Baltimore Washington 3-16-2018

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Volume Volume 127 123 No. No.32 20–22

March 17, 2018 - March 17, 2018, The Afro-American A1 $2.00


MARCH 17, 2018 - MARCH 23, 2018

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Gun Violence Protests

Nation Wide Walkout

The District of Columbia Infrastructure Academy Officially Opens

B1 Cancer Survivor and Amputee Details How She Overcame Adversity




AP Photo/Martha Irvine

High school senior D’Angelo McDade, right, leads a march in Chicago’s North Lawndale neighborhood during a walkout to protest gun violence, Wednesday, March 14, 2018. Across the country, thousands of schools joined Wednesday’s National School Walkout Day as a sign of solidarity with students at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Fla., the scene of a recent school shooting in Florida in which 17 students and educators died.

What Kind of Nation Have We Become When We Fail to Protect Our Children?

Trump Blames Obama for School Shootings

By Rep. Elijah Cummings

By Micha Green, The AFRO, Washington, D.C. editor


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Continued on A3

By Tilesha Brown Special to the AFRO

AP Photo/Gerald Herbert, File

This Feb. 19, 2018 file photo shows Denyse Christian, hugging her son Adin Christian, 16, a student at the school, at a makeshift memorial outside the Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School, where 17 students and faculty were killed in a mass shooting in Parkland, Fla.

When Anicca Harriot went viral in 2016 for calculating the angle of her “dab,” she became a national sensation. But for the girl who knew she wanted to be an astronaut since she was nine years old, that was only the beginning. In 2018, she is standing on the campus of the University of Maryland’s School of Medicine realizing her dreams of, not only reaching space Continued on A4

By Lisa Snowden-McCray Special to the AFRO



Anicca Harriot: Changing the Heart of Space Exploration

Plight of Haitians, Mo’Nique Will Not Be Silenced Salvadorans Lost in DACA Debate

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It’s been a month since the devastating school shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Fla., and with the national gun debate heating up and major protests like the National School Walkout, conservative commentators and the Trump administration are looking for someone to blame. Now, The New York Times reports, Trump is pointing his finger at Barack Obama- or rather a guidance document created by the former president to reduce suspensions and expulsions of minority students. While nation shaking mass shootings have not been committed by Black students,

Mayor Pugh: ‘A City on the Rise’

By now, the video has gone viral: in it, Randallstown, Maryland native, Academy Award winner, and comedian Mo’Nique is wrapping up an intense interview with Charlamagne Tha God and the rest of the crew on the syndicated radio show “The Breakfast Club.” She says goodbye to the other two hosts and then turns her attention to Charlamagne (who she refers to by his real name, Lenard). “We have to explain brothers like you,” she tells him. “And when we watch that movie ‘Birth of a Nation and we saw that man walk his wife into that master’s house, we watched him walk his wife in then we watched him go back in. You’re that brother.” The host doesn’t respond. What is there to say? Mo’Nique has been making the rounds lately, speaking out about what she calls racism and sexism in the entertainment industry. It started back in January, when she posted a video on her Instagram account detailing her beef with the streaming site Netflix: they had offered her $500,000 for a comedy special – much less than they’d offered white woman comedian Amy Continued on A3

More than 250,000 immigrants at jeopardy after losing Temporary Protected Status By Howard University News Service


Comedian and Academy Award winner, Mo’Nique, is speaking out about her experiences with racism and sexism in the entertainment industry.

Rony Ponthieux’s view of the future changes by the day. A Haitian immigrant living in Miami, Ponthieux has been working in the United States under the Temporary Protected Status,TPS, provision since 2010, when he, his wife and two children, then 3 and 10, left Haiti in the wake of the island’s devastating earthquake. Receiving it, he said, was “a miracle for my family.” Ponthieux now works as a nurse and hopes to eventually become a nurse practitioner. But the future changed last year for him and more

Copyright © 2018 by the Afro-American Company

than 250,000 Haitians and Salvadorans when President Trump decided to end the TPS that had been in place under former presidents George Bush and Barack Obama. Now, he and the others have until next year to get permanent status or leave. “Before [the revocation of his TPS], I was able to work, to go to school, to take care of my family,” Ponthieux said, “”and I was okay with that.” It is unclear, he said, what he will do if Congress doesn’t create a way for him and his family to stay in the United States, but he’s not giving up. “We’re still fighting,” he said, “I’m fighting. I feel that Continued on A3


The Afro-American, March 17, 2018 - March 23, 2018

WHAT’S TRENDING ON AFRO.COM “Minorities Hit By Several Bomb Attacks in Austin” By Associated Press

Three package bombs left on doorsteps in suburban neighborhoods have exploded in less than two weeks in Texas’ capital city, killing two people, wounding two others

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Baltimore Office • Corporate Headquarters 1531 S. Edgewood Street Baltimore, Maryland 21227 410-554-8200 • Fax: 1-877-570-9297 Founded by John Henry Murphy Sr., August 13, 1892 Chairman of the Board/Publisher - Frances Murphy Draper (Publisher Emeritus - John J. Oliver Jr.) President - Benjamin Murphy Phillips IV Vice President of Advertising - Kevin E. Peck Receptionist - Wanda Pearson - 410-554-8200 Director of Operations Andre´ Draper - 410-554-8200 Director of Advertising Lenora Howze - 410-554-8271 - Director of Finance Ronald W. Harrison - 410-554-8242 Director of Community & Public Relations Diane W. Hocker - 410-554-8243 Editorial Managing Editor - Kamau High - 410-554-8231 Baltimore Editor - Sean Yoes - 410-554-8289 Washington, D.C. Editor - Micha Green - 202-332-0080, ext. 1119 Editorial Assistant - Takiea Hinton - 410-554-8277 Archivist - Shelia Scott - 443-885-4627 Baltimore Circulation/Distribution Manager Clarence Massey - 410-554-8232 Production Department - 410-554-8288 Advertising Account Executives Baltimore - Robert Blount - 410-554-8246 - Washington, D.C. - Vetta Ridgeway - 202-332-0080-ext. 1104

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and leaving investigators vowing to look at any possible explanation for a motive. Police said the bombings in eastern Austin — two Monday and one on March 2 — (Ricardo B. Brazziell/Austin American-Statesman are likely linked. via AP) All the victims Authorities are investigating the scene in were minorities, East Austin, Texas, after a teenager was and investigators killed and a woman was injured in the are looking into second Austin package explosion in the whether race was past two weeks Monday, March 12, 2018. a factor. However, they backed off initial suggestions that hate crimes could be a core cause. The attacks unfolded as tens of thousands of visitors arrived for the busiest days of the South By Southwest music festival. The gathering didn’t appear related, but police urged tourists to be vigilant while warning residents to call authorities immediately if they receive unexpected parcel deliveries. The first of Monday’s blasts occurred early in the morning when a package was carried into the kitchen and exploded upon being opened, killing a 17-year-old boy and wounding a 40-year-old woman, both of them black. Hours later, authorities were called to the scene of another explosion also triggered by the opening of a package. That blast wounded a 75-year-old Hispanic woman, who was taken to a hospital with potentially life-threatening injuries. Both of those explosions are thought to be linked to another early morning blast, this one on March 2, which killed a black man. Monday’s victims were not immediately identified but police said previously that the March 2 victim was 39-year-old Anthony Stephan House. “This is the third in what we believe to be related incidents over the past 10 days,” Austin police Chief Brian Manley said during the second of two news conferences he held near each of Monday’s explosion sites. At first Manley suggested that the blasts could constitute a hate crime, but later amended that to say authorities had not settled on a motive since the intended targets weren’t clear because multiple people live in the homes where explosives were placed. He also said they may possibly have been left at the wrong addresses. “We are not ruling anything out at this point,” Manley said. Investigators refused to provide many details about how the explosives were packaged, citing the ongoing investigation. But Manley described them as “not particularly large.” In all three cases, he said, the packages did not appear to have gone through the U.S. Postal Service or private carriers, but were left on doorsteps without knocking or ringing doorbells. In a tweet, organizers of South By Southwest said they were “heartbroken by the explosions” and urged visitors to stay safe. Texas Gov. Greg Abbott offered a $15,000 reward for information leading to an arrest. Manley told festival-goers, “There’s no reason to believe that you are at any greater risk.” But he added that they should “be aware” and “look for things that are suspicious.” Four years ago, a driver plowed through a barricade and into a crowded street of South By Southwest revelers, killing four people and injuring many

others. Extra security measures were taken, including additional policing, tougher security checks and brighter street lighting. Keith Reynolds lives near the site of Monday’s second blast and said he heard what sounded like a propane explosion. He rushed outside and saw a cloud of hazy smoke and people running to help. “There was a horrible screaming. You knew that something terrible was happening,” Reynolds said, adding that the victim’s body was riddled with holes as emergency responders took her out of the house. There was nothing obvious linking the three areas where the bombs exploded, other than all were east of Interstate 35 that divides the city. The east side has historically been more heavily minority and less wealthy than Austin’s west side, although that has changed as gentrification has raised home prices and rents everywhere. It is also less true on the city’s northern outskirts, closer to where the first explosion occurred and where major firms like Dell, Apple and Samsung have sprawling complexes. Monday’s first blast happened in Springdale Hills, a leafy neighborhood of houses mostly from the 1960s and 1970s. That was about 12 miles (20 kilometers) south of the home where the March 2 package bombing occurred. Monday’s second explosion, meanwhile, occurred about 5 miles (8 kilometers) south of the day’s first blast. “It’s just a regular family neighborhood,” Reynolds said. “It’s just a grandmother, you know what I mean? Like, why?” From his house at the end of the same street, 77-year-old retiree Gilbert Rendon heard the boom of Monday’s second blast and then saw a crush of scared people running his way — barefoot neighbors, some carrying babies with dogs chasing behind. “They’re saying, ‘Somebody put a bomb! Somebody put a bomb!” Rendon said. FBI teams are investigating along with the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives. Manley said anyone receiving a package they don’t recognize should call 911. “Under no circumstances should you touch them, move them or handle them in any way,” he said.

More Than Two Dozen Members of ‘Murdaland Mafia’ Charged By Sean Yoes Baltimore AFRO Editor

The alleged leader of a Baltimore area drug gang, along with a dozen of its members, have pleaded guilty to racketeering (photo: Twitter) and various other Members of “Murdaland Mafia Piru,” charges. including Dante Bailey, 37, (center) aka Takuma Tate, “Gutta,” or “Almighty.” 39, of Baltimore pleaded guilty March 13, “to participating in a racketeering enterprise known as Murdaland Mafia Piru (MMP) and conspiracy to distribute controlled substances,” stated the office of Acting U.S. Attorney Stephen Schenning. According to the U.S. Attorney, Tate, aka, “Oop” or “Ook,” was one of 26 alleged MMP members charged in the case, 13 have already pleaded guilty to their part in the racketeering conspiracy. According to court documents, MMP is a subset of the Bloods gang, structured similarly to the Italian Mafia, which controlled large segments of the drug trade in Northwest Baltimore City and parts of Baltimore County. “Members and associates of MMP operated street-level drug distribution “shops” in various locations in Baltimore City and distributed heroin, cocaine, crack cocaine, fentanyl, and marijuana, among other controlled substances,” according to the U.S. Attorney’s statement. “The gang’s drug shop in the 5200 block of Windsor Mill Road was particularly lucrative due to its close proximity to Interstate 70 and frequently attracted drug customers driving from Western Maryland and neighboring states.” All but one (Dwight Jenkins, aka “Huggie” or “Unc,” age 48) of the dozens of defendants charged are in their 20’s or 30’s. According to court documents, alleged gang members engaged in organized criminal activity from at least 2011 to 2017. According to the U.S. Attorney’s office, Tate will be sentenced to 10 years in prison, with five years of supervised release, pending the Court’s approval. U.S. District Court Judge Catherine C. Blake has scheduled sentencing for June 19, 2018, at 9:15 a.m.


The Afro-American, March 17, 2018 - March 17, 2018

Trump Blames Continued from A1 the Trump administration is arguing the reining in of disciplinary efforts could let a murderer slip through the proverbial cracks. This week the president drew the connection between the disciplinary plan protecting minority students when he announced that Education Secretary Betsy DeVos will lead a school safety commission that will examine the “repeal of the Obama administration’s ‘Rethink School Discipline’ policies.” Civil rights activists are not surprised by Trump’s deflection about mass shootings and the national gun debate. “Yet again, the Trump administration, faced with a domestic crisis, has responded by creating a commission to study an unrelated issue in order to ultimately advance a discriminatory and partisan goal,” Sherrilyn Ifill, president and director-counsel at NAACP Legal Defense and Educational Fund Inc., told the {The New York Times}. Since Rethink School Discipline was proposed it has been a major topic of controversy among lawmakers, citizens, and those who work in education. As racial bias was well documented in school suspensions and expulsions, the Obama-era policy gained a lot of support from civil rights activists, concerned parents and citizens, and teachers and administrators who have seen firsthand the harm that comes with the discrimination of removing minority students out of the classroom. Yet conservatives are convinced Rethink School Discipline is putting students in more danger. “Evidence is mounting that efforts to fight the school-to-prison pipeline is creating a school climate catastrophe and has if anything

put at-risk students at greater risk,” said Max Eden, a senior fellow at the Manhattan Institute, told (The New York Times}. Eden argues teacher bias had nothing to do with school discipline. When Obama first issued Rethink School Discipline, federal data reported that Black students without disabilities were more than three times as likely as their white counterparts to be expelled or suspended. Further, the report found that Hispanics and African Americans accounted for 50 percent of students who were involved in school-related arrests or referred to law enforcement. Moreover, since Obama’s initial investigation, DeVos’ own administration has continued to uncover racial disparities, such as in November when the Education Department found that a California school was doling out harsher treatment to Native American students than their white associates. In the case of Parkland shooter, Nikolas Cruz, while it is known that he was repeatedly kicked out of class and eventually expelled, it is unclear if he was ever actually referred to law enforcement because of his behavior in school. Nonetheless, the police knew about Cruz and never arrested him, and a report about his worrisome behavior given to the F.B.I. was overlooked. While Marco Rubio said the school district’s disciplinary policies was the reason for Cruz’s rampage, Robert Runcie, Broward County superintendent, said that connection was imprudent. “We’re not going to dismantle a program that’s been successful in the district because of false information that someone has put out there,” Runcie wrote on Twitter. “We will neither manage nor lead by rumors.”

Mo’Nique Continued from A1 Schumer for her work, or Black, male comedians Chris Rock and Dave Chappelle for his. The move started a debate: was Mo’Nique really deserving of the cash she was asking for? Is it smart for her to be this vocal? Isn’t there a better way to resolve the issue? Charlamagne was one of her detractors, and had named her Donkey of the Day for the move (a designation he gives people he thinks have behaved inappropriately or foolishly). That’s why Mo’Nique was on the show. She explained more about that moment speaking over the phone last week.

regret what she’s doing. “For me, everything in my body says this is what you’re supposed to be doing,” she told the AFRO. “There are people saying ‘oh, I’m nervous for Mo’Nique. You know, what if this blackballs her even more?’ And what I say to people: I sleep really good at night,” she said. “And I have a great time with my family because I’m not fearful.” She said she feels it’s important to be this vocal because the situation is serious. It won’t change otherwise. “There are some people that said ‘I understand

“For me, everything in my body says this is what you’re supposed to be doing.” –Mo’Nique “I know what it is to be protected by our Black men because I have one. And I was sitting there watching that young brother do the work of ‘I will belittle, demean, degrade. I will do the work of the master,’ she said. “I’ve watched other interviews he’s had with sisters – Nicki Minaj, Little Kim and you watch this brother have a devaluing of his sisters.” She’s also had some very public pushback from Whoopi Goldberg on the ABC daytime talk show “The View,” who told Mo’Nique that she was being unprofessional. Mo’Nique said she doesn’t

what Mo’Nique is saying, but don’t you think it’s a bit extreme to call for a boycott?’ And I agree with them. It is extreme. But don’t you think inequality is extreme? Don’t you think injustice is extreme? Don’t we think racism and sexism is extreme?” She said that she’s not just doing this for her, though. She hopes that her fight now makes it easier for future generations. “Every moment makes it easier for the next moment. Which means every sister makes it easier for the next sister,” the comedian said. “I can’t sit back and say I’m making it easier – no,

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every sister makes it easier. Marsha Warfield and Thea Vidale, they made it easier for Mo’Nique and Sommore. We’ll make it easier for the next ones.” She also has nothing but encouragement for comedian Tiffany Haddish, who recently announced her own deal with Netflix (she didn’t disclose how much she was being paid). “People were making comments to her about it and it’s like wait a minute ya’ll. Get off my baby,” Mo’Nique said. “People think Tiffany is brand new, that sister been putting in the work.” About halfway through the conversation, Mo’Nique was joined by her husband Sidney Hicks, another Randallstown native who has known her since they were both kids. Some have taken issue with the very vocal and visible role Hicks plays in Mo’Nique’s career, he’s her manager but he also usually accompanies her on interviews with the media. The two also have a podcast together, called Mo’Nique and Sidney’s Open Relationship. They are partners, they told me, and this is the way they want it. “If you notice, Mo’Nique communicates in her way and I communicate in my way,” Hicks said. “So what happens is, my job is to set it up and her job is to knock ‘em down and that’s what we do as a team.” The two also have some thoughts about Rachel Dolezal, the white woman who gained notoriety for living for a stretch of time as a Black woman, and who will also soon have a documentary on Netflix. “Well, I am going to become a white woman and then see what kind of deal that I’ll get,” she said after a pause and with a chuckle. “And what we said the other day on our podcast is simply put,” Hicks added. “What she found out [is], it’s better to play a Black woman than to be a Black woman. Or should I say more profitable.”

March 17, 2018 - March 23, 2018, The Afro-American


Help the AFRO Celebrate Amazing Black Women The AFRO is excited to join the nationwide celebration of women this March in recognition of this year’s National Women’s History Month. From now until April 21st, we will be highlighting prominent African-American women who have contributed to significant events in history and continue to do so in their respective fields. We invite you to share your stories, your achievements and your perspective on the pioneering role women have played in American history. If you, or someone you know, holds a leadership role and deserves to be celebrated this month for their contributions to American history, please submit the following information to our editorial team: L Candidate’s Name L Candidate’s role in the organization L Candidate’s contact information L A short summary of the candidate’s historic achievements (200 words or less) L Headshot of candidate

Submissions will be reviewed and chosen for publication by the AFRO based on the significance of each candidates’ contributions. All choices are at the discretion of the AFRO. Send submissions to by April 14.

After the White House’s initial decision to terminate TPS provisions in last November and Trump’s “sh*thole countries” comment Continued from A1 in January in reference to Haiti and African nations, organizers in Miami and the District something will happen.” of Columbia have held a number of protests. As Congress and America continue to They have also made several trips to debate the plight of 700,000 children brought Washington, hoping to galvanize lawmakers to the country as infants by their parents, who, according to Bastien, “lack courage” so-called “Dreamers,” lost in conversation when it comes to acting on immigration is the fate of about 50,000 Haitians and legislation. 200,000 Salvadorans were allowed to enter Two of those could be Florida Sens. Marco the U.S. temporarily after their countries Rubio and Bill Nelson. Bastien is urging Rubio were devastated by earthquakes in 2010 and and Nelson to protect the thousands of TPS 2001. They will have until September 2019 to recipients in Florida and to remind the rest of gain legal immigrant status or be arrested and the country of the importance of Haitians and deported. Salvadorans in the immigration debate. Currently, a handful of representatives Rubio, chair of the Senate Foreign have proposed bipartisan legislation that Relations Subcommittee on the Western would grant permanent legal residency to TPS Hemisphere, wrote an opinion article in the migrants from Haiti, El Salvador, Nicaragua Miami Herald, the city’s daily newspaper, and Honduras. lauding Haitian’s contributions to Florida’s Their bill would grant qualified migrants economy. the option of adjusting their legal status from Revocation of the TPS, he said, “will have an immediate and serious impact on individuals, families, and communities in Florida, and a consequential and enduring impact on our friends in Haiti.” Still, neither Rubio nor Nelson has introduced legislation or signed onto bills to protect those immigrant groups. Antonio Woodbridge said he and his wife came to the United States to escape natural disaster and political turmoil in El Salvador following Courtesy photo its earthquake in 2001. Haitians who came to the United States after a 2010 Woodbridge, who works as a earthquake ravaged the country had their Temporary detailer in an auto mechanic Protected Status revoked by the Trump Administration. facility in northern Virginia is The have until September 2019 to gain legal status, leave a member of the national TPS voluntarily or be arrested and deported. Alliance that connects TPS recipients from all recipient countries. temporary to legal permanent resident if they He said he and his wife fall under TPS received TPS status prior to January 2011. provisions while his eldest daughters are The bill is backed by Republican enrolled in DACA and his youngest two representatives Carlos Curbelo and Ileana children are American citizens. The mixed Ros-Lehtinen and Democratic representatives status of those in his household has them Frederica Wilson and Alcee Hastings. All concerned, he said. represent districts in central and south Florida “I don’t have a plan B,” Woodbridge said with large Haitian and Salvadoran populations. about not being able to remain in the United Wilson wrote a series of tweets pointing out States. “[I] was planning my future before. I what she said are the consequences of ending got my roots over here already. TPS for some. “There is no future over there. There is no “The reality is that in six months, Haiti will future for my children. I want my children to still be in no position to absorb and aid 58,000 become doctors. I want my children to be a unemployed people,” Wilson wrote. “It will part of the problem solving.” still be recovering from the 2010 earthquake Bastien and others argue that TPS should and the subsequent cholera epidemic imported remain in effect because Haiti and El Salvador by U.N. peacekeepers that has killed 10,000.” are not suitable for return. Rep. Elijah Cummings (D-Baltimore), represents a district with nearly 300,000 Salvadoran migrants. He echoed Wilson’s sentiment. “Rather than destroy the lives of families who have found refuge here from natural disasters and economic despair, the Trump - Rony Ponthieux Administration should act to ensure that individuals on TPS can continue to work and They point to a study by the Center for Law support themselves and their families and and Social Policy that said the devastation contribute both to the United States and to from the 2010 earthquake in Haiti, including the reconstruction of their home countries,” cholera, widespread poverty and most recently Cummings said in a statement after the initial a diphtheria outbreak, would only be worsened White House announcement. if the Haitians under TPS in America return Marlene Bastien, executive director of the now. immigrant advocacy group Haitian Women of “If you look at the laws pertaining to TPS, Miami, said her office has been receiving calls you’ll find that Haiti not only qualifies for from families who are unsure of their next continuation of TPS but that it qualifies for steps. Bastien said the revocation has left her renewal of TPS,” Bastien said. “shocked and concerned.” Meanwhile, Salvadorans who return would “We realized that the termination wasn’t fall prey to vicious, highly organized gangs based on the rules and the facts on the ground, who now control about 60 percent of the but probably on race,” she said. “Immigration, country, they argue. after all, is a racial issue.”


“I’m fighting. I feel that something will happen.”


The Afro-American, March 17, 2018 - March 23, 2018

March 17, 2018 - March 17, 2018, The Afro-American


CBC Probe into NCAA is Cautiously Supported By James Wright Special to the AFRO While sports professionals are happy to see that the Congressional Black Caucus (CBC) will set up a task force to consider illegal payments of student-athletes at NCAA schools, they hope that something substantive will come from the effort. “I hope that this is not a dog-and-pony show,” said Marvin Tucker Sr., the executive director of the District of Columbia-based OCASE Foundation which helps young people appreciate the value of athletics and academics through various programs. On March 8, the CBC announced it is launching an NCAA task force that will be led by U.S. Rep. Cedric Richmond (D-La.), the chairman of the organization, “in light of recent reports” about NCAA rule violations regarding the payment of student-athletes. “The purpose of this task force is to assess the treatment of student-athletes, including the extent to which they are able to get a college education, and the money that influences college sports, including the revenue that is generated by the student-athletes themselves,” Richmond said in a statement. “In the coming weeks, the CBC will engage college players, coaches and administrators, as well as leaders at the NCAA to determine what if anything needs to be done at the federal level to ensure

student-athletes are getting what they’re is when certain people, like runners (front giving to our most prestigious colleges and men) for sports agents, agents themselves, universities.” and boosters of the institutions, give athletes The CBC is basing its contentions on a money or gifts in violation of NCAA based Feb. 23 article on Yahoo on being benevolent or Sports that detailed helping a young person. the “loan” payments to Archie Beslow is the college athletes that are in head junior varsity football violation of NCAA rules. coach at Archbishop University and college Carroll High School in the athletes are forbidden to District of Columbia. He receive financial assistance has a non-profit, “Coach 2 from non-family members Mentor” and has published because their athletic a book “The Parent, The and academic careers Coach, The Mentor.” are covered by NCAA Beslow has coached universities totally. several Carroll students However, the that have gotten college scholarship doesn’t allow football scholarships and student-athletes much knows the athletic college spending money and they recruiting landscape well. can get employment but it Beslow told the AFRO must be approved by the that he is encouraged university in accordance to by the CBC task force. AFRO File Photo NCAA guidelines. “Everybody should be held U.S. Rep. Cedric Richmond is the The problem for many to high standards and that chairman of the Congressional African-American students, includes the NCAA,” he Black Caucus. particularly those who said. “Young people should play Division I football be going to college to get a and basketball, is that they tend to come from degree and an education not just to play sports. low-income and working-class families and I understand that things do go on at these often cannot afford out of pocket to pay for institutions but the rules should be followed if the colleges and universities they attend. This they aren’t changed.”

When asked whether student-athletes should be paid in addition to their scholarship, Beslow said yes. “I think they should be paid,” he said. “These young people generate a lot of money for these colleges and often have nothing to show for it.” Tucker hopes that the CBC NCAA task force is beneficial for student-athletes. “We have had round tables and discussions about the problems that Black student-athletes have and what has happened and from my viewpoint, not much,” he said. Tucker said the CBC should focus on student-athletes who often don’t get to go to the professional level and leave college without a degree and little education. “They aren’t marketable and they have to go to work at K-Mart at the cashier level,” he said. “That’s not right.” Tucker said it costs about $42,000 a year to attend the University of Maryland, College Park and that’s hard for a college student to pay. “A typical D.C. resident cannot pay that and neither can most Marylanders,” he said. “If not for the athletic scholarship, they would have to take out student loans and they will leave college in debt with or without a degree.” Tucker said the CBC should not solely have college presidents, elite athletic directors and athletes to testify before it. “They need to have the parents of these student-athletes to testify also,” he said.

