daily to devote themselves to educational success.” He told the children to get their education because it is one thing no one can ever take from them.


The Afro-American, May 24, 2014 - May 30, 2014

Your History • Your Community • Your News

The Afro-American Newspapers

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Grandmother Forgives 11-Year-Old Grandson for Report Card-Related Shooting

The grandmother of an 11-year-old Oklahoma boy who shot her in the head after bringing home a poor report card said she forgives him and still loves him, according to news reports. “You don’t bring someone in your house Annie Mougell-Walker that you don’t care for. I’ve been having him for many years since he was two, and I love him very much,” said Annie Mougell-Walker, who along with husband Charles Walker, sat down with local radio station FOX23 to discuss the assault. The 42-year-old woman was at her Tulsa apartment reading her grandson’s report card on May 12, when he reportedly walked into her bedroom, retrieved a .22-caliber handgun and shot her in the back of the head, authorities said. MougellWalker said she had been preparing to talk to him about the trouble he was getting into in school. Mougell-Walker was released from the hospital the same day, wearing a neck brace; the bullet is still lodged in her head. Mougell-Walker and her husband said they have an idea why their grandson committed the heinous act. He says he hears voices and the voices told him to do it, and that’s about the only thing that we know why,” she said. The minor has been charged with shooting with intent to kill and is currently being held at a juvenile detention center.

Late Photojournalist Hugh Grannum to be Honored by National Association of Black Journalists

The National Association of Black Journalists announced that the late photojournalist Hugh Grannum will receive the association’s 2014 Legacy Award. Grannum will be honored at the Salute to Excellence Gala on Aug. 2 during the organization’s 39th Annual Convention and Career Fair in Boston. Grannum is best known for his for photography work for The Detroit Free Press. “In his many years as a photographer at the Detroit Free Press, Hugh Grannum blazed a trail for African-American journalists,” association President Bob Butler said in a statement. “His work as a photojournalist helped capture the simple, yet complex, truth of his subjects. He did so, as the young people these days are fond of saying, with ‘no filter.’” The Brooklyn native started his career as a studio apprentice

in New York before becoming a freelancer. In 1970, was hired as a staff photographer at the Detroit Free Press, where he worked for 37 years. Grannum’s work has been honored on a national level, including features in Black Enterprise, Ebony, Essence, Forbes and Jet magazines. It has also been displayed at The Studio Museum of Harlem, the Toronto Art Gallery, DuSable Museum of African American History and the Detroit Institute Hugh Grannum of Arts. Grannum, 72, died on Jan. 11, 2013 at the Harper Hospital in Detroit of leukemia and complications from a kidney transplant in 2010.

USDA Required to Provide Halal and Kosher Food to Community Emergency Food Providers

A new amendment to the Agricultural Act of 2014, also known as the farm bill, requires the U.S. Department of Agriculture (“USDA”) to begin supplying halal and kosher food to emergency food providers. The legislation, which was signed into law in February, was inspired by a Jewish philanthropic organization in New York who alerted lawmakers to the rising number of people coming to its food banks and often finding shelves empty of kosher offerings, especially during the wake of Superstorm Sandy in fall of 2012. The new law would boost emergency supplies for food prepared in addition to adhering to Jewish and Muslim dietary rules. According to the NNPA, the kosher and halal provisions of the farm bill target the USDA’s Emergency Food Assistance Program, which buys food in bulk and distributes it--free of charge—to food banks and soup kitchens across America. Under the new law, the agency is required to purchase certified kosher and halal products, as long as they cost the same as uncertified food. It must also start tracking the kosher and halal products it buys to ensure the food ends up in places where it is most needed. As for the USDA, its challenge will be to find vendors who have a demand for the supply of the products. Both kosher and halal refer to centuries-old dietary codes of each religion.










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The Afro-American, May 24, 2014 - May 24, 2014

May 24, 2014 - May 30, 2014, The Afro-American


Youth Resiliency Institute Teaches Youth about History, Community Engagement By Roberto Alejandro Special to the AFRO In a city where many children attend a public school with no art program, the Youth Resiliency Institute (YRI) is using art to teach Baltimore youth about their history, themselves, and effective community engagement. YRI is an arts institute under the umbrella of Fusion Partnerships Inc., a nonprofit organization that sponsors social justice initiatives, according to its website. YRI was founded by Fanon Hill and Navasha Daya in 2010 and teaches youth to use their art and culture to develop as persons and transform their communities. Hill is a self-taught musician whose background is in education and youth development. Daya is a professional vocalist and music educator who has traveled the world with her singing, and is currently a member of the touring group Sweet

Honey and the Rock. “Healthy cultural identity leads to your success in life,” Daya said. “If you don’t know who you are, how are you going to move forward? Someone defining you for yourself? That’s not how you become successful in a real, true way, which is joy in every moment, not just money.” Hill agreed, noting that Black children in Baltimore often are faced with a curriculum that fails to speak to their own history, depriving them of a rich vein from which to mine strategies for navigating the difficult urban environments of the city. “You have a lot of young people who want to live but are in survival mode,” said Hill. “And their art reminds them of themselves and the fact that they can live.” YRI operates in Cherry Hill, a neighborhood that attracted Hill because of the warnings he had heard to avoid it. The warnings echoed sentiments he had often heard directed at his native East Cleveland,

a place with its own challenges but one whose cultural resources introduced Hill to music. Much as the culture of East Cleveland helped direct Hill’s path, YRI uses culturally relevant art to draw upon the innate histories and

The youth participating in YRI, ranging in age from five to 21, are taught to use their cultural heritage to pursue social change through the development of community arts organizing campaigns. One year, students created the Youth Kwanzaa

“Healthy cultural identity leads to your success in life. If you don’t know who you are, how are you going to move forward?” – Navasha Daya talents that youth in Cherry Hill already possess. “We understood that there was a culture intact in Cherry Hill that wasn’t being appreciated, recognized, or celebrated,” said Hill, “and that there were and continue to be many lessons in Cherry Hill ... that can really benefit Baltimore City if one takes the time to really listen, and to venture, to Cherry Hill.”

Collective, a group that travels to different communities speaking about the history of Kwanzaa and how its themes, such as the centrality of family, are relevant year round. YRI recently received a half million dollar grant from the W. K. Kellogg Foundation, a private foundation that awards grants for efforts targeting vulnerable children,

with an emphasis on reducing racial and class-based inequities, according to its website. The funds will launch the Journey Project, an initiative to open discussions between families, educators, policymakers, and advocates to facilitate greater opportunities for the success of lowincome Black youth. For Hill, Black youth who do not happen to live in a two-parent home are too often discussed as though not connected to any actual family structure at all, ignoring and, by implication, invalidating a broader network of family relations that can be part of a child’s successful development. “To talk about young people and not talk about families in this sphere of influence is, yes, to objectify [those] young people and to disconnect them from a repository that they’re able to draw strength from. That affects the whole city, when you have young people who see themselves as not connected to any family structure,” said Hill.

NAACP Presidential Selection

Continued from A1

1992, Haynes was told he did not reach the final round of the selection process because he wouldn’t agree to give up his church duties in Dallas. Haynes felt that was a ruse and the experience left a bitter taste in his mouth, with him vowing to never go through Rev. Frederick D. that process again. He could Haynes III have accepted losing in a fair contest, Haynes told anyone who would listen to him at the time. But what was hard for him to swallow was how a venerated organization dedicated to seeking justice and fairness for African Americans could hold an election for its top office without any pretense of being fair. When Jealous resigned last September with a year still left on his contract – after repeated clashes with Board Chair Roslyn M. Brock – applying for the vacancy did not cross Haynes’ mind. But apparently, it was on the minds of some NAACP supporters, who hoped the organization could get it right this time – if Haynes would consider going through the search process again. “I was done with them,” Haynes said in an interview May 19. “As I told them, I do justice work without them. It’s not like I needed them to do what I had already been doing.” This time, Haynes didn’t pursue the NAACP – they put the full-court press on him.

“They called me repeatedly, saying, ‘What will it take to change your mind?’ I said, ‘Nothing. I’m not interested.’ They were relentless, I’ll give them credit for that.

