Baltimore Washington 4-20-2018

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Who Killed Det. Sean Suiter? 155 Days and Counting B1 April 21, 2018 - April 21, 2018, The Afro-American

Volume Volume 127 123 No. No.37 20–22

$2.00 $1.00

APRIL 21, 2018 - APRIL 27, 2018


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Meet the Black Candidates in the 40th District


Maryland voter registration deadline: May 24 D.C. voter registration deadline: June 4


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Former NFL Great Michael Vick Doesn’t Dodge His Past


HBCUs Continue to Fill a Major Void in Education


By Hamzat Sani Special to the AFRO Tax Day was not a good day for the Trump government to collect taxes. While the site crashed due to record numbers of late filers, activists and politicians across the country gathered for the 2nd Annual Tax Day March. About 200 protesters gathered on the East Front of the U.S. Capitol Building to call for a roll back of the Trump Tax Plan controversially voted in by Congress late last year. Speakers and protesters chanted

“Vote them out” referring to the mostly Republican backers on the Trump Tax plan. The first Tax March was held in 2017 to demand President Donald Trump release his tax returns and create a fairer tax system for all. Following the passage of what organizers call, “the Trump Tax scam,” the coalition of progressive and working class organizations mobilized to fight for a fair economy and repeal of the plan. Attendees included seasoned politicians like Minnesota Representative Keith Ellison and healthcare activists like

How Kathleen Cleaver Conquered War With Love

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March Vows to Fight Trump Tax Plan

Amazing Black Woman

By Tilesha Brown Special to the AFRO



Photo by Hamzat Sani

Rep. Keith Ellison (D-Minn.) was one of the speakers at the 2nd Annual Tax Day March in Washington, D.C. April 17.


Kathleen Neal started out as a painter. But by the time she graduated high school, she was on an entirely different path. She would enroll in Oberlin College in Ohio her freshman year, then Barnard College in New York before dropping out completely and joining the renowned Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC) at its headquarters in Atlanta. And in April of 1967, at a SNCC student conference on the campus of Fisk University, her life took a dramatic turn. That was when she met Eldridge Cleaver, the only

Elena Hung whose child owes her life to the safety net created by programs on the Trump chopping block like Medicaid and the Affordable Care Act. Partner organizations for the Tax March covered a wide range of issues. Collaborators included Americans for Tax Fairness, Indivisible Guide, Center For American Progress Action Fund, Working Families Party, Public Citizen, CREDO Mobile, AFSCME, MoveOn. org, National Women’s Law Center, Economic Policy Institute, Patriotic Millionaires, UnidosUS, Take on Wall

HBCU Students and Leaders Lobby Capitol Hill for Support


Continued on A3

Why Aren’t More Black Baltimoreans Working? By J. K. Schmid Special to the AFRO Black Baltimoreans remain dramatically behind Baltimore Whites across several key employment sectors, a new study reveals. The study, commissioned by Associated Black Charities (ABC), penetrated into traditionally generalized employment figures to determine just what jobs Black were working compared to Whites. While Blacks could be considered to be working in service industries or real estate and

finance; this study breaks down just what kind of jobs Blacks are doing compared to Whites in specific subfields. The full study will be published on ABC’s website by the end of the week, the organization says. But the preview is grim. Despite Baltimore being a majority minority city, there are few professions where Blacks predominate. This is borne out of other research that already reveals that a national Black unemployment rate-often touted as the highest in US history-remains double the Continued on A3

The Real Meaning of “California” is #BlackGirlMagic By Aya Elamroussi Special to the AFRO

Courtesy Photo

Senior Lecturer, Kathleen N. Cleaver, Emory University. speaker that had made it to this particular conference in the middle of a North Eastern snow storm that

Continued on A3

When you hear or read about California, do you think of a Black woman ruling one of America’s largest states? You probably don’t since every governor of the Golden State has been a White man. The name “California” has ancient Spanish roots that can be traced back to the 1500s, well before

America’s founding. The name first appeared in a Spanish fictional chivalric romance novel titled Las sergas de Esplandián, or The Adventures of Esplandián, by Garci Rodríguez de Montalvo published in 1510. “It is known that to the right of the Indies there exists an island called California very near the terrestrial paradise; and peopled by Black women among whom

there was not a single man since they lived in the way of the Amazons. They had Continued on A3

New Podcast! Please join us every Monday and Friday at 5 p.m. EST for our new podcast, The AFRO First Edition w/Sean Yoes, on and the AFRO’s Facebook page.

Copyright © 2018 by the Afro-American Company


April 22–July 29, 2018

PURCHASE TICKETS AT ARTBMA.ORG This exhibition is organized by The Baltimore Museum of Art and The Metropolitan Museum of Art.

Jack Whitten. Detail, The Afro American Thunderbolt. 1983-1984. Courtesy of the Artist’s Estate and Hauser & Wirth. Photography by Genevieve Hanson, NYC.


The Afro-American, April 21, 2018 - April 27, 2018

WHAT’S TRENDING ON AFRO.COM Starbucks to Close Stores for Bias Training By The Associated Press Starbucks, moving swiftly to confront a racially charged uproar over the arrest of two Black men at one of its stores in Philadelphia, plans to close more than 8,000 U.S. stores for several hours next month to conduct racial-bias training for nearly 175,000 workers. The announcement Tuesday comes after the arrests sparked protests and calls for a boycott on social media. A video shows police talking with two Black men seated at a table. After a few minutes, officers handcuff the men and lead them outside as other customers say they weren’t doing anything wrong. Philadelphia-area media said the two were waiting for a friend. Philadelphia police released a recording of the call from the Starbucks employee that led to the arrests. In the recording, a woman is heard saying, “Hi, I have two gentlemen in my cafe that are refusing to make a purchase or leave.” She gives the address of the Starbucks store, and the entire call lasts less than 30 seconds. In the communications between police and dispatch that were also released, someone refers to “a group of males inside causing a disturbance,” and additional officers are sent.

Michael Bryant/The Philadelphia Inquirer via AP

Protesters gather outside of a Starbucks in Philadelphia where two Black men were arrested after employees called police to say the men were trespassing.

Your History • Your Community • Your News

The Afro-American Newspapers

Baltimore Office • Corporate Headquarters 1531 S. Edgewood Street Baltimore, Maryland 21227 410-554-8200 • Fax: 1-877-570-9297 Founded by John Henry Murphy Sr., August 13, 1892 Chairman of the Board/Publisher - Frances Murphy Draper (Publisher Emeritus - John J. Oliver Jr.) President - Benjamin Murphy Phillips IV Vice President of Advertising - Kevin E. Peck Receptionist - Wanda Pearson - 410-554-8200 Director of Operations Andre´ Draper - 410-554-8200 Director of Advertising Lenora Howze - 410-554-8271 - Director of Finance Ronald W. Harrison - 410-554-8242 Director of Community & Public Relations Diane W. Hocker - 410-554-8243 Editorial Managing Editor - Kamau High - 410-554-8231 Baltimore Editor - Sean Yoes - 410-554-8289 Washington, D.C. Editor - Micha Green - 202-332-0080, ext. 1119 Editorial Assistant - Takiea Hinton - 410-554-8277 Archivist - Shelia Scott - 443-885-4627 Baltimore Circulation/Distribution Manager Clarence Massey - 410-554-8232 Production Department - 410-554-8288 Advertising Account Executives Baltimore - Robert Blount - 410-554-8246 - Washington, D.C. - Vetta Ridgeway - 202-332-0080-ext. 1104

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Starbucks, which was once ridiculed for Ifill, president and director-counsel of the urging its employees to write “Race Together” NAACP Legal Defense and Education Fund on coffee cups to start a national conversation and former U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder. on race relations, has found itself through the The company said the educational materials looking glass: under fire for its treatment of would eventually be shared with its licensed Black people. stores. In addition to the company-owned The company reacted from a high level: stores, Starbucks had as of January about Starbucks CEO Kevin Johnson called the 5,700 licensed stores in the United States, such arrests “reprehensible” and said he wanted to as the ones inside Target and Barnes & Noble apologize to the two men face-to-face. The stores. company and a lawyer for Maryland Gubernatorial Forum the two men said they did meet, and Johnson delivered Expands Potential Audience the apology. Starbucks also By AFRO Staff said the employee who called police no longer works at the The upcoming Maryland Gubernatorial Forum, hosted store, but declined to give by Associated Black Charities and the Greater Baltimore details. Committee, is now open to anyone who wants to attend. Johnson also promised to Previously, the event was limited to employees of Greater revamp store management training to include “unconscious-bias” education. Starbucks said its U.S. company-owned stores and corporate offices will be closed on the afternoon of May 29 for the training, which will eventually be incorporated into the instruction process for all newly hired employees. The episode highlights the risks large corporations run when they tie their brands so closely to social messaging. In 2015, then-CEO Howard Schultz shrugged off the “Race Together” fiasco as a well-intentioned mistake and pressed on with his public efforts to engage in the debate over race in America. Johnson was scrambling to keep the Philadelphia incident from shattering the message Schultz was going for: Starbucks is a corporation that stands for something beyond profit. Starbucks said the curriculum for the training would be developed with input from several experts, including Bryan Stevenson, founder and executive director of the Equal Justice Initiative, Sherrilyn

Baltimore Committee member organizations and those invited by Associated Black Charities. The event is set for April 26 from 6 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. at the University of Maryland School of Medicine in Baltimore with a reception beginning at 5 p.m. While the event is free, attendees must register in advance. So far seven Democratic candidates have said they will participate: Rushern Baker, Benjamin Jealous, Kevin Kamenetz, Richard Madaleno, Alec Ross, Jim Shea and Krish Vignarajah. Gov. Larry Hogan, who is a Republican, has also been invited. “Maryland is one of many states across the country where racial and ethnic demographics are increasing,”

Courtesy photo

Diane Bell-McKoy (pictured), president and CEO of Associated Black Charities, will ask the gubernatorial candidates questions at an upcoming forum along with Donald C. Fry, president and CEO of the Greater Baltimore Committee. Diane Bell-McKoy, president and CEO of Associated Black Charities, said in statement. “The importance of using a racial equity lens in policy in order to create more equitable outcomes for all Marylanders is imperative. We are excited about Marylanders getting to know these candidates and to assess which of them would best speak to their dreams and aspirations for a better, more equitable Maryland.” The forum will be held at the University of Maryland School of Medicine, Leadership Hall, 685 West Baltimore Street, Baltimore, Maryland 21201. Register at maryland-gubernatorialforum-april-2018. For more information go to


The Afro-American, April 21, 2018 - April 21, 2018

April 21, 2018 - April 27, 2018, The Afro-American


Cleaver Continued from A1 spring. As it turned out, Cleaver was an author, a freshly released prisoner, a member of the Black Panther Party and Kathleen’s future husband. “For him, it was a love at first sight kind of thing,” Kathleen says, “And I didn’t believe in that so it took him longer to get my attention.” But it didn’t take too long, because within months— after letters, phone calls and plane trips to California, she’d packed up her things to go and live with him for good. They were engaged in November of 1967 and wed the next month at a drive-in wedding chapel in a small town called Alta Dena, near Los Angeles. After that, they both fell deep into the inner workings of the Black Panther Party as it unfolded right in the middle of their living room. The Black Panther Party was a brand new organization at the time, and according to Cleaver, even though it kind of came out of nowhere, everyone was excited to be there. “I couldn’t help but become a part of it,” Kathleen says, “Eldridge and all of his friends were all really involved and I was right there in the middle of it all.” She became the Communications Secretary for the organization right away. She also helped circulate

petitions at rallies and demonstrations to get candidates on the ballot from what they called the Peace and Freedom Party. They’d worked to get the tens of thousands of signatures to make it a legitimate party on the California ballot by themselves. Then, she even ended up running alongside Bobby Seale, Huey P. Newton, and Eldridge for official offices in the state. And what that did was give them a lot more resources to get sound trucks and radio spots. They were building up a momentum around the whole movement and getting a lot of publicity. But while they were entrenched in the work of moving the needle in the fight for civil rights, they slowly became the center of police investigations. They were under constant surveillance— tracked everywhere they went. And in 1968, her husband Eldridge was involved in a shootout with Oakland police, where two officers were injured and fellow Black Panther, Babby Hutton, was killed. Eldridge was released on $50,000 bail because of a fluke in the court case where the state did not send an attorney to represent them in the case. But when it came time for him to surrender later that year, Kathleen stood in their old-style Victorian house as people flocked to protest for Eldridge’s freedom.

“People were outside, inside, all over,” she says, “But Eldridge disappeared.” The next thing she heard was that he was on a plane to Havana, fleeing for his life. After that, they were pretty much a couple on the run. First, she flew to France and then to Algeria to meet him. Then it was to Paris for a number of years and back to the United States in late 1976 when Eldridge finally negotiated

of becoming a criminal defense attorney. “I wanted to learn how to get people out of prison,” she says. And she did. Although she changed her mind about becoming a criminal defense lawyer after seeing them in action in court rooms in different parts of the country, she did work to mobilize political support for death row inmates. People like Mumia Abu-Jamal, an activist and

“I couldn’t help but become a part of it. [Eldridge and all of his friends were all really involved and I was right there in the middle of it all.” his return to the United States— the entire time still working as a public figure for the first ever Pan African Cultural Festival and the Organization of African Unity. Kathleen bore two children while abroad before returning to the United States in 1976, after Eldridge’s surrender. But over the course of the next decade, she would divorce him and start an entirely new journey. She returned to school and finished her Bachelor’s degree before enrolling in Yale’s Law School, with the intention

journalist convicted for the murder of a Philadelphia police officer and Geronimo Pratt, who was freed in 1997. Now, at 72 years-old, she is a senior lecturer, teaching Legal History at Emory University School of Law. In addition, she is working on a memoir that spans the years of her life between dropping out of college and when her husband surrendered to California police in 1976. The working title: “Memories of Love and War.” According to Kathleen, these

Tax Plan


Continued from A1

Continued from A1

Street, Communications Workers of America, Stand Up America, Planned Parenthood Action. Organizer’s for the event including Executive Director Nicole Gill argue that Trump and Republicans have turned their backs on hard-working Americans in order to help the wealthy and rich business leaders. They cite figures like those below that point to pattern of preferred treatment to the rich: - More than $1.5 trillion in tax cuts for millionaires and big corporations - 92 million middle-class families see tax hikes - 83% of the tax benefits from the TrumpTax going to the top 1% - 53% of all Americans will get a tax increase - 13 million Americans losing health care Judith Howell a civil rights veteran, who started her organizing career at the age of 13 with CORE, reminded the crowd the importance of workers that “clean your floors, pick up your trash and protect the buildings you work in” while ending her remarks with a statement directed to the sitting President. “What is your plan for us? You need to hear our plan for you”

beautiful robust bodies, spirited courage and great strength,” a translation of Montalvo’s work describes. At that time, people thought California was an island, not a peninsula. Hernan Cortes, a Spanish conquistador, was fascinated by the novel and set out to find the land Montalvo wrote about. When he arrived to what is known today as Baja California, he believed he arrived in Califia’s land and called it California. Montalvo also wrote that California was ruled by Queen Califia, who was “a queen

were the more adventuresome parts of her life and if she’s going to write a book, she says, she wants it to teach people something they could never have known anything about. According to Cleaver, this generation’s movement doesn’t compare to the time when she was working as a Black Panther because back then, there was a war going on and it was such a tumultuous time. “It was the era of the Vietnam war and the images we had of warfare, children fighting, the whole concept of liberation and African American independence…that formulated how we thought.” Kathleen says she has a lot to say, and when her 14 grandchildren grow up and read this book, they’ll know exactly what she and the rest of the party were up against and how they fought for justice so they could live in a better world. But for right now, she’s not too caught up in the accolades or the praise. When asked how she feels about being considered one of the top Black women to know about in American history, she says she never really planned for it to be this way. “It was never a particular goal of mine,” she says, “I grew up in a lot of different places and I’ve seen a lot of different things. And when this book is finished, we’ll see if it leads into another phase of life for me. That’s just how it goes.”

Herald reported in October 1910. But the seal wasn’t submitted for approval under his name. Garnet didn’t want to be known as the seal designer, according to the LA Herald. He submitted the seal under the name Caleb Lyon, who was a northerner politician at that time, the LA Herald wrote. “To right a wrong,” Dicus founded the online project Cali Is Me, to educate people about the origin California’s name and the seal. She even designed her version of what a “historically accurate” California seal should look like. “I’ve been using it as my political

Baltimoreans Continued from A1

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The Afro-American Newspapers – (USPS 040-800) is published weekly by The AfroAmerican Company, 1531 S. Edgewood St., Suite B, Baltimore, MD 21227.

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national White unemployment rate, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. Baltimore’s Black unemployment rate is three times the White unemployment rate, according to Prosperity Now research. The structural forces behind issues like why a third of Black Baltimore has zero net worth and a median income just over half of Whites now become more clear. Blacks dominate almost entirely in service and service-adjacent fields. Blacks outnumber Whites at almost two-to-one in the “healthcare and social assistance fields.” Similarly, Blacks outnumber Whites very nearly twoto-one in “administrative and support and waste management” fields. The above fields are distinguished from others by their conspicuous lack of opportunities for advancement, comparatively low wages and demanding workload. Meanwhile, in positions such as “finance and insurance,” Whites outnumber Black three-to-two. Well in excess of two-to-one, approaching seven-tothree, Whites dominate in “professional, scientific and technical services.” These gross disparities are not just in the whitecollar trades. Of even greater magnitude, Whites outnumber Blacks in construction at a rate of 10-to-three. The full report will be released at

of majestic proportions, more beautiful than all others, and in the very vigor of her womanhood. She was not petite, nor blond, nor golden-haired. She was large, and black as the ace of clubs.” Instead of a beautiful Black queen,

mark,” she said. Dicus added that she made her own seal because she wanted to feel empowered. “I was upset that…Black women were basically written out of history.” Dicus, now attending law school in San Diego, said she was drawn to this issue because growing up as a Black woman, she learned about Black people in America in a negative light. “They like to say we’re constantly subjugated, the ugliness of slavery. The fact that we were forbidden to read,” she said. Her exploration of this issue is her way of lifting up that image and her people, she added. – Tamra Dicus When Dicus went to the Library of Congress to read the California’s current seal features a classical English translation of Las sergas de Esplandián Roman mythology figure, Minerva-- who was and learn about Queen Califia, she said she believed to be the goddess of wisdom. Tamra could relate to her. “I was able to resonate L. Dicus is fighting to change that. with Queen Califia… she was very sassy, “This Virginia confederate soldier [beautiful] and regal.” basically decided to create this great seal in She also pointed out that Las sergas de the state of California, and then he erased and Esplandián was published during the height of whitewashed it (the seal),” Dicus told The slavery, and Black women didn’t know they AFRO. were being celebrated in that novel. Even though “California” is Queen Dicus began a petition on, Califia’s namesake, there is no representation through which she aims to change the current of that on the state’s seal or flag. “You don’t “historically inaccurate” seal of California. see anything that pertains to Black women at She hopes that one day the State of all,” Dicus said. California would accept an accurate seal Gen. Robert S. Garnet, a Confederate bearing its namesake to officialize Queen leader, designed the seal, the Los Angeles Califia’s true image of a Black woman.

“This Virginia confederate soldier basically decided to create this great seal in the state of California, and then he erased and whitewashed it (the seal).”


The Afro-American, April 21, 2018 - April 27, 2018

April 21, 2018 - April 21, 2018, The Afro-American


First Saudi Cinema Opens with Popcorn and ‘Black Panther’ By The Associated Press The lights dimmed and the crowd of men and women erupted into applause and hoots April 18 evening as Hollywood’s blockbuster “Black Panther” premiered in Saudi Arabia’s first movie theater. Though it was a private, invitation-only screening, for many Saudis it marked one of the clearest moments of change to sweep the country in decades. It’s seen as part of a new era in which women will soon be allowed to drive and people in the kingdom will be able to go to concerts and fashion shows, and tuck into a bucket of popcorn in a cinema. “It’s a new era, a new age. It’s that simple. Things are changing, progress is happening. We’re opening up and we’re catching up with everything that’s happening in the world,” said Rahaf Alhendi, who attended the showing. Authorities said the public would be able to purchase tickets online Thursday for showings starting Friday. But there may be delays. Movies screened in Saudi cinemas will be subject to approval by government censors, and Wednesday night’s premiere was no exception. Scenes of violence were not cut, but a final scene involving a kiss was axed. Still, it’s a stark reversal for a country where public movie screenings were banned in the 1980s during a wave of ultraconservatism that swept Saudi Arabia. Many Saudi clerics view Western movies and even Arabic films made in Egypt and Lebanon as sinful. Despite decades of ultraconservative dogma, Crown Prince Mohammed bin

Salman has pushed through a number of major social reforms with support from his father, King Salman, to satiate the desires of the country’s majority young population. “This is a historic day for your country,” Adam Aron, CEO of AMC Entertainment, told the crowd at the screening. “It’s been about 37 years since you’ve been able to watch movies the way movies are meant to be watched in a theater, together on a big screen.” U.S.-based AMC, one of the world’s biggest movie theater operators, only two weeks earlier signed a deal with Prince Mohammed to operate the first cinema in the kingdom. AMC and its local partner hurriedly transformed a concert hall in the Saudi capital, Riyadh, into a cinema complex for Wednesday’s screening. Aron said the company plans to rip out the current concert-style seats and replace them with plush leather recliners and build three more screens in the complex to accommodate up to 5,000 movie-goers a day. Samer Alsourani traveled from Saudi Arabia’s Eastern Province for the event. He commended the crown prince for following through on his promises to modernize the country. “This is the first time that we really see something that’s really being materialized,” he said. The social reforms undertaken by the 32-year-old heir to the throne are part of his so-called Vision 2030, a blueprint for Saudi Arabia that aims to boost local spending and create jobs amid sustained lower oil prices. The Saudi government projects that the opening of movie theaters will contribute

AP Photo/Amr Nabil

Saudi Arabia held a private screening of the Hollywood blockbuster “Black Panther” to herald the launch of movie theaters that are set to open to the public next month. more than 90 billion riyals ($24 billion) to the economy and create more than 30,000 jobs by 2030. The kingdom says there will be 300 cinemas with around 2,000 screens built by 2030. AMC has partnered with a subsidiary of Saudi Arabia’s sovereign wealth fund, known as the Public Investment Fund, to build up to 40 AMC cinemas across the country over the next five years. Saudi Arabia had already started gradually loosening restrictions on movie screenings in the past few years, with local film festivals and screenings in makeshift theaters. For the most part, though, until now Saudis who wanted to watch a film in a movie theater had to drive to

nearby Bahrain or the United Arab Emirates for weekend trips to the cinema. In the 1970s, there were informal movie screenings but the experience could be interrupted by the country’s religious police, whose powers have since been curbed. Jamal Khashoggi, a dissident Saudi writer, describes the theaters of the 1970s as being “like American drive-ins, except much more informal.” In an opinion piece for The Washington Post, he wrote that a friend once broke his leg at a screening in Medina when he jumped off a wall to escape the religious police and avoid arrest. By the 1980s, movie screenings were largely

banned unless they took place in private residential compounds for foreigners or at cultural centers run by foreign embassies. Access to streaming services, such as Netflix, and satellite TV steadily eroded attempts by the government to censor what the Saudi public could view. By 2013, the film “Wadjda” made history by becoming the first Academy Award entry for Saudi Arabia, though it wasn’t nominated for the Oscars. To adhere to the kingdom’s norms on gender segregation, certain screenings may be held for families and others for male-only crowds. But, generally movie theaters will not be gender segregated with “family sections” for women

and related men and separate “single sections” for maleonly crowds as is customary at restaurants and cafes. Saudi Minister of Culture and Information Awwad Alawwad told The Associated Press the government aims to strike a balance between the country’s Islamic mores and people’s movie experiences. “We want to ensure the movies are in line with our culture and respect for values. Meanwhile, we want to provide people with a beautiful show and really enjoy watching their own movies,” he said. The new movie theater also came equipped with prayer rooms to accommodate the daily Muslim prayer times.