Harriot Continued from A1 one day, but also changing the very heart of space exploration— something she didn’t even know she could do all those years ago. “This is my favorite story,” Harriot told the AFRO, “When I was in the fourth grade, I decided that I wanted to be a pediatric cardiovascular surgeon and an astronaut. And my dad saw my passion and told me that I could probably study how the heart changes in outer space. At the time, that didn’t sound like a real thing. But lo and behold, here I am all these years later and that is essentially what I do.” Harriot is a Biochemistry and Molecular Biology PHD student and her research deals with something called mechanotransduction. Essentially, it’s the research of how the lack of gravity during space missions affects astronauts’ muscle and bone cell function. Simply put, she works to create therapies to protect astronauts from losing muscle mass and bone mass in outer space. Currently, the main way that astronauts keep from developing degenerative diseases like osteoporosis is to keep up a lot of exercise in space. This requires them to spend hours a day staying active,

color that want to be in STEM, but they don’t see it as a place for them. So showing that it is, is what’s most important to me.”

her way. “I think I should get my driver’s license first,” she said laughing, “That might help.”

“There are a lot of young women of color that want to be in STEM, but they don’t see it as a place for them. So showing that it is, is what’s most important to me.” –Annica Harriot Annica Harriot hopes to become the first African American woman to go to Mars. which means that they can’t use that time to conduct experiments for exercises, that are not necessarily fully effective. Often times, when astronauts return to Earth, their road to recovery is still long and arduous. With the right therapies put in place to protect astronauts, though, Harriot thinks that they could see increased efficiency in the work that they’re able to do in space. That means there could be an increased potential for sending people to Mars

and other deep space travel missions in the future. “I think my work is the first step in realizing that greater potential,” Harriot said, “and it also increases the number and duration of space missions that one individual can do in their lifetime.” Harriot’s academic career began at Poolesville High School’s Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM) program. Located in Montgomery County in Maryland, it’s one of the top programs in the country. After graduation, she was accepted to Regent University where she earned her undergraduate degree in Biophysical Sciences in just three years. Then, just six weeks later, she was starting her PhD program at the University of Maryland. Since 2016, she’s been named one of Mortherboard VICE’s “Humans of the Year”, been featured as a speaker at the Congressional Black Caucus in 2016 as part of the White House Initiative on Educational Excellence for AfricanAmericans, and she’s appeared in classrooms all across the country because of that viral video where she calculated the angle of her “dab,” a popular dance move. At first, she just thought it would be funny meshing science and dance, but she was surprised that it became a way for teachers to get their students actively involved in math lessons. For students to reach out to her and say they were excited about seeing her video in their classrooms was inspiring. Since then, she’s become even more passionate about changing the way people portray the future of STEM. “When I talk about paving the way for others or being an example… I don’t mean to inspire young women to be interested in STEM. They already are,” she said, “there are a lot of young women of

When asked what advice she might give little girls aspiring to pursue careers in outer space, she said they can start now by getting to know what goes on underneath the hood of a car. It turns out, it may not be as different from a space vehicle as one might think and it can give you a leg-up when it comes time to apply for a spot in NASA’s space program. Harriot’s ultimate goal is to become the first African-American woman to go to Mars. In fact, when she earned her undergraduate degree in 2017, she became eligible to apply to become an astronaut and a pilot. There’s just one thing standing in

If her professional circle is any indication, she’ll be off to the red planet in no time. Right now, she has the full support of Jedidah Isler, the first African-American woman to get a PHD in Astro Physics from Yale. Further, Harriot has recently formed a relationship with Margot Shetterly, author of the best-selling book Hidden Figures, which highlights Katherine Johnson’s breakthrough achievements within NASA. Shetterly told the AFRO, “Anicca is one of those exceptionally talented people who’s going to be running the world one day, sooner than later if we are lucky.” To this, Harriot only laughed and whispered, “No pressure, right?”

Courtesy Photos

Annica Harriot first became famous after she posted a video calculating the degrees of her dab, a dance move she is seen doing above.

March 17, 2018 - March 23, 2018, The Afro-American

Dr. Gloria J. Gibson Is the First

AP Photo/Chris Pizzello

Rapper/producer Sean “Diddy” Combs watches the second half of the NBA All-Star basketball game, Sunday, Feb. 18, 2018, in Los Angeles. He is in the running to be a partner in purchasing the Carolina Panthers

Diddy Back In the Running to Buy the Panthers By Perry Green AFRO Sports Editor Sean “Diddy” Combs may be back in the running as a potential buyer of the NFL’s Carolina Panthers, only this time as a potential minority owner, not as the principal owner. According to ESPN’s David Newton, billionaire businessman Michael Rubin has been putting together a diverse business group to purchase the Panthers, and he’s in the process of getting Combs to join as one of the group’s members. Diddy first expressed his desire to buy the Panthers after principal owner Jerry Richardson announced back in December 2017 that he would be selling the team in the midst of a sexual misconduct scandal. Diddy received tons of public support from wealthy, high profiled figures, including NBA star Steph Curry, who

reportedly is also in the process of joining Rubin’s group. Neither Combs nor Curry have the wealth to purchase the Panthers as principal owners; the Panthers were valued at $2.3 billion by Forbes, while Diddy’s net worth is estimated at roughly $825 million. But with Rubin leading the group, they actually have a chance. As the owner of Fanatics, the world’s leading online seller of licensed sports merchandise, Rubin’s net worth is valued at $3 billion, according to Forbes. He’s also already a co-owner of the NBA’s Philadelphia 76ers. According to ESPN, Rubin’s name began to surface as a serious potential buyer this Sunday; other serious potential buyers reported include billionaires David Tepper and Ben Navarro. ESPN reported that the Panthers expect official bids for the team to start coming in throughout the month of March, but the league probably won’t approve any potential buyer until the next owners meeting, scheduled in May.


According to an article reported by the Chicago Tribune, Northeastern Illinois University will offer Dr. Gloria J. Gibson the office of its presidency. She would be the first African American woman to hold the office in the university’s history. Gibson, Morgan State University’s provost and senior vice president, was chosen from four finalists this week and, according to reports, she is set to officially begin her term Dr. Gloria J. Gibson June 1. would be the first African Gibson received both American woman to her bachelor’s and master’s serve as president for degrees in music education Northeastern Illinois from Southern Illinois University. University in Edwardsville as well as a doctorate in folklore from Indiana University. She has held teaching and administrative roles at Arkansas State University, Indiana University, and the University of Northern Iowa, where she temporarily took on the role of president in 2011. She has held the position of Morgan State’s provost since 2015. David Wilson, president of Morgan, tells the AFRO he is confident that Gibson will do exceedingly well. “Dr. Gibson has been an invaluable addition to our leadership at Morgan. In her three years as provost, she provided the leadership to reform our tenure and promotion policies and to put in place numerous online degree programs,” Wilson said, “While we will miss her at Morgan, I am extremely happy that she is getting an opportunity to provide leadership at a higher level and know that she will be successful in this new role.” Northeastern’s board of trustees will vote on Gibson’s contract in the coming weeks. Gibson’s predecessor and interim president, Richard J. Helldobler, is set to become president of William Paterson University in New Jersey upon his departure. Gibson’s three contenders for the role included Sukhwant Jahj, vice provost for academic innovation and student success at Portland State University in Oregon; Carlos Medina, vice chancellor and chief diversity officer at State University of New York; and Maria Guarjardo, deputy vice president at Soka University in Tokyo.


The Afro-American, March 17, 2018 - March 23, 2018

Women’s March Leader Defends Herself for Attending a Farrakhan Event By Micha Green Washington, D.C. Editor

now?” Mallory wrote. Mallory said she has been attending Saviour’s Day for over 30 years. She began going as a child with her parents, and then began attending on her own once her son’s father

Tamika Mallory, Women’s March organizer and copresident, defended herself, after she faced backlash for attending Saviour’s Day 2018 last month, where the Rev. Louis Farrakahn made several controversial, anti-Semitic and homophobic remarks. “I didn’t expect my presence at Saviour’s Day to lead anyone to question my beliefs,” Mallory wrote in a News One op-ed. –Tamika Mallory According to CNN’s Jake Tapper, Farrakhan called “powerful Jews” his enemy and said they were to blame for “all this filth and degenerate behavior that Hollywood was killed about 17 years ago. is putting out turning men into women and women into “In that most difficult period of my life, it was the men. women of the Nation of Islam who supported me and I Claiming that they ruled the media and United States have always held them close to my heart for that reason,” government, Farrakhan argued that Jewish people she wrote. are trying to use their influence to grow the LGBTQ Beyond her personal ties, Mallory said that she needed community and force the FBI to push to legalize to be at Saviour’s Day because her leadership role requires marijuana in order to “feminize” Black men. her to be in such spaces. As a public figure in the current struggle for women’s “Where my people are is where I must also be. I go equality and a collaborative activist in the fight for rights into difficult spaces,” Mallory wrote. of many marginalized groups, Mallory said she is aware Because of her various ties to organizations, Mallory of the pain her presence at Saviour’s Day might have said it is not fair to judge her. caused. “It is impossible for me to agree with every statement “I have heard the pain and concerns of my LGBTQAI or share every viewpoint of the many people who I have siblings, my Jewish friends and other Black women,” worked with or will work with in the future. As I do not Mallory wrote. “I affirm the validity of those feelings, wish to be held responsible for the words of others when and as I continue to grow and learn as both an activist my own history shows that I stand in opposition to them, and as a woman, I will continue to grapple with the I also do not think it is fair to question anyone who works complicated nature of working across ideological lines with me, who supports my work and who is a members of Courtesy photo this movement because of the ways that I may have fallen and the question of how to do so without causing harm to Tamika Mallory says she has been going to Louis Farrakahn’s Saviour’s vulnerable people,” she wrote. short here or in any other instance,” she wrote. Day events for 30 years. Yet, while Mallory said she understands the She now wants people to understand that with the damaging effect of Farrakhan’s comments, she does not varying views that convoy the massive movement for comprehend why the very movement she helped build would want to tear her down. equality, it is important to create new spaces for progress. “I am the same woman who helped to build an intersectional movement that fights for the rights “My fellow Women’s March leaders believe that we can be the bridge to connect different of all people and stands against hatred and discrimination of all forms. I am the same person today groups in the name of our shared liberation. We don’t just step into difficult spaces, we create new that I was before Saviour’s Day, which begs the question- why are my belief’s being questioned ones,” she wrote.

“Where my people are is where I must also be. I go into difficult spaces.”

Ice Cube’s BIG3 League Fires Roger Mason for Allegedly Pocketing Money, But Mason Claims League is Racist By Perry Green AFRO Sports Editor Ice Cube will reportedly take over as commissioner of his own BIG3 basketball league after details surfaced of the former commissioner allegedly pocketing money. According to TMZ Sports, former Washington Wizards guard Roger Mason, Jr. was recently fired as BIG3 Commissioner for his ties and loyalty to investors who apparently were paying Mason money without meeting their full financial obligations to the league. “We are writing to inform you of the decision by the BIG3 to terminate the Courtesy of Ice Cube’s Instagram employment of Roger Mason Rapper Ice Cube will serve as commissioner of his own Jr. for cause under the terms BIG3 basketball league. of his employment agreement with the league,” a BIG3 spokesperson said, according to a letter sent to TMZ. According to TMZ, two Qatari investors named Ayman Sabi and Ahmed Al-Rumaihi are m being sued by Cube’s league. Mason was reportedly fired after he refused to cooperate with the league’s suit against the investors; he even showed a public display of support for Sabi and AlRumaihi by posting a photo with the two investors on Instagram reportedly after new broke of the lawsuit. But Mason fired back at the BIG3, denying the league’s allegations. According to TMZ Sports, Mason said BIG3 co-founder Jeff Kwatinez is the real reason behind his termination. “[Kwatinez] made countless unfounded attacks on my integrity, character, and leadership,” Mason told TMZ. “The work environment at BIG3 has been hostile and racist resulting in the departure of valuable League personnel. Among other matters, a former employee of BIG3 recently told me that Kwatinetz has repeatedly referred to Black athletes as ‘rich n**gers.’” A BIG3 spokesperson responded to Mason’s comments. “Mason’s claims do not require a dignified response beyond the fact that they are preposterous and false.” The BIG3 is a 3-on-3 pro basketball league that features former NBA players who still can play, but are past their prime NBA careers, founded by Cube in 2017.

March 17, 2018 - March 23, 2018, The Afro-American


Meek Mill’s Conviction Likely To Be Reversed By Sean Yoes Baltimore AFRO Editor

Courtesy Photo

Rapper Meek Mill may be released from jail because a police offer allegedly lied during a 2008 trial.

Philadelphia rapper Meek Mill, who has remained jailed on a weapons and drugs conviction, may be released from jail soon, because a police officer lied during Mill’s 2008 trial, according to the Philadelphia District Attorney’s office. Mill has been in jail or under house arrest for more than two years due mainly to probation violations, but according to a report by TMZ, the Philadelphia District Attorney’s office said there is, “a strong

showing of likelihood,” Mill’s conviction will be reversed because of a police corruption scandal in Philadelphia, which has already caused hundreds of other convictions to be overturned. The rapper’s attorneys have been attempting to have him released on bail since last fall, but on March 14 the District Attorney’s office said it would not oppose Mill’s release. Mill’s mother, Kathy Williams told TMZ, “I would like to thank the Philadelphia District Attorney’s office for carefully evaluating my son’s (whose real name is Robert Rihmeek Williams), matter and not opposing the request for bail.”

NABJ Announces Roland Martin as Vice President-Digital On Wednesday, March 14, The National Association of Black Journalists (NABJ) announced veteran journalist, Roland Martin, as vice president-digital. Martin, joined NABJ as a student in 1989, and has been active ever since. With a career spanning 27 years, Martin has a great deal of experience in various kinds of media. He is

the African American media organization and his great deal of digital experience. “I’m proud to have a fellow NABJ Baby Roland Martin join the NABJ board as vice president-digital. Roland brings a breadth of digital journalism experience and three decades of support for NABJ. He’s played a pivotal role in disseminating news and information to African American audiences across digital platforms. Roland is one of the first cross-platform digital journalists that has excelled in broadcast, print, online, social, and in the Black Press. Roland’s –Roland Martin entrepreneurial knowledge and business skills will also help NABJ to continue a host and managing editor at TV One Cable to grow its footprint and resources,” said Network, a senior analyst for the Tom Joyner, Glover, according to a statement released by a position he’s held for 10 years, and is CEO NABJ. of his own media company, Nu Vision Media, Martin’s appointment will make his third Inc. stint on the NABJ board. Previously Martin Sarah Glover, president of NABJ, said served as the national student representative appointing Martin as vice president-digital from 1989-1991 and secretary from 2009was a decision based on his long history with 2001.

“From the day I joined NABJ as a student in 1989, I’ve never limited my skill set development to just one area of media.”

Courtesy Photo

Veteran journalist, Roland Martin, was named vice president-digital of the National Association of Black Journalists Further, Martin has served in various leadership roles in both professional and student NABJ chapters. With over twenty years as a member of the press and NABJ, Martin was named NABJ Journalist of the Year in 2013. Martin said he has always been attracted to pursuing a variety of media platforms. “From the day I joined NABJ as a student in 1989, I’ve never limited my skill set development to just one area of media. Now, 29 year later, our industry has shifted completely to a digital model that requires

journalists to know how to do effective storytelling in radio, TV and print,” he said according to an NABJ statement. Now, the multi-platform journalist has major plans in accepting the position as vice president-digital. “My goal in accepting this position from our president, Sarah Glover, is to advocate for a massive re-training and development of our membership, and to push digital media operations to be far more forceful in ensuring their workplaces embrace inclusion rather than traditional media,” Martin said.


The Afro-American, March 17, 2018 - March 23, 2018


What Kind of Nation Have We Become When We Fail to Protect Our Children?

In the wake of yet another mass slaughter of innocent Americans, I am writing to implore my colleagues in both the Congress and our state legislatures to go to CNN’s website and listen carefully to the words of a young American named Cameron Kasky. You can find his declaration of principle and truth on This 17-year-old student at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida, is demonstrating more courage, moral clarity and determination about the danger of unregulated guns in America (and, especially, the danger to us all of high-powered, military grade, semi-automatic weapons) than are many of the women and men with whom I serve. As most Americans now know, on February 14 (Valentine’s Day), Cameron Kasky, his brother, Holden, and all of the students and teachers at their Parkland, FL, high school were forced to fear for their lives. A deranged person had picked up a lawfully purchased AR-15, took it to the school, and methodically murdered 17 people, injuring another 14. We also know that, in the era after the Columbine massacre of 1999 (13 dead and 24 injured), mass slaughters with semi-automatic weapons have become a harsh, terrifying and unacceptable reality of American life. Just as we must redouble our efforts to reduce the violence in places like Chicago and Baltimore, we cannot – and we must not – forget the sense of loss and personal devastation that we felt after Virginia Tech (32 dead). We cannot brush aside the primitive brutality of Binghamton, NY (14 dead), or Aurora, CO (12 dead), or Sandy Hook (the lives of 27 children and teachers methodically destroyed). We must act. Our national conscience and sense of security and self-worth cannot withstand any more breaking headlines – any more mass killings in San Bernadino, CA (14 killed), Orlando, FL (49 massacred), Las Vegas, NV (58 killed and 546 injured), or Texas (26 killed). Now, if you think that this partial listing of the butcher’s bill from our failure to adequately regulate semi-automatic weapons of war is incomplete, you are correct. There is insufficient room in this newspaper to adequately remember all of the casualties from the gun violence that our nation has endured. What should be heartening to us, however, is the determination and clarity that Cameron Kasky and young people across America are expressing in their challenge to their elected representatives, their governors and the President of the United States. “At the end of the day,” Cameron observed in his CNN interview, “the students at my school felt one shared experience – our politicians abandoned us by failing to keep guns out of schools….” “Our community just took 17 bullets to the heart,” he continued, “and it feels like the only people who don’t care are the people who are making the laws.” I must agree. There is no period of silence, no equivocating delay, no overreaching argument about the constitutional sanctity of our Second Amendment that is adequate to counterman a simple, compelling and unavoidable truth. Cameron Kasky is speaking truth to power when he declares that, as a nation, we are failing to protect our people from this carnage. Most unforgivable of all, we are failing to protect the lives of our school children. Every last elected official in America, and every last citizen who voted for us (or failed to vote at all), bears a measure of responsibility for this failure and its bloody toll on human lives. Yet, as Cameron Kasky also acknowledges, we are not all equally culpable. “The truth,” he observed, “is that the politicians on both sides of the aisle are to blame. The Republicans, generally speaking, take large donations from the NRA and are therefore beholden to their cruel agenda. And the Democrats lack the organization and the votes to do anything about it.” We, who have been elected to serve and protect our Constitution and the American People, can only stand before this challenge, acknowledge our failures and seek to reclaim our honor. As a first honest step, we can acknowledge that before the federal assault weapons ban expired, it did not stop all killings, but it did significantly reduce the carnage. We who serve in the Congress have the power, right now, to renew those protections. The proposed Assault Weapons Ban of 2018 [H.R. 5087], sponsored by my colleague, Rep. David

Elijah Cummings

Cicilline of Rhode Island, now has more than 173 co-sponsors. Senator Diane Feinstein’s companion bill [S.2095] has 29. I, along with all of Maryland’s Democratic Delegation, am fighting for its passage. However, in proof of Cameron Kasky’s indictment, there are no Republicans in support of these modest, protective measures, only a few Republicans support strengthened background checks, and a Republican House and Senate leadership, beholden to the NRA, is denying us the ability to even have a floor debate and up-or-down vote. Nevertheless, I am cautiously optimistic that the will of the American People will prevail. A recent Quinnipiac opinion poll found that 67 percent of Americans (including 43 percent of Republicans) now favor an assault weapons ban. Even more encouraging, the young people of our nation (along with many of us who are older) are mobilizing. This growing movement for greater safety, security and sanity in our national discussion about guns – this March for Our Lives – will be bringing upwards of 500,000 Americans to Washington, DC, on March 24th – with companion marches across the nation, including here in Baltimore. For more information, go to on your Web browser. Even if you can’t march on the 24th, please remember this. Our Constitution (including its Second Amendment) was not designed to be a collective suicide pact. It was designed to protect the safety, as well as the liberty, of the American People. Above all else, and whatever political obstacles may be placed in our path, we must protect our nation’s children. Our sacred oaths and honor demand that – and more. Congressman Elijah Cummings represents Maryland’s 7th Congressional District in the United States House of Representatives.

Trump’s Racism is the Key to Evangelical Support In the many months since the release of the infamous Access Hollywood tapes, Donald Trump’s character has been called in question several times. He has been accused of sexually assaulting or harassing 19 different women. He is said to have referred to African nations and Haiti as “sh*thole countries” in a meeting with members of congress. Most recently, he is alleged to have had an extra marital affair with a pornographic actress by the name of Stormy Daniels the same year his wife Melania gave birth to their son. Despite his lapses in judgement, incivility, and lack of decorum which emanates from his incessant juvenile tweeting, some of his strongest support comes from white evangelicals. Ironically, in 2011 two-thirds of evangelicals believed that a politician must display ethical behavior in both their private and public lives. However the rules seem not to apply to Donald Trump, who has been divorced twice and has children by three different women (if he were Black, they would be referred to a “baby mamas”). 81% of self-proclaimed evangelicals cast their ballots for Donald Trump in 2016. Pastor Robert Jeffress said the allegations by Daniels are “totally irrelevant” because evangelicals knew they weren’t voting for an “altar boy”. However, they had a near altar boy in the previous president. He was a regular church attendee and by all accounts a devoted husband and father. However, he was maligned at every turn and incredibly unpopular among white evangelical Christians. Only 24% of white evangelicals approved of him by the end of his second term. Obama was even said to be a Muslim, despite it being common knowledge that he consistently sat in the pews of Reverend Jeremiah Wright’s church in Chicago years prior to running for the presidency.

Jayson Nichols

Instead, they support the foul-mouthed, moderately successful businessman and reality television star who referred to Nazi protesters as good people, while calling Black NFL football players “sons of b*tches”. Black Christians have tried to integrate into white evangelical churches because of their supposed shared love for God and his word. For many Black Christians, it was a fundamental completion of Dr. King’s dream, where Americans of all ethnicities could worship under the same God under the same roof since they allegedly share the same values. However, recently the New York Times cites a mass “exodus” of Black worshipers away from those churches. The Times cites Trump being the catalyst, but he is only a symptom. Black worshipers realize that white nationalism stands firmly alongside the religious doctrine for evangelicals. The argument for Family Values was conveniently utilized to shame Black single parent households, quash gay civil and human rights, and reverse the gains of second wave feminism in the employment realm. Jerry Falwell Sr., founder of the Moral Majority and perhaps the best known preacher from the evangelical movement of the 80s, questioned Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s “sincerity” and founded the Lynchburg Christian Academy as a segregated private school for white children. He spoke against the landmark Brown vs Board of Education decision that desegregated schools, stating that when “God has drawn a line of distinction, we should not attempt to cross that line.” He opposed divestment in South Africa’s oppressive Apartheid regime. While abortion became one of the religious right’s bedrock issues and is said to be the reason for some of their loyalty to Trump, evangelicals were initially silent after the Roe v. Wade decision in

1973. Abortion was primarily seen as a Catholic issue and therefore out of the purview of the evangelicals. Falwell’s son, Jerry Falwell Jr. is the current president of Liberty University and an ardent Trump supporter. He speaks in the same spirit as his father, mixing his religious fervor with white nationalism. Falwell echoed Trump’s claim that Nazi protesters and sympathizers were no more to blame for the unrest in Charlottesville, VA than the noble counter-protesters like Heather Heyer who was killed during the upheaval. Many writers have asked where the outrage is for Trump’s moral failings. If one understands the history and leadership of (white) evangelicals, one would recognize that racism is a powerful and fundamental element of their identity. Family values was a smokescreen to reclaim the moral high ground they had lost during the Civil Rights movement. The tradition they really wanted was Falwell Sr.’s idea of a return to segregation, the eradication of women from the work place, and the invisibility of LGBTQ people. Those reasons are why they fell in love with the slogan “Make America Great Again”, just as they had when Reagan stated it first as part of his Southern Strategy. It is Trump’s racism that has led to him being praised and defended. President Trump is correct, as long as he continues to target African Americans, Mexican/Mexican Americans, Muslims, immigrants from Black and Brown countries, and Native Americans, he could indeed “stand in the middle of 5th Avenue and shoot somebody” and still get evangelical support. Jayson Nichols is a professor in the African American Studies Department at the University of Maryland.

Discover the Power of Unplugging Technology has been one of my BFFs ever since I discovered its power when I logged in to the LexisNexis research service as a first-year law student at Howard University School of Law in 1986. Fast forward three decades later, my relationship with technology has blossomed into a full-blown love affair in my digital communications career as a consultant and Chief Social Media Officer for a nonprofit organization. Most days are filled with tons of screen time reading and writing email and texts, creating content on social media, and completing my online mindfulness course work. In all of my efforts, I do my best to use my training as a mindfulness teacher to practice self-care and use healthy boundaries in how much time I spend online. However, there are times when I become off-balance. That’s exactly what happened in January and February. I became one of the four out of five adults in the U.S. (86 percent) who constantly or often check their email, texts, and social media accounts according to the American Psychological Association’s (APA) 2017 Stress in America: Coping with Change report.

Ananda Leeke

In early March, I noticed my eyes were beginning to hurt from too much screen time. That realization caused me to look at the actual number of hours I spend using my smartphone, tablet, and laptop to access the Internet. I discovered that after I completed my eight-hour work day, I spent an average of three to four more hours online. That was too much for me. Thus, I decided to participate in the National Day of Unplugging, an annual 24-hour digital detox from technology that began at sundown on March 9 and ended at sundown on March 10. The Sabbath Manifesto, a creative project designed to slow down lives in an increasingly hectic world, created the annual event to highlight the value of disconnecting from your digital devices and connecting with yourself, your loved ones, and your communities in real time. Here’s how I spent National Day of Unplugging. I left my home of digital distractions in D.C. and spent the night with my parents in the suburbs of Odenton, Maryland. The only device I brought with me was my smartphone and it was turned off as soon as I entered their home. We spent the evening having great conversations about the latest episode of Scandal, basketball teams playing in March Madness tournaments, gospel music, and our weekly activities.

The next morning I woke up without my phone alarm. My dad and I headed to his gym for a morning workout. After my workout, I sat in the lounge area reading Mindful Magazine. When we returned home, we made breakfast and had a conversation about local and national news. Later in the day, my parents and I went to see Ava DuVernay’s new movie, ‘A Wrinkle in Time.’ At dinner, we discussed what we liked about the movie. Later that evening, I returned to my bustling U Street neighborhood. As I walked slowly down the street from the metro station, I took in all of the sights and sounds. I noticed I wasn’t rushing. I felt more present to what was happening around me. The biggest lessons I learned during National Day of Unplugging include: 1) I need more days filled with quiet time and quality time with my loved ones; 2) sleeping with my phone turned off or on mute in another room helps me rest better; and 3) using one day a week to disconnect from my digital devices helps me to be more present in my life. Ananda Leeke is the CEO of Ananda Leeke Consulting, a firm that provides coaching and training in mindful living, creativity, and technology. Her tech memoir, “Digital Sisterhood,” is available on Amazon.