–Rev. Haynes

“Literally, from September to February, they called me every week, asking me to reconsider,” Haynes stated. “I told them, ‘The church thing hasn’t changed – I am not giving up my church.’ They said, ‘That’s no longer a deal breaker. Would you now reconsider?’” “They even called Jeremiah Wright and asked him to ask me to reconsider. The funny thing is, the last time my relationship with him was an issue. They got so desperate that they called him.” “They [members of the search firm hired by the NAACP] called me repeatedly, saying, ‘What will it take to change your mind?’ I said, ‘Nothing. I’m not interested.’ They were relentless, I’ll give them credit for that. “They said, ‘With Julian Bond out of the picture, everything should be fine.’ And I finally said, ‘Okay.’” To reassure the NAACP that he would devote full time to his new duties, Haynes volunteered to move from Dallas to Baltimore to be near the national headquarters; he would quit conducting revivals and the only thing he wanted in return was to be able to preach at his church in Dallas twice a month. “Last Thursday, I got this phone call. I was supposed to be in Florida Friday [for the final vote at the NAACP board

meeting]. So they called me Thursday and asked whether I was willing to make the Association my sole source of employment. I told them what accommodations I had made, what preparations I had made at the church and they said, ‘Basically, you’ve answered our question. Thank you very Barbara Arnwine much.’ “Later, I got this call from the search team that they were going to do something else. I’m fine with that.” Unlike five years ago, when the executive committee presented the sole name of Ben Jealous to the full board, this time the names of two candidates were advanced: Barbara R. Arnwine, who has been president and executive director of the Lawyers’ Committee for Civil Rights Under Law since 1989, and Cornell William Brooks, president and CEO of the New Jersey Institute for Social Justice in Newark. Although he has worked as a lawyer for the Justice Department, the FCC, and at Arnwine’s organization as well as served as director of the Fair Housing Council of Washington, D.C. before heading the New Jersey nonprofit group, Brooks, a graduate of Jackson State University in Mississippi and Yale University Law School, is not well known in national civil rights circles.

According to board members who interviewed both candidates, they have contrasting personalities. Arnwine, a frequent fixture on television and the conventions of national civil rights organizations, is bold and has a strong personality. Brooks is more understated. Describing him to the Baltimore Sun, former board chairman Julian Bond described him as “the kind of soft-spoken and well-intentioned person I wanted to have in this job.” Arnwine declined to be interviewed for this article. But one of her supporters on the board said, “All of our civil rights organizations have a problem with a woman serving as their chief, day-to-day spokesperson. Second, the clique that runs the board wants someone they can control, not someone like Barbara, who is talented and her own person.” Another board member who had no favorite among the finalists said, “This is Ben Jealous all over again. They wanted someone they can control and manipulate. You would think they would have learned by now.” Rev. Haynes said he has certainly learned – the hard way. “I failed the test of our ancestors,” he said. “Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me. They got me twice.” Still, he is not bitter. “I wish Mr. Brooks the best. I really do,” Haynes said. “If what I went through is a reflection of how they do business, I hope he doesn’t have to climb over that kind of nonsense. Our people are still catching too much hell for us to be giving this much hell to each other.”


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The Afro-American, May 24, 2014 - May 30, 2014

May 24, 2014 - May 24, 2014, The Afro-American


Local Artist Highlights ‘Baltimore Girl’ Challenges By Roberto Alejandro Special to the AFRO A bout with renal failure cost Stephanie Safiyatou her home and business, and almost took her life. Now recovered, Safiyatou has created a multimedia art exhibit that shines a spotlight on a number of issues women in Baltimore face, attempting to foster healing by bringing these issues into the light of day. “I was flying through life full-speed,” said Safiyatou of her life prior to her illness. “I missed a lot going that fast.” In 2011 kidney disease forced Safiyatou to slow down. She spent the year in and out of the hospital, a trying time that left her with lots of time to think. “When I get out,” Safiyatou recalls

Courtesy photo

Stephanie Safiyatou stands by photos from her show for “Baltimore Girls.” saying to herself, “I’m going to be everything I can be. I’m not going to stop. I’m going to


Continued from A1

anniversary class, the Class of 1964, in gold caps and gowns; and in the speeches of the ceremony’s two main guests, who were the first African Americans to serve in their respective positions — Calvin G. Butler Jr. as CEO of Baltimore Gas and Electric Co., and Eric H. Holder Jr., as U.S. attorney general. Butler, the commencement speaker, gave a particularly moving address that seemed to resonate with the audience. A first-generation college student, Butler told the graduates about the failures he experienced on his way to his current position as head of the nation’s oldest gas utility. “If I can do it, so can you,” Butler encouraged. “With such a rich history and strong foundation, how can you…as a proud graduate of Morgan State, not believe in the

live my life in a way that says thank you back to God.” In 2013, having recovered

power of you?” In the wake of Butler’s stirring remarks, the attorney general took to the stage to commemorate the 60th anniversary of Brown, which dismantled the foundation of racial segregation. Holder praised the courageous young men and women who fought for equality and civil rights and made equal access to a quality education possible for the college graduates of today. “Of course, if that era seems like ancient history to you, that’s only because your forebears – including members of the Class of 1964 who are with us today – came together to make it ancient history,” Holder said. “…Thanks to Brown and those who made it possible, your generation will never know a world in which ‘separate but equal’ was the law of the land.” Holder went on to tell the graduates that like their

U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder speaks on the 60th anniversary of Brown v Board of Education. Photo by A. Lois DeLaine

predecessors, they need to give back to their communities and fight those things that threaten equal opportunity, including policies that undermine equality “in fact, if not in form.” “Today, as you walk across this


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and rebuilt her business as a hairstylist, Safiyatou sought to fulfill that promise to herself,

running with the first idea that came to her mind: “Girls, Baltimore girls. We have a rough time.” Safiyatou set about creating an art exhibit that displays the strength and beauty of Black women in Baltimore, while openly addressing the struggles they face in the city. The project is part photo exhibition and part performance piece in which challenges afflicting women in Baltimore, such as addiction, losing loved ones to violence, infertility, and infidelity are acted out before the audience. The photographs are of Baltimore women in varying styles of dress tied together thematically by the varying use of hair in the images. Hair is presented as a means of selfexpression and empowerment.

stage, each of you will take your rightful place as heirs of these pioneers,” he said. “Strive to live up to the singular legacy that belongs to each Morgan graduate by virtue of the history you now inherit, the milestone anniversary we observe today, and the profound sacrifices endured by the trailblazers on whose shoulders you now stand.” Following Holder’s address, Briana Bobbitt, secretary of Morgan’s senior class, delivered the farewell address with aplomb. Her four-part message to her classmates was never to be comfortable with their accomplishments, never to give up, never to accept limitations that others try to impose and never to be afraid of failure. President Wilson and Kweisi Mfume, chairman of the MSU Board of Regents, conferred honorary doctorates to Butler, Holder, theoretical physicist Sylvester J. Gates Jr.; founder, president and

In one image, a woman shears away an extreme length of hair, a rejection of the norms society often places on women’s lives and bodies. “I think a lot of it has to do with – just a cutting away, in a sense,” said Selena Britton, publicist for the exhibit. “Cutting away from emotional ties, and cutting away from the whole physicality of what society says we are supposed to be.” The images convey the resilience of women in Baltimore, says Safiyatou, noting that the phrase “Baltimore Girls” signifies, “strength in the face of adversity.” “In the face of everything that we go through, we still shine, we still smile, we still

Continued on A6

CEO of the Center for Urban Families Joseph T. Jones Jr. and 2014 Alumnus of the Year Carl W. Turnipseed (Class of ’69), who retired in 2012 as executive vice president of the Financial Services Group at the Federal Reserve Bank of New York. In his closing remarks, MSU President David Wilson told the new graduates, including a record 52 doctoral candidates, the University had deliberately tested their ability and resolve to succeed in higher education, “and we have dared you to dream dreams bigger than those you had when you entered Fair Morgan…. We are really proud of each and every one of you here at Morgan, and we look forward to hearing of the incredible success that we all know will come your way.” Morgan State University writer Eric Addison contributed to this story.

