Volume Volume 127 123 No. No.34 20–22
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March 31, 2018 - March 31, 2018, The Afro-American A1 $2.00
MARCH 31, 2018 - APRIL 6, 2018
April 16, 1968
50 Years After the Assassination of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. By Frances “Toni” Draper CEO/Publisher The AFRO-American Newspapers
April 6, 1968
Subscribe to the AFRO America’s Number 1 Black Newspaper
April 13, 1968
April 20, 1968
“I charge every colored citizen with the responsibility of looking into himself and examining his motives in order to see if he’s done enough for the cause of freedom.” Mrs. Iris Redmon wrote these words in the April 13, 1968 edition of the AFRO, in the wake of the assassination of the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.in Memphis, Tenn. For several days after Dr. King’s death, Baltimore, and the country were convulsed with grief, rage and a search for answers. Fifty years have passed since that fateful day on April 4, 1968. In this special edition, the AFRO has reached back into our expansive archives and reprinted a few of the exclusive stories from that tumultuous time. In this edition, we also take a look at how the civil rights movement is changing, and how organizations like the National Council of Churches (NCC) are committing to finishing the work. To that end, on April 4, NCC is hosting a Rally to End Racism on the National In 1968, MallI inwasWashington, a young college D.C. student
April 6, 1968
Dr. Martin Luther King (center).
April 9, 1968
Your History • Your Community • Your News
Civil rights leaders pose in front of the Lincoln Memorial during the March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom, Washington DC, August 28, 1963. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. is second from right in the front row.
April 9, 1968
April 6, 1968
living in a world divided on so many fronts. There were rising racial tensions, sit-ins on college campuses, protests against the Vietnam War, raised fists and loud voices chanting “Say It Loud, I’m Black and I’m Proud.” And, in 2018, we are still a nation on edge with the senseless killings of too many young African Americans, with White supremacy on the rise and a White House occupant who has done nothing to either unify the country or to advance the cause of civil rights. As you read these pages and reflect on where we are 50 years later, I challenge all of us to register to vote, encourage others to register and then go to the polls. We must let our voices be heard. We cannot afford to let another 50 years go by. #Staywoke.
New Podcast! Please join us every Monday and Friday at 5 p.m. EST for our new podcast, The AFRO First Edition w/Sean Yoes, on afro.com and the AFRO’s Facebook page.
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April 6, 1968
April 13, 1968
Copyright © 2018 by the Afro-American Company
The Afro-American, March 31, 2018 - April 6, 2018
“ WHAT YOU DO THIS DAY WILL HAVE AN IMPACT ON CHILDREN WHO HAVE NOT YET BEEN BORN.” Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., May 1963, addressing young marchers in the Birmingham Children’s Crusade, as recalled by Freeman A. Hrabowski, III, president of UMBC
March 31, 2018 - April 6, 2018, The Afro-American
NCC Rally Against Racism Is ‘Only the Beginning’ By Lisa Snowden-McCray Special to the AFRO Bishop Darin Moore, Chair of the Governing Board of the National Council of the Churches says his group has been deeply involved in the civil rights struggle for decades. “Their history involves their early support for the civil rights movement including being present with Dr. King at virtually all of his marches,” he tells the {AFRO}. “They even started and established a bail fund for those who were protesting civil rights to help bail them out if they were arrested. So they have a very strong history of being involved with justice issues,” he says. Nowdays, many of the 100,000 member churches are tackling the civil rights causes of police brutality and criminal justice reform. However, these dangerous and racially charged times demand even more of a commitment. “We came to the place where we recognized that although our individual [churches], many of them had made statements repenting of racism within their churches…as the National Council of Churches, we felt compelled to engage in some truth telling about the complicity of the predominately white churches with regard to the issues of racism and white privilege.” The NCC is made up of churches from 38 Christian faiths. That’s where the Council’s upcoming A.C.T. to End Racism rally comes in. It’s scheduled for April 3-5 in Washington, D.C. The event coincides with the 50th anniversary of Martin Luther King, Jr.’s assassination, and that is not a coincidence. “It’s time to finish the work,” reads a statement on the event’s website. A.C.T. stands for awaken, confront, and transform – the things that members of the Council say must happen before racism in this country can be defeated. That means awakening those who may not know that racism is still an ever-present threat, confronting it head on, and transforming the way that we all think about race and the things that separate us. Rev. Sharon Watkins, the National Director of the National Council of Churches’ Truth and Racial Justice Initiative says she knows that is a big task. “We know that White people and people of color live different experiences in this nation and that’s not the way we need to be in the United States of America,” she says over the phone, a little less than a week before the event is set to take place. “So we want White people to wake up to this reality and to claim our privilege and to claim that we can be critical allies in helping to make our world and our nation a better place.” They will do that person by person, community by community. “In every city, and every hamlet and town of our country, there are faith communities, there are congregations,” she says. “So a big task like this, we think we can address congregation by congregation and our plan is to awaken through truth telling about the reality of racism that still exists today, to confront the realty by right action that right the wrongs and that way we will transform our nation into the United States we have always thought we would be.” Watkins says that she and other leaders feel that church members and leaders have a special call to tackle the problem of racism –that they have no choice but to take up this work. “We really understand that we are involved in a moral struggle that comes out of
our faith,” she says “God created all people with equal dignity and it is up to us to treat people in that way and to move our communities – our faith communities and our national communities – toward living out that reality that all are created equal.” The event will feature religious services, a prayer walk, and big names like singer Yolonda Adams, actor Danny Glover, and activist DeRay Mckesson. “We wanted to have people who can speak to different aspects to how it is we are going to end racism, who can talk to the morality of it, and who can talk to the way that racism is institutionalized,” Watkins says. “Racism is personal and institutional. So the question of how a young man holding a cell phone can be shot 20 times by police bullets in his grandmother’s backyard is the kind of question that to us must be addressed. Where is the personal reality Schedule At-A-Glance for April in that? Where is the institutional reality that is bigger 3-5, 2018 than any one person?” “So,” she continues, “we wanted speakers who can April 3: Prayer talk to the oral call, to the call to do right, people who 6:00 p.m.: Orthodox Christian can inspire us. It is a big job and our biggest enemy Bridegroom Service of Holy sometimes is cynicism and despair.” Tuesday She says that she and other organizers have made 8:00 p.m.: Then and Now: sure that the event is not just centered in one type An Ecumenical Gathering to of religion. The National Council of Churches have End Racism partnered with people from all over the religious Location: Saint Sophia Greek Orthodox Cathedral, spectrum, including the Franciscan Action Network, 2815 36th St., NW, the Religious Action Center of Reformed Judaism, Washington, D.C., 20007 and the group Religions for Peace. “They have practically all the major religions of April 4: ACT to End Racism the world as part of their membership,” Watkins says Rally on the National Mall of Religions for Peace. “So through them we also 7-8 a.m.: Silent Prayer Walk to have Sikhs and Buddhists and others who are also part the National Mall of this. 8-9 a.m.: Interfaith Service Watkins also stresses that this is only the 9 a.m.-3 p.m.: Rally and Call beginning. The Council of Churches plans a multito Commitment year initiative where they will look for the ways racism perpetuates itself in church life, help churches April 5: National Day of make changes, and advocate for policies and laws that Advocacy & Action address racism in the criminal justice system, among 8-11 a.m.: Workshop on other things. Organizing Effective She hopes that people will come to D.C. looking to Legislative Visits do the work, looking to chose hope over cynicism. 11 a.m.-5 p.m.: Workshops and “Come to the rally…and be inspired, be Legislative Visits/end sidebar motivated, meet other people who like you see a box better world and want to join hands and make it happen,” she says. “This is not the kumbaya joining hands, this is the joining hands of hard work together. Looking each other in the face, telling the hard truth about what we experience and then identifying how we work on it together.” Find out more about the National Council of Churches and the event at rally2endracism. org
As One Generation Is Honored, Another Looks Forward By Lisa Snowden-McCray Special to the AFRO Last weekend, Georgia’s Rep. John Lewis marched alongside thousands of others in the March for Our Lives – an ant-gun violence gathering that took place in Washington, D.C. “You must never give up, never give in. Keep your place and have victory,” he told the crowd. Lewis has lived those words. Even before he crossed the Edmund Pettus Bridge in Selma, Alabama on Bloody Sunday, Lewis, the son of sharecroppers had made a name for himself as an immovable fighter for civil rights. He’s lauded as an elder statesman now, a civil rights hero because even as his profile rose, he never abandoned his central, humble desire for change. He’s not the only one of the civil rights “old guard” – people who have been fighting for change for decades – who remains vibrant and active even now. California Rep. Maxine Waters has picked up a new generation of supporters through her unyielding, and very vocal, call-outs of President Donald Trump. Rev. Al Sharpton is also still very active, especially with his civil rights organization, the National Action Network. As is Jesse Jackson, although he’s been sidelined somewhat recently with a Parkinson’s Disease diagnosis.
(AFRO file photo)
Rep. John Lewis The question now, though, is this: as unarmed Black people are murdered in the streets by police (most recently, Danny Ray Thomas in Houston, Texas and Stephon Clark in Sacramento, California), as White supremacists, emboldened by the election of President Donald Trump, emerge from the shadows, as deadly and dangerous as ever – who are the new leaders of the civil rights movement? There is Baltimore native DeRay Mckesson, notable for his blue Patagonia vest. Mckesson became a familiar face during the protests that sprung up in Ferguson, Missouri after 18-yearold Mike Brown was shot and killed by a police officer, and here in Baltimore in the uprising that happened after Freddie Gray’s death. Now, he’s seen less often on the streets but he can be heard on his political podcast, entitled Pod Save the People. Mckesson also has a book coming out next September, “On the Other Side of Freedom: The Case for Hope.” Mckesson says he hopes to discuss activism, justice, and racism in America. Widening the scope, Barack Obama secured his place in history by becoming the first Black president, but could one accurately call him a civil rights leader? Obama used his time in office to serve as a proud patron of Black arts – hosting
(AP Photo/Carolyn Kaster)
President Barack Obama actors, rappers and musicians at the White House. He also began My Brother’s Keeper, an initiative designed to empower young Black men. However, Obama has taken heat from some corners of the Black community for not moving fast enough on some Black issues, and for his criticism of the Black Lives Matter movement, by telling members they should respect police and that they can’t just “keep on yelling.” Then there is California senator Kamala Harris, whose rise to popularity has driven many to compare her to Obama. She was the first person of color and first women elected to be California’s attorney general. She is now California’s first Black senator. She’s also a tireless fighter for the rights of DACA recipients. Still, Harris has been criticized for her stance on ICE (the former prosecutor recently said on MSNBC “I believe that there needs to be serious, severe and swift consequence when people commit serious and violent crimes...and certainly if they are undocumented they should be deported if they commit those serious and violent offenses. So yes, ICE has a purpose, ICE has a role, ICE should exist. But let’s not abuse the power.”) And while we are talking about slickly packaged erstwhile civil rights stars, we can’t forget Baltimore States Attorney Marilyn Mosby, who is currently running for re-election. Mosby will be forever linked to the 2015 death of Freddie Gray, and fact that she filed criminal charges against the six officers who were involved in his arrest (even though none of them were ultimately convicted). She was recently honored by the NAACP during their 2017 convention in Baltimore, and regularly hosts fundraisers with big stars (she has one coming up with ESPN’s Lisa Salters). However, this comes with that fact that her department is at least tangentially caught up in historic-level corruption in Baltimore’s police department, and while she faces criticism from Black activists in the city – including Kelly Davis, the wife of Keith Davis, a man who maintains he was set up by Baltimore City Police in the killing of a Pimlico security guard in June of 2015. The Davis’ say that Mosby’s office continues to pursue charges against Keith even though his case has proven to be extremely flawed. There is also Tawanda Jones, a Black woman who says her brother, Tyrone West, was killed by Baltimore City Police in 2013. Jones has asked Mosby’s office to reopen the case, so far to no avail. So where does this leave us?
The push-pull of what progress looks like for Black Americans has been going on for centuries. Remember the debate between W.E.B. Du Bois and Booker T. Washington? Or the historical framing that sometimes pits Martin Luther King against Malcolm X? It’s no coincidence that Obama, Harris, and even Mosby have faced very vocal criticism from more left-aligned Black people. The Black Lives Matter movement has been a rowdy, wakeup call for many Democratic leaders, especially those who know that they need active and engaged young people to continue doing the work that they do. Even established civil rights groups like the NAACP have been left scrambling, figuring out what to do with these activists. Young people have actually interrupted events put on by Sharpton and the like, demanding that their wants and needs be addressed. But it’s nothing new.
(Photo: Business Wire)
Sen. Kamala Harris “The young grass-roots activists I’ve spoken to have a broad suite of concerns: the school-to-prison pipeline, educational inequality, the over-policing of black and Latino communities. In essence, they’re trying to take on deeply entrenched discrimination that is fueled less by showy bigotry than systemic, implicit biases,” Gene Demby wrote in a 2015 piece for Politico Magazine about the new civil rights movement. It’s good to both widen what we expect from this country, and also be more specific in how we target our fight. The job, then, its to be discerning and understand that most people have faults, but to keep looking forward. And to keep looking beyond the glitz and accolades for organizers on the ground, doing the work to become the next generation of civil rights leaders.
The Afro-American, March 31, 2018 - April 6, 2018
Visiting Memphis 50 Years After King’s Assassination By The Associated Press Fifty years ago, the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. was killed while standing on the balcony of the Lorraine Motel in Memphis, Tennessee. The civil rights leader’s shocking murder on April 4, 1968, marked one of the most significant moments in U.S. history. The city’s role in the civil rights movement and King’s death has long made it a destination for anyone interested in King’s legacy. Museums, churches and even iconic Beale Street tell the story of King’s final days here. Thousands of people are expected to make the pilgrimage to Memphis for the 50th anniversary. Several events honoring King’s work and commemorating the sanitation workers strike that brought him to Memphis have already taken place. More are scheduled in early April, including marches, speeches and conferences. The Associated Press takes a look at places to visit with connections to King in Memphis and other U.S. cities, along with some events. National Civil Rights Museum (AP Photo/David Goldman) The National Civil Rights Museum in the South Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s birth home which is operated by the National Park Service. Main area of downtown Memphis is the center for
underway and a memorial honoring the sanitation workers is under construction. The stately building sits across from the modern FedExForum, home of the NBA’s Memphis Grizzlies. Mason Temple The night before he was killed, King made a stirring speech at this church, located near the Lorraine Motel. In his “I’ve Been To the Mountaintop” speech, King gave an impassioned account of his life experiences and seemed to foretell his death when he said: “I’ve seen the Promised Land ... I may not get there with you.” Built in the 1940s, the gray church looks plain and boxy from the outside. But inside reveals a cavernous nave, with pews surrounding an elevated pulpit. Colorful flags are placed throughout the church. It’s easy to imagine people standing in the balcony during King’s speech, which was delivered on a stormy night, with thunder booming and winds shaking the building. The Mason Temple is scheduled to
(AP Photo/Mark Humphrey)
The Clayborn Temple, in Memphis, Tenn., was the starting point for a March 28, 1968 march led by King in support of the workers, a rally that turned violent when police and protesters clashed. In this April 3, 1968, file photo, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. makes his last public appearance at the Mason Temple in Memphis, Tenn.
host a “Mountaintop Speech Commemoration” event on April 3 with King’s children, Bernice King and Martin Luther King III, and Andrew Young, a confidant of King’s and former U.S. ambassador to the United Nations. The temple is also the finishing point for an April 4 march that could attract as many as 100,000 people. The rapper Common and other performers will kick off the march with a rally at the union hall where the sanitation workers organized in 1968.
Elsewhere In Washington, D.C., the Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial is inscribed with words from King’s “I Have A Dream” speech, which he delivered at the Lincoln Memorial. In Montgomery, Alabama, the Dexter Parsonage Museum is located in the house where he lived while serving as pastor of the Dexter Avenue Baptist Church and while leading the bus boycott that (AP Photo/Mark Humphrey) (AP Photo/Mike Stewart, File) The National Civil Rights Museum located at the Lorraine Motel in Memphis, Tenn. The The Lorraine Motel in Memphis Tenn., where King was started with Rosa Parks’ wreath marks the location where King was killed while standing on the balcony April 4, assassinated. arrest. 1968. In Atlanta, Martin Luther King Jr. National Historical more than 150 photographs looking back at the 50 years since all things related to King in the city. The museum, built at the Park includes a visitor center with a civil rights museum, King’s death. site of the Lorraine Motel, opened in 1991, then underwent a King’s boyhood home and Ebenezer Baptist Church, where $28 million renovation and reopened in 2014 with many new King served as co-pastor with his father. At the nearby King Clayborn Temple interactive exhibits. Center, an outdoor memorial offers reflecting pools, eternal With its tall tower and multi-colored stained glass windows, From the street, visitors approaching the museum see a flame and the crypts where King and his wife Coretta were this 19th century church was the headquarters for the sanitation striking sight: a wreath on the balcony where King was shot. interred. workers strike. Men and women regularly gathered at the Inside, exhibits tell the story of the civil rights movement, Georgia Tourism has launched a “Footsteps of Dr. Martin temple for meetings, rallies and before marching to City Hall. including detailed scenes of the desegregation of a lunch Luther King, Jr. Trail” with these and other sites, including the Led by King, supporters of the sanitation workers assembled counter and sanitation workers marching in Memphis. The First African Baptist Church in Dublin, where King gave his at the temple before embarking on his first march in Memphis, workers were seeking higher pay and better working conditions first speech as a teenager. on March 28, 1968. That march turned violent: Police and after two of them were killed by a malfunctioning garbage protesters clashed, and several storefront windows on Beale truck. A Somber Event Street were smashed. Marchers ran to the temple, seeking Visitors end their museum tour back at the assassination site, While Memphis hotels are mostly filled up for the sanctuary. Police beat protesters outside the building, and threw looking into the preserved interior of room 306, where King anniversary of King’s death, it’s a much more somber event tear gas inside. was staying, and looking out, from inside the building, onto the than what the city typically promotes, said Kevin Kane, The temple eventually fell into disrepair and closed, balcony where he was shot. president and CEO of the Memphis Convention & Visitors sitting empty for 25 years. In 2016, a group called Clayborn The museum plans several anniversary events, including on Bureau. Reborn announced it was renovating the church. Work is April 4, a day of remembrance and the opening of an exhibit of “The eyes of the world will be on Memphis,” Kane said.
March 31, 2018 - April 6, 2018, The Afro-American
AFRO Archived History This 1968 article collects quotes from Baltimore citizens in the imeediate aftermath of the assassination of Dr. Martin Luther King.
Baltimore Shocked, Angered, Hurt, Grieved by Death of Dr. King April 6, 1968
Mayor Thomas J. D’Allesandro III, led Baltimore in officially mourning the death of Dr. Martin Luther King. This is what he said: “This is a very sad day. Dr. King was a responsible leader of the nation. He was a churchman and distinguished citizen. “From the very beginning he adopted non-violent tactics in trying to correct injustices in our society. “I hope this tragedy will serve as a symbol to all Americans once and for all that we have to rid our society of the injustices hatred and prejudice which brought his death.” George L. Russell Jr., City Solicitor: “History will record that this is one of the darkest hours of our history. We must do something to bring sanity back to our society. It is a deep personal loss.” Sen. Verda F. Welcome: “This is a tragic loss. Dr. King’s death is a tragic loss not only for colored Americans but for all people and the world. “I hope we will remember the words of Dr. King that we can achieve nothing by lawlessness. “I hope we press on toward the goals set by Dr. King for complete freedom and justice.” Madeline Murphy, Community Action commissioner, and civil rights activist: “The death of Martin Luther King is a senseless act. A man who preached nonviolence is the innocent victim of a violent, White racist America. “A man of peace had become a victim of war, the insidious war against 20 million Black people. “We mourn him and shall mourn him on every rung of the ladder towards freedom from oppression which our Black brothers and sisters have suffered too long. “Always his death will be a reminder that the sleeping Black giant must be awakened. “We must sleep no more. “We knock on every door- organize, mobilize, for action, for Continued on A10
AFRO Archived History The following article ran one year after Dr. Martin Luther King’s assassination. In it Bishop Smallwood E. Williams, pastor of Washington, D.C.’s Bibleway Church and speaking at Howard University, talks about how he prays King’s dream will not be forgotten.
Bishop Asks That Dr. King’s Dream Never Become “The Impossible Dream” April 12, 1969 Washington - Bishop Smallwood E. Williams, presiding bishop of Bibleway Church, World Wide, and pastor of the local Bibleway Chruch, prayed that America never permit Dr. Martin Luther King’s dream become “the impossible dream.” Delivering the invocation at memorial services for the Rev. Dr. King Jr. on the first anniversary of his assassination, at Howard University last week, Bishop Williams urged that “we carry the torch of non-violence which he held so high.” The full text of the invocation given by Bishop Williams follows: “Eternal God in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, we would thank Thee that Thou hath honored the purpose of our gathering we thank Thee for sending unto us – to this Nation and the world our great, departed leader, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., possessor of unique gifts and dignity graces and eloquence of rare beauty. “He was profoundly inspiring and challenging to his generation. The potency of his personality was marked by social progress, moral and ethical reform. “Thou sent him to us as thou sent Moses to Egypt to deliver the Hebrew people from slavery and bondage. We sincerely pray that the rich heritage of his philosophy may continue to inspire our Nation and Race to develop a social order of love, equality, brotherhood and compassion for the Black people, poor people and socially disinherited people, dignity and justice for all people. “May the toruch of non-violence which he held so high continue to burn brightly in spite of the gross darkness that is covering our world today. “May we never permit his dream to be an impossible dream- may we never surrender to the enemy which he fought so courageously- so bravely and heroically until the end. “Now in his dwelling place among the immortal, grant that as a perpetual and imperishable memorial to his sainted memory that there is no future postponement – procrastination and delay- of the righteous demands that he made on the American establishment for a regeneration of our Society.”
The Afro-American, March 31, 2018 - April 6, 2018
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Volume 123 No. 20–22
Meet the African American Candidates in Washington, D.C.
Amazing Black Women: Irène P. Mathieu’s Poetic Approach to Global
Pastor Kevin Daniels: Celebrating Easter in Unusual Times
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AP Photo/Andrew Harnik
Yolanda Renee King, grand daughter of Martin Luther King Jr., spoke during the March for Our Lives rally in support of gun control.
March for Our Lives
After Thousands of Kids Rally for Their Lives, Will the Country Listen? By Aya Elamroussi Special to the AFRO Huge crowds poured into the streets of Washington D.C. on Mar. 24 for the March for Our Lives – an event devoted to pushing for gun control and ending gun violence. The rally was organized by survivors of the Valentine’s Day mass school shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas in Parkland, Florida, which left 17 students dead. When 11-year-old Noami Wadler of Alexandria, Va. took the stage at the rally, she urged the nation not to forget Black women who fall victim to gun violence and receive far less
Stephon Clark’s Family Condemns Police Following Fatal Shooting By The Associated Press A blinding national spotlight is shining on the family of Stephon Clark, the 22-year-old unarmed Black man killed by Sacramento police last week. “You don’t know what it’s like until you experience it,”
Clark’s uncle, Curtis Gordon, told The Associated Press in an interview March 27. “You can see it on TV, it’s totally OK to deal with those realities when it’s just through a television and they’re not in your home. It’s different now.” Television cameras
AP Photo/Rich Pedroncelli
Sequita Thompson, center, discusses the police shooting of her unarmed grandson, Stephon Clark, during a news conference, March 26 in Sacramento, Calif. Thompson was accompanied by Clark’s uncle, Curtis Gordon, left, and attorney Ben Crump, right.
and national media were there Monday for a news conference where Gordon supported Clark’s grandmother, who sobbed uncontrollably as she recounted the shooting and asked why something significantly less lethal than a barrage of 20 bullets could not have been used by police. They were there Tuesday morning when the city’s first Black police chief pleaded for calm after more than a week of unrest and later in the day when Clark’s brother and supporters disrupted a City Council meeting and then demonstrators for a second time blocked thousands of NBA fans from entering the arena for the hometown Kings game. They will be there Wednesday for Clark’s wake and on Thursday when the Rev. Al Sharpton plans to give the eulogy at Clark’s funeral. For all the angst and raw emotions, grieving and weary Continued on A11
attention. “I am here today to acknowledge and represent the African-American girls whose stories don’t make the front page of every national newspaper, whose stories don’t lead on the evening news,” said Wadler, who is Black. “I represent the African-American women who are victims of gun violence, who are simply statistics instead of Continued on A11
Remembering the Day King Was Killed By Tilesha Brown Special to the AFRO April 4, 1968. It’s a date that will forever be remembered as the day Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. was shot on the balcony of the Black-run Lorraine Hotel in Memphis, Tennessee. On that day, he was on his way to Rev. Samuel Billy Kyles’ house for a soul food dinner when he was shot. Kyles was standing there as the gun went off and the bullet found Dr. King. One day before his death, King had spoken to a large crowd at the Mason Temple Church of God In Christ just a mile away. Bishop J. Louis Felton, the current pastor of Mt. Airy Church of God in Christ in Philadelphia, was Continued on A8
Courtesy photos
Jacqueline Caldwell (left) and Bishop J. Louis Felton (right) recall their experiences in the after of the assassination of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
Copyright © 2018 by the Afro-American Company
Here Are the African Americans Running for Gov. and Lt. Gov.
Miss USA Encourages Youth to Pursue STEAM Careers By Micha Green AFRO, Washington, D.C. editor mgreen@afro.com Kára McCullough, a scientist turned Miss USA 2017, is encouraging students to pursue science, technology, engineering, arts and math (STEAM) careers through her newest program, “Take Flight with SE4K.” Science Exploration For Kids (SE4K) is a personally funded program of Miss USA’s that brings the basics of STEAM to students across the country. Take Flight with SE4K, which launched at Ronald Reagan National Airport in Historic Terminal A, is another way she intends to make STEAM accessible, appealing and fun for children. “What we’re trying to do is encourage so many students to fall in love with the science, engineering and the technology, because we have to gear up this next generation so that they can be ready for a career,” McCullough told the (AFRO) in an interview at the AFRO’s Washington, D.C. office. The launch included two sessions, the first for elementary aged children and then another for middle and high school students. Both sessions used team building challenges to engage students to work together and utilize the same problem Continued on A12
March 31, 2018 - April 6, 2018, The Afro-American
Realizing the Dream.
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The Afro-American, March 31, 2018 - April 6, 2018
Remembering Continued from A6 there as part of the garbage workers’ strike that was going on in Memphis. According to Felton, it was a cold and stormy day and everyone could tell that Dr. King was tired and emotionally drained. It was a well-known fact by the time he approached the podium that he hadn’t even planned to be there. And when King declared in that speech that he had seen the promised land, everyone in the place felt something. “You got the impression that he knew something was about to happen— you felt it,” Felton told theAFRO, “When you get this premonition that it’s showdown time, your whole mood changes.” In retrospect, Felton said that God actually had added another week to King’s life because his speech and that protest were actually scheduled for the last week in March. However, that year, Memphis was hit with
recalls, “because we believed it was an act of war. I believe it was an act of terrorism.” It was a scene of disarray, he said, hearts were sunken everywhere. They had lost their leader, and according to Felton, they knew no one would ever fill that void. “King had something that no one else had,” he said. As the news hit the national press, unrest immediately broke out across the nation. And it didn’t take long for it to explode in Baltimore. Jacqueline Caldwell, president of the Greater Mondawmin Coordinating Council, still lives in the same neighborhood that she lived in when the riots began on Monroe Street. “I was in second grade and I just remember thinking ‘Why is this happening in my neighborhood?’ She remembers that it was on TV in black and white and people were crying profusely in her house. She wasn’t allowed to go outside, but she could see the violence clearly out of her window as it made its way through her neighborhood. Authorities had put a curfew into –Bishop J. Louis Felton effect and there was rioting in the streets. The nation was in an uproar. According to both Caldwell and Felton, it took years for these cities to regroup. an unusually heavy snowstorm that pushed And that’s why Caldwell says it was everything to the first week in April. difficult to see that kind of violence erupt “God wanted King to live a few more again right in her face in 2015 after the death days,” Felton said. “He lived right in the of Freddie Gray. presence of death every day, but this night it “I was shielded from it when I was a kid,” was stronger than it had ever been.” she says, “I only saw it from my window, but He learned that detail from Kyles, whose this time it was really upsetting to see it up family had cooked for King that night. King close and in real time.” gave the distinct impression that he would not Bishop Felton agrees. But they also make it to see 40. are both encouraged by people like King’s “I may not get there with you,” King told granddaughter who spoke at last weekend’s the Kyles family. “But I want you to know March for Our Lives Rally. tonight that we, as a people, will get to the “Her speech resonates with what King was Promised Land.” about: nonviolent, proactive, and effective When he walked out of that motel room at change,” Felton Says, “It means that the approximately 5:45 p.m., just moments passed legacy of King not only survived but it before the shot rang out. And very shortly thrives. after his death, the rioting began. It means that fifty years later, the dream is “It was like being in a state of war,” Felton still alive.
“King had something that no one else had.”
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March 31, 2018 - April 6, 2018, The Afro-American
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The Afro-American, March 31, 2018 - April 6, 2018
Baltimore Shocked Continued from A5
freedom in unity.” Mrs. Jaunita J. Mitchell, president of Maryland NAACP: “In his dying, Dr. King’s spirit of love and non-violence rise above the assassin’s bullet to inspire and challenge our youth to continue the fight for freedom with love. “He has joined the long list of martyrs, Medgar Evers, Schermer, Goodman, and Chance of Philadelphia, Miss. Vernon Dahmer of Hattiesburg, Miss., whose restless spirits call us to rededicate our talents and efforts to speed the end of injustice.” James Griffin, chairman Baltimore CORE and school commissioner: “Mahalia Jackson is singing, ‘[Were] You There When They Crucified My Lord,’ – that’s how I feel now. “The shooting of Dr. King demonstrates how White America will not tolerate nonviolence and passive aggressiveness on the part of Black people. “It clearly points out that we have to reorganize our thinking and become unified as one. “We must continue to push forward with even more vitality and determination and use whatever means necessary to gain our freedom. “Even though I didn’t agree wholeheartedly in his approach to the problem he was more than ian inspiration to me.” Parren J. Mitchell, Community Action Agency director: “This is the ugly America. This is the America of the lynch law. “This is the American of violence. Not Black violence, but White violence. Not Black hatred, but White hatred. “The White community, White America, stand condemned.” Former Mayor Theodore R. McKeldin: “I think it is a great tragedy for America, that one of the greatest influences for peace and goodwill was killed tonight. “The greatest way to honor him would be to continue his work for full recognition of colored people in every area of American
life. “We must do it vigorously and consistently, but peacefully the way he would have done it.” Robert Moore, SNCC field secretary: “What we find once again is that we cannot protect our leaders. “I think that the Black community must move to protect its leaders and protect the community itself. “White America has a plan of genocide for Black Americans. “Rap Brown is in jail now. He has not been convicted of any crime. “Students at South Carolina State College had committed no crime when they were shot down by White cops. “Martin Luther King had committed no crime when he was shot down.” IN THE MEANTIME an AFRO reporter talked to the “man in the street” and found what he called an “Epitaph to NonViolence.” This is his report: Shock, confusion, anger- the words seem trivial and inane when used to describe the reactions of the man in the street to sudden death of Dr. Martin Luther King last night. In bars and on street corners, bus stations and buses, people reacted- some in buzzing, low incredulous whispers, others in silenceand others in angry threats. “It don’t seem real, it just don’t seem real,” one youth stand on a Walbrook corner mumbled, his arms waving, pacing in front of two friends. “Man that sure hurts me. I swear that sure hurts me,” a second youth muttered leaning against the rain-streaked brick wall of a bar. “This guy was one of the good guys- he talked about non-violence. I didn’t dig it, but I admired him. “Maybe this will wake Black Americans up to what’s happening, “ said Carl Williams an insurance salesman sitting in a Clifton Ave. bar. “It should show every Black man in this country that no matter who he is, how big
Through the Mayor’s Scholars Program, 2018 Baltimore City Public High School graduates, who live in the city, can attend BCCC
Apply by April 20: visit bccc.edu or call 410-462-8300. Mayor’s Scholar recipients will be paid to attend BCCC’s Summer Bridge program for seven weeks (June 25-August 11) during the summer before their first semester in Fall 2018.
he is, or what he believes, if he wants his rights he’s going to have to die for them,” a middle-aged man at a table responded. “Every Black man is vulnerable, and if they didn’t know that, they sure know it now,” –Melvin Reed, a West Baltimore barber said. “My God there’s going to be some action this summer,” a youth standing on a Pennsylvania Ave. corner. “I’m surprised it didn’t happen soonerwhen he was in Alabama and Mississippi. I guess I knew it would happen someday. “But when it didn’t, it got so you kind of thought nobody would dare. “Especially when Stokely and Rap Brown talk that talk, “a woman sitting at the bar in the Garrison Lounge remarked. “I always wanted to meet him- I swear I just never got the chance when he was here,” a female companion murmured barely audibly. “It’s the sign to fight- to let go. This proves that the non-violence don’t work. He preached non-violence and look at him now.” “I admired King- he was a great- a great man. But he set himself up to be killed. Non-violence just ain’t the way,” a Bethlehem steelworker sitting in Ave. club said. At the Greyhound bus station, three cabdrivers were engaged in intense conversation about the assassination. “Anything can happen now- and I do mean anything. This man has been killed for no reason at all.” Second Cabbie: “I got four guns- and I’m willing to share them with anybody who wants them.” …I just don’t see this. “I just don’t see how you can keep talking non-violence when something like this can happen.” Third Cabbie: “But Dig man- look at it this way. If they raised hell about this, this would mean he died for nothing. “King was trying to prove it could be done his way- no blood- rioting is just going
to show he was wrong…” The argument continued… snatches of conversation breaking through the slow raindrops, incoming Greyhound buses, and swish of tire wheels on the street providing a weird dirge. THERE WERE numerous threats on Dr. King’s life and at times of major campaigns sometimes referred to them in a detached manner of a man who knew he was marked. In the spring of 1964 he moved most of his organization into St. Augustine, Fla., for a big push against segregation in the nation’s oldest city. His beach cottage was shot up one night and soon he talked again of being the target of an assassin. Dr. King, his wife and four children, lived in a modest home in Atlanta. A cross was burned on his lawn one night and the family often received threatening telephone calls. On the rare weekends when he was free of engagements, he liked to relax with his wife, a gifted and attractive concert singer, and his youngsters. He lived with the threat of violence daily. In New York in September of 1958, a woman armed with a letter opener and a loaded automatic stabbed him while he autographed one of his books in a Harlem Department Store. It was the third attempt on his life up to that time and he narrowly escaped death. A team of surgeons, fighting the possibility of infection, removed two and one-half inches of bone from his chest. The wound bothered him for the rest of his life. AN UNKNOWN person fired a shotgun blast through the door of his home in 1956 and a dynamite bomb was thrown on the porch of his home a year later. It failed to explode. In St. Augustine, King rented a beach cottage and it was promptly riddled with gun fire. He was not in at the time. King traveled extensively in Europe, Asia, South America and Africa and was an official guest of the Prime Minister at the independence celebration in Ghana in 1967.
March March31, 31,2018 2018- March - April 6, 31,2018, 2018,The The Afro-American Afro-AmericanA11 A7
Rally Continued from A6 vibrant, beautiful girls full of potential.” As the crowd roared Wadler added, “For far too long, these names, these Black girls and women, have been just numbers. I’m here to say, ‘Never again’ for those girls too.” The fifth-grader’s eloquence shed light on a conversation that usually doesn’t garner adequate
attention from national news media: Black voices and gun violence. A study conducted by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention last summer shows that Black women were more likely to be killed. The study also found that Black women were the most likely of any racial group to be shot to death. Parkland shooting
“My school is about 25 percent Black, but the way we’re covered doesn’t reflect that.” – David Hogg survivor, and now activist, David Hogg said he is critical of the lack of minority representation in media coverage. In an interview with Axios, Hogg, who is White, was asked what the biggest mistake the media made in covering the Parkland shooting. “Not giving Black students a voice,” he said. “My school is about 25 percent Black, but the way we’re covered doesn’t reflect that.” Laura Boyd, a native of Southeast D.C., told the AFRO that Black people are represented as the ones who are being violent. “I feel like people don’t expect Black people to step forward because we are known as being the ones [who] are being violent,” Boyd said. Boyd, 20, said she marched because the issue of gun control has touched everyone around the world regardless of race, color or religion. Kensley Casey, also 20, of Prince George’s County marched because “it’s the right time right now,” she told the AFRO. “It’s unfortunate that we
Photo by Aya Elamroussi
Protesters at the march made sure Black lives lost to police gun violence were remembered.
Photo by Aya Elamroussi
Children and their parents were out in force at the rally. have to march just because somebody dies,” Casey said. “We shouldn’t have to tell people that guns should not be in schools. People should already know this.” Boyd also said that gun violence isn’t just in schools. “There’s gun violence everywhere,” Boyd said, “in neighborhoods, in houses, on the street.” Boyd brought her two younger cousins with her to the march – Areiona Johnson
and Layla Aughtry. Johnson, 10, said she marched because the world needs to be protected. “Donald Trump is making the world feel really unsafe . . .” Johnson told the AFRO. “I need to be here to protect the world, my family and my school.” Johnson is in the fifth grade and attends KIPP DC. Aughtry said people don’t want to see their kids killed. “They just come to school to learn. They don’t want to
come to school and get shot up,” Aughtry said. Aughtry, 8, said she also participated in her school’s peace rally on Mar. 23, which protested gun violence. Aughtry attends KIPP DC Quest Academy. Casey added that the Black Lives Matter movement has helped raise Black voices in the gun control debate, but it’s still not enough. “They [will] listen eventually.”
Clark Continued from A6
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family members are skeptical that any substantive change will result before the next young Black man dies from police gunfire and siphons away the national media and banner headlines. “So we appreciate the conversation, but conversation without implementation of some true reformation means nothing,” Gordon said. “It brought us to this moment, but what about tomorrow? What about next week? “You know, sadly, I have no confidence in America and the fact that I will probably hear another story sometime this year of an innocent life lost over excessive police force. It’s so common, you’re numb to it.” Clark was killed March 18 when two Sacramento police officers responding to a report of someone breaking car windows fatally shot him in his grandparents’ backyard. Police say they believe Clark was the suspect and he ran when a police helicopter responded, then did not obey officers’ –Curtis Gordon orders. Police say they thought Clark was holding a gun when he moved toward them, but he was found only with a cellphone. The California attorney general’s office on Tuesday joined the investigation, a move Sacramento Police Chief Daniel Hahn said he hopes will bring “faith and transparency” to a case that he said has as sparked “extremely high emotions, anger and hurt in our city.” Attorney General Xavier Becerra’s office will provide oversight of the investigation and conduct a review of the police department’s policies and use-of-force training. The decision of whether to bring criminal charges against the officers involved remains with District Attorney Anne Marie Schubert, although Becerra said his office could also bring charges. Clark’s family is skeptical that the investigation will provide
“So we appreciate the conversation, but conversation without implementation of some true reformation means nothing.”
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appropriate results, Gordon said. “It’s all talk at this point,” he said. “Show me.” African-Americans have been dealing with implicit and explicit bias for centuries, Gordon said. Many factors play a role but he said one necessity is for police forces to do a better job weeding out those who should not be officers. Clark’s family is leaning on their faith as they face a public wake Wednesday and a two-hour funeral Thursday, both at Bayside of South Sacramento Church. Clark leaves behind a fiancee and two children, ages 1 and 3. “We trust in a spiritual realm, in our Creator, to give us undiscovered strength,” Gordon said. “We will make it through this. And that’s the thing, ‘cause it’s bigger than us and we have to accept that. We carry that torch for Stephon.”
Help the AFRO Celebrate Amazing Black Women The AFRO is excited to join the nationwide celebration of women this March in recognition of this year’s National Women’s History Month. From now until April 21st, we will be highlighting prominent AfricanAmerican women who have contributed to significant events in history and continue to do so in their respective fields. We invite you to share your stories, your achievements and your perspective on the pioneering role women have played in American history. If you, or someone you know, holds a leadership role and deserves to be celebrated this month for their contributions to American history, please submit the following information to our editorial team: L Candidate’s Name L Candidate’s role in the organization L Candidate’s contact information L A short summary of the candidate’s historic achievements (200 words or less) L Headshot of candidate
Submissions will be reviewed and chosen for publication by the AFRO based on the significance of each candidates’ contributions. All choices are at the discretion of the AFRO. Send submissions to tips@afro. com by April 14.
A8 The A12 The Afro-American, Afro-American, March March 31, 31, 2018 2018 - April - April 6,6, 2018 2018
Anger, Frustration at Wake for Stephon Clark By The Associated Press Family, friends and strangers, some expressing anger and frustration, gathered in Sacramento March 28 for a public wake for 22-year-old Stephon Clark, an unarmed Black man shot by police in his grandparents’ backyard. Some attendees wore black shirts calling for justice, while one woman held up a clenched fist as she exited the Bayside of South Sacramento church. The wake was largely quiet until Clark’s brother, Stevante Clark, shouted at the media to leave before being picked up and carried away. The outburst came a day after he disrupted a Sacramento City Council meeting and chanted his brother’s name at Mayor Darrell Steinberg. Some said the two police officers who shot Clark should be criminally charged, while other mourners said they could envision their own families in Clark’s family’s place. “This feels like the 60s, it doesn’t feel like 2018. We’ve definitely regressed,” said Cynthia Brown, a friend of Clark’s grandfather who brought her 10- and 15-year-old grandsons to the wake. “To me, (they) could be Stephon Clark.” The Rev. Al Sharpton plans to deliver the eulogy at Clark’s funeral on Thursday. Tensions remain high in California’s capital city following the March 18 shooting. Two police officers who were responding to a report of someone breaking car windows fatally shot him in his grandparents’ backyard. Police say they believe Clark was the suspect and he ran when a police helicopter responded, then did not obey officers’ orders. Police say they thought Clark was holding a gun when he moved toward them, but he was found only with a cellphone. Many mourners weren’t buying that narrative. “You always feel threatened — you’re a law enforcement officer, it comes with your job title,” said Rahim Wasi. “That doesn’t give you a right to go running around like Clint Eastwood in a movie.” Some of Clark’s relatives were more conciliatory. “We’re not mad at all the law enforcement. We’re not trying to start a riot,” said Shernita Crosby, Stephon Clark’s aunt. “What we want the world to know is that we got to stop this because black lives matter.” Cousin Suzette Clark said the family wants Stephon Clark remembered as “more than just a hashtag.” He was outgoing, funny, loving, a good-looking man who liked to dress sharp and the doting father of two young sons. “He made some mistakes in his life, but he was genuinely a good person,” she said. Protests have been held almost daily and marchers have twice blocked fans from entering the NBA arena downtown for Sacramento Kings games. The police, the Kings and Steinberg’s office met Wednesday to discuss security ahead of Thursday night’s game. Sgt. Vince Chandler said officers would be ready to respond in protective gear, according to The Sacramento Bee. On Wednesday, about 50 protesters took over the intersection near the Sacramento district attorney’s office as part of a protest organized by the local Black Lives Matter
Family courtesy photo via AP
Stephon Clark died, unarmed, in a hail of police gunfire.
chapter to urge the district attorney to file charges against the officers. They disrupted midtown rush hour traffic as they marched through the streets. Latavia Ross, pushing her 2-year-old son Jayceon Hurts in a stroller, said she attended the protest because she thinks it’s good for the community to come together to end to gun violence. Meanwhile, Steinberg said disruptions like Stevante Clark’s at Tuesday’s council meeting won’t happen again. “That sort of demonstration in the council chamber cannot happen again. It won’t happen again. But in that moment, that was a brother grieving for the loss of his brother,” he said. For all the angst and raw emotions, some grieving and weary family members are skeptical that any substantive
change will result before the next young Black man dies from police gunfire and siphons away the national media and banner headlines. “You know, sadly, I have no confidence in America and the fact that I will probably hear another story sometime this year of an innocent life lost over excessive police force,” Curtis Gordon, Clark’s uncle and the family’s spokesman, told The Associated Press in an interview Tuesday. “It’s so common, you’re numb to it.” The California attorney general’s office on Tuesday joined the investigation, a move Sacramento Police Chief Daniel Hahn said he hopes will bring “faith and transparency” to a case that he said has sparked “extremely high emotions, anger and hurt in our city.”
younger. It didn’t really always come as easy. But then, when I was able to finally grasp it, I had an amazing eighth grade math teacher who really broke things down,” McCullough said. “So through my program, Science Exploration 4 Kids, we show students math and science aren’t intimidating.” Further than her platform, as a woman of color, McCullough feels it is important to show the next generation anything is possible.
“Representation matters. I live by that. Getting more children engaged in the science and tech side… especially children of color, gives us that opportunity to prove to them that they can accomplish many things in life,” she told the AFRO. McCullough attributes her opportunities for success to STEAM, and she wants the same for other children. “I knew I loved science and I loved math and I want to share that with so many students because I was able to go
Miss USA Continued from A6 solving tools employed in science, technology, engineering and math (STEM). McCullough added entertainment to Take Flight with SE4K because she is not oblivious to the fact that STEAM work is not always appealing to everyone, even if the encouragement is coming from a pageant queen and scientist. In fact McCullough herself was not always on the trajectory toward a career in science. “The thing is I was intimidated by math when I was
“Getting more children engaged in the science and tech side… especially children of color, gives us that opportunity to prove to them that they can accomplish many things in life.” – Kára McCullough
Photo by Rob Roberts
Miss USA 2017, Kára McCullough, Dr. Jean Pritchett (center) and Ashley Ferguson (far right) with students showing the end product of their experiment.
to college for free, get an amazing job after school, have the opportunity to get a PhD in chemistry. So there’s so many different options that are available, and I just think that it really expands your imagination, boosts up your critical thinking, and just gives you that much edge over a lot of your peers,” McCullough told the AFRO. While her reign is up in May, McCullough will continue SE4K programming. “We have summer camps lined up… at the University of Maryland, College Park and as well as Tilden Middle School in Rockville, Md… We’re actually working with Bechtel Construction Company to take it global. So we’re going to Waynesboro, Georgia, Orangeburg, South Carolina… Virginia Beach, Virginia. And if you’re interested hit us up, we’ll find a way to get the program out there.” For more information on Science Exploration 4 Kids programming, visit the website, se4k.org.
March 31, 2018 - April 6, 2018, The Afro-American
Gun Violence in America (Part 2 of 2)
A School Shooting Every Week, One-by-One By Alexa Imani Spencer Howard University News Services This is the second of a two-part series on the murders of teenagers throughout the U.S. While the nation’s attention is focused on deaths in school shootings, most teenage murders occur daily in African-American and Hispanic neighborhoods with little fanfare or public debate. Steven Slaughter was blithely walking home from the 7-Eleven store with friends on a Sunday afternoon at the beginning of the year in his southeast Washington, D.C. neighborhood when it happened. It was January 14, the eve of the Martin Luther King Jr. Day, and Steven, a 9th grader who dreamed of playing football for a major college, and his friends were looking forward to being out of school Monday for the national holiday. When they got to the 1700 block of Minnesota Avenue, a man, who police say is 21-
(Courtesy photo)
Steven Slaughter, a 9th grader, dreamed of playing football for a major college. He was murdered at 14 while walking home from a local store.
(Courtesy photo)
Taiyania Thompson kneels at the grave of her father, who was gunned down in an attempted robbery when he was 17. Thompson didn’t live as long as he did. Thompson, one of four teeangers killed in the nation’s capital in January, was shot and killed st 16.
year Anthony D. Allen, pulled a gun and tried to rob them. Something went wrong, and Steven was shot several times. When police arrived at 6:59 p.m., Steven lay bleeding on the ground in front of Garden Memorial Presbyterian Church, just a block from his house. Medics took him to a local hospital, but not long after his arrival he was dead, and with him the dreams of a young Black child and all the hopes and aspirations that his parents, relatives and Continued on A15
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EASTER SALE PRICES IN EFFECT 3/26-3/31/2018. N8020021A.indd 1
3/19/18 4:19 PM
The Afro-American, March 31, 2018 - April 6, 2018
Celebrating Easter in Unusual Times Kevin Daniels
Most of the country is pausing this particular week to celebrate the annual holiday of Easter, which many deem as the sacrificial heroic life and death of Jesus Christ for the
world. However, according to a recent poll, well over 62% of Americans believe that not only is there a lack of optimism but feel that the country is heading in the wrong direction. The reasons given were the lack of moral leadership in public office, ongoing peril of racial and wealth inequities, lack of global respect for America in the area of national security, recent school shootings and the March for Life to impact gun laws, the #MeToo movement surrounding the abuse of women, unfinished DACA/ immigration disparities and health care uncertainties. All of these challenges on the heels of the 50th Anniversary of the sacrificial death and heroic life of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Subsequently, leaving many to ponder like the prophetic voice of the Psalmist, “How shall we still sing (celebrate) in a strange (unusual) land?” The prophetic overtures of the sacrificial and heroic life of Jesus Christ continue to give us luminous light and example even in the midst of what is considered a dark and flagrant timeframe. The kind of example that mimics his prophetic compliance to something higher as seen in his passionate journey through the Via Dolorosa during the events of that week, which includes: “His passion in cursing of the fig tree,” which represents a symbolism that regardless of what timeframe it is, we still should be productive in cutting down unproductive fruit; “His passion in calling out the leaders of his day by calling them “blind guides,” in which he calls them to a justice construct to work “for” the people and not “against” the people; “his passionate discernment in knowing how to find solace in the collective body of supporters at Bethany,” in which, he calls for us to unify ourselves in times of great distress and upheaval; “his passion in finding an upper room to spiritually commune with God,” in which, he calls for us to reflect and contemplate the cost of greatness; and lastly, “the passion of navigating betrayal and the renewing of life” again (resurrection), in which he calls us to “rise up” to a commitment and a consistency to all that pertains to living life to the fullest. To that end, our call today, during Easter (resurrection) celebration continues to be as triumphant and transformative as it was then during unusual and sporadic times that our passion and sacrificial journey force us to “rise up”. Lastly, in the poetic words of the great legacy of Maya Angelou, who stated that “You may write me down in history with your bitter, twisted lies, you may trod me in the very dirt, but still, like the dust, I’ll rise”; and in the lyric words of Andra Dr. Kevin Daniels is a professor at Morgan State University, Chair of the Civic Action Committee for the Minister’s Conference of Baltimore and pastor at St. Martin Church in Baltimore.
Dr. King’s Vision and Our Democracy Restored On April 4, America will mark the 50th anniversary of one of the darkest hours in our national history. We will pause to recall that heartbreaking moment in Memphis, Tennessee, when an assassin’s bullet cut short the life of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. There will be those whose vision of those terrible days will be the product of televised images: pictures of rioting; cities burning; federal troops, with weapons drawn, patrolling our streets…. Those of us who were young in 1968 can attest that the tortured events conveyed in these archives of our past were real. We can affirm that the social upheaval that followed the murder of the man who became our nation’s greatest prophet tore at the fabric of our civilization. We can acknowledge that, when a people’s aspirations are first raised to unimaginable heights – and then brutally dashed – there will be those who will react with unthinking and violent destruction. We can concede all of this about 1968 because those events revealed a truth about human nature that Dr. King well understood. Yet, the upheaval that followed Dr. King’s murder was only one aspect of the truth about our national character that began to be revealed in 1968. A deeper and more lasting truth about that difficult time – a truth that has direct relevance to the time in which we now live – is this. Tragic events and unjust circumstances cannot be ignored. They force each of us to make a choice. When Dr. King was taken from us, thousands may have rioted – but millions of Americans, women and men of good will from every background and ethnic heritage, stared into the depths of our hearts and souls and chose to make a
Elijah Cummings
commitment. Out of our pain grew our passion to make Dr. King’s dream a reality – a “blessed community” of justice, opportunity and peace – not only for those of us who are Americans of Color but for everyone. During the decades that followed, those of us who were young in 1968 have faltered at times, but, in the main, we have done all that we could to keep those promises that we made to Dr. King’s memory, to each other and, above all, to ourselves. We have worked to advance an uplifting vision for humanity, drawn to the same vocation that the holy books of every religion command us to pursue. Most encouraging of all, when my generation has been tempted by doubt, younger Americans have stepped forward to renew our faith. I share these reflections about Dr. King’s legacy with you for a reason. Just as we were challenged in 1968, our current realities now demand that each of us choose how to respond. Once again, as in 1968, our nation is struggling to overcome forces of societal conflict, official inhumanity and calculated distrust that far surpass anything that we have been required to endure in the last five decades. Once again, there are those in national power who are seeking to dominate our nation by dividing us from our countrymen and women – false leaders whose governing strategy is grounded in the Hobbesian dictum, “Bellum omnium contra omnes,” the war of all against all. Once again, hundreds of millions of Americans are going to sleep at night deeply troubled – not only dismayed, but acutely afraid of what appalling developments the morning may bring. I frankly declare these dangers to us all because those of us who were raised up to adulthood and citizenship by Dr. King
and the social and political movement he helped to lead are not naïve, not afraid and, above all, not defeated. We have endured and overcome these dangers before, and we understand the writ of history. Our nation’s darkest hours have often been just before the dawn – and so it can be again, if an engaged citizenry stands up, marches together and demands the light. The principal objectives and demands of the American people are clear, the aspirations of 1968 carried forward to the present day: - A nation that is strong, but also one that uses its military and economic strength to create rather than destroy, uses its police power to protect rather than oppress, and offers economic opportunity to all; - A President who understands and respects that he is not a monarch, but is as bound by our Constitution and laws as is every other American; and - A Congress that is willing to act as an effective check and balance on abuses of executive power, that works together for the common good without regard to partisan influence, that listens and responds to the people, and that understand that political compromise is not a betrayal, but, rather, the only way that our nation can move forward together. This vision of our objectives in 2018 is fundamentally the same as Dr. King’s vision in 1968; and I am convinced that an American majority is ready to march into that light – the light of our democracy restored. Those who seek to lead should take heed. As Dr. King used to remind us, there is nothing more powerful than the rhythm of marching feet, the marching feet of a determined people. Congressman Elijah Cummings represents Maryland’s 7th Congressional District in the United States House of Representatives.
Time to Tell the Truth About Education Funding I am writing in response to the article written by Delegate Cory McCray in the March 2 edition of the AFRO. In the era of Donald Trump “alternative facts” this phenomena seems to have permeated our local discourse. Delegate McCray writes: “Since 2011, funding for vital public school infrastructure projects in the 45th District has ranked last or second-to-last each year compared to the rest of Baltimore City. While other electoral districts in the city have received up to three times the financial support for newly built or renovated schools, our district has lagged dramatically behind. These statistics are especially distressing given the existing disadvantages that our students already face.” The statement is absolutely not true and the facts contained in this letter will bear that out. My experience over the years representing my constituents has taught me that cherry picking information is something one should not practice. I was taught that using this tactic slants the truth and people who engage in it are doing it for purely political purposes. I believe in honesty and true transparency and to let the facts speak for themselves. If it benefits me fine, if not, so
Nathaniel McFadden
be it. He also writes that, “When confronted with systemic inequities such as the ones we have seen with school funding, it is imperative that our legislators advocate for the needs of the families they serve. Asked about his response to this inequitable funding in a Nov. 27 interview with the AFRO, our district’s senator, Nathaniel McFadden, cast fault on a consultancy firm commissioned by the school system. Blame shifting like this obscures the true responsibility of a state legislator: to provide oversight in matters exactly like these.” Another inaccurate statement! The method and a description of the process used to determine renovation and new school construction was shared with the entire 45th Delegation, including Delegate McCray, and our City Council representatives. He apparently did not understand or want to understand what was being presented. It was a sharing of facts, not “fault” finding. As a result of this March 2nd missive in the AFRO, I requested that, Dr. Sonja Brookins Santelises, CEO, Baltimore City Public Schools, provide information so that the public and my constituents in the 45th District get the same information that was provided to us. [Editor’s note: McFadden provided a chart from Baltimore City Public Schools that shows that the
45th District received the fourth highest amount of funding for schools in 40th-46th Districts. Go to AFRO.com for the full chart.] As we conclude our work in this session of the General Assembly in the next several weeks, you will be able to determine if you have hired to be your voice in Annapolis someone who is actually willing to speak up on your behalf and tell the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth. As I close, I would caution the public, and especially my constituents in the 45th Legislative District, to not listen to political rhetoric and “fake news”, but examine the facts for yourself. I do think experience counts, just look at what’s going on in Washington with our President! P.S.: New schools in 45th Legislative District built with the help of Senator Senator Nathaniel McFadden in the last 10 years: 1. Baltimore Design School: $30,000,000. 2. Paul Laurence Dunbar High School: $32,000,000. 3. Henderson Hopkins’s: $53,000,000. 4. Fort Worthington Elementary/Middle School: $33,000,000. Delegate Cory McCray: $0
The opinions on this page are those of the writers and not necessarily those of the AFRO. Send letters to The Afro-American • 1531 S. Edgewood St. • Baltimore, MD 21227 or fax to 1-877-570-9297 or e-mail to editor@afro.com
March 31, 2018 - April 6, 2018, The Afro-American
School Shooting Continued from A13
“Everybody who came across him, they loved him,” his mother, Tiffanie Jones, 35, told the Washington Post, “They could feel his energy.” At Friendship Collegiate Academy, where Steven went to school, 9th Grade academy director, Lauren Johnson, recalls Steven as a “lively,” “giving,” and “sweet” student. He worked hard for his grades and was highly regarded by many teachers and students, she said. Shortly after his death, the school held a ceremony at the flagpole to honor his life. Led by the campus’ counselor-pastor, students read poems, lit candles, and released balloons. Students signed laminated posters with kind words and thoughts to give to his mother. Grief counseling also took place in each of the classes that he attended. Many students cried, Johnson recalled. Steven’s locker remained decorated with photos, balloons, and signatures in March, as did his seat in his former English and math classes. On the 14th of February and March, the school gave prizes at lunch to commemorate Steven’s core values. “We have done so much to honor Steven,” Johnson said. “I wish we could do more.” Johnson said.
(Photo by Alexa Imani Spencer)
To honor him, Steven Slaughter’s classmates and staff at his school decorated his locker.
friends had for him. He was 14. Steven was the youngest of four teenage victims of gun violence in one month in the nation’s capital at the start of the year. The others were Paris DeShawn Brown, 19; Davon Fisher, 17; and Taiyania Aaliyah Thompson, 16. While America mourns the deaths of 17 teenagers killed in a Florida high school shooting and debate gun control in the wake of such incidents, lost in the conversation is the fact that a similar number of children and teenagers are shot and killed every week. Nearly 20 Americans between the ages of 13 and 19 are murdered on average each week by gun violence, according to Statistica, a data website. Instead of mass murders victims, they are single, solitary deaths that occur on average two a day. They are Miracle McGowan, 15, killed January 12 in a drive-by shooting as she and three other people sat in a car in the Florence-Firestone neighborhood in Los Angeles. They are Natalie Hernandez in Dallas, 14-year-old fatally February 12 as she and three other W. W. Samuell High School students were sitting in a car in a city park. They are Ga’Quavious Williams, 17, found dead in February outside of an Atlanta home with a gunshot wound in the back. Mostly they are Black and Hispanic, and their deaths rarely become a national rallying point around guns or gun control. Instead, family members and friends place their photos on T-shirts and place mementos around the places they were killed. Four murders of teenagers in one month was an oddity for D.C., but it was also a reminder of disparate toll that gun violence takes on black communities. This is a look at some of those lives. Steven was described as a good student with lots of friends.
(Courtesy photo)
Taiyania Thompson, 16, pictured above.
Taiyania Aaliyah Thompson, was the last teenager shot and killed in the nation’s capital in January. Thompson, 16, was fatally shot Jan. 25 while sitting on a living room sofa inside an apartment on Mount Olivet Road in Northeast Washington. Nearly a week after the shooting, police arrested Taiyania’s boyfriend of 8 months, Dekale Bowman. Bowman, 18, has been charged with seconddegree murder while armed. An affidavit filed in D.C. Superior Court stated that he shot Taiyania “by accident.” As a child, Taiyania was given the nickname
“Mama” by family for her caring nature, who said. In an interview, her family described her as “youthful,” while also having a maturity level unusual for her age. Her sister, Tiashaundra Thompson, 19, said the two had a special relationship. Thompson recalled Taiyania consoling Thompson’s daughter when she was a baby. Taiyania could stop her from crying with little effort, an ability that her older sister could not understand. “She had my back and I had hers, and we had that understood,” Thompson said. Taiyania wanted to become a veterinarian, her mother, Lajoyina Thompson said. “She used to want to rescue all the animals that she saw outside,” Thompson, 41, said. While attending Sustainable Futures Public Charter School, Taiyania began to experiment with fashion and makeup and hoped to one day open her own clothing store, her family said. She was a private person, they said. She spent much of her time writing about life experiences; filling notebooks with raps, songs and poems. “Her uniqueness was remixing everything in her own way,” another sister, Tiandra Thompson, 21, said. Taiyania’s family said she was deeply affected by her father’s death, even though she was just 5 months old when he was fatally shot, allegedly in a robbery in D.C. He was 17—just one year older than Taiyania when she died. “[His death] was something that she had to carry with [her],” sister Tiashaundra Thompson said. For years, Taiyania yearned for her father, her family said. Taiyania’s sister Tiandra said two have been reunited in death. “He’s gone and she’s up there with him,” she said, “and that’s all that she basically ever wanted. That’s all she ever needed. Nothing here on this earth, on this world, could’ve satisfied her but that.” Lajoyina Thompson said her daughter left her a message in a post Taiyania made on social media. In the comment, written weeks before her passing, Taiyania referred to her mother as a “strong, beautiful, young, black queen.” “I think that’s why I’m able to stay as strong as I am,” her mother said, “because that was my daughter’s last image of me, and I want to uphold that image that she left having of me.”