Cosby’s Star Witness Says Accuser Spoke of Plot to Frame By The Associated Press The chief accuser at Bill Cosby’s sexual assault retrial talked about framing a celebrity before going to police with her allegations in 2005, a key defense witness testified April 18 as the TV star’s lawyers began putting on their case. Marguerite Jackson, an academic adviser at Temple University, said Andrea Constand told her she could fabricate sexual assault allegations and “get that money” from a civil suit, bolstering Cosby’s efforts to show Constand made up the allegations against him to extort a big civil settlement. Jackson’s account was immediately challenged by prosecutors, who suggested she wasn’t on the trip where she says her conversation with Constand took place. Her appearance on the witness stand was one of the most highly anticipated moments of a retrial that has Cosby, 80, defending himself against criminal charges that he knocked Constand out with pills and then sexually assaulted her at his suburban Philadelphia home in 2004. Cosby’s lawyers call Constand a “con artist” who set him up. The famed comedian paid her nearly $3.4 million in 2006. Jackson recounted a conversation she said she had with Constand on a road trip to the University of Rhode Island with the Temple University women’s basketball team, where Constand was working as operations director. After watching a TV news report about a celebrity who had been sued over allegations of sexual assault, Jackson said Constand told her: “Oh wow, something similar happened to me.” Constand said she never reported the assault because her assailant was a “high-profile person” and she knew she couldn’t prove it, Jackson testified. Jackson, who said she roomed with Constand on the trip, told jurors she encouraged Constand to come forward. She testified Constand then switched gears, saying: “No it didn’t, but I could say it did. I could say it happened, get that money. I could quit my job. I could go back to school. I could open up a business.” Jackson said the conversation happened Feb. 1, 2004, a few weeks after Constand says Cosby molested her. Constand denied rooming with Jackson and testified Monday she didn’t “recall ever having a conversation with” her. During Jackson’s cross-examination, a prosecutor produced Temple records showing Jackson’s travel to other away games but not to the one at the University of Rhode Island. The defense did not produce any records to support Jackson’s claim she was on the trip. Jackson testified she was aware of the 2005 criminal probe, Constand’s subsequent lawsuit and her big financial settlement

Dominick Reuter/Pool Photo via AP

Andrea Constand alleges Bill Cosby gave her drugs before sexually assaulting her. with Cosby, but never told anyone in Cosby’s camp — even though Cosby was represented at the time by Patrick O’Connor, the chairman of the board at Temple, where Jackson got her degree and has worked for 31 years. She said a comedian she met on a cruise put her in touch with Cosby’s lawyers in November 2016. They got to talking about Cosby after the comedian offered to buy her a drink and promised, “’I won’t put anything in it,’” she recalled. “They came in. Took my statement. The whole nine,” Jackson said. “They called me to testify, then they didn’t allow my testimony.” Judge Steven O’Neill blocked Jackson from taking the stand at Cosby’s first trial last year, ruling her testimony would be hearsay after Constand told the jury she didn’t know her. That trial ended without a verdict after jurors deadlocked. The judge changed his mind about Jackson for the retrial, giving the defense case a huge boost. Outside court, Cosby spokeswoman Ebonee Benson said

investigators intentionally ignored Jackson’s allegations because they’ve “always known how damaging this testimony would be.” The defense case was scheduled to resume Thursday. Prosecutors wound down their case earlier Wednesday, introducing the comedian’s explosive testimony about giving quaaludes to women before sex — an old admission that’s taken on new significance after a half-dozen women testified earlier in the retrial that he drugged and violated them, too. A police detective read a transcript of the 2005 testimony as prosecutors saved for the very end of their case Cosby’s own words about using the 1970s party drug “the same as a person would say, ‘Have a drink.’” Cosby was deposed in 2005 and 2006 after Constand filed suit against him. The deposition was hidden from public view until 2015, when The Associated Press petitioned to have it unsealed, leading prosecutors to reopen the criminal case and file charges. Jurors at Cosby’s first trial also heard excerpts from the deposition. In a transcript read to the jury Wednesday, the “Cosby Show” star said he obtained seven prescriptions for quaaludes from his doctor in Los Angeles in the 1970s, ostensibly for a sore back, but added he didn’t use them himself because they made him tired. “Quaaludes happen to be the drug that kids, young people were using to party with, and there were times when I wanted to have them just in case,” Cosby testified, according to the transcript. The sedative was banned in the U.S. in 1982, the same year one of the women who testified, Janice Baker-Kinney, alleges Cosby knocked her out with pills she suspected to be quaaludes and then raped her. Cosby’s lawyers sought Wednesday to minimize the importance of his quaaludes testimony. Defense attorney Kathleen Bliss underscored that most of that testimony pertained to the 1970s, and a police detective acknowledged during cross-examination that authorities didn’t find quaaludes in a search of Cosby’s home after Constand went to police. Cosby told police in 2005 that he gave Constand 1½ tablets of the cold and allergy medicine Benadryl to help her relax, then fondled her breasts and genitals, according to a police transcript read to the jury. He said Constand never told him to stop. Constand said Cosby knocked her out with the pills, penetrated her with his fingers and guided her hand to his penis. The Associated Press doesn’t typically identify people who say they’re victims of sexual assault unless they grant permission, which Constand and Dickinson have done.

April 21, 2018 - April 27, 2018, The Afro-American



HBCUs Continue to Fill a Major Void in Education As we all know, HBCUs were established because of segregation and a lack of adequate higher learning opportunities for African Americans. But what most Americans don’t know or consider is that today, HBCUs continue to fill a major void in our nation’s higher education landscape. All education takes place from a specific viewpoint or perspective. In this country, most colleges and universities offer an educational experience from the European American perspective. HBCUs offer an educational opportunity borne of the African American experience, making our colleges and universities unique assets that are critical to preparing citizens with necessary knowledge and skills to advance their communities and the nation through the lens of this important American perspective. I urge everyone to read the 2017 United Negro College Fund report that details the impressive contributions and impact of HBCUs. Although there are over 4,000 colleges and universities in the US, approximately 100 HBCUs produce: • 20% of African American students who complete bachelor’s degrees; • 24% of degrees earned by African American students in STEM fields; • More than 50% of the nation’s African American teachers earned their degrees at an HBCU These and other data points show the high productivity level of HBCUs that cannot be ignored or allowed to falter. And I urge congress to increase the country’s investments in our HBCUs. More importantly, I encourage all of those who support our institutions to do two things: 1) Vote in local, state and national elections for individuals who are willing to pursue support of HBCUs with increasing financial investments, and 2) Contact your legislators to voice your support of HBCUs. We can’t solidify the place of HBCUs in this country unless we all work together—as a collective—to ensure their foundation and success.

Maria Thompson

Dr. Maria Thompson is the president of Coppin State University. The following article is a condensed and lightly edited version of a speech she gave at the HBCU Day of Action April 17 in Washington, D.C.

NAACP: Facebook Fails the Black Community “Mr. Zuckerberg, would you be comfortable sharing with us the name of the hotel you stayed in last night?” That was a question Sen. Dick Durbin (D-IL) posed to Facebook founder and CEO Mark Zuckerberg’s during a congressional hearing in which the latter responded with an awkward “no.” It is likely that Mr. Zuckerberg found this question too intrusive, yet when 87 million users lost their privacy under Facebook’s neglectful watch, its CEO didn’t bat an eye. Instead he offered only an insubstantial “I’m sorry.” The Cambridge Analytica hack is just one of many transgressions by Facebook, in which an apology will simply not suffice. Facebook’s laissez-faire attitude toward privacy protection is not just a betrayal and insult to its user base, but it is compounded by its lack of vigilance to protect one of the platform’s most vulnerable user demographics – African Americans. For example, late last year, Facebook hosted Russian sponsored ads that portrayed African Americans in a less than flattering light. The ads had political motives and aimed to sway viewers to vote for then presidential candidate Donald Trump. Another example arose just this month when the news broke that the largest Black Lives Matter group on the social media platform was in fact a fake –a fraudulent page, created by a White man in Australia designed to discredit the youthbased civil rights group. Either of the above examples is enough to seriously question the general disposition and integrity of the social media juggernaut. However, Facebook’s lack of transparency,

Derrick Johnson

reliability and accountability in these two situations also substantiates the increasing doubt regarding the fairness of the 2016 presidential election. Specifically, Cambridge Analytica worked with the Trump campaign, and among the data it misused were pictures, profiles and even direct messages between users. This data mining – which used the personal information of 87 million people without their consent – was used to develop techniques for the firm’s work on the Trump campaign. This, combined with the racially charged Russian ads, some of which explicitly purporting that Black Lives Matter activists were murderers, is not only wholly unscrupulous, it also carries the stench of voter manipulation. Swaying voters toward one candidate based on racially exploitative lies smacks of a type of voter suppression that, while more insidious, is not unlike the voter ID laws that currently attempt to suppress the Black vote. As a pioneer in the tech industry serving 1.4 billion users each day, Facebook has a moral and ethical obligation to protect those most vulnerable on its sites, including minors, women, and LGBT, Brown and Black communities. As a whole, Americans are more tolerant of hate speech than others in the world; however, this does not, and should not, permit Facebook to turn a blind eye to the copious amounts of hate speech the Black community, and other vulnerable communities experience on Facebook. These communities cannot be satiated with an apology, but rather require a clear and thorough plan of defensive and offensive action. More care needs to be taken by Facebook and its tech industry peers to ensure that in connecting people with one another, these

connections are positive – a sentiment which Mr. Zuckerberg said his company strives to achieve. Moving forward, companies like Facebook can take a greater stance against those who wish to use online spaces to corrupt. First, they must be on the offense, not just deleting but reporting and perhaps even fining advertisers with such ill intent. Second, they should also be more aggressive on the defensive front, removing the burden of reporting hate speech from the user and instead placing it on themselves. While Facebook has already started this approach, devoting more resources to this effort would allow for a quicker and more intelligent sweep of bad content. Additionally, these resources must include hiring more people of color across all levels of the company – an initiative that would address Silicon Valley’s failure to take real steps towards embracing diversity. This is an issue brought up on day two of Zuckerberg’s hearing, when Rep. G.K. Butterfield mentioned that the company’s Black representation has only risen from 2 percent to 3 percent. Furthermore, while 67% of African Americans are Facebook users, the company’s C-suite remains entirely White. Lastly, in a clear and concise manner, users should be made aware of their privacy terms, including instances when their information will be shared and how the information will be used. Facebook may or may not feel a moral imperative to protect the users that allow it to exist, but that does not mean it should not be held accountable for its actions, inactions, and indifference to user privacy. Derrick Johnson is the President and CEO of the NAACP.

5 Ways to Cut the College Price Tag Working as a Financial Aid Counselor, families often ask me how they can pay for college. More often than not this conversation takes place during the student’s senior year in high school. As a first-generation college student, there are things I wish my family and I had known to help us save on our college bill. These are a few things that families can do to help cut the cost of college:

Robert Weinert Jr.

1. Community colleges can be great options Community college offers the most affordable education out there. At community college you can complete the general education classes that every school requires, and then transfer to a 4-year school where you can take classes specific to your major. Also, community college is a great place to gain technical skills and earn a short-term certificate to get you started in the workforce. 2. Buy used textbooks or rent them Buy used books or check to see if you can rent textbooks at your school or online. After the class is over, sell your books back online, to the bookstore, or to someone else. If you do an internet search for textbooks you may find a better deal from an online retailer than from the school

bookstore, or you may be able to download a less expensive electronic version. 3. Explore all of your aid options Apply for financial aid using the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). There are several types of aid such as grants, scholarships, work-study and loans. Apply for financial aid every year you are in school and start looking for scholarships early. Also check with your school’s Financial Aid Office to see if merit-based aid is available. To qualify for merit-based aid, you may need to meet certain criteria, such as specific academic areas or certain sports. 4. Borrow responsibly Student loans are not free. You must pay back your student loans with interest. If you have student loan money left over after you pay your school expenses, you do not have to accept that money. It is not free! The less money you borrow now, the less money you will have to repay after graduation. If you pay the interest while you are in school, you will pay less money in the long run. 5. Avoid dropping classes and focus on graduating on

time Decide what you want to major in early in your college career and decide which career path is right for you. By thinking about this ahead of time, you will avoid paying for classes that don’t end up contributing toward your degree. Dropping classes will extend your time to completion. The longer you are in school the more you will pay for college. Postponing joining the workforce also means you will be losing out on potential earnings. These are only some of the things I wish I had known when preparing to pay for my college education. All of the tips mentioned involve planning ahead. A great way to handle your finances and practice planning is to develop a spending plan. A spending plan can help you manage your financial aid and finances, while helping you figure out your expenses over the number of years that it will take you complete your degree, but that’s a topic for another blog. Robert Weinert Jr. is a financial aid adviser and is pursuing his Masters in Higher Education Administration Enrollment Management at Bay Path University. He is a 2017-18 virtual intern with the Office of Federal Student Aid, U.S. Department of Education.


The Afro-American, April 21, 2018 – April 27, 2018

Colour Moves by Rombout Frieling lab (Netherlands)

Baltimore Mayor Catherine E. Pugh opens Light City 2018

The showcase of Baltimore’s energy was at the Inner Harbor and city neighborhoods for the opening of Light City on April 14. The theme for this year’s was “More Love, More Light.” After the opening ceremony, a parade marched around the entire Inner Harbor while DJs provided music at Rash Field and Harbor East. Light City is produced by the Baltimore Office of Promotions and Arts. The AFRO was one of the media sponsors. Artist from all over the world created dazzling light displays and sculptures that were displayed along the harbor.

Meteorologist Tim Williams (WJZ TV CBS Baltimore)

The Big Wheel

Elantica by Tom Dekyvere (Belgium). A light sculpture made of electronic waste and solar panels

Pulse Portal by Davis McCarthy

The parade around the Inner Harbor

JaneliaSoul performs

“Prismatica” display On The Wings Of Freedom by Aether And Hemera

Photos by Anderson R. Ward

The Tri-State Elks Association celebrated their annual Tri- State Debutante Cotillion at the Sheraton Baltimore in Towson, Maryland March 25. Talented young ladies were recruited from various schools and churches and participated in a night of elegance and selfChoreographer: respect. Mrs. Tia Wright

Escort Marcus Bowie with Jazzmen Muse

A Father /Daughter Dance Escort Tylanvis Lawson and Lauryn Shirley

The Escorts: Marcus Bowie, Miles Wright, Joshua Mintz, Tylanvis Lawson and Bruce Durant

Escort Joshua Mintz and Jamearrah Spriggs

Dgt. Margaret Ann Selby and Bro Gregory Conley Escort Miles Wright and Miranda Alston


Photos by Devone Marshall

For the past eight years, Leah’s Book Club has celebrated Women’s History Month by honoring women who currently and continually make contributions to their professions and for the betterment of their communities. The 17 women honored March 18, at The Forum Caterers in Baltimore, represent many different careers and professions including: education, law, medicine, religion, volunteerism, broadcasting and the arts.

Dr. Jacqueline Frierson, Patricia Payne, Francine Brown

Lorna Brice, Dr. Leah Hasty

Claudette Swain, Hattye Jackson, Melvin Jackson

Ernestine Dunston

Courtesy photos

Thelma Wharton, Dr. Brenda Conley

Brenda Brown, Dr. Deborah Carter, April Ryan, Sheila Generette

Patricia Payne, Andre Draper, AFRO Director of Operations, Dr. Brenda Conley, Frances M. Draper, AFRO CEO and Publisher

April 21, 2018 - April 27, 2018, The Afro-American


Race and Politics

Bearden in Baltimore City Public Schools The vast majority of people who pass through the Upton Metro station, the second busiest Metro stop (PennSean Yoes North is first) Baltimore AFRO in the city, Editor probably don’t realize that an American art masterpiece hangs in their midst, looming over all that enter. “A Baltimore Uproar,” is perhaps the most famous mosaic of Romare Bearden, one of the most important American artists of the 20th century. Bearden’s masterpiece, the 14’x 46’, multicolored venetian glass mosaic depicts a jazz band featuring Baltimore’s Billie Holiday, perhaps the greatest jazz singer of them all on the mic, accompanied by six jazz musicians. A Baltimore Uproar has hung in the Upton station since 1982; it is undeniably beautiful, but far too few Baltimoreans know about Bearden’s art and his connection to the city. However, there are individuals and organizations that have been quietly working to introduce Bearden

House of Delegates

Meet the Black Candidates in the 40th District


155 Days and Counting

Who Killed Det. Sean Suiter? By J. K. Schmid Special to the AFRO Detective Sean Suiter died November 15, 2017, in the 900 block of Baltimore’s Harlem Park. It has been over five months since his death. Baltimore City Police Department (BPD) Commissioner Darryl De Sousa still regularly meets with Suiter’s widow, he says. “It’s still heavy in her heart and heavy in the heart of

Clockwise from top left: Frank Conaway Jr.; Nick Mosby; Westley West; Melissa Wells; Latia Hopkins; Timothy Mercer; Anees Abdul-Rahim; Terrell Boston Smith By Sean Yoes Baltimore AFRO Editor Large swaths of the 40th Legislative District of Baltimore City are plagued by poverty and violence (both epicenters of the 2015 uprising, Mondawmin and Penn North are in the 40th). However, it is also the home of venerable Druid Hill Park, four institutions of higher education (Coppin State University, Baltimore City Community College, the University of Maryland School of Law and the University

of Maryland at Baltimore), some of the most aesthetically beautiful neighborhoods in the city, as well as some of the most historically significant Black communities. Here is the most complete list available of Black candidates vying for the three seats to represent the 40th in the Maryland House of Delegates. All the candidates are Democrats. Anees Abdul-Rahim Abdul-Rahim’s Facebook page lists him as founder and director of the Al Tawhid Counseling Network. He attended the Continued on B2

Detective Sean Suiter all of us in the Baltimore City Police Department,” De Sousa said at a press conference April 12. At the same press conference, De Sousa announced the creation of an independent review board (IRB) and that the city will be

Continued on B2

Baltimore Public Schools Budget Fight Looms By Deborah Bailey Special to the AFRO

“A Baltimore Uproar” by the legendary Romare Bearden, has been exhibited at the Upton Metro station since 1982. The Romare Bearden Foundation to a new generation of Baltimoreans. On April 19, a free workshop will introduce the work of Romare Bearden to the parents of students at the Henderson-Hopkins School, at 2100 Ashland Ave., in East Baltimore. The workshop will be conducted by Diedre Kelly of the Romare Bearden Foundation in Harlem. Kelly, who is Bearden’s niece, is co-director of the Bearden Foundation, which is one of the sponsors of the event, along with the Baltimore chapter of Pierians (an art appreciation organization), Starbucks and the HendersonHopkins School. The art of Romare Bearden was initially introduced into the Baltimore City Public Schools (BCPS) curriculum in Nov. 2014 at Henderson-Hopkins. In March 2017, BCPS implemented system-wide workshops for all public school certified art teachers, which was 51 teachers at the time, at 51 schools. “Bearden is the foremost American collagist of the

20th century...the only Black artist honored with a oneman retrospective at the National Gallery of Art,” said Lewis Hudnell, a retired professor of Criminal Justice at American University and art impresario, who was integral in getting the Bearden art curriculum into BCPS and generally educating people about Bearden’s work. He is behind a series of events that will be revealed later this year celebrating the life and legacy of this transcendent American artist, who began his professional career in Baltimore as an editorial cartoonist for the AFRO American Newspapers. In 1935, Bearden was hired by Dr. Carl Murphy, the legendary AFRO publisher. From 1935-1937, Bearden’s cartoons captured the pulse of Black America, as the world moved to the brink of World War II and the Black community in Baltimore and around the country prepared to wage the decades-long fight to dismantle Jim Crow. During that time Continued on B2

The battle for Baltimore City Public Schools System (BCPSS) is expected to heat up as the 2018-2019 FY budgeting process enters its final phase. Sonja Santelises, City Schools CEO, will present the estimated 1.3 billion operating budget to the School Board April 24, followed by a series of city-wide information meetings about next year’s budget starting April 25. Parents and education advocates have increasingly expressed concern over a lack of systematic parent and

In Memoriam

Cardrienne Perrin Griffin, WellLoved Baltimore Teacher, Dies By AFRO Staff Cardrienne Perrin Griffin was born on September 18, 1933, in Raleigh, North Carolina. Courtesy photo She received a Bachelor of Cardrienne Perrin Griffin Science degree from Virginia with her husband, James State University in Elementary M. ‘Jim’ Griffin. Education, in 1954, and later served as president of the Virginia State Alumni Association. She dedicated her professional life to teaching. Her teaching career began in Charlotte, North Carolina, but spent her final 17 years as a teacher in the Baltimore City Public Schools. In 1958, Griffin married the love of her life, James M. ‘Jim’ Griffin, a physical therapist. Upon her retirement from teaching, Cardrienne joined Jim at his firm, Griffin Associates P.A., as an administrator. During the 1960’s, the couple was active in the civil rights movement, in Baltimore, while raising a family in the Fairmount neighborhood. She leaves to mourn her loving husband of 60 years, James M. ‘Jim’ Griffin; eldest Daughter, Cheryl Threat, youngest daughter, Jewel Linzey, and son, Malcolm Griffin; two sons-in-law, Jay Threat and Dean Shannon; eight grandchildren; and a host of nieces, nephews, and family. She was preceded in death by her middle daughter, Debra Lynne Shannon. Cardrienne was a long-time member of Bethel AME Church in Baltimore. Funeral services will be held at Bethel on April 21, preceded by a viewing and family hour Friday evening.

community involvement in procedural and policy-making processes of the City’s public schools this year. Despite concerns expressed by parent and community advocates, the BCPSS board voted to change the city’s fair student funding formula earlier this year. The Board voted to change dollar allocations to traditional public schools based on poverty levels rather than standardized test-scores. School officials said the school funding formula was revised to allot more money to high-poverty schools, but education advocates expressed concern that changes were being pushed through without the community having a voice Continued on B2

65-Year-Old Woman Among Those Killed Over the Weekend By Michelle Richardson Special to the AFRO Over the weekend, Baltimore witnessed a rash of shootings that left five dead and more than a dozen people injured. Among the dead is a 65-year old woman, Pinky Louise Ruffin, of the 3900 block of W. Mulberry St. in the Allendale community of West Baltimore. According to the Baltimore Police Department (BPD), Ruffin was an innocent bystander to a targeted shooting that also claimed the life of a 22-year old man. “She came out on the porch to sit down for some air,” said Rachel Purviance, Ruffin’s neighbor. “A bullet hit her. She was a nice person”


Past Seven Days

81 2018 Total

Data as of April 18


The Afro-American, April 21, 2018 - April 27, 2018

Race and Politics


Continued from D1

Continued from B1

HBCU, Lincoln University in Pa., and graduated from Essex Community College in Maryland. Terrell Boston-Smith Boston-Smith began working as youth community organizer when he was a student at Baltimore City College High School. He pursued higher education as an undergrad at Franklin Pierce University in New Hampshire and graduate student at Baruch College, City University of New York. He served as campaign manager for Del. Cory McCray’s successful run for the 45th House of Delegates seat and was political director for Brian Frosh’s successful campaign for Maryland Attorney General. He is a member of the Boston political family of Baltimore. Frank M. Conaway, Jr. Conaway was elected to the Maryland House of Delegates representing the 40th in 2006. He is a member of the House Judiciary Committee and in 2014, he was the first Maryland legislator to sponsor a bill to require body-worn cameras for police officers. Conaway holds a B.A. degree in business administration from Sojourner-Douglass College. He produced dozens of controversial YouTube videos on subjects ranging from the Book of Revelations, to Rubik’s Cube, and peddled several of his books, allegedly using the mailroom of Baltimore’s Municipal Post Office. He resigned from that job in 2014 and the videos were taken down. He is a member of the Conaway political family. Latia Hopkins Hopkins is a political organizer, who has worked on several Democratic campaigns around the state. She is a graduate of Frostburg State University in Western Maryland, where she earned Bachelor’s degrees in Political Science, and Law and Society, as well as a Masters degree in Education. She is the Mid-Atlantic regional director for Young Democrats of America. Sarah Matthews Matthews, a native of the South side of Chicago, has established herself as a neighborhood activist in Bolton Hill. She is a former member of the Baltimore City Democratic Central Committee. She has run unsuccessfully for several Baltimore elected offices over the years. Timothy Mercer Mercer, a contractor, has run unsuccessfully for multiple Baltimore elected offices. Nick Mosby Mosby served on the Baltimore City Council from 2010 to 2016. He was appointed by Mayor Catherine Pugh to his current 40th District Delegate seat once occupied by Barbara Robinson (who moved on to the Maryland Senate), when Pugh’s previous appointee Gary Brown Jr., was indicted on campaign finance violations. Mosby ran unsuccessfully to be Baltimore mayor in 2016. He is a graduate of Baltimore Polytechnic Institute and Tuskegee Institute, where he obtained a Bachelor of Science degree in Electrical Engineering. He is married to Baltimore City State’s Attorney Marilyn Mosby. Melissa Wells Wells, a longtime community advocate in the 40th, is a labor leader, who is a member of the Baltimore Washington Building Trades Unions. She is a financial security specialist. Westley West West is Pastor of Faith Empowered Ministries, at 1900 Walbrook Ave., in West Baltimore. He gained some notoriety as an activist during the uprising of 2015. He ran unsuccessfully for Baltimore City Council in 2016.