May 24, 2014 - May 30, 2014, The Afro-American



Understanding Auto Insurance

By Bryant Jenkins Special to the AFRO Often customers are looking for the least

expensive premium without completely understanding the Risk Exposure and Coverage provided in the policy. This article looks at coverage and attributes of it that impact your auto insurance premium. Liability coverage provides for damages due to bodily injury to others involved in the accident including cost associated with defense and court costs, medical expenses, pain and suffering, and loss wages. Property loss coverage provides for damage to other vehicles in an accident

plus damage to light poles, guardrails, etc. Personal injury protection (PIP) provides the insured party with coverage for medical expenses, loss of income, and essential services resulting from an accident for up to 3 years. Uninsured motorist provides coverage for damages when an underinsured or uninsured driver causes an accident. Comprehensive provides coverage for a car that is stolen or damaged by causes other than collision, such as fire, wind, hail, flood, earthquake, theft, vandalism,

or hitting by a bird or other animal. Collision provides coverage when a car is damaged by collision with another object or car. The dollar value of your coverage depends on the risk your willing to assume. Maryland minimums are $30,000/$60,000 liability, which means $30,000 for each person in the accident and $60,000 for the total accident and $15,000 for property damage. Uninsured motorist coverage matches the liability and property

coverage. PIP coverage typically starts at $2,500 and escalates to $10,000 or more. You will need to evaluate your risk exposure to determine how much you need. Typical coverage is $100,000/$300,000 liability, $100,000 property damage, and $2,500 PIP. If your net worth is high, it is a good idea to secure significantly higher coverage amounts or to secure a personal umbrella policy that adds a minimum of $1 million dollars of coverage to your auto and home liability coverage.

Most insurers will collect and evaluate pertinent information about you and your vehicles to arrive at a policy premium. The several pieces of information affect the premium including your coverage level, driving record, credit rating, gender, marital status, location where vehicle is garaged, and the year, make, and model of your automobile. For the most economical premium choices, we recommend that you protect your insurance DNA ... meaning your driving record and credit.

A4 A6

The Afro-American, May 24, 2014 - May 30, 24, 2014

Town Hall Meeting

Continued from A1

Bowie, Coppin and Morgan state universities, along with the University of Maryland Eastern Shore mandate to provide equal protection and equal educational opportunity for all its citizens by maintaining and perpetuating a separate and unequal system of higher education that is segregated by race. Last October, a federal district court found that academic programs at the four HBCUs had been unnecessarily and unlawfully duplicated, causing the schools to suffer varied loss and discriminating against the students who attend them. Del. Braveboy said the schools are due billions of dollars and emphasized that in 2014, Maryland still has segregation in higher education. “As I researched the cases and the historical documents that were presented as evidence in the case, I realized that the State of Maryland has known of its own discriminatory practices dating back from 1937 when the first report was commissioned on the plight of historically Black colleges,” said Del. Braveboy. She added that there needs to be parity and comparability between all the institutions in Maryland. Historically, HBCUs have been the foundation of wealth for Blacks in the country and it remains important in Maryland where 30 percent of the population is African American. Dr. Richardson, former president of Morgan State University, said the business model is

flawed because of the lack of investments being placed in HBCUs. He posited that with any business, to get the full value from that business, there needs to be a full investment. “That’s not taking place with these HBCUs.” As a result, Dr. Richardson reasoned that it is harder for any of the HBCUs to be competitive and attract students. “I am very interested in this subject for this very reason. What does it suggest when they don’t have the resources they need to perform? It not only speaks of education, but it speaks of all of us. It sends the wrong message that if it’s Black, it’s inferior and that it’s incompetent and mismanaged,” Dr. Richardson said. Morgan State University was the first public institution in the Baltimore region to offer the Masters in Business Administration (MBA) program. Predominantly White institutions were subsequently allowed to open similar programs, resulting in the significant reduction of White students at Morgan. In 1976 HBCUs reported having 18.2 percent White students, compared to 2008 where only 3.3 percent of students enrolled in HBCUs were White. Pettit sat on the University System of Maryland Board of Regents and claims he was the only person on that board who voted

police harassment on Baltimore youth. “This curfew is absolutely another justification to bother Continued from A1 young Blacks. This will only cause chaos,” Griffin said. “The curfew will by no means decrease crime. Going in the house early doesn’t decrease crime, fixing social conditions, and providing economic opportunities does. A criminal at home before 7 p.m. is still just that – a criminal.” While there is opposition to the curfew, there is also support. A local educator, Cat Sal, thinks the curfew is needed. “I think the curfew will decrease crime among youth/delinquency and put more responsibility on the parents,” said Sal. “I think the parents need to be penalized, but on the other hand, I think city youth need outlets (community centers, recreational centers, etc.) to curb idleness.” The success of the legislation will depend on how well

Curfew Laws

against the practice of unnecessary duplication of academic programs. “We as a people need to be very aware that America is moving in the negative and is retreating from the Civil Rights Movement so many people died and lived for,” he said, encouraging those in the audience to “look at the current education system, the penal system, the dismantling of affirmative action and the Voting Rights Act. It is clear we are moving backwards.” Del. Braveboy referred to the 1992 U.S. v. Fordice decision, in which the United States Supreme Court reaffirmed the principles of Brown v. Board of Education and established the legal standard that prevails today for the desegregation of former de jure segregated systems of higher education, including the eradication of all remaining vestiges, or current effects, of such segregation and racial discrimination. The unnecessary duplication of academic programs at the HBCUs by geographically proximate Traditionally White Institutions (TWIs) was part and parcel of these segregated and discriminatory systems of higher education and, the Supreme Court ruled, is a practice that must be eliminated. In higher education, Maryland has the historic record of resistance and recalcitrance

the city police enforce it, according to City Council President Bernard C. “Jack” Young. “I’m hoping the enforcement piece will kick in and we’ll be able to save a lot of our young people,” Young said. The bill, approved in an 11-2 initial ballot, requires another vote before it can go to Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake, who has indicated she will sign the bill into law. “We all know that when children are on the streets late at night without proper supervision, they are more likely to either become the perpetrators or the victims of violent crime,” Rawlings-Blake said in statement. “I believe this legislation will be another much needed tool to help reduce the number of juveniles on the streets at night, while furthering a commitment my administration has made to provide more services for young people we know are vulnerable.” The bill will become law 30 days after being signed by the mayor.


to the principles and specific mandate of Brown v. Board of Education for what is now 60 years. And with respect to the particular policy and practice of unnecessary duplication of academic programs, it continues. Richardson urged that “We have to stick together like they did during the civil rights era to demand a change. As we come tonight if we want there to be a change, if we want our institutions to be as competitive as our counterparts we have to make sure our voices are heard.” He said HBCUs do want White students and diversity is key for keeping the HBCUs as competitive. Attorney John C. Brittain outlined four ideas to combat the current problem for change. “Number one, we must create some new unique, high-demand programs at the HBCUs to attract diverse racially-ethnically students to those institutions to build them up. Two, transfer non-core programs from the traditionally White institutions to the HBCUs. Three, we must merge programs between TWI’s and HBI’s. Four there must be some institutional merger between the University of Baltimore and Morgan.” Under the law, it was emphasized, these and other related changes are necessary to enhance and improve the state’s HBCUs, expanding educational opportunities for African American students and making these institutions attractive, viable choices for all students regardless of race, color or ethnicity.

Local Artist

put our clothes on, we’re still beautiful,” said Safiyatou. Continued from A1 The successful soft opening at Living Well in Charles Village during the first week of May, sparked Safiyatou interest in touring ‘Baltimore Girls’ to different communities, believing it communicates a message that speaks beyond the city’s boundaries. “We’re all the same people,” said Safiyatou. “I don’t care how much money you have, I don’t care where you live. We all hurt, we all cry, we all love, and I think that we just need to get free.” For Safiyatou, that freedom is only possible through a direct engagement with the sorts of issues, challenges, and personal pains that ‘Baltimore Girls’ seeks to highlight. “We have to breathe some life into this city and deal with these issues,” said Safiyatou. “We gotta face them, we gotta talk about them ... we gotta deal with everything, then we can begin to heal.”

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May 24, 2014 - May 30, 2014, The Afro-American



Affordable Health Care Is Our Right

On May 5, I joined Dr. Claudia Baquet and other notables to celebrate the 75th anniversary of the Journal of Health for the Poor and Underserved. We came together to share our practical and moral assessments of the Affordable Care Act (more widely known as “ObamaCare”). For those of us who were strong advocates for the enactment of ObamaCare – and who now are the frontline defenders of Elijah Cummings healthcare reform – our moral position is clear. Human beings in any truly civilized society deserve affordable health care. We deserve that care when we are in need and regardless of our stations in life. In short, as Americans, affordable health care is our right, not merely a privilege to be enjoyed only by some. Admittedly, the initial implementation of the ACA’s national and state-run healthcare exchanges was not without its challenges. Now, however, those initial technical obstacles are being overcome, and we are beginning to witness the new law’s potential to save lives. More than 8 million Americans signed up for private insurance plans through the federal and state exchanges during the first open enrollment season, many receiving subsidies to lower the cost of their insurance. Millions more are benefitting from expanded eligibility for Medicaid. ObamaCare is changing the trajectory of people’s destinies – just as it was designed to accomplish. Under the prior health insurance system, the evidence confirmed that between 18,000 and 50,000 Americans were dying prematurely each year because they lacked health insurance. They died because they did not receive the care that they needed when it would have prolonged their lives. One study, by the Public Library of Science, revealed a 33year difference between the longest and shortest living groups in our country. The healthiest Americans were setting the upper curve for global life expectancy, while those on the lower rungs of our society had life spans comparable to individuals in developing nations. Morally, that contrast is appalling, demanding urgent reforms. It is a life-or-death reason why healthcare can no longer be viewed as a privilege.