The Afro-American, March 31, 2018 - April 6, 2018
APRIL 4, 2018 We’re committing to finish the work. Join us in Washington, D.C. on the National Mall as we mark 50 years since Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s assassination.
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March 31, 2018 - April 6, 2018, The Afro-American
Bowser Budget Offers Relief to Churches By James Wright Special to the AFRO jwright@afro.com The District’s mayor’s budget proposal includes many provisions that address the concerns of African Americans.
Mayor Muriel Bowser (D) held a reporters’ roundtable March 26 at the John A. Wilson Building. The purpose of the roundtable was to brief reporters on her 2019 fiscal year budget. “I gave the budget to the D.C. Council on March 21
Vote 2018
Meet the African American Candidates in Washington, D.C. for educational and workforce opportunities.
By James Wright Special to the AFRO jwright@afro.com
The District of Columbia will hold its primary election on June 19 and its general election on Nov. 6. The positions that are seeking election are the delegate to the U.S. House of Representatives, D.C. Mayor, D.C. Council Chairman, D.C. Attorney General and D.C. Council members in Wards 1, 3, 5 and 6 plus two at-large seats that are for the Democrats and non-Democrats.
Mayor Muriel Bowser is the mayor of the District of Columbia. Bowser wants to end homelessness in the city by closing D.C. General Hospital and instituting shelters in each ward and is passionate about economic growth in all wards of the city. James Butler is an advisory neighborhood commissioner for district 5D03 and self proclaimed entrepreneur. Butler intends to rework how funds are allocated in the District, focusing more on help for the homeless and access to grocery stores in Wards 7 and 8.
Muriel Bowser
James Butler
Courtesy Photo
Muriel Bowser is the mayor of the District of Columbia. and testified for it on March 23,” Bowser said. “The council will go through their usual 54-day review period in which they will make changes, if any, that they see fit. This year, the council will vote on it at the end of May, which is earlier than usual.” The $14.5 billion budget proposal includes investments in infrastructure, education, affordable housing, health and human services, economic opportunity, seniors and public safety. One of the key line items in the budget is $300 million for a new, state of the art hospital on the St. Elizabeths East campus in Ward 8. “This new hospital will replace the United Medical Center,” the mayor said in response to a question by the AFRO. The United Medical Center is the District’s only comprehensive medical facility east of the Anacostia River and it has been plagued over the years with financial problems due to the high costs of treating uninsured patients and questionable financial management. Bowser put $6 million for water bill relief for District residents. There has been ongoing controversy about the exorbitant rates that African-American churches and residents are being charged on their water bills Continued on B2
Anita Bonds is one of two Democratic at-large members of the D.C. Council and the chairman of the D.C. Democratic State Committee. Bonds chairs the committee that deals with housing and is interested in expanding affordable housing options for seniors and young people. Marcus Goodwin is a political newcomer who has a strong development background. Goodwin wants property tax relief for longtime homeowners, fund after school programs and shift school personnel from the administrative office to the classroom. Aaron Holmes is a Ward 8 political activist. Holmes wants to strengthen the relationship between the police and the community, focus on small and minority businesses for positive economic development and strengthen the District’s health-care system east of the Anacostia River.
Delegate to the House of Representatives Eleanor Holmes Norton has served as the District of Columbia’s member of the U.S. Congress since 1991 and is seeking a 15th term. Norton wants to continue the fight for D.C. statehood and make sure that the city operates without the interference of Congress. She also wants to use her congressional platform to bring federal projects to the city.
At Large Members of the Council
Eleanor Holmes Norton
Kim Ford is a former Obama administration official who wants to be a fresh voice on Capitol Hill for the District. Kim Ford She wants to focus on small business as the engine of economic growth and forgive student loan debt and advocate
Anita Bonds
Marcus Goodwin
By James Wright Special to the AFRO jwright@afro.com The District of Columbia’s congressional representative told residents living east of the Anacostia River that she is fighting for them every day and isn’t deterred by Republicans on the Capitol Hill or her opponent in the Democratic primary. D.C. Del. Eleanor Holmes Norton (D) was the keynote speaker for the Ward 7 Democrats meeting at the Dorothy I. Height Benning Neighborhood Library March 24. Norton, seeking a 15th term to the U.S. House of Representative, started the
“She can be in the Congress as long as she likes.” – Vincent Gray
Marcus Goodwin
Jeremiah Lowery is a progressive who wants the city to embrace the clean energy concept, universal childcare that is of high quality and set up a community land trust that would acquire and hold land for the benefit of the community. Continued on B2
Norton Pushes Statehood, Re-election at Ward 7 Dems Meeting
Jeremiah Lowery
meeting talking about the District’s progressive gun laws that are under attack from Republicans. “I want to help D.C. keep its good gun safety laws,” the delegate said. “Sen. Marco Rubio is the greatest opponent of D.C.’s gun laws and he wants to change them but he needs to look at his state.” Rubio represents Florida, the scene of the Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School shooting in Parkland, Continued on B2
Butler Insists He’s Serious About Taking on Bowser in Mayoral Primary By James Wright Special to the AFRO jwright@afro.com James Butler’s butlerformayor.com webpage The common political perception is that District of Columbia Mayor Muriel Bowser doesn’t have a serious challenger but James Butler strongly “Those non-profits could get their homeless person addiction counseling if disagrees. Butler is running for the Democratic Party nomination for mayor on needed as well as other social services,” he said. “It would be a significant dent June 19. He said Bowser isn’t serving the interest of the everyday District resident. in the humanitarian crisis.” “We have a mayor who is beholden to big business,” Butler, a self Butler said another remedy to the District’s homeless crisis is allocating the proclaimed entrepreneur who serves as the advisory neighborhood city’s budget for better use to eliminate the problem. “This city has a $14 billion commissioner for district 5D03, said to a group of residents at Asbury United budget,” he said. “If we used 0.3 of one percent of the budget, $46 million, in Methodist Church on March 24. “We need a leader who is willing to have a the right way, we could end chronic homelessness.” realistic talk about prosperity and disparity in this city. If you are in the pocket In area of public safety, Butler wants to put more speed cameras in the of big business and developers, so is your heart.” District and strengthen community policing. Butler is aware that affordable Butler is a longtime District resident. He is a graduate of Kent State housing is a big issue in the District and wants to strengthen rent control laws. University with a bachelor’s degree and a juris doctorate “Affordable housing in D.C. is a misnomer and what is with the Ohio State University School of Law. He has needed is income-based housing,” Butler said. volunteered with the Capital Area Food Bank, Bread for Regarding the District’s public school system, Butler the City, the Natural Ivy Foundation for the Homeless, said divesting mayoral control of it is a discussion that Carlos Rosario Public Charter School, and Best Kids DC needs to take place. “We have encountered a lot of and worked with initiatives such as the Race against Child problems since mayoral control came into being in 2007,” Hunger with his church, the Greater Mount Calvary Holy he said. “I think we need to look at bringing back the Church. school board.” – James Butler independent In addition to Bowser, Butler is competing against Butler said he would offer tax incentives to grocery political unknowns such as Quincy D. Carter, Manley store chains to open in Wards 7 and 8. There are three M. Collins, Edward Dixon, Victoria Gordon, Ernest full service grocery stores in those two wards that contain E. Johnson, Art Lloyd, Ben Nadler, Fidelis Malachi Pietrocina, Jeremiah D. 150,000 residents. Stanback, and Michael C. Woods. Bowser has $2 million in her campaign Virgil Young Jr., an intelligence and technology professional, is supporting treasury and the powers of incumbency. Butler. “This is a Black man who is willing to help,” Young said of Butler. “I Butler said the District has 6,000 or 7,000 non-profits and believes that if have walked the city’s toughest neighborhoods with him and he is honest and they adopt one homeless person, the homeless problem could be largely solved. caring. He is the one I want to be our next mayor.”
“We have a mayor who is beholden to big business.”
The Afro-American, March 31, 2018 - April 6, 2018
Continued from B1 that is due to a federal mandate to fix the city’s aging storm water system and has nothing to do with their own water usage. Bowser told the AFRO that she is well-aware of the matter and has sent a letter to DC Water indicating that their rates are unfair to District residents. In the meantime, she said water bill rates will continue to rise and the $6 million will help District churches and residents. “We are proposing some relief,” she said. “The $6 million will be used to help low-income households and others. We are also asking DC Water to match the $6 million in relief and freeze some of the charges on residents’ water bills for three years.” There are only three full-service grocery stores in both Wards 7 and 8 and Bowser’s budget has funded a program to deal with that.
“I am aware that developer Jair Lynch is looking to bring a grocer in the Penn Branch shopping center in Ward 7 that could
“Muriel Bowser answered the call with not all but a lot of great wins for Ward 8.” -D.C. Council member Trayon White (D-Ward 8) be Fresh Foods and there is an effort to bring Good Foods Market in another part of Ward 7 as well as a grocer in Ward 8 on Martin Luther King Jr. Avenue. That is the purpose of the
Neighborhood Fund.” Affordable housing is an issue for many Black District residents and the mayor funded the Housing Production Fund Trust at the level of $100 million. She allocated $1.5 million in capital funds to expand the Model Cities & Congress Heights Senior Wellness Centers in Ward 8 and $12.5 million increase for childcare investments, including an increase in childcare subsidies. D.C. Council member Trayon White (D-Ward 8), who has publicly disagreed with Bowser on some issues regarding his ward, praised her budget. “Muriel Bowser answered the call with not all but a lot of great wins for Ward 8,” White said in a message to his constituents urging them to get involved in the budget process. “It’s in the council now so our work is not done.”
Continued from B1
Florida last month, where 17 children were killed. The Stoneman Shooting fueled the “March for Our Lives” march that took place on that day in downtown Washington. Norton said she will block Rubio’s latest attempt, just as she has stopped other attempts from members of Congress to change the city’s gun laws without their consultation or consent. Norton said the key for the District to move ahead legislatively on the Hill is for the Democrats to take control. “Your activism is very important to the turnover in the House,” she said. “We have a good chance to take control of the House and even the Senate.” Ward 7 is located in the northeastern section of the District with a sliver in Southeast. It is the ward that has highest percentage of Blacks in the city, 96.8
Courtesy Photo
Eleanor Holmes Norton is the District of Columbia’s congressional member.
percent according to the 2010 census. The ward includes middle-class enclaves such as Hillcrest and Penn Branch, working and low-income neighborhoods such as
Marshall Heights and Lincoln Heights and gentrifying Deanwood. Norton has served in the U.S. Congress since 1991 and faces political newcomer Kim Ford, who held positions in the Obama administration, in the primary. Norton doesn’t have a full vote on the House floor in the Congress but has full committee privileges and can accrue seniority. The delegate said her top priority during the congressional budget season is to preserve DC TAG, the program that helps District residents attend higher education institutions in other states at in-state rates. “We have thousands of children who have benefited from DC TAG,” she said. “President Trump proposed $30 million for it and we have been maintaining it at the $40 million
level and we kept it there. We want all of our students to come home because they are assets to our economy.” Norton said her focus is to get re-elected. She said she called Ford to thank her for her candidacy. “I have to raise
“Eleanor Holmes Norton is a dear friend,” Gray said. “When her opponent called me to ask for my support I told her you must be kidding. This is someone I actually like. She can be in the Congress as long as she likes.”
Candidates Continued from B1
Ward 1 Member of the Council Sheika Reid wants to make sure that affordable housing is available in her ward and improve its transportation system. Reid is interested in supporting small businesses and working with constituents when they have a conflict with the District government.
Ward 5 Member of the Council
Sheika Reid
Orchestras in Motion! April 9–15, 2018
Kenyan McDuffie was first elected to the D.C. Council in a special election in May 2012 to replace disgraced Council member Harry Thomas Jr. He won his first full term in 2014 and is seeking re-election to his seat. McDuffie believes in fighting crime through dealing with the mental health concerns of residents involved in crime instead of locking people up and is passion about economic development in his ward.
Kenyan McDuffie
Gayle Hall Carley is an advisory neighborhood commissioner and is a U.S. Army veteran. Carley wants to improve public safety in the ward and increase services and activities for young people.
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money and now I can tell my supporters I have an opponent and I thanked her for that,” she said with a chuckle. D.C. Council member Vincent Gray (D-Ward 7) attended the meeting and listened to her remarks.
Nestor Djomkam has worked as an engineer for Holy Cross Hospital and Adventist Healthcare Washington Adventist Hospital and ran for mayor in 2010 and 2014.
Nestor Djomkam
Gayle Hall Carley
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Tickets and info at (202) 467-4600 or SHIFTfestival.org For all other ticket-related customer service inquiries, call the Advance Sales Box Office at (202) 416-8540. Presented in cooperation with the League of American Orchestras Generous support of the SHIFT Festival is provided through a matching grant from The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation; by the D.C. Commission on the Arts & Humanities, which receives support from the National Endowment for the Arts; by Dr. Gary Mather and Ms. Christina Co Mather; and by Michael F. and Noémi K. Neidorff and The Centene Charitable Foundation. This project is supported in part by an award from the National Endowment for the Arts, Abramson Family Foundation, Betsy and Robert Feinberg, and Morton and Norma Lee Funger.
March 31, 2018 - April 6, 2018, The Afro-American
Actress Nicki Micheaux Plays Wife With Checkered Past in New Film By Nadine Matthews Special to the AFRO Many people talk about what they would go to the ends of the earth to do. For actress Nicki Micheaux, the desire to create a better world is more than just talk. Micheaux has literally gone to the ends of the earth in an effort to make the world a better place. “I did a volunteer trip to Zimbabwe a few years ago and I worked at an orphanage. It was very eye opening. We were working with the older girls and trying to help them maneuver into society,” Micheaux tells the AFRO. Micheaux says this without any fanfare but Zimbabwe, where the South Atlantic Ocean meets the Indian Ocean, is one of the southernmost nations in the world. Perhaps most widely known for the controversial dictatorship of Robert Mugabe, it lies, just north of South Africa and west of Mozambique. Micheaux did her volunteer work at the renowned Rose of Charity Orphanage founded by a mom and concerned citizen, Sima Moyo, to help the numerous orphaned children in the area. For Micheaux, who is the mom of an eight year-old and thirteen year-old, her experience in Zimbabwe is just one chapter in a life story where “giving back” has been a central part of her identity and sense of purpose. She has worked with international charity Oxfam for many years. “They’re a great, solid voice for women because Oxfam talks about how we need to lift women and really understand that if you lift the women up, you lift up the culture. No matter what country you’re in, if the women aren’t educated then you lower the entire society. If you lift the woman, you lift everybody.”
(Courtesy photo)
Nicki Micheaux is one of the stars of the upcoming film ‘Lowlife.’
Micheaux, a longtime actress known for her work in fare such as family drama “Lincoln Heights,” “Animal Kingdom,” the HBO comedy “Veep” and “Castle” will soon be seen in the wacky, yet charming, pulp drama “Lowlife” due for release in theaters and on digital platforms April 6. Lowlife centers around Micheaux as Crystal, a woman in possession of scarce resources dealing with the consequences of her checkered past and the pressures of her current life dedicated to a man who is, perhaps, not worthy of her love. Crystal encounters a succession of out of this world characters as the story unfolds. Micheaux describes her character as, “Someone with a lot to overcome. I looked at Crystal and asked ‘Why did she make these mistakes? What would it take for me to end up with my drunk husband running a hotel?’ It was a great challenge to see how small could I make her. ” For fans of Micheaux, “Lowlife” might seem as something of a departure. Though being in projects that could be considered edgy is not new, “Lowlife” goes to a whole new level. Micheaux reveals she has always been a fan of stories that push the envelope and characters that eke out existences on the margins of society. Early in her career, she was a temporary receptionist at Miramax Films. She says she does not have a #meetoo story about former Miramax head Harvey Weinstein. “One of the first scripts I read,” she recalls, “was Pulp Fiction. I just loved it. I remember reading the script and thinking the characters were so defined, I could hear them. It was like when you read a good novel and you hear the characters kind talking to you? They seem so alive. It just really jumped off the page. So it’s funny. I have always wanted to work for Quentin Tarantino.”
Amazing Black Women
Irène P. Mathieu’s Poetic Approach to Global Health By Tilesha Brown Special to the AFRO Irène P. Mathieu was a featured poet at the recent Virginia Festival of the Book. At the New Dominion Book Shop, in downtown Charlottesville, she read to a room full of both fans of her work and new supporters in a program called “Root & Tendril: A Poetry Reading.” But the interesting part about Mathieu is that she is not just a poet. She is also a resident pediatrician, an activist in her own right and a living, breathing exception to the widely accepted rule that you have to choose a career along the beaten path in order to be successful. Through writing, medicine and advocacy, Mathieu has created an award-winning lane for herself. When asked which came first- the poetry or the medicine- she has to pause. Poetry definitely came first, she decides after a brief pause. With both her parents being physicians, she explains that medicine was there from day one. However, she fought it, at least in the beginning. “I did not want to be a doctor for a long time. Part of it was a rebellion— not wanting to follow my parent’s footsteps because to me, medicine was always a default,” she tells the AFRO, “but I always wanted to write. I felt like I was an artist and I wanted to create things.” She was also drawn to social justice and equity issues. Even as a young child, she knew she wanted to help make the world a more fair and balanced place. And hearing her recall her childhood growing up in Charlottesville, Virginia, it’s not hard to understand why. “Growing up in Charlottesville was very isolating,” she says, “the schools that I went to, a lot of times, I just remember a feeling of marginalization. I didn’t feel like I belonged.” She talks about all of this calmly and in a matter-of-fact tone as she sips a cup of coffee at a cafe, anxiously anticipating her debut at the Virginia Festival of the Book in just a few hours. This is an event that she’s attended since she was a little girl. But this year, there’s a marked difference in the tone of the festival. She
is reading from her award-winning collection of poems in a town that has just been catapulted into the international spotlight for the same reasons she felt isolated as a child. In August 2017, violence entrenched the small college town after one person was killed and 19 others hurt when a speeding car slammed into a group of counter-protesters where a white nationalist rally had been scheduled to take place. The events rocked the town and revealed the strong currents of racism that residents say had been bubbling under the surface for a long time. Having grown up there, Mathieu says she’s not surprised that it happened in Charlottesville, and coincidentally, it is events like this that fuel, at least in part, her poetic voice. “I don’t think I do it consciously. I don’t think my writing is propaganda,” she says, “It’s more that I’m writing about the truth of what I feel, and I feel very angry about injustice and inequity.” After years of fighting it, she finally gave in to the call of medicine while in her upperclass years of college. “As I got older, I started to realize… if I can borrow the quote from Dr. King…’Of all the forms of inequality, injustice in health is the most shocking and inhumane.’ “ And that’s when the pieces started to come together. She started to realize that going into medicine was actually a great career for fighting inequities because, she says, inequities are always riddling the body. “You always have bodily manifestations, so this is actually a really neat way of being an advocate and trying to also be a policy maker— someone that can actually influence the structures that can shape people’s health,” she says. While visiting a community in the Dominican Republic, she became interested in the relationship between the caregiver and the patient and she saw how powerful and how comforting and therapeutic that relationship could be. And that’s how she got into medicine again. After returning to the U.S., she finished her pre-requisites for medical school and got into a program shortly after. All the while she was writing. While in medical school, she started to attend workshops and
Photo by Tilesha Brown)
Irène P. Mathieu recently performed her poetry at the Virginia Festival of the Book. ( joined every poetry reading she could in different cities. Then, in 2014, she released her first chapbook and that’s when she started feeling like she could actually become a successful poet. She most recently moved to Philadelphia for her residency in Pediatrics. So for now, her writing schedule is dictated by her program and that schedule varies, but she still finds time to write. So far, it has proven to be exactly the kind of life she wanted to build for herself. She’s an artist and an advocate for justice, equality and global health. She didn’t have to sacrifice one for the other and she encourages others to create their own path the way she did. “If you work really hard at something, then no one can tell you that you don’t deserve it or that you’re not good enough for it or that you can’t do it,” she says. As for Irène’s future, in the next five years, she sees herself in academic medicine at a university hospital, seeing patients at a primary care clinic, doing research and teaching resident university medical students. And, of course, writing.
A Deep Dive with TVs First Black Mermaid, Sibongile Mlambo By Nadine Matthews Special to the AFRO The writers of Freeform’s new series “Siren” really know how to ratchet up the suspense. Although TV’s first Black mermaid Donna, played by Zimbabwean actress and former model Sibongile Mlambo, appears in the first three episodes, she remains an enigma. (Courtesy photo) Mlambo tells the AFRO, Sibongile Mlambo is one “Viewers are gonna gradually of the stars of Freeform’s get to see more of Donna. You do see her right from the first episode so gradually you will see more of her. It will come around episode four.” That isn’t to say that Mlambo’s character Donna hasn’t already made her mark. Donna has been kept away from her beloved sister Ryn who escaped the clutches of the government. Donna has been captured and is being experimented on by government scientists. Though she isn’t in her natural environment, she isn’t without the mythical power of mermaids. It appears that at least one of the scientists is weakening under the spell of her siren songs. Mlambo’s reaction when her manager first approached her about auditioning for the role of a character who is a mermaid is what many of us would expect it to be. “Honestly, when I
got the call about the audition,” she says, “I had doubts.” This despite the fact that Black mermaids and mermen such as the gods and goddesses Nommos and Yemaya have been part of the mythology of Africa and the African diaspora, for centuries. Interestingly, the French variation of the name for Yemaya is ‘La Sirene’. Mlambo remembers, “I was like, ‘Really? A Black mermaid?’ It just goes to show you how you can have preconceived ideas.” Appearing on teen supernatural series “Teen Wolf” and sexy swashbuckling historical saga “Black Sails” though unique acting experiences in their own ways, probably didn’t do much to prepare Mlambo for the specific challenges of her new role. Playing Donna demands a lot of time under water. Stunt people, Mlambo shares, are key. “They are very, very important,” she emphasizes. “I know how to swim, but I’m not a strong swimmer so that was probably the most challenging thing was shooting the scenes underwater. So we had to get training. I had breath holding training and I also had to get PADI certified.” PADI is the Professional Association of Diving Instructors. “Eventually,” she says, “I got to the point where I can hold my breath for two minutes and twenty-eight seconds. Even though they use some CGI we still have to be in the water. We also have to use doubles because it does get tiring.” Judging from the first three episodes, “Siren” has a lot to offer. The show, which premiered March 29, has a thoroughly diverse cast, including a character with a disability. Then there are myriad directions the storyline can take with the relationships between all of the characters who form at least three distinct family units. Donna is Black, while her sister
Ryn, is White. Mlambo explains, “I think that we touch in a lot of themes that are very current. One of those for example, being race. Us being sisters and us being different races, in the world where we come from as mermaids, that doesn’t matter. Considering everything happening in the world right now, it is a big thing to say that doesn’t matter.” One can’t help but grasp as metaphor, the idea of the two mermaid sisters having to adapt to life on land amongst ordinary humans. They will find many welcoming and accommodating, and some hostile. “We are sisters and we are in a completely different world. Yes, It touches on us being foreigners in a foreign land. Just being on land is completely new to us.” Speaking of being in strange places, Mlambo’s work has brought her to a number of different countries, all very different from each other. Of course, she grew up in Zimbabwe in Southeast Africa. She lived in the Dallas area of Texas while pursuing her undergraduate degree in Foreign Languages and Literature at Southern Methodist University, she lived in Spain while modeling, in South Africa while filming “Black Sails,” and now resides in Vancouver, British Columbia on Canada’s west coast, where “Siren” is filmed. She also spends time in Los Angeles when not filming. With a bevy of disparate climates to choose from, she says her favorite is, “Probably Cape Town, South Africa and then a very close contender is Vancouver; especially Vancouver summer. Not so much in the winter when it starts raining but Vancouver in summer is very beautiful, very green. I grew up in Zimbabwe and that’s very much Savannah so British Columbia is just gorgeous.”
The Afro-American, March 31, 2018 - April 6, 2018
Race and Politics
Remembering MLK in the Age of Trump As we reflect on the legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., almost 50 years after his murder on April 4, Sean Yoes 1968, it is Baltimore AFRO impossible Editor syoes@afro.com to consider King without examining his two most famous speeches; “I Have a Dream,” delivered during the March on Washington in 1963 and, “I’ve Been To the Mountaintop,” the speech he gave the day before his assassination in Memphis, Tennessee. But, these are not just King’s most famous speeches, they are two of the most important speeches in American history. The mythic climaxes of each speech envision the elusive promise of freedom, justice and equality for all Americans. “I just want to do God’s will. And He’s allowed me to go up to the mountain. And I’ve looked over. And I’ve seen the Promised Land. I may not get there with you. But I want you to know tonight that we as a people will get to the Promised Land!” King said at the end of the Mountaintop speech in 1968. “And when we allow
…the remnant of King’s ethereal dream seems to be morphing into a Black American nightmare, right before our eyes in the form of Donald J. Trump. freedom to ring, when we let it ring from every village and every hamlet, from every state and every city, we will be able to speed up that day when all of God’s children, Black men and White men, Jews and Gentiles, Protestants and Catholics, will be able to join hands and sing in the words of the old Negro spiritual, ’Free at last. Free at last. Thank God Almighty, we are free at last,’ proclaimed King at the end of the Dream speech. So many had such great expectations for America, Black Americans specifically following the civil rights victories of the 1950s and 1960s. And for those who came of age during those turbulent, transcendent decades and then lived to see the ascension of Barack Obama, the first Black President of the United States, many believed he was the partial manifestation, or at least evidence of the lucidity of King’s dream and his view Continued on B5
Here Are the African Americans Running for Gov. and Lt. Gov. By Sean Yoes Baltimore AFRO Editor syoes@afro.com
Courtesy photo
Veteran legislator Nathaniel Oaks is leaving the Maryland State Senate after accepting a federal plea deal.
Maryland Gov. Larry Hogan and his running mate, Lt. Gov. Boyd Rutherford are running to retain the Governor’s mansion, unopposed by their Republican Party. However, they will be challenged by Democratic opponents and others in the General Election in November. Several Democrats of color will grapple through the primary process to win the Democratic nomination June 26, and ultimately, vie for the opportunity to unseat Hogan and Rutherford.
Sources: Sen. Oaks Resigns, Will Take Plea Deal By Sean Yoes Baltimore AFRO Editor syoes@afro.com
Governor Rushern Baker was elected county executive of Prince George’s County, the wealthiest majority Black county in the nation in 2010, and re-elected in 2014. A native of Valdosta, Georgia, Baker obtained his Bachelor’s and law Rushern Baker degrees from Howard University. He and his wife Christa settled in Prince George’s County in the 1980’s. Baker served in the Maryland House of Delegates representing legislative district 22B, from 1994 to 2003. He has chosen Elizabeth Embry, an attorney and former candidate for Baltimore mayor to be his running mate for Lt. Gov. Ben Jealous served as president and CEO of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP),
James Hugh Jones, II from 2008 to 2013. At 35, he was the youngest person ever to lead the civil rights organization. A native of California, Jealous has roots in Baltimore (his mother Ann Todd Jealous grew up in Baltimore) and spent his summers in the Ashburton community with his maternal grandparents. As a student at Columbia University (he is a Rhodes Scholar and holds degrees from Columbia and St. Anthony’s College, Oxford), Jealous worked as an organizer for the NAACP’s legal defense fund and later with the group’s chapter in Mississippi on funding local Black colleges. While in Mississippi, Jealous worked as a reporter for the Jackson Advocate, the state’s oldest historically Black newspaper, and later became its managing editor. He is currently a partner at Kapor Capital. James Hugh Jones, II is a resident of and business owner in Baltimore City. His Facebook page lists him as a producer at Mystique Media Digital Studios. In 2017, his Facebook page also indicated he was the Pastor of Grace in the Wilderness Ministries.
Lieutenant Governor Sharon Blake is the running mate of Krishanti Vignarajah, to form the state’s first gubernatorial ticket made up of women of color. Blake, a Baltimore resident, is a former Baltimore Teachers Union president, who taught in Baltimore City Public Schools (BCPS) for decades at several Continued on B5
Ben Jealous
Discarded Soda Can Leads to Murder Conviction
Baltimore Area Church News
Holy Week By Joi Thomas Special to the AFRO
We are in the midst of Holy Week, the most important time on the Christian calendar. It is the time when Christians all over the world remember the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. This Friday, many churches all over the city will hold Good Friday services, remembering the death of Jesus on a cross. I encourage you to go to one of these services and remember the sacrifice Jesus made for you. There are several options listed below as well as a few more events going on in the city. I pray you and your family enjoy your Easter weekend. Set the Captives Free Outreach Center 7111 Windsor Blvd Baltimore, Maryland, 21244 Seven Words of Encouragement Service March 30, noon- 2 p.m. Dr. Karen Bethea, Pastor Greater Harvest Baptist Church 1617 Saratoga Street Baltimore, Maryland 21223 Seven Last Sayings Service March 30, 8:30 a.m. Rev. Brent Brown, Pastor Manifest Wonders Christian Center 3600 Edmonson Ave. Baltimore, Maryland 21229 Seven Cries from Calvary March 30, 7 p.m. Elder Lee Michaels, Pastor
According to two sources familiar with the situation, embattled Sen. Nathaniel Oaks (D-41) offered his letter of resignation to the Senate president’s office at around 6 p.m., March 28. He will take a plea deal from federal prosecutors, connected to charges of bribery and fraud. Sources say the plea deal will have him serving six to 18 months in prison. His trial was scheduled for next month. The veteran legislator from the Edmondson Village community of West Baltimore was facing up to 10 years. Oaks was indicted last year on federal fraud charges, accused of using his official position to aid in a fraudulent real estate deal, set up by FBI operatives, in exchange for $15,000. Last month, Oaks was removed from the Senate Finance Committee by Senate President Mike Miller, after a recommendation by the Joint Committee on Legislative Ethics. Oaks was the only member of the Baltimore City Delegation on that influential committee.
New Shiloh Baptist Church 2100 N. Monroe Street Baltimore, Maryland 21217 Seven Last Words of Jesus Christ March 30, 11:45 a.m. Dr. Harold Carter, Jr., Pastor Mount Pleasant Church and Ministries 600 Radecke Ave Baltimore, Maryland 21206 Seven Sayings of Jesus March 30, 10:45 a.m. Bishop Clifford Johnson, Pastor Southern Baptist Church 1701 N. Chester Street Baltimore, Maryland 21213 The Seven Last Words of Christ March 30, 9:30 a.m. and 9:30 p.m. Bishop-Designate Donte Hickman, Pastor Morning Star Baptist Church 1512 Woodlawn Drive Baltimore, Maryland 21207 Good Friday Worship March 30, 11 a.m. Bishop Dwayne C. Debnam, Pastor New Psalmist Baptist Church 6020 Marian Drive Baltimore, Maryland 21215 Good Friday Service March 30, noon Bishop Walter S. Thomas, Pastor New Christian Memorial Church Continued on B5
By Michelle Richardson Special to the AFRO This week, the office of the Baltimore State’s Attorney announced the conviction of a man in the murder of a South Baltimore woman. Dashonn Gipson was sentenced to life in prison for the first degree murder of Tiffany Lowery. On June 8, 2016, Baltimore Police Department (BPD), detectives responded to the 1300 blk. of James St., at 7:00 p.m. because of a shooting. When units arrived, they found a woman suffering from multiple gunshot wounds to the back. A medical examiner later determined Lowery died from seven gunshot wounds. Her death was ruled a homicide. BPD recovered surveillance video from a nearby convenience store that showed the suspect shooting in the
54 2018 Total
Courtesy photo
Dashonn Gipson was sentenced to life in prison for the murder of Tiffany Lowery. direction of the victim. In the video footage, Gipson allegedly discarded a soda can. Detectives located that soda can and found Gipson’s fingerprints on it. With the video, soda can and statements from witnesses that identified Gipson as the shooter, a warrant was issued and he was arrested on firstdegree murder charges.
Continued on B5
Last Seven Days
Data as of March 28
March 31, 2018 - April 6, 2018, The Afro-American
Entertainment and Community Support
Hello everyone, how was your week? I have been a little under the weather for the last week or so. I had stomach surgery last week. The doctors were trying to find and remove a tumor that did not belong there. I am at home recuperating now. I’m a little sore, but doing okay. Keep me in your prayers, I feel very blessed and I have no complaints. Check this out, I am still able to talk to you. I have some great stuff for you this week coming up. First, we have the celebration of Easter, which is a very special day for the church people. I believe the women still dress up in their special Alvin Kirby Brunson, an educator, attire, including visionary and the founder of the the fancy hats Center for Cultural Education, was floating on their one of Baltimore’s most dedicated heads. Then there historians. In honor of his memory, are the folks who March 30 form 12 noon-1 p.m. like to celebrate 500 block of Wilson Street will be with special dinners renamed “Alvin Kirby Brunson Way,” and events, which during a ceremony March 30, 12 is good also. Well, noon-1 p.m. To Brunson’s family and my dear friends friends I say congratulations, it is Yvette Monroe and long overdue. her committee,
which includes the owners and staff of the Forum Caterers, have put together a one-of-a-kind Easter buffet dinner on April 1, 3 p.m.-6 p.m. The Easter Sunday event will include live entertainment, a guest comedian and a buffet that will blow your mind. So, after church you march yourself with your better half, children, grandchildren and the rest of your family, and enjoy a great Easter Sunday dinner. Tell Nikita and her brother that I sent you. To make an early reservation, call 410-358-1101. The Eric Byrd Trio I want to congratulate and will be performing welcome my new brothers, members at the Randallstown of Nubian Lodge 132. They received their charter on Oct. 17 and have been Community Center, 3505 Resource Dr., blessed with 15 brothers. They are on Apr. 7, 6 p.m.under the auspices of Acacia Grand 8 p.m. The event Lodge of Maryland, Bro. Jonathan will be hosted by Brickhead and Grand Master Bro. Contemporary Darrell W. Again, welcome to our Arts, for “Jazz beautiful order. You can email the Appreciation brothers at nubianlodge132@gmail. Month.” For ticket com. information, call Coming up, an event hosted by Barbara Harrell Contemporary Arts, in celebration of Grubbs at 410-944Jazz Appreciation Month. The Eric 2909. Byrd Trio, will perform with some foot tapping Bebop that grabs you by the shirt collar and won’t let go until you are on the floor dancing. The concert will be at the Randallstown Community
Center, 3505 Resource Drive, in Randallstown, Md., on April 7, 6 p.m.-8 p.m. For ticket information, call 410-944-2909. Alright, the weather is getting a little bit warmer and starting April 4, the Vulcan Blazers at 2811 Druid Hill Park Dr., will be another adult entertainment spot to go to for the older crowd. It will be a crab night at the Vulcan Blazers from 6 p.m.-10 p.m., and DJ Mike Jones will entertain you with dance music, until your legs can’t take it. Before I leave you, I want to remind you that April 8, the Baltimore Farmers Market and Bazaar returns with live entertainment, arts and crafts and of course a lot of food including vegetables, fruits and meats. I will tell you more on this next time. I am out of space now. But remember PANNLARA Youth Steel Orchestra, with if you need spectacular musical performances by me, call me at Steve Higgins, Braata Folk Singers and 410-833-9474 Jillian More in concert on March 31, 7 or email me p.m.-10 p.m. The concert will be at the at rosapryor@ Eleanor Roosevelt High School 7601 aol.com. Until Hanover Pkwy., in Greenbelt, Md. For the next time, ticket information call 888-200-7207. I’m musically yours.
Five. She was vice president of the Council from 2009 to 2010 and president from 2010 to 2011.
She has also worked for former Govs. Parris Glendening and William Donald Schaefer.
Vote 2018 Continued from B1
Baltimore County Executive. She was a 2016 Democratic candidate for the House of Representatives, but withdrew from the race in 2015. She served on the Montgomery County Council from 2006 to 2014 representing District
Luwanda Jenkins, a former aide to Gov. Martin O’Malley is the running mate of Sen. Richard Madaleno, Jr.
She is a native of the Forest Park community of Northwest Baltimore and a graduate of Western High School. Jenkins obtained her undergraduate degree from Towson State University and a Master’s in business management from Johns Hopkins University.
Brandon Scott, a member of the Baltimore City Council is the running mate of attorney Jim Shea. Scott,
Sharon Blake different city schools. She retired from BCPS last year. Valerie Ervin, a former Montgomery County Council president, is the running mate of Kevin Kamenetz, the
Valerie Ervin
Luwanda Jenkins
Brandon Scott
Charles S. Waters
who represents the Second District in East Baltimore, is vice chair of the Council’s Public Safety Committee and last year released a crime reduction plan, “Live to Be More.” Scott has also been a vocal critic of the Pugh and has been viewed as a probable opponent of Mayor Pugh in 2020. Charles S. Waters, a Baltimore resident is the running mate of James Hugh Jones. According to his Facebook page, Waters studied at Faith Bible College and graduated from Archbishop Curley High School. He is the Pastor of the New Generation Ministries of Baltimore.
Race and Politics Continued from B1
from the mountaintop. The substance and significance of Obama’s presidency may be debated for centuries. However, there is little debate the 44th President altered the trajectory of America like no other president had before him. Yet, after eight years of Obama, almost 3,000 days of the beautiful, Black Obama family occupying the White House built by slaves, the remnant of King’s ethereal dream seems to be morphing into a Black American nightmare, right before our eyes in the form of
Continued from B1 “Tiffany Lowery is no longer here because of this perpetrator’s blatant disregard for human life,” said Marilyn Mosby, the Baltimore City State’s Attorney, in a statement. “Clearly, he should not live freely in our community after such a reckless act, and I am pleased we were able to secure these convictions and sentences so that he will never have the opportunity to take another life in our city again.” In addition to life, Gipson was also sentenced to 20 years and charged with the use of a handgun in the commission of a crime of violence. He was also sentenced to an additional five years for being a prohibited person in possession of a firearm.
Donald J. Trump. Because, 50 years after King’s death, the vast majority of Black America finds itself in a peculiar and precarious space; enduring the volatile reign of the most unqualified, lazy, larcenous, lying, willfully ignorant, and therefore dangerous, man ever to occupy the White House. From his descension of the escalator of Trump Tower June 16, 2016, where he branded Mexicans as “rapists and murderers,” to his ascension to 1600 Pennsylvania Ave., the
Holy Week Continued from B1
3525 West Caton Ave. Baltimore, Maryland 21229 Seven Last Sayings Service March 30, 7 p.m. Rev. Dr. Walter Bronson, Pastor Empowerment Temple AME Church 4217 Primrose Ave Baltimore, Maryland 21215 Seven Last Words March 30, 7:30 p.m. Dr. Jamal Bryant, Pastor Ark Church 1263 E. North Ave Baltimore, Maryland 21202 Good Friday Service March 30, 7 p.m.
Bishop J. L. Carter, Pastor New Bethlehem Baptist Church 6665 Security Boulevard Baltimore, Maryland 21207 Empowerment Encounter Conference 2018 April 3-April 4, 7 p.m. Dr. Lisa Weah, Pastor Rising Zion Baptist Church 2300 Llewelyn Ave Baltimore, Maryland 21213 40th Pastoral and Church Anniversary April 4-April 6, 7 p.m. April 8, 11 a.m. Rev. Theodore D. Addison, Sr., Pastor
former reality television star has pushed a White nationalist agenda, overtly and covertly. He is arguably the most openly anti-Black U.S. President since Woodrow Wilson, who proclaimed the Ku Klux Klan propaganda film, “Birth of a Nation,” was “like writing history with lightning.” Where millions may view the fictional kingdom of Wakanda as inspirational and aspirational, Trump only sees a sh*thole fantasy. What would King have thought if he had witnessed Barack Obama orchestrate the orderly transfer of the power of the presidency to Trump, the man who orchestrated the racist lie of “birtherism?” Would he still believe in
the vibrancy of his dream, or would he adhere to Langston Hughes’ “A Dream Deferred?” King made famous a quote by the abolitionist and Unitarian minister Theodore Parker. “The arc of the moral universe is long, but it bends towards justice.” For many Black Americans, the arc has become longer in the age of Trump and the bend toward justice less discernible. Sean Yoes is the Baltimore editor of the AFRO and host and executive producer of the AFRO First Edition video podcast, which airs Monday and Friday on the AFRO’s Facebook page.
HOLY WEEK SERVICES Tuesday thru Thursday, March 25th - 29th 11:30 a.m. - Bishop Frank M. Reid, III, Preaching 7:00 p.m. - Tuesday - Rev. Carita Brown 7:00 p.m. - Wednesday - Bishop Walter S. Thomas and New Psalmist Baptist Church 7:00 p.m. - Thursday - Seven Last Words - Six Preachers from Sharon and Guest (Rev. Helen Mayo) Friday, March 30th 11:45 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. - Good Friday Service at New Shiloh Baptist Church Sunday, April 1 8:00 a.m. - Easter Prayer Watch and Pageant 10:00 a.m. - Easter Worship Service
Sharon Baptist Church 1375 N. Stricker Street • Baltimore, MD 21217 Dr. Alfred C. D. Vaughn, Senior Pastor • Dr. William E. Johnson, Jr., Pastor
The Afro-American, March 31, 2018 - April 6, 2018
Sacramento Kings, Boston Celtics, Wear T-Shirts Honoring #StephonClark By Micha Green AFRO Washington, D.C. Editor mgreen@afro.com Caption: Sacramento Kings players Vince Carter, right, and Justin Jackson along with their teammates and Boston Celtics players wear T-shirts in memory of Stephon Clark before the start of an NBA basketball game against the Celtics in Sacramento, Calif., Sunday, March 25, 2018. Clark was killed during a confrontation with Sacramento Police on March 18 in the backyard of his grandmother’s home. (AP Photo/Steve Yeater) In 2014, the Brooklyn Nets and Cleveland Cavaliers stood in solidarity after the death of Eric Garner wearing t-shirts with his famously tragic last words, “I can’t breathe,’’; then again in 2017, with outspoken NBA superstar LeBron James leading the helm, the Cavs against the Boston Celtics linked arms speaking out against police brutality in their season opener. On Sunday, March 25, the Sacramento Kings and Boston Celtics served as athlete-activists when they wore t-shirts in commemoration of Stephon Clark, the unarmed 22-year-old who was shot to his death 20 times by a police officer in Sacramento. The t-shirts from Sunday’s game, which players wore during warm-ups read, “Accountability. We are one.” The back of each shirt said, “#StephonClark”. Akachi Okugo, a King’s player development staff member,
(AP Photo/Steve Yeater)
Sacramento Kings players Vince Carter, right, and Justin Jackson along with their teammates and Boston Celtics players wear T-shirts in memory of Stephon Clark before the start of an NBA basketball game against the Celtics in Sacramento, Calif. Clark was killed during a confrontation with Sacramento Police on March 18 in the backyard of his grandmother’s home. initially came up with the idea of the shirts, but was put into action by guard Garrett Temple, who has been extremely forthright regarding his feelings about police brutality.
“It’s probably the toughest job in America and I applaud them for putting their lives on the line every night, every day, but with that comes responsibility. That’s the mantle that they carry and the burden that they bear,” Temple said according to “CBS News”. Celtics forward, Jaylen Brown, also spoke about his ability to join in the activism. “For the family I know it’s tough. No gesture can bring your son back, but as NBA players and people of influence, we have to continue to speak up about things,” said forward Jaylen Brown. Players from both teams also participated in a video promoting unity. “These tragedies have to stop. There must be accountability. Black, white, brown- we are one,” the players said in the video. The NBA had to approve the teams’ participation in the video, and members from both expressed their appreciation for the league allowing them to use their platform to speak out against police brutality. For players like Temple, the hope is that such activism will not only gain the support of fans and the American people, but also help police officers when they have to respond to a crime. “That may make police think twice about pulling that trigger if there is a little more consequence for those actions,” Temple said.
DeMarcus Cousins Offers to Pay for Funeral of Stephon Clark
LaVar Ball Set to Hold Junior Basketball Association Tryouts in April
By Perry Green AFRO Sports Editor pgreen@afro.com
former UCLA Basketball legend Ed O’Bannon and former NBA player and head coach Earl Watson as key members of his selection committee for the talent of the JBA. His LaVar Ball recently reminded the world eldest son, Los Angeles Lakers star rookie that he’s serious about starting the Junior Lonzo Ball, will also be a part of the selection Basketball Association and that it will be committee. coming very soon. “I believe this is a great opportunity Ball used Slam for young athletes to Magazine Monday to showcase their skills. announce that the JBA According to [NCAA will begin recruiting President] Mark Emmert, players during a athletes who want to series of open tryouts, focus on getting ready for starting April 7. The the next level and want tryouts will take place to be paid have no place in eight different cities in college sports,” said across the country, O’Bannon in a statement starting on the Westreleased to SLAM. coast with its first stop “The Junior Basketball in Seattle, according Association will now to the JBA official provide an alternate website. Others cities option for them. I’m include L.A, Dallas, looking forward to getting Houston, Atlanta, started.” Chicago, N.Y. and O’Bannon, who led (AP Photo/Carlos Osorio) Philadelphia. UCLA to a national Los Angeles Lakers guard Lonzo Ball Players from age championship in 1995, 17 to 19 are eligible to (pictured) will help his father, LaVar, filed a lawsuit against the get the Junior Basketball Association tryout. NCAA nearly nine years started. “We said three ago for commercializing months ago that we his image and likeness were in it to change the game, and now we’re without compensating him. The U.S. Court excited to finally get to work,” said Ball, who of Appeals eventually decided in O’Bannon’s told Slam he’s not only paying his players favor in 2015, ruling that the NCAA’s upwards to $10,000 a month, but will also amateurism rules (which restricts student give away luxury cars like “Mercedes, BMWs athletes from earning money for their talent) or Cadillacs” to the league’s championship violate federal antitrust laws. winners. “I think having guys like Ed, Earl and “This movement shouldn’t just be about Lonzo come in and support the movement catering to top prospects,” Ball continued. shows that there’s people out there that care,” “Any talented baller deserves the chance to get Ball said “They see how important it is to seen and recognized.” provide these kinds of opportunities to guys Ball also revealed that he has brought on who can ball.”
NBA star DeMarcus Cousins has offered to pay for the funeral expenses of Stephon Clark, the 22-yearold unarmed Black man that was shot by police in Sacramento March 18 while holding a cell phone on his own family’s property. According to reports, (Nathan Denette/The Canadian Press via AP) Cousins—an All-Star center New Orleans Pelicans center DeMarcus Cousins (0) who played the first seven offered to pay fo the funeral expenses of an unarmed years of his career for the black man, Stephon Clark, who was killed by police. Sacramento Kings—reached out to the Clark family. NBA writer Jason Jones of the Sacramento Bee first reported Cousin’s offer via Twitter. According to Jones, former Kings forward Matt Barnes, a Sacramento native, also reached out to pay for the funeral. Cousins and Barnes made their offers after the Clark family had set up a GoFundMe page to raise money for the funeral; according to the SacBee, the Clarks set a goal of $50,000 for the funeral and had raised $79,000 by March 28. The funeral was scheduled to take place at the Bayside Boss Church in Sacramento with the Rev. Al Sharpton delivering the eulogy. Cousins’ offer also came in the wake of demonstrations outside the Kings’ home arena before a game against the Atlanta Hawks on March 22. The protest was to bring national attention to Clark’s shooting. The Clark family has not said yet if it will accept the offer from Cousins, who has a long history of community activism. Cousins was given the NBA’s Community Assist Award for his charity work in the Sacramento community. Cousins had also paid for the funeral of Jaulen Clavo, a 15-year-old Sacramento teen who was murdered in 2015.
By Perry Green AFRO Sports Editor pgreen@afro.com
March 31, 2018 - April 6, 2018, The Afro-American
s part of a media tour for the Washington D.C. launch of her new program, Take Flight with SE4K, Miss USA, Kára McCullough, visited hot spots in the renowned U Street corridor, formerly known as Black Broadway. On Sat. Mar 24, McCullough launched Take Flight with SE4K (Science Exploration 4 Kids) at the Reagan National Airport, Terminal A with students from across the D.C. Metropolitan area. The self funded organization, Science Exploration for Kids, is designed to promote opportunities in math and science which Kára is passionate about as she worked
Miss USA with Executive Director of The Thurgood Marshall Center, Thomasina Yearwood
Miss USA, Kára McCullough with SangMe Lee, President and CEO of Emerson Preparatory School
Miss USA Kára McCullough drawing a prize from Andrea Reinhart
Miss USA, Kara McCoullough with members of the Metropolitan Police Academy cadets
as a scientist in the Nuclear Regulatory Commission before becoming Miss USA. While in D.C., Kára was able to tour the historic Thurgood Marshall Center, meet with some high school students from Emerson Preparatory Schools, and stop by the iconic Ben’s Chili Bowl to snack on a half-smoke chili dog.
The students who won the prize drawing
Miss USA with faculty and students at Emerson Preparatory School
Miss USA with a baby at Ben’s Chili Bowl
Mrs. Virginia Ali, Owner/Operator, Ben’s Chili Bowl, Micha Green, Editor, Washington Office, Afro American Newspaper, Kára McCullough, Miss USA, Vida Ali, Day Shift Manager at Ben’s Chili Bowl and Edgar Brookins, General Manager, Washington Office, Afro American Newspaper
Last week we mistakenly identified Chairman of the Congressional Black Caucus, Rep. Cedric Richmond (D-LA) as “Rep. Cedric Redmond (D-LA).” We regret the error.
Mr. Nizam Ali, son of Virginia Ali, Mrs. Virginia Ali, Kára McCullough, Miss USA and Vida Ali
Miss USA with her mother, Betty Parker-McCullough
Kára about to bite into a famous Ben’s Chili Bowl halfsmoke
Kára with Mrs. Virginia Ali (far left) and Vida Ali (2nd from the left) and Ben’s Chili Bowl staff members Photos by Brigette White and Ron Baker
Photos by James Fields Sr.
Bro. Dr. Richard T. Adams
Bro. Rev. Timothy McFadden-Presiding
2017 Scholars Class
On March 24, the Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Delta Lambda Chapter held their annual Lenten Prayer Breakfast. Dr. Marco K. Merrick, president of the chapter, greeted the audience. The Carter Legacy Singers had the crowd on its feet with their singing. The 2017 Beautillion Scholars were recognized and awards were presented to each of the honorees. The Delta Lambda Chapter performed the ceremonial Fraternal Hymn/Prayer.
Catherine and Clayton Stansbury, Past President
Rev.Timothy McFadden, Dr. Hoffman F. Brown (honoree), Mrs.Annette March-Grier (honoree), Rev. Domanic Smith (honoree), Dr. Odessa Dorkins (honoree), Rev. Donte Hickman (honoree), Rev. Frances ”Toni” Draper, Dr. Marco K. Merrick (president of the Delta Lambda Chapter of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity), Rev. Bernard Keels (honoree), Bro. Dr. Anton Bizzell
Fraternal Hymn/Prayer Alpha Brothers Gloria Dean Braxton, Jean Merrick and Jeri Perkins
Rev. Dr. Frances “Toni” Drape, AFRO CEO/Publisher, honoree (center) and guests
Rev. Dominic Smith and son Dillon-Seth Smith
A ministerial breakfast with Baltimore City’s State’s Attorney Marilyn Mosby, was held at the Teavolve Café and Lounge in Fells Point, March 28. Mosby was introduced by veteran defense attorney, William “Billy” Murphy, Jr. Several ministers from the Baltimore Metropolitan area were in attendance. The event was hosted by: Rev. Dr. A.C.D. Vaughn, Bishop Frank Reid, Bishop Willard Saunders, Rev. Dr. Harold Carter, Jr., Rev. Dr. Jamal Harrison Bryant and Rev. Dr. Donte Hickman courtesy photo
To purchase this digital photo page contact Takiea Hinton: thinton@afro.com or 410.554.8277.
