Baltimore Washington 1-19-2018

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Volume Volume 127 123 No. No.24 20–22

January 20, 2018 - January 20, 2018, The Afro-American A1 $2.00


JANUARY 20, 2018 - JANUARY 26, 2018

Honoring MLK Jr.



King Parade is D.C.’s Top Political Event

Veteran Actress Penny Johnson Jerald Stars in Seth MacFarlane’s ‘The Orville’




AFRO Editorial: Republicans’ Convenient Memory Loss on Trump’s Racist Language

Photo by James Fields

Baltimore and Washington, D.C. celebrated the birthday of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. in a multitude of way. Baltimore’s Citywide Goldstarz Marching Band (pictured) performed at the city’s annual parade. For more pictures from Baltimore and Washington, D.C. turn to pages D4 and B4 respectively.

Protests Mark One Year of Trump


By J. K. Schmid Special to the AFRO

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Last year, an estimated 5 million protestors marched in an international mass demonstration the day after President Donald J. Trump’s inauguration. The Women’s March will return in 2018. Kicking off in Las Vegas, Nevada, organizers say the new effort seeks to realize substantial political gains in this election year. Dubbed the “Power to the Polls” march, the mass demonstrations look to capture the momentum from the last year that saw a transgender woman of color elected to Minneapolis city council, Black AP Photo/Elaine Thompson men and women were elected mayors of Protesters filled the street during a women’s march in Seattle in 2017. Helena, Montana, Charlotte, North Carolina, Organizers are planning more protests to mark the first year of Donald Continued on A3 Trump’s presidency.

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The Congressional Black Caucus is actively considering boycotting President Trump’s Jan. 30 State of the Union address.

The AFRO was told, by a CBC spokesperson on Jan. 16, that the organization will discuss a boycott of Trump’s address at the weekly Wednesday luncheon meeting on Jan. 17. The spokesperson said it is not clear when U.S. Rep. Cedric Richmond (D-

Federal Courts

Black Leaders Point to Trump’s Racism with All-White Selection By James Wright Special to the AFRO

Please join us every Monday and Friday at 5 p.m. EST for our new podcast, The AFRO First Edition w/Sean Yoes, on and the AFRO’s Facebook page.

Black leaders are alarmed at the prospect that President Donald J. Trump is seeking a federal judiciary lacking in diversity. The Congressional

Black Caucus (CBC), under its judicial nominations working group, chaired by D.C. Del. Eleanor Holmes Norton (D), held a forum on Jan. 9 examining the lack of diversity among President Trump’s picks to the federal Continued on A3

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Noted AME Bishop and Theologian, John Hurst Adams, Dies at 90 By James Wright Special to the AFRO Bishop John Hurst Adams, one of the staples of the African Methodist Episcopal Church, died recently at the age of 90. “It is in a spirit of deepest humility and surrender that Continued on A3

Following Racist Trump Comments, CBC Mulls Boycotting State of the Union Address By James Wright Special to the AFRO

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Suspects at Large After Police Shootout

D.C. Del. Eleanor Holmes Norton, who chairs the CBC judicial nominations working group, said it is part of the president’s job to shape a diverse Federal bench.

La.), the chairman of the CBC, will announce whether the group will boycott. “When they decide to tell the world of their decision

on a boycott is up to them,” the spokesperson said. Talk of boycotting the State of the Union intensified when Continued on A3

Courtesy photo

John Hurst Adams was an AME Bishop, college president and social justice activist who recently died.

Edgar Ray Killen, who was convicted in the “Mississippi Burning” murders of three civil rights workers died Jan. 12. Killen, who was a Klansman, was convicted 41 years after the murders of James Chaney, Michael Schwerner and Andrew Goodman. They were killed in 1964 and at the time of their death were working with the Freedom Summer campaign trying to register Black voters in Mississippi. In December 1964 the AFRO ran a front page photo of Dr. Martin Luther King holding a photo of the three slain civil rights workers.

AFRO Archived History

HIS FAITH RENEWED—Nobel Peace Prize Winner Dr. Martin Luther King holds up photos of three murdered Freedom Fighters during a NYC press conference following the announcement that 20 men had been arrested in the case by

Copyright © 2018 by the Afro-American Company

the FBI. Dr. King, en route to Norway to accept the Nobel Prize, said the arrests “renews his faith in democracy.” The three martyred men are Michael Schwerner, James Chaney and Andrew Goodman.



The Afro-American, January 20, 2018 - January 26, 2018


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The Afro-American Newspapers

Baltimore Office • Corporate Headquarters 1531 S. Edgewood Street Baltimore, Maryland 21227 410-554-8200 • Fax: 1-877-570-9297 Founded by John Henry Murphy Sr., August 13, 1892 Chairman of the Board/Publisher - John J. Oliver, Jr. Executive Assistant - Sallie Brown - 410-554-8222 Receptionist - Wanda Pearson - 410-554-8200

Convicted 41 Years after Murder of Civil Rights Workers By The Associated Press

Director of Advertising Lenora Howze - 410-554-8271 - Advertising Account Executives Baltimore - Robert Blount - 410-554-8246 - Washington, D.C. - Vetta Ridgeway - 202-332-0080-ext. 1104 Director of Finance - Ronald W. Harrison - 410-554-8242 Assistant Archivist - Shelia Scott - 410-554-8265 Director, Community & Public Relations Diane W. Hocker - 410-554-8243 Editorial Managing Editor - Kamau High Baltimore Editor - Sean Yoes Washington, D.C. Editor - LaTrina Antoine Editorial Assistant - Takiea Hinton Production Department - 410-554-8288 Baltimore Circulation/Distribution Manager Clarence Massey - 410-554-8232

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‘Mississippi Burning’ KKK Leader Killer of Chaney, Goodman, and Schwerner Dies in Prison at 92

Edgar Ray Killen, a 1960s Ku Klux Klan leader who was convicted decades later in the “Mississippi Burning” slayings of three civil rights workers, has died in prison at the age of 92, the state’s corrections department announced Jan. 12. Killen was serving three consecutive 20-year terms for manslaughter when he died at 9 p.m. Thursday inside the Mississippi State Penitentiary at Parchman. An autopsy was pending, but no foul play was suspected, the AP Photo/FBI, File statement said. Mississippi’s corrections department said Edgar Ray Killen, the former Ku Klux Klan His conviction came 41 leader, who was convicted in the 1964 “Mississippi Burning” slayings of three civil years to the day after James Chaney, Michael Schwerner rights workers, has died in prison at the age of 92. (AP Photo/Rogelio V. Solis); (Right) – In this 1964 file photo released by the FBI, the bodies of three civil rights workers are and Andrew Goodman, all in uncovered from an earthen dam southwest of Philadelphia, Miss. their 20s, were ambushed and killed by Klansmen. The three Freedom Summer workers had been came from the name of the FBI investigation. investigating the burning of a Black church near Killen, a part-time preacher and lumber mill operator, Philadelphia, Mississippi. A deputy sheriff in Philadelphia was 80 when a Neshoba County jury of nine White people had arrested them on a and three Black people convicted him of three counts of traffic charge, then released manslaughter on June 21, 2005, despite his assertions that them after alerting a he was innocent. Prosecutors said Killen masterminded the mob. Mississippi’s thenslayings, then went elsewhere so he would have an alibi. governor claimed their Killen was the only person ever to face state murder disappearance was a hoax, charges, and even then, it was the lesser charge of and segregationist Sen. manslaughter that put him in state prison. Jim Eastland told President Killen wouldn’t say much about the killings during Lyndon Johnson it was a a 2014 interview with The Associated Press inside the “publicity stunt” before their penitentiary. He said he remained a segregationist who did bodies were dug up. not believe in racial equality, but contended he harbored The slayings shocked no ill will toward Black people. Killen said he never had the nation, helped spur talked about the events that landed him behind bars, and passage of the landmark never would. Civil Rights Act of 1964 Long a suspect in the 1964 slayings, Killen had made and were dramatized in the a livelihood from farming, operating his sawmill and 1988 movie “Mississippi preaching to a small congregation at Smyrna Baptist Burning.” The movie title Church in Union, south of Philadelphia, Mississippi.


UK Party Suspends Leader’s Girlfriend over Racist Remarks About Meghan Markle By The Associated Press


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The U.K. Independence Party on Sunday suspended the membership of the girlfriend of the party’s leader after she reportedly made racist remarks about Prince Harry’s fiancee, American actress Meghan Markle. In a statement, Jo Marney AP Photo/Alastair Grant apologized for the “shocking The U.K. Independence Party has suspended the language” she used in a membership of Jo Marney, the girlfriend of the party’s series of text messages to a leader, Sunday Jan. 14, 2018, after she reportedly friend, but said her words made racist remarks about Meghan Markle, fiancee of had been “taken out of Prince Harry. context.” The Mail on Sunday newspaper reported that the 25-year-old Marney, who describes herself proudly biracial, and also about how it as a model and actor, made offensive affected her acting career. comments about Markle and Black people, Last year, Harry criticized some media including calling them “ugly.” reports and online comments for drawing UKIP leader Henry Bolton said negative attention to Markle’s AfricanMarney’s membership in the party, known American heritage. for its anti-European Union stance, was The prince issued a strongly worded suspended immediately. Marney doesn’t statement condemning the “outright sexism hold an official post in the party. and racism” in some comments about Markle, who will wed Harry in May, has Markle, and said some articles with “racial spoken publicly and written about being undertones” crossed the line.

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The Afro-American, January 20, 2018 - January 20, 2018

Protests Continued from A1 and St. Paul, Minnesota, and an massive turnout of Black women defeated Roy Moore’s run for Senate in Alabama. Las Vegas was chosen for its unique character as both a battleground state and the site of deadliest mass shooting by an individual in U.S. history. Last year also saw the J20 protests during the Trump inauguration January 20. In the aftermath, 204 people, arrested en masse, were charged with riot-related felonies and

misdemeanors. While an initial six defendants, including professionals such as journalists and nurses, were acquitted, the Department of Justice is still moving forward with charges on the remaining 188 defendants. Late last January, after the announcement of Executive Order 13769, what has been called the Muslim ban, protestors severely compromised the operations of airports such as John F. Kennedy International,

O’Hare International and Baltimore-Washington International. Demonstrations occurred at over twenty U.S. airports daily until early February. Matching protests took place in airports as far away as Manchester, England and Berlin, Germany. Since then, various federal courts challenged the ban. In a 7-2 December decision, the Supreme Court allowed the President’s modified order 13780 to go in full effect. On Dec. 22, the Ninth Circuit

All-White Continued from A1 judiciary. A recent study by the Congressional Research Service noted Trump is nominating judges at a much faster rate than his predecessors. More than 90 percent of his nominees have been White, a higher percentage of White judges than any president in 30 years, and that bothers Norton. “A president’s most lasting impact on the nation is often the shaping of the federal bench, whose decisions are difficult to reverse,” Norton, a recognized Constitutional scholar in her own right, said. “The courts have been the most important institution for African Americans in gaining their rights in our country. The CBC has an obligation to examine the federal judiciary in preparation for seeking changes from the Trump administration.” The forum took place on the eve of Sens. Cory Booker (D-N.J.) and Kamala Harris (D-Calif.) being named to the Senate Judiciary Committee by U.S. Senate Minority Leader Charles Schumer (D-N.Y.). The selections were the result of Al Franken leaving the Senate last year due to a sexual harassment scandal. U.S. Rep. Cedric Richmond (DLa.), the chairman of the CBC, praised the appointments. “Sen. Booker and Sen. Harris, two great attorneys who are committed to 21st century criminal justice reform, were appointed to the Senate Judiciary Committee, becoming the second and third African Americans to serve on the committee in its 200-plus-year history.” Booker and Harris will vote on Trump’s nominees, who have so far been largely White. The Congressional Research Service analysis of the last three presidents’ nominees to the federal bench their first year shows that Presidents Bill Clinton’s picks were 72.3 percent, George W. Bush’s were 86.2 percent and Barack Obama’s were 48.5 percent while Trump’s were 91.2 percent White. As of Jan., 11, the Senate has confirmed 23 federal judges including one to the U.S. Supreme Court, 10 U.S. District Court judges and 12 for the U.S. Courts of Appeals.

Vanita Gupta, president and CEO of the Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights and a participant in Norton’s event, said Trump’s heavy favoritism towards Whites is disturbing. “President Trump has only nominated two women of color,” Gupta said. “In fact, Trump has replaced at least 10 of Obama’s nominees of color with White nominees. Bringing diverse experiences and perspectives to the bench allows judges to make better informed decisions and increases public confidence in our justice system.” Gupta used the example of the Eastern District Court of North Carolina as an example of Trump’s preferences towards Whites, particularly White males. She said that two Black females were nominated by President Obama to fill district court vacancies, Jennifer May-Parker and Patricia Timmons-Goodson, but they were denied a hearing by the U.S. Senate. Trump, said Gupta, nominated Thomas Farr, a White male who had strong ties to the late conservative senator, Jesse Helms, to the position. Gupta said that nominees such as Farr must be fought and exposed to the public. Johnny Barnes, a civil rights attorney in the District of Columbia and the former head of the city’s ACLU, told the AFRO that he too is troubled by Trump’s high percentage of Whites on the federal judiciary. “It would seem that this is in line with Trump’s policies trying to exclude people of color,” Barnes said. “He is using the judiciary in that way. There is an unspoken view among some Whites that others are trying to take over and he has bought into that.” Barnes said that unlike President Reagan, who nominated a lot of conservatives to the federal bench during his term from 19811989, Reagan was a “conservative in the truest sense while Trump is a racist in the truest sense.” Barnes said that people of goodwill must fight Trump’s “attempt to stack the judiciary to save White people. We must stand up and speak out. If not, he can be more impactful than Reagan.”

January 20, 2018 - January 26, 2018, The Afro-American Court ruled that the order “exceeds the scope of his delegated authority.” The Women’s March will not be returning to Portland, Oregon this year, but will return to Oahu, Hawaii. Still devastated by Maria and an incomplete U.S. relief effort, Puerto Rico has not announced a Women’s March in 2018. The Florida Women’s March, encompassing Jacksonville, St. Petersburg, Orlando and Miami has

announced it will be holding a donation drive for Puerto Rico, the U.S. Virgin Islands, and the Florida Keys all affected by Hurricane Maria. Baltimore’s Women’s March will begin at City Hall in War Memorial Plaza. Starting at 11 a.m. a march will proceed from the plaza to McKeldin Square. Mayor Catherine E. Pugh, Sen. Ben Cardin and Maryland State’s Attorney Marilyn J. Mosby are expected to attend and


speak. 2017’s Baltimore March, at North Charles Street and 33rd Street, drew almost 5,000 people while a sizable contingent travelled south to D.C. to protest at the nation’s capital. “This resistance needs all of us, every day, fighting for the collective liberation of all people,” the Women’s March Global website says. “Because none of us are free until all of us are free.”

Boycotting Continued from A1 President Trump allegedly insulted non-European countries such as Haiti, El Salvador and those on the African continent, calling them “s--thole countries.” CBC members were upset at the characterization and some decided soon after not to attend the State of the Union. “For the first time since I began serving in the U.S. House of Representatives, I will not be attending the president’s State of the Union address,” Rep. Frederica Wilson (D-Fla.) said in a statement that was published in the Jan. 14 editions of the Tampa Bay Times. “I have no doubt that instead of delivering a message of inclusivity and an agenda that benefits all Americans, President Trump’s address will be full of innuendo, empty promises and lies.” Wilson and the Trump administration locked horns when the president told the widow of Army Sgt. La David Johnson, a Black man who

Courtesy photo

U.S. Rep. Cedric Richmond, chairman of the Congressional Black Caucus, is expected to announce whether the CBC will boycott the next State of the Union address. federal building in the Miami area and it was proven that she never made that statement. “Congressman Lewis will not be in attendance for the SOTU,” a spokesperson for Rep. John Lewis (D-Ga.) told the AFRO in an email on Jan. 17. After his election in 2016, Trump belittled Lewis and his

“For the first time since I began serving in the U.S. House of Representatives, I will not be attending the president’s State of the Union address.” -Rep. Frederica Wilson (D-Fla.) was killed in Niger last year that “he knew what he was getting into” when he signed up for the military. Wilson also had to correct Trump’s chief of staff John Kelly when he said that the representative claimed credit for a

largely middle-class district based in Atlanta saying that it “was in horrible shape.” Lewis recently said publicly that Trump is a racist. Rep. Maxine Waters (D-Calif.), a congress member who has openly called for

Trump to be impeached, said on Joy Reid’s MSNBC show on Jan. 14 that she won’t attend the State of the Union either. The CBC rarely employs this tactic as a sign of protest. While the CBC vigorously disagreed with many of the policies of the George W. Bush, George H.W. Bush, Ronald Reagan and Gerald Ford presidential administration, their dissatisfaction didn’t rise to the level of a boycott. The only State of the Union that has been boycotted by the CBC was the January 1971 address by President Richard Nixon. The boycott, an unheard of tactic at that time, forced Nixon to meet with the CBC shortly and gain some concessions such as increased social services spending, using federal power to fight racism and discrimination and more opportunities for people of color in employment and government contracting.

Adams Continued from A1 the Council of Bishops announces that the Right Reverend John Hurst Adams, the 87th elected and consecrated bishop of the African Methodist Episcopal Church, transitioned today, Jan. 10, 2018, from the Church Militant to the Church Triumphant,” Bishop Clement W. Fugh, president of the Council of Bishops AME Church. Adams was born on Nov. 27, 1927 in Columbia, S.C. to Charity Nash Adams, a homemaker and the Rev. Eugene Avery Adams, an AME minister and educator. He earned an A.B degree in history from Johnson C. Smith University in Charlotte and subsequently got a bachelor’s degree in sacred theology and a master’s degree in the same subject from Boston University School of Theology in 1952 and 1956, respectively. Adams also studied at Harvard University and the Union Theological Seminary. Throughout his life, Adams noted that he was a classmate of Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. The first church Adams pastored was Bethel AME Church in Lynn., Mass., as a seminary student. After finishing theology school, he was on the seminary teaching faculty at Payne

Identification Statements

Baltimore Afro-American – (USPS 040-800) is published weekly by The Afro-American Newspapers, 1531 S. Edgewood St., Baltimore, MD 21227. Subscription Rate: Baltimore - 1 Year - $70.00(Price includes tax.) Checks for subscriptions should be made payable to: The Afro-American Newspaper Company, 1531 S. Edgewood St., Baltimore, MD 21227. Periodicals postage paid at Baltimore, MD. POSTMASTER: Send addresses changes to: The Afro-American Newspapers Company, 1531 S. Edgewood St., Baltimore, MD 21227.

The Washington Afro-American & Washington Tribune – (0276-6523) is published weekly by the Afro-American Newspapers at 1816 12th Street, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20009-4422. Subscription Rate: Washington - 1 Year - $70.00(Price includes tax.) Periodicals postage paid at Washington, D.C. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to: The Washington Afro-American & Washington Tribune, 1531 S. Edgewood St., Baltimore, MD 21227.

Theological Seminary in Wilberforce, Ohio and in 1956, he the board of trustees at the Atlanta University Center. He was was selected to serve as the president of Paul Quinn College in the founder and chairman emeritus of the Congress of National Waco, Texas. Black Churches and has been active with the Joint Center for Adams was then sent to the First AME Church in Seattle, Political and Economic Studies and Trans Africa in the District. Wash., where he became one of the city’s most consequential Adams was a longtime member of Alpha Phi Alpha civil rights leaders during the 1960s. After his service in Fraternity. Seattle, he was sent to Los Angeles to pastor Grant AME Adams was an early believer that the Confederate flag Church. should have been take down from the South Carolina In 1972, Adams was elected as a bishop in the church and he statehouse long before that idea gained popularity as a result proceeded to preside over five separate Episcopal Districts that of the shooting deaths that took place at the Emmanuel AME included the Tenth District that Church in Columbia in 2015. covers the entire state of Texas However, he didn’t hesitate to in the 1970s and the Second speak truth to power. Episcopal District that covers In an article that appeared the Washington and Baltimore -The Rev. E.Gail Holness. in the Sept. 14, 1998 edition areas from 1980-1988 and of the {Chicago Tribune}, his home district of South Adams surprised many of his Carolina from 1992-2000. friends and colleagues when He became a senior bishop of the AME Church in 1988 and he called for President Clinton to resign from office as a result retired in 2005. of the Monica Lewinsky scandal, even though he noted the The Rev. E. Gail Holness, an AME clergywoman in the president’s “human frailties.” District of Columbia, told the {AFRO} that Adams was a Throughout his life, Adams received many awards and mentor and a man of great substance. citations, including his note of retirement by Rep. Eddie “He was a visionary and a prolific individual,” she said. Bernice Johnson (D-Texas) in the Congressional Record that “He ordained me into the ministry and gave me my first appeared in the May 11, 2004 edition. The administration assignment.” building at Paul Quinn College and the athletic facility at Allen Holness noted that she, like Adams, were Columbians and University bear his name. said “he was like a second father to me.” “He was a servant of the people,” Holeness said. “He was Holness said that when she had a stroke, he sent his wife, not pompous in my opinion and he talked to everyone.” Dr. Dorothy Deselle Adams, to take care of her. She said that Adams was the first AME bishop to be elected “He was a compassionate man,” she said. on the first ballot and credited that achievement to his ability to During his life, Adams served as a member of the board work the AME system and lead the Black church movement. of trustees for institutions such as the Interdenominational Adams is survived by his wife, Dolly, his three adult Theological Center in Atlanta; Allen University in Columbia, children and eight grandchildren. S.C.; Edward Waters College in Jacksonville, Fla. and Morris Adams will be memorialized during funeral services on Jan. Brown College in Atlanta. He was the transitional chairman of 20 at Flipper Temple A.M.E. Church in Atlanta.

“I am going to miss his counsel.”


The Afro-American, January 20, 2018 - January 26, 2018

January 20, 2018 - January 20, 2018, The Afro-American


King’s Legacy Prominent at NAACP Image Awards By Jennifer Wright Special to the AFRO The 49th Annual NAACP Image Awards took place on January 15, 2018 in Pasadena, CA. The live show aired on TVOne and was hosted by 4-time NAACP Image Award Winner and star of ABC’s “Black-ish,” Anthony Anderson. This is the first time the awards show, which honors outstanding people of color in film, television, music and literature, held the event on Martin Luther King, Jr. Day. “The NAACP is proud to air our “49th Image Awards” telecast on the nation’s most significant civil rights day of the year

Photo by Chris Pizzello/Invision/AP

Ava DuVernay, left, accepts the award for the entertainer of the year as Mary J. Blige looks on at the 49th annual NAACP Image Awards at the Pasadena Civic Auditorium in Pasadena, Calif. celebrating the life and achievements of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.,” NAACP National Board of Directors Chairman Leon W. Russell said in a statement. Dr. King’s legacy was prominent throughout the award show as surviving members of the 1968 Memphis Sanitation Workers strike were honored with the ‘Vanguard Award’. The strike began in February 1968 and was sparked by the deaths of Echol Cole and Robert Walker after being crushed by garbage compactors. The strike sparked national attention, leading both the NAACP and Martin Luther King, Jr. to join in the effort. His legacy also shone through as both Charlie Wilson and Danny Glover were honored for their contributions to charity

and social justice with the Music Makes a Difference Award and the President’s Award, respectively. There was also an importance placed on voting, particularly for 2018 Midterm elections. While Anderson poked fun of politics specifically naming President Donald Trump and former White House political aide Omarosa Manigault; the powerful #TimesUp speech given by several actresses including Jurnee Smolett-Bell and Angela Robinson, urged people to vote in the upcoming elections. “The midterms are a perfect moment for us to use our voices,” Robinson said. “If we can take back a seat in Alabama…” “Then we have the ability to shift the imbalance of power,” Smolett-Bell concluded.

Metro wants to hear from you about its Fiscal Year 2019 budget. We’re not raising fares or cutting service. To balance Metro’s budget for the coming fiscal year, Metro is seeking additional funding from the District of Columbia, Maryland and Virginia governments while continuing to take actions to cut costs and increase business revenues. Metro’s Fiscal Year 2019 Budget focuses on a better ride for you. As part of the budget, Metro’s Capital Improvement Program invests $1.3 billion in funding safety improvements, rebuilding the Metro system and improving reliability of the current rail and bus networks. It also funds the deployment of new trains and buses, station upgrades and other important improvements. For more information, visit

Let us know what you think about the budget proposed for Fiscal Year 2019 by Monday, February 5 at 5 p.m. Provide your comments at or Attend the Public Hearing on Wednesday, January 31* at 6:00 p.m. (open house begins at 5:30 p.m.) at Metro Headquarters, 600 5th Street NW, Washington DC 20001. * Dates may change due to weather. Check for information on any necessary schedule changes. Public participation is solicited without regard to race, color, national origin, age, gender, religion, disability or family status. The public hearing is wheelchair accessible. If you require special accommodations under the Americans with Disabilities Act, call 202-962-2511 (TTY: 202-962-2033) as soon as possible before the public hearing. For language assistance, such as an interpreter or information in another language, please call 202-962-2582 as soon as possible for Metro to make arrangements.