Moreover, even for those of us who have survived serious injury or illness, health-related expenses have all too often been financially crippling. Americans have found themselves unable to work, facing ever-growing medical bills, and suddenly unable to pay for life’s necessities. Forthrightly stated, I consider ObamaCare to be a significant down payment upon the transformative change that everyday Americans need. I continue to believe that, eventually, only a single-payer system based upon Medicare will allow us to insure everyone while we also constrain rising healthcare costs. Still, as a member of Congress and advocate for Americans of modest means, I was driven by a sense of urgency to establish affordable healthcare as a right. That is what the Affordable Care Act accomplished. Because of the ACA, more than $11 billion in federal grants to community health centers will effectively double their ability to serve patients in underserved communities. Because of the ACA, American children no longer need to worry about being pushed off of their parents’ plans and losing coverage. Because of the ACA, a pre-existing condition no longer excludes us from coverage – and lifetime and yearly limits on healthcare coverage will no longer be tolerated. Because of the ACA, many preventive care procedures are now free; and seniors are receiving annual discounts on their prescription costs. To be clear, as someone who has fought against healthcare disparities throughout my professional life, I realize that access to affordable health insurance is not the only force that is shortening our lives. Nevertheless, as a mortality factor, access is critically important. Although we are making progress in our movement to eliminate that deadly factor by transforming affordable healthcare from a privilege into a right guaranteed by federal law, the political struggle continues.

The Difficult Math of Inequality Thousands of fast food workers took to the streets this week, staging strikes in protest over their low pay. In states where the minimum wage has not been raised above the federal level, if a worker could put together a full-time, full-year schedule, she would earn just $15,080 a year. Some people scoff at raising the minimum wage for these workers, on the basis that “they only flip burgers.” By that logic, what William Spriggs should you get paid if you are the chief burger flipper? Not much, right? Well, the CEOs of fast food restaurants average $11,884,000 in pay annually. That’s a lot of hamburgers to flip. Here is where the math of inequality comes into play. We haven’t given minimum wage workers a raise in more than five years, yet inflation has continued. So minimum wage workers’ purchasing power has been falling. In 2009, $15,080 a year would place a single mother with a child above the poverty threshold. Today, she and her child would be living in poverty. Let’s suppose the CEO wants his pay to keep up with inflation. Assuming inflation runs as it has the last 12 months,

he needs a pay raise of 2 percent, or $237,680. That raise equals an entire year’s worth of pay for about 16 of his minimum wage workers. Company sales have to increase by almost a quarter million dollars to cover the CEO’s pay raise. You can see the hard math that inequality creates. When one worker makes 788 times what other workers make, the math of how much it takes to increase everyone’s pay by the same amount gets tricky. Such a huge amount must go to just one worker. But raises for fast food CEOs haven’t simply kept pace with inflation. Analysis by the Economic Policy Institute shows that the average fast food CEO’s pay has almost doubled since 2009. That should appear odd. If CEOs’ pay has doubled, then clearly we would expect the performance of their companies to have doubled. That would be the result of workers doubling their efforts since 2009 in increasing the companies’ bottom lines. If that were the case, we should see workers’ pay also go up. If performance didn’t improve and workers weren’t more productive, how did CEOs get rewarded for poor management? Others look at the workers on strike and wonder what would happen to the price of their hamburger if the workers making $7.25 an hour got a raise. But the real question is, what is it doing to the price of your hamburger that one person got a $6 million raise since 2009. That raise is more than the combined annual earnings of 398 minimum wage workers making $7.25 an hour. Congress could act to rebalance the equation, but Senate Republicans blocked a vote to raise the minimum wage.

Tragically, the Republicans’ relentless campaign against the Affordable Care Act and President Obama has limited the expansion of healthcare coverage in places where it is needed the most. Especially appalling are the 24 states that have failed to expand Medicaid coverage. For political reasons, those Republican-led states have elected to forego the billions in federal funds that could be helping 4.8 million Americans who would qualify for Medicaid under the ACA’s expansion. In Texas alone, more than 1 million additional residents could access Medicaid benefits if coverage were expanded. Consider this. If all states expanded their Medicaid programs, almost 80 percent of the 41 million Americans who currently are uninsured would be able to purchase coverage for $100 or less per person, per month. Lives are in the balance, and the political struggle to repeal ObamaCare is intense. As a nation, we have a choice to make. Either we can return to a broken system that allowed premature death and financial devastation – or we can choose life. U.S. Rep. Elijah Cummings represents Maryland’s 7th Congressional District in the United States House of Representatives.

Despite appeals from workers, the president and the secretary of labor, and despite polls showing support from the American people, House Republicans have indicated they also would block a raise for workers. If it doesn’t want to address the wage problem head-on, Congress could at least take action to get Americans back to work. A giant rally was held this week at the AFL-CIO headquarters with Secretary of Transportation Anthony Foxx to tell Congress it is time to pass the appropriations needed to put Americans back to work building bridges, fixing roads, updating sewer systems, providing more public transportation options, and expanding port facilities. These are investments America must make to remain globally competitive. When we don’t make these improvements, our deteriorating infrastructure becomes a mounting debt we leave for our children to pay. Full employment is a sure way to help raise the wages of all Americans. Just like pushing up wages from the bottom, it changes the math of inequality. Having job choices, and standing on a higher floor for wages, puts workers closer to eye-to-eye with CEOs when bargaining for wages. Congress has choices. It can raise the minimum wage. It can invest in America. Or it can continue to make it hard to address American inequality by standing for the 1 percent. William Spriggs serves as Chief Economist to the AFL-CIO, and is a professor in, and former Chair of, the Department of Economics at Howard University.

New Generation of Wealthy Hip Hop Artists Whenever someone is the first to reach a historic milestone in the world of finance and wealth, notable homage is usually paid to that achievement. Such is the case with Dr. Dre, hiphop icon and entertainment industry mogul. Dr. Dre has emerged as the first hip-hop billionaire. Apple recently announced it is in the process of buying Beats Electronics, a headphone company owned by Dr. Dre, for $3.2 billion. According to Forbes, this Benjamin F. acquisition by Apple is the Chavis Jr. largest buy in the company’s history. Andre “Dr. Dre” Romelle Young was born in 1965 in the heart of Compton, Calif. Today, at the age of 49, Dr. Dre is one of the wealthiest entrepreneurs in the African-American community. As a strong innovator, creator, music producer and hip-hop cultural genius, Dr. Dre is well known for being both a hard and smart worker. Yet, Dr. Dre represents an evolving new generation of hip-hop wealth-builders and business leaders. Too often, music producers and others in the entertainment

industry, and in particular within hip-hop, are respected solely for their creativity or performance qualities. However, Dr. Dre, Jay Z, Sean P. Diddy Combs, 50 cents, Queen Latifah, Russell Simmons and others who have been molded inside the crucible of urban hip-hop across America are becoming increasingly viewed as effective business leaders. This generation of hiphop millionaires and billionaires will have the opportunity to help strengthen the economic status of African Americans and others who have been kept away from the center of wealth in the United States. Apple is one of the most financially successful companies in the world. Sources close to Dr. Dre and his business partner Jimmy Iovine say that Dre and Iovine are also set to become executives in Apple as a consequence of the purchase. The convergence of high tech companies such as Apple and hiphop oriented companies like Beats sheds light on the future expansion of Silicon Valley companies into the music and cultural arts arena. Thus, in the future, it is likely that there will be increased mergers and acquisitions involving other hip-hop related companies and Silicon Valley. Studies by the National Newspaper Publishers Association (NNPA) with the Nielsen Company have shown that African Americans are big spenders and primarily are consumers in the U.S. economy to the annual tune of more than $1 trillion. The pivotal significance of a Dr. Dre or a Jay Z is that there are now many more opportunities for young African Americans to move from the consumer sector to the productive sector of the

economy. Hip-hop is no longer just an American phenomenon. Hiphop is global. The hip-hop business owners, artists, producers and musicians know that the market today is international. Going forward, while an artist might not produce a hit record, there is the possibility that the artist will instead produce a hot product. Key to the development and distribution of any product is an understanding of your target demographics and what the market trends are for the product. We have no shortage of creativity and innovation in our communities, especially among our young women and men. The news about Dr. Dre becoming a billionaire should serve as inspiration for others. Of course, hip-hop is not without its critics. Some see no redeeming value to hip-hop music, lyrics, and imagery. The inspirational aspect of hip-hop culture, however, is important to a generation of young people that society attempts to discard and undervalue. I salute Dr. Dre and all those who have similar aspirations and a strong work ethic to achieve career success. We must value the creativity and the entrepreneurial spirit that is prevalent in the lives of so many of the youth who reside in our communities across the nation. Dr. Dre is the first billionaire within hip-hop culture, but he will not be the last. There are more grinding and preparing themselves to follow Dre’s example. Benjamin F. Chavis Jr. is president of Education Online Services Corporation and the Hip-Hop Summit Action Network.