We don’t just put you in a new home. We put you at ease.

specifically, the AFRO led by “Mr. Carl” as he was known, forged a partnership with the resurgent Baltimore branch of the NAACP. The mission was to integrate the University of Maryland Law School at Baltimore. In 1935, a young lawyer named Thurgood Marshall orchestrated the legal strategy (guided by his mentor Charles Hamilton Houston, perhaps the greatest legal mind of the 20th century), that led to the first school desegregation victory in America. The integration of the University of Maryland Law

School by Donald Gaines Murray, led to a series of desegregation victories around the state and began the arduous 20 year road to Brown v. Board of Education, in 1954. The year of the Murray victory, 1935, was the year Murphy hired Bearden as the AFRO’s cartoonist. For two years, Bearden’s dark and incendiary cartoons reflected the harrowing days of the Great Depression, international conflict and chaos and the battle to tear down government sanctioned White supremacy and racist terrorism against Black

Americans. Before he moved on to international acclaim, which included him being awarded the National Medal of Arts by President Ronald Reagan, Bearden’s art fueled the editorial page of the AFRO at one of the most important and pivotal times in this newspaper’s history. Sean Yoes is the Baltimore editor of the AFRO and the host and executive producer of the AFRO First Edition video podcast, which airs Monday and Friday on the AFRO’s Facebook page.


Continued from B1 in how the funding would be used. “Why not wait until we get more input from parents on how to best allocate those new resources?” said Marietta English, Baltimore Teachers Union President. “Why not take more time to look at all of the revenues that contribute to what could, and should, be a well-rounded Fair Student Funding Model,” English asked school board members. For months Khalilah Harris, a BCPSS parent, community advocate and founding co-chair of the Coalition of Black Leaders in Education, has also expressed concern over BPCSS’ lack of process to involve parents and community advocates. “The Coalition of Black Leaders in Education will be monitoring Baltimore City School System’s community engagement process for building a budget that supports high levels of family and community engagement and expands access to opportunity by addressing racial inequity,” Harris said regarding the group’s involvement in this year’s budget process. School officials have conceded that until the Kirwan Commission changes the state funding formula for public schools, Baltimore City Schools still are not operating with enough money. The State appointed Kirwan Commission provided preliminary guidance for critical changes needed in K-12 education to make Maryland’s education system nationally competitive earlier this year. The Commission deferred specific fiscal recommendations until late 2018. Public policy analysts have offered that the Commission sought to ensure their fiscal recommendations were not politicized in the 2018 state election cycle. The Kirwan Commission is expected to recommend substantive expansion of the current state K-12 education funding formula. Some estimates have indicated that Maryland needs to spend at least $2.9 billion more each year on K-12 education for all students to have

access to a high-quality education, with much of that figure coming from the State. The upcoming BCPSS community-budget meetings will include an overview of how BCPSS plans to allocate funding for student transportation, special education services, administrative services and other district-wide expenses. BCPSS School Board will vote on the final 2018-2019 budget at its May 8 meeting. Community budget meeting dates/locations are as follows: April 25 Bentalou Recreation Center 222 N. Bentalou Street Baltimore 21223 April 26 The Y in Waverly 900 E. 33rd Street Baltimore 21218 April 30 Highlandtown Elementary/Middle School #237 231 S. Eaton Street Baltimore 21224 May 1 Board Forum at City Schools’ District Office 200 E. North Avenue Baltimore 21202 May 2 Liberty Recreation Center 3901 Maine Avenue Baltimore 21207 May 3 Arundel Elementary/Middle School 2400 Round Road Baltimore 21225

Suiter’s Death Continued from D1

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hiring CNA Analysis and Solutions to review seemingly every aspect of the case and the department’s handling of it. The Board of Estimates was asked to authorize the execution of a memorandum of understanding April 18. “The BPD, after consultation and approval from the Independent Review Board, desires to retain and the services of the CNA to provide analytic and staff support to the BPD and the review board during this process,” the request reads. The request is for $149,046.97 to be paid to CNA for its services. AFRO questions to the BPD asking for an explanation of what this seemingly small sum could pay for went unanswered at the time of this writing. The independent investigation is expected to take six months, meaning something on the order of $25,000 each month will be available to the IRB. AFRO questions to the specifics of the establishment of the IRB were also left unanswered. It can be inferred from De Sousa’s answers to other questions at the press conference that CNA was hired first, and then the IRB’s panel of experts and investigators were hired later. The IRB is co-chaired by CNA members James “CHIPS” Stewart, Director of Public Safety, Senior Fellow for Law Enforcement, and James R. “Chip” Coldren, Jr., Ph.D., Managing Director, Justice Group. According to De Sousa, CNA was selected due to their satisfactory handling of highprofile BPD crises such as the police killings

of Black Baltimoreans Anthony Anderson, and Tyrone West and the friendly fire incident that killed Black Baltimore police officer William Torbit and Sean Gamble. Last year, the BPD settled with the Anderson family for $300,000, four years after his death in police custody. Since Anderson’s death in 2013, Baltimore has also borne witness to the death of Freddie Gray in police custody in 2015. Tawanda Jones, Tyrone West’s sister, has scheduled another West Wednesday for April 18 “demanding accountability for the police murder of Tyrone West, and accountability in every case of police brutality.” De Sousa cited CNA’s recommendation that Black plainclothes officers wear larger body-width “police” labels in order to keep themselves safe from fellow officers as another success. With federal agents declining to investigate, there may be nowhere else to turn. CNA is being asked to investigate the death of Detective Suiter and not just analyze policy and procedure. The IRB will be able to interview witnesses, but will have no subpoena or arrest power. Stewart is a former commander with the Oakland Police Department Criminal Investigation Division. Last year, Oakland PD was scandalized when an officer accused multiple fellow officers of the statutory rape of a police dispatcher’s daughter. “We’re gonna follow where the evidence leads us and we are gonna provide some conclusions,” Stewart said.

April 21, 2018 - April 27, 2018, The Afro-American

“The years of imprisonment hardened me.... Perhaps if you have been given a moment to hold back and wait for the next blow, your emotions wouldn’t be blunted as they have been in my case. When it happens every day of your life, when that pain becomes a way of life, I no longer have the emotion of fear. There is no longer anything I can fear; there is nothing the government has not done to me. There isn’t any pain I haven’t known.” -Winnie Madikizela-Mandela “My favorite place to eat is my grandma’s kitchen. She makes a mean crab cake.” -Karlie Kloss Do you remember Nate’s & Leon, The Pimlico Hotel or Nick’s Seafood at Cross Street Market? If you do remember. I’m sure you tasted the most delicious crab cakes ever. Want to know a secret? The crab cakes are created from an old family recipe by Charles Hawkins, former chef at Pimlico Hotel. It’s been in the Hawkins’ family since 1947. Unfortunately, these places have closed, however Charles’ son, Brian Hawkins, has kept the crab cake tradition alive at the Brass Tap, 1205 W. Mt. Royal Ave across from the light rail stop. That’s right, you can ride the light rail and get off at the Mt. Royal stop for a Baltimore classic crab cake and rinse it down with one of the many cold beers on tap. “So if anybody wants to get me something, get me 60 crabs - one for each year. I don’t want no diamonds, I don’t want no shoes, I don’t want no party. I want some crabs.” -Patti LaBelle We couldn’t resist ordering crabs the

one great spring day we had in April. Looks like this will be a good year for crabs based on the crabs we got from Cravin Crabs in Halethorpe. At $60 a dozen for the large crabs it was well worth it for such meaty and succulent crabs. “Saturday mornings are for mimosas and brunch” -Lisa McLean Colin’s Restaurant 2nd annual brunch was a huge success with every seat occupied and guests waiting to be seated. The menu included all the brunch, breakfast and lunch favorites including French toast, salmon, pulled BBQ pork and unlimited mimosas. Guests enjoying the delicious brunch were Dorothy “The Queen” Williams, the AFRO’s Diane Hocker, Denise Deleaver, Bishop Josephine and Tommy Ridgley, Marcia Tuck, Rev. Sadie and Barry Bankins, Tatijana Jobes, Anita Wilmore, Dr. Ashanti and Lyonna Woods and Marc Myrick. “Cherish your human connections - your relationships with friends and family.” -Barbara Bush More than 400 people attended Dunbar Alumni Association’s bull and oyster roast at the UAW Hall on Oldham Street. The all class reunion was the perfect opportunity for Poets, and friends of Poets, to spend a memorable afternoon meeting and greeting old friends and classmates. Enjoying the pit beef, ham, fried oysters, oysters, clams and so much more were Selena Redd, Geneva Starks, Ronald Bailey, The honorable Tiger Davis, Lady Di, Lenora Dawson, Doni Glover and Derrick Jones. Thanks Jerrelle Francois for inviting me, I’m looking forward to next year. Go Poets!

“Behind you now is yesterday; let your experience and knowledge pave the way. Here’s to you and to your success, we know you will give it your best.” -Theodore W. Higginsworth Wishing Andre Goppy, former service advisor at R&H Mercedes, much success on his next venture in Charleston South Carolina. “So long, it’s been good to know ya!” -Arlo Guthrie It was a pleasure knowing Andre for the 11 years he was my service advisor. Like EF Hutton, when Andre said it, you listened with complete confidence that he had his customer in mind. “Life isn’t about your age. Life is about living. So when your birthday comes be thankful for the year that has just past and anticipate with a happy heart what the coming year will bring.” -Catherine Pulsifer I remember a few of my mother’s favorite things, so for her birthday I invited her to lunch at The Peppermill on York Road so she could enjoy a lunch featuring a menu of shad roe, oyster stew and fried oysters. Happy birthday Yoma Howard, Debbie Allen, Pat Crisp, Victor Green, Paula Stephens, Morgan Chase, Michael Andre Settles, twins Krystal and Kristie Jones, Sheriff John Anderson and Shirley Richmond. Happy 21st anniversary to my line sisters, the 108 Black Pearls. It’s hard to believe that it has been 21 years since we bonded into the illustrious sisterhood of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority.

investing in

program at the Johns Hopkins Center for Talented Youth has expanded from three

neighbors is important to us because when Baltimore thrives, we all do.

Johns Hopkins. Investing in our community.

“At the end of your life, you will never regret not having passed one more test, not winning one more verdict or not closing one more deal. You will regret time not spent with a husband, a friend, a child or a parent.” -Barbara Bush Sending our thoughts and prayers to Delegate Antonio Hayes on the death of his mother Sonia “Pinky” Hayes and to the AFRO’s Takiea Hinton and her mom Gloria Bryant on the death of her stepfather and her mom’s husband, retired Korean war veteran Colonel Rudolph Valentino Bryant. Family and friends are mourning the death of longtime educator, community and social activist Cardrienne Perrin Griffin. Her husband of sixty years James “Jim” Griffin and family will receive friends on April 22 at March Family Tribute Center 5601 Old Court Road from 3 p.m. to 5 p.m. with funeral services on Monday at Bethel AME Church. For more details, contact March Funeral Home. Read her obituary on page B1. What’s happening! April 22 at Bethesda Blues& Jazz Supper Club Kim Jordan will perform a tribute to Gil Scott Heron in honor of April Jazz appreciation month. “In the spring, I have counted 136 different kinds of weather inside of 24 hours.” - Mark Twain “I’ll be seeing you.”-Valerie and the Friday Night Bunch


make their futures even brighter. That’s why the Baltimore Emerging Scholars

students with quality gifted programs. Sharing resources with our youngest

Sending get well wishes to Phil Strambler as he continues to recuperate at home.

Photo by Howard Korn

Good neighbors see great potential in their community’s children and work to

Baltimore City public schools to 10, helping connect more of the city’s bright


Santino Vaughan, a student at Mount Royal Elementary/Middle School, is one of 120 second-, third-, and fourth-graders throughout the city who are enhancing their critical-thinking skills through courses in astronomy, architecture, and engineering as part of the Baltimore Emerging Scholars program.


The Afro-American, April 21, 2018 - April 27, 2018


Sunday, April 22, 1-5 p.m.



April 22–July 29, 2018 See the pioneering African American artist’s most personal work—hand-carved and assembled sculptures inspired by the materials and traditions of Africa and ancient Greece. PURCHASE TICKETS AT ARTBMA.ORG MEMBERS SEE IT FREEJOIN TODAY

This exhibition is organized by The Baltimore Museum of Art and The Metropolitan Museum of Art.

It is generously sponsored by The Alvin and Fanny B. Thalheimer Foundation, Suzanne F. Cohen, Anonymous, Heidi and Brian Berghuis, Amy L. Gould and Matthew S. Polk, Jr., Agnes Gund, Guy and

! ! " # ! Meadows, Clair Zamoiski Segal, Dorothy Wagner Wallis Charitable Trust, Eddie C. and C. Sylvia Brown, Eileen Harris Norton Foundation, Ilene and Michael Salcman, and Hauser & Wirth. Above: Whitten, Agia Galini, 1973.; Right: Jack Whitten. Detail, Homage to the Kri-Kri. 1985. Courtesy of the Artist’s Estate and Hauser & Wirth. Photography by Genevieve Hanson, NYC.

April 21, 2018 - April 27, 2018, The Afro-American


ARTS & CULTURE Laz Alonso Shows a Whole Different Side in New Film By Nadine Matthews Special to the AFRO It was a reunion of old friends for Laz Alonso and his co-stars in his new film “Traffik,” which opens April 20. “I’ve known Roselyn Sanchez for over 10 years,” Alonso tells the AFRO. “I know Paula from “Jumping The Broom.” That was 10 years ago so Paula Patton and I actually worked together before. I knew Omar Epps before then and I’ve always since “Juice,” looked up to

my family laugh, but I was learning how to also create characters. As an actor you never stop studying others.” He regrets not taking acting at university, instead getting a degree in the more practical area of marketing. He explains, “If I could do it all over again. I would’ve at least taken acting classes as my electives. At the time, I really didn’t have anybody to explain how to get into it. I just figured, you know, once I got out of school and I got out of debt, I’d be able to pursue my

Courtesy Photo

Laz Alonso is one of the stars of the upcoming suspense thriller ‘Traffik.’ Omar. I’ve always wanted to work with Roslyn one day and you know, it was just a perfect combination.” Truly a perfect combination, the script called for them to act as if they were two couples who were also best friends with each other and the actors’ natural chemistry is palpable onscreen. The Howard University grad was born and raised in Washington, D.C. Alonso was an only child who always dreamed of becoming an actor. “I impersonated family and friends a lot. So I think the beginning of my acting career was learning how to be other people. I wanted to make

dreams.” Many people have had that friend who makes them question their judgment, or maybe their backbone. The friend who doesn’t think before he speaks but is the life of the party and always has the hook-up. That friend who makes us have to ask ourselves if his or her great personality or the fact that we’ve known them for years is enough of a reason to continue the friendship. Alonso’s character Darren, is that guy. A sports agent who wishes he represented only female athletes because, “When was the last time a Williams sister got arrested?” Well, he might have a point

there. However, Darren puts his foot in his mouth so many times and shows his mean streak so often you have to wonder why the other characters put up with him. Alonso reveals he has had friends like this in real life. “Many of my friends are like that,” he laughs. “It wasn’t a stretch because I’ve known a bunch of Darrens in my life.” Darren has an enviable life but is a character who is difficult to love. Alonso usually plays characters who are likeable precisely because they are realists who embrace themselves and everyone around them for both their strengths as well as their flaws. As an African-American (of Cuban extraction), he has also played his share of roles as law enforcement. For all the fancy cars, homes, breathtaking Sacramento scenery, and glamorous careers of the characters in “Traffik,” it takes on the very heavy issue of human trafficking. Alonso’s character points out it is second only to drugs and practically ties with arms dealing in terms of the most lucrative black market industries. When the characters in Traffik threaten to get in the way of the ones who are doing the trafficking, things take a deadly serious turn. Alonso is in one of the most suspenseful scenes in the film. He reveals some behind the scenes, real life logistics that helped get him into the right mindframe to carry it off. “Honestly, we had been shooting for almost 20 hours that day and I had to catch a 7 a.m. flight to go to Boston to shoot ‘Detroit,’ which was Kathryn Bigelow’s film, so I’m tripping. So it was a combination of real life exhaustion and real life tension of having to fight to get the shot before the sun came up. Sometimes though, that’s where you get your best filmmaking; when you’re really, truly under the gun.”

Kendrick Lamar’s Pulitzer Win Hailed as ‘Big for Music’ five. “Everyone expects that there The decision would have been to award rapper some form of Kendrick Lamar the resistance. There Pulitzer Prize for was none,” said music represents Griffin. “It was a historic moment just welcomed by not just for hipeveryone as an hop and American opportunity to have a music but also for serious conversation the usually stuffy about the art, about Pulitzer process Mr. Lamar’s work, itself, says one of but also about what the music jurors constitutes what kind who picked the of music that should album “DAMN.” as be eligible for this.” a finalist. The final Photo by Amy Harris/Invision/AP “It’s big for hip- Kendrick Lamar won the Pulitzer Prize for decision was made hop. I think it’s big by the Pulitzer music for his album “DAMN.” for our country. It’s board, which hailed big for music. But Lamar’s CD as it’s big for the Pulitzers, too. Institutions are not “a virtuosic song collection unified by its stuck in time, either. Institutions can change,” vernacular authenticity and rhythmic dynamism said Farah Jasmine Griffin, a Columbia that offers affecting vignettes capturing the professor. complexity of modern African-American life.” Lamar’s win April 16 made history as The Pulitzers have been accused of past the first non-classical or non-jazz artist to mistakes when it comes to African-American win the prestigious prize since the Pulitzers contributions to music. In 1965, jurors included music in 1943. Just having a rapper recommended awarding a special citation to nominated for the prize is considered a stunning Duke Ellington, but were rejected. And it was development for awards that usually honor not until 1997 that the Pulitzer for music even musicians of European classical background. went to a jazz work. “I knew that there would be some anger “All of us sitting at that table were fully and some resentment and some people who aware of Duke Ellington in 1965 being passed wouldn’t like the idea, but surprisingly enough, over for the Pulitzer and a jazz artist not I haven’t heard a lot of that,” Griffin said. winning for some time,” said Griffin. “We all The decision was hailed as a turning point brought a history to the table and thought, ‘Why in music history by Jetro Da Silva, a professor not?’ and ‘Why not now?’” at the prestigious Berklee College of Music The Pulitzers have lately expanded their who teaches a class on hip-hop writing and inclusion of popular music, including honoring production. Bob Dylan’s lyrics with the prize for literature “We are at a time in history here perhaps and giving Lin-Manuel Miranda’s hip-hopthere is a new way to analyze what is inspired score for “Hamilton” the Pulitzer for considered a contribution to music. Critical drama. thinkers are asking what it really means to be a Rapper Charlamagne Tha God noted that composer and what is a composition,” he said. Lamar joined African-American luminaries “The sky’s the limit.” such as playwright August Wilson, writers Alex In addition to Griffin, the music jury this Haley and Toni Morrison, and musician John year included music critic David Hajdu, Coltrane as Pulitzer winners. “Congrats to that violinist Regina Carter, Paul Cremo from the brother! I’m inspired!” he wrote. Metropolitan Opera and the composer David Griffin, a professor of English and AfricanLang. American studies who has written about Billie The five-member music jury listened to Holiday, Miles Davis and John Coltrane, was a about 180 pieces of music and after deliberating rookie on the Pulitzer jury this year. for a few days then submitted to the final “I will cherish that experience, of going board three works — Lamar’s album along through that process,” she said. “On so many with Michael Gilbertson’s “Quartet” and Ted levels, I felt like this was major — both the Hearne’s “Sound from the Bench.” Adding music that we put forward but also what “DAMN.” was a unanimous decision by all happened in those deliberations.” By The Associated Press


Former NFL Great Michael Vick Doesn’t Dodge His Past By Mark F. Gray better,” Vick told the crowd. Special to the AFRO Soft spoken and thoughtful, Vick brought a message of leadership and Michael Vick became an NFL responsibility to young men who can legend by eluding defenders that still relate to his digital charisma. He’s were trying to stop him. With frank about the mistakes of the past his playing days now over Vick that derailed his chance to win a NFL doesn’t run away from his past as championship or add to the legend of he candidly shares his life story his playing days that could have led to around the country while making a place in history amongst the greatest an appearance at First Baptist of all time instead of becoming merely Church of Glenarden’s Mighty an icon of his generation. Men of Valor national conference. He echoed the sentiments of those Vick was the featured speaker who watched his demise in Atlanta by during a 45-minute session freely admitting that he didn’t work during the final day of the hard enough to take full advantage weekend conference designed Courtesy photo of his skill set as quarterback of the to promote leadership amongst Falcons. Vick acknowledged that Former NFL quarterback Michael Vick and African American men. Dressed Christian Contemporary radio personality Willie he wasn’t focused on being great in V7, his new clothing line, as a professional athlete time and Moore, Jr. talk with the audience during the with moderator – and Christian featured session of the Men of Valor Conference that immature pre-occupations with contemporary radio personality marijuana, video games and dog at the First Baptist Church of Glenarden in Willie Moore, Jr. – Vick fighting, kept him from reaching goals Maryland. captivated the audience without that would have added to his legend on preaching but communicating the field. a message that spoke to generations as part of this faith based “In Atlanta I was the last one to practice and the first one to initiative. leave,” said Vick. “After practice, I kept a joint in the car and was “I get the chance to wake up every day and work on being in a rush to get home to play Madden [video football game] with

the fellas all the time. I could’ve left the game with a [Super Bowl championship] ring on my finger if I had truly been committed.” Vick said that it was his penchant for marijuana while waiting for his trial for dog fighting that derailed his career. He conceded that his decision to smoke by justifying it to himself because of “stress” cost him. Initially his sentence was only supposed to be for 13 months after his conviction but due to his decision he had to serve 18 which kept him off the field longer and he was never the same player again. “I went away from God’s plan and a sense of arrogance set in,” Vick said. “When God has a plan for your life you’ve got follow what he would have you do.” Now a devoted family man – with a wife and four kids – Vick uses analogies from his playing days to serve as examples of how men should be leaders in their homes. “Sometimes you’ve got to have a family huddle,” said Vick. “You’ve got to come together and address what needs to be done and set the plan to make it happen.” As an NFL analyst for Fox Sports, Vick is preparing to cover the upcoming NFL draft coverage. He understands the perception that 2017 Heisman Trophy winning quarterback Lamar Jackson faces as an athlete whose game many have compared to his. “Lamar Jackson has to be patient. As a quarterback you’ve got to listen and stay ready to play,” said Vick. “You may play one game and then not get on the field for two years. He’s got a high upside especially if he’s gets with the right offensive coordinator.”