January 20, 2018 - January 26, 2018 The Afro-American

AFRO Editorial



Republicans’ Convenient Memory Loss on Trump’s Racist Language “I’ve got a president of the United States whose office I respect, who talks about the country’s origins of my fellow citizens in the most despicable manner. You don’t remember? You can’t remember the words of your commander in chief?” New Jersey senator Cory Booker asked Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen during a hearing on Jan. 16. “I find that unacceptable.” Booker, of course, was referring to President Donald Trump’s calling Haiti and Africa “shith*les” during a meeting about immigration with members of Congress. Kristjen, who was at the immigration meeting, claims not to remember Trump’s exact words. While Sens. such as Dick Durbin (D-Ill) and Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.), who were both in the meeting, have confirmed the president’s slur, others have played coy and suffered convenient memory loss such as Sens. Tom Cotton (R-Ark.) and David Perdue (RGa.). Both have claimed that Trump did not say “sh*thole” but may have said “sh*thouse.”

Great. That means the President of the United States of America referred to Haiti and Africa as a “sh*thouse.” Trump has a long history of using racist language (see Sean Yoe’s column on the Baltimore page for more examples). This is just the latest instance of the leader of the free world denigrating people who are not White. The stain is exacerbated by the only Republicans willing to stand up to Trump. Surprisingly, but unfortunately, these Republicans are in their final years in office. “2017 was a year which saw the truth— objective, empirical, evidence-based truth—more battered and abused than any other in the history of our country, at the hands of the most powerful figure in our government,” Sen. Jeff Flake (R-AZ), who is retiring, said on the Senate floor on Jan. 17. As a final insult, Trump reportedly played golf on Martin Luther King’s birthday instead of attending an event honoring the slain civil rights leader. That’s par for the course with this president.

2018 Elections

America Votes for Our Future On Jan. 15 we celebrated Dr. King’s Day as a national day of service. This was as it should be. Our love, dedication and service to others were at the heart of Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.’s prophetic message to America – even as his vision for our future remained firmly fixed upon our democratic power as voting citizens. We need only gaze, once again, upon the profound sense of accomplishment in Dr. King’s face, memorialized for the ages on Aug. 6, 1965, as he received the pen with which President Lyndon B. Johnson signed the 1965 Voting Rights Act into law. For the man whom I believe was the greatest moral and practical leader of our time, that moment in the White House was the affirmative conclusion of a decades’ long journey. As a grateful nation, we must never forget the words of Dr. King’s stirring 1957 speech, “Give Us the Ballot.” They are words that reflected how deeply Dr. King believed in our ability - as voting citizens - to transform our lives and those of the generations of Americans yet to be born. Even as we serve our communities in our daily lives, we also honor Dr. King’s legacy by our active engagement in the democratic process that strengthened his faith. I make this (perhaps self-evident) observation because, as in 1957 and 1965, we once again are living in a deeply troubling time for our nation, a time that could weaken Americans’ confidence in democracy and our ability as citizens to chart our own destiny. Polling data reportedly indicates that only one-third of Americans currently believe that our nation is headed in the right direction. Fewer than 40 percent of us approve of the President, and even fewer

Elijah Cummings

of us approve of the current Republican congressional majority. No truly objective observer could reasonably conclude that this disapproval of our current government by the majority of American voters is unwarranted. Yet, I firmly believe that, were he speaking from the Lincoln Memorial today, Dr. King’s faith in the American people as the ultimate guarantors of our democratic system would be unshaken. Dr. King would be heartened, as am I, by the reality that Americans of every background are rising up, marching, organizing, registering their neighbors to vote, and voting in large numbers to restore that better course for our nation that the American people deserve. “Give us the ballot,” they are shouting, echoing Dr. King’s cry, and they are making their votes count. The American people already have used their ballots to begin raising our nation out of the governmental abyss in states as diverse as Virginia, New Jersey and Alabama – and African American voters were prominent in achieving those electoral victories, as I believe we will be in the November’s congressional and state elections. We are the drum majors and foot soldiers of Dr. King’s dream for America, the same engaged and energized multiracial coalition of conscience and common sense that elevated Barack Obama to the presidency. Even as we continue to resist the reactionary policies of the current President and congressional majority, we must also do the organizing, voter registration and efforts to “get out the vote” that will affirm Dr. King’s vision in November 2018. Our vision and mission are clear. Victory in November will be defined every bit as much by the progressive policies that we are pledged to enact as by the failures of the current President and

congressional majority. The guiding principles of our progressive coalition were expressed in the Democratic Platform that I was privileged to assist in creating [ ], the same progressive agenda that a majority of American voters supported in 2016. Although we are not yet in the majority, Democrats in the Senate and House are already articulating this vision in legislative proposals that speak to the challenges at the center of our lives. After victory in November, a more progressive Congress will work to strengthen, not seek to destroy, the Affordable Care Act, Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security. We will fight to raise the national minimum wage to $15 an hour, lower prices on prescription drugs by allowing Medicare to negotiate with pharmaceutical companies and support the apprenticeships and job training that are the foundation of living wages. Criminal justice reform, protection of our natural heritage and more rational and humane immigration policies will once again be at the center of our national agenda. Above all else, we will enact legislation to restore the Voting Rights Act to its full power, prevent further foreign interference in our electoral process and hold accountable anyone who seeks to subvert our most fundamental civil right. We have been given the ballot – and we intend to make full use of that democratic power this year. Marching arm-in-arm with tens of millions of other energized American citizens, we can – and we will – win the fight for the soul of our democracy in 2018. Congressman Elijah Cummings represents Maryland’s 7th Congressional District in the United States House of Representatives.

Leaping Toward the Middle Class Two years ago, Betty Henderson, a native of New Orleans but a longtime Washingtonian who moved to the capital in the seventies, faced a situation thousands of Americans face each year—several months of unemployment had turned into years without work. Even with a college education, the longer she went without a job, the more difficult it was to get back into the workforce. The years without employment weren’t easy—she spent almost a decade moving from friend’s house to friend’s house—but Ms. Henderson never lost hope, and even as she watched other people her age begin planning for retirement, she continued looking for work. Throughout her unemployment, she found purpose in tutoring and mentoring others who were looking to build a brighter future, and she was determined to do the same for herself. So, on a Tuesday afternoon in October 2015, Ms. Henderson walked into a D.C. American Job Center and met with one of the site’s workforce development specialists. It was during that visit when she learned about LEAP. Short for

Muriel Bowser

“Learn, Earn, Advance, Prosper,” my administration created the program during our first few months in office to connect residents just like Ms. Henderson to jobs in the D.C. Government. LEAP allows Washingtonians to earn money as they are trained for D.C. Government positions. The training program can last up to a year, but in most cases, residents are hired before the training period ends. Then, participants are monitored for two years and LEAP staff continues to provide support to both employees and employers. The idea behind LEAP is simple: it connects local residents with jobs that serve their community. From fixing roads to staffing our 311 and 911 call centers, the D.C. Government provides countless services that keep the District running and keep residents and visitors safe. By training and hiring Washingtonians who are already invested in bettering our community and helping their neighbors, LEAP is a winwin for our city and our residents. With some advice on how to get her outdated resume into better shape and just three days to submit all her application materials, Ms. Henderson left the job center that afternoon on a mission. Two years later, she is employed full time at a local recreation center where she was trained in customer service through LEAP. Inspired by visitors

who would inquire about her healthy lunches, she took classes to become a certified Integrative Nutrition Health Coach and now even leads her own nutrition class at the center. And today, Ms. Henderson finally has her own place to call home—close to where she works, in the neighborhood she serves. Since launching almost three years ago, 240 District residents have gone through the LEAP program. Many of these residents are now working in full-time positions as mechanics, 311 call takers, customer care representatives, and more. In short, LEAP is helping us build a safer, stronger city. Washington, D.C., has never before experienced better days, but like in many places across our country, our prosperity has not reached all residents equally. Years of systemic inequalities have held many Americans back from reaching the middle class. But our country remains full of men and women who are hopeful—men and women who want to work and are eager for opportunities to improve their communities. Through programs like LEAP, we are creating new pathways to the middle class and keeping the American Dream alive. Muriel Bowser has been the mayor of Washington, D.C. since 2015

This Haiti Earthquake Anniversary, Black Immigrants are Under Threat In so many ways our lives as immigrants in the United States, are the same as anyone who works hard to take care of their families. My story is an example of this. I first visited the U.S. in 2004, amidst the coup d’etat against President Jean-Bertrand Aristide. I didn’t know at the time that I would have to stay here. But by the time Aristide was ousted from power, I was forced to seek refuge in this country because I feared for my life. As someone who belonged to a community group that supported his political party (Lavalas) I became a target. When I started to build a life here, it was very difficult. Within a year Hurricane Wilma damaged the house where I was staying and I lost my papers in the storm. During that time I started going to a Catholic church, where I found a school whose staff told me where to go for help. The school helped me get a bus card so that I could get back and forth and they also helped me find a lawyer who informed me that I was here too long to file for asylum. In order to feed myself and support my family in Haiti I had to work in the bean fields for two years. It was very difficult work, at times my lips would crack and bleed from the products they used. Eventually, a lawyer helped me file for a work permit, that

Luce Janvier

enabled me to find a job as a housekeeper and rent a room to live in. But I still didn’t have enough to eat. I would go to church and school on an empty stomach. The minimum wage I made was just enough to pay for transportation and to send money for my three kids in Haiti. Then the earthquake struck in Jan. 2010. It destroyed the home in Delmas (in the greater Port-au-Prince area) where my kids lived. So for several months they had to live in a tent. My son’s foot was injured, almost broken in the earthquake. My family didn’t receive any of the aid that was sent to support survivors. And because I didn’t have all my papers, I couldn’t be there with them. All I could do was send money. Things began to turn for the better once I found out about TPS (Temporary Protected Status). Through my church I got connected with Catholic Charities, which helped me file for TPS. For the first time in 12 years, I would be able to travel and see my children. And then I applied for permanent residence. Though I built my life here and paid taxes, there were some basic services I still didn’t have full access to. For example, I couldn’t afford health insurance so I couldn’t go to the doctor. I haven’t been able to afford a decent apartment, so I still have to rent a room. I’m sharing my story for one simple reason: to let you know that immigrants like me want what every person wants and deserves. We

want to live and work to provide for our families. And for those of us who have made our lives here, we want a path to permanent residence and a path to citizenship. We want to live with dignity, not just to survive. As we work towards that permanent solution, we’re asking you to stand in solidarity with us now. Thousands of residents are fearful that they may lose their jobs because they haven’t been able to renew their work permits. The Department of Homeland Security neglected to provide Haitian TPS holders with updated information on the work authorization renewal period. We need the Department of Homeland Security to update the Federal Register, with the start date the 60-day re-registration period beginning on the day the Federal Register is updated. We also need Congress to enact legislation that provides a humane, holistic solution for Haitians and other TPS holders. We need legislation that formalize what TPS holders already are— permanent residents of the United States. Luce Janvier is a Haitian North Miami resident, a member of the Black Alliance for Just Immigration and recipient of Temporary Protected Status. This essay was written as part of a national initiative of the Black Immigration Network.


The Afro-American, January 20, 2018 - January 26, 2018

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January 20, 2018 - January 26, 2018, The Afro-American


WASHINGTON-AREA D.C. Leaders Gear Up For Best Summer Jobs Program, Yet

Annual Parade Emerges as D.C.’s Top King Celebration

By Christina SturdivantSani Special to the AFRO

D.C. Clergy Change Direction to Address Issues By Hamil R. Harris Special to the AFRO

Amid a budget cut and a pending legislation, D.C. leaders are gearing up to ensure that this year’s Marion S. Barry Summer Youth Employment Program (SYEP) is the most impactful, yet. For nearly four decades, the program has offered jobs to D.C. youth, many of whom live in neighborhoods with the city’s highest rates of poverty. On average, the program serves between 11,000 to 13,000 youth each year. Participants from the ages of 14-15 earn $5.25 per hour, participants from the

Photos by Hamil Harris and Micha Green

Concerned about President Donald J. Trumps’ continued effort to roll back decades of gains, religious pastors of some of the Districts largest congregations have organized into a new coalition to grapple with national and local issues. Concerned with the current path of the country, D.C. clergy, including Rev. Cheryl Sanders, Rev. Oran Young and Rev. Wallace Charles Smith met at Thurgood Marshall Center Jan. 16 to discuss a new path.

Residents and city leaders attended the 12th annual Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Peace Walk and Parade in Southeast D.C. on Jan. 15. leader in the D.C. Latino Caucus, told the AFRO. “This time it is important because we are dealing with an oppressive presidential administration that has a bias against some immigrants. There are some people who want to keep us The 12th annual Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Peace Walk and down but we must speak out and take a stand against this Parade that takes place on the third Monday of January has oppression.” long recognized the contributions of the slain civil rights leader D.C. statehood is a cause Garcia has worked for years but, in the District of Columbia, and one of the most prominent it has recently taken a political entrants in the parade was tone. the Stand Up! for Democracy On Jan. 15, several Coalition, with executive community organizations took director Anise Jenkins riding on part in the parade starting the back of a car. approximately at the intersection “The capital of the nation of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. is the last plantation. Free Avenue, S.E. and Good Hope – D.C. Mayor Muriel Bowser D.C.,” Jenkins shouted into a Road., S.E. and marching megaphone consistently during southward to the Barry Farm the eight-block route. The D.C. Recreation Center. D.C. Republican Party had a small Statehood Rep. Franklin Garcia (D) has been a participant in contingent and none of the marchers wore or had gear with the event for years. President Trump’s name on it. “I am here to celebrate the life of Dr. King,” Garcia, a Continued on B2 By James Wright Special to the AFRO

Courtesy photo

Odie Donald II, director of the Department of Employment Services, said he is seeking public comment to improve the city’s Summer Youth Employment Program. ages of 16-21 receive $8.25 an hour, and those ages 22-24 bring in $12.50 an hour. However, despite the number of youths the program serves, it is facing a financial loss this year, after the D.C. Council cut its budget by $2 million. “That

“I hope that those folks who go through the program are really invested in D.C. to stay here and change the face of the District, but also become national leaders.” – Odie Donald II was a huge hit,” Odie Donald II, director of the Department of Employment Services (DOES), told the AFRO. “But we are trying to ensure that no youth are affected.” Donald said that the department has made administrative changes, staff adjustments, partnerships with new businesses, and other improvements to account for the deficit. D.C. Council member Elissa Silverman (I-At Continued on B2

“In D.C. politicians always are involved in these types of events.”

With Few Opponents, Bowser Looks Towards 2018 Election

Continued on B3

The group is called Clergy for Community Wealth Preservation and on Feb. 10, the group will host a forum at the Shiloh Baptist Church, located in Northwest D.C., entitled “Gentrification and Social Justice: Stay, Grow or Change.” Continued on B2

Local Chef Adds Special Ingredient to D.C.’s Favorite Sauce

By James Wright Special to the AFRO D.C. Mayor Muriel Bowser (D) told District of Columbia residents recently that her administration is working hard to make life better in the city and she plans on working on that for some time. Bowser released her transition plan accountability report that tracks her 2014 campaign promises and how she has kept up with them on Jan. 4 at the Kellogg Center at Gallaudet Conference Hotel in Northeast D.C. “Three years ago, we set out to build a government that meets the needs of residents in all eight wards – a government that just doesn’t work for us, but for the next generation, and the one after that,” the mayor said. “We are making tremendous progress, but we have more work to do. Courtesy photo Washington, D.C. has never Muriel Bowser, mayor of experienced better days the District of Columbia, and our best days are yet to is planning to run for come.” reelection. Bowser convened the meeting of her cabinet and other agency heads as the New Year kicked in. She is up for re-election in 2018 and currently has no major opponents.

D.C. area preachers convened at Thurgood Marshall Center Jan. 16 to develop a new plan for 2018 to address both local and national issues.

Photo by Micha Green

Chef Capice Faulcon has made a living by selling Cannabis infused food products.

Micha Green Special to The AFRO When it comes to local cuisine, many Washingtonians would argue that there’s nothing more D.C. than the sweet, tangy flavor of mumbo sauce. Capice Faulcon, head chef at Black Squirrel in the Adams Morgan neighborhood in the Northwest quadrant of the city has made it his mission to elevate the standard carry-out sauce with marijuana, and in doing so, he plans to make a major imprint on the local culinary scene. “You know mumbo sauce is technically not really from D.C. It’s from Chicago. But it basically came to D.C… and has become that symbolized sauce that people love about D.C. And I wanted to bring my version of mumbo sauce,” Faulcon told the AFRO.

Faulcon settled in D.C. from Richmond, Va. a decade ago and has been working his way up, and paying his dues at local restaurants, such as Copycat, a Chinese food restaurant located on H Street in Northwest D.C.

Copycat every Friday, after he perfected sauce, but due to difference about the vision of the restaurant and menu, he had to stop selling them. “I never gave up on my sauce,” Faulcon said. “After leaving Copycat, and just being in this business, sometimes you get tired of working and not having your own thing... so it was

“D.C. has made me the guy who has the infused mumbo sauce.” — Caprice Faulcon “When I became the chef at Copycat, what inspired me was being in a Chinese restaurant working with the dumplings, skewers, and baos, and I was like, ‘Why can’t we have chicken wings here?’ So I studied mumbo sauce,” Faulcon said. Faulcon said he began selling the mumbo wings at

always in my agenda to have something that I can say was mine in D.C.- and it was mumbo sauce.” As Head Chef at Black Squirrel, Faulcon brought mumbo wings to the menu, which are a big hit, even with the growing popularity of the special sauce at restaurants much nicer than local Continued on B3


The Afro-American, January 20, 2018 - January 26, 2018


Continued from B1 “We are dealing with racist forces in this country that most of us have never dreamed of,” said Rev. Wallace Charles Smith, pastor of the Shiloh and president of the group. “The retrenchment and roll back of civil rights laws means that it’s time to roll up our sleeves. We African Americans have become too complacent.” In April of 2011, former President Barack Obama visited Shiloh on Easter Sunday. Seven years later, at a time when things are very different, Smith said church leaders have to organize to prevent further attempts to role back the clock. Rev. Oran Young, pastor of the First Rising Mt. Zion

Baptist Church on Northwest D.C. said the Black community has to take some blame into what has happenedy. “One of the reasons Hillary lost is because we as Blacks didn’t show up for the elections as when Obama was running,” Young said. “We need to show up to the polls. The major population centers control the state’s, but if we stay home we don’t control the states.” Almost 90 percent of Black voters supported Hilary Clinton while Donald Trump won 8 percent of the Black vote. On the eve of the King Holiday, Trump was flanked by a handful of Blacks as he signed a proclamation. In addition to members of King’s family along with Housing and Urban

Development Secretary Ben Carson, Bishop Harry Jackson, pastor of Hope Christian Church in Beltsville, Md. also attended. Even though Trump was condemned by leaders from around the world for calling Africa and Haiti “shit holes,” and not as preferable for accepting immigrants as Norway, Jackson said he believes that he can work with Trump because “I don’t believe that he is a racist.” In terms of agenda Jackson said: “I want to work with the President in terms of criminal justice reform.” On Monday he traveled to Atlanta, along with Carson for the King holiday program.

we can do a much better job to enhance the program instead of drastically changing something that’s working.” According to Donald, DOES is already in the process of making several changes outlined in the legislation. One of the most comprehensive upgrades is to the online registration portal, which began two years ago. “This year, we believe we perfected it so the process for people who were in the program last year will be streamlined—it’s unbelievable,” Donald said. Instead of waiting in overwhelmingly long lines at the DOES headquarters, new participants can complete registration documents online. Meanwhile, past participants will only have to provide verifications such as a picture ID and proof of residency. The online portal also offers participants an orientation and lessons in financial planning; gives them information on worksites, schedules, and compensation; and allows them to monitor SmarTrip cards for work travel and make social media posts related to work experiences. “They can literally do everything from their smartphone— so that’s just another big deal for us,” Donald continued. During her research, Silverman found that many participants had not mastered “soft skills” such as dressing in appropriate

work attire, communicating effectively with employers and navigating workplace conflicts. The online portal assists with those things as well. Participants can take lessons and earn badges of completion to show that they’ve mastered these components. In the future, Silverman hopes to see the soft skills implemented not only online but as a larger component of the program throughout the entire summer. As for the legislation, she plans to host a youth roundtable, solicit more public feedback, conduct more research, and host another hearing to fine tune the bill. “It’s about enhancing SYEP to make sure that the skills that are important in life and professional development are in the program,” she said. Donald envisions further progress that builds on the success of leaders who have already matriculated through the program. “My true hope is that it increases so that most D.C. mayors have gone through SYEP, many of the doctors that are keeping us healthy have gone through SYEP, one of our future police chiefs is from SYEP, that the teachers who are investing in our students are SYEP,” he said. “I hope that those folks who go through the program are really invested in D.C. to stay here and change the face of the District, but also become national leaders.”

Wilhelmina Rolark (D-Ward 8). The parade’s theme was “Where Do We Go From Here: Community or Chaos,” named after one of King’s most prophetic books. Every mayor of the

of King, she was blunt. “Yes, this is a political event,” she said. “In D.C., politicians always are involved in these types of events.” Participating in the parade

Summer Jobs Program Continued from B1

Large), chair of the committee on labor and workforce development, is also working to enhance the program. Last summer, she visited more than 20 SYEP worksites to get “a real on-the-ground understanding of what’s going on in the program.” Combined with input from the D.C. auditor and an independent evaluator, she found that the program’s quality is not the same for all employers and participants. “What we want to do is have a consistent experience,” Silverman told the AFRO. In December, she proposed legislation that mandates DOES to focus more on life skills, age-appropriate job placements, the application process and slots for older youth who are not in school or working. “It’s a very important program and a real seminal experience for young Washingtonians,” she said. “I think we can optimize it even more.” Donald said that he is open to partnering with the D.C. council but also has reservations about the proposed legislation. “I think that [Silverman’s] enthusiasm is commendable, but it would be helpful if she partnered with the administration on these activities because we’re the subject matter experts on implementing programs,” Donald said. “But the insight from her and the community are not only valuable, they’re also something that we want, need, and desire—I think that together


Continued from D1

The annual parade began in 1979 when it was organized by media personality Ralph Waldo “Petey” Greene

and co-founders of the Washington Informer Newspaper, Calvin and then D.C. Council member

Cultural ambassador to the world

Robert Battle, Artistic Director

prOGraM a Tue., Feb. 6 at 7 p.m. Fri., Feb. 9 at 7:30 p.m. sat., Feb. 10 at 7:30 p.m. The Golden Section (Twyla Tharp) Members Don’t Get Weary (Jamar Roberts)* In/Side (Robert Battle; Feb. 9 & 10 only) Revelations (Alvin Ailey) prOGraM b Wed., Feb. 7 at 7:30 p.m. sun., Feb. 11 at 1:30 p.m. Stack-Up (Talley Beatty) Victoria (Gustavo Ramírez Sansano)* Ella (Robert Battle) Revelations

Masazumi Chaya, Associate Artistic Director

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The Millennium Stage is brought to you by Michael Jackson Jr., photo by Andrew Eccles

District has marched in the parade and D.C. Mayor Muriel Bowser (D) is no exception. When asked by the AFRO whether the parade was becoming too political and distracting from the life

was D.C. Council Chairman Phil Mendelson (D) and D.C. Council members Vincent Gray (D-Ward 7), Elissa Silverman (I-At Large), Robert White (D-At Large), Kenyan McDuffie (D-Ward 5) and Trayon White (D-Ward 8). Parade observers noted that the Bowser contingent marched at the beginning of the procession, while Gray was several spaces behind with his supporters. White told the AFRO that participating in the parade is part of his plans on King Day. “I go into the city and volunteer and I do this to recognize the legacy of Martin Luther King,” he said. White agreed with Bowser that the parade is a political event saying “any event in D.C. is political and this is no different.” The parade consisted of non-political entrants such as District public schools, dance troupes, Black Greek letter organizations such as Alpha Phi Alpha, Sigma Gamma Rho, and Iota Phi Theta, the U.S. Coast Guard, Gallaudet University, the University of the District of Columbia, the Smithsonian Anacostia Museum, and Angel Lost, an organization that is trying to find Relisha Rudd, a Black child that has been missing since March 1, 2014. Trayon White was happy to be at the event. “This is a great day to honor a great man,” he told the AFRO. “I wish the route was larger but that is because of the city code but we won’t let that stop us.” Candidates and emerging political leaders participated in the parade, too. Sheika Reid is a candidate for the Democratic nomination for Ward 1 council member on June 19 and told the AFRO why she marched. “We live in One DC,” Reid said. “We all want to live in a prosperous city and that should be throughout the city, not just one community.” Reid, a native Washingtonian, said the evet is one of the District’s historic traditions and should continue “because the parade is about