The Afro-American, May 24, 2014 - May 30, 2014

NO MATTER WHO YOU ASK, OUR COVE POINT PROJECT IS A GREAT SOLUTION FOR SOUTHERN MARYLAND. “Going forward, we will promote fuel-switching from coal to gas for

electricity production and encourage the development of a global market for gas.” President Barack Obama

“Several years from now a portion of a gas

“The export of LNG can

or electric bill being paid by a customer in Japan or Europe could find its way into the paycheck of a worker right here in the United States.”

help drive additional U.S. natural gas production and support hundreds of thousands of additional U.S. jobs in engineering, manufacturing, construction, and operation of the export infrastructure.…”

Bipartisan letter to U.S. Secretary of Energy Steven Chu, cosigned by 21 members of Congress

“Restricting international trade in fossil fuels

is not an effective policy to reduce global greenhouse gas emissions or to advance domestic economic interests, and we recommend against any such restrictions.”

David Mallino, Jr., Laborers International Union of North America

Bipartisan Policy Center

“All of this underscores that

President Obama can serve U.S. strategic and economic interests by immediately approving every request to build a liquefied natural gas export terminal.”

“ The Energy Department was right to approve Cove Point, and it would be right to okay other projects like it in the future.”

The Washington Post

The Wall Street Journal

“LNG exports will foster U.S. job

creation, new tax revenues, and stronger international alliances. At issue is the freedom to export.” John Murphy, Vice President for International Affairs, U.S. Chamber of Commerce

Dominion’s proposal to add export capability to its Cove Point LNG Terminal has received strong support nationwide from respected business leaders—and both sides of the political aisle. That’s because it will bring 3,000 construction jobs, 75 high-paying permanent positions, and tens of millions of dollars in new annual revenue for Southern Maryland. As Dominion continues a 40-year commitment to Calvert County and the Chesapeake Bay, we look forward to keeping the conversation going.

To learn more visit


May 24, 2014 - May 30, 2014, The Afro-American

Sisters Tjuana and Joella Malone

Mildren Long Harper


Bernadette Adams, Betty Bates

Baltimore Alumnae Chapter officers Arlene Wongus, 2nd vice president; Monica Watkins, 1st vice president and Eleanor P. Matthews, president.

Shaquetta Chittams, Krystle Myers

Darlene Bostic and Betty Clark

Phyllis McKoy

The Arts and Letters Committee of the Baltimore Alumnae Chapter, Delta Sigma Theta Sorority hosted its Annual Afternoon Tea on May 4 in the Calvin and Tina Ballroom on Morgan State University’s campus. The crowded room indicated the popularity of the tea with women in their Sunday dresses and colorful hats enjoying the variety of teas with light fare. The popular Parade of Hats featured hats that covered the faces of the women to the fashionators, a popular feathers/flowers piece which barely sits on top of the heads of the ladies. The featured entertainment included musicians from the Peabody Institute of Music with performances by Tariq Al-Sabir, vocalist with accompanists Amanda Joel T. Nygren and Maria Scott. Morgan The mistress of ceremonies was Karen models a wide Parks, anchor/reporter WBFF TV Fox 45. brimmed bone Eleanor P. Matthews is president of the color straw Baltimore Alumnae Chapter, Delta Sigma hat. Theta Sorority.

Denise Gordon, vice chair, Landa McLaurin

Elizabeth Glover, Diane Wallace

Brittney GordonWilliams, ticket chair and Dr. Ruth J. Pratt

Christina Kelly, Monica Watkins, Sharon Green

Marguerite Hollingsworth, Helen McDonald, Stephanie Carr

Ernestine Shepherd, Jacqueline Streat, Valerie Richardson

Mildred Long Harper, Ann Branch

Beverly Booth Brown, Almeta SlyThompson, Adele Dutton Terrell, Maureen Peck McLain

Delta sisters Meriel NewsomeAskew, Bethany Newsome, Dr. Demetria Newsome

Denise Dobson, Barbara Banks

Mother-daughter Deltas Brigitte NashHodges, Doris Nash Photos by Dr. A. Lois De Laine

Raymond Jones, Rhea Jones, Michiko Simpson Educators Bernice Brock, Sandra Worthy Owen, Kimlee Rogers, Lisa Harrison

Educators Dionne Curbeam, Dorian Brice

Photos by Dr. A. Lois De Laine

Educators Jason Williams, Norma F. Boyd

Sen. Jones-Rodwell presents Official Citation to Fandreia Bowman, School Counselor, Waverly Elementary/ Middle School

Katrina Sherrod, Patrick McDonald

Dr. Ruth Pratt, (third from left), renowned educator, Baltimore City Schools, Pam Gates, Dr. Blessing Diala-Ogamba, Dr. Elaine Sykes

Aniece Venson, Kia Miller, Kelly Miller, Pat Perry

Educators Frandreia Bowman, Sheri Booker

Dr. Leah Goldsborough Hasty, Honoree Sharon Grant

Twanda Pickett, asst. principal, Samuel Coleridge Taylor Elementary School

NcouragED honored 100 educators from the mid-Atlantic region, May 10, at Martin’s Valley Mansion in Hunt Valley, by presenting them with NcouragED Educators Arnetta Lewis, Educator awards. Cherise Green-Palmer The theme of the event was “Celebrating Terrific Teachers: Determined to Teach in Tough Times.” Ilean Taylor, mother, Sylvia Tilghman, Dr. Skipp Rev. Dr. Ronald Sanders, former Educator Honoree Marguerita Taylor, Hon. C. Williams, Christine Davenport deputy state Executive superintendent Director, for NcouragED administration for the state Department of Education received the NcouragED Legacy Award. All honorees demonstrate NcouragED values such as excellence, productivity, Sherry Holland-Senter, affirmation of colleagues, Robin R. Bedford-Hill, service orientation and Octavia N. Price community engagement.


The Afro-American, May 24, 2014 - May 30, 2014


AFRO Sports Desk Faceoff

Does the Loss of Serge Ibaka Quiet the Thunder’s Championship Chances? By Perry Green and Stephen D. Riley AFRO Sports Desk The Oklahoma City Thunder’s win over the Los Angeles Clippers in a second-round playoffs series came with a huge price tag, as starting power forward and integral piece for his team, Serge Ibaka was lost for the remainder of the playoffs with a calf injury. According to reports, Ibaka reportedly suffered a Grade 2 strain of the plantaris in his calf after he was tangled up in the aftermath of a play that looked harmless at first glance. Ibaka, known as a dominant defender and shot blocker, established career-highs this season in points (15.1) and rebounds (8.8) and he helped the Thunder offset the loss of star point guard Russell Westbrook, helping the team finish second in the Western Conference. The Thunder’s title chances were derailed last season when Westbrook sustained a postseason knee injury. Will Oklahoma City’s hopes for a Finals appearance be shattered again with the loss of Ibaka? Perry Green and Stephen D. Riley of the AFRO Sports Desk debate the question. Green: Even with Ibaka playing, I predicted that the San Antonio Spurs would return to the Finals, so his absence definitely has an effect. Kevin Durant and Westbrook are excellent scorers and Ibaka fits their offensive agenda like a glove. The 6-foot, 10-inch big man doesn’t gripe about how many touches he gets, but he can step out and hit perimeter shots while still playing some of the best lockdown low post defense in the NBA. He’s a superb shot-blocker and the muscle behind the finesse of Durant and Westbrook. The Spurs have Tim Duncan still playing strong and an attacking cast that loves to drive to the rim. If you subtract Ibaka you can delete the Thunder from championship contention this year. Riley: Ibaka’s injury definitely makes the task tougher, but Durant was the regular season MVP and Westbrook might be the postseason MVP. Those two collaborate for the most lethal one-two punch in the Association and I actually think they can get past the Spurs without their preferred big man. Oklahoma City is a deep unit, filled with serviceable role players who can get the job done while Durant and Westbrook hoist shots. The Thunder have controlled the Spurs over the last few seasons and should be able to do it again with their two All-Stars once again finding their groove together. Winning it all without Ibaka could pose a challenge, but you never know what may happen to either Indiana or Miami as they fight it out to represent the East.