March 17, 2018 - March 23, 2018, The Afro-American


Playing the Maryland Lottery is fun, but please play within your limits. For confidential help with gambling problems, please visit or call 1-800-GAMBLER. You must be 18 to play.



The Afro-American, March 17, 2018 - March 23, 2018




APRIL 4, 2018 We’re committing to finish the work. Join us in Washington, D.C. on the National Mall as we mark 50 years since Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s assassination.


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March 17, 2018 - March 23, 2018, The Afro-American



Local NAACP Plans to be Active in 2018 Election Cycle

Councilmember Trayon White Protests Development Project in Southeast

By James Wright Special to the AFRO The District of Columbia branch of the NAACP has active plans this election season to make sure that people of color are involved in the political process. Doug Sloan, who serves as the chairman of the D.C. NAACP’s political action, is a noted commentator on District and national politics and has served as an advisory neighborhood commissioner in Ward 4, is leading the charge in getting D.C. residents politically active.

By Hamzat Sani Special to the AFRO The District of Columbia Infrastructure Academy (DCIA) officially opened on March 13 in Southeast, D.C. A partnership between the District government and private sector, the DC Infrastructure Academy will provide specialized training and workforce development programming for jobs in the growing infrastructure sector here in the nation’s capital. The academy’s story is one of “promises made Courtesy Photo

Ward 7 and 8 residents huddle together to secure job safety in their area. By Lauren Poteat Special to the AFRO

Photo by J. Wright

Doug Sloan, chairman of the D.C. NAACP’s political action committee, is working to get people of color involved in the political process. “We will be hosting a D.C. Council member at-large forum in either early or midMay,” Sloan told the AFRO. “We are planning to have a Continued on B2

The District of Columbia Infrastructure Academy Officially Opens

Contentions flare throughout Ward 8 in D.C., as Councilmember Trayon White (D) demands equal opportunity employment for all residents. Leading day long protests on March 8 and 9, on 2300 Martin Luther King, Ave. SE, the D.C. native called for construction company Bozzuto and Chapman, who are currently developing the Maple View Flats, to hire and use the highly skilled workers already living inside of Ward 8. Maple View Flats development is a $50 million project expected to feature 114 affordable housing units, retail and parking along the same avenue “They are not hiring locally and that’s a problem for me,” White said. “There are over five construction companies in Ward 8. There are hundreds of skilled workers. We are spending millions as a government to support development on these projects and it needs to be done in an equitable way. We have capable businesses and construction companies in Ward 8, but somehow we see people from Maryland and Virginia every day.” Acquired by Chapman Development in 2012 for only $1.00, under ambiguous terms as reiterated by White, the acquisition

of lands and controversial hiring processes has begun to surface, revealing unfair and unethical malpractices by Bozzuto and Chapman, in the once coined “Chocolate City.” “Most of the contractors in general on this deal are not from D.C.,” White said. “And for the few that are, often times when these large companies do business with the smaller companies, they find a way to pay the workers late if at all... It’s stealing point blank.” For over 3 months, White said he requested information from Bozzuto and Chapman, concerning development. While he was eventually able to secure a meeting with developer, Tim Chapman, in which he requested a list of Ward 8 employees and subcontractors working on the development project, there was still –Trayon White some unfinished business left. White said that Chapman provided a list of 60 people, who were contacted by the Council member’s administration, however only three of the 60 people on the list were confirmed as actual employees. The remaining 57 contacts on the list reportedly denied having any employment status on the project at all and White says that when he brought the findings to Chapman, he agreed to an additional meeting that ended up being canceled. In a statement released last week from the Mayor’s Continued on B3

“We need fair jobs and contracts for Ward 7 and 8 residents and businesses.”

The academy’s story is one of “promises made and promises delivered…” – Courtney Snowden and promises delivered,” said a teary-eyed Courtney Snowden, D.C.’s Deputy Mayor for Greater Economic Opportunity, at the academy’s unveiling on March 12. Snowden recounted to a crowd of residents, city officials, and stakeholders, the story of a five-year-oldgirl who was shot in nearby Wellington Park two years ago. When asked what they needed to prevent further violence, the community asked for well-paying jobs in Continued on B3

Stokely Carmichael Takes the Stage at the Smithsonian Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC) national chairman. In introducing the play, Deirdre Cook, March 10 on the Oprah Winfrey Theater director of public programs for the museum, stage of the National Museum of African noted that the play’s approach helped shape a American History & Culture, Meshaun better understanding of the civil rights icon as LaBrone took on the iconic role of Kwame a man. Ture aka Stokely Carmichael. In the one Using theatrical elements from the man show, {Power!: Stokely Carmichael Theatre of the Absurd made famous by } LaBrone’s Stokely Carmichael took a Parisian playwright Samuel Beckett, LaBrone scattered crowd of viewers on an hour-long presented a characterization seeking to break journey through the mind of the former down the conventional walls of theatre to help us better understand the man that was Carmichael while wrestling with the current reality of movements like Black Lives Matter. The use of the absurdist style of storytelling allows for a portrayal of Ture that is divergent from the collective recollection of seriousness of the icon but is sincerely more intimate as we encounter the playfulness, the contemplative, and vulnerable elements of the man we Writer and actor Meshaun LaBrone as Stokely Carmichael, in his aren’t privy to by March 10, performance of Power!: Stokely Carmichael, after he simply digesting his randomly selected AFRO reporter, Christina Sturdivant- Sani to join Continued on B3 him on stage and participate in the production. By Hamzat Sani Special to the AFRO

Ato Boldon speaks to students at the DCIAA Track and Field Clinic at the Prince George’s Sports & Learning Complex on March 7.

Olympic Athlete Holds FirstEver Track and Field Clinic

By Daniel Kucin Jr. Special to the AFRO

Former track star Ato Boldon didn’t always have all the confidence in the world before he represented Trinidad and Tobago in the Olympics. The four-time Olympian admitted to using several then-unorthodox training techniques such as plyometrics and recovery

practices that propelled him to the next level despite what everyone else told him to do. As his confidence grew in his craft, so did the results which led him to teaching young student-athletes how to become championship level athletes. After retiring, Boldon wanted to give back his wealth of knowledge as a sprinter to coach the youth how to be the best that they

can be. Boldon held the firstever DCIAA track and field clinic at Prince George’s Sports & Learning Complex on March 7, teaching 200 student-athletes and high school coaches the skills and strategies he used to be one of the greatest sprinters in the world. Boldon spoke to wide-

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The Afro-American, March 17, 2018 - March 23, 2018

DCPS Plans to Take Over All-Girls Charter School in Southeast By Micha Green AFRO Washington, D.C. Editor Amid their own issues and reporting scandals, the traditional District of Columbia Public Schools (DCPS) system has decided it is best to take over an all-girls charter school in Southeast, Washington, D.C., Excel Academy Public Charter School, which had their license taken for poor performance, according to the Washington Post. Last school year only 9 percent of Excel students met or exceeded expectations in math, compared with 27 percent citywide. Compared with 31 percent citywide, 19 percent of Excel students met or exceeded expectations in English. With 700 students from preschool to eighth grade, Excel will finish this semester as a charter school, and reopen in the fall as a DCPS. All current students will be welcomed back to re-enroll in the newly coined public school, yet it is unclear how many teachers and administrators will remain and be affected by the transition. The decision for Excel to become a DCPS comes after the D.C. Public Charter School Board voted in January to strip the institution of its charters, because students were reportedly behind their peers without the school showing impressive evidence of improvement. After the January decision, the school’s leaders had to find a new operator in order to keep Excel open and operational as an institution. Interim DCPS Chancellor, Amanda Alexander, expressed excitement about Excel joining the public school system. “We are thrilled that Excel is joining the DCPS community,” Alexander wrote in an email to the Post. “We’re working

diligently to ensure the students that will be able to remain in issue with Excel becoming a DCPS, saying the school system place for at least the next school year.” is violating federal and city laws by having a same-sex public Although a rare occurrence, it is not institution. uncustomary for DCPS to take over for DCPS opened its first all-male public school, charter schools, as in the case with Ron Brown College Preparatory High School Petworth’s Community Academy in 2016, causing uproar from the ACLU. Public Charter School. Because of Executive Director of the ACLU’s financial mismanagement, DCPS D.C. Chapter, Monica Hopkinsassumed control of Community Maxwell, said that while an all-girls Academy in 2015 and renamed school is being welcomed in the it Dorothy Height Elementary traditional school system, it does School. not change the organization’s stance Despite their intervention on publicly funded single-gendered to help the institution, there institutions. She is encouraging are certain organizations and families to take legal action if DCPS people who are concerned rejects their daughter from Ron about DCPS stepping in to Brown or son from Excel. help the all-girls institution. “The issue still remains that Some parents, who were segregated schools reinforce singleavoiding enrolling their children sex stereotypes and promote sexism,” in DCPS in the middle of their own Hopkins-Maxwell told the Washington Post. problems, are reticent about Excel’s Excel’s transition from a charter school to a transition. DCPS comes at an integral time when the Excel Academy Public Charter School in District is trying to sway residents to have “I wasn’t the biggest fan of the DCPS system,” Charise Clayton told Southeast will continue this semester as faith and enroll their children in the public The Washington Post. Clayton’s two a charter school and reopen in the 2017- school system. young daughters attend Excel. “After 2018 school year as a traditional D.C. According to a report released by the public school. talking with the school and different Office of the State Superintendent of people that represent both sides, we’re Education, enrollment in District public going to give it a chance and see how things go,” Clayton said. schools decreased by 400 students between October 2016 and The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) also takes 2017.


Continued from B1 voter registration drive in early June and the primary is June 19. We are also working with the D.C. Board of Elections in their adopt-aprecinct program. “This program will help residents become more informed about voting in the primary in their neighborhoods. We will pass out voter information such as polling places and requirements to cast a ballot as a part of the program.” Beyond the District’s election, Sloan said the branch’s reach will extend outside of D.C. “We are also working with branches in Pennsylvania and Ohio to make sure that they

“We want to be sure that people of color aren’t ignored in this city.” –Doug Sloan get people of color in those states to the polls,” he said. “We are a non-partisan organization. We can get you to the polls but we can’t tell you who to vote for.” Sloan said in the fall, in preparation for the November 6 general election, volunteers from the District branch will travel to those two targeted states where he said the AfricanAmerican vote is often the deciding factor in who gets elected to public office. “We want to make sure that we educate people about the political process.” One of the reasons that the District branch has the ability to help out in other

states is because the District is considered a one-party city, Democratic. The D.C. Board of Elections reports that as of Feb. 28, 76.07 percent of District voters are Democrats, with Non-Party (Independent) as 16.46 percent and Republicans at 6.17 percent. Since the advent of Home Rule that was instituted by the U.S. Congress and signed into law by President Richard Nixon in 1973, all of the city’s mayors and D.C. Council chairs have been Democrats and the overwhelming majority of council members have been Democrats. District residents have been able to vote for president since 1964 and the city has overwhelmingly supported the Democratic Party candidate. Sloan said “I am fully aware that Washington, D.C. is a one-party town.” However, his concerns are about how that affects the District’s African American population. “Even though Blacks are still the majority of the population, we don’t have the highest voter registration in the city,” he said. He mentioned that African Americans still lag Whites in terms of income disparity, health

outcomes and employment and those issues can be addressed through the political process. “In this city, it comes down to who votes,” Sloan said. Stanley Mayes is a Ward 1 resident and a member of the D.C. Democratic State Committee and is blunt about why Blacks should vote even though the District is a solid Democratic jurisdiction. “It depends on what type of Democrat wins in this city,” Mayes told the AFRO. “Sometimes the wrong Democrats win in this city. We need Democrats on the D.C. Council that are concerned about issues affecting Black people in the city and not on the council just for the prestige.” Mayes supports what Sloan and the District branch wants to do but he urges them to be cautious. “The NAACP is a non-partisan organization,” he said. “They have to make sure that when they go into other states, they are strictly engaging in registering people to vote and not trying to show a favorite party affiliation as an organization. They don’t want to get into a pickle on this.”


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“It is an awesome experience for these kids to hear from an Olympic runner who has a wealth of experience to help perfect their techniques as runners.” – Ronald Nelson eyed student-athletes about coaching Khalifa St. Fort in 2012 when he helped her win the silver medal at the 2015 World Youth Championships in Athletics and bronze in the relay at the 2015 World Championships in Athletics.

Ato Boldon, a former Olympic track star who represented Trinidad and Tobago, just opened clinic for budding athletes and coaches. After delivering powerful motivational stories from his past experiences, Boldon got to work developing the minds and bodies of budding stars in the making. A bevy of Washington, D.C.-based high schools attended the event including Coolidge, Anacostia, Dunbar, Wilson, and Cardozo. “Track is a foundation for every sport,” Coolidge Track and Field Head Coach Jé Sammy said. “For the last two or three years, we have had kids transition from other sports into track and field. This [clinic] provides an opportunity for them to be exposed to this sport. He [Boldon] is one of my fellow mentors from Trinidad. Him being here is a great thing to expose these kids to this sport.” “It is an awesome experience for these kids to hear from an Olympic runner who has a wealth of experience to help perfect their techniques as runners,” Eastern Senior High School Head Coach Ronald Nelson said. Nelson believes this clinic will be a stepping stone for track and field to become more prevalent in the District of Columbia and that it will hopefully grow in the future. “With this clinic, it will be a starting point to help our program to become bigger. It will help our kids to know that they will receive some more attention.”

March 17, 2018 - March 23, 2018, The Afro-American


Authors Discuss New Book, Policing Black Bodies

about resistance to her writing or talking about Black policing issues. “It hasn’t happened yet, but I fully expect push back from White people,” Hattery added. “The push back I expect from Black people is … ‘how could you write about something you haven’t lived?’” Smith, who is African American, told the AFRO that

By Aya Elamroussi Special to the AFRO Surrounded by fully-stacked book shelves and coffee aroma at The Potter’s House in Northwest D.C., an engaged audience tuned in on Tuesday, March 13, to listen and discuss a difficult topic: the policing of African Americans. Authors Angela J. Hattery and Earl Smith presented their book, Policing of Black Bodies: How Black Lives Are Surveilled and How to Work for Change, which was first released December of last year. “Policing Black Bodies goes beyond chronicling isolated incidents of injustice to look at the broader systems of inequality in our society—” the front cover of the book reads, “how they’re structured, how they harm Black people, and how we can work for positive change.” “It’s the summer of 2016, and we’re literally writing about the shooting of unarmed Black men,” Hattery told the AFRO. “And in that one week in July… Alton Sterling was murdered, and Philando Castile was murdered. It was all inside of a week.” That was among one of the challenges of writing Policing Black Bodies, according to Hattery. “It’s a lot to hold. It was a very difficult book to write emotionally because it’s hard stuff.” Hattery is a sociologist and serves as the Director of the Women & Gender Studies Program at George Mason University in Virginia. Smith is a Professor of Sociology and Director of the American Ethnic Studies Program at Wake Forest University in North Carolina. They have been colleagues for about 20 years and collaborated on multiple writing projects, including other books. Declaring they wrote the book to “make people uncomfortable [and] to disrupt stereotypes about Black bodies,” Hattery and Smith credit the Black Lives Matter movement for bringing national attention to tensions between Black people and the police. Policing Black Bodies then presents urban riots and protests as a “logical response” to police’s treatment of Black

“It’s a lot to hold. It was a very difficult book to write emotionally because it’s hard stuff.” –Angela J. Hattery

Angela J. Hattery (left) and Earl Smith (right) presented their book, Policing Black Bodies, at the Potter’s House Tuesday evening. communities. The book then moves on to highlight mass incarceration, school-to-prison pipeline, the policing of trans and Black women’s bodies and the killing of unarmed Black men. Smith and Hattery conclude Policing Black Bodies with a discussion of intersectionality, color-blind racism and a strong call to action. Hattery, who is White, said that she has some concerns

supporting Hattery from a racial standpoint “isn’t an issue.” “It’s the social support system to say, ‘You can write this,’” Smith said. Smith said in addition to being confident, having a coauthor who is honest about feedback is critical to ensuring the collaboration works. “When we speak in different places, somebody will say, ‘Well, as a White person, how can you be writing about this?” Smith asked from Hattery’s point of view. “And the answer is because I can. I know this subject. I know this territory, and if they can’t handle that, that’s their problem,” Smith answered. At the same time, Hattery said, “White people aren’t picking up a book called Policing Black Bodies.” In turn, some concern lies in how African Americans will receive the book. “I’m always concerned that as a White person I’m not taking the microphone, that I am an ally—not the center of attention, that I am doing justice to the issue when it isn’t my lived experience,” Hattery said. “And I think that’s part of why the collaboration is critical.”


Continued from B1 their community. The newly minted DCIA building, which stands at 2330 Pomeroy Road SE, is a gateway to that economic stability. By targeting infrastructure workforce development, the academy seeks to arm D.C. residents with jobs in transportation, energy, utilities, and IT infrastructure—making them eligible for two million jobs nationally and 2,500-3,000 openings locally. Mayor Muriel Bowser, who toured the facility after remarks, said DCIA is part of her “pathway to the middle class” for residents. The average hourly wage of jobs available to

“We are proud to have it here in Ward 8...The Mayor put it in the budget and the Council took it out...and residents of Ward 8 came to the meeting and made sure that the money got put back in the budget.” –Trayon White academy graduates will be $48.75, nearly $10 more than the wages of high-earning utilities industry workers according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. Central to the success of the academy will also be the public-private partnerships forged through its programming. Odie Donald II, the outgoing Director of Department of Employment Services, noted DOES’ role in convening multiple partners on the project including Washington Gas, DC Water,

the University of the District of Columbia, WMATA and Pepco-Exelon. Pepco gave the largest financial contribution to the academy’s $21 million dollar price tag with a $5 million contribution. Bill Von Hoene Jr. of Exelon and Dave Velazquez of Pepco Holdings both noted the importance of DCIA in providing a skilled workforce for their companies. The academy’s primary funding was not without controversy. The $17 million set aside in the mayor’s budget for the projects was threatened by cuts from the D.C. council until Ward 8 councilmember Trayon White and At-Large Alissa Silverman worked with residents and stakeholders to bring funding back on track. Mayor Muriel Bowser and officials from DCIA celebrate the ribbon cutting at the White told the crowd, “We District’s academy specializing in training and workforce development for residents to are proud to have it here in emerge in D.C.’s growing infrastructure sector. Ward 8...The Mayor put it in the budget and the Council and became the first academy graduate before ground had took it out...and residents of Ward 8 came to the meeting and broken on the building. made sure that the money got put back in the budget.” D.C. residents interested in DCIA programming can find The academy already has a pioneering student in Malik information on the DOES site or make their way to the facility Jennings. Donald said he ran into Jennings, a skilled utility in SE. As an added incentive for residents to experience the worker waiting tables, while working on plans for the academy. economic opportunities available at DCIA, Deputy Mayor Due to the relationships forged with partners and stakeholders Snowden noted that transportation costs from Anacostia or through DOES, Jennings was placed in an accelerated program Congress Heights stations would be covered as well.



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public persona. As both writer and actor of the play, LaBrone trains his lens on Ture during his organizing of the 1966 March Against Fear honoring the attempted March of James Meredith. This period is critical as it is when Ture publicly feuds with the concept of nonviolence utilized by Dr. King and the SCLC while warming up to the Black Nationalist sentiments of the recently slain el-Hajj Malik elShabazz formerly known as Malcolm X. Alluding to the tensions inherent in Ture as a major player in Civil Rights, LaBrone characterizes him as born of both “Martin and Malcolm.” LaBrone’s Carmichael

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states, “Dr. King’s policy was that nonviolence would achieve the gains for Black people in the United States. His major assumption was that if you are nonviolent, if you suffer, your opponent will see your suffering and will be moved to change his heart. That’s very good. He only made one fallacious assumption: In order for nonviolence to work, your opponent must have a conscience. The United States has none.” The play’s team – including Hope Villanueva (projection designer/PR), Elisheba Ittoop (sound designer), Marianne Meadows (stage manager/lighting designer) and Jennifer Knight (director) – create an

engaging environment with spare use of the museum’s expansive stage and very little set design. Instead the Carmichael character is given great audio and visual aids to engage with. Use of well-crafted video montages set the scene of the brutality experienced by civil rights protestors of the past while a poignant ending montage speaks to parallels of the violence experienced by Black bodies throughout Black protest movements historically ending with a powerful photograph of what looks to be Sojourner Truth. Not to be outdone the audial elements of the play are so strong that they serve as a secondary character for the solo actor to engage and

expand ideas with. After the hour-long show, commissioned by the museum as part of its Taking the Stage programming, the actor took questions from the audience about everything from their experience with the play to LaBrone’s stint as a Metropolitan Police Department officer and how that influenced his depiction. Meshaun LaBrone can be seen again in May helming his play Spook for Capital Fringe Theatre on Florida Ave. The National Museum of African American Heritage & Culture has several upcoming events for the month of March including a package for the Women’s History Month as part of the #HiddenHerstory campaign.

administration, Mayor Bowser plans to host an upcoming job fair with Chapman and Bozzuto. However, White said this is not enough. “We don’t need a job fair,” White said. “Residents from Wards 8 and 7 have already put in over 100 employment applications to Chapman and Bozzuto. We need fair jobs and contracts for Ward 7 and 8 residents and businesses. We need to put an end to the “pay to play” politics in D.C.”


The Afro-American, March 17, 2018 - March 23, 2018

Taylor Thomas, WHUR Radio interviewing Marie Johns

Radio Personality and Master of Ceremonies, Donnie Simpson

The Marion Barry statue unveiled

On Saturday, March 3, D.C. Mayor Bowser, Council Chairman Phil Mendelson and other dignitaries dedicated and unveiled the historic statue of the late Mayor of the District of Columbia, The Honorable Marion S. Barry, Jr., outside of the John A. Wilson Building in Northwest, Washington, DC. The eight-foot tall bronze statue was designed by Steven Weitzman, who was commissioned for the project by the DC Commission on the Arts and Humanities. The statue recognizes Mayor Barry’s life of public service to the residents of the District of Columbia. Mayor Barry is one of three African-Americans with a full body statue erected and standing in Washington, D.C., and the first local-elected official to be honored with a statue.

D.C. City Councilman Brandon Todd, Ward 4 and Linda Mercado Greene

Photos by Rob Roberts

Mayor Muriel Bowser welcomes everyone to the ceremony

Julianne Malveaux and Rev. Barbara Skinner Cora Masters Barry Citizens at the unveiling

Eastern High School Marching Band

Ronald and Donald Baker, celebrity photographers

D.C. Mayor Muriel Bowser, DC City Councilman Phil Mendelson and Rep. Eleanor Holmes Norton(D-DC).

Cora Masters Barry and Steven Weitzmen, artist/sculpture

Marion Barry’s fraternity brothers, Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity

On Feb. 10, The Prince Hall Freemason and Eastern Star Charitable Foundation in conjunction with the Most Worshipful Prince Hall Grand Lodge, and The Georgiana Thomas Grand Chapter, Order of the

Eastern Star, PHA held its 6th Annual DC Prince Hall Masonic Classic at The University of the District of Columbia under the leadership of The Honorable Phillip David, Most Worshipful Grand Master, Grand

Worthy Matron Patricia L. Young and Foundation President, Kelli J. McCoy-Burkett. The Honorary Chairman for 2018 was former Washington Redskin running back Clinton Portis who is also a Mason. Earlier this year, the Prince Hall Grand Lodge of DC, in partnership with the Charitable Foundation established an endowment at the University. To note the endowment, David, Young and McCoy-Burkett presented University President Ronald Mason with a check for $15,000.

Grand Master Phillip David greets Grand Master Richard J. Bautista, both UDC Alumnus

Courtesy photos GWP Riccardo Montague, GWM Patricia L. Young, Grand Master Phillip David (UDC Alumnus), UDC President Ronald Mason, Clinton Portis, President Kelli J. McCoy-Burkett, Grand Master Richard J. Bautista (UDC Alumnus)

Grand Master Phillip David, Clinton Portis and Mrs. Rosalie David Worthy Matron Vickey Wright-Smith, Grand Worthy Matron Patricia L. Young and Worthy Matron Arlene Robinson​

Prince Hall Masonic Classic Attendees Past Grand Worthy Matron Jane L. Robison, Past Grand Worthy Matron Margaret E. Anderson, Grand Worthy Patron Riccardo Montague, Grand Worthy Matron Patricial L. Young, Grand Master Phillip David, Clinton Portis, Past Grand Matron Venecia C. Bessellieu and Past Grand Master John T. Doles Sr.

