Baltimore Washington 5-4-2018

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Who Killed Det. Sean Suiter? 169 Days and Counting B1 May 5, 2018 - May 5, 2018, The Afro-American

Volume Volume 127 123 No. No.39 20–22

$2.00 $1.00

MAY 5, 2018 - MAY 11, 2018

College and Beyond


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What Happened to the Suspect in Det. Sean Suiter’s Death?

Maryland voter registration deadline: May 24 D.C. voter registration deadline: June 4

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Washington AP Photo/Matt Slocum

America’s Number 1 Black Newspaper

Former first lady Michelle Obama dances after speaking at College Signing Day, an event honoring Philadelphia students for their pursuit of a college education or career in the military, May 2 at Temple University in Philadelphia. Baltimore’s College Signing Day will be held May 11 at Royal Farms Arena and 5,000 high school seniors are expected to attend. See story on A5.

Lynching Memorial and Museum in Alabama Draw Crowds, Tears


Inside Paula Newsome Talks About Her Role in HBO’s Hit Series ‘Barry’

By The Associated Press Part of a statue depicting chained people is on display at the National Memorial for Peace and Justice, a new memorial to honor thousands of people killed in racist lynchings in Montgomery, Ala.


‘It does happen. All the time. Just not to you and me.’

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AP Photo/Brynn Anderson


By Lisa Snowden-McCray Special to the AFRO

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occurred. A related museum, called The Legacy Museum: From Enslavement to Mass Incarceration, is opening in Montgomery. Many visitors shed tears and stared intently at the commemorative columns, many of which are suspended in the air from above. Toni Battle drove from San Francisco to attend. “I’m a descendant of three lynching Continued on A3

Support for Pioneering Journalist Maryland Film Festival Ida B. Wells Monument Grows ‘Black Mother’ Explores

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Tears and expressions of grief met the opening of the nation’s first memorial to the victims of lynching April 26 in Alabama. Hundreds lined up in the rain to get a first look at the memorial and museum in Montgomery. The National Memorial for Peace and Justice commemorates 4,400 Black people who were slain in lynchings and other racial killings between 1877 and 1950. Their names, where known, are engraved on 800 dark, rectangular steel columns, one for each U.S. county where lynchings

Trayon White Anti-Semitic Controversy Continues

Ida B. Wells, the intrepid journalist and Mississippi-native whose work exposed the horrors of lynching, is having a moment. It’s a perfect storm situation brought together by a renewed debate over the role of the press, the recent opening of a memorial to lynching victims in Montgomery, Ala., an increased focus on the power of women’s voices and the ever-expanding role of the internet to connect people of color in ways that have never before possible. “Wells’ genius lay in her ability to flip the script,” writes Yale African American history professor Crystal N. Feimster in an op-ed published just last weekend in the New York Times. “Casting White Southern men as the lustful rapists of Black women and the hypocritical murderers of innocent Black men. Alone, she was not able

to stop lynching. But with the help of other black women, she did put mob violence on the reform agenda and

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Ida B. Wells was an anti-lynching crusading journalist.

the Underbelly of Jamaica By Jannah Johnson Special to the AFRO Starting May 2nd the Maryland Film Festival will be taking place in Baltimore’s North Station, showcasing over 40 films and 10 short programs. One film that stands out is “Black Mother,” a documentary style film about Jamaica and its underbelly directed by Khalik Allah. Allah was raised in Long Island, New York and has been taken with film and photography most of his life. “I can’t even really say I was interested in the visual arts just capturing memories, taking pictures of stuff. I remember begging my mother for a camera when I was

Copyright © 2018 by the Afro-American Company

14 and after I got it I just started filming everything, break dancing, skateboarding, everything that we were doing in the neighborhood. When I went to community college I took an elective called digital filmmaking and that course taught me how to cut and edit footage and opened my creativity, that’s when I really became serious with it. I made my first film when I was 19. My newest project and my last project were both really photographer style documentaries, they’re films you can really tell a photographer made.” Black Mother is Allah’s second feature film although many people have seen his work on Beyoncé’s visual album “Lemonade,” on

Continued on A5


The Afro-American, May 5, 2018 - May 11, 2018

WHAT’S TRENDING ON AFRO.COM Saxophonist Charles Neville Dead at 79 By The Associated Press New Orleans-born saxophone player Charles Neville, who once backed up B.B. King and later gained fame with the Neville Brothers band and their rollicking blend of funk, jazz and rhythm and blues, has died. He was 79. His death came April 26, months after he disclosed he was fighting pancreatic cancer. Neville’s career dated to the 1950s when he performed with King and other musical greats. Yet he was best known for three decades of performances with his siblings Aaron, Art and Cyril as the Grammy-winning Neville Brothers band. The band was formed in the 1970s and gained fans with high-energy performances featuring a distinctive fusion of funk, jazz and New Orleans rhythm and blues. A publicist for Aaron Neville’s management agency confirmed the death in an email. Aaron Neville, who first disclosed the news to WWL-TV in New Orleans, declined an interview but posted a lengthy tribute to his brother on Facebook. “I know you have a spot in the heavenly band next to James Booker, James Black, Herbert Hardesty, Fats Domino, Johnny Adams all the jazz bebop players who you turned me on to,”

(AP Photo/Dave Martin, File)

New Orleans-born saxophone player Charles Neville, part of the famed Neville Brothers band, has died at age 79. Aaron Neville wrote. “Dizzy, Charlie Parker, Miles and the list goes on.” Charles Neville, who lived in Massachusetts in recent years, had announced in January that he had pancreatic cancer. His death came a day before the opening of his home town’s signature musical and cultural event, the annual New Orleans Jazz & Heritage Festival.

Stephon Clark Autopsy Differs from Family’s By The Associated Press Your History • Your Community • Your News

The Afro-American Newspapers

Baltimore Office • Corporate Headquarters 1531 S. Edgewood Street Baltimore, Maryland 21227 410-554-8200 • Fax: 1-877-570-9297 Founded by John Henry Murphy Sr., August 13, 1892 Chairman of the Board/Publisher - Frances Murphy Draper (Publisher Emeritus - John J. Oliver Jr.) President - Benjamin Murphy Phillips IV Vice President of Advertising - Kevin E. Peck Receptionist - Wanda Pearson - 410-554-8200 Director of Operations Andre´ Draper - 410-554-8200 Director of Advertising Lenora Howze - 410-554-8271 - Director of Finance Ronald W. Harrison - 410-554-8242 Director of Community & Public Relations Diane W. Hocker - 410-554-8243 Editorial Managing Editor - Kamau High - 410-554-8231 Baltimore Editor - Sean Yoes - 410-554-8289 Washington, D.C. Editor - Micha Green - 202-332-0080, ext. 1119 Editorial Assistant - Takiea Hinton - 410-554-8277 Archivist - Shelia Scott - 443-885-4627 Baltimore Circulation/Distribution Manager Clarence Massey - 410-554-8232 Production Department - 410-554-8288 Advertising Account Executives Baltimore - Robert Blount - 410-554-8246 - Washington, D.C. - Vetta Ridgeway - 202-332-0080-ext. 1104

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(AP Photo/Rich Pedroncelli)

The Sacramento County Coroner’s Office official autopsy, released by Sacramento police said Stephon Clark was shot seven times and was most likely approaching officers when they fired. That’s a different conclusion than was reached by a private pathologist hired by the family. An official autopsy released May 1 says an unarmed Black man was shot seven times, not eight as concluded by an independent doctor hired by the man’s family. A pathologist retained by the Sacramento County coroner says that’s a crucial distinction because it shows the pathologist hired by the family of 22-year-old Stephon Clark mistook an exit wound for an eighth entry wound, creating an impression that police first shot Clark from the side or back. Clark was most likely shot as he approached police, a conclusion that is consistent with the officers’ story of the fatal encounter, Dr. Gregory Reiber wrote after reviewing the official autopsy along with video taken by the two officers’ body-worn cameras and a sheriff’s helicopter circling overhead. The autopsy also says Clark was legally drunk and had traces of marijuana, cocaine and codeine in his system when was shot, but the report said the toxicology findings are not directly relevant to the fatal shooting. The officers shot Clark after chasing him into his grandparents’ backyard. They were responding to a report of someone breaking car windows, and said they shot Clark because they thought he was approaching them while pointing a handgun. Investigators found only a cellphone. The slaying set off weeks of protests as demonstrators called for the officers to be fired and criminally charged. Protesters at times blocked fans from attending professional basketball games and disrupted rush hour traffic downtown in the state capital and on a nearby interstate. Benjamin Crump, a spokesman for the family’s attorney, did not immediately comment. The pathologist hired by the family, Dr. Bennet Omalu, told The Sacramento Bee he found it strange that the coroner’s office brought in its own independent pathologist to review the official autopsy. Omalu found that Clark was hit by six bullets in the back, one in the neck and one in the thigh, and took three

to 10 minutes to die. Police waited about five minutes before rendering medical aid. The official autopsy found that Clark was hit three times in his right back; in the right front of his neck; his right arm; in his right chest, slightly back to front; and in the left thigh. Two bullets perforated his lungs, with one of those two bullets hitting his heart and aorta, and another bullet striking his spine. The direction of the bullets “do not support the assertion that Clark was shot primarily from behind as asserted by Omalu,” Reiber wrote. He wrote that a frame-by-frame analysis of video from both officers’ body-worn cameras shows Clark facing the officers while helicopter footage shows him “walking ... toward the officers’ position.” He was most likely shot first in the thigh, then in the right side and back as he fell first to his knees and then face down with his right side facing the officers, Reiber wrote.

James Cone, Founder of Black Liberation Theology, Dies at 79 By The Associated Press Theologian James Cone, who as a founder of Black liberation theology linked Christian faith with the struggle against racism and oppression, has died. He was 79. Cone was hospitalized last week and died at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center on Saturday, a spokeswoman for Union Theological Seminary said. The cause of his death wasn’t released. In his work, Cone connected the words and lessons of the Bible to the fight for liberty and equality by Black Americans, saying God and Jesus’ messages were about social justice and freeing people from oppression and not just waiting for the hereafter. His 1969 book, “Black Theology & Black Power,” has been a seminal text in the field. Cone began teaching at Union Theological Seminary in 1969. He had studied theology at Garrett Theological Seminary in Evanston, Illinois, and received his doctorate from Northwestern University in 1965. Union Theological Seminary’s president, Serene Jones, said in many ways Cone “has been Union Theological Seminary for the past 50 years.” “To say his death leaves a void is a staggering understatement,” Jones said in a statement announcing the death. “His prophetic voice, deep kindness, and fierce commitment to Black liberation embodied not just the very best of our seminary, but of the theological field as a whole and of American prophetic thought and action.”

(AFRO file photo)

James Cone connected the words and lessons of the Bible to the fight for liberty and equality by Black Americans. Cone’s efforts to connect theology and social issues continued throughout his career. In November 2017, he received the Grawemeyer Award in Religion, a $100,000 prize, for his 2011 book, “The Cross and the Lynching Tree.” The book makes connections between Jesus’ crucifixion and the lynching of Black people in the United States. Cone had been on sabbatical this academic year to write another book, a memoir called “Said I Wasn’t Gonna Tell Nobody,” which is to be published this year. His editor shared some of what he had written for the book’s conclusion in Union Theological Seminary’s statement on his passing. “I write because writing is the way I fight,” Cone wrote. “Teaching is the way I resist, doing what I can to subvert white supremacy.” Cone was born in Fordyce, Arkansas. He was an ordained minister in the African Methodist Episcopal Church. He is survived by his brother, two sons, two daughters and two grandchildren.


The Afro-American, May 5, 2018 - May 5, 2018

May 5, 2018 - May 11, 2018, The Afro-American


UNCF Releases Report on Black Youth’s Perception of College by the police, and 8 percent were expelled at some point during high school. The author of the report was Dr. Meredith Anderson, who said Black students need to have a better understanding of the college atmosphere and high schools can play a role in doing that.

By James Wright Special to the AFRO On April 26, the United Negro College Fund (UNCF) released a report, “A Seat at the Table: African American Youth’s Perceptions of K-12 Education.” The philanthropic organization dedicated to the advocacy and growth of private historically Black colleges and universities released the report at an education summit at its headquarters in the District of Columbia. Dr. Michael Lomax, the president and CEO of the UNCF, said the voice of Black students is more critical than ever. “Before and shortly after World War II, a college education was nice to have but it was not a necessity,” he said. “Today, in the 21st century, our students are competing in a knowledge economy and they are charged with continuing to learn. Our challenge as HBCUs is how do we attract, retain and graduate our students from our colleges. In the past, we have heard the voices of parents, teachers and adult school leaders and now we must listen to the students.” The report says 66 percent of the Black youth surveyed indicated success in school was a priority most significant to them and 57

“It is quite possible that large numbers of Black males have gone through the education system without ever having a Black male teacher in the classroom.” – Dr. Rodney Smothers

Courtesy Photo

Dr. Michael Lomax, president and CEO of the UNCF, says the voice of Black students is more critical than ever. percent said the high cost of higher education was a significant barrier to enrolling in and completing college. One in five said they didn’t understand how to pay for college at all. Seventy percent surveyed said

there was an adult in their lives who followed their progress and cared about their success. Some have had behavior issues in school and in society with 36 percent saying they have received an out-of-school suspension, 16 percent arrested



Continued from A1

Continued from A1

victims,” Battle said, her face wet with tears. “I wanted to come and honor them and also those in my family that couldn’t be here.” Ava DuVernay, the Oscarnominated film director, told several thousand people at a conference marking the memorial launch to “to be evangelists and say what you saw and what you experienced here. ... Every American who believes in justice and dignity must

to dispel America’s silence on lynching. “Whites wouldn’t talk about it because of shame. Blacks wouldn’t talk about it because of fear,” he said. The crowd included White and Black visitors. Mary Ann Braubach, who is White, came from Los Angeles to attend. “As an American, I feel this is a past we have to confront,” she said as she choked back tears. DuVernay, Jackson,