Green: San Antonio is once again operating at top gear, and I wouldn’t be so quick to simply dismiss them. The problem for the Spurs is that they simply have no one who can even slow Westbrook or Durant, but their counterparts in Tony Parker and Khawi Leonard aren’t too shabby in the scoring department themselves. Even if OKC happened to get past the Spurs, they’re not beating Miami (my pick to return to the Finals from the East) with a shorthanded roster. Talent normally wins out in the postseason, and even though the Thunder still pack a punch with their two juggernaut scorers, the remaining three teams in the NBA’s final four all possess deeper rosters at this stage in the season. It’s going to be a grind. Riley: The Thunder’s roster might not be as deep as their final four brethren, but they are still the most explosive. The Thunder just find guys who know how to play. Ibaka’s absence will open up minutes for talented defensive big Steven Adams, who has been pretty impressive in limited time this postseason and has virtually supplanted Kendrick Perkins as the team’s most effective center. He should be smiling from ear to ear as this opportunity arises. Oklahoma will miss the spacing that Ibaka gives them—he is able to spread the floor and hit deep jumpshots—but his defensive presence can and


Music Ministry from:


Conference Fee



Special to the AFRO For those of you who might have been looking for my efforts in our last publication, I must apologize. At the time I was busy roaming the corridors with my hospital gown flowing in the breeze. I stopped by our local hospital complaining of a tummy ache and left with a tummy tuck. While attempting to mask

my pain and cover my dignity, I was treated to horror stories coming from the Los Angeles Clippers camp. Unless you have been completely out of touch, you know the story: Clippers owner Donald Sterling was caught on tape voicing some very racial viewpoints. When this hit the airways, a gasp could be heard across America. It surprises me that the stench from this bomb has

Loving memories of

Mother Mrs. Sallie Lyles-Coad-Austin Brother Deacon James Coad 01-25-1994 (d)

Nephew Eugene (Coad) Garner 01-24-2010

You are missed, dearly.

Mrs. May B. Coad-Owens

Facilitators Include:

In Memoriam REV. DR. MARIE




























will be somewhat replaced by Adams and Perkins. As long as Westbrook and Durant remain healthy, the Thunder’s chances remain strong.

‘It Ain’t Going to Change’: Sterling Flap Just Business as Usual for Media

09-18-1992 (d)



Courtesy Photo

Kittie Paige

Mrs. Kittie Lee Washington Paige peacefully passed from this life to eternal life on May 12, 2014 at the age of 94. Kittie Paige was born in Charlottesville, VA on July 10, 1919, the oldest daughter of John Washington and Bessie Armstead Washington. The following year, the family moved to Pittsburgh, PA. Following graduation from high school, her studies were interrupted by America’s involvement in World War II. Kittie answered the call of the federal government and relocated to Washington, D.C., accepting employment at the Department of Navy, where she served with distinction for 31 years. Kittie was the widow of the late Deacon Lawrence

lasted so long. It is news, but it is old news. If you remember, Reds owner Marge Shott made waves a few years ago for making her opinions about people of color known. There was uproar and cries of outrage and eventually Marge lost her team. This may have seemed like justice, but for those paying attention, it came a little bit late. These things are going on daily. Some make more of an impact than others, and some just eventually get swept far enough under the carpet that company won’t notice. Not long ago, the Rutgers University women’s basketball team came under the scrutiny of talk show shock jock Don Imus. After winning the National Championship, Imus referred to this team of young ladies as a bunch of “nappy headed ‘hos.” That was a shot heard around the world, and if you listened it sounded like the public was planning another

Thomas Paige with whom she was blessed to share 50 years of marriage and a loving home on 54th Street, SE Washington. Deacon Paige passed on November 12, 1994. By the time of Kittie’s passing, she had witnessed the transition of all of her siblings, four brothers and two sisters. Kittie joined the Metropolitan Baptist Church (MBC) in January 1943. As a faithful senior servant of MBC for over 71 years, she served as an Elder as well as President of the Deaconess Board for many years. Kittie enjoyed attending many ministry and bible study classes and taught Sunday School for 20 years. She is survived by a host of family, both blood and spiritual. She will be especially remembered by her nieces, nephews and goddaughter, who will cherish her forever. Services were held on Tuesday, May 20, 2014. Donations may be made to the Metropolitan Day School, 1240 Randolph Street, NE, Washington, D.C. 20017 (202-234-3210).

crucifixion. Instead, Imus was fired, eventually rehired, given a raise and a corner office. Tune in right now, and you can follow his current journey into darkness. A few months ago, the patriarch of the Robertson family of “Duck Dynasty” television fame, Phil Robertson served up another dish of rhetoric that was hard to swallow. There was speculation of the show’s cancellation, or even dropping Phil Robertson from the show. The light briefly shone on this issue and, before you knew it, it was business as usual. To be honest, I am hooked and haven’t missed an episode. A very important part of this equation is the fact that, when it comes to messing with the dollar, the Good Ole Boy Network is going to drop a blanket over the problem until the smoke clears. News is news, and if there is a buck to be made, go for it. How do you think the tabloids have survived all of these years? Most recently, news broke that footballer Michael Sam is in negation with the OWN Network for a show. For starters, Sam is a seventhround draft pick and there is doubt whether he will make the NFL. He has mediocre talent to say the least, and the only reason he is confronted with this opportunity is because he has announced he is gay. Find something newsworthy, and the media is going to run with it. It has been that way forever, and it ain’t going to change.

May 24, 2014 - May 30, 2014, The Afro-American



Crews Control By Kam Williams Special to the AFRO Since retiring from the NFL, Terry Crews has traded in his helmet and cleats to pursue an acting career while also becoming the ultimate family man and fitness enthusiast. Over the past several years, omnipresent Terry has been seen almost everywhere, whether as the pecs-popping pitchman for Old Spice, portraying the overworked dad on “Everybody Hates Chris,” a tough guy in The Expendables film series, the loveable goofball in White Chicks, Will McAvoy’s bodyguard on HBO’s “The Newsroom,” or randy congressman Herbert Love in “Arrested Development.” 2014 has been a busy year for Terry, who has already appeared in Tyler Perry’s The Single Mom’s Club, and in Draft Day opposite Kevin Costner. And later this year, he will be starring with Sly Stallone in Reach Me, and reprising the role of Hale Caesar in the The Expendables 3. Terry is currently a series regular on the Golden Globe Award-winning TV sitcom “Brooklyn Nine-Nine,” playing Sgt. Terry Jeffords, whose ripped exterior belies a sensitive and beleaguered interior. Crews also just added author to his resume with the release of his first book, Manhood. And it was recently announced that starting this fall he will be serving as host of the game show “Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?” Here, he talks about playing “Nickens” in his new movie, Blended, co-starring Adam Sandler and Drew Barrymore. Kam Williams: Hi Terry, thanks for the interview. Terry Crews: Oh, you got it, Kam.

KW: Congrats on the Golden Globe for your TV show, “Brooklyn NineNine.” TC: Thank you! It blew me away when we got that Golden Globe. What an honor! I had no idea. It’s an awesome show and one of the best things I’ve ever done.

figured it out as we went along. He came up with a great idea. He said, basically, “Let’s make him the South African Tom Jones.” Once we had that, we were off and running. KW: Had you been to Africa before? TC: No, that was my first time, and I loved every minute of it. I traveled all over South Africa. I was in Cape Town, Soweto, Sun City and Johannesburg. I would’ve visited Durban, too, but we just didn’t have the time. We met the most beautiful people and ate the best food! And we went on safari in Madikwe which is near Botswana. It was amazing. Some people say Sante Fe is spiritual, but you haven’t experienced anything until you’ve been to Africa. You know the world is bigger than you are after you see Africa.

Terry Crews in “Blended.”