January 20, 2018 - January 26, 2018, The Afro-American



Continued from B1

Bowser has raised $1.4 million since she officially got in the race in September 2017. Presently, a couple of candidates have filed for the office of District mayor with the D.C. Office of Campaign Finance but none are considered threats. Bowser told the 400 people present that the success of her administration is due to her employees whom she described as “dedicated and bold.� She said that the District is as strong as ever. “After the general election in 2014, we only had 53 days to lay out a plan to have a government we can be proud of,� Bowser said. “We promised to deliver a fresh start and an ethical and transparent government. I have never seen the level of D.C. pride that I see today. . . . Crime is down and housing starts and economic development is up.� The acting director of the District Department of Transportation, Jeff Marootian, said he is working on making the District a greener city and upgraded the city’s bus service, the Circulator, by $30 million. The District’s director of the Department of the Environment, Tommy Wells, proudly touted the city’s designation as the first LEED Platinum of its type in the world, meaning that many buildings in the District have green features, far ahead of others. Wells talked about 2018 being “The Year of the Anacostia River�, with its goal of cleaning up the river and continuing

to build on the District’s robust solar energy program. D.C. Deputy Mayor for Planning and Economic Development Brian Kenner said he is working on such issues as affordable housing, increasing tax revenue and bringing jobs to the city for residents. “D.C. is growing in revenue,� Kenner said. “We have delivered 5,000 units of affordable housing and created 30,000 new jobs, mostly in the private sector. We should

challenged,� he said. “I want our students to be able to read by the second grade, be able to study abroad and have access to technology.� D.C. Police Chief Peter Newsham said the District has one of the most comprehensive police-body camera programs in the country and there has been a 14 percent decrease in crime from 2014-2017. In 2017, homicides down by14 percent. . He thanked Bowser for investing in programs that would keep experienced officers on the force – Mayor Muriel Bowser police longer instead of retiring. Bowser said her success is based on hiring the right have 700,000 residents in the middle of this year and we are people and making good decisions. “I want to pass on a already larger than Vermont and Wyoming and will be larger better city to the next mayor and cabinet,� she said. than Alaska by the end of the year.� Bowser said hosted a successful papal visit and has visited On the education front, District of Columbia Public President Trump twice on behalf of the city. She said that Schools Chancellor Antwan Wilson said he was proud that trade missions to China and Cuba have been a success. algebra is being offered in all the middle schools, noting She hinted at plans on being around for “five years,� that the most academic progress is taking place at that level. saying she expects to be re-elected. “I know that there are Wilson said he doesn’t want District public school students many challenges ahead,� she said. “I am asking for your to just show up. “I want our students to feel loved and support and prayers. I am ready to do my duty.�

“The District is stronger than we found it in 2015.�

Local Chef Continued from B1

carryouts. “Everybody knows the simple steps of what a mumbo sauce is basically, Ketchup, Sugar, Vinegar, Paprika, Water, and Hot Sauce. I switched mine. I wanted to be more Asian fusion with D.C. flare,â€? he said. In addition, to mixing the ingredients, Faulcon slow cooks the sauce for about two-and-a-half hours, keeping the temperature lower than 200 degrees. Still, with a tasty product and positive reviews, Faulcon felt like he had not made his mark in D.C. cuisine. “We had no money. We were basically taking paychecks for rent‌ and I told them, ‘This is going to be the symbol of our company,’â€? the 34-year-old said when he presented the idea of infusing marijuana in mumbo sauce to his friends. Calling the business, Highly Creative, Faulcon, along with his business partners, Maddie Fanning and Dani Ramirez, launched their mumbo sauce product on Halloween of 2017. Since its launch date, the sauce has become a favorite among local cannabis connoisseurs. According to Faulcon, the business makes around 2,000-4,000 sale per week. “D.C. has made me the guy who has the infused mumbo sauce. The first to do it in the city,â€? Faulcon said. Along with mumbo sauce, the company also sells edible treats such as gummies, truffles, drinks, chips, weed pops and infused candy bars. Faulcon, said he hopes that people look beyond what they know about cannabis culture when considering his products.

“We’re not hippies,� he said. “We’re just people who enjoy the quality of life with marijuana.� Further, Faulcon said his business means even more as a Black man. “It’s already labeled for Black men to be murderers, and killers, and thugs... We have pride, we have ambitions, we have things we want to go out and get, but we’re so limited because they tell us that we’re limited,� he said. While it’s not legal to sell infused mumbo sauce and other treats, Faulcon attends marijuana events where the product can be gifted. For now, cannabis enthusiasts over 21 can go to Black Squirrel Thursdays for their weekly event where Highly Creative products are gifted and displayed. “ Never be scared to come out to these events because at the end of the day it’s about getting the medication that you need, Faulcon told the AFRO.

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Past Seven Days


Data as of Jan. 17


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The Afro-American, January 20, 2018 - January 26, 2018

President IDSEF Gerald Gladney

President IDSEF Gerald Gladney; Second place winner, Samantha O’Sullivan; First place winner, Paris Washington; third place winner, Louis Crimiel; Xi Alpha Lambda Chapter President, Bro. Jeffrey Dunn

MLK Oratorical Contest The Ira Dorsey Scholarship Endowment Fund (IDSEF), which is the 501(c)(3) charitable fundraising arm of the Xi Alpha Lambda Chapter of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, held its annual MLK Oratorical Contest and

Master of Ceremonies Brother Sid Evans

Community Recognition Brunch on Jan. 13 at the Waterford in Springfield, Va. This event was in its third year and asked high school orators from the D.C.-area to present essays on a specific MLK theme. The theme for the event was, “A Mountaintop View.” Sid Evans was the program chairman and Gerald L. Gladney is President of the Endowment Fund.

Contest Speaker and First Place winner, Paris Washington

Community Recognition Award Recipient Hazel Petty

Judges: Brothers Herschel Haliday, Maurice Bland, Forte Ward

Brothers Earl Nix, Chet Johnson and Robert Dutchie

Photos Mark Mahoney

The National Museum of African American History and Culture(NMAAHC) hosted a special media briefing on its latest exhibition “City of Hope: Resurrection City and the 1968 Poor People’s Campaign” located in the gallery inside the museum on Jan. 9. The exhibition will commemorate the 50th anniversary of the 1968 Poor People’s Campaign with a brief panel presentation, Q&A session and guided tours of Robert Houston, Black Star photographer the exhibition. The City of Hope exhibit explores the on assignment for Life magazine at the City of Hope, Resurrection City construction and dismantling of Resurrection City, the six-week experience living on the National Mall and the legacy of what became known as Dr. King’s final and most ambitious campaign to end poverty in America.

Panelist: Marc Steiner, founding president/CEO, Center for Emerging Media Karen Adebiyi and Sharon Scott

Reporters ask Aaron Byrant, a curator at NMAAHC, questions while he gives them a tour of the City of Hope exhibit

Anne Williams, Lindsey Konen, Lanne Spruce and Ravon Ruffin, public affairs and social media, NMAAHC

Photos by Rob Roberts

Panelists: Marc Morial, president/CEO, National Urban League and Peter Edelman, professor of Law and Public Policy, Georgetown University

Robert Houston, Aaron Bryant, Photography/Visual Arts, Marc Steiner, Laura Jones, Lonnie G. Bunch, III, Kenneth Jabin, Peter Edelman, Ginse Sibibeny and Kinshasha Holman Conwill

Kinshasha Holman, deputy director at NMAAHC, was the moderator

Lonnie G. Bunch, founding director, NMAAHC

January 20, 2018 - January 26, 2018, The Afro-American



Veteran Actress Penny Johnson Jerald Stars in Seth MacFarlane’s ‘The Orville’ By Nadine Matthews Special to the AFRO Her recent quick jaunt to the Adobe Guadalupe vineyards in Mexico with her husband of thirty-plus years notwithstanding, actress Penny Johnson Jerald considers herself a Champagne person. “We just went to the vineyards there for the weekend. I’m a Champagne person.” She tells the AFRO, “I can start with wine and that’s probably the limit. I know nothing about anything else.” Johnson Jerald certainly knows about having longevity in a

Courtesy photo

Penny Johnson Jerald is one of the stars of Fox’s ‘The Orville.’ tough industry. Having been featured on some of the most iconic series in modern television such as “Star Trek: Deep Space Nine,” “24,” “Castle” and HBO’s “The Larry Sanders Show,” the Juilliard trained Johnson Jerald has one of the most recognizable faces on television. Born and raised in Baltimore County, she is the second of six children. “We were the first ones to try that integration thing. It was actually good. Because my mother, they didn’t know what she was it was, I guess, more comforting we thought for her, until they found out she wasn’t what they thought she was. Then it was ‘Okay, how do we categorize these people?’ because no one really called people biracial then.” Her parents got married as teens and stayed together for twenty-one years. Though divorced, they remain friends. Though similar to one of Johnson Jerald previous vehicles “Star Trek: Deep Space Nine,” her latest project, is set on a spaceship as opposed to a space station. “The Orville” was created by, and stars, Seth MacFarlane who is also the creator of the animated comedy “Family Guy.” This might lead you to believe the show is a comedy but that would be somewhat wrong. “It is a dramedy sprinkled with funny. It’s not funny ha ha ha. It’s like

“Larry Sanders” in science fiction. We get to say things that you’re thinking that would make things funny, but the situation itself is something that’s real to life and then sometimes we go into the real science fiction. We’re conversation starters.” The show deals with a host of issues like religion, motherhood, gender, marriage, and adultery that are tackled with intelligence and levity in equal measure by an ensemble cast that includes MacFarlane himself as the captain and Johnson Jerald as the Chief Medical Officer. Dr. Claire Finn. As improbable as it seems at first glance, Johnson Jerald didn’t have to audition for the role. MacFarlane, who also exec produces the Neil DeGrasse Tyson hosted “Cosmos: A Spacetime Odyssey,” was a fan of her work and reached out to her. She explains, “It was to my surprise that he was actually a fan of a lot of the shows that I’ve been a part of like “Star Trek,” “Larry Sanders” and “24.’” Johnson Jerald tells us that MacFarlane “has managed to put together a character that I am very proud of.” Dr. Claire Finn is the voice of reason on a ship where the other characters sometimes tend to be tripped up by their emotions. She is also a fully-fleshed out, multifaceted individual. Johnson laughs as she explains, “I never know what’s going to happen to Claire. I’m happy that she is a mother and that makes her more grounded. I love grounded characters. I get to be tough. They call us “chick-asses”. I never use foul language but that word seems to be one of empowerment.” Shooting the series has been challenging. “We worked extremely long hours,” she says, “And didn’t have weekends off for some time but it was so worth it. We weren’t trying to have any episodes that were fillers. You want to make something that’s meaningful and you don’t want to take your audience for granted so you have to put the work in.” Part of the fun of “The Orville” is that it populated with a menagerie of aliens types with which sci-fi fans are familiar as well as introducing some new ones. Several members of the core team on the U.S.S. Orville are non-earthlings. The genuine camaraderie of the cast is evident. Johnson Jerald confirms that they, “Not only like each other on the set but we have a group text where we’re always talking to each other all eight us as a group. We’re wishing happy birthday or whatever it is we’re doing and I just think that’s very special.” “The Orville” broadcasts on Fox and episodes are on demand at major digital platforms.

Baltimore’s Motor House Showcases a Night of Black Brazilian Cinema By J. K. Schmid Special to the AFRO One Brazilian film classic and four features from up and coming Brazilian directors will be screened at Baltimore’s Motor House this week.

filmmakers and are recent participants in the biennial Fespaco film festival. Fespaco, or Panafrican Film and Television Festival of Ouagadougou (Festival panafricain du cinéma et de la télévision de Ouagadougou), is the largest film festival in

Travessia, by Safira Moreira (2017, 5 min), is “the search for the photographic memory of the black families and assumes a critical and affirmative posture in the face of the near absence and stigmatization of the representation of the black

Courtesy photo

‘Merê’ is one of five films that will be screened at Motor House as part of the Fespaco West series. The Fespaco West film series -Brazil will be screened at Motor House starting Jan. 19. Five films will be screened beginning with the 1973 classic “Soul in the Eye” by Zózimo Bulbul. The four subsequent films are from the current generation of Black Brazilian

Africa and takes place every other year in Burkina Faso’s capital, Ouagadougou. The entire program is intended to provide a “panorama of the recent film production in the country,” says the Motor House website and includes samplings of documentary and dramatic works.

people.” Merê, by Urânia Munzanzu (2017, 15 min), is “A film that speaks about female protagonism in the Jeje Mahi tradition, religious tradition, and faith in transatlantic bridges.” Deus (Vinicius Silva, 2016, 25 min), is a films that “aims to expose the

adversities that impregnate the daily lives of black women from the outskirts of São Paulo.” Jerusa’s Day, by Vivane Ferreira, (2014, 20 min) is a movie that “aims at dealing, in a delicate way, with the matter of the loneliness.” There’s a larger opportunity for attendees of the festival, beyond a couple of hours of entertainment, said Omar Akbar, cultural ambassador to Burkina Faso and grand marshal for the Burkina Faso FESPACO festival. “It’s an opportunity for filmmakers to be seen and an opportunity for the people of Baltimore to take part.” Akbar told the AFRO. Akbar sees an opportunity for the people of Baltimore to participate in the “global village” of the African diaspora. While the sample of films come solely from Brazil, the issues of class, race, and gender are related to the experiences of Baltimore, he says. Following the screening, a discussion will be led by Janaína Oliveira, coordinator of FICINE (Black Cinema Itinerant Forum) a Fulbright scholar and researcher at Howard University. Motor House is located at 120 West North Ave. The screening is at 7:30 p.m. Doors will open at 7 p.m. Tickets are on sale now for $7 and will be sold at the door for $10.

Students Use Photos to Show District Through Their Eyes

impressions of Africa, how the media depicts it, then reviewing @everydayafrica to see whether the photographs mirror their thoughts and the media representation. Four girls from Brookland Middle School in Northeast After that, the students reviewed news clips and images about Washington, D.C. spent one of the coldest days of 2018 making the District to see how the city is depicted in contrast with how minor adjustments to an upcoming photography exhibition that they experience D.C. They saw images of D.C. and had to guess they curated, using images they and their fellow students shot, if they were taken here or elsewhere. which offer an alternate view of city living. As a result, students’ opinions on Africa and the District evolved. “Everyday DC” opened Jan. 9 at the Pepco Edison Place Gallery “It’s not that much different from where we are, but it’s just in Northwest D.C. and features photographs from 117 middle school in a different part of the world,” Brookland eighth grader Alexis students attending the District of Columbia Public Schools. Thomas said of Africa. At the second-annual exhibit patrons can see photographs of The next things students studied were photography’s artistic people waiting for the Metro, a girl standing in an overpass that and technical elements — in Brookland Middle School’s case, crosses an expressway in Southeast D.C., as well as Union Jacks they also studied legendary photographer Gordon Parks’ work surrounding a silhouetted woman — took digital cameras out in the wearing an afro. A view of the field to practice their photography Washington Monument as seen from skills, and when it was time to shoot the Adams Morgan neighborhood is pictures for the exhibit, they used also on display. their camera phones. The Everyday In essence, the exhibit bypasses Africa founders assisted students as the political theater that has gripped well. the city and become a media The Brookland eighth graders mainstay. curated the exhibit with help from “There’s more to D.C. than big Betsy Johnson, a curatorial assistant buildings and important people from the Hirshhorn Museum and and monuments and stuff,” Lauryn Sculpture Garden. Under her Tharpe, another eighth grader at the tutelage, the girls learned how to middle school, told reporters. arrange the 126 photographs into a The project began with visual cohesive story. The girls picked the arts teachers from 12 middle schools 10 photographs that would represent Courtesy photo who taught a photojournalism unit, Brookland, wrote up the exhibit’s One of the photographs on display at the Pepco which was designed in collaboration introductory text and arranged all of Edison Gallery features Aaliyah Bunn standing with the Pulitzer Center, a nonprofit the photographs into various themes under English themed flags in an establishment that awards international reporting including bricks, nature, color and in D.C. grants to journalists and devises people. educational programming for “The small things in pictures can schools. matter,” Tharpe said. “So the process was kind of fun but hard The Everyday Africa Instagram account offers another at the same time figuring out, OK what pictures are going to go perspective of Africa through the eyes of roughly 30 together? How do they tie together? What are they explaining photographers living on the continent. It inspired “Everyday about Everyday DC?” DC,” said Fareed Mostoufi, the Pulitzer Center’s senior The 2018 exhibit is larger in scope than last year’s, which education manager— Pulitzer Center grantees Peter DiCampo featured 80 students from seven middle schools. and Austin Merrill founded @everydayafrica. Thomas hopes the free exhibit inspires visitors to take more Those photographs push back against stereotypes of Africa by pictures. The girls said people should come to support the showing Africans, people going about their lives, in a dignified students and see D.C. youth in another light. way, whether they’re slow dancing, eating, attending church, “We worked hard for this and we took our time taking braiding hair and much more. pictures and placing them,” said Bridney Takoh, a student The two-month Everyday DC unit, funded in part by the curator and exhibitor from Brookland Middle School. “And it D.C. Commission on the Arts & Humanities, asked students looks good.” to create a visual narrative of daily life in all four quadrants of “Everyday DC” runs through Jan. 26. at the Pepco Edison D.C. Teachers launched the unit by asking students about their Gallery. By Lenore T. Adkins Special to the AFRO


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The Afro-American, January 20 - January 26, 2018

Superior Court of the District of Columbia PROBATE DIVISION Washington, D.C. 20001-2131 Administration No. 2017ADM001452 Shirley C Williams Decedent Olivia R HolcombeVolke 9192 Red Branch Rd, Suite 300 Columbia. Maryland 21045 Attorney NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT, NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND NOTICE TO UNKNOWN HEIRS Mark J Hamilton and G Christopher Hamilton, whose address 1007 Didmarton DR, Bowie, MD 20721 & 20721 & 14700 Debenham Way, Bowie, MD 20721 were appointed personal representatives of the estate of Shirley C Williams, who died on September 10, 2017 without a will, and will serve without Court supervision. All unknown heirs and heirs whose whereabouts are unknown shall enter their appearance in this proceeding. Objections to such appointment shall be filed with the Register of Wills, D.C., 515 5th Street, N.W., 3rd Floor Washington, D.C. 20001, on or before July 5, 2018. Claims against the decedent shall be presented to the undersigned with a copy to the Register of Wills or filed with the Register of Wills with a copy to the undersigned, on or before July 5, 2018, or be forever barred. Persons believed to be heirs or legatees of the decedent who do not receive a copy of this notice by mail within 25 days of its first publication shall so inform the Register of Wills, including name, address and relationship. Date of Publication: January 5, 2018 Name of newspaper: Afro-American Washington Law Reporter Mark J Hamilton G Christopher Hamilton Personal Representatives TRUE TEST COPY REGISTER OF WILLS

TYPESET: Jan 16 01/05, 01/12,Tue 01/19/18 SUPERIOR COURT OF THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA PROBATE DIVISION Washington, D.C. 20001-2131 Foreign No. 2017FEP134 Date of Death August 22, 2014 Barbara W. Williams Decedent NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT OF FOREIGN PERSONAL REPRESENTATIVE AND NOTICE TO CREDITORS W. Frank Williams, Jr. whose address is 3701 Connecticut Ave., NW, 221, Washington, DC 20008 was appointed personal representative of the estate of Barbara W Williams , deceased by the Court for Montgomery County, State of Maryland, on October 27, 2014, Service of process may be made upon Thomas Muldoon, 4400 Jenifer St., NW, #2, Washington, DC 20015 whose designation as District of Columbia agent has been filed with the Register of Wills, D.C. The decedent owned the following District of Colombia real property:3701 Connecticut Ave., NW 221, Washington, DC 20008. Claims against the decedent may be presented to the undersigned and filed with the Register of Wills for the District of Columbia, Building A, 515 5th Street, NW, 3rd Floor, Washington, DC 20001. within 6 months from the date of first publication of this notice. W. Frank Williams Jr. Personal Representative(s) TRUE TEST COPY REGISTER OF WILLS Date of first publication: January 5, 2018 Name of newspapers and/or periodical: The Daily Washington Law Reporter The Afro-American 01/05, 01/12, 01/19/18

Superior Court of the District of Columbia PROBATE DIVISION Washington, D.C. 20001-2131 Administration No. 2017ADM000925 Marie Williams Decedent Erick R Tyrone Esq; The Tyrone Law Group LLC Largo, MD 20774 Attorney NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT, NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND NOTICE TO UNKNOWN HEIRS Carolyn WilliamsBrunson, whose address is 650 Rutledge Avenue, Orangeburg, SC 29115 was appointed personal representative of the estate of Marie Williams, who died on July 26, 2016 without a will, and will serve without Court supervision. All unknown heirs and heirs whose whereabouts are unknown shall enter their appearance in this proceeding. Objections to such appointment shall be filed with the Register of Wills, D.C., 515 5th Street, N.W., 3rd Floor Washington, D.C. 20001, on or before July 5, 2018. Claims against the decedent shall be presented to the undersigned with a copy to the Register of Wills or filed with the Register of Wills with a copy to the undersigned, on or before July 5, 2018, or be forever barred. Persons believed to be heirs or legatees of the decedent who do not receive a copy of this notice by mail within 25 days of its first publication shall so inform the Register of Wills, including name, address and relationship. Date of Publication: January 5, 2018 Name of newspaper: Afro-American Washington Law Reporter Carolyn WilliamsBrunson Personal Representative TRUE TEST COPY REGISTER OF WILLS

Superior Court of the District of Columbia PROBATE DIVISION Washington, D.C. 20001-2131 Administration No. 2017ADM1386 Robert Lee Harrold Decedent NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT, NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND NOTICE TO UNKNOWN HEIRS Selene Egeowu, whose address is 121 Alderbrook Circle #100, Washington, NC 27889 was appointed personal representative of the estate of , who died on November 15, 2017 without a will, and will serve without Court supervision. All unknown heirs and heirs whose whereabouts are unknown shall enter their appearance in this proceeding. Objections to such appointment (or to the probate of decedent´s will) shall be filed with the Register of Wills, D.C., 515 5th Street, N.W., 3rd Floor Wa s h i n g t o n , D . C . 20001, on or before July 5, 2018. Claims against the decedent shall be presented to the undersigned with a copy to the Register of Wills or filed with the Register of Wills with a copy to the undersigned, on or before July 5, 2018 , or be forever barred. Persons believed to be heirs or legatees of the decedent who do not receive a copy of this notice by mail within 25 days of its first publication shall so inform the Register of Wills, including name, address and relationship. Date of Publication: January 5, 2018 Name of newspaper: Afro-American Washington Law Reporter Selene Egeowu Personal Representative TRUE TEST COPY REGISTER OF WILLS 01/5, 01/12, 01/17/18

TYPESET: Tue Jan 16

01/05, 01/12,Tue 01/17/18 TYPESET: Jan 16 17:19:44 EST 2018 Superior Court of the District of District of Columbia 17:21:12 EST 2018 PROBATE DIVISION Washington, D.C. 20001-2131 Administration No. 2001ADM1811 Evelyn E Franklin Decedent James E McCollum Jr. Esq McCollum & Associates, LLC 7309 Baltimore Ave. Suite 117 College Park, MD 20740 Attorney NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT, NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND NOTICE TO UNKNOWN HEIRS Nathaniel R. Balthrop, whose address is 7330 E Sabino Vista Drive, Tuscan AZ 85750 was appointed personal representative of the estate of Evelyn E Franklin, who died on March 17, 2000 without a will, and will serve with Court supervision. All unknown heirs and heirs whose whereabouts are unknown shall enter their appearance in this proceeding. Objections to such appointment shall be filed with the Register of Wills, D.C., 515 5th Street, N.W., 3rd Floor Washington, D.C. 20001, on or before July 5, 2018. Claims against the decedent shall be presented to the undersigned with a copy to the Register of Wills or filed with the Register of Wills with a copy to the undersigned, on or before July 5, 2018, or be forever barred. Persons believed to be heirs or legatees of the decedent who do not receive a copy of this notice by mail within 25 days of its first publication shall so inform the Register of Wills, including name, address and relationship. Date of Publication: January 5, 2018 Name of newspaper: Afro-American Washington Law Reporter Nathaniel R. Balthrop Personal Representative TRUE TEST COPY REGISTER OF WILLS