“We’re publicly grieving this atrocity for the first time as a nation. ... You can’t grieve something you can’t see, something you don’t acknowledge. Part of the healing process, the first step is to acknowledge it.” -Angel Smith Dixon come here ... Don’t just leave feeling like, ‘That was amazing. I cried.’ ... Go out and tell what you saw.” As for her own reaction, DuVernay said: “This place has scratched a scab. It’s really open for me right now.” Angel Smith Dixon, who is biracial, came from Lawrenceville, Georgia, to see the memorial. “We’re publicly grieving this atrocity for the first time as a nation. ... You can’t grieve something you can’t see, something you don’t acknowledge. Part of the healing process, the first step is to acknowledge it.” The Rev. Jesse Jackson, a longtime civil rights activist, told reporters after visiting the memorial that it would help

superintendent of the FergusonFlorissant Mo., school system. Davis said credit should be given to Black students who are doing the right things. “We have brilliant Black kids who are doing what they are supposed to but we don’t hear much about that,” he said. “Not all Black men are wearing their pants down.”

playwright Anna Deavere Smith, the singing group Sweet Honey in the Rock, Congressman John Lewis and other activists and artists spoke and performed at an opening ceremony Thursday night that was by turns somber and celebratory. Among those introduced and cheered with standing ovations were activists from the 1950s Montgomery bus boycott, Freedom Rider Bernard Lafayette, and one of the original Little Rock Nine, Elizabeth Eckford. “There are forces in America today trying to take us back,” Lewis said, adding, “We’re not going back. We’re going forward with this museum.” Singer Patti Labelle ended

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the evening with a soulful rendition of “A Change is Gonna Come.” Other launch events include a “Peace and Justice Summit” featuring celebrities and activists like Marian Wright Edelman and Gloria Steinem in addition to DuVernay. The summit, museum and memorial are projects of the Equal Justice Initiative, a Montgomery-based legal advocacy group founded by attorney Bryan Stevenson. Stevenson won a MacArthur “genius” award for his human rights work. The group bills the project as “the nation’s first memorial dedicated to the legacy of enslaved black people, people terrorized by lynching, African Americans humiliated by racial segregation and Jim Crow, and people of color burdened with contemporary presumptions of guilt and police violence.” Several thousand people gave Stevenson a two-minute standing ovation at a morning session of the Peace and Justice Summit. Later in the day, Edelman, founder of the Children’s Defense Fund, urged the audience to continue their activism beyond the day’s events on issues like ending child poverty and gun violence: “Don’t come here and celebrate the museum ... when we’re letting things happen on an even greater scale.”

Dr. Rodney Smothers, president of Philander Smith College in Little Rock, Ark., said only 18 percent of student teachers in the country are people of color and of those, only 2 percent are Black males, which he said was “a real problem.” “Black male teachers are in high demand now,” he said. “It is quite possible that large numbers of Black males have gone through the education system without ever having a Black male teacher in the classroom.” Dr. Joseph Davis is the

brought to light the rape of Black women.” Wells is also featured in a project that the New York Times is doing titled “Overlooked,” which focuses on the lives of women who were sidelined and silenced by the paper while they were alive. It makes sense, then, that efforts to install a memorial to Wells in her hometown of Chicago have taken on a second life, too. Wells’ great-granddaughter, Michelle Duster, is helping lead the cause, which has been going on for several years. Activist Mariame Kaba, says she first heard about Duster’s work on Twitter. She resolved not only to donate her own money to the cause, but also to encourage the 76.4 thousand people who follow her @Prisonculture Twitter account to do the same. “I was pretty sure that a lot of other people also didn’t know about it and if they did know then they would want to support this,” she tells the AFRO. “It’s all been in the air about supporting Black women, trust Black women, all of the hashtags about that have been really coming up, especially since after the election. This is a concrete way for all the people who constantly are saying that they support Black women’s legacy and work to actually put their money where their mouths are.” Kaba says that Wells’ life and work fly in the face of many who deride so-called “activist-journalism.” “I have lots of friends who are journalists and I know that conservative, small ‘c’ journalism [has] this notion of a neutrality, that somehow as journalists you are not actually people who have opinions or that somehow your opinions mean that you are biased in some way,” Keba says. “Ida B. Wells really kind of explodes that myth because she is somebody who was a journalist, she did write, she did use the power of words to speak truth to power, to raise awareness to offer calls to action.” Here in Baltimore, Wells is the namesake

In the report’s “Call to Action” section, it was recommended that Black students get increased access to guidance counselors, investing in school and university partnerships, and creating awareness of HBCUs among African-American students. It was also recommended that cultural training be instituted among teachers and school leaders with the aim of reducing student disciplinary issues and challenging the deficit narrative about the educational aspirations of low income Black youth.

of a downtown eatery, Ida B’s Table. Chef David K. Thomas, and his wife Tonya Thomas partnered with The Real News Network in 2017 to bring the modern-day soul food restaurant to life. The two say that even though Wells never lived in Baltimore, they liked the idea of conversation and community brought about by her work as a journalist (the menu features “op-eds” instead of starters and sandwiches are “by-lines.”) They approached the idea of using her as inspiration carefully, though. They didn’t want to mess it up or be disrespectful to her legacy. “I said well first of all, she wouldn’t be in anybody’s kitchen,” Tonya says. “It should be more like Ida B’s table, it was the whole thing about bringing everyone to the table, it was the perfect place to bring different people together.” She says it was important that they had her family’s blessing, which they got. Duster and other family members even traveled to Baltimore for the restaurant’s grand opening. “Anytime you put anybody’s name on anything especially when it’s a real person, not a made-up character, someone like Ida B. Wells [and] what she meant in history, that was a concern to me because that makes us now have to really step up to that challenge,” she says. The restaurant is only seven-months old, so the Thomas’ say they are still getting established. Eventually, though, they plan to support not only an existing scholarship, but also the monument. “What we want to do is make sure we help support whatever is being done in her name,” she says. As of April 30, the renewed interest in the memorial helped raise an additional $77,000. Duster tweeted that the group needed $125,000 to make their goal. Learn more about the Ida B. Wells monument at


The Afro-American, May 5, 2018 - May 11, 2018


‘It does happen. All the time. Just not to you and me.’

The first time we met Howard Schulz, the founder and chairman of Starbucks, he was speaking to more than 200 of the nation’s highest ranking Black law enforcement officers during their conference in Seattle. He was explaining his company’s efforts to promote better relationships between Black and Latino communities and police through a program he initiated called “Coffee with a Cop.” It was early last year, and Schulz told the group how two years earlier, following riots and protests in the wake of a spate of high-profile killings of Black men by police, he and then Seattle Police Chief Kathleen O’Toole had begun inviting residents and local cops to meet in his Seattle coffeehouses, so both could hear the others’ points of view. It was effective, Schultz said. About 70 percent of the participants walked away from the events feeling better about the other side. Schulz’s audience that day was the National Organization of Black Law Enforcement Executives (NOBLE), which is made up of the highest levels of African-American leaders of local police and sheriff’s departments, state troopers, the FBI, the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms, U.S. Marshals, Secret Service, Drug Enforcement Administration and other federal agencies. We were there doing research for our upcoming book, The Black and The Blue: A Cop Reveals the Crimes, Racism, and Injustice in America’s Law Enforcement. We thought the conference would be a good first stop on our year-long book project to examine police and race. We wanted to understand how and why those relationships play out in continual shootings of unarmed Black men, racial profiling and disparate rates of arrest and incarceration. Matt had been a member of the organization for much of his 24 years as a special agent with the ATF and knew many of the officers. Despite having covered law enforcement issues as one of my jobs as a local and national newspaper reporter for more than 20 years, I was a novice to the group. Starbucks’ “Coffee with a Cop” meetings had spread to other cities, Schultz explained, and he announced plans to host 100 more events that year. He would hold the first events in five cities in partnership with NOBLE and two other police organizations, the International Association of Chiefs of Police and the Major Cities Chiefs Association. “We are pleased to host meetings in our stores . . . where police and the community can meet and share experiences to foster greater understanding and empathy,” he said. And then came the recent embarrassing arrest of two Black men in Philadelphia, hauled off by police in handcuffs for doing nothing more than sitting and waiting to meet someone in Starbucks, the place where millions of Americans sit every day and wait for other people. The company immediately recognized the “reprehensible” mistake its employee had made by calling the police. It refused to press charges, issued an apology, met with the men who were arrested and promised company-wide bias training. Not the Philadelphia police. Instead, they did what we found police departments do incident after incident. They hunker down and back their officers at all costs. We saw it following police incidents in Chicago and Ferguson, Missouri, and Baton Rouge, Louisiana, and New York. “Don’t back down,” seemingly is their mantra. Find policy that will justify your officers’ actions. And that is exactly what Philadelphia Police Commissioner Richard Ross did. In a Facebook video, Ross said his officers “had legal standing to make an arrest. In short, these officers did absolutely nothing wrong. They followed policy. They did what they are supposed to do.” He never asked whether just because his officers could do something, should they do it? Was there a better way? Was it good police policy for six officers to arrest two men for doing what virtually everybody in the same space was doing? Do you really want a policy that will enforce discriminatory policies or actions without exception as they did in the Jim Crow South? As we interviewed hundreds of police, government officials and victims of police abuse across the nation, we found that police actions are driven daily by the stereotypes and biases too many Americans hold of Black people, Black men in particular. Their mere presence incites anxiety and fear in many. Consequently, for people of color, the Starbucks incident is just part of the continuous nightmare of racial profiling by America that often ends with tragic results. The same day the two Black men were being arrested in Philadelphia, a 14-year-old Black teenager was shot at and nearly killed by White residents in Rochester Hills, Michigan. Brennan Walker overslept and missed his bus and then got lost while he walked to school. So, he knocked on a family’s door that morning to ask for directions to his high school. The wife saw a Black face and accused him of trying to break him into the family’s house. The

Ron Harris and Matthew Horace

incident was caught on the family’s doorbell video. She yelled, and her husband came running, picked up his shotgun and fired, but missed. Walker ran and hid in some bushes. And then he cried. Just 34 minutes away in Dearborn Heights, Michigan, Theodore Wafer five years earlier shot an unarmed, 19-year-old in the face with a 12-gauge shotgun and killed her. Renisha McBride had knocked on his front door in the early morning hours to ask for help after wrecking her car nearby. He was sentenced to 17 years. Meanwhile, the list of unarmed Black men killed by police continues to climb; the most recent is Stephon Clark, 22, shot by police eight times in the back, according to the family coroner, in his grandmother’s backyard in Sacramento, California. These incidents continue to happen, we found, because America usually condones or excuses them. The most common excuse for police is “I feared for my life,” and there is the ongoing supposition by many that there was something the black person did to cause whatever happened to him or her. Even when African Americans tell our White friends who know us well, who respect us, who we work with or supervise, we can see that look in their faces that says, “No, police don’t do that. The person did something wrong to cause the officer to react that way.” Melissa DePino, whose online video post of the arrests in Philadelphia has been viewed millions of times, got her lesson on the breadth of America’s bias as much from the incident she recorded as from the reactions to her post. Now, she knows what most people of color know. “Ever since I posted this, I’ve had White strangers AND friends say, ‘there must be something more to this story,’” she wrote in a tweet. “That assumption is a big part of the problem. It does happen. All the time. Just not to you and me. Believe it . . .” Matthew Horace and Ron Harris are the co-authors of the upcoming book, The Black and The Blue: A Cop Reveals Crimes, Racism and Injustice Inside Law Enforcement, which will be available in August. Ron Harris is a journalist and adjunct professor at Howard University. Matthew Horace is CNN contributor, a former policeman and a former special agent with the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms.

How to Win at Fundraising Wonder why it’s easy for some nonprofits to raise money and not so much for others? Here’s what we have learned: sustained successful fundraising requires consistent attention, action, funding and leadership. It is proactive and donor-focused. The success of an organization’s fundraising depends upon the involvement of a cross-section of influencers and their ability and willingness to cultivate and solicit major donors. Success also depends on prerequisites that support the involvement of influencers and donors. Below we share a few of these prerequisites, otherwise known as our “secrets to winning at fundraising.” Think on these questions. Talk about them. Share these with your board, staff, volunteers and fellow community members. Consider putting them into an online survey and ask those you know to share their responses.

Mel and Pearl Shaw

1. Do we have full understanding and agreement regarding our mission, vision, goals, strategic direction and financial

position amongst our leadership? 2. Do we have the full commitment from our board of directors, CEO, executive director, or president and top fundraising staff? 3. Do we have an active fundraising leadership team that meets regularly? 4. Have we allocated – or are we willing to allocate – funds and resources required to implement our fundraising plan? 5. Have we created a clear, concise and compelling case for financial support that ties back to the organization’s strategic plan? 6. Have we completed or scheduled a fundraising assessment and feasibility study or survey to learn how potential donors respond to our goals? 7. Have we developed a time-phased fundraising plan? 8. Do we have defined roles and responsibilities for staff, board members, volunteers and consultants? 9. Do we have fundraising guidelines, policies and procedures in place to guide our work? 10. Have we recruited a team of properly trained and

informed volunteers? 11. Are we using a donor database system to facilitate fundraising management and decision making? 12. Are we coordinating our solicitation strategies? 13. Do we have a strong awareness and education program to complement and support fundraising activities? 14. Do we take the time to thank and recognize our donors and volunteers? 15. Do we keep the lines of communication open and work with a sense of urgency? What are your answers? “Yes?” “No?” “I don’t know?” “Not sure?” What are the comments people share and what do they communicate that you can use to grow and improve your fundraising? Most importantly, make sure you’re not “too busy” to build consensus and not too broke to fund your fundraising. Mel and Pearl Shaw want you and your organization to be successful with its fundraising. For more information go to

What Is the Solution to America’s Problems with Race? David Ireland

The solution is twofold: holding the prejudiced and racially insensitive accountable

and practicing forgiveness. You may have heard of the recent story of two African American men being arrested at a Philadelphia Starbucks. They were merely sitting at a table waiting for a third party to join them, but because they had not made a purchase the manager accused them of trespassing and had them arrested. Other patrons saw right through the racial bias. This triggered a nationwide backlash against Starbucks. The charges were later dropped, but the damage was already done. Not only did the CEO of Starbucks, Howard Schultz, personally apologize to the two men, but he put his money where his mouth was. Shultz announced the closing of all 8,000 stores nationwide on May 29, 2018, for an all-day racialbias training for their 175,000 workers. What can we learn from this? That we must hold people accountable for their actions. Now that the proper actions are in motion, we are able to forgive and continue to buy our lattes and frappuccinos at Starbucks. This may be controversial, but we must remember that forgiveness isn’t letting prejudiced or racially insensitive people off the hook, it’s holding them accountable in the face of forgiving them.