Superior Court of the District of Columbia DONATE AUTOS, PROBATE DIVISION sults by placing your Washington, D.C. TRUCKS, RV’S. 20001-2131 ads in the MDDC – LUTHERAN MISSION Administration No. Classified Advertising SOCIETY. Your dona0000018-09 network! Call today Barbara Mae Dease tion helps local families 410-212-0616 Ask for Decedent with food, clothing, Andrew T Richardson Multi-Media Specialist shelter, counseling. III, Esq -Wanda & watch your 1629 K Street, NW, Tax deductible. MVA results grow. EDED Suite 300 License #W1044. Washington, DC 20006 410-636-0123 or www. Attorney SAVE loads of money NOTICE OF LutheranMissionSociwith your advertising APPOINTMENT, NOTICE TO BUDGETS; CONCREDITORS NECT with the MultiAND NOTICE TO BUSINESS Media Specialists of UNKNOWN HEIRS SERVICES/OPPT. the MDDC Advertising Renee Dease, whose address is 817 Kennedy Networks; GET Bulk Bulk advertising at Street, NW, Washington, Advertising OpporDC 20011, was apits best: advertise in pointed personal repretunities NOW;CALL over 70 newspapers sentative of the estate of TODAY; With One and reach millions of Barbara Mae Dease, Call; With One Ad who died on May 30, readers with ONE call. 2007 without a will, and Placement & One Bill; Broaden your reach and will serve with Court suYou’ll Reach the Entire get results for pennies pervision. All unknown Mid-Atlantic Region; heirs and heirs whose per reader. Call Wanda Call 410-212-0616 whereabouts are unat 410-212-0616 or known shall enter their email wsmith@md appearance in this TYPESET: Wed Apr 18 12:22:33 EDTObjections 2018 LEGAL NOTICES proceeding. to such appointment Place a business card ad lication in accordance with shall be filed with the theDecember 7, 2017, OrSUPERIOR COURT in the Regional Small Register of Wills, D.C., der 5th of Street, Publication the OF THE DISTRICT OF 515 N.W.,in3rd Display 2x2/2x4 AdDaily Washington, Washington D.C. Law COLUMBIA Floor vertising Network – Let Reporter and may satisfCIVIL DIVISION 20001, on or ofbefore yher obligation providCase No. MDDC help you grow Oing c t onotice b e r of 1 3the , 2 above018. 2017 CA 006123 R(RP)) Claims against the deyour business! Call captioned lawsuit by filing Civil II, Calendar I cedent shall be preproof of thatpublication on TODAY at 410-212Judge John M. 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April 13, 2018 Name of newspaper: Place your ad on AMENDED ORDER Afro-American OF PUBLICATION Facebook; Twitter; Washington LinkedIN and Google The object of this lawsuit Law Reporter Renee Dease Ads Words through is to quiet title to the real Personal property known as Square MDDC’s Social Media Representative 5209, Lot 0065, having Ad Network; Call today the address of 5351 H a y e s S t r e e t , N . E . , TRUE TEST COPY to find out maximize REGISTER OF WILLS your presence on Social Washington, D.C. 20019 (”Property”), in Althea Media; 410-212-0616; Hicks, Personal Representative of the Estate of 04/13, 04/20, 04/27/18 or email Wanda Smith TYPESET: Wed Apr 18 Gibson, as the @ wsmith@mddcpress. Charles fee simple owner,or, as com alternative relief, that the Superior Court of Property be sold, and that the the proceeds be equitably District of Columbia All parties EDUCATIONAL/ distributed. PROBATE DIVISION having an interest in this real property are named in Washington, D.C. 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Grow your Associate Judge Washington CHARLES GIBSON, Revenue with a business (Signed in Chambers) Law Reporter Plaintiff, size ad in this network; Brenda J Gober Personal Let the Multi-Media 04/13, 04/20, 04/27/18 v. Representative Specialists help you CONSTANCE increase your customer SIMENTON base; PERSONAL CALL TODAY REPRESENTATIVE 410-212-0616 – See OFNOW your results


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04/13, 04/20, 04/27/18

Superior Court of the District of Columbia PROBATE DIVISION Washington, D.C. 20001-2131 Administration No. 2018ADM290 Sarah E Lowery AKA Sarah Estell Lowery Decedent M a r i a Wo r t h i n g t o n McKenna Esq Council, Baradel, Kosmeri & Nolan, PA 125 West St. 4th Floor Annapolis, MD 21401 Attorney NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT, NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND NOTICE TO UNKNOWN HEIRS Elena MArie Lowery, whose address is 2223 Ta y l o r S t r e e t , N E Washington, DC 20018 was appointed personal representative of the estate of Sarah E Lowery AKA Sarah Estell Lowery , who died on June 12, 2017 with a will, and will serve without Court supervision. All unknown heirs and heirs whose whereabouts are unknown shall enter their appearance in this proceeding. Objections to such appointment (or to the probate of decedent´s will) shall be filed with the Register of Wills, D.C., 515 5th Street, N.W., 3rd Floor Wa s h i n g t o n , D . C . 20001, on or before October 6, 2018. Claims against the decedent shall be presented to the undersigned with a copy to the Register of Wills or filed with the Register of Wills with a copy to the undersigned, on or before October 6, 2018, or be forever barred. Persons believed to be heirs or legatees of the decedent who do not receive a copy of this notice by mail within 25 days of its first publication shall so inform the Register of Wills, including name, address and relationship. Date of Publication: April 6, 2018 Name of newspaper: Afro-American Washington Law Reporter Elena Marie Lowery Personal Representative

Superior Court of the District of Columbia PROBATE DIVISION Washington, D.C. 20001-2131 Administration No. 2018ADM000284 John Baker Splaun Jr. Decedent Edward T Love Esq Ortman, Love & Huckabay 4816 Moorland Lane Bethesda, MD 20814 Attorney NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT, NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND NOTICE TO UNKNOWN HEIRS R e b e c c a C M a r c e y, whose address is 5515 S h e r i e r P l a c e , N W, Washington, DC 20016 was appointed personal representative of the estate of John Barker Splaun Jr., who died on February 16, 2018 without a will, and will serve without Court supervision. All unknown heirs and heirs whose whereabouts are unknown shall enter their appearance in this proceeding. Objections to such appointment shall be filed with the Register of Wills, D.C., 515 5th Street, N.W., 3rd Floor Washington, D.C. 20001, on or before October 6, 2018. Claims against the decedent shall be presented to the undersigned with a copy to the Register of Wills or filed with the Register of Wills with a copy to the undersigned, on or before October 6, 2018 , or be forever barred. Persons believed to be heirs or legatees of the decedent who do not receive a copy of this notice by mail within 25 days of its first publication shall so inform the Register of Wills, including name, address and relationship. Date of Publication: April 6, 2018 Name of newspaper: Afro-American Washington Law Reporter Rebecca C Marcey Personal Representative




C2 The Afro-American, April 21, 2018 - April 27, 2018


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NAME: ________________________________________________ ADDRESS: _____________________________________________ TYPESET: Wed Apr 18 12:34:55 EDT 2018 PHONE NO.:____________________________________________ CLASSIFICATION:Superior ______________________________________ Court of the (Room, Apt., House, etc.) District of Columbia TYPESET: Wed Apr 18 12:33:49 EDT 2018 PROBATE DIVISION INSERTION DATE:_________________ Washington, D.C.

20001-2131 Superior Court of Administration No. the District of 2018ADM0000259 District of Columbia Cheryl D Currie PROBATE DIVISION Decedent Washington, TYPESET: Wed Apr 18 12:35:44 Legal Rates D.C. NOTICE OFAdvertising 20001-2131 APPOINTMENT, Effective October 1, 2008 Administration No. NOTICE TO 2018ADM000311 CREDITORS Superior Court of Hubert Von Fogan AND NOTICE TO the Decedent PROBATE DIVISION UNKNOWN HEIRS District of Columbia NOTICE OF Stanley Currie , whose PROBATE DIVISION (Estates)APPOINTMENT, address is 1725 Lincoln Washington, D.C. NOTICE TO Road, NE, Washington, 20001-2131 202-332-0080 CREDITORS DC 20002, was apAdministration No. PROBATE AND NOTICE TO pointed personal repre- NOTICES 2018ADM000252 UNKNOWN HEIRS sentative of the estate of Mary V Alston Cheryl D Currie , who Avonda S Fogan and AKA Anita G.W. F ogan, a. Order Nisi 60 per insertion $180.00 per 3 weeks died on March 13,$2017 Mary V Altson whose addresses are Decedent without a will, and willper b. Small Estates (single publication $ 60 insertion serve with, Court su- 2216 Quincy St. NE, Thomas L Campbell c. Notice to Creditors pervision. All unknown Washington, DC 20018, Esq was appointed personal 3807 Minnesota Ave NE heirs and heirs whose 1. Domestic $ 60 per insertion $180.00 per 3 weeks whereabouts are un- representatives of the W a s h i n g t o n , D C of Hubert Von $180.00 2. Foreign $ 60 per insertion per 3 weeks known shall enter their estate 20019-2660 Fogan, who died on Feb- Attorney a p p e a r a n c e i n $t h d. Escheated Estates 60i s per insertion $360.00 per 6 weeks proceeding. Objections ruary 4, 2018 without a NOTICE OF e. Standard Probates to such appointment will, and will serve with- $125.00 APPOINTMENT, shall be filed with the out Court supervision. All NOTICE TO Register of Wills, D.C., unknown heirs and heirs CREDITORS whose whereabouts are CIVIL NOTICES 515 5th Street, N.W., 3rd AND NOTICE TO Floor Washington, D.C. unknown shall enter their UNKNOWN HEIRS a. Name Changes 202-879-1133 80.00 20001, on or before a p p e a r a n c e i n t h i s $ Marva L Nelson and October 6, 2018. Claims proceeding. Objections $ Phyllis L Evans whose b. Real Property 200.00 against the decedent to such appointment addresses are 5174 shall be presented to the shall be filed with the Clacton Ave., Suitland undersigned with a copy Register of Wills, D.C., MD 20746 and 2905 Mills FAMILY COURT to the Register of Wills or 515 5th Street, N.W., 3rd Ave NE, Washington, DC filed with the Register of Floor Washington, D.C. 20018 were appointed 202-879-1212 Wills with a copy to the 20001, on or before personal representatives DOMESTIC October 6, 2018. Claims of the estate of Mary V undersigned, on or be- RELATIONS TRUE TEST COPY fore October 6, 2018 , or against the decedent Alston AKA Mary V AltREGISTER OF WILLS 202-879-0157 be forever barred. Per- shall be presented to the s o n , w h o d i e d o n sons believed to be heirs undersigned with a copy December 24, 2017 with or legatees of the de- to the Register of Wills or a will, and will serve with04/6, 04/13, 04/20/18 a. Absent Defendant 150.00 cedent who do not re- filed with the Register of $ out Court supervision. All TRUE TEST COPY 12:24:06 EDT 2018 TYPESET: Wed Apr 18 12:33:19 EDT 2018 ceive a copy of this notice Wills with a copy to the $ unknown heirs and heirs REGISTER OF WILLS b. Absolute Divorce 150.00 undersigned, on or beby mail within 25 days of whose whereabouts are its first publication shall fore October 6, 2018 , or $150.00 c. Custody Divorce unknown shall enter their Superior Court of so inform the Register of be forever barred. Per- a p p e a r a n c e i n t h i s 04/6, 04/13, 04/20/18 the District of Wills, including name, sons believed to be heirs proceeding. Objections legatees of the de- to such appointment (or District EDT of Columbia address and relation- or TYPESET: Wed Apr 18 12:34:20 2018 To place your ad, call 1-800-237-6892, ext. 262, Public Notices $50.00 & up cedent who do not re- to the probate of dePROBATE DIVISION ship. ceive a copy of are this notice Washington, D.C. depending on size, Baltimore Legal Notices $24.84cedent´s per inch. Date of Publication: will) shall be by mail within 25 days of filed with the Register of 20001-2131 April 6, 2018 Superior Court of 1-800 (AFRO) 892 its first publication shall Wills, D.C., 515 5th Administration No. Name of newspaper: the inform the Register of Street, 2017ADM001426 Afro-American N.W., 3rd Floor For Proof of Publication, pleaseso call 1-800-237-6892, ext. 244 District of Columbia Wills, including name, W a s h i n g t o n , D . C . Joseph H Fisher Washington PROBATE DIVISION address and relationDecedent Law Reporter 20001, on or before Washington, D.C. Daryl D Jones Esquire Stanley Currie ship. October 6, 2018. Claims 20001-2131 Date of Publication: Henault & Sysko, Char- TYPESET: Wed Apr 18 12:34:55 EDT 2018 Personal against the decedent Administration No. LEGAL NOTICES LEGALRepresentative NOTICES April LEGAL NOTICES shall LEGAL NOTICES 6, 2018 tered be presented to the 2018ADM308 Name of newspaper: 306 N Crain Hwy undersigned with a copy Mary L Crawford Afro-American Glen Burnie, MD 21061 TRUE TEST COPY to the Register of Wills or Superior Court of Decedent Washington Attorney REGISTER OF WILLS filed with the Register of the NOTICE OF Law Reporter NOTICE OF Wills with a copy to the District of Columbia APPOINTMENT, Fogan undersigned, on or beAPPOINTMENT, 04/6, 04/13, Wed 04/20/18 TYPESET: Apr 18 12:33:49Avonda EDT S 2018 PROBATE DIVISION NOTICE TO Anita GW Fogan fore October 6, 2018, or NOTICE TO Washington, D.C. CREDITORS Personal be forever barred. PerCREDITORS 20001-2131 AND NOTICE TO Representative sons believed to be heirs AND NOTICE TO Administration No. UNKNOWN HEIRS Superior Court of UNKNOWN HEIRS or legatees of the de2018ADM0000259 David Johnson, whose the District of TRUE TEST COPY Joyce Fisher Thomas , cedent who do not reCheryl D Currie address 137 Galveston District of Columbia REGISTER OF WILLS whose address is 46375 ceive a copy of this notice Decedent Place, SW Washington, PROBATE DIVISION Shining Willow Way #C, by mail within days of NOTICE OF DC 20032 was appointed Washington, D.C. TYPESET: Wed Apr 18 12:35:44 EDT252018 04/6, 04/13, 04/20/18 Lexington Park, MD its first publication shall APPOINTMENT, personal rep20001-2131 29653, was appointed so inform the Register of NOTICE TO resentativeof the estate Administration No. personal representatives Wills, including name, CREDITORS of Mary L Crawford , who 2018ADM000311 Superior Court of of the estate of Joseph H address and relationAND NOTICE TO died on February 7, 2017 Hubert Von Fogan the Fisher, who died on July ship. UNKNOWN HEIRS without a will, and will Decedent District of Columbia 11, 1996 without a will, Date of Publication: Stanley Currie , whose serve without Court suNOTICE OF PROBATE DIVISION and will serve with Court April 6, 2018 address is 1725 Lincoln pervision. All unknown APPOINTMENT, Washington, D.C. supervision. All unknown Name of newspaper: Road, NE, Washington, heirs and heirs whose NOTICE TO 20001-2131 heirs and heirs whose Afro-American DC 20002, was apwhereabouts are unCREDITORS Administration No. whereabouts are unWashington pointed personal repreknown shall enter their AND NOTICE TO 2018ADM000252 known shall enter their Law Reporter sentative of the estate of appearance in this UNKNOWN HEIRS Mary V Alston appearance in this Marva L Nelson Cheryl D Currie , who proceeding. Objections Avonda S Fogan and AKA proceeding. Objections Phyllis L Evans died on March 13, 2017 to such appointment Anita G.W. F ogan, Mary V Altson to such appointment Personal without a will, and will shall be filed with the whose addresses are Decedent shall be filed with the Representative serve with, Court suRegister of Wills, D.C., 2216 Quincy St. NE, Thomas L Campbell Register of Wills, D.C., pervision. All unknown 515 5th Street, N.W., 3rd Washington, DC 20018, Esq 515 5th Street, N.W., 3rd TRUE TEST COPY heirs and heirs whose Floor Washington, D.C. was appointed personal 3807 Minnesota Ave NE Floor Washington, D.C. REGISTER OF WILLS whereabouts are un20001, on or before representatives of the W a s h i n g t o n , D C 20001, on or before known shall enter their October 6, 2018. Claims estate of Hubert Von 20019-2660 October 6, 2018. Claims 046, 4/13, Wed 04/20/18 appearance in this TYPESET: Apr 18 12:23:01 against the decedent Fogan, who died on Feb- Attorney against the decedent proceeding. Objections shall be presented to the ruary 4, 2018 without a NOTICE OF shall be presented to the to such appointment undersigned with a copy will, and will serve withAPPOINTMENT, undersigned with a copy shall be filed with the to the Register of Wills or out Court supervision. All Superior Court of NOTICE TO to the Register of Wills or Register of Wills, D.C., filed with the Register of unknown heirs and heirs the CREDITORS filed with the Register of 515 5th Street, N.W., 3rd Wills with a copy to the whose whereabouts are District of Columbia AND NOTICE TO Wills with a copy to the Floor Washington, D.C. undersigned, on or beunknown shall enter their PROBATE DIVISION UNKNOWN HEIRS undersigned, on or be20001, on or before fore October 6, 2018, or appearance in this Washington, D.C. Marva L Nelson and fore October 6, 2018 , or October 6, 2018. Claims be forever barred. Perproceeding. Objections 20001-2131 Phyllis L Evans whose be forever barred. Peragainst the decedent sons believed to be heirs to such appointment addresses are 5174 Administration No. sons believed to be heirs shall be presented to the or legatees of the deshall be filed with the Clacton Ave., Suitland 2018ADM349 or legatees of the deundersigned with a copy cedent who do not reRegister of Wills, D.C., MD 20746 and 2905 Mills Dorothy Dorsey cedent who do not reto the Register of Wills or ceive a copy of this notice 515 5th Street, N.W., 3rd Ave NE, Washington, DC Decedent ceive a copy of this notice filed with the Register of by mail within 25 days of Floor Washington, D.C. 20018 were appointed Kerri M Castellini Esq by mail within 25 days of Wills with a copy to the its first publication shall 20001, on or before personal representatives Price Benowitz LLP its first publication shall undersigned, on or beso inform the Register of October 6, 2018. Claims of the estate of Mary V 409 Seventh Street, so inform the Register of fore October 6, 2018 , or Wills, including name, against the decedent Alston AKA Mary V Alt- N W, S u i t e 2 0 0 , Wills, including name, be forever barred. Peraddress and relationshall be presented to the s o n , w h o d i e d o n Washington, DC 20165 address and relationsons believed to be heirs ship. undersigned with a copy December 24, 2017 with Attorney ship. or legatees of the deDate of Publication: to the Register of Wills or a will, and will serve withNOTICE OF Date of Publication: cedent who do not reApril 6, 2018 filed with the Register of out Court supervision. All APPOINTMENT, April 6, 2018 ceive a copy of this notice Name of newspaper: Wills with a copy to the unknown heirs and heirs NOTICE TO Name of newspaper: by mail within 25 days of Afro-American undersigned, on or be- whose whereabouts are CREDITORS Afro-American its first publication shall Washington fore October 6, 2018 , or AND NOTICE TO unknown shall enter their Washington so inform the Register of Law Reporter be forever barred. Per- a p p e a r a n c e i n t h i s UNKNOWN HEIRS Law Reporter Wills, including name, David Johnson sons believed to be heirs C h r i s o p h e r D o r s e y, proceeding. Objections Joyce F Thomas address and relationPersonal or legatees of the de- to such appointment (or whose address is 47374 Personal ship. Representative cedent who do not re- to the probate of de- Sterdley Falls Terrace, Representative Date of Publication: ceive a copy of this notice cedent´s will) shall be Sterling VA 20165 was April 6, 2018 TRUE TEST COPY by mail within 25 days of filed with the Register of appointed personal reTRUE TEST COPY Name of newspaper: REGISTER OF WILLS its first publication shall Wills, D.C., 515 5th presentative of the estate REGISTER OF WILLS Afro-American so inform the Register of Street, N.W., 3rd Floor of Dorothy Dorsey , who Washington 04/6, 04/13, 04/20/18 Wills, including name, W a s h i n g t o n , D . C . died on March 1, 2015 Law Reporter address and relation- 20001, on or before without a will, and will 04/6, 04/13, 04/20/18 Stanley Currie ship. October 6, 2018. Claims serve without Court suPersonal Date of Publication: against the decedent pervision. All unknown Representative April 6, 2018 shall be presented to the heirs and heirs whose Name of newspaper: undersigned with a copy whereabouts are unTRUE TEST COPY Afro-American to the Register of Wills or known shall enter their REGISTER OF WILLS Washington filed with the Register of a p p e a r a n c e i n t h i s Law Reporter Wills with a copy to the proceeding. Objections 04/6, 04/13, 04/20/18 Avonda S Fogan undersigned, on or be- to such appointment (or Anita GW Fogan fore October 6, 2018, or to the probate of de-


signed with a copy to the Register of Wills or filed with the Register of Wills with a copy to the undersigned, on or before October 20, 2018, or be forever barred. Persons believed to be heirs or legatees of the decedent who do not receive a copy of this NOTICES notice by mail LEGAL within 25 days of its first publication shall so inform the Register of Wills, including name, address and relationship. Date of Publication: April 20, 2018 Name of newspaper: Afro-American Washington Law Reporter

within 25 days of its first publication shall so inform the Register of Wills, including name, address and relationship. Date of Publication: April 20, 2018 Name of newspaper: Afro-American Washington LEGAL NOTICES Law Reporter Ernestine T Belle Personal Representative TRUE TEST COPY REGISTER OF WILLS

A non-mandatory pre-bid meeting will be held on Wednesday, May 2, 2018 at 10:00 a.m., at the Charles L. Benton Building, 417 E. Fayette Street, Room 401, Baltimore, Maryland, 21202.


HABC has established a minimum threshold of twenty percent (20%) of the total dollar amount of the proposed contract for Minority Business EnterApril 21, utilization, 2018 - April 27,to2018, The and Afro-American prise (”MBE”) applicable all minority non-minority businesses proposing to provide the requested services as the prime contractor. No threshold has been established for participation of Womenowned businesses (”WBEs”), Classified continued from C5however, HABC strongly encourages and affirmatively promotes the use of WBEs in all HABC contracts.