Superior Court of the District of Columbia PROBATE DIVISION Washington, D.C. 20001-2131 Administration No. 2017ADM001404 Joseph Sandy Wells Decedent Tina Smith Nelson Legal Counsel for the Elderly 6 0 1 E S t r e e t , N W, Washington, DC 20049 Attorney NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT, NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND NOTICE TO UNKNOWN HEIRS Christine E Wells, whose address is 7300 Finns Lane, Lanham MD 20706 wasappointed personal representative of the estate of Joseph Sandy Wells, who died on December 14, 2004 without a will, and will serve with Court supervision. All unknown heirs and heirs whose whereabouts are unknown shall enter their appearance in this proceeding. Objections to such appointment shall be filed with the Register of Wills, D.C., 515 5th Street, N.W., 3rd Floor Washington, D.C. 20001, on or before July 5, 2018. Claims against the decedent shall be presented to the undersigned with a copy to the Register of Wills or filed with the Register of Wills with a copy to the undersigned, on or before July 5, 2018 , or be forever barred. Persons believed to be heirs or legatees of the decedent who do not receive a copy of this notice by mail within 25 days of its first publication shall so inform the Register of Wills, including name, address and relationship. Date of Publication: January 5, 2018 Name of newspaper: Afro-American Washington Law Reporter Christine E Wells Personal Representative TRUE TEST COPY REGISTER OF WILLS 01/05, 01/12, 01/19/18

1/05, 1/12, 1/17/2018





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NAME: ________________________________________________ ADDRESS: _____________________________________________ TYPESET: Tue Jan 16 17:19:22 EST 2018 PHONE NO.:____________________________________________ Court of CLASSIFICATION:Superior ______________________________________ the District of Columbia (Room, Apt., House, etc.) DIVISION PROBATE Washington, D.C. INSERTION DATE:_________________ 20001-2131

Administration No. 2017ADM001399 I.C. Hunt Jr AKA Isaac Cosby Hunt Jr. AKA Legal Advertising Rates TYPESET: Tue Jan 16 17:20:36 EST 2018 Isaac C Hunt Jr. DecedentEffective October 1, 2008 Paul D Pearlstein 2928 Ellicot Street, NW Superior Court of TYPESET: Tue Jan 16 17:18:51 Washington, DC 20008 DIVISION the District of PROBATE Attorney District of Columbia This N NOTICE OF (Estates) PROBATE DIVISION mailed p Superior Court of APPOINTMENT, Washington, D.C. 15 days the District of 202-332-0080 NOTICE TO 20001-2131 tion to e District of Columbia CREDITORS Administration No. ified be PROBATE NOTICES PROBATE DIVISION AND NOTICE TO 2017ADM1432 trust and Washington, D.C. who w UNKNOWN HEIRS Robert Louis Banks 20001-2131 intereste Isaac C Hunt III, whose Decedent a. Order Nisi $ 60 per insertion $180.00 per 3 weeks Administration No. the mea address is 4818 8th NOTICE OF 2017NRT000037 b. Small Estates (single publication $ 60 per insertion sec. 20Street, NE, Washington, APPOINTMENT, Robert Devitt Date of DC 20017 was appointed NOTICE TO c. Notice to Creditors McCleary January personal representative CREDITORS Decedent 1. Domestic 60 per insertion $180.00NOTICE per 3 weeks Name o of the estate of I.C.$Hunt AND NOTICE TO OF Afro-Am Jr. AKA Isaac Cosby UNKNOWN HEIRS 2. Foreign $ 60 per insertion $180.00 per 3 weeks EXISTENCE OF Washing Hunt Jr. AKa Isaac C Lawanda Evans, whose REVOCABLE d. Escheated Estates $ 60 per insertion $360.00 per 6 weeks Reporte Hunt Jr., who died on address is 319 QuackTRUST Daniel G October 29, 2017 with a e n b o s S t r e e t , N W, e. Standard Probates $125.00 Robert Devitt McCleary will, and will serve with- Washington, DC 20011 (name of deceased setout Court supervision. All was appointed personal tlor) whose address was TRUE T unknown heirsCIVIL and heirsNOTICES representative of the 4701 Connecticut Avenue REGIST whose whereabouts are estate of Robert Louis NW, #407, Washington a. Name Changes 202-879-1133 $ 80.00 unknown shall enter their Banks, who died on DC 20008 created a revo01/5 a p p e a r a n c e i n t h i s October 14, 2017 without cable trust on June 27, b. Real Property 200.00 which remained in proceeding. Objections a will, and will serve with- $ 2012 to such appointment (or out Court supervision. All existence on the date of to the probate of de- unknown heirs and heirs his death on October 31, cedent´s will)FAMILY shall be COURT whose whereabouts are 2017, and Daniel Gibson filed with the Register of unknown shall enter their McCleary, whose address 202-879-1212 is 852 Shadylawn Road, Wills, D.C., 515 5th appearance in this 17:20:17 EST 2018 Street, N.W., 3rd Floor RELATIONS proceeding. Objections Chapel Hill, NC 27514 is DOMESTIC Wa s h i n g t o n , D . C . to such appointment the currently acting 202-879-0157 20001, on or before July shall be filed with the trustee, hereinafter the 5, 2018. Claims against Register of Wills, D.C., Trustee. Communications the decedent shall be 515 5th Street, N.W., 3rd to the trust should be or directed toCathpresented to the under- Floor Washington, D.C. $ mailed a. Absent Defendant 150.00 erine Marie Rafferty Esq., signed with a copy to the 20001, on or before July 4801 Yuma Street, NW, b. Absolute Divorce 150.00 DC 20016 Register of Wills or filed 5, 2018. Claims against $ Washington, with the Register of Wills the decedent shall be $150.00 The Trust is subject to c. Custody Divorce with a copy to the under- presented to the under- claims of the deceased signed, on or before July signed with a copy to the settlor’s creditors, costs of 2018, or be forever Register of Wills or filed administration of the setTo place your ad, 5, call 1-800-237-6892, ext.the 262, Public Notices $50.00 & up barred. Persons believed with Register of Wills tlor’s estate, the expenses to be heirs or legatees of with Notices a copy to the underofper the inch. deceased settlor’s depending on size, Baltimore Legal are $24.84 the decedent who do not signed, on or before July funeral and disposal of re1-800 (AFRO) 892 receive a copy of this no- 5, 2018, or be forever mains, and statutory tice by mail within 25 barred. Persons believed allowances to a surviving For Proof of Publication, pleasetocall 1-800-237-6892, ext. 244 days of its first publicabe heirs or legatees of spouse and children to the tion shall so inform the the decedent who do not extent the deceased setRegister of Wills, includ- receive a copy of this no- tlor’s residuary probate TYPESET: Tue Jan 16 17:19:22 ESTaddress 2018 and tice by mail within 25 estate is inadequate to ing name, those claims, relationship. of its NOTICES first publica- satisfy LEGAL NOTICES LEGAL NOTICES days LEGAL LEGAL NOTICES Date of Publication: tion shall so inform the costs, expenses, and Superior Court of January 5, 2018 Register of Wills, includ- allowances. the Name of newspaper: ing name, address and Claims of the deceased settlor ’s creditors are District of Columbia Afro-American relationship. barred as against the PROBATE DIVISION Washington Date of Publication: Trustee and the trust propWashington, D.C. Law Reporter January 5, 2018 erty unless presented to 20001-2131 Isaac C Hunt III Name of newspaper: the Trustee at the address Administration No. Personal Afro-American provided herein on or be2017ADM001399 Representative Washington fore July 5, 2018 6 months I.C. Hunt Jr Law Reporter after the date of the first AKA TRUE TEST COPY Lawanda Evans publication of this notice). Isaac Cosby Hunt Jr. REGISTER OF WILLS Personal An action to contest the AKA Representative validity of this trust must TYPESET: Tue Jan 16 17:20:36 EST 2018 Isaac C Hunt Jr. be commenced by the Decedent 01/05, 01/12, 01/19/18 TRUE TEST COPY earliest of (1)October 31, Paul D Pearlstein REGISTER OF WILLS 2018 (one year from date 2928 Ellicot Street, NW Superior Court of of death EST of the2018 deceased TYPESET: Tue Jan 16 17:18:51 Washington, DC 20008 01/05, 01/12, 01/19/18 the District of settler) or (2) July 5, Attorney 2018(6 months from the District of Columbia This Notice must be NOTICE OF date of first publication of PROBATE DIVISION mailed postmarked within Superior Court of APPOINTMENT, this notice) (3)publicaninety Washington, D.C. 15 days of itsorfirst the District of days after the Trustee NOTICE TO 20001-2131 tion to each heir and qualDistrict of Columbia sends the person aofcopy CREDITORS ified beneficiary the Administration No. PROBATE DIVISION of theand trustany instrument and AND NOTICE TO trust other person 2017ADM1432 Washington, D.C. awnotice informing the perUNKNOWN HEIRS h o w o u l d b e an Robert Louis Banks 20001-2131 son of the person trust’s within exisIsaac C Hunt III, whose Decedent interested Administration No. tence, the Trustee’s name the meaningof D.C. Code, address is 4818 8th NOTICE OF 2017NRT000037 and and the time sec.address, 20-101(d) Street, NE, Washington, APPOINTMENT, Robert Devitt allowed commencing a Date offor Publication: DC 20017 was appointed NOTICE TO McCleary proceeding. January 5, 2018 personal representative CREDITORS Decedent The Trustee may proceed Name of newspaper: of the estate of I.C. Hunt AND NOTICE TO NOTICE OF to distribute the trust propAfro-American Jr. AKA Isaac Cosby UNKNOWN HEIRS EXISTENCE OF erty in accordance with Washington Law Hunt Jr. AKa Isaac C Lawanda Evans, whose REVOCABLE the terms of the trust beReporter Hunt Jr., who died on address is 319 QuackTRUST fore the expiration of the Daniel Gibson McCleary October 29, 2017 with a e n b o s S t r e e t , N W, Robert Devitt McCleary time within which an acPersonal will, and will serve with- Washington, DC 20011 (name of deceased set- tion must be commenced out Court supervision. All was appointed personal tlor) whose address was unless the Representative Trustee knows TRUE TEST COPY unknown heirs and heirs representative of the 4701 Connecticut Avenue of a pending judicial REGISTERcontesting OF WILLS whose whereabouts are estate of Robert Louis NW, #407, Washington proceeding the unknown shall enter their Banks, who died on DC 20008 created a revo- validity of the trust or the 01/5,has 01/12, 01/19/18 a p p e a r a n c e i n t h i s October 14, 2017 without cable trust on June 27, Trustee received noproceeding. Objections a will, and will serve with- 2012 which remained in tice from a potential to such appointment (or out Court supervision. All existence on the date of contestant who thereafter to the probate of de- unknown heirs and heirs his death on October 31, commences a judicial 2017, and Daniel Gibson proceeding cedent´s will) shall be whose whereabouts are TYPESET: Tue Jan 16 17:18:51 EST within 2018 sixty filed with the Register of unknown shall enter their McCleary, whose address days after notification. is 852 Shadylawn Road, This Notice must be Wills, D.C., 515 5th appearance in this Hill, NC 27514 Street, N.W., 3rd Floor proceeding. Objections Chapel Superior Court of is mailed postmarked within currently acting Wa s h i n g t o n , D . C . to such appointment the the District of the 15 days of its first publicatrustee, hereinafter 20001, on or before July shall be filed with the tion to each heir and qualDistrictCommunications of Columbia 5, 2018. Claims against Register of Wills, D.C., Trustee. ified beneficiary of the PROBATE the trustDIVISION should be trust and any other person the decedent shall be 515 5th Street, N.W., 3rd to Washington, D.C. mailed or directed toCathwho would be an presented to the under- Floor Washington, D.C. 20001-2131 Marie Rafferty Esq., interested person within signed with a copy to the 20001, on or before July erine Administration No. 4801 Yuma Street, NW, the meaningof D.C. Code, Register of Wills or filed 5, 2018. Claims against 2017NRT000037 Washington, DC 20016 sec. 20-101(d) with the Register of Wills the decedent shall be The Robert Trust isDevitt subject to Date of Publication: with a copy to the under- presented to the under- claims McCleary of the deceased January 5, 2018 signed, on or before July signed with a copy to the settlor’sDecedent creditors, costs of Name of newspaper: 5, 2018, or be forever Register of Wills or filed administration NOTICE of OFthe setAfro-American barred. Persons believed with the Register of Wills tlor’s EXISTENCE OF estate, the expenses to be heirs or legatees of with a copy to the under- of the deceased settlor’s Washington Law REVOCABLE the decedent who do not signed, on or before July funeral and disposal of re- Reporter TRUST Daniel Gibson McCleary receive a copy of this no- 5, 2018, or be forever Robert mains, Devitt and statutory McCleary Personal tice by mail within 25 barred. Persons believed (name allowances to a surviving of deceased setRepresentative days of its first publica- to be heirs or legatees of tlor) spouse and children the whose address towas TRUE TEST COPY tion shall so inform the the decedent who do not 4701 extent the deceased setConnecticut Avenue tlor’s #407, residuary probate REGISTER OF WILLS Register of Wills, includ- receive a copy of this no- NW, Washington estate is inadequate to ing name, address and tice by mail within 25 DC 20008 created a revo01/5, 01/12, 01/19/18 satisfy those claims, trust on June 27, relationship. days of its first publica- cable costs,which expenses, remainedand in Date of Publication: tion shall so inform the 2012 allowances. on the date of January 5, 2018 Register of Wills, includ- existence Claims deceased deathofonthe October 31, Name of newspaper: ing name, address and his settlor ’s creditors are 2017, and Daniel Gibson Afro-American relationship. barred as against the McCleary, whose address Washington Date of Publication: and the trustRoad, propisTrustee 852 Shadylawn Law Reporter January 5, 2018


Superior Court of the District of Columbia PROBATE DIVISION Washington, D.C. 20001-2131 Administration No. 2017ADM001469 Evelyn Lucille Chandler Decedent Thomas P Hartnett Esq 209 Pennsylvania Ave SE Washington, DC 20003 Attorney NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT, NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND NOTICE TO UNKNOWN HEIRS Sheila Burr, whose address is 132 Tennessee Ave., NE, Washington, DC 20002 was appointed personal representative of the estate of Evelyn Lucille Chandler , who died on December 8, 2016without a will, and will serve without Court supervision. All unknown heirs and heirs whose whereabouts are unknown shall enter their appearance in this proceeding. Objections to such appointment shall be filed with the Register of Wills, D.C., 515 5th Street, N.W., 3rd Floor Washington, D.C. 20001, on or before July 12, 2018. Claims against the decedent shall be presented to the undersigned with a copy to the Register of Wills or filed with the Register of Wills with a copy to the undersigned, on or before July 12, 2018, or be forever barred. Persons believed to be heirs or legatees of the decedent who do not receive a copy of this notice by mail within 25 days of its first publication shall so inform the Register of Wills, including name, address and relationship. Date of Publication: January 12, 2018 Name of newspaper: Afro-American Washington Law Reporter Sheila Burr Personal Representative TRUE TEST COPY REGISTER OF WILLS

TYPESET: Jan 16 01/12, 01/19,Tue 01/26/18 Superior Court of the District of Columbia PROBATE DIVISION Washington, D.C. 20001-2131 Administration No. 2017ADM001460 Lynda Hollice Hicks Decedent Andrew T Richardson III 1629 K Street, NW Suite 300 Washington, DC 20006 Attorney NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT, NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND NOTICE TO UNKNOWN HEIRS Rita Dease 3931 7th Street, NE, Washington, DC 20017, was appointed personal representative of the estate of Lynda Hollice , who died on October 10, 2016 without a will, and will serve without Court supervision. All unknown heirs and heirs whose whereabouts are unknown shall enter their appearance in this proceeding. Objections to such appointment shall be filed with the Register of Wills, D.C., 515 5th Street, N.W., 3rd Floor Washington, D.C. 20001, on or before July 12, 2018. Claims against the decedent shall be presented to the undersigned with a copy to the Register of Wills or filed with the Register of Wills with a copy to the undersigned, on or before July 12, 2018 , or be forever barred. Persons believed to be heirs or legatees of the decedent who do not receive a copy of this notice by mail within 25 days of its first publication shall so inform the Register of Wills, including name, address and relationship. Date of Publication: January 12, 2018 Name of newspaper: Afro-American Washington Law Reporter Rita Dease Personal Representative TRUE TEST COPY REGISTER OF WILLS

TYPESET: Tue Jan 16 01/12, 01/19, 01/26/17

Superior Court of the District of District of Columbia PROBATE DIVISION Washington, D.C. 20001-2131 Administration No. 2017ADM001468 Cora L Peeples Decedent NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT, NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND NOTICE TO UNKNOWN HEIRS Deborah A Price, whose address is 7039 Cradlerock Farm Court, Columbia MD 21045 was appointed personal representative of the estate of Cora L Peeples, who died on August 8, 2014 without a will, and will serve without Court supervision. All unknown heirs and heirs whose whereabouts are unknown shall enter their appearance in this proceeding. Objections to such appointment (or to the probate of decedent´s will) shall be filed with the Register of Wills, D.C., 515 5th Street, N.W., 3rd Floor Wa s h i n g t o n , D . C .


TYPESET: Tue Jan 16 01/12, 01/19, 01/26/18

Superior Court of the District of Columbia PROBATE DIVISION Washington, D.C. 20001-2131 Administration No. 2017ADM834 Torrey Marcellus Bowman Decedent Adam E Moskowitz Esq 7101 Wisconsin Ave Suite 1011 Bethesda, MD 20814 Attorney NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT, NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND NOTICE TO UNKNOWN HEIRS Denisha Yancey, whose address is 3800 Regency Parkway, Apt 204, Suitland, MD 20746 was appointed personal representative of the estate of Torrey Marcellus Bowman , who died on February 23, 2015 without a will, and will serve without Court supervision. All unknown heirs and heirs whose whereabouts are unknownEST shall 2018 enter their 17:16:11 appearance in this proceeding. Objections to such appointment shall be filed with the Register of Wills, D.C., 515 5th Street, N.W., 3rd Floor Washington, D.C. 20001, on or before July 12, 2018. Claims against the decedent shall be presented to the undersigned with a copy to the Register of Wills or filed with the Register of Wills with a copy to the undersigned, on or before July 12, 2018, or be forever barred. Persons believed to be heirs or legatees of the decedent who do not receive a copy of this notice by mail within 25 days of its first publication shall so inform the Register of Wills, including name, address and relationship. Date of Publication: January 12, 2018 Name of newspaper: Afro-American Washington Law Reporter Denisha Yancey Personal Representative TRUE TEST COPY REGISTER OF WILLS

TYPESET: Tue Jan 16

01/12, 01/19, 01/26/18

Superior Court of the District of Columbia PROBATE DIVISION Washington, D.C. 20001-2131 Administration No. 2017ADM001453 Ophella W Durant Decedent NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT, NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND NOTICE TO UNKNOWN HEIRS Patricia D King, whose address is 536 Oneida Place, NW, Washington, DC 20011, was appointed personal representative of the estate of Ophelia W Durant, who died on July 14, 2017 witha will, and will serve without Court supervision. All unknown heirs and heirs whose whereabouts are unknown shall enter their appearance in this proceeding. Objections to such appointment (or to the probate of decedent´s will) shall be filed with the Register of 17:16:30 EST 2018 Wills, D.C., 515 5th Street, N.W., 3rd Floor Wa s h i n g t o n , D . C . 20001, on or before July 12, 2018. Claims against the decedent shall be presented to the undersigned with a copy to the Register of Wills or filed with the Register of Wills with a copy to the undersigned, on or before July 12, 2018, or be forever barred. Persons believed to be heirs or legatees of the decedent who do not receive a copy of this notice by mail within 25 days of its first publication shall so inform the Register of Wills, including name, address and relationship. Date of Publication: January 12, 2018 Name of newspaper: Afro-American Washington Law Reporter Patricia D King Personal Representative TRUE TEST COPY REGISTER OF WILLS 01/12, 01/19, 01/26/18

TYPESET: Tue Jan 16


All unknown owners of the real property described below, their heirs, devisees, personal representatives, executors, administrators, grantees, assigns or successors in 17:17:03 ESTand 2018 right, title, interest andany andNOTICES all persons LEGAL having or claiming tohave any interest, including adverse possession, in the leasehold or the fee simple in the realTue property TYPESET: Jan and 16 premises situate, lying and being in the District of Columbia described as a IN THE SUPERIOR vacant lot on the east side COURT of OF 54thTHE St.,DISTRICT SE, adjacent and east ofOF improvement knownCOLUMBIA as 5400 Drake Pl., SE: CIVIL Square 5295, Lot DIVISION 0021Civil and Action assessed Unknown Heirs, devisees, 2017 CA 008140 L(RP) personal representatives, (Action Involving executor, administrators Real Property) Calendar& grantees of#18 Edna Kellum, deceased and Judge otherwise Magistrate known Raymond as SE, Washington, D.C., Christopher Hauser Defendants Plaintiff

necessary for redemption complaint, thereafter, have not or, been paid.a final judgment will be enPursuant to the Chief tered foreclosing the right Judge’s Administration of redemption in the Real Order Number 02-11, it is Property and vesting in this 5th day of December the Plaintiff(s) a title in fee 2017, simple. ORDERED by the Superior Court of the District of /s/ Cheryl Bailey Columbia, that notice be Acting of the Court given by Clerk the insertion of a By:this James McGinley LEGAL NOTICES copy of Order in the Wa s h i n g t o n A f r o 01/13, 01/19, 01/26/18 American, a newspaper having a general circulation in the District of 17:14:50 ESTonce 2018a week Columbia, for three (3) successive weeks, notifying all persons interested in the Real Property described above to appear in this Court by the 11th day of April 2018, and redeem the Real Property by payment of $17016.09, together with interest from the date the Real Property tax certificate was purchased, court costs, and reasonable attorney’s fees, expenses incurred in the service of process and service of process by publication, reasonable fees for the title search, and all other amounts paid by the Plaintiff in accordance with the provisions of D. C. Official Code §§ 47-1361 and 47-1377 (2001 ed.), and all outstanding municipal lien amounts due and owing on the aforemen-tioned Real Property, or answer the complaint, or, thereafter, a final judgment will be entered foreclosing the right of redemption in the Real Property and vesting in the Plaintiff(s) a title in fee simple.

vs. SIMONE MANAGEMENT, LLC, et al. Defendants

OF FOREIGN PERSONAL REPRESENTATIVE AND NOTICE TO CREDITORS Angus Rollie Wilmoth Jr. whose address is 1314 Harwich Drive, Waldorf, MD 20601 was apLEGAL NOTICES pointed personal representative of the estate of Mary Ellen Wolmoth, deceased by the Register of Wills Court for Charles C o u n t y, S t a t e o f Maryland, on October 5, 2017. Service of process may be made upon Whitney Cleaver Smith. 1310 Floral Street, NW, Washington DC 20012 whose designation as District of Columbia agent has been filed with the Register of Wills, D.C. The decedent owned the following District of Colombia real property: 2711 29th Street, SE, #213, Washington, DC 20020. Claims against the decedent may be presented to the undersigned and filed with the Register of Wills for the District of Columbia, 500 Indiana Avenue, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20001 within 6 months from the date of first publication of this notice.