1. Hold the guilty party responsible. You can only forgive people when you hold them responsible. Forgiveness is made possible when you assign blame to the person, group, or race that wronged you. Similarly, it’s important you acknowledge you’ve been wronged. Don’t sweep the injustice under the rug, ignoring the fact that it occurred. 2. Recognize people aren’t God. We’re all flawed, complicated, and broken in some way. Because of our brokenness we hurt others. The baggage is the compilation of the hurts, setbacks, and pain we carry with us. Moral crimes of hatred and prejudice occur because we’re flawed people living in a broken culture. Recognizing that people, including you, are flawed helps you put the need to forgive others in perspective. 3. Surrender your right to get even. The wronged party must surrender his or her right to get even. That’s you. You can’t fantasize about ways to hurt your abuser. Person-to-person forgiveness calls for you to abandon the right to revenge. That’s God’s responsibility. I’ve already tackled the false notion that forgiveness is the elimination of justice. This third ingredient in the formula of forgiveness has nothing to do with the topic of justice or its elimination. Surrendering the right to get even is simply saying: don’t seek to take vengeance into your own hands

by doing something equally wrong or hurtful as a form of payback. 4. Change your attitude toward the guilty party. If you truly want to build a bridge across the rough waters of pain into a multicultural life, you must be willing to change your attitude toward the guilty party. The whole world witnessed the principle of forgiveness at work when Dylann Roof, a White supremacist, viciously gunned down nine African Americans in June 2015 while they were in prayer at the Emanuel AME church in Charleston, South Carolina. At the court hearing where Roof was being sentenced, Nadine Collier, whose mother, Ethel Lance, was killed, shared a powerful message. Fueled by her strong Christian values, Nadine didn’t spew out rhetoric or hate filled words. Instead she said, “I forgive you.” Forgiveness builds and rebuilds the bridge hate and prejudice have attempted to destroy. Reconciliation is not a spectator’s sport. You must get into the game by actively helping to build or rebuild the multicultural bridge in your world. David Ireland is the lead pastor of Christ Church (http://, a multi-site multiracial congregation in New Jersey. Ireland serves as a diversity consultant to the NBA and also leads chapel services for the New York Giants, New York Jets, and the U.S. Pentagon.

May May5,5,2018 2018- -May May11, 5, 2018, The Afro-American

A3 A5

Michelle Obama, De Niro, Zendaya Fete College-Bound Kids By The Associated Press Michelle Obama told college-bound Philadelphia high school seniors Wednesday about when she applied to universities. Her counselor advised her not to set her sights too high and warned that some of the schools on her list were out of her reach, the former first lady said. “There are always haters out there telling you what you can’t do,” Obama told the students celebrating College Signing Day. She did not heed her counselor’s words. Instead, she attended Princeton University and Harvard Law School. Decades later, she accompanied her husband to the White House for two terms. “I know that you are me,” Obama told the crowd. “And if I can be standing here as your forever first lady, then you can do anything you put your mind to.” The label, “forever first lady,” came from actor Nick Cannon, who along with other A-listers joined Obama at the fifth annual celebration, the first in Philadelphia. The event, held at Temple University, was not always, or often, solemn and serious. After Obama shared her thoughts, she broke out her dance moves alongside actors Robert De Niro, Bradley Cooper, Zendaya and Rebel Wilson as they all advocated for higher education. Obama pioneered the tradition in 2014 to congratulate young people who have chosen to further their education through a professional training program, community college, four-year institution or the military. She closed the festivities, but a long list of known names preceded her. Karlie Kloss, Jesse Tyler Ferguson, Ciara, Camila Cabello, Malcolm Jenkins and other major entertainers and athletes lent their support to the college-bound students. Johnathan Phan, a first-generation college student headed to Temple, said he’s excited about the experience that wasn’t afforded to his parents and other relatives. He also seemed enthusiastic before Obama’s speech. “I had a little crush on her when I was little,” Phan said. Obama previously has hosted College Signing Day events in New York City, Detroit and San Antonio. Across the United States, 2,000 other College Signing Day events celebrated high school seniors continuing their educations after graduation.

Former first lady Michelle Obama speaks at College Signing Day, an event honoring Philadelphia students for their pursuit of a college education or career in the military.

AP Photo/Matt Slocum

Courtesy Photo

A still from Khalik Allah’s film ‘Black Mother.’

‘Black Mother Continued from A1 which he is credited as a cinematographer. Although his subject matter is normally Black he feels that this newest film is special in that he has a personal connection to the island. “This new film really is about my evolution, you know going back to the very beginning. The film came about like a freestyle. It wasn’t scripted, hardly anything was written for it, it started with my just capturing photos and taking pictures, the story told me what to do. I’ve been shooting in Jamaica all my life, I’ve been visiting since I was 3 years old.” “This project is a very personal project but its not a biography, its just my impression of Jamaica, what I see. I don’t look at it like a paradise in the Caribbean. Although the film is very beautiful the poverty and the results of slavery and colonialism on the island. “ “Black Mother” is a conglomeration of different aspects of Jamaica, the serene waterfronts and impoverished underbelly, sex work and beauty of childbirth spiritual and secular, history and present. Allah explores his personal connection with Jamaica and Jamaican history and identity through his different interactions with the inhabitants of the island as they discuss poverty, colonialism and religion. With such controversial subject matter it was only natural the Allah received mixed reactions to his film. “People have had a lot of different reactions to the film, I’ve screened it a lot of places including London and Paris in a really short time. People raise issues because I am a man who made a film largely about women, although it isn’t the only aspect of the film, but people have had some criticisms about that. “People have said things like ‘you only show this type of woman, there are so many different layers, you only show one type.’ I feel like a show a crazy panoramic of women

and my film and let them speak for themselves and tell their own stories, but many people feel like the prostitution overshadowed some of that because I did deal with the underbelly of Jamaica.” Many artists and creatives use their craft not only as a tool for self-expression, but a release. This also rang true for Allah who says that the making of “Black Mother” was therapeutic at its core. “It was all therapy for me. Filmmaking for me is a form of psychotherapy. Everybody is looking at the external world, material things, so when I’m making a film especially with the style of filmmaking I do it all comes from the heart and I’m looking inside. To deal with my family and deal with my grandparents and have them participate was a way to live within the game. “My approach and process are pretty singular. I don’t have a large crew I definitely feel like I have assistance and guidance from

“Black Mother” is a conglomeration of different aspects of Jamaica, the serene waterfronts and impoverished underbelly, sex work and beauty of childbirth spiritual and secular, history and present.” invisible friends. I’m a grown man with invisible friends not imaginary, just not in the physical form. Those who passed away. There’s a lot of elders in my project so I just feel like I’m continuing the story, the baton is now in my hands. This is a spiritual film. Its not to be force fed on anyone, you watch it of your own volition. I feel good that I made it and I feel like I made it at the right time.” The Maryland Film Festival takes place from May 2 to 6 in Baltimore’s Station North and “Black Mother” will be screening both that Thursday and Friday. For more information on the Maryland Film Festival visit

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The Afro-American, May 5, 2018 - May 11, 2018

May 5, 2018 - May 11, 2018, The Afro-American


Race and Politics

Harlem Park Body Camera Surveillance Another Dark Chapter in Davis Tenure Just days before he was terminated by Mayor Catherine Pugh, former Baltimore Police Commissioner Sean Yoes Kevin Davis Baltimore AFRO tried to make Editor his case that the Baltimore Police Department (BPD), was emerging from one of its darkest periods, which occurred during his time as commissioner. “Murders and corruption dominate the headlines and make it difficult for Baltimoreans to truly understand the strides in public safety necessary for the Baltimore Police Department to fundamentally succeed in a way it has never known. Those improvements are now taking place in an organization that has long been one dimensional and unable to establish momentum that outlasts a calendar year or an election cycle,” Davis wrote in a Baltimore Sun op-ed, Dec. 30 titled, “Police Commissioner: BPD Making Strides.” It had been about 45 days since one of Davis’ officers,

“What I see in the videos is the people of Harlem Park living in a police state…” – David Rocah Homicide Det. Sean Suiter was gunned down in a West Baltimore ally in broad daylight. On the day Suiter died (Nov. 16), Davis spoke at a press conference outside of Shock Trauma. “The shooter knows what he did, he knows who he did it to, a Baltimore police detective,” said Davis, before he called on the support of the community to, “bring this heartless, ruthless, soulless, killer to justice.” The same community Davis called upon for help in finding the murderer of Det. Suiter was the community put on lockdown by the BPD for a week. This week, it was revealed that not only did BPD officers randomly stop residents of that community and visitors, and checked their ID’s, but police also videotaped individuals they stopped and questioned with their body cameras. “What I see in the videos is the people of Harlem Park living in a police state where walking out of their house subjects them to a warrantless stop by a police officer asking them for ID,” said David Rocah, senior staff attorney Continued on B2

169 Days and Counting

What Happened to the Suspect in Det. Sean Suiter’s Death?

By Stephen Janis Special to the AFRO

The ongoing speculation over the circumstances surrounding the death of Baltimore homicide detective Sean Suiter have continued to stir doubt and mistrust across many communities in the city. The veteran cop was shot in the head with his own gun in November. But, since then a series of miscues have only stoked concerns the department has been less than forthcoming about the case. From the start, the lockdown of the Harlem Park neighborhood where Suiter was murdered and the delayed release of the fact he was scheduled to testify before a federal grand jury in a case involving the now notorious Gun Trace Task Force just a day before he was gunned down, only widened the chasm between many mostly Black, mostly poor communities and police. “The BPD is building an absolute abysmal record for shoddy police work while touting themselves as among the best and especially in homicide investigations,” Christopher Ervin a community activist told the AFRO. However, an overlooked aspect of the early stage of the investigation that has all but disappeared from the discussion, may offer clues as to what happened to the 18-year veteran, husband and father of five. Shortly after Suiter was shot, police released a description of a suspect; a lone Black man wearing a black jacket with a white

Courtesy photo

“The BPD is building an absolute abysmal record for shoddy police work while touting themselves as among the best…”


Zirkin’s Crime Bill Devalues Black Lives By Dayvon Love In many of the policy conversations that are happening today about crime and violence there is a tendency lump people who find themselves in the midst of crime and violence, together with those who are drivers of crime and violence. There are people who carry illegal firearms for protection from people who they know are engaged in gun violence. There are people who participate in gun violence because they do not believe the police can properly

We are at a moment where there is a broad realization of the negative impact of over-incarceration on the neighborhoods that are hardest hit by violence. protect them. These are the kinds of complex issues that plague our community that many of our lawmakers do not understand. We are at a moment where there is a broad realization of the negative impact of over-incarceration on the neighborhoods that are hardest hit by violence. There has been a broad public acknowledgement that incarcerating people who are in close proximity to crime and violence does tremendous harm to Black communities. While there have been many states that have decreased sentences on drug offenses, on the issues of violence, legislators are still putting in legislation that enhances penalties for violent offenses as a crime reduction strategy. In Maryland, State Senator Bobby Zirkin crafted Senate Bill 122, which at its core seeks to address the crime problem by increasing minimum sentences on violent gun crimes in some cases from 5 years to 10 years, and maximums in some cases from 20-40 years. There are three issues that need to be addressed in order to understand why increasing sentences for gun crimes are bad for the community and have a disproportionately negative impact on Black people. The National Institute for Justice conducted a study that found

Continued on B2

– Christopher Ervin

stripe. It was a nebulous, if not familiar depiction that could be applied to thousands of men across the city. Since then little has been said about the man who allegedly prompted former Police Commissioner Kevin Davis to lockdown the Harlem Park neighborhood for nearly a week. And it is a silence which has stirred concerns among experienced investigators that the release of such a critical piece of evidence without explanation or follow-through, implies something more sinister about Suiter’s death. “It wouldn’t surprise me if someone in the department made it up just to cover their asses for locking down the neighborhood,” said former BPD (Baltimore Police Department) commander and state police Lt. Neil Franklin. “Did Suiter give a description over the radio? Did the BPD ever make his radio transmission public?’” Franklin asked. Indeed, when asked recently about the origin of the information that indicated a Black suspect had shot Suiter, current Police Commissioner Darryl De Sousa said he too did not know. “I really don’t know,” De Sousa said recently. “And I can tell you, the day of the incident...I got there relatively quickly, and I don’t exactly

(know) where it came from.” “I couldn’t tell you specifically who told me that particular day,” he added. Continued on B2

Baltimore Teen Accused in 2016 Killing of Bicyclist, Arrested Again By Michelle Richardson Special to the AFRO A teen accused in the killing of a man riding his bike home from work is back behind bars, accused of another violent attack. Prince Greene, now 17, was arrested in January of 2016 for the fatal stabbing of Richard Ponsi. Greene was 15 years old at the time. Ponsi worked as a server in Harbor East at James Joyce Pub and was riding his bicycle home after work when he was attacked and robbed by Greene and two other teens. Ponsi was stabbed 17 Times. The other two teens involved in Ponsi’s death, who were 17 and 18 at the time, were charged as adults. Baltimore Judge Stephen Sfekas found Antwan Eldridge and Daquan Middleton

both guilty of robbery and assault. Eldridge was sentenced to five years in prison. Middleton was sentenced to 13 years. Judge Sfekas said Greene alone was responsible for the killing and he was sentenced to juvenile detention. He was released in February two years after Ponsi’s killing. Just months after Greene’s February release from the juvenile system, he has been arrested for another violent crime. According to Baltimore Police, several teenagers including Greene, allegedly beat a man April 25, at the Mondawmin Metro station. The males ran into a train and were arrested at the Cold Spring Lane Metro station. Police tracked them using surveillance video. According to police, Greene left a black backpack on the train and inside was a loaded handgun. Greene is charged with second-degree assault and illegal possession of a gun, among other charges. He remains held without bail and is scheduled for a hearing May 10 in Baltimore

Continued on B2

Prince Greene, charged as a juvenile in the 2016 killing of a Baltimore man was released earlier this year. He’s back behind bars for another alleged violent crime.