Napoleon Ibiezugbe & described the provisions of D.C. COLUMBIA ORDERED by the Super- Real Property Kevin FalknerTucker ior Court of the District of above to appear in this Code §47-1361, or anFamily, LLC the 23rd day of swer the complaint, or Columbia, that notice JM1 Investments LLC be Court byServe: 2018,Bowser and redeem thereafter, a final judggiven by the insertion JM1 Investments LLCof a May,Muriel Civil Action No. RealofProperty by of pay- ment will be entered foreMayor the District copy of this Order in the the Yuvora Nong, Esq. 2018 CA 000608 L(RP) ment of $3906.38, plus in- closing the right of reColumbia 1350 PennWa s h i n gCarrocio t o n A f rJr. oCharles ACTION INVOLVING from Avenue, the date the demption in the Real sylvania American, newspaper terest District of aColumbia REAL PROPERTY was sold, NW Washington, D.C. all Property and vesting in having a general Water & Sewercircula- Certificate CALENDAR 18 provided for by the Plaintiff a title in fee tion in theOccupant District of expenses20004 Unknown MAGISTRATE JUDGE Columbia, once a week D.C. Code §47-1377 and simple. RENEE RAYMOND and Serve§47-1361, also: for three (3) successive D.C. Code And all outstanding municipal A. Racine, Attorney weeks, notifying all per- Karl THORNTON MELLON Clerk of the Court liens amounts due and of the District of sons interested in the General (For Purposes of D.C. LLC By: James D McGinley owing on441 the 4th RealStreet, PropReal §47-1371(b)(1)(G)) Property described Columbia Code accordance with NW in Washington, D.C. above to appear in this erty TYPESET: Mon Mar 19 17:23:19Plaintiff, EDT 2018 20001 of D.C. Court the 23rdOF day of the provisions THEby DISTRICT 03/16, 03/23, 03/30/18 Code §47-1361, or anMay, 2018, and redeem COLUMBIA v. Pursuant to the Chief swer the complaint, or Judge´s Administration the Real Property by pay- And IN THE SUPERIOR plus in- thereafter, a final judgServe: JOHNNumber T. DUREN, JR.it is ment of $4238.50, Order 02-11, COURT OF THE ment will beowners enteredofforeunknown the terestMuriel fromBowser the date the All Earnest Rosa Smith this 23rd &day of January, DISTRICT OF closing the right of reproperty described Certificate was sold, Mayor of the District of all real S.M. Prestegard & Renee 2018, COLUMBIA demption the deviReal their inheirs, expenses provided for by below, Columbia1350 PennFauntroy CIVIL DIVISION Property and vesting personal repre-in Code §47-1377 sylvania Avenue, and sees, S.M. Prestegard & Renee ORDERED by the Super- D.C. the Plaintiff a title in fee sentatives, executors, D.C. Code §47-1361, and NW Washington, D.C. Fauntroy ior Court of the District of Civil Action No. simple. grantees, 20004 municipal administrators, Unknownthat Occupant Columbia, notice be all outstanding 2018 CA 000615L(RP) given by the insertion of a liens amounts due and assigns or successors in ACTION INVOLVING AFRO Classified minimum ad rate is $26.54 per of the Court and interest and on thealso: Real Prop- right, title,Clerk Payment Policy foroflegal And copy this notice Order inadvertisements. the owing Serve REAL PROPERTY D McGinley andJames all persons haverty A. in Racine, accordance with any By: Karl Attorney Wa s h i n g t o n A f r o CALENDAR 18 col. inch (an inch consists of up to 20 words). Effective immediately,MAGISTRATE The Afro American Newspapers will require prepayment notices. ingall or legal claiming to have any the provisions of D.C. General offor thepublication District of of Purposes of D.C. American, a newspaper JUDGE (For 03/16, 03/23, 03/30/18 interest, including adCode §47-1361, or anColumbia 441 4th Street, Code §47-1371(b)(1)(G)) Mail in your ad on form below along with having a general circulaRENEE Payment will be accepted in theRAYMOND* form of chwecks, credit card or moneyNW order.the Anycomplaint, returned checks will be subject or verse possession, in the D.C. tion in the District of swerWashington, CHECK or MONEY ORDER to: leasehold or the fee simthereafter, a final judgto a $25.00 processing fee and may resultColumbia, inTHE theDISTRICT suspension of any future20001 advertising at our discretion. once aOF week THORNTON MELLON COLUMBIA for three (3) successive ment will be entered fore- ple in the real property and LLC WASHINGTON AFRO-AMERICAN CO. closing the right of re- premises, situate, lying weeks, notifying all per- And TYPESET: Mon Mar 19 17:03:33Plaintiff, EDT 2018 Serve: sons interested in the demption in the Real and being in the District of 1917 Benning Road, N.E. LEGAL NOTICES Property vesting LEGAL NOTICES LEGAL NOTICES unknownand owners of thein Columbia LEGAL described NOTICESas LEGAL NOTICES Bowser Real Muriel Property described All v. 2100 Channing St NE, the Plaintiff a title in fee Washington, D.C. 20002-4723 real property described necessary for redemption Mayor of the District of above to appear in this simple./s/ their heirs, devi- WA S H I N G T O N , D C have not been paid. Columbia1350 IN THE SUPERIOR Court by the 23rdPennday of below, RONALD P. KINGSBURY Attn: Clsf. Adv. Dept. sees, personal repre- 20018, Square: 4111E, Pursuant to of the Chief May, sylvania Avenue, NW COURT OF 2018, and redeem Estate Clerkexecutors, of the Court Lot 0027, assessed to the Judge´s Washington, D.C. 20004 THE DISTRICT OF the Real Property by pay- sentatives, RonaldAdministration Kingsbury By: James Dgrantees, McGinley owner of record listed Order Number 02-11, it is ment of $5089.93, plus in- administrators, COLUMBIA District of Columbia t h i s Water _ _ _ _& Sewer day of also:date the assigns or successors in above, CIVIL DIVISION terest Serve from the _____________, 2017, Karl A. Racine, Certificate wasAttorney sold, all right, title, and interest and Unknown Occupant General of provided the District Civil Action No. expenses for of by any and all persons havDefendants. 03/16, 03/23, 03/30/18 claiming to have any ORDERED by the SuperColumbia 441 4th Street, 2018CA000997 L(RP) D.C. Code §47-1377 and ing or And TYPESET: Mon Mar 19 17:02:38 EDT 2018 ior Court of the District of NW D.C. ACTION INVOLVING D.C. Washington, Code §47-1361, and interest, including adORDER OF Columbia, that notice 20001 municipal verse possession, in the REAL PROPERTY (For Purposes of D.C.be all outstanding WASHINGTON, DC PUBLICATION given §47-1371(b)(1)(G)) by the insertion of a liens amounts due and leasehold or the fee simCALENDAR 18 Code 20018. The Complaint IN THE SUPERIOR copy of this Order in the And MAGISTRATE JUDGE owing on the Real Prop- ple in the real property and In accordance with D.C. states, among other COURT OF WaTHE s h i nDISTRICT g t o n A f rOF oRENEE RAYMOND* erty in accordance with premises, situate, lying Official Code §47-1375 things, that the amounts THE DISTRICT American, a newspaper All unknown owners the and being in the District of (2001 ed.), the object of the provisions ofofD.C. COLUMBIA necessary for redemption OF COLUMBIA this proceeding is to sehaving a general circula- real described THORNTON MELLON Codeproperty §47-1361, or an- Columbia described as have not been paid. CIVIL DIVISION tion inMuriel the Bowser District of below, theircomplaint, heirs, deviLLC swer the or 1 9 0 1 3 r d S t N W , cure the foreclosure of the Serve: Pursuant to the Chief right of redemption in the Columbia, once a week personal reprethereafter, a final judg- WA S H I N G T O N , D C Mayor of the District of sees, Judge´s Administration Civil Action No. for three (3) successive sentatives, executors, Plaintiff, ment will be entered fore- 20001, Square: 3088, Lot following real property loColumbia Order Number 02-11, it is 2018 CA 000523 L (RP) cated in the District of weeks, notifying all per- administrators, grantees, closing the right of re- 0020, assessed to the this 23RD day of January, ACTION INVOLVING sons interested in the assigns or successors in owner of record listed Columbia to the Plaintiff in v. demption in the Real 1350 Pennsylvania 2018, Mon Mar 19 16:36:24 2018 REAL PROPERTY this Action:EDT Square: 4111E above, Real Property described right, title, and andin TYPESET: Property andinterest vesting Avenue, NW ORDERED by the SuperCALENDAR 18 Lot: 0027, SQUARE: 4111 above to appear in this any all persons MAXWELL APARTMENT the and Plaintiff a title inhavfee Washington, D.C. 20004 ior Court of the District of MAGISTRATE JUDGE SUFFIX: E LOT: 0027, Defendants. Court by the 13th day of ing or claiming to have any CO. simple. Columbia, that notice be RENEE RAYMOND which may also be known June, 2018, and redeem interest, including adIN THE SUPERIOR Serve also: given by the insertion of a as 2100 Channing St NE, ORDEROF OF the Property by pay- verse possession, the COURT MAXWELL APARTMENT Clerk of theinCourt KarlReal A. Racine, Attorney copy of this Order in the THORNTON MELLON WASHINGTON, DC PUBLICATION ment of $3147.43, plus inTHE DISTRICT CO. General of the District of leasehold or the fee simWa s h i n g t o n A f r o LLC with D.C. 20018. The Complaint terest from the date the ple in theJames real property and In accordance OF COLUMBIA Unknown Occupant By: D McGinley Columbia American, a newspaper TYPESET: Mon Mar 19 17:00:04 EDT 2018 §47-1375 states, among other Certificate was sold, CIVILCode DIVISION 441 4th Street, NW all premises, situate, lying Official having a general circulaPlaintiff, things, that the amounts (2001 ed.), the object of expenses provided for by and being in the District of And Washington, D.C. 20001 20019. The Complaint tion in the District of v. proceeding is to se- necessary for redemption D.C. Code §47-1377 and Columbia described as this Civil Action No. 03/16, 03/23, 03/30/18 states, among other IN THE SUPERIOR Columbia, once a week of the have not been paid. D.C. Code §47-1361, and 350 V St SE, WASHING- cure 2018the CAforeclosure 000524 L (RP) (For Purposes of D.C. And things, that the amounts COURT OF for three (3) successive KIDANE GEBREHIWOT of redemption in the Pursuant to the Chief all outstanding municipal TON, DC 20001, Square: right ACTION INVOLVING Code §47-1371(b)(1)(G)) necessary for redemption THE DISTRICT weeks, notifying all perFikremariamh Mebrahtu Judge´s Administration following real property loliens amounts due and 3082, Lot 0812, assessed REAL PROPERTY All unknown owners of the have not been paid. OF COLUMBIA sons interested in the HSBC Bank in the District of Order Number 02-11, it is owingproperty on the Real Prop- to the owner of record cated CALENDAR 18 THE DISTRICT OF real described Pursuant to the Chief CIVIL DIVISION Real Property described HSBC Bank Columbia to the JUDGE Plaintiff in this 23RD day of January, erty in their accordance with listed above, MAGISTRATE COLUMBIA below, heirs, deviJudge´s Administration above to appear in this Citibank NA EDT 20183088 2018, this Action: Square: the provisions D.C. TYPESET: Mon Mar 19 16:50:39 RENEE RAYMOND sees, personal of repreOrder Number 02-11, it is Civil Action No. Court by the 23RD day of Citibank NA ORDERED by the SuperLot: 0020, SQUARE: Code §47-1361, or anDefendants. Serve: Muriel Bowser sentatives, executors, this 23RD day of January, May, 2018, and redeem 2018 CA 000540 L (RP) Bierman, Geesing & swer the complaint, or 3088 LOT: 0020, which ior Court of the District of THORNTON MELLON Mayor of the District of administrators, grantees, 2018, ACTION INVOLVING the Real Property by payWard, Trustees thereafter, a final judgORDER OF may also LLC be known as Columbia, that notice be Columbia IN THE SUPERIOR assigns or successors in ORDERED by the SuperREAL PROPERTY ment of $4073.54, plus inUnknown Occupant menttitle, will and be entered PUBLICATION 1 9 0 1 3 r d S t N W , given by the insertion of a COURT OF THE right, interestforeand ior Court of the District of CALENDAR 18 terest from the date the copy of this Order in the closing the right of reIn accordance with D.C. W A S H I N G T O N , D C Plaintiff, 1350 Pennsylvania DISTRICT OF any and all persons havColumbia, that notice be MAGISTRATE JUDGE Certificate was sold, all Wa s h i n g t o n A f r o demption in tothe Code §47-1375 20001.Thev. Complaint Avenue, NW COLUMBIA ing or claiming haveReal any Official given by the insertion of a Rates RENEE RAYMOND expenses Legal providedAdvertising for by American, a newspaper And Property and vestingadin (2001 ed.), the object of states, among other Washington, D.C. 20004 CIVIL DIVISION interest, including copy of this Order in the D.C. Code §47-1377 and the Plaintiff a title in in the fee this proceeding is to se- things, that the amounts having a general circulaWOODRIDGE verse possession, Effective October 1, 2008 Wa s h i n g t o n A f r o THORNTON MELLON D.C. Code §47-1361, and (For Purposes of D.C. tion in the District of simple. cure the foreclosure of the necessary for redemption HOLDINGS LLC Serve also: Civil Action No. leasehold or the fee simAmerican, a newspaper LLC all outstanding municipal Columbia, once a week Code §47-1371(b)(1)(G)) of redemption in the haveWOODRIDGE not been paid. Karl A. Racine, 2018CA000552 L(RP) ple in the real property and right having a general circulaliens amounts due and /s/ James D McGinley to the HOLDINGS LLCChief for three (3) successive Attorney premises, situate, lying following real property lo- Pursuant tion in the District of Plaintiff, owing on the Real Prop- DIVISION PROBATE weeks, notifying all perActing Clerk ofDistrict the Court in INVOLVING the District of Judge´s NapoleonAdministration Ibiezugbe & General of the District of ACTION and being in the of cated Columbia, once a week v. erty in accordance with THE DISTRICT OF sons interested in the Columbia to the Plaintiff in Order Number 02-11, it is Kevin Falkner Columbia REAL PROPERTY Columbia described as for three (3) successive the provisions of (Estates) D.C. COLUMBIA Action: Square: 23rd day of January, Real Property described Potomac Investment 441 4th Street, NW 18 3082 this 3By:James 2 2 3 1 3Dt hMcGinley S t N W , this CALENDAR weeks, notifying all per4900-4904 QUARLES Code §47-1361, 202-332-0080 or anabove to appear in this Lot: 0812, SQUARE: 2018, Enterprises Washington, D.C. MAGISTRATE JUDGE WA S H I N G T O N , D C sons interested in the STREET LLC swer the complaint, or Serve: 03/16, 03/23,2844, 03/30/18 LOT:RAYMOND 0812, which ORDERED by the Super- Court by the 23RD day of Chevy Chase Bank 20001 RENEE 20010, Square: Lot 3082 Real Property described 4900-4904 QUARLES thereafter, PROBATE a final judg- NOTICES Muriel Bowser May, 2018, and redeem may also be known as 350 ior Court of the District of Chevy Chase Bank And 0083, assessed to the above to appear in this STREET LLC ment will be entered foreMayor of the District of St SE, WASHINGTON, Columbia, that notice Chevy Chase Bank be the Real Property by payMELLON owner of record listed VTHORNTON Court by the 23RD day of 4900-4904 QUARLES closing the right of reDC 20001.The by the insertion Yuvora Nong, Esq. of a ment of $4668.74, plus in- Columbia 1350 PennAll unknown owners of the above, LLC Complaint given May, 2018, and redeem STREET LLC demption in the $Real states,Plaintiff, among other copy of this Occupant Order in the terest from the date the a.sylvania OrderAvenue, Nisi 60 per insertion $180.00 per 3 weeks Unknown real property described the Real Property by payTYPESET: Mon Mar 19 17:00:04 EDT 2018 Industrial Bank Property and vesting in NW Washington, D.C. Certificate was sold, all things, thatv. the amounts Wa s h i n g t o n A f r o below, their heirs, devi- Defendants. ment of $3989.39, plus inIndustrial Bank b. Small Estates (single thepublication Plaintiff a title $ in 60 feeper insertion 20004 necessary redemption And American, a newspaper expenses provided for by sees, personal repreSHAW 3RDfor HOLDINGS terest from date the Paul Cohen 20019. The the Complaint MonOFMar 19 17:16:53 EDT 2018paid. having a general circula- D.C. Code §47-1377 and have not been sentatives, executors, TYPESET: c. Notice to Creditors simple. LLC ORDER Certificate was sold, Occupant states, among otherall INUnknown THE SUPERIOR Serve also: Pursuant the Chief tion the District (For in Purposes of D.C. of D.C. Code §47-1361, and administrators, grantees, SHAW 3RDto HOLDINGS PUBLICATION expenses provided things, that the amounts Clerk of the$Court 1.Racine, Domestic 60 per insertion $180.00 per 3 weeksfor by COURT OF Karl A. Attorney Administration Code Columbia, once a week all outstanding municipal §47-1371(b)(1)(G)) assigns or successors in In accordance with D.C. Judge´s LLC D.C. Codefor§47-1377 and necessary redemption By: James D McGinley AndTHE DISTRICT General of the District of 02-11, it is for three (3) successive liens amounts due and right, title, and interest and Official IN THECode SUPERIOR SHAWNumber 3RD HOLDINGS §47-1375 Order 2. Foreign $ 60 per insertion $180.00 per §47-1361, 3 weeks D.C. Code and have not been paid. OF COLUMBIA any and all persons hav- (2001 COURT LLC of January, weeks, notifying all per- owing on the Real Prop- Columbia 441 4th Street, ed.), OF theTHE object of this 23rd day all outstanding municipal Purposes of D.C. $360.00 Pursuant Chief CIVIL DIVISION d. Escheated $ 60 per (For insertion perto6 the weeks NW Washington, Estates D.C. sons in the erty in accordance with THEinterested DISTRICT OF ing or claiming to have any this DISTRICT Napoleon Ibiezugbe & proceedingOF is to se- 2018, liens amounts due and Code §47-1371(b)(1)(G)) Judge´s Administration 03/16, 03/23, 03/30/18 20001 by the Super- Real Property described the provisions of D.C. COLUMBIA interest, including ad- cure the COLUMBIA Kevin FalknerTucker foreclosure of the ORDERED e. Standard Probates $125.00 owingNumber on the 02-11, Real PropOrder it is Civil Action No. of the District of above to appear in this Code §47-1361, or anverse possession, in the rightCIVIL DIVISION in the ior Court Family, LLC of redemption erty23RD in accordance with this day of January, 2018 CA 000540 L (RP) And that notice the 23rd day of swer the complaint, or leasehold or the fee sim- following real property lo- Columbia, JM1 Investments LLC be Court by Serve: the provisions of D.C. THE DISTRICT OF 2018, ACTION INVOLVING the insertion 2018, Bowser and redeem thereafter, a final judgple in the real property and cated CivilinAction No. JM1 by Investments LLCof a May, Muriel the District of given Code §47-1361, or anCOLUMBIA CIVIL NOTICES ORDERED by the SuperREAL PROPERTY ment will be entered fore- All unknown owners of the of this Order in the the RealofProperty by payMayor the District of premises, situate, lying 2018 CA 000608 L(RP) in copy Yuvora Nong, Esq. Columbia to the Plaintiff swer complaint, ior Courtthe of the District ofor CALENDAR 18 property described s h i n g tCarrocio o n A f r oJr.ment of $3906.38, plus in- closing the right of re- real Columbia 1350 Pennand being in the District of this ACTION Charles Action:INVOLVING Square: 2844 Wa a. Name Changes 202-879-1133 $ 80.00 thereafter,that a final Serve:JUDGE Columbia, noticejudgbe MAGISTRATE newspaper terest from Avenue, the date the demption in the Real below, their heirs, devisylvania Columbia described as Lot: REAL PROPERTY District ofaColumbia 0083, SQUARE: American, mentby willthe beinsertion entered of foreMuriel Bowser a RENEE RAYMOND personal repreb. Real Property $ given 200.00 a general circula- Certificate was sold, NW Washington, D.C. all Property and vesting in sees, 1419 Clifton St NW G-19, 2844 CALENDAR 18 which having Water & Sewer LOT: 0083, closing the right of reMayor of the District of copy of this Order in the in theOccupant District of expenses20004 provided for by the Plaintiff a title in fee sentatives, executors, WA S H I N G T O N , D C MAGISTRATE JUDGE as tion Unknown may also be known demption in the Real Columbia 1350 PennWa s h i n g t o n A f r o THORNTON MELLON administrators, grantees, 20009, Square: 2664, Lot 3 RENEE RAYMOND 223 13 t h S t N W , Columbia, once a week D.C. Code §47-1377 and simple. Property and vesting in sylvania American, a newspaper LLCAvenue, assigns or successors in for three (3) successive D.C. Code §47-1361, and Serve also: 2045, assessed to the W A S H I N G T O N , D C And the Plaintiff a title in fee FAMILY COURT NW Washington, D.C. having a general circularight, title, and interest and weeks, notifying all per- all municipal Karloutstanding A. Racine, Attorney owner of record listed 20010.The THORNTON Complaint MELLON simple. 20004 tion in the District of Plaintiff, any and all persons havClerk of the Court sons interested in the liens amounts due and General of the District of above, 202-879-1212 LLC (For Purposes of D.C. states, among other Columbia, once a week v. By: James D McGinley ing or claiming to have any Real §47-1371(b)(1)(G)) Property described Columbia owing on 441 the 4th RealStreet, Propthings, that the amounts Code of the Court Serve also: for three Clerk (3) successive interest, including adDOMESTIC RELATIONS above to appear in this erty accordance with NW in Washington, D.C. Defendants. Mon Mar 19 17:23:19 Plaintiff, necessary for redemption TYPESET: EDT 2018 By: James D McGinley Karl A. Racine, Attorney weeks, notifying all per4900-4904 QUARLES possession, in the the 23rd OF day of the provisions 20001 of D.C. TYPESET: Mon Mar 19 verse THEby DISTRICT have not been paid. Court 17:02:38 EDT 2018 General of the District of 202-879-0157 sons interested in the STREET LLC leasehold or the fee sim03/16, 03/23, 03/30/18 May, 2018, and redeem Code §47-1361, or anORDER OF COLUMBIA Pursuant v.to the Chief Columbia 441 4th Street, Real Property described 4900-4904 QUARLES ple in the real property and the Real Property by payswer the complaint, or And PUBLICATION 03/16, 03/23, 03/30/18 Judge´s Administration W A S H I Nsituate, G T O N ,lying DC NWSTREET Washington, IN THE SUPERIOR above to appear in this LLC D.C. premises, In accordance JOHNNumber T. DUREN, JR.it is ment of $4238.50, Serve: plus in- thereafter, a final judg02-11, 20018. The 20001 COURT OF with THE D.C. Order Court by the 23RD day of IN THE SUPERIOR 4900-4904 QUARLES and being in theComplaint District of a. Absent Defendant $ 150.00 from Bowser the date the All ment will beowners enteredofforeunknown the Official Code §47-1375 Earnest Rosa this 23rd&day of Smith January, terestMuriel states, among other DISTRICT OF May, 2018, and redeem COURT OF STREET LLC Columbia described as Certificate was sold,of all real closing the right of reproperty described (2001 COLUMBIA ed.), the object of S.M. Prestegard & Renee Mayor of the District 2018, things, that the amounts And Industrial Bank Real Property by payTHE DISTRICT b. Absolute Divorce $ the 150.00 1513 Channing St NE, expenses provided for by below, demption the deviReal their inheirs, this CIVIL proceeding is to seFauntroy Columbia1350 Pennnecessary for redemption DIVISION ment of $3989.39, plus inOF COLUMBIA Industrial Bank WA S H I N G T O N , D C Code §47-1377 Property and vesting personal repre-in cure the foreclosure of the S.M. Prestegard & Renee Avenue, and sees, ORDERED by the Super- D.C.sylvania c. Custody Divorce $150.00 have Square: not been All unknown owners of the terest from the date the CIVIL DIVISION Paul Cohen 20018, 4122,paid. Lot §47-1361, and sentatives, the Plaintiff aexecutors, title in fee rightCivil of redemption Fauntroy NW Code Washington, D.C. of the District of D.C. Pursuant to thetoChief real property described Certificate was sold, all Action No.in the ior Court Unknown Occupant 0813, assessed the simple. grantees, following property lo- Columbia, Unknownthat Occupant 20004 municipal administrators, notice be all outstanding Judge´s Administration below, their heirs, devi- expenses provided for by 2018 CAreal 000615L(RP) Civil Action No. owner of record listed liens amounts due and assigns or successors in cated in the District of given by the insertion of a Order is call 1-800-237-6892,And sees,262, personal repreACTION INVOLVING D.C.$50.00 Code §47-1377 2018 CA 000523 L (RP) above,, ToNumber place02-11, yourit ad, ext. Public Notices & up and on thealso: Real Prop- right, title,Clerk of the Court and interest and Columbia to the Plaintiff in And copy of this Order in the owing Serve this 23RD day of January, sentatives, executors, D.C. Code §47-1361, and REAL PROPERTY ACTION INVOLVING erty in Racine, accordance with anyBy: D McGinley andJames all persons havthis Action: Square: Karl A. Attorney 2018, administrators, grantees, CALENDAR 18 2664 Wa s h i n g t o n A f r o depending on size, Baltimore Legal Notices are $24.84 per inch. all outstanding municipal REAL PROPERTY (For Purposes of D.C. the provisions of D.C. or claimingMon to have any19 16:36:24 Lot: 2045, SQUARE: Purposes of D.C. General of the District of ing American, a newspaper TYPESET: Mar EDT 2018 ORDERED by the Superassigns or successors in liens amounts due and MAGISTRATE JUDGE (For CALENDAR 18 Code §47-1371(b)(1)(G)) Defendants. Code §47-1361, or an03/16, 03/23, 03/30/18 interest, including ad2664 LOT: 2045, which Code §47-1371(b)(1)(G)) Columbia 441 4th Street, 1-800 (AFRO) 892 having a general circulaior Court of the District of right, title, and interest and owing on the Real PropRENEE RAYMOND* MAGISTRATE JUDGE swerWashington, the complaint, or verse possession, in the may also be known as tion in the District of NW D.C. Columbia, thatOF notice be any and all persons hav- erty accordance with SUFFIX: LOT: 0027, RENEE ERAYMOND ORDER For Proof of Publication, please call 1-800-237-6892, ext.in244 a final judg- leasehold or the fee sim1419 Clifton St MELLON NW G-19, Columbia, THE DISTRICT 20001 once aOFweek thereafter, given by the insertion of a ingTHE or claiming to have THORNTON which may also be known DISTRICT OF any the provisions of D.C. IN THE SUPERIOR PUBLICATION real property and W A S H I NLLC GTON, DC COLUMBIA for three (3) successive ment will be entered fore- ple in the copy of this Order in the interest, including adCode §47-1361, or anas 2100 Channing St NE, THORNTON MELLON COLUMBIA COURT OF lying In accordance with D.C. closing the right of re- premises, situate, 20009.The Complaint weeks, notifying all per- And Wa s h i nCode g t o n §47-1375 Afroverse possession, in the swer the complaint, or Plaintiff, W A S H I NLLC G T O N , D C Official THE in DISTRICT n Mar 19 17:03:33 EDT 2018 the District of states, among other Serve: TYPESET: Mon Mar 19 17:00:04 EDT 2018 sons interested in the demption in the Real and being American, a newspaper leasehold or the fee sim- thereafter, a final judg20018. The Complaint (2001 Serve: OF COLUMBIA ed.), the object of Property and vesting described as things, thatv.the amounts RealMuriel Bowser unknown owners of thein Columbia Property described All having a general ple inMuriel the real property and ment will beNOTICES entered forestates, Plaintiff, among other LEGAL NOTICES LEGAL NOTICES LEGAL NOTICES LEGAL Bowser DIVISION this proceeding is circulato sethe Plaintiff title in fee 2100CIVIL Channing St NE, necessary for redemption Mayor District of real propertya described above ofto the appear in this tion in the District of 20019. The Complaint premises, situate, lying closing the right of rethings, that the amounts v. Mayor of the District of cure the foreclosure of the simple./s/ WA S H I N G T O N , D C have not been paid. Columbia1350 Pennbelow, their heirs, deviRIOR Court by the 23rd day of Columbia, once ainweek states, other and beingamong in the District of demption in the Real RONALD P. KINGSBURY necessary for redemption right IN THE SUPERIOR Columbia 1350 PennCivilSquare: Action No. of redemption the 20018, 4111E, Pursuant to of the Chief May, sylvania Avenue, NW sees, personal repreF 2018, and redeem for threereal (3)property successive things, thatdescribed the amounts Columbia as Property and vesting in Estate have not been paid. following KIDANE GEBREHIWOT COURT OF sylvania Avenue, 2018 CAassessed 000524 Lto (RP) loClerkexecutors, of the Court Lot 0027, the Judge´s Washington, D.C. 20004 T OF the Real Property by pay- sentatives, weeks, notifying all pernecessary for redemption 4900 Quarles St NE, RonaldAdministration Kingsbury the Plaintiff a title in fee Pursuant to Mebrahtu the Chief cated in the District of Fikremariamh THE DISTRICT NW Washington, D.C. ACTION INVOLVING By: James Dgrantees, McGinley owner of record listed Order Number 02-11, it is ment of $5089.93, plus in- administrators, A sons interested in the have been WA S Hnot I20004 NGT O N , paid. DC District of Columbia simple. Judge´s Administration HSBC Bank OF COLUMBIA REAL PROPERTY Columbia to the Plaintiff in above, t h i s Water _ _ _ _& Sewer day of Serve also: assigns or successors in ION terest from the date the Real Property described Pursuant to the Chief 20019, Square: 5171, Lot Order HSBC Number 02-11, it is this Bank CIVIL DIVISION CALENDAR 18 Action: Square: 4122 _____________, 2017, Karl A. Racine, Attorney right, title, and interest and Certificate was sold, all above0813, to appear in this Judge´s Administration 0039, assessed Unknown Occupant Clerk of the Court this 23RD day of January, Lot: Citibank NA Serve also: to the MAGISTRATE JUDGE SQUARE: General of provided the District and all persons hav-19 16:50:39 No. TYPESET: Mon Mar EDT 2018 expenses forof by any CourtLOT: by the0813, 23RD which day of Order 02-11, it is owner of record listed By: James D McGinley 2018, Citibank NA Civil Action No. Karl A. Number Racine, Attorney RENEE RAYMOND 4122 03/16, 03/23, 03/30/18 Defendants. ORDERED by the Super- Columbia 441 4th Street, claiming to have any L(RP) D.C. Code §47-1377 and ing or May, 2018, and redeem this 23RD day of January, above, And ORDERED by the SuperBierman, Geesing & TYPESET: Mon Mar 19 17:02:38 EDT 2018 2018 CA 000540 L (RP) General of the District of may also be known as ior Court of the District of NW D.C. LVING D.C.Washington, Code §47-1361, and interest, including ad3088 LOT: 0020, which ior Court the Real PropertyStby NE, pay2018, 441 4th Street, ofTrustees the District of 1513 Ward, ACTION INVOLVING Columbia THORNTON MELLON Channing Columbia, that of notice 20001 municipal verse possession, in the ERTY Mon03/30/18 Mar 19 may ORDER also LLC be OF known as Columbia, ment ofI$4073.54, ORDERED by theD.C. Super- TYPESET: Defendants. (For Purposes D.C. be all outstanding IN THE SUPERIOR 03/16, 03/23, that notice be Unknown Occupant REAL PROPERTY NW Washington, W ASH N G T O N plus , D inC given §47-1371(b)(1)(G)) by the insertion of a liens amounts due and leasehold or the fee simR 18 1 9 0PUBLICATION 1 3 r d S t N W , given terest from the date the ior Court20001 of the District of Code COURT OF THE by the insertion of a 20018. The Complaint CALENDAR 18 IN THE SUPERIOR In accordance with D.C. copy of this Order in the And real property JUDGE owing on the Real Prop- ple in the W A S H Plaintiff, I N G T O N , D C copy COURT Certificate was sold, Columbia, that OF notice be ORDER DISTRICT OF and of this Order among otherall MAGISTRATE JUDGE OF in the states, Code Complaint §47-1375 WaTHE shin g t o n A f rOF osituate, lying Official OND* erty in accordance with premises, 20001.The expenses for by givenPUBLICATION by the insertion of a DISTRICT IN THE SUPERIOR COLUMBIA Wa THE s h i n DISTRICT gton AfroAnd RENEE RAYMOND And v. object of things, thatprovided the amounts (2001 ed.), the American, a newspaper All unknown owners of the and being in the District of the provisions of D.C. states, among other D.C. Codefor §47-1377 and copy of this Order the In accordance with inD.C. COLUMBIA COURT OF CIVIL DIVISION American, a newspaper necessary redemption OF COLUMBIA proceeding isamounts to sehaving a general circula- real property described ELLON Code §47-1361, or an- Columbia described as this things, that the D.C. Code §47-1361, and Wa s h i n g t o n A f r o Official Code §47-1375 THE DISTRICT having a DIVISION generalof circula(For Purposes D.C. THORNTON MELLON All unknown owners of the WOODRIDGE have not been paid. CIVIL the foreclosure of the tion in the Bowser District of below, their complaint, heirs, devi1 3 Action r d S tNo. N W , cure swer the or 1 9 0 Civil necessary for redemption all outstanding municipal American, a newspaper (2001 ed.), the object of Serve: Muriel OF COLUMBIA tion in the District of Code §47-1371(b)(1)(G)) LLC real property described HOLDINGS LLC the Pursuant to the Chief right of redemption Columbia, once a week personal repreS H I N G T O N ,L(RP) DC thereafter, a final judg- WA have not been inpaid. liens amounts due and having a general this proceeding is circulato seMayor of the District of sees, CIVIL DIVISION 2018CA000552 Columbia, onceNo. a week Judge´s below, their heirs, deviWOODRIDGE Administration Civil Action following real property lofor three (3) successive sentatives, executors, 20001, Square: 3088, Lot ment will be entered forePursuant to the Chief owingNumber on the 02-11, Real Proption the in the District of cure foreclosure of the Columbia for three (3) successive Plaintiff, sees, personal repreHOLDINGS LLC of Order it is 2018 CA 000523 L (RP) in the District weeks, notifying all per- administrators, grantees, assessed to the cated closing the right of re- 0020, Judge´s Administration erty23RD in accordance with Columbia, once a inweek right of redemption the Civil Action No. ACTION INVOLVING weeks, notifying all THE DISTRICT OFper- this v. sentatives, executors, Napoleon Ibiezugbe &in day of January, ACTION INVOLVING to the Plaintiff sons in the assigns or successors in owner of PROPERTY record listed Columbia demption in the Real OrderKevin Number 02-11, it is the provisions of D.C. for three (3) successive following real property lo1350interested Pennsylvania 2018 CA 000541 L (RP) REAL sons interested in the COLUMBIA administrators, grantees, Falkner4111E 2018, REAL PROPERTY this Action: Square: Real Avenue, Property NW described right, title, and interest and above, Property and vesting in this 23rd day of January, RealCALENDAR Code §47-1361, or anweeks,in all percated the District ACTION INVOLVING CALENDAR 18 Property described 4900-4904 QUARLES assigns ornotifying successors inof Potomac Investment ORDERED by the Super18 Lot: 0027, SQUARE: 4111 above to appear in this any all persons havRTMENT Washington, the and Plaintiff a title in fee 2018, swer theof complaint, or sons interested inand the Columbia to the Plaintiff in D.C. 20004 REAL PROPERTY MAGISTRATE JUDGE above toServe: appear in this ior STREET LLC right, title, and interest Enterprises Court the District of MAGISTRATE JUDGE Court by the 13th day of ing or claiming to have any Defendants. simple. ORDERED by the Superthereafter, a final judgReal Property described this Action: Square: 5171 CALENDAR 18 RENEE RAYMOND Court by the 23RD day of Columbia, that notice be Muriel Bowser 4900-4904 QUARLES any and all persons havChevy Chase Bank RENEE RAYMOND June, Serve 2018, also: and redeem interest, including adiorChevy Court Chase of the District of ment will be entered foreabove to appear in this Lot: 0039, SQUARE: MAGISTRATE JUDGE May, 2018, and redeem Mayor of the District of STREET LLC ing or claiming to have any Bank given by the insertion of a the Real Property by payverse possession, in the ORDER OF RTMENT Clerk of the Court Columbia, that notice closing the Order right in of the reCourt LOT: by including the0039, 23RD day 5171 which Karl A. Racine, Attorney RENEE RAYMOND THORNTON MELLON the Real Property by pay- copy 1350 Penn4900-4904 QUARLES interest, ad-of Chevy Chase Bank be Columbia of this THORNTON MELLON ment of $3147.43, plus inleasehold or the fee simPUBLICATION given by the insertion of a demption the May, possession, 2018,beand redeem may also known General of the District of LLC ment of $4668.74, plus in- Wa sylvania STREET LLC verse in theas Yuvora Nong, Esq. s h i n g t oin n A f r o Real LLCAvenue, terest from the date the ple inBy: theJames real property and In accordance with D.C. upant D McGinley Mon Mar 19 leasehold 17:00:04 EDT copy of this Occupant Order in the terest Property and vesting in TYPESET: the Real Property bysimpay4900 Quarles St NE, Columbia THORNTON MELLON Plaintiff, from the date NW Washington, D.C.the American, Industrial Bank or the 2018 fee Unknown a newspaper Certificate was sold, Wa s h i n g t o n A f r o the Plaintiff a title in fee ment of $3989.39, plus W A S H I N G T O N , and DinC 441 4th Street, NW all premises, situate, lying Official Code LLC v. §47-1375 Certificate was sold, all 20004 Industrial Bank ple in the real property having a general circulaPlaintiff, expenses provided for by and being in the District of (2001 ed.), the object of American, a newspaper expenses provided simple. terest from the date the Washington, D.C. 20001 20019. The Complaint SHAW 3RD HOLDINGS for by tion Paul Cohen premises, situate, lying And in the District of v. D.C. Code §47-1377 and Columbia TYPESET: Mon Maras19 this 17:16:53 EDT 2018 described proceeding is to se03/16, 03/23, 03/30/18 having a general circulaCertificate wasDistrict sold, states, among other Plaintiff, LLC D.C. Code and Columbia, once a week Serve§47-1377 also: Unknown Occupant IN THE SUPERIOR and being in the ofall D.C. Code §47-1361, and 350 V St SE, WASHING- cure the foreclosure of the of D.C. And tion the District of the Court expenses provided forasby things, thatdescribed the amounts v. SHAW 3RD HOLDINGS D.C. Code §47-1361, and for threeClerk Karl A. Racine, Attorney COURT OF Columbia (For in Purposes of D.C. of KIDANE (3) successive GEBREHIWOT all outstanding municipal TON, DC 20001, Square: right of redemption in the )(1)(G)) Judge´s Administration Columbia, once a week By: James D McGinley D.C. Code §47-1377 and necessary for redemption LLC all outstanding municipal General of the District of And THE DISTRICT 4900 Quarles St NE, Code §47-1371(b)(1)(G)) weeks, notifying all perFikremariamh Mebrahtu liens amounts due and 3082, Lot 0812, assessed following real property loOrder Number 02-11, it is for three (3) successive Columbia IN THE SUPERIOR D.C. §47-1361, All unknown owners of the have been paid. 4900-4904 QUARLES SHAW 3RD HOLDINGS liens HSBC amounts due and sons interested in the 441 4th Street, OF COLUMBIA WA S HCode Inot NGT ON, D Cand Bank owing on the Real Prop- to the ownerOF ofTHE record cated in the of T OF this 23rd day District of January, weeks, notifying all per- owing COURT all outstanding municipal real property described Pursuant to the Chief STREET LLC LLC on the RealD.C. Prop- Real Property described NW HSBC Washington, (For Purposes of D.C. CIVIL DIVISION 20019, Square: 5171, Lot Bank erty in their accordance with listed above, Columbia to the Plaintiff&in A 2018, sons interested in the DISTRICT OF 03/16, 03/23, 03/30/18 liens amounts due and below, heirs, deviJudge´s Administration 4900-4904 QUARLES Napoleon Ibiezugbe erty in accordance with above to appear in this Code §47-1371(b)(1)(G)) 0039, assessed to the 20001 THE DISTRICT OF Citibank NA the provisions D.C. this Action: Square: 3088 ORDERED by the SuperReal Property described COLUMBIA owing on the Real Propsees, personal of repreOrder Number 02-11, it is STREET LLC Kevin FalknerTucker the provisions of D.C. Civil Action No. owner of record listed COLUMBIA Court by the 23RD day of Citibank NA Code §47-1361, or anDefendants. Lot: 0020, SQUARE: wser ior Court of the District of above to appear in this And CIVIL DIVISION erty23RD in accordance with sentatives, executors, this day of January, 4900-4904 QUARLES Family, LLC Code §47-1361, above, Bierman, Geesingor& an- May, 2018, and redeem 2018 CA 000540 L (RP) swer the complaint, or strict of Columbia, that notice be Court by the 23rd day of the provisions of D.C. administrators, grantees, 2018, STREET LLC JM1 Investments LLC swerWard, the Trustees complaint, or the Real Property by payTHE DISTRICT OF ACTION INVOLVING Serve: thereafter, a final judgORDER OFNo. a given by the insertion 2018,Bowser and redeem All Civil Action CodeDefendants. §47-1361, or anassigns or successors in ORDERED by the SuperIndustrial Bank JM1 Investments LLCof a May, Muriel thereafter, a final ofjudgunknown Occupant owners the ment of $4073.54, plus inCOLUMBIA REAL PROPERTY Unknown menttitle, will and be entered PUBLICATION copy of this Order in the the Real Property by pay2018 CA 000608 L(RP) swer the complaint, or right, interest foreand ior Court of the District of Industrial Bank Yuvora Nong, Esq. ment will be entered forereal property described CALENDAR 18 Mayor of the District of terest from the date the closing thepersons right ofhavre- In ACTION accordance with D.C. vania Wa s h i n gCarrocio t o n A f rJr. oment of $3906.38, plus in- below, INVOLVING thereafter, a OF final any and all Columbia, that noticejudgbe Paul Cohen Charles closing their the heirs, right ofdevire- Certificate was sold, all Serve:JUDGE MAGISTRATE ORDER Columbia 1350 Penndemption in the Real Official Code §47-1375 W American, a newspaper terest from the date the REAL PROPERTY ment willthe be insertion entered foreing or claiming to have any given by of a Unknown Occupant District of Columbia demption in therepreReal expenses provided for by sees, personal Muriel Bowser RENEE RAYMOND PUBLICATION sylvania Avenue, And Property including and vestingad-in (2001CALENDAR ed.), the object C. 20004 having a general was sold, 18 of closing the Order right of reinterest, of this the Water & Sewercircula- Certificate Property andexecutors, vesting in D.C. Code §47-1377 and Mayor of the District of Incopy accordance with in D.C. NW Washington, D.C. all sentatives, the Plaintiff a title inin the fee this proceeding isJUDGE to setion in theOccupant District of expenses20004 provided for by administrators, MAGISTRATE demption in the Real verse possession, Wa s h i n g t o n A f r o And Unknown the Plaintiff a title in fee grantees, Columbia 1350 PennTHORNTON MELLON Official Code §47-1375 D.C. Code §47-1361, and (For Purposes of D.C. simple. or the fee sim- cureRENEE the foreclosure of the o: Columbia, once a week D.C. Code §47-1377 and assigns RAYMOND Property vestingofin leasehold American, a newspaper simple. or successors in all outstanding municipal sylvania Avenue, LLC (2001 ed.), and the object Code §47-1371(b)(1)(G)) ne, for three (3) successive D.C. Code §47-1361, and right, title, and interest and liens amounts due and theproceeding Plaintiff a title fee ple in the real property and right of redemption in the having a general (For Purposes of D.C. And NW Washington, D.C. this is circulatoinseServe also: /s/ James D McGinley real property loweeks, notifying all per- all outstanding municipal THORNTON MELLON simple. premises, situate, lying following tion in the District any and all persons hav- owing on the Real Prop20004 Plaintiff, cure the foreclosure of theof Code §47-1371(b)(1)(G)) Karl A. Racine, Attorney Acting the Court istrict of sons interested in the liens amounts due and LLCDistrict of and beingClerk in theofDistrict of cated in the Columbia, once a week (For Purposes of D.C. Clerk of the Court ing or claiming to have any v. right of redemption in the General of the District of erty in accordance with THE DISTRICT OF a Real §47-1371(b)(1)(G)) Property described Columbia owing on 441 the 4th RealStreet, Prop- interest, Clerk of the Court Columbia described as Columbia to the Plaintiff in for threereal (3)property successive Code By:COLUMBIA James D McGinley including ad- the provisions of D.C. Serve also: following loSquare: 3082 , NW above to appear in this erty in accordance with verse possession, in the Code §47-1361, or anPlaintiff, By:inJames D McGinley 3By:James 2 2 3 1 3D t hMcGinley S t N W , this Action: weeks, notifying all perTHE DISTRICT OF Karl A. Racine, Attorney cated 4900-4904 QUARLES the District of NW Washington, D.C. TYPESET: 17:23:19 EDT 2018 0812, SQUARE: D.C. Court the 23rdOF day of the provisions of D.C. WA S H I N G TMon O N , Mar D C 19 Lot: sons interested in COLUMBIA THEby DISTRICT leaseholdServe: or the fee sim- swer the complaint, or General of theLLC District of Columbia to the Plaintiffthe STREET in 20001 03/16, 03/23,2844, 03/30/18 which May, COLUMBIA 2018, and redeem Code §47-1361, or an- ple in v. 20010, Square: Lot 3082 LOT: 0812, Real Property described 03/16, 03/23, 03/30/18 the real property and Columbia 441 4th Street, 4900-4904 QUARLES this Action: Square: 5171 thereafter, a final judgMuriel Bowser may also be known as 350 Pursuant to the Chief the Real Property by pay- And swer the complaint, or premises, 03/16, 03/30/18 0083, assessed to the above to 03/23, appear in this Serve: situate, NWSTREET Washington, LLC D.C. Lot: 0039, SQUARE: ment will be entered foreMayor of the District lying of St SE, WASHINGTON, ment of $4238.50, plus in- thereafter, a final judg- and IN THE JOHN T. Administration DUREN, JR. owner of SUPERIOR record listed V Judge´s CourtLOT: by the0039, 23RD which day of Muriel Bowser Serve: being in1350 the District 20001 4900-4904 QUARLES 5171 Columbia Penn-of closing the right of reDC 20001.The Complaint ers of the above, Order Number 02-11, fromBowser the date the All COURT OF THE ment will be entered foreEarnest & Rosa Smithit is terestMuriel May, 2018, and redeem Mayor of the District of Columbia STREET LLC may also be known as unknown owners of the sylvaniadescribed Avenue, as demption in the Real states, among escribed this Prestegard 23rd day of&other January, Certificate was sold,of all real DISTRICT OF closing the right of re- 1513 S.M. Renee the Real PropertyStbyNE, pay- Columbia 1350 PennMayor of the District Channing St NE, Property and vesting in And Industrial Bank 4900 Quarles property described NW Washington, D.C. things, that the amounts s, devi- Defendants. 2018, expenses provided for by below, COLUMBIA demption the deviReal WA S H I N Fauntroy ment ofI$3989.39, insylvania Avenue, Columbia1350 PennGTON, DC Industrial Bank W ASH N G T O N ,plus DC their inheirs, the Plaintiff a title in fee 20004 necessary for redemption repreD.C. Code §47-1377 CIVIL DIVISION Property and vesting S.M. Prestegard & Renee NW Washington, D.C. sylvania Avenue, and sees, All unknown owners of the terest from the date the Paul Cohen personal repre-in 20018, Square: 4122, Lot simple. have not been ecutors, ORDERED by thepaid. Super- D.C. §47-1361, the Plaintiff aexecutors, title in fee 0813, Serve Fauntroy ORDER OF Certificate was sold, all 20004 NW Code Washington, D.C.and sentatives, assessed real property described Unknown Occupant also: to the Pursuant to Occupant theDistrict Chiefof all outstanding rantees, iorUnknown Court of the Civil Action No. simple. PUBLICATION 20004 municipal administrators, owner of record listed grantees, Clerk of the Court below, their heirs, devi- expenses provided for by Karl A. Racine, Attorney ssors in In2018 Columbia, that notice be liens amounts due and assigns or successors in CA 000615L(RP) accordance with D.C. D.C. Code §47-1377 and Serve also: above,, of the District of sees, personal repreBy: James D McGinley And General erest and Official given by the insertion of a owing Serve on thealso: Real Prop- right, title,Clerk ACTION INVOLVING of the Court And Code §47-1375 Karl A. Racine, Attorney sentatives, executors, D.C. Code §47-1361, and and interest and Columbia 441 4th Street, ons hav- (2001 copy of this Order in the Karl erty A. in Racine, accordance with any By: REAL James D McGinley ed.),PROPERTY the object of all outstanding municipal General of the District of Attorney administrators, grantees, (For Purposes of D.C. and all persons havNW Washington, D.C. have any this proceeding Wa s Purposes h i n g t o n Aoff r oD.C. the provisions of D.C. CALENDAR (For is 18 to seGeneral of the District of ing or claiming to have any Defendants. assigns or successors in liens amounts due and Columbia 441 4th Street, §47-1371(b)(1)(G)) 03/16, 03/23, 03/30/18 Code 20001 ing ad- cure American, a newspaper Code §47-1361, or an- interest, MAGISTRATE JUDGE 03/16, including 03/23, 03/30/18 Code §47-1371(b)(1)(G)) the foreclosure of the NW Washington, D.C. Columbia 441 4th Street, right, title, and interest and owing on the Real Propadn, in the right having a general circula- NW swerWashington, the complaint, or verse possession, in the RENEE RAYMOND* of redemption in the 20001 D.C. ORDER OF any and all persons hav- erty in accordance with fee sim- following real property lotion inDISTRICT the District a final judg- leasehold or the fee sim- And PUBLICATION THE OF of thereafter, the provisions of D.C. 20001 ingTHE or claiming to have DISTRICT OF any perty and cated Columbia, once a week ment will be entered fore- ple in the real property and THORNTON MELLON COLUMBIA in the District of Code §47-1361, or anAnd In accordance with D.C. interest, including adCOLUMBIA unknown owners of the e, lying Columbia toLLC for three (3) successive And closing the right of re- premises, situate, lying All the Plaintiff in Official Code described §47-1375 verse possession, in the swer the complaint, or real property District of this Action: weeks, notifying Plaintiff, Serve: all per- demption in the Real and being in the District of below, Square: 2844 (2001 ed.), object leaseholdServe: or the fee sim- thereafter, a final judg- All unknown owners of the their the heirs, devi-of ibed as Lot: 0083, SQUARE: sonsMuriel interested Property vesting Bowserin the All unknownand owners of thein Columbia described as sees, this proceeding to seple inMuriel the realBowser property and ment will be entered fore- real property described personal isrepreW G-19, 2844 LOT: v. Real Property described the Plaintiff title in fee 2100 Channing St NE, Mayor of the District of real 0083, which closing the right of re- below, their heirs, devipropertya described cure the foreclosure of the premises, situate, Mayor of the Districtlying of sentatives, executors, N, DC above to appear in this simple./s/ Columbia1350 Penn- below, may also be known as their heirs, devi- WA S H I N G T O N , D C right of redemption in the and being in1350 the District Columbia Penn-of demption in the Real sees, personal repreadministrators, grantees, 664, Lot 3RONALD Court by the 23rd day of P. KINGSBURY sylvania Avenue, NW 2 2 3 1 3 t h S t N W, sees, personal reprefollowingorreal property in loColumbia sylvaniadescribed Avenue, as Property and vesting in sentatives, executors, 20018, Square: 4111E, successors to the W A S H IEstate May, 2018, D.C. and 20004 redeem sentatives, Clerkexecutors, of the Court Lot 0027, assessed to the assigns ofN , D C Washington, NGTO catedtitle, in and theinterest District 4900 Quarles St NE, the Plaintiff a title in fee administrators, grantees, NW Washington, D.C. andof d listed 20010.The the Real Property by pay- administrators, By: James Dgrantees, McGinley owner of record listed right, Ronald Kingsbury Complaint simple. assigns or successors in Columbia to the Plaintiff in WA S H I N G TON, DC 20004 any and all persons havment of $5089.93, plus inDistrictamong of Columbia Serve also: states, other right, title, and interest and assigns or successors in above, this Action: Square: 4122 20019, Square: 5171, Lot DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA CIVIL DIVISION
The Afro-American, March 31, 2018 - April 6, 2018
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NAME: ________________________________________________ ADDRESS: _____________________________________________ PHONE NO.:____________________________________________ CLASSIFICATION: ______________________________________ (Room, Apt., House, etc.) INSERTION DATE:_________________
20019. states, things, t necessa have n Pursuan Judge´s Order Nu this 23R 2018, ORDERE ior Court Columbi given by copy of Wa s h i n America having a tion in Columbi for three weeks, sons in Real Pr above to Court by May, 20 the Real ment of $ terest fro Certifica expense D.C. Cod D.C. Cod all outst liens am owing on erty in the pro Code § swer th thereafte ment wil closing demptio Property the Plain simple. C By: Ja
Serve also: Karl A. Racine, Attorney General of the District of Columbia 441 4th Street, NW Washington, D.C. 20001
Clerk of the Court And By: James D McGinley (For Purposes of D.C. 03/23, 03/30/18 Code03/16, §47-1371(b)(1)(G))
expenses provided for by D.C. Code §47-1377 and D.C. Code §47-1361, and all outstanding municipal liens amounts due and owing on the Real Property in accordance with the provisions of D.C. Code §47-1361, or answer the complaint, or thereafter, a final judgLEGAL ment will beNOTICES entered foreclosing the right of redemption in the Real Property and vesting in the Plaintiff a title in fee simple.