19, 2018, or be forever barred. Persons believed to be heirs or legatees of the decedent who do not receive a copy of this notice by mail within 25 days of its first publication shall so inform the Register of Wills, including name, address and LEGAL NOTICES relationship. Date of Publication: January 19, 2018 Name of newspaper: Afro-American Washington Law Reporter Margie Lee Clouds Personal Representative

PROBATE DIVISION Washington, D.C. 20001-2131 Administration No. 2017ADM000582 Lavonne C Bridges Decedent Dennis Eshman Esq 1629 K Street NW Suite 300 LEGAL NOTICES Washington, DC 20006 Attorney NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT, NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND NOTICE TO UNKNOWN HEIRS Dennis Eshman Esq, whose address is 1629 K Street, NW, Suite 300, Washington, DC 20006 wasappointed personal representative of the 17:11:51 EST 2018 estate of Lavonne C Bridges , who died on November 24, 2016 without a will, and will serve without Court supervision. All unknown heirs and heirs whose whereabouts are unknown shall enter their appearance in this proceeding. Objections to such appointment (or to the probate of decedent´s will) shall be filed with the Register of Wills, D.C., 515 5th Street, N.W., 3rd Floor Wa s h i n g t o n , D . C . 20001, on or before July 19, 2018. Claims against the decedent shall be presented to the undersigned with a copy to the Register of Wills or filed with the Register of Wills with a copy to the undersigned, on or before July 19, 2018, or be forever barred. Persons believed to be heirs or legatees of the decedent who do not receive a copy of this notice by mail within 25 days of its first publication shall so inform the Register of Wills, including name, address and relationship. Date of Publication: January 19, 2018 Name of newspaper: Afro-American Washington Law Reporter Dennis Eshman, Esq Personal Representative


January 20 - January 26, 2018, The Afro-American

Civil Action No. 2012 CA 006646 L(RP) (Action Involving Real Property) LEGAL NOTICES Calendar #18 Magistrate Judge Raymond

Superior Court of the District of Columbia Next Court Event: PROBATE DIVISION Status Conference Washington, D.C. January 24, 2018 at 20001-2131 10:00 a.m. Administration No. 2017ADM001084 ORDER Patrick N Brown This matter comes before Decedent TRUE TEST COPY the Court on Plaintiffs MoNOTICE OF REGISTER OF WILLS tion to Reissue Order of APPOINTMENT, Publication.The Court has TYPESET: Tue Jan 16 NOTICE TO 01/19, 01/26, 2/2/18 reviewed the Motion and CREDITORS the record herein and will AND NOTICE TO direct Plaintiff to Superior Court of UNKNOWN HEIRS supplementthe instant the L a Ve n s u s M J o n e s , motion. Plaintiff seeks to District of Columbia whose address is 231 publish in the National PROBATE DIVISION R0hode Island Ave., NW, Law Journal. The Court Washington, D.C. Washington, DC 20001 takesnotice of the number 20001-2131 was appointed personal of cases where plaintiffs Administration No. representative of the have represented to the 2017ADM001366 ORDER OF C o u r t t h a t t h e estate of Patrick N Mary Stone Hanley PUBLICATION NationalLaw Journal is no Brown, who died on July vs. Decedent longer running orders of 16, 2017 without a will, In accordance with D.C. Thomas L Campbell Official Code 47-1375 publication. The Plaintiff is and will serve without Unknown Heirs,§devisees, Esq (2001 ed.), the object of directed to supplementthe Court supervision. All un- personal representatives, 3807 Minnesota Ave. this proceeding is to seinstant motion within 10 known heirs and heirs executor, administrators & NE cure the foreclosure of the days either with a whose whereabouts are grantees of Eleanora right of deceased;District redemption in the Washington, DC 20019 praecipe confirming the unknown shall enter their Janifer, following real Water propertyand loNational Law Journal has Attorney Columbia a p p e a r a n c e i n t h i s of cated in the District of resumed publishing orNOTICE OF proceeding. Objections Sewer Authority; Columbia, and sold by the ders of publication or a APPOINTMENT, THE DISTRICT OF to such appointment Mayor of the District of praecipe designating a NOTICE TO COLUMBIA, shall be filed with the Columbia Angus Rollie Wilmoth,Jr. to the Plaintiff in diffe-rent newspaper of CREDITORS Register of Wills, D.C., this action: Square 5295 Personal general AND NOTICE TO And 515 5th Street, N.W., 3rd Lot 0021 which Representative(s) may also circulation. UNKNOWN HEIRS Floor Washington, D.C. b e k n o w n a s S E , TRUE TEST COPY SO ORDERED this 23rd unknown owners of the 20001, on or before REGISTER OF WILLS William Hanley III, whose 17:15:13 EST 2018 July All Washington day of October, 2017. propertyDC. described address is 1315 Mor12, 2018. Claims against real Date of first publication: The complaint states, below, their heirs, devireene Road #7J, Durthe decedent shall be among other things, that November 30, 2017 Magistrate Judge /s/ Cheryl Bailey personal repreham, North Carolina presented to the under- sees, Name of newspapers the amounts necessary Renee Raymond Acting Clerk of the Court executors, 27705 was appointed signed with a copy to the sentatives, for redemption grantees, have not and/or periodical: Tue Jan 16 17:18:36 EST 2018 (Signed in chambers) By: James McGinley TYPESET: administrators, Register of Wills or filed assigns been paid. The Daily Washington personal representative or successors in of the estate of Mary with the Register of Wills right, Pursuant Chief Law Reporter title, to andtheinterest Stone Hanley, who died TYPESET: Tue01/26 Jan 16 17:17:57 EST 2018 Judge’sand Administration with a copy to the under- andany The Afro-American 01/12, 01/19, SUPERIOR COURT all persons on September 28, 2017 Order Number 02-11, it is signed, on or before July having OF or claiming tohave witha will, and will serve t h iinterest, s 5 t hincluding d a y adof 12, 2018, or be forever any THE DISTRICT TYPESET: Tue Jan 16 17:13:58 without EST Court2018 superviDecember,2017 2018, SUPERIOR COURT barred. Persons believed verse 11/3, 11/10, 11/17/18 OF possession, in the sion. All unknown heirs ORDERED by the SuperOF THE DISTRICT to be heirs or legatees of leasehold COLUMBIA or the fee sima n d h e i r s w hose ior in Court of the District of OF the decedent who do not ple CIVIL DIVISION the real property and Superior Court of whereabouts are unColumbia, situate, that notice be COLUMBIA receive a copy of this no- premises lying the known shall enter their given by the insertion CIVIL DIVISION tice by mail within 25 and ED KINARD, et al. being in the Districtofofa District of Columbia copy of this Order inasthe appearance in this days of its first publica- Columbia described : PROBATE DIVISION Wa s h i n5179, g t o n Lot A f r o0803 proceeding. Objections ED KINARD, et al. Plaintiffs tion shall so inform the Square Washington, D.C. TYPESET: Tue Jan 16 17:14:32 EST 2018 American, a newspaper to such appointment (or Register of Wills, includ- and assessed to Un20001-2131 having a general circulaPlaintiffs to the probate of devs. ing name, address and known Heirs, devisees, Administration No. tion in the District of cedent´s will) shall be personal representatives, relationship. 2018ADM000008 vs. Columbia, once a week filed with the Register of IN THE SUPERIOR KAIZEN executor, administrators & Date of Publication: for three of (3) Eleanora successive COURT OF Wills, D.C., 515 5th DEVELOPMENT, LLC, et Annie M Crowell grantees January 12, 2018 D O N A L D C A P L A N , weeks, notifying all perDecedent THEofDISTRICT OF Street, N.W., 3rd Floor al. Janifer, deceased and Name newspaper: TRUSTEES, et al. sons interested in the NOTICE OF COLUMBIA Defendants Wa s h i n g t o n , D . C . otherwise known as 4916 Afro-American TRUE TEST COPY Real Property described APPOINTMENT, CIVIL DIVISION Civil Action No. 20001, on or before July REGISTER OF WILLS Nannie Helen Boroughs Washington Defendants above to appearD.C., in this Civil Action No. NOTICE TO 2012 CA 006656 L(RP) Ave, Washington, 19, 2018. Claims against Law Reporter Court by the 11th day of 2017CA008132 L(RP) CREDITORS (Action Involving the decedent shall be LaVensus M Jones Civil Action No. April, Defendants 2018, and redeem (Action Involving Real Real Property) AND NOTICE TO presented to the under- 01/19, 01/26, 02/2/18 Personal TYPESET: Tue Jan 16 17:13:23 2012 CA 006660 L(RP) the Real Property by payProperty) Calendar Calendar #18 UNKNOWN HEIRS signed with a copy to the Representative (Action Involving ment ORDER of $2160.41, to#18Magistrate Judge Magistrate Judge OF Anita A Crowell and Bar- Register of Wills or filed Real Property) gether with interest from Raymond Raymond PUBLICATION bara M Manzie, whose with the Register of Wills TRUE TEST COPY Calendar #18 date the Real Property Next Court Superior Court of Intheaccordance with D.C. addressare 887 St Mi- with a copy to the underREGISTER OFHauser WILLS Magistrate Judge tax certificate purChristopher Event: Official Code § was 47-1375 the chael Dr, was appointed signed, on or before July Raymond chased, court costs, Plaintiff Status Conference TYPESET: Tue Jan 16 17:15:54 EST (2001 ed.), the2018 objectand of District of Columbia personal representative 19, 2018 or be forever reasonable attorney’s 01/12, 01/19, 01/26/18 January 24, 2018 this proceeding is to sePROBATE DIVISION of Annie M Crowell the barred. Persons believed Next Court Event: fees,the expenses incurred vs. at 10:00 a.m. cure foreclosure of thein Washington, D.C. e s t a t e o f A n n i e M to be heirs or legatees of Status Conference the service of process and ORDER right of redemption in the 20001-2131 Superior Court of January 24, 2018 at 10:00 This matter comes before Crowell, who died on Au- the decedent who do not service ofreal process by pubUnknown Heirs, devisees, following property loAdministration No. the gust 26, 2017 with with- receive a copy of this noa.m. lication, personal representatives, cated the Court on Plaintiffs Moin reasonable the Districtfees of 2017ADM1157 District of Columbia for the titleand search, andthe all executor, administrators & Columbia, tion to Reissue Order of out a will, and will serve tice by mail within 25 sold by Elese A Anderson PROBATE DIVISION ORDER other amounts paid by the grantees of Edna Kellum, Mayor Publication.The Court has without Court supervi- days of its first publica- Decedent of the District of W a s h i n g t o n , D . C . Plaintiff to inthe accordance deceased; reviewed the Motion and sion. All unknown heirs tion shall so inform the Bruce E Gardner, Esq Columbia Plaintiff in 20001-2131 withaction: the provisions D. C. This matter comes before the record herein and will a n d h e i r s w h o s e Register of Wills, includTheresa Banks; this Squareof5179 Administration No. whereabouts are un- ing name, address and 1101 Pennsylvania the Court on Plaintiffs Mo- d i r e c t P l a i n t i f f t o Official 47-1361 District of Columbia Water Lot 0803Code which§§may also Ave, NW Suite 300 and 47-1377 (2001 ed.), tion to Reissue Order of supplementthe instant known shall enter their relationship. and 2017ADM001466 Sewer be known as 4916 Nannie Washington, DC 20004 Noble J Watkins a n d aBoroughs l l o u t s t a nAve, d i n g Publication.The Court has motion. Plaintiff seeks to a p p e a r a n c e i n t h i s Authority; Date of Publication: Helen Attorney Decedent reviewed the Motion and publish in ”some news- proceeding. Objections January 19, 2018 municipal lien amounts THE DISTRICT OF Washington DC.The comNOTICE OF Williams S Stancil, Esq plaint due states, and owing the the record herein and will paper of general circula- to such appointment Name of newspaper: COLUMBIA, amongon other APPOINTMENT, aforemen-tioned Real d i r e c t P l a i n t i f f t o 739 Congress Street, things, tion.” This isinsufficient for shall be filed with the Afro-American that the amounts Property, for or redemption answer the supplementthe instant the Court to issue an order Register of Wills, D.C., Washington NOTICE TO SE necessary complaint, thereafter, CREDITORS Washington, And DC 20032 have not or, been paid.a motion. Plaintiff seeks to of publication. Plaintiff 515 5th Street, N.W., 3rd Law Reporter publish in ”some newsfinal judgment will be enAND NOTICE TO Attorney must provide the Court Floor Washington, D.C. Pursuant to the Chief William Hanley III tered foreclosing the right paper of general circula- withthe name of the news- 20001, on or before July All unknown owners UNKNOWN HEIRS NOTICE OF of the Judge’s Administration Personal tion.” This isinsufficient for paper in which it intends to 19, 2018. Claims against of redemption in the Real real APPOINTMENT, property described Order Bruce E Gardner , whose Number 02-11, it is Representative Property vesting in the Court to issue an order publish. The Plaintiff is di- the decedent shall be below, NOTICE their heirs, address is 1101 Penn5th dayand of December TO devi- this of publication. Plaintiff the Plaintiff(s) a title in fee sees, CREDITORS personal reprerected to supplementthe s y l v a n i a A v e . , N W, 2017, presented to the under- TRUE TEST COPY must provide the Court simple. sentatives, executors, instant motion within 10 ORDERED by the SuperWashington, DC 20004, AND NOTICE TO signed with a copy to the REGISTER OF WILLS withthe name of the news- days designating a newsadministrators, ior Court of the District of was appointed personal UNKNOWN grantees, HEIRS Register of Wills or filed paper in which it intends to /s/ Cheryl Bailey assigns or successors in Columbia, that notice be paper in which it intends to with the Register of Wills 01/19, 01/26, 2/2/18 representative of the Lorraine A Watkins, publish. TYPESET: Tue Jan 16 17:13:06 2018A AnActing Clerk of the Court right, title, and interest publish. the insertion of a estate ofEST Elese whose address is 319 K given by The Plaintiff is directed to SO ORDERED this 23rd with a copy to the underBy:this James McGinley andany and all persons copy of Order in the derson, who died on Street, NE, Washington, signed, on or before July supplementthe instant day of October, 2017. having or claiming tohave Wa TYPESET: EST 2018 s h i n g t o nTue A f rJan o - 16 17:14:50 June 4, 2016 without a DC 20002 was appointed 19, 2018, or be forever 01/13, 01/19, 01/26/18 motion within 10 days any interest,representative including ad- American, Magistrate Judge barred. Persons believed a newspaper Superior Court of will, and will serve with personal designating a newspaper verse possession, in the having a general circulaRenee weeks, notifying all per- TYPESET: the Court supervision. All unTueRaymond Jan 16 17:17:42 EST 2018 of the estate of fee Noble to be heirs or legatees of insons whichinterested it intends toinpubleasehold or the sim-J tionINin (Signed in chambers) the District of the District of Columbia THE SUPERIOR known heirs and heirs Watkins, who diedand on the decedent who do not lish. ple in the real property once a week Real Property described PROBATE DIVISION whose whereabouts are Decembersituate, 26, 1994lying with- Columbia,COURT receive a copy of this noSO ORDERED thisin23rd premises for OF three (3)DISTRICT successive above to appear this THE Washington, D.C. unknown shall enter their out being a will,inand serve tice by mail within 25 SUPERIOR COURT day of October, 2017. and the will District of Court by the 11th day of OF 20001-2131 appearance in this with Court supervision. OF THE DISTRICT OF days of its first publicaColumbia described as a April 2018, and redeem COLUMBIA Administration No. proceeding. Objections All unknown heirs and COLUMBIA tion shall so inform the Judge vacant lot on the east side the RealMagistrate Property by payCIVIL DIVISION 2017ADM1098 to such appointment (or CIVIL DIVISION h 54th e i rSt., s SE, w h o s e Register of Wills, includof adjacent ment ofRenee $17016.09, to- 17:18:16 TYPESET: TueRaymond Jan 16 EST 2018 Civil Action No. to the probate of de(Signed chambers) whereabouts are uning name, address and Mary E Langford and east of improvement gether with ininterest from 2017 CA 008140 L(RP) Decedent ED KINARD, et al. cedent´s will) shall be knownasshall relationship. known 5400enter Draketheir Pl., the date the Real Property (Action Involving Vickey A Wright-Smith filed with the Register of appe a r a n c e5295, i n t hLot is SE: Square Date of Publication: tax certificateCOURT was purReal Property) Calendar SUPERIOR 1629 K Street, NW, #300 Plaintiffs Wills, D.C., 515 5th proceeding. Objections 0021 and assessed to UnJanuary 19, 2018 chased,OF court costs, and #18 THE Washington, DC 20006 Street, N.W., 3rd Floor known Heirs, devisees, to such appointment Name of newspaper: reasonable attorney’s Magistrate Judge DISTRICT OF Attorney vs. Wa s h i n g t o n , D . C . personal shall berepresentatives, filed with the Afro-American fees, expenses incurred in Raymond COLUMBIA NOTICE OF executor, & 20001, on or before July Register administrators of Wills, D.C., Washington the service of process and CIVIL DIVISION WASHINGTON HOUSE APPOINTMENT, grantees of EdnaN.W., Kellum, 19, 2018. Claims against 515 5th Street, 3rd service of process by pubLaw Reporter Christopher Hauser INC., et al. NOTICE TO deceased and otherwise the decedent shall be Floor Washington, D.C. lication, reasonable Anita A Crowell Plaintiff ED KINARD, et al. fees CREDITORS known Washingpresented to the underfor the title search, and all 20001,as on SE, or before July Barbara M Manzie Defendants AND NOTICE TO ton, other amounts paid by the signed with a copy to the 17:16:49 2018 12, D.C., 2018.EST Claims against Plaintiffs UNKNOWN HEIRS Plaintiff in accordance Register of Wills or filed the decedent shall be vs. Personal Civil Action No. Defendants D i a n e P C l a i b o r n e , with the provisions of D. C. with the Register of Wills presented to the underRepresentative vs. 2012 CA 006635 L(RP) whose address is 12407 Official Code §§ 47-1361 with a copy to the undersigned with a copy to the Unknown Heirs, devisees, (Action Involving ORDER OF G a b l e L a n e , F o r t and 47-1377 (2001 ed.), personal representatives, signed, on or before July Register of Wills or filed TRUE TEST COPY Real Property) Washington, MD 20774, a n d a l l B.o MASSEY, u t s t a n d i netg 19, 2018, or be forever with PUBLICATION the Register of Wills executor, administrators & GENEVA REGISTER OF WILLS In accordance with D.C. municipal al. lien amounts was appointed personal barred. Persons believed TYPESET: Tue Jan 16 17:12:49 EST 2018 with a copy under- grantees of Eleanora Calendar #18 Official Codeto§the 47-1375 due and owing on the representative of the to be heirs or legatees of Janifer, deceased;District signed, on or 01/19, 01/26, 2/2/18 Magistrate Judge (2001 ed.), thebefore objectJuly of aforemen-tioned estate of Mary E of Columbia Water and Defendants Real the decedent who do not 12, proceeding 2018, or beis forever Raymond this to seProperty, or answer the Longford, who died on receive a copy of this noSewer Authority; barred. believed Superior Court of cure the Persons foreclosure of the complaint, or, thereafter, a THE DISTRICT OF November 11, 2005 withCivil Action No. tice by mail within 25 to beofheirs or legatees of the Next Court Event: right redemption in the final willL(RP) be enCOLUMBIA, out a will, and will serve days of its first publica2012judgment CA 006647 the decedent who do not Status Conference District of Columbia following real property lotered foreclosing the right without Court supervi- tion shall so inform the (Action Involving January 24, 2018 receiveina the copyDistrict of this noPROBATE DIVISION cated of of redemption in the Real And sion. All unknown heirs Register of Wills, includReal Property) at 10:00 a.m. tice by mail within 25 Washington, D.C. Columbia, and sold by the Property and #18 vesting in Calendar a n d h e i r s w h o s e ing name, address and days ofofitsthefirst publica20001-2131 Mayor District of the Plaintiff(s) a title in fee All unknown owners of the Magistrate Judge whereabouts are un- relationship. ORDER tion shalltoso Administration No. Columbia theinform Plaintiffthe in simple.Raymond real property described known shall enter their Date of Publication: This matter comes before Register of Square Wills, includthis action: 5295 2017ADM000697 below, their heirs, deviappearance in this January 19, 2018 Lot which may also ing 0021 name, address and sees, personal repre/s/ Cheryl Bailey the Court on Plaintiffs Mo- Margie Lee Clouds Next Court Event: proceeding. Objections Name of newspaper: brelationship. e known as SE, Acting Clerk of the Court tion to Reissue Order of Decedent sentatives, executors, Status Conference to such appointment Publication.The Court has Washington DC. Afro-American Date of Publication: William R Voltz By: James McGinley administrators, grantees, January 24, 2018 at reviewed the Motion and 2120 L Street NW Suite shall be filed with the Washington The complaint January 12, 2018states, assigns or successors in 10:00 a.m. the record herein and will Register of Wills, D.C., among other things, that Law Reporter Name of newspaper: 700 right, title, and interest direct Plaintiff to 515 5th Street, N.W., 3rd the amounts necessary Bruce E Gardner 01/12, 01/19, 01/26 Afro-American Washington, DC 20037 andany and all persons ORDER supplementthe instant Floor Washington, D.C. for redemption have not Personal Washington having or claiming tohave This matter comes before motion. Plaintiff seeks to Attorney 20001, on or before July been paid. Representative Law Reporter any interest, including ad- the Court on Plaintiffs Mo- publish in the National NOTICE OF Pursuant to the Chief 19, 2018. Claims against Lorraine A Watkins verse possession, in the tion to Reissue Order of Law Journal. The Court APPOINTMENT, Judge’s Administration the decedent shall be TRUE TEST COPY Personal leasehold or the fee sim- Publication.The Court has takesnotice of the number NOTICE TO Order Number 02-11, it is presented to the under- REGISTER OF WILLS ple in the real property and Representative CREDITORS reviewed the Motion and of cases where plaintiffs this 5th day of signed with a copy to the premises situate, lying the record herein and will have represented to the AND NOTICE TO December,2017 2018, Register of Wills or filed and being in the District of d i r e c t P l a i n t i f f t o TRUE TEST UNKNOWN HEIRS C o u r t t h a t t h e ORDERED byCOPY the Superwith the Register of Wills 01/19, 01/26, 02/2/18 Columbia described as : supplementthe instant NationalLaw Journal is no Sheila Jackson, whose REGISTER OFDistrict WILLSof ior Court of the with a copy to the underSquare 5179, Lot 0803 motion. Plaintiff seeks to longer running orders of address is 7415 Upshur TYPESET:that Tue Jan be 16 17:14:32 EST 2018 Columbia, notice signed, on or before July and assessed to Unpublish in ”some news01/12,by01/19, 01/26/18 publication. The Plaintiff is Street, Hyattsville, MD given the insertion of a known Heirs, devisees, paper of ” This isinsuf- directed to supplementthe 20784 was appointed 19, 2018, or be forever copy of this Order in the tion in the District of personal representatives, ficient for the Court to is- instant motion within 10 personal representative barred. Persons believed WaIN s hTHE ingto n AfroColumbia, once a week SUPERIOR executor, administrators & s u e a n o r d e r o f d a y s e i t h e r w i t h a of the estate of Margie to be heirs or legatees of American, a newspaper for three of (3) Eleanora successive publication. Plaintiff must COURT OF grantees the decedent who do not having general circulaweeks, notifying all and per- provide the Court withthe praecipe confirming the Lee Clouds, who died on THEaDISTRICT OF Janifer, deceased receive a copy of this noNational Law Journal has- February 17, 2017 withsons interested in the COLUMBIA otherwise known as 4916 name of the newspaper in resumed publishing ortice by mail within 25 out a will, and will serve Real Property described which it intends to publish. CIVIL DIVISION Nannie Helen Boroughs days of its first publicaabove to appearD.C., in this The Plaintiff is directed to ders of publication or a without Court superviCivil Action No. Ave, Washington, tion shall so inform the Court by the 11th day of supplementthe instant praecipe desig-nating a sion. All unknown heirs 2017CA008132 L(RP) Register of Wills, includApril, 2018, and redeem motion within 10 days different newspaper of a n d h e i r s w h o s e (Action Involving Real Defendants ing name, address and general circulation. the Real Property by pay- designating a newspaper whereabouts are unProperty) Calendar SO ORDERED this 23rd relationship. ment ORDER of $2160.41, to- in which it intends to pubknown shall enter their #18Magistrate Judge OF day of October, 2017. Date of Publication: gether with interest from lish. appearance in this Raymond PUBLICATION Magistrate Judge proceeding. Objections January 19, 2018 theaccordance date the Real Property In with D.C. SO ORDERED this 23rd Renee Raymond TYPESET: Tue Jan 16 17:14:16 2018 (or Name of newspaper: tax certificate pur- day of October, 2017. Christopher Hauser to such EST appointment Official Code § was 47-1375 (Signed in chambers) Afro-American chased, court Plaintiff to the probate of de(2001 ed.), the costs, objectand of Washington reasonable this proceedingattorney’s is to secedent´s will) shall be Magistrate Judge Law Reporter fees, expenses incurred in vs. SUPERIOR COURT OF filed with the Register of cure the foreclosure of the Renee Raymond Tue Jan 16 17:17:26 EST 2018OF the service of process and TYPESET: Diane P Claiborne right of redemption in the THE DISTRICT Wills, D.C., 515 5th (Signed in chambers) service ofreal process by pubPersonal Unknown Heirs, devisees, following property loCOLUMBIA Street, N.W., 3rd Floor lication, reasonable fees Representative personal representatives, cated in the District of PROBATE DIVISION Wa s h i n g t o n , D . C . for the titleand search, and all executor, administrators & Columbia, SUPERIOR COURT sold by the Washington, D.C. 20001, on or before July other amounts paid by the grantees of Edna Kellum, Mayor OF THE TRUE TEST COPY of the District of 20001-2131 19, 2018 . Claims against Plaintiff to in the accordance deceased; DISTRICT OF REGISTER OF WILLS Columbia Plaintiff in Foreign No. the decedent shall be with the provisions of D. C. Theresa Banks; COLUMBIA this action: Square 5179 2017FEP127 presented to the underOfficial Code §§ 47-1361 District of Columbia Water Lot CIVIL DIVISION 0803 which may also Jan 16 17:12:28 EST 2018 01/19, 01/26,Tue 02/2/18 Date of Death signed with a copy to the TYPESET: and 47-1377 (2001 ed.), and Sewer be known as 4916 Nannie May 01, 2017 Register of Wills or filed a n d aBoroughs l l o u t s t a nAve, ding Authority; ED KINARD, et al. Helen Mary Ellen Wilmoth with the Register of Wills municipal lien amounts THE DISTRICT OF Washington DC.The comSuperior Court of Decedent with a copy to the underdue states, and owing the COLUMBIA, Plaintiffs plaint amongon other the NOTICE OF signed, on or before July aforemen-tioned Real things, that the amounts District of Columbia APPOINTMENT 19, 2018, or be forever Property, for or redemption answer the vs. necessary PROBATE DIVISION OF FOREIGN barred. Persons believed complaint, thereafter, And have not or, been paid.a Washington, D.C. PERSONAL to be heirs or legatees of final judgment will be enSIMONE Pursuant to the Chief 20001-2131 REPRESENTATIVE tered foreclosing the right the decedent who do not All unknown owners of the Judge’s MANAGEMENT, LLC, Administration Administration No. AND of redemption in the Real receive a copy of this noreal property described Order et al. Number 02-11, it is 2017ADM000582 Property and vesting in NOTICE TO tice by mail within 25 below, their heirs, devi- this 5th day of December the Plaintiff(s) a title in fee CREDITORS sees, personal repredays of its first publica- Lavonne C Bridges Defendants 2017, simple. Angus Rollie Wilmoth Jr. tion shall so inform the Decedent sentatives, executors, ORDERED by the Superwhose address is 1314 Register of Wills, includ- Dennis Eshman Esq administrators, grantees, ior Court of the District of Civil Action No. Cheryl Bailey assigns or successors in Columbia,/s/ 2012 CA 006646 L(RP) Harwich Drive, Waldorf, ing name, address and 1629 K Street NW Suite that notice be Acting Clerk of the Court 300 right, title, and interest given (Action Involving MD 20601 was apby the insertion of a relationship. By:this James McGinley andany and all persons copy of Washington, DC 20006 Real Property) Order in the pointed personal repre- Date of Publication: having or claiming tohave Wa s h i n g t o n A f r o Calendar #18 Attorney sentative of the estate of January 19, 2018 01/13, 01/19, 01/26/18 any interest, including ad- American, a newspaper Magistrate Judge NOTICE OF Mary Ellen Wolmoth, de- Name of newspaper: verse possession, in the having a general circulaRaymond APPOINTMENT, ceased by the Register of Afro-American leasehold or the fee sim- tion in the District of NOTICE TO Wills Court for Charles Washington ple in the real property and Columbia, once a week Next Court Event: CREDITORS C o u n t y, S t a t e o f Law Reporter premises situate, lying for three (3) successive Status Conference AND NOTICE TO Maryland, on October 5,