Electa Chapter #6: Jay Jones, Kelli J. McCoy Burkett, PGWM Margaret E. Anderson, Lauren Lambert, AGM Eunice J. Dingle and AGP Joseph A. Dingle Jr. Vice President Daanen Strachen, President Kelli J. McCoy-Burkett, Grand Worthy Patron Riccardo Montague, Grand Worthy Matron Patricia L. Young, Grand Master Phillip David, Clinton Portis, UDC President Ronald Mason, UDC Trustee Barrington Scott and Dr. Trelaunda Beckett

Masonic Classic Committee with Grand Worthy Patron, Riccardo Montague (7th from the right), Grand Worthy Matron Patricia L. Young (8th from the right), Grand Master Phillip David (9th from the right) and Honorary Chairman Former Redskins Running Back, Clinton Portis and Masonic Classic Chair, Shari McCoy (12th from the right)

Masonic Classic Committee with Grand Worthy Patron, Riccardo Montague (7th from the right), Grand Worthy Matron Patricia L. Young (8th from the right), Grand Master Phillip David(9th from the right) and Honorary Chairman Former Redskins Running Back, Clinton Portis and Masonic Classic Chair, Shari McCoy (12th from the right).Vice President Daanen Strachen, President Kelli J. McCoy-Burkett, Grand Worthy Patron Riccardo Montague, Grand Worthy Matron Patricia L. Young, Grand Master Phillip David, Clinton Portis, UDC President Ronald Mason, UDC Trustee Barrington Scott and Dr. Trelaunda Beckett

March 17, 2018 - March 23, 2018, The Afro-American




Cancer Survivor and Amputee Details How She Overcame Adversity By Jannah G. Johnson Special to the AFRO It is often hard to maintain an optimistic attitude after being faced with adversity but new coming author, Donna Hopkins, seems to have mastered the practice of positivity despite some extremely difficult circumstances. Hopkins’ book, “Getting to the Other Side of Victory”, will be released March 15 and details her two-time struggle with cancer and lower leg amputation and how she managed to take her life back and rise above her pain. Hopkins was born and raised in West Virginia and attended what is now known as Fairmont State University and currently lives in Silver Spring. “I wrote the book because I went through cancer twice. In 1997 discovered a lump in my breast that turned out to be cancer and then 2 years later in 1999 I had a reoccurrence. I thought that would be the most that I had to go through, being hit with cancer twice but in 2010, I always say I went through an unforeseen medical disaster.” “I went to the hospital to have uterine fibroids removed, and it’s funny, I walked

to the hospital that day and actually sent out an email to my friends joking that this would be my last walk for a minute thinking that I’d be in the hospital for 5 days and then out, but that 5 day hospital trip ended up being a 2 month hospital stay that ended with the amputation of my lower left leg.” Losing her leg was an extremely traumatic event for Hopkins. many people find writing to be cathartic following a great tragedy or trauma, Hopkins is no exception. “I ended up writing the book in the hospital because when we go through unforeseeable circumstances and things in our lives and we’re getting hit with things from every direction whether it’s medical or financial, whatever the situation may be, sometimes you end up getting stuck in what you’ve gone through and unable to move forward. I started jotting down notes in the hospital just for healing purposes, after going through everything I went through I realized that I’m still a blessed individual and that the fact that I’m still alive is key. Sometimes we get so stuck in the past that we can’t move forwards and then we cheat ourselves out of the present and out of living life to the fullest. That was the

inspiration for the book, first for myself but also to help other people win in life and get past what they’ve gone through and then move forward with life.” While Hopkins’ medical mishaps have physically changed her life, they have also had a huge impact on her overall outlook. “You have no time to waste with crying about your situation and what has happened because you can never go back and do anything about what you’ve come through, but you can do something about how you move forward. My attitude has changed a lot, I don’t waste time, I don’t surround myself with negativity or people who can’t enjoy life, I’ve already survived tough times and it would be devastating to stay in it. I just don’t waste time anymore I do everything that I want to do, I make a point to be more involved and present in my relationships with those

around me. Material things will fade away over time, but relationships are the things that last and help you to push forward through life. I enjoy living life. I’m a competitive person and my focus is winning in life despite the odds.” ‘That’s what I’ve learned through this, many people haven’t gone through any of what I’ve gone through and they are cheating themselves out of life and I live it. If I were to leave this world today people would say “Man, Donna lived!” This book is going to be a book that, I believe, regardless of age, rac, and what you’re going through, that they can grab onto and push forward in getting past whatever they’re going through.” Getting to The Other Side of Victory will be released March 15th, to learn more about Donna and her story visit her website,

Artist Henrietta Snype Preserves African Basket Making Tradition By Nadine Matthews Special to the AFRO Many of us became familiar with Gullah culture through director Julie Dash’s seminal 1991 film, Daughters of the Dust. The first feature film by a Black woman to get general theatrical release, Daughters of the Dust chronicles the lives of a group of women living in the Sea islands off the coast of South Carolina dealing with the ways in which modernization will affect their lives and their unique culture. The Gullah are the descendants of enslaved Africans of various ethnic groups who live mainly in the so-called Lowcountry of Georgia and South Carolina though historically the culture has extended as far north as the Cape Fear area of North Carolina and as far south as northern Florida. The Gullah live on both the coastal plain and the Sea Islands. Partly because of the relatively sparse presence of white plantation owners in the area, they developed a culture much more heavily influenced by Africa than that of other African Americans. The language is a form of English Creole that is very close to the Krio spoken in Sierra Leone and their religious, folk beliefs, farming techniques, food, and crafts hew closely to West African culture as well. One of the most important aspects of African culture kept alive by the Gullah is basket weaving, or basket-making. According to one of

the foremost Gullah basket makers in the country, Henrietta Snype, “Basket making is an art that came from the Senegal area and when our slaves were brought here, they had to try to figure out how they were going to preserve the past.” Obviously, the enslaved workers were confronted with this conundrum with regard to many aspects of African culture including religion, family practices, etc. Basket making would receive less resistance for a very practical

Courtesy Jud McCrainie, Creative Commons

Straw basket made by the Gullah culture of coastal Georgia & South Carolina, USA

reason. Rice played a crucial part in building the wealth of America. Rice was one of the biggest industries in antebellum South Carolina and Georgia. Plantation owners specifically bought slaves from the Senegambia area, and paid a premium for those Africans, for their technical knowledge of cultivating rice. The baskets were an essential part of that process. Snype explained, “South Carolina was known for growing a lot of rice so you had to know how to make a fanner because when you collect the rice, it would go in that particular style basket for harvesting.” The fanner was a type of shallow basket used to separate the grain from the chaff. The baskets were made from materials like sweet grass, palmetto leaves, and pine needles. In addition to those used for rice cultivation, Snype told the AFRO, “There were baskets for fruit, baskets for carrying Bibles, etc.” Of course, with the advent of technology and the shifts in industry, basket-making isn’t a crucial aspect of contemporary business. However, it remains an important cultural link to Africa. “My ancestors and theirs before them, knew they had to find a way to preserve the craft.” Snype explained. Learning the craft was, she said, “mandatory” when she was growing up. “My great grandmother, Sally Turner, taught my grandmother, Elizabeth Johnson, my grandmother taught my mother and my mother, Mary, taught me. I taught my daughter and now she has a daughter who she taught. So it’s passed down.

Once you learn as a child, you never forget.” When Snype first entered adulthood, she lost her connection to the art. A traumatic family event renewed her commitment. “I went to school and I worked for a while and I got away from it. Then my grandmother became ill. I decided I had to preserve and protect it.” She also wanted the basket making to be respected as a form of art in its own right. She recalled, “I started taking photographs of my work and I submitted it to the South Carolina Arts Commission because I wanted to be recognized as an artist and not just a basketmaker.” She was accepted and has gone on to teach basket making in museums, schools, social organizations all over the United States. Snype acknowledges that not all Gullah basket makers feel the same way she does. “A lot of basket makers will not teach because they feel like it’s giving away the craft but I feel you’re not actually giving it away. You’re sharing it.” The baskets can sell for anywhere from $40 to upwards of $5,000 and on average take about eight hours to complete one of average size. Snype continues to do what she does though, for reasons much beyond monetary gain. “It gives me.” she said, “A different perspective because it doesn’t just reflect me. It reflects that I am part of a community as a whole. When a community can preserve and protect its art it just gives you a great feeling because it’s something that no one else has.”


Bowie State Cinderella Women’s Season Ends in NCAA Regional Final By Mark F. Gray Special to the AFRO The clock finally struck midnight on the Cinderella post season for the Bowie State Lady Bulldogs in the Sweet 16 of the NCAA Division II women’s basketball tournament. After pulling the biggest upset in this year’s tournament Bowie State advanced to the championship game of the Atlantic Regional but fell short losing to Indiana (PA) University 75-60. It was the second consecutive post season tournament this year where they lost in the finals. Bowie St. ran out of gas during the CIAA finals against Virginia Union in Charlotte. The jumpers that fell during the first three days of their run in the Queen City were short and down the stretch and the 50/50 effort plays went the way of the Lady Panthers late in the fourth quarter. The Lady Bulldogs made just 20 of 69 shots missing 11 of 13 three-point attempts. Meanwhile, Virginia Union played with a championship mettle that comes from success in the moment late. They answered a 10-0 run from Bowie St. near the end of the third quarter which closed the gap from 22 to 12 points. The Lady Panthers countered with a 7-2 run of their own and were able to push the lead back to 19 and cruise to their second CIAA championship in three years. While disappointed in losing there was a quiet confidence that gave them more than just cautious optimism as they ventured south for the NCAA’s big show. In their first-round game of the national tournament the Lady Bulldogs took advantage of the chance to exact revenge on the team who beat them in the CIAA championship game. Bowie St.

Courtesy BSU Athletics

Bowie St. senior guard Kyah Proctor helped lead the Lady Bulldogs to the CIAA Finals and the NCAA Division II Sweet 16 as her college career came to an end. – who earned an at large bid after their 20-9 regular season mark - was seeded eighth leading to a rematch less than a week later at Virginia Union. The Lady Panthers have become the standard bearer of

CIAA women’s basketball. Since coach, Anne-Marie Johnson, arrived in Richmond, Virginia Union has played for the national championship and never finished worse than a finalist in the conference tournament. However, Bowie State seniors Kyah Proctor and Kiara Colson combined for 33 points to leading them to a seismic upset 63-56 in historic Barco-Stevens Hall. That victory reverberated throughout the nation. A powerhouse programs was eliminated. The top seed was beaten on their home floor as Cinderella joined March Madness in a black and gold carriage from the DMV. The fairytale bracket was born as the favorite from the region lost its first game. It was the Lady Bulldogs defense holding the CIAA champions to 30.6 percent shooting that was the difference. Virginia Union made only 15 of 49 field goal attempts in one of the biggest wins in the history of Bowie St.’s program. Edinboro was next up for the Lady Bulldogs in the round of 32. One week to the day after falling in CIAA Championship Bowie St. had to regroup to survive and advance to the regional final. They struggled to pull away despite leading by 15 in the first half and 68-60 with 5:49 remaining in the fourth quarter. Sade Chatman led them 19 points and seven rebounds and it was on to the Sweet 16 for the fourth time. Ultimately, the glass slipper didn’t fit. Indiana (PA) University’s front line was too much and Bowie State ride towards a national champion was over. The program grows from making this run even in defeat. There are big shoes to fill thanks to a great senior class who weathered a storm. Earlier this century Va. Union vs. Bowie St. was the best rivalry in Division II and it’s back. The players just dress in different locker rooms now.