Past Seven Days


Maryland Senate

Eastside Races Heating Up By Sean Yoes Baltimore AFRO Editor Two Maryland Senate races in East Baltimore have aligned two venerable Eastside politicians; Sen. Joan Carter Conway (D-43) and Sen. Nathaniel McFadden (D-45), against Del. Mary Washington (D-43) and Del. Cory McCray (D-45), two challengers. Here is how the battle for the 43rd and 45th District Senate seats lines up.

Conway v. Washington Sen. Joan Carter Conway A member of the Maryland Senate since 1997, Conway is widely recognized as one of the most powerful and tenacious political allies of Morgan State University in the state. She

is chair of the Education, Health and Environmental Affairs Committee, among dozens of Senate committee memberships. Conway obtained her A.A. degree in human services from the Community College of Baltimore (now Baltimore City Community College), in 1987 and her B.A. in sociology from the University of Baltimore in 1988. Del. Mary Washington Washington has been a member of the House since 2011 and is a member of several House committees, including Ways and Means and co-chair of the Joint Committee on Ending

Homelessness. Washington received her B.A. in human services from Antioch University in 1989, her M.A. (1992) and Ph.D. (1997) in sociology from Johns Hopkins University. She was an assistant professor at Lehigh University from 19952000.

Continued on B2

93 2018 Total

Data as of May 2


The Afro-American, May 5, 2018 - May 11, 2018

Race and Politics Continued from D1

for Maryland’s ACLU in an interview with the Baltimore Sun. ”None of that, in my view, is what is supposed to happen in the United States.” I’ll skip the analogies to Nazi Germany and South African apartheid, because living in a so-called police state is nothing new for many residents of West Baltimore; no need for draconian examples from history. But, the new revelations about how Baltimore police conducted themselves in the wake of Suiter’s murder can’t be blamed on deeply rooted BPD corruption established years before Davis’ arrival in 2015; that order to lock down Harlem Park and to surveil its citizens had to come from Davis, the same Davis who 45 days later was saying BPD was, “making

strides.” Kevin Davis was not Baltimore police commissioner when Freddie Gray was murdered in police custody in April 2015. He was not commissioner when members of the Gun Trace Task Force started robbing people and selling dope. But, he was BPD commissioner when the Department of Justice came to Baltimore to observe his officers in action. He was there when the DOJ delivered their scathing “patterns or practice” report, which declared BPD routinely violated the civil and Constitutional rights of Baltimore residents, the vast majority of them Black and poor. Despite the admonitions of the DOJ, Davis felt justified, despite the murky circumstances of Det. Suiter’s murder (which have only grown murkier and murkier),

to violate the Constitutional rights of an entire West Baltimore community in an egregious way, seemingly with impunity. One of the main goals BPD promulgates on a regular basis is building bridges of trust between the department and the community. Davis’ actions in locking down Harlem Park and, specifically, the way he did it, probably blew up many, if not all of the rickety bridges being painstakingly cobbled together by community members or police. Sean Yoes is Baltimore editor of the AFRO and host and executive producer of First Edition, the AFRO’s video podcast, which airs Monday and Friday at 5 p.m. on the AFRO’s Facebook page.


Continued from B1 take plea deals to avoid excessive jail time. As Senator Zirkin wrote in the Bristol Herald Courier on April 18, “Innocent people sometimes plead guilty to crimes they do not commit.” What this means is second time gun offenders are a combination of people who did commit a gun crime and people who were overcharged and plead to a lesser gun charge. This a problem that is the product of a racist criminal justice system. Sentence enhancements cast a wider net that is likely to increase jail time for people that just happen to live in closer proximity to communities that struggle with violence. This leaves intact the core of the people who are the drivers of violence and catches those who are on the periphery. Not only does this approach not actually address crime, but it negatively impacts the working class Black people who happen to get caught up in the system. Given what we know from the 2016 DOJ report on policing in Baltimore, we know that there are a lot of people who have charges that are not the result of actually committing an act of violence, but being in an environment where violence happens. Usually these are Black people who are over policed and over charged. Zirkin says in his op-ed that many of the the people who have committed murder were charged with multiple violent gun crimes. What this says is that the police are not delivering solid cases to the State’s Attorney in order to effectively prosecute murders. Zirkin’s sentence enhancements are an attempt to get around an

inept and corrupt police department’s inability to do their job at the expense of the people who are not drivers of violence. If Zirkin were serious about reducing crime then he would have focused on increasing law enforcement’s ability to get good cases that will put murderers away, instead of the politically expedient approach of increasing sentences. Frankly, Bobby Zirkin is not qualified to lead any effort to address the violence in Baltimore City. There are many people who have been working on the issue of violence prior to the homicide count going beyond 300. I have never seen or heard of Bobby Zirkin addressing himself

McFadden v. McCray Sen. Nathaniel McFadden A member of the Senate since 1995, McFadden is Senate President Pro Tem. He is a member of dozens of Senate committees and governmental task force and advisory panels. He is one of the more prominent members of the Eastside Democratic Organization and a political disciple of former Baltimore Mayor Clarence “Du” Burns. McFadden was a member of the Baltimore City Council representing District Two from 1982-1987. Del. Cory McCray McCray has been a member of the House of Delegates since 2015. He is a member of the Environment and Transportation Committee among other House committees. He obtained his A.S. in business management from Baltimore City Community College in 2011 and a B.A. in business administration from the National Labor College in 2013. He is a member of the President’s Advisory Council for Baltimore City Community College. McCray, an electrician by trade, is a member of the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers (IBEW) and owner of McCray Properties, LLC.

Tuesday, May 8 (6-8 p.m.)

Wednesday, May 16 (6-8 p.m.)

Calvert High School 600 Dares Beach Rd., Prince Frederick, MD 20678

Middle River Middle School 800 Middle River Rd., Middle River, MD 21220

Wednesday, May 9 (6-8 p.m.)

Thursday, May 17 (6-8 p.m.)

Broadneck High School 1265 Green Holly Dr., Arnold, MD 21409

Cambridge South Dorchester High School 2475 Cambridge Beltway, Cambridge, MD 21613

Thursday, May 10 (6-8 p.m.)

Tuesday, May 22 (6-8 p.m.)

Kent County Middle School 402 E. Campus Ave., Chestertown, MD 21620

Chesapeake College 1000 College Cir., Wye Mills, MD 21679











• scoping activities and public comments received to date,






West Virginia

• the alternative corridor development and screening process. CLARKE








Front Royal





















Prince Frederick



50 Vienna



WICOMICO Salisbury

Solomon's Island



113 Snow Hill

Pocomoke City


Bowling Green














Laurel HENRICOLakeside Tuckahoe East Highland Park











Belle Haven

CUMBERLAND Locations will be accessible to individuals disabilities. who require auxiliary aids should Richmond with Highland Springs NEW KENTIndividuals GLOUCESTER contact the MDTA at 410-537-1000 (711 for MD Relay) no later than three business days before the date they wish to attend. 60

















James River




West Point




97 476 795 INTERSTATE








695 214


Ocean City

Continued from D1

Princess Anne







Potomac Riv




Lexington Park

Staff will be available to answer questions. No Virginia formal presentation will be given, and the same information will be provided at each meeting. All meeting materials will be available at to view prior to the Pocomoke Sound meetings and for those who choose not to attend in person. Comments may be provided at the meetings, online or by email/U.S. mail. ORANGE


evidence of the assailant, and in 2012 Fata was convicted of filing fraudulent workers compensation claims, perjury and misconduct in office. Which is why Ervin says the department needs to come clean about all the evidence in the Suiter case, not only to re-establish trust with the community, but to instill confidence the investigation is above board. “(The) Source of info of this nature should not be hard at all to pin down.” Ervin said. “It would have had to come from either Suiter or his partner.”

Bethany Beach







avoiding the question is embarrassment,” he said. “Embarrassment could be related to the source, or lack of a credible source.” Evoking the specter of a lone Black assailant in the shooting of a police officer that later turned out to be of questionable veracity has a fraught history within the department. In 2010, Baltimore Police detective Anthony Fata ignited a citywide manhunt when he claimed a Black man shot him in the leg inside a downtown parking garage. Investigators later concluded there was little

Fenwick Island




Rehoboth Beach


Cambridge 16


Stone Harbor







University Heights




Cape May



Aquia Harbor









St. Michaels






nton 64


Milford 113



Shady Side






Quantico Station


Mount Crawford



Rio Grande




Dale City








Manassas PRINCE Lorton WILLIAM

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Mount Jackson






Kent Island

Cape May Point


CAPE MAY Ocean City

Cape May Court House


50 301


Somers Point

Port Norris




The Plains




Severna Park ANNE 2 ARUNDEL







Rock Hall




Sea Isle City

Glen Burnie











95 29


The purpose of the Bay Crossing Study is to consider corridors for providing additional traffic capacity and access across the Chesapeake Bay to improve mobility, travel reliability and safety at the existing Bay Bridge, while considering financial viability and environmental responsibility. The range of corridors will not be presented at these meetings. Edinburg








New Market


Hammonton ATLANTIC Buena
















Middle River


Cherry Hill












Winchester FREDERICK


Maryland 70

• the environmental review process,





Pennsville SALEM

Havre De Grace Aberdeen



Poto Brunswick mac R.





Dela Claymont



Bel Air



Capon Bridge










Fort Ashby





• the project’s Purpose and Need, 522






New Freedom






Chester Heights

Kennett Square



Cumberland ALLEGANY




Bedford Road



Recently the department formed a so-called independent review board to examine the case. The board, Philadelphia comprised of retired homicide detectives and several policing experts is expected to issue Toll a comprehensive report on To both the investigation and ll the handling of the homicide probe internally. Franklin argues the fact New Jersey that the most public piece of evidence thus far to date has not been fully explained, is something the department needs to DELAWARE address directly. BAY “The only reason I can think of for the police

Upper Darby













Continued from D1











Suiter’s Death

As part of the Chesapeake Bay Crossing Study: Tier 1 NEPA (Bay Crossing Study), the Maryland Pennsylvania Transportation Authority (MDTA) is hosting a series of public meetings to provide all interested parties an update on the project. At the meetings, attendees will have the opportunity to learn about: Rainsburg









Dayvon Love is a Baltimore resident and the director of policy of Leaders of a Beautiful Struggle, a Black think tank.

Continued from B1



to the people in the community who work on these issues prior to the number of homicides exceeding 300. It’s quite interesting to me that he would decide to care so much about violence in Baltimore on an election year when no such concern was expressed previously. Also, for him to lead on anything that would address Baltimore City is condescending. There is no evidence that he has any particular insight or perspective that is sufficient enough that he should lead this effort.


To ll

that the certainty of being caught had a much bigger deterrence effect on violent crime than the length of the sentence. The Sentencing Project produced a report that states that sentence enhancements and mandatory minimums led to Black people receiving tougher sentences than their White counterparts, and led to a 22 percent increase in the prison population. Additionally, even though crime has gone up and down over the past 40 years, the rate of incarceration has consistently gone up. This means that there is no empirical data that suggest that longer sentences or more people in jail effectively deter violence. The second issue to keep in mind is that if you talk to police officers they will tell you that they know who the most violent criminals are. They just don’t have the capacity to get those folks off of the streets. The problem arises because of things like insufficient witness protection infrastructure, and corruption in the police department that, in some cases, participate in crime and violence (like the Gun Trace Task Force in Baltimore which was a unit within the BPD that was robbing people, selling drugs and contributed to violence). The third issue is that the criminal justice system has disproportionately touched working class Black people who are often relegated to communities that are more prone to violence. This leads to many Black people being charged and arrested for things that they did not do. Defendants are usually over charged and are encouraged to avoid going to trial and to




For project information, visit

District Court. There was no attorney listed for him in online records. Dawn Ponsi, the mother of Robert Ponsi, told Atlantic Ocean the Baltimore Sun she was, “outraged by a juvenile system that would return the teen back to the streets so soon.” Ponsi said she warned the court that the teenager would commit another crime. “I saw a pattern and I didn’t believe it would be broken,” she said. “My frustration is with the inability of the juvenile justice system, in its current form, to appropriately address the issues with the


most serious and violent of the juvenile offenders.” Greene’s mother, Thomascine Greene, a community activist, said she wants to see her son receive a fair trial. She has fears that people will judge him before the facts are known. “People are trying him in the street,” Greene told the Baltimore Sun. “They don’t even know the situation.” Greene said she said she grieves for parents across the city who have seen their children caught up in Baltimore’s escalating street violence. “I feel for Ms. Ponsi,” she said. “I feel for Baltimore.”

May 5, 2018 - May 11, 2018, The Afro-American

“I wish you flowers sunshine and smiles. I wish you children that grow to make you proud. I wish you pretty things to wear, sweet things to smell. I wish you well. I wish you good friends that always treat you fair. Wanna wish you ribbons to tie around your hair. I wish you truckloads of cheer and many happy years. Wanna wish you freedom to do the things you love, wanna wish you blessings and kindness from above. Wanna wish you sunlight through the clouds, hope you laugh out loud. I wish you well” Bill Withers As we approach mother’s day 2018 I am reminded of how grateful and blessed I am to still have the joy of my mother Rev. Pauline Wilkins. I am grateful that I was blessed with three amazingly wonderful children, who have been a blessing to me from the day they were born. This mother’s day embrace your motherhood as a gift from God. Many of you are mothers through being a mentor, stepmom or adopted mom; embrace it because it is a gift. Finally, to my friends who will spend mother’s day for the first time without their mom, embrace the day with thanksgiving and share the memory of your mother with others. “A hero is an ordinary individual who finds the strength to persevere and endure in spite of overwhelming obstacles.” Christopher Reeves People are praising the historic act of heroism displayed by off duty firefighter DeVonte G. Weaver and the action he took when he saw a car turned over on its side lodged into a tree burning out of control as bystanders stood by helpless. Suddenly DeVonte, running at top speed across four lanes of traffic with a fire extinguisher he had taken from a nearby restaurant appeared out of nowhere extinguished the flames and remained with the driver assuring the driver that help was on the way. Thanks Krishna Miller for sharing this on Facebook and a special thanks to DeVonte who humbly stated he simply used his training as a firefighter. DeVonte you are a hero you did not hesitate to risk your life to save another life. Proud grandmother Linda Weaver is bursting with pride when she saw this on Facebook. Someday, when I’m awfully low when the world is cold I will feel a glow just thinking of you and the way you look tonight. Yes, you’re lovely, with your smile so warm and your cheeks so soft there is nothing for me but to love you and the way you look tonight. Frank Sinatra More than 120 well-wishers, including members of Delta Sigma Theta sorority and Omega Psi Phi fraternity gathered at Colin’s restaurant for a champagne reception celebrating the 60th wedding anniversary of Helen and Adolph McDonald. Guests munched on an assortment of hot and cold hors d’oeuvres prepared by Chef Dante, as they reminisced about their relationship with Helen and Adolph on a social and professional level. Longtime friend attorney John Wood gave the champagne toast followed by a scrumptious cake from the french bakery Patisserie Poupon. Wishing “endless love” to Dr. Vallen and Michele Emery, Pastor Ron and Linda Hankins, and Odyssey and Myra White-Gray, as they celebrate their wedding anniversaries.