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TYPESET: Tue Jan 16

of Cora L Peeples, who died on August 8, 2014 without a will, and will serve without Court supervision. All unknown heirs and heirs whose whereabouts are unknown shall enter their appearance in this 17:15:33 EST Objections 2018 proceeding. NOTICES toLEGAL such appointment (or to the probate of decedent´s will) shall be filed with the Register of Wills, D.C., 515 5th Street, N.W., 3rd Floor Wa s h i n g t o n , D . C . 20001, on or before July 12, 2018. Claims against the decedent shall be presented to the undersigned with a copy to the Register of Wills or filed with the Register of Wills with a copy to the undersigned, on or before July 12, 2018, or be forever barred. Persons believed to be heirs or legatees of the decedent who do not receive a copy of this notice by mail within 25 days of its first publication shall so inform the Register of Wills, including name, address and relationship. Date of Publication: January 12, 2018 Name of newspaper: Afro-American Washington Law Reporter Deborah A Price Personal Representative





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cidental to the The property is beconveyance of the lieved to be improved Properties shall be CIPRIANI by a 4 bedroom 2 bath borne by the pur& semi-detached Colochaser. The PropWERNER, P.C. TYPESET: Wed Jan 17 14:49:46 EST 2018 nial. erties will be sold in an EXECUTIVE PLAZA Payment Policy for legal notice advertisements. AS IS condition, withIII, SUITE 302 c iany dlegal e nwarranties t anotices. l t o t hor e 3812 Ednor Road: 11350 McCORMICK Effective immediately, The Afro American Newspapers will require prepayment for publication ofout all TheTHAT property is beconveyance either of the ALL FEE SIMrepresentations ROAD Payment will be accepted in the form of chwecks, credit card or money order. Any returned checks will be subject lieved to be improved Properties shall CIPRIANIMD P L E L O T O F express or implied asbe HUNT VALLEY, by a 4 bedroom 2 bath by theconpur& GROUND AND THE to borne the nature, 21031 to a $25.00 processing fee and may result inWERNER, the suspension of any future advertising at our discretion. chaser. The PropP.C. I Msemi-detached P R O V E M E N ColoTS dition or description of TYPESET: Wed Jan 17 14:49:46 EST 2018 nial. situate and lyerties will be sold in an EXECUTIVE thereon the improvements MORTGAGEPLAZA AS IS condition, withIII, SUITESALE 302 ing in Baltimore City, thereon and subject to ASSIGNEE’S ceasements, i dany e n twarranties a l t ocont h eor 3812 Ednor Road: 11350 Maryland and more allout AD NETWORK OF FEEMcCORMICK SIMPLE LEGAL NOTICES AD NETWORK The property is beconveyance of the ALL THAT FEE SIMrepresentations either ROAD fully described in the ditions, restrictions, AND VALUABLE lieved to be improved Properties shall be CIPRIANI P L E Mortgage, L O T Oa F express or implied as HUNT VALLEY, MD aforesaid rights of redemption, LEASEHOLD by a 4 bedroom 2 bath borne by the pur& GROUND AND THE to the nature, conADOPTION HELP WANTED 21031 copy of which may be covenants, encumPROPERTIES semi-detached chaser. The WERNER, P.C. IM P R O Vfrom E M Ethe NColoTS dition orsuch description obtained brances, statePropof of nial. situate erties will sold in an EXECUTIVE thereon and lythe improvements MORTGAGE Mortgage Assignee. facts that an be accurate (Known As) PLAZA ADOPTION: Loving, AS IS condition, withEARN $500 A DAY: III, SUITE SALE 302 ing property in Baltimore City, thereonorand subject to ASSIGNEE’S The is besurvey physical financially secure family Lincoln Heritage 3812 Ednor outeasements, any warranties 11350 McCORMICK Maryland and Road: more all con-or OF FEE SIMPLE lieved to be improved inspection of the 601 DUMBARTON ALL THAT FEE SIMrepresentations either ROAD fully described in the ditions, restrictions, promises your baby a AND VALUABLE by a 3 bedroom 1.5 Properties might disAVENUE Life Insurance Wants P Rowhome. L E L O T OaF express or implied as HUNT VALLEY, aforesaid Mortgage, rights redemption, LEASEHOLD bath close andofagreements BALTIMORE, MD MD secure life. Let’s work GROUND AND to theaffecting nature, con21031 Insurance Agents* copy of which mayTHE be encumPROPERTIES of covenants, record the 21218 I M P R O V E M E N T S dition or description together. Expenses pd. obtained from the brances, such TERMS OF SALE: A same, if any. state Pur- ofof AND Leads, No Cold thereon and lythe MORTGAGE Mortgage Assignee. (Known As) deposit of situate $5,000.00 c hfacts a s e that r improvements s han a laccurate l be Danielle. 1-800-4013812 EDNOR ROAD Calls*Commissions ing in Baltimore City, and ASSIGNEE’S SALE property is in beforThe each property r esurvey sthereon p o n sor i b lphysical esubject f o r to BALTIMORE, MD 1639. Maryland and more all easements, conOF21218 FEE SIMPLE lieved to be improved inspection of the Paid Daily*Agency 601 DUMBARTON cash or certified funds obtaining physical fully described in the ditions, restrictions, AND VALUABLE by a 3 bedroom 1.5 Properties might disAVENUE will be required of the possession of the Training*Life Insurance aforesaid Mortgage, rightsand of agreements redemption, LEASEHOLD bath Rowhome. close BALTIMORE, MD purchaser(s) at time a properties. In the Under and by virtue of AUTOMOBILE of which may be encumRequired. Call 1-888ofcovenants, record affecting andcopy place of Auction event a Property isthe a d e cPROPERTIES r e21218 e and/or obtained from the brances, such state TERMS OF SALE: same,toif aany. Pur-of DONATIONS Sale. Balance due in A subject ground 713-6020 p o w e r AND of sale Mortgage Assignee. facts that an accurate (Known As) deposit of $5,000.00 c h a s e r s h a l l b 3812 EDNOR ROAD cash or certified funds rent, buyer agrees toe contained in a certain Theeach property is beDONATE AUTOS, for property in r survey e sleasehold p o n or s i bphysical l epurfor within twenty (20) the P u rBALTIMORE, c h a s e M o nMD ey lieved be improved inspection the 601 DUMBARTON cash or to certified funds obtaining REAL ESTATE Mortgage 21218 days following final chase subjectphysical toof the TRUCKS, RV’S. from 601 by a 3 bedroom 1.5 Properties might disAVENUE will be required of the possession of no the ratification of the sale ground rent with Dumbarton LLC and FOR SALE LUTHERAN MISSION bath Rowhome. close andinagreements BALTIMORE, MDof at for time properties. the Under and by virtue bypurchaser(s) the Circuit Court adjustment theInpurBeatrice Burroughsof record affecting SOCIETY. Your donaevent a Property is a d edated c r 21218 e eNovemand/or B aand l t i mplace o r e of C iAuction t y, chase price. In addi-the Brown, TERMS OF SALE: same, if aany. PurSale. Balance due subject ground e r AND oand f s reale Maryland. Interest to inA tion, the to Properties tion helps local families Delaware New Move-In berp o8,w 2013 deposit of $5,000.00 c h a s e r s h a l l b e 3812 EDNOR ROAD funds buyer agrees contained in a certain becash paidor oncertified the unpaid willrent, be sold subject to to corded among the Ready Homes! Low with food, clothing, for each property rexisting e sleasehold p o n shousing, i b l e purfor within twenty (20)in P uBALTIMORE, rrecords c h a s e ofM Balo MD ney purchase price at the allthe land Taxes! Close to Beaches, timore certified obtaining physical following final chase subject to the shelter, counseling. Mortgage from 601 r adays tcash e o for 2 5 % p funds e r building and zoning City,21218 Maryland will befrom required possession of ratification ofday the of sale ground rent with no Gated, Olympic pool. LLC and annum ofthe code violations, andthe at Dumbarton Liber 15906, Folio Tax deductible. MVA purchaser(s) at time properties. In the Under and byofvirtue by theSale Circuit Courtoffor adjustment in the purBeatrice BurroughsAuction to date subject to all envi109, the holder the of New Homes from low and place of Auction event a Property License #W1044. a d e c r e e a n d / o r B a l t i m o r e C i t y, chase price. In addisettlement. Time shall ronmental problems is i nBrown, d e b t e ddated n e s sNovemseSale. Balance duetoin subject awhich ground $100’s. No HOA Fees. p o 8, w r o fand s arele Interest tion, the toProperties ber beMaryland. of the essence with and violations 410-636-0123 or www. cured bye2013 said Mortcash certified funds rent, agrees contained in a certain be paidor the unpaid will be buyer sold corded the respect toon settlement may exist on subject or with toto Brochures Available gage havingamong assigned LutheranMissionSociwithin twenty (20) the leasehold purPMortgage u r crecords h a s eto of M oBalney price at the all existing bypurchase the purchaser(s). respect to the housing, Proptheland Paul 1-866-629-0770 or chase totothe Mortgage from r days ate ofollowing f 2 5 %Aspfinal er building and zoning City, Maryland The Mortgage erties andsubject subject J. timore Cohen for the pur-601 ratification the ground rent no LLCFolio and annum fromof day of violations, and atDumbarton Liber 15906, signee reserves thesale allcode matters andwith repose of foreclosure, by for adjustment in the purBeatrice BurroughsSale subject to envi109, thehaving holder of r i gAuction h t ,thei nCircuit h i stoCourt sdate o l e of strictions of all record default oc-the B a l t i m o r e C i t y, chase price. In addiBUSINESS settlement.toTime shall ronmental problems st hsee discretion, reject affecting the same, if c ui n rBrown, rdeedb tuedated nddneersNovemMaryland. Interest tion, the Properties be of theall essence withto and violations which Mortany and bids or any. The purchaser(s) t ecured rber m s 8,tby h 2013 e said u n dand e r - reOPPORTUNITIES be paid on the unpaid will be sold subject corded among the respect to settlement may exist on or with SERVS. MISC. signed gage having assigned withdraw a Property at the foreclosure sale to Mortgage, and purchase pricetime at the all assume existing housing, land recordsoftoofthe Balby the at purchaser(s). respect to the PropMortgage Paul from sale any shall the risk at the the request Let the Multi-Media r a t e o f 2 5 % p e r building and zoning City, Maryland The or Mortgage Asand subject to J.timore Cohen for the purbefore at the Aucof erties loss for the aboveparty served thereby, annum from day of code violations, and Increase your customer at Liber 15906, Folio signee reserves the all matters and Specialists of MDDC pose of foreclosure, tion. The party sereferenced Propertiesrethe Mortgage AsAuction Sale to date of subject to all envi109, the holder of the r i g h t , i n h i s s o l e strictions of record default having occured herein, if a bidimmediately after the base and get great results signee will offer for Advertising Network settlement. Time ronmental dr e b ediscretion, to reject affecting the problems same, ciunrat epublic d t eudnnauction deesrs t hs e der, shall not beshall Auction Sale takes if sale by placing your ads in be ofand the essence assist you in growing by said any all bids or r m sfront t h esteps u n dMorterrequired to post a de-with p lany. aand c eThe . violations T purchaser(s) h e P uwhich ront ecured the of respect to settlement may exist on gage having assigned the MDDC – Classified withdraw a Property at the foreclosure Mortgage, and posit or pay interest. c h a s e r w i l l h or o lsale dwith your business and inthesigned Circuit Court for by the purchaser(s). respect to the Propthe Mortgage to Paul from sale at any time shall assume the at the request of the In the event the purh a r m l e s s a n risk d Baltimore City, ClaAdvertising network! creasing your customer The Mortgage and subject J. Cohen forthereby, the purbefore or at to the oferties loss for the above-to party served chaser(s) fails goAuctoAsindemnify the AucM. Mitchell Call today 410-212-0616 rence signee the all matters and poseMortgage of foreclosure, base. Call today at tion. Thereserves party referenced Properties the settlement as re- setioneer as well as the reCourthouse, 100 AsN. r i g h t , i n h i s s o l e strictions of record default having occured herein, if a bidimmediately after the Ask for Multi-Media signee Street, will offer quired, the deposit Mortgage Assignee Calvert Bal-for 410-212-0616 and start discretion, to and reject affecting the same, c u r rate dpublic u n dauction er the der, not be Auction Sale takesif sale shall beshall forfeited and all employees timore, Maryland Specialist -Wanda & seeing results NOW. any andto resold all t e rthe mon: sfront t h e steps u n d eofr postbids aat de-or pany. l aagents c eThe . Tpurchaser(s) hof e P uron therequired Property and the withdraw a interest. Property watch your results grow. 21202, signed pay cat h athe s eforeclosure r wagainst i l l h osale ld Court for theposit risk or and expense foregoing T the U ECircuit S Mortgage, D A Y *and from sale at any time shall assume the at the request of the In the event the purh a r m l e s s a nrisk d Baltimore of the defaulting purany and all claims EDED JA N U A R City, Y 3 0Cla, before or at the Aucof loss for the aboveparty served thereby, chaser(s) fails to go to indemnify the Aucrence M. Mitchell chaser. If the Mortand/or actions aris201710:00 AM- 601 tion. The party Mortgage Assettlement as re-seN. gage Assignee is uni ntioneer greferenced o u t asowell f Properties Aas u cthe D Courthouse, Uthe MB A R T100 ON BUSINESS Join other advertisers cured herein, iftitle, a bidimmediately after the signee Street, will offer for quired, the deposit Mortgage Assignee Calvert Balable to convey tioneer’s participaAVE10:10 AM3812 der, shall not be Auction Sale takes sale at public auction of the MDDC Small shall be forfeited and and all employees timore, Maryland the purchaser´s sole tion in the auction SERVICES EDNOR ROAD required to post p l adate cagents e . ofT sale h eof P uron theon: front steps of the Property resold at and the 21202, remedy in law and aindefrom to Display Advertising posit orand paylimited interest. c h of a s esettlement, r wagainst ill hold the Circuit the risk expense foregoing T601 U Dumbarton E S D Court A Y for * equity shall be date Network. Grow your In the event the purh a r m l e s s a nd the defaulting purany and all claims JBaltimore AN U A RCity, Y 3Cla0, to of a refund of the deincluding without Avenue: Bulk advertising at chaser(s) fails toMortgo to indemnify rence M. AMMitchell chaser. the sale and/or Revenue with a business 201710:00 601 posit and If the lim i t a t i actions o n , the e xaris-AucALL THAT its best: advertise in settlement asis retioneer as well N. gage unin g ou t o f Aas u the cDCourthouse, U M B A R 100 TON shall beAssignee considered penses, judgments, LEASEHOLD size ad in this network; quired, the deposit Mortgage Assignee Calvert Street, Balable convey title, tioneer’s participaover 70 newspapers AVE10:10 AM- 3812 null andto void and of no fines, settlements LOT OF GROUND shall be forfeited and and all employees Let the Multi-Media timore, Maryland the purchaser´s sole tionother in the auction EDNOR effect. Taxes, ground and amounts AND ROAD THE and reach millions of the Property resold and date agents of the 21202, on: remedy in law and from sale to rent, water rent and all inat actually and of reasonSpecialists help you IMPROVEMENTS the risk and expense foregoing readers with ONE call. T U E S D A Y * equity shall be limited date of settlement, 601 Dumbarton other public charges a b l y i n c u r r eagainst d in situate and lyincrease your customer thereon the defaulting purany and with all claims NAvenue: U A R YCity, 30, toofaassessments, refund of the deincluding without and connection any Broaden your reach ing JinA Baltimore chaser. If the the Mort201710:00 AMbase; CALL TODAY posit andan sale l iand/or m i t asuit, t actions i o naction, , e xarisALLand THAT payable on annual liability, Maryland more601 and get results for pengage Assignee is uni n g o u t o f D U M B A R T O N shall be considered penses, judgments, LEASEHOLD basis, including speloss or damage asAau c fully described in the 410-212-0616 – See able to convey title, tioneer’s participaAVE10:10 AM3812 nies per reader. Call null and void and of no fines, settlements LOT OF GROUND cial paving taxes and/ result of Aucaforesaid Mortgage, a your results NOW the purchaser´s sole tion other in participatheamounts auction EDNOR Taxes,district ground and ANDROAD THE oreffect. metropolitan tioneer’s copy of which may be Wanda at 410-212-0616 remedy inrent lawand andallin from date ofreasonsale to rent, water actually and IMPROVEMENTS charges, shall be tion in the auction. obtained from the or email wsmith@ equity shall be limited date of settlement, 601 Dumbarton other public charges a b l y i n c u r r thereon Assignee. situate and lyadjusted to date of P u r c h a se ed ri n Mortgage to a refund of the including with without Avenue: City, and assessments, connection any wsmith@mddcpress. ing in Baltimore auction sale and as-deacknowledges the WANTED TO positthereafter and sale l i m i t a suit, tion , MD exALL and THAT payable on anthe annual liability, Maryland sumed by requirements ofaction, The property will more be com shall be considered penses, judgments, LEASEHOLD BUY OR TRADE sold including loss Real or damage as a fullysubject described thebasis, purchaser. Costspeof Code, Property, to in thethe void of no fines, LOT of OF GROUND e s u l t settlements oet. f seq. Aucaforesaid Mortgage, a lcial l null d paving oand cum etaxes n tand a r yand/ § r14-126.1, payment the follow- a effect. Taxes, ground and other amounts AND THE or metropolitan district tioneer’s participacopy of which may be stamps, transfer Internet-based ForePlace a business card ad FREON R12 WANTED: ing Ground Rent: actually andauction. reasonIMPROVEMENTS tion in Property the obtained from the t acharges, xrent, e s , water d o cshall urent m eand nbe t all closed 601 Dumbarton Avein the Regional Small charges c uar rserede irn thereon situate and lyCERTIFIED BUYER Pa bul yr ci n h Mortgage Assignee. p radjusted eother p a r apublic t i oto n , date t i t l e of Registry, which nue - $75.00 - paid and assessments, connection with any Display 2x2/2x4 Ading in Baltimore City, auction sale and asacknowledges the insurance, survey quires that this will PAY CA$H for R12 semi-annually on the payable on an setannual liability,be suit, action, Maryland andwill more sumed thereafter by requirements of MD Jan of17 14:49:46 EST 2018 property be costs and all other property regisvertising Network – LetTYPESET: 1stThe days of April and cylindersWed or cases basis, including spelosswith or damage as a fully subject described inthe the the purchaser. Cost of Code, Real Property, sold tlement expenses intered the MD October in eachtoand MDDC help you grow s u l t oPropf Aseq. ucaforesaid lel ndpaving e tnht e a rand/ y §r e 14-126.1, et. cans. (312) 291-9169; c iadcial to a cl utm o taxes Foreclosed payment the follow-a every year. ofMortgage, or metropolitan district tioneer’s participacopy of which may be s t a m p s , t r a n s f e r Internet-based Foreyour business! Call is beconveyance of the erty Registry. The ining property Ground Rent: www.refrigerantfinders. The tion in the auction. obtained fromAvethe t acharges, x e s , d shall o cshall u m be e nbe t closed Property lieved to be improved Properties formation contained 601 Dumbarton TODAY at 410-212P u was r c which h a s ree r comCIPRIANI Mortgage Assignee. padjusted r e p aby r a tthe i to o n ,date t i t l eof Registry, bynue a 4 bedroom 2 -bath borne purherein obtained - $75.00 paid & 0616 to increase your auction sale and asacknowledges insurance, survey q u sources i r e s t hdeemed a t t h the is semi-detached chaser. The Propfrom semi-annually Coloon the WERNER, P.C. sumed thereafter by requirements of MD The property will be TYPESET: Wed Jan 17 14:49:46 EST 2018 costs and all other setproperty be regisnial. erties will be sold in an to be reliable, but is ofcustomer base and get EXECUTIVE PLAZA 1st days of April and the Cost Code, Real Property, sold subject the tlement expenses in-of tered with the MD AS IS purchaser. condition, withfered for informational October in eachto and III, SUITE 302 results. dwarranties § 14-126.1, seq. payment followcai any dl l e n toaclu m t oe nt tha er y Foreclosed Prop3812 Ednor Road: out or purposes only. et. The every year.of the 11350 McCORMICK s t a m p s , t r a n s f e r Internet-based ForeingTHAT Ground Rent: The property is beconveyance either of the erty Registry. The inALL FEE SIMrepresentations Mortgage Assignee, ROAD t a x e s , d o c u m e n t closed Property 601 Dumbarton Avelieved to be improved Properties shall be formation contained CIPRIANIMD P L E L O T O F express or implied as Auctioneer and SeHUNT VALLEY, Increase your presence p r e p a r a t i o n , t i t l e Registry, which renue $75.00 paid by a 4 bedroom 2 bath borne by the purherein was obtained & GROUND AND THE to the nature, concured Party do not 21031 by advertising on insurance, q u any i sources r e srepresentat h adeemed t this semi-annually Colochaser. The survey Propfrom WERNER, P.C. I Msemi-detached P R O V E M E Non T Sthe dition or description of make costs and all other setproperty be regis1st days of and Aprilly-and nial. erties will be sold in an to beor reliable, but is ofFACEBOOK; TWITTYPESET: Wed Jan 17 14:49:46 EST 2018 EXECUTIVE PLAZA thereon situate the improvements tions warranties MORTGAGE tlement expenses tered in each AS IS and condition, fered forwith informational III, SUITESALE 302 ingOctober in Baltimore City,and thereon subjectwithto inwith respect tothetheMD ASSIGNEE’S TER AND GOGGLEevery year. 3812 Ednor Road: out any warranties or purposes only. The c i d e n t a l t o t h e Foreclosed Prop11350 McCORMICK Maryland and more all easements, conaccuracy of this inOF FEE SIMPLE ADS; Call our MultiALL THAT FEE SIMrepresentations either Mortgage Assignee, The property beconveyance of the erty Registry. The inROAD fully described in isthe ditions, restrictions, formation. AND VALUABLE Plieved L E to Lbe O improved T Oa F express or implied Auctioneer and SeProperties shall as be formation contained HUNT VALLEY, MD aforesaid Mortgage, rights of redemption, Media Specialists to CIPRIANI LEASEHOLD GROUND AND to the nature, cured Party do not by of a 4which bedroom bath borne byencumthe conpurherein was obtained 21031 copy may2THE be covenants, 1/12, 1/19, 1/26/18 & PROPERTIES experience the success I M P R O V E M E N T S dition or description of make any representasemi-detached Colochaser. The Propfrom sources deemed obtained from the brances, such state of WERNER, P.C. of social media adverthereon and lythe improvements tions or warranties nial. situate erties will sold in an to be reliable, but is ofMORTGAGE Mortgage Assignee. facts that anbe accurate EXECUTIVE (Known As) PLAZA ing property in Baltimore City, thereon and subject to with to the AS ISor condition, withferedrespect for informational ASSIGNEE’S SALE The is besurvey physical III, SUITE 302 tising today; CALL Maryland and more all easements, conaccuracy of this in3812 Ednor Road: out any warranties purposes only. The OF FEE SIMPLE lieved to be improved inspection of the or 11350 McCORMICK 601 DUMBARTON 410-212-0616 fully described in the ditions, restrictions, formation. ALL THAT FEE SIMrepresentations either Mortgage Assignee, AND VALUABLE by a 3 bedroom 1.5 Properties might disROAD AVENUE TYPESET: Wed 2018 as aforesaid rights redemption, P Rowhome. L E LMortgage, O T Jan O aF 17 14:48:31 express or implied Auctioneer and SeLEASEHOLD bath close andofEST agreements HUNT VALLEY, BALTIMORE, MD MD copy of which mayTHE be encum1/12, 1/26/18 GROUND AND to theaffecting nature, concured1/19, Party do not PROPERTIES ofcovenants, record the 21031 21218 Increase your Freobtained from the brances, such state of I M P ROF O VSALE: E M E NAT S dition ifor any. description make any representaTERMS same, Pur- of AND quency with your Mortgage Assignee. facts that an accurate thereon situate and lythe improvements tions or warranties (Known As) deposit of $5,000.00 c h a s e r s h a l l b e MORTGAGE 3812 EDNOR ROAD CITY OF BALTIMORE property is in being in Baltimore City, thereon and subject with respect to the Advertising Call one of forThe each property r esurvey s p o nOF sor ib lphysical e f o r to ASSIGNEE’SMD SALE BALTIMORE, DEPARTMENT TRANSPORTATION lieved to be improved inspection of the Maryland and more all easements, conaccuracy of this in601 DUMBARTON cash or certified funds obtaining physical OF FEE SIMPLE 21218 MDDC’s Multi-Media NOTICE OF LETTING by a 3 bedroom 1.5 Properties might disdescribed ditions, restrictions, formation. AVENUE willfully be required of in thethe possession of the AND VALUABLE Sealed Bids or Proposals, in duplicate addressed to the Board of Estimates specialists to grow your Under bath Rowhome. close and agreements aforesaid Mortgage, a rights of redemption, BALTIMORE, MD purchaser(s) at time properties. In the LEASEHOLD and by virtue of ofcopy the and be City Council Baltimore for 1/26/18 FAP NO. ofcovenants, record affecting the and marked ofMayor which may encum1/12, 1/19, and place of Auction event a ofProperty is business. Call Wanda at a d e cPROPERTIES r e21218 e and/or TERMS OF from SALE: A same, Pur-of obtained brances, state NHPP-3064(1)E; SHA NO. BC420008 BALTIMORE CITY NO. TR16303 Sale. Balance due inthe subject toif such aany. ground w e r AND of sale 410-212-0616 or email p o3812 deposit of $5,000.00 c h a s e r s h a l l b e Mortgage Assignee. facts that agrees an FROM accurate EDNOR ROAD cash or certified funds rent, buyer to MLK JR. BOULEVARD TO (Known As) RESURFACING FRANKLIN STREET contained in a certain wsmith@mddcpress. for property in rsurvey e be sleasehold po n or s i bphysical l epurr Office of the Comptroller, Theeach property isAVENUE bewithin twenty (20) the P u rBALTIMORE, c h a s e M o nMD ey EDMONDSON will received atf othe cash or certified funds obtaining physical lieved to be improved inspection of the 21218 days following final chase subject to the 601 DUMBARTON Mortgage from 601 com. Room 204 City Hall, Baltimore, Maryland until will of the possession of no the by be a 3required bedroom 1.5 Properties might dis- 11:00 A.M. February 28, ratification of the sale ground rent with AVENUE Dumbarton LLC and 2018. Positively no bids will be received after 11:00 A.M. Bids will be publicly purchaser(s) at for time properties. Inpurthe bath Rowhome. close andinagreements Under and by virtue by the Circuit Court adjustment the BALTIMORE, MDof Beatrice Burroughsthe in event a Property is215, City Hall at Noon. The of record affecting a d edated c r21218 e e Novemand/or Bopened aand l t i mplace o rby e of C iAuction t y,Board of Estimates chase price. InRoom addi-the Brown, EDUCATIONAL/ berp o8,w 2013 Contract Documents be examined, without Sale. Balance dueto inA maytion, subject a ground TERMS OF SALE: same, if any. Pur- charge at the Department e r AND oand f s reale Maryland. Interest the to Properties or funds rent, deposit of $5,000.00 cbe h alocated sbuyer e r subject sagrees hon a l lthe b to efirst floor of the Abel Wolman ofcash Public Works Service Center contained in a certain be paid oncertified the unpaid will sold to 3812 EDNOR ROAD corded among the CAREER within twenty (20)200 the purfor each property in N.all r existing e s leasehold p o Street, n shousing, i b l eBaltimore, for P uBALTIMORE, rrecords c h a s e ofM BaloMD ney purchase price at the Municipal Building, Holliday Maryland 21202 as of land days following final chase subject to the cash or certified funds obtaining physical Mortgage from 601 r a t e o f 2 5 % p e r building and zoning timore City,21218 Maryland TRAINING January 19, 2018 and copies may be purchased for a non-refundable cost ratification ofday theofsale ground rent with no will befrom required the possession ofandthe LLC and annum of code violations, atDumbarton Liber 15906, Folio ofby $75.00. Conditions requirements the Bid are found in the bid theSale Circuit Court for and adjustment in the purpurchaser(s) at of time properties. Inof the Beatrice BurroughsAuction to date subject to all enviUnder and byof virtue 109, the holder the of package. All contractors bidding AIRLINE MECHANIC i nBrown, Band a l t iplace m o rTime e ofC i t y, chase price. InContract addi-is must first be prequalified Auction event on a this Property settlement. shall ronmental problems rneees sNovema ns e d -/ o r dae bdteecddated by CityInterest of Baltimore Contractor’s Qualification Committee. Interested Maryland. tion, the toProperties Sale. duetoin subject awhich ground ber be ofthe the Balance essence with and violations p o 8, wbye2013 rsaid o fand s arele MortTRAINING-Get FAA cured parties call (410) 396-6883 or the Committee at 4 S. Fredbe paid on the unpaid will bebuyer sold subject cash or certified funds rent, agrees corded the respect toshould settlement may exist on contact or withtoto contained in a certain gage havingamong assigned certification to fix purchase price the Baltimore, all within twenty (20) theexisting leasehold purerick 4thatFloor, Maryland 21202. If a bid is submitted by a land ofPaul by theStreet, purchaser(s). respect to thehousing, PropPMortgage u r crecords h a s etoM oBalney the rdays ate ofollowing f 2 5(”JV”), %Aspfinal e then r building and chase totothe planes. Financial Aid if J. timore City, Maryland The Mortgage andsubject subject Mortgage from 601 joint venture inerties that event, thezoning document that established the JV Cohen for the purannum from day of code violations, and ratification of the sale ground rent with no at Liber 15906, Folio signee reserves the all matters and reDumbarton LLC and of foreclosure, shall be submitted with the bid for verification purposes. The qualified. Approved for pose Sale subject to all enviby for adjustment in the pur109, thehaving holder of the r Prequalification i gAuction h t the , i nCircuit h i stoCourt sdate oCategories l eof strictions of record Beatrice Burroughsdefault ocrequired for bidding on this project are A02602 military benefits. Call settlement. Time ronmental problems B a l t i m o to re C i shall t y, chase the price. In addist hsee discretion, reject affecting same, if Brown, c ui n r rdeedb tuedated nddne rsNovemBituminous Concrete and D02620 Curbs, Gutters, & Sidewalks. be of theall essence with and violations which Maryland. Interest tion, the Properties any and bids or to Paving any. The purchaser(s) Aviation Institute of t ecured rber m s 8,tby h2013 e said u nand d Morte r -reCost Qualification forforeclosure this work shall be $2,000,000.00 to respect to settlement exist orsale with be paid the unpaidRange will be soldonsubject to gage having assigned withdraw aonProperty atmay the corded among Mortgage, andthe Maintenance 866-823- signed $4,000,000.00. A the ”Pre-Bidding Information” by the at purchaser(s). respect to the Proppurchase price at all assume existing housing, toofthe Paul from sale any time shall the risk session will be conducted at land recordsof Balatthe theMortgage request 6729. The Mortgage Aserties and subject r a t eor oatf the 2 5on % per building and zoning 10:00 A.M. February 2018 at 417 Fayette Street, Charles L. J.timore Cohen forthereby, the purbefore Aucof2, loss for the aboveCity, Maryland party served signee the all matters and and re-Room, 7th Floor. Principal annum from of code violations, pose of 15906, foreclosure, tion. The reserves party day sereferenced Properties at Mortgage Liber Folio Benton Building, Richard Chen Conference the Asr i g h t , i n h i s s o l e strictions of record Auction Sale to date of subject to all envidefault having occured herein, if a bidimmediately after the 109, the will holder offer of forthe Items of work for this project are Superpave Asphalt 12.5MM PG64S-22 for Looking for a great af- signee discretion, to reject affecting the problems same, if settlement. Time shall ronmental ci un rat deesrs t she der, shallLevel not Auction Sale takes dreepublic bdt eudnnauction sale Surface, 2be -with 9,310 TON, Superpave Asphalt 19.0MM PG64S-22 for any all bids or terschool/weekend pro- ont cured be ofand the essence ethe r m sfront t h esteps u n dMorterrequired to post a dep lany. aand c eThe . violations Tpurchaser(s) h e P uwhich rby said of Base, Level 2 700 TON, Superpave Asphalt withdraw a Property at the foreclosure sale respect to interest. settlement with9.5MM for Wedge & Level, Mortgage, and posit or pay c hmay a s e rexist w i l on l hor old gage having assigned Circuit Court for gram targeted towards thesigned 1 - purchaser(s). 500 TON,and Pavement from sale atthe any time the risk by atthethe request of Paul the InLevel the the event purh shall arespect r massume l eRemoval stos the a nPropdof Bituminous Material 0 to 3” Mortgage City, to Claacademic improvement Baltimore Depth -or 69,140 goal is the 25%. before at to the Aucoferties loss and for the above-to The Mortgage As-The DBE subject party served chaser(s) fails goSY. to indemnify AucJ. 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l ad