NA Wells Fargo Bank, NA Pellegrino Condo. Assoc. Unknown Occupant And
Court byPROPERTY the 23RDinday verse possession, theof REAL May, 2018, and18 redeem leasehold or the fee simCALENDAR the Real Property by payple in the real property and MAGISTRATE JUDGE ment of $4734.02, inpremises, situate,plus lying RENEE RAYMOND terest from theDistrict date the and being in the of Certificate described was sold, as all Columbia THORNTON MELLON expenses provided by 300 50th St SE Unit: for 104, LLC D.C. Code and WA SH I N G§47-1377 TON, DC D.C. Code §47-1361, and 20019, Square: 5323, Lot Plaintiff, all outstanding municipal 2004, assessed to the v. liens amounts and owner of recorddue listed LEGAL NOTICES owing on the Real Propabove, WOODSON HEIGHTS erty in accordance CONDO ASSOC.INCwith the provisions of D.C. Defendants. WOODSON HEIGHTS Code §47-1361, or anCONDO ASSOC. INC swer the complaint, ORDER OF Unknown Occupant or thereafter, a final judgPUBLICATION ment will be entered foreIIn accordance with D.C. And closing Code the right of reOfficial §47-1375 demption in the Real (2001 ed.), the object (For Purposes of D.C. of Property and vesting this proceeding is to se-in Code §47-1371(b)(1)(G)) the the Plaintiff a title of in the fee cure foreclosure simple. right of redemption in the following real property loTHE DISTRICT OF the Court cated COLUMBIA inClerk the of District of By: James McGinley Columbia to theDPlaintiff in this Action: Square: 5323 Serve: Lot: Muriel 2004,Bowser SQUARE: 03/16, 03/23, 03/30/18 5323 LOT: 2004, which Mayor of the District of may also be1350 knownPennas 300 Columbia 50thsylvania St SEAvenue, Unit: 104, WNW A SWashington, H I N G T O ND.C. , DC 17:14:29 EDTComplaint 2018 20019. The 20004 states, among other things,Serve that also: the amounts necessary for redemption Karl A. Racine, Attorney have not been paid. General of the District of Pursuant441 to 4th theStreet, Chief Columbia Judge´s Administration NW Washington, D.C. Order Number 20001 02-11, it is this 24TH day of January, 2018, And ORDERED by the Superiorunknown Court ofowners the District All of theof Columbia, thatdescribed notice be real property given by the insertion of a below, their heirs, devicopy ofpersonal this Order in the sees, repreWa s h i n g t o n A f r o sentatives, executors, American, a newspaper administrators, grantees, having a circulaassigns or general successors in tion in the District right, title, and interest andof Columbia, once a week any and all persons havfororthree (3) tosuccessive ing claiming have any weeks, notifying all adperinterest, including sons interested in the the verse possession, in Real Property described leasehold or the fee simabove appear in and this ple in theto real property Court by the 30th day premises, situate, lyingof May, 2018, , and redeem and being in the District of the Real Property by payColumbia described as mentCall of $3054.15, plus in5000 Pl SE Unit: 104, terest WA S H Ifrom N G Tthe O Ndate , D Cthe Certificate was sold, all 20019, Square: 5323, Lot expenses provided by 2020, assessed toforthe D.C. Code §47-1377 and owner of record listed D.C. Code §47-1361, and above, all outstanding municipal liens amounts due and owingDefendants. on the Real Property in accordance with the provisions ORDER OFof D.C. Code §47-1361, or anPUBLICATION the complaint, or Inswer accordance with D.C. thereafter, a final judgOfficial Code §47-1375 ment will be entered fore(2001 ed.), the object of closing the right of serethis proceeding is to demption in the ofReal cure the foreclosure the Property and vesting right of redemption in thein the Plaintiff title in lofee following real aproperty simple. cated in the District of Columbia to the Plaintiff in Clerk of the 5323 Court this Action: Square: JamesSQUARE: D McGinley Lot:By: 2020, 5323 LOT: 2020, which may also be known as TYPESET: Mon Mar 03/16, 03/30/18 5000 Call Pl03/23, SE Unit: 104,19 WASHINGTON, DC 20019. The Complaint IN THE SUPERIOR states, among other things, COURT that the OF amounts THE DISTRICT necessary for redemption OF COLUMBIA CIVIL DIVISION
(For Purposes of D.C. necessary for reAll unknown owners of the amountsServe: Code §47-1371(b)(1)(G)) LEGAL NOTICES LEGAL NOTICES LEGAL NOTICES not been real property described demption IN THE SUPERIOR Murielhave Bowser to the Chief below, their OF heirs, COURT THE devi- paid.Pursuant Mayor of the District of Judge´s Administration sees,DISTRICT personalOFrepre- Columbia THE DISTRICT OF 1350 PennOrder Number 02-11, sentatives, executors, COLUMBIA COLUMBIA sylvania Avenue, it is day of January, administrators, grantees, this CIVIL DIVISION NW23rd Washington, D.C. assigns or successors in 2018, 20004 Serve: right,Civil title,Action and interest Muriel Bowser No. and ORDERED by the SuperClerk of the Court any and persons havMayor of the District of 2018 CAall 001000L(RP) Serve also: of the Attorney District of By: James D McGinley Columbia 1350 Penning or claiming to have any ior ACTION INVOLVING KarlCourt A. Racine, Columbia, thatDistrict notice ofbe interest, including ad- General sylvania Avenue, REAL PROPERTY of the given by the of a verse possession,18in the Columbia NW Washington, D.C. CALENDAR 441insertion 4th Street, TYPESET: Mon Mar 19 17:25:48 EDT 2018 copy of this Order in the 03/16, 03/23, 03/30/18 leasehold or the JUDGE fee sim20004 MAGISTRATE NW Washington, D.C. gton AfropleRENEE in the real property and Wa s h i n 20001 RAYMOND premises, situate, lying American, a newspaper also: paid. have Serve not been having a general circulaand being in theMELLON District of And Karl A. Racine, Attorney Pursuant to the Chief THORNTON IN THE SUPERIOR tion in the District of Columbia LLC described as General ofAdministration the District of Judge´s COURT OF Columbia, Q u a r lPlaintiff, e s S t N E , All Columbia 441 4th Street, Order Number 02-11, it is unknown once ownersa ofweek the THE DISTRICT for three (3) successive WA S H I N G T O N , D C NW23RD Washington, D.C. this day of January, real property described OF COLUMBIA weeks,their notifying per20019, Square: 20001 2018, v. 5171, Lot below, heirs,alldeviCIVIL DIVISION sons interested in the 0040, assessed to the sees, ORDERED by the Superpersonal repreReal Property described ownerTHOMAS of record And ior Court of the District of K listed sentatives, executors, Civil Action No. Monnotice Mar be 19 above to appear in this above, Columbia, that STEPHENSON administrators, grantees, 2018 CA 000529 L (RP) TYPESET: Court byorthe 13th day inof All unknown of of thea given by theowners insertion THOMAS K assigns successors ACTION INVOLVING June 2018, and redeem Defendants. real described copy property of this Order in the STEPHENSON right, title, and interest and REAL PROPERTY the and Realall Property byhavpaybelow, Wa h i their n gSUPERIOR t o nheirs, A f r odeviTHOMAS K INsTHE any persons CALENDAR 18 ment of $3020.97, plus inORDER OF sees, personal repreAmerican, a OF newspaper STEPHENSON COURT ing or claiming to have any MAGISTRATE JUDGE terest from the dateadthe PUBLICATION sentatives, executors, having general circulaCity First Bank of DC, NA interest, THEaDISTRICT including RENEE RAYMOND Certificate was sold, all In accordance with& D.C. verse administrators, grantees, tionOFinCOLUMBIA the District of Milton Franklin possession, in the expensesor provided by Official Code §47-1375 leasehold assigns or successors in Columbia, once a week Clifton Kellogg CIVIL DIVISION the fee for simTHORNTON MELLON D.C. Code and (2001 ed.), Occupant the object of ple right, title, and and for three (3) interest successive Unknown in the real§47-1377 property and LLC D.C. Code situate, §47-1361, and this proceeding is to se- premises, any and notifying all persons weeks, all havperCivil Action No. lying all outstanding municipal cure the foreclosure of the and ing or CA claiming to have any sons interested the And 2018 000943 L in (RP) being in the District of Plaintiff, liens amounts due and right of redemption in the Columbia interest, including adReal Property described ACTION INVOLVING described as v. following real property verse possession, above toPROPERTY appear in the this (For Purposes of D.C.lo- 5owing REAL 2 2 4 on A mthe e s Real S t PropNE, ertyS H inI Naccordance with cated §47-1371(b)(1)(G)) in the District of WA leasehold or the fee simCourt by the 23RD of Code CALENDAR 18day GTON, DC GILBERT J. & the provisions of D.C. Columbia to the Plaintiff in 20019, ple in the real property and May, 2018, and redeem MAGISTRATE JUDGE Square: 5242, Lot JONI B. LEONARD Code assessed §47-1361, to or the anthisTHE Action: Square: 5171 0892, premises, situate, lying the Real Property by payDISTRICT OF RENEE RAYMOND Private Mortgage swer the complaint, or Lot: 0040, SQUARE: owner and being in the District of ment of $6003.45, plus inCOLUMBIA of record listed Funding LLC Srs 24 thereafter, a final judg5171 LOT: 0040, which above, Columbia as terest fromdescribed the date the THORNTON MELLON Richard Sugarman ment will be entered foremay also be known 5005 D StLLC SE 103, Certificate wasUnit: sold, all Serve: Muriel Bowser as Unknown Occupant the right of reQ u a rofl EDT ethe s District S2018 t N Eof, closing WA SHING T O N , for D Cby n Mar 19 17:07:05 expenses provided Mayor Defendants. W A S HColumbia I N G T O N , D C demption in the Real 20019, Square: 5321, and Lot D.C. Code §47-1377 Plaintiff, Property and OF vesting in 2002, assessed to the D.C. Code §47-1361, and 1350 Pennsylvania v. ORDER 20019. The Complaint the Plaintiff a title in fee owner of record listed all outstanding municipal Avenue, NWother PUBLICATION states, among RIOR simple. above, liens amounts due and Washington, D.C. 20004 WOODSON HEIGHTS In accordance with D.C. things, that the amounts And F owing on the Real PropCONDO necessary for redemption Official Code §47-1375 CT Clerk the Court erty ASSOC. inDefendants. accordance with INC theofobject of have not been paid. (2001 ed.), (For Purposes of D.C. BIA the provisions of D.C. Serve WOODSON HEIGHTS Pursuant toalso: the Chief this proceeding is to seCode §47-1371(b)(1)(G)) ON By: James D McGinley ORDER OF Code §47-1361, or anKarl A. Racine, Attorney CONDO ASSOC. cure the foreclosure of the Judge´s Administration swerPUBLICATION theINC complaint, or General of the District Order Number 02-11, itofis right of redemption in the No. In accordance with judgD.C. thereafter, a final Columbia Unknown Occupant this 23RD day of January, following real property loTHE DISTRICT OF L (RP) TYPESET: Marof19 16:57:59 EDT 2018 03/16, 03/30/18 Official §47-1375 ment willCode be entered fore441 4th Street, NW cated in 03/23, theMon District 2018, COLUMBIA LVING (2001 ed.), the object of closing the right of reWashington, D.C. 20001 Columbia to the Plaintiff in ORDERED by the SuperERTY 5 2 2 4 A m e s S t N E , this proceeding is to sedemption in the Real And this Action: Square: 5242 ior Court of the District of Serve: 18 W A SMuriel HING T O N , D C cure THE SUPERIOR the foreclosure of the Property and vesting in And SQUARE: Columbia, that notice be Lot:IN 0892, Bowser JUDGE 20019. Complaint COURT OF which right of redemption in the a title in the fee (ForPlaintiff Purposes of D.C. 0892, given by the insertion of a 5242 LOT: Mayor ofThe the District of OND states, among other THE DISTRICT following real property losimple. All unknown owners of the Code §47-1371(b)(1)(G)) may also be known as copy of this Order in the Columbia 1350 Pennthings, that Avenue, the amounts cated in the District of OF COLUMBIA real Wa s property h i n g t o n described Afrosylvania ELLON necessary for redemption CIVIL DIVISION ColumbiaClerk to theofPlaintiff in the Court below, theira heirs, deviAmerican, newspaper NW Washington, D.C. have not been paid. thisTHE Action: Square: By: James D McGinley sees, DISTRICT OF5321 having personal a general reprecircula20004 Pursuant to the Chief Civil Action No. Lot: 2002, SQUARE: sentatives, executors, COLUMBIA tion in the District of Judge´s Administration 2018 CA 000535 L (RP) 5321 LOT: 2002, which administrators, Columbia, oncegrantees, a week Serve also: Order it is may03/16, ACTION INVOLVING alsoServe: be known as 03/23, 03/30/18 assigns successors in for threeor (3) successive Karl A.Number Racine, 02-11, Attorney this 23RD day of January, REAL PROPERTY 5005Muriel D St SE Unit: 103, right, title,notifying and interest Bowser weeks, all and perGeneral of the District of ARLES 2018, CALENDAR 18 W A S H I N G T O N , D C any and all persons havMayor of the District of sons interested in the Columbia 441 4th Street, LC ORDERED by the D.C. Super- Columbia MAGISTRATE JUDGE 20019.The1350 Complaint ing or claiming have any PennReal Propertytodescribed NW Washington, ARLES TYPESET: Mon Mar 19 17:15:30 EDT 2018 ior Court 20001 of the District of states, RENEE RAYMOND among other interest, sylvania Avenue, above to including appear in adthis LC Columbia, that notice be things, that the amounts verse possession, NW Washington, D.C. Court by the 23RD in daythe of ARLES given by the insertion of a necessary for redemption THORNTON MELLON leasehold or the fee sim20004 May, 2018, and redeem And LC copy of this Order in the have not been paid. LLC ple the real property and IN THE SUPERIOR theinReal Property by payank Wa sh i n g t oowners nOFA f r of o -the Pursuant toalso: the Chief premises, situate,plus lying Serve COURT ment of $3286.08, inAll unknown ank American, a newspaper Administration Plaintiff, and being in the of Karl A. Racine, Attorney DISTRICT terest from the District date the real THE property described Judge´s n having a general circulaOrder Number 02-11, itofis v. Columbia described as General of the District OF COLUMBIA Certificate was sold, all below, their heirs, deviupant tionCIVIL inpersonal the District this 23RD 441 day 4th of January, 49th St NE, WASHINGStreet, DIVISION expenses provided for by sees, repre-of Columbia Columbia, once a week 2018, JOHN F. WILKINSON TON, DC 20019, Square: NW Washington, D.C. D.C. Code §47-1377 and sentatives, executors, for three (3) successive ORDERED by the IV 5179, Lot 0059, assessed 20001 SuperCivil Action grantees, No. D.C. Code §47-1361, and administrators, weeks, notifying perSunTrust Bank to owner of record 2018 CAor 000528 L all (RP) all the outstanding municipal assigns successors in ior Court of the District of of D.C. sons interested in and the And Columbia, that notice be SunTrust listed ACTION INVOLVING liens above, amounts due and right, title, and interest b)(1)(G)) Real Property described Bank REAL PROPERTY owing on the Real Propany and all persons hav- given by the insertion of a above to appear in this copy of thisowners Order in the unknown of the CALENDAR 18 any All erty inDefendants. accordance with SunTrust Bank Pamela ing or claiming to have Court by the 23RD day Wa s property h i n g t o n described AfroTatum & MAGISTRATE JUDGE the provisions of D.C. interest, including ad-of real T OF May, 2018, and redeem American, newspaper Marylin Long OF or antheira heirs, deviRENEE RAYMOND Code ORDER §47-1361, verse possession, in the below, A the Real Property bysimpay- sees, having personal a general reprecirculaUnknown Occupant swerPUBLICATION the complaint, or leasehold or the fee ment of $2915.50, plus intion in the District of Civil Action No. In accordance with judgD.C. THORNTON MELLON thereafter, a final ple in the real property and sentatives, executors, terest from the date the administrators, Columbia, oncegrantees, a week 2018 CA 000942 L (RP) Official §47-1375 LLC ment willCode be entered forepremises, situate, lying ser Certificate was sold, all for three (3) successive ACTION INVOLVING (2001 ed.), the object of assigns or successors in closing the right of reand being in the District of strict of expenses provided by right, weeks, all and perREAL PROPERTY this proceeding is toReal setitle,notifying and interest Plaintiff, demption in the Columbia describedforas PennD.C. Code §47-1377 and sons interested in the CALENDAR 18 cure the foreclosure of the Property and vesting in And 5 3 3 5 D r av.k e P l S E , any and all persons havnue, D.C. Code and ing Real Propertytodescribed MAGISTRATE JUDGE right of redemption or claiming have any the Plaintiff a title in the fee WA SH I N G§47-1361, TON, DC n, D.C. allWells outstanding municipal interest, above to including appear in adthis (For Purposes of D.C. RENEE RAYMOND following Fargo Bank, simple. real property lo20019, liens amounts due and verse Court by the 23RD in daythe of Code §47-1371(b)(1)(G)) cated inClerk the ofDistrict of possession, NA the Court owing on theBank, RealNA Prop- leasehold May, 2018, redeem THORNTON MELLON Columbia to the in or and the fee simWells Defendants. Fargo By: James DPlaintiff McGinley o: erty in accordance with the Real Property by payLLC this Action: Square: 5179 ple in the real property and Pellegrino Condo. Attorney the provisions of D.C. ment of $4734.02, plus inTHE DISTRICT OF Lot: 0059, SQUARE: premises, situate, lying Assoc. ORDER OF strict of Code §47-1361, or an- and terest from the District date the COLUMBIA Plaintiff, 5179 LOT:03/23, 0059, which being in the of TYPESET: Mon Mar 19 16:58:48 EDT 2018 Unknown Occupant 03/16, 03/30/18 PUBLICATION h Street, the complaint, or Columbia Certificate described was sold, as all v. may also be known as Inswer accordance with D.C. n, D.C. thereafter, a final judgexpenses provided for by Serve: 49th St NE, WASHING300 50th St SE Unit: 104, amounts necessary for re- Official Code §47-1375 ment will bethe entered foreD.C. Code §47-1377 and Muriel Bowser WOODSON HEIGHTS TO N , D C 2 0 0 1 9 . T h e WA S H I N G T O N , D C And (2001 ed.), object of demption have not been IN THE SUPERIOR closing the right of sere- 20019, D.C. Code §47-1361, Mayor of the District of CONDO ASSOC.INC Complaint states, among Square: 5323, and Lot this proceeding is to paid.Pursuant to the Chief COURT OF THE demption in the Real all outstanding municipal Columbia 1350 Penn- cure WOODSON HEIGHTS other DISTRICT things, that (Forthe Purposes of D.C. foreclosure of the 2004, assessed to the Judge´s Administration OF the Property and vesting liens amounts duelisted and sylvania Avenue, CONDO ASSOC. INC of record §47-1371(b)(1)(G)) right of redemption in thein owner Order Number 02-11, it is Code ers of the COLUMBIA the Plaintiff a title in fee owing on the Real PropNW Washington, D.C. Unknown Occupant above, following real property lothis 23rd day of January, escribed CIVIL DIVISION simple.in the District of erty in accordance with cated 2018, 20004 s, devithe provisions of D.C. And Defendants. THE DISTRICT OF in Columbia to the Plaintiff repreCivil Action No. Clerk of the 5299 Court Code §47-1361, or anServeby also: COLUMBIA Square: ORDERED the Super- this Action: ecutors, 2018 CA 001000L(RP) By: James D McGinley swer the complaint, or Karl A. Racine, Attorney (For Purposes of D.C. ORDER OF Lot: 0010, SQUARE: ior Court of the District of rantees, ACTION INVOLVING a final judgGeneral of the Code §47-1371(b)(1)(G)) PUBLICATION Serve: 0010, which thereafter, Columbia, thatDistrict noticeofbe 5299 LOT: ssors in REAL PROPERTY ment will be entered foreColumbia 441insertion 4th Street, Bowser also be known as IIn accordance with D.C. given by the of a may Muriel rest and CALENDAR 18 03/23, closing Code the right of reNW Washington, §47-1375 3 303/16, 5 of D rthe a kDistrict e P03/30/18 l of S E , Official copy of this OrderD.C. in the 5Mayor ons havMAGISTRATE JUDGE demption Real 20001 THE DISTRICT OF ed.), in thethe object of Columbia 1350 W A S H I N G T O NPenn, D C (2001 Wa s h i n g t o n A f r o have any RENEE RAYMOND Property and vesting in COLUMBIA proceeding is to sesylvania TheAvenue, Complaint this American, a newspaper 20019. ing adthe Plaintiff a title in fee cure the foreclosure of the NW Washington, among D.C. other having a general circula- states, n, in the THORNTON MELLON And simple. Serve: right of redemption in the 20004 things, that the 2018 amounts TYPESET: Mar 19 EDT tion in theMon District of 17:25:48 fee simLLC All unknown owners the necessary for redemption following real property loMuriel Bowser Columbia, once aofweek erty and Plaintiff, the Court real property Mayor of the District of the ofDistrict of also: paid. cated inClerk for three (3) described successive have Serve e, lying not been By: James DPlaintiff McGinley below, their heirs,alldeviColumbia 1350 Pennto the in A. Racine, Attorney weeks, notifying per- Karl District of Pursuant to the Chief Columbia v. IN THE SUPERIOR sees, personal represylvania Avenue, this Action: Square: 5323 General of the District of sons COURT interested bed as OF in the Judge´s Administration sentatives, executors, NW Washington, D.C. 441 4th Street, Real Property described Columbia t NE, Order Number 02-11, it is Lot: 2004, SQUARE: THOMAS K THE DISTRICT 03/16, 03/30/18 administrators, grantees, 5323 LOT:03/23, 2004, which NW23RD Washington, D.C. above to appear in this this N, DC day of January, STEPHENSON TYPESET: Mon Mar 19 17:14:29 20004 EDT 2018 OF COLUMBIA assigns or the successors may also be known as 300 Court by 13th dayinof 2018, 20001 171, Lot THOMAS K CIVIL DIVISION right, title, and interest and Serve also: 50th St SE Unit: 104, June 2018, and redeem ORDERED by the Superto the STEPHENSON things, that theAttorney amounts any and personsbyhavKarl A. Racine, SHINGTON, DC theCivil Realall Property pay- And d listed ior Court of the District of W AIN THOMAS K Action No. any necessary for redemption THE SUPERIOR ing or claiming to have General of the District of 20019. The Complaint ment of $3020.97, plus inColumbia, that notice be STEPHENSON 2018 CA 000529 L (RP) have not paid. COURT including Columbia 441been 4th Street, amongOFother unknown of the terest from the dateadthe All given by theowners insertion of a states, City First Bank of DC, NA interest, ACTION INVOLVING Pursuant to theD.C. Chief THE DISTRICT verse possession, in the NW Washington, real property described Certificate was sold, all copy of this Order in the s. Milton Franklin & REAL PROPERTY Judge´s 20001 Administration OF COLUMBIA leasehold orprovided the fee for simdeviexpenses by below, Wa s h their i n g t oheirs, n Afro Clifton Kellogg 18 and Order Number 02-11, it is CIVIL DIVISION ple inCALENDAR the real§47-1377 property sees, personal repreD.C. Code and F American, a newspaper Unknown Occupant MAGISTRATE JUDGE this 24TH day of January, premises, situate, lying And executors, D.C. CodeRAYMOND §47-1361, and sentatives, ON having a general circulaRENEE 2018, Civil Action No. and in the District of administrators, grantees,of all being outstanding municipal ith D.C. tion in the District And ORDERED by the Super2018 CA 000943 L (RP) Columbia described as assigns All unknown owners of the or successors in liens amounts due and 47-1375 Columbia, once a week THORNTON MELLON ior Court of thedescribed District of ACTION INVOLVING 5owing 2 2 4 on A mthe e s Real St N E , right, real property title, and interest and TYPESET: Mon Mar 19 Propobject of for three (3) successive (For Purposes of D.C. LLC Columbia, that notice be REAL PROPERTY GTON, DC below, their heirs, deviand all personsallhavertyS H inI Naccordance with any s to seweeks, notifying perCode §47-1371(b)(1)(G)) WA given by the insertion of a CALENDAR 18 20019, Square: 5242, Lot ing sees, personal repreor claiming to have the provisions of D.C. re of the sons interested inany the Plaintiff, copy of this Order in the MAGISTRATE JUDGE 0892, sentatives, executors, including adCode assessed §47-1361, toor the an- interest, on in the Real Property described THE DISTRICT OF IN THE Wa s h i n SUPERIOR g t o n grantees, AfroRENEE RAYMOND owner of v. record listed administrators, swer the complaint, or verse perty loabovepossession, to appear in in the this COLUMBIA COURT OF American, a newspaper above, assigns or successors in or the fee day sim-of thereafter, a J. final strict of Court by the 23RD THE DISTRICT GILBERT & judg- leasehold having aand general circulaTHORNTON MELLON right, title, interest and in the real property and ment will entered fore- ple laintiff in May, 2018, and redeem Serve: Muriel Bowser OF JONIDefendants. B. be LEONARD tion inCOLUMBIA the District of LLC any and all persons havpremises, situate, lying closing the right of rere: 5171 the Real Property by payMayor of the District of CIVIL DIVISION Private Mortgage Columbia, once a week ing or claiming to have any and being in the District of demption in the Real UARE: ment of $6003.45, plus inColumbia Funding LLC OF Srs 24 for three including (3) successive Plaintiff, ORDER interest, Property and vesting in Columbia 0, which terest fromdescribed the date as the 1350 Pennsylvania Civil Action No.all adRichard Sugarman weeks, notifying perv. PUBLICATION verse possession, in the D St SE Unit: 103,all the PlaintiffOccupant a title in fee 5005 own as Certificate was sold, Avenue, NW 2018 CA 000939 L (RP) Unknown sons interested the In accordance with D.C. leasehold or the feeinsimWA S H I N G T O N , D C simple. t NE, expenses provided for by Washington, D.C. 20004 ACTION INVOLVING Real Property described WOODSON HEIGHTS Official Code §47-1375 20019, pleREAL in the PROPERTY real property and Square: 5321, Lot N, DC D.C. Code §47-1377 and above to situate, appear inlying this CONDO (2001 ed.), theofobject of 2002, premises, assessed to the Clerk the Court D.C. Code §47-1361, and CALENDAR 18 day of Court by in the ASSOC. INC this proceeding is to se- owner and being the30th District of of recordmunicipal listed all outstanding Serve also: MAGISTRATE JUDGE May, 2018, , and redeem WOODSON HEIGHTS cureBy: theJames foreclosure of the above, Columbia described as D McGinley liens amounts due and Karl A. Racine, Attorney And RENEE RAYMOND the Real Property by payCONDO ASSOC. right of redemption in the owing on the Real Prop5000 Call Pl SE Unit: 104, General of the District of ment $3054.15, INC following real property lo- erty in WA S HofI N G TMELLON O N , plus D C inDefendants. accordance with Columbia THORNTON (For Purposes of D.C. of terest Square: from the date Lot the Unknown Occupant cated in the District 20019, 5323, 03/16, 03/23, 03/30/18 the provisions of D.C. 441 4th Street, NW LLC Code §47-1371(b)(1)(G)) Certificate was sold, all 2020, assessed to the OF or an§47-1361, Washington, D.C. 20001 Columbia to the Plaintiff in Code ORDER expenses provided for by this Action: Square: 5242 swerPUBLICATION owner Plaintiff, of record listed the complaint, or D.C. Code §47-1377 and And Lot: 0892, SQUARE: Inthereafter, above, accordance a with final D.C. judgAnd THELOT: DISTRICT OF D.C. Codev.§47-1361, and 5242 0892, which Official TYPESET: Mon Mar 19 17:15:30 EDT 2018 Code §47-1375 ment will be entered foreCOLUMBIA all outstanding municipal (For Purposes of D.C. may also be known as (2001 ed.), the object of closing the right of reAll unknown owners of the PARTNERSHIP liens Defendants. amounts due and Code §47-1371(b)(1)(G)) ASTOR this proceeding is to sefor redemption demption in the Real real property described necessary Serve: owing onLLC the Real Propthe foreclosure of thein not Bowser been paid. cure Property and vesting below, their heirs, devi- haveMuriel IN THE SUPERIOR ASTOR PARTNERSHIP erty in accordance with ORDER right redemption Pursuant to District the Chief the of Plaintiff a title ininthe fee sees, COURT personal OF repreLLC OFof D.C. Mayor of the of the PUBLICATION provisions THE DISTRICT OF Judge´s Administration simple. real property losentatives, executors, Columbia THE DISTRICT ASTOR PARTNERSHIP 1350 Penn- following Code §47-1361, or anCOLUMBIA In accordance with D.C. Number 02-11, it is cated in the District of administrators, grantees, Order OF COLUMBIA LLC sylvania Avenue, swer the complaint, or Official Code §47-1375 ColumbiaClerk to theofPlaintiff in day of January, the Court assigns successors in this CIVILorDIVISION Eagle Bank NW23RD Washington, D.C. thereafter, a final judgServe: (2001 ed.), the object of this By: Action: Square: 5321 James D McGinley right, title, and interest and 2018, 20004 Eagle Bank ment will be entered foreMuriel Bowser this proceeding is to seany Civil and Action all persons No. hav- ORDERED by the Super- Lot: 2002, SQUARE: Antonio Marquez closing the right &of the reMayor of the District of cure theRyan foreclosure of the District of 5321 LOT: 2002, which ing or CA claiming to have any ior Court 2018 000528 L (RP) Rielthe ofReal Serve also: demption in Columbia 1350 Pennright of redemption in the also 03/23, be Mon known as 19 17:15:30 EDT 2018 TYPESET: Mar that Attorney notice be may 03/16, 03/30/18 interest, including ad- Columbia, ACTION INVOLVING Unknown Occupant Karl A. Racine, Propertyreal andproperty vestinglo-in sylvania Avenue, following given by of the insertion verse possession, in the General REAL PROPERTY the District of of a 5005 D St SE Unit: 103, the Plaintiff title in fee NW Washington, D.C. cated in the a District of copy of this in the W A S H I N G T O N , D C necessary for redemption And leasehold or the fee CALENDAR 18 sim- Columbia 441Order 4th Street, simple. 20004 20019.The Complaint i n g t o n A f D.C. rohave not been paid. Columbia to the Plaintiff in ple in the real property and Wa MAGISTRATE JUDGE IN THE SUPERIOR NWs hWashington, Square: 5323 amongOFother a newspaper states, COURT Pursuant the Chief this premises, situate, lying American, RENEE RAYMOND (ForAction: Purposes D.C. 20001 ClerkSQUARE: ofofthe Court Servetoalso: Lot: §47-1371(b)(1)(G)) 2020, thatDISTRICT the amounts Judge´s Administration and being in the District of having a general circula- things,THE By:LOT: James D McGinley Karl A. Racine, Attorney Code 5323 2020, which tion in the District of Order Number 02-11, itofis Columbia described THORNTON MELLONas And OF COLUMBIA General of the District may also be known as this 23RD441 day 4th of January, 49th St NE, LLC WASHING- Columbia, once a week CIVIL DIVISION Columbia Street, 5000 Call Pl SE Unit: 104, forunknown three (3) successive 2018, TON, DC 20019, Square: All THE DISTRICT 03/30/18 OF owners of the 03/16, NW Washington, D.C. H I N 03/23, GTON, DC weeks, notifying all perORDERED by the Super- W A S COLUMBIA 5179, Lot 0059, assessed real Plaintiff, Civil Action No. property described 20001 20019. The Complaint sons interested in the ior Court of the District of to the owner v. of record below, their heirs, devi2018 CA 000528 L (RP) among other Real Property Columbia, that notice be states, Serve: listed above, ACTION INVOLVING sees, personaldescribed repreAnd things, that the2018 amounts TYPESET: Mar of19a 17:15:02 EDT above to appear in this given by theMon insertion Wells Fargo Bank, Muriel Bowser REAL PROPERTY sentatives, executors, necessary forDistrict redemption Court by the 23RD day of copy of thisowners Order of in the the Mayor of the Defendants. NA of CALENDAR 18 administrators, grantees, All unknown have not been paid. May, 2018, and redeem Wa sproperty h i n g t o n described AfroWells Fargo Bank, NA Columbia 1350 PennMAGISTRATE JUDGE assigns or successors in real Pursuant to the Chief the Real Property by payAmerican, a newspaper ORDER OF IN THE SUPERIOR Pellegrino Condo. sylvania Avenue, RENEE RAYMOND right, title, and interest and below, their heirs, deviAdministration ment of $4734.02, inhaving a general circula- Judge´s PUBLICATION COURT OF repreAssoc. NW Washington, D.C. any and all personsplus havsees, personal Order Number terest from the dateany the tion in the District of In Unknown accordance with D.C. ing THE DISTRICT Occupant 2000402-11, it is THORNTON MELLON or claiming to have sentatives, executors, this 24th day of January, Certificate was sold, all Columbia, oncegrantees, a week Official Code §47-1375 interest, including adOF COLUMBIA LLC administrators, expenses providedinforthe by for CIVIL three (3) successive (2001 ed.), the object of verse possession, assigns orDIVISION successors in 2018, Serve also: by the SuperD.C. Codeor§47-1377 and weeks, notifying all and per- ORDERED this proceeding is to se- leasehold And Karl A. Racine, Attorney Plaintiff, the fee simright, title, and interest Courtofofthe theDistrict Districtofof D.C. Code and sons the ior cure the foreclosure of the ple Civil Action No.inhavGeneral v. in the real§47-1361, property and any andinterested all persons Columbia, that notice be all outstanding municipal Real Property right redemption in the premises, situate, lying 2018 000942 L (RP) (Forof Purposes of D.C. ing orCA claiming to described have any Columbia 441 4th Street, by the insertion liens amounts due and above toINVOLVING appear in adthis given following real property lo- and ACTION Code §47-1371(b)(1)(G)) NW Washington, D.C.of a Wells Fargo Bank, being in the District of interest, including Order in the owing on the Real PropCourt byPROPERTY the 23RD in day of copy of this cated in the District of Columbia REAL 20001 NA described as verse possession, the May, 2018, and18 redeem Columbia to the Plaintiff in 5erty CALENDAR Wells Fargo Bank, NA 3 3 5inDaccordance r a k e P l Swith E, leasehold or the fee sim- Wa s h i n g t o n A f r o American, a newspaper the provisions of D.C. theinReal Property by and pay- And thisTHE Action: Square: MAGISTRATE JUDGE DISTRICT OF5179 WA S H I N G T O N , D C Pellegrino Condo. ple the real property Code §47-1361, or anment of $4734.02, in- having a general circulaLot: 0059, SQUARE: 20019, RENEE RAYMOND COLUMBIA Assoc. premises, situate,plus lying tion in theowners District of terest from theDistrict date the 5179 LOT: 0059, which swer the complaint, or unknown of the Unknown Occupant and being in the of All Columbia, once a week a final judgCertificate described was sold, as all real may alsoServe: be known as thereafter, THORNTON MELLON property described Defendants. Columbia for three (3) successive ment will be entered foreexpenses provided by below, their heirs, devi49th Muriel St NE, WASHINGLLC Bowser 300 50th St SE Unit:for 104, weeks,personal notifying repreall perthe right D.C.S H Code and sees, TO N , of D Cthe2District 0019.T Mayor ofh e closingORDER OF of re- And WA I N G§47-1377 TON, DC sons interested in the in the Real D.C. Code §47-1361, and n Mar 19 16:58:48 ComplaintEDT states, among demption Plaintiff, Columbia 13502018 Pennexecutors, PUBLICATION 20019, Square: 5323, Lot sentatives, Real Property grantees, described and with vesting all outstanding municipal other things, that the InProperty v. sylvania Avenue, (For Purposes of D.C. accordance D.C.in 2004, assessed to the administrators, above to appear in this the Plaintiff a title in fee liens amounts duelisted and assigns or successors NW Washington, in amounts necessaryD.C. for re- Official Code §47-1375 Code §47-1371(b)(1)(G)) owner of record Courttitle, by and the interest 30th day of simple.ed.), the object of owing on the Real Prop- right, WOODSON HEIGHTS and demption20004 have not been (2001 RIOR above, May, 2018, , and redeem erty in accordance with CONDO ASSOC.INC any and all persons havpaid.Pursuant to the Chief this proceeding is to seTHE theorReal Property by payClerk of theofCourt the provisions of D.C. ing WOODSON HEIGHTS Serve also: claiming to have any Judge´s Administration THE DISTRICT OF cure the foreclosure the OF Defendants. ment of $3095.89, plus inD McGinley Code §47-1361, or an- interest, CONDO ASSOC. INC Karl A.Number Racine,02-11, Attorney including adOrder it is rightBy: COLUMBIA of James redemption in the A terest from the date the swer the complaint, or Unknown Occupant General of the District of verse possession, in the this 23rd day of January, following real property loON ORDER OF Certificateorwas sold, all thereafter, a final judg- leasehold Columbia 441 4th Street, cated in the District of the fee sim2018, Serve: PUBLICATION expenses provided by 03/16,to03/23, 03/30/18 ment will be entered fore- ple And NW Washington, D.C. in the real propertyfor and Muriel Bowser Columbia the Plaintiff in No.
copy of this Order in the Wa s h i n g t o n A f r o American, a newspaper having a general circulation in the District of Columbia, once a week for three (3) successive weeks, notifying all persons interested in the Real Property described above to appear in this LEGAL NOTICES Court by the 30th day of May, 2018, , and redeem the Real Property by payment of $3095.89, plus interest from the date the Certificate was sold, all expenses provided for by D.C. Code §47-1377 and D.C. Code §47-1361, and all outstanding municipal liens amounts due and owing on the Real Property in accordance with the provisions of D.C. Code §47-1361, or answer the complaint, or thereafter, a final judgment will be entered foreclosing the right of redemption in the Real Property and vesting in the Plaintiff a title in fee simple.
owingORDER on the OF Real Property PUBLICATION in accordance with the provisions of D.C. D.C. In accordance with Code §47-1361, or anOfficial Code §47-1375 swer ed.), the complaint, or (2001 the object of thereafter, a final this proceeding is to judgsement will be entered forecure the foreclosure of the closing the right in of the reright of redemption demption the Real following realinproperty loProperty and District vestingofin cated in the the Plaintiff a Plaintiff title in fee Columbia to the in simple. LEGAL this Action: NOTICES Square: 5397 ClerkSQUARE: of the Court Lot: 2001, James D McGinley 5397By:LOT: 2001, which may also be known as 428 Ridge Rd SE Unit: 1, 03/16, WAS H I N 03/23, G T O N03/30/18 , DC 20019.The Complaint states, among other 17:24:42 EDT things, that the 2018 amounts necessary for redemption have not been paid. Pursuant to the Chief Judge´s Administration Order Number 02-11, it is this 24th day of January, 2018, ORDERED by the Superior Court of the District of Columbia, that notice be given by the insertion of a copy of this Order in the Wa s h i n g t o n A f r o American, a newspaper having a general circulation in the District of Columbia, once a week for three (3) successive weeks, notifying all persons interested in the Real Property described above to appear in this Court by the 30TH day of May, 2018, and redeem the Real Property by payment of $3527.98, plus interest from the date the Certificate was sold, all expenses provided for by D.C. Code §47-1377 and D.C. Code §47-1361, and all outstanding municipal liens amounts due and owing on the Real Property in accordance with the provisions of D.C. Code §47-1361, or answer the complaint, or thereafter, a final judgment will be entered foreclosing the right of redemption in the Real Property and vesting in the Plaintiff a title in fee simple. Clerk of the Court By: James D McGinley
March 31, 2018 - April 6, 2018, The Afro-American Mayor of the District of
Columbia 1350 Pennsylvania Avenue, TYPESET: Mon Mar 19 17:25:24 EDT 2018 NW Washington, D.C. LEGAL20004 NOTICES LEGAL NOTICES have not been paid. Pursuant the Chief IN THE SUPERIOR Servetoalso: Judge´s Administration COURT OF Karl A. Racine, Attorney Order Number 02-11, itofis THE DISTRICT General of the District this 24th 441 day 4th of January, OF COLUMBIA Columbia Street, 2018, CIVIL DIVISION NW Washington, D.C. ORDERED by the Super20001 TYPESET: Mar 19 ior Court ofMon the District of Civil Action No. Columbia, that notice be 2018 CA 000938 L (RP) And given by the insertion of a ACTION INVOLVING copy of this Order of in the the REAL PROPERTY All unknown owners IN THE SUPERIOR Wa sproperty h i n g t o nOF AfroCALENDAR 18 real described COURT American, aheirs, newspaper MAGISTRATE JUDGE below, deviTHEtheir DISTRICT having a general reprecirculaRENEE RAYMOND sees, OF personal COLUMBIA tion in the District of sentatives, executors, CIVIL DIVISION Columbia, oncegrantees, a week THORNTON MELLON administrators, for Civil three (3) successive LLC assigns or successors in Action No. weeks, perright, title, and interest and 2018 CA notifying 000948 L all (RP) sons interested in the Plaintiff, any and allINVOLVING persons havACTION Real Property v. ing or claiming to described have any REAL PROPERTY above to including appear this interest, CALENDAR 18in adCourt possession, by the 30th daytheof Federal MIS verse in MAGISTRATE JUDGE May, 2018, and redeem Limited Pshp. leasehold or the fee simRENEE RAYMOND theinReal Property by and payFederal MIS ple the real property ment of $3845.78, plus inClerk of the Court Limited Pshp. premises, situate, lying THORNTON MELLON terest from theDistrict date the By: James D McGinley Federal MIS Limited and being in the of LLC Certificate was sold, all Pshp.Unknown Occupant Columbia described as expenses provided by 514 Ridge Rd SE for Unit: Plaintiff, TYPESET: Mon03/30/18 Mar 19 And 16:55:27 EDT 2018 D.C. WASHINGTON, Codev.§47-1377 DC and 03/16, 03/23, 312, D.C. Code §47-1361, and 20019, Square: 5396, Lot 5(For 0 5 8Purposes A s t o r ofPD.C. l S E , 2037, allJOSEPH outstanding municipal assessed to the BATTLE W A S§47-1371(b)(1)(G)) H I N G T O N , D C AVON liens PROPERTIES amounts and IN THE SUPERIOR Code owner of recorddue listed I, 20019. The Complaint above, owing onLLC the Real PropCOURT OF states, among other Ridgecrest erty in accordance with THE DISTRICT Condominium things, that the amounts the Owners provisions of D.C. OF COLUMBIA THE DISTRICT OF Defendants. Assoc. necessary for redemption Code §47-1361, or anCIVIL DIVISION COLUMBIA Unknown Occupant have not been paid. swer ORDER the complaint, or OF Pursuant to the Chief And thereafter, a final judgCivil Action No. Serve: PUBLICATION Judge´s Administration ment will be entered fore2018 CA 000939 L (RP) Muriel Bowser In accordance with D.C. Order 02-11,ofit is Official closing the right of reACTION INVOLVING MayorNumber of the District Code §47-1375 (For Purposes of D.C. this 24th day of January, demption in the Real REAL PROPERTY Columbia 1350 Penn- Code (2001 ed.), the object of §47-1371(b)(1)(G)) 2018, Property and vesting CALENDAR 18 sylvania Avenue, this proceeding is to se-in ORDERED by the Superthe Plaintiff a title in fee MAGISTRATE JUDGE NW Washington, D.C. cure the foreclosure of the ior Court20004 of the District of right simple. RENEE RAYMOND of DISTRICT redemptionOF in the THE Columbia, that notice be following real property loCOLUMBIA given by the also: insertion of a cated inClerk the Court THORNTON MELLON Serve the of District of copyA.ofRacine, this Order in the Columbia By: James McGinley LLC Karl Attorney to theDPlaintiff in Serve: Wa s h i nof g tthe o n District A f r o - of General this Action: Square: 5396 Muriel Bowser American,441 a 4th newspaper Plaintiff, Columbia Street, Lot: SQUARE: Mayor2037, of the District of having a general D.C. circula- Columbia v. NW Washington, 539603/16, LOT:03/23, 2037,03/30/18 which 1350 Penntion in 20001 the District of maysylvania also be Avenue, known as 514 Columbia, once a week Ridge ASTOR PARTNERSHIP Rd SE Unit: 312, NW Washington, D.C. for three (3) successive TYPESET: Mon Mar 19 17:06:02 EDT 2018 LLC And W A S H I20004 N GTO N, DC weeks, notifying all per- 20019.The Complaint ASTOR PARTNERSHIP sons interested the states, LLC All unknown owners in of the among Serve also: other Real Property described things, ASTOR PARTNERSHIP real property described that theAttorney amounts Karl A. Racine, IN THE SUPERIOR above to appear this necessary LLC below, their heirs, General of for theredemption District of COURT OF indeviCourt the 30threpreday of Columbia Eagle Bank sees, personal have not441been paid. 4th Street, THEby DISTRICT May, and redeem Pursuant Eagle Bank sentatives, executors, to the D.C. Chief NW Washington, OF2018, COLUMBIA theCIVIL Real DIVISION Property by pay- Judge´s 20001 Antonio Marquez & administrators, grantees, Administration ment of or $3400.14, plus in in- Order Number 02-11, it is Ryan Riel assigns successors terest from dateand the And Unknown Occupant right, title, andthe interest this 24th day of January, Civil Action No. Certificate was Lsold, all 2018, any and all persons hav2018 CA 000947 (RP) expenses provided for by And ing or claiming to have any ORDERED by the SuperAll unknown owners of the ACTION INVOLVING D.C. Code §47-1377 adand real interest, including ior Court of thedescribed District of property REAL PROPERTY D.C. Code §47-1361, and below, (For Purposes of D.C. verse possession, Columbia, notice be theirthat heirs, deviCALENDAR 18in the all outstanding municipal Code §47-1371(b)(1)(G)) leasehold or theJUDGE fee sim- sees, given by the insertion of a personal repreMAGISTRATE liens amounts due and ple in the real property and copy of this Order in the sentatives, executors, RENEE RAYMOND owing on the Real lying Prop- administrators, premises, situate, Wa s h i n g t o n grantees, Afroertybeing in accordance THE DISTRICT OF and in the Districtwith of assigns American, a newspaper or successors in THORNTON MELLON the provisions of D.C. COLUMBIA ColumbiaLLC described as right, having a and general circulatitle, interest and CCode e n t r§47-1361, a l A v e orS Ean, any tionand in all thepersons District of havswer Serve: WA S Hthe I N Gcomplaint, T O N , D C or ing Columbia, once a week or claiming to have any Plaintiff, 17:15:02 EDT 2018 thereafter, Muriel Bowser 20019, Square: 5329,judgLot interest, for three including (3) successive adv. a final ment will be entered Mayor of the District of 0009, assessed to forethe verse weeks,possession, notifying all in perthe have not 1350 been Pennpaid. owner closing the right of reColumbia of record listed sons interested in the leasehold or the fee simGREGORY BROWN Pursuant the Chief MET demption in the Real ple sylvaniatoAvenue, above, Real Property described in the real property and Limited Partnership Judge´s Administration Property vesting in premises, NW Washington, D.C. above to appear this situate, inlying MET Limitedand Partnership Order Number the Limited Plaintiff a title in fee and 2000402-11, it is MET Defendants. Court by the 30TH day of of being in the District Partnership this 24th day of January, simple. May, 2018, and redeem Columbia described as Richard Sugarman 2018, Serve also: ORDER OF the Real by pay428 RidgeProperty Rd SE Unit: 1, Ridgecrest Condominium ORDERED by the SuperClerk of the Court WA Karl A. Racine, Attorney PUBLICATION ment ofI $2930.34, SH N G T O N , plus D CinOwners Assoc. ior Courtof ofthe theDistrict Districtofof InUnknown By: James Dwith McGinley General accordance D.C. 20019, terest from the5397, date Lot the Square: Occupant Columbia,441 that4th notice be Official Code §47-1375 2001, Columbia Street, Certificate was sold, all assessed to the given by the insertion of a (2001 ed.), the object of owner NW Washington, D.C. expenses for by of provided record listed copy of this Order in the And 03/23,is03/30/18 20001 this 03/16, proceeding to se- above, D.C. Code §47-1377 and Wa s h i n g t o n A f r o cure the foreclosure of the D.C. Code §47-1361, and American, a newspaper right And of redemption in the all outstanding municipal Defendants. (For Purposes of D.C. having a general circula- Code following real property lo- liens amounts due and §47-1371(b)(1)(G)) tion in theowners District of cated in the District of owing ORDER All unknown of the on the Real OF PropColumbia, once a week Columbia to the Plaintiff in erty PUBLICATION real property described in accordance with for three (3)heirs, successive below, their devi- this Action: Square: 5329 the provisions of D.C. D.C. In accordance with THE DISTRICT OF weeks,personal notifying all per- Lot: COLUMBIA sees, repre0009, SQUARE: Official Code §47-1361, or anCode §47-1375 sons interested in the 5329 LOT: 0009, which (2001 sentatives, executors, swer ed.), the complaint, or the object of Real Property grantees, described may also administrators, be known as this thereafter, a final proceeding is tojudgseServe: above to in this assigns or appear successors in C e nMuriel t r a l Bowser A v e S E , cure mentthe willforeclosure be enteredofforethe Courttitle, by and the interest 30th day of W right, and A S HofI Nthe GT O N , ofD C right closing the right of reof redemption in the Mayor District May,and 2018, , and redeem any all persons hav- Columbia 20019. The Complaint demption the Real following realinproperty lo1350 Pennthe Real Property by paying or claiming to have any states, among other cated Property and District vesting ofin in the sylvania Avenue, TYPESET: Mon Mar 19 EDT ment of $3095.89, plusadin- 17:25:24 interest, including things, that the2018 amounts the Plaintiff a title in fee Columbia to the Plaintiff in NW Washington, D.C. terest possession, from the date the necessary verse in the for redemption this simple. Action: Square: 5397 20004 Certificateorwas sold,simall have not been paid. Lot: 2001, leasehold the fee Clerk SQUARE: of the Court expenses provided by Pursuant the Chief 5397 ple the real propertyfor and By:LOT: James D McGinley 2001, which INinTHE SUPERIOR Servetoalso: D.C. COURT Code situate, §47-1377 and Judge´s Administration premises, may also be known as 428 OF lying Karl A. Racine, Attorney D.C. Code Order Number 02-11, of it is Ridge and being in§47-1361, the Districtand of General Rd SE Unit: TYPESET: Mon Mar1,19 THE DISTRICT of the District all OF outstanding municipal this 24th 441 day 4th of January, Columbia described as Columbia 03/30/18 S H I N03/23, GTON , DC COLUMBIA Street, W A03/16, due 5liens 0 5CIVIL 8 amounts A DIVISION stor P l Sand E , 2018, 20019.The Complaint NW Washington, D.C. owing the PropORDERED by the SuperWA S Hon ING T OReal N, D C states, among other 20001 IN THE SUPERIOR ertyCivil inSquare: accordance 20019, 5327, Lot ior Court of the District of things, COURT that the OF amounts Action No. with the CA provisions D.C. Columbia, that notice be necessary 0035, assessed the And for redemption 2018 000938 Lofto (RP) THE DISTRICT Code §47-1361, an- given by the insertion of a owner of INVOLVING record or listed ACTION OF COLUMBIA swer the complaint, or All copy of thisowners Order of in the the above, REAL PROPERTY unknown CIVIL DIVISION thereafter, a final Wa sproperty h i n g t o n described AfroCALENDAR 18 judg- real ment will be entered fore- below, American, newspaper MAGISTRATE JUDGE their aheirs, deviCivil Action No. closing the right of re- sees, havingpersonal a general reprecirculaDefendants. RENEE RAYMOND 2018 CA 000948 L (RP) demption in the Real sentatives, tion in the executors, District of ACTION INVOLVING Property andMELLON vesting in administrators, Columbia, oncegrantees, a week ORDER OF THORNTON REAL PROPERTY the Plaintiff for three successive PUBLICATION LLCa title in fee assigns or (3) successors in CALENDAR 18 simple. weeks, all and perIn accordance with D.C. right, title,notifying and interest MAGISTRATE JUDGE sons the Official Plaintiff, Code §47-1375 any andinterested all personsinhavRENEE RAYMOND Real Propertyto described (2001 ed.),v.the object of ing or claiming have any Clerk of is thetoCourt above to including appear in adthis this proceeding se- interest, THORNTON MELLON By: James D McGinley Court possession, by the 30th in day cure the foreclosure Federal MIS of the verse theof LLC May, 2018, and redeem right Limited of redemption in the Pshp. leasehold or the fee simtheinReal Property by and payfollowing real MIS property lo- ple Federal the real property Plaintiff, 03/16, 03/23, 03/30/18 ment of $3845.78, incated in the District of premises, Limited Pshp. situate,plus lying v. terest from theDistrict date the ColumbiaMIS to theLimited Plaintiff in and Federal being in the of Certificate described was sold, as all this Action: Square: 5327 Columbia Pshp.Unknown Occupant JOSEPH BATTLE expenses by AVON PROPERTIES I, Lot: 0035, SQUARE: 514 Ridge provided Rd SE for Unit: D.C.WASHINGTON, Code §47-1377 DC and 5327 LOT: 0035, And 16:55:27 EDT 2018which 312, LLC D.C. Code §47-1361, and Ridgecrest Condominium may also be known as 20019, Square: 5396, Lot all outstanding assessedmunicipal to the 5(For 0 5 8Purposes A s t o r ofPD.C. l S E , 2037, Owners Assoc. liens amounts and Code of recorddue listed W A S§47-1371(b)(1)(G)) H I N G T O N , D C owner Unknown Occupant owing on the Real Prop20019. The Complaint above, erty in accordance with And states, among other the provisions THE DISTRICT OF Defendants.of D.C. things, that the amounts COLUMBIA necessary for redemption Code §47-1361, or an(For Purposes of D.C. the complaint, or OF have not been paid. swer ORDER Code §47-1371(b)(1)(G)) a final judgPUBLICATION PursuantServe: to the Chief thereafter, will be entered foreMurielAdministration Bowser Inment accordance with D.C. Judge´s closing Code the right of reMayorNumber of the District §47-1375 Order 02-11,ofit is Official THE DISTRICT OF demption in the Real Columbia 1350 Penn- (2001 ed.), the object of this 24th day of January, COLUMBIA Property and vesting sylvania Avenue, this proceeding is to se-in 2018, the the Plaintiff a title of in the fee NW Washington, foreclosure ORDERED by the D.C. Super- cure Serve: simple. of redemption in the ior Court 20004 of the District of right Muriel Bowser Columbia, that notice be following real property loMayor of the District of the Court Serve also: the of District of given by the insertion of a cated inClerk Columbia 1350 PennBy: James McGinley Karl A.ofRacine, Attorney to theDPlaintiff in copy this Order in the Columbia sylvania Avenue, General this Action: Square: 5396 Wa s h i nof g tthe o n District A f r o - of NW Washington, D.C. Columbia Street, Lot: 2037, SQUARE: American,441 a 4th newspaper 20004 TYPESET: Mon03/30/18 Mar 03/16, NW Washington, D.C. 5396 LOT:03/23, 2037, which19 17:06:02 EDT 2018 having a general circulation in 20001 the District of may also be known as 514 Serve also: states, among other Columbia, once a week Ridge Rd SE Unit: 312, Karl A. Racine, Attorney things, that theDistrict amounts And SH ING TON, DC THE SUPERIOR for three (3) successive W AIN General of the of necessary441 for 4th redemption Complaint COURT OF weeks, notifying all per- 20019.The Columbia Street, have not been D.C. paid. All unknown ownersin of the THE DISTRICT sons interested the NW Washington, Pursuant20001 to the Chief real OF COLUMBIA Realproperty Property described described Judge´s Administration below, heirs, indeviCIVIL DIVISION above their to appear this TYPESET: Mon Marit 19 Order Number 02-11, is sees, personal Court by the 30threpreday of And this 24th day of January, sentatives, executors, Civil Action No. May, 2018, and redeem 2018, administrators, grantees, 2018 CA 000947 L (RP) the Real Property by payAll unknown owners of the ORDERED by described the Superassigns successors ACTION INVOLVING ment of or $3400.14, plus in inIN THE SUPERIOR real property ior Court of the District right, andthe interest REAL PROPERTY teresttitle, from dateand the COURT OF below, their heirs, devi-of Columbia, that notice be any and all persons havCALENDAR 18 Certificate was sold, all THE DISTRICT sees, personal repregiven by the insertion of a ing or claiming to have any MAGISTRATE JUDGE expenses provided for by OF COLUMBIA sentatives, executors, copy of this Order in the interest, RENEE RAYMOND D.C. Codeincluding §47-1377 adand CIVIL DIVISION administrators, grantees, Wa s h i norg tsuccessors o n A f r o - in verse possession, in the D.C. Code §47-1361, and assigns American, a newspaper leasehold or the municipal fee simTHORNTON MELLON all outstanding No. and right,Civil title,Action and interest having general ple in the real property LLC liens amounts due and and 2018 CAaall 000950 Lcircula(RP) any and persons havtion in the District of premises, situate, owing on the Real lying PropACTION INVOLVING ing or claiming to have any Columbia, once a week and in the Districtwith of Plaintiff, ertybeing in accordance REAL PROPERTY interest, including adfor three (3) successive Columbia described as v. the provisions of D.C. verseCALENDAR possession,18in the weeks, notifying all simperCCode e n t r§47-1361, a l A v e orS E , anMAGISTRATE leasehold or theJUDGE fee sons interested in and the WA S Hthe I N Gcomplaint, T O N , D Cor GREGORY BROWN swer RENEE RAYMOND ple in the real property Real Property described 20019, Square: 5329,judgLot MET Limited Partnership thereafter, a final premises, situate, lying above to appear in this 0009, assessed to forethe MET Limited Partnership ment will be entered THORNTON MELLON and being in the District of Court by the 30TH dayasof owner MET Limited Partnership closing oftherecord right listed of reLLC Columbia described May, 2018, and redeem above, Richard Sugarman demption in the Real 428 Ridge Rd SE Unit: 1, the SReal Property and vesting in Ridgecrest Condominium WA H IPlaintiff, NProperty G T O N , byDpayC ment of $2930.34, plusLot inDefendants. Owners Assoc. the Plaintiff a title in fee v. 5397, 20019, Square: terest assessed from the date the Unknown Occupant simple. 2001, to the Certificate was sold, all ORDER OF THEofLAURAVIN owner record listed expenses provided PUBLICATION Clerk of the Court LUXURY APT for by above, D.C. Code §47-1377 and In accordance D.C. And By: James Dwith McGinley HOMES III D.C.THE Code §47-1361, and Official Code §47-1375 LAURAVIN Defendants. all outstanding municipal (2001 ed.), the object of (For Purposes of D.C. LUXURY APT liens ORDER amountsOF this 03/16, proceeding to seCode §47-1371(b)(1)(G)) 03/23,is03/30/18 HOMES IIIdue and owing on the Real cure the foreclosure of the THE LAURAVIN PropPUBLICATION in accordance with right of redemption in the LUXURY APT Inerty accordance with D.C. the provisions following real property loTHE DISTRICT OF HOMES III of D.C. Official Code §47-1375 Code §47-1361, or ancated in the District of COLUMBIA Santorini Capital (2001 ed.), the object of swerproceeding theLLC complaint, or Columbia to the Plaintiff in this is to sethereafter, a final judgthis Action: Square: 5329 Serve: Donegan &of the cureBrian the foreclosure mentof will be Leahy entered Lot: 0009, SQUARE: Muriel Bowser William right redemption in forethe closing the right of lore5329 LOT: 0009, which Mayor of the District of Unknown following realOccupant property demption in the Real may also be known as Columbia 1350 Penn- cated in the District of Property and vesting Central Ave SE, sylvania Avenue, And Columbia to the Plaintiff inin the Plaintiff a title in fee WASHINGTON, DC NW Washington, D.C. this Action: Square: 5397 simple. 20019. The Complaint 20004 (For 2001, Purposes of D.C. Lot: SQUARE: Clerk of thewhich Court states, among other Code 5397 §47-1371(b)(1)(G)) LOT: 2001, By: James D McGinley things, that the amounts Serve also: may also be known as 428 necessary for redemption Karl A. Racine, Attorney Ridge Rd SE Unit: 1, General of the District of THE WA S HDISTRICT I N G T O NOF , DC 03/16, 03/23, 03/30/18 Columbia 441 4th Street, 20019.The COLUMBIA Complaint
17:24:42 Serve: EDT 2018
Muriel Bowser Mayornot of the District of have been paid. Columbia 1350 Pursuant to the PennChief sylvania Avenue, Judge´s Administration NW Washington, D.C. Order Number 02-11, it is this 24th 20004 day of January, 2018, Servebyalso: ORDERED the SuperKarl A. Racine, ior Court of the Attorney District of General of that the District Columbia, notice of be Columbia 441 4th Street, given by the insertion of a NW Washington, D.C. copy of this Order in the Wa s h i n g20001 ton AfroAmerican, a newspaper And having a general circulation in the District of All unknownonce owners the Columbia, a of week real property described for three (3) successive below, their heirs, deviweeks, notifying all persees, personal represons interested in the sentatives, Real Propertyexecutors, described administrators, grantees, above to appear in this assigns successors Court byorthe 30TH day in of right, title, and interest and May, 2018, and redeem any and all persons the Real Property by havpaying or claiming to have ment of $3527.98, plusany ininterest, including terest from the date adthe verse possession, in the Certificate was sold, all leasehold the feefor simexpenses or provided by ple in the real§47-1377 property and D.C. Code and premises, situate, lying D.C. Code §47-1361, and and being in the District of all outstanding municipal Columbia described as liens amounts due and 1owing 6 2 9 on 2 8the t h Real S t PropSE, WA HIN G T O N , Dwith C ertySin accordance 20020, Square: 5585, Lot the provisions of D.C. 0030, assessed to Code §47-1361, or the anowner of complaint, record listed swer the or above, thereafter, a final judgment will be entered foreclosingDefendants. the right of redemption in the Real ORDER Property and OF vesting in PUBLICATION the Plaintiff a title in fee In accordance with D.C. simple. Official Clerk Code of§47-1375 the Court (2001 the object of By: ed.), James D McGinley this proceeding is to secure the foreclosure of the right03/16, of redemption in the 03/23, 03/30/18 following real property located in the District of Columbia to the Plaintiff in 16:50:06 EDT 20185585 this Action: Square: Lot: 0030, SQUARE: 5585 LOT: 0030, which may also be known as 1629 28th St SE, WASHINGTON, DC 20020.The Complaint states, among other things, that the amounts necessary for redemption have not been paid. Pursuant to the Chief Judge´s Administration Order Number 02-11, it is this 24th day of January, 2018, ORDERED by the Superior Court of the District of Columbia, that notice be given by the insertion of a copy of this Order in the Wa s h i n g t o n A f r o American, a newspaper having a general circulation in the District of Columbia, once a week for three (3) successive weeks, notifying all persons interested in the Real Property described above to appear in this Court by the 30TH day of May, 2018, and redeem the Real Property by payment of $5868.95, plus interest from the date the Certificate was sold, all expenses provided for by D.C. Code §47-1377 and D.C. Code §47-1361, and all outstanding municipal liens amounts due and owing on the Real Property in accordance with the provisions of D.C. Code §47-1361, or an-
5585 L may als 1629 WASH 20020. states, things, necessa have n Pursua Judge´s Order N this 24th 2018, ORDER ior Cour Columb given by copy of Wa s h i n America having tion in Columb for thre weeks, sons in Real Pr above t Court by May, 20 the Rea ment of terest fr Certifica expense D.C. Co D.C. Co all outs liens am owing o erty in the pro Code § swer th thereaft ment wi closing demptio Property the Plai simple.
By: J
II VIN PT II pital
an & ahy upant
of D.C. b)(1)(G))
ser strict of Pennnue, n, D.C.
o: Attorney istrict of h Street, n, D.C.