D.C. Code §47-1361, Condominium ORDERED by the Super- All unknown owners of and the all outstanding municipal iorUnknown Court of Occupant the District of real property described liens amounts due deviand Columbia, that notice be below, their heirs, owing on the RealreprePropAnd given by the insertion of a sees, personal Civil Action No. erty in accordance with copy of this Order in the sentatives, executors, 2018 CA 000614 L(RP) the provisions of D.C. (For Purposes of D.C. 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TYPESET: Tue Mar 13 14:33:59 EDT Washington, D.C. 20004 above to appear in this premises, situate, lying v. 2018 Court by the 23rd day of and being in the District of KENNETH W. Clerk of the Court 2018, also: and redeem Columbia described Pursuant to the III Chief May, Serve as RICHARDSON Karl A. Racine,by pay- 8 2 4 Va r n u m S t N W, the Real Property Judge´s JohnAdministration Pauley IN THE SUPERIOR DN McGinley General of thein- WABy: ment of $3119.19, plus Order John Number 02-11, it is Attorney S HJames INGTO , DC Pauley COURT OF THE District of Columbia from the date the 20011, Square: 3024, Lot this 23rd day Choi of January, terest Eugene DISTRICT OF 441 4th Street, NW all 0050, assessed to the Certificate was sold, 2018, Herbert Callihan or COLUMBIA 03/16, 03/30/18 Washington, D.C. 20001 expenses provided for by owner of 03/23, record listed Patricia Hess CIVIL DIVISION ORDERED the Super- D.C. Code §47-1377 and above, CapitalbySolar D.C. Code §47-1361, and ior Court of the District of And Condominium Civil Action No. Columbia, notice be all outstanding municipal Defendants Unknownthat Occupant 2018 CA 000615L(RP) unknown owners of the amounts due and given by the insertion of a Allliens ACTION INVOLVING real property described owing on the Real Propcopy of this Order in the AFRO Classified minimum ad rate is $26.54 per ORDER OF And REAL PROPERTY Payment Policy for legal notice advertisements. below, heirs, devierty intheir accordance with Wa s h i n g t o n A f r o PUBLICATION CALENDAR 18 col. inch (an inch consists of up to 20 words). sees, personal reprethe provisions of D.C. of American, a newspaper Effective immediately,MAGISTRATE The Afro American Newspapers will require prepayment for publication legal notices. Inall accordance with D.C. (For Purposes of D.C. JUDGE executors, Code §47-1361, or an- Official Code §47-1375 having a general circula- sentatives, Code §47-1371(b)(1)(G)) RENEE RAYMOND* Mail in your ad on form below along with Payment will be accepted in the form of chwecks, or money order.the Anycomplaint, returned checks be the subject grantees,or swer tion credit in thecard District of administrators, (2001will ed.), object of assigns or successors in thereafter, a final judgColumbia, once a week this proceeding is to seTHE DISTRICT OF THORNTON MELLON CHECK or MONEY ORDER to: to a $25.00 processing fee and may resultforinthree the suspension of anyment future advertising at our discretion. title, interest and willand be entered fore- cure the foreclosure of the (3) successive right, COLUMBIA LLC WASHINGTON AFRO-AMERICAN CO. any and all persons havclosing the right of reweeks, notifying all perright of redemption in the Serve: Muriel Bowser Plaintiff, or claiminginto the haveReal any TYPESET: Tue Mar 13 14:34:24 EDT 2018 demption sons interested in the following real property loMayor of the District of ing 1917 Benning Road, N.E. ad-in cated Property including and vesting Real Property described in the District of Columbia1350 Penn- interest, v. LEGAL NOTICES LEGAL NOTICES LEGAL NOTICES LEGAL NOTICES LEGAL NOTICES possession, the Plaintiff a titleininthe fee Columbia to the Plaintiff in above to appearNW in this verse necessary for redemption sylvania Avenue, Washington, D.C. 20002-4723 simple. or the fee simCourt by theD.C. 23rd20004 day of leasehold this Action: Square: 3024 have not been paid. Washington, RONALD P. KINGSBURY IN THE SUPERIOR ple in the real property and May, 2018, and redeem Attn: Clsf. Adv. Dept. Lot: 0050, SQUARE: Pursuant to the Chief Estate of COURT OF situate, of thelying Court 3024 LOT: 0050, which the Real Property Judge´s Serve also: by pay- premises,Clerk RonaldAdministration Kingsbury THE DISTRICT OF of $5089.93, plus in- and being in the District of may also be known as 824 Order Number 02-11, it is mentKarl A. Racine, District of Columbia COLUMBIA described as By: James D McGinley terest from the date the Columbia Varnum St NW, t h i sWater _ _ _ _& Sewer day of Attorney General of the CIVIL DIVISION Certificate sold, all 1337 Harvard St NW P-2, WASHINGTON, DC _____________, 2017, District ofwas Columbia Unknown Occupant expenses for by WA S H I N G T O N , D C 20011.The Complaint 441 4th provided Street, NW Civil Action No. Square: 2854, Lot 03/16, 03/23, 03/30/18 Code §47-1377 and 20009, states, among other ORDERED by the Super- D.C. Washington, D.C. 20001 And 2018CA000997 L(RP) 2007, assessed to the D.C. Code §47-1361, and things, that the amounts ior Court of the District of ACTION INVOLVING owner of record listed all outstanding municipal necessary for redemption Columbia, that notice be And (For Purposes of D.C. 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RENEE RAYMOND* 202-332-0080 Property and vesting in 03/16, 03/23,2844, 03/30/18 20010, Square: Lot may also be known as sylvania for three (3) successive Avenue NW 20001 HarvardMELLON St NW P-1, Washington, 0083, assessed to the 1337 weeks, notifying all per- the Plaintiff a title in fee D.C. 20004 PROBATE NOTICES And THORNTON G T O N , D C owner of record listed W A S H I N sons interested in the simple. LLC 20009.The Complaint Real Property described Serve also: All unknown owners of the above, Plaintiff, Clerk of the Court states, among other above appear in this Karl A. to Racine, Attorney real property described v. a. Order Nisi $ 60 per insertion $180.00 per 3 weeks things, that the W. amounts Court byofthe dayofof By: James D. McGinley General the23rd District below, their heirs, devi- Defendants. KENNETH b. Small Estates (single publication $ 60 per insertion necessary for redemption May, 2018, and redeem Columbia sees, personal repreRICHARDSON III TYPESET: Tue Mar 13 14:31:57 EDT 2018 03/16, 03/23, 03/30/18 TueOFMar 13 14:33:32 EDT 2018paid. the441 haveJohn not been ORDER Real by pay4thProperty Street, NW sentatives, executors, TYPESET: Pauley c. Notice to Creditors Pursuant to the Chief ment PUBLICATION of $3119.19, plus inWashington, D.C. administrators, grantees, John Pauley 13per 14:31:37 EDT 2018 Columbia, that notice be TYPESET: Tue Mar 1. Domestic $ 60 insertion $180.00 per 3 weeks terest from the date the 20001 Administration assigns or successors in In accordance with D.C. Judge´s Eugene Choi given by the insertion of a IN THE SUPERIOR §47-1375 Order Number 02-11, right, title, and interest and Official Herbert Callihan or it is Certificate was sold, all IN THECode SUPERIOR 2. Foreign $ 60 per insertion $180.00 per 3 weeks copy of this Order in the Judge´s Administration COURT OF THE ed.), the object of expenses provided for by And this 23RD day of January any and all persons hav- (2001 Patricia Hess COURT OF THE Wa h i n g t o n A fEstates roNumber 02-11, it is $360.00 per 6 weeks DISTRICT OF IN THE SUPERIOR is to se- 2018,Capital Solar D.C. Code §47-1377 and d.sEscheated $ 60 perOrder insertion ing or claiming to have any this proceeding DISTRICT OF American, a newspaper this 23rd day of January, COLUMBIA COURT OF THE foreclosure of the ORDERED D.C. Code §47-1361, and unknown owners of the by the Super- All interest, including ad- cure the Condominium COLUMBIA e. Standard $125.00 having a generalProbates circula2018, CIVIL DIVISION DISTRICT OF of redemption all outstanding municipal property described Court of Occupant the District of real verse possession, in the rightCIVIL DIVISIONin the iorUnknown tion in the District of ORDERED by the SuperCOLUMBIA liens amounts duedeviand their heirs, leasehold or the fee sim- following real property lo- Columbia, that notice be below, Columbia, once a week ior Court of the District of TYPESET: Tue Mar 13 14:31:18 Civil Action No. CIVIL DIVISION in Action the District of And owing personal on the Real Proprepregiven by the insertion of a sees, ple in the real property and cated Civil No. for three (3) successive Columbia, that notice be 2018CA000610 L(RP) CIVIL NOTICES to the Plaintiff erty in accordance with executors, premises, situate, lying Columbia 2018 CA 000614 L(RP) in copy of this Order in the sentatives, weeks, notifying all per3088 L given by the insertion of a ACTION INVOLVING Civil Action No. Square: the provisionsgrantees, of D.C. administrators, Wa sPurposes h i n g t o n Aoff r oD.C. and being in the District of Athis C TAction: ION IN V O LV I2844 N G (For a. Name Changes 202-879-1133 sons interested in the 2018 CA 000608 L(RP) may als copy of this Order in the $ 80.00 REAL PROPERTY IN THE SUPERIOR 0083, SQUARE: Code Code §47-1361, or anor successors in American, a newspaper assigns Columbia described as Lot: §47-1371(b)(1)(G)) REAL PROPERTY Real Property described 1901 Wa s h i n g t o n A f r o CALENDAR 18 COURT OF THE ACTION INVOLVING LOT: 0083,18which having a general circula- right, swertitle, theand complaint, or interest and 1419 Clifton St NW G-19, 2844CALENDAR b. Real Property $ 200.00 above to appear in this WASH American, a newspaper MAGISTRATE JUDGE DISTRICT OF REAL PROPERTY may also be known as tion thereafter, a final judgand all persons havinDISTRICT the District WA S H I N G T O N , D C THE OF of any MAGISTRATE JUDGE Court by the 23rd day of 20001. having a general circulaRENEE RAYMOND COLUMBIA CALENDAR 18 2 2 3 1 RAYMOND* 3 t h S t N W , Columbia, ment will be entered or claiming to haveforeany once a week ing 20009, Square: 2664, Lot 3 RENEE COLUMBIA May, 2018, and redeem MAGISTRATE JUDGE states, tion in the District of CIVIL DIVISION closing the right of adreincluding for three (3)Bowser successive interest, 2045, assessed to the W A S H I N G T O N , D C Serve: Muriel the Real Property by payFAMILY COURT things, Columbia, once a week THORNTON MELLON RENEE RAYMOND demption in the inReal possession, the weeks,ofnotifying all perowner of record listed 20010.The Mayor the District of verse THORNTONComplaint MELLON ment of $6789.64, plus innecessa for three (3) successive LLC Civil Action No. states, among other Columbia1350 Property or andthevesting fee sim-in sons interested Pennin the leasehold above, LLC 202-879-1212 terest from the date the THORNTON MELLON have n weeks, notifying all per2018CA000552 L(RP) things, that the amounts sylvania theinPlaintiff a title inand fee ple the real property Real Property Avenue,described NW Plaintiff, Certificate was sold, all Pursua sons interested in the Plaintiff, LLC necessary for simple. situate, lying TYPESET: EDT 2018 above to appear in this premises, DOMESTIC RELATIONS Defendants. Tue Mar 13 14:33:59 Washington, D.C. 20004 v. redemption expenses provided for by Judge´s Real Property described v. ACTION INVOLVING haveKENNETH not been W. paid. Court by the 23rd day of and being in the District of D.C. Code §47-1377 and Order N above to appear in this 202-879-0157 REAL PROPERTY Plaintiff, of the Court described as and redeem ColumbiaClerk ORDER OF Serve also: Pursuant to the IIIChief May, 2018, RICHARDSON D.C. Code §47-1361, and this 23rd Court by the 23rd day of ISAIAH CUNNINGHAM CALENDAR 18 the Real Property by pay- 8 2 4 Va r n u m S t N W, PUBLICATION Karl A. Racine, Judge´s JohnAdministration Pauley IN THE SUPERIOR all outstanding municipal 2018, May, 2018, and redeem Unknown Occupant MAGISTRATE JUDGE v. DNMcGinley S HJames INGTO , DC ment of $3119.19, plusthe in- WABy: In accordance General of Number 02-11, it is Attorney Pauley COURT OF with THE D.C. OrderJohn liens amounts due and ORDER the Real Property by pay- $ 150.00 RENEE RAYMOND from the date the 20011, Square: 3024, Lot Official Code §47-1375 District of Columbia this 23rd day Choi of January, terest Eugene a. Absent Defendant DISTRICT OF owing on the Real Propior Cour ment of $4238.50, plus inAnd JOHN T. DUREN, JR. assessed the13 14:32:18 EDT 2018 Certificate was sold, (2001 COLUMBIA ed.), the object of 2018, 441 4th Street, NW all 0050, Herbert Callihan or TYPESET: Tue to Mar erty in accordance with Columb terest from the date the $ 150.00 THORNTON MELLON Earnest & Rosa Smith b. Absolute Divorce 03/16, of 03/23, record03/30/18 listed expenses provided for by owner this CIVIL proceeding is to seWashington, D.C. 20001 Patricia Hess DIVISION the provisions of D.C. S.M. Prestegard & Renee given by Certificate was sold, all (For Purposes of D.C. LLC cure the foreclosure of the ORDERED the Super- D.C. Code §47-1377 and above, Capitalby Solar this 23rd day of January, Code §47-1361, or anc. Custody Divorce $150.00 copy of expenses provided for by Code §47-1371(b)(1)(G)) Plaintiff, TYPESET: Tue Mar 13 14:31:57 EDT 2018 Fauntroy D.C. Code §47-1361, and rightCivil of redemption of the District of And Condominium Action the ior Court 2018, swer the complaint, or Wa s h i n IN THE SUPERIOR D.C. Code §47-1377 and v. S.M. Prestegard & Renee Defendants following property lo- Columbia, notice be all outstanding municipal Unknownthat Occupant 2018 CAreal 000615L(RP) ORDERED by the OF Super- Columbia, thereafter,that a final America Tue Mar 13 14:31:37 EDT 2018 and SHAW 3RD HOLDINGS COURT OF THE D.C. Code §47-1361, THE DISTRICT Fauntroy noticejudgbe TYPESET: liens amounts dueof the and cated in the District of given by the insertion of a All unknown owners ACTION INVOLVING ior Court of the District of ment willthe beinsertion entered forehaving a DISTRICT all outstanding municipal COLUMBIA LLC& up Unknown Occupant given by of a ORDER OFOF owing on the Real PropTo place your ad, call 1-800-237-6892, ext. 262, Public Notices $50.00 Columbia to the Plaintiff in And IN THE SUPERIOR property described copy of this Order in the real REAL PROPERTY Columbia, that notice be closing the right of retion in COLUMBIA liens amounts due and SHAW 3RD HOLDINGS Judge´s Administration PUBLICATION erty intheir accordance with this Action: Square: COURT OF THE of a copy of this Order in the below, heirs, deviCALENDAR 18 2664 Wa s h i n g t o n A f r o given by the insertion demption in the Real Columb CIVIL DIVISION owing on the Real PropServe: Muriel Bowser depending on size, Baltimore Legal Notices are $24.84 per inch. LLC Order Number 02-11, it is And IN THE SUPERIOR Wa s h i n g t o n A f r o the provisions D.C. In accordance with D.C. Lot: 2045, SQUARE: DISTRICT OF personal of repreAmerican, a newspaper Purposes of D.C. sees, MAGISTRATE JUDGE (For copy of ofthis Property and vesting in for thre erty 23rd in accordance with SHAW 3RD HOLDINGS Mayor theOrder Districtinofthe American, this day of January, COURT OF THE a newspaper Code §47-1361, or an- Official Code §47-1375 2664 LOT:RAYMOND* 2045, which Code COLUMBIA executors, having a general circula- sentatives, §47-1371(b)(1)(G)) RENEE 1-800 (AFRO) 892 Wa s h i n g t o n A f r o the Plaintiff a title in fee (For DISTRICT weeks, No. of the provisions of D.C. Columbia 1350 Penn- having LLC 2018, Purposes OF of D.C. a general circulaed.),Action the object swer the complaint, or (2001Civil may also be known as tion in the District of administrators, CIVIL DIVISION grantees, American, a newspaper simple. sons in 2018 CA 000612 L (RP) Code §47-1361, or an- ext. sylvania Avenue, NW tion in the District Napoleon Ibiezugbe & by the Super§47-1371(b)(1)(G)) COLUMBIA pleaseORDERED of Code thereafter, a final judg1419 Clifton StMELLON NW G-19, Columbia, or successors in this proceeding is to seonce aOFweek assigns THE DISTRICT For Proof of Publication, call 1-800-237-6892, 244 THORNTON having a general circulaReal Pr ACTION INVOLVING swer the complaint, or Washington, D.C. 20004 Kevin FalknerTucker ior Court of the District of CIVIL DIVISION Columbia, once a week menttitle, will and be entered fore- cure the foreclosure of the W A S H I NLLC G T O N , D C for three Civil Action No. interest and (3) successive right, COLUMBIA tion in the District of for three (3) successive above t PROPERTY thereafter, that a final judgFamily, LLC Columbia, notice be THE DISTRICT OF of redemption in the closing thepersons right ofhavre- rightREAL 20009.The Complaint Serve: 2018CA000610 L(RP) and all weeks,Muriel notifying all per- any Bowser Plaintiff, Columbia, once a week Court by CALENDAR 18 loment will be insertion entered foreServe also: JM1 Investments LLC given by the of a COLUMBIA Civil Action No. weeks, notifying all perreal property 14:34:24 2018other Mayor demption intothe states, EDT among ACTION INVOLVING or claiming haveReal any following sons of interested in the the District of ing for three (3) successive Clerk of the Court May, 20 MAGISTRATE JUDGE closing the Order right of reKarl A. Racine, Attorney JM1 Investments LLC copy of this in the 2018 CA 000608 L(RP) sons interested in the Property including and vesting things, thatv.the amounts Columbia1350 REAL PROPERTY ad-in cated in the District of Real Property described Penn- interest, weeks, notifying all perBy: James D McGinley the Rea RENEE RAYMOND demption in the Real General of the District of Yuvora Nong, Esq. Wa s h i n g t o n A f r o LEGAL NOTICES LEGAL NOTICES LEGAL NOTICES LEGAL NOTICES ACTIONServe: INVOLVING Real Property described the Plaintiff a title inin the fee Columbia to the Plaintiff in CALENDAR 18 possession, above to appear necessary for redemption sylvania Avenue, NWin this verse sons interested in the above to appear in this ment of Property and vesting in Columbia 441 4th Street, Charles Carrocio Jr. American, a newspaper Muriel Bowser REAL PROPERTY simple. or the fee sim- this Action: Square: 3024 MAGISTRATE JUDGE Court by theD.C. 23rd day of leasehold have notP. KINGSBURY been paid. Washington, 20004 RONALD Real Property described terest fr THORNTON MELLON the Plaintiff a titlecirculain fee NW Washington, D.C. Court by the 23rd day of Mayor District of Columbia having a general of the District CALENDAR 18 of 0050, SQUARE: RENEE RAYMOND May, 2018, and redeem ple in the real property and Lot: Pursuant to the Estate of Chief above to appear in this 03/16, 03/23, 03/30/18 Certifica LLC simple./s/ 20001 Water & Sewer tion in the District of PennMAGISTRATE JUDGE May, 2018, and redeem Columbia1350 of the lying Court 3024 LOT: 0050, which situate, the Real Property Judge´s Serve also: by pay- premises,Clerk RonaldAdministration Kingsbury Court by the 23rd day of expense Unknown Occupant Columbia, once a week sylvania NW RENEE Avenue, RAYMOND the Real Property by payMELLON mentKarl of $5089.93, Order Number 02-11, it is A. Racine,plus in- and being in the District of may also be known as 824 THORNTON District of Columbia May, 2018, and redeem ment of $6789.64, plus inD.C. Co the Court for threeClerk (3) of successive Washington, D.C. 20004 arnum St NW, By: James D McGinley LLC described as VPlaintiff, terest from the date the Columbia t h i s Water _ _ _ _& Sewer day of Attorney General of the the Real Property by payD.C. Co By: James D McGinley And weeks, notifying all per- And THORNTON MELLON terest from the date the TON, DC Certificate sold, all 1337 Harvard St NW P-2, W A S H I N Gv. _____________, 2017, District of was Columbia Unknown Occupant ment of $5827.57, plus inall outst sons interested in the Serve LLCalso: Certificate was sold, all Complaint Plaintiff, S H I N G T Tue O N , Mar D C 13 20011.The expenses provided for by WA 441 4th Street, NW TYPESET: 14:32:44 EDT 2018 terest from the date the liens am 824 VARNUM LLC All unknown owners of the (For Purposes of D.C. Real Property described Karl A. Racine, Attorney expenses provided for by 03/16, 03/23,2854, 03/30/18 v. Square: Lot states, among other D.C. Code §47-1377 and 20009, ORDERED by the Super- Washington, D.C. 20001 And Certificate wasdescribed sold, all D.C. Code §47-1377 and General Plaintiff, owing o 824that VARNUM LLC real property above to appear in this Code §47-1371(b)(1)(G)) of the District of the amounts D.C. Code §47-1361, and 2007, assessed to the things, ior Court of the District of Judge´s Administration expenses provided for by erty in Unknown 03/16, 03/23, 03/30/18 below, their heirs, devi- D.C. Code §47-1361, and Columbia 441 4th Street, Court by the 23rd day of for Occupant redemption ISAIAH CUNNINGHAM all outstanding municipal owner of record listed necessary Columbia, that notice (For Purposes of And Order Number 02-11, it is D.C. Code §47-1377 and the pro IN THE SUPERIOR sees, personal repre- all outstanding municipal NW Washington, THE DISTRICT OF May, 2018, and redeem D.C. v. have not been paid. Unknown Occupant liens amounts due and above, given §47-1371(b)(1)(G)) by the insertion of a Code this 23RD day of January D.C. Code §47-1361, and Code § COURT OF THE And sentatives, executors, COLUMBIA the Real Property by pay20001 liens amounts due and Pursuant to the Chief owing on the RealofPropcopy of this Order in the All unknown owners the 2018, Administration all outstanding grantees, municipal owing on the Real Propswer th DISTRICT OF administrators, ment of $4238.50, plus inJOHN T. DUREN, JR. Judge´s And erty property in accordance with Defendants. WaTHE s h i nDISTRICT g t o n A f rOF oreal described ORDERED by the Superliens amounts due and thereaft COLUMBIA (For Number Purposes of D.C. assigns or successors in erty in accordance with And Serve: terest from the date the Earnest & Rosa Smith Order 02-11, it is the provisions D.C. American, a newspaper below, their heirs,of deviCOLUMBIA ior Court of the District of right, owing on the Real Propment wi CIVIL DIVISION Code §47-1371(b)(1)(G)) title, and interest and the provisions of D.C. S.M. Prestegard & Renee Muriel Bowser Certificate was sold, all Purposes of D.C. ORDER OF Code personal §47-1361, repreor anhaving a general circula- sees, Columbia, that notice be (For ertyand in all accordance with Code §47-1361, or an- All unknown closing any persons havMayor of the District of expenses provided for by owners of the Fauntroy Code §47-1371(b)(1)(G)) PUBLICATION swer the complaint, or tion inMuriel the Bowser District of sentatives, executors, Serve: given by the insertion of a ing theor provisions of D.C. demptio Civil Action No.D.C. claiming to have any swer the complaint, or S.M. D.C. Code §47-1377 and Columbia1350 Pennreal Prestegard property described & Renee with thereafter, a final judg- In accordance Columbia, once a week grantees, Mayor of the District of administrators, copy of this Order in the Code §47-1361, or anProperty 2018 CA 000613 L(RP) THE DISTRICT OF interest, including sylvania Avenue, D.C. Code §47-1361, and heirs, deviFauntroy thereafter, a final judg- below, their THE the DISTRICT OF adCode §47-1375 ment will entered forefor three (3) successive assigns orbe successors in Official Columbia Wa s hCOLUMBIA ington Afroswer complaint, or the Plai A C T I O N I N V O LV I N G verse COLUMBIA possession, in the ment will be entered fore- sees, NW Washington, D.C. all outstanding municipal personal repreUnknown Occupant closing right ofand re- (2001 ed.), the object of weeks, notifying all per- right, title, the and interest American, a newspaper leasehold thereafter,or athefinal judgsimple. REAL PROPERTY fee sim20004 liens amounts due and closing the right of re- sentatives, executors, demption in the havReal this proceeding is to sesons interested in the any and all persons 1350 Pennsylvania havingMuriel a general circula- ple ment willreal be property entered foreCALENDAR Serve: Bowser in the and demption in the Real And owing on the Real Propadministrators, grantees, Serve: Muriel Bowser foreclosure18 of the Property andtovesting Real Property described ing or claiming have anyin cure the Avenue, NW tion in the District of closing the right of reMAGISTRATE Mayor of the District of premises, situate, Serve also: erty in accordance with Property and vesting in assigns or successors in Mayor of the District lying of of redemptionJUDGE in the the Plaintiff a title inadfee right above to appear in this interest, including Washington, D.C. 20004 Columbia, once Penna week and demption in Real By: J RENEE RAYMOND* Columbia1350 being in the the District Karl A. Racine, Attorney the provisions of D.C. right, title, and interest and Purposes of D.C. Columbia 1350 Penn-ofin the Plaintiff a title in fee (For real property losimple. Court by the 13th day of verse possession, in the following for three (3) successive Property and vesting sylvania Avenue NW Columbia described as General of the District of Code §47-1361, or anany and all persons havCode §47-1371(b)(1)(G)) simple. sylvania Avenue, NW in the District of June, 2018, Serve and also:redeem leasehold or the fee sim- cated weeks, notifying all per- 417 the UPlaintiff aWASHINGtitle in fee 03/16 THORNTON Washington, D.C. 20004 St NW, swer the complaint, or Columbia 441 4th Street, ing or claiming to have any D.C. 20004 to the MELLON Plaintiff in Clerk of the Court the Property by pay- ple in the real property and Columbia KarlReal A. Racine, Attorney sons interested in the Washington, simple. LLC TON, DC 20001, Square: thereafter, a final judg- NW Washington, D.C. interest, including THE DISTRICT OFadSquare: 2854 ment of $3147.43, plus inGeneral of the District of premises, situate, lying this Action: Real Property described 3081, Lot 0006, assessed Plaintiff, Serve also: 20001 ment will be entered foreverse possession, COLUMBIA in the also: James McGinley terest from the date the and By: being in theDDistrict of Lot: 2007, SQUARE: Columbia above to appear in this to theServe Clerk ofofthe Court v. Karl A. Racine, Attorney owner record closing the right of reClerk of the Court leasehold or the fee simRacine, Attorney 2007, which Certificate was sold, 441 4th Street, NW all Columbia described as 2854 LOT: Court byofthe 23rd dayofof Karl By: A. James D. McGinley KENNETH W. General the District listed above, And demption in the Real ple in the real property and Serve: By: James D McGinley expenses provided for by 1337 Harvard St NW P-1, may also be known as Washington, D.C. 20001 May, 2018, and redeem General of the District of RICHARDSON Columbia Property and vesting in premises, Murielsituate, Bowser lying 441 4th 03/30/18 Street, Harvard St NWIII P-2, 03/16, 03/30/18 D.C. Code §47-1377 and WA S H I N03/23, G TTue ON , Mar D C 13 1337 the441 Real by pay- Columbia 03/16, 03/23, TYPESET: 14:33:32 EDT 2018 John Pauley 4thProperty Street, NW Defendants. the Plaintiff a title in fee All unknown owners of the and being theDistrict District of Mayor of in the NW Washington, D.C. W A S H I N G T O N , D C D.C. Code §47-1361, and 20009, Square: 2854, Lot And TYPESET: Tue Mar 13 14:31:37 EDT 2018 ment of $3119.19, plus inJohn Pauley Washington, D.C. real property described simple./s/ Columbia described as Penn03/16, 03/23, 03/30/18 Columbia1350 20001 all outstanding municipal 2006, assessed to the 20009.The Complaint terest from the date the Eugene Choi 20001 Judge´s Administration ORDER OF below, their heirs, devi350 V St SE, WASHINGsylvania Avenue, NW among other liens amounts dueof and All unknown owners the owner of record listed states, Certificate was sold, all Judge´s Administration Herbert Callihan or it is Order Number 02-11, PUBLICATION Clerk of the Court sees, personal repreIN THE SUPERIOR TON, DC 20001, Washington, D.C.Square: 20004 things, that the amounts owingproperty on the Real Prop- above, real described expenses provided for by Order Number 02-11, it is Patricia Hess And this 23RDforday of January In accordance with D.C. IN THE SUPERIOR By: James D McGinley sentatives, executors, COURT OF THE 3082, Lot 0812, assessed necessary redemption erty in their accordance with below, heirs, deviD.C. Code §47-1377 and And day of Capital Solarpaid. 2018,not Official Code §47-1375 COURT OF THE administrators, grantees, DISTRICT OF tothis the23rd owner of January, record Serve also: have been the provisions D.C. Defendants. sees, personal ofrepreD.C. Code §47-1361, and (2001 ed.), the object of 2018, Condominium All unknown owners of the ORDERED by the SuperDISTRICT OF assigns or successors in COLUMBIA listed above, Karl A. Racine, Attorney All unknown owners of the Pursuant to the Chief Code §47-1361, or ansentatives, executors, all outstanding municipal ORDERED by District the SuperOccupant iorUnknown Court of the District of real property described real this property proceeding is to seCOLUMBIA right, title, and interest and CIVIL DIVISION General of the of described swer the complaint, or ORDER OF administrators, grantees, TYPESET: Tue Mar 13 14:31:18 EDT 2018 havliens amounts due and ior Court of the District of below, their heirs, deviColumbia, that notice be cure the foreclosure of the CIVIL DIVISION persons 03/16, 03/23, 03/30/18 any and all Defendants. Columbia 441 4th Street, below, their heirs, devithereafter, a final judgPUBLICATION assigns or successors in owing on the Real PropColumbia, that notice be And sees, personal repregiven by the insertion of a right of redemption in the ing or claiming to have any Civil Action No.D.C. NW Washington, D.C. sees, personal reprementtitle, will be with right, andentered interestforeand In accordance erty in accordance with following real property logiven ORDER by20001 the insertion of a 3088 LOT: 0020, which executors, copy of this Order in the sentatives, Civil Action No. interest, including ad2018 CA 000614 L(RP) OF executors, closing right ofhavre- Official Code §47-1375 any and the all persons the provisionsgrantees, of D.C. sentatives, copyPUBLICATION of this Order in the may possession, also be known as administrators, Wa s Purposes h i n g t o n Aoff r oD.C. cated in the District 2018 CA 000608 L(RP) IN THE SUPERIOR verse in the A C T Ied.), O N the I N Vobject O LV I NofG (For administrators, grantees,of demption in tothe ing or claiming haveReal any (2001 Code §47-1361, or anWa s h i n g t o n A f r o 1 9 0 1 3 r d S t N W, Code §47-1371(b)(1)(G)) assigns or successors in American, a newspaper Columbia the Plaintiffinin ACTION INVOLVING COURT OF THE leasehold or the fee simPROPERTY In accordance with D.C. And assigns or to successors Property and vestingadin this REAL proceeding is to seinterest, including swer the complaint, or American, a newspaper W A S H I N G T O N , D C right, title, and interest and having a general circulathis Action: Square: 3081 REAL PROPERTY DISTRICT OF ple in the real property and CALENDAR Official Code §47-1375 right, title, and interest and the Plaintiff a title in in the fee cure the foreclosure18 of the verse possession, thereafter, a final judghaving a general circula20001.Thesituate, Complaint THE OF of any and all persons hav- any tion inDISTRICT the District Lot:and 0006, SQUARE: CALENDAR 18 COLUMBIA premises, lying MAGISTRATE (2001 ed.), the object of All unknown owners of the all persons havsimple. or the fee sim- right of redemptionJUDGE in the leasehold ment will be entered foretionproceeding in the described District states, among other COLUMBIA Columbia, once a week ing or claiming to have any ing 3081 LOT: 0006, MAGISTRATE JUDGE CIVIL DIVISION and being in the District of RENEE RAYMOND* this is to se-of real property or claiming to havewhich any real property lople in the real property and following closing the right of adre- may Columbia, once week things, thatdescribed the amounts Serve: Muriel including for three (3)Bowser successive interest, also be known asad417 RENEE RAYMOND Columbia as cure thetheir foreclosure the below, heirs,aof deviinterest, including /s/ James D McGinley premises, situate, lying cated in the District of demption in the Real for three (3) successive necessary for redemption Mayor of the District of verse possession, in the weeks, notifying all perU St NW, WASHINGTON, Civil Action No. 1 9 0 1 3 r d S t N W , THORNTON right of personal redemptionreprein the sees, verse possession, in the Acting Clerk of District the Court to the MELLON Plaintiff in and being in the of Columbia Property or andthevesting weeks, real notifying all perhave paid. Columbia1350 fee sim-in leasehold sons interested Pennin the leasehold DC 20001.The THORNTON MELLON 2018CA000552 L(RP) WA S H Inot N G Tbeen ON, D C following property losentatives, executors, or theComplaint fee simSquare: 2854 Columbia described as this Action: LLC the Plaintiff a title in fee sons ininterested in the Pursuant to the sylvania Avenue,described NW ple in the real property and ple Real Property states, among other LLC 20001, Square: 3088,Chief Lot Plaintiff, cated the District of administrators, grantees, in the real property and SQUARE: 3By:James 2 2 3 1 3Dt hMcGinley S t N W , Lot: 2006, simple. Real Property described Judge´s Administration Washington, D.C. 20004 situate, lying premises, above to appear in this premises, things, thatsituate, the amounts ACTION INVOLVING 0020, assessed to the v. Columbia the Plaintiff in assigns ortosuccessors in lying 2854 LOT:EDT 2006, which WA S H I N G TTue O N ,Mar D C 13 14:33:59 TYPESET: 2018 above to appear in this Order Number 02-11, it is and being in the District of Court by the 23rd day of necessary for redemption Plaintiff, REAL PROPERTY owner of record listed KENNETH W. as this Action: Square: right, title, and interest3082 and and being in the District of 03/16, 03/23,2844, 03/30/18 be known 20010, Square: Lot may also of the Court Court byallthe 23rd day this 23rd day of January, Serve also: described as Columbia May, 2018, and redeem ColumbiaClerk have notdescribed been paid. CALENDAR 18 above, RICHARDSON Lot: 0812, SQUARE: any and persons hav-of as Harvard St NWIIIP-1, 0083, assessed to the 1337 May, 2018,0812, and redeem 2018, Karl Property A. Racine, Pursuant the Real by pay- 8 2 4 Va r n u m S t N W, 417 Pursuant toWASHINGthe Chief v. MAGISTRATE JUDGE Pauley 3082 LOT: which ing or claiming to have any U St NW, A S HJohn I N Gto T Othe N , Chief DC owner of record listed WJudge´s DNMcGinley the also Realbe Property by350 payORDERED by the SuperAttorney General plus of the S HJames INGTO , DC ment of $3119.19, in- WABy: Judge´s Administration RENEE RAYMOND Defendants. IN THE SUPERIOR JohnAdministration Pauley may known as interest, including adTON, DC 20001, Square: 20009.The Complaint above, ment of $4238.50, plus inior Court of the District of District of Columbia 20011, Square: 3024, Lot Order Number 02-11, it is terest from the date the Order Number 02-11, it is JOHN T. DUREN, JR. COURT OF THE Choi V St SE, WASHINGTON, verse possession, in the 3081, Lot 0006, assessed states,Eugene among other terest from the date the Columbia, thatOF notice be 441 4th Street, NW all 0050, assessed to the tothis thisHerbert 23rd January, Certificate was sold, 23rd day ofofJanuary Earnest & Rosa Smith THORNTON MELLON ORDER DISTRICT OF Callihan or DC 20001.The Complaint leasehold or the fee simthe owner record , things, thatday theofamounts Defendants. 03/16, Certificate was sold, givenPUBLICATION by the insertion of a Washington, D.C. 20001 of 03/23, record03/30/18 listed listed 2018,Patricia expenses provided for by owner 2018,above, S.M. Prestegard & Renee ple LLC COLUMBIA Hess states, among other in the real property andall necessary for redemption expenses provided for by copy of this Order the above, EDT D.C. Code §47-1377 and TYPESET: Tue Mar 13 14:31:57 ORDERED by 2018 the SuperFauntroy Plaintiff, In accordance with in D.C. CIVIL DIVISION Capital Solarpaid. things, thatsituate, the amounts premises, lying have not been ORDER OF D.C. Code §47-1377 Wa s h i nCode g t o n §47-1375 AfroORDERED the Chief Super- And D.C. Code §47-1361, and ior Court of the District of S.M. Prestegard & Renee and v. Official Condominium necessary redemption being infor the District and of Defendants. Pursuant tobythe PUBLICATION D.C. Code §47-1361, and SHAW 3RD HOLDINGS American, a newspaper Defendants iorUnknown Court of the District of all outstanding municipal Tue Mar 13 14:31:37 EDT 2018paid. Fauntroy (2001 ed.), the object of Civil Action No.D.C. Columbia, that notice be TYPESET: Occupant have not been Columbia described as In accordance with all V outstanding having a general unknown owners Columbia, that notice be All liens amounts dueof the and Unknown Occupant LLC this proceeding is circulato se2018 CA 000615L(RP) given by the insertion of a Pursuant to WASHINGthemunicipal Chief 350 St SE, IN THE SUPERIOR ORDER OF Official Code §47-1375 liens amounts due and tion in the District real property described ORDER OF given by the insertion of a owing on the Real PropSHAW 3RD HOLDINGS cure the foreclosure of theof ACTION copyPUBLICATION of this Order in the And Judge´s Administration TON, DC 20001, Square: COURT OF THE (2001 ed.), INVOLVING the object of owing on the Real PropColumbia, once a below, their heirs, deviPUBLICATION copy of this Order in the erty in accordance with And LLC right of redemption inweek the PROPERTY s h i n g t o n with A f r oD.C. OrderLot Number it is 3082, 0812, 02-11, assessed DISTRICT OF IN THE SUPERIOR InWa accordance thisREAL proceeding is to seerty inowner accordance with SHAW 3RD HOLDINGS for threereal (3)property successive sees, personal of reprewith D.C. Official Wa s hPurposes i n g t o n Aof f r oD.C. the provisions D.C. In accordance following loCALENDAR 18of the American, a newspaper (For this 23rd day ofofJanuary, to the record COLUMBIA COURT OF THE Code §47-1375 cure the foreclosure the above, provisions of D.C. weeks,in notifying all perexecutors, §47-1375 (2001 American, a newspaper sentatives, Code §47-1361, or an- Official (For DISTRICT PurposesOF of D.C. listed LLC cated the District of MAGISTRATE JUDGE havinged.), a general circula2018, Code §47-1371(b)(1)(G)) CIVILCode DIVISION the object of right of redemption in the Code §47-1361, or ansons interested in administrators, grantees, (2001 ed.), the object of having a general circula- swer the complaint, or §47-1371(b)(1)(G)) Napoleon Ibiezugbe & Columbia to the Plaintiffthe in RENEEreal RAYMOND* tionproceeding in the District of Code COLUMBIA ORDERED by the Superthis is to sefollowing property loswer the complaint, or Real Property described assigns or successors in this proceeding is to seTYPESET: Tue Mar 13 14:31:18 EDT 2018 tion in the District of thereafter, a final judgKevin FalknerTucker this Action: Square: 3088 Columbia, once a ofweek ior Court of the District of THE DISTRICT OF Defendants. Civil Action No. CIVIL DIVISION cure the foreclosure the cated in the District of thereafter, a final judgabove to appear in this title, and interest foreand cure the foreclosure of the Columbia, once a week right, ment will be entered THE DISTRICT OF Family, LLC Lot: 0020, SQUARE: THORNTON MELLON for three (3) successive Columbia, that notice be COLUMBIA 2018CA000610 L(RP) right of redemption in the Columbia to the Plaintiff in mentby willthe beinsertion entered foreCourt LOT: by the0020, 23rd which day of and all of redemption in the following for three (3)Bowser successive any closing thepersons right ofhavre- right COLUMBIA JM1 Investments LLC 3088 given of a weeks, notifying all perServe: Muriel ORDER OF Civil Action No. ACTION INVOLVING real property lothis Action:LLC Square: 2844 closing the Order right in of the reMay, also 2018, redeem ing or claiming tothe haveReal any following real property lo- cated weeks, ofnotifying all perdemption in JM1 Investments LLC may beand known as Plaintiff, copy of this sons in interested in the Mayor the District of PUBLICATION IN THE SUPERIOR 2018 CA 000608 L(RP) REAL PROPERTY the District of Lot: 0083, SQUARE: demption in the Real the Real Property by interest, including adcated in the District of sons interested in the Property and vesting in Serve: Yuvora Nong, Esq. 1 9 0 1 3 r d S t N payW, Waaccordance s h i n g t o n with A f r oD.C. Real Property described Columbia1350 PennIn COURT OF THE ACTION INVOLVING CALENDAR 18 Columbia to the Plaintiff in 2844 LOT: 0083, which Property and vesting in ment of $3906.38, plus inverse possession, inin the Columbia to the Plaintiff in Real Property described the Plaintiff a title fee Muriel Bowser Charles Carrocio Jr. W A S H I N G T O N , D C v. American, a newspaper above to appear in this sylvania Avenue, NW Official Code §47-1375 DISTRICT OF REAL PROPERTY MAGISTRATE JUDGE this Action: Square: 3081 may also be known as the Plaintiff a title in of fee terest from the date the Action:RAYMOND Square: 3024 Lot: above to appear in this leasehold simple. or the fee sim- this of the District of (2001 District of Columbia 20001.The Complaint having a general circulaCourt0006, by the SQUARE: 23rd day of Mayor Washington, D.C. 20004 ed.), the object COLUMBIA CALENDAR 18 RENEE 3 2 2 3 1 3 t h S t N W, simple./s/ Certificate was sold, ple in the real property and Lot: 0050, SQUARE: Court by the 23rd day of Columbia1350 Penn- this Water & Sewer states, among otherall tion proceeding in the District of RONALD May, LOT: 2018, 0006, and redeem is to seCIVIL DIVISION MAGISTRATE JUDGE 3081 which W A S H I NP.GKINGSBURY TON, DC expenses for by situate, 3024 LOT: 0050, which may May, 2018, Clerk of the lying Court THORNTON sylvaniaRAYMOND Avenue, NW Unknown Occupant things, thatprovided the amounts Columbia, once a of week Estate of the Real Property payServe and also:redeem premises, cure the foreclosure the RENEE MELLON also be known by as 417 20010.The Complaint Clerk of theinCourt D.C. Codefor §47-1377 and known as 824 Ument the Real by pay- and being in the District of may also be Washington, D.C. 20004 right necessary redemption for three (3) successive Ronald Kingsbury of $6789.64, plus inKarl Property A. Racine, of redemption the Civil Action No. LLC St NW, WASHINGTON, states, among other By: James D McGinley D.C. Code and described as V a r n u m S t N W , terest from the date the ment of $5089.93, in- Columbia By: James D McGinley And have not §47-1361, been paid. weeks, notifying all perDistrict of Columbia Attorney General plus of the following real property lo2018CA000552 L(RP) THORNTON MELLON COLUMBIA CIVIL DIVISION



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The Afro-American, March 17, 2018 - March 23, 2018




202-332-0080 410-554-8200

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NAME: ________________________________________________ ADDRESS: _____________________________________________ PHONE NO.:____________________________________________ CLASSIFICATION: ______________________________________ (Room, Apt., House, etc.) INSERTION DATE:_________________