To advertise in the BALTIMORE AFRO

TYPESET: Wed Jan 17 14:49:46 EST 2018



The Afro-American, January 20 - January 26, 2018



known shall enter their appearance in this proceeding. Objections to such appointment (or to the probate of decedent´s will) shall be filed with the Register of Wills, D.C., 515 5th Street, N.W., 3rd Floor Wa s h i n g t o n , D . C . 20001, on from or before Continued C3July 19, 2018. Claims against the decedent shall be TYPESET: Tue Jan 16 17:10:58 EST 2018 presented the underLEGAL NOTICES LEGAL to NOTICES signed with a copy to the Register of Wills or filed DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA WATER AND SEWER with the Register of Wills AUTHORITY (DC WATER) with a copy to the underREQUEST FOR QUALIFICATION STATEMENT signed, on or before July AND PROPOSALS(RFQ/P) 19, 2018, or be forever barred. Persons believed FOR to be heirs or legatees of the decedent who do not receive a copy of this noDC CLEAN RIVERS PROJECT tice by mail within 25 INVITATION FOR BID NO. 170140 - GREEN INFRASTRUCTURE days of its first publicaMAINTENANCE The District of Columbia Water and Sewer Authority (DC Water) requests tion shall so inform the the submittal of a Proposal for IFB No. 170140: Green Infrastructure Main- Register of Wills, includname, address and tenance. This Contract is part of the DC Clean Rivers Project for controlling ing relationship. combined sewer overflows (CSOs) to the District’s receiving waters. Date of Publication: January 19, 2018 Green infrastructure (GI) maintenance is required to comply with the Name of newspaper: requirements of various permits issued by regulatory agencies. The GI Afro-American facilities are designed to reduce runoff volumes currently discharged to the Washington collection system by temporarily storing, infiltrating and evapotranspiration Law Reporter Essie Mae Rembert of stormwater. The RFQ/P package provides all the required information Personal about the GI facilities that are included in the scope of this Contract. Representative

January 20 - January 26, 2018, The Afro-American

BALTIMORE Classifieds

WASHINGTON Classifieds

Continued from C4 TYPESET: Wed Jan 17 14:49:10 2018 LEGALEST NOTICES


An Outreach Meeting will be held on January 25, 2018, from 1:00 pm to 3:00 pm (EST) in the Conference Room located at DC Water?s Blue Plains Visitor Center, 5000 Overlook Ave SW, Washington, DC 20032. All attendees are required to make reservations for this meeting by sending an email to Ms. Isom, providing the name, title and firm name of the attendee(s), by 3:00 pm (EST) on January 19, 2018. Proposals are due on February 15, 2018 by 2 pm (EST). Submissions shall consist of qualifications, technical proposal and cost proposal in a separate sealed envelope. Persons submitting proposals must obtain a visitor’s pass at the Visitor’s Center located at the plant entrance. The proposals shall be directed to: Ms. Kimberly Isom DC Clean Rivers Central Maintenance Facility (CMF), 2nd Floor Blue Plains Advanced Wastewater Treatment Plant 5000 Overlook Avenue SW TYPESET: Tue 16 17:11:18 EST 2018 Washington DC Jan 20032 CITY OF BALTIMORE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS OFFICE OF ENGINEERING AND CONSTRUCITON

Eli J Guiterman, whose address is 2120 L Street, NW, Suite 700, Washington, DC 20037 was appointed personal representative of the estate of Brittany Anne Danisch, who died on February 14, 2017 without a will, and will serve without Court supervision. All unknown heirs and heirs whose whereabouts are unknown shall enter their appearance in this proceeding. Objections to such appointment (or to the probate of decedent´s will) shall be filed with the Register of Wills, D.C., 515 5th Street, N.W., 3rd Floor Wa s h i n g t o n , D . C . 20001, on or before July 19, 2018. Claims against the decedent shall be presented to the undersigned with a copy to the Register of Wills or filed with the Register of Wills with a copy to the undersigned, on or before July 19, 2018, or be forever barred. Persons believed to be heirs or legatees of the decedent who do not receive a copy of this notice by mail within 25 days of its first publication shall so inform the Register of Wills, including name, address and relationship. Date of Publication: January 19, 2018 Name of newspaper: Afro-American Washington Law Reporter Eli J Guiterman Personal Representative



Potomac, MD 20854

Attorney Principal Item of work for thisNOTICE projectOF are: *Sewer cleaning and closed circuit television (CCTV) inspection; APPOINTMENT, *Cured-in-Place Pipe (CIPP) lining of sanitary sewers; NOTICE TO *Excavate and replace segments of sanitary sewers via point repairs; CREDITORS *Manhole repair and rehabilitation work; TO AND NOTICE *Sewer house connection (SHC) repair HEIRS and rehabilitation work; UNKNOWN Ericinstallation Geppert , whose *New manhole and cleanout workad-

To advertise in the WASHINGTON AFRO

NOTICE OF LETTING Sealed Bids or Proposals, in duplicate addressed to the Board of Estimates of the Mayor and City Council of Baltimore and marked for Sanitary Contract No. 962R-Improvements to the Sanitary Sewers in the South East Area of Baltimore City will be received at the Office of the Comptroller, Room 204, City Hall, Baltimore, Maryland until 11:00 A.M. on Wednesday, February 7, 2018. Positively no bids will be received after 11:00 A.M. Bids will be publicly opened by the Board of Estimates in Room 215, City Hall at Noon. The Contract Documents may be examined, without charge, in Room 6 located on the first floor of the Abel Wolman Municipal Building, 200 N. Holliday Street, Baltimore, Maryland 21202 as of Friday, January 19, 2018 and copies may be purchased for a non-refundable cost of $100.00. Conditions and requirements of the Bid are found in the bid package. All contractors bidding on TYPESET: this Contract must prequalified the City Tue Janfirst 16be 17:11:34 EST by 2018 of Baltimore Contractors Qualification Committee. Interested parties should call 410-396-6883 or contact the Committee at 4 South Frederick Street, 4th Floor, Baltimore, Superior MarylandCourt 21202. of If a bid is submitted by a joint venture (”JV”), then in that event, the the document that established of Columbia the JV shall be submittedDistrict with the bid for verification purposes. The PROBATE Prequalification Category required forDIVISION bidding on this project is B02552Washington, D.C. Sewer Construction or G90099-Cured-in-Place Pipe Lining Cost Qualification Range for20001-2131 this work shall be $10,000,000.01 to TRUE TEST COPY Administration No. $15,000,000.00 REGISTER OF WILLS 2017ADM001165 A ”Pre-Bidding Information” session will be conducted at 300 Abel Wolman Geoffrey Allen Geppert Municipal Building, 3rd Decedent Floor Large 01/19, 01/26, 02/2/18 Conference Room on January 2018 at 10:00 A.M. The CCTV videos Patrick 23, J Howley Esq of the sewers included in12505 this project be made available for viewing/ Park will Potomac coping to interested parties at the office of Rummel, Klepper & Kahl, LLP, Avenue 700 East Pratt Street, Suite 500, Baltimore, MD 21202-4919. Refer to IB-8 Patrick J Howley Esq 12505 Park Potomac for additional details.

Call 202-332-0080

d r e s s i s 2 7 3 9 Chesapeake Street, NW, Washington, DC 20006 was appointed personal representative of the SANITARY CONTRACT NO. 962R estate of Geoffrey Allen Geppert who died on AuAPPROVED: gust 18, 2017 without a Bernice H. Taylor will, and will serve withClerk, Board of Estimatesout Court supervision. All unknown heirs and heirs whose whereabouts are APPROVED: Rudolph S. Chow, P.E. unknown shall enter their Director of Public Works a p p e a r a n c e i n t h i s proceeding. Objections TYPESET: Tue Jan 16 17:11:34 2018 (or TYPESET: Tue Jan 16 17:13:40 EST 2018 to such EST appointment to the probate of decedent´s will) shall be Superior Court of filed with the Register of Superior Court of Wills, D.C., 515 5th the the Street, N.W., 3rd Floor District of Columbia District of Columbia Wa s h i n g t o n , D . C . PROBATE DIVISION PROBATE DIVISION 20001, on or before July Washington, D.C. Washington, D.C. 19, 2018. Claims against 20001-2131 20001-2131 the decedent shall be Administration No. Administration No. presented to the under2017ADM001490 2017ADM001165 Geoffrey Allen Geppert signed with a copy to the Essie Mae Rembert Register of Wills or filed Decedent Decedent with the Register of Wills NOTICE OF Patrick J Howley Esq APPOINTMENT, 12505 Park Potomac with a copy to the undersigned, on or before July NOTICE TO Avenue 19, 2018 or be forever CREDITORS Patrick J Howley Esq AND NOTICE TO 12505 Park Potomac barred. Persons believed to be heirs or legatees of UNKNOWN HEIRS Ave the decedent who do not Juel D Rembert , whose 6th Floor receive a copy of this no- address is 3001 Branch Potomac, MD 20854 tice by mail within 25 Avenue, Apt 611, Temple Attorney days of its first publica- Hills, MD 20748 was apNOTICE OF tion shall so inform the pointed personal repreAPPOINTMENT, Register of Wills, includ- sentative of the estate of NOTICE TO ing name, address and Essie Mae Rembert, who CREDITORS relationship. died on November 9, AND NOTICE TO Date of Publication: 2017 without a will, and UNKNOWN HEIRS will serve without Court Eric Geppert , whose ad- January 19, 2018 supervision. All unknown d r e s s i s 2 7 3 9 Name of newspaper: heirs and heirs whose Chesapeake Street, NW, Afro-American whereabouts are unWashington, DC 20006 Washington known shall enter their was appointed personal Law Reporter Eric Geppert a p p e a r a n c e i n t h i s representative of the Personal proceeding. Objections estate of Geoffrey Allen Representative to such appointment (or Geppert who died on Auto the probate of degust 18, 2017 without a cedent´s will) shall be will, and will serve with- TRUE TEST COPY filed with the Register of out Court supervision. All REGISTER OF WILLS Wills, D.C., 515 5th unknown heirs and heirs Street, N.W., 3rd Floor whose whereabouts are 01/19, 01/26, 2/2/18 Wa s h i n g t o n , D . C . unknown shall enter their 20001, on or before July appearance in this 19, 2018. Claims against proceeding. Objections the decedent shall be to such appointment (or presented to the underto the probate of designed with a copy to the cedent´s will) shall be Register of Wills or filed filed with the Register of with the Register of Wills Wills, D.C., 515 5th with a copy to the underStreet, N.W., 3rd Floor signed, on or before July Wa s h i n g t o n , D . C . 19, 2018, or be forever 20001, on or before July

The MBE goal is 18% The WBE goal is 16%

TYPESET: Wed Jan 17 14:49:27 EST 2018



City of Baltimore Department of Finance Bureau of Purchases

RFQ NUMBER: 2017-101

Sealed proposals addressed to the Board of Estimates of Baltimore will be received until, but not later than 11:00a.m. local time on the following date(s) for the stated requirements:

The Baltimore Regional Housing Partnership (BRHP) is soliciting proposals from interested parties to participate in the Project-Based Assistance component of the Baltimore Housing Mobility Program (Program). BRHP seeks to add and assist 75 new units to its Program under this solicitation. All interested parties must submit 1 original and 5 hard copies of the proposal in a sealed envelope labeled appropriately along with an electronic copy according to the instructions contained in the Request for Qualifications (RFQ).

The RFQ must be received by BRHP on or before Friday, February 23, 2018 at 5:00 P.M. EST. The duration of this Contract is from June 1, 2018 to September 30, 2020 TRUE TEST COPY with an option of extension for additional period of two (2) years if approved REGISTER OF WILLS Solicitation documents are available online at by DC Water. The Contract is estimated to cost $1,500,000 to $3,000,000. requests_for_proposals. TYPESET: Tue Jan 16 17:12:10 EST 2018 01/19, 01/26, 02/2/18 Detailed information on the scope of work, procurement process, required Requests for RFQ copies, inquiries and proposals should be directed to: content in the proposal, submittal requirements, and evaluation process are Miriam S. Fuchs, Esq. Superior Court of contained in the RFQ/P document. Senior Counsel and Director of Development the Baltimore Regional Housing Partnership District of Columbia Proposers are on notice that the Contract resulting from this procurement 20 South Charles Street, Suite 801 PROBATE DIVISION will be subject to the contracting and hiring goals outlined in the MemoranBaltimore, Maryland 21201 Washington, D.C. dum of Agreement between DC Water and the Government of the District of 20001-2131 Columbia Regarding Job Opportunities for District Residents and Administration No. TYPESET: Wed Jan 17 15:06:05 EST 2018 Contracting Opportunities for District Businesses for Designing, Con2017ADM1162 structing, Inspecting, and Maintaining Green Infrastructure (Green Jobs Brittany Anne Danisch MOA). Complete details on the Green Jobs MOA and the GI Certification Decedent MARYLAND DEPARTMENT OF THE ENVIRONMENT program can be found at in the Eli J Guiterman Esq. AIR AND RADIATION ADMINISTRATION 2120 L Stret, NW, Suite Resources Section of the webpage. Firms wishing to submit proposals should contact Ms. Kimberly Isom by Washington, DC 20037 email at to obtain the RFQ/P document. It will Attorney NOTICE OF be available for distribution on January 16, 2018, and will be distributed APPOINTMENT, electronically. Access will be limited to one (1) individual from each firm. NOTICE TO E-mails must use the following in the Subject Line: DC Water DCCR GI CREDITORS Maintenance IFB No. 170140, and provide the full name, contact email AND NOTICE TO address and telephone number for the designated individual. UNKNOWN HEIRS



NOTICE OF TENTATIVE DETERMINATION, OPPORTUNITY TO REQUESTA PUBLIC HEARING, AND OPPORTUNITY TO SUBMIT WRITTEN COMMENTS FIRST NOTICE The Department of the Environment, Air and Radiation Administration (ARA) has completed its review of an application for a Permit to Construct submitted by Humanim, Inc. on September 25, 2017 for the installation of one (1) 35 ton per hour brick crushing and screening plant. The proposed installation will be located at 222 N. Calverton Road, Lower Parcel, Baltimore City, Maryland 21223. Pursuant to Section 1-604, of the Environment Article, Annotated Code of Maryland, the Department has made a tentative determination that the Permit to Construct can be issued and is now ready to receive public comment on the application. Copies of the Department´s tentative determination, the application, the draft permit to construct with conditions, and other supporting documents are available for public inspection. Ask for Docket #17-17 at the following locations during normal business hours. Maryland Department of the Environment Air and Radiation Administration 1800 Washington Boulevard Baltimore, Maryland 21230 Enoch Pratt Free Library Edmondson Avenue Branch 4330 Edmondson Avenue Baltimore, MD 21229-1615 (410) 396-0946 Interested persons may request a public hearing and/or submit written comments on the tentative determination. Requests for a public hearing must be submitted in writing and must be received by the Department no later than 20 days from the date of this notice.Written comments must be received by the Department no later than 30 days from the date of this notice. Interested persons may request an extension to the public comment period. The extension request must be submitted in writing and must be received by the Department no later than 30 days from the date of this notice or within 5 days after the hearing (if a hearing is requested), whichever is later. The public comment period may only be extended one time for a 60-day period. All requests for a public hearing, requests for an extension to the public comment period, and all written comments should be directed to the attention of Ms. Shannon Heafey, Air Quality Permits Program, Air and Radiation Administration, 1800 Washington Boulevard, Baltimore, Maryland 21230. Further information may be obtained by calling Ms. Shannon Heafey at 410-537-4433. George S. Aburn, Jr., Director Air and Radiation Administration



The Afro-American, January 20, 2018 - January 26, 2018

January 20, 2018 - January 26, 2018, The Afro-American


Race and Politics

Racism Denial Not Reserved for Whites Only Despite his feeble denials, Donald Trump is a racist. It’s in his DNA. His daddy, Sean Yoes Fred Trump, Baltimore AFRO was arrested at a Ku Klux Editor Klan riot in New York City in 1927. Father and son were both sued by the federal government twice in the 1970’s for refusing to rent apartments to Black people. In the 1990’s Donald Trump took out full page ads in New York newspapers calling for the death penalty for the “Central Park Five,” a group of Black and Hispanic teens accused and convicted

The great Maya Angelou once said, “When someone shows you who they are believe them; the first time.” of raping a White woman. After spending years in jail, all five were exonerated by DNA evidence. Yet, Trump’s bloodlust never wavered, he still believes those young men should have been put to death. Subsequently, there has been bitherism, `Mexican rapists’ and Charlottesville added to Trump’s pantheon of racist episodes. The great Maya Angelou once said, “When someone Continued on D2

18th Annual Martin Luther King Day Parade


Hogan Judicial Appointment Sparks Controversy By Stephen Janis Special to the AFRO

Photo credit: James Fields

Baltimore City State’s Attorney Marilyn Mosby marched in Baltimore’s 18th annual Martin Luther King Day Parade. For more pictures of the MLK parade see AFRO page D4.