ers of the escribed rs, devirepreecutors, grantees, essors in erest and ons havhave any ing adn, in the fee simperty and e, lying District of ibed as St SE, N, DC 5585, Lot to the d listed
F ON with D.C. 47-1375 object of s to seure of the on in the perty lostrict of Plaintiff in re: 5585 QUARE:
sons interested in the Real Property described above to appear in this Court by the 30TH day of May, 2018, and redeem the Real Property by payment of $5868.95, plus interest from the date the Certificate was sold, all expenses provided for by D.C. Code §47-1377 and LEGAL NOTICES D.C. Code §47-1361, and all outstanding municipal liens amounts due and owing on the Real Property in accordance with the provisions of D.C. Code §47-1361, or answer the complaint, or thereafter, a final judgment will be entered foreclosing the right of redemption in the Real Property and vesting in the Plaintiff a title in fee simple. Clerk of the Court By: James D McGinley
Order Number 02-11, it is sylvania Avenue, this day of January, NW24th Washington, D.C. 2018, 20004 ORDERED by the Superior Court of the District of Serve also: Columbia, that Attorney notice be Karl A. Racine, given by the insertion General of the District of a copy of this in the Columbia 441Order 4th Street, Wa h i n g t o n A fD.C. roNWs Washington, American, a newspaper 20001 having a general circulaLEGAL NOTICES tion in the District of TYPESET: Mon Mar 19 And Columbia, once a week forunknown three (3) successive All owners of the weeks, notifying all perreal property described IN THE SUPERIOR sonsCOURT interested in the below, their heirs, OF deviReal Property described sees, personal repreTHE DISTRICT above to appear in this sentatives, executors, OF COLUMBIA Court by DIVISION the 30TH day of administrators, grantees, CIVIL May, 2018, and redeem assigns or successors in theCivil Real Property payright, title,Action and interest No.by and ment of $4647.32, plus inany and all persons hav2018 CA 000919 L (RP) terest from the dateany the ing or claiming to have ACTION INVOLVING Certificate was sold, interest, including adREAL PROPERTY all expenses provided by verse possession, CALENDAR 18inforthe D.C. Code and leasehold or §47-1377 theJUDGE fee simMAGISTRATE D.C. Code §47-1361, and pleRENEE in the real property and RAYMOND all outstanding municipal premises, situate, lying liens amounts due and and being in the District of THORNTON MELLON owing onLLC the Real PropColumbia described as erty in accordance with 2426 15th Pl SE Unit: 103, theS H provisions WA IPlaintiff, N G T O N ,of DD.C. C Code Square: §47-1361, or Lot an20020, 5832, v. swer assessed the complaint, or 2068, to the thereafter, a final judgowner of CAPITAL record listed SANFORD LLC ment will be entered foreabove, SANFORD CAPITAL LLC closing the right of SANFORD CAPITAL LLCredemption in the LLC Real Defendants. SANFORD CAPITAL Property and vesting in United Bank the Plaintiff a title in fee ORDER OF United Bank simple. PUBLICATION George Greco & Neil In accordance Title with D.C. Clerk the Official Code of §47-1375 RB Anderson & Court By:ed.), James McGinley (2001 theDobject of Neil Title thisR.B. proceeding to seAndersonisJr. curePlace the foreclosure of the 15th Condominium 03/23, 03/30/18 right03/16, of redemption in the Unit Owners following real property Unknown Occupant located in the District of Columbia to the Plaintiff in And 16:40:55 EDT 20185832 this Action: Square: Lot: 2068, SQUARE: (For Purposes of D.C. 5832§47-1371(b)(1)(G)) LOT: 2068, which Code may also be known as 2426 15th Pl SE Unit: 103, WTHE A S HDISTRICT I N G T O NOF , DC 20020.The Complaint COLUMBIA states, among other things, that the amounts Serve: necessary redemption Muriel for Bowser have Mayor not of thebeen Districtpaid. of Pursuant 1350 to thePennChief Columbia Judge´s Administration sylvania Avenue, Order Number 02-11, NW Washington, D.C.it is this 24th20004 day of January, 2018, ORDERED the SuperServeby also: ior Court of theAttorney District of Karl A. Racine, Columbia, thatDistrict noticeofbe General of the given by the of a Columbia 441insertion 4th Street, copy of this OrderD.C. in the NW Washington, Wa s h i n20001 gton AfroAmerican, a newspaper having a general circulaAnd tion in the District of Columbia, once aofweek All unknown owners the for three (3) described successive real property weeks,their notifying perbelow, heirs,alldevisons personal interested reprein the sees, Real Property described sentatives, executors, above to appear in this administrators, grantees, Court by 30TH dayinof assigns orthe successors May,title, 2018, and redeem right, and, interest and the and Realall Property payany personsbyhavment of $2899.25, plus ining or claiming to have any terest from the dateadthe interest, including Certificate was sold, verse possession, in theall expensesorprovided by leasehold the fee for simD.C. Code and ple in the real§47-1377 property and D.C. Codesituate, §47-1361, and premises, lying all being outstanding municipal and in the District of liens amounts due and Columbia described as owing onPlthe Prop2426 15th SEReal Unit: 201, ertyS HinI Naccordance with WA GTON, DC the provisions of D.C. 20020, Square: 5832, Lot Code §47-1361, or an2070, assessed to the swer the complaint, or owner of record listed thereafter, a final judgabove, ment will be entered foreclosing the right of reDefendants. demption in the Real Property and OF vesting in ORDER the PUBLICATION Plaintiff a title in fee simple. In accordance with D.C. Official Code §47-1375 Clerk the Court (2001 ed.), theofobject of James DisMcGinley this By: proceeding to secure the foreclosure of the right of redemption in the19 TYPESET: Mon Mar 03/16,real 03/23, 03/30/18 following property located in the District of Columbia the Plaintiff in IN THEtoSUPERIOR this Action: Square: COURT OF 5832 Lot: THE 2070, SQUARE: DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA CIVIL DIVISION
thereafter,CAPITAL a final LLC judg- tion in the District of things, that the amounts SANFORD above, Serve: ment will be enteredLLC fore- Columbia, once a week necessary redemption SANFORD Muriel for Bowser CAPITAL closing the right of re- for three (3) successive have not been paid. Defendants. Mayor of the District of SANFORD CAPITAL LLC in the Real Pursuant 1350 to thePennChief demption weeks, notifying all perColumbia United Bank Property and vesting in sons interested in the Judge´s Administration ORDER OF sylvania Avenue, United Bank Plaintiff a title in fee Real Property described Order Number 02-11, PUBLICATION NW Washington, D.C.it is the George Greco & Neil simple. this 23RD day of January, In accordance 20004 Title with D.C. above to appear in this Clerk of the 2018, Official Code §47-1375 RB Anderson & Court Court by the 23RD day of By:ed.), James McGinley ORDERED the Super- (2001 theD object of May, 2018, and redeem Serveby also: Neil Title ior Court of theAttorney District of thisR.B. proceeding to se- the Real Property by payKarl A. Racine, THORNTON MELLON AndersonisJr. Columbia, that notice be cure Place the foreclosure of the ment of $3217.36, plus inGeneral of the District of LLC 15th Condominium And LEGALEDT NOTICES 03/16, 03/23, 03/30/18 given by the insertion of a right 16:49:08 2018 LEGAL NOTICES Columbia LEGAL NOTICES LEGAL NOTICES LEGAL from NOTICES the date the of redemption in the terest 441 4th Street, Unit Owners copy of this OrderD.C. in the following realOccupant property lo- Certificate was sold, all NW Washington, Plaintiff, Unknown (For Purposes of D.C. Wa s h i n20001 gton Afrocated in the District of expenses provided for by v. 5832 §47-1371(b)(1)(G)) LOT: 2070, which Code American, a newspaper And Columbia to the Plaintiff in D.C. Code §47-1377 and may also be known as having a general circulaMon Mar 19 16:46:59 EDT 20185832 D.C. Code §47-1361, and this Action: Square: And SANFORD CAPITAL LLC TYPESET: 2426 15th Pl SE Unit: 201, tion in the District of Lot: all outstanding municipal 2075, SQUARE: SANFORD CAPITAL LLC WA S HDISTRICT I N G T O NOF , DC (For Purposes of D.C. THE Columbia, once a ofweek unknown owners the Code SANFORD CAPITAL LLC All 20020.The Complaint 5832 §47-1371(b)(1)(G)) LOT: 2075, which liens amounts due and COLUMBIA for three (3) successive property described may also be known as owing on the Real PropSANFORD CAPITAL LLC real states, among other IN THE SUPERIOR weeks, notifying per- 2426 15th Pl SE Unit: 302, erty in accordance with below, their heirs, United Bank things, that the amounts Serve: COURT OF alldevisons interested in the W A sees, personal United Bank necessary redemption S HDISTRICT I N G T O NOF , D C the provisions of D.C. THE Murielfor Bowser THE DISTRICTrepreReal described 20020.The Code §47-1361, or ansentatives, executors, George Greco & Neil have paid. Complaint COLUMBIA Mayornot of thebeen District of OFProperty COLUMBIA above to appear in this swer the complaint, or administrators, grantees, states, among other Title Pursuant 1350 to thePennChief Columbia CIVIL DIVISION Court by the 23RD day of assigns or successors in RB Anderson & Judge´s Administration things, that the amounts thereafter, a final judgServe: sylvania Avenue, May, 2018, and redeem ment will be entered foreright, title, and interest and Neil Title Order Number 02-11, necessary for redemption Muriel Bowser NW Washington, D.C.it is Civil Action No. the and Real Property pay- have closing the right of reany persons havR.B. Anderson Jr. this 23RD20004 day of January, paid. Mayornot of thebeen District of 2018 CA all 000617 L by (RP) ment of $2978.26, plus inor claiming to have any Columbia 15th Place Condominium ing 2018, Pursuant to thePennChief demption in the Real 1350 ACTION INVOLVING terest from the date the Property and vesting in interest, including adUnit Owners ORDERED by the SuperClerk of the Court Judge´s Administration sylvania Avenue, Serve also: REAL PROPERTY Certificate was 18 sold, all Order verse possession, in the Unknown Occupant ior of the Attorney District of By: James D McGinley Number 02-11, NW Washington, D.C.it is the Plaintiff a title in fee KarlCourt A. Racine, CALENDAR expensesorprovided by this 23RD20004 leasehold theJUDGE fee for simColumbia, thatDistrict notice ofbe day of January, simple. General of the MAGISTRATE D.C. Code §47-1377 and 2018, Clerk of the Court ple in the real property and And given by the of a Columbia 441insertion 4th Street, RENEE RAYMOND D.C. Code §47-1361, and By: James D McGinley premises, situate, lying copy of this Order in the 03/16, 03/23, 03/30/18 TYPESET: Mon Mar 19 16:48:32 EDT 2018 ORDERED the SuperServeby also: NW Washington, D.C. all outstanding municipal and being in the District of (For Purposes of D.C. Wa s h i n g ton Afroior Court of the District of Karl A. Racine, Attorney 20001 THORNTON MELLON liens amounts due and described as Columbia, Code American, a newspaper notice of be General of that the District 5832 §47-1371(b)(1)(G)) LOT: 2072, which Columbia LLC Mon03/30/18 Mar 19 owing onPlthe 03/16, 03/23, 15th SEReal Unit: Prop301, Columbia having a general circulagiven by the of a TYPESET: 441insertion 4th Street, And may also be known as 2426 IN THE SUPERIOR erty in accordance with WA S H I N G T O N , D C tion in the District of copy of this OrderD.C. in the NW Washington, 2426 15th Pl SE Unit: 203, Plaintiff, COURT OF the provisions of D.C. Square: 5832, Lot Wa s h i n g20001 THE Columbia, a ofweek ton AfroAll unknown once owners the WA S HDISTRICT I N G T O NOF , D C 20020, v. THE DISTRICT Code assessed §47-1361, toor the an- American, a newspaper COLUMBIA IN THE SUPERIOR for three (3) successive real property described 20020.The Complaint 2074, OF COLUMBIA swer the complaint, or owner of CAPITAL record listed COURT OF weeks, their notifying perhaving a general circulabelow, heirs,alldevistates, among other SANFORD LLC And CIVIL DIVISION thereafter, a final judgabove, Serve: THE DISTRICT sons interested in the tion in the District of sees, personal reprethings, that the amounts SANFORD CAPITAL LLC ment will be entered foreMuriel Bowser OF COLUMBIA Real Property described Columbia, once a week All unknown owners of the sentatives, executors, necessary for redemption SANFORD CAPITAL LLC Civil Action No. closing the right of Defendants. Mayornot of thebeen District of CIVIL DIVISION above to appear in this for three (3) successive property described administrators, grantees, have paid. SANFORD CAPITAL LLCre- real 2018 CA 000915 L (RP) demption in the Real Columbia Court byorthe 23RD day in of weeks, their notifying perbelow, heirs,alldeviassigns successors Pursuant 1350 to thePennChief United Bank ACTION INVOLVING Property and vesting in sees, ORDER OF sylvania Avenue, Civil Action No. May,title, 2018, redeem sons interested in the personal repreright, andand interest and Judge´s Administration United Bank REAL PROPERTY the Plaintiff a title in fee PUBLICATION NW Washington, D.C. 2018 CA 000912 L (RP) the Real Property byhavpayReal Property described sentatives, executors, any and all persons Order Number 02-11, it is George Greco & Neil CALENDAR 18 accordance ACTION INVOLVING ment of $2978.26, plus inabove to appear in this grantees, ing or claiming to have any this 23RD20004 day of January, Insimple Title with D.C. administrators, MAGISTRATE JUDGE Clerk of the Official Code §47-1375 REAL PROPERTY terest from the date adthe Court byorthe 23RD day in of successors interest, including 2018, RB Anderson & Court assigns RENEE RAYMOND By: James D McGinley (2001 ed.), the object of Serve also: CALENDAR 18 Certificate was sold, all May, title, 2018, redeem right, andand interest and verse possession, in the ORDERED by the SuperNeil Title this proceeding is to seKarl A. Racine, Attorney MAGISTRATE JUDGE expenses or provided by the Real Property by payany and all persons havleasehold the feefor simior Court of the District of R.B. Anderson Jr. THORNTON MELLON curePlace the foreclosure of the ing General of the RENEE RAYMOND D.C. Code and ment of $2965.50, plus inor claiming to have any ple in the real§47-1377 property and Columbia, thatDistrict notice ofbe 15th Condominium LLC 03/16, 03/23, 03/30/18 redemption Columbia 441insertion 4th Street, D.C. Code situate, §47-1361,lying and terest from the date adthe including premises, given by the of a right of Unit Owners in the interest, real property lo- verse NW Washington, THORNTON MELLON all outstanding municipal Certificate was sold, all possession, in the and being in the District of copy of this OrderD.C. in the following Unknown Occupant Plaintiff, cated in the District of 20001 LLC liens amounts due and expenses provided for by leasehold or the fee simColumbia described as Wa s h i n g t o n A f r o v. Columbia to the Plaintiff in ple owing15th on Pl the D.C. Code and in the real§47-1377 property and 2426 SEReal Unit:Prop202, American, a newspaper And this Action: Square: Mon Mar 19 16:47:32 EDT 20185832 premises, And Plaintiff, ertyS H in I N accordance D.C. Code §47-1361, and situate, lying WA G T O N , D with C having a general circulaSANFORD CAPITAL LLC TYPESET: 2074, SQUARE: v. the provisions of D.C. all outstanding municipal and being in the District of 20020, Square: 5832, Lot tion in the District of Lot: (For Purposes of D.C. SANFORD CAPITAL LLC unknown once owners the Code Code assessed §47-1361, to or the an- SANFORD CAPITAL LLC All liens amounts due and described as 5832 §47-1371(b)(1)(G)) LOT: 2074, which Columbia 2071, Columbia, a ofweek property described may also be known as 2426 SANFORD CAPITAL LLC swer the complaint, or owing15th on Pl the SEReal Unit:Prop303, owner of record listed for three (3) successive IN THE SUPERIOR SANFORD CAPITAL LLC real below, their heirs, SANFORD CAPITAL LLC thereafter, a final judgertyS in accordance HIN G T O N , Dwith C above, weeks, notifying per- 2426 15th Pl SE Unit: 301, WA COURT OF alldeviUnited Bank sees, personal repreSANFORD CAPITAL LLC ment will be entered forethe provisions of D.C. Square: 5832, Lot S HDISTRICT I N G T O NOF , D C 20020, sons interested THE THE DISTRICT in the W A United Bank sentatives, executors, SANFORD CAPITAL LLC closingDefendants. the right of reCode §47-1361, or an2076, assessed to the 20020.The Complaint Real Property described COLUMBIA OF COLUMBIA George Greco & Neil administrators, grantees, United Bank demption in the Real swer the complaint, or owner of record listed above toDIVISION appear in this states, among other CIVIL Title assigns successors United Bank Property and OF vesting in thereafter, a final judgthe amounts above, ORDER Court byorthe 23RD day in of things, that Serve: RB Anderson & right, title, and interest and George Greco & Neil the Plaintiff a title in fee redemption ment will be entered forePUBLICATION May, 2018, andNo. redeem necessary Murielfor Bowser Civil Action Neil Title any and all persons havTitle simple. closing the right of reDefendants. have not been paid. In accordance with D.C. the Real Property by payMayor of the District of 2018 CA 000619 L (RP) R.B. Anderson Jr. ing or claiming to have any RB Anderson & Clerk of§47-1375 the Court Pursuant 1350 to thePennChief demption in the Real Official Code ment of $3217.36, plus in- Columbia ACTION INVOLVING 15th Place Condominium interest, including Neil Title By:ed.), James McGinley Property and OF vesting in ORDER Administration (2001 theD object of terest the date adthe Judge´s sylvania Avenue, REALfrom PROPERTY Unit Owners verse possession, in the R.B. Anderson Jr. a title in fee PUBLICATION Number 02-11, this proceeding is to seCertificate was 18 sold, all Order NW Washington, D.C.it is the Plaintiff CALENDAR Unknown Occupant leasehold or the fee sim15th Place Condominium simple. In accordance with D.C. this 23RD day of January, cure the foreclosure of the expenses provided for by 20004 MAGISTRATE JUDGE TYPESET: Mon03/30/18 Mar EDT 2018 ple in the real property and Unit Owners 03/16, 03/23, the Court Official Clerk Code of§47-1375 right of redemption in the19 16:39:07 D.C. Code §47-1377 and 2018, RENEE RAYMOND And premises, Unknown Occupant By:ed.), James McGinley theD object of the Super- (2001 following real property loD.C. Code situate, §47-1361,lying and ORDERED Serveby also: 5832 LOT: 2071, which and being in the District of ior of the Attorney District of this proceeding is to secated in the District of all outstanding municipal KarlCourt A. Racine, THORNTON MELLON (For Purposes of D.C. may also be known as Columbia described as And IN THEtoSUPERIOR cure the foreclosure of the Columbia, that notice be Columbia the Plaintiff in liens amounts due and General of the District of LLC Code §47-1371(b)(1)(G)) TYPESET: Mon03/30/18 Mar 2426 15th Pl SE Unit: 202, 2426 SEReal Unit:Prop204, Columbia COURT OF 5832 03/16, 03/23, of redemption in the19 16:42:55 EDT 2018 given by the of a right this Action: Square: owing15th on Pl the 441insertion 4th Street, W A S H I N G T O N , D C WA IN G T O N , D with C (For Purposes of D.C. DISTRICT copy of this OrderD.C. in the following real property loLot: THE 2071, SQUARE: ertyS H inPlaintiff, accordance NW Washington, 20020.The Complaint 20020, Square: 5832, Lot Code 5832 §47-1371(b)(1)(G)) LOT: 2076, which OF COLUMBIA cated in the District of gton Afrothe provisions of D.C. Wa s h i n 20001 v. THE DISTRICT OF states, among other 2073, assessed to the may also be known as CIVIL DIVISION Columbia to the Plaintiff in American, a newspaper IN THE SUPERIOR Code §47-1361, or anCOLUMBIA things, that the amounts SANFORD owner of CAPITAL record listed 2426 15th Pl SE Unit: 303, Square: having a general circula- this Action: COURT OF 5832 swer the complaint, LLCor And necessary for redemption SANFORD above, THE WA S HDISTRICT I N G T O NOF , DC Civil Action No. 2076, SQUARE: DISTRICT thereafter,CAPITAL a final LLC judg- tion in the District of Lot: THE Serve: haveMuriel not Bowser been paid. SANFORD COLUMBIA 20020.The Complaint 2018 CA 000917 L (RP) Columbia, a ofweek OF COLUMBIA ment will be enteredLLC fore- All unknown once owners the CAPITAL Pursuant to the Chief Defendants. states, among other ACTION INVOLVING for three (3) successive CIVIL DIVISION closing the right of reSANFORD CAPITAL LLC real property described Mayor of the District of Judge´s Administration Serve: things, that the amounts REAL PROPERTY weeks, their notifying perdemption the Real below, heirs,alldeviUnited in Bank Columbia 1350 PennOrder Number 02-11, it is Property ORDER OF Murielfor Bowser necessary redemption CALENDAR 18 sons interested in the Civil Action No. and vesting in sees, personal repreUnited Bank sylvania Avenue, this 23RD day of January, PUBLICATION Mayor of the Districtpaid. of have not been MAGISTRATE JUDGE Real Property described 2018 CA 000913 L (RP) the Plaintiff a title in fee sentatives, executors, George Greco & Neil NW Washington, D.C. 2018, 20004 In accordance with D.C. Columbia 1350 Pursuant to thePennChief RENEE RAYMOND above to appear in this ACTION INVOLVING simple. administrators, grantees, Title ORDERED by the Super- Official Code sylvania Avenue, Judge´s Administration Court byorthe 23RD dayinof REAL PROPERTY Clerk of§47-1375 the successors RB Anderson & Court assigns ior Court of the District of (2001 theD object of right, NW Washington, D.C.it is Order Number 02-11, THORNTON MELLON May,title, 2018, redeem CALENDAR 18 By:ed.), James McGinley andand interest and Neil Title Serve also: Columbia, that notice be this proceeding is to se20004 this 23RD day of January, LLC the and Realall Property byhavpayMAGISTRATE JUDGE any persons R.B. Anderson Jr. Karl A. Racine, Attorney given by the insertion of a cure the foreclosure of the 2018, ment of $2978.26, plus inRENEE RAYMOND ing or claiming to have any General of the District of 15th Place Condominium copy of this in the right03/16, of redemption in the interest, Serveby also: ORDERED the SuperPlaintiff, terest from the dateadthe 03/23, 03/30/18 including Unit Owners Columbia 441Order 4th Street, Wa i n g t o n A f D.C. rofollowing real property lo- verse KarlCourt A. Racine, ior of the Attorney District of v. Certificate was sold, all THORNTON MELLON possession, in the Unknown Occupant NWs hWashington, American, a newspaper cated in the District of General of the District Columbia, that notice ofbe expenses or provided by LLC leasehold the fee for sim20001 having a general circula- And Columbia to the Plaintiff in ple Columbia 441 4th Street, given by the insertion of a SANFORD CAPITAL LLC D.C. Code §47-1377 and in the real property and tion in the District of 16:47:55 this Action: Square: NW Washington, Mon Mar 19 EDT 20185832 premises, copy of this OrderD.C. in the SANFORD CAPITAL LLC TYPESET: D.C. Code situate, §47-1361, and Plaintiff, lying And Columbia, once a week Lot: 2073, SQUARE: 20001 Wa s h i n g ton AfroSANFORD CAPITAL LLC all outstanding municipal v. and being in the District of (For Purposes of D.C. forunknown three (3) successive American, a newspaper SANFORD CAPITAL LLC All liens amounts due and 5832 §47-1371(b)(1)(G)) LOT: 2073, which Columbia described as owners of the Code weeks, notifying all perAnd having a general circulaUnited Bank owing on the Real Propmay also be known as SANFORD CAPITAL LLC 2426 15th Pl SE Unit: 302, IN THE SUPERIOR real property described sons COURT interested the 2426 15th Pl SE Unit: 204, WA tion in the District of United Bank ertyS H inI Naccordance SANFORD CAPITAL LLC G T O N , D with C OF indevibelow, their heirs, Real Property described unknown once owners the Columbia, a ofweek George Greco & Neil the provisions of D.C. A S HDISTRICT I N G T O NOF , D C 20020, SANFORD CAPITAL LLC All Square: 5832, Lot THEpersonal DISTRICTrepre- W THE sees, above to appear in this 20020.The property described for three (3) successive Title Code assessed §47-1361, to or the an- SANFORD CAPITAL LLC real Complaint 2075, COLUMBIA OF COLUMBIA sentatives, executors, Court by the 23RD day of below, their heirs, deviweeks, notifying all perRB Anderson & swer the complaint, or states, among other United Bank owner of record listed CIVIL DIVISION administrators, grantees, May, 2018, and redeem sees, personal represons interested in the Neil Title thereafter, a final judgthe amounts above, United Bank Serve: assigns or successors in things, that theCivil Real Property pay- necessary sentatives, executors, Real Property described R.B. Anderson Jr. redemption ment will be entered foreGeorge Greco & Neil Murielfor Bowser No.by and right, title,Action and interest ment of $2965.50, plus inadministrators, grantees, above to appear in this 15th Place Condominium 2018 closing the right of reTitle Defendants. Mayor not of thebeen Districtpaid. of CA all 000914 L (RP) any and persons hav- have terest from the dateany the Columbia assigns successors Court byorthe 23RD day in of Unit Owners Pursuant 1350 to thePennChief demption in the Real RB Anderson & ACTION INVOLVING ing or claiming to have Certificate was sold,adall Judge´s right, andand interest and May,title, 2018, redeem Unknown Occupant Property and OF vesting in Administration Neil Title ORDER sylvania Avenue, REAL PROPERTY interest, including expenses provided for by any and all persons the Real Property byhavpaya title in fee Number 02-11, R.B. Anderson Jr. PUBLICATION NW Washington, D.C.it is the Plaintiff CALENDAR 18in the Order verse possession, D.C. Codeor§47-1377 and this 23RD20004 ing or claiming to have any ment of $3217.36, plus inAnd day of January, Insimple. 15th Place Condominium accordance with D.C. MAGISTRATE leasehold theJUDGE fee simD.C. Code §47-1361, and interest, including adterest from the date the Clerk of the Court 2018, Unit Owners Official Code §47-1375 16:49:08 EDT 2018 RAYMOND pleRENEE in the real property and all outstanding municipal verse possession, in the Certificate was sold, all (For Purposes of D.C. By:ed.), James McGinley the Super- (2001 Unknown Occupant theD object of Serveby also: premises, situate, lying ORDERED liens amounts due and leasehold the feefor simexpenses or provided by Code of the Attorney District of this proceeding is to seKarlCourt A. Racine, THORNTON MELLON being in the District of ior 5832 §47-1371(b)(1)(G)) LOT: 2070, which and owing on the Real Propple in the real property and D.C. Code §47-1377 and Columbia, thatDistrict noticeofbe cure the foreclosure of the And of the described as General may also be known as ColumbiaLLC erty 15th in accordance with Columbia TYPESET: Mon Mar premises, lying D.C. Code situate, §47-1361, and 03/16, 03/23, 03/30/18 given by the of a right of redemption in the 19 16:46:59 EDT 2018 441insertion 4th Street, Pl SE Unit: 203, 2426 15th Pl SE Unit: 201, 2426 the provisions of D.C. and being in the District of all outstanding municipal THE DISTRICT OF copy of this Order in the (For Purposes of D.C. following real property loNW Washington, D.C. Plaintiff, WA S H I N G T O N , D C WASHINGTON, DC Code §47-1361, or andescribed as liens amounts due and COLUMBIA 5832 §47-1371(b)(1)(G)) LOT: 2075, which Columbia gton AfroCode cated in the District of v. 20020, Square: 5832, Lot Wa s h i n 20001 20020.The Complaint swer the complaint, or 2426 15th Pl SE Unit: 304, owing on the Real Propmay also be known as toSUPERIOR the Plaintiff in IN THE 2072, assessed to the American, a newspaper Columbia states, among other thereafter, a final listed judg- And G T O N , D with C ertyS H inI Naccordance Serve: 2426 15th Pl SE Unit: 302, WA having a general circula- this Action: Square: COURT OF 5832 LLC owner of CAPITAL record things, that the amounts SANFORD ment will be entered foreSquare: 5832, Lot the provisions of D.C. Muriel Bowser W THE A S HDISTRICT I N G T O NOF , D C 20020, tion in the District of Lot: 2075, SQUARE: THE DISTRICT SANFORD CAPITAL LLC above, necessary for redemption closing the right of reCode assessed §47-1361, to or the anMayornot of the District of 20020.The Complaint 2077, Columbia, COLUMBIA unknown once ownersa ofweek the OF COLUMBIA SANFORD CAPITAL LLC All have been paid. demption in the Real owner of record listed swer the complaint, or Columbia 1350 Pennstates, among other for three (3) successive property described CIVIL DIVISION CAPITAL LLC real Defendants. Pursuant to the Chief SANFORD Property and vesting in above, thereafter, a final judgsylvania Avenue, things, that the amounts weeks, notifying all perServe: below, their heirs, deviUnited Bank Judge´s Administration the Plaintiff a OF title in fee sees, NW Washington, D.C.it is necessary redemption ment will be entered foresons interested in the Muriel for Bowser personal repreCivil Action No. United Bank ORDER Order Number 02-11, simple closingDefendants. the right of rehave Real Property described Mayor not of thebeen Districtpaid. of sentatives, executors, 2018 CA 000617 L (RP) George Greco & Neil PUBLICATION this 23RD20004 day of January, Pursuant 1350 to thePennChief demption in the Real above to appear in this Columbia grantees, ACTION INVOLVING Title with D.C. administrators, In accordance 2018, Clerk of the Court ORDER Property and OF vesting in Serve also: Judge´s Administration Court by the 23RD day of sylvania Avenue, assigns or successors in REAL PROPERTY RB Anderson & Code §47-1375 ORDERED by the Super- Official By:ed.), James McGinley PUBLICATION a title in fee Karl A. Racine, Order Number 02-11, May,title, 2018, redeem NW Washington, D.C.it is the Plaintiff and and interest and CALENDAR 18 Neil Title theD object of right, ior Court of the Attorney District of (2001 accordance with D.C. simple. General of that the District this 23RD day of January, In the and Realall Property byhavpay20004 persons MAGISTRATE JUDGE AndersonisJr.to se- any proceeding Columbia, notice of be thisR.B. Official Code Clerk of§47-1375 the Court Columbia 441insertion 4th Street, 2018, ment of $2978.26, plus inor claiming to have any RENEE RAYMOND Condominium curePlace the foreclosure of the ing given by the of a 15th 03/16, 03/23, 03/30/18 (2001 theD object of By:ed.), James McGinley NW Washington, D.C. ORDERED by the Superterest from the date the Serve also: Unit Owners in the interest, including adredemption copy of this Order in the right of ior Court of the Attorney District of this proceeding is to seCertificate was sold, all Karl A. Racine, possession, in the THORNTON MELLON Unknown Occupant following real property lo- verse Wa s h i n g20001 ton AfroColumbia, thatDistrict noticeofbe cure the foreclosure of the expensesor provided by General of the the fee for simLLC American, a newspaper cated in the District of leasehold of redemption in the 03/23, 03/30/18 And given by the of a right03/16, D.C. Code and Columbia 441insertion 4th Street, in the real§47-1377 property and Columbia to the Plaintiff in ple having a general circula- And copy of this Order in the following real property loD.C. Code §47-1361, and NW Washington, D.C. Plaintiff, this Action: Square: TYPESET: Mar of 19 16:48:32 EDT 20185832 premises, situate, lying tion in theMon District cated in the District of All unknownonce owners the Lot: Wa s h i n20001 gton Afroall outstanding municipal and being in the District of v. (For Purposes of D.C. 2072, SQUARE: Columbia, a of week real property described Code American, a newspaper Columbia to the Plaintiff in liens amounts due and described as for three (3) successive 5832§47-1371(b)(1)(G)) LOT: 2072, which Columbia TYPESET: Mon Mar 19 16:36:54 EDT 20185832 Square: below, their heirs, devihaving a general circula- this Action: owing onPlthe 15th SEReal Unit: Prop301, SANFORD CAPITAL LLC And weeks, notifying all per- may also be known as 2426 IN THE SUPERIOR sees, personal repretion in the District of Lot: 2077, SQUARE: ertyS H inI Naccordance with GTON, DC SANFORD CAPITAL LLC sons COURT interested in the 2426 15th Pl SE Unit: 203, WA OF sentatives, executors, Columbia, once a ofweek the provisions of D.C. unknown owners the 5832 LOT: 2077, which Square: 5832, Lot SANFORD CAPITAL LLC All RealTHE Property described WTHE A S HDISTRICT I N G T O NOF , D C 20020, DISTRICT administrators, grantees, for three (3) described successive may also be known as Code assessed §47-1361, to or the anproperty SANFORD CAPITAL LLC real IN THE SUPERIOR COLUMBIA above appear in this 20020.The Complaint 2074, OF to COLUMBIA assigns or successors in weeks, notifying per- 2426 15th Pl SE Unit: 304, swer the complaint, or below, their heirs, of record listed United Bank COURT OF alldeviCourt by the 23RD day of states, among other owner CIVIL DIVISION right, and interest and sons interested in the W A S H I N G T O N , D C thereafter, a final judgsees, personal United Bank THE DISTRICTrepreServe: May, title, 2018, and redeem things, that the amounts above, any and all persons havReal Property described 20020.The Complaint ment will be entered foresentatives, executors, George Greco & Neil OF COLUMBIA Muriel Bowser the Civil Real Action PropertyNo. by pay- necessary for redemption ing or claiming to have any above toDIVISION appear in this states, among other closing the right of readministrators, grantees, Defendants. Title CIVIL Mayor of thebeen Districtpaid. of ment of $2978.26, in- have not 2018 CA 000915 Lplus (RP) interest, including adCourt byorthe 23RD dayinof things, that the amounts assigns successors RB Anderson & terest fromINVOLVING the date the Columbia Pursuant 1350 to thePennChief demption in the Real ACTION verse possession, in the May, 2018, redeem Property and OF vesting in right, title, and and interest and necessary for redemption ORDER Neil Title Civil Action No. sylvaniaAdministration Avenue, Certificate was sold, all Judge´s REAL PROPERTY leasehold or the fee simthe Real Property pay- have not been paid. the Plaintiff a title in fee any and all persons havPUBLICATION R.B. Anderson Jr. 2018 CA 000912 L by (RP) NW Washington, D.C. expenses provided for by Order Number 02-11, it is CALENDAR 18 ple in the real§47-1377 property and ment of $2965.50, plus in- Pursuant to the Chief or claiming to have any accordance with D.C. 15th Place Condominium ing ACTION INVOLVING 20004 D.C. Code and this 23RD day of January, Insimple MAGISTRATE JUDGE premises, situate, lying terest the dateadthe Judge´s Administration Clerk of§47-1375 the Court interest, including Official Code Unit Owners REALfrom PROPERTY D.C. CodeRAYMOND §47-1361, and 2018, RENEE and being in the District of Certificate was sold, all Order Number 02-11, it is By: James D McGinley verse possession, in the Unknown Occupant CALENDAR 18 Serve by also: all outstanding municipal ORDERED the Super- (2001 ed.), the object of Columbia described as Karl expensesor provided by this 23RD day of January, leasehold theJUDGE fee for simMAGISTRATE A. Racine, liens amounts due and ior Court of theAttorney District of this proceeding is to seTHORNTON MELLON 2426 SEReal Unit:Prop202, General D.C. Code §47-1377 and 2018, ple in the real property and And RENEE RAYMOND of the owing15th on Pl the Columbia, thatDistrict noticeofbe cure the foreclosure of the LLC TYPESET: Mon Mar WA HIN G T O N , Dwith C D.C. Code situate, §47-1361, and ORDERED by the Super03/16, 03/23, 03/30/18 premises, lying of redemption in the 19 16:47:32 EDT 2018 Columbia 441insertion 4th Street, ertyS in accordance given by the of a right 20020, Square: 5832, Lot all outstanding municipal and being in the District (For Purposes of D.C. THORNTON MELLON of ior Court of the District of NW Washington, the provisions copy of this OrderD.C. in the following real property loPlaintiff, ofto D.C. 2071, assessed the liens amounts due and 5832 LOT: 2074, which Columbia described as Columbia, that notice be cated in the District of Code §47-1371(b)(1)(G)) LLC 20001 Code §47-1361, or an- Wa s h i n g t o n A f r o owner of v. record listed owing onPlthe may also be known as 2426 15th SEReal Unit: Prop303, given by the insertion of a toSUPERIOR the Plaintiff in IN THE swer the complaint, or American, a newspaper Columbia above, ertyS H inIPlaintiff, with copy of this Order in the 2426 15th Pl SE Unit: 301, WA Naccordance GTON, DC Square: COURT OF 5832 thereafter, CAPITAL a final judghaving a general circula- this Action: SANFORD LLC And the provisions of D.C. WA S HDISTRICT I N G T O NOF , D C 20020, Square: 5832, Lot Wa s h i n g t o n A f r o SQUARE: THE v. THE DISTRICT ment will be entered LLC fore- tion in the District of Lot: 2074, SANFORD CAPITAL Defendants. Code §47-1361, or an- American, a newspaper 20020.The Complaint 2076, assessed to the COLUMBIA All unknown owners of the OF COLUMBIA closing theCAPITAL right ofLLC re- Columbia, once a week SANFORD swer the complaint, states, among other SANFORD owner of CAPITAL record listed LLCor having a general circulaproperty CIVIL DIVISION demption CAPITAL in the Real for three (3) described successive SANFORD LLC real ORDER OF thereafter,CAPITAL a final LLC judg- tion in the District of things, that the amounts SANFORD above, Serve: heirs, alldeviProperty andBank vesting in below, weeks,their notifying perUnited PUBLICATION ment will be enteredLLC fore- Columbia, once a week necessary redemption SANFORD Murielfor Bowser CAPITAL Civil Action No. the Plaintiff title in fee sees, sons personal interestedreprein the United aBank In accordance with D.C. closing the right of re- for three (3) successive have not been paid. Defendants. Mayor of the District of SANFORD CAPITAL LLC sentatives, executors, 2018 CA 000619 L (RP) simple. Real Property described George Greco & Neil Official Clerk Code of§47-1375 the Real weeks, notifying all perPursuant 1350 to thePennChief demption Columbia United in Bank grantees, ACTION INVOLVING the Court administrators, above to appear in this Title (2001 ed.), the object of Property and vesting in sons interested in the Judge´s Administration ORDER OF sylvania Avenue, United Bank assigns orthe successors REAL PROPERTY By: D McGinley Court by 23RD dayinof RBJames Anderson this proceeding is &to se- right, Plaintiff a title in fee Real Property described Order Number 02-11, PUBLICATION NW Washington, D.C.it is the George Greco & Neil and interest and CALENDAR 18 May,title, 2018, and redeem Title cure theNeil foreclosure of the any simple. this 23RD day of January, In accordance with D.C. above to appear in this 20004 Title and all persons havMAGISTRATE JUDGE the Real Property by payR.B. Anderson Jr. right03/16, of redemption in the ing Clerk of§47-1375 the 2018, Official Code RB Anderson & Court Court by the 23RD day of or claiming to have any RENEE RAYMOND 03/23, 03/30/18 ment of $3217.36, plus in15th Placereal Condominium following property lo- interest, By:ed.), James McGinley ORDERED the Super- (2001 theDobject of May, 2018, and redeem Serveby also: Neil Title including terest from the dateadthe Owners cated Unit in the District of verse ior of the Attorney District of thisR.B. proceeding to se- the Real Property by payKarlCourt A. Racine, AndersonisJr. possession, in theall THORNTON MELLON Certificate was sold, Unknown Occupant Columbia to the Plaintiff in leasehold ment of $2978.26, plus inColumbia, that notice be cure the foreclosure of the General of the District of 15th Place Condominium or the fee simLLC expenses provided for by 16:39:07 EDT 20185832 ple this Action: Square: 03/23, 03/30/18 given by the of a right03/16, of redemption in the terest from the date the Columbia 441insertion 4th Street, Unit Owners in the real§47-1377 property and D.C. Code and And Lot: 2071, SQUARE: premises, copy of this OrderD.C. in the following real property lo- Certificate was sold, all NW Washington, Unknown Occupant lying Plaintiff, D.C. Codesituate, §47-1361, and Wa s h i n 20001 gton Afro5832 LOT: 2071, which and cated in the District of expenses provided for by in the District of v. all being outstanding municipal (For Purposes of D.C. American, a newspaper may also be known as Columbia to the Plaintiff in D.C. Code §47-1377 and And Columbia described as liens amounts due and Code §47-1371(b)(1)(G)) having a general circula2426 15th Pl SE Unit: 202, 2426 this Action: Square: And 15th SE Real Unit: 204, Mon Mar 19 16:42:55 EDT 20185832 D.C. Code §47-1361, and owing onPlthe Prop- SANFORD CAPITAL LLC TYPESET: all outstanding municipal tion in the District of Lot: W A S H I N G T O N , D C WA 2076, SQUARE: (For Purposes of D.C. G T O N , D Cwith SANFORD CAPITAL LLC ertyS HinI Naccordance Columbia, a ofweek 20020.The Complaint unknown once owners the Code 20020, Square: 5832, Lot SANFORD CAPITAL LLC All 5832 §47-1371(b)(1)(G)) LOT: 2076, which liens amounts due and the provisions of D.C. THE DISTRICT OF for three (3) successive states,COLUMBIA among other 2073, real property described assessed to the SANFORD CAPITAL LLC may also be known as owing on the Real PropCode §47-1361, or anIN THE SUPERIOR weeks, notifying per- 2426 15th Pl SE Unit: 303, erty in accordance with things, that the amounts owner below, their heirs, of record listedor United Bank swer the complaint, COURT OF alldevisons interested in the W THE necessaryServe: for redemption above, sees, personal United Bank A S HDISTRICT I N G T O NOF , D C the provisions of D.C. thereafter, a final judgTHE DISTRICTrepreCode §47-1361, or anReal described 20020.The haveMuriel not Bowser been paid. sentatives, executors, COLUMBIA George Greco & Neil Complaint ment will be entered foreOFProperty COLUMBIA swer the complaint, or above to appear in this Pursuant to the Chief administrators, grantees, Defendants. Title states, among other closing the right of reCIVIL DIVISION Mayor of the District of Court byorthe 23RD dayinof things, that Judge´s Administration assigns successors Serve: RB Anderson & the amounts thereafter, a final judgdemption in the Real Columbia 1350 PennMay, 2018, redeem Order Number 02-11, it is right, title, andand interest and necessary Murielfor Bowser ORDER Neil Title redemption ment will be entered foreProperty and OF vesting in Civil Action No. sylvania Avenue, closing the right of rethe and Real Property pay- have this 23RD day of January, any all persons havMayornot of thebeen Districtpaid. of R.B. Anderson Jr. the PUBLICATION Plaintiff a title in fee 2018 CA 000913 L by (RP) NW Washington, D.C. ment of $2978.26, plus in2018, ing or claiming to have any Columbia 1350 In accordance with D.C. 15th Place Condominium Pursuant to thePennChief demption in the Real simple. ACTION INVOLVING 20004 Property and vesting in terest the dateadthe Judge´s ORDERED by the Super- Official Code interest, including sylvania Avenue, §47-1375 Unit Owners Administration Clerk of the Court REALfrom PROPERTY Certificate was 18 sold, all Order ior Court of the District of (2001 verse possession, in the NW Washington, D.C.it is the Plaintiff a title in fee theDobject of Unknown Occupant Number 02-11, By:ed.), James McGinley CALENDAR Serve also: expenses provided for by Columbia, that notice be leasehold or theJUDGE fee sim- this 23RD20004 this proceeding is to seday of January, simple. MAGISTRATE Karl A. Racine, Attorney D.C. Code §47-1377 and 2018, given by the insertion ple in the real property and the foreclosure of the And RENEE RAYMOND General of the Districtofofa cure TYPESET: Mon03/30/18 Mar Clerk of the Court D.C. Code situate, §47-1361, and ORDERED copy of this in the right premises, lying Serveby also: of redemption in the19 16:47:55 EDT 2018 the Super03/16, 03/23, Columbia 441Order 4th Street, By: James D McGinley all outstanding municipal Wa s hWashington, i n g t o n A f rD.C. oand being in the District of ior KarlCourt A. Racine, following real property lo(For Purposes of D.C. of the Attorney District of THORNTON MELLON NW liens amounts due and 5832 LOT: 2073, which American,20001 a newspaper cated in the District of ColumbiaLLC described as General of the Code §47-1371(b)(1)(G)) Columbia, thatDistrict notice ofbe owing on Pl the may also be known as 2426 having a general circula- Columbia 15th SEReal Unit:Prop302, Columbia 441insertion 4th Street, the Plaintiff in IN THEtoSUPERIOR given by the of a 03/16, 03/23, 03/30/18 erty in accordance with 2426 15th Pl SE Unit: 204, tion in the District of WA S H I N G T O N , D C NW Washington, D.C. this Action: Square: 5832 COURT OF copy of this Order in the Plaintiff, And the provisions of D.C. WA S HDISTRICT I N G T O NOF , D C 20020, Columbia, once a week Lot: THE Square: 5832, Lot Wa s h i n 20001 2073, SQUARE: THE DISTRICT gton Afrov. Code §47-1361, or an20020.The Complaint for three (3) successive 2075, assessed to the American, a newspaper COLUMBIA OF COLUMBIA All unknown owners of the swer the complaint, states, among other SANFORD weeks, notifying all perowner of CAPITAL record listed CIVIL DIVISION having a general circulaLLCor And real property described thereafter,CAPITAL a final LLC judg- tion in the District of things, that the amounts sons interested in the above, Serve: SANFORD below, their heirs, deviment will be enteredLLC fore- All necessary redemption SANFORD Real Property unknown once owners the Murielfor Bowser Civil Action No. Columbia, a ofweek CAPITAL sees, personaldescribed repreclosing the right of re- real have been paid. above to appear in this Defendants. property described Mayornot of the District of 2018 CA 000914 L (RP) for three (3) successive SANFORD CAPITAL LLC sentatives, executors, demption in the Real Pursuant to the Chief Court by the 23RD day of below, their heirs, deviColumbia 1350 PennACTION INVOLVING weeks, notifying all perUnited Bank administrators, grantees, Property and vesting in sees, Judge´s Administration May, 2018, and redeem ORDER OF personal represylvania Avenue, REAL PROPERTY sons interested in the United Bank assigns or successors in SUPPORT Plaintiff a title in fee sentatives, Order Number 02-11, the Real by payPUBLICATION executors, NW Washington, D.C.it is the CALENDAR 18 Real Property described George Greco & Neil right, title,Property and interest and simple. this 23RD day of January, ment of $2965.50, plus inIn accordance grantees, 20004 MAGISTRATE JUDGE above to appear in this Title with D.C. administrators, any and all persons havOUR Clerk of§47-1375 the 2018, terest from the date any the Official Code successors RENEE RAYMOND Court byorthe 23RD dayinof RB Anderson & Court assigns ing or claiming to have By:ed.), James McGinley ORDERED the Super- (2001 Certificate including was sold,adall theD object of right, andand interest and Serveby also: May,title, 2018, redeem Neil Title interest, ADVERTISERS ior Court of the Attorney District of thisR.B. expenses provided in forthe by proceeding persons Karl A. Racine, THORNTON MELLON the and Realall Property byhavpayAndersonisJr.to se- any verse possession, Columbia, notice of be 15th D.C. Codeor§47-1377 and curePlace the foreclosure of the ing or claiming to have any General of that the District LLC ment of $3217.36, plus inCondominium leasehold the fee sim03/16, 03/23, 03/30/18 given by the insertion of a D.C. Code §47-1361, and right of redemption in the interest, including Columbia 441 4th Street, terest from the dateadthe Unit Owners ple in the real property and copy of this Order in the all outstanding municipal following real property loverse possession, in the NW Washington, D.C. Plaintiff, Certificate was sold, all Unknown Occupant premises, situate, lying Wa s h i n g20001 ton Afroliensbeing amounts due and cated in the District of leasehold the fee for simv. expensesor provided by and in the District of American, a newspaper owing on the Real PropColumbia to the Plaintiff in ple in the real§47-1377 property and D.C. Code and And Columbia described as having a general circula- this Action: Square: 5832 premises, erty 15th in accordance with SANFORD CAPITAL LLC lying And D.C. Code situate, §47-1361, and 2426 Pl SE Unit: 203, tion in the District of the provisions of D.C. Lot: 2075, SQUARE: and being in the District of SANFORD CAPITAL LLC all outstanding municipal (For Purposes of D.C. WA S H I N G T O N , D C Columbia, a of week Code §47-1361, or Lot an- SANFORD CAPITAL LLC described as All unknownonce owners the Code §47-1371(b)(1)(G)) Columbia liens amounts due and 20020, Square: 5832, Property and vesting in United Bank the Plaintiff a title in fee George Greco & Neil simple. Title RB Anderson & Clerk of the Court Neil Title By: James D McGinley R.B. Anderson Jr. 15th Place Condominium Unit Owners 03/16, 03/23, 03/30/18 Unknown Occupant
The Afro-American, Plaintiff, March 31, 2018 - April 6, 2018 v.
SANFORD CAPITAL LLC LEGAL NOTICES SANFORD CAPITAL LLC SANFORD CAPITAL LLC SANFORD CAPITAL LLC United Bank United Bank George Greco & Neil Title RB Anderson & Neil Title R.B. Anderson Jr. 15th Place Condominium Unit Owners Unknown Occupant And (For Purposes of D.C. Code §47-1371(b)(1)(G))
TYPESET: Mon03/30/18 Mar 19 16:52:37 EDT 2018 03/16, 03/23, IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA CIVIL DIVISION Civil Action No. 2018 CA 000954 L (RP) ACTION INVOLVING REAL PROPERTY CALENDAR 18 MAGISTRATE JUDGE RENEE RAYMOND THORNTON MELLON LLC Plaintiff, v. Washington First Bank Washington First Bank First Liberty National Bank First Liberty National Bank Buena Vista Condo Assoc. Unknown Occupant And (For Purposes of D.C. Code §47-1371(b)(1)(G)) THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA Serve: Muriel Bowser Mayor of the District of Columbia 1350 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW Washington, D.C. 20004 Serve also: Karl A. Racine, Attorney General of the District of Columbia 441 4th Street, NW Washington, D.C. 20001
TYPESET: Mon Mar 19 And
All IN unknown owners of the THE SUPERIOR real property described COURT OF below, their heirs, deviTHE DISTRICT sees, repreOFpersonal COLUMBIA sentatives, executors, CIVIL DIVISION administrators, grantees, assigns successors Civilor Action No. in right, and interest and 2018title, CA 000956 L (RP) any and all persons havACTION INVOLVING ingREAL or claiming to have any PROPERTY interest, including CALENDAR 18 adverse possession, in the MAGISTRATE JUDGE leasehold or the fee RENEE RAYMONDsimple in the real property and premises, situate, lying THORNTON MELLON and being in the District of LLC Columbia described as 2800 Buena Vista Terrace Plaintiff, SE Unit: 4,v. WASHINGTON, DC 20020, Square: 5729, Lot 2004, assessed SANFORD CAPITAL LLC to the owner of record SANFORD CAPITAL LLC listed above, SANFORD CAPITAL LLC SANFORD CAPITAL LLC Defendants. United Bank United Bank ORDER George GrecoOF & Neil PUBLICATION Title In accordance with RB Anderson & D.C. Official Neil Code Title§47-1375 (2001 ed.), the object R.B. Anderson Jr. of this proceeding is to se15th Place Condominium cure the foreclosure Unit Owners of the right of redemption in the Unknown Occupant following real property located in the District of And Columbia to the Plaintiff in this Action: Square: 5729 (For Purposes of D.C. Lot: §47-1371(b)(1)(G)) 2004, SQUARE: Code 5729 LOT: 2004, which n Mar 19 16:52:37 2018 as may also EDT be known 2800 Buena Vista Terrace THE DISTRICT OF SE Unit: 4, WASHINGCOLUMBIA TON, DC 20020. The RIOR Complaint states, among Serve: F otherMuriel things, that the Bowser CT amounts Mayor ofnecessary the Districtfor ofreBIA demption have been Columbia 1350not PennON paid.Pursuant to the Chief sylvania Avenue, Judge´s Administration NW Washington, D.C. No. Order Number 20004 02-11, it is 4 L (RP) this 24th day of January, LVING 2018, Serve also: ERTY ORDERED by the SuperKarl A. Racine, Attorney R 18 ior Courtofofthe theDistrict Districtofof General JUDGE Columbia,441 that4th notice be Columbia Street, MOND given by the insertion NW Washington, D.C.of a copy of this Order in the 20001 ELLON Wa s h i n g t o n A f r o American, a newspaper And having a general circulation in theowners District of All unknown of the Columbia, once a week real property described for three successive below, their(3)heirs, deviFirst weeks,personal notifying repreall persees, sons interested in the sentatives, executors, First Real Property grantees, described administrators, above to in this assigns or appear successors in y Courttitle, by and the 30TH day right, interest andof nk May, 2018, and redeem any and all persons havy theorReal Property by any paying claiming to have nk ment of $7067.18, plus ininterest, including adta terest possession, from the date the verse in the oc. Certificate was sold, all leasehold or the fee simupant expenses provided by ple in the real propertyfor and D.C. Code situate, §47-1377lying and premises, D.C.being Codein§47-1361, and the Districtand of all outstanding municipal Columbia described as of D.C. 4 2 0 amounts 1 5 t h Pdue l S and E, b)(1)(G)) 2liens owing PropWA S H on I N Gthe T OReal N, D C erty inSquare: accordance 20020, 5832, with Lot the provisions of D.C. 0066, assessed to the T OF Code §47-1361, anowner of record or listed A swer the complaint, or above, thereafter, a final judgment will be entered foreDefendants. ser closing the right of restrict of demption in OF the Real ORDER PennProperty and vesting in PUBLICATION nue, the Plaintiff a title in fee In accordance with D.C. n, D.C. simple. Code §47-1375 Official Clerk the Court (2001 ed.), theofobject of James D is McGinley this By: proceeding to seo: cure the foreclosure of the Attorney TYPESET: Mon in Mar right of redemption the19 istrict of 03/16,real 03/23, 03/30/18 property loh Street, following cated in the District of n, D.C. Columbia to the Plaintiff IN THE SUPERIOR in this Action: Square: COURT OF 5832 Lot: THE 0066, SQUARE: DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA ers of the CIVIL DIVISION escribed s, deviCivil Action No. repre2018 CA 000956 L (RP) ecutors, ACTION INVOLVING rantees, REAL PROPERTY ssors in CALENDAR 18 erest and MAGISTRATE JUDGE ons havRENEE RAYMOND have any ing adTHORNTON MELLON n, in the LLC fee simperty and Plaintiff, e, lying v. District of ibed as SANFORD CAPITAL LLC a Terrace SANFORD CAPITAL LLC ASHINGSANFORD CAPITAL LLC Square: SANFORD CAPITAL LLC ssessed United Bank f record United Bank George Greco & Neil Title
THE DISTRICT OF SE Unit: 4, WASHINGCOLUMBIA TON, DC 20020. The ComplaintServe: states, among otherMuriel things, that the Bowser amounts forofreMayor ofnecessary the District demption have been Columbia 1350notPennpaid.Pursuant to the sylvania Avenue,Chief Judge´s Administration NW Washington, D.C. Order Number 2000402-11, it is this 24th day of January, 2018, Serve also: ORDERED by the SuperKarl A. Racine, Attorney ior Court of of the theDistrict Districtofof General Columbia,441 that4th notice be Columbia Street, given the insertion of a NW by Washington, D.C. copy of this Order in the 20001 Wa s h i n g t o n A f r o American, a newspaper And TYPESET: Mon Mar 19 having a general circulation in theowners District of All unknown of the Columbia, oncedescribed a week real property forINthree (3) heirs, successive below, their deviTHE SUPERIOR weeks, notifying persees, COURT personal repreOF all sonsTHE interested in sentatives, executors, DISTRICT the RealOFProperty described administrators, grantees, COLUMBIA above toorDIVISION appear in this assigns successors in CIVIL Court by the 30TH day of right, title, and interest and May, 2018, and redeem any and all persons havCivil Action No. the or Real Property paying claiming to have any 2018 CA 000957 Lby (RP) ment of $7067.18, plusadininterest, including ACTION INVOLVING terest from the date verse possession, in the REAL PROPERTY Certificate was sold, all leasehold or the fee simCALENDAR 18 expenses provided forand by ple in the real property MAGISTRATE JUDGE D.C. CodeRAYMOND §47-1377lying and premises, situate, RENEE D.C.being Codein§47-1361, and and the District of all outstanding municipal Columbia described THORNTON MELLONas due 2liens 4 2 0amounts 1 LLC 5th P l Sand E, owing Real WA S Hon I N the GTO N , PropDC erty in Square: accordance 20020, 5832,with Lot Plaintiff, the provisions of D.C. 0066, assessed to the v. Code §47-1361, anowner of record orlisted swer the CAPITAL complaint, or above, SANFORD LLC thereafter, a final judgSANFORD CAPITAL LLC ment will be entered foreDefendants. SANFORD CAPITAL LLC closing the right ofLLC reSANFORD CAPITAL demption inBank the ORDER OF Real United Property and vesting in PUBLICATION United Bank the Plaintiff a title inD.C. fee In accordance with George Greco & Neil simple. Code Official Title §47-1375 Clerk of the (2001 the object of RBed.), Anderson & Court By: James D McGinley this proceeding is to seNeil Title cure the foreclosure of the R.B. Anderson Jr. rightPlace of redemption in the 15th Condominium 03/16, 03/23, 03/30/18 following property loUnitreal Owners cated in the District of Unknown Occupant Columbia to the Plaintiff in 16:49:42 EDT 20185832 this Action: Square: And Lot: 0066, SQUARE: 5832 LOT: 0066, which (For Purposes of D.C. may §47-1371(b)(1)(G)) also be known as Code 2420 15th Pl SE, WASHINGTON, DC 20020.The Complaint THE DISTRICT OF states, among other COLUMBIA things, that the amounts necessary for redemption Serve: haveMuriel not Bowser been paid. Pursuant to District the Chief Mayor of the of Judge´s Administration Columbia 1350 PennOrder Number 02-11, it is sylvania Avenue, this day of January, NW24th Washington, D.C. 2018, 20004 ORDERED by the Superior Court of the District of Serve also: Columbia, that Attorney notice be Karl A. Racine, given by the insertion General of the District of of a copy of this in the Columbia 441Order 4th Street, Wa s hWashington, i n g t o n A f rD.C. oNW American, a newspaper 20001 having a general circulation in the District of And Columbia, once a week forunknown three (3) successive All owners of the weeks, notifying all perreal property described sons interested the below, their heirs, indeviReal Property sees, personaldescribed repreabove to appear in this sentatives, executors, Court by the 30TH day of administrators, grantees, May, 2018, and redeem assigns or successors in the Real by payright, title, Property and interest and mentand of $4647.32, plus inany all persons havterest from the date any the ing or claiming to have Certificateincluding was sold,adall interest, expenses providedinforthe by verse possession, D.C. Codeor§47-1377 and leasehold the fee simD.C. Code and ple in the real§47-1361, property and all outstanding municipal premises, situate, lying liensbeing amounts due and and in the District of owing on the Real PropColumbia described as erty in accordance with 2426 15th Pl SE Unit: 103, the Sprovisions WA H I N G T O N of , DD.C. C Code §47-1361, or Lot an20020, Square: 5832, swer the complaint, or 2068, assessed to the thereafter, a final judgowner of record listed ment will be entered foreabove, closing the right of redemption in the Real Defendants. Property and vesting in the Plaintiff a OF title in fee ORDER simple. PUBLICATION In accordance with D.C. Clerk of§47-1375 the Court Official Code By:ed.), James McGinley (2001 theD object of this proceeding is to secure the foreclosure of the TYPESET: Mon03/30/18 Mar 03/16, 03/23, right of redemption in the19 following real property located in the District of Columbia the Plaintiff in IN THEtoSUPERIOR this Action: Square: COURT OF 5832 Lot: THE 2068, SQUARE: DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA CIVIL DIVISION Civil Action No. 2018 CA 000957 L (RP) ACTION INVOLVING REAL PROPERTY CALENDAR 18 MAGISTRATE JUDGE RENEE RAYMOND THORNTON MELLON LLC Plaintiff, v. SANFORD CAPITAL LLC SANFORD CAPITAL LLC SANFORD CAPITAL LLC SANFORD CAPITAL LLC United Bank United Bank George Greco & Neil Title RB Anderson & Neil Title R.B. Anderson Jr. 15th Place Condominium Unit Owners Unknown Occupant
16:49:42 EDT 2018 And
(For Purposes of D.C. 5832 LOT: 0066, which Code may §47-1371(b)(1)(G)) also be known as 2420 15th Pl SE, WASHINGTON, DC THE DISTRICT OF 20020.The Complaint COLUMBIA states, among other things, that the amounts Serve: necessary for redemption haveMuriel not Bowser been paid. Mayor of the of Pursuant to District the Chief Columbia 1350 PennJudge´s Administration sylvania Avenue, Order Number 02-11, it is NW24th Washington, D.C. this day of January, 2018, 20004 ORDERED by the SuperServe also: ior Court of the District of Karl A. Racine, Columbia, that Attorney notice be General District of of a given by of thethe insertion Columbia 441Order 4th Street, copy of this in the NWs hWashington, Wa i n g t o n A f rD.C. o20001 American, a newspaper having a general circulaAnd tion in the District of Columbia, once a week All owners of the forunknown three (3) successive real property described weeks, notifying all perbelow, their heirs, indevisons interested the sees, personaldescribed repreReal Property sentatives, executors, above to appear in this
Civil Action No. 2018 CA 000919 L (RP) ACTION INVOLVING REAL PROPERTY CALENDAR 18 MAGISTRATE JUDGE RENEE RAYMOND THORNTON MELLON LLC Plaintiff, v. SANFORD CAPITAL LLC SANFORD CAPITAL LLC SANFORD CAPITAL LLC SANFORD CAPITAL LLC United Bank United Bank George Greco & Neil Title RB Anderson & Neil Title R.B. Anderson Jr. 15th Place Condominium Unit Owners Unknown Occupant And 16:40:55 EDT 2018
(For Purposes of D.C. 5832§47-1371(b)(1)(G)) LOT: 2068, which Code may also be known as 2426 15th Pl SE Unit: 103, WTHE A S HDISTRICT I N G T O NOF , DC 20020.The Complaint COLUMBIA states, among other things, that the amounts Serve: necessary redemption Muriel for Bowser have not been Mayor of the Districtpaid. of Pursuant 1350 to thePennChief Columbia Judge´s sylvaniaAdministration Avenue, Order Number 02-11, NW Washington, D.C.it is this 24th20004 day of January, 2018, ORDERED the SuperServe by also: ior of theAttorney District of KarlCourt A. Racine, Columbia, that noticeofbe General of the District given by the of a Columbia 441insertion 4th Street, copy of this OrderD.C. in the NW Washington, Wa s h i n20001 gton AfroAmerican, a newspaper TYPESET: Mon Mar 19 having a general circulaAnd tion in the District of Columbia, once a week All unknown owners of the for three (3) described successive IN THE SUPERIOR real property weeks, notifying perCOURT OF alldevibelow, their heirs, sons interested in the THE DISTRICT sees, personal repreReal Property described OF COLUMBIA sentatives, executors, above appear in this CIVILtoDIVISION administrators, grantees, Court by the 30TH dayinof assigns or successors May, 2018, and redeem Civil Action No. right, title, and, interest and the and Real Property pay2018 CA all 000917 L by (RP) any persons havment of $2899.25, plus inACTION INVOLVING ing or claiming to have any terest the dateadthe REALfrom PROPERTY interest, including Certificate was 18 sold, CALENDAR verse possession, in theall expensesorprovided by MAGISTRATE leasehold theJUDGE fee for simD.C. Code §47-1377 and RENEE RAYMOND ple in the real property and D.C. Codesituate, §47-1361, and premises, lying all being outstanding municipal THORNTON MELLON and in the District of liens amounts due and Columbia LLC described as owing on the Real Prop2426 15th Pl SE Unit: 201, ertyS HinIPlaintiff, with WA Naccordance GTON, DC the provisions of D.C. v. 5832, 20020, Square: Lot Code §47-1361, or an2070, assessed to the swer the complaint, SANFORD LLCor owner of CAPITAL record listed thereafter,CAPITAL a final LLC judgSANFORD above, ment will be enteredLLC foreSANFORD CAPITAL closing the right of SANFORD CAPITAL LLCreDefendants. demption the Real United in Bank Property and vesting in United Bank ORDER OF the Plaintiff a title in fee George Greco & Neil PUBLICATION simple. Title with D.C. In accordance RB Anderson & Official Code §47-1375 Clerk the Court Neil Title (2001 ed.), theofobject of By: James DisMcGinley Anderson Jr. thisR.B. proceeding to se15th Condominium cure Place the foreclosure of the Owners in the right ofUnit redemption 03/16,real 03/23, 03/30/18 Unknown Occupant following property located in the District of And Columbia to the Plaintiff in this Action: Square: 5832 (For Purposes of D.C. Lot: 2070, SQUARE: Code §47-1371(b)(1)(G)) THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA
sons interested in the Real Property described above to appear in this Court by the 23RD day of May, 2018, and redeem the Real Property by payment of $2965.50, plus interest from the date the Certificate was sold, all expenses provided for by D.C. Code §47-1377 and LEGAL NOTICES D.C. Code §47-1361, and all outstanding municipal liens amounts due and owing on the Real Property in accordance with the provisions of D.C. Code §47-1361, or answer the complaint, or thereafter, a final judgment will be entered foreclosing the right of redemption in the Real Property and vesting in the Plaintiff a title in fee simple
5832 L may als 2426 15 WASH 20020. states, things, necessa have n Pursua Judge´s Order N this 23R 2018, ORDER ior Cour Columb given by copy of Wa s h i n America having tion in Columb for thre weeks, sons in Real Pr above t Court by May, 20 the Rea ment of terest fr Certifica expense D.C. Co D.C. Co all outs liens am owing o erty in the pro Code § swer th thereaft ment wi closing demptio Property the Plai simple.