KW: And you get to play a complex character in Sergeant Terry Jeffords. TC: That’s the best thing, that [scriptwriters] Mike Schur and Dan Goorhore created real people everybody can recognize. That’s real cool! KW: I loved ‘Blended,’ and I’m not a fan of Adam Sandler’s lowbrow brand of humor. But this one is different and kept me laughing non-stop. TC: That’s great! And it touches your feelings along the way, too. That’s the thing. What’s so good about the Adam-Drew [Barrymore] collaborations is how she tempers him. It’s the real deal. Their 50 First Dates was the first comedy that I ever caught feelings on. I was like, “Whoa! I’m feeling the romance here. I want them to get together. Why do I care so much?” And I got emotional about it. That is what they bring, a magical combination that works every time.

me up and before I’d seen a script, he said, “Man, I wanna do this movie with you that we’re shooting in Africa. Are you down, brother?” I had no idea what was going on, but I was like, “Let’s go! This is awesome!” I’m a card-carrying member of the Happy Madison Productions family. Adam put me in The Longest Yard, Click and The Benchwarmers. Every time he calls, it leads to nothing but great things. That’s why I just said, “Let’s do it!” We didn’t really have this character all straightened out. We sort of

KW: You provide the comic relief throughout this movie. Just when we’re about to forget about Nickens, he pops up again with that Greek chorus. TC: You know what’s wild? Adam called

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The Afro-American, May 24, 2014 - May 30, 2014

COMMUNITY CONNECTION Women’s Day at Union Baptist Church “Union Women Working Together According to God’s Purpose,” is the theme for the upcoming celebration, 11 a.m., May 25, at Union Baptist Church, 1219 Druid Hill Avenue in Baltimore. The guest preacher is the Rev. Michelle Holmes Chaney, pastor, Metropolitan United Methodist Church. For more information, call the church at 410-523-6880. The Rev. Dr. Al Hathaway is senior pastor.

Darrea is an artist in the Young People’s Studio Program at Maryland Institute College of Art and loves reading and photography. Enasia loves to help others and sing in her school choir. This pageant program is based on inner-beauty, as well as poise and presentation. Baltimore Chef Wows The Chew With Crab Dip

National American Miss

Andrea Vaughn Givens and The Chew cast member Mario Batali

Enasia Marlene Carter

Laila Crawford

Darrea Frazier

Jahnai James

Enasia Marlene Carter, Laila Andrea Crawford, Darrea Dorothy Frazier and Jahnai James are state finalists in the National American Miss Maryland Pageant to be held August 7-9 at the Hyatt Regency Hotel in Reston, Va. Six-year old Laila, who will be in the Miss Maryland Princess division, is a Brownie, loves ballet, tap and jazz and plays the piano. She’s also practicing her French with family and friends. Jahnai, 7, who’s in the Jr. Pre-Teen division, likes reading, shopping, traveling and playing with dolls in her spare time. Darrea, 11 and Enasia, 12, are in the Pre-Teen division.

Andrea Vaughn Givens was a contestant in the competition to win a “Girl’s Night Out” with Chef Carla Hall, one of the cast members of the ABC daytime show, The Chew. Her recipe emerged as second place finalist above the thousands submitted. She prepared the Maryland crab dip she’s widely known for, with the assistance of cast member and restaurateur, Mario Batali. Since all the dishes prepared in honor of Hall’s birthday were so great, the final three were all invited to participate in the Girl’s Night Out. Maryland Association of Ministers’ Wives and Ministers’ Widows Welcomes New President Congratulations are in order to Eloise Curbeam Jackson, the new president of the Maryland Association of Ministers’ Wives and Ministers’ Widows. She becomes the 14th president since the organization was organized in 1967. Jackson is the wife of the Rev. Dr. Fletcher Jackson Sr. and they are members of the Eloise Curbeam Jackson

Mt. Lebanon Baptist Church under the leadership of the Rev. Dr. Franklin Lance. The installation took place at New Psalmist Baptist Church, April 26, during the luncheon that concluded the organization’s annual session. She will take over the leadership of the organization from Minister Sandra E. J. Coger of the Mt. Ararat Baptist Church, who led the organization from 2008 to 2014. The Maryland Association was founded in 1946 under the leadership of Mrs. Estelle I. Dobson. At that time, it was named the Interdenominational Ministers’ Wives and Ministers’ Widows Alliance. The organization is an active member of the International Association of Ministers’ Wives and Ministers’ Widows, Dr. Beverly Williams Glover, president, and has won many awards and received accolades for services rendered on the state and international level. In March of 2016, they will host the Northeast Regional Conference when ministers’ wives and widows from all along the east coast will convene in the Baltimore area for a two day conference. In addition to Jackson, the other new officers installed were: Celia Carr, first vice president; Janet Freeman, second vice president; recording secretary, Barbara Nicholson; assistant recording secretary, Betty Fox; corresponding secretary, Rev. Mary Tillman; assistant corresponding secretary, Debrauh Thompson; financial secretary, Ella Westbrook and treasurer, Carolyn Foster. All ministers’ wives and widows are invited to join the local and state organizations: Greater Baltimore Ministers’ Wives and Ministers’ Widows Fellowship, Jacqueline Thornton, president and Agape Fellowship (Glen Burnie/Severna Park Area), Dr. Gwendolyn Young, president. NAACP Prayer Breakfast Baltimore City NAACP President Tessa Hill-Aston has announced the branch’s annual Prayer Breakfast, 9 a.m. to noon, June 7 at New All Saints Church, 4408 Liberty Heights Avenue in Baltimore. For more information, or to purchase tickets, call Joe Aston at 410-366-3300 or joeaston1@hotmail. com. Reunion Choir ‘Lifts the World in Prayer’ The Reunion Choir of Baltimore is hosting its fourth annual prayer luncheon, “Lifting the World in Prayer,” noon, June 14 at St. Matthews Catholic Church Hall, 5401 Loch Raven Blvd. in Baltimore. Prayer leaders include the Rev. Brenda Carter, Holy Trinity AME; Rev. Rodrecus Johnson, Trinity AME; Rev. David Biggers, Transforming Life; Rev. Shane Cartwright, Transforming Life and Rev. Samuel Blow, New Zion Hill Baptist churches. For information on tickets, which must be purchased in advance, please call 410-532-9674.


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May 24, 2014 - May 30, 2014 The Afro-American

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Town of New Windsor Request for Proposals Dielman Inn Feasibility Study The Town of New Windsor is Requesting Proposals (RFP) for a study to determine the feasibility of renovating and the best uses of the historic Dielman Inn. The Inn is located at the intersection of Main and High Streets in New Windsor and is owned by the Town. This study involves the development of cost estimates and determining the feasibility of rehabbing the entire historic structure, building aesthetics and historic features. The study will also address business use suitability. The final study will be presented to the New Windsor Mayor and Council The complete RFP may be seen on the Town website, A pre-proposal meeting will be conducted on Wednesday May 28, 2014 at 3:00 pm at the New Windsor Town Hall, 211 High Street, New Windsor, MD. Proposals must be submitted by 3:00 PM, Monday, June 30, 2014. For more information contact Frank Schaeffer, Town Manager at 410-635-6575 or

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TYPESET: Wed May 21 14:29:30 EDT 2014

The Afro-American, May 24, 2014 - May 30, 2014

TYPESET: Wed May 21 14:31:06 EDT 2014


City of Baltimore Department of Finance Bureau of Purchases Sealed proposals addressed to the Board of Estimates of Baltimore, will be received until, but not later than 11:00 a.m. local time on the following date(s) for the stated requirements: MAY 28, 2014 *TV 25 STORAGE AREA NETWORK UPGRADES B50003465 JUNE 4, 2014 *VARIOUS HOSES & ACCESSORIES B50003531 JUNE 11, 2014 *SUPPLY PREPARE & DELIVER FOODS TO TWO HEAD START CENTERS B50003533 THE ENTIRE SOLICITATION DOCUMENT CAN BE VIEWED AND DOWN LOADED BY VISITING THE CITYS WEB SITE:www. TYPESET: Wed May 21 14:31:26 EDT 2014 The Whiting-Turner Contracting Company is seeking certified MBE/WBE subcontractor proposals for ALL TRADES on the Sarah’s Hope Renovation Project in Baltimore City. Bids are due 06/03/14 at 4 PM. Documents can be reviewed at 300 E. Joppa Rd. 8th Floor, Towson, 21286. Email your company’s qualifications to by 5/27/14 if you are interested. You must also submit Whiting-Turner’s official prequalification statement which can be found at contact.html under the ”Subcontracting” heading.