“We’re having a party dancing to the music played by the DJ on the radio the cokes are in the icebox the popcorn’s on the table me and my baby, we’re out here on the floor.” Sam Cooke James Cassell, political guru and owner of East Baltimore’s Sign of the Times bar, hosted a birthday celebration for Sheriff John Anderson and Teddy Black. It was an opportunity for guests to meet and greet East Baltimore’s elected officials and meet political hopefuls. Guests out enjoying a fun evening included: Sabrina Tapp-Harper, Tyrone Harper, Josephine and Tommy Ridgley, Senator Nathaniel McFadden, Delegates Cheryl Glenn and Talmadge Branch, City Councilmembers Sharon Green Middleton and Robert Stokes, candidate for court of the clerk Lenora Dawson, Glen Middleton, Kurt Kennedy 45th District State Central committee candidate, Warren Redding, deputy sheriff Fairfax VA, Doni Mason, Sean, Henry Hank Martin, Marques Dent and Marilyn Mosby. Happy birthday Shirley Richmond, Veronica Ronny Jackson, Yvonne West, Yvonne Crawley, Larry Smith, Dr. Jackie Williams, Billy Cool, Ellen Perry, Councilwoman Sharon Green Middleton, Donald “Duck” Welling, Senator Delores Kelly, Lee Stokes, Ret.Colonel JoAnn Jolivet, attorney William “Billy” Murphy and Dr. Anne Emery. Congratulations to producers Mario and Nicole Armstrong on winning the Emmy Award, New York chapter for the Best Interactive Show, “The Never Settle Show” on Facebook Live. The show is sponsored by Nasdaq and FedEx. Sending bunches of flowers and well wishes to Artaraus Jenkins, Bernard James, Mildred and James Dickie Harris, Milton “Knees” Smith, Tanya Pajardo and Almie McIntire.


Purchase your tickets at www.FlorenceSBushAngelFdn. org or call Patricia Stokes 443-326-7833. July 16, City College and Poly Alumni are hosting a golf tournament at Country Club of Maryland in Towson. Contact an alumnus for details. God could not be everywhere, and therefore he made mothers. Rudyard Kipling

“Take me to the King I don’t have much to bring.” Tamela Mann Keeping Nancy Barrick and family in prayer as she mourns the death of her husband George Barrick and Denise Chavis and Rodney Orange as they mourn the death of her mom and his longtime companion Shirley Chavis. Shirley’s viewing is Friday at Howell funeral Home 4600 Liberty Heights. Contact the funeral home for more information. What’s happening!

May 5 is the 6th annual African American Children’s Book Fair, at the Reginald Lewis Museum with celebrity reader Ilyasah In Memoriam Shabazz, daughter of Malcolm X. She is the author of Betty before X.

Edna O. Harris

May 20, join the Baltimore Drifters at their May Fabulous IV spring dance scholarship fundraiser at Bleues on the water in Glen Burnie. May 20, the Florence S. Bush Angel Foundation is hosting a family and friend day at Patapsco State Park.

Edna O. Harris died April 6 at age 104. Please Join Us for a Memorial Service Honoring Her Life

Saturday, May 12, 2018 11:00 am Shiloh A.M.E. Church 2601 Lyndhurst Avenue Baltimore, Md.

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May 5, 2018 – May 11, 2018, The Afro-American

The 61st annual celebration was held at the Hyatt Regency downtown on April 27. This year’s theme was “A Legacy of Leadership.” This year’s award recipients are Baltimore City State’s Attorney Marilyn J. Mosby, John B. Frisch of the law firm Miles and Stockbridge, Pastor of Empowerment Temple, Rev. Dr. Jamal Harrison Bryant and Cathy Hughes, CEO of Radio One. J. Howard Henderson, who is retiring as CEO of the Greater Baltimore Rev. Frances “Toni” Draper (AFRO Urban League, was honored for his years CEO/Publisher) and J. Howard of service. Kai Reed (WBAL TV) was the Henderson (GBUL CEO) mistress of ceremonies.

Feature performer Eddie Levert

Yvonne Wynn, Brian Haysbert and Darlene Moss

Honoree Marilyn J. Mosby (Balto. City State’s Attorney)

J. Howard Henderson (GBUL CEO) and Honoree Cathy Hughes (Founder/ Chair, Urban One, Inc.)

Whitney M. Young Jr. awardee Rev. Dr. Jamal Harrison Bryant

Cherie Brooks accepts the Environmentalist Award for the Power 52 Foundation

President’s Award Recipients Estelle Young and Barbara Redman

Performance by the Growing Griots

Clarence Campbell (SVP PNC Bank) and a representative from Kaiser Permanente accepts the Corporate Award

Raymond V. Haysbert Sr. Award Recipient James W. Hamlin Mistress of Ceremony Kai Reed (WBAL TV)

Jerome R. Alexander (GBLA Pres.), Honoree Nicolette A. Louissaint Ph.D., Honoree Stacey Ann Dyce MHS

Photos by Anderson R. Ward

Rene Vincent, Pat Roberts, Michelle Williams, C. Hughes, Danni Grayson, Denise Wright, Thelma Matthews and Bonita Bush

Mayor Catherine E. Pugh and guests celebrated women on April 24 at the Accelerator Space in Northeast Baltimore. Mayor Pugh honored other distinguished women including: Jill P. Carter, recently appointed Senator for the 41st District and director of the Baltimore Office of Civil Rights; Dr. Argentine S. Craig, Ph.D, Mayor Pugh’s high school teacher; Diane Bell-McKoy, president and CEO of Associated Black Charities; Nancy Whiteman Greene, Esq., first chairwoman of Miles and Stockbridge and Sharon Middleton, Jocelyn Gainbers, Robin Truettvice- president Theodorson, Kim Morton and Baltimore City Dana Moore Council. Jayson Williams

Front l to r; Valerie Fraling,Michele Emery; Top l to r; Betty Clark,Laura Byrd,Mayor Catherine Pugh,Dr.Frances”Toni”Draper and Carmen Holmes

David Goodman, Lori Arguelles and Mike Tapper

Catherine Kirk-Robbins and Dan Rice

Danni Grayson,Bonita Bush, Mayor Catherine Pugh and Kristen Allen

Avalon S. Brandt, Randall J. Craig Jr. and Cara L.O’Brien

Dr. Argentine S.Craig,Ph.D, Renowned National Training Laboratories scholar and practitioner,and Mayor Pugh’s high school teacher

Honoree Sharon Middleton, Vice-President Baltimore City Council

Honoree Diane BellMcKoy, President & CEO of Associated Black Charities

Honoree Nancy Whiteman Greene, First Chairwomen of Miles & Stockbridge in 87 year history

Honoree Jill P. Carter, Civil Rights Leader and Maryland State Delegate

Selena and Marcine Britton, Diane Hocker

Photos by James Fields Sr.

May 5, 2018 - May 11, 2018, The Afro-American



Actress Paula Newsome Talks About Kanye Calls Slavery a ‘Choice,’ World Continues to Miss the Old Kanye Her Role in HBO Hit Series ‘Barry’ By Nadine Matthews Special to the AFRO The youngest of three girls, actress Paula Newsome has always described her upbringing as “Like the Huxtables.” She admits that it has gotten much harder to characterize her family and childhood years in that way. “Now, that’s kind of a hard thing to bring up. What a bummer,”

American actress it’s very easy to get relegated to roles that are basically one dimensional that are more servicing the best friend or the boss. What is beautiful about this role is that she is a full-fledged, threedimensional person. She is fierce, she’s funny, and she’s fragile. It’s so beautiful to be playing a woman who has the same challenges as me and other women do.”

What kept her going when she moved to LA was the work. Newsom has worked with the likes of Halle Berry, Octavia Spencer, and Viola Davis. “I have been really fortunate in that I’ve been able to work a lot. In New York it was more of a struggle. At that time there was not as much film and television production. In LA I could make a decent living as an actress and LA

By The Associated Press

Before the last one had a chance to simmer down, Kanye West caused another stir, calling American slavery a “choice” in an interview May 1. “When you hear about slavery for 400 years, for 400 years, that sounds like choice,” West said on TMZ (Photo by Chris Pizzello/Invision/AP) Live after Kanye West called American slavery “a choice.” questions on his pro-President thinking’ black person in America,” Sanders Donald Trump posts and pictures that caused tweeted. “Frankly, I am disgusted and I’m a dust-up last week. “You was there for 400 over it. Also (I can’t believe I have to say this): years, and it’s all of y’all?” Slavery was far from a choice.” “Do you feel like I’m thinking free and Others put it more briefly. feeling free?” West asked the TMZ employees “Slavery wasn’t a choice,” Russ Bengtson in the room. tweeted, “but listening to Kanye is.”West also “I actually don’t think you’re thinking told TMZ that he became addicted to opioids anything,” TMZ’s Van Lathan quickly cracked that doctors prescribed after he had liposuction back at West, as many would in the ensuing surgery in 2016. He was hospitalized for a hours. week and had to cut short his “Pablo” tour. Lathan said while West gets to live the elite West said the painkillers drove him to a artist’s life, “the rest of us in society have to “breakdown,” which became a “breakthrough” deal with these threats in our lives. We have when he found himself again. to deal with the marginalization that has come West also doubled down on his love of the from the 400 years of slavery that you said for president, which Trump has been returning in our people was our choice.” tweets. Symone D. Sanders, political commentator “I just love Trump,” West said, adding that and CNN contributor, led the anti-West chorus most in hip-hop agreed with him before Trump on Twitter. became president. “Trump is one of rap’s “Kanye is a dangerous caricature of a ‘freefavorite people.”

Is It Time to #MuteRKelly? statement written by the women of color with the organization, joining the effort to silence Kelly, and fully investigate all the allegations against him to convict him. For over twenty years, Robert Kelly, “We demand appropriate investigations better known as R. Kelly, has been engrossed and inquiries into the allegations of R. in controversy regarding crude behavior, Kelly’s abuse made by women of color and to say the least, with young women- more their families for over two decades now,” specifically, teenage girls. a statement from the group said. “And we The R&B singer, who sang the chartdeclare with great vigilance and a united voice topping hit, I Believe I Can Fly, has spent to anyone who wants to silence: Their time is almost 30 years up.” in the music The WOC | industry, and Time’s Up are calling for the past 24, on various venues has been getting and corporations in trouble for to disassociate his affinity for themselves from young women Kelly. The and allegations organizations targeted about sexual include, RCA misconduct. From Records, Kelly’s 1994, when at label, Ticketmaster, 25 he illegally the ticketing system married singer issuing tickets for (Photo by Frank Micelotta/Invision/AP) Aaliyah who was his upcoming May The Time’s Up campaign is taking aim at 15-years-old, to 11 show, Spotify and R. Kelly over numerous allegations he has his most recent Apple Music, which sexually abused women. allegations of stream his music and holding women Greensboro Coliseum against their will in a “sex cult” and giving a Complex in North Carolina, the venue hosting woman an STI, Kelly has been entangled in his concert on May 11. horrifying tales of sexual transgressions, and According to Hello Beautiful, Ticketmaster now social media activists, the Women of released a statement that Kelly “is no longer Color of Time’s Up (WOC |Time’s Up) and performing at the “Pre-Mother’s Day Love #MeToo are fighting to #MuteRKelly. Jam” on May 5 in Chicago. Kelly has denied all allegations and on Celebrities including, Oscar-nominated April 27 released a video statement on Twitter director Ava Duvernay, comedienne Amanda after a concert in Chicago was cancelled that Seales, and actress Jurnee-Smollett-Bell were said in part, “I never heard of a show being some of the popular, powerful women of canceled because of rumors, but I guess it’s color who contributed to the call for action to a first time for everything and I apologize to investigate Kelly’s alleged misdeeds. you guys, and in the meantime, I’m going to Tarana Burke of #MeToo also weighed in try and get to the bottom line of it, as far as my on the effort to mute Kelly. lawyers are concerned.” “This has been a long, hard, fought journey The hashtag #MuteRKelly became popular that SO MANY sisters have been on for more on social media once the most recent rumors than a decade, Burke posted on Twitter. “This of the crooner’s behavior were reported. man is a predator and 100% of his victims Time’s Up, a movement founded on Jan. 1 to have been Black and Brown girls. At times it empower women particularly victims of sexual felt like screaming into a well, but thank God harassment, assault and inequalities, released a for reckoning this coming.” By Micha Green AFRO Washington, D.C. Editor

Paula Newsome is one of the stars of HBO’s ‘Barry’ she tells the AFRO. “I feel a little bit robbed because I really did grow up like a Huxtable and now how do I explain that reference without feeling a twinge of unease?” Still, the actress who now stars in the hit HBO comedy drama “Barry” can’t help but burst with enthusiasm when she recalls her childhood. “We were salt of the earth people and it was normal but it was also fabulous. One of my fondest memories is of my father going out and buying all of us Huffy bikes. He came back and I was like, ‘Let me at the Huffy. I don’t care nothin’ about nothing else right now!’ I loved my Huffy bike with the streamers.” In “Barry” the main character is a hit man who goes to Los Angeles for a job an ends up falling in love with acting and becoming a part of that community. Newsome plays Janice Moss, who works as a detective. There have been plenty of African-American cops and detectives on television but Newsome shares that Janice has been fleshed out in a way that those roles usually aren’t. “What I love about Janice is that as an African-

Janice is also finally, after a lifetime of putting work first and romance way down on the list, allowing herself to fall in love. TV comedy icon Henry Winkler (“Happy Days”) plays the potential love interest for Janice. “My love interest is an icon!” She jokes, “It’s hard to wrap your mind around it.” She reports that the TV legend has been a dream to work with. “He’s a very kind man and just very generous. Early on, he wanted to make sure that during our work together that nobody felt uncomfortable because we sometimes have to be a bit intimate. It’s just so cool.” Like the main character Barry Berkman, Newsome is a transplant to Los Angeles from the Midwest. “I’m originally from Chicago and I was in New York six years before I went to LA. I didn’t know that Chicagoans were so normal until I got to Los Angeles. People in Los Angeles are their own little beast. We don’t look one another in the eye as much and connecting with people is a little more challenging. I don’t know if it’s the car culture or the Hollywood culture or maybe a little bit of both. It took a while to find my tribe.”

is also great for my health. I eat healthier and work out more here I don’t think it would have been possible in New York. The quality of life here is different.” Newsome is also multilingual. “My brain is kind of wired for sound. I’m an auditory learner and I fell in love with French. I studied it for about two years and I’m fluent in it.” Her recent jaunt through Europe inspired her to learn yet another language. She says, “I traveled through Europe for about three months last year.” Wanting to buy gloves for her sister and mother from one of the fashion capitals of the world, she also stopped in Florence, Italy. She unexpectedly fell in love with the Italian culture and people. “It is a culture that loves beautiful food, beautiful women, beautiful architecture, beautiful art, beautiful wine, and they have a passion for it.” Inspired, she says, “I decided I’m gonna learn some Italian.” She is now fluent in Italian.” The key to learning, for Newsome, is taking classes. “I had to go into a class once a week. It’s like rewiring your brain.”