SUPERIOR COURT OF THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA PROBATE DIVISION Washington, D.C. 20001-2131 Foreign No. 2018FEP58 Date of Death October 12, 2017 Ronald G Brooks Decedent NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT OF FOREIGN PERSONAL REPRESENTATIVE AND NOTICE TO CREDITORS Carlton Brooks whose address is 6017 Northwest 3rd St., Margate, FL 33063 was appointed personal repre11:55:23 EDT 2018 sentative of the estate of Ronald G Brooks, deceased by the Orphan’s Court for Prince George’s County, State of Maryland., on December 8, 2017. Service of process may be made upon Frances Bethea, 4410 New Hampshire Ave. Northwest , Washington, DC 20011 whose designation as District of Columbia agent has been filed with the Register of Wills, D.C. The decedent owned the following District of Colombia real property: 221 20th Street, NE, Washington, DC 20002 Claims against the decedent may be presented to the undersigned and filed with the Register of Wills for the District of Columbia, 500 Indiana Avenue, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20001 within 6 months from the date of first publication of this notice. Carlton Brooks Personal Representative(s) TRUE TEST COPY REGISTER OF WILLS Date of first publication: April 20, 2018 Name of newspapers and/or periodical: The Daily Washington Law Reporter The Afro-American 04/20, 04/27, 05/4/18

The IFB and all supporting documents may be obtained on or after Monday, April 23, 2018 from the following location:

TRUE TEST COPY REGISTER OF WILLS 04/6, 04/13, 04/20/18

Housing Authority of Baltimore City Division of Fiscal Operations, Procurement Department 417 E. Fayette Street, Room 414 Baltimore, Maryland 21202 Attention: John Airey, Senior Contract Manager Tel: (410) 396-3261

Questions regarding the IFB should be directed in writing to the address and individual indicated above, and must include the reference: HABC Bid No. SU_PressB-1867-18. AssoAD_SAU_2015_Layout 1 8/20/15 11:24 AM Page 1


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TYPESET: Wed Apr 18 12:31:55 EDT 2018 Superior Court of the District of Columbia PROBATE DIVISION Washington, D.C. 20001-2131 Administration No. 2018ADM302 Ellen B Melvin AKA Ellen Birckhead Melvin Decedent SmolenPlevy; K. Brandon Chlarson 8045 Leesburg Pike, Suite 540 Tysons, VA 22182 Attorney NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT, NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND NOTICE TO UNKNOWN HEIRS James Payne, whose address is 2925 Glover Drive, NW, Washington, DC 20017 was appointed personal representative of the estate of Ellen B Melvin, who died on February 3, 2018 witha will, and will serve without Court supervision. All unknown heirs and heirs 12:20:57 EDT 2018 are whose whereabouts unknown shall enter their appearance in this proceeding. Objections to such appointment (or to the probate of decedent´s will) shall be filed with the Register of Wills, D.C., 515 5th Street, N.W., 3rd Floor Wa s h i n g t o n , D . C . 20001, on or before October 6, 2018. Claims against the decedent shall be presented to the undersigned with a copy to the Register of Wills or filed with the Register of Wills with a copy to the undersigned, on or before October 6, 2018, or be forever barred. Persons believed to be heirs or legatees of the decedent who do not receive a copy of this notice by mail within 25 days of its first publication shall so inform the Register of Wills, including name, address and relationship. Date of Publication: April 6, 2018 Name of newspaper: Afro-American Washington Law Reporter James Payne Personal Representative


Bidders shall also comply with all applicable requirements of Section 3 of the Housing and Urban Development Act of 1968, 12 U.S.C. Section 1701u.

04/20, 04/27,Wed 05/4/18 TYPESET: Apr 18 12:21:34 EDT 2018


Estate of Dorothy Lee Brown Deceased NOTICE OF STANDARD PROBATE Notice is hereby given that a petition has been filed in this Court by Betty Jo Black for standard probate, EDT TYPESET: Wed Apr 18 12:19:48 2018 the LEGAL NOTICES LEGALincluding NOTICES appointment of one or more personal representative. Unless a comSuperior Court of plaint or an objection in the District of accordance with SuperDistrict of Columbia ior Court Probate DiPROBATE DIVISION vision Rule 407 is filed in Washington, D.C. this Court within 30 days 20001-2131 from the date of first pubAdministration No. lication of this notice, the 2018ADM000332 Court may take the acLouis Risher tion hereinafter set forth. Decedent 0 In the absence of a will Daniel Roth Attorney or proof satisfactory to 2800 Quebec Street, the Court of due execuStager Clay Smith NW, #1110 tion, enter an order deterand Washington, DC 20008 mining that the decedent Michelle Davis Attorney died intestate0 appoint a Personal NOTICE OF supervised personal reRepresentative APPOINTMENT, presentative NOTICE TO Register of Wills TRUE TEST COPY CREDITORS Clerk of the REGISTER OF WILLS AND NOTICE TO Probate Division UNKNOWN HEIRS Barbara EDT Jean 2018 Patten, Date of First Publication TYPESET: Wed Apr 18 11:56:28 04/20, 04/27, 05/4/18 whose address is 1337 April 20, 2018 Names of Newspapers: Walker Avenue, BalWashington timore, MD 21239 was Superior Court of Law Reporter appointed personal rethe District of p r e s e n t a t i v e L o u i s Washington District of Columbia Risher of the estate of AFRO-AMERICAN PROBATE DIVISION Louis Risher , who died Lynn H Brown Washington, D.C. on October 31, 2018 1413 K St. NW 20001-2131 without a will, and will Suite 1500 Administration No. serve without Court su- Washington, DC 20005 2018ADM000352 pervision. All unknown Signature of Thomas Christein heirs and heirs whose Petitioners/Attorney AKA whereabouts are unThomas C Christein TYPESET: Wed Apr 18 04/27/18 known shall enter their 04/20, Decedent appearance in this Phillip J Kenney proceeding. Objections The Collins Firm Superior Court of 1501 Farm Credit Dr to such appointment the District of shall be filed with the #2000 District of Columbia Register of Wills, D.C., McLean, VA 22102 PROBATE DIVISION 515 5th Street, N.W., 3rd Attorney TRUE TEST COPY Washington, D.C. Floor Washington, D.C. NOTICE OF REGISTER OF WILLS 20001-2131 20001, on or before APPOINTMENT, Administration No. October 20, 2018. NOTICE TO 2018ADM000335 Claims against the deCREDITORS TYPESET: Wed Apr 18 12:20:23 EDT 2018 04/20, 04/27/, 5/4/18 Thomas Nelson Jordan cedent shall be preAND NOTICE TO Decedent sented to the underUNKNOWN HEIRS Samuel C Hamilton Diane E Seeger, whose signed with a copy to the Superior Court of 8 6 0 1 G e o r g i a Av e , Register of Wills or filed address is 1421 Masthe District of Suite 608 with the Register of Wills sachusetts Ave., NW. # District of Columbia Silver Spring, MD with a copy to the under302, Washington, DC PROBATE DIVISION 20910 20005 was appointed signed, on or before Washington, D.C. Attorney personal representative October 20, 2018 or be 20001-2131 NOTICE OF forever barred. Persons of the estate of Thomas Administration No. APPOINTMENT, believed to be heirs or Christein AKA Thomas C 2018ADM00087 NOTICE TO Christein , who died on legatees of the decedent Alice H Brown CREDITORS who do not receive a August 2, 2017 with a Decedent AND NOTICE TO will, and will serve with- copy of this notice by mail NOTICE OF UNKNOWN HEIRS out Court supervision. All within 25 days of its first APPOINTMENT, Ranita-Chalon T Jordan publication shall so inunknown heirs and heirs NOTICE TO & Rozalyn T Givens, whose where-abouts are form the Register of CREDITORS whose addresses are Wills, including name, unknown shall enter their AND NOTICE TO 1843 Mass. Ave., SE, DC address and relationa p p e a r a n c e i n t h i s UNKNOWN HEIRS 20003/ 1842 Mass., ship. Dennis A. Brown , whose proceeding. Objections Date of Publication: Ave., SE., DC 20003, address is 3311 Dallas to such appointment (or April 20, 2018 were appointed personal to the probate of deDrive, Temple Hills, MD representatives of the Name of newspaper: cedent´s will) shall be 20748 was appointed estate of Thomas Nelson Afro-American filed with the Register of personal representative Jordan, who died on FebWashington of the estate of Alice H Wills, D.C., 515 5th ruary 11, 2018 without a Law Reporter Brown, who died on Street, N.W., 3rd Floor will, and will serve withBarbara Jean Patten November 24, 2017 with W a s h i n g t o n , D . C . out Court supervision. All Personal 20001, on or before a will, and will serve withunknown heirs and heirs Representative O c t o b e r 2 0 , 2 0 1 8 . out Court supervision. All whose whereabouts are Claims against the deunknown heirs and heirs unknown shall enter their TRUE TEST COPY whose whereabouts are cedent shall be pre- REGISTER OF WILLS appearance in this unknown shall enter their sented to the underproceeding. Objections signed with a copy to the appearance in this to such appointment 04/20, 04/27, 05/4/18 Register of Wills or filed proceeding. Objections TYPESET: Wed Apr 18 11:55:54 shall be EDT filed 2018 with the with the Register of Wills to such appointment (or Register of Wills, D.C., with a copy to the underto the probate of de515 5th Street, N.W., 3rd cedent´s will) shall be signed, on or before Floor Washington, D.C. Superior Court of filed with the Register of October 20, 2018, or be 20001, on or before the District of forever barred. Persons Wills, D.C., 515 5th October 20, 2018. District of Columbia believed to be heirs or Street, N.W., 3rd Floor Claims against the dePROBATE DIVISION legatees of the decedent Wa s h i n g t o n , D . C . cedent shall be preWashington, D.C. who do not receive a 20001, on or before Ausented to the under20001-2131 gust 23, 2018. Claims copy of this notice by mail signed with a copy to the Administration No. against the decedent within 25 days of its first Register of Wills or filed 2018ADM000352 publication shall so inshall be presented to the with the Register of Wills Thomas Christein form the Register of undersigned with a copy with a copy to the underAKA Wills, including name, to the Register of Wills or signed, on or before Thomas C Christein filed with the Register of address and relationOctober 20, 2018, or be Decedent Wills with a copy to the ship. forever barred. Persons Philip J Kenney undersigned, on or be- Date of Publication: believed to be heirs or The Collins Firm April 20, 2018 fore August 23, 2018, or 1501 Farm Credit Dr legatees of the decedent Name of newspaper: be forever barred. Perwho do not receive a #2000 sons believed to be heirs Afro-American copy of this notice by mail McLean, VA 22102 or legatees of the de- Washington within 25 days of its first Attorney cedent who do not re- Law Reporter publication shall so inNOTICE OF Diane E Seeger ceive a copy of this notice form the Register of APPOINTMENT, Personal by mail within 25 days of Wills, including name, NOTICE TO Representative its first publication shall address and relationCREDITORS so inform the Register of ship. AND NOTICE TO Wills, including name, TRUE TEST COPY Date of Publication: UNKNOWN HEIRS address and relation- REGISTER OF WILLS Diane E Seeger, whose April 20, 2018 TYPESET: Wed Apr 18 11:56:53 2018Mas- Name of newspaper: ship. address EDT is 1421 04/20, 04/27, 05/4/18 Date of Publication: Afro-American sachusetts Ave, NW, February 23, 2018 #302, Washington, DC Washington Superior Court of Name of newspaper: 20005, was appointed Law Reporter the District of Afro-American personal representative District of Columbia Washington Ranita-Chalon T. Jordan of the estate of Thomas PROBATE DIVISION Law Reporter Rozalyn T Givens Christein AKA Thomas C Washington, D.C. Dennis A Brown Personal Christein, who died on 20001-2131 Personal Representative August 2, 2017 with a Administration No. Representative will, and will serve with2016ADM000028 out Court supervision. All TRUE TEST COPY Lala Boothe Slaughter TRUE TEST COPY unknown heirs and heirs REGISTER OF WILLS Decedent REGISTER OF WILLS whose whereabouts are Vickey A Wright-Smith unknown shall enter their 1629 K Street, NW #300 04/20, 04/27,Wed 05/4/18 a p p e a r a n c e i n t h i s TYPESET: Apr 18 TYPESET: Wed Apr 18 11:54:32 EDTDC 2018 Washington, 20006 02/23, 03/2, 03/9/18 proceeding. Objections Attorney to such appointment (or NOTICE OF to the probate of deSuperior Court of APPOINTMENT, Superior Court of cedent´s will) shall be the District of NOTICE TO the District of filed with the Register of District of Columbia CREDITORS District of Columbia Wills, D.C., 515 5th PROBATE DIVISION AND NOTICE TO PROBATE DIVISION Street, N.W., 3rd Floor Washington, D.C. UNKNOWN HEIRS Washington, D.C. Wa s h i n g t o n , D . C . 20001-2131 Vickey A Wright-Smith , 20001-2131 20001, on or before Administration No. whose address is 1629 K Administration No. October 20, 2018. 2018ADM000345 S t r e e t , N W, # 3 0 0 2018ADM00034 Claims against the de- Deshawn T Belle Washington, DC 20006 J Clay Smith Jr cedent shall be pre- Decedent was appointed personal Decedent sented to the underNOTICE OF Constance G Starks representative of the signed with a copy to the APPOINTMENT, estate of Lala Boothe Esq Register of Wills or filed NOTICE TO 7053 Western Avenue Slaughter , who died on with the Register of Wills CREDITORS September 16, 2015 NW with a copy to the underAND NOTICE TO without a will, and will Washington, DC 20015 signed, on or before UNKNOWN HEIRS servewithout Court suAttorney October 20, 2018, or be Ernestine T Belle, whose pervision. All unknown NOTICE OF forever barred. Persons address is 11705 Morheirs and heirs whose APPOINTMENT, believed to be heirs or dente Drive, Clinton, MD whereabouts are unNOTICE TO legatees of the decedent 20735, was appointed known shall enter their CREDITORS who do not receive a personal representative a p p e a r a n c e i n t h i s AND NOTICE TO copy of this notice by mail of the estate of Deshawn proceeding. Objections UNKNOWN HEIRS within 25 days of its first T Belle , who died on Stager Clay Smith and to such appointment (or publication shall so in- January 31, 2016 without Michelle Davis , whose to the probate of deform the Register of a will, and will serve withaddress is 2336 West Vil- cedent´s will) shall be Wills, including name, out Court supervision. All filed with the Register of lage La, SE, Smyra GA address and relation- unknown heirs and heirs Wills, D.C., 515 5th 30080 & 1502 New Urship. whose whereabouts are ban Way, Houston TXD Street, N.W., 3rd Floor Date of Publication: unknown shall enter their 77047, were appointed W a s h i n g t o n , D . C . April 20, 2018 appearance in this personal representative 20001, on or before Name of newspaper: proceeding. Objections of the estate of J Clay O c t o b e r 2 0 , 2 0 1 8 . Afro-American to such appointment Smith Jr., who died on Claims against the deWashington shall be filed with the February 15, 2018 with a cedent shall be preLaw Reporter Register of Wills, D.C., will, and will serve with- sented to the underDiane E Seeger 515 5th Street, N.W., 3rd out Court supervision. All signed with a copy to the Personal Floor Washington, D.C. unknown heirs and heirs Register of Wills or filed Representative 20001, on or before whose whereabouts are with the Register of Wills October 20, 2018. with a copy to the underunknown shall enter their TRUE TEST COPY Claims against the designed, on or before appearance in this REGISTER OF WILLS cedent shall be preproceeding. Objections October 20, 2018, or be sented to the underto such appointment (or forever barred. Persons 04/20, 04/27, 05/4/18 signed with a copy to the EDT 2018 to the probate of de- believed to be heirs or TYPESET: Wed Apr 18 12:22:03 Register of Wills or filed cedent´s will) shall be legatees of the decedent with the Register of Wills filed with the Register of who do not receive a with a copy to the undercopy of this notice by mail SUPERIOR COURT OF signed, on or before Wills, D.C., 515 5th THE DISTRICT OF Street, N.W., 3rd Floor within 25 days of its first October 20, 2018, or be COLUMBIA publication shall so inWa s h i n g t o n , D . C . forever barred. Persons PROBATE DIVISION 20001, on or before form the Register of believed to be heirs or Washington, D.C. O c t o b e r 2 0 , 2 0 1 8 . Wills, including name, legatees of the decedent 20001-2131 address and relationClaims against the dewho do not receive a Administration No. cedent shall be pre- ship. copy of this notice by mail 2018ADM000389 sented to the under- Date of Publication: within 25 days of its first Estate of signed with a copy to the April 20, 2018 publication shall so inDorothy Lee Brown Register of Wills or filed Name of newspaper: form the Register of Deceased with the Register of Wills Afro-American Wills, including name, NOTICE OF with a copy to the under- Washington address and relationSTANDARD signed, on or before Law Reporter ship. PROBATE Vickey A Wright-Smith October 20, 2018, or be Date of Publication: Personal Notice is hereby given April 20, 2018 forever barred. Persons Representative that a petition has been Name of newspaper: believed to be heirs or filed in this Court by Betty legatees of the decedent Afro-American Jo Black for standard who do not receive a TRUE TEST COPY Washington probate, including the copy of this notice by mail REGISTER OF WILLS Law Reporter appointment of one or within 25 days of its first Ernestine T Belle more personal reprepublication shall so in- 04/20, 04/27, 05/4/18 Personal sentative. Unless a comform the Register of Representative plaint or an objection in Wills, including name, accordance with Superaddress and relationTRUE TEST COPY ior Court Probate Diship. REGISTER OF WILLS C h r i s o p h e r D o r s e y, whose address is 47374 Sterdley Falls Terrace, Sterling VA 20165 was appointed personal representative of the estate of Dorothy Dorsey , who died on March 1, 2015 without a will, and will serve without Court supervision. All unknown LEGAL NOTICES heirs and heirs whose whereabouts are unknown shall enter their appearance in this proceeding. Objections to such appointment (or to the probate of decedent´s will) shall be filed with the Register of Wills, D.C., 515 5th Street, N.W., 3rd Floor Wa s h i n g t o n , D . C . 20001, on or before October 20, 2018. Claims against the decedent shall be presented to the undersigned with a copy to the Register of Wills or filed with the Register of Wills with a copy to the undersigned, on or before October 20, 2018, or be forever barred. Persons believed to be heirs or legatees of the decedent who do not receive a copy of this notice by mail within 25 days of its first publication shall so inform the Register of Wills, including name, address and relationship. Date of Publication: April 20, 2018 Name of newspaper: Afro-American Washington Law Reporter Chris Dorsey Personal Representative


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timore OfficeSERVS. of BoardsMISC. and Commissions has been reDepartment of Public Works, Office of Engineering and OEC), to Join advertise for Engineering firms to provide other advertisers anagement Assistance on a consent decree construction of the MDDC Smallsystem. One (1) firm will be City’s wastewater collection Advertising eriod of 2.5Display years with optional one (1) year extension. The or the above services Network. Grow have your been estimated up to If further information Revenue withisa required business regarding this request, Mr. Mohammed at 410-396-3440 or by e-mail at size adRahman in this network; Let the Multi-Media Specialists help you ces increase your customer be provided include, are not limited to the following: base; CALLbut TODAY 410-212-0616 – See Wastewater Utilities Construction Management team with your results NOW nitoring and inspection. spections of work in progress to ensure compliance with TYPESET: Wed Apr 18 13:04:28 EDT 2018 ions and permits. LEGALofNOTICES f daily reports, maintenance project records and review of contractor’s construction item quantities and ayment, Citymeetings, of Baltimore struction meeting, progress As-built meetings, Finance eetings, quantity checkDepartment meetings andofother field meetings. Bureau of Procurement f As-Built drawings records and Red line changes. h local community and inform the residents about the Sealed proposals addressed to the Board of Estimates of Baltimore will receivedplans, until, ces of apparent non-compliance withbecontract butstaff not later than 11:00 a.m. local time on the Public Works for resolution, following date(s) for the stated requirements: uctability reviews, submittal reviews and responses, RFI ponses. May 9, 2018 tract claims and supporting documents, estimating, and *GOLF CARTS B50005411 ntract administrative support and perform other inspection uired. May 30, 2018 *CLOSED TOP TRAILERS WITH teria EJECTION DEVICE B50005390 *TOROthese GROUNDMASTER 5900 & 7200 ested in providing services must demonstrate and LAWN MOWERS B50005393 th standard construction inspection procedures and THE ENTIRE SOLICITATION r civil, mechanical, and electrical disciplines. DOCUMENT BEand VIEWED AND DOWNLOADED BY nspection ofCAN Gravity Pressure Sewer system. THE CITY’S WEBSITE: Inspection VISITING of CIPP lining, open Cut pipe replacement, iphons and grinder pump stations. nspection Sewer Bypass System. applicable codes and standards. ement the City staff to provide field inspection if needed. pproach with Minority/Women Business Enterprises. h Primavera Contract Management version 14 (CM14) software and construction scheduling.

TYPESET: Wed Apr 18 13:00:32 EDT 2018


CERTIFICATION OF PUBLICATION CITY OF BALTIMORE OFFICE OF BOARDS AND COMMISSIONS PUBLIC NOTICE PROJECT NO. 1292 CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT ASSISTANCE SERVICES FOR THE WASTEWATER COLLECTION SYSTEM IMPROVEMENTS IN THE JONES FALLS SEWERSHED The City of Baltimore Office of Boards and Commissions has been requested by the Department of Public Works, Office of Engineering and Construction (OEC), to advertise for Engineering firms to provide Construction Management Assistance on a consent decree construction TYPESET: Wed Apr 18 13:00:32 EDT 2018 project for the City’s wastewater collection system. One (1) firm will be awarded for a period of 2.5 years with optional one (1) year extension. The Project fees forCERTIFICATION the above services have been estimated up to OF PUBLICATION $2,300,000.00. If further information is required regarding this request, please contact Mr. Mohammed Rahman at 410-396-3440 or by e-mail at CITY OF BALTIMORE OFFICE OF BOARDS AND COMMISSIONS PUBLIC NOTICE I.Scope of Services PROJECT NO. 1292 The services to beMANAGEMENT provided include,ASSISTANCE but are not limited to the following: CONSTRUCTION SERVICES FOR THE WASTEWATER COLLECTION SYSTEM IMPROVEMENTS IN THE *Assist the City Wastewater JONES Utilities FALLS Construction Management team with construction monitoring and inspection. SEWERSHED *Provide field inspections of work in progress to ensure compliance with plans, permits. The Cityspecifications of Baltimoreand Office of Boards and Commissions has been re*Preparation daily reports, maintenance of project records and and quested by theofDepartment of Public Works, Office of Engineering documentation, reviewtoofadvertise contractor’s and Construction (OEC), for construction Engineering item firmsquantities to provide application for payment, Assistance on a consent decree construction Construction Management *Attendforpre-construction meeting,collection progresssystem. meetings, As-built meetings, project the City’s wastewater One (1) firm will be design review meetings, quantity check meetings field meetings. awarded for a period of 2.5 years with optional oneand (1) other year extension. The *Maintenance of As-Built drawings records and Red changes. up to Project fees for the above services have beenline estimated *Coordinate with local community inform the residents the $2,300,000.00. If further information and is required regarding this about request, upcoming work. please contact Mr. Mohammed Rahman at 410-396-3440 or by e-mail at *Report instances of apparent non-compliance with contract plans, specifications to Public Works staff for resolution, *Perform constructability reviews, submittal reviews and responses, RFI I.Scope of Services reviews and responses. *Review of contract claimsinclude, and supporting documents, estimating, The services to be provided but are not limited to the following:and construction contract administrative support and perform other inspection activities required. *Assist theas City Wastewater Utilities Construction Management team with construction monitoring and inspection. II.Selection *Provide fieldCriteria inspections of work in progress to ensure compliance with plans, specifications and permits. The firms interested providingmaintenance these services demonstrate and *Preparation of dailyinreports, of must project records and document: documentation, review of contractor’s construction item quantities and *Familiarity standard construction inspection procedures and application for with payment, requirements for civil, mechanical, and electrical disciplines. *Attend pre-construction meeting, progress meetings, As-built meetings, *Experience Inspection of Gravity and Pressure system. design review in meetings, quantity check meetings andSewer other field meetings. *Experience in Inspection of CIPP lining,and open replacement, *Maintenance of As-Built drawings records RedCut line pipe changes. access vaults, siphons grinder pump stations. *Coordinate with local and community and inform the residents about the *Experience in Inspection of Sewer Bypass System. upcoming work. *Familiarity with applicable codes non-compliance and standards. with contract plans, *Report instances of apparent *Ability to supplement Citystaff stafffor to resolution, provide field inspection if needed. specifications to Public the Works *Overall team approach with Minority/Women Business *Perform constructability reviews, submittal reviews andEnterprises. responses, RFI *Experience with Primavera Contract Management version 14 (CM14) reviews and responses. project tracking software and construction *Review of contract claims and supportingscheduling. documents, estimating, and construction contract administrative support and perform other inspection III. Inspection Requirements activities as required. Consultant’sCriteria team will provide engineering staff with the following II.Selection capabilities; *Personnel with skillsinequivalent a Public Worksmust Inspector I, including The firms interested providing to these services demonstrate anda minimum education level of a high school diploma or GED and three (3) document: years of experience performing construction inspection work. Proficient *Familiarity with standard construction inspection procedures and with Computer Microsoft Office Primavera CM14. requirements forSkills, civil, mechanical, and and electrical disciplines. *Personnel with skills equivalent to aand Public WorksSewer Inspector II, including a *Experience in Inspection of Gravity Pressure system. minimum education level ofof a high school diploma GED andreplacement, four (4) years *Experience in Inspection CIPP lining, open or Cut pipe of experience performing inspection access vaults, siphons andconstruction grinder pump on water and sewer system facilities and utilities. Proficient Computer Skills, Microsoft *Experience in Inspection of Sewer Bypasswith System. Office and with Primavera CM14. *Familiarity applicable codes and standards. *Personnel with skills the equivalent to to a Public Inspector III, including a *Ability to supplement City staff provideWorks field inspection if needed. minimum education level of aMinority/Women high school diploma or GED and five (5) years *Overall team approach with Business Enterprises. of experience performing construction workversion on wastewater sys*Experience with Primavera Contract inspection Management 14 (CM14) tem facilities and utilities.and Proficient with Computer Skills, Microsoft Office project tracking software construction scheduling. and Primavera CM14. III. Inspection Requirements IV. Proposal Consultant’s team will provide engineering staff with the following *Firms intending to submit a proposal as a prime consultant for this project capabilities; should submit ”Letter of Interest” the Office Boards I, and Commis*Personnel with askills equivalent to a to Public Worksof Inspector including a sions, 4 education South Frederick Floor, Baltimore, Maryland 21202 minimum level ofStreet, a high 4th school diploma or GED and three (3) years of experience performing construction inspection work. Proficient (EMAIL: Since these letters are utiwith Computer Skills,minority Microsoft Office andbusiness Primavera CM14. in identifying lized to assist small, and women enterprises *Personnel with skills equivalent to a Public Works Inspector II, including a potential teaming partners, the letters should be submitted within five (5) minimum education of a highadvertisement. school diplomaThe or GED and four (4) yearsa days of the date of level the project’s letter should contain ofcontact experience performing construction inspection work onwill water sewera person. Failure to submit a ”Letter of Interest” not and disqualify system facilities aand utilities. firm submitting proposal for Proficient the project.with Computer Skills, Microsoft Office Primavera CM14. *Eachand prime consultant applying for this Project will be required to complete *Personnel skills equivalent to a Public Workswith Inspector including a and submitwith an original Federal Form 255, along five (5)III,copies, to the minimum education level of a high school diploma or GED (5)the years Office of Boards and Commissions. The Federal Formand 255five and five ofcopies experience performing construction inspection work on wastewater sysmust be submitted on or before 12:00 P.M. (Noon) on May 4, 2018. tem facilitiesmay and not utilities. Proficient withthis Computer Submittals be accepted after deadline.Skills, Microsoft Office and Primavera CM14. *The consultant implementation plan for the project, including at a minimum, those tasks outlined in Section I, Scope of Services, of this Request IV. Proposal for Proposals. *The consultant experience and history in performing this type of work, *Firms intending to submit a proposal as a prime for this projectto particularly those projects that have been consultant successfully carried should submit Include a ”Letter of Interest” to the Office oforBoards andthat Commisconstruction. references of persons, firms, agencies the City sions, 4 South Street, 4th ofFloor, Baltimore, Maryland 21202 may contact to Frederick verify the experience the proposer. *An organizational chart, including identification of proposed key personnel by name and firm. Describe each key person’s role on the project team. Proposed personnel shall be able to perform all services listed in the Scope of Services. *A statement of qualifications and experience for each individual expected to perform responsible portions of the work. Please emphasize the specific qualifications and experience relevant to this project. The City expects key team members to remain on the project throughout its duration. Replacement of key team members will not be permitted without prior consultation and approval by the City, unless the circumstances are beyond the consultant’s control. *Descriptive material in support of the proposal including articles, drawings, photographs, or other media that would be helpful in evaluating the proposal. Provide information specific to your approach on this project for those items listed in the Scope of Services. Include what you believe are the major project emphasis and challenges as well as your approach assisting in the project success. V.Insurance Requirements The Consultant shall procure and maintain during the life of this agreement, the following required insurance coverage. a.Worker’s Compensation coverage as required by the State of Maryland, as well as any similar coverage required for this work by applicable Federal or ”other States” State Law.