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demption inproperty the following loYuvora real Nong, Esq.Real Property and vesting of in cated in the District Unknown Occupant the Plaintiff a title in fee Columbia to the Plaintiff in simple. this Action: Square: 4054 And Lot: 0096, SQUARE: 4054 LOT: 0096, which (For Purposes of D.C. Clerk the Court may §47-1371(b)(1)(G)) also be ofknown as Code 1 6 By: 4 1 James 1 1 t hD McGinley PlNE, WASHINGTON, DC 20002. The Complaint THE DISTRICT OF 03/16, 03/23, 03/30/18 states, among other COLUMBIA LEGAL things, thatNOTICES the amounts necessary for redemption Serve: haveMuriel not Bowser been paid. 14:29:56 2018Chief Pursuant to District the Mayor ofEDT the of Judge´s Administration Columbia 1350 PennOrder Number 02-11, it is sylvania Avenue, this day of January, NW23RD Washington, D.C. 2018, 20004 ORDERED by the Superior Court of the Serve also:District of Columbia, that Attorney notice be Karl A. Racine, given by the of a General of theinsertion District of copy of this Order in the Columbia 441 4th Street, Wa h i n g t o n A fD.C. roNWsWashington, American, a newspaper 20001 having a general circulation in the District of And Columbia, once a week forunknown three (3) successive All owners of the weeks, notifying all perreal property described sons interested in the below, their heirs, deviReal Property sees, personal described repreabove to appear in this sentatives, executors, Court by the 23RD day of administrators, grantees, May, 2018, , , and redeem assigns or successors in the Real Property byand payright, title, and interest ment of $5723.42, inany and all personsplus havterest from the date the ing or claiming to have any Certificate was sold, interest, including ad-all expenses providedinfor by verse possession, the D.C. Code and leasehold or §47-1377 the fee simD.C. Code §47-1361, and ple in the real property and all outstanding municipal premises, situate, lying liens amounts due and and being in the District of owing on described the Real PropColumbia as erty in accordance with 2100 Channing St NE, theS H provisions WA I N G T O N ,ofDD.C. C Code §47-1361, or an20018, Square: 4111E, swer theassessed complaint, or Lot 0027, to the thereafter, a finallisted judgowner of record ment will be entered foreabove, closing the right of redemption in the Real Property and vesting in Defendants. the Plaintiff a title in fee simple. ORDER OF PUBLICATION In accordance with D.C. Clerk of the Court Official Code §47-1375 By:ed.), James McGinley (2001 theDobject of this proceeding is to secure the foreclosure of the13 TYPESET: Tue 03/30/18 Mar 03/23, right03/16, of redemption in the following real property located in the District of IN THEtoSUPERIOR Columbia the Plaintiff in COURT OF 4111E this Action: Square: THE SQUARE: DISTRICT4111 Lot: 0027, OF COLUMBIA CIVIL DIVISION