Baltimore Area Church News Compiled by Joi Thomas Special to the AFRO

It’s the beginning of a new year and this month we work hard to make 2018 a better one. We commit to New Year’s goals and put plans in place to be successful. Continue on your journey of success. Don’t let your New Year’s resolutions and goals fall by the wayside. If you need a little boost on your journey, see the list below. From revivals to vision board events, there is something listed for you to help you stay the course. Morning Star Baptist Church 1512 Woodlawn Drive Baltimore, Md. 21207 A Major Key Vision Party Jan. 19th 7 p.m.- 9 p.m. Bishop Dwayne C. Debnam, Pastor Speak to My Heart Ministries 3903 W. Belvedere Ave.

Baltimore, Md. 21215 Youth Empowerment SeriesLife Coaching Jan. 20 2 p.m. Bishop Duane Johnson, Pastor

Carter Memorial Church pf Baltimore Church of God in Christ 13 S. Poplin Street Baltimore, Md. 21201 Just Churchin Concert Jan. 21 5 p.m. Bishop. Carl Pierce, Sr., Pastor New Fellowship Christian Community Church 5202 Park Heights Ave Baltimore, Md. 21215 Unity Day Jan. 21 10:45 a.m. and 4 p.m. Bishop David Chaney, Pastor Mt. Hattin Missionary Baptist Church 2409 Aisquith Street Baltimore, Md. 21218 Ascension Prayer Revival

Laura Jude Gardner, Pioneering Engineer and Businesswoman Dies at 72 By Sean Yoes Baltimore AFRO Editor Laura Jude Gardner, the second Black woman hired as a systems engineer at IBM in Baltimore and one of the founding members of the legendary Gatsby’s nightclub, died Jan. 5 at her Sutton Place home in Bolton Hill of natural causes. She was 72. Gardner was born May 13, 1945 to George L. Jude, a former advertising manager at the AFRO and Vashti M. Jude, a Baltimore City Public Schools teacher. After Gardner graduated from Morgan State College in 1967 with a Bachelor’s of Science degree in Mathematics, and she subsequently obtained her Master’s degree in Physical Science at Morgan. After graduating from Morgan, Gardner went to work for

“She was a very interesting person, she lived a very eclectic life.” – Elise Jude Mason

Governor Larry Hogan’s appointment of a judge embroiled in a high-profile discrimination lawsuit has prompted pushback from state leaders and sparked criticism from a possible campaign opponent. Last month Hogan tapped Worcester County State’s Attorney Beau Oglesby to fill a vacancy on the circuit court bench. In 2016 The Worcester County State’s Attorney’s Office was the subject of an Equal Employment Opportunity Commission complaint filed by former Pocomoke police officer

Jan. 24 7 p.m. Rev. Claveron E. Burston, Jr., Pastor House of Judah Ministries 3836 W. Forest Park Ave Baltimore, Md. 21216 16th Church Anniversary Jan. 28 9:30 a.m. and 4 p.m. Bishop Leroy Dyett, Pastor Greater Paradise Christian Center 2900 E. Oliver Street Baltimore, Maryland 21213 New Year Revival Jan. 30 7 p.m. Overseer Shawn Bell, Pastor St. Paul Institutional Baptist Church Youth Ministry Skate Feb. 4 7:00 p.m.- 9:30 p.m. Hotskates 1716 Whitehead Road Woodlawn, Md. 21207 Call the church for tickets at 410504-9753 Rev. Kobi Robertson, Pastor

Courtesy Photo

Last month Hogan tapped Worcester County State’s Attorney Beau Oglesby to fill a vacancy on the circuit court bench.

Frank Savage, chief, Kelvin Sewell and Lt. Lynell Green alleging retaliation. Savage also filed a grievance against Oglesby for repeatedly reading the N-word during a meeting he attended. Although Oglesby claimed the word was included in Continued on D2

Suspects at Large After Police Shootout By Michelle Richardson Special to the AFRO

IBM, where she was the second Black woman hired at the Courtesy Photo company as Laura Jude Gardner was a systems a scientist, pioneering engineer. But, engineer and nightclub despite the owner. prestigious position, she found herself seeking more. “She was a very interesting person, she lived a very eclectic life,” said Elise Jude Mason, Gardner’s sister. Early on during her career at IBM, she connected with two colleagues at the company and the trio decided to venture into another career; the entertainment business. “I think for them, they had been at IBM for a while. They were making good money, but they weren’t passionate about it. That’s when they did it...that’s when Gatsby’s was born,” said Mason, alluding to Gardner and her partners pooling their resources and starting the legendary Gatsby’s disco and supper club in the early 1980’s. On the first floor of Continued on D3

Two suspects are still at large after robbing a downtown Baltimore 7-11 during the early morning hours of Jan. 16 and engaging in a shootout with the police. According to the Baltimore Police Department (BPD), officers responded to a 7-11 convenience store in the 300 block of N. Charles St., around 1:10 a.m, after witnessing a robbery in progress on a CitiWatch camera. According to BDP, monitors of the CitiWatch cameras located the robbery almost immediately and officers responded within a minute. When officers arrived on the scene, the suspects began firing at them and officers returned fire. Both suspects possessed firearms with Continued on D2

Courtesy Photo

Dramatic surveillance photo of a shootout between robbery suspects and Baltimore City Police officers at a downtown 7-11 store.

11 2018 Total


Last Seven Days

Data as of Jan. 17


The Afro-American, January 20, 2018 - January 26, 2018

Race and Politics Continued from D1

shows you who they are believe them; the first time.” So, last week when Trump disparaged Haitians and referred to African nations as, “sh*thole countries,” he already had me at the Central Park Five. Obviously, Donald Trump is a racist. Yet, there are too many White Americans who don’t come to the same conclusion and probably never will. America’s racist right wing has perfected a simple, but insidious defense of racist behavior; maybe it should be called racism denial derangement syndrome. One of the best examples of this foolishness occurred right here in Maryland in 2013 during the CPAC (Conservative Political Action Conference), held at of all places, The National Harbor in Prince George’s County, the wealthiest Black county in America. That year, one of the panels was titled, “Trump the Race Card: Are You Sick and Tired of Being Called a Racist and You Know You’re Not One.” I suspect the title was seen as a pithy play on Trump’s position as king of the birther movement, but it turned out to be a serendipitous instance of foreshadowing. Nevertheless, the discussion was moderated by K. Carl Smith, a Black man and self-described, “Frederick Douglass Republican.” At one point during the discussion Smith said, “When

Douglass came through slavery...he wrote a letter, a letter to his former slave master and said: ‘I forgive you for all the things you did to me.’” And that is when Scott Terry, allegedly a former student at Towson University, interjected, “For giving him shelter and food for all those years?” Other Whites gathered for the forum gasped in horror, while Smith, the so-called, Frederick Douglass Republican and the only Black person in sight, calmly tried to deescalate the situation. Terry attended the CPAC conference with Matthew Heimbach, the White nationalist who founded the White Student Union at Towson University (Heimbach was also the tough White boy who shoved a young Black woman protester at a Trump rally in Louisville, Ky., in March 2016). The point is, even the most virulent racist, when deploying the denial derangement tactic, will find a willing Black or Blacks to provide cover. On Jan. 12, the day after he made the sh*thole countries comment, Trump had the audacity to deliver a speech and sign a proclamation honoring Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. during a White House event. And as he has often done in the past, Trump turned to his ever loyal, yet shrinking, circle of White House Negroes,

comforting as Mammy’s bosom in times of racial strife. Among them was Uncle Ben Carson, Trump’s secretary of HUD. There was also Isaac Newton Farris, Jr., Dr. King’s nephew (just to add more insult to injury).Then there was Trump’s enforcer, the right Rev. Darrell Scott, of Cleveland. When White House reporter April Ryan (a proud Baltimore native) said, “Mr. President, are you a racist?” It was Scott who answered, “no,” in defense of his president. Then, when Ryan replied, “I wasn’t talking to you.” Scott immediately scoffed, “Well, I was talking to you.” Just before Trump exited the room, there was Paris Dennard, the Black conservative commentator, who appeared to whisper sweet nothings into Trump’s ear as he embraced him. Perhaps, he said something like, `Hug me Mr. President, dat way dat mean ol fake news can’t call you a racist no mo.’ Then Trump exited leaving Ryan’s question unanswered. But, the truth is everybody knows the answer to Ryan’s question, even if they want to deny it. Sean Yoes is the AFRO’s Baltimore editor and host and executive producer of the AFRO First Edition video podcast, which airs Monday and Friday on the AFRO’s Facebook page.


Continued from D1

a letter written by a suspect which he read aloud as part of an investigation. Oglesby did not return calls for comment. All the allegations are part of a broader federal discrimination lawsuit filed by Sewell, Savage and Green, which was joined by the Department of Justice. The lawsuit claims Oglesby’s office played a role in retaliating against Savage after he complained about a hostile work environment on a Worcester County Drug task force. Savage was detailed to the specialized unit in 2014. Throughout his assignment he alleges he was subject to racist texts, found a food stamp with Barack Obama’s picture on his desk, and was taken to so-called “KKK lane” by members of the unit. The lawsuit also claims Pocomoke officials fired Sewell in June of 2016 after he refused to terminate Savage when an investigation by Maryland State Police found an officer in the task force

had violated internal policies by sending racially charged texts .(Full disclosure, this reporter wrote a book with Sewell). The appointment was met with skepticism by members of the Maryland Legislative Black Caucus. “We’re not just concerned, we’re outraged,” said Del. Cheryl Glenn, chair of the caucus. “We plan to discuss this with the governor this week.” But it also elicited a rebuke from gubernatorial candidate and former NAACP president Ben Jealous. “Larry Hogan’s appointment of State’s Attorney Beau Oglesby continues a troubling pattern, where time and again Hogan’s nominees have made troubling statements or actions that should make us wonder if they are committed to equal protection and treatment under the law for all Marylanders,” Jealous said.

In an email a spokesperson for Hogan responded by noting that a federal judge ruled that Oglesby had prosecutorial immunity from the lawsuit, and that Oglesby received letters of support from other law enforcement officials. “The Judicial Nominating Commission, which is responsible for vetting potential

“We’re not just concerned, we’re outraged.” – Del. Cheryl Glenn judges, approved and recommended this candidate, and he has the nearly unanimous support of elected officials from both parties on the Eastern Shore, as well as bipartisan support from prosecutors and law enforcement officials across the state,” Hogan spokeswoman Amelia Chasse wrote in an email. One of those supporters, State Prosecutor Emmitt Davit, is part of another facet of the case that also raised concerns among Sewell’s supporters. Davit indicted Sewell a year after he filed the EEOC complaint against Oglesby. The case was based upon a 2014 automobile accident involving an African-American driver who hit two parked cars. A Worcester County jury convicted Sewell in 2016 for misconduct in office for failing to charge him for leaving the scene, even though the driver called police after he drove his car two blocks

from the accident to his home. But the timing of the case and the legal theory that Sewell was criminally culpable for exercising officer discretion prompted several amici filings in an upcoming appeal, charging that Davitt’s case was retaliatory. Bolstering the allegations were emails uncovered during the trial that revealed Oglesby was involved in the investigation, corresponding with Davit’s office and even pointing investigators to the accident and providing documents to bolster the case. “(Maryland State Prosecutor) did not ask Oglesby about any particular incident, but rather put forth an open-ended query inviting Oglesby to conduct his own investigation to identify incidents that could be characterized as improper in some way. This is exactly what Oglesby did, compiling a list of four incidents that he shared with OSP, including the accident that ultimately formed the basis for OSP’s criminal charges,” according to the brief filed by the Civil Rights Law Clinic of Howard University Law School. Co-director of the clinic, Amij Quereshi, says Oglesby’s appointment raises troubling questions about the fairness of the justice system and the ability of victims of discrimination to seek justice. “The selective prosecution of Chief Sewell fits into a long pattern of troubling and discriminatory behavior against African Americans on Maryland’s Eastern Shore. It is extremely disturbing that the Governor would appoint Mr. Oglesby despite these allegations and without a thorough inquiry into his role in this episode,” Querishi said.


Continued from D1


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extended clips. No officers were injured. “Absolute, sheer amazement that no officer was shot during this incident,” said Baltimore Police Chief Spokesman T. J. Smith during a Jan. 16 press conference. According to the officers, both suspects took off on foot and ran in opposite directions. Police are unsure if either suspect was injured by gunfire and are checking local hospitals for walk in victims with gunshot wounds. Multiple residents, who live above the 7-11 , said they were awakened by the gunshots and didn’t know what was happening at first “It was literally right outside our window,” said resident John Leppler. “I saw the guns fired by the police officers and saw them sprinting up the street.” “It was kind of disbelief, to be honest with you...definitely scary,” he said. “Baltimore City’s finest, right here, in a serious gun fight.” He said he did not see any suspects. Residents interviewed by police said this particular 7-11 was robbed multiple times in 2017. Police blocked off a large section of N. Charles, which was closed until 9:00 a.m. Jan. 16 and placed numerous evidence markers near multiple shell casings at the crime scene. “This situation is “absolutely disturbing....These two bad guys didn’t have a care in the world,” said Smith. The street is now open at Saratoga and N. Charles but the 7-11 remains closed. “The store managers are very kind and don’t deserve to be targeted his way,” said Naomi Alfred, the building manager. “I’m thankful that one one was hurt.” “This is unfortunately the norm here in Baltimore City, which is just horrible.” During the surveillance video shown at the press conference Jan. 16,only minimal descriptions of the suspects were provided. The first suspect is described as a tall male wearing a mask and dark coat. The second suspect was described as a shorter man wearing all black with a white scarf tied around his face. There has been a reward offered for those that have information leading to the arrest of both suspects. The ATF, along with the FBI of Baltimore, and Metro Crime Stoppers are offering $24,000. Police said the investigation is ongoing and anyone with any information should call police at 410-366-6341.

January 20, 2018 - January 26, 2018, The Afro-American

Jazz and Comedy to Dance and Laugh

Hello everyone! Girlfriend, this has not been my week! First a dear friend of mine, Tom Saunders passed away after a short illness with cancer. Then, from the tragic to the trivial, at the beginning of the holiday weekend, my computer burned out and I couldn’t find a soul available to fix it until Tuesday after the holiday, than I had rush to do my column before the deadline. Honey child, what can I say, hopefully this too shall pass. Okay, let’s talk about some fun stuff! With the pictures on this page, I already told you about the owner of Caton Castle, Ron Scott’s birthday party, which I know will be out of sight. I have told you all the details about Rickey Shackleford and Howard G’s comedy show. Also, my dear

Bon’na, Baltimore’s own song stylist is celebrating her 50th birthday in fine style featuring live entertainment with the Spindles, Master T, and Ten Karat. The show will be produced and hosted by promoter, Don Jones on Jan. 19, 7p.m.-1 a.m. at the Forest Park Senior Center, 4801 Liberty Heights Avenue. It is cabaret style, BYOB and BYOF. For ticket information, call 443-447-2207.

friend and promoter Don Jones is giving his artist, Bon’na her 50th birthday party at the Forest Park Senior Center. But, what I didn’t tell you is that the Contemporary Arts Inc., is hosting the Ambassadors Jazztet on Jan. 26, starting at 7 p.m. at the Randallstown Community Center, 3505 Resource Drive in Randallstown. The Ambassadors Jazztet


of the United States Field Band followed the example of the legendary Art Blakey and the Jazz Messengers. It is the Army’s premier touring jazz orchestra. So, you know they got to be baaaaaaaaaaaaaad! I think my jazz lovers will enjoy this one. They ask if you will bring a non-perishable item to feed the hungry and you are allowed to bring

Ronald Scott, owner of one of the baddest jazz clubs in Baltimore, Caton Castle, 20 S. Caton Avenue, is celebrating his birthday in a big way Jan. 20, 6 p.m.-10 p.m. The birthday celebration will feature live on stage The George Gray Jazz Coalition of New York, with Endea Owens on bass, George of course on drums, Robert Rutledge on trumpet; Sharp Radway on piano and Terry Koger on alto sax. For ticket information, call 410-5667086.

BWT Productions will present a comedy show and party featuring comedians: Myra, James the Security Man, Ronnevely, D. Ward, Uncle Black, and Brandon Garman. The comedy show will be hosted by Baltimore’s Godfathers of Comedy, Rickey Shackleford and Howard G, Jan. 21, 5 p.m. at the S&S Lounge, 6900 Belair Road in Baltimore. For ticket & vendor information, call 443-226-9157.

non-alcoholic beverages and snacks for yourself. For more information, call 410-9442909. Look folks, I told you I am running late, so I have to go now, I have some more juicy stuff to tell you the next time. But remember if you need me, call me at 410-833-9474 or email me at Until the next time, I’m musically yours.

Tom Saunders passed away Jan. 10 and the viewing is at Vaughn Greene on Liberty Road in Randallstown 4 p.m.-8 p.m., Jan. 19, and the funeral service is 10 a.m. at Trinity Baptist Church 1601 Druid Hill Avenue.

Laura Jude Gardner Continued from D1

the club was the disco, where some of the top DJ’s in the city performed and upstairs was a supper club. Gatsby’s attracted some of the top music acts of the era including Gloria Gaynor and Phyllis Hyman. “Her first love was that Gatsby’s experience,” Mason said. Gardner and her partners also were owners of the Ritz nightclub, which occupied the old Playboy club on Light St., in downtown Baltimore, which attracted partygoers from Baltimore, Washington, D.C. and other locations in the MidAtlantic. “After disco died, it (ownership of Gatsby’s and the Ritz), became financially unsustainable,” according to Mason. After Gatsby’s and the Ritz closed, Gardner moved to Jamaica for a period of time. Years later, in 1998 she obtained a second Master’s degree from Johns Hopkins University. She later began another career, this time as an educator teaching in the Baltimore City Public Schools for 17 years. Gardner taught science to students at the Laurence G. Pacquin School, as well as Booker T. Washington Middle School until her retirement in 2015. Gardner was an accomplished graphic artist, a skilled writer, she enjoyed travel and was a member of the Delta Sigma Theta sorority. She leaves to mourn: her sister Elise Jude Mason, an attorney; her nephew Fred D. Mason, III, an architect; two grand nephews and many first and second cousins.

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The Afro-American, January 20, 2018 - January 26, 2018

MLK Parade princess

Christian and Dwayne, Hug Don’t Shoot

Mayor Catherine E. Pugh and the Baltimore Office of Promotion & The Arts presented the 18th annual parade, celebrating the life of civil rights leader Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., Jan. 15. Many groups participated in the parade including high school and community bands, honor/color guards, equestrian units, fraternities and sororities, dance squads and civic organizations. The grand marshal of this year’s parade was “The Voice” finalist and Baltimore native Davon Fleming. The parade was MC’d by Konan of 92Q. Community partners for MLK Parade included: Radio One:,92Q, Magic 95.9, Praise 106.1, Spirit 1400 and WOLB 1010, The AFRO American Newspapers and Lexington Market.

Bernard “Jack” Young, president, Baltimore City Council

Jill Carter, director of the Baltimore City Office of Civil Rights, with staff members

Baltimore Cease Fire Movement

Larry Young, WOLB Talk 1010

Tristan Lebrew Mayor Catherine Pugh ,Davon Fleming, John Sarbanes and city staff

Ravens Skate Team

Rayona Moore, Adam Zuwallack,Nancheire Butler,Darrin Gray,Rayna Moore and Jared Gandy

N- Full Motion Marching Stallions Band

City wide Goldstarz Marching Band

Photos by James Fields For 43 years, the Kings Landing Women’s Service Club has celebrated the life and legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. with a memorial breakfast in Baltimore. On Jan. 15, the group held its annual MLK Breakfast, one of the Man of the Year recipient, oldest in the nation, at Martin’s West Rev. Damon Cooper with in Woodlawn. Linda Hursey, president The keynote speaker was the Rev. Dr. C. Rev. Dr. C. Anthony Hunt, pastor, Epworth Anthony Hunt, United Methodist pastor, Epworth Chapel was the keynote United Methodist speaker Chapel who Yvonne Woods reiterated some of Howard, the principles of Dr. King. president, Awards were presented to Rev. Damion Cooper, Continental Kenneth Wright Societies, Inc., Man of the Year, Rev. Dr. Christina Holtsclaw, received the Youth Baltimore Lifetime Legacy Award, Kenneth Wright, Youth Achievement Chapter, receives Award Achievement a plaque for the Award. Legacy organization awards were presented to Damitra Sorden-Viera, Betsy D. Simon, Del. Adrienne Jones, speaker Pro Tem, Sen. Shirley NathanPulliam, Dr. Marie Rev. Dr. Bettina J. Washington, Baltimore Chapter Scott, Phyllis Street Dr. Marie J. of The Continental Washington Societies. was a Legacy

Scholarship winners with the Howard L. Cornish Alumni Chapter members and Dr. David Wilson (Pres. MSU)

Honoree Shirley Marcus Buckner Denise DeLeaver, Pat Roberts and Takiea Hinton

Honoree April D. Ryan

The Howard L. Cornish Alumni Chapter sponsored the 33rd Annual Martin Luther King Jr. breakfast on Jan. 13th. The breakfast was held at the Calvin and Tina Tyler Ballroom, at Morgan’s Student Center. Twenty-eight scholarships were awarded and several students were given laptop computers. The MSU Choir and Corey Smith performed. Jandie Smith Turner, CEO of Acuity Sports was the keynote speaker. Andre Hepkins, news anchor for WBAL TV 11 was the M.C. Kent Fisher Furs provided furs and accessories as door prize gifts.

Award recipient

Betsy D. Simon received the Legacy Award

Sen. Shirley NathanPulliam received the Legacy Award

Gloria E. Wayman, Honoree Dr. A. Lois DeLaine, AFRO photographer; Anthony McPhail and Andre Hepkins Mary Brown, Cathy Dison-Kheir, Cheryl Reddick, Linda Vaughn

Dr. Lisa Lucas, Raymond Lucas, Damien Myers

Photos by A. Lois DeLaine

Standing: Gloria E. Wayman , Dr. David Wilson (Pres. MSU), Rev. Dr. Charles Fletcher, Jr. (Pres. MSU Alumni Assoc.), Anthony McPhail (Event Chair.), Seated: Honorees Dr. Jelani Zarif, Dr. Ruthe T. Sheffey, Donald Tynes, Sr., and Dr. A. Lois DeLaine

Keynote speaker Jandie Smith Turner (CEO Acuity Sports)

Corey Smith played a piano selection

William Jackson, Erica M. Waters, Anthony McPhail (Event Chair.) and Marshall Brooks

Photos by Anderson R. Ward

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