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AFRO Classified minimum ad rate is $26.54 per col. inch (an inch consists of up to 20 words). Mail in your ad on form below along with CHECK or MONEY ORDER to: BALTIMORE AFRO-AMERICAN CO. 2519 N. Charles Street Baltimore, Md. 21218-4602 Attn: Clsf. Adv. Dept.

1. 2. 3. 4.letters are uti- 5. (EMAIL: Since these lized to assist small, minority and women business enterprises in identifying potential teaming partners, the letters should be submitted within five (5) days The letter should 6. of the date of the 7.project’s advertisement. 8. 9. contain a 10. contact person. Failure to submit a ”Letter of Interest” will not disqualify a firm submitting a proposal for the project. *Each prime consultant applying for this Project will be required to complete and Federal Form 255, copies, to the 15. 11.submit an original 12. 13.along with five (5)14. Office of Boards and Commissions. The Federal Form 255 and the five copies must be submitted on or before 12:00 P.M. (Noon) on May 4, 2018. Submittals may not be accepted after this deadline. *The plan for 16. consultant implementation 17. 18.the project, including 19. at a mini- 20. mum, those tasks outlined in Section I, Scope of Services, of this Request for Proposals. *The consultant experience and history in performing this type of work, particularly those projects that have been successfully carried to construction. Include references of persons, firms, or agencies that the City NAME: may contact________________________________________________ to verify the experience of the proposer. *An organizational chart, including identificationSince of proposed key personnel (EMAIL: these letters are utiADDRESS: _____________________________________________ by name andsmall, firm. minority Describeand each key business person’s role on the in project team. lized to assist women enterprises identifying Proposed personnel shall be able to perform listed in the Scope potential teaming partners, the letters shouldall beservices submitted within five (5) PHONE NO.:____________________________________________ of Services. days of the date of the project’s advertisement. The letter should contain a CLASSIFICATION: ______________________________________ *A statement qualifications andaexperience for eachwill individual expected contact person.ofFailure to submit ”Letter of Interest” not disqualify a to perform responsible portions the work. Please emphasize the specific firm submitting a proposal for theofproject. (Room, House, etc.) qualifications and experience relevant to this project. The Cityto expects key *Each primeApt., consultant applying for this Project will be required complete team members to remain onForm the 255, project throughout its copies, duration. Reand submit an original Federal along with five (5) to the INSERTION DATE:_________________ placement of keyand team members will notFederal be permitted without conOffice of Boards Commissions. The Form 255 andprior the five sultation andbeapproval by the City, unless the circumstances beyond the copies must submitted on or before 12:00 P.M. (Noon) onare May 4, 2018. consultant’s control. Submittals may not be accepted after this deadline. *Descriptive material in support ofplan the proposal including articles,atdrawings, *The consultant implementation for the project, including a miniphotographs, or other that would be helpful in evaluating the promum, those tasks outlined in Section I, Scope of Services, of this Request Legalmedia Advertising Rates Effective October 1, 2008 posal. Provide information specific to your approach on this project for those for Proposals. itemsconsultant listed in theexperience Scope of Services. Include what you believe are the major *The and history in performing this type of work, project emphasis challenges well as yoursuccessfully approach assisting particularly thoseand projects that as have been carriedin the to PROBATE DIVISION project success. construction. Include references of persons, firms, or agencies that the City (Estates) may contact to verify the experience of the proposer. V.Insurance Requirements *An organizational chart, including identification of proposed key personnel 202-332-0080 by name and firm. Describe each key person’s role on the project team. PROBATE NOTICES The Consultant shallshall procure andto maintain during the lifelisted of this Proposed personnel be able perform all services inagreement, the Scope following required insurance coverage. ofthe Services. a. Order Nisi 60 each per insertion *A statement of qualifications and experience$ for individual expected $180.00 per 3 weeks Compensation coverage as required byemphasize the State of b. Smallresponsible Estates (single publication $ 60 per insertion toa.Worker’s perform portions of the work. Please theMaryland, specific asc.well as any similar coverage required for this workThe by applicable Federal qualifications and experience relevant to this project. City expects key Notice to Creditors or ”other States”toState Law.on the project throughout its duration. Reteam members remain 1. Domestic 60 per insertion placement of key team members will not be$ permitted without prior con- $180.00 per 3 weeks b.Professional Liability, Omissions at abeyond limit ofthe not $180.00 per 3 weeks sultation and approval by Errors, the City,and unless the circumstances are 2. Foreign $ 60Insurance per insertion less than Three Million Dollars ($3,000,000) including a 3 year extended $360.00 per 6 weeks consultant’s control. d. Escheated Estates $ 60 per insertion reporting period, ininthe eventof that servicesincluding delivered pursuant to this *Descriptive material support the proposal articles, drawings, e. Standard Agreement, either directly indirectly, involves professional photographs, or Probates other mediaorthat would be helpfulorinrequires evaluating the pro- $125.00 services, Professional Liability, Omissions be posal. Provide information specificErrors, to yourand approach on thiscoverage project forshall those provided. the purpose ofbelieve this Agreement shall items listed”Professional in the Scope ofServices” Services.for Include what you are the major CIVIL NOTICES mean any services by aas licensed professional. project emphasis andprovided challenges well as CONSULTANT your approach assisting in the project success. a. Name Changes 202-879-1133 $ 80.00 c.Commercial General Liability Insurance at limits of not less than One b. Real Property Million Dollars ($1,000,000) per occurrence for claims arising out of bodily $ 200.00 V.Insurance Requirements injuries or death, and property damages. With those policies with aggregate limits, a minimum of Three Million Dollars ($3,000,000) is required. The Consultant shalllimit procure and maintain during the of this agreement, •life 202-879-1212 Such insurance shallinsurance includeFAMILY contractual liability insurance. The CITY, its the following required coverage.COURT elected/ appointed officials, employees,RELATIONS and agents shall• 202-879-0157 be covered, by DOMESTIC endorsement, when applicable, asasadditional insureds asofrespects to; a.Worker’s Compensation coverage required by the State Maryland, liability arising out ofcoverage activities required performed on behalf of the CONSULas well as any similar forby thisorwork by applicable Federal inStates” connection this Agreement. orTANT ”other Statewith Law. a. Absent Defendant $ 150.00


b. Absolute Divorce d.Business Automobile Liabilityand at limits of not less than One b.Professional Liability, Errors, Omissions Insurance at Million a limit Dollars of not $ 150.00 ($1,000,000) per occurrence all claims arising out aof3bodily injuries or $150.00 less Three Million Dollarsfor ($3,000,000) including year extended c.than Custody Divorce death andperiod, property reporting in damages. the event that services delivered pursuant to this Agreement, either directly or indirectly, involves or requires professional TheTo insurance shall ad, apply to 1-800-237-6892, any owned, non-owned, leased, or hired services, Professional Liability, Errors, and Omissions shall be place your call ext.coverage 262, Public Notices $50.00 & automobiles used in theServices” performance of this agreement provided. ”Professional for the purpose of this Agreement shall depending on size, Baltimore Legal Notices are $24.84 per inch. mean any services provided by a licensed CONSULTANT professional. e.To the extent of the CONSULTANT’s negligence, the6892 CONSULTANT’s 1-800 (AFRO) insurance coverage be primary insurance as of respects CITY, its c.Commercial Generalshall Liability Insurance at limits not lessthe than One Proof ofper Publication, please call 1-800-237-6892, elected/appointed employees and agents. Any insurance and/or self- ext. 244 Million DollarsFor ($1,000,000) occurrence for claims arising out of bodily insurance maintained by the damages. CITY, its elected appointed employinjuries or death, and property With those policiesofficials, with aggregate ees and agents, shall notThree contribute CONSULTANT’s limits, a minimum limit of Millionwith Dollars ($3,000,000) insurance is required.or benefit the CONSULTANT in contractual any way. Such insurance shall include liability insurance. The CITY, its LEGAL NOTICES elected/ appointed officials, employees, and agents shall be covered, by f.Coverage shall notapplicable, be suspended, voided, cancelled, reduced in covendorsement, when as additional insureds as respects to; erage,arising or in limits, by the reduction limit by liability out ofexcept activities performed byoforapplicable on behalf aggregate of the CONSULclaimsinpaid, until after forty-five (45) days prior written notice has been given TANT connection with this Agreement. to the CITY. There will be an exception for non-payment of premium, which is ten (10) days’ noticeLiability of cancellation. d.Business Automobile at limits of not less than One Million Dollars ($1,000,000) per occurrence for all claims arising out of bodily injuries or g.Insurance is to bedamages. placed with insurers with a Best’s rating of no less than death and property A:VII, or, if not rated with Best’s with minimum surpluses the equivalent of Best’s surplus size and must be licensed/approved to do business in the The insurance shallVIIapply to any owned, non-owned, leased, or hired State of Maryland. automobiles used in the performance of this agreement e.To the extent of the CONSULTANT’s negligence, the CONSULTANT’s insurance coverage shall be primary insurance as respects the CITY, its elected/appointed employees and agents. Any insurance and/or selfinsurance maintained by the CITY, its elected appointed officials, employees and agents, shall not contribute with CONSULTANT’s insurance or benefit the CONSULTANT in any way. f.Coverage shall not be suspended, voided, cancelled, reduced in coverage, or in limits, except by the reduction of applicable aggregate limit by claims paid, until after forty-five (45) days prior written notice has been given to the CITY. There will be an exception for non-payment of premium, which is ten (10) days’ notice of cancellation. g.Insurance is to be placed with insurers with a Best’s rating of no less than A:VII, or, if not rated with Best’s with minimum surpluses the equivalent of Best’s surplus size VII and must be licensed/approved to do business in the State of Maryland. h.The CONSULTANT shall furnish the CITY a ”Certificate of Insurance” with a copy of the additional insured endorsement, when applicable, as verification that the coverage is in force. The CITY reserves the right to require complete copies of insurance policies at any time. VI. Prequalification Certification All architectural, construction management, project management, and surveying firms listed in the specific proposal for the Project must be prequalified by the Office of Boards and Commissions for each applicable discipline at time of submittal for this Project. A copy of the prime and sub consultant’s current Prequalification Certificate should be included in the bid submittal package. If you need information on the City’s Prequalification Certification process please call the Office of Boards and Commissions at 410-396-6883. VII. MBE/WBE Certification It is the policy of the City of Baltimore to promote equal business opportunity in the City’s contracting process. Pursuant to Article 5, Subtitle 28 of Baltimore City Code (2000 Edition) - Minority and Women’s Business Program, Minority Business Enterprise (MBE) and Women’s Business Enterprise (WBE) participation goals apply to this contract. The MBE goal is 29% The WBE goal is 10%

b.Professional Liability, Errors, and Omissions Insurance at a limit of not less than Three Million Dollars ($3,000,000) including a 3 year extended reporting period, in the event that services delivered pursuant to this Agreement, either directly or indirectly, involves or requires professional services, Professional Liability, Errors, and Omissions coverage shall be provided. ”Professional Services” for the purpose of this Agreement shall mean any services provided by a licensed CONSULTANT professional.

Both the proposed Minority and Women’s Business Enterprise firms must be named, identified as an MBE or WBE and the recommended percentage reflected for each within Item 6 of the Standard Form (SF) 255 in the spaces provided for identifying outside key consultants/associates anticipated for utilization for this project. Any submittals that do not include the proper MBE/WBE (in some instances DBE) participation will be disapproved for further consideration for this project.

c.Commercial General Liability Insurance at limits of not less than One Million Dollars ($1,000,000) per occurrence for claims arising out of bodily injuries or death, and property damages. With those policies with aggregate limits, a minimum limit of Three Million Dollars ($3,000,000) is required. Such insurance shall include contractual liability insurance. The CITY, its elected/ appointed officials, employees, and agents shall be covered, by endorsement, when applicable, as additional insureds as respects to; liability arising out of activities performed by or on behalf of the CONSULTANT in connection with this Agreement.

VIII. 5 LOCAL HIRING LAW provision It is the policy of the City of Baltimore to promote Local Hiring in the City’s contracting process. Pursuant to Article 5, Subtitle 27 of the Baltimore City Code, as amended (the ”Local Hiring Law”) and its rules and regulations apply to contracts and agreements executed by the City on or after the Local Hiring Law’s effective date of December 23, 2013. The requirements for the Local Hiring Law apply to this contract. More information can be obtained from the Mayor’s Office of Employment

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Payment Policy for legal notice advertisements. Effective immediately, The Afro American Newspapers will require prepayment for publication of all legal notices. Payment will be accepted in the form of chwecks, credit card or money order. Any returned checks will be subject to a $25.00 processing fee and may result in the suspension of any future advertising at our discretion.



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The Afro-American, April 21, 2018 - April 27, 2018