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TYPESET: Wed Apr 18 12:23:01 EDT 2018


Superior Court of the District of Columbia PROBATE DIVISION Washington, D.C. 20001-2131 Administration No. 2018ADM349 Dorothy Dorsey Decedent Kerri M Castellini Esq Price Benowitz LLP 409 Seventh Street, N W, S u i t e 2 0 0 , Washington, DC 20165 Attorney NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT, NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND NOTICE TO UNKNOWN HEIRS C h r i s o p h e r D o r s e y, whose address is 47374 Sterdley Falls Terrace, Sterling VA 20165 was appointed personal representative of the estate of Dorothy Dorsey , who died on March 1, 2015 without a will, and will serve without Court supervision. All unknown heirs and heirs whose whereabouts are unknown shall enter their appearance in this proceeding. Objections to such appointment (or to the probate of decedent´s will) shall be filed with the Register of Wills, D.C., 515 5th Street, N.W., 3rd Floor Wa s h i n g t o n , D . C . 20001, on or before October 20, 2018. Claims against the decedent shall be presented to the undersigned with a copy to the Register of Wills or filed with the Register of Wills with a copy to the undersigned, on or before October 20, 2018, or be forever barred. Persons believed to be heirs or legatees of the decedent who do not receive a copy of this notice by mail within 25 days of its first publication shall so inform the Register of Wills, including name, address and relationship. Date of Publication: April 20, 2018 Name of newspaper: Afro-American Washington Law Reporter Chris Dorsey TYPESET: Wed Apr 18 11:55:23 EDT Personal 2018 Representative

Superior Court of the District of District of Columbia PROBATE DIVISION Washington, D.C. 20001-2131 Administration No. 2018ADM000335 Thomas Nelson Jordan Decedent Samuel C Hamilton 8 6 0 1 G e o r g i a Av e , Suite 608 Silver Spring, MD 20910 Attorney NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT, NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND NOTICE TO UNKNOWN HEIRS Ranita-Chalon T Jordan & Rozalyn T Givens, whose addresses are 1843 Mass. Ave., SE, DC 20003/ 1842 Mass., Ave., SE., DC 20003, were appointed personal representatives of the estate of Thomas Nelson Jordan, who died on February 11, 2018 without a will, and will serve without Court supervision. All unknown heirs and heirs whose whereabouts are unknown shall enter their appearance in this proceeding. Objections to such appointment shall be filed with the Register of Wills, D.C., 515 5th Street, N.W., 3rd Floor Washington, D.C. 20001, on or before October 20, 2018. Claims against the decedent shall be presented to the undersigned with a copy to the Register of Wills or filed with the Register of Wills with a copy to the undersigned, on or before October 20, 2018, or be forever barred. Persons believed to be heirs or legatees of the decedent who do not receive a copy of this notice by mail within 25 days of its first publication shall so inform the Register of Wills, including name, address and relationship. Date of Publication: April 20, 2018 Name of newspaper: Afro-American Washington Law Reporter Ranita-Chalon T. Jordan Rozalyn T Givens Personal Representative TRUE TEST COPY REGISTER OF WILLS 04/20, 04/27, 05/4/18

TRUE TEST COPY REGISTER OF WILLS 04/20, 04/27/, 5/4/18



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signed with a copy to the Register of Wills or filed with the Register of Wills with a copy to the undersigned, on or before October 20, 2018, or be forever barred. Persons believed to be heirs or legatees of the decedent who do not receive a copy of this NOTICES notice by mail LEGAL within 25 days of its first publication shall so inform the Register of Wills, including name, address and relationship. Date of Publication: April 20, 2018 Name of newspaper: Afro-American Washington Law Reporter

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within 25 days of its first publication shall so inform the Register of Wills, including name, address and relationship. Date of Publication: April 20, 2018 Name of newspaper: Afro-American TYPESET: Wed Apr 18 12:19:48 EDT 2018 TYPESET: Wed Apr 18 12:20:57 2018 LEGAL NOTICES LEGAL NOTICES LEGAL NOTICES Washington LEGALEDT NOTICES Law Reporter Ernestine T Belle Personal Superior Court of Superior Court of Representative the District of the District of District of Columbia District of Columbia TRUE TEST COPY PROBATE DIVISION PROBATE DIVISION REGISTER OF WILLS Washington, D.C. Washington, D.C. 20001-2131 20001-2131 Administration No. Administration No. 04/20, 04/27, 05/4/18 2018ADM000332 2018ADM000345 Louis Risher Deshawn T Belle Decedent Decedent Daniel Roth Attorney NOTICE OF 2800 Quebec Street, APPOINTMENT, Stager Clay Smith NW, #1110 NOTICE TO and Washington, DC 20008 CREDITORS Michelle Davis Attorney AND NOTICE TO Personal NOTICE OF UNKNOWN HEIRS Representative APPOINTMENT, Ernestine T Belle, whose NOTICE TO address is 11705 MorTRUE TEST COPY CREDITORS dente Drive, Clinton, MD REGISTER OF WILLS AND NOTICE TO 20735, was appointed UNKNOWN HEIRS personal representative Barbara Jean Patten, of the estate of Deshawn TYPESET: Wed Apr 18 11:56:28 EDT 2018 04/20, 04/27, 05/4/18 whose address is 1337 T Belle , who died on Walker Avenue, BalJanuary 31, 2016 without timore, MD 21239 was a will, and will serve withSuperior Court of appointed personal re- out Court supervision. All the District of p r e s e n t a t i v e L o u i s unknown heirs and heirs District of Columbia Risher of the estate of whose whereabouts are PROBATE DIVISION Louis Risher , who died unknown shall enter their Washington, D.C. on October 31, 2018 a p p e a r a n c e i n t h i s 20001-2131 without a will, and will proceeding. Objections Administration No. serve without Court su- to such appointment 2018ADM000352 pervision. All unknown shall be filed with the Thomas Christein heirs and heirs whose Register of Wills, D.C., AKA whereabouts are un- 515 5th Street, N.W., 3rd Thomas C Christein known shall enter their Floor Washington, D.C. Decedent appearance in this 20001, on or before Phillip J Kenney proceeding. Objections O c t o b e r 2 0 , 2 0 1 8 . The Collins Firm to such appointment Claims against the de1501 Farm Credit Dr shall be filed with the cedent shall be pre#2000 Register of Wills, D.C., sented to the underMcLean, VA 22102 515 5th Street, N.W., 3rd signed with a copy to the Attorney Floor Washington, D.C. Register of Wills or filed NOTICE OF 20001, on or before with the Register of Wills APPOINTMENT, O c t o b e r 2 0 , 2 0 1 8 . with a copy to the underNOTICE TO Claims against the de- signed, on or before CREDITORS cedent shall be pre- October 20, 2018, or be AND NOTICE TO sented to the under- forever barred. Persons UNKNOWN HEIRS Diane E Seeger, whose signed with a copy to the believed to be heirs or address is 1421 Mas- Register of Wills or filed legatees of the decedent sachusetts Ave., NW. # with the Register of Wills who do not receive a 302, Washington, DC with a copy to the under- copy of this notice by mail 20005 was appointed signed, on or before within 25 days of its first personal representative October 20, 2018 or be publication shall so inTYPESET: Wed Apr 18 12:20:23 EDTof 2018 of the estate Thomas forever barred. Persons form the Register of Christein AKA Thomas C believed to be heirs or Wills, including name, Christein , who died on legatees of the decedent address and relationSuperior Court of August 2, 2017 with a who do not receive a ship. the District of will, and will serve with- copy of this notice by mail Date of Publication: District of Columbia out Court supervision. All within 25 days of its first April 20, 2018 PROBATE DIVISION unknown heirs and heirs publication shall so in- Name of newspaper: Washington, D.C. Afro-American whose where-abouts are form the Register of 20001-2131 unknown shall enter their Wills, including name, Washington Administration No. address and relationLaw Reporter appearance in this 2018ADM00087 Ernestine T Belle proceeding. Objections ship. Alice H Brown Personal to such appointment (or Date of Publication: Decedent April 20, 2018 Representative to the probate of deNOTICE OF Name of newspaper: cedent´s will) shall be APPOINTMENT, TRUE TEST COPY filed with the Register of Afro-American NOTICE TO Washington REGISTER OF WILLS Wills, D.C., 515 5th CREDITORS AND NOTICE TO Street, N.W., 3rd Floor Law Reporter Barbara Jean Patten UNKNOWN HEIRS Wa s h i n g t o n , D . C . TYPESET: Apr 18 12:21:34 EDT 2018 Personal 04/20, 04/27,Wed 05/4/18 Dennis A. Brown , whose 20001, on or before Representative address is 3311 Dallas O c t o b e r 2 0 , 2 0 1 8 . Drive, Temple Hills, MD Claims against the deSUPERIOR COURT OF 20748 was appointed cedent shall be pre- TRUE TEST COPY THE DISTRICT OF personal representative sented to the under- REGISTER OF WILLS COLUMBIA of the estate of Alice H signed with a copy to the PROBATE DIVISION Brown, who died on Register of Wills or filed 04/20, 04/27, 05/4/18 TYPESET: Wed Apr 18 11:55:54 EDT 2018 Washington, D.C. November 24, 2017 with with the Register of Wills a will, and will serve with20001-2131 with a copy to the underout Court supervision. All Foreign No. unknown heirs and heirs signed, on or before 2018FEP58 Superior Court of whose whereabouts are October 20, 2018, or be Date of Death the District of unknown shall enter their forever barred. Persons October 12, 2017 District of Columbia believed to be heirs or appearance in this Ronald G Brooks PROBATE DIVISION proceeding. Objections legatees of the decedent Decedent Washington, D.C. to such appointment (or who do not receive a NOTICE OF 20001-2131 to the probate of de- copy of this notice by mail APPOINTMENT Administration No. cedent´s will) shall be within 25 days of its first OF FOREIGN 2018ADM000352 filed with the Register of publication shall so inPERSONAL Thomas Christein form the Register of Wills, D.C., 515 5th REPRESENTATIVE AKA Street, N.W., 3rd Floor Wills, including name, AND Thomas C Christein Wa s h i n g t o n , D . C . address and relationNOTICE TO Decedent 20001, on or before Au- ship. CREDITORS Philip J Kenney gust 23, 2018. Claims Date of Publication: Carlton Brooks whose The Collins Firm against the decedent April 20, 2018 1501 Farm Credit Dr a d d r e s s i s 6 0 1 7 shall be presented to the Name of newspaper: Northwest 3rd St., Mar#2000 undersigned with a copy Afro-American gate, FL 33063 was apMcLean, VA 22102 to the Register of Wills or Washington pointed personal reprefiled with the Register of Law Reporter Attorney sentative of the estate of Wills with a copy to the NOTICE OF Diane E Seeger undersigned, on or beRonald G Brooks, deAPPOINTMENT, Personal fore August 23, 2018, or ceased by the Orphan’s NOTICE TO Representative be forever barred. PerCourt for Prince CREDITORS sons believed to be heirs George’s County, State AND NOTICE TO or legatees of the de- TRUE TEST COPY of Maryland., on UNKNOWN HEIRS cedent who do not re- REGISTER OF WILLS Diane E Seeger, whose December 8, 2017. EDT 2018Mas- Service of process may ceive a copy of this notice TYPESET: Wed Apr 18 11:56:53 address is 1421 by mail within 25 days of 04/20, 04/27, 05/4/18 sachusetts Ave, NW, be made upon Frances its first publication shall #302, Washington, DC Bethea, 4410 New so inform the Register of Superior Court of 20005, was appointed H a m p s h i r e A v e . Wills, including name, the District of personal representative Northwest , Washington, address and relationDistrict of Columbia of the estate of Thomas DC 20011 whose desship. PROBATE DIVISION Christein AKA Thomas C ignation as District of Date of Publication: Washington, D.C. Christein, who died on Columbia agent has February 23, 2018 20001-2131 August 2, 2017 with a been filed with the RegisName of newspaper: Administration No. will, and will serve with- ter of Wills, D.C. Afro-American 2016ADM000028 out Court supervision. All The decedent owned the Washington Lala Boothe Slaughter unknown heirs and heirs f o l l o w i n g D i s t r i c t o f Law Reporter whose whereabouts are Colombia real property: Dennis A Brown Decedent Personal Vickey A Wright-Smith unknown shall enter their 221 20th Street, NE, 1629 K Street, NW #300 Representative a p p e a r a n c e i n t h i s Washington, DC 20002 Washington, DC 20006 proceeding. Objections Claims against the deAttorney TRUE TEST COPY to such appointment (or cedent may be preNOTICE OF REGISTER OF WILLS to the probate of de- sented to the underAPPOINTMENT, cedent´s will) shall be signed and filed with the TYPESET: Wed Apr 18 11:54:32 EDT 2018 NOTICE TO filed with the Register of Register of Wills for the 02/23, 03/2, 03/9/18 CREDITORS District of Columbia, 500 Wills, D.C., 515 5th AND NOTICE TO Street, N.W., 3rd Floor Indiana Avenue, N.W., Superior Court of UNKNOWN HEIRS Washington, D.C. 20001 Wa s h i n g t o n , D . C . the District of Vickey A Wright-Smith , 20001, on or before within 6 months from the District of Columbia whose address is 1629 K O c t o b e r 2 0 , 2 0 1 8 . date of first publication of PROBATE DIVISION S t r e e t , N W, # 3 0 0 Claims against the de- this notice. Washington, D.C. Washington, DC 20006 cedent shall be pre20001-2131 was appointed personal Carlton Brooks sented to the underAdministration No. representative of the Personal signed with a copy to the 2018ADM00034 estate of Lala Boothe Representative(s) Register of Wills or filed J Clay Smith Jr Slaughter , who died on TRUE TEST COPY with the Register of Wills Decedent REGISTER OF WILLS with a copy to the underConstance G Starks September 16, 2015 without a will, and will signed, on or before Date of first publication: Esq October 20, 2018, or be April 20, 2018 7053 Western Avenue servewithout Court supervision. All unknown forever barred. Persons Name of newspapers NW heirs and heirs whose Washington, DC 20015 believed to be heirs or and/or periodical: whereabouts are unAttorney legatees of the decedent The Daily Washington known shall enter their NOTICE OF who do not receive a Law Reporter appearance in this APPOINTMENT, copy of this notice by mail The Afro-American proceeding. Objections NOTICE TO within 25 days of its first CREDITORS to such appointment (or publication shall so in- 04/20, 04/27, 05/4/18 AND NOTICE TO to the probate of deform the Register of UNKNOWN HEIRS cedent´s will) shall be Wills, including name, Stager Clay Smith and filed with the Register of address and relationMichelle Davis , whose Wills, D.C., 515 5th ship. address is 2336 West Vil- Street, N.W., 3rd Floor Date of Publication: lage La, SE, Smyra GA W a s h i n g t o n , D . C . April 20, 2018 30080 & 1502 New Ur- 20001, on or before Name of newspaper: ban Way, Houston TXD O c t o b e r 2 0 , 2 0 1 8 . Afro-American 77047, were appointed Claims against the deWashington personal representative cedent shall be preLaw Reporter of the estate of J Clay sented to the underDiane E Seeger Smith Jr., who died on signed with a copy to the Personal February 15, 2018 with a Representative will, and will serve with- Register of Wills or filed with the Register of Wills out Court supervision. All unknown heirs and heirs with a copy to the underTRUE TEST COPY whose whereabouts are signed, on or before REGISTER OF WILLS unknown shall enter their October 20, 2018, or be forever barred. Persons appearance in this 04/20, 04/27, 05/4/18 proceeding. Objections believed to be heirs or to such appointment (or legatees of the decedent to the probate of de- who do not receive a cedent´s will) shall be copy of this notice by mail filed with the Register of within 25 days of its first Wills, D.C., 515 5th publication shall so inStreet, N.W., 3rd Floor form the Register of Wa s h i n g t o n , D . C . Wills, including name, 20001, on or before address and relationO c t o b e r 2 0 , 2 0 1 8 . ship. Claims against the de- Date of Publication: cedent shall be preApril 20, 2018 sented to the undersigned with a copy to the Name of newspaper: Register of Wills or filed Afro-American with the Register of Wills Washington with a copy to the under- Law Reporter Vickey A Wright-Smith signed, on or before Personal October 20, 2018, or be Representative forever barred. Persons believed to be heirs or legatees of the decedent TRUE TEST COPY who do not receive a REGISTER OF WILLS copy of this notice by mail within 25 days of its first 04/20, 04/27, 05/4/18 publication shall so inform the Register of Wills, including name, address and relationship.