By: J
2018ADM000203 Bobby D Evans AKA Bobby Don Evans Decedent NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT, NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND NOTICE TO LEGAL NOTICES UNKNOWN HEIRS Pamela B Evans, whose address is 608 Drum Ave, Capital Heights, MD 2074. was appointed personal representative of the estate of Bobby D Evans , who died on December 25, 2017 with a will, and will serve without Court supervision. All unknown heirs and heirs whose whereabouts are unknown shall enter their 16:34:27 a p p e a r aEDT n c e 2018 in this proceeding. Objections to such appointment (or to the probate of decedent´s will) shall be filed with the Register of Wills, D.C., 515 5th Street, N.W., 3rd Floor Wa s h i n g t o n , D . C . 20001, on or before September 23, 2018. Claims against the decedent shall be presented to the undersigned with a copy to the Register of Wills or filed with the Register of Wills with a copy to the undersigned, on or before September 23, 2018, or be forever barred. Persons believed to be heirs or legatees of the decedent who do not receive a copy of this notice by mail within 25 days of its first publication shall so inform the Register of Wills, including name, address and relationship. Date of Publication: March 23, 2018 Name of newspaper: Afro-American Washington Law Reporter Pamela B Evans Personal Representative
appearance in this proceeding. Objections to such appointment (or to the probate of decedent´s will) shall be filed with the Register of Wills, D.C., 515 5th Street, N.W., 3rd Floor Wa s h i n g t o n , D . C . 20001, on or before September 23, 2018. LEGAL NOTICES Claims against the decedent shall be presented to the undersigned with a copy to the Register of Wills or filed with the Register of Wills with a copy to the undersigned, on or before September 23, 2018, or be forever barred. Persons believed to be heirs or legatees of the decedent who do not receive a copy of this notice by mail within 25 days of its first publication shall so inform the Register of Wills, including name, address and relationship. Date of Publication: March 23, 2018 Name of newspaper: Afro-American Washington Law Reporter Bruce E Gardner Personal Representative
Bobby Don Evans Decedent NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT, NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND NOTICE TO And UNKNOWN HEIRS Pamela B Evans , whose (For Purposes D.C. address is 608 Drum TYPESET: Mon Mar 19 16:41:26 EDT of 2018 Code §47-1371(b)(1)(G)) LEGAL NOTICES LEGAL NOTICES Ave, CapitalNOTICES Heights MD, LEGAL LEGAL NOTICES 20743 was appointed Lot: 0893, SQUARE: personal representative 6159 0893,OF which IN THE SUPERIOR THELOT: DISTRICT of the estate of Bobby D may also be known as 855 COURT OF COLUMBIA Evans AKA Bobby Don Monteria Ct SE, THE DISTRICT Evans , who died on W A S H IServe: NGTON, DC OF COLUMBIA December 25, 2017 with 20032. The Complaint CIVIL DIVISION Muriel Bowser a will, and will serve withstates, other Mayor ofamong the District of out Court supervision. All things, that1350 the amounts Civil Action No. TRUE TEST COPY Columbia Pennunknown heirs and heirs necessary for redemption 2018 CA 000618 L (RP) REGISTER OF WILLS sylvania Avenue, have not been paid. whose whereabouts are ACTION INVOLVING NW Washington, D.C. Pursuant20004 to the Chief unknown shall enter their REAL PROPERTY Judge´s Administration p p e a r a EDT n c e i2018 n this CALENDAR 18 TYPESET: Mar 19 a 16:33:12 03/23, 03/30,Mon 04/6/18 Order Number 02-11, it is MAGISTRATE JUDGE proceeding. Objections Serve also: this 23RD day of January, RENEE RAYMOND to such appointment Karl A. Racine, Attorney 2018, of the District of shall be filed with the General Superior Court of ORDERED by4th theStreet, SuperTHORNTON MELLON Register of Wills, D.C., Columbia 441 the ior Court of the District of LLC 515 5th Street, N.W., 3rd NW Washington, D.C. District of Columbia Columbia, that notice be Floor Washington, D.C. 20001 PROBATE DIVISION given by the insertion of a Plaintiff, 20001, on or before Washington, D.C. copy of this Order in the v. And September 23, 2018. 20001-2131 Wa s h i n g t o n A f r o Claims against the deAdministration No. American, a newspaper KAI GAINEY All unknown owners of the cedent shall be pre2018ADM000167 having a general circulaUS Bank, NA real property described sented to the underRonald Lynn tion intheir the heirs, District of US Bank, NA below, devisigned with a copy to the Thompson Columbia, once a week US Bank, NA sees, personal repreRegister of Wills or filed Decedent for three (3)executors, successive US Bank, NA sentatives, with the Register of Wills NOTICE OF weeks, notifying all perChevy Chase Bank administrators, grantees, with a copy to the undersons interested in the APPOINTMENT, Chevy Chase Bank assigns or successors in signed, on or before Realtitle, Property described NOTICE TO Chevy Chase Bank right, and interest and September 23, 2018, or above this CREDITORS David Prensky any andtoall appear personsinhavbe forever barred. PerCourt by the 23RD day Janelle Allison & Robert AND NOTICE TO ing or claiming to have anyof TRUE TEST COPY sons believed to be heirs May, 2018, , and redeem Bystrowski UNKNOWN HEIRS interest, including adREGISTER OF WILLS the Real Property by payWalter E. Washington Bernadette Sandidge , or legatees of the deverse possession, in the ment of $6318.47, plus inEstates TYPESET: Mon Mar 19 whose 16:24:53address EDT 2018 is 4208 cedent who do not releasehold or the fee sim03/23, 03/30, 04/6/18 terest the dateand the Unknown Occupant 4th St., SE Apt 103, ceive a copy of this notice ple in thefrom real property Certificate situate, was sold, all Washington, DC 20032 by mail within 25 days of premises, lying expenses for of by and being inprovided the District was appointed personal its first publication shall Superior Court of D.C. Code §47-1377 and And Columbia described as representative of the so inform the Register of the D.C. Code §47-1361, and 712 Brandywine St SE estate of Ronald Lynn Wills, including name, District of Columbia all outstanding municipal (For Purposes of D.C. Unit: 101, WASHINGThompson, who died on address and relationPROBATE DIVISION liens amounts due and Code §47-1371(b)(1)(G)) TON, DC 20032, Square: October 10, 2017 without ship. Washington, D.C. owing on the Real Prop6163, Lot 2064, assessed a will, and will serve with Date of Publication: 20001-2131 erty in accordance with to the owner of record Court supervision. All un- March 23, 2018 Administration No. the provisions of D.C. THE DISTRICT OF listed above, known heirs and heirs Name of newspaper: 2000ADM229 Code §47-1361, or anCOLUMBIA whose where-abouts are Afro-American Callie Wooten swer Defendants. the complaint, or unknown shall enter their Washington AKA thereafter, a final judgServe: Law Reporter appearance in this ment will be entered Callie D Wooten Muriel Bowser ORDER OF forePamela B Evans proceeding. Objections closing the right of reAKA Mayor of the District of PUBLICATION Personal to such appointment in with the Real Callie Daniel Wooten Columbia 1350 Penn- Indemption accordance D.C. Representative shall be filed with the PropertyCode and §47-1375 vesting in sylvania Avenue, Decedent Official the Plaintiff a title in fee Register of Wills, D.C., NW Washington, D.C. Lynn H Johnson Esq (2001 ed.), the object of simple. 20004 1413 K Street, NW, 515 5th Street, N.W., 3rd TRUE TEST COPY this proceeding is to seClerk of the Court Floor Washington, D.C. REGISTER OF WILLS Suite 1500 cure the foreclosure of the D McGinley Serve also: 20001, on or before Washington, DC 20005 rightBy: of James redemption in the 03/30,Mon 04/6/18 TYPESET: Mar 19 16:35:03 EDT 2018 Karl A. Racine, Attorney September 23 , 2018 . 03/23, following real property loAttorney TRUE TEST COPY General of the District of Claims against the decated in the District of NOTICE OF 03/16,to03/23, 03/30/18 REGISTER OF WILLS Columbia 441 4th Street, Columbia cedent shall be prethe Plaintiff in APPOINTMENT, NW Washington, D.C. sented to the underthis Action: Square: 6163 SUPERIOR COURT OF NOTICE TO TYPESET:20001 Mon Mar 19 16:35:49 EDTSQUARE: 2018 signed with a copy to the Lot: 2064, THE DISTRICT OF CREDITORS TYPESET: Mon Mar 19 16:26:31 EDT 2018 03/23, 03/30, 04/6/18 6163 LOT: 2064, which Register of Wills or filed COLUMBIA AND NOTICE TO And may also be known as 712 with the Register of Wills PROBATE DIVISION UNKNOWN HEIRS Brandywine St SE Unit: IN THE SUPERIOR Washington, D.C. Leslie Jackson , whose with a copy to the underSuperior Court of All unknown owners COURT OF of the 101, WASHINGTON, DC 20001-2131 address is 235 Ogleth- signed, on or before the District of real THE property described 20032. The Complaint DISTRICT September 23, 2018, or Administration No. orpe St. NW, WashingDistrict of Columbia below, their heirs, devi- states, among other OF COLUMBIA be forever barred. Per2018ADM104 ton, DC 20011 , was apPROBATE DIVISION sees, personal reprethings, that the amounts CIVIL DIVISION sons believed to be heirs Estate of pointed personal Washington, D.C. sentatives, executors, necessary for redemption or legatees of the deEdwin R Mclean representative of the administrators, 20001-2131 have not been paid. Civil Action grantees, No. estate of Callie Wooten cedent who do not re- Deceased assigns successors Administration No. 2018 CAor 000616 L (RP)in Pursuant to the Chief NOTICE OF Aka Callie D Wooten, ceive a copy of this notice right, title, and interest and Judge´s Administration 2018ADM000222 ACTION INVOLVING STANDARD A k a C a l l i e D a n i e l by mail within 25 days of any and PROPERTY all persons hav- Order Number 02-11, it is Doris S Rucker REAL its first publication shall PROBATE Wooten , who died on ing or claiming to have Decedent CALENDAR 18 any this 23RD day of January, January 20, 2000 with a so inform the Register of Notice is hereby given interest, including ad- 2018, NOTICE OF MAGISTRATE JUDGE verse possession, in the ORDERED by the Superwill, and will serve with Wills, including name, that a petition has been APPOINTMENT, RENEE RAYMOND leasehold or the fee sim- ior Court of the District of Court supervision. All un- address and relation- filed in this Court by DebNOTICE TO ple in the real property and Columbia, that notice be orah Desloge AKA Debknown heirs and heirs ship. THORNTON MELLON CREDITORS premises,LLC situate, lying given by the insertion of a orah Arrowood Conley whose whereabouts are Date of Publication: AND NOTICE TO and being in the District of copy of this Order in the March 23, 2018 for standard probate, unknown shall enter their UNKNOWN HEIRS Columbia described as Name of newspaper: including the appointWa s h i n g t o n A f r o a p p e a r a n c e i n t h i s Plaintiff, Roxane Y Rucker and 855 Monteria Ct SE, American, a newspaper ment of one or more perv. Cecil E Rucker Jr, whose proceeding. Objections Afro-American WA S H I N G T O N , D C having a general circulasonal representative. addresses are 6341 11th to such appointment (or Washington 20032, Square: 6159, Lot tion in the District of Law Reporter Unless a complaint or an to the probate of deRd N, Arlington VA, 0893, assessed to the Columbia, once a week RENAISSANCE objection in accordance 2 2 2 0 5 ; 6 6 0 3 cedent´s will) shall be owner of recordLLC listed for three (3) successive Bernadette Sandidge PROPERTIES, with Superior Court Profiled with the Register of Woodstream Dr., Lanabove, weeks, notifying all perPersonal RENAISSANCE bate Division Rule 407 is Wills, D.C., 515 5th ham, MDd 20706 were sons interested in the PROPERTIES, Representative filed in this Court within Street, N.W., 3rd Floor appointed personal reDefendants. Real Property described LLCThe Lawrence & 30 days from the date of presentatives of the W a s h i n g t o n , D . C . above to appear in this Lillian Solomon Fnd. TRUE TEST COPY first publication of this noestate of Doris S Rucker, 20001, on or before ORDER OF& Court by the 23RD day of Cindi Cohen REGISTER OF WILLS tice, the Court may take who died on January 7, September 23, 2018. PUBLICATION May, 2018, and redeem 03/23, 03/30, 04/6/18 Alison Rind the action hereinafter set Claims against the deTYPESET: Mon Mar 19 16:29:02 EDT 2018 2018 with a will, and will IIn accordance with D.C. the Real Property by payHighland View forth. Official712 Code §47-1375 ment of $3621.28, plus inserve without Court su- cedent shall be preCondo 0 Admit to probate the will sented to the under- 03/23, 03/30, 04/6/18 (2001 ed.), Occupant the object of terest from the date the pervision. All unknown Unknown TYPESET: Mon Mar 19 16:33:50 EDT 9, 2018 dated April 2001 this proceeding is to se- Certificate was sold, all SUPERIOR COURT OF heirs and heirs whose signed with a copy to the exhibited with the petition cure the foreclosure of the expenses provided for by where-abouts are un- Register of Wills or filed THE DISTRICT OF upon proof satisfactory to right of redemption in the D.C. Code §47-1377 and known shall enter their with the Register of Wills COLUMBIA And Superior Court of the Court of due execuwith a copy to the underfollowing real property lo- D.C. Code §47-1361, and appearance in this PROBATE DIVISION the tion by affidavit of witcated in the District proceeding. Objections signed, on or before (For Purposes of D.C. of all outstanding municipal Washington, D.C. District of Columbia nesses or otherwise Columbia to the 2018 Plaintiff in liens amounts due and n Mar 19 16:41:26 EDT to such appointment (or September 23, 2018, or Code §47-1371(b)(1)(G)) 20001-2131 0 PROBATE DIVISION this Action: Square: 6159 owing on the Real PropIn the absence of a will to the probate of de- be forever barred. PerForeign No. Washington, D.C. or proof satisfactory to Lot: 0893, SQUARE: erty in accordance with cedent´s will) shall be sons believed to be heirs 2018FEP44 20001-2131 the Court of due execuor legatees of the de6159 0893,OF which the provisions of D.C. THELOT: DISTRICT RIOR filed with the Register of Date of Death Administration No. tion, enter an order determay also be known as 855 Code §47-1361, or ancedent who do not reCOLUMBIA F Wills, D.C., 515 5th January 22, 2015 2018ADM221 M o n t e r i a C t S E , swer the complaint, or Surjit Singh Bian mining that the decedent ICT Street, N.W., 3rd Floor ceive a copy of this notice W A S H IServe: N G T O N , D C thereafter, a final judgdied intestate by mail within 25 days of Elizabeth Matthews BIA Wa s h i n g t o n , D . C . Decedent 0 Decedent ment will be entered fore20032. The Complaint appoint an unsuMuriel Bowser ION its first publication shall 20001, on or before NOTICE OF NOTICE OF closing the right of restates, among other pervised personal repreMayor of the District of September 23, 2018. so inform the Register of APPOINTMENT demption in the Real things, that1350 the amounts APPOINTMENT, Columbia PennNo. sentative Wills, including name, Claims against the deOF FOREIGN necessary redemption Property and vesting in NOTICE TO sylvaniafor Avenue, 8 L (RP) Register of Wills cedent shall be pre- address and relationPERSONAL have not been D.C. paid. the Plaintiff a title in fee CREDITORS NW Washington, LVING Clerk of the sented to the under- ship. REPRESENTATIVE simple.and owing on the Pursuant to the Chief 20004 AND NOTICE TO ERTY Probate Division signed with a copy to the Date of Publication: AND Judge´s Administration Real Property in accorR 18 UNKNOWN HEIRS Date of First Publication Register of Wills or filed March 23, 2018 NOTICE TO Order Serve Number 02-11, it is dance with the provisions also: JUDGE B r e n d a L a n c a s t e r , March 23, 2018 with the Register of Wills Name of newspaper: CREDITORS this 23RD day of January, of D.C. Code §47-1361, or Karl A. Racine, Attorney MOND whose address is 12916 Names of Newspapers: Afro-American answer the complaint, or Purshotam S Bian whose with a copy to the under2018, of the District of General Applecross Drive, Clin- Washington Law ReWashington ORDERED by4th theStreet, Super- thereafter, a final judg- address is 7120 Royal signed, on or before Columbia 441 ELLON ton, MD 20735 was ap- porter Law Reporter ior Court of the District NW Washington, D.C. of ment will be entered fore- F e r n C i r c l e , # 1 0 3 , September 23, 2018, or Leslie Jackson pointed personal repre- Wa s h i n g t o n A F R O Columbia, that notice be closing the right of re- Manassas Va, 20111 was be forever barred. Per20001 Personal sentative of the estate of AMERICAN given by the insertion of a demption in the Real appointed personal re- sons believed to be heirs Representative Elizabeth Matthews, who Wesly L Clarke Esq copy of this Order in the Property and vesting in presentative of the estate or legatees of the deAnd died on October 21, 2017 1629 K Street, Ste 300 the Plaintiff a title in fee of Surjit singh Bian, de- cedent who do not reWa s h i n g t o n A f r o without a will, and will Washington, DC 20006 simple. American, a newspaper All unknown owners of the EY ceased by the Register of ceive a copy of this notice TRUE TEST COPY serve without Court Signature of Clerk of the Court Wills Court for Montgom- by mail within 25 days of REGISTER OF WILLS having a general circulareal property described NA superision. All unknown Petitioners/Attorney By: James D McGinley ery County, State of tion intheir the heirs, District below, devi-of NA its first publication shall heirs andEDT heirs2018 whose TYPESET: Mon Mar 19 16:27:52 Columbia, once reprea week sees, personal NA Maryland, on January so inform the Register of 03/23, 03/30, 04/6/18 whereabouts are un- 03/23, 03/30, 04/6/18 for three (3)executors, successive sentatives, NA Wills, including name, 31, 2018, Mon03/30/18 Mar 19 16:29:49 EDT 2018 known shall enter their 03/16, 03/23, weeks, notifying all per- TYPESET: administrators, grantees, Bank Service of process may address and relationappearance in this sons interested in the Superior Court of assigns or successors in Bank be made upon Paul D ship. proceeding. Objections Realtitle, Property described the right, and interest and Bank Date of Publication: Hunt, Attorney at Law, to such appointment above this Superior Court of District of Columbia any and toall appear personsinhavsky 717 D St. NW, Suite 300, March 23, 2018 shall be filed with the Court by the 23RD day of the ing or claiming to have any Robert PROBATE DIVISION Name of newspaper: Washington, DC 20004 Register of Wills, D.C., May, 2018, , and redeem District of Columbia interest, including adki Washington, D.C. Afro-American whose designation as the Real Property by 515 5th Street, N.W., 3rd verse possession, in paythe ington PROBATE DIVISION 20001-2131 Washington District of Columbia ment of $6318.47, inFloor Washington, D.C. leasehold or the feeplus simWashington, D.C. Administration No. Law Reporter agent has been filed with terest from the date the 20001, on or before ple in the real property and upant 20001-2131 2018ADM000208 Roxane Y Rucker the Register of Wills, Certificate situate, was sold, all premises, lying September 23, 2018. Administration No. Dorothy H Hedgman Cecil E Rucker Jr. D.C. expenses for of by and being inprovided the District Claims against the de2018ADM000256 Decedent Personal The decedent owned the D.C. Codedescribed §47-1377 and Columbia as cedent shall be preJerome A Lindsay William A Bland Esq Representative f o l l o w i n g D i s t r i c t o f D.C. Code §47-1361, and 712 Brandywine St SE AKA 80 M Street, SE, Suite sented to the underall outstanding municipal Jerome Albert Lindsay Colombia real property: Unit: 101, WASHINGof D.C. signed with a copy to the 330 738 50th St. Ne, WDC TRUE TEST COPY liens DC amounts and 20032, due Square: b)(1)(G)) TON, Register of Wills or filed Washington, DC 20003 owingLot on2064, the Real Prop- Decedent 20019, 742 50th St. NE, REGISTER OF WILLS 6163, assessed with the Register of Wills NOTICE OF Attorney erty in accordance with WDC 20019, 745 50th to the owner of record with a copy to the underAPPOINTMENT, NOTICE OF the provisions of D.C. St., NE WDC 20018, 743 listed above, T OF TYPESET: Mon Mar 19 16:25:48 EDT 2018 signed, on or before NOTICE TO APPOINTMENT, 03/23, 03/30, 4/6/18 Code §47-1361, or anA 50th St., NW WDC September 23, 2018, or CREDITORS NOTICE TO swer Defendants. the complaint, or 20019, 737 50th St., NW be forever barred. PerAND NOTICE TO CREDITORS thereafter, a final judgWDC 20019 SSL 5179 Superior Court of sons believed to be heirs UNKNOWN HEIRS AND NOTICE TO ment will be entered ORDER OF foreser 0037 WDC the District of or legatees of the deS h a r o n A n n H a r r i s , UNKNOWN HEIRS closing the right of rePUBLICATION strict of Claims against the deDistrict of Columbia whose address is 4129 Anita L Smalls , whose cedent who do not rein with the Real accordance D.C. Penn- Indemption cedent may be prePROBATE DIVISION a d d r e s s i s 7 3 0 2 ceive a copy of this notice PropertyCode and §47-1375 vesting in Chariot Way, Upper Marl- sented to the underOfficial nue, Washington, D.C. boro MD 20772, was apthe Plaintiff a title in fee Chaddsford Shoreside by mail within 25 days of (2001 ed.), the object of n, D.C. signed and filed with the 20001-2131 pointed personal represimple. Court, Brandywine, MD its first publication shall this proceeding is to seRegister of Wills for the Administration No. Clerk of theofCourt sentative of the estate of 20613, was appointed so inform the Register of cure the foreclosure the District of Columbia, 2016ADM723 By: James D McGinley Jerome A Lindsay AKA right of redemption in the o: personal representative Wills, including name, Building A, 515 5th Sonny Burgess Jerome Albert Lindsay , following real property loAttorney of the estate of Dorothy H address and relationStreet, NW, 3rd Floor. Decedent cated in the Mon District of 19 who istrict of died on January 14, Hedgman, who died on ship. TYPESET: Mar 16:35:49 EDT 2018 Washington, D.C. 20001 03/16,to03/23, 03/30/18 Bruce E Gardner Esq the Plaintiff in h Street, Columbia 2018 with a will, and will October 6, 2017 without Date of Publication: within 6 months from the The Gardern Law Firm this Action: Square: 6163 n, D.C. serve without Courtassua will, and will serve with- March 23, 2018 may also be known 712 date of first publication of PC Lot: 2064, SQUARE: pervision. out Court supervision. All Name of newspaper: BrandywineAllStunknown SE Unit: this notice. IN THE SUPERIOR 6163 LOT: 2064, which 1101 Pennsylvania Ave unknown heirs and heirs Afro-American heirs and heirs whose 101, WASHINGTON, DC COURT OF Purshotam S Bian NW Suite 600 where-abouts are unwhose whereabouts are Washington 20032. The Complaint THE DISTRICT Personal Washington, DC 20004 known enter other their unknown shall enter their Law Reporter states,shall among OF COLUMBIA Representative(s) ers of the Attorney Brenda Lancaster athings, ppeara n c ethei namounts this appearance in this that CIVIL DIVISION TRUE TEST COPY escribed NOTICE OF Personal proceeding. proceeding. Objections necessary forObjections redemption REGISTER OF WILLS rs, deviAPPOINTMENT, Representative to such appointment (or have not been paid. Date of first publication: to such appointment Civil Action No. repreNOTICE TO toPursuant the probate deto theof Chief shall be filed with the 2018 CA 000616 L (RP) March 23, 2018 ecutors, CREDITORS Judge´s will) Administration cedent´s shall be Register of Wills, D.C., TRUE TEST COPY ACTION INVOLVING rantees, Name of newspapers AND NOTICE TO Order Number 02-11, itofis filed with the Register 515 5th Street, N.W., 3rd REGISTER OF WILLS REAL PROPERTY essors in and/or periodical: UNKNOWN HEIRS this 23RD day 515 of January, Wills, D.C., 5th CALENDAR 18 Floor Washington, D.C. erest and The Daily Washington Bruce E Gardner , whose 2018, MAGISTRATE JUDGE Street, N.W., 3rd Floor 20001, on or before ons havLaw Reporter Mon Mar 19 16:32:24 EDT 2018 ORDERED by the Supera d d r e s s i s 1 1 0 1 September 23, 2018. TYPESET: 03/23, 03/30, 04/6/18 RENEE RAYMOND W a s h i n g t o n , D . C . have any ior Courton of the District of The Afro-American Pennslvania Ave, NW 20001, or before Claims against the deing adColumbia, that be Suite 600, Washington, cedent shall be preTHORNTON MELLON September 23,notice 2018. n, in the 03/23, 03/30, 04/6/18 Mon Mar 19 16:31:51 2018 given byagainst the insertion of a TYPESET: Superior Court of LLC DC 20004EDT was appointed Claims the desented to the underfee simcopy of this Order in the the personal representative signed with a copy to the cedent shall be preperty and Wa s h i n g t o n A f r o Plaintiff, District of Columbia of the estate of Sonny sented to the underRegister of Wills or filed e, lying American, newspaper v. PROBATE DIVISION Superior Court of Burgess, who died on with the Register of Wills signed with aacopy to the District of having aofgeneral Washington, D.C. the District of July 26, 2015 without a with a copy to the underRegister Wills orcirculafiled ibed as tion in the District of 20001-2131 District of Columbia will, and will serve with- signed, on or before Ct SE, with the Register Columbia, once ofa Wills week RENAISSANCE Administration No. PROBATE DIVISION out Court supervision. All September 23, 2018 or N, DC with copy(3) to the underfor athree successive PROPERTIES, LLC 2018ADM000203 Washington, D.C. unknown heirs and heirs 159, Lot signed, on or before be forever barred. Perweeks, notifying all perRENAISSANCE 20001-2131 whose whereabouts are sons believed to be heirs Bobby D Evans to the September 23, 2018 or sons interested in , the PROPERTIES, Administration No. d listed unknown shall enter their or legatees of the de- AKA be forever barred. PerReal Property described LLCThe Lawrence & 2018ADM000203 appearance in this sons believed to be in heirs cedent who do not re- Bobby Don Evans above to appear this Lillian Solomon Fnd. proceeding. Objections ceive a copy of this notice Decedent orCourt legatees theday de-of Bobby D Evans by the of 23RD Cindi Cohen & s. NOTICE OF AKA to such appointment (or by mail within 25 days of cedent who and do not reMay, 2018, redeem Alison Rind APPOINTMENT, to the probate of de- its first publication shall ceive a copy of this notice the Real Property by pay- Bobby Don Evans Highland View F NOTICE TO cedent´s will) shall be so inform the Register of by mailofwithin 25 days ment $3621.28, plusof in- Decedent 712 Condo ON CREDITORS NOTICE OF filed with the Register of Wills, including name, its first from publication shall terest the date the Unknown Occupant with D.C. AND NOTICE TO APPOINTMENT, Wills, D.C., 515 5th Certificate sold, ofall so inform thewas Register address and relation47-1375 UNKNOWN HEIRS NOTICE TO Street, N.W., 3rd Floor ship. expenses provided for by Wills, including name, object of Pamela B Evans , whose CREDITORS W a s h i n g t o n , D . C . D.C. Code §47-1377 and address and relationAnd Date of Publication: s to seaddress is 608 Drum AND NOTICE TO 20001, on or before D.C. Code §47-1361, and ship. March 23, 2018 ure of the Ave, Capital Heights MD, UNKNOWN HEIRS all outstanding municipal September 23, 2018. Name of newspaper: (For Purposes of D.C. Date of Publication: on in the 20743 was appointed liens 23, amounts Code §47-1371(b)(1)(G)) March 2018 due and Pamela B Evans, whose Claims against the de- Afro-American perty loowingofon the Real Prop- address is 608 Drum cedent shall be pre- Washington personal representative Name newspaper: strict of erty in accordance with of the estate of Bobby D Ave, Capital Heights, MD sented to the under- Law Reporter Afro-American Plaintiff in the provisions of D.C. 2074. was appointed signed with a copy to the THE DISTRICT OF Washington Anita L Smalls Evans AKA Bobby Don re: 6159 Code §47-1361, or an- personal representative Register of Wills or filed COLUMBIA Law Reporter Personal Evans , who died on swer Sharon the complaint, or of the estate of Bobby D with the Register of Wills Ann Harris Representative December 25, 2017 with Cindi Cohen & Alison Rind Highland View 712 Condo Unknown Occupant
Courtbelieved by the 23RD of sons to be day heirs May, 2018, and redeem or legatees of the dethe Real Property by paycedent who do not rement aofcopy $3621.28, inceive of this plus notice terest by mailfrom withinthe 25 date days the of Certificate was sold, all its first publication shall expenses provided for of by so inform the Register D.C. Code §47-1377 and Wills, including name, D.C. Code §47-1361, and address and relationall outstanding municipal ship. liens amounts due and LEGAL NOTICES Date of Publication: owing on the Real PropMarch 23, 2018 erty in accordance with Name of newspaper: the provisions of D.C. Afro-American Code §47-1361, or anWashington swer the complaint, or Law Reporter thereafter, a final judgSharon Ann Harris ment will be entered forePersonal closing the right of redemptionRepresentative in the Real Property and vesting in the Plaintiff title in fee TRUE TEST aCOPY simple.and owing on the REGISTER OF WILLS Real Property in accordance with the provisions TYPESET: Mar or 19 of D.C.03/30, CodeMon §47-1361, 03/23, 04/6/18 answer the complaint, or thereafter, a final judgment will be COURT entered foreSUPERIOR OF closing the right OF of reTHE DISTRICT demption in the Real COLUMBIA Property andDIVISION vesting in PROBATE theWashington, Plaintiff a title in fee D.C. simple. 20001-2131 Clerk of the Foreign No. Court By: James D McGinley 2018FEP000043 Date of Death December 12, 03/30/18 2016 03/16, 03/23, Mildred I Mims Decedent NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT OF FOREIGN PERSONAL REPRESENTATIVE AND NOTICE TO CREDITORS Ebony Vauss whose address is 3916 Rolling Paddock Drive, Upper Marlboro, MD 20772 was appointed personal representative of the estate of Mildred I Mims, deceased by the Register of Wills Court for Prince Georges County, State of Maryland, on February 15, 2017, Service of process may be made upon Tiyra Stokes 5023 Astor Place, SE, Washington, DC 20019 whose designation as District of Columbia agent has been filed with the Register of Wills, D.C. The decedent owned the following District of Colombia real property: 920 Division Avenue, NE, Washington, DC 20019. Claims against the decedent may be presented to the undersigned and filed with the Register of Wills for the District of Columbia, 515 5th Street, NW, 3rd FloorWashington, D.C. 20001 within 6 months from the date of first publication of this notice. Ebony Vauss Personal Representative TRUE TEST COPY REGISTER OF WILLS Date of first publication: March 23, 2018 Name of newspapers and/or periodical: The Daily Washington Law Reporter The Afro-American
cedent who do not receive a copy of this notice by mail within 25 days of its first publication shall so inform the Register of Wills, including name, address and relationship. Date of Publication: March 23, 2018 LEGAL NOTICES Name of newspaper: Afro-American Washington Law Reporter Anita L Smalls Personal Representative
March 31, 2018 - April 6, 2018, The Afro-American
B12 The Afro-American, March 31, 2018 - April 6, 2018
TYPESET: Tue Mar 20 Superior Court of the District of Columbia PROBATE DIVISION Washington, D.C. 20001-2131 Administration No. 2017ADM211 Jerdine M Brown Decedent NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT, NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND NOTICE TO UNKNOWN HEIRS Ronald K Austin, whose address is 1609 Madison Street, NW, Washington, DC 20011 was appointed personal representative of the estate of JerdineM Brown, who died on August 14, 2016 with a will, and will serve without Court supervision. All unknown heirs and heirs whose whereabouts are unknown shall enter their appearance in this proceeding. Objections to such appointment (or to the probate of decedent´s will) shall be filed with the Register of Wills, D.C., 515 5th Street, N.W., 3rd Floor Wa s h i n g t o n , D . C . 20001, on or before September 16, 2018. Claims against the decedent shall be presented to the undersigned with a copy to the Register of Wills or filed with the Register of Wills with a copy to the undersigned, on or before September 16, 2018 , or be forever barred. Persons believed to be heirs or legatees of the decedent who do not receive a copy of this notice by mail within 25 days of its first publication shall so inform the Register of Wills, including name, address and relationship. Date of Publication: March 16, 2018 Name of newspaper: Afro-American Washington Law Reporter Ronald K Austin Personal Representative TRUE TEST COPY REGISTER OF WILLS 03/16, 03/23, 03/30/18
Serve also:
sylvania Avenue, NW Washington, D.C. 20004
swer the complaint, or thereafter, a final judgment will be entered foreclosing the right of redemption in the Real Property and vesting in the Plaintiff a title in fee simple. Clerk of the Court
TYPESET: Tue2018 Mar 20 10:04:37 EDT 2018 Karl A. Racine, TYPESET: Tue Mar 20 10:42:31 LEGAL NOTICES LEGALEDT NOTICES LEGAL NOTICES TYPESET: Tue Mar 20 10:33:45 EDT 2018 LEGAL NOTICES LEGAL NOTICES By: James D McGinley Attorney General of the TYPESET: Tue Mar 20 10:37:34 EDT 2018
District ofAdministration Columbia Judge´s 441 4th Street, NW it is Order Number 02-11, IN THE SUPERIOR SUPERIOR COURT OF Washington, D.C. this 23RD day of 20001 January COURT OF THE IN THE SUPERIOR THE DISTRICT OF 2018, DISTRICT OF COURT OF THE COLUMBIA And ORDERED by OF the SuperCOLUMBIA DISTRICT PROBATE DIVISION ior Court of the District of CIVIL DIVISION COLUMBIA Washington, D.C. All unknown owners of the Columbia, that notice be CIVIL DIVISION 20001-2131 real property described given by the insertion of a Civil Action No. Foreign No. below, copy oftheir this heirs, Order in the 2018 CA 000614 L(RP) Civil Action No. devi2018FEP42 sees, Wa CA s hpersonal in g t o n LAreprefroA C T I O N I N V O LV I N G 2018 000612 (RP) Date of Death sentatives, executors, American, a newspaper REAL PROPERTY ACTION INVOLVING April 24, 2014 administrators, grantees, having general circulaCALENDAR 18 REAL aPROPERTY Norma Bruce Jackson successors inof tionCALENDAR inorthe District MAGISTRATE JUDGE assigns 18 right, title, and interest and Columbia, once a week Decedent RENEE RAYMOND* MAGISTRATE JUDGE any and all persons havfor three (3) successive NOTICE OF RENEE RAYMOND ing or claiming to have weeks, notifying all any perAPPOINTMENT THORNTON MELLON interest, including sons interested in adthe LLC OF FOREIGN THORNTON MELLON verse possession, in the Real Property described Plaintiff, PERSONAL LLC leasehold or the fee simabove to appear in this v. REPRESENTATIVE ple in thebyreal andof Court theproperty 23rd day KENNETH W. AND Plaintiff, premises, situate, lying May, 2018, and redeem RICHARDSON III NOTICE TO v. and being in the District of the Real Property by payJohn Pauley CREDITORS Columbia described ment $3119.19, plusas inJohn Pauley Debra M Jackson whose 824 of VARNUM LLC 1337 St NW terest from the dateP-2, the Eugene Choi 824Harvard VARNUM LLC address is 16221 PresiWA S H I N GOccupant Twas O N ,sold, D C all Certificate Herbert Callihan or Unknown dio Way, Bowie, MD 20009, Square: 2854,for Lot expenses provided by Patricia Hess 20716 was appointed 2007, assessed to the D.C. Code §47-1377 and Capital Solar And personal representative owner of record listed D.C. Code §47-1361, and Condominium of the estate of Norma above, all outstanding municipal Unknown Occupant (For Purposes of D.C. Bruce Jackson , deliens amounts due and Code §47-1371(b)(1)(G)) ceased by the Register of And Defendants. owing on the Real PropWills or Orphan’s Court erty in accordance with for Montgomery County, (For Purposes of D.C. ORDER OFof the THEprovisions DISTRICT OF D.C. State of Maryland., on Code §47-1371(b)(1)(G)) PUBLICATION Code §47-1361, or anCOLUMBIA August 21, 2014. Inswer accordance with D.C. the complaint, or Service of process may Official Code thereafter, a §47-1375 final judgTHE DISTRICT OF Serve: Muriel Bowser be made upon Sheila (2001 objectforeof ment ed.), will bethe entered COLUMBIA Mayor of the District of this proceeding isPenntoof seclosing the right reBennett, 4239 Benning Serve: Muriel Bowser Columbia1350 cure the foreclosure of the demption in the Real Rd, NE, Washington, DC Mayor of the District of sylvania Avenue NW right of redemption in thein Property and 20019 whose designa- Columbia1350 Penn- Washington, D.C.vesting 20004 following real aproperty the Plaintiff title in lofee tion as District of Colum- sylvania Avenue, NW cated in the District of simple. bia agent has been filed Washington, D.C. 20004 Serve also: Columbia to the Plaintiff with the Register of Wills, Karl A. Racine, Attorneyin this Action: Square: Clerk of the2854 Court Serve also: D.C. General of the District of Lot: 2007, SQUARE: Karl A. Racine, The decedent owned the Columbia 2854 LOT: 2007, which By: James D McGinley f o l l o w i n g D i s t r i c t o f Attorney General of the 441 4th Street, NW mayWashington, also be known District of Columbia Colombia real property: D.C. as 1337 Harvard 441 4th Street, NW 20001St NW P-2, 4237 Benning Rd, NE, H I N 03/23, G T O N03/30/18 , DC 03/16, Washington, D.C. 20001 W A S Washington, DC 20019 20009.The Complaint And Claims against the destates, among other And cedent may be prethings, that owners the amounts All unknown of the sented to the undernecessary for redemption All unknown owners of the real property described signed and filed with the TYPESET: have not been Tue Mar 20 10:03:44 EDT 2018paid. real property described below, their heirs, deviRegister of Wills for the below, their heirs, devi- Pursuant to the Chief sees, personal repreDistrict of Columbia, sees, personal repre- sentatives, Judge´s Administration executors, Building A, 515 5th sentatives, executors, administrators, Order Number grantees, 02-11, it is IN THE SUPERIOR Street, NW, 3rd Floor, administrators, grantees, assigns this 23RD day of January COURT OF THE or successors in Washington, D.C. 20001 assigns or successors in 2018, DISTRICT OF right, title, and interest and within 6 months from the right, title, and interest and any ORDERED by the SuperCOLUMBIA and all persons havdate of first publication of any CIVIL and all persons hav- ing iororCourt of the District DIVISION claiming to have anyof this notice. ing or claiming to have any interest, Columbia,including that noticeadbe interest, including adgiven by the insertion of a Civil Action No. verse possession, in the Debra M Jackson verse possession, in the leasehold copy of this Order in the 2018 CA 000613 L(RP) or the fee simPersonal Aleasehold feeI N simWa h i nreal g t oproperty n A f r oand C T I O N or I N the V O LV G ple insthe in the real property and premises, American, situate, a newspaper Representative(s) pleREAL PROPERTY lying premises, situate, lying having a general circulaTRUE TEST COPY CALENDAR 18 and being in the District of and being in the District tion in the District asof REGISTER OF WILLS MAGISTRATE JUDGEof Columbia described Columbia described as 8Columbia, Date of first publication: RENEE RAYMOND* 2 4 Va r n uonce m S ta Nweek W, 1337 Harvard St NW P-1, WA for Sthree March 16, 2018 H I N G(3) T Osuccessive N, DC WA S H I N G T O N , D C weeks, notifying all perTHORNTON MELLON Name of newspapers 20011, Square: 3024, Lot 20009, Square: sons assessed interested toin the the LLC 2854, Lot 0050, and/or periodical: 2006, assessed to the Real Property described Plaintiff, owner of record listed The Daily Washington owner of v. record listed above, above to appear in this Law Reporter above, Court by the 23rd day of KENNETH W. The Afro-American May, Defendants 2018, and redeem RICHARDSON III Defendants. the Real Property by payJohn Pauley 03/16, 03/23, 03/30/18 ment of $3119.19, John Pauley ORDER OF plus inORDER OF terest from the date the Eugene Choi PUBLICATION PUBLICATION Certificate was sold, all Herbert Callihan or In accordance with D.C. In accordance with D.C. Official expenses provided for by Patricia Hess Code §47-1375 Official CodeSolar §47-1375 (2001 D.C. Code §47-1377 Capital ed.), the object and of (2001Condominium ed.), the object of this D.C.proceeding Code §47-1361, and is to sethis proceeding is to se- cure all outstanding municipal Unknown Occupant the foreclosure of the cure the foreclosure of the right liensof amounts due and redemption in the right of redemption in the following owing onreal theproperty Real PropAnd lofollowing real property lo- cated erty inin accordance with the District of catedPurposes in the District the provisions of D.C. (For of D.C.of Columbia to the Plaintiff in Columbia to the Plaintiff in this Code §47-1361, anCode §47-1371(b)(1)(G)) Action: Square:or 3024 this Action: Square: 2854 Lot: swer 0050, the complaint, or SQUARE: Lot: 2006, SQUARE: thereafter, a final judgTHE DISTRICT OF 3024 LOT: 0050, which 2854 COLUMBIA LOT: 2006, which may ment will be entered forealso be known as 824 may also known as Vclosing right Serve: MurielbeBowser a r n u the m S t NofWre, 10:41:00 EDT 2018 1337 Harvard NW P-1, Mayor of the St District of Wdemption A S H I N Gin T Othe N , Real DC W A S H I N G T O N , D C Property and vesting in Columbia1350 Penn- 20011.The Complaint 20009.The Complaint the Plaintiff a titleother in fee sylvania Avenue, NW states, among states, among other things, simple.that the amounts Washington, D.C. 20004 things, that the amounts necessary for redemption necessary foralso: redemption have not Clerk of thepaid. Court Serve been haveKarl not been TYPESET: Tue Mar 20 10:04:37 EDT 2018paid. Pursuant to the Chief A. Racine, PursuantGeneral to theofChief By: James D McGinley Attorney the Judge´s Administration District of Columbia Judge´s Administration Order Number 02-11, it is 441 Number 4th Street, NW it is Order 02-11, IN THE SUPERIOR TYPESET: Tue03/30/18 Mar 20 03/16, 03/23, Washington, D.C. 20001 this 23RD day of January COURT OF THE 2018, DISTRICT OF And ORDERED by the SuperCOLUMBIA IN THE SUPERIOR ior Court of the District of CIVIL DIVISION COURT OF THE All unknownthat owners of the Columbia, notice be DISTRICT OF real described givenproperty by the insertion of a Civil Action No. COLUMBIA below, devicopy oftheir this heirs, Order in the 2018 CA 000614 L(RP) CIVIL DIVISION Wa s h ipersonal n g t o n A frepreroA C T I O N I N V O LV I N G sees, sentatives, executors, American, a newspaper REAL PROPERTY Civil Action No. administrators, grantees, having a general circulaCALENDAR 18 successors tion in orthe District in of 2018 CA 000612 L (RP) MAGISTRATE JUDGE assigns ACTION INVOLVING right, title, and interest and Columbia, once a week RENEE RAYMOND* REAL PROPERTY any persons havfor and threeall(3) successive CALENDAR 18 ing or claiming to have weeks, notifying all any perTHORNTON MELLON MAGISTRATE JUDGE interest, includingin adsons interested the LLC RENEE RAYMOND verse in the Real possession, Property described Plaintiff, leasehold the feeinsimabove to orappear this v. THORNTON MELLON ple in the and Court byreal theproperty 23rd day of KENNETH W. LLC premises, lying May, 2018,situate, and redeem RICHARDSON III and in the District of the being Real Property by payJohn Pauley Plaintiff, Columbia described as ment of $3119.19, plus inJohn Pauley v. 1337 St NW terestHarvard from the dateP-2, the Eugene Choi WA S H I N G was T O Nsold, , D C all Certificate Herbert Callihan or 824 VARNUM LLC 20009, Square: 2854, expenses provided forLot by Patricia Hess 824 VARNUM LLC 2007, assessed to the D.C. Code §47-1377 and Capital Solar Unknown Occupant owner of record listed D.C. Code §47-1361, and Condominium above, all outstanding municipal Unknown Occupant And liens amounts due and Defendants. owing on the Real PropAnd erty in accordance with (For Purposes of D.C. Code §47-1371(b)(1)(G)) ORDER OFof D.C. the provisions (For Purposes of D.C. CodePUBLICATION §47-1361, or anCode §47-1371(b)(1)(G)) Inswer accordance with D.C. the complaint, or THE DISTRICT OF Official Code §47-1375 thereafter, a final judgTHE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA (2001 ed.),bethe objectforeof ment will entered COLUMBIA this proceeding is to closing the right of sereServe: Muriel Bowser Serve: Muriel Bowser cure the foreclosure of the demption in the Real Mayor of the District of right of redemption in thein Mayor of the District of Property and vesting Columbia1350 Pennfollowing real aproperty the Plaintiff title in lofee Columbia1350 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW sylvania Avenue NW cated simple.in the District of Washington, D.C. 20004 Washington, D.C. 20004 Columbia to the Plaintiff in this Action: Square: Clerk of the 2854 Court Serve also: Serve also: Lot: 2007, SQUARE: Karl A. Racine, Karl A. Racine, Attorney 2007, which By:LOT: James D McGinley Attorney General of the 2854 General of the District of may also be known as District of Columbia Columbia 1337 Harvard St NW P-2, 441 4th Street, NW 441 4th Street, NW W A03/16, S H I N03/23, G TTue ON , D C20 10:03:44 03/30/18 TYPESET: Mar EDT 2018 Washington, D.C. 20001 Washington, D.C. 20009.The Complaint 20001 states, among other And Judge´s Administration things, that SUPERIOR the amounts Order Number 02-11, it is IN THE And for redemption All unknown owners of the necessary this 23RD day of January COURT OF THE not beenOFpaid. real property described have DISTRICT 2018, All unknown owners of the to the Chief below, their heirs, devi- Pursuant ORDERED by the SuperCOLUMBIA real property sees, personal repreior Court of thedescribed District of CIVIL DIVISION below, theirthat heirs, devisentatives, executors, Columbia, notice be sees, personal repreadministrators, grantees, given by the insertion of a Civil Action No. sentatives, executors, assigns or successors in copy of this Order in the 2018 CA 000613 L(RP) administrators, right, title, and interest and Wa s h i n g t o n grantees, AfroA C T I O N I N V O LV I N G assigns or successors in any and all persons havAmerican, a newspaper REAL PROPERTY right, title, and interest and ing or claiming to have any having a general circulaCALENDAR 18 any and all persons havinterest, including adtion in the District of MAGISTRATE JUDGE ing or claiming to have any verse possession, in the Columbia, once a week RENEE RAYMOND* interest, adleasehold or the fee simfor three including (3) successive verse possession, in the ple in the real property and weeks, notifying all perTHORNTON MELLON leasehold or the fee simpremises, situate, lying sons interested in the LLC ple in the real property and and being in the District of Real Property described Plaintiff, premises, situate, inlying Columbia described as above to appear this v. and being in the District 1337 Harvard St NW P-1, Court by the 23rd day of of KENNETH W. Columbia as WA S H I N G T O N , D C May, 2018,described and redeem RICHARDSON III 8 2 4 Va r n u m S t N W, 20009, Square: 2854, Lot the Real Property by payJohn Pauley WA SH G T O N , plus D Cin2006, assessed to the ment ofI N $3119.19, John Pauley 20011, owner of record listed terest Square: from the3024, date Lot the Eugene Choi 0050, assessed to above, Certificate was sold,the all Herbert Callihan or owner of record listed expenses provided for by Patricia Hess above, Defendants. D.C. Code §47-1377 and Capital Solar D.C. Code §47-1361, and Condominium Defendants ORDER OF all outstanding municipal Unknown Occupant PUBLICATION liens amounts due and ORDER OF In accordance with D.C. owing on the Real PropAnd Official Code §47-1375 erty PUBLICATION in accordance with In (2001 ed.), the object of theaccordance provisionswith of D.C. D.C. (For Purposes of D.C. Official Code §47-1375 this proceeding is to seCode §47-1361, or anCode §47-1371(b)(1)(G)) (2001 ed.), the object cure the foreclosure of the swer the complaint, of or this proceeding is tojudgseright of redemption in the thereafter, a final THE DISTRICT OF cure the following real property lomentthe willforeclosure be enteredofforeCOLUMBIA right of redemption in the cated in the District of closing the right of reServe: Muriel Bowser following realinproperty loColumbia to the Plaintiff in demption the Real Mayor of the District of cated in the District ofin this Action: Square: 2854 Property and vesting Columbia1350 PennColumbia to the Plaintiff in Lot: 2006, SQUARE: the Plaintiff a title in fee sylvania Avenue, NW this Action: Square: 3024 2854 LOT: 2006, which simple. Washington, D.C. 20004 Lot: 0050, SQUARE: may also be known as 3024 LOT: 0050, 1337 Harvard St NW P-1, Clerk of thewhich Court Serve also: may also be known as 824 WASHINGTON, DC Karl A. Racine, V a r n u m S t N W, 20009.The Complaint James D McGinley Attorney General of the W ABy: SHINGTON, DC states, among other District of Columbia 20011.The Complaint things, that the amounts 441 4th Street, NW states, other necessary for redemption 03/16,among 03/23, 03/30/18 Washington, D.C. 20001 things, that the amounts have not been paid. necessary for redemption Pursuant to the Chief And have not been paid. Pursuant to the Chief
this 23rd day of January, 03/23, 03/30/18 IN03/16, THE SUPERIOR 2018, COURT by OFthe THE ORDERED SuperDISTRICT ior Court of the OF District of COLUMBIA Columbia, that notice be CIVIL DIVISION given by the insertion of a copy of this Order in the Civil Action Wa s h i n g t o n ANo. fro2018CA000610 L(RP) American, a newspaper ACTION INVOLVING having a general circulaREAL tion in PROPERTY the District of CALENDAR Columbia, once 18 a week MAGISTRATE JUDGE for three (3) successive RENEE RAYMOND weeks, notifying all persons interested in the THORNTON Real Property MELLON described above to LLC appear in this Court by the 23rd day of Plaintiff, May, 2018, and redeem v. the Real Property by payment of $5827.57, plus inISAIAH CUNNINGHAM terest from the date the Unknown was Occupant Certificate sold, all expenses provided for by And D.C. Code §47-1377 and D.C. Code §47-1361, and (For Purposes municipal of D.C. all outstanding Code liens §47-1371(b)(1)(G)) amounts due and owing on the Real PropTHE OF with erty in DISTRICT accordance COLUMBIAof D.C. the provisions Code §47-1361, or anServe: Muriel Bowser or swer the complaint, Mayor of the of thereafter, a District final judgColumbia Pennment will be1350 entered foresylvania Avenue, NW closing the right of reWashington, D.C. 20004 demption in the Real Property and vesting in Serve a also: the Plaintiff title in fee Karl A. Racine, Attorney simple. General of the District of ColumbiaClerk 441 of 4ththe Street, Court NW Washington, D.C. By: James D. McGinley 20001 03/16, 03/23, 03/30/18
Columbia, that notice be given by the insertion of a copy of this Order in the Wa s h i n g t o n A f r o American, a newspaper having a general circulation in the District of Columbia, once a week for three (3) successive weeks, notifying all persons interested in the Real Property described above to appear in this Court by the 23rd day of May, 2018, and redeem the Real Property by payment of $6789.64, plus interest from the date the Certificate was sold, all expenses provided for by D.C. Code §47-1377 and D.C. Code §47-1361, and all outstanding municipal liens amounts due and owing on the Real Property in accordance with the provisions of D.C. Code §47-1361, or answer the complaint, or thereafter, a final judgment will be entered foreclosing the right of redemption in the Real Property and vesting in the Plaintiff a title in fee simple. Clerk of the Court By: James D McGinley
Serve also: Karl A. Racine, Attorney General of the District of Columbia 441 4th Street, NW Washington, D.C. 20001
TYPESET: Tue Mar 20 10:25:35 EDT 2018
Civil Action No. 2018 CA 000527 L (RP) ACTION INVOLVING REAL PROPERTY CALENDAR 18 MAGISTRATE JUDGE RENEE RAYMOND THORNTON MELLON LLC Plaintiff, v. GREGORY A MAYE Unknown Occupant And (For Purposes of D.C. Code §47-1371(b)(1)(G)) THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA Serve: Muriel Bowser Mayor of the District of Columbia 1350 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW Washington, D.C. 20004
LEGAL NOTICES And Order Number 02-11, it is All unknown owners of the this 23RD day of January, real 2018,property described below, their by heirs, deviORDERED the Supersees, personal repre-of ior Court of the District sentatives, executors, Columbia, that notice be administrators, grantees, given by the insertion of a assigns successors in copy of or this Order in the right, Wa stitle, h i n gand t o ninterest A f r o -and any and all persons havAmerican, a newspaper ing or claiming to have any having a general circulainterest, including tion in the Districtadof verse possession, the Columbia, once ainweek leasehold fee simfor three or (3)the successive ple in the real property weeks, notifying all and perpremises, situate, inlying sons interested the and being in the District of Real Property described Columbia as above to described appear in this 6506 Aveday NE,of Court Eastern by the 23RD WA S H2018, I N G Tand O N ,redeem DC May, 20012, Square: 3729, Lot the Real Property by pay0025, ment ofassessed $4904.06, to plusthe inowner of record listed terest from the date the above, Certificate was sold, all expenses provided for by D.C. Code §47-1377 and Defendants. D.C. Code §47-1361, and all outstanding municipal liens ORDER amountsOF due and PUBLICATION owing on the Real PropInerty accordance with D.C. in accordance with Official Code §47-1375 the provisions of D.C. (2001 the object of Code ed.), §47-1361, or anthis is to seswerproceeding the complaint, or cure the foreclosure the thereafter, a final ofjudgright redemption in forethe mentofwill be entered following real property closing the right of lorecated in thein District of demption the Real Columbia the Plaintiff Property toand vesting inin this 3729 the Action: PlaintiffSquare: a title in fee Lot: 0025, SQUARE: simple. 3729 LOT: 0025, which may also be known as 6506 Eastern NE, Clerk ofAve the Court W ABy: S HJames I N G TD OMcGinley N, DC 20012.The Complaint states, among other things, that03/23, the amounts 03/16, 03/30/18 necessary for redemption have not been paid. PursuantEDT to the 10:25:00 2018Chief Judge´s Administration Order Number 02-11, it is this 23RD day of January, 2018, ORDERED by the Superior Court of the District of Columbia, that notice be given by the insertion of a copy of this Order in the Wa s h i n g t o n A f r o American, a newspaper having a general circulation in the District of Columbia, once a week for three (3) successive weeks, notifying all persons interested in the Real Property described above to appear in this Court by the 23RD day of May, 2018, , and redeem the Real Property by payment of $5800.33, plus interest from the date the Certificate was sold, all expenses provided for by D.C. Code §47-1377 and D.C. Code §47-1361, and all outstanding municipal liens amounts due and owing on the Real Property in accordance with the provisions of D.C. Code §47-1361, or answer the complaint, or thereafter, a final judgment will be entered foreclosing the right of redemption in the Real Property and vesting in the Plaintiff a title in fee simple.
Serve also: Karl A. Racine, Attorney General of the District TYPESET: Tue03/30/18 Mar 20 10:34:18 EDT 2018 of 03/16, 03/23, Columbia 441 4th Street, NW Washington, D.C. 2018, 20001 ORDERED by the SuperIN THE SUPERIOR And ior Court of the District of COURT OF THE And Columbia, that notice be DISTRICT OF All unknown owners of the given by theTue insertion of COLUMBIA TYPESET: Mar 20a real property described All unknown owners of the copy of this Order in the CIVIL DIVISION below, their heirs, devireal Wa sproperty h i n g t o n described Afrosees, personal reprebelow, their aheirs, deviAmerican, newspaper Civil Action No. sentatives, executors, sees, personal repreIN THE SUPERIOR having a general circula2018CA 000551 L (RP) administrators, grantees, sentatives, executors, COURT OF tion in the District of ACTION INVOLVING assigns or successors in administrators, THE DISTRICT Columbia, oncegrantees, a week REAL PROPERTY right, title, and interest and assigns or (3) successors in COLUMBIA for OF three successive CALENDAR 18 any and all persons havright, title, and interest CIVILnotifying DIVISION weeks, all and perMAGISTRATE JUDGE ing or claiming to have any any and all persons havsons interested in the RENEE RAYMOND interest, including ading or claiming to described have Civil Action No. any Real Property verse possession, in the interest, including 2018 CAto000526 above appearL (RP) in adthis THORNTON MELLON leasehold or the fee simverse possession, theof ACTION INVOLVING Court by the 23rd in day LLC ple in the real property and leasehold or the fee simREAL PROPERTY May, 2018, and redeem premises, situate, lying ple the real property 18by and theinCALENDAR Real Property payPlaintiff, and being in the District of premises, situate, lying MAGISTRATE JUDGE ment of $2842.75, plus inv. Columbia described as and being in the District of RENEE RAYMOND terest from the date the 417 U St NW, WASHINGColumbia described as Certificate was sold, all JO C STALLWORTH TON, DC 20001, Square: 151 Tuckerman St for NE, THORNTON MELLON expenses provided by Unknown Occupant 3081, Lot 0006, assessed WA SH I NLLC G§47-1377 TON, DC D.C. Code and to the owner of record 20011, Square: 3724, Lot D.C. Code §47-1361, and And listed above, 0042, assessed to the Plaintiff, municipal all outstanding owner of v. recorddue listed liens amounts and (For Purposes of D.C. Defendants. above, owing on the Real PropCode §47-1371(b)(1)(G)) STEPHEN SINDU with erty in accordance ORDER OF Unknown Occupant the provisions of D.C. THE DISTRICT OF PUBLICATION Code Defendants. §47-1361, or anCOLUMBIA In accordance with D.C. And swer the complaint, or Official Code §47-1375 ORDER OF judgthereafter, a final Serve: (2001 ed.), the object of PUBLICATION (For Purposes of D.C. ment will be entered foreMuriel Bowser this proceeding is to seInclosing accordance with ofD.C. Code §47-1371(b)(1)(G)) the right reMayor of the District of cure the foreclosure of the Official Code demption in §47-1375 the Real Columbia1350 Pennright of redemption in the (2001 ed.), the object ofin Property and vesting sylvania Avenue, NW following real property lothis proceeding is OF toin seTHE DISTRICT the Plaintiff a title fee Washington, D.C. cated in the District of cure the foreclosure of the COLUMBIA simple. 20004 Columbia to the Plaintiff in right of redemption in the this Action: Square: 3081 following Serve: real property loClerk of the Court Serve also: Lot: 0006, SQUARE: cated in the District of Muriel Bowser By: James D McGinley Karl A. Racine, Attorney 3081 LOT: 0006, which Columbia Plaintiff Mayor of to thethe District of in General of the District of may also be known as 417 this Action: 1350 Square: 3724 PennColumbia441 4th Street, Columbia U St NW, WASHINGTON, Lot:sylvania 0042, SQUARE: Avenue, 03/16, 03/23, 03/30/18 NW Washington, D.C. DC 20001.The Complaint 3724 LOT: 0042, D.C. which NW Washington, 20001 states, among other may also 20004 be known as 151 things, that the amounts Tuckerman St NE, And necessary for redemption WASH I N Galso: TON, DC Serve have not been paid. 20011.The Complaint Karl A. Racine, Attorney All unknown owners of the Pursuant to the Chief states, among other General of the District of real property described things, Judge´s Administration that 441the 4thamounts Street, below, their heirs, devi- Columbia Order Number 02-11, it is necessary for redemption NW Washington, D.C. sees, personal reprethis 23rd day of January , have not been paid. 20001 sentatives,Tue executors, 2018, Pursuant to 2018 the Chief TYPESET: Mar 20 10:25:35 EDT administrators, grantees, Judge´s Administration ORDERED by the Superassigns or successors in And ior Court of the District of right, title, and interest and Order Number 02-11, it is owners of the thisunknown 23RD day of January, IN and THEall SUPERIOR any persons hav- All 10:37:34 EDT 2018 2018,property described COURT to OFhave any real ing or claiming their byheirs, deviORDERED the SuperTHE DISTRICT including ad- below, this 23rd day of January, interest, personal repre-of ior Court of the District OFpossession, COLUMBIAin the sees, verse 2018, sentatives, executors, Columbia, that notice be CIVIL DIVISION ORDERED by the Super- leasehold or the fee sim- administrators, grantees, given by the insertion of a ple in the real property and ior Court of the District of in copy of or thissuccessors Order in the Civil Action No. lying assigns premises, situate, Columbia, that notice be 2018 Wa stitle, h i n gand t o ninterest A f r o -and CA 000527 L (RP)of right, being in the District given by the insertion of a and any and all persons havAmerican, a newspaper ACTION described INVOLVING as 67 copy of this Order in the Columbia or claiming to have any having a general circulaS hREAL e r i dPROPERTY a n S t N E , ing Wa s h i n g t o n A f r o interest, including tion in the Districtadof CALENDAR 18 SHINGTON, DC American, a newspaper WA possession, the Columbia, once a inweek MAGISTRATE Square: JUDGE 3722, Lot verse having a general circula- 20011, leasehold or the fee simfor three (3) successive RENEE RAYMOND tion in the District of 0042, assessed to the ple in the notifying real property all and perof record listed weeks, Columbia, once a week owner premises, situate, inlying sons interested the THORNTON MELLON for three (3) successive above, LLC and in the District of Realbeing Property described weeks, notifying all perColumbia described as above to appear in this Defendants. sons interested in the 6506 Eastern Aveday NE, Court by the 23RD of Plaintiff, Real Property described WA I N G Tand O N ,redeem DC May,S H2018, v. OF ORDER above to appear in this 20012, Square: 3729, Lot the Real Property by payPUBLICATION Court by the 23rd day of ment ofassessed $4904.06, to plusthe inGREGORY accordanceA MAYE with D.C. 0025, May, 2018, and redeem In Unknown owner of record listed terest from the date the Occupant Official Code §47-1375 the Real Property by payCertificate was sold, all (2001 ed.), the object of above, ment of $5827.57, plus in- And expenses provided for by terest from the date the this proceeding is to se- D.C. Code §47-1377 and cure the foreclosure of the TYPESET: Tue sold, Mar 20 EDT 2018 Certificate was all 10:33:45 Defendants. §47-1361, and (For Purposes of D.C. right of redemption in the D.C. Code expenses provided for by Code all outstanding municipal §47-1371(b)(1)(G)) real property Columbia, that notice lobe liens amounts D.C. Code §47-1377 and following ORDER OF due and in the theinsertion District ofofa given by D.C. CodeSUPERIOR §47-1361, and cated PUBLICATION IN THE on the Real Propto the Plaintiff in owing copy ofDISTRICT this Order in the all COURT outstanding municipal Columbia In accordance with D.C. OF THE erty in accordance with THE OF Wa Action: s hCOLUMBIA i n g t Square: o n A f r o3722 liensDISTRICT amounts OF due and this Official Code §47-1375 the provisions of D.C. 0042,a SQUARE: American, newspaper (2001 owingCOLUMBIA on the Real Prop- Lot: the object of §47-1361, or an3722 LOT: 0042, circulawhich Code ed.), aServe: general ertyCIVIL in accordance this is to seDIVISION with having swerproceeding the complaint, or also known as 67 tion Muriel in be the District of cure the provisions of D.C. may the foreclosure of the thereafter, a final judgBowser h e r i d a once n S ta N E, week Code §47-1361, or an- SColumbia, redemption the Civil Action No. mentofwill be enteredinforeMayorHof District W I Nthe GT O N , ofD C right forA S three (3) successive swer the complaint, following real right property 2018CA000610 L(RP) or Columbia closing the of lore1350 Penn20011.The Complaint notifying all perthereafter, a final judg- weeks, cated in the District of ACTION INVOLVING demption in the Real sylvania Avenue, among other sons interested in the Columbia ment willPROPERTY be entered fore- states, to the Plaintiff in REAL Property and vesting in NW Washington, D.C. things, that the amounts described this closing the right18of re- Real Property 3729 CALENDAR the Action: PlaintiffSquare: a title in fee 20004 necessary for redemption above to appear in this demption in the Real Lot: 0025, SQUARE: MAGISTRATE JUDGE simple. notthebeen Court Serve by 23rd paid. day of 3729 LOT: 0025, which Property vesting in have RENEE and RAYMOND Pursuant toalso: the redeem Chief May,A.2018, and the Plaintiff a title in fee Karl may also be known as Racine, Attorney Judge´s Administration the RealofProperty by paysimple. NE, THORNTON MELLON General Clerk ofAve the Court the District of Order Number 02-11, it inis 6506 Eastern ment of $6789.64, plus S HJames I N G TDOMcGinley N, DC TYPESET:LLC Tue Mar 20 10:34:18 EDT 2018 Columbia 441 of 4th Street, , W ABy: 23rd day January terest from the date the Clerk of the Court this 20012.The Complaint NW Washington, D.C. Certificate was sold, all states, among other By: James D. McGinley Plaintiff, 20001 2018, TYPESET: Tue Mar 20 expenses provided for by things, that03/23, the amounts v. 03/16, 03/30/18 ORDERED by the SuperIN03/16, THE SUPERIOR D.C. Code §47-1377 and necessary for redemption 03/23, 03/30/18 And ior Court of§47-1361, the Districtand of have not been paid. COURT OF THE D.C. Code ISAIAH CUNNINGHAM Columbia, that notice be DISTRICT OF outstanding municipal the Chief IN THEto SUPERIOR Unknown Occupant Allallunknown owners of the Pursuant given by the insertion of a Judge´sCOURT COLUMBIA liensproperty amountsdescribed due and Administration OF real copy of this Order in the owing on the Real PropTHE DISTRICT And CIVIL DIVISION below, their heirs, devierty in accordance with Wa s h i n g t o n A f r o OF COLUMBIA sees, personal reprethe provisions of D.C. CIVIL DIVISION American, aexecutors, newspaper (ForCivil Purposes of D.C. sentatives, Action No. Code §47-1361, or anCode §47-1371(b)(1)(G)) having a general circulaadministrators, grantees, 2018CA 000551 L (RP) swer the complaint, or Civil Action No. tion inorthe District inof assigns successors ACTION INVOLVING thereafter, ainterest final judg2018 CA 000526 L (RP) THE DISTRICT OF right, title, andonce and Columbia, a week REAL PROPERTY ment will be entered foreACTION INVOLVING COLUMBIA any and all persons havfor threethe (3) right successive CALENDAR 18 closing ofany reREAL PROPERTY ing or claiming to have weeks, notifying all Real perMAGISTRATE JUDGE demption in the CALENDAR 18 Serve: Muriel Bowser interest, includingin adsons interested the RENEE Property and vesting MAGISTRATE JUDGE Mayor of RAYMOND the District of verse possession, in thein Real Property described the Plaintiff a title fee RENEE RAYMOND Columbia 1350 Penn- leasehold or the fee in simabove inand this simple. THORNTON MELLON sylvania Avenue, NW ple in theto realappear property Court by the 23rd day THORNTON MELLON LLC Washington, D.C. 20004 premises, situate, lyingof May, 2018, and redeem LLC and being in the District of the Real Property by payServe also: Plaintiff, Columbia described as Clerk of the Court Plaintiff, Karl A. Racine, mentTuckerman of $2842.75, inStplus NE, v. Attorney 151 James v. General of the District of WA SBy: H Ifrom N G Tthe ODNMcGinley , D Cthe terest date Columbia 441 4th Street, 20011, Square: Certificate was3724, sold,Lotall JO C STALLWORTH STEPHEN SINDU NW Washington, D.C. 0042, assessed to the expenses provided for by Unknown Occupant 03/16, 03/30/18 Unknown Occupant 20001 owner of 03/23, record listed D.C. Code §47-1377 and above, D.C. Code §47-1361, and And And all outstanding municipal And liens Defendants. amounts due and (For Purposes of D.C. (For Purposes of D.C. owing on the Real PropCode §47-1371(b)(1)(G)) Code §47-1371(b)(1)(G)) All unknown owners of the erty in accordance with real property described ORDER OF below, heirs,OF devithe PUBLICATION provisions of D.C. THE their DISTRICT THE DISTRICT OF sees, COLUMBIA personal repre- InCode §47-1361, anaccordance withorD.C. COLUMBIA sentatives, executors, Official Code §47-1375 swer the complaint, or administrators, grantees, (2001 ed.), the objectjudgof thereafter, a final Serve: Serve: assigns or successors in this proceeding is to sement will be entered foreBowser Muriel Bowser right, Muriel title, and interest and cure the foreclosure of the closing the right of reMayor of the District of Mayor of the District of any and all persons hav- right of redemption in the demption in the Real Columbia1350 PennColumbia 1350 Penning or claiming to have any following real Property andproperty vestinglo-in sylvania sylvania Avenue, interest, Avenue, including NW ad- cated in the District of the Plaintiff a Plaintiff title in fee Washington, D.C. NW Washington, D.C. verse possession, in the Columbia to the in simple. 20004 leasehold20004 or the fee sim- this Action: Square: 3724 ple in the real property and Lot: 0042, SQUARE: Serve also: premises, Clerk of thewhich Court 0042, Servesituate, also: lying 3724 LOT: Karl A. Racine, Attorney and in the Attorney District of mayBy: D McGinley alsoJames be known as 151 Karlbeing A. Racine, General of the District of Columbia as T u c k e r m a n S t N E , General of described the District of Columbia 441 4th Street, 417 U St NW, WASHINGColumbia441 4th Street, W A S H I N G T O N , D C NW Washington, D.C. TON, DC 20001, Square: 20011.The Complaint 03/16, 03/23, 03/30/18 NW Washington, D.C. 20001 3081, Lot 0006, assessed states, among other 20001 of record things, that the amounts to the owner And listed above, necessary for redemption And have not been paid. All unknown owners of the Defendants. Pursuant to the Chief real property described All unknown owners of the Judge´s Administration below, their heirs, deviORDER OF real property described sees, personal reprebelow,PUBLICATION their heirs, devi-
To advertise in the WASHINGTON AFRO Call 202-332-0080
THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA Serve: Muriel Bowser Mayor of the District of Columbia1350 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW Washington, D.C. 20004
demptio Property the Plai simple.