weeks, notifying all simper- 2018, leasehold or the fee REAL PROPERTY sons interested the ORDERED by the Superple in the real property CALENDAR 18 in and amounts Real Property described premises, situate, lying ior Court of the District of MAGISTRATE JUDGE demptio above toRAYMOND in this IN THE SUPERIOR Plaintiff, and being inappear the District of Columbia, that notice be RENEE paid.Pur Court by the 23RD dayas of given by the insertion of a COURT OF THE Serve also: v. Columbia described Judge´s May, 2018, and redeem DISTRICT OF Karl A. Racine, Attorney 4509 Sheriff Rd NE, copy of this Order in the THORNTON MELLON Order N the Real Property by payCOLUMBIA Wa s h i n g t o n A f r o General of the District of VIRGINIA MATHIAS WA S H I NLLC GTON, DC this 23rd 14:31:18 EDT 2018 ment ofSquare: $4938.46, plusLot in- American, a newspaper CIVIL DIVISION Columbia 441 4th Street, VIRGINIA MATHIAS 20019, 5126, 2018, terest assessed from the date the having a general circulaNW Washington, D.C. Unknown Occupant 0842, to the Plaintiff, Certificate was sold, all Civil Action No. 3088 LOT: 0020, which 20001 owner of v.record listed tion in the District of ORDER expenses provided for by 2018 CA 001000L(RP) Columbia, once a week may also be known as TYPESET: Tue Mar 13 14:30:40 EDT 2018 above, Defendants. ior Cour D.C. CodeNOTICES §47-1377 and for LEGAL NOTICES And LEGAL NOTICES ACTION INVOLVING LEGAL NOTICES LEGAL LEGAL NOTICES LEGAL NOTICES three (3) successive 1LEGAL 9 0 1 3 r NOTICES d St NW, And 4900-4904 QUARLES Columb D.C.STREET Code §47-1361, and weeks, notifying all perOrder Number 02-11, it is REAL PROPERTY WASHINGTON, DC LLC given by all outstanding municipal this 23RD day of January, CALENDAR 18 sons interested in the 20001.The Complaint All unknown owners of the (For Purposes of D.C. IN THE SUPERIOR Defendants. 4900-4904 QUARLES copy of TYPESET: Tuedescribed Mar 13 liensSTREET amounts due and 2018,property MAGISTRATE JUDGE Real Property described states, among other real Code §47-1371(b)(1)(G)) COURT OF LLC Wa s h i n owing ORDER on the Real ORDERED the SuperRENEE RAYMOND* things, that the amounts below, their by heirs, deviTHE DISTRICT OF Prop- above to appear in this 4900-4904 QUARLES America erty STREET in accordance with Court by the 23RD day of ior Court of the District necessary for redemption sees, personal repre-of OF COLUMBIA PUBLICATION LLC having a the provisions of D.C. Columbia, that notice be have not been paid. sentatives, executors, THE DISTRICT OF CIVIL DIVISION In accordance with D.C. May, 2018, and redeem THORNTON MELLON Industrial Bank IN THE SUPERIOR tion in Code §47-1361, or angiven COURT by the insertion of a LLC the Real Property by payPursuant to the Chief administrators, grantees, COLUMBIA Official CodeBank §47-1375 Industrial OF Columb swer Paul the Cohen complaint, or ment of $3989.39, plus incopyTHE of or this Order in the Plaintiff, Judge´s Administration assigns successors in Civil Action No. (2001 ed.), the object of DISTRICT for thre thereafter, a final Wa OF stitle, h i COLUMBIA ng t o ninterest A f r o and Order Number 02-11, it is right, and Serve: 2018 CA 000527 L (RP) this proceeding is tojudgse- terest from the date the Unknown Occupant weeks, ment will be entered foreAmerican, a newspaper v. this 23rd day of January, any CIVIL and allDIVISION persons havMuriel Bowser ACTION INVOLVING cure the foreclosure of the Certificate was sold, all sons in closing the right of rehaving a general circulaexpenses provided for by 2018, ing or claiming to have any Mayor of the District of REAL PROPERTY Clerk of the Court right of redemption in the And Real Pr demption the Real tionCivil in Action the District of THOMAS K ORDERED by the Superinterest, including CALENDAR 18 By: James D McGinley Columbia 1350 Penn- following realinproperty lo- D.C. Code §47-1377 and No. adabove t Property and District vesting Columbia, once Lain week STEPHENSON ior Court of the District of verse possession, the sylvania Avenue, MAGISTRATE JUDGE cated in the (For Purposes of D.C. ofin D.C. Code §47-1361, and 2018 CA 000525 (RP) Court by the Plaintiff a title in fee for three (3) successive THOMAS K Columbia, that notice be leasehold the fee simNW Washington, D.C. RENEE RAYMOND Columbia to the Plaintiff in all outstanding municipal Code §47-1371(b)(1)(G)) ACTION or INVOLVING TYPESET: Tue Mar 13 14:29:18 EDT 2018 June 20 simple. weeks, notifying all perSTEPHENSON liens amounts due and given by the insertion of a ple in the real property and 20004 03/16, 03/23, 03/30/18 this Action: Square: 5126 REAL PROPERTY the Rea sons interested the THOMAS K copy of this Order in the premises, situate, THORNTON MELLON Lot: 0842, SQUARE: owing on the Real PropCALENDAR 18inlying ment of Clerk of the Court erty in accordance with Real Property described WASH I N Galso: T O N , D C 5126 STEPHENSON Wa s h i n g t o n A f r o and being in the JUDGE District of Serve LLC 0842, which THELOT: DISTRICT OF MAGISTRATE terest fr By: James D McGinley above to appear in this 20018. The Complaint City First Bank of DC, NA American, a newspaper Columbia described as Karl A. Racine, Attorney IN THE SUPERIOR may COLUMBIA also be known as the provisions of D.C. RENEE RAYMOND Certifica Court Eastern by the 23RD states, among other Milton Franklin & Code §47-1361, or anhaving a general circula6506 Aveday NE,of General of the District of Plaintiff, COURT OF 4509 Sheriff Rd NE, expense May, things, that Clifton Kellogg tion in the District of WA S H2018, I N G Tand O N , redeem DC Columbia 441the 4thamounts Street, W A S H IServe: v. THE DISTRICT N G T O N , D C swer the complaint, or THORNTON MELLON D.C. Co 03/16, 03/23, 03/30/18 thereafter, a final judgthe Real Property by paynecessary for redemption Unknown Occupant Columbia, once a week 20012, Square: Lot NW Washington, D.C. OF COLUMBIA 20019. The Complaint Muriel Bowser LLC 3729, D.C. Co ment of $4904.06, plus inhave not been paid. states, ment will be entered forefor three (3) successive 0025, assessed to the 20001 GREGORY A MAYE CIVIL DIVISION other Mayor of among the District of all outst terest from the date the Pursuant to the Chief And closing the right of reweeks, notifying all perowner of record listed Unknown Occupant things, that1350 the amounts Columbia PennPlaintiff, liens am Certificate v.was sold, all Judge´s Administration necessary sons interested in the above, And Civil Action No. redemption demption in the Real sylvaniafor Avenue, owing o Tue02-11, Mar it13is 14:28:36 EDTbeen 2018 expenses provided for by Order Number (For Purposes of D.C. Real Property described And 2018 CA 000523 L (RP) TYPESET: have not paid. Property and vesting in NW Washington, D.C. erty in D.C. Code §47-1377 and this 23RD day of January, Code §47-1371(b)(1)(G)) above to appear in this All unknown owners of the Pursuant ACTION INVOLVING to the Chief the Plaintiff a title in fee 20004 ANNA M GLOVER the pro D.C. Code §47-1361, and 2018, simple. Judge´s Administration Court by the 23rd day of Defendants. real property described (For Purposes of D.C. REAL PROPERTY Unknown Occupant Code § all outstanding municipal ORDERED by the SuperTHE DISTRICT OF Number 02-11, it is May, 2018, and redeem below, their heirs, devi- Order Serve Code §47-1371(b)(1)(G)) CALENDAR 18 also: IN THE SUPERIOR swer th liens ORDER amountsOF due and ior Court of the COLUMBIA Clerk of the Court this 23RD day of January, the Real Property by paysees, personal repre-of Karl MAGISTRATE JUDGE A. Racine, Attorney COURT OFDistrict And thereaft owing on the Real PropColumbia, that notice be General By: James D McGinley 2018, of the District of ment of $3906.38, plus inPUBLICATION sentatives, executors, RENEE RAYMOND THE DISTRICT ment wi in accordance with given by the insertion of a Serve: Muriel Bowser ORDERED by the Superterest from the date the Inerty accordance with D.C. administrators, grantees, THE DISTRICT OF Columbia 441 4th Street, OF COLUMBIA (For Purposes of D.C. closing the provisions of D.C. copy of or this Order in the Mayor ofEDT the District of Court of the District Certificate was sold, all Official Code §47-1375 assigns successors in ior COLUMBIA THORNTON MELLON NW Washington, D.C. of TYPESET: Tue Mar 13 17:19:26 CIVIL DIVISION Code §47-1371(b)(1)(G)) 2018 demptio Code ed.), §47-1361, or anWa stitle, h i n gand t o ninterest A f r o -and Columbia, Columbia 03/16, 03/23, 03/30/18 that notice be expenses provided for by (2001 the object of right, LLC 20001 Property swer the complaint, or American, a newspaper 1350 Pennsylvania D.C. Code §47-1377 and this proceeding is to seany and Action all persons Serve: Civil No. hav- given by the insertion of a 20019. The Complaint the Plai thereafter, a final judghaving a general circulaAvenue, NW copy of this Order in the D.C. Code §47-1361, and cure the foreclosure of the ing or claiming to have any Muriel Bowser Plaintiff, And 2018 CA 000537 L (RP) THE DISTRICT OF states, among other IN THE SUPERIOR simple. mentofwill be entered tion in the Districtadof Wa s h i n g t o n A f r o Washington, D.C. 20004 all outstanding municipal right redemption in forethe interest, including Mayor of the District of v. ACTION INVOLVING COLUMBIA things, that the amounts COURT OF closing the right of loreColumbia, once ainweek American, a newspaper liens amounts due and Columbia 1350 Penn- following real property verse possession, the All unknown owners of the REAL PROPERTY necessary for redemption THE DISTRICT demption in the Real for CALENDAR three or (3)the successive having a general circulaowing on the Real Propcated in Serve: the District of leasehold fee sim- real sylvania Avenue, KIDANE GEBREHIWOT property described 18 have Serve not been OF COLUMBIA Property vesting inin weeks, notifying all and per- below, also: paid. tion intheir the heirs, District erty in accordance with Columbia toand the Plaintiff ple in the real property NW Washington, D.C. Fikremariamh Mebrahtu devi-of MAGISTRATE JUDGE Muriel Bowser Pursuant to the Chief CIVIL DIVISION By: J the Plaintiff aDistrict title in sons interested the sees, Karl A. Racine, Attorney Columbia, once reprea week the provisions of D.C. this Action: Square: 3729 premises, situate, inlying 20004 HSBC Bank personal RENEE RAYMOND Mayor of the offee Judge´s Administration simple. Realbeing Property described General of the District of for three (3)executors, successive Code §47-1361, or anLot: 0025,1350 SQUARE: and in the District of sentatives, HSBC Bank Columbia PennOrder Number 02-11, it is Civil Action No. above to described appear in this Columbia weeks, notifying all perswer the complaint, or 3729sylvania LOT: Avenue, 0025, which Columbia as administrators, Serve also: Citibank NA grantees, THORNTON MELLON this441 23RD of January, 2018 CA 000541 L (RP) 03/16, the day 4th day Street, NW sons interested in the thereafter, a final judgmay be known 2Court 0 1 9by LLC M 23RD S t N E of , assigns Karl A. Racine, Attorney Citibank NA or successors in NW also Washington, 2018, ACTION INVOLVING Clerk the Court May, Washington, D.C. 20001 Realtitle, Property described ment will be entered fore6506 Eastern NE, WA S H2018, I N G Tand O N ,redeem DC General of the District of Bierman, Geesing & right, and interest and 20004ofAve ORDERED by the SuperREAL PROPERTY the Real Property by payabove this closing the right of re- Columbia 441 4th Street, W ABy: S HJames I N G TD OMcGinley N, DC 20002, Square: 4469, Lot any Ward, Trustees and to all appear personsinhavPlaintiff, ior Court of the District of CALENDAR 18 ment ofassessed $4073.54, plusthe in- ing And Court by the 23RD day demption in the Real 20012.The Complaint 0114, to NW Washington, D.C. Unknown Occupant or claiming to have anyof v. Serve also: Columbia, that notice be MAGISTRATE JUDGE terest from the date the May, 2018, and redeem Property and vesting in states, among other owner of record listed 20001 interest, including adKarl A. Racine, Attorney given by theowners insertion of a RENEE RAYMOND 03/16, 03/30/18 Certificate wasTRUST sold, all verse All unknown of the the Real Property by the Plaintiff a title in fee things, that theDistrict amounts above, Defendants. possession, in paythe THE PARKER General of03/23, the of copyproperty of this Order in the expenses real described ment of $5579.20, insimple. necessary441 for redemption And And or the feeplus simUnknownprovided Occupantfor by leasehold Columbia 4th Street, Wa s h itheir n g t o nheirs, A f r odeviTHORNTON MELLON D.C. Code §47-1377 and ple below, terest the dateand the have not been D.C. paid. in thefrom real property NW Washington, American, a newspaper LLC D.C. Code §47-1361, and premises, sees, personal repreCertificate situate, was sold, all Clerk of the Court TYPESET: PursuantEDT to the Defendants. All unknown Tue owners of the (For Purposes of D.C. Mar 13 14:30:22 2018Chief lying 20001 having a general circula14:29:37 EDT 2018 all outstanding municipal and sentatives, executors, expenses for of by By: James D McGinley real property described Judge´s Administration Code §47-1371(b)(1)(G)) And being inprovided the District tion in the District of Plaintiff, liens ORDER amountsOF due and Columbia administrators, grantees, D.C. Codedescribed §47-1377 and below, their heirs, devi- And as Order Number 02-11, it is Columbia, once a week TYPESET: Tue Mar 13 14:30:58 EDT 2018 v. SUFFIX: E LOT: 0027, owing on the Real Prop- 4900 assigns or successors in D.C. Code §47-1361, and 03/16, 03/23, 03/30/18 sees, personal repreQuarles St NE, (For PUBLICATION Purposes of D.C. this 23RD day of January, IN THE SUPERIOR for three (3) interest successive which also be OF known Code in accordance with WA right, title, and and all S outstanding Inerty accordance with D.C. sentatives, executors, All THEmay DISTRICT H I N G T O Nmunicipal , DC §47-1371(b)(1)(G)) unknown owners of the 2018, weeks, all havper4900-4904 QUARLES 2018,COURT OF as 2100 Channing St NE, Official the provisions of D.C. 20019, any and notifying all persons liens amounts due Lot and Code §47-1375 administrators, grantees, real COLUMBIA Square: 5171, property ORDERED by described the SuperTHE DISTRICT sons interested in the STREET LLC ORDERED by the SuperW A S H I N G T O N , D C IN THE SUPERIOR Code §47-1361, or aning or claiming to have any owing on the Real Prop(2001 ed.), the object of assigns or successors in 0039, assessed to the below, their heirs, deviior Court of the District of OF COLUMBIA Real Property described 4900-4904 QUARLES ior Court of the District 20018. The Complaint this COURT OF THE swer the complaint, or owner interest, including aderty in ofaccordance with proceeding isOF to seright, title, and interest andof sees, Serve: record listed THE DISTRICT personal repreColumbia, that notice be CIVIL DIVISION abovepossession, to appear in in the this STREET LLC Columbia, notice be states, among DISTRICT OF thereafter, a final ofjudgverse the provisions of D.C. cure the foreclosure the above, any and all that persons havMuriel Bowserother Defendants. COLUMBIA executors, given by the insertion of a Court by the 23RD of 4900-4904 QUARLES given by the insertion of a sentatives, things, amounts COLUMBIA mentofwill be entered leasehold or the feeday simright redemption in forethe Code §47-1361, or aning or claiming to have any Mayor that of thethe District of administrators, grantees, copy of this Order in the Civil Action No. May, 2018,and redeem STREET LLC copy of this Order in the necessary for redemption CIVIL DIVISION Civil Action No. closing the right of reple in the real property and swer the complaint, or following real property lointerest, including adColumbia 1350 PennServe: assigns or successors in Wa s h i n g t o n A f r o 2018 the Real Property payIndustrial Bank Wa sCA hpossession, i n000526 g t o n ALf r(RP) have not been paid. cated 2018 CA 000524 L (RP) demption in District the Real premises, situate,bylying a final judgin the of thereafter, verse ino -the right, sylvania Avenue, Defendants. Muriel Bowser title, and and American, a interest newspaper ACTION INVOLVING ment of $3286.08, plus of inIndustrial Bank American, Pursuant to the D.C. Chief Columbia Civil Action No. ACTION INVOLVING Property vesting and being in the District toand the Plaintiff leasehold or athenewspaper fee sim- any NW Washington, Mayor of the District of inin ment will be entered foreand all persons havhaving a general circulaREAL PROPERTY terest from the date Paul Cohen having general circulaJudge´s 20004 Administration Columbia 2018CA 000551 L (RP) REAL PROPERTY the Action: Plaintiff a title in fee closing Columbia described the as the right this Square: 4469 ple inCALENDAR theareal property and ing ORDER OF of re1350 Pennor claiming have any tion in the to District of 18 Certificate was sold, all Unknown Occupant tion in the District of Order Number 02-11, it is ACTION INVOLVING CALENDAR 18 simple. 49th St NE, WASHINGin the Real Lot: 0114, SQUARE: premises, situate, lying interest, PUBLICATION sylvania Avenue, 4469 demption adColumbia,including once a week MAGISTRATE JUDGE expenses provided for by Columbia, once a week this 23RD dayalso: of January, LOT: REAL PROPERTY MAGISTRATE JUDGE TON, DC 20019, Square: and with vesting 0114, which may InProperty and being in the District of verse Serve accordance And NW Washington, D.C. possession, in the for three (3) successive RENEE RAYMOND D.C. Code §47-1377 and for three described (3) successive 2018, CALENDAR 18 RENEE RAYMOND Clerk of Court 5179, Lot 0059, assessed the Plaintiff title in fee also be known asthe 2019 M Official Columbia as weeks, notifying Karl A. Racine, Attorney Codea §47-1375 20004 or the fee all simperD.C. §47-1361, and weeks, notifying St all NE, per- leasehold ORDERED by the SuperMAGISTRATE JUDGE By: James D McGinley (2001 to theCode owner of record simpleed.), the object of St NE, WASHINGTON, 151 Tuckerman General of the District of ple in the real property sons interested in and the THORNTON MELLON all outstanding municipal (For Purposes of D.C. sons interested in the ior Court of the District of RENEE RAYMOND THORNTON MELLON listed above, Complaint this proceeding is to seWA S H I NLLC GTON, DC Columbia 441 4th Street, DC 20002. ServeThe also: premises, situate, lying Real Property described liens amounts due and Code §47-1371(b)(1)(G)) Real Property described Columbia, that notice LLC Clerk of theofCourt states, among other cure the foreclosure 20011, Square: 3724, Lot and NW Washington, Karl the A. Racine, Attorney being the District of to inappear in this owing Defendants. on the Real Propabove assessed to appear toin the this above given by the insertion of a General THORNTON MELLON 03/16, 03/30/18 D McGinley things, that the amounts 0042, 20001 rightBy: of James redemption in the of 03/23, the District of Columbia described as Court by the 23RD day of Plaintiff, erty in accordance with Court by 23rd listed day of copy of this Order in the Columbia LLC Plaintiff, necessary441 for 4th redemption owner of the record Street, following real property lo1May, 6 4 12018, 1 1 ,t h lNE, andPredeem v. the provisions THE DISTRICT OF May, 2018, and redeem Wa s h i n g t o n A f r o v. TYPESET: Tue Mar 13 14:28:54 EDTbeen 2018 ORDER OFof D.C. have not paid. cated in the District of above, And NW Washington, D.C. H I NProperty G T O N , byDpayC the S Real CodePUBLICATION §47-1361, or anCOLUMBIA the Real Property by pay- WA American, a newspaper Pursuant20001 Plaintiff, TYPESET: Tue Mar in13 14:28:16 EDT 2018 03/16,to03/23, 03/30/18 to the Chief Columbia the Plaintiff 20002, Square: 4054, Lot ment of $5800.33, plus inSTEPHEN SINDU swer the complaint, or ment of $2842.75, plus inhaving a general v. WOODRIDGE In accordance with D.C. All unknown ownerscirculaof the Judge´s Administration this Action: Square: 5171 0096, assessed to the terest from the date the Unknown Occupant thereafter, a final judgterest Defendants. from the date the tion property in the District of And HOLDINGS LLC Code §47-1375 W A S H IServe: N G T O N , D C Official real described Order Number 02-11, it is Lot: 0039, SQUARE: owner of record listed IN THE SUPERIOR Certificate was sold, all ment will be entered foreMuriel Bowser Certificate was sold, all Columbia, once a week JO C STALLWORTH WOODRIDGE ed.), the object of 20019. The Complaint (2001 below,COURT their heirs, devi- this 23RD day of January, 5171 0039, which above, IN LOT: THE SUPERIOR expenses provided for by And closing the right of sereMayor ofamong the District of expenses provided for three (3) OF successive Unknown Occupant HOLDINGS LLC this proceeding is to ORDER OF for by states, other sees, personal repre- All 2018, be known as unknown owners of the may also COURT OF THE DISTRICT demption in the of Real Columbia 1350 PennD.C.PUBLICATION Code §47-1377 and D.C. Code §47-1377 and weeks, notifying all perNapoleon Ibiezugbe & cure the the things, that the amounts Propertyforeclosure sentatives, executors, real ORDERED by described the Super- 4900 THE Quarles St NE, property DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA D.C. Code §47-1361, and (For Purposes of D.C. and vesting sylvaniafor Avenue, Code §47-1361, and sons interested in the below, And Kevin Falkner of redemption in thein InD.C. accordance with D.C. necessary redemption right administrators, grantees, ior Court of the District their heirs, devi-of Defendants. OF COLUMBIA CIVIL DIVISION municipal Code §47-1371(b)(1)(G)) the Plaintiff title in lofee NW Washington, all outstanding municipal all outstanding Real Property described Potomac Investment realaproperty Official Code §47-1375 have not been D.C. paid. following assigns or successors in sees, Columbia, that notice be personal repreCIVIL DIVISION liens amounts due and simple. the District of liens ed.), amounts due and abovetitle, to and appear in and this sentatives, (For Purposes of D.C. Enterprises (2001 the object of owing ORDER Pursuant20004 to the Chief cated inClerk right, interest given by the insertion of a executors, OF Civil Action No. on the Real Propthe Court owing on the Real Court by all thepersons 23RD day of administrators, Code §47-1371(b)(1)(G)) this Chevy Chase Bank to theofPlaintiff in proceeding is OF toPropse- erty PUBLICATION Judge´s Administration Columbia any and havcopy of this Order in the grantees, Civil Action No. 2018 CA 000536 Lredeem (RP) in accordance with THE By: James D McGinley also: erty inDISTRICT accordance with May, 2018, and Chevy Chase Bank cure the foreclosure of the Order Serve Number 02-11, it is this Action: Square: 5179 ing or claiming to have any assigns Wa s h i norg tsuccessors o n A f r o - in In 2018 CA 000540 L (RP) ACTION INVOLVING theaccordance provisionswith of D.C. D.C. COLUMBIA Karl A. Racine, Attorney the provisions of D.C. the Real Property by payTHE DISTRICT OF Chevy Chase Bank right of redemption in the Official this 23RD day of January, Lot: 0059, SQUARE: interest, including ad- right, American, newspaper title, anda interest and Code §47-1375 ACTION INVOLVING REAL PROPERTY or anGeneral of the District of Code §47-1361, or loan- Code §47-1361, ment ofpossession, $4668.74, plus in- any COLUMBIA Yuvora Nong, Esq. 5179 LOT: 0059, which following real property 2018, verse having circulaand aallgeneral persons havthe object of REAL PROPERTY CALENDAR 18in the swer ed.), the complaint, or Serve: 03/16, 03/23, 03/30/18 Columbia 441 swer in the complaint, or (2001 terest from the date the Unknown Occupant cated the District of ORDERED by4th theStreet, Super- may also be known as leasehold or theJUDGE fee sim- ing tion in the to District of or claiming have any this proceeding is to seCALENDAR 18 MAGISTRATE thereafter, a final judgMuriel Bowser NW Washington, D.C. of 49th St NE, WASHINGthereafter, a final judgCertificate was sold,and all interest, Serve: Columbia to the Plaintiff in ior Court of the District ple in the real property Columbia, once a week including adcure the foreclosure of the MAGISTRATE JUDGE RENEE RAYMOND ment will be entered foreMayor of the District of 20001 ment will be entered foreexpenses provided for by Muriel Bowser this Action: 1350 Square: 3724 closing Columbia, that notice be TO N , D C 2 0 0 1 9 . T h e premises, situate, lying verse for three (3) successive possession, in the of redemption in the RENEE RAYMOND the right of re- And Columbia closing the SQUARE: rightPennof re- right D.C.being Codein§47-1377 Mayor of the District of TYPESET: Mar of13a 17:20:08 EDT 2018 Complaint states, among Lot: 0042, given by theTue insertion and the Districtand of leasehold weeks, notifying all simperor the fee realinproperty loTHORNTON MELLON demption the Real sylvania Avenue, And demption in the which Real following D.C. Code §47-1361, and Columbia1350 Penn- 3724 (For Purposes of D.C. LOT: 0042, copy of this Order in the other things, that the ColumbiaLLC described as ple sons interested in and the in the real property cated in the District of THORNTON MELLON Property and vesting in NW Washington, D.C. Property vesting all outstanding municipal sylvania Avenue, NW may Code §47-1371(b)(1)(G)) amounts necessary for realso 20004 beand known as 151in Columbia Wa s h i n g t o n A f r o 1513 Channing St NE, Real Property described premises, situate, lying to the Plaintiff in LLC the Plaintiff a title in fee All unknown owners of the demption have not been liensS Hamounts Washington, D.C. Tthe u c kPlaintiff e r m a na title S t in N Efee , this American, a newspaper WA IPlaintiff, N G T O Ndue , Dand C above to inappear in this IN THE SUPERIOR and being the District of Action: Square: 4054 simple. real property described simple. owing on the Real Prop20004 WASH I N Galso: T O N , D C Lot: 0096, SQUARE: having a general circula- paid.Pursuant to the Chief 20018, Square: 4122, Lot Columbia Court by the 23RD dayasof COURT OF THE described Plaintiff, v. Serve below, erty in assessed accordance THE DISTRICT OF 20011.The Complaint tion DISTRICT intheir the heirs, District of Judge´s Administration 0813, to with the 4509 May, 2018, andRdredeem OF deviSheriff NE, v. Karl A. Racine, sees, personal repreClerk ofAttorney the Court 4054 LOT: 0096, which the provisions oflisted D.C. WA Serve also: COLUMBIA states, among other Columbia, once a week Order Number 02-11, it is owner of record the Real Property by payCOLUMBIA S H I N G T O N , D C may also be known as VIRGINIA MATHIAS Clerk of the Court General of the District of sentatives, executors, By: James D McGinley Code §47-1361, or anKarl A. Racine, Attorney things, that for CIVIL three DIVISION (3) successive this 23rd day of January, above,, ment ofSquare: $4938.46, plusLot in5126, 4 1 James 1 1 t hD McGinley PlNE, 4900-4904 QUARLES VIRGINIA MATHIAS or 20019, 441the 4thamounts Street, 1 6 By: administrators, grantees, swer the complaint, General of the District of Columbia Serve: necessary for redemption weeks, notifying all per- 2018, terest assessed from the date the 0842, to the WASHINGTON, DC STREET LLC Unknown Occupant NW Washington, D.C. assigns or successors in thereafter, a final judgColumbia441 4th Street, Muriel Bowser have not been paid. sons interested Certificate was sold, all Civil Action the owner of record listed 20002. The Complaint 4900-4904 QUARLES 20001 right, title, and interest and ORDERED by the Super03/16, 03/23, 03/30/18 ment will be entered fore- above, NW Washington, D.C.13 14:30:40 Mayor of the District of Pursuant to the Chief states, Real Property described TYPESET: Tue Mar 13 14:29:56 EDT 2018 TYPESET: Tue Mar EDT 2018 Defendants. expenses provided for by 2018 CA 001000L(RP) Defendants. among other STREET LLC 03/16, 03/23, 03/30/18 any and all persons havclosing the right of re20001 Judge´s Administration things, that the amounts Columbia 1350 Penn- And above to INVOLVING appear in this ior Court of the District of D.C. Code §47-1377 and ACTION 4900-4904 QUARLES And ing or claiming to have any in the sylvania Avenue, Court byPROPERTY the 23RD day of Columbia, that notice be ORDER OF Real D.C. Code §47-1361, and REAL STREET LLC Order Number 02-11, it is demption Order Number 02-11, it is necessary for redemption interest, including ad- given by the insertion of a Property and vesting in And NW Washington, D.C. May, 2018, and 18 redeem all outstanding municipal CALENDAR Defendants. not SUPERIOR been paid. Industrial Bank this 23RD day of January, (ForPUBLICATION this 23RD day of January, Purposes of D.C. IN THE IN THE SUPERIOR All unknown owners of the have verse possession, in paythe copy of this Order in the the Plaintiff a title in fee 20004 the Real Property by In accordance with D.C. liens amounts due and MAGISTRATE JUDGE Pursuant to the Chief Industrial Bank 2018, 2018,property described Code §47-1371(b)(1)(G)) COURT OF COURT OF of the real leasehold or the fee simsimple. All unknown owners ment of $3989.39, plus in- Wa s h i n g t o n A f r o Code §47-1375 owing ORDER on the Real RENEE RAYMOND* OF PropPaul Cohen ORDERED by the Super- Official ORDERED the SuperTHEAdministration DISTRICT DISTRICT their by heirs, devi- Judge´s ple in thefrom real property real THE property described below, Serve also:District of (2001 ed.), the object of erty PUBLICATION terest the dateand the American, a newspaper in accordance with Unknown Occupant ior Court of the ior Court of the District of OF COLUMBIA OF COLUMBIA sees, personal reprepremises, situate, lying below, their heirs, devi- Columbia, that notice be Karl A. Racine, Attorney Certificate was sold, all having a general circulaproceeding isOF to se- Intheaccordance provisionswith of D.C. D.C. THORNTON MELLON Columbia, that notice be this THE DISTRICT CIVIL DIVISION CIVIL DIVISION executors, and being LLC inprovided the District Clerk of the Court sees, personal repre- sentatives, General theinsertion District of expenses for of by tion in the District of foreclosure of the Official Code §47-1361, or an- And Code §47-1375 given byofthe of a cure the given by the insertion of a COLUMBIA administrators, grantees, Columbia described as Columbia, once a week By: James D McGinley sentatives, executors, copy of this Order in the Columbia 441 Order 4th Street, D.C. Code §47-1377 and swer ed.), the complaint, or Plaintiff, the object of copy of this in the right of redemption in the (2001 Civil Action No. Civil Action grantees, No. assigns or successors in Q u a r l e s S t N E , for three (3) successive administrators, NW Washington, D.C. D.C. Code §47-1361, and followingServe: real property lo- this thereafter, a final proceeding is tojudgse(For Purposes of D.C. Wa s h i n g t o n A f r o Wa stitle, h i n gand t o ninterest A f r o -and 2018 CA 000525 L (RP) 2018 CAor 000527 L (RP)in right, WA H I N Gv.T O Nmunicipal , DC assigns successors 20001 weeks, notifying all perall S outstanding in the District of cure mentthe will be enteredofforeforeclosure the Code §47-1371(b)(1)(G)) American, a newspaper catedMuriel American, a newspaper Bowser ACTION INVOLVING ACTION INVOLVING any and all persons hav20019, Square: 5171, 03/16, 03/23, 03/30/18 right, title, and interest and having a general circulaliens amounts due Lot and sons interested in the Plaintiff closing the right in of the reof redemption having a general circula- Columbia Mayor of to thethe District of in right REAL PROPERTY REAL PROPERTY ing or claiming to have any 0040, assessed to the any and all persons hav- tion in the District of And owingTHOMAS on the Real this Action:1350 Square: 4122 following demption the Real K Prop- Real Property described realinproperty lotion in the District of Columbia PennCALENDAR 18 CALENDAR 18 any interest, including adowner record listed ing or claiming to have ertySTEPHENSON in ofaccordance with above to appear in this 0813,Avenue, SQUARE: cated Property and District vesting ofin in the THE DISTRICT OF Columbia, once a week Lot:sylvania Columbia, once ainweek MAGISTRATE JUDGE MAGISTRATE JUDGE possession, the above, interest, including ad- verse All unknown owners of the the provisions LOT: 0813,D.C. which Columbia the Plaintiff a title in fee THOMAS Kof D.C. Court by the 13th day of to the Plaintiff in COLUMBIA for three (3) successive 4122 for three or (3)the successive NW Washington, RENEE RAYMOND RENEE RAYMOND fee simverse possession, in the leasehold real property described Code §47-1361, or an- June 2018, and redeem may also be known as simple. STEPHENSON TYPESET: Tue Mar 13 14:29:18 EDT 2018 this Action: Square: 5126 weeks, notifying all perweeks, notifying all and per20004 in the real property Defendants. leasehold or the fee sim- ple below, heirs, in deviswer THOMAS the complaint, or the Real Property by payK Serve: sons their interested the 1513 Channing St NE, Lot: 0842, SQUARE: sons interested the THORNTON MELLON THORNTON MELLON situate, inlying ple in the real property and premises, sees, personal reprethereafter, a final judg- ment of $3020.97, plus inClerk of thewhich Court STEPHENSON 0842, Muriel Bowser Real Property described W A S H Realbeing Property described Serve I N Galso: T O N , D C 5126 LOT: LLC in the District of ORDER OF premises,LLC situate, lying and sentatives, executors, ment willBank be entered fore- terest from the date the James McGinley City First of DC, NA mayBy: also be D known as Mayor of the District of above appear in this 20018. above to described appear in this Karl A. Racine, Attorney The Complaint as IN THEtoSUPERIOR PUBLICATION and being in the District of Columbia administrators, grantees, closing the right &of re- Certificate was sold, all Milton Franklin 4509 Sheriff Rd NE, Columbia 1350 Penn- In CourtCOURT by the 23RD day of states, Court Eastern by the 23RD day of General ofamong the District of other Plaintiff, Plaintiff, 6506 Ave NE, OF accordance with D.C. Columbia described as 67 May, 2018, and redeem assigns or successors in Columbia demption in the Real expenses provided for by Clifton Kellogg sylvania Avenue, May, 2018, , , and redeem 441the 4thamounts Street, W A S H I N G T O N , D C things, that v. SHINGTON, DC THE Official Code §47-1375 S h e r i d av.n S t N E , WA right, title,DISTRICT and interest Property and vesting in D.C. Code §47-1377 and 03/16, 03/23, 03/30/18 Unknown Occupant 20019. The Complaint NW Washington, D.C. theOF Real Property byand pay- necessary the Real Property by payNW Washington, D.C. for redemption TYPESET: Tue Mar 13 14:28:36 EDT 2018 20012, Square: 3729, Lot COLUMBIA (2001 ed.), the object of D.C. Code §47-1361, and WA S H I N G T O N , D C any and all persons havthe Plaintiff a title in fee 20004 ment of $5723.42, plus in- have not ment ofassessed $4904.06, to plusthe in20001 been paid. states, among other ANNA M GLOVER GREGORY A MAYE 0025, CIVIL DIVISION this proceeding is to se- all outstanding municipal 20011, Square: 3722, Lot terest from the date the ing or claiming to have any simple. And things, that the amounts terest from the date the Pursuant to the Chief Unknown Occupant Unknown Occupant owner of record listed Judge´s Administration cure the foreclosure of the 0042, assessed to the Certificate was sold, all interest, including ad-all And liens amounts due and redemption also: Certificate wasNo. sold, Judge´s Administration necessary Civil Action Order Serve Number 02-11, it is right of redemption in the owing on the Real PropIN THEfor SUPERIOR owner of record listed above, verse possession, infor theby Order Number 02-11, it is have Clerk ofofthe Court (For Purposes D.C. not been Karl A. Racine, Attorney expenses provided expenses provided for by And And 2018 CA 000523 L (RP) this 23RD day of January, following COURT OF paid. real property loabove, leasehold or the fee simBy: James D McGinley erty in accordance with Code §47-1371(b)(1)(G)) to the Chief General D.C. Code §47-1377 and All D.C. Code §47-1377 and unknown owners of the Pursuant this 23RD day of January, ACTION INVOLVING 2018, of the District of THE DISTRICT cated in the District of the provisions of D.C. ple in the real property and Columbia 441by4th Street, D.C. Code §47-1361, and real D.C. Code §47-1361, and 2018,property described (For Purposes of D.C. (For Purposes of D.C. Defendants. REAL PROPERTY ORDERED the SuperOF COLUMBIA Columbia to the Plaintiff Defendants. situate, lying below, DISTRICT OF in Code §47-1361, or anNW Washington, D.C. of thisTHE all CALENDAR outstanding municipal all outstanding municipal their by heirs, deviORDERED the SuperCode §47-1371(b)(1)(G)) premises, Code §47-1371(b)(1)(G)) 18 ior Court of the District CIVIL DIVISION Action: Square: 5171 swer the complaint, or and being in the District of sees, 03/16, 03/23, 03/30/18 COLUMBIA 20001 liens amounts due and liens ORDER amountsOF due and personal repre-of ior Court of the District MAGISTRATE JUDGE Columbia, that notice be Lot: 0040, SQUARE: thereafter, a final judgORDER OF Columbia described as sentatives, owing onRAYMOND the Real Propowing on the Real Propexecutors, Columbia, that notice be PUBLICATION RENEE given by the insertion of a Civil Action No. 5171 LOT: 0040, which ment will be entered forePUBLICATION 2100 Channing St NE, Serve: Muriel Bowser And erty in accordance with administrators, in accordance with grantees, given by the insertion of a THE DISTRICT OF DISTRICT OFD.C. Inerty accordance with D.C. copy of this Order in the may 2018 CA 000537 L (RP) be District known of as closing the right of reIn THE accordance with WA I N G T O N ,ofD D.C. C Mayoralso ofEDT the theS H provisions the provisions of D.C. assigns successors in copy of or this Order in the COLUMBIA Code §47-1375 THORNTON MELLON TYPESET: 2018 Wa s h i n g tTue o n AMar f r o - 13 17:19:26 ACTION INVOLVING Q u a rColumbia les S t N E , demption in the Real OfficialCOLUMBIA Code §47-1375 Official 20018, Square: 4111E, All unknown owners of the Code §47-1361, or an- right, Code ed.), §47-1361, or anWa stitle, h i n gand t o ninterest A f r o -and (2001 the object of LLC American, a newspaper W A S H I N G T O N , D C Property and vesting in REAL PROPERTY (2001 ed.), the object of swer the complaint, or Lot 0027, to theor any 1350 Pennsylvania real property described swer theassessed complaint, and all persons havAmerican, a newspaper Serve: Serve: is to se- this proceeding is to sehaving a general circula- 20019. The Complaint CALENDAR 18 this proceeding owner of record the Plaintiff a title in fee Avenue, NW other below, devi-of states, thereafter, a finallisted judg- ing thereafter, a final ofjudgor claiming to have any having a general circulaMuriel Bowser Muriel Bowser cure the foreclosure the Plaintiff, tion intheir theheirs, District among MAGISTRATE JUDGE IN THE SUPERIOR cure the foreclosure of the ment will be entered foreabove, simple. Washington, D.C.amounts 20004 sees, personal reprement will be entered foreinterest, including adtion in the District of Mayor of the District of Mayor the Districtinofthe right of redemption in the v. Columbia, once a week things, that the RENEE RAYMOND COURT OF right of of redemption sentatives, closing the right of re- verse closing the right of lorepossession, the Columbia, once ainweek Columbia 1350 PennColumbia 1350 Pennreal property for THE threeDISTRICT (3)executors, successive necessary for redemption following real property lo- following Clerk of the Court administrators, grantees, demption in the Real leasehold demption the Real fee simfor three or (3)the successive sylvania Avenue, sylvania Avenue, in thein District of KIDANE GEBREHIWOT weeks, notifying all per- have not been paid. THORNTON MELLON OF COLUMBIA cated in the District of cated Defendants. Servetoalso: assigns or successors in Pursuant Property andMebrahtu vesting in ple Property toand vesting inin in the notifying real property weeks, all and perNW Washington, D.C. NW Washington, D.C. Columbia the Plaintiff Fikremariamh sons interested in the the Chief LLC CIVIL and DIVISION Columbia to the Plaintiff in the Plaintiff a title in fee By: James D McGinley Karl A. Racine, Attorney right, interest and Judge´s the Plaintiff a title in fee premises, situate, inlying sons interested the 20004 20004 Action: Square: 3729 HSBC Bank Realtitle, Property described Administration this Action: Square: 3722 this ORDER OF General of the District any and to all appear personsinhavsimple. simple. and in the District of Realbeing Property described HSBC Bank above this Order Number 02-11, itofis Plaintiff, Civil Action No. Lot: 0042, SQUARE: Lot: 0025, SQUARE: PUBLICATION Columbia ing or claiming to haveday anyof this 23RD Columbia described as above to appear in this Serve also: also: which 3729 LOT: 0025, which Citibank NA Court by000541 the 23RD day of January, TYPESET: v. 2018 CA L (RP) 3722 Serve LOT: 0042, Tue Mar 13 17:20:28 with D.C. 2Court 03/16, 03/23, 03/30/18 441 4th Street, NW interest, including ad- 2018, 0 1 9by the M 23RD S t N E of , day Karl A. Racine, Attorney In accordance Karl A. Racine, Attorney be known as Citibank NA May, 2018, and redeem ACTION INVOLVING may also be known as 67 may alsoClerk Official Code §47-1375 Washington, D.C. verse possession, in the Clerk of the Court of the Court WA S H I N G T O N , D C May, 2018, and redeem General of the District of General ofathe Eastern Ave NE, Bierman, Geesing & of the RealPROPERTY Property by pay- ORDERED by the20001 SuperTHE PARKER TRUST REAL Sherid n District S t Nof E , 6506 (2001 ed.), the object paid.Pur leasehold or the feeplus simBy: James D McGinley 20002, By: James D McGinley Columbia 441 4th Street, Square: 4469, Lot the Real Property by payColumbia 441 Ward, Trustees ment of $5579.20, in- ior Court of the District of Unknown Occupant 18 and WASHIN G T4th O NStreet, , DC WASHINGTON, DC this proceeding is to se- 0114, Judge´s IN THE SUPERIOR ple inCALENDAR thefrom real property ment ofassessed $4073.54, to plusthe inNW Washington, D.C. NW Washington, D.C. 20012.The Complaint Unknown Occupant terest theJUDGE date the And Columbia, that notice be MAGISTRATE 20011.The Complaint cure the foreclosure of the Order N COURT OF premises, situate, lyingall given by the insertion of a owner of record listed terest from the date the 20001 20001 states, among other Certificate was sold, RENEE RAYMOND states, among other right 03/16, of redemption in the above, this 23R TYPESET: Tue03/30/18 Mar 13 14:30:22 EDT 2018 THE DISTRICT unknown and being in the District 03/23, 03/30/18 03/16, 03/23, Defendants. Certificate was sold, all And expenses provided for of by All copy of thisowners Order of in the the things, that the amounts things, that the amounts following real property lo2018, OF COLUMBIA Columbia as real expenses provided for by And And And D.C. Codedescribed §47-1377 and Wa sproperty h i n g t o n described AfroTHORNTON MELLON necessary for redemption necessary for redemption cated in the District of ORDER CIVIL DIVISION their a heirs, deviOrder Number 02-11, it is 4900 Quarles St NE, D.C. Code §47-1377 and not been paid. D.C. Code §47-1361, and below, American, newspaper (For Purposes of D.C. LLC have not been paid. have Columbia to the Plaintiff in ior Cour sees, personal reprethis 23RD day of January, WA Soutstanding H I N G T O Nmunicipal , DC Defendants. D.C. Code §47-1361, and IN THE to SUPERIOR All unknown owners of the All unknown owners of the Pursuant the Chief (For Purposes of D.C. all having a general circulaCode §47-1371(b)(1)(G)) Pursuant to the Chief this Action: Square: 4111E all outstanding municipal Columb Civil Action No. 2018,property 20019, Square: 5171, OF real real property described 14:30:58 EDT 2018 Judge´sCOURT Administration Code §47-1371(b)(1)(G)) TYPESET: Tuedescribed Mar 13 14:29:37 EDT 2018 4111 liens amounts due Lot and sentatives, tion in the executors, District of Plaintiff, Judge´s Administration Lot: 0027, SQUARE: given by 2018 CA 000530 L (RP) ORDERED the Super0039, to Propthe administrators, liens ORDER amountsOF due and THE DISTRICT below, their by heirs, devibelow, their devi14:30:58 EDTheirs, 2018 owing assessed on v. the Real Columbia, oncegrantees, a week Order Number 02-11, it is copy of ACTION INVOLVING successors in ior Court of the District owner record listed PUBLICATION on the Real PropOF COLUMBIA sees, personal repre-of SUFFIX: E LOT: 0027, owing sees, personal repre- , erty inofaccordance with assigns 2018, for threeor (3) successive THE DISTRICT OF this 23rd day of January Wa s h i n REAL PROPERTY right, title, and interest and Columbia, that notice be above, Defendants.of D.C. weeks, notifying all perIn accordance with D.C. erty in accordance with CIVIL DIVISION sentatives, executors, sentatives, executors, THE DISTRICT OF the provisions ORDERED by the Super2018, which may also be known COLUMBIA IN THE SUPERIOR 4900-4904 QUARLES America CALENDAR 18 all personsinhavgiven by the insertion of a as 2100 Code §47-1375 the provisions of D.C. administrators, grantees, administrators, grantees, COLUMBIA Code §47-1361, or an- any ior Court of by thethe District of ORDERED SuperChanning St NE, Official sonsandinterested the COURT OF STREET LLC having a MAGISTRATE JUDGE or claiming have any copy of or thissuccessors Order in the the object of Code ed.), §47-1361, or anCivil Action No. assigns in W A S H I N G T O N , D C (2001 assigns swer the complaint, or ing Columbia, that notice in be ior Courtorofsuccessors the District of Real Propertyto described Serve: THE DISTRICT 4900-4904 QUARLES tion in RENEE RAYMOND Wa stitle, h i n gand t o ninterest A f r o -and 20018. The Defendants. is to seswerproceeding the complaint, or 2018 CA 000526 L (RP) right, right, interest Serve:Complaint this thereafter, a LLC final judg- interest, giventitle, by and the insertion ofbea Columbia, that noticeand above to including appear in adthis Muriel Bowser OF COLUMBIA STREET Columb verse possession, in the American, a newspaper cure the foreclosure ofjudgthe thereafter, a final ACTION INVOLVING anyCIVIL and all persons havany and havMuriel Bowser ment will be entered forecopy of all thispersons Order in given by the insertion ofthe a states, among other Court by the 23RD day of Mayor of the District of 4900-4904 QUARLES for thre THORNTON MELLON or the fee simhaving a DIVISION general circulaORDER OF of re- leasehold right redemption the mentofwill be enteredinforeREAL PROPERTY ing or claiming to have any things, ing orsclaiming Mayor of thethe District of closing the right Wa h g t oOrder nto have A f rin o any - the copy ofi nthis that amounts May, 2018,and redeem Columbia 1350 PennSTREET LLC weeks, LLC the real property and tion in the Districtadof Columbia PUBLICATION following real right property closing the of loreCALENDAR 18 interest, including interest, 1350 Penndemption inBank the Real ple American, Wa s h i n gincluding t oan newspaper A f r o -adnecessary for redemption theinReal Property by paysylvania Avenue, Civil Action No. Industrial sons in situate,plus lying Columbia, once ainweek InProperty accordance with premises, in the of demption in District the Real MAGISTRATE JUDGE verse possession, the have verse possession, in the sylvania andBank vesting having a general circulaAmerican, a newspaper not Avenue, been paid. cated ment of $3286.08, inNW Washington, D.C. 2018 CA 000524 L (RP) Industrial Real Pr Plaintiff, and being in the District of for three (3) successive Official Codea §47-1375 Columbia to the vesting Plaintiff inin Property and RENEE RAYMOND leasehold or the fee simleasehold or the fee sim-of NW Washington, D.C. the Plaintiff title in fee tion ina the District having general circulaPursuant to the Chief terest from the date the 20004 ACTIONnotifying INVOLVING Paul above t v. weeks, all and per- Judge´s 20004 (2001 ed.),Cohen the object of Columbia 4469 the Action: PlaintiffSquare: a title in fee ple in thePROPERTY real property ple in the property and simple Columbia, a week tion in real theonce District of Administration this Certificate described was sold, as all REAL Unknown Occupant Court by St NE, WASHINGsons interested inlying the Order Number 02-11, it is Lot: this proceeding is to se- 49th 0114, SQUARE: 4469 simple. THORNTON MELLON premises, situate, premises, situate, for three (3) successive Columbia, once a lying week expenses provided for by Serve also: CALENDAR 18 May, 2 DEANWOOD REAL DC 20019, Square: Realbeing Property described cure the foreclosure the TON, LLC and in theJUDGE District of this 23RD and being in(3) thesuccessive District of Serve also: Clerk of theofCourt weeks, all perfor threenotifying day of January, LOT: 0114, which may D.C. Code §47-1377 and Karl A. Racine, Attorney And MAGISTRATE the Rea ESTATE INVEST. I LLC 5179, Lot 0059, assessed above to appear in this rightBy: of redemption in the D.C. Code §47-1361, and also be known asthe 2019 M Clerk of Court Columbia described as Columbia described as Karl A. Racine, Attorney James D McGinley sons interested the weeks, notifying allin per2018, General of the District of RENEE RAYMOND ment of Santorini Capital LLC owner ofmunicipal record real property lo- to St By: NE,James WASHINGTON, D McGinley Columbia 441 4th Street, following Plaintiff, 1Court 6 4 1by1the 1 t 23RD h P lday N Eof , ORDERED 151 Stin NE, General of the of RealTuckerman Property sons interesteddescribed the by District the Superall the outstanding (For Purposes of D.C. terest fr Brian Donegan & May, 2018, and cated in the District of listed v. WA SH I N G ,TMELLON O N ,redeem DC WA S HProperty I to N Gappear TON , in D Cthis Columbia 441 Street, above Real described ior Court of the4th District of DC 20002. The Complaint liens above, amounts due and NW Washington, D.C. THORNTON Code §47-1371(b)(1)(G)) Certifica William Leahy the Real Property by payColumbia the Plaintiff in owing on the Real Propamong TYPESET: Tue other Mar 13 14:28:54 20001 EDT 2018 20002, Square: Lot Columbia, 20011, 3724, Lot NW Washington, D.C. be states, 03/16,to03/23, 03/30/18 Court Square: by 23rd day of above to the appear in this that notice LLC 4054, expense Unknown Occupant Defendants. ment of $5800.33, plus inthis Action: Square: 5171 erty in accordance with that03/23, the amounts 03/16, 03/30/18 STEPHEN SINDU 0096, assessed to the given by 20001 0042, assessed the May, by 2018, redeem Court the and 23rdto day of the insertion of a things, D.C. Co terest from the date the copy of this Order in the necessary for redemption 0039, SQUARE: the provisions of D.C. Unknown Occupant owner of record listed owner of Property record listed Judge´s Administration Lot: the Real by payMay, 2018, and redeem And Plaintiff, THE DISTRICT OF D.C. Co OF or an- And Certificate was sold, all And LOT: 0039, which Code ORDER have not SUPERIOR been paid. above, above, Order Number 02-11, it is 5171 COLUMBIA ment of $2842.75, plus inIN THE the Real Property by payWa s h i n g t o n A f r o §47-1361, v. all outst expenses provided for by American, a newspaper Pursuant may alsoEDT be known Tue 13 14:28:16 2018 as swerPUBLICATION to the this 23RD day ofMar January, terestoffrom the date COURT OF Chief TYPESET: ment $2842.75, plus the in- And the complaint, or All unknown owners of the liens am (For Purposes of D.C. In accordance with D.C. D.C. Code §47-1377 and 4900 Quarles St NE, thereafter, a final judgAll unknown owners of the 2018, Certificate sold, the all THE DISTRICT terest from was the date having a general circulareal property described Serve: owing o Code §47-1371(b)(1)(G)) §47-1375 D.C.WOODRIDGE Code §47-1361, and real (For Purposes of D.C. Defendants. HING T O N , D C Official Defendants. described ORDERED the Superexpenses provided for all by OF COLUMBIA Certificate was sold, tion property in the District of ment willCode be entered forebelow, their by heirs, devi- W A S HOLDINGS LLC Muriel Bowser erty in (2001 object of all outstanding municipal below, Code §47-1371(b)(1)(G)) The Complaint theironce heirs,a deviior of the District INCourt THE SUPERIOR D.C. Codeprovided §47-1377 CIVIL DIVISION expenses forand by Columbia, week closinged.), thethe right of resees, personal repre-of 20019. WOODRIDGE Mayor of the District of the pro proceeding is toReal seliens amounts due and for three ORDER OF states, among other this ORDER OF personal repreColumbia, that COURT OFnotice be Columbia D.C. Code Code §47-1361, and D.C. §47-1377 and (3) successive demption in the sentatives, executors, HOLDINGS LLC Prop- sees, 1350 PennCode § THE DISTRICT OF cure the foreclosure of the owing on the Real PUBLICATION things, that the amounts PUBLICATION sentatives, executors, given by the insertion of a THE DISTRICT all outstanding municipal Civil Action No. D.C. Code §47-1361, and weeks, notifying all perProperty and vesting in administrators, grantees, Napoleon Ibiezugbe &with sylvania Avenue, swer th COLUMBIA right of redemption erty in accordance THE DISTRICT OF In accordance with D.C. administrators, for redemption In accordance grantees, copy Order in the OFofCOLUMBIA liens amountswith dueD.C. and 2018 CA 000536 L (RP) all outstanding municipal sons interested in the the Plaintiff a title in in the fee assigns orthis successors in necessary Kevin Falkner NW Washington, D.C. thereaft the provisions of D.C. assigns COLUMBIA Official Code §47-1375 have not been paid. following Official Code §47-1375 or successors in WaCIVIL stitle, h i n and g ton A f r oand DIVISION owingamounts on the Real ACTION INVOLVING liens due Propand Real Property described simple. real property loright, interest Potomac Investment 20004 ment wi Serve: cated in the of District of Code ed.), §47-1361, or an(2001 the object of right, (2001 ed.), theReal object of title, interest American, a newspaper erty in with REAL PROPERTY owing onaccordance the Propabove toand appear in and this the Court any and all persons hav- Pursuant to the Chief ColumbiaClerk Enterprises closing Muriel Bowser to the Plaintiff in swer the complaint, or Serve: this proceeding is to seJudge´s Administration this isofto D.C. seany and all persons havhaving a general circulaCivil Action No. the proceeding provisions CALENDAR 18 erty in accordance with Court by the 23RD day of By: James D McGinley ing or claiming to have any Chevy Chase BankjudgServe also: demptio Mayor of the District of thereafter, a final Muriel Bowser cure the foreclosure of the ing Order Number 02-11, it is this Action: Square: 5179 cure the foreclosure ofD.C. the or claiming to have any tion CA in 000540 the District 2018 L (RP) Code §47-1361, anMAGISTRATE JUDGE the provisions ofor May, 2018, and redeem interest, including ad-of Karl Chevy Chase Bank A. Racine, Attorney Property Columbia 1350 PennLot: 0059, SQUARE: mentofwill be enteredinforeMayor of the District of right redemption the interest, this 23RD day of January, right redemption in the including adColumbia, once ainweek ACTION INVOLVING swerof the complaint, or RENEE RAYMOND Code §47-1361, or anthe Real Property by payverse possession, the General Chevy Chase Bank of the District of the Plai TYPESET: Tue03/30/18 Mar 13 17:20:08 EDTAvenue, 2018 sylvania 5179 LOT:03/23, 0059, which closing the right of lore- verse Columbia 1350 Pennfollowing property 2018, following lopossession, in the for three REAL PROPERTY thereafter, aproperty final judgswer thereal complaint, or ment of $4668.74, plus inleasehold or(3)thesuccessive fee sim- Columbia Yuvora real Nong, Esq.Real 441 4th Street, may03/16, simple. NW Washington, D.C. also be known as demption in the sylvania Avenue, cated in the District of ORDERED by the Supercated in the District of leasehold or fee simweeks, notifying all perCALENDAR 18 ment will beaentered foreTHORNTON MELLON thereafter, final judgterest from the date the ple in the real property and Unknownand Occupant in NW Washington, D.C. 20004 Property amounts necessary for reNW Washington, D.C. Columbia to the vesting Plaintiff in ple of the District of 49th St NE, WASHINGColumbia to Plaintiff in in the realwas property sons interested inlying the ior Court20001 MAGISTRATE JUDGE closing right offorereLLC ment will the bethe entered Certificate sold,and all premises, situate, TO IN N , THE D CSUPERIOR 20019.The the Action: PlaintiffSquare: a title in fee premises, demption have not been 20004 this 4054 this Action: 3724 situate, for lying Real Property described RENEE RAYMOND demption inright the of Real closing theSquare: reexpenses provided by and being in the District of Columbia, that notice be Complaint And By: J Serve also: states, among simple. paid.Pursuant to the Chief Lot: 0096, SQUARE: and given by the insertion of a Lot: 0042, COURT OF THE the Districtand of above to described appear in as this And Property and vesting Plaintiff, demption inSQUARE: the Realin D.C.being Codein §47-1377 Columbia Karl A. Racine, Attorney other things, that the Judge´s Administration Serve also: 4054 LOT: 0096, which copy of this Order in the 3724 LOT:and 0042, DISTRICT OF Columbia described as Court by the 23RD day of THORNTON MELLON the Plaintiff a vesting title which in fee v. Property in D.C. Code §47-1361, and 4509 Sheriff Rd NE, (For Purposes of D.C. General of the District Order Number 02-11, itofis Karl A. Racine, Attorney Code may §47-1371(b)(1)(G)) also be known as 1513 Wa shingto n A f rof o -the may also be known COLUMBIA Channing municipal St NE, May, simple. the Plaintiff a titleas in151 fee all outstanding WA S H2018, I NLLC G Tand O N , redeem DC All unknown owners 03/16 Columbia 441 of 4thJanuary, Street, Court this 23rd day General of the District of 1 6 4 1 Clerk 1 1 t hof the PlN E , WA American, a described newspaper Tsimple. uckerman St NE, CIVIL DIVISION S Hamounts I N G T O Ndue , DC the Real Property by payVIRGINIA MATHIAS liens and 20019, Square: 5126, Lot real property NW Washington, D.C. 2018, Columbia 441 4th Street, W ABy: S HJames I N G TDOMcGinley N , D C 20018, having their a general W A S H I Clerk N G T of ON , Court DC 4122,PropLot ment ofassessed $4938.46,to plus in- below, Plaintiff, the VIRGINIA MATHIAS owing Square: on the Real 0842, the heirs, circuladevi20001 NW Washington, D.C. 20002. The Complaint tion inpersonal the District 20011.The Civil Action No. 0813, to with the terest from the date the sees, By: James D the McGinley Unknown Occupant ClerkComplaint of Court erty inassessed accordance owner of v. record listed THE DISTRICT OF repre-of ORDERED by the Super20001 states, among other owner Columbia, once a week states, among other 2018 CA 001000L(RP) of recordoflisted Certificate was sold, all sentatives, By: James D McGinley the provisions D.C. above, Defendants. COLUMBIA executors, And 03/16, 03/30/18 above,, ior Court of the District of things, that03/23, the amounts for three (3) successive things, that the amounts ACTION INVOLVING expenses provided for by 4900-4904 QUARLES Code §47-1361, or anadministrators, grantees, Columbia, that notice be necessary for redemption swer the complaint, or weeks, or notifying all pernecessary redemption REAL PROPERTY D.C.STREET Code §47-1377 and assigns LLC 03/16, for 03/23, 03/30/18 And And Serve: successors in All unknown of of thea given by theowners insertion haveMuriel not Bowser been paid. thereafter, a final judgsonstitle, interested in and the have not03/23, been03/30/18 paid. CALENDAR 18 D.C. Code §47-1361, 4900-4904 QUARLESand right, 03/16, Defendants. and interest real described copy property of this Order in the All unknown owners of the Pursuant toDistrict the Chief Real Property described Pursuant to the Chief MAGISTRATE JUDGE Defendants. all outstanding municipal any STREET LLC (For Purposes of D.C. ment will be entered foreMayor of the of and all persons havbelow, Wa s h i their n g t o nheirs, A f r odevireal property described Columbia Judge´s Administration above to appear in any this Judge´s Administration RENEE RAYMOND* liens ORDER amounts due and ing 4900-4904 QUARLES Code §47-1371(b)(1)(G)) closing the right of reOF 1350 Pennor claiming to have sees, personal repreAmerican, a newspaper below, their heirs, deviCourt by the 23RD day ORDER owing on theLLC Real Prop- interest, STREET demption in OF the Real PUBLICATION sylvania Avenue, including ad-of sentatives, executors, having a general circulasees, personal reprePUBLICATION in accordance with May, 2018, and redeem THORNTON MELLON Industrial Bank Property and vesting in Inerty accordance with D.C. NW Washington, D.C. sylvania Avenue, NW Washington, D.C. 20004