May 5, 2018 - May 11, 2018, The Afro-American







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The Afro-American, May 5, 2018 - May 11, 2018


NFL Legend Jim Brown Says He MSU Softball Wins First MEAC North Division Title in School History Wouldn’t Sign Kaepernick By Perry Green AFRO Sports Editor Jim Brown recently said that if he was a general manager of an NFL team that he wouldn’t sign Colin Kaepernick. Brown, a former Pro Football Hall of Famer for the Cleveland Browns, appeared as a guest on the Rich Eisen Show radio podcast and discussed how a recent meeting went with NFL commissioner Roger (Twitter) Goodell. Brown told Eisen Former Pro Football Hall of Famer and noted social that he discussed a potential activist Jim Brown says that Colin Kaepernick is “kneeling rule” with Goodell, protesting the wrong way. and although he didn’t get the with your teammates first and the organization, answers he wanted in terms of and then take it public. Don’t have every guy when and how a rule (governing players who out there with an individual position. You’re choose to kneel in protest during the playing of the National Anthem) would be enforced, he never going to solve it.” Eisen also asked Brown if he thought did mention how he’s totally against kneeling. Kaepernick should have a job in the NFL. “I think that we do the fans an injustice Brown chuckled in laughter before saying when we don’t stand up for the National he wouldn’t sign the quarterback if he was anthem or for the flag,” Brown said during running a team. his interview with Eisen. “I’ve been totally “I think everyone should have a job that against but we had an opportunity to talk about that and I think that’s the main thing, the qualifies, but I think that there is a thing called entrepreneurship and ownership and communication.” investing in your business. And I’ll tell you Eisen interrupted Brown to ask him to what I really think: I think that every player explain how he could be against players should understand how privileged he is to be peacefully protesting by kneeling, when able to have a voice, notoriety and to make all he was once had a huge presence in social activism and supported controversial protestors that kind of money, so if you’re a player and you have that kind of situation, you should like Muhammad Ali during the late 1960s and organize your other players and then you’ll ‘70s. Brown said the difference between him come out as a unit,” Brown continued. and Kaepernick is unity. “Now, to directly say that this young man “We as superstars during my day, we should be a quarterback, everyone should have had our secret meetings, we had our private the opportunity that has the ability. His ability meetings, we had our discussions. We came out of those discussions knowing exactly what is questioned to a certain degree. But, if I was the general manager, I would not want to take our goals were. That’s the way we approached him on because I would not know what he’s it,” said Brown. “Today you have a situation going to do, and I would always want to know where you have just one guy taking a knee. what my players are going to do and they The other players on his team aren’t taking a knee. When we were united, we came out with would come to me first and we would discuss. My problem with him is that he has a right to our point that we were all together. So the big express himself but he should not put himself difference is, if you got a gripe, work it out out there as a one. That doesn’t work.”

(Courtesy photo)

The Morgan State Lady Bears are ranked number one heading into the Mid-Eastern Athletic Conference Championship Tournament. By Perry Green AFRO Sports Editor The Morgan State Lady Bears softball team is headed to the Mid-Eastern Athletic Conference Championship Tournament and they’re favorites to win it all after finishing the regular season with easily the best record in the MEAC. Morgan State edged out crosstown rival, Coppin State, 1-0, in the regular season finale on April 29, giving the Lady Bears a 27-15 overall record, 15-3 against MEAC. It marked the best softball team record in school history, breaking a 20-year record; Morgan State had won 25 games back in 1998. They also clinched their first ever MEAC North Division title. Senior pitcher Amy Begg has been one of the catalysts behind Morgan State’s historical success this season. Begg started in 21 games for the Lady Bears and earned an impressive 15-6 record along the way. Begg was named MEAC Pitcher of the Year in 2017 and could end up winning it again after breaking her own school record this year with eight shutouts recorded in a single season; the six-foot-two-inches tall pitcher tossed seven shutouts last year. Begg also owns five other Morgan State pitching records, including most career strikeouts with 501. Morgan State will take the No. 1 seed into the MEAC Tournament, scheduled for May 9-11, in Ormond Beach, Fla. They’ll face No. 4 seed North Carolina Central in the opening round.

MSU Tennis Team Wins MEAC Championship

(Courtesy photo)

The Morgan Lady Bears Tennis Team won the Mid-Eastern Athletic Conference Championship Tournament April 28. MSU beat Hampton 4-1, winning the championship for the first time since 1994. L to R: (Derek Carter (Coppin State Athletic Director), Assistant Coach Brian Coxton, Danielle Thompson (senior), Dana Santiago (sophomore), Head Coach Matthew Townes, Asmara Faluke (freshman), Oriane Yehouenou (junior), Alexus Gill (sophomore), Peggy Rooke (sophomore), Nichole Person (Coppin State Senior Women’s Administrator).

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May 5, 2018 - May 11, 2018, The Afro-American



Afro Cubans Abound at Kennedy Center Festival

Despite Calls for Unity, Trayon White Anti-Semitic Controversy Continues

By Micha Green AFRO Washington, D.C. Editor

By Lenore T. Adkins Special to the AFRO A two-week festival at the Kennedy Center highlighting Cuba’s vibrant cultural arts scene in music, dance, visual arts, cinema, theater, fashion and other disciplines includes Cuban artists of African descent. “Artes de Cuba: From the Island to the World” will showcase more than 400 Cuban and CubanAmerican artists spanning 50 performances between May 8 through May 20. Center officials don’t have an exact count on the number of Afro Cubans appearing during the two-week stretch, because it mostly depends on who self identifies as such, they said. But a look at the program shows there will be a significant representation of Cubans with African heritage. For example, the openingnight performance will include the legendary singer Omara Portuondo, the only

“There’s a whole history on how the Afro Cubans and the African Americans came together and began to know each other and support each other in ways.” – Alicia B. Adams

When last year’s Office of the State Superintendent of Education (OSSE) released data revealing Black students are eight times more likely to be suspended than their White counterparts, Council member David Grosso (IAt Large), Chairman of the Education Committee, immediately began working to reverse those statistics. Grosso’s advocacy for limiting out-of-school suspensions resulted in him authoring the “Student Fair Access to School Act of Joshua Lopez with Imam Johari Abdul Malik at the rally on April 26. 2018”, which the Council By James Wright resigned. passed unanimously on May Special to the AFRO On April 26, Lopez, called a rally for unity. The event took 1. place on the steps of the John A. Wilson Building, where the The goal of the Student D.C. Council and the D.C. mayor have their offices. TwentyFair Access to School Act Last week the AFRO reported five people showed up to voice is to limit the use of out-ofabout harsh emails from D.C. concerns they have about Blackschool suspensions in the Council member Elissa Silverman Jewish relations in the District. District’s traditional public to Joshua Lopez, a former advisory “We have people gathered and public charter schools. neighborhood commissioner and here from all parts of the city with “The Student Fair commissioner on the D.C. Housing the exception of Ward 3,” Imam Access to School Act is Authority, because of his support for Johari Abdul Malik said, noting transformational- it breaks Council member Trayon White, who the absence of residents from the the traditional model of was accused of being anti-Semitic. school discipline which – Imam Johari Abdul Malik Continued on D3 This week, on May 1, Lopez pushes students out of

“We need to share the spirit of unity whether we are Black, White, Brown, Christian, Muslim or Jew.”

Racine is Running Hard, Even with No Opponent

drummer Yissy Garcia and saxophonists Luis Faife and Yosvany Terry. When she was selecting participants for the festival, Alicia B. Adams, the Center’s vice president of international programming and dance, said she wasn’t paying attention to color. She was more focused on talent. “I was looking for the best that there are.” Adams told the AFRO. The festival touches on links between African Americans and Afro Cubans.

By James Wright Special to the AFRO

Northeast Social Security Office Temporarily Closes By Lenore T. Adkins Special to the AFRO

Photo by Eric Politzer

Yissy Garcia, a Cuban drummer and composer who fuses R&B, funk, Latin jazz, Afro-Cuban music and electronic music. woman on the “Buena Vista Social Club” album, Cubadisco Award-winning pianist Rolando Luna, the Havana Lyceum Orchestra and Grammy-nominated singer Aymée Nuviola. Other Cubans of African descent featured include visual artists Manuel Mendive and Roberto Diago, noted

DC Council Limits School Suspensions

One of the installations honors Jackie Robinson. He trained with the Brooklyn Dodgers in Havana where he was treated like family, and became a hero in Cuba after he integrated major league baseball in 1947. Many AfroCuban players, rejected from the major leagues because of the color of their skin color, Continued on D2

Citing unexpected repairs, officials have closed the Postal Plaza Social Security office in Northeast D.C. until further notice, the Social Security Administration announced April 30. People with existing appointments there should expect to hear from the administration with two options: to either receive services over the phone, or to reschedule their appointments to another office. The administration operates two offices in the District nearby. One is in Anacostia at 2041 MLK Jr. Ave. SE and the other is downtown at 1300 D St. SW. The closure will not affect people with telephone appointments. Employees have been temporarily moved to other offices close by. Most Social Security services don’t require an office visit. To peruse through benefits or get more information, visit www. People 18 and older can sign up for a “My Social Security” account, which allows beneficiaries and Supplemental Security Income recipients to see their benefit verification letter, review payment history and earnings records. People who don’t receive benefits can use their online account to obtain a Social Security Statement that details earnings information and estimates of future benefits. Most services, meanwhile, are available by calling the administration at 1-800-772-1213. The deaf and hearing impaired should call Social Security’s TTY number at 1-800325-0778.

Karl Racine is running for re-election as the District of Columbia’s attorney general but faces no opponent in the Democratic Party primary or even in the Republican, DC Statehood Green and Libertarian parties. Nevertheless, Racine is making appearances at Democratic club meetings and participating in organization’s endorsement processes. “I am running unopposed but you will see me everywhere,” Racine

Courtesy Photo

Karl Racine, attorney general for the District of Columbia, is running unopposed in the upcoming primary election. Continued on D2

Courtesy Photo

Council member David Grosso’s advocacy for limiting out-of-school suspensions resulted in him authoring the “Student Fair Access to School Act of 2018.”

school and, too often, into the courts,” Grosso said of the legislation according to a release. “This shifting mindset will result in students being better prepared to succeed academically and safer school environments for all.” Students enrolled in kindergarten through eighth grade will cannot be suspended unless the infraction was a serious safety incident and forbids usage of suspensions in high school for minor offenses. If suspension is required, the legislation also protects a student’s right to an education while not in school and a plan for once the child returns to the classroom. “Suspensions and expulsions are contributing to the achievement gap in our schools,” said Grosso. “For our students of color, our young girls, and our students who need additional educational supports, this is a civil rights bill.