TYPESET: Wed May 21 14:30:47 EDT 2014 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR BALTIMORE CITY Case No.: 24D14000445 IN THE MATTER OF Derell Antwan Laboo FOR CHANGE OF NAME TO Ogun Shepsu-Atef Lumumba ORDER FOR NOTICE BY PUBLICATION The object of this suit is to officially change the name of the petitioner from Derell Antwan Laboo to Ogun Shepsu-Atef Lumumba It is this 15th day of May, 2014 by the Circuit Court for Baltimore City, ORDERED, that publication be given one time in a newspaper of general circulation in Baltimore City on or before the 22th day of May, 2014, which shall warn all interested persons to file an affidavit in opposition to the relief requested on or before the 9th day of June, 2014. Frank M. Conaway Clerk 5/23/14


TYPESET: Wed May 21 14:34:32 EDT 2014

Maryland Department of Housing and Community Development (DHCD) Administrative Specialist III Customer Investment Fund (CIF) Op e ra t i on s Coordinator Recruitment#: 14-002043-012 Filing Deadline: May 27, 2014, 11:59 pm Salary: $33,715 - $53,123 Work that matters. DHCD is a national leader in the financing and development of affordable housing and community development lending. The individual in this position will be responsible for collecting, analyzing and preparing reports regarding program inquiries. The CIF Operations Coordinator is the primary contact responsible for analysis and determination of program eligibility and service requests. Please visit to read more about this position and to apply online. Minimum qualifications are REQUIRED.Wed EOE TYPESET: May 21 14:34:49 EDT 2014 ANNE ARUNDEL COUNTY CAREER OPPORTUNITIES Engineer Manager GIS Technician Program Manager Real Estate Manager Visit our website at for additional information and to apply on-line. You may use the Internet at any Anne Arundel County library, or visit our office at 2660 Riva Road in Annapolis. Deadlines to apply posted on website. TYPESET: Wed May 21 14:48:11 EDT 2014 AEO/DF/SFE

Radio Account Executive Position SALES: WRBS AM/FM. Full-time sales opportunity in a professional, family-friendly environment. Earn top sales commission w/full benefits. Outside sales experience preferred. If you have a drive for excellence, and are knowledgeable and enthusiastic about the mission of WRBS AM/FM, send your resume and cover letter by 6/2/14 to: Mark Mobley, Director of Sales at, or fax 410-247-4533. TYPESET: Tue MayNo 13 phone 14:39:02calls. EDT EOE. 2014

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AFRO-American Newspapers, Diane W. Hocker, Director of Human Resources, 2519 N. Charles Street, YOU KNOW YOU’RE IN THE KNOW... Baltimore, MD 21218


AIRPORT FIREFIGHTER TRAINEE Maryland Aviation Administration (MAA) is currently recruiting for the Career Service positions of Airport Firefighter Trainee. The position is the entry level of work in airport firefighting and fire rescue work. Employees in this class do not have supervisory responsibilities. Employees in this class receive close supervision from an Airport Fire Lieutenant or other Fire-Rescue Service personnel. Employees are required to work a rotating 24-hour shift. Work is performed at an airport fire station, which is continually exposed to high noise levels from aircraft and at fire and rescue scenes. Employees are required to work outdoors in all types of weather, and may be exposed to extreme heat, fumes, smoke and hazardous materials. On some assignments, employees wear protective clothing and safety equipment, and are expected to lift and carry persons or objects weighing over 100 pounds. Candidates must have a high school diploma, a valid driver’s license in the State of Maryland, preferred qualifications of CPAT certification. As a condition of employment candidates will be required to pass a written examination, complete a 12-16 week Fire Academy, obtain and maintain Emergency Technician B (EMT-B). Salary range $42,039 - $63,321. View complete announcement and apply online via, online applications only, paper applications will not be accepted. MAA is an EEO - All applicants must be legally authorized to work in the United States under the Immigration and Reform Control Act of 1986. For additional information please contact MAA, BWI Thurgood Marshall Airport, Recruitment 410-859-7618. •Your History • Your Community • Your News

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May 24, 2014 - May 30, 2014, The Afro-American


Former AFRO Reporter William Worthy, Defiant Global Correspondent, Dies at 92 By AFRO Staff William Worthy, a foreign correspondent who challenged travel bans during the Cold War, died of Alzheimer’s disease on May 4 in Brewster, Mass. He was 92. According to the Associated Press, Worthy’s death was announced by the Nieman Foundation for Journalism at Harvard University. Worthy, a Boston native, worked as a reporter for a host of news outlets including the Baltimore Afro-American and CBS News. He advocated for civil rights for much of his adult life and covered revolutions in numerous countries across the globe. In 1956, he took an unauthorized trip to China to report on the Korean War. While in China, he interviewed leader Zhou Enlai and Samuel David Hawkins, an American soldier who had been captured by the Chinese. Upon his return to the U.S., Worthy’s passport was seized. But that didn’t stop his trip to Cuba four years later where he went to report on Fidel Castro’s Communist revolution. When he returned from Cuba, Worthy was convicted of entering the country illegally. However, a federal court later declared the law unconstitutional. The story inspired singer Phil Och’s “The Ballad of William Worthy.” Worthy went on to teach journalism at Boston University, where he headed the university’s African American journalism department. Shortly thereafter, he went on to teach at Howard University where he served as the special assistant to the dean of the School of Communications. From the AFRO Archives

Castro says Uncle Sam is ‘stupid’ By William Worthy

HAVANA, Cuba — Using words clearly meant to tell Washington “We ain’t kidding, Buster.” Premier Castro early Wednesday morning warned: “We will resist until that empire of injustices, exploitation and abuses comes crashing down, victim of its own stupidities.” In an address broadcast to all Cuba from huge sugar workers rally 45 miles west of the capital, Castro said the sugar bill now before the U.S. Congress is “a Draconian and stupid law and is shameful aggression against a small country.” ••• PREMIER CASTRO declared, “As the United States takes pound by pound of sugar away from Cuba, we will take sugar mill by sugar mill and cent by cent until the very last U.S. investment in Cuba disappears. “Let the Yankees have no doubt that if they attempt to defeat us by hunger, they won’t even have the nails in their shoes left in Cuba. “And not only that, but pound by pound we will suspend all imports from United States. We will buy from whoever buys from us.” Already in the last year Cuba has considerably diversified numerous trade pacts with other countries in order to reduce heavy dependence on the United States and to strengthen its precious dollar reserves which were practically depleted during regime of pro-American dictator Batista.

Author's Corner Why Do Christian Families Suffer? The Devastation of Suffering of a Christian Family! Author: Dr. Linda Lee Jones Release Date: January, 2014

What surprised you about the development of the book? The more I yielded in writing, the more I was met with believers who were going through a lot more than I realized. I was also motivated to help these families so God blessed me to go back to school.


Dr. Linda Lee Jones holds a doctorate in clinical counseling from Cornerstone University, St. Charles, Ill. She’s a professional member of the National Christian Counselors Association in Sarasota, Fla. and the Sarasota Academy of Christian Counselors. A licensed clinical pastoral counselor and certified temperament Christian counselor, Jones also holds a doctorate in the ministry of Christian counseling, a master’s of divinity in clinical Christian counseling and an undergraduate degree in Christian education. She is married to the Rev. Norris A. Jones, since 1975 and has three daughters; Lynnita, Norlyque and Lynura and two granddaughter, Nariah and Skyla.

What one thing do you most want the reader to learn? You often find your purpose in this life through your calamities, tempestuous situations and turbulent times. What one thing do you want the reader to remember forever? God specializes in things impossible to us and He Is sovereign and can deliver us out of all our sufferings. What did you learn during the writing process? There are 4 sides to every story; the speaker, the listener, the observer and of course, God.

What was the impetus for writing this book? My desire to finally be obedient to God after running away from His calling upon my life in 1970. And to share His power of forgiveness and healing and great Love He extended toward me in this my season to bring completion to this project. What’s the overall theme? The overall theme is families within the church structure experience all types of suffering as do those not in the church.

Any advice for aspiring writers? Never give up, nor give in but stay focused until you have completed your story. Your first story may not cover your whole story. List other books you’ve written. Melodies of the Heart inspired by the Holy Spirit! Dr. Linda Lee Jones

Dr. Jones will sign copies of her latest book, 11 a.m. to 2 p.m., May 31 at Comfort Inn, 4050 Powder Mill Road in Beltsville Md. For more information call 443-857-1549. •Your History • Your Community • Your News


The Afro-American, May 24, 2014 - May 30, 2014

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