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reflected for each within Item 6 of the Standard Form (SF) 255 in the spaces provided for identifying outside key consultants/associates anticipated for TYPESET: Wed Apr 18 13:02:28 EDT 2018 utilization for this project. Any submittals that do not include the proper contact person. Failure to submit a ”Letter of Interest” will not disqualify a MBE/WBE (in some instances DBE) participation will be disapproved for CERTIFICATION OF PUBLICATION firm submitting a proposal for the project. further consideration for this project. complete copies of insurance policies at Project any time. CITY OF BALTIMORE *Each prime consultant applying for this will be required to complete April 21,and 2018 - April 27,Federal 2018, The OFFICE OF BOARDS AND COMMISSIONS submit an original Form 255,Afro-American along with five (5) copies, to the VIII. 5 LOCAL HIRING LAW provision VI.Prequalification Certification PUBLIC NOTICEPROJECT NO. 1293 Office of Boards and Commissions. The Federal Form 255 and the five copies must be submitted on or before 12:00 P.M. (Noon) on May 3, 2018. It is the policy of the City of Baltimore to promote Local Hiring in the City’s architectural, construction management, project management, and Submittals may not be accepted after this deadline. contracting process. Pursuant to Article 5, Subtitle 27 of the Baltimore City CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT ASSISTANCE SERVICES FOR THE All surveying firms listed in the specific proposal for theincluding Project at must be HYDRAULIC IMPROVEMENTS THE HIGH LEVEL SEWERSHED *The consultant implementation plan for the project, a miniLEGAL NOTICES LEGALTO NOTICES LEGAL NOTICES Code, as amended (the ”Local Hiring Law”) and its rules and regulations prequalified the Office of in Boards and Commissions for each applicable mum, thoseby tasks outlined Section I, Scope of Services, of this Request apply to contracts and agreements executed by the City on or after the Local at time of submittal for this Project. A copy of the prime and sub for Proposals. Hiring Law’s effective date of December 23, 2013. The requirements for the The City of Baltimore Office of Boards and Commissions has been re- discipline current Prequalification Certificate should be included the quested by the Department of Public Works, Office of Engineering and consultant’s *The consultant experience and history in performing this type ofinwork, Local Hiring Law apply to this contract. submittal package. If you need on the City’s Prequalification Construction (OEC), to advertise for Engineering firms to provide bid particularly those projects thatinformation have been successfully carried to process call the Office offirms, Boards Commissions at construction. Includeplease references of persons, or and agencies that the City More information can be obtained from the Mayor’s Office of Employment Construction Management Assistance on a consent decree construction Certification may contact to verify the experience of the proposer. *An organizational Development (MOED) and can also be found on its website: www. project for the City’s wastewater collection system. One (1) firm will be 410-396-6883. awarded for a period of 2.5 years with optional one (1) year extension. The chart, including identification of proposed key personnel by name and firm. theon policy the City of Baltimore promote Project fees for the above services have been estimated up to VII.MBE/WBE Describe eachCertificationIt key person’sisrole the of project team. Proposedtopersonnel business in the City’s contracting process. Pursuant to $2,000,000.00. If further information is required regarding this request, equal shall be able toopportunity perform all services listed in the Scope of Services. IX. Verifying Certification 5, Subtitle 28 of Baltimore Code (2000 Edition) - Minority and please contact Mr. Mohammed Rahman at 410-396-3440 or by e-mail at Article *A statement of qualifications andCity experience for each individual expected Women’s Program, Business and to performBusiness responsible portionsMinority of the work. PleaseEnterprise emphasize(MBE) the specific Each firm submitting a SF 255 for consideration for a project is responsible Women’s Business Enterprise relevant (WBE) participation goals to this conqualifications and experience to this project. Theapply City expects key for verifying that all MBEs and WBEs to be utilized on the project are tract. team members to remain on the project throughout its duration. Recertified by the Minority and Women’s Business Opportunity Office I.Scope of Services placement of key team members will not be permitted without prior con(MWBOO) prior to submitting the proposal. A directory of certified MBEs The MBE and goalapproval is 29% by the City, unless the circumstances are beyond the sultation and WBEs is available from MWBOO. Since changes to the directory occur The services to be provided include, but are not limited to the following: The WBE goal is 10% consultant’s control. daily, firms submitting SF 255s should call MWBOO at (410) 396-4355 to verify certification, expiration dates and services that the MBE or WBE is *Assist the City Wastewater Utilities Construction Management team with *Descriptive material in support of the proposal including articles, drawings, Both the proposed Minority andthat Women’s Business firms construction monitoring and inspection. photographs, or other media would be helpful Enterprise in evaluating themust procertified to provide. named, identified as an MBE or WBE and the recommended percentage *Provide field inspections of work in progress to ensure compliance with be posal. Provide information specific to your approach on this project for those reflected for each 6 of the Standard Form (SF) 255 inare thethe spaces plans, specifications and permits. items listed in thewithin ScopeItem of Services. Include what you believe major Non-Affiliation for identifying outside keyasconsultants/associates *(Preparation of daily reports, maintenance of project records and provided project emphasis and challenges well as your approach anticipated assisting in for the for this project. project success. A firm submitting a proposal may not use an MBE or WBE to meet a contract documentation, review of contractor’s construction item quantities and utilization application for payment, goal if: submittalsRequirements that do not include the proper MBE/WBE (in some instances *Attend pre-construction meeting, progress meetings, As-built meetings, Any V.Insurance DBE) participation will be disapproved for further consideration for this design review meetings, quantity check meetings and other field meetings. 1.The firm has a financial interest in the MBE or WBE project. The Consultant shall procure and maintain during the life of this agreement, 2.The firm has an interest in the ownership or control of the MBE or WBE *Maintenance of As-Built drawings records and Red line changes. 3.The firm is significantly involved in the operation of the MBE or WBE *Coordinate with local community and inform the residents about the the following required insurance coverage. VIII.LOCAL HIRING LAW provision It is the policy of the City of Baltimore upcoming work. (Article 5 subtitle 28-41). promote Local Hiring in thecoverage City’s contracting process. to Article *Report instances of apparent non-compliance with contract plans, toa.Worker’s Compensation as required by thePursuant State of Maryland, 5,asSubtitle 27 ofsimilar the Baltimore Code, amended (the ”LocalFederal Hiring well as any coverageCity required foras this work by applicable A firm submitting as a prime consultant that fails to comply with the specifications to Public Works staff for resolution, andStates” its rules andLaw. regulations apply to contracts and agreements or ”other State requirements of Article 5, Subtitle 28 of Baltimore City Code when executing *Perform constructability reviews, submittal reviews and responses, RFI Law”) executed by the City on or after the Local Hiring Law’s effective date of a contract is subject to the following penalties: suspension of a contract; reviews and responses. 23, 2013. The Errors, requirements for the Local Hiring Law b.Professional Liability, and Omissions Insurance at aapply limittoofthis not withholding of funds; rescission of contract based on material breach; *Review of contract claims and supporting documents, estimating, and December less than Three Million Dollars ($3,000,000) including a 3 year extended disqualification as a consultant from eligibility to provide services to the City construction contract administrative support and perform other inspection contract. reporting period, in the event that services delivered pursuant to this for a period not to exceed 2 years; and payment for damages incurred by the activities as required. information can be obtained from the Mayor’sorOffice of Employment *Depending on the nature of other work and City staff requirements, per- More Agreement, either directly or indirectly, involves requires professional City. (MOED) Liability, and canErrors, also be on itscoverage website:shall www. sonnel representing the selected firm shall be available on an as needed Development services, Professional andfound Omissions be basis.II.Selection CriteriaThe firms interested in providing these services provided. ”Professional Services” for the purpose of this Agreement shall Additional Requirements mean any services provided by a licensed CONSULTANT professional. A resume for each person listed as key personnel and/or specialist, includ- must demonstrate and document: ing those from MBE and WBE must be shown on the page provided within *Familiarity with standard construction inspection procedures and IX.Verifying Certification requirements for civil, mechanical, and electrical disciplines. c.Commercial General Liability Insurance at limits of not less than One the application. Each firm submitting a SF 255per foroccurrence consideration a project is responsible *Experience in Inspection of Gravity Sewer system. Million Dollars ($1,000,000) for for claims arising out of bodily verifying that and all MBEs and WBEs to be those utilized on the project are injuries or death, property damages. With policies with aggregate Please be advised that for the purpose of reviewing price proposals and *Experience in Inspection of micro-tunneling, Open Cut pipe replacement, for certified the Minority and Women’s Business Opportunity Office replacement of sanitary house connections and manhole replacement. limits, a by minimum limit of Three Million Dollars ($3,000,000) is required. invoices, the City of Baltimore defines a principal of a firm as follows: (MWBOO) prior to submitting proposal. A directory of certified MBEs *Experience in Inspection of Sewer Bypass System. Such insurance shall include the contractual liability insurance. The CITY, its and WBEsappointed is available from MWBOO. Since changes the directory occur elected/ officials, employees, and agentstoshall be covered, by A principal is any individual owner, partner of a partnership, shareholder of a *Familiarity with applicable codes and standards. daily, firms submitting 255s should call MWBOO at (410) *Ability to supplement the City staff to provide field inspection if needed. endorsement, when SF applicable, as additional insureds as 396-4355 respects to to; Sub-Chapter ”S” Corporation, or an officer/director of any Corporation. verify certification, and services the MBE WBE is *Overall team approach with Minority/Women Business Enterprises. liability arising out expiration of activitiesdates performed by or onthat behalf of theor CONSULprovide. with this Agreement. TANT intoconnection Out-of-State Corporations must identify their corporate resident agent *Experience with Primavera Contract Management version 14 (CM14) certified project tracking software and construction scheduling. within the application. Non-Affiliation d.Business Automobile Liability at limits of not less than One Million Dollars ($1,000,000) per occurrence for all claims arising out of bodily injuries or Firms will not be considered for a specific project if they apply as both a III.Inspection Requirements Adeath firm submitting a proposal may not use an MBE or WBE to meet a contract and property damages. sub-consultant and prime consultant. Consultant’s team will provide engineering staff with the following goal if: The insurance shall apply to any owned, non-owned, leased, or hired The applications for this Project (Form 255) cannot be supplemented with capabilities; 1.The firm hasused a financial interest in theofMBE or WBE automobiles in the performance this agreement any additional information such as graphs, photographs, organization firm has an interest in the ownership or control of the MBE or WBE chart, etc. All such information should be incorporated into the appropriate *Personnel with skills equivalent to a Public Works Inspector I, including a 2.The firm is significantly involved in the operation of the MBE or WBE pages. Applications should not be bound. Applications should simply be minimum education level of a high school diploma or GED and three (3) 3.The 5 subtitle 28-41). e.To the extent of the CONSULTANT’s negligence, the CONSULTANT’s stapled in the upper left-hand corner. Cover sheets should not be included. years of experience performing construction inspection work. Proficient (Article insurance coverage shall be primary insurance as respects the CITY, its with Computer Skills, Microsoft Office and Primavera CM14. Inclusion and/or submittal of additional firm submitting as a prime consultant that fails to comply with selfthe elected/appointed employees and agents. Any insurance and/or material may result in the applicant being disqualified from consideration for *Personnel with skills equivalent to a Public Works Inspector II, including a A of Article 5, 28 of City Codeofficials, when executing insurance maintained bySubtitle the CITY, itsBaltimore elected appointed employminimum education level of a high school diploma or GED and four (4) years requirements this project. contract is subject to the suspension ofinsurance a contract; and agents, shall not following contributepenalties: with CONSULTANT’s or of experience performing construction inspection work on water and sewer aees of funds; rescission contract based on material breach; benefit the CONSULTANT in any of way. Failure to follow directions of this advertisement or the application may system facilities and utilities. Proficient with Computer Skills, Microsoft withholding disqualification as a consultant from eligibility to provide services to the City Office and Primavera CM14. cause disqualification of the submittal. a period not to exceed years; and payment damagesreduced incurred in bycovthe f.Coverage shall not be2suspended, voided, for cancelled, *Personnel with skills equivalent to a Public Works Inspector III, including a for erage, or in limits, except by the reduction of applicable aggregate limit by Deena Joyce, minimum education level of a high school diploma or GED and five (5) years City. claims paid, until after forty-five (45) days prior written notice has been given Chief of experience performing construction inspection work on wastewater sys- Additional Requirements There will be an exception for non-payment of premium, which tem facilities and utilities. Proficient with Computer Skills, Microsoft Office to the CITY. Aisresume eachnotice person as key personnel and/or specialist, includten (10)for days’ of listed cancellation. and Primavera CM14. ing those from MBE and WBE must be shown on the page provided within Issue of: April 20, 2018 the application. g.Insurance is to be placed with insurers with a Best’s rating of no less than IV.Proposal A:VII, or, if not rated with Best’s with minimum surpluses the equivalent of Afro-American be advised for must the purpose of reviewing price Best’s surplus size that VII and be licensed/approved to doproposals business inand the *Firms intending to submit a proposal as a prime consultant for this project Please Baltimore Sun the City of Baltimore defines a principal of a firm as follows: State of Maryland. should submit a ”Letter of Interest” to the Office of Boards and Commis- invoices, Baltimore Times TYPESET: Wed Apr 18 13:03:08 EDT 2018 sions, 4 South Frederick Street, 4th Floor, Baltimore, Maryland 21202 Daily Record principal is any individual of aapartnership, shareholder a CONSULTANT shallowner, furnishpartner the CITY ”Certificate of Insurance”of with (EMAIL: Since these letters are uti- Ah.The Corporation, orendorsement, an officer/director any Corporation. a copy of the ”S” additional insured whenofapplicable, as verificalized to assist small, minority and women business enterprises in identifying Sub-Chapter CITY OF BALTIMORE potential teaming partners, the letters should be submitted within five (5) tion that the coverage is in force. The CITY reserves the right to require TYPESET: Wed Apr 18 13:02:28 EDT 2018 DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS days of the date of the project’s advertisement. The letter should contain a Out-of-State Corporations must identify their corporate resident agent OFFICE OF ENGINEERING AND CONSTRUCITON contact person. Failure to submit a ”Letter of Interest” will not disqualify a within the application. CERTIFICATION OF PUBLICATION firm submitting a proposal for the project. NOTICE OF LETTING CITY OF BALTIMORE *Each prime consultant applying for this Project will be required to complete Firms will not be considered for a specific project if they apply as both a Sealed Bids or Proposals, in duplicate addressed to the Board of Estimates complete OFFICE OF BOARDS AND COMMISSIONS and submit an original Federal Form 255, along copies of insurance policies at any time.with five (5) copies, to the sub-consultant and prime consultant. of the Mayor andPUBLIC City Council of Baltimore and marked NOTICEPROJECT NO. 1293 for Water Contract Office of Boards and Commissions. The Federal Form 255 and the five The applications for this Project (Form 255) cannot be supplemented with No. 1339-Upton Neighborhood and Vicinity Water Main Rehabilitation will VI.Prequalification copies must be submitted on or before 12:00 P.M. (Noon) on May 3, 2018. any additional information such as graphs, photographs, organization Certification be received at the MANAGEMENT Office of the Comptroller, Room 204, City Hall,FOR Baltimore, CONSTRUCTION ASSISTANCE SERVICES THE Submittals may not be accepted after this deadline. chart, etc. All such information should be incorporated into the appropriate Maryland until IMPROVEMENTS 11:00 A.M. on Wednesday, 16, 2018. SEWERSHED Positively no bids All HYDRAULIC TO THE May HIGH LEVEL *The consultant implementation plan for the project, at a miniarchitectural, construction management, project including management, and pages. Applications should not be bound. Applications should simply be will be received after 11:00 A.M. Bids will be publicly opened by the Board of surveying mum, those tasks outlined in Section I, Scope of Services, of this Request firms listed in the specific proposal for the Project must be stapled in the upper left-hand corner. Cover sheets should not be included. Estimates Room 215, City of Hall at Noon. The City of inBaltimore Office Boards and Commissions has been re- prequalified for Proposals. by the Office of Boards and Commissions for each applicable Inclusion and/or submittal of additional material may result in the applicant The Contract be examined, withoutofcharge, in Room quested by theDocuments Departmentmay of Public Works, Office Engineering and 6 discipline *The consultant experience andthis history in performing thisprime type and of work, at time of submittal for Project. A copy of the sub being disqualified from consideration for this project. located on the first floor the Abelfor Wolman Municipal Building, 200 N. consultant’s Construction (OEC), to of advertise Engineering firms to provide particularly current those Prequalification projects that have been should successfully carried to Certificate be included in the Holliday Street, Baltimore, Assistance Maryland 21202 of Friday, Aprilconstruction 20, 2018 and bid Construction Management on a as consent decree construction. Include references of persons, firms, or agencies that the City Failure to follow directions of this advertisement or the application may submittal package. If you need information on the City’s Prequalification copiesfor may purchased for a non-refundable cost of $100.00. project thebeCity’s wastewater collection system. One (1) firm will be Certification may contactprocess to verifyplease the experience of the proposer. *An organizational call the Office of Boards and Commissions at cause disqualification of the submittal. Conditions requirements theoptional Bid areone found theextension. bid package. awarded for aand period of 2.5 years of with (1) in year The 410-396-6883. chart, including identification of proposed key personnel by name and firm. All contractors bidding this Contract firstbeen be prequalified by up the City Project fees for the on above servicesmust have estimated to Describe each key person’s role on the project team. Proposed personnel Deena Joyce, of Baltimore Contractors Qualification Committee. Interested parties VII.MBE/WBE $2,000,000.00. If further information is required regarding this request, shall be able to perform all services listed Scope of Services. CertificationIt is the policy of in thethe City of Baltimore to promote Chief shouldcontact call 410-396-6883 or contact theatCommittee at 4 South Frederick please Mr. Mohammed Rahman 410-396-3440 or by e-mail at equal *A statement of qualifications and experience for each individual expected business opportunity in the City’s contracting process. Pursuant to Street, 4th Floor, Baltimore, Maryland 21202. If a bid is submitted by a Article to perform responsible portions of the work. Please emphasize the specific 5, Subtitle 28 of Baltimore City Code (2000 Edition) - Minority and joint venture (”JV”), then in that event, the document that established Women’s qualifications and experience this project. The City (MBE) expectsand key Issue of: April 20, 2018 Business Program, relevant MinoritytoBusiness Enterprise the JV of shall be submitted with the bid for verification purposes. The Women’s I.Scope Services team members to Enterprise remain on(WBE) the project throughout its duration. Re- Afro-American Business participation goals apply to this conPrequalification Category required for bidding on this project is B02551- tract. placement of key team members will not be permitted without prior con- Baltimore Sun Water Mains The services to be provided include, but are not limited to the following: sultation and approval by the City, unless the circumstances are beyond the Baltimore TYPESET:Times Wed Apr 18 13:05:50 EDT 2018 Cost Qualification Range for this work shall be $5,000,000.01 to The consultant’s MBE goalcontrol. is 29% Daily Record $10,000,000.00 *Assist the City Wastewater Utilities Construction Management team with The *Descriptive material in support of the proposal including articles, drawings, WBE goal is 10% A ”Pre-Bidding Information” session will be conducted at the 3rd Floor photographs, or other media that would be helpful in evaluating the proconstruction monitoring and inspection. NOTICE Large Conference Roomofofwork the Office of Engineering & Construction, *Provide field inspections in progress to ensure compliance with Both posal. Provide information to your approach this project for must those the proposed Minorityspecific and Women’s Business on Enterprise firms PROTEST OF RENEWAL Abel specifications Wolman Municipal Building on April 24, 2018 at 1:00 P.M. Princi- be plans, and permits. items listed in the Scope of Services. Include what you believe are the major named, identified as an MBE or WBE and the recommended percentage pal Item of work for this projectmaintenance include, but are not limited to: and reflected *(Preparation of daily reports, of project records project emphasis and challenges asStandard well as your approach in the Under the provisions of Alc. Bev. Art. §4-406 and 12-1805 an alcoholic for each within Item 6 of the Form (SF) 255assisting in the spaces Cleaning and cement-mortar lining of small diameteritem water mains, abandocumentation, review of contractor’s construction quantities and provided project success. for identifying outside key consultants/associates anticipated for beverage license may not be renewed without a hearing when a valid donment and/or removal of existing water mains and installation of various utilization for this project. application for payment, petition for protest of renewal has been filed against the renewal application sized pre-construction new ductile ironmeeting, pipes, progress valves, fittings, and appurtenances, *Attend meetings, As-built meetings, V.Insurance Requirements of the license. All hearings concerning protest of renewal will be held in replacement/installation of fire check hydrants, corrosion control (ifmeetings. applicable) Any submittals that do not include the proper MBE/WBE (in some instances design review meetings, quantity meetings and other field Room 215 of City Hall, 100 N. Holliday Street. If you wish to confirm a small (residential) meter settings and meter vaults, renewal and re- DBE) *Maintenance of As-Built drawings records and Red line changes. The Consultant shall procure and maintain during the life of this agreement, participation will be disapproved for further consideration for this hearing date or time, you may contact the Liquor Board at (410) 396-4380. placement ofwith existing services, sidewalk curbabout and gutter, *Coordinate localwater community and informrestoration, the residents the project. the following required insurance coverage. All persons entering City Hall must have photo identification. and roadway upcoming work.paving, as required. *Report instances of apparent non-compliance with contract plans, VIII.LOCAL a.Worker’s Compensation coverage as required by the State of Maryland, HIRING LAW provision It is the policy of the City Baltimore The Liquor Board has received eight (8) valid petitions for protests of The MBE goal 9.0%Works staff for resolution, specifications to is Public aspromote well as any similar required for thisprocess. work by Pursuant applicabletoFederal to Local Hiringcoverage in the City’s contracting Article renewal from community residents. Below see the schedule of public hearThe WBE goal is 2.0% reviews, submittal reviews and responses, RFI 5, *Perform constructability orSubtitle ”other States” State Law. 27 of the Baltimore City Code, as amended (the ”Local Hiring ings concerning the renewal of the following licenses as listed below: reviews and responses. Law”) and its rules and regulations apply to contracts and agreements April 19, 2018 - Room 215, City Hall, 100 N. Holliday Street WATER CONTRACT 1339 *Review of contract claims and supporting NO. documents, estimating, and executed b.Professional Liability, Errors, and Omissions Insurance at a limit of not by the City on or after the Local Hiring Law’s effective date of 10:00 AM - Bing Chen and Yun Chen, Chen’s Liquor, Inc., T/a B & O construction contract administrative support and perform other inspection December less than Three Million Dollars ($3,000,000) including a 3 year extended 23, 2013. The requirements for the Local Hiring Law apply to this Café, 1301-03 W. Pratt Street APPROVED: activities as required. reporting period, in the event that services delivered pursuant to this contract. Class ”BD7” Beer, Wine & Liquor License Bernice H. Taylor *Depending on the nature of other work and City staff requirements, per- Agreement, either directly or indirectly, involves or requires professional 10:45 AM - Aklilu Gebre and Yosief Tesfazion, Wehazit, Inc., T/a OpClerk, representing Board of Estimates sonnel the selected firm shall be available on an as needed More services, Professional Liability, Errors, and Omissions coverage shall be information can be obtained from the Mayor’s Office of Employment posite Sidewalk Saloon, 132 S. Carey Street basis.II.Selection CriteriaThe firms interested in providing these services Development provided. ”Professional Services” for the shall Class ”BD7” Beer, Wine & Liquor License (MOED) and can also bepurpose found of onthis its Agreement website: www. APPROVED: must demonstrate and document: mean any services provided by a licensed CONSULTANT professional. 11:30 AM - Ashley Kim and Kyung Lee, Arik, Inc., T/a Whispers, Rudolph S. Chow, P.E. *Familiarity with Apr standard construction inspection procedures and TYPESET: Wed 18 13:03:41 EDT 2018 1807-11 Baker Street Director of Public Works requirements for civil, mechanical, and electrical disciplines. c.Commercial General Liability Insurance at limits of not less than One IX.Verifying Certification Class ”BD7” Beer, Wine & Liquor License *Experience in Inspection of Gravity Sewer system. Million Dollars ($1,000,000) per occurrence for claims arising out of bodily 1:15 PM - Uzo Nwosu and Obiefule Uwadineke, UZO, LLC, T/a Good *Experience in Inspection of micro-tunneling, Open Cut pipe replacement, injuries or death, and property damages. With those policies with aggregate Each firm submitting a SF 255 for consideration for a project is responsible Maryland Department of Housing and Community Development Fellas Lounge, 4919 Belair Road replacement of sanitary house connections and manhole replacement. limits, a minimum of Three MilliontoDollars ($3,000,000) is required. for verifying that alllimit MBEs and WBEs be utilized on the project are Director, Budget Analysis Class ”B” Beer, Wine & Liquor License *Experience in Inspection of Sewer Bypass System. Such insurance shall include contractual liability insurance. The CITY, its certified by the Minority and Women’s Business Opportunity Office Recruitment # 18-001225-0002 2:00 PM - Nidia M. Sierra, Bernia, Inc., T/a Honey’s Lounge, 1722-24 *Familiarity with applicable codes and standards. elected/ appointed officials, employees, and agents shall be covered, by (MWBOO) prior to submitting the proposal. A directory of certified MBEs Deadline: 4/24/2018 Gough Street *Ability to supplement the City staff to provide field inspection if needed. endorsement, when applicable, as additional insureds as respects to; and WBEs is available from MWBOO. Since changes to the directory occur Salary Range: $73,612 - $101,463 Class ”BD7” Beer, Wine & Liquor License *Overall team approach with Minority/Women Business Enterprises. liability arising out of activities performed by or on behalf of the CONSULdaily, firms submitting SF 255s should call MWBOO at (410) 396-4355 to Location: Lanham, Maryland 2:45 PM - Jose M. Luna, Casa Luna Sports Bar, Inc., T/a Casa Luna *Experience with Primavera Contract Management version 14 (CM14) verify TANTcertification, in connection with this Agreement. expiration dates and services that the MBE or WBE is Sports Bar, 500 S. Lehigh Street project tracking software and construction scheduling. This position will be lead on all budget discussions with other State agen- certified to provide. Class ”BD7” Beer, Wine & Liquor License d.Business Automobile Liability at limits of not less than One Million Dollars cies and executive staff within Department of Housing and Community 3:30 PM - Donald Owens, Mombee TLC, Inc., T/a Club Bunns, 606-08 W. III.Inspection Requirements ($1,000,000) per occurrence for all claims arising out of bodily injuries or Development, coordinate and prepare legislative testimony, analyze and Non-Affiliation Lexington Street death and property damages. project trends in revenues and expenses, and hire, train and coach a Class ”BD7” Beer, Wine & Liquor License Consultant’s team will provide engineering staff with the following professional team in budget analysis, State and Federal policies, new A firm submitting a proposal may not use an MBE or WBE to meet a contract 4:15 PM - Bibek Gautam, Shekhar Karki, and Rupendra Luitel, BS&R, capabilities; The insurance shall apply to any owned, non-owned, leased, or hired program setup and general communications with program staff. This posi- goal if: LLC, T/a Waverly Tavern, 3801 Old York Road TYPESET: Apr 18 &13:05:21 EDT 2018 automobiles used in the performance of this agreement tion will be responsible for ensuring all deadlines for the unit are met with Class ”BD7”Wed Beer, Wine Liquor License *Personnel with skills equivalent to a Public Works Inspector I, including a satisfaction, including the annual capital and operating budget submission. 1.The firm has a financial interest in the MBE or WBE minimum education levelwill of a high diploma or GED improvements, and three (3) 2.The firm has an interest in the ownership or control of the MBE or WBE In addition, this position also beschool responsible for process HOUSING AUTHORITY OF BALTIMORE CITYINVITATION FOR BIDS years of experience performing inspection Proficientto 3.The e.To the of the CONSULTANT’s thethe CONSULTANT’s firmextent is significantly involved in thenegligence, operation of MBE or WBE developing desk procedures, andconstruction oral and written financialwork. presentations VEHICLE MAINTENANCE SERVICES with Computer Skills, Office and Primavera CM14. insurance coverage shall be primary insurance as respects the CITY, its 5 subtitle 28-41). executive staff. The Microsoft successful candidate must be able to work indepen- (Article *Personnel skills equivalent a Public Works Inspector including dently, be with comfortable workingtowith auditors, take initiativeII,and coacha a elected/appointed employees and agents. Any insurance and/or selfIFB NUMBER: B-1867-18 minimum education level a high school deadlines. diploma or Must GED have and four (4) yearsin Ainsurance maintained the CITY, its elected officials,with employfirm submitting as abyprime consultant thatappointed fails to comply the team of professionals toof meet stringent experience offinancial experience performing construction work on water and sewer requirements ees and agents, shall5,not contribute with CONSULTANT’s insurance or of Article Subtitle 28 of Baltimore City Code when executing analysis, trending and excelinspection skills utilizing financial formulas. The Housing Authority of Baltimore City (”HABC”) will issue an Invitation system facilities and utilities. Proficient with Computer Skills, Microsoft abenefit theisCONSULTANT any way.penalties: suspension of a contract; contract subject to the in following for Bids (”IFB”) for qualified and interested vendors to submit sealed bids to Office and Primavera CM14. Candidate must have a bachelor´s degree from an accredited four-year withholding of funds; rescission of contract based on material breach; *Personnel with skills equivalent to Finance, a Public Works Inspector III, including a disqualification f.Coverage shall not be suspended, voided, reduced in City cov- provide vehicle maintenance and repair services to the HABC vehicle fleet. as a consultant from eligibility to cancelled, provide services to the college or university, preferably in Accounting, or Business Adminminimum levelof of experience a high school or GED andand five testimony, (5) years for erage, or innot limits, except2 by the and reduction of applicable aggregate by a period to exceed years; payment for damages incurredlimit by the istration education and five years in diploma budget formulation ofaccounting, experienceand performing inspection on wastewater claims paid, until after forty-five (45) days prior written notice has been given BIDS WILL BE DUE no later than 2:00 p.m. Eastern Time on Friday, May financialconstruction analysis (trend models,work regression analysis,sysvari- City. tem facilities and Two utilities. Proficient withinvolved Computer Skills, Microsoft Office to the CITY. There will be an exception for non-payment of premium, which 18, 2018. ance analysis). years must have supervision of professional and Primavera CM14.responsibility for program development or operations. Additional is ten (10)Requirements days’ notice of cancellation. finance employees, A non-mandatory pre-bid meeting will be held on Wednesday, May 2, 2018 A resume for each person listed as key personnel and/or specialist, includMust provide college transcripts. IV.Proposal g.Insurance is MBE to be and placed with insurers with aon Best’s ratingprovided of no less than at 10:00 a.m., at the Charles L. Benton Building, 417 E. Fayette Street, ing those from WBE must be shown the page within A:VII, or, if not rated with Best’s with minimum surpluses the equivalent of Room 401, Baltimore, Maryland, 21202. the application. For more information and to apply online, please visit: *Firms Best’s surplus size VII and must be licensed/approved to do business in the h t t p sintending : / / w w wto. j submit o b a pa sproposal c l o u d .as c oamprime / M Dconsultant / s u p / b u lfor p rthis e v iproject e w. 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No threshold has been established for participation of Women”S” Corporation, or anThe officer/director of any Corporation. contact person. Failure to force. submit a ”Letter Interest” will not to disqualify owned businesses (”WBEs”), however, HABC strongly encourages and days of the date of the project’s advertisement. The letter should contain a complete copies aofproposal insurance at any time. CERTIFICATION OF PUBLICATION firm submitting forpolicies the project. affirmatively promotes theProject use of (Form WBEs255) in allcannot HABC be contracts. The applications for this supplemented with Out-of-State must identify their corporate resident agent CITY OF BALTIMORE *Each primeCorporations consultant applying for this Project will be required to complete VI.Prequalification Certification within application. OFFICE OF BOARDS AND COMMISSIONS and the submit an original Federal Form 255, along with five (5) copies, to the any additional information such as graphs, photographs, organization shall with should all applicable requirements of Section 3 of chart, etc. All also suchcomply information be incorporated into the appropriate PUBLIC NOTICEPROJECT NO. 1293 Office of Boards and Commissions. The Federal Form 255 and the five Bidders the Housing and Urban Development Act of 1968, 12 U.S.C. Section 1701u. Allcopies architectural, construction management, project management, and pages. Applications should not be bound. Applications should simply be Firms willmust not be foror abefore specific project if (Noon) they apply as both a beconsidered submitted on 12:00 P.M. on May 3, 2018. Classified continues C3 sheets should not be included. surveying firms listed the specific for the Project must be Baltimore stapled in the upper left-hand corner.on Cover and prime consultant. 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The Afro-American, April 21, 2018 - April 27, 2018

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April 21, 2018 - April 27, 2018, The Afro-American



Earth Week DC

DC High School Puts City on Global Climate Stage

Metro Gets Special Funding from District

HBCU Students and Leaders Lobby Capitol Hill for Support By James Wright Special to the AFRO

By Hamzat Sani Special to the AFRO Deanwood’s H.D. Woodson High School recently hosted D.C. Mayor Muriel Bowser’s kickoff of #EarthWeekDC. The Northeast school is one of the largest on-site solar projects in the country. Solar panels have been installed in the parking lot and roof at Woodson creating a state of the art photovoltaic (PV) system. The 670 kilowatt (kW) system is the most powerful solar power generating system out of the 50 local sites with a

“Our collaboration to build Public-Private Partnerships helps us achieve our goals and make the best use of taxpayer dollars.” solar photovoltaic system. District facilities generate an estimated 11 megawatts of solar electricity for the city. Mayor Bowser joined Department of General Services (DGS) Director Greer Johnson Gillis April 17 to cut the ribbon on the sustainability project anchored by robust public private partnerships. Partners WGL Energy Systems, Continued on D2

Courtesy Photo

Members of the Council, Congresswoman Eleanor Holmes Norton and Mayor Muriel Bowser were present for the signing of the Dedicated Funding for the Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority Emergency Act.