The Afro-American, May 5, 2018 - May 11, 2018

Reid Scores Big Endorsement in Ward 1 Race council challenger got the endorsement “because Reid supports working families and public sector workers.”

By James Wright Special to the AFRO Sheika Reid, a candidate for the Ward 1 D.C. Council seat, recently got a huge endorsement. Reid received the nod of approval from the American Federation of State, Council and Municipal Employees’ (AFSCME) District 20 Council on April 29. Andrew Washington, the executive director of the union told the AFRO in a brief interview why his members selected Reid. “We felt she was a better candidate than the incumbent,” Washington said. In Reid’s April 29 Facebook post, it said the

Reid is seeking to unseat D.C. Council member Brianne Nadeau (D-Ward 1) and is joined by former D.C. Superior Court Magistrate Lori Parker, advisory neighborhood commissioner Kent Boese in the June 19 Democratic Party primary. –Andrew Washington “I’m so humbled and honored to receive the endorsement of the hardest working Union in the District of Columbia,” she said on her Facebook page. “I’m so ready to get to work for the workers and people who make D.C. the greatest city in these United States.”

“We felt she was a better candidate than the incumbent.”

Sheika Reid is an entrepreneuractivist in Ward 1.

Courtesy Photo

Afro Cubans Continued from D1

Photo by Carlos Pericaas

Legendary singer Omara Portuondo, who has won a Latin Grammy Award.

joined African American players in the Negro Leagues. As another example, the Dizzy Gillespie Afro-Cuban Experience, helmed by Gillespie’s bassist John Lee, will play Cuban bebop. It’s a style the jazz legend developed with Chano Pozo, a Black Cuban jazz percussionist in the 1940s and 50s. “There’s a whole history on how the Afro Cubans and the African Americans came together and began to know each other and support each other in ways,” Adams said. The festival is three years in the making and started soon after former President Barack Obama announced he was normalizing the icy relationship between the U.S. and Cuba, Adams said. “I’ve been bringing artists from Cuba for the last 20 years and have always had my eye on doing a festival that was only about Cuba,” said Adams, who has visited the island nation of 11 million people, six times. “… And with Cuba, because there was so much

investment in culture and the arts in Cuba by the government, you just have a country that produces artists way beyond what they should for such a small nation.” Visitors can expect a taste of Cuba’s traditional and contemporary culture and art. Other highlights include performances from the Ballet Nacional de Cuba and The López-Nussa Family; a 40-year retrospective of award-winning movies from the Havana Film Festival (Festival President Ivan Giroud selected six films); a play performed by the acclaimed Teatro El Público; a display of classic 1950s American cars; and Cuban food and cocktails. There will also be free performances on the center’s millennium stage at 6 p.m. starting May 9. Activities are also available for children. “I try to look at these festivals holistically so people have many doors or windows through which they can enter and be engaged in the culture,” Adams said.


Continued from D1

said to a meeting of the Ward 7 Democrats on April 28 at the Dorothy I. Height Benning Library in Northeast. “The stronger we are, the voice will carry and others will follow. We want to be leaders in this city.” Recently, Racine won the endorsement of the Ward 8 Democrats in a process where no other candidate for public office got the organization’s approval. Racine became the first elected attorney general in the history of the District in 2014, when he won the Nov. 4 general election with almost 36 percent of the vote against five opponents. Since taking office in 2015, Racine has been an activist attorney general. He has joined other Democratic attorney generals in lawsuits and causes against the actions of the Trump administration on immigration and civil rights as well as the fight for D.C. statehood. Racine is a native of Haiti and a longtime District resident. He was a star basketball player at St. John’s College High School and proceeded to get his bachelor’s degree from the University of the Virginia and his juris doctorate from the University of Pennsylvania.

Racine has practiced law with the Public Defender Service of the District of Columbia, as associate counsel with the Clinton administration, and with such high-powered law firms as Venable LLP and Cacheris & Treanor. His 2014 election as attorney general was his first run for public office.

“ Hands down, he is the best man for the job.” – Greg Rhett Racine told the audience that juvenile justice is a top priority. “The Office of Attorney General has exclusive prosecution over juveniles in the District of Columbia,” he said. “We came into office, we took a hard look at the outcomes of juveniles. Most judges give juveniles

who commit crimes probation but loads them down with conditions.” Racine said most juvenile probationers don’t meet the terms and end up back in trouble. To change that, Racine links a juvenile in the criminal justice system with outside organizations whose mission is to keep them out of trouble. Racine said prosecutors in his juvenile division initiated an anti-truancy program at John Phillip Sousa Middle School that cut school skipping from 26 percent to 6 percent. Racine said he is using the power of his office to make sure developers are keeping their word on building and maintaining safe affordable housing units. He wants to focus more on seniors in the areas of housing, consumer protection, and elder abuse if he is elected for another four-year term. Greg Rhett is a politically active Ward 7 resident and told the AFRO why Racine doesn’t have an opponent this year. “He is doing such as wonderful job,” Rhett said. “He faced strong competition four years ago and he is doing exactly what he said he was going to do. Hands down, he is the best man for the job.”

May 5, 2018 - May 11, 2018, The Afro-American


Vote in the Tuesday, June 19, 2018 Primary Election

Continued from B1

District’s historically White, wealthiest ward. “We need to share the spirit of unity whether we are Black, White, Brown, Christian, Muslim or Jew. Every part of D.C. matters and we can [not] allow divisive policies [to] divide the people.” The controversy started two months ago when D.C. Council member Trayon White (D-Ward 8) said on his Facebook post that

“The hateful words spoken yesterday outside the Wilson Building have absolutely no place in our city.” – Elissa Silverman the Rothschilds, a wealthy banking dynasty in Europe, controlled governments and the weather. Jewish leaders and his council colleagues expressed outrage at his remarks. As a result, White attended a series of meetings with the District’s Jewish leaders and a ceremony, a Seder, with Silverman (I-At Large) and White apologized for his remarks. The controversy continued as White and his staff visited the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum and reportedly walked out of the tour, and when a $500 donation was made to an event sponsored by the Nation of Islam, whose leader, Minister Louis Farrakhan, has made critical remarks about Jewish leaders. The AFRO reported Lopez received a text message from Silverman where she labeled him a “hatemonger” and a “bully” for his comments supporting White and criticizing her role in his public dilemma. However, Abdul Khadir Muhammad, a Nation of Islam representative in the District, didn’t mince words when it came to the controversy. “All of this is because of Trayon White but I’m the one you should talk to,” Muhammad said. He was outraged that


Silverman suggested Farrakhan shouldn’t be allowed in the District because of his comments criticizing Jewish leaders. “Minister Farrakhan has been here many times,” Muhammad said. “You have the nerve, fake Jew.” Silverman, in a statement, expressed discomfort with Muhammad’s comments and the general tone of the rally. “The hateful words spoken yesterday outside the Wilson Building have absolutely no place in our city,” she said in an April 27 letter to D.C. Mayor Muriel Bowser (D) and her colleagues on the council. “This was a deliberately misleading, intentionally designed attempt to stir up division and hatred, particularly for me as a Jewish, at-large council member, who represents the entire city including Ward 8.” Silverman has called on her colleagues to consider a Sense of the Council resolution to condemn Farrakhan’s speeches criticizing Jewish leaders; asking District leaders to put together a workshop on anti-Semitism; a large scale Seder event; and asking Bowser to dismiss Lopez from the D.C. Housing Authority board and others in city government who have expressed anti-Semitic sentiments. In a statement, Lopez initially apologized, particularly to his “Jewish brothers and sisters- for not having better mechanisms in place to ensure the spirit of the rally-solidarity and peace- was preserved.” Lopez explained Muhammad and his associates “showed up uninvited and gave a two-minute speech filled with despicable comments” which he said he rejects. Four days after his apology statement he resigned from the D.C. Housing Authority. “It became clear that this issue was becoming highly politicized and people were using it as an opportunity to attack my family and people I care about,” he wrote. This was only creating more division (which is the opposite of what I wanted) and after deep reflection I decided to take the high road and remove myself from the equation.” Lopez said he plans to remain politically active “advocating for greater racial and economic equity.”

Polls will be open from 7 am to 8 pm. During the Primary, only Democratic, Republican, DC Statehood Green, and Libertarian voters may vote on the candidates. However, every registered voter, including unaffiliated and minor party affiliated voters, may vote on the Initiative Measure that will appear on the ballot. Contests on the Ballot: Delegate to the U.S. House of Representatives Mayor of the District of Columbia Chairman of the Council At-large Member of the Council Ward Member of the Council for Wards 1, 3, 5 and 6 Attorney General of the District of Columbia United States Senator United States Representative National and Local Party Committee Members Initiative Measure No. 77, the “District of Columbia Minimum Wage Amendment Act of 2017”* * All voters, regardless of party affiliation status, will be asked to vote “YES” to approve or “NO” to reject the Initiative Measure in the Primary. For the complete text of the Initiative Measure, please visit our website at

Want to Vote Early? Early Voting will start at One Judiciary Square on June 4, and at ward-based Early Voting Centers on June 8. Early Voting Centers are open daily (including weekends) through June 15, 2018 from 8:30 am until 7 pm. Early Voting Centers: Monday, June 4 — Friday, June 15 (Paper & Touchscreen Ballots) • Ward 2: One Judiciary Square, 441 4th Street NW Friday, June 8 — Friday, June 15 (Touchscreen Ballots only) • Ward 1: Columbia Heights Community Center, 1480 Girard Street NW • Ward 3: Chevy Chase Community Center, 5601 Connecticut Avenue NW • Ward 4: Takoma Community Center, 300 Van Buren Street NW • Ward 5: Turkey Thicket Recreation Center, 1100 Michigan Avenue NE • Ward 6: Sherwood Recreation Center, 640 10th Street NE • Ward 6: King Greenleaf Recreation Center, 201 N Street SW • Ward 7: Deanwood Recreation Center, 1350 49th Street NE • Ward 8: Malcolm X Opportunity Center, 1351 Alabama Avenue SE Need More Information? For more information on the upcoming election, on voter registration, to confirm your registration information, or to find your polling place, please visit or call (202) 727-2525.

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The Afro-American, May 5, 2018 - May 11, 2018

On April 14, six young writers were recognized by the Metropolitan District of Columbia Chapter of the Link during their 36th Annual Dr. Jean Mosee Young Writers Awards Luncheon at Howard University’s Armour Blackburn Center. Each Jacquelyn winner received a prize Dunmore- Griffith package that included cash scholarships up to $500. More than 2,000 students have participated over the life of the program, which was created in 1982 to encourage writing among middle and high school students, especially students of color and to publicly recognize their literary talents.

Natalie Hopkinson, PhD, author of “A Mouth is Always Muzzled: Six Dissidents, Five Continents and the Art of Resistance” provided the keynote at the awards luncheon.

Ja Rai A. Williams, Niani Assata Tarik, First Place Winner for the National Poster Arts Competition, and Debra Mayfield

Top: Skylar Ogunshakin, Natalie Hopkinson, Ja Rai A. Williams Bottom: Niani Assata Tarik, Ammi Amin and Ammar Amin

Eloise Foster, Introduction of Keynote Speaker

Jana Taylor, Mistress of Ceremony

Natalie Hopkins, Keynote Speaker

Student honorees, the keynote speaker and members of the Metropolitan (DC) Chapter of the Links

The Metropolitan (DC) Chapter of the Links Chapter Members Photos by Leta Harrison

Patricia Moore-Batten and other family funded scholarships.

On April 7, Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated XI Sigma Omega Chapter and the Pearls of Hope Community Foundation held the “Haute Pink Couture” scholarship luncheon and fashion show. Held at the Bethesda North Marriott and Conference Center, the event directly supported college scholarships and

Ida’s Idea model

Golden Sorors (members of AKA for 50+ years)

Pearls of Hope Community Foundation Board of Directors: Dr. Arla J. Bentley, Jacqueline Rose, Stephanie Jameison, Charlene Matthews, Chandria Jones, Pearl Coleman, Lanay Coleman, Shelia Harrison, Zenobia Pope

Ida’s Idea professional models

community service programs sponsored by the chapter and was emceed by Shomari Stone of NBC Washington. About 860 people were present and more than $21, 500 in scholarship funds were awarded to 14 Montgomery County, Maryland, high school seniors. Awards included the HBCU 4-year, Ola Berry Carter, Bernice Pindell and Golden Soror,

(Written by Melanie Smith, Ivy Leaf reporter)

Xi Sigma Omega Scholarship Committee. Center: Dr. Arla J. Bentley, Xi Sigma Omega Chapter President; right of center Ms. Krystal Gutierrez, Xi Sigma Omega Scholarship Committee Chair and to the far right is LaNay Coleman, President of the Pearls of Hope Community Foundation

2018 Scholarship recipients

Pearls of Hope Community Foundation President Lanay Coleman, “Haute Pink Couture” emcee Shomari Stone, Xi Sigma Omega Chapter President Dr. Arla J. Bentley and Fundraising Committee Chair Luana Dean Barber

On April 28 approximately 30,000 people filled RFK Stadium for the sold-out Broccoli City Festival, an all-day concert that happens during Broccoli City (BC) Week. This year’s BC Week included a 5K Run, a two-day conference, the major festival and several parties. Broccoli City Festival Local artists featured an all-star lineup with paint a backdrop for attendees

Mercedes Cooley, Karen Calhoun, Golden Soror Gladys Dean, Alberta Clemen, Sandra Jenkins and Callian Jenkins Courtesy Photos

Grammy-nominated rap group, Migos, Grammy-winning singer Miguel, Grammy-nominated rapper Cardi B, and other talented artists such as Daniel Caesar, H.E.R., Nipsey Hussle, and D.C.’s own Lightshow.

Grammynominated singer Daniel Caesar

Grammy-nominated rapper Cardi B

Singer H.E.R.

Brian Lamont, Fashion Stylist and Entertainment Blogger

Rapper Nipsey Hussle The VIP section The audience

Photos by Brigette Squire

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