By: J
Clerk of the Court By: James D McGinley
TYPESET: Tue03/30/18 Mar 20 10:21:51 03/16, 03/23, IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA CIVIL DIVISION Civil Action No. 2018 CA 000525 L (RP) ACTION INVOLVING REAL PROPERTY CALENDAR 18 MAGISTRATE JUDGE RENEE RAYMOND THORNTON MELLON LLC Plaintiff, v. ANNA M GLOVER Unknown Occupant And (For Purposes of D.C. Code §47-1371(b)(1)(G)) THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA Serve: Muriel Bowser Mayor of the District of Columbia 1350 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW Washington, D.C. 20004 Serve also: Karl A. Racine, Attorney General of the District of Columbia 441 4th Street, NW Washington, D.C. 20001
10:25:00 EDT 2018
And Order Number 02-11, it is 23RD day of January, Allthis unknown owners of the 2018, real property described ORDERED by the below, their heirs, Superdeviior Court of the District sees, personal repre-of Columbia, that notice be sentatives, executors, given by the insertion of a administrators, grantees, copy oforthis Order in in the assigns successors Wa stitle, h i nand g t ointerest n A f r oand right, American, a newspaper any and all persons havhaving a general circulaing or claiming to have any tion in the District interest, including ad-of Columbia, once ain week verse possession, the for threeor(3) leasehold thesuccessive fee simweeks, notifying all and perple in the real property sons interested the premises, situate, in lying Real Property described and being in the District of above to described appear in as this Columbia day 1 Court 6 4 1 by1 the 1 t h23RD PlN E ,of May, 2018, , and redeem WA S H I N G T O N , D C the Real Property by Lot pay20002, Square: 4054, ment of $5800.33,toplus 0096, assessed theinterest of from the date the owner record listed Certificate was sold, all above, expenses provided for by D.C. Code §47-1377 and D.C. Code §47-1361, and Defendants. all outstanding municipal liens ORDER amountsOFdue and owing on the Real PropPUBLICATION in accordance with Inerty accordance with D.C. the provisions of D.C. Official Code §47-1375 Codeed.), §47-1361, or of an(2001 the object swer the complaint, this proceeding is to se-or thereafter, a finalofjudgcure the foreclosure the ment be entered right of will redemption in forethe closing real the property right of lorefollowing demption the Real cated in thein District of Propertytoand vestinginin Columbia the Plaintiff theAction: PlaintiffSquare: a title 4054 in fee this simple. Lot: 0096, SQUARE: 4054 LOT: 0096, which may also be known as 1 6 4 1 1Clerk 1 t h ofPthe l NCourt E, By: DN McGinley WAS H IJames NGTO , DC 20002. The Complaint states, among other 03/16, 03/30/18 things, that03/23, the amounts necessary for redemption have not been paid. Pursuant to the Chief Judge´s Administration
Order N this 23R 2018, ORDER ior Cour Columb given by copy of Wa s h i n America having tion in Columb for thre weeks, sons in Real Pr above t Court by May, 20 the Rea ment of terest fr Certifica expense D.C. Co D.C. Co all outs liens am owing o erty in the pro Code § swer th thereaft ment wi closing demptio Property the Plai simple.
By: J
demption in the Real Property and vesting in Mayor of the District of sylvania Avenue, cated in the District of Property and vesting in the Plaintiff a title in fee Columbia 1350 PennNW Washington, D.C. Columbia to the Plaintiff in the Plaintiff a title in fee simple. sylvania Avenue, 20004 this Action: Square: 4054 simple. NW Washington, D.C. Lot: 0096, SQUARE: Clerk of the Court 20004 Serve also: 4054 LOT: 0096, which Clerk of the Court By: James D McGinley Karl A. Racine, Attorney may also be known as By: James D McGinley Serve also: General of the District of 1 6 4 1 11 t h P l N E , Karl A. Racine, Attorney Columbia 441 4th Street, WASHINGTON, DC 03/16, 03/23, 03/30/18 General of the District of NW Washington, D.C. 20002. The Complaint 03/16, 03/23, 03/30/18 Columbia 441 4th Street, 20001 TYPESET: Tue Mar 20 10:24:25 EDT 2018 states, among other NW Washington, D.C. TYPESET: Tue Mar 20 10:23:53 EDT 2018 LEGAL NOTICES LEGAL NOTICES TYPESET: LEGAL LEGAL NOTICES TYPESET: LEGAL NOTICES LEGAL NOTICES LEGAL NOTICES things, thatNOTICES the amounts 20001 Tue Mar 20 10:19:22 EDT 2018 Tue Mar 20 10:16:43 EDT 2018 And necessary for redemption Judge´s Administration 2018, have not been paid. Order Number 02-11, it is IN THE SUPERIOR And All unknown owners of the Pursuant to the Chief ORDERED by the SuperPursuant to the Chief IN THE SUPERIOR PursuantEDT to the this 23RDSUPERIOR day of January, Judge´s Administration COURT OF Mar 20 10:21:51 2018Chief real property ior of thedescribed District of Judge´s Administration COURT OF IN THE INCourt THE SUPERIOR Judge´s Administration 2018, THE DISTRICT All unknown owners of the below, their heirs, Columbia, that notice be Order Number 02-11, it is Order Number 02-11, it is THE DISTRICT COURT OF COURT OF deviORDERED by described the Super- this 23RD day of January, OF COLUMBIA real property sees, personal repreOrder Number 02-11, it is given by the insertion of a this 24th day of January, OF COLUMBIA THE DISTRICT THE DISTRICT ior Court of the District of CIVIL DIVISION below, heirs, devi- 2018, sentatives, executors, this 23RD day of January, copy this Order in the 2018, RIOR CIVIL DIVISION OF their COLUMBIA OFofCOLUMBIA Columbia, that notice sees, personal repre-be ORDERED by the Superadministrators, 2018, WaCIVIL s h i n gDIVISION t o n grantees, AfroORDERED by the SuperF CIVIL DIVISION given by the insertion of a Civil Action No. sentatives, executors, assigns or successors in ior Court of the District of ORDERED by the SuperAmerican, a newspaper ior Court of the District of ICT Civil Action No. copy of Action this Order 2018 CA 000537 L (RP) administrators, grantees, right, title, and interest and Columbia, that notice be ior Court of the District of having aAction general BIA 2018 CA 000941 L (RP) Civil No. in the Columbia, that notice be Civil No.circulaWa sCA hin g tsuccessors o n ALf (RP) r o - in given by the insertion of a ACTION INVOLVING assigns or any havColumbia, that notice be tionand in all thepersons District of given by the insertion of a ION ACTION INVOLVING 2018 000533 2018 CA 000935 L (RP) American, ainterest newspaper REAL PROPERTY right, title, and and copy of this Order in the ing or claiming to have any copy of this Order in the given by the insertion of a Columbia, once a week REAL PROPERTY ACTION INVOLVING ACTION INVOLVING having a general circulaCALENDAR 18 any and all persons havinterest, including adcopy of this Order in the for three (3) successive Wa s h i n g t o n A f r o Wa s h i n g t o n A f r o No. CALENDAR 18 REAL PROPERTY REAL PROPERTY tion in the toDistrict MAGISTRATE JUDGE ing or claiming have verse possession, in perthe American, a newspaper Wa s h i n g t o n A f r o weeks, notifying18all 5 L (RP) MAGISTRATE JUDGE CALENDAR 18 anyof American, a newspaper CALENDAR Columbia, once a week RENEE RAYMOND interest, including ad- having a general circulaleasehold or theJUDGE feeinsimAmerican, a newspaper sons interested the having a general circulaLVING RENEE RAYMOND MAGISTRATE JUDGE MAGISTRATE for three (3) successive verse possession, in the tion in the District of ple in the real property and tion in the District of having a general circulaReal Property described ERTY RENEE RAYMOND RENEE RAYMOND weeks, notifying all perTHORNTON MELLON leasehold or the fee simpremises, situate, lying tion in the District of above to appear in this Columbia, once a week Columbia, once a week R 18 THORNTON MELLON sons in and the for three (3) successive LLC ple in theinterested real property and being District Columbia, once a week Court by in thethe 30th day ofof for three (3) successive JUDGE LLC THORNTON MELLON THORNTON MELLON Real Property described premises,LLC situate, lying weeks, notifying all perColumbia described as weeks, notifying all perfor three (3) successive May, 2018, , , and redeem MOND LLC above toinappear in this Plaintiff, and being the District of sons interested in the 4the 9 3Real 9 CProperty a l l P l bySpayE , sons interested in the weeks, notifying all perPlaintiff, Court by the 23RD day of v. Columbia described as WA S H I N G T O N , D C sons interested in the ment of $3905.80, plus in- Real Property described Real Property described ELLON v. Plaintiff, Plaintiff, 2018, 9May, 33 5 2 nv.d and S t redeem N E , above to appear in this 20019, Real Property described terest Square: fromv. the5337, date Lot the above to appear in this the Real Property by payTHE PARKER TRUST WA S H I N G T O N , D C 0019, assessed to the above to appear in this Certificate was sold, all Court by the 30th day of Court by the 23RD day of MARCUS LITTLE ment ofSquare: $5579.20, plus in- May, 2018,, and redeem Unknown Occupant 20019, 5199, Lot owner of provided recordII LLC listed Court by the 23RD day of expenses for by May, 2018, and redeem Unknown Occupant RODNEY D. SIMMS BTC HOLDINGS terest from the date the 0037, assessed to the above, May, 2018, , , and redeem D.C. Code §47-1377 and the Real Property by paythe Real Property by payRODNEY D. SIMMS BTC HOLDINGS II LLC Certificate was sold, all ment of $13587.80, plus And owner of record listed the Real Property by payD.C.HOLDINGS Code §47-1361, RODNEY D. SIMMS BTC II LLCand ment of $732.84, plus inexpenses provided for by And above, Defendants. ment of $5723.42, plus inallUnknown outstanding municipal terest from the date the interest from the date the OVER Unknown Occupant Occupant D.C. Code §47-1377 and Certificate was sold, all terest from the date the liens amounts due and Certificate was sold, all upant (For Purposes of D.C. D.C. Code §47-1361, and expenses provided for by (For Purposes of D.C. Defendants. ORDER OF Certificate was sold, all owing on the Real Prop- expenses provided for by Code §47-1371(b)(1)(G)) all outstanding municipal D.C. Code §47-1377 and expenses provided for by Code §47-1371(b)(1)(G)) And erty PUBLICATION in accordance with D.C. Code §47-1377 and And liens amounts due and ORDER OF Intheaccordance D.C. Code §47-1377 and provisionswith of D.C. D.C. D.C. Code §47-1361, and D.C. Code §47-1361, and owing on the Real Prop- all outstanding municipal Official Code §47-1375 D.C. Code §47-1361, and Code §47-1361, or an- all outstanding municipal of D.C. THE DISTRICT OF (ForPUBLICATION Purposes of D.C. (For Purposes of D.C. erty in accordance with THE DISTRICT OF In accordance with D.C. (2001 ed.), the object all outstanding municipal swer the complaint, or liens amounts due and liens amounts due and b)(1)(G)) COLUMBIA Code §47-1371(b)(1)(G)) Code §47-1371(b)(1)(G))of the provisions of D.C. owing on the Real PropCOLUMBIA Official Code §47-1375 this proceeding is tojudgse- owing on the Real Propliens amounts due and thereafter, a final Code §47-1361, or an(2001 ed.), the object of erty in accordance with cure the erty in accordance with owing on the Real Propmentthe willforeclosure be enteredofforeServe: swer the complaint, or the provisions of D.C. Serve: this proceeding is OF to seright of DISTRICT redemption in erty in accordance with closing the rightOF of the re- the provisions of D.C. CT OF Muriel Bowser THE DISTRICT THE thereafter, a final judgMuriel Bowser cure the foreclosure of the following real property lo- Code §47-1361, or anthe provisions of D.C. demption in the Real Code §47-1361, or anA Mayor of the District of COLUMBIA COLUMBIA mentofwill be entered Mayor of the District of right redemption in forethe swer the complaint, or in the Code §47-1361, or anProperty and District vesting ofin swer the complaint, or Columbia 1350 Penn- cated closing Serve: the property right of lore- thereafter, a final judgreal Columbia to the Plaintiff in thereafter, a final judgswer the complaint, or Columbia 1350 Penn- following the Plaintiff a title in fee sylvania Avenue, Serve: demption in District the Real sylvania Avenue, cated in the of ment will be entered forethis Action: Square: 5337 ment will be entered forethereafter, a final judgsimple. ser NW Washington, D.C. Muriel Bowser Muriel Bowser Property and vesting in NW Washington, D.C. Columbia to the Plaintiff in Lot: 0019, SQUARE: ment will be entered foreclosing the right of reclosing the right of restrict of 20004 Mayor of the District of Mayor of the District of the Action: Plaintiff a title in fee demption in the Real 20004 this Square: 5199 5337 LOT: 0019, which closing the right of reClerk of the Court demption in the Real PennColumbia 1350 PennColumbia 1350 Pennsimple Lot:sylvania 0037,Avenue, SQUARE: Property and vesting in maysylvania also be known as Property and vesting in demption in the Real By: James D McGinley nue, Serve also: Avenue, Serve also: 5199 LOT: 0037, D.C. which the Plaintiff a title in fee 4NW 9 3 Washington, 9 C a l l P D.C. l S E , the Plaintiff a title in fee Property and vesting in n, D.C. Karl A. Racine, Attorney NW Washington, Clerk of the Karl A. Racine, Attorney may also 20004 be known asCourt 933 simple. W A S H I N G T O N , D C simple. the Plaintiff a title in fee General of the District of 20004 D McGinley General of the District of 52ndBy: StJames NE, WASHINGThe Complaint simple. 03/16, 03/23, 03/30/18 Columbia 441 4th Street, 20019. Columbia 441 4th Street, TON, Serve DC 20019. The states, among Clerk of the Court Clerk of the Court o: NW Washington, D.C. also: Serve also: other NW Washington, D.C. Complaint states, among things, that theAttorney amounts By: James D McGinley By: James D McGinley Attorney 20001 Karl A. Racine, Attorney Karl A. Racine, 03/16, 03/23, 03/30/18 20001 other things, that the TYPESET: Tue Mar 20 10:17:27 EDT 2018 necessary for redemption Clerk of the Court istrict of General of the District of General of the District of amounts EDT necessary for rehave not paid. 2018 By: James D McGinley TYPESET: Tue Mar 20 10:03:03 h Street, And Columbia 441 4th Street, Columbia 441been 4th Street, And demption have notD.C. been TYPESET: Tue03/30/18 Mar 20 10:32:20 EDT 2018 Tue03/30/18 Mar 20 03/16, 03/23, 03/16, 03/23, Pursuant to theD.C. Chief TYPESET: n, D.C. NW Washington, NW Washington, Administration AllIN unknown owners of the Judge´s 20001 20001to the Chief THE SUPERIOR TYPESET: Tue Mar 20 10:21:10 EDT 2018of the paid.Pursuant unknown owners 03/16, 03/23, 03/30/18 AllIN Order Number 02-11, it is Judge´s Administration real described 2018,property COURT OF THE SUPERIOR real property described And this 24th day of January, Order Number 02-11, it is below, heirs, devi- And ORDERED by the SuperTHEtheir DISTRICT COURT OF IN THE SUPERIOR Superior Court of Judge´s Administration below, their heirs, devi- this 23RD day of January, sees, personal repre-of 2018, ior Court of the District OF COLUMBIA THE DISTRICT COURT OF the District of Order Number 02-11, it is IN THE SUPERIOR sees, personal repreORDERED by the Super2018, ers of the sentatives, executors, Columbia, that notice be All unknown owners of the All unknown owners of the CIVIL DIVISION OF COLUMBIA THE DISTRICT District of Columbia this 23RD day of January, COURT OF sentatives, executors, ior Court of the District of ORDERED by the Superescribed administrators, grantees, given by the insertion of a real property described real property described CIVIL DIVISION OF COLUMBIA 2018, PROBATE DIVISION THE DISTRICT administrators, grantees, below, Columbia, that notice be ior Court of the District of rs, deviassigns or successors in copy of this Order in the their heirs, devibelow, their heirs, deviCivil Action No. CIVIL DIVISION ORDERED by the SuperWashington, D.C. OF COLUMBIA assigns or successors in sees, given by the insertion of a Columbia, that notice be repreright, Wa stitle, h i n000936 gand t o ninterest ALf r(RP) o -and sees, personal reprepersonal repre2018 CA Action No. ior Civil Court of the District 20001-2131 CIVIL DIVISION right, title, and interest andof sentatives, copy of this executors, Order in the given by the insertion of a ecutors, any and allINVOLVING persons hav- sentatives, American, a newspaper executors, ACTION 2018 CA 000530 L (RP) Civil Action No. Columbia, that notice be Administration No. any and allINVOLVING persons hav- administrators, Wa s h i n g t o n grantees, Afrocopy of this Order in the grantees, ing or claiming to have any administrators, having aPROPERTY general circulagrantees, REAL ACTION 2018 CA 000534 L (RP) given by the insertion of a Civil Action No. 2018ADM000226 ingREAL or claiming to have any assigns American, a newspaper o n A f r o - in essors in interest, including tionCALENDAR in the District of assigns or successors in 18 adACTION INVOLVING copy of PROPERTY this Order inadthe Wa s h i norg tsuccessors 2018 CA 000536 L (RP) James T Robinson Sr. interest, including having general circulaAmerican, newspaper erest and verse possession, the right, Columbia, once ainweek title, anda interest and title,a and interest and MAGISTRATE JUDGE REAL PROPERTY WaCALENDAR s hpossession, i n g t o n A18 f rino -the right, ACTION INVOLVING verse tionand in all thepersons District of Decedent having aallgeneral circulaons havleasehold or the fee simfor three (3) successive any and persons havany havRENEE RAYMOND MAGISTRATE JUDGE CALENDAR 18 American, a newspaper REAL PROPERTY Jamison B Taylor leasehold or the fee sim- ing Columbia, once a week tion in the to District of have any ple in the notifying real property weeks, all and per- ing or claiming have any or claiming to have any RENEE RAYMOND MAGISTRATE JUDGE having general circulaCALENDAR 18 1218 11th St. NW ple in theareal property and interest, for three including (3) successive once a week ing adpremises, situate, sons interested inlying the interest, adadTHORNTON MELLON RENEE RAYMOND tion in the District of Columbia,including MAGISTRATE JUDGE premises, situate, lying Washington, DC 20001 weeks, notifying all for three (3) successive n, in the and in the District of verse Realbeing Property described verse possession, in the possession, in perthe LLC THORNTON MELLON Columbia, once a week RENEE RAYMOND and being in the District of sons interested the Attorney weeks, notifying all simperfee simColumbia described as leasehold above to appear in this leasehold or the fee or the feeinsimTHORNTON MELLON for threeLLC (3) successive Columbia described as NOTICE OF Real Property described sons interested in the perty and 5001 St SE,23RD WASHINGCourtBby the day of ple in the real property and Plaintiff, LLC weeks,Sheriff notifying all per- ple in the real property and THORNTON MELLON 4509 APPOINTMENT, above to appear this Real Property described e, lying TON, 20019, May, DC 2018, redeem premises, situate, lying situate, inlying v. and Square: Plaintiff, RdinNE, sons interested the premises, LLC WA S H I N G T O N , D C NOTICE TO Court by in the dayofof above to inappear in this District of 5325, Lot Property 0001, assessed the Real by pay- and and being the District of being the30th District v. Plaintiff, Real Property described 20019, Square: 5126, Lot Columbia May, 2018,described and redeem CREDITORS 23RD dayasof ibed as to the ofIIplus record ment ofowner $503.69, described as BTC HOLDINGS LLC in- Columbia v. above assessed to appear toin the this Court by the Plaintiff, 0842, the Real Property by payMay, 2018,and redeem AND NOTICE TO PlNE, listed above, terestHOLDINGS from the date BTC II LLCthe 4 9 4 1 C a l l P l S E , DEANWOOD REAL Court by the 23RD day of 5 3 3 7 H a y e s S t N E , v. owner ofINVEST. record listed ment the SReal N, DC Certificate was IIsold, WA H I NProperty G T O N , byDpayC UNKNOWN HEIRS S HofI N$732.84, G T O N , plus D CinBTC HOLDINGS LLC all WA ESTATE LLC BARRON DAWSON May, 2018, and Iredeem above, terest Square: from the5337, date Lot the James T Robinson Jr, ment ofSquare: $4405.85, plusLot in4054, Lot expenses for by 20019, 5209, Unknownprovided Occupant Santorini Capital LLC Unknown Occupant the Real Property by pay- 20019, VIRGINIA MATHIAS Certificate was sold, all and Jermaine Robinsonterest assessed from the date the d to the Defendants. D.C. Code §47-1377 and 0020, to the assessed to the Brian Donegan &plus in- 0015, ment of $4938.46, VIRGINIA MATHIAS expenses provided for by whose addresses are Certificate was sold, all d listed D.C. Code §47-1361, and owner of record listed William terest from Leahy the date the owner of record listed Unknown Occupant Defendants. D.C. Code §47-1377 and expenses provided for by ORDER OF all outstanding municipal above, above, And Unknown Occupant And 2901 K St., SE, WashingCertificate was sold, all D.C. Code §47-1377 and liensPUBLICATION amounts due and D.C. Code §47-1361, and ton DC 20019, and 2472 expenses provided ORDER OF for by D.C. Code all outstanding municipal A l a b a m a Av e , S E , §47-1361, and In accordance with D.C. owing on the Real PropDefendants. Defendants. (For Purposes of D.C. And (For Purposes of D.C. D.C. Code §47-1377 and And PUBLICATION s. Official §47-1375 erty §47-1371(b)(1)(G)) in Code accordance with liens amounts due and #C101, Washington, DC Code §47-1371(b)(1)(G)) Code Code §47-1361, and all outstanding municipal InD.C. accordance with D.C. on the Real liens ORDER amountsOF due and (2001 ed.), the object of owing ORDER the provisions of D.C. OF Prop- 20020 were appointed (For Purposes of D.C. all outstanding municipal (For Purposes of D.C. Official Code §47-1375 in accordance with owing on the Real PropOF this proceeding is or to seCode §47-1361, an- erty PUBLICATION PUBLICATION liens§47-1371(b)(1)(G)) amounts due and Code §47-1371(b)(1)(G)) Code (2001 ed.), the object of provisionswith of D.C. D.C. personal representatives in accordance with ON cure thethe foreclosure of the swer complaint, or Intheaccordance Inerty accordance with D.C. THE DISTRICT OF THE DISTRICT OF owing on the Real this proceeding is toPropse- Official Code §47-1361, or an- of the estate of James T the provisions of D.C. with D.C. right ofCOLUMBIA redemption the Official thereafter, a final injudgCode §47-1375 Code §47-1375 COLUMBIA erty in accordance with Robinson Sr., who died cure theDISTRICT foreclosure of the (2001 swer ed.), the complaint, or Code ed.), §47-1361, or an47-1375 following propertyforelo- (2001 ment willreal be entered the object of the object of THE OF the provisions THE DISTRICT OF on December 24, 2014 right of redemptionofin D.C. the this thereafter, a final judgswer the complaint, or object of cated in the District of closing the right of reproceeding is to sethis proceeding is to seServe: COLUMBIA Serve: Code §47-1361, or loanCOLUMBIA without a will, and will following real property mentthe will be enteredofforethereafter, a final ofjudgs to seColumbia the Plaintiff in cure demption in the Real cure the foreclosure the foreclosure the MurieltoBowser Muriel Bowser swer the complaint, or cated inServe: the District of right closing the right in of the re- serve without Court sumentofwill be entered ure of the this Action: Square: 5325 Property and vesting redemption in forethe of redemption Mayor of the District of in right Mayor of the District of thereafter, a final judgServe: pervision. All unknown Columbia toBowser the Plaintiff in following demption the Real right of lore- Columbia 1350 Penn- Columbia on in the Lot: 0001, the Plaintiff aSQUARE: title in fee following real property realinproperty lo1350 PennMuriel ment will be entered5126 fore- closing the Muriel Bowser this Action: Square: Property and District vesting ofin heirs and heirs whose demption the Real operty lo5325 LOT: Avenue, 0001, which cated simple. in thein District of in the sylvania Mayor of the the District sylvania Avenue, closing right ofof re- cated Mayor of the District of Lot: 0842, SQUARE: whereabouts are unthe Plaintiff a title in fee Property toand vesting inin strict of may also be known the Plaintiff to the Plaintiff in NW Washington, D.C. as Columbia 1350 PennNW Washington, D.C. demption in the Real Columbia Columbia 1350 Penn- Columbia 5126 LOT: Avenue, 0842, which known shall enter their simple. the Action: PlaintiffSquare: a title in fee Plaintiff in 5001 B St20004 SE, WASHINGClerk of the Court this this 5209 Action: Square: 5337 sylvania 20004 Property and vesting in sylvania Avenue, may also be known as Lot: appearance in this re: 4054 TON, 20019. The Lot: 0020, SQUARE: By: DC James D McGinley 0015, SQUARE: NW Plaintiff Washington, D.C. the a title inNE, fee simple. NW Washington, D.C. 4509 Sheriff Rd Clerk of thewhich Court proceeding. Objections QUARE: Complaint 5209 LOT: 0015, which 0020, Servestates, also: among 5337 LOT: 20004 Serve also: simple. 20004 W A S H I N G T O N , D C James McGinley to such appointment the Court 6, which other things, Attorney that the mayBy: may alsoClerk be of known as also be D known as Karl A. Racine, Karl A. Racine, Attorney 20019.Serve Thealso: Complaint 5 3 3By: shall be filed with the nown as amounts necessary forof re- 4 9 4 1 C a l l P l S E , 03/16, 03/23, 03/30/18 7 James H a y e sD McGinley St NE, General of the District General of the District of Clerk of the Court Serve also: states, among other TYPESET: Tue Mar 20 10:16:43 2018D.C., PlNE, demption have not been Register EDT of Wills, W A S H I N G T O N , D C W A S H I N G T O N , D C Columbia 441 4th Street, Karl A. Racine, Attorney Columbia 441 4th Street, By: James D amounts McGinley Karl A. Racine, Attorney things, that the 03/16, 03/23, 03/30/18 515 5th Street, N.W., 3rd N, DC paid.Pursuant to the Chief 20019.The 20019 The Complaint Complaint NW Washington, D.C. General of the District of NW Washington, D.C. General of the District of necessary for redemption 03/16,among 03/23, omplaint Judge´s 20001 Administration states, among other Pursuant to the Chief other TYPESET: Tue03/30/18 Mar 20 10:19:22 EDT Columbia EDT 441 4th Street, states, Floor Washington, D.C. 200012018 Columbia 441 Street, TYPESET: Tue4thMar 20 10:24:25 2018 have not been paid. things, that the amounts TYPESET: Tue Mar 20 10:23:53 other Order Number 02-11, it is things, EDT 2018 Judge´s on Administration that SUPERIOR the amounts NW03/16, Washington, D.C. 20001, or before IN THE 03/23, NW Washington, D.C. Pursuant to the03/30/18 Chief necessary for redemption amounts this 24th day of January, Order Number 02-11, it is necessary for redemption And 20001 COURT OF And Pursuant to the Chief September 16, 2018. 20001 Judge´s Administration have not been paid. demption this 24thagainst day of the January, have THE not DISTRICT been paid. Judge´s Administration 2018, Claims deIN THE SUPERIOR Order Number 02-11, it is IN THE SUPERIOR n paid. 2018, shall be preunknown owners of the And ORDERED by the SuperOF COLUMBIA All unknown owners of the Order Number 02-11, it is All cedent IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF And COURT OF this 23RD day of January, e Chief ORDERED Superproperty ior Court of thedescribed District of CIVIL DIVISION real property described this 23RD dayOF of January, real COURT sented to by thetheunderTHE DISTRICT 2018, THE DISTRICT istration ior Court of athe District below, their heirs, deviAll unknown owners of the below, heirs, devi- Columbia, that notice be 2018, THEtheir DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA signed with copy to theof All unknown owners of the ORDERED by the SuperOF COLUMBIA Columbia, that notice be sees, personal reprereal property described given by the insertion of a Civil Action No. sees, personal repreORDERED by the SuperOF COLUMBIA CIVIL DIVISION Register of Wills or filed realCIVIL property described ior Court of the District of DIVISION given byRegister the insertion of a executors, their heirs, devicopy of this Order in the 2018 CA 000935 L (RP) sentatives, executors, ior Court the District of sentatives, CIVIL of DIVISION with the of Wills below, their heirs, devi- below, Columbia, that notice be copya of thistoOrder in the personal repreWa s h i n g t o n grantees, AfroACTION INVOLVING administrators, Columbia, that grantees, notice be administrators, Civil Action No. sees, repre- sees, with copy the undergiven by the insertion of a Civilpersonal Action No. Wa s h i n g t o n A f r o or successors in sentatives, executors, American, a newspaper REAL PROPERTY assigns given byor thesuccessors insertion Civil Action No. ofina assigns 2018 CA 000533 L (RP) sentatives, executors, signed, ona ornewspaper before copy of this Order in the 2018 CA 000537 L (RP) American, right, title, and interest and administrators, grantees, having a general circulaCALENDAR 18 right, title, and interest and copy of this Order in the 2018 CA 000941 L (RP) ACTION INVOLVING administrators, grantees, Wa s h i n g t o n A f r o September 16, 2018, or ACTION INVOLVING having a general circulaany havor successors in tionand in all thepersons District of MAGISTRATE JUDGE any Wa sand h i nall gINVOLVING t opersons n A f r ohavACTION REAL PROPERTY assigns successors in assigns be PerAmerican, newspaper REAL or PROPERTY tionforever in thebarred. District of or claiming to have any right, title, anda interest and Columbia, once a week RENEE RAYMOND ing or claiming have any ing American, a to newspaper REAL PROPERTY CALENDAR 18 right,CALENDAR title, and interest and sons believed to be having 18 Columbia, once a heirs week adand aallgeneral personscirculahavfor three including (3) successive interest, including ad- interest, having a general CALENDAR 18circulaMAGISTRATE JUDGE any and all persons hav- any tion in the to District of or legatees ofsuccessive the deMAGISTRATE JUDGE for three (3) verse possession, in the ing or claiming have any weeks, notifying all perTHORNTON MELLON verse possession, in the tion in the District of MAGISTRATE JUDGE RENEE RAYMOND ingRENEE or claiming to have any Columbia, once a week cedent do not reRAYMOND weeks, who notifying all peror the feeinsimincluding adsons interested the LLC leasehold oronce the fee sim- leasehold Columbia, a week RENEE RAYMOND interest, including ad- interest, for three (3) successive ceive copy of this notice sonsa interested in the in the real property and verse possession, in the Real Property described ple the real and ple for inthree (3)property successive THORNTON MELLON verse possession, in the weeks, notifying all simperby mailProperty within 25described days of THORNTON MELLON Real situate, inlying or the fee above to appear this Plaintiff, premises, situate, weeks, notifying alllying per- premises, THORNTON MELLON LLC leasehold LLC or the fee sim- leasehold sons interested in and the its first to publication above appear inshall this being District in the real property Court by in thethe 30th day ofof v. and being in the District of and sons interested in the LLC ple in the real property and ple Real Property described so inform Court by the the Register 30th day ofof as situate, lying May, 2018,described , , and redeem Columbia described as Columbia Real Property described Plaintiff, premises, situate, lying premises, above to appear in this Plaintiff, Wills, including name, May, 2018, and redeem 9 3Real 9 CProperty a l l P l bySpayE, being in the District of BTC HOLDINGS II LLC Dix St Plaintiff, NE,appear WASHINGabove to in this 4the v. and being inv.the District of and Court by the 23RD dayasof address and relationthe Real Property by paySH G T O N , plus D Cindescribed ment ofI N $3905.80, BTC HOLDINGS II LLC TON, 20019, Square: CourtDC by the day of WA v. 23RD Columbia described as Columbia May, 2018, and redeem ment of $732.84, plus in20019, Square: 5337, Lot ship. 9 3 3 5 2 n d S t N E , terest from the date the BTC HOLDINGS II LLC 5235, Lot 0025, assessed May, 2018,, and redeem RODNEY D. SIMMS 2THE 0 1 PARKER 9 M STRUST t N E , the Real Property by payterestof from the date the assessed to the Date Publication: WA S H I N G T O N , D C Certificate was sold, all Unknown Occupant to the of by record theMARCUS Realowner Property pay- 0019, LITTLE RODNEY D. SIMMS WA S H I N GOccupant TON, DC ment ofSquare: $5579.20, plusLot inUnknown Certificate was sold, all of provided record listed 5199, March 16, 2018 expenses for by listed above, ment of $13587.80, Unknown Occupant plus owner RODNEY D. SIMMS 20002, Square: 4469, Lot 20019, terest assessed from the date the expenses provided above, 0037, to the interest from the date the D.C. Code §47-1377 and Name of newspaper:for by Unknown Occupant 0114, assessed to the Certificate was sold, all D.C. Code §47-1377 and of record listed Defendants. Certificate was sold, all D.C. Code §47-1361, and And Afro-American And owner of record listed owner expenses provided for by And D.C. Code §47-1361, and Defendants. above, municipal expenses provided for by all outstanding Washington above, D.C. Code §47-1377 and all outstanding (For Purposes of D.C. ORDER OF D.C. Code §47-1377 (For Purposes of D.C.and liens amounts due and Law Reporter municipal D.C. Code §47-1361, and And (For Purposes of D.C. liens amounts due and ORDER OF Defendants. Code §47-1371(b)(1)(G)) D.C. PUBLICATION Code §47-1361, and owing on the Real PropCode §47-1371(b)(1)(G)) James T Robinson Jr. all outstanding municipal Code §47-1371(b)(1)(G)) owing on the Real PropPUBLICATION erty in accordance with In accordance with D.C. all outstanding municipal (For Purposes of D.C. Jermaine Robinson Defendants. liens ORDER amountsOF due and erty in accordance with theaccordance provisionswith of D.C. D.C. Official Code §47-1375 liens amounts due and In Code §47-1371(b)(1)(G)) Personal owing on the Real Propthe provisions of D.C. Code §47-1375 PUBLICATION Code §47-1361, or anTHE DISTRICT OF (2001 theReal object of Official owing on the THEed.), DISTRICT OFPropOFOF Representative in accordance with THE ORDER DISTRICT Code §47-1361, or anthe object of Inerty accordance with D.C. swer ed.), the complaint, or COLUMBIA this is to with se- (2001 erty proceeding in accordance COLUMBIA PUBLICATION the provisions of D.C. COLUMBIA swer the complaint, or this proceeding is to seOfficial Code §47-1375 thereafter, a final judgcure the foreclosure of the the provisions of D.C. THE DISTRICT OF In accordance with D.C. Code §47-1361, or anTRUE TESTaCOPY thereafter, final judgthe ed.), the object of mentthe willforeclosure be enteredofforeServe: right redemption in the Codeof §47-1361, or an- cure Serve: COLUMBIA Official Serve: Code §47-1375 (2001 REGISTER OF WILLS swer the complaint, or ment will be entered foreof redemption proceeding is to seclosing the right in of the reMuriel Bowser following property loswerMuriel thereal complaint, or right Bowser (2001Muriel ed.), Bowser the object of this thereafter, a final ofjudgclosing the right of rerealinproperty lothe foreclosure the demption the Real Mayor of the District of cated theaDistrict District thereafter, final judgMayorin of the of of following Serve: this proceeding is toofse- cure mentofwill be entered foreMayor of the District demption in Real cated in the District of right redemption in the Property and vesting in Columbia 1350 PennColumbia to the Plaintiff in ment will be entered foreTYPESET: TuetheMar 20 Columbia 1350 PennMuriel Bowser cure the foreclosure of the closing the right of re03/16, 03/23, Columbia 1350 PennProperty and03/30/18 vesting in to the Plaintiff in following real property lothe Plaintiff a title in fee sylvania Avenue, this Action: 5235 closing theSquare: right of re- Columbia sylvania Avenue, Mayor of the District of rightsylvania of redemption demption in the Real Avenue,in the cated the Plaintiff a title in fee Action: Square: 5337 in the District of simple. NW Washington, D.C. Lot: 0025,inSQUARE: demption theD.C. Real this NW Washington, Columbia 1350 Pennfollowing real property loProperty toand vesting inin NW Washington, D.C. simple. the Plaintiff 20004 5235 LOT: 0025, which Property and vesting in Lot: 0019, SQUARE: 20004 sylvania Avenue, cated in20004 the District of Columbia Superior Court of the Action: PlaintiffSquare: a title in fee 0019, 5199 Clerk of thewhich Court may be known the also Plaintiff a title as in Dix fee 5337 LOT: NW Washington, D.C. Columbia to the Plaintiff in this the of the Court simple Clerk may also be known as Lot: 0037, SQUARE: By: James D McGinley Serve also: St NE, WASHINGTON, simple. Serve also: 20004 this Action: District of Columbia ServeSquare: also: 4469 5199 LOT: 0037, which By: James D McGinley 4939 Call Pl SE, Karl A. Racine, Attorney DC 20019. The Complaint Karl A. Racine, Attorney Lot: 0114, SQUARE: 4469 of the PROBATE DIVISION Karl A. Racine, Attorney WASHINGTON, DC may also Clerk be known asCourt 933 General of the District of states, of among other Clerk the Court General the of District of Serve also: LOT: 0114, By:StJames D McGinley Washington, D.C. General of thewhich Districtmay of 20019. The Complaint 52nd NE, WASHINGTYPESET: Tue Mar 20 10:17:27 EDT 2018 03/16, 03/23, 03/30/18 Columbia 441 4th Street, things, that the amounts By: James D McGinley Karl A. Racine, Attorney Columbia 441 4th Street, also be known as Street, 2019 M 20001-2131 Columbia 441 4th 03/16, 03/23, 03/30/18 states, among other TON, DC 20019. The NW Washington, D.C. necessary for redemption NW Washington, D.C. General of the District of St WASHINGTON, NWNE, Washington, D.C. Administration No. Complaint states, among 20001 have not been paid. things, that the amounts Pursuant to the Chief 20001 Columbia 441 4th Street, TYPESET: Tue Mar 20 10:03:03 EDT 2018 DC 20002. The Complaint 03/16, 03/23,that 03/30/18 20001 2018ADM000176 necessary for redemption other things, the Pursuant to the03/30/18 Chief 03/16, 03/23, Judge´s Administration NW Washington, D.C. IN THE SUPERIOR states, among other been And Judge´s Administration have not Order Number 02-11, it is Bradley Campbell 20001to the Chief And COURT OF paid. things, that the amounts amounts necessary for repaid.Pursuant And demption have not been Mar 20 10:21:10 EDT 2018 Order Number 02-11, it is this 24th day of January, AKA TYPESET: Tue Mar 20 10:32:20 EDT 2018 THE DISTRICT necessary for redemption Judge´s Administration IN THE SUPERIOR All unknown owners of the Bradley Michael Campthis 23RD day of January, 2018, Mar 20 10:21:10 EDT 2018 unknown owners of the And OF COLUMBIA Order Number 02-11, it is All have not been paid. COURT OF All unknown owners of the real property Judge´s Administration ORDERED by described the Super- bell property described this 23RD day of January, real CIVIL DIVISION 2018, Pursuant to described the Chief THE DISTRICT real property below, their heirs, devi-of Decedent Order Number 02-11, it is ior Court of the District their by heirs, deviAll2018, unknown owners of the below, RIOR Judge´s Administration ORDERED the SuperOF COLUMBIA IN THE SUPERIOR below, their heirs, devisees, personal reprethis 23RD day of January, Columbia, that notice be Wesley L Clarke personal repre-of real property described F ORDERED byOF the Super- sees, Order Number 02-11, it is Civil Action No. ior Court of the District CIVIL DIVISION RIOR COURT sees, personal representatives, executors, 2018, given by the insertion of a 1629 K Street Suite 300 executors, below, their heirs, devi-of sentatives, ICT ior Court of the District this 23RD day of January, 2018 CA 000936 L (RP) Columbia, that notice be OF THE DISTRICT sentatives, executors, administrators, grantees, ORDERED by the Supercopy of this Order in the Washington, DC 20006 grantees, BIA Columbia, that notice sees, repre-be administrators, 2018, ACTION INVOLVING Civil Action No. given by the insertion of a ICT OFpersonal COLUMBIA administrators, ior Court of by thegrantees, District of assigns Wa s h i norg tsuccessors o n A f r o - in Attorney given by the insertion of a assigns ION successors in ORDERED the Superexecutors, REAL PROPERTY 2018 CA 000530 L (RP) sentatives, BIA copy oforthis Order in the CIVIL DIVISION assigns or ofsuccessors in Columbia, that notice be right, title, and interest and copy of this Order in the American, a newspaper ior Court the District of right, title, and interest and administrators, grantees, NOTICE OF ACTION INVOLVING CALENDAR 18 ION Wa s h i n g t o n A f r o right, title, interest and given by and thethat insertion ofbe a any and aallgeneral persons havWaCivil s h ior nAction gsuccessors t o n No. A f r o - in any No. Columbia, notice having circulaand all persons havassigns REAL PROPERTY APPOINTMENT, MAGISTRATE JUDGE American, a newspaper any and all persons havcopy of this Order in the ing or claiming have any American, ainterest newspaper 6No. L (RP) given by the insertion of a tion in the to District of or claiming to have any right, title, and ing CALENDAR 18 RENEE RAYMOND NOTICE TO having a general circula2018 CA and 000534 L (RP) ing orsclaiming to have Wa hofi nthis g t o nOrder A f r oinany - the interest, adhaving general copy Columbia,including once a week including any and a allINVOLVING personscirculahav- interest, MAGISTRATE JUDGE 6LVING L (RP) tion in the Districtad-of CREDITORS ACTION interest, American, tion in the District of verse possession, in the ERTY Wa s h i n gincluding t oan newspaper A f r o adfor three (3) successive verse possession, in the RENEE RAYMOND ing or claiming to have any LVING THORNTON MELLON Columbia, once a week AND NOTICE TO REAL PROPERTY verse possession, in the having a general circulaColumbia, once 18 a week leasehold or the fee R 18 American, a newspaper weeks, notifying all simperfee siminterest, including ad- leasehold ERTY LLC for three or(3)thesuccessive UNKNOWN HEIRS CALENDAR leasehold or the feecirculasim-of tion District for three (3) successive ple in the real property havingin a the general THORNTON MELLON sons interested in and the Bethany C Whitener, in the real property and RJUDGE 18 verse possession, in the ple weeks, notifying all perMAGISTRATE JUDGE ple in the property andof Columbia, once a week weeks, notifying per- premises, MOND tion in real the District premises, situate, lying whose address is 2100 LLC Real Property described JUDGE situate, in lying leasehold or the feeallsimPlaintiff, sons interested the RENEE RAYMOND premises, situate, for three (3) successive sons inand the and Columbia, once a lying week and being the District of MOND above to inappear in this being in the District of ple in theinterested real property v. Real Property described Lebanon Road, Epworth, and being in the District of weeks, notifying all perReal Property described ELLON for three (3) successive Columbia described Plaintiff, Court by the 30th dayasof GA 30541 was appointed premises, situate, lying Columbia above to described appear in as this THORNTON MELLON Columbia described as sons interested in the above to appear in this weeks, notifying all perv. 4May, 9 4 1 2018, C a l and l P lredeem SE, ELLON B by St SE, WASHINGand being in the District of 5001 BTC HOLDINGS II LLC Court the 23RD day of LLC personal representative 4509 Sheriff Rd Real described Court by the 23RD day sons Property interested inNE, the WA H I NProperty G T O N , byDpayC the SReal 20019, Columbia described asof TON, BTC HOLDINGS II LLC May, DC 2018, andSquare: redeem WA S HProperty I to N Gappear T O Ndescribed , in D Cthis above 2018,and Real DEANWOOD REAL 20019, 5337, ment ofSquare: $732.84, plusLot in- of the estate of Bradley Lot 0001, assessed 5 May, 337 H a y e s S tredeem N E , 5325, BTC HOLDINGS II LLC the Real Property by payPlaintiff, 20019, Square: 5126, Lot Court by the 23RD day of the Real Property by payabove to appear in this ESTATE INVEST. I LLC 0020, to the terest assessed from the date the Campbell AKA Bradley toment the ofowner of record WA S H I N Gv.T O N , D C Unknown Occupant $503.69, plus in0842, assessed to theof May, redeem ment of $4405.85, plus Court 2018, by the and 23RD day Santorini Capital LLC owner of record listed Certificate was sold, all Michael Campbell, who above, 20019, Square: 5209, Lotin- listed terest from the date the the by payowner of Property record listed terest assessed from the date the THIAS May,Real 2018, and redeem Brian Donegan & above, expenses provided for by died on September 23, 0015, to the Certificate was sold, all BARRON DAWSON ment of $4938.46, plus inabove, Certificate was sold, THIAS the Real Property by payWilliam Leahy D.C. Code §47-1377 and 2015 without a will, and owner of record listedall expenses provided for by And Unknown Occupant terest the date expenses provided for by upant ment offrom $4938.46, plusthe inUnknown Occupant THIAS Defendants. D.C. Code §47-1361, and will serve without Court Defendants. above, Certificate sold, the all D.C. Code §47-1377 and D.C. Code §47-1377 and terest from was the date upant all outstanding municipal supervision. All unknown (For Purposes of D.C. expenses provided for by D.C. Code §47-1361, and D.C. Code §47-1361, and Defendants. Certificate was sold, all And ORDER liens amountsOF due and heirs and heirs whose ORDER OF Defendants. municipal Code §47-1371(b)(1)(G)) And D.C. Codeprovided §47-1377 all outstanding municipal all outstanding expenses forand by PUBLICATION owing on the Real Prop- whereabouts are unamounts due and D.C. Code §47-1361, and liens amounts due and liensPUBLICATION ORDER OF Code §47-1377 (For Purposes of D.C. Inerty accordance with D.C. in accordance with known shall enter their accordance with D.C. ORDER on the Real Prop(For Purposes of D.C. all outstanding municipal owing on the OF Real Prop- Inowing of D.C. PUBLICATION Code §47-1371(b)(1)(G)) D.C. Code §47-1361, and Official Code §47-1375 the provisions of D.C. a p p e a r a n c e i n t h i s §47-1375 THE DISTRICT OF erty in Code accordance with Code §47-1371(b)(1)(G)) amountswith dueD.C. and ertyPUBLICATION in accordance with Official b)(1)(G)) allaccordance outstanding municipal Inliens of D.C. (2001 ed.), the object of proceeding. Objections Code §47-1361, or aned.), the object of Inthe accordance with COLUMBIA the provisions of D.C. owing on the Real provisions of D.C. D.C. (2001 liens amounts duePropand Code §47-1375 b)(1)(G)) Official this is to seswerproceeding the complaint, or to such appointment (or proceeding is to Official Code §47-1375 Code §47-1361, or seanerty with Code §47-1361, or an- this THE DISTRICT OF owingin onaccordance the Prop(2001 ed.), the Real object of cure the foreclosure the to the probate of dethereafter, a final ofjudgthethe foreclosure of the (2001 the object Serve: swer complaint, or THEed.), DISTRICT OF ofor cure swer the complaint, the provisions COLUMBIA T OF ertyproceeding in accordance with this isofto D.C. seright redemption in forethe cedent´s will) shall be mentofwill be entered of redemption the this proceeding is to judgse- right Muriel Bowser thereafter, a finalinjudgthereafter, a final Code §47-1361, anCOLUMBIA A OF the the provisions cure foreclosureofor of D.C. the CT following real property closing the right of lore- filed with the Register of propertyforelocure thewill foreclosure of forethe following Mayor of the District of ment willreal be entered ment be entered swer complaint, or Serve: Code §47-1361, or the anright of the redemption in A cated in the District of Wills, D.C., 515 5th demption in the Real cated in the District of right of redemption in the closing Serve: the right of re- closing the right of re- Columbia 1350 Pennthereafter, aproperty final judgMuriel Bowser swer the or following realcomplaint, loColumbia to the Plaintiff inin Street, N.W., 3rd Floor Property and vesting Columbia to the Plaintiff in following real property losylvania Avenue, demption in the Real demption in the Real ment will be entered foreMuriel Bowser Mayor of the District of ser thereafter, final judgcated in thea District of this 5337 the Action: PlaintiffSquare: a title in fee W a s h i n g t o n , D . C . Action: and Square: 5325in District NW Washington, D.C. Property vesting Property andDistrict vesting closing right offorereMayorinof the the ofofin this Columbia 1350 Penn- cated strict ment willthe bethe entered ser of Columbia to Plaintiff in Lot: 0020, SQUARE: simple. 0001, aSQUARE: Columbia to1350 the 20004 the Plaintiff a Plaintiff title in in fee Lot: the Plaintiff title in fee demption inright the of Real sylvania Avenue, Columbia PennPenn20001, on or before closing theSquare: restrict of this Action: 5126 5337 LOT: 0020, which LOT: 0001, which this Action: Square: simple. simple. Property and vesting in NW Washington, D.C. sylvania Avenue,5209 5325 demption inSQUARE: the Real September 16, 2018. 0nue, Penn- Lot: 0842, may also be known as Clerk of the Court may also be known as Lot: 0015, SQUARE: Serve also: the Plaintiff a title in fee 20004 n, D.C. NW Washington, D.C. Property vesting nue, 5126 LOT:and 0842, whichin 4 9 4By: 1 James C a l l DPMcGinley l S E , Claims against the de5001 B St SE, WASHING5209 LOT: 0015, which Clerk of the Court simple. Karl A. Racine, Attorney Clerk of the Court the Plaintiff a title in fee 20004 n, D.C. may also be known as W A S H I N G T O N , D C cedent shall be pre20019. The may By: also be known as TON, James D McGinley General of the District of By:DC James D McGinley Serve also: simple.Sheriff Rd NE, sented to the under4509 H a y ealso: s S t N E , Complaint states, among the Columbia 441 4th Street, 20019.The Complaint Karl A. Racine, Attorney 5 3 3 7 Serve o: W A S H I Clerk N G T of ON , Court DC signed with a copy to the states, among other 03/16, 03/23, 03/30/18 other things, that the W A S H I N G T O N , D C By: James D McGinley NW Washington, D.C. General of the District of Attorney Clerk of the Court Karl A. Racine, Attorney o: 20019. The Complaint things, that the amounts Register of Wills or filed 03/16, 03/23, 03/30/18 amounts necessary for re20019 The Complaint Columbia 441 4th Street, 20001 03/16, 03/23, 03/30/18 istrict of By: James D McGinley General of the District of Attorney states, among other necessary for redemption with the Register of Wills states, among NW Washington, D.C. histrict Street, Columbia 441 4th other Street, demption have not been of things, that03/23, the amounts have not been paid. with a copy to the underpaid.Pursuant to the Chief 03/16, 03/30/18 things, that the amounts 20001 And n, D.C. NW Washington, D.C. h Street, necessary for redemption signed, on or before necessary20001 for redemption Judge´s Administration n, D.C. have03/16, not 03/23, been03/30/18 paid. September 16, 2018, or And have not been paid. Order Number 02-11, it is All unknown owners of the Pursuant to the Chief be forever barred. Perthis 24th day of January, real property described And sons believed to be heirs All unknown owners of the below, their heirs, devior legatees of the dereal property described ers of the sees, personal repre-
Wills, D.C., 515 5th Street, N.W., 3rd Floor Wa s h i n g t o n , D . C . 20001, on or before September 16, 2018. Claims against the decedent shall be presented to the undersigned with a copy to the Register of Wills or filed LEGAL NOTICES with the Register of Wills with a copy to the undersigned, on or before September 16, 2018, or be forever barred. Persons believed to be heirs or legatees of the decedent who do not receive a copy of this notice by mail within 25 days of its first publication shall so inform the Register of Wills, including name, address and relationship. Date of Publication: March 16, 2018 Name of newspaper: Afro-American Washington Law Reporter Bethany C Whitener Personal Representative
March 31, 2018 - April 6, 2018, The Afro-American
And TYPESET: Mar 20 10:41:53 EDT 2018 03/16, 03/23,Tue 03/30/18
Pursuan Judge´s Order N this 24th 2018, ORDER ior Cour Columbi given by copy of Wa s h i n America having a tion in Columbi for three weeks, sons in Real Pr above t Court by May, 20 the Real ment of terest fr Certifica expense D.C. Co D.C. Cod all outst liens am owing o erty in the pro Code § swer th thereafte ment wil closing demptio Property the Plain simple.
(For Purposes of D.C. Code §47-1371(b)(1)(G)) Superior Court of the District of Columbia THE DISTRICT OF PROBATE DIVISION COLUMBIA Washington, D.C. 20001-2131 Serve: Administration No. Muriel Bowser 2017ADM001373 Mayor of the District of Charles E Spriggs Columbia 1350 PennDecedent sylvania Avenue, NOTICE OF NW Washington, D.C. 20004 APPOINTMENT, NOTICE TO By: Ja Serve also: CREDITORS Karl A. Racine, Attorney AND NOTICE TO General of the District of UNKNOWN HEIRS 03/16 Alan Spriggs, whose ad- Columbia 441 4th Street, NW Washington, D.C. dress is 4806 10:39:26 EDTWoodlawn 2018 20001 Drive, Landover Hills, MD 20784 wasappointed personal representative And of the estate of Charles E All unknown owners of the Spriggs, who died on real property described July 6, 1999 without a below, their heirs, deviwill, and will serve with sees, personal repreCourt supervision. All un- sentatives, executors, known heirs and heirs administrators, grantees, whose whereabouts are assigns or successors in unknown shall enter their right, title, and interest and appearance in this any and all persons havproceeding. Objections ing or claiming to have any to such appointment interest, including adshall be filed with the verse possession, in the Register of Wills, D.C., leasehold or the fee sim515 5th Street, N.W., 3rd ple in the real property and Floor Washington, D.C. premises, situate, lying and being in the District of 20001, on or before September 16, 2018. Columbia described as Claims against the de- 4 9 4 3 C a l l P l S E , cedent shall be pre- WA S H I N G T O N , D C sented to the under- 20019, Square: 5337, Lot signed with a copy to the 0021, assessed to the Register of Wills or filed owner of record listed with the Register of Wills above, with a copy to the underDefendants. signed, on or before September 16, 2018, or ORDER OF be forever barred. PerPUBLICATION sons believed to be heirs In accordance with D.C. or legatees of the de- Official Code §47-1375 cedent who do not re- (2001 ed.), the object of ceive a copy of this notice this proceeding is to seby mail within 25 days of cure the foreclosure of the its first publication shall right of redemption in the so inform the Register of following real property loWills, including name, cated in the District of address and relation- Columbia to the Plaintiff in this Action: Square: 5337 ship. Lot: 0021, SQUARE: Date of Publication: 5337 LOT: 0021, which March 16, 2018 may also be known as Name of newspaper: 4943 Call Pl SE, Afro-American WASHINGTON, DC Washington 20019.The Complaint Law Reporter Alan M Spriggs states, among other Personal things, that the amounts TYPESET: Tue Mar 20 10:23:09 EDT 2018 necessary for redemption Representative have not been paid. Pursuant to the Chief TRUE TEST COPY Judge´s Administration IN THE SUPERIOR REGISTER OF WILLS Order Number 02-11, it is COURT OF this 24th day of January, THE DISTRICT 03/16, 03/23, 03/30/18 TYPESET: Tue Mar 20 10:40:24 EDT 2018 2018, OF COLUMBIA ORDERED by the SuperCIVIL DIVISION ior Court of the District of Superior Court Columbia, that notice be Civil Action No. of given by the insertion of a the L (RP) 2018 CA 000920 copy of this Order in the District of Columbia ACTION INVOLVING Wa s h i n g t o n A f r o PROBATE DIVISION REAL PROPERTY American, a newspaper Washington, D.C. CALENDAR 18 having a general circulaMAGISTRATE JUDGE 20001-2131 tion in the District of RENEE RAYMOND Administration No. Columbia, once a week 2018ADM000121 for three (3) successive THORNTON MELLON Joyce M Williams weeks, notifying all perDecedentLLC sons interested in the NOTICE OF Real Property described Plaintiff, APPOINTMENT, above to appear in this v. NOTICE TO Court by the 23RD day of CREDITORS May, 2018, and redeem BTCAND HOLDINGS LLC NOTICEII TO the Real Property by payBTC HOLDINGS II LLC UNKNOWN HEIRS ment of $732.84, plus inBTC HOLDINGS II LLC Linda Jeanne Williams terest from the date the Unknown Occupant and Charles Alan Wil- Certificate was sold, all liams, whose addresses expenses provided for by are 16791 Sweeney D.C. Code §47-1377 and And Lane Woodbridge, VA D.C. Code §47-1361, and 2(For 2 1 9Purposes 1 a n d of8D.C. 11 9 all outstanding municipal G r a §47-1371(b)(1)(G)) yden Lane, liens amounts due and Code Brandywine, MD 20613 owing on the Real Propwere appointed personal erty in accordance with representatives of the the provisions of D.C. THE DISTRICT OF estateCOLUMBIA of Joyce M Wil- Code §47-1361, or anl i a m s , w h o d i e d o n swer the complaint, or 10:38:56 EDT 2018 January Serve: 1, 2018 with a thereafter, a final judgBowser will, Muriel and will serve with- ment will be entered foreMayor of the District of All closing the right of reout Court supervision. Columbia 1350and Pennunknown heirs heirs demption in the Real sylvania Avenue, are Property and vesting in whose where-abouts NW Washington, D.C. unknown shall enter their the Plaintiff a title in fee a p p e a r20004 a n c e i n t h i s simple. Clerk of the Court proceeding. Objections By: James D McGinley Serve also: to such appointment (or Karl A. Racine, Attorney to the probate of deGeneral cedent´sof the will)District shall ofbe TYPESET: Tue03/30/18 Mar 20 10:15:19 03/16, 03/23, Columbia 441 4th Street, filed with the Register of NW Washington, D.C. Wills, D.C., Pursuan 20001 515 5th Street, N.W., 3rd Floor Judge´s IN THE SUPERIOR Order N W a s h i n g t o n , D . C . COURT OF And this 23R 20001, on or before THE DISTRICT 2018, OF COLUMBIA September 16, of 2018. All unknown owners the ORDER CIVIL DIVISION Claims against the dereal property described ior Cour cedenttheir shall be deviprebelow, heirs, Columbi Civil Action No. sented to the repreundersees, personal given by signed with aexecutors, copy to the 2018 CA 000918 L (RP) sentatives, copy of ACTION INVOLVING Register of Wills or filed administrators, grantees, Wa s h i n REAL PROPERTY with theorRegister of Wills assigns successors in America CALENDAR 18 right, andto interest and with title, a copy the underhaving a MAGISTRATE JUDGE any and allon persons havsigned, or before tion in RENEE RAYMOND ing or claiming16, to have anyor September 2018, Columbi interest, including be forever barred. adPerfor three THORNTON MELLON verse in heirs the sons possession, believed to be weeks, LLC leasehold or the sons in or legatees of fee thesimdeple in the real property and Real Pr cedent who do not rePlaintiff, premises, situate, lying above t v. ceive a copy of this notice and beingwithin in the 25 District Court by by mail daysofof Columbia described shall as May, 20 BTC HOLDINGS II LLC its first publication 4so 9 4inform 3 C athe l l Register P l S E of , the Rea BTC HOLDINGS II LLC WA S H I N G T O N , D C ment of BTC HOLDINGS II LLC Wills, including name, 20019, Square: 5337, Lot terest fr Unknown Occupant address and relation0021, assessed to the Certifica ship. of record listed expense owner Date of Publication: D.C. Co above, And March 16, 2018 D.C. Co NameDefendants. of newspaper: all outst (For Purposes of D.C. Afro-American liens am Code §47-1371(b)(1)(G)) Washington owing o ORDER OF LawPUBLICATION Reporter erty in the pro Joyce M Williams THE DISTRICT OF In accordance with D.C. Code § Personal COLUMBIA Official Code §47-1375 swer th (2001 ed.),Representative the object of thereafte Serve: this proceeding is to sement wil Muriel Bowser cure the TEST foreclosure of the TRUE COPY closing Mayor of the District of right of redemption in the REGISTER OF WILLS demptio Columbia 1350 Pennfollowing real property loProperty sylvania Avenue, cated in the District of the Plai NW Washington, D.C. Columbia to the03/30/18 Plaintiff in 03/16, 03/23, simple. 20004 this Action: Square: 5337 Lot: 0021, SQUARE: Serve also: 5337 LOT: 0021, which By: J Karl A. Racine, Attorney may also be known as General of the District of 4943 Call Pl SE, Columbia 441 4th Street, WASHINGTON, DC 03/16 NW Washington, D.C. 20019.The Complaint 20001 states, among other things, that the amounts And necessary for redemption have not been paid. All unknown owners of the real property described
Mayor of the District of Columbia 1350 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW Washington, D.C. 20004
Mar 20
of D.C. )(1)(G))
ser strict of Pennnue, n, D.C.