Authored by Evans, affectionately chided by Bowser as the “Mayor of Metro,” D.C. Act 22316, establishes the WMATA Dedicated Funding Fund, which will receive retail sales tax The Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority, one of revenue for the purposes of dedicated funding to WMATA and the oldest in the country, finally received “dedicated funding” be administered by the Mayor. In a rare move, the bill passed after Mayor Bowser and Council Chairman Phil Mendelson through the council unanimously with council woman Elissa signed the Dedicated Funding for the Washington Metropolitan Silverman marked as an absent vote. Area Transit Authority Emergency Act into effect. Evans was visibly jubilant over the signing and achievement “By investing in WMATA, we are investing in the future of getting all three local entities to get on board. “Achieving a of Washington, D.C. The region has been working for years to dedicated funding source for Metro is truly a historic occasion. solve the dedicated funding question, and now we finally have With these resources, soon, Metro will be able to adequately a path forward,” said Mayor address deferred maintenance Bowser April 13. issues with the goal of making In attendance at the the system reliable and safe signing in the John A. for riders,” Evans said. “I Wilson Building was a deep want to thank my colleagues bench of D.C. transportation on the Council, Chairman stakeholders including Mendelson, and the Mayor for Congresswoman Eleanor their hard work on reaching Holmes Norton, Chairman this achievement. To our Phil Mendelson, Ward 2 counterparts in Maryland Councilmember and WMATA and Virginia, thank you for –Council member Jack Evans taking swift action to ensure Board Chairman Jack Evans, Ward 4 Councilmember the viability of Metro for the Brandon Todd, At-Large region.” Councilmember Anita Bonds, District Department of One lingering question for some is how D.C. plans to fund Transportation Director Jeff Marootian and WMATA General its proposed $178.5 million tab. Bowser laid out a proposed Manager and CEO Paul Wiedefeld. strategy that would include an increase in sales tax from The three page bill leaves the District responsible for 5.75 [IS THIS DOLLARS OR CENTS?]to 6 as well as a $178.5 million per year for the next 40 years starting in 2019. new tax on rideshare companies like Uber which some find Maryland and Virginia kick in $167 and $154.5 million controversial. Delegate noted that her work in Congress to keep respectively to round out the proposed $500 million in metro’s $150 million in funding from the Federal Government flowing annual budget. The D.C. area’s WMATA is unique in that it is would continue. “I’m going to need all the help I can get in the only transit system managed by three separate jurisdictions. the congress. Now that those ten years are ended to ask for and This trilateral system has been pointed to as a fundamental flaw somehow get $150 million dollars for the next ten years.” in how the transit system was set-up initially. Continued on D2 By Hamzat Sani Special to the AFRO

“Soon, Metro will be able to adequately address deferred maintenance issues with the goal of making the system reliable and safe for riders.”

Black DC Residents Fight for Climate Change Bill

Continued on D3

Courtesy Photo

Amos Jackson III is the president-elect of the Howard University Student Association. more important than ever. “This day of action is taking place because we want the members of Congress to support Black colleges and universities,” Stephens, a 2008 graduate of WinstonSalem State University in Winston-Salem, N.C., said. “We want the Congress to support legislation that calls Continued on D2

Affordable Housing Comp Plan Dominates DC Candidates Forum By James Wright Special to the AFRO

By James Wright Special to the AFRO African Americans in the District of Columbia are concerned about the quality of the environment and are taking steps to become more active. On April 13, a handful of Black residents attended a rally in front of the John A. Wilson Building to demand a cleaner environment and for carbon rebate legislation from the D.C. Council. The participants of the rally want the city to divest its public

Hundreds of students, administrators and alumni from Black higher education institutions from around the country recently visited the U.S. Capitol to lobby lawmakers on behalf of their institutions to demand more financial support. The HBCU (Historically Black Colleges and Universities) Collective held its “Second Day of Action” April 17, with close to 300 people contacting their U.S. legislators. Robert T. Stephens, the founder of the collective, told the AFRO that HBCUs are

AP Photo

This image provided by the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research in 2018 shows observed ocean temperature changes since 1870, and currents in the Atlantic Ocean. A study released on April 11, 2018 suggests global warming is likely slowing the main Atlantic Ocean circulation, which has plunged to its weakest level on record. Now Washingtonians are now out on how climate change affects them directly.

Because the problem of affordable housing and the District of Columbia’s comprehensive plan around it continue to be major points of contention in most wards, the topic dominated the April 14 D.C. Council at-large forum Photo by J.Wright hosted by the D.C. Federation Ambrose Lane Jr., is of Civic Associations at the running for a D.C. Council Masonic Temple on U Street at-large seat as an N.W. independent. The District’s Council atlarge seats, one Democratic, the other non-Democratic, are being contested for the June 19 primary and the Nov. 6 general election. D.C. Council members Anita Bonds (D-At Large) and Elissa Silverman (I-At Large) are in the fight for their political lives as more candidates have emerged for the District’s legislative body. Bonds, 71, (D) is facing younger, Black male challengers, Marcus Goodwin, Aaron Holmes and Jeremiah Lowery in the June 19 Democratic Primary while Silverman (I), is now facing Ward 7 health care activist Ambrose Lane Jr. and University of the District of Columbia professor Rustin Lewis in addition to Dionne BusseyContinued on D2


The Afro-American, April 21, 2018 - April 27, 2018

DC Police Are Now Required to Learn Black History By Micha Green AFRO Washington, D.C. Editor While statistics prove that for years people of color have died at the hands of police at a disproportionate rate than Whites, the resurgence of Black activism and “staying woke” has roused the consciences of revolutionaries and local governments alike demanding police reform, such as in Washington, D.C. where on April 13 Mayor Muriel Bowser announced a new program requiring officers to learn more about Black history. On the steps of the National African American History and Culture Museum, Bowser said, “We are committed to accountability to strengthen the bonds of trust between MPD and our residents,” according to The Washington Post. The mayor said that while violent crimes have decreased in the District, the negative interactions between Black residents and police officers continue to be a point of contention- a larger issue when considering African Americans make up 47.7

“If you’re going to be a police officer in Washington, you need to understand the history of the city, and race is a big part of that.” –Chuck Wexler percent of the District according to the 2016 U.S. Census. Developed through a partnership between the Metropolitan Police Department and the University of the District of Columbia Community College, the program consists of a three-hour lecture on Black history, a tour through the National Museum of African American History and Culture and a session around the U Street corridor. The mayor and the programs’ officials hope that the

education in Black history, particularly in the District, will help D.C. officers have a fuller understanding of the culture and the background behind the relationship between African American residents and policemen. Particularly in the District’s changing demographics, such as the U Street corridor that formerly housed “Black Broadway” as opposed to the many White owned entertainment establishments that currently stand there, the program’s officials hope the lessons will offer some insight to the inner-wirings of African American residents. “If you’re going to be a police officer in Washington, you need to understand the history of the city, and race is a big part of that,” Chuck Wexler, executive director of the Police Executive Research Forum, told The Washington Post. The Post reported that since January between 60 and 80 officers have been trained each week and that D.C. Police Chief Peter Newsham, said he hopes to have all 3,800 sworn officers and 660 civilian members of the department trained by

Earth Week DC Continued from D1

Standard Solar, Bluefin/ Lightbox energy, DC Solar JV members - PEER Consultants & Solar Park USA, Sol Systems, M+W Group, WDC Solar and New Columbia Energy collectively invested $35 million in labor and materials into this project. The Woodson project is a result of the city’s pledge to uphold the goals of the Paris Climate Accord in opposition to President Trump pulling the Federal government out of the agreement made by the Obama administration. While Bowser joins other national leaders in upholding the Paris Climate Accords, it is clear that she intends on setting D.C. on the global sustainability stage.

“My Administration has vowed to uphold the goals of the Paris Climate Accord and power District government facilities with 100% renewable energy. The H.D. Woodson solar installation is a tremendous example of how we are not only living up to our commitment, but also taking monumental steps toward becoming the sustainable capital of the world,” said Bowser. The mayor has committed D.C. to the largest 20year wind power purchase agreement (PPA) ever entered by an American city as well as two large-scale solar PPAs representing one of the grandest onsite solar projects in the country.

The city currently meets 30% of its electricity needs with clean energy from a regional wind farm and has a goal of powering District government facilities with 100% renewable energy. It is estimated that the PPAs will save taxpayers $25 million, create $25 million in investments to the local economy and support more than 190 green jobs. Bowser has declared this #EarthWeekDC and will be participating in a series of events to celebrate Earth Day including the D.C. Sustainability Awards, and trash cleanup activities throughout the city as part of the #TrashfreeDC Citywide Cleanup initiative.

Mayor Muriel Bowser poses with some of the collaborators for the solar project at H.D. Woodson High School.

Affordable Housing Continued from D1

Reeder. The Democratic candidates will vie for that party’s nomination June 19, the independent candidates are eligible to be on the ballot for the November 6 general election. Petitions for independent candidates aren’t due to the District’s Board of Elections until Aug. 8. Candidates and currently serving politicians alike or now tackling all the big issues and no punches were held on the topic of the District’s housing crisis. The comprehensive plan that deals with future development and land was submitted by D.C. Mayor Muriel Bowser (D) and is currently being considered by the Council. Lane said the plan is dubious at best and believes that it should have more resident input and not be dominated by the thoughts and opinions of developers. “I think that comp plan is unethical,” he said. He said that the language in the comp plan was “ambiguous” and “it moves

“The government needs to build affordable housing not public housing.” –Aaron Holmes the needle towards greed.” Silverman said “affordable housing isn’t addressed in the comp plan” and Bussey-Reeder noted that advisory neighborhood commissioners’ role in zoning is largely ignored in the plan. Bonds is the chairman of the Committee on Housing and Neighborhood Revitalization. She said the comp plan “needs to go back to the drawing board.”

Concerns were raised that the city is becoming economically segregated with moneyed residents living in the Capitol Hill area and west of Rock Creek Park and those who are poorer residing east of the Anacostia River. Goodwin said that economic mobility is possible when poorer residents have access to good high-paying jobs and Lowery said that developers should be held accountable by District leaders to build housing for the working class. Holmes said that developers are only interested in building luxury housing and that needs to change. “The government needs to build affordable housing not public housing,” he said. Bonds said that more money needs to be put into the Housing Production Trust Fund, a taxpayer-funded instrument that is supposed to create affordable housing in the District. She also said that affordable housing units should be dispersed across the city and not just in its eastern end.



Continued from D1

Continued from D1

for increased funding for these institutions. While we are happy that there is increased funding in the 2018 budget for Black colleges, there is still more that is needed.” Activities during the day included a Capitol Hill rally, a legislative boot camp to learn how to effectively lobby lawmakers and visits to the offices of representatives and senators. Presently, there are 101 HBCUs in the U.S. and almost all of them were established after the Civil War and before the passage of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. Many non-HBCU colleges and universities barred African Americans from attending their schools until the 1960s. HBCUs range in size and mission from large North Carolina A&T University, Howard University and Southern University to smaller schools such as Huston-Tillotson University and Miles College. However, many Black institutions don’t receive the kind of aid from their state legislatures and the U.S. Congress that non-HBCU schools get in terms of research and capital funding. That is why U.S. Reps. Alma Adams (D-N.C.) and Bradley Byrne (R-Ala.) the co-chairs of the HBCU Bipartisan Caucus, has introduced the “HBCU Capital Financing Improvement Act.” The bill would provide low-cost private loans to HBCUs to finance infrastructure repairs, maintenance and construction. U.S. Sen. Cory Booker (D-N.J.) has introduced companion legislation to Adams’s bill in his chamber Dr. Maria Thompson is the president of Coppin State University in Baltimore. Thompson told rally participants that Black colleges “continue to fill the void in our nation’s educational landscape.”

The question and answer period of the signing was interrupted by a D.C. resident with a complaint about WMATA’s hiring policies. According to the resident, despite receiving an offer of employment from the agency he has not been able to secure his employment due to a long ago nonviolent offence on his record. The district resident alleged that the administration’s talk of giving ex-offenders a second chance had not been a reality for him. Instead the agency reportedly hired candidates with terror and violent convictions on their record. After assuring the resident that his case would be looked over by a member of her staff he was ushered out the conference room.

“We want the Congress to support legislation that calls for increased funding for these institutions.” – Robert T. Stephens “Most campuses teach from the European perspective but we teach from the African-American experience,” she said. “Even though there are 4,000 colleges and universities and there are only 100 HBCUs, HBCUs produce 20 percent of African Americans who get bachelor’s degrees, 24 percent of African Americans who get degrees in the STEM field and more than 50 percent of the AfricanAmerican teachers. That is a high level of productivity and Congress should increase its investment in HBCUs.” Among the 30 students who attended the rally was Amos Jackson III, the president-elect of the Howard University Student Association. Jackson told the AFRO that students at HBCUs need to let their public officials know of their institutions’ needs. “It is important that members of Congress, as well as elected officials at the state and local level, understand the challenges that Black colleges face and the students can relate those experiences the best,” Jackson, who takes office in May, said. “HBCUs are more important than ever because America is not as integrated as people believe and it is the Black college that gives African-American students access to education.”

April 21, 2018 - April 27, 2018, The Afro-American


Black Business

Black-Owned Studio Tones Bodies

the minorities to feel comfortable. It makes them the majority.” The women lead $15 classes at Cycled! “Shaking is a good thing,” barre instructor in Takoma Park, at the Dance Institute of Maya Dennis tells a class of five students as Washington, and at the University of Maryland, they power through a complicated posture that College Park. In September, the ladies will add finds them on their hands with one knee on a fourth location — Joe’s Movement Emporium the floor and the other bent leg moving up and in Hyattsville. All three women are technically down. trained in ballet and draw on that experience to Dennis, 24, is one of three instructors at choreograph classes that last anywhere from 45 Sidebarre, one of a few Black-owned barre minutes to an hour. companies in the D.C. area. Sidebarre favors upbeat music that keeps For the uninitiated, barre is a lowyou going. At a recent class Dennis taught, her impact workout that uses repeated isometric playlist included songs from Cardi B., Beyoncé, movements to tone muscles. You know you’re Pharrell, India.Arie and Drake. doing it right when your body quivers. “We try to play music that people can sing Incorporating elements from ballet, yoga, along to,” Dennis told the AFRO. “I tell my and Pilates, barre classes typically start with class, ‘Sing if you want to.’ I feel like fitness a warm-up, and offer individual movements should be fun, so we try to keep it fun and tailored to strengthen legs, arms, glutes and the light-hearted for everybody.” core. Instructors usually introduce a ballet barre A sweaty Breanne Palmer, 27, of Silver Courtesy Photo into the workout. Weights are optional. Spring, said the soulful playlist helped her Maya Dennis (left), Jillian Carter (center) and Alexis Miller (right), all work at Sidebarre, With more than 700 studios popping up in fight through some of the more complicated a Black-owned barre company that teaches classes in D.C. and Maryland. Carter, 24, metropolitan areas, barre is one of the hottest routines in Dennis’ energetic class that featured formerly a pointe ballerina, started the company in January after she noticed a lack of trends in fitness. Boutique studios — which moves that she said left her feeling like she was diversity at mainstream barre studios. includes barre studios — are driving growth “dying.” in the health care industry, with more than “I love it, I love it a lot,” Palmer told the 20 million people claiming membership in a AFRO. “I feel like I’m shaking a lot and using a made her feel isolated. The White women also weren’t as boutique studio, according to the International Health, Racquet lot of muscles I haven’t worked.” “warm and fuzzy” with her after class she would have liked, and Sportsclub Association’s 2018 report. Women are more Carter’s working on finding a program to certify her and the Carter said. likely to visit yoga/Pilates/barre studios, the report said. instructors, marketing her business and launching a prenatal So in January, Carter launched Sidebarre, a company that But when Jillian Carter, 24, a technically trained ballerina barre class. She would love to open a Sidebarre studio one day. welcomes people of color and employs three Black instructors from Prince George’s County started taking barre at several Until then, clients should embrace the beats and leave — Carter, her cousin Alexis Miller and Dennis. chain studios two years ago, she noticed a diversity problem. whatever isn’t serving them at the door. “I feel like in a lot of classes you don’t really see a lot of She remembers being one of a few, if not the only Black “When working out, put all stuff to the side to focus and minorities and it really goes for other workout classes in this student in class, and didn’t see any Black instructors, which zone in on your workout to get the best out of it,” Carter said. area,” Carter told the AFRO. “And so, I think our place is for By Lenore T. Adkins Special to the AFRO


Continued from B1 funds from companies that make money off of fossil fuels such as oil giant ExxonMobil and penalize local companies, such as Washington Gas and Pepco, which emit carbon monoxide in the city’s air. Camilla Thorndike is the campaign co-director for Our Climate, an advocacy organization that supports confronting climate change. Our Climate has launched a nationwide program “Put a Price On It” that would tax the use of carbon fuels. In the District, the instrument for making fossil fuel emitters pay would be the “Climate and Community Reinvestment Act of 2018” that, Thorndike said, will be introduced in the June 5

“When African Americans understand how climate change affects them, they will be in the forefront of the movement.” –Assata Harris legislative session of the D.C. Council. “I was told by [D.C. Council Chairman Phil] Mendelson that the bill would be introduced on June 5 and it has the overwhelming support of the council,” she said. “There is an inevitability that will be a carbon fee.” The bill would tax polluters $20 per ton of carbon monoxide that goes into the air starting in 2019 and go up to $150 per ton by 2032. The money raised would be rebated to city residents through their energy bills. Kymone Freeman, Ward 8 civic activist and co-founder of We Act Radio who has strong ties to the city’s robust environmental groups, had plenty to say at the rally. “The fossil fuels companies are the wealthiest industries,”

he said. “They get tens of millions in tax subsidies every year. The Environmental Protection Agency used to be a paper tiger and now it is just paper.” Freeman said climate change is so profound in the District that the animals are confused about what to do when the weather changes and so are the cherry blossoms. “When you deal with the fossil fuel companies you have to speak their language and that’s why you should put a tax on it,” he said. “You all should give D.C. Mayor Muriel Bowser, the members of the D.C. Council and the privately-financed Federal City Council hell before they destroy our planet.” Assata Harris is an Our Climate organizer and participated in the rally. She told the AFRO that she grew up in Richmond, Calif., and lived by a Chevron refinery. “People in my community had asthma because of this refinery,” she said. “It is the vulnerable communities that pay when there is climate change.” Harris said African Americans have to be engaged in environmental issues in order to get a response. “When African Americans understand how climate change affects them, they will

be in the forefront of the movement,” she said. Freeman and Harris were among the African Americans who visited the offices of D.C. Council member Vincent Gray (D-Ward 7) and D.C. Council Chairman Phil Mendelson (D) to ask for support for the Climate and Community bill.

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The Afro-American, April 21, 2018 - April 27, 2018

As part of the 156th celebration of slaves being freed in Washington, D.C., the Office of Cable Television, Film, Music and Entertainment hosted the Emancipation Day Parade

and Concert. On April 14, thousands gathered at Freedom Plaza in Northwest, D.C. for a free parade and concert that featured local and international musicians, including D.C.’s rapper

Lightshow, go-go group The Allure Band and celebrities Big Daddy Kane, Jussie Smollett, Angie Stone and Brandy. Actress, and District native, Regina also spoke at the event.

Actress and singer Drew Olivia Tillman

Grammy nominated singer Angie Stone Mayor Muriel Bowser chatting with childhood friend actress Regina Hall

Publicist Raymone Bain

Legendary and Grammy winning rapper Big Daddy Kane

Grammy winning singer Brandy

Singer and Empire actor Jussie Smollet

Micha Green, AFRO Washington, D.C. editor, and D.C. native and rapper Lightshow

Photos by Everett Wright

The Prince George’s County Delta Alumnae Foundationand the Prince George’s County Alumnae Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority presented their 42nd Annual Scholarship Benefit Fashion Show & Luncheon, “Couture 1913: Timeless Threads” at Martin’s Crosswinds in Greenbelt, Maryland on March 18. The co-chairs were The models Miriam Brewer, who coordinated the

Kids model

scholarship committee and Sinthea Myrick Kelly who organized the fashion show. The goal of the annual fundraiser is to award $75,000 in scholarships to deserving students from Prince George’s County. This year’s event featured renowned designers, runway models and the smooth sounds of the Marcus Johnson Project. Deneen Lyles, Karen Battle, Keli Jones and Nina Howard

Standing) Crystal McFarland, Elizabeth Porter, Lindi Francis and Ebony Smart. (Seated) Jean Nicholson, Courtney Pringle, Ethel L. Brown, Bernerdette Green and Earnestine Smart

Master of Ceremonies, Guy Lambert, Radio Personality-News Director CBS-WPGC Radio

The model and a designer

Micheline Bowman

The sponsors

Courtney Stevenson and Sharon James

Ethel Rogers Grundy, Wiggins-Lewis, Chapter President, Rosie Allen Herring, Chereese Griftia and Debbie Tijiani

Angela Alsobrooks, State’s Attorney PGC, and her mother Patricia Alsobrooks

Bridgette Johnson, Ethel Sligh and Janice Sims

The Marcus Johnson Project (Marcus on keyboard) The fashion show committee

(Standing) LaTonya Price and Marilyn Franklin (Seated) Francine Gaines and Dejan Rennie

Photos by Rob Roberts

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