: Attorney strict of h Street, n, D.C.
ers of the escribed s, devirepreecutors, rantees, ssors in rest and ons havhave any ng adn, in the fee simerty and e, lying District of bed as l SE, N, DC 337, Lot to the d listed
F ON ith D.C. 47-1375 object of s to sere of the on in the perty lostrict of laintiff in re: 5337 UARE: , which own as l SE, N, DC mplaint other amounts emption n paid.
closing the right of redemption in the Real Property and vesting in the Plaintiff a title in fee simple.
sylvania Avenue, NW Washington, D.C. 20004 Serve also: Karl A. Racine, Attorney General of the District of Columbia 441 4th Street, NW Washington, D.C. 20001
The Afro-American, March 31, 2018 - April 6, 2018
Clerk of the Court Serve also: By: James D McGinley Karl A. Racine, Attorney General of the District of Columbia 441 4th Street, EDT 2018 03/16, 03/23, 03/30/18 TYPESET: Tue Mar 20 10:22:38 NW Washington, D.C.20 10:14:49 LEGAL NOTICES LEGAL NOTICES LEGAL NOTICES TYPESET: Tue Mar EDT 2018 LEGAL NOTICES TYPESET: And Tue Mar 20 20001 Order Number 02-11, it is Order Number 02-11, it is All unknown owners of the this 23RD day of January, And IN THE SUPERIOR this 23RD day of January, IN THE SUPERIOR real property described 2018, COURT OF IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF of the 2018, below, their heirs, ORDERED by the SuperAll unknown owners THE DISTRICT COURT OF deviDISTRICT sees, personal repre-of ior Court of the District real THE property described ORDERED by the SuperOF COLUMBIA THE DISTRICT ior Court of the District of OF COLUMBIA sentatives, executors, Columbia, that notice be below, their heirs, deviCIVIL DIVISION OF COLUMBIA Columbia, that notice be CIVIL DIVISION administrators, grantees, given by the insertion sees, personal repreCIVIL DIVISION of a assigns in sentatives, executors, given by the insertion of a copy of or thissuccessors Order in the Civil Action No. copy of this Order in the Civil Action grantees, No. right, administrators, WaCivil stitle, h i n Action gand t o ninterest ANo. f r o -and 2018 CA 000623 L (RP) 2018 CAor 000916 L (RP)in Wa s h i n g t o n A f r o assigns successors any and persons havAmerican, a newspaper ACTION INVOLVING 2018 CAall 000946 L (RP) ACTION INVOLVING right, title, and interest and American, a newspaper ing or claiming to have any having a general circulaREAL PROPERTY ACTION INVOLVING REAL any and PROPERTY all persons hav- having a general circulainterest, including tion in the District of CALENDAR 18 REAL PROPERTY adtion in the District of CALENDAR 18 ing or claiming to have any verse possession, the Columbia, once 18 ainweek MAGISTRATE JUDGE CALENDAR MAGISTRATE JUDGE interest, including ad- Columbia, once a week leasehold fee simfor three or (3)the successive RENEE RAYMOND MAGISTRATE JUDGE RENEE RAYMOND verse possession, in the for three (3) successive ple in the notifying real property weeks, all and perRENEE RAYMOND leasehold or the fee sim- weeks, notifying all perpremises, situate, inlying sons interested the THORNTON MELLON THORNTON MELLON ple in the real property and sons interested in the and being in the District of Real Property described LLC THORNTON MELLON premises,LLC situate, lying Real Property described Columbia described as above to LLC appear in this and being in the District of above to appear in this 3 3 5 4 E l y P l S E , Court by the 23RD day of Plaintiff, Columbia described as Court by the 23RD day of Plaintiff, WA S and H IPlaintiff, Nredeem G T O N the , DReal C May, v. 4 9 4 5 C av.l l P l S E , May, 2018, and redeem 20019, Square: 5444, Lot Property by of v. payment the Real Property by payWA S H I N G T O N , D C 0805, assessed to the $2987.48, plus interest MARCUS LITTLE 20019, Square: 5337, Lot ment of $728.01, plus inBTC HOLDINGS II LLC owner of record listed from the date the CertifUnknown Occupant CAREY & LOIS 0022, assessed IIto the terest from the date the BTC HOLDINGS LLC above, icate MARSHALL was sold, all exowner of recordII LLC listed Certificate was sold, all BTC HOLDINGS Defendants. penses provided for by Unknown Occupant expenses provided for by above, Unknown Occupant D.C. Code §47-1377 and D.C. Code §47-1377 and And ORDER OF D.C. Code §47-1361, and And D.C. Code §47-1361, and Defendants. PUBLICATION all outstanding municipal (For Purposes of D.C. all outstanding municipal And In accordance D.C. liens amounts with and (For Purposes ofdue D.C. ORDER OF liens amounts due and Code §47-1371(b)(1)(G)) Official Code §47-1375 owing§47-1371(b)(1)(G)) on the Real PropCode owing on the Real Prop(ForPUBLICATION Purposes of D.C. (2001 ed.), the object of erty in accordance with In accordance with D.C. erty in accordance with Code §47-1371(b)(1)(G)) this sethe proceeding provisions isoftoD.C. THE DISTRICT OF Official Code §47-1375 the provisions of D.C. cure the§47-1361, foreclosureOF of the Code or anCOLUMBIA THE DISTRICT (2001 ed.), the object of Code §47-1361, or anright redemption in the swerofCOLUMBIA the complaint, or this proceeding to se- swer the complaint, or THE DISTRICTisOF following real property lothereafter, a final judgServe: cure the foreclosure of the thereafter, a final judgCOLUMBIA cated in the District of ment will be entered foreMuriel Bowser Serve: right of redemption in the ment will be entered foreColumbia toBowser the Plaintiff in closing the right of reMayor of the District of followingServe: real property lo- closing the right of reMuriel this Action: Square: demption inDistrict the 5444 Real Columbia 1350 PenncatedMuriel in the District of Mayor of the of demption in the Real Bowser Lot: 0805, SQUARE: Property and vesting sylvania Avenue, Columbia Plaintiff Columbia 1350 Penn-in Mayor of to thethe District of in Property and vesting in 5444 LOT: Avenue, 0805, the sylvania Plaintiff a title which in fee NW Washington, D.C. this Action:1350 Square: 5337 the Plaintiff a title in fee Columbia Pennmay also be known simple 20004 Lot:sylvania 0022,Avenue, SQUARE: simple. NW Washington, D.C.as 3 3 5 4 20004 Ely Pl SE, 5337 LOT: 0022,D.C. which NW Washington, W A S H IClerk N G Tof Othe N , Court DC may also20004 be known as Serve also: Clerk of the Court 20019.The Complaint By: James D McGinley 4945 Call Pl SE, Karl A. Racine, Attorney Serve also: By: James D McGinley states, among other WASH I N Galso: TON, DC General of the District of Karl A. Racine, Attorney Serve theDistrict amounts 20019.The Complaint Columbia 441 4th Street, things, Generalthat of the of Karl A. Racine, Attorney necessary for redemption 03/16, 03/23, 03/30/18 states, among other NW Washington, D.C. Columbia 441 4th Street, 03/16, 03/23, TYPESET: Tue03/30/18 Mar 20 10:13:57 EDT 2018 General of the District of have not been paid. things, that the amounts 20001 NW Washington, D.C. Columbia 441 4th Street, Pursuant to the Chief necessary for redemption 10:15:19 EDT 2018 NW Washington, D.C. Order Number 02-11, it is Judge´s 20001 have not been paid. Administration And 20001 this 23RD day of January, Order Number 02-11, it is IN THE SUPERIOR And Pursuant to the Chief 2018, COURT OF this 24th day of2018 January, TYPESET: Tue Mar 20 10:37:59 EDT All unknown owners of the Judge´s Administration And ORDERED by the Super- 2018, THE DISTRICT real property Order Number 02-11, it is ior Court of thedescribed District of All unknown owners of the OF COLUMBIA below, their that heirs, deviORDERED by described the Superthis 23RD day of January, property All unknown owners of the Columbia, notice be real CIVIL DIVISION sees, personal repreior Court of the District of 2018,property described their heirs, deviIN THE SUPERIOR real given by the insertion of a below, sentatives, executors, Columbia, that be ORDERED by the SuperrepreOF in the sees, personalnotice below, their heirs, devicopy COURT of this Order Civil Action No. administrators, grantees, given by the insertion of a ior Court of the District of sentatives, executors, THE DISTRICT sees, personal repreWa s h i n g t o n A f r o 2018 CA 000911 L (RP) assigns or successors in administrators, Columbia, that notice be copy of this Order in the grantees, OF COLUMBIA sentatives, executors, American, a newspaper ACTION INVOLVING right, title,aand interest and assigns given by the insertion of a Wa s h i nor g tsuccessors o n A f r o - in CIVIL DIVISION administrators, grantees, having general circulaREAL PROPERTY copy of or thissuccessors Order in the any persons hav-of right, American, a interest newspaper title, and and assigns in tionand in allthe District CALENDAR 18 Wa stitle, h i n gand t o ninterest A f r o -and ing or claiming to have any having a general circulaany and all persons havCivil Action No. right, Columbia, once a week MAGISTRATE JUDGE American, a newspaper interest, including adtion in the District of ing or claiming to have any 2018 CA 000949 L (RP) any and all persons havfor three (3) successive RENEE RAYMOND having a general circulaverse possession, in the Columbia,including once a week ading or claiming to have any ACTION INVOLVING weeks, notifying all per- interest, tion in the District of leasehold or the fee simfor three (3) successive interest, including adREALinterested PROPERTY sons in the verse possession, in the THORNTON MELLON Columbia, once ainweek ple inCALENDAR the real property weeks, notifying all simperor the fee verse possession, the 18 and leasehold Real Property described LLC for three or (3)the successive premises, situate, lying sons interested in and the in the real property leasehold fee simMAGISTRATE JUDGE above to appear in this ple weeks, notifying all perand being the District Real Property described situate, lying ple in the real property and RENEE RAYMOND Court by in the 23RD dayofof premises, Plaintiff, sons interested in the Columbia described as above to appear in this premises, situate, lying May, and redeem the Real and being in the District of v. Realbeing Property described 512 Ridge by RdMELLON SE Unit:of Columbia Court by the 30TH dayas of described and in the District of THORNTON Property payment above to appear in this 207, WASHINGTON, DC 1May, Columbia described as 5 0 42018, 1 9 t handS tredeem SE, LLC $732.84, plus interest BTC HOLDINGS II LLC Court by the 23RD day of 20019, Square: Lot WA the S Real 4916 D St SE, WASHINGH I NProperty G T O N ,byDpayC from the date 5396, the CertifBTC HOLDINGS II LLC May, DC 2018, and Square: redeem 2020, ment ofSquare: $4631.68, plusLot inTON, 20019, 5573, Plaintiff, icate assessed was sold, to all the ex- 20020, BTC HOLDINGS II LLC the Real by payowner of record listed terest from the date the 5337, Lot Property 0023, assessed 0074, assessed to the v. penses provided for by Unknown Occupant ment of $732.84, plus inabove, Certificate was sold, all to the owner of record of record listed JOSEPH D.C. CodeBURGESS §47-1377 and owner terestabove, from the date the expenses provided for by listed Unknown Occupant and above, D.C. Code §47-1361, Certificate was sold, all Defendants. D.C. Code §47-1377 and all outstanding municipal And expenses provided for by §47-1361, and Defendants. Defendants. And liens amounts due and D.C. Code D.C. Code §47-1377 and owingORDER on the OF Real Prop- all outstanding municipal D.C. Code §47-1361, and (For Purposes of D.C. ORDER OF due and ORDER OF (ForPUBLICATION Purposes of D.C.with liens amounts in accordance all outstanding municipal Code §47-1371(b)(1)(G)) Inerty accordance on the Real PropPUBLICATION Code §47-1371(b)(1)(G)) the provisionswith of D.C. D.C. owing liensPUBLICATION amounts due and Official Code §47-1375 In accordance with D.C. erty in accordance with In accordance with D.C. Code §47-1361, or anowing on the Real Prop(2001 the object of Official §47-1375 the provisions of D.C. Code §47-1375 swer ed.), the complaint, or Official erty in Code accordance with THE DISTRICT OF this proceeding is OF to judgse- (2001 (2001 ed.), the object of Code ed.), §47-1361, or anthe object of THE DISTRICT the provisions of D.C. thereafter, a final COLUMBIA cure the foreclosure of forethe this this proceeding to seswerproceeding the complaint, or is to seCOLUMBIA Code §47-1361,is or anment will be entered right of redemption in the cure the foreclosure of the thereafter, a final judgcure the foreclosure of the swer the complaint, or closing the right of reServe: following realinproperty lo- right right of redemption the mentofwill be enteredinforeredemption the Serve: thereafter, a final injudgdemption the Real Muriel Bowser following propertyforelocated in the District closing the of lorereal right property Muriel Bowser ment will real be entered Property and vesting ofin following Mayor of the District of cated in the District of Columbia to the Plaintiff in demption in the Real Mayor of the aDistrict closing the right of rethe Plaintiff title inof fee cated in the District of Columbia 1350 Penn- this Columbia to the Plaintiff in Action: Square: 5396 Property and vesting in Columbia to the Plaintiff in Columbia 1350 Penndemption in the Real simple. sylvania Avenue, this Action:and Square: 5337 Lot:sylvania 2020,Avenue, SQUARE: this the Action: PlaintiffSquare: a title in fee 5573 Property vesting in NW Washington, D.C. Lot: 0023, aSQUARE: 5396 LOT: 2020, which simple. 0074, SQUARE: NW Washington, D.C. the Plaintiff title in fee Clerk of the Court Lot: 20004 5337 LOT: 0023, which mayBy: alsoJames be known as 512 5573 LOT: Clerk of thewhich Court 0074, simple. 20004 D McGinley may also be known as Ridge Rd SE Unit: 207, mayBy:also James McGinley be Dknown as Serve also: 4916 D StClerk SE, WASHINGWASH I N Galso: TON, DC 1 5 0 4 1 9 t h S t S E , of the Court Serve Karl A. Racine, Attorney TO N , D C 2 0 0 1 9 . T h e 20019.The Complaint By: James D McGinley Karl 03/16, A. Racine, Attorney 03/23, 03/30/18 W A S H I N G T O N , D C General of the District of Complaint states, among TYPESET: Tue Mar 20 states, among other 03/16, 03/23, 03/30/18 20020.The Complaint General of the District of Columbia 441 4th Street, things, other things, that the that the amounts Columbia 441 4th Street, states, among other NW Washington, D.C. amounts for reTYPESET: Tue03/30/18 Mar 20 10:14:49 EDT 2018 necessary for redemption 03/16,necessary 03/23, things, that the amounts NW Washington, D.C. 20001 demption have not been have not been paid. necessary redemption 20001 IN THE for SUPERIOR paid.Pursuant to the Chief TYPESET: Pursuant to the Chief Order Number 02-11, it is Tue Mar 20 10:22:38 EDT 2018 have not been COURT OF paid. And Judge´s Judge´s Administration Pursuant this 23RD day of January, And to the Chief IN THEAdministration SUPERIOR THE DISTRICT 2018, Judge´s Administration COURT OF OF COLUMBIA Order Number 02-11, it is All unknown owners of the ORDERED by the SuperTHE DISTRICT All unknown owners of the CIVIL DIVISION this 23RD day of January, IN THE SUPERIOR real property described ior Court of theOF District of real OF COLUMBIA property described 2018, COURT below, their heirs, deviColumbia, that notice be CIVIL DIVISION below, their heirs, deviCivil Action No. ORDERED by the SuperTHE DISTRICT sees, personal repregiven the insertion of a sees, personal repre-of 2018 CA 000946 L (RP) ior Court of the District OFbyCOLUMBIA sentatives, executors, copy of this Order in the sentatives, Civil Action No. executors, ACTION INVOLVING Columbia, that notice be CIVIL DIVISION administrators, Wa s h i n g t o n grantees, Afro2018 CA 000916 L (RP) grantees, REAL PROPERTY given by the insertion of a assigns or successors in administrators, American, a newspaper ACTION INVOLVING assigns or successors in CALENDAR 18 Civil Action No. and copy of this Order in the right, title, and interest having a general circulaREAL PROPERTY right, title, and interest and MAGISTRATE JUDGE Wa s h i n g t o n A f r o 2018and CA all 000623 L (RP) any persons havtion in the District of any CALENDAR 18 and all persons havRENEE RAYMOND a newspaper ACTION INVOLVING ing or claiming to have any American, Columbia, once a week MAGISTRATE JUDGE or claiming to have any having a general circulaREAL PROPERTY interest, ad- ing for CALENDAR three including (3) successive RENEE RAYMOND including THORNTON MELLON tion in the Districtad-of 18in the interest, verse possession, weeks, notifying all perverse possession, in the LLC Columbia, once a week MAGISTRATE leasehold or theJUDGE fee simsons interested in the THORNTON MELLON fee simfor three or(3)thesuccessive RENEE RAYMOND ple in the real property and leasehold Real Property described LLC ple in the real property Plaintiff, weeks, notifying all and perpremises, situate, inlying above to appear this premises, situate, inlying v. sons interested the THORNTON MELLON and being in the District Court by the 23RD day of of and Plaintiff, being in the District of Real Property described LLC Columbia described as May, 2018, and redeem v. Columbia CAREY & LOIS above to described appear in as this 4918 D StProperty SE, WASHINGthe Real by pay- 3Court 3 5 4 byEthe l y 23RD P l day S E of , MARSHALL TON, 20019, Square: ment DC ofPlaintiff, $728.01, plus in- WA BTC HOLDINGS II LLC S H I N G T O N , D C Unknown Occupant May, and redeem the Real v.theassessed 5337, 0024, terest Lot from date the 20019, BTC HOLDINGS II LLC Square: 5444, Lot Property by payment of to the owner of record Certificate was sold, all BTC HOLDINGS II LLC assessed the And $2987.48, plus to interest MARCUS LITTLEfor by 0805, listed above, expenses provided Unknown Occupant of date record from the the listed CertifUnknown Occupant and owner D.C. Code §47-1377 above, (For Purposes of D.C. icate was sold, all exDefendants. D.C. Code §47-1361, and penses Defendants. provided for by Code §47-1371(b)(1)(G)) all outstanding municipal And D.C. Code §47-1377 and And ORDER OF liens amounts due and D.C. Code ORDER OF §47-1361, and PUBLICATION owing on the Real Prop- all outstanding (For Purposes of D.C. PUBLICATION THE DISTRICT OF municipal (For Purposes of D.C. In accordance with D.C. erty in accordance with Inliens Code §47-1371(b)(1)(G)) accordance with D.C. COLUMBIA amounts due and Code §47-1371(b)(1)(G)) Official Code §47-1375 the provisions of D.C. Official Code §47-1375 the Real Prop(2001 the object of owing on Code ed.), §47-1361, or an(2001 ed.), the object with of Serve: erty in accordance this is to seswerproceeding the complaint, or the proceeding THE DISTRICT OF seMuriel Bowser provisionsisofto D.C. THE cure theDISTRICT foreclosure ofjudgthe this thereafter, a finalOF COLUMBIA cure the foreclosure of the Mayor of the District of Code §47-1361, or anCOLUMBIA right redemption the mentofwill be enteredinforeright redemption in the swerof the complaint, or Columbia 1350 Pennfollowing real right property closing the of lore- following Serve: realaproperty losylvania Avenue, final judgcated inServe: the of thereafter, demption in District the Real Muriel Bowser cated in the Districtforeof NW Washington, D.C. ment will be entered Muriel Bowser Columbia to the vesting Plaintiff in Property and in Columbia Mayor of the District of to the Plaintiff in 20004 closing the right of reMayor of the offee this Action: Square: 5337 the Plaintiff aDistrict title in Columbia 1350 PennAction: Square: demption in the 5444 Real Columbia 1350 Penn- this Lot: 0024, SQUARE: simple. sylvania Avenue, 0805, Serve also: Property andSQUARE: vesting in sylvania 5337 LOT: Avenue, 0024, which Lot: NW Washington, D.C. LOT: 0805, the Plaintiff a title which in fee Karl A. Racine, Attorney NW Washington, D.C. may also be ofknown as 5444 Clerk the Court 20004 may also be known as General of the District of simple 4918 D James St20004 SE, WASHINGBy: D McGinley Columbia 441 4th Street, TO N , D C 2 0 0 1 9 . T h e 3 3 5 4 E l y P l S E , Serve also: N G T of ON , Court DC NW Washington, D.C. the Serve also: among W A S H I Clerk Complaint states, Karl A. Racine, Attorney Complaint 20001 By: James D McGinley Karl03/16, A. things, Racine, other that the 20019.The 03/23,Attorney 03/30/18 General of the District of states, among other General of the District amounts necessary forof reColumbia 441 4th Street, that the amounts And Columbia Street, demption 441 have4th not been things, TYPESET: Tue2018 Mar 20 NW Washington, D.C. TYPESET: Tue Mar 20 10:37:59 EDT redemption 03/16, for 03/23, 03/30/18 NW Washington, D.C. TYPESET: Tue Mar 20 10:13:57 EDT to 2018 paid.Pursuant the Chief necessary 20001 have not been paid. All unknown owners of the Judge´s 20001 Administration ORDERED the Superreal propertyby described Order Number 02-11, it is Pursuant to the Chief And THE SUPERIOR iorINCourt of the District below, their heirs, devi-of IN THEAdministration SUPERIOR And this 23RD day of January, Judge´s IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF Columbia, that Order Number sees, personal notice repre-be COURT02-11, OF it is All unknown owners COURT OF of the 2018, THE DISTRICT given by the insertion of a this 24th day of January, sentatives, executors, THE DISTRICT unknown by owners of the ORDERED the Superreal THE property described All DISTRICT OFofCOLUMBIA copy this Order in the administrators, grantees, property ior Court of thedescribed District of 2018, OF COLUMBIA below, heirs, devi- real OF their COLUMBIA WaCIVIL shin tsuccessors o n A f r o - in assigns orgDIVISION CIVIL DIVISION theirthat heirs, deviColumbia, notice be sees, personal repre- below, CIVIL DIVISION American, newspaper right, title, andainterest and personal repregiven by the insertion of a sentatives, executors, sees, Civil Action No. having a general circulaany and all persons havCivil Action No. sentatives, executors, copy of this Order in the administrators, Civil Actiongrantees, No. 2018 CA 000951 L (RP) tion in the District ing or claiming to have anyof 2018 CA 000949 L (RP) Wa s h i n g t o n grantees, Afroassigns successors 2018 CAor000911 L (RP)in administrators, ACTION including INVOLVING Columbia, once a week interest, adACTION INVOLVING or successors in American, a newspaper right, title, and interest and assigns ACTION INVOLVING REAL PROPERTY for three (3) successive verse possession, in the REAL PROPERTY title, interest and having a and general circulaanyREAL and all persons hav- right, PROPERTY CALENDAR 18 weeks, notifying all perleasehold or the fee simCALENDAR 18 having orCALENDAR claiming to have tionand in all thepersons District of 18 any any MAGISTRATE JUDGE sons in and the ple in theinterested real property MAGISTRATE JUDGE or claiming to have any interest, including ad- ing Columbia, once a week MAGISTRATE JUDGE RENEE RAYMOND Real Property described premises, situate, lying RENEE RAYMOND adverse possession, in the interest, for three including (3) successive RENEE RAYMOND above to appear in this and being in the District of the leasehold or the fee sim- verse weeks,possession, notifying allin perTHORNTON MELLON Court by the 30TH dayasof Columbia described THORNTON MELLON or the fee ple in the real property and leasehold sons interested in simthe THORNTON MELLON 1May, 5 0 4 2018, 1 9LLC t hand S tredeem SE, LLC in the real property and premises,LLC situate, lying ple Real Property described theSReal WA H I NProperty G T O N , by D payC situate, inlying and being in the District of premises, above to appear this Plaintiff, ment of $4631.68, plus in20020, Square: 5573, Lot Plaintiff, being in the District Columbia described as and Court by the 23RD day of of Plaintiff, v. terest from the date the 0074, assessed to the v. described as 4916 D St SE, May, and redeem the Real v. WASHING- Columbia Certificate was sold, all owner of record listed JOSEPH BURGESS RidgebyRdpayment SE Unit: TON, DC 20019, Square: 512 Property of PHILIP &provided MICHAEL expenses for by above, Unknown Occupant 207, WASHINGTON, DC 5337, Lot 0023, assessed $732.84, plus interest BTC HOLDINGS II LLC ANDERSON D.C. Code §47-1377 and 20019, Square: 5396, Lot to theHOLDINGS owner of IIrecord from the date the CertifBTC LLC CHERYL HAYES and D.C. Code §47-1361, Defendants. 2020, assessed listed above, icate was sold, to all the ex- And BTC HOLDINGS II LLC Occupant allUnknown outstanding municipal owner record for listed penses ofprovided by Unknown Occupant liens ORDER amountsOF due and (For Purposes of D.C. above, Defendants. D.C. Code §47-1377 and And owing on the Real PUBLICATION PropCode §47-1371(b)(1)(G)) D.C. Code §47-1361, and erty in accordance with In accordance with D.C. Defendants. ORDER OF all outstanding municipal And (For provisions Purposes of of D.C. the D.C. Official Code §47-1375 PUBLICATION liens amounts due and Code Code§47-1371(b)(1)(G)) §47-1361, or an(2001 ed.), the object of THE DISTRICT OF OF PropIn(For accordance D.C. owing ORDER on the Real Purposes with of D.C. swer the complaint, or this proceeding is to seCOLUMBIA Official Code §47-1375 erty PUBLICATION in accordance with Code §47-1371(b)(1)(G)) thereafter, a final judgcure the foreclosure of the (2001 ed.), the object of In theaccordance provisionswith of D.C. D.C. THE DISTRICT OF ment be entered right ofwill redemption in forethe Serve: Code §47-1375 this proceeding is to se- Official Code §47-1361, or anCOLUMBIA closing the property right of lorefollowing real Muriel Bowser ed.), complaint, the object or of cure theDISTRICT foreclosureOF of the (2001 swer the THE demption in the Real cated in the District of Mayor of the District of proceeding is tojudgseright ofCOLUMBIA redemption in the this thereafter, a final Serve: Property and vesting Columbia to the Plaintiff inin Columbia 1350 Pennthe following real property lo- cure mentthe willforeclosure be enteredofforeMuriel Square: Bowser the Action: Plaintiff a title 5573 in fee this sylvania Avenue, of redemption in the cated inServe: the District of right closing the right of reMayor of the SQUARE: District of simple. Lot: 0074, NW Washington, D.C. loColumbia toBowser the Plaintiff in following demptionreal inproperty the Real Muriel Columbia 1350 PennClerk of the Court 5573 LOT: 0074, which 20004 cated in the this Action: Square: Property and District vesting of in Mayor of the District5337 of sylvania Avenue, By: James D McGinley may also be known as Columbia to the Plaintiff in Lot: 0023, SQUARE: the Plaintiff a title in fee Columbia 1350 Penn1 NW 5 0 4Washington, 1 9 t h S tD.C. SE, Serve also: Action: Square: 5396 5337 LOT: Avenue, 0023, which this simple. sylvania 20004 WASHIN GTON, DC Karl A. Racine, Attorney may also be known NW Washington, D.C. as Lot: 2020, SQUARE: 03/16, 03/23, 03/30/18 20020.The Complaint General of the District of 4916 D St20004 SE, WASHING- 5396 LOT: Clerk2020, of thewhich Court Serve also: other states, among Columbia 441 4th Street, TO N , D C 2 0 0 1 9 . T h e mayBy: also be known as 512 James D McGinley Karl A. that Racine, things, the Attorney amounts NW Washington, D.C. Complaint states, Serve also: among Ridge Rd SE Unit: 207, General of for theredemption District of necessary 20001 other that the W A S H I N G T O N , D C Karl A. things, Racine, Attorney Columbia 441 4th have not been Street, paid. amounts necessary forof re- 20019.The Complaint 03/16, 03/23, 03/30/18 General of the District NW Washington, Pursuant to the D.C. Chief And demption 441 have4thnot been states, among other Columbia Street, 20001 Judge´s Administration paid.Pursuant to the Chief things, that the amounts NW Washington, D.C. All unknown owners of the Judge´s 20001 Administration necessary for redemption real property described And have not been paid. below, their heirs, deviPursuant to the Chief And sees, personal repre- All unknown owners of the Judge´s Administration sentatives, executors, real property described All unknown owners of the administrators, grantees, below, their heirs, devi-
the Plaintiff a title in fee simple. Clerk of the Court By: James D McGinley 03/16, 03/23, 03/30/18
LEGAL NOTICES 10:33:16 EDT 2018 Order Number 02-11, it is this 24th day of January, 2018, ORDERED by the Superior Court of the District of Columbia, that notice be given by the insertion of a copy of this Order in the Wa s h i n g t o n A f r o American, a newspaper having a general circulation in the District of Columbia, once a week for three (3) successive weeks, notifying all persons interested in the Real Property described above to appear in this Court by the 30TH day of May, 2018, and redeem the Real Property by payment of $4370.44, plus interest from the date the Certificate was sold, all expenses provided for by D.C. Code §47-1377 and D.C. Code §47-1361, and all outstanding municipal liens amounts due and owing on the Real Property in accordance with the provisions of D.C. Code §47-1361, or answer the complaint, or thereafter, a final judgment will be entered foreclosing the right of redemption in the Real Property and vesting in the Plaintiff a title in fee simple. Clerk of the Court By: James D McGinley
TYPESET: Tue03/30/18 Mar 20 03/16, 03/23, IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA CIVIL DIVISION Civil Action No. 2018 CA 000951 L (RP) ACTION INVOLVING REAL PROPERTY CALENDAR 18 MAGISTRATE JUDGE RENEE RAYMOND THORNTON MELLON LLC Plaintiff, v. PHILIP & MICHAEL ANDERSON CHERYL HAYES Unknown Occupant And (For Purposes of D.C. Code §47-1371(b)(1)(G)) THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA Serve: Muriel Bowser Mayor of the District of Columbia 1350 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW Washington, D.C. 20004 Serve also: Karl A. Racine, Attorney General of the District of Columbia 441 4th Street, NW Washington, D.C. 10:33:16 EDT 2018 20001 Order Number 02-11, it is And this 24th day of January, 2018, TYPESET: Tue Mar 20 All unknown owners of the ORDERED by the Superreal property ior Court of thedescribed District of below, their heirs, deviColumbia, that notice be IN THE SUPERIOR sees, personal repregiven COURT by the insertion of a OF sentatives, executors, copyTHE of this Order in the DISTRICT administrators, Wa OF shin g t o n grantees, AfroCOLUMBIA assigns or successors in American, a newspaper CIVIL DIVISION right, title, interest and having a and general circulaany and havtionCivil in all thepersons District of Action No. any ing or claiming to have Columbia, once week 2018 CA 000952 La (RP) interest, including adfor three INVOLVING (3) successive ACTION verse possession,all in perthe weeks, REALnotifying PROPERTY leasehold or the feein simsons interested the CALENDAR 18 ple in the real property and Real Property described MAGISTRATE JUDGE premises, situate, lying above to RAYMOND appear in this RENEE and being in the District Court by the 30TH day of of Columbia described as May, 2018, and redeem THORNTON MELLON 1822 U PlProperty SE, WASHINGthe Real by payLLC TON, DC$4370.44, 20020, Square: ment of plus in5618, 0069, assessed terestLot from the date the Plaintiff,of record to the owner Certificate was sold, all v. listed above, expenses provided for by D.C.SE Code §47-1377 and VENTURES Defendants. D.C. Code §47-1361, and HOLDINGS all outstanding municipal LLC OF ORDER liens amounts due F&NPUBLICATION Enterprises LLCand owing on Nong, the Real Yuvora Esq.PropIn accordance with D.C. erty in accordance with Unknown Occupant Official Code §47-1375 the provisions of D.C. (2001 the object of Code ed.), §47-1361, or anAnd this is to seswerproceeding the complaint, or cure the foreclosure ofjudgthe thereafter, a final (ForofPurposes of D.C. right redemption inforethe ment will be entered Code §47-1371(b)(1)(G)) following real right property closing the of lorecated in the of demption in District the Real Columbia to the vesting Plaintiff in Property and in THE DISTRICT OF this Square: 5618 the Action: Plaintiff a title in fee COLUMBIA Lot: 0069, SQUARE: simple. 5618 LOT: 0069, Clerk of thewhich Court Serve: mayBy:also be Dknown as James McGinley Muriel Bowser 1822 U Pl SE, WASHINGMayor of the District of TON, DC 20020. The Columbia 1350 PennComplaint states, among 03/16, 03/23, 03/30/18 sylvania Avenue, other things, that the NW Washington, D.C. amounts necessary for redemption20004 have not been paid.Pursuant to the Chief Serve also: 10:28:59 EDT 2018 Judge´s Administration Karl A.Number Racine,02-11, Attorney Order it is General of the District of this 24th day of January, Columbia 441 4th Street, 2018, NW Washington, D.C. ORDERED by the Superior Court 20001 of the District of Columbia, that notice be And given by the insertion of a copy of this Order in the All unknown Wa s h i n g t oowners n A f r of o -the real property described American, a newspaper below, heirs,circuladevihaving their a general sees, repre-of tion inpersonal the District sentatives, executors, Columbia, once a week administrators, grantees, for three (3) successive assigns successors in weeks, or notifying all perright, title, and interest sons interested in and the any and all persons havReal Property described ing or claiming to have above to appear in any this interest, including ad-of Court by the 30TH day verse possession, in the May, 2018, and redeem leasehold or the fee the Real Property bysimpayple in the real property and ment of $4279.49, plus inpremises, lying terest fromsituate, the date the and being in was the District Certificate sold, of all Columbia describedforas expenses provided by 3D.C. 0 4 4Code 3 0 t§47-1377 h S t S and E, WA SH I N G§47-1361, TON, DC D.C. Code and 20020, Square: 5720, Lot all outstanding municipal 0012, assessed to the liens amounts due and owner of the record owing on Reallisted Propabove, erty in accordance with the provisions of D.C. Code Defendants. §47-1361, or answer the complaint, or ORDER OF judgthereafter, a final mentPUBLICATION will be entered foreInclosing accordance with ofD.C. the right reOfficial Code demption in §47-1375 the Real (2001 ed.),and the vesting object ofin Property this is toin sethe proceeding Plaintiff a title fee cure the foreclosure of the simple. right of redemption in the Clerk of the Court following real property loBy: James D McGinley cated in the District of Columbia to the Plaintiff in this 03/16, Action:03/23, Square: 5720 03/30/18 Lot: 0012, SQUARE: 5720 LOT: 0012, which may also be known as 3044 30th St SE, WASHINGTON, DC 20020. The Complaint states, among other things, that the amounts necessary for redemption
thereafter, a final judgment will be entered foreclosing the right of reServe: demption in the Real Muriel Bowser Property and vesting in Mayor of the District of the Plaintiff title in fee TYPESET: Tue Mar 20 10:32:44 EDTa 2018 Columbia 1350 Pennsimple. sylvania Avenue, Clerk of the Court NW Washington, D.C. Order Number 02-11, it is James D McGinley this By: 24th day of January, IN THE 20004 SUPERIOR 2018, COURT OF TYPESET: Tue Mar 20 10:13:11 EDTalso: 2018 Serve ORDERED by the SuperTHE DISTRICT LEGAL NOTICES LEGAL NOTICES LEGAL NOTICES 03/16,of03/23, 03/30/18 Karl A. Racine, Attorney ior Court the District of OF COLUMBIA General ofDIVISION the District of Columbia, that notice be have not been paid. CIVIL Columbia Pursuant441 to 4th theStreet, Chief given by the insertion of a IN THE SUPERIOR NW Washington, copy of this Order in the Judge´s Administration Civil Action No.D.C. COURT OF 20001 Order Number 2018 CA 00094502-11, L (RP)it is Wa s h i n g t o n A f r o THE DISTRICT American, a newspaper this 24th day of January, ACTION INVOLVING OF COLUMBIA And having a general circula2018, REAL PROPERTY CIVIL DIVISION ORDERED by the CALENDAR 18Super- tion in the District of All unknown owners of the ior Court of theJUDGE District of Columbia, once a week MAGISTRATE Civil Action No. real property Columbia, thatdescribed notice be for three (3) successive RENEE RAYMOND 2018 CA 000952 L (RP) below, their devigiven by the heirs, insertion of a weeks, notifying all perACTION INVOLVING sees, reprecopy ofpersonal this Order in the sons interested in the THORNTON MELLON REAL PROPERTY sentatives, executors, Real Property described Wa s h i n g ton AfroLLC CALENDAR 18 administrators, grantees, above to appear in this American, a newspaper MAGISTRATE JUDGE assigns or successors in Court by the 30TH day of having Plaintiff, a general circulaRENEE RAYMOND right, andof May, 2018, and redeem tion title, in and the District v. interest any and all persons havColumbia, once a week the Real Property by payTHORNTON MELLON ing claiming have M any ment of $3218.24, plus infororthree (3) tosuccessive PAUL & FLORENCE LLC interest, including weeks,CORBIN notifying all adper- terest from the date the verse possession, in sons interested in the the Certificate was sold, all Unknown Occupant Plaintiff, leasehold or the fee simReal Property described expenses provided for by v. ple in theto realappear property above in and this D.C. Code §47-1377 and And premises, situate, lyingof D.C. Code §47-1361, and Court by the 30TH day SE VENTURES and in the District of all outstanding municipal May, 2018, and redeem (Forbeing Purposes of D.C. HOLDINGS Columbia described as liens amounts due and the Real Property by payCode §47-1371(b)(1)(G)) LLC 1452 V St SE, WASHINGment of $3566.19, plus in- owing on the Real PropF&N Enterprises LLC TON, 20020, terestDC from the Square: date the erty in accordance with Yuvora Nong, Esq. 5775, 0995, Certificate wasassessed sold, THELot DISTRICT OF all the provisions of D.C. Unknown Occupant toexpenses theCOLUMBIA owner of record provided for by Code §47-1361, or anlisted above, D.C. Code §47-1377 and swer the complaint, or And D.C. Code §47-1361, and thereafter, a final judgServe: Defendants. all outstanding municipal ment will be entered foreMuriel Bowser (For Purposes of D.C. liens amounts dueofand closing the right of reMayor of the District Code §47-1371(b)(1)(G)) OFPennowingORDER on 1350 the Real Prop- demption in the Real Columbia PUBLICATION erty in accordance sylvania Avenue, with Property and vesting in Inthe accordance D.C. provisionswith of D.C. the Plaintiff a title in fee NW Washington, D.C. THE DISTRICT OF Official Code Code §47-1361, or an- simple. 20004 §47-1375 COLUMBIA (2001 the object of Clerk of the Court swer ed.), the complaint, or this proceeding is to judgseBy: James D McGinley thereafter, a final Serve also: Serve: cure the foreclosure offorethe ment will be entered Karl A. Racine, Attorney Muriel Bowser right of redemption in the closing ofof re- TYPESET: Tue Mar 20 General ofthe the right District Mayor of the District of following real property lo03/16, 03/23, 03/30/18 demption in the Real Columbia 441 4th Street, Columbia 1350 Penncated in the Property and District vesting NW Washington, D.C. ofin sylvania Avenue, Columbia to the in the Plaintiff a Plaintiff title in fee 20001 NW Washington, D.C. IN THE SUPERIOR TYPESET: Tue Mar 20 10:05:07 EDT 2018 5775 this Action: Square: simple. 20004 COURT OF Lot: 0995, ClerkSQUARE: of the Court And THE DISTRICT 5775 0995, which Judge´s Administration By:LOT: James D McGinley Serve also: 10:28:59 EDT 2018 OF COLUMBIA may also be known Order Number 02-11, itas is unknown owners of the IN THE SUPERIOR Karl A. Racine, Attorney All CIVIL DIVISION 1452 V St day SE, WASHINGthis property 24th of January, real described COURT OF General of the District of thisTHE 24thDISTRICT day of January, TO N03/16, , their D C03/23, 2 0 0 203/30/18 0devi.The 2018, heirs, Columbia 441 4th Street, below, Civil Action No. 2018, Complaint states, among ORDERED by therepreSupersees, personal OFWashington, COLUMBIAD.C. NW 2018 CA 000622 L (RP) ORDERED by the Superother things, that the ior Court of the District of sentatives, executors, CIVIL20001 DIVISION ACTION INVOLVING ior Court of the District of administrators, amounts necessary for reColumbia, that grantees, notice be REAL PROPERTY Columbia, that No. notice be assigns demption have not been given byorthe insertion ofina successors Civil Action And CALENDAR 18 given by the insertion of a paid.Pursuant to the in Chief copytitle, of this the right, and Order interest and 2018 CA 000955 L (RP) MAGISTRATE JUDGE copy of this Order in the Waand s h i nall g t persons o n A f r ohavany ACTION INVOLVING All unknown owners of the RENEE RAYMOND Wa s h i nPROPERTY gton AfroAmerican, a tonewspaper ing or claiming have any REAL real property described American, a newspaper having a including general circulaadCALENDAR 18 devi- interest, below, heirs, THORNTON MELLON having their a general circula- tion possession, in the District in theof MAGISTRATE JUDGE sees, personal repre-of verse LLC tion in the District Columbia,oronce a week leasehold the fee simRENEE RAYMOND sentatives, executors, Columbia, once a week ple forinthree (3)property successive the real and administrators, grantees, Plaintiff, for three (3)MELLON successive premises, persituate,alllying THORNTON assigns successors in weeks, notifying v. weeks, or notifying all persons interested in the and being in the District of LLCinterest right, and sonstitle, interested in and the Columbia Real Property described described as any and all persons havREGINALD GALLOWAY Real Property described 2above to eappear this 5 11 W s t S t inS E , Plaintiff, ing or claiming to have JR. above to v. appear in any this Court S Hby I Nthe G T 30TH O N , day D C of interest, including ad-of WA Unknown Occupant Court by the 30TH day May, 2018, and redeem Square: 5808, Lot verse possession, in the 20020, May, 2018, and redeem the Real Property to by pay0819, assessed the JOHN Q. &orJEANETTE leasehold the fee the Real Property bysimpay- owner ment ofof$3513.60, in- And record plus listed ADAMS ple in the real property and ment of $4279.49, plus in- above, terest from the date the NLRB FCU premises, lying (For Purposes of D.C. terestChristopher fromsituate, the date the Certificate was sold, all and being in was the District Certificate sold, of all expenses provided for by Code §47-1371(b)(1)(G)) Defendants. Naughten Columbia described as expenses provided for by D.C. Code §47-1377 and 3D.C. 0Unknown 4 4Code 3 0 tOccupant h S t S and E, §47-1377 D.C. Code §47-1361, and ORDER OF WA SH I N G§47-1361, TON, DC THE DISTRICT OF D.C. Code and all outstanding municipal PUBLICATION And 20020, Square: 5720, Lot COLUMBIA all outstanding municipal Inliens amountswith dueD.C. and accordance 0012, assessed to the liens amounts ofdue and Official owing on the Real PropCode §47-1375 (For Purposes D.C. owner of record listed Serve: owing on the Real Prop- (2001 erty in accordance ed.), the objectwith of Code §47-1371(b)(1)(G)) above, Muriel Bowser erty in accordance with this the proceeding provisions isofto D.C. seMayor of the District of the provisions of D.C. cure Code anthe§47-1361, foreclosure or of the Defendants. Code §47-1361, OF or an- right swerof the complaint, or Columbia 1350 Pennredemption in the THE DISTRICT sylvania Avenue, swer COLUMBIA the complaint, or following final judgrealaproperty loORDER OF judg- thereafter, NW Washington, D.C. thereafter, a final ment will be entered cated in the Districtforeof 20004 mentPUBLICATION willServe: be entered fore- Columbia closing the right of reto the Plaintiff in Inclosing accordance with ofD.C. theBowser right re- this demption in the 5808 Real Action: Square: Muriel Official Code §47-1375 Serve also: demption inDistrict the Real Property andSQUARE: vesting in 0819, Mayored.), of thethe of of Lot: (2001 object Karl A. Racine, Attorney Property and in 5808 the Plaintiff a title which in fee LOT: 0819, Columbia 1350vesting this proceeding isPenntoin seGeneral of the District of thesylvania PlaintiffAvenue, a title fee may also be known as cure the foreclosure of the simple. Columbia 441 4th Street, simple. Clerk Court 2 5 11 W e s t ofSthe t S E, NW of Washington, D.C. right redemption in the NW Washington, D.C. Clerk of the Court W ABy: S HJames I N G TD O McGinley N, DC 20004 following real property lo20001 By: James D McGinley cated in the District of 20020.The Complaint among Serve also: TYPESET: Tue other Mar 20 10:32:44 EDT 2018 Columbia to the Plaintiff in states, 03/16, 03/30/18 And that03/23, the amounts Karl Action: A. Racine, Attorney this Square: 5720 things, 03/16, 03/23, 03/30/18 necessary for redemption General of the District of Lot: 0012, SQUARE: Order Number 02-11, it is All unknown owners of the not SUPERIOR been paid. Columbia 4410012, 4th Street, 5720 LOT: which have this 24th day of January, IN THE real property described to the NW Washington, D.C. as Pursuant may also be known 2018, COURT OF Chief below, their heirs, devi3 0 4 4 320001 0 t h S t S E , Judge´s ORDERED by therepreSuperTHEAdministration DISTRICT sees, personal WASHINGTON, DC ior Court of the District of OF COLUMBIA sentatives, executors, And 20020. The Complaint Columbia, that notice be CIVIL DIVISION administrators, grantees, states, among other given byorthe insertion ofina assigns successors 10:13:11 EDT All unknown owners of the things, that the2018 amounts copytitle, of this the Civil Action No. right, and Order interestinand real property described necessary for redemption Waand s h i nall gto n A f r ohav2018 CA 000945 L (RP) any persons below, heirs, devihave their not been paid. American, a newspaper ACTION INVOLVING ing or claiming to have any sees, personal Pursuant to therepreChief having a including general circulaREAL PROPERTY interest, adsentatives, executors, Judge´s Administration tion in the District CALENDAR 18 verse possession, in theof administrators, grantees, Order Number 02-11, it is Columbia,oronce a week MAGISTRATE JUDGE leasehold the fee simassigns or day successors in this 24th of January, forinthree (3)property successive RENEE RAYMOND ple the real and right, title, and interest and 2018, weeks, notifying alllying perpremises, situate, any and all persons havORDERED by the Supersons interested in THORNTON MELLON and being in the Districtthe of ing or claiming to have any ior Court of the District of Real Property described LLC Columbia described as interest, Columbia,including that noticeadbe aboveWheeler to appear in SE, this 4217 Rd verse in the given possession, by the insertion of a Court Plaintiff, WA S Hby I Nthe G T 30TH O N , day D C of leasehold or the fee in simcopy of this Order the May, 2018, and redeem v. 20032, Square: 5924, Lot ple in the real property and Wa s h i n g t o n A f r o the Real Property to by pay0079, assessed the premises, lying American, situate, a newspaper ment ofof$3218.24, plus inPAUL & FLORENCE M owner record listed and being the District of having a in general circulaterest from the date the CORBIN above, Columbia described tion in the District asof Certificate was sold, all Unknown Occupant 1452 V St SE, WASHINGColumbia, once a week expenses provided for by Defendants. TON, DC 20020, Square: for three (3) successive D.C. Code §47-1377 and And 5775, Lotnotifying 0995, assessed weeks, all perD.C. Code §47-1361, and ORDER OF tosons the interested owner of record in the all outstanding municipal (For Purposes of D.C. PUBLICATION listed above, Real Property described Code §47-1371(b)(1)(G)) Inliens amountswith dueD.C. and accordance above to appear in this owing on the Real PropOfficial Code §47-1375 Court Defendants. by the 30TH day of erty in accordance with (2001 ed.), the object of May, 2018, and redeem the proceeding provisions isofto D.C. THE DISTRICT OF this seORDER OF by paythe Real Property Code anCOLUMBIA cure the§47-1361, foreclosure or of the mentPUBLICATION of $3566.19, plus inswer the complaint, or right of redemption in the Interest accordance D.C. from thewith date the thereafter, a final judgServe: following real property loOfficial Code Certificate was§47-1375 sold, all ment will be entered Muriel Bowser cated in the Districtforeof (2001 ed.), provided the object expenses for of by closing the right of reMayor of the District of Columbia to the Plaintiff in this is to seD.C.proceeding Code §47-1377 and Columbia 1350 Penn- this demption in the 5924 Real Action: Square: cure foreclosure of the D.C.the Code §47-1361, and Property and vesting sylvania Avenue, Lot: 0079, SQUARE:in right of redemption in the all outstanding municipal the Plaintiff a title which in fee NW Washington, D.C. 5924 LOT: 0079, following real property loliens amounts due and simple. 20004 may also be known as cated of owing inonthe the District Real PropClerk of the 4217 Wheeler Rd Court SE, Columbia to the Plaintiffwith in erty in accordance Serve also: W ABy: S HJames I N G TD O McGinley N, DC this Square: theAction: provisions of 5775 D.C. Karl A. Racine, Attorney 20032. The Complaint Lot: SQUARE: Code0995, §47-1361, or anGeneral of the District of states, among other 5775 0995, which swer LOT: the complaint, or Columbia 441 4th Street, things, 03/16, 03/30/18 that03/23, the amounts may also bea known as thereafter, final judgNW Washington, D.C. necessary for redemption 1452 St SE, WASHINGmentVwill be entered fore20001 have not been paid. TO N, DC 0 0 2 0 of . 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(3) successive terest from the date the above, Unknown Occupant weeks, notifying all per- Certificate was sold, all THORNTON MELLON sons Defendants. interested in the expenses provided for by LLC And Real Property described D.C. Code §47-1377 and aboveORDER to appear in this D.C. Code §47-1361, and Plaintiff, OF (For Purposes of D.C. Court by the 30TH day of all outstanding municipal v. PUBLICATION liens amounts due and Code §47-1371(b)(1)(G)) May, 2018, and redeem In accordance with D.C. the RealCode Property by pay- owing on the Real PropJOHN Q. & JEANETTE Official §47-1375 ment of $3513.60, plus of in- erty in accordance with ADAMS (2001 the object the provisions of D.C. THEed.), DISTRICT OF the terest from the isdate NLRB FCU this proceeding to seCOLUMBIA Certificate was sold, all Code §47-1361, or anChristopher cure the foreclosure of the expenses provided in forthe by swer the complaint, or Naughten right of redemption thereafter, a final judgServe: D.C. Code §47-1377 Unknown Occupant following real property and lo- ment will be entered foreMuriel Bowser D.C. Code §47-1361, and cated in the District of closing the right of reMayor of the District of all outstanding municipal And Columbia to1350 the Plaintiff in Columbia PennliensAction: amounts due and demption in the Real this Square: 5808 sylvania Avenue, owing on the Real Prop- Property and vesting in (For Purposes of D.C. Lot: 0819, SQUARE: NW Washington, D.C.with the Plaintiff a title in fee erty in accordance Code §47-1371(b)(1)(G)) 5808 LOT: 0819, simple. 20004 ofwhich the provisions D.C. may also be known as Clerk of the Court §47-1361, 2Code 5 1 1 Serve W e salso: t S t orS anE, By: James D McGinley swer complaint, THE DISTRICT OF W AS Hthe ING TO N , D or C Karl A. Racine, Attorney thereafter, aComplaint final judgCOLUMBIA 20020.The General theentered Districtforeof ment willofamong be states, other 03/16, 03/23, 03/30/18 Columbia 441 4th Street, closing the right of reServe: things, that the amounts NW Washington, demption in redemption theD.C. Real Muriel Bowser necessary for 20001 Property vesting Mayor of the District of have notand been paid.in the Plaintiff title Chief in fee Columbia 1350 PennTYPESET: Tue Mar 20 10:32:44 EDT 2018 Pursuant toa the And simple. sylvania Avenue, Judge´s Administration Clerk of the Court NW Washington, D.C. Order Number 02-11, it is All unknown owners of the James McGinley thisBy: 24th day D of January, IN THE20004 SUPERIOR real property described 2018, COURT OF below, their heirs, deviServe also: ORDERED by therepreSuperTHE DISTRICT personal 03/16, 03/23, 03/30/18 KarlOF A. Racine, Attorney sees, ior Court of the District of COLUMBIA sentatives, executors, General of the District of Columbia, that notice be CIVIL DIVISION grantees, Columbia 441 4th Street, administrators, given by the insertion of assigns or successors ina NW Washington, D.C. copytitle, of this Order inand the Civil Action No. right, and interest 20001 Waand s h i nall g tpersons o n A f r ohav2018 CA 000945 L (RP) any American, a newspaper ACTION INVOLVING ing or claiming to have any AndREAL PROPERTY having a general circulaCOLUMBIA
TYPESET: Tue Mar 20 10:38:24
Superior Court of the District of District of Columbia PROBATE DIVISION Washington, D.C. 20001-2131 Administration No. 2017DM001067 Richard Claxton Gregory Decedent James L Walker Jr. Esq J Walker & Associates, LLC 601 Pennyslvania Ave NW South Building, Suite 900 Washington, DC 20004 Attorney NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT, NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND NOTICE TO UNKNOWN HEIRS Christian Gregory, whose address is c/o J. Walker & Associates, L.L.C, Attn: James L. Walker, Jr., Esq., 601 Pennsylvania Avenue NW, South Building, Suite 900, Washington DC 20004 was appointed the personal representative of the Estate of Richard Claxton EDT Gregory, 10:28:20 2018 who died on August 19, 2017, with a Last Will and TestaOrder Number 02-11, it is ment, and will withthis 23RD dayserve of January, out Court supervision. All 2018, unknown heirs andSuperheirs ORDERED by the whose where-abouts areof ior Court of the District unknown shall enter their Columbia, that notice be agiven p p e aby r athe n c insertion e i n t hof i sa proceeding. to copy of thisObjections Order in the such Wa sappointment h i n g t o n Ashall f r o - be filed with thea Register of American, newspaper Wills, D.C., 515 5th Street, having a general circulaN.W., Floor,District Washingtion 3rd in the of ton, D.C. 20001 beColumbia, onceonaorweek fore September 16, 2018. for three (3) successive Claims weeks, against notifying the all depercedent be presented sons shall interested in the toReal the undersigned with a Property described copy Register of aboveof totheappear in this Wills filed theday Reg-of Courtorby thewith 23RD ister Wills with a copy to May,of2018, , and redeem the undersigned, on or bethe Real Property by payfore September 16, 2018, ment of $5019.89, plus inor be forever barred. terest from the datePerthe sons believed to be heirs Certificate was sold, all or legatees of the deexpenses provided for by cedent who do not receive D.C. Code §47-1377 and aD.C. copy of this notice and by Code §47-1361, mail within 25 days of its all outstanding municipal first publication shall so inliens amounts due and form theon Register of Wills, owing the Real Propincluding name, address erty in accordance with and the relationship. provisions of D.C. Date Publication:or anCodeof §47-1361, March swer 16, the 2018 complaint, or Name of newspaper: thereafter, a final judgAfro-American ment will be entered foreclosing the right of redemption in the Real Christian Gregory Property and vesting Personalin the Plaintiff a title in fee Representative simple. c/o James L Walker, Jr,. Clerk of the Court Esq By: James D McGinley J Walker & Associates, LLC 601 Pennsylvania 03/16, 03/23, 03/30/18 Avenue, NW South Building, Suite 900 Washington, DC 20004
TYPESET: Mar 20 10:41:26 03/16, 03/23,Tue 03/30/18 Superior Court of the District of Columbia PROBATE DIVISION Washington, D.C. 20001-2131 Administration No. 2018ADM000150 James Otis Long Jr. Decedent NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT, NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND NOTICE TO UNKNOWN HEIRS Chantay Long, whose address is 1903 Lincoln Road NE, #301, Washington, DC 20002, was appointed personal representative of the estate of James Otis Long Jr., who died on June 9, 2013 without a will, and will serve without Court supervision. All unknown heirs and heirs whose where-abouts are unknown shall enter their appearance in this proceeding. Objections to such appointment shall be filed with the Register of Wills, D.C., 515 5th Street, N.W., 3rd Floor Washington, D.C. 20001, on or before September 16, 2018. Claims against the decedent shall be presented to the undersigned with a copy to the Register of Wills or filed with the Register of Wills with a copy to the undersigned, on or before September 16, 2018, or be forever barred. Persons believed to be heirs or legatees of the decedent who do not receive a copy of this notice by mail within 25 days of its first publication shall so inform the Register of Wills, including name, address and relationship. Date of Publication: March 16, 2018 Name of newspaper: Afro-American Washington Law Reporter James Otis Long Jr. Personal Representative TRUE TEST COPY REGISTER OF WILLS 03/16, 03/23, 03/30/18
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