ment of $4668.74, plus interest from the date the Certificate was sold, all expenses provided for by D.C. Code §47-1377 and D.C. Code §47-1361, and all outstanding municipal liens amounts due and owing on the Real Property in accordance with the provisions of D.C. LEGAL NOTICES Code §47-1361, or answer the complaint, or thereafter, a final judgment will be entered foreclosing the right of redemption in the Real Property and vesting in the Plaintiff a title in fee simple.


March 17, 2018 - March 23, 2018, The Afro-American


Mayor of the District of Columbia 1350 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW Washington, D.C. 20004


Serve also: Karl A. Racine, Attorney General of the District of Columbia 441 4th Street, NW Washington, D.C. LEGAL20001 NOTICES



REAL T. I LLC al LLC an & hy upant

of D.C. b)(1)(G))


ser strict of Pennnue, n, D.C.

o: Attorney istrict of h Street, n, D.C.

ers of the escribed s, devirepreecutors, rantees, ssors in erest and ons havhave any ing adn, in the fee simperty and e, lying District of ibed as t NE, N, DC 199, Lot to the d listed


F ON ith D.C. 47-1375 object of s to seure of the on in the perty lostrict of laintiff in re: 5199 QUARE: 7, which n as 933 ASHING19. The , among hat the ry for reot been

(For Purposes of D.C. THE DISTRICT OF

TYPESET: Tue Mar 13 17:21:44COLUMBIA EDT 2018



D.C. Code and 2002, assessed to the v.§47-1377 D.C. Code §47-1361, and owner of record listed all outstanding municipal above, WOODSON HEIGHTS liens amounts due and CONDO owing on the INC Real PropDefendants. ASSOC. erty in accordance WOODSON HEIGHTSwith theCONDO provisions ORDER OFof D.C. ASSOC. CodePUBLICATION §47-1361, or anINC swer the complaint, or In accordance with D.C. Unknown Occupant thereafter, a final judgOfficial Code §47-1375 ment will be entered fore(2001 ed.), the object of LEGAL closing theNOTICES right of serethis proceeding is to And demption in the of Real cure the foreclosure the Property and of vesting in right redemption in the (For of Purposes D.C. the Plaintiff title in fee following realaproperty loCode §47-1371(b)(1)(G)) the District of cated Columbia to the Plaintiff in Clerk of the Court this Action: Square: THE DISTRICT OF5321 James SQUARE: D McGinley Lot:By:COLUMBIA 2002, 5321 LOT: 2002, which may also be known as Serve: 03/16, 03/30/18 5005 D St03/23, SE Unit: 103, Muriel Bowser W A S HofI Nthe GT O N , ofD C Mayor District 20019.The Complaint Columbia 1350 Penn17:22:30 EDT 2018 states, among other sylvania Avenue, things, that the amounts NW Washington, D.C. necessary for redemption 20004 have not been paid. Pursuant the Chief Servetoalso: Judge´s Administration Karl A. Racine, Attorney Order Number 02-11, of it is General of the District this 23RD day of Columbia 441 4thJanuary, Street, 2018, NW Washington, D.C. ORDERED by the Super20001 ior Court of the District of Columbia, that notice be And given by the insertion of a copy of thisowners Order of in the the All unknown Wa sproperty h i n g t o n described Afroreal American, a newspaper below, their heirs, devihavingpersonal a general reprecirculasees, tion in the executors, District of sentatives, Columbia, oncegrantees, a week administrators, for three successive assigns or (3) successors in weeks, all and perright, title,notifying and interest sons the any andinterested all personsinhavReal Propertyto have described ing or claiming any above to including appear in adthis interest, Court possession, by the 23RDinday verse theof May, 2018, andfee redeem leasehold or the simtheinReal Property by and payple the real property ment of $4734.02, plus inpremises, situate, lying terest from theDistrict date the and being in the of Certificate described was sold, as all Columbia expenses by 300 50th Stprovided SE Unit: for 104, D.C. Code §47-1377 and WA S H I N G T O N , D C D.C. Code §47-1361, and 20019, Square: 5323, Lot all outstanding 2004, assessedmunicipal to the liens amounts and owner of recorddue listed owing on the Real Propabove, erty in accordance with the provisions Defendants.of D.C. Code §47-1361, or answer ORDER the complaint, or OF thereafter, a final judgPUBLICATION ment will be entered foreIIn accordance with D.C. closing Code the right of reOfficial §47-1375 demption in the Real (2001 ed.), the object of Property and vesting this proceeding is to se-in the the Plaintiff a title of in the fee cure foreclosure simple. right of redemption in the following real property lothe Court cated in Clerk the of District of By: James McGinley Columbia to theDPlaintiff in this Action: Square: 5323 Lot: 2004, Tue SQUARE: TYPESET: Mar 13 532303/16, LOT:03/23, 2004,03/30/18 which may also be known as 300 50th St SE Unit: 104, SUPERIOR W AIN S HTHE ING TON, DC OF 20019. COURT The Complaint THE DISTRICT states, among other OF COLUMBIA CIVIL DIVISION

5 2 2 4 AServe: mes St NE, W A SMuriel HING TON, DC Bowser 20019. Complaint Mayor ofThe the District of states, among other AllIN unknown owners of the Columbia 1350 PennTHE SUPERIOR things, that the amounts real property described sylvania Avenue, COURT OF necessary for redemption below, heirs, deviNW Washington, D.C. THEtheir DISTRICT have not been paid. sees, repre20004 OF personal COLUMBIA Pursuant to the Chief sentatives, executors, Civil Action No. CIVIL DIVISION Judge´s Administration administrators, grantees, Serve also: 2018 CA 000535 L (RP) Order it is assigns successors in Karl A.Number Racine,02-11, Attorney ACTION INVOLVING Civil or Action No. this 23RD January, right, title, and interest and General ofday the of District of REAL PROPERTY 2018 CA 000533 L (RP) 2018, any and all persons havColumbia 441 4th Street, CALENDAR 18 ACTION INVOLVING TYPESET: Tue Mar 13 ORDERED by the SuperingREAL or claiming to have any NW Washington, D.C. MAGISTRATE JUDGE PROPERTY ior Court 20001 of the District of interest, including RENEE RAYMOND CALENDAR 18 adColumbia, that notice be verse possession, in the MAGISTRATE JUDGE given by the insertion of a leasehold or the fee simAnd THORNTON MELLON IN THE SUPERIOR RENEE RAYMOND copy COURT of this Order ple in the real property and LLC OF in the Wa s h i n DISTRICT g t oowners n Afro premises, situate, lying All unknown of- the THE THORNTON MELLON American, a newspaper and being LLC in the District of real property described Plaintiff, OF COLUMBIA having a general circulaColumbia described as below, their heirs, v. CIVIL DIVISION devition inpersonal the District 9 3 3 5Plaintiff, 2nd St NE, sees, repre-of Columbia, once a week WA S H I N Gv.T O N , D C sentatives, executors, JOHN F. WILKINSON Civil Action No. for three (3) successive 20019, Square: 5199, Lot administrators, grantees, IV 2018 CA 000528 L (RP) weeks, notifying all per0037, assessed to the assigns or successors in SunTrust Bank ACTION INVOLVING RODNEY D. SIMMS sons interested in and the owner of record listed right, title, and interest SunTrust REAL PROPERTY RODNEY D. SIMMS RealCALENDAR Property described above, any and all persons Bank 18 havRODNEY D. SIMMS above to appear in any this or claiming toJUDGE have SunTrust Bank Pamela ing MAGISTRATE Unknown Occupant Court by the 23RD day of Defendants. interest, including adTatum & RENEE RAYMOND May, possession, 2018, and redeem verse in the Marylin Long the Real Property by simpayORDER OF leasehold or the fee Unknown Occupant THORNTON MELLON And ment of $2915.50, plus inPUBLICATION ple in the real and LLCproperty terest from the date the In(For accordance with D.C. premises, situate, lying Purposes of D.C. Certificate was sold, all Official Code §47-1375 and being in the District of Plaintiff, Code §47-1371(b)(1)(G)) expenses provided foras by (2001 ed.), the object of Columbia described v. this proceeding is to se5D.C. 3 3 5Code D r a§47-1377 k e P l Sand E, And D.C. and cure theDISTRICT foreclosure of the WA S Code HIN G§47-1361, T OBank, N, DC Wells Fargo THE OF all outstanding right ofCOLUMBIA redemption in the 20019, (For Purposes of D.C. NA municipal liens dueNAand following real property loCode §47-1371(b)(1)(G)) Wells amounts Fargo Bank, owing on theCondo. Real Propcated inServe: the District of Defendants. Pellegrino erty in accordance with Columbia to the Plaintiff in Assoc. Muriel Bowser the provisions this Action: Square: ORDER OFof D.C. THE DISTRICT OF Unknown Occupant Mayor of the District5199 of CodePUBLICATION §47-1361, or anLot: 0037, SQUARE: COLUMBIA Columbia 1350 Pennswer the complaint, or 5199 LOT: Avenue, 0037, which In accordance with D.C. sylvania thereafter, a final judgmay also be known as 933 Official Code §47-1375 Serve: And NW Washington, D.C. ment will bethe entered 52nd St 20004 NE, WASHING(2001 ed.), objectforeof Muriel Bowser closing the right of sereTON, DC 20019. The this to Mayor of the District of (Forproceeding Purposes ofisD.C. demption in the of Real Complaint states, cure the foreclosure the Clerk of the Court Columbia 1350 Penn- Code §47-1371(b)(1)(G)) Serve also: among Property and vesting in other things, that the right of redemption in the sylvania Avenue, By: James D McGinley Karl A. Racine, Attorney 17:20:28 EDT 2018forofrethe Plaintiff title in fee amountsof necessary following realaproperty loNW Washington, D.C. General the District simple. demption 441 have4thnot been TYPESET: Tue Mar 13 17:21:15 20004 cated the District THE in DISTRICT OF of Columbia Street, EDT 2018 Columbia to the Plaintiff in paid.Pursuant to the Chief 03/16, 03/23, 03/30/18 COLUMBIA NW Washington, D.C. Clerk of the Court this Action: Square: 5299 Judge´s 20001 Administration 2018, Serve also: James D McGinley Lot:By:0010, SQUARE: Order Number 02-11, it is Karl A. Racine, Attorney Serve: ORDERED by the Super- 5299 LOT: IN THE SUPERIOR 0010, which this 23RD day of January, General of of Muriel Bowser And ior Courtofofthe theDistrict District COURT OF may also be District knownofas 2018, Columbia 4thnotice Street, of the Columbia,441 that be 5Mayor THE DISTRICT 03/16, 03/23, 03/30/18 3 3 5 D r a k e P l SE, ORDERED by the SuperNW Washington, D.C.of a Columbia 1350 PennAll unknown owners of the given by the insertion OF COLUMBIA W A S H I N G T O N, DC ior Court of the District of 20001 sylvania Avenue, real property described copy of this Order in the 20019. The Complaint CIVIL DIVISION Columbia, notice be NW Washington, D.C. below, theirthat heirs, deviWa s h i n g t o n A f r o states, 20004 among other given by the insertion of a And sees, personal repreAmerican, Tue a newspaper Civil Action No. TYPESET: Mar 13 17:22:06 EDTthe2018 things, that amounts copy of this executors, Order in the sentatives, having a general circula- necessary for redemption 2018 CA 000534 L (RP) Wa s h i n g t o n A f r o All unknown owners of the Serve also: administrators, grantees, tion in the District of have not been ACTION INVOLVING paid. American, a newspaper real property described Karl A. Racine, Attorney assigns or successors in Columbia, once a week Pursuant REAL PROPERTY to District the Chief having general circulabelow, their devi- General of the IN THE SUPERIOR of right, title,a and interest and for three (3)heirs, successive CALENDAR 18 Judge´s Administration tionand in all thepersons District of sees, personal COURT OF repre441 4th Street, any havweeks, notifying all per- Columbia MAGISTRATE JUDGE Order Number 02-11, it is Columbia, once a week sentatives, executors, THE DISTRICT NW Washington, D.C. ing or claiming to have any sons interested in the this 23RD day of January, RENEE RAYMOND for three including (3) successive administrators, grantees, OFProperty COLUMBIA interest, adReal described 2018, 20001 weeks, notifying all assigns or successors in CIVIL verse possession, in perthe above toDIVISION appear in this THORNTON MELLON ORDERED by the Supersons interested the right, title, andof And leasehold or the feeinsimCourt by and the interest 23RD day LLC ior Court of the District of Real Property described any and all persons havCivil Action No. ple in the real property and May, 2018,and redeem Columbia, that notice be above to appear this ing claiming to have any 2018 CA 000529 L by (RP) unknown owners of the premises, situate, inlying theorReal Property pay- All Plaintiff, givenproperty by the insertion of a Court by the 23RD dayofof interest, including adACTION INVOLVING described and being in the District ment of $503.69, plus in- real v. copy oftheir this Order the May, 2018,and redeem verse possession, in the REAL PROPERTY heirs, in deviColumbia described as terest from the date the below, Wa s h i n g t o n A f r o the Real Property by payleasehold or the fee simCALENDAR 18 sees, personal repre5337 Hayes St NE, Certificate was sold, all American, a newspaper BARRON DAWSON Civil Action No. ment $4405.85, ple in the real property and MAGISTRATE JUDGE executors, WA S HofI N G T O N , plus D Cinexpenses provided for by sentatives, Unknown Occupant 2018 CA 000943 L (RP) having a general circulaterest Square: from the5209, date Lot the premises, situate, lying RENEE RAYMOND administrators, grantees, 20019, D.C. Code §47-1377 and tion in the District of ACTION INVOLVING Certificate was sold, all and being in §47-1361, the Districtand of assigns or successors in 0015, assessed to the D.C. Code REAL PROPERTY Columbia, once a week expenses for by Columbia described as right, THORNTON MELLON title, and interest and owner of provided record listed all outstanding municipal And CALENDAR 18 for and threeall(3) successive D.C. Code §47-1377 and 5liens 2 2 4 amounts Am e s Sdue t N and E , any LLC persons havabove, MAGISTRATE JUDGE weeks, notifying all any perD.C. Code §47-1361, and WA S H I N G T O N , D C ing or claiming to have owing on the Real Prop- sons interested in the (For Purposes of D.C. RENEE RAYMOND all outstanding municipal 20019, Square: 5242, Lot Plaintiff, interest, including adDefendants. erty in accordance with Real possession, Property described liens amounts due and Code §47-1371(b)(1)(G)) 0892, assessed to D.C. the verse v. in the the provisions of THORNTON MELLON above to or appear this owing ORDER on the Real owner record listed the feeinsimOF PropCode of §47-1361, or an- leasehold LLC Court byreal the property 23RD day of erty PUBLICATION in accordance with above, GILBERT J. & ple in the and swer the complaint, or May, 2018, and redeem THE DISTRICT OF provisionswith of D.C. D.C. JONI B. LEONARD premises, situate, lying Intheaccordance thereafter, a final judgCOLUMBIA Plaintiff, the being Real Property by payCode §47-1361, or anDefendants. Private Mortgage in the District of Official Code §47-1375 ment will be entered fore- and v. ment of $6003.45, plusas inswer ed.), the complaint, or Fundingthe LLCright Srs 24 described (2001 the object of closing of re- Columbia Serve: terestDfrom theUnit: date103, the thereafter, a final ORDER OF Richard Sugarman 5005 St SE this proceeding is tojudgsedemption in the Real Certificate was sold, all Muriel Bowser WOODSON HEIGHTS mentthe will be enteredofforePUBLICATION Unknown Occupant SHINGTON, DC cure foreclosure the Property and vesting in WA Mayor of the District of CONDO expenses provided forLot by closing the right in of the reInthe accordance D.C. Square: 5321, right of redemption Plaintiff a with title in fee 20019, Columbia 1350 PennASSOC. INC D.C. Code §47-1377 and demption the Real Official assessed to the following realinproperty losimple. Code §47-1375 2002, sylvania Avenue, WOODSON HEIGHTS D.C. Code §47-1361, and Property and District vesting ofin (2001 ed.), the object of owner of record listed cated in the NW Washington, D.C. CONDO ASSOC. all outstanding municipal the Plaintiff a title in fee this proceeding isthe toCourt se- above, Columbia to the Plaintiff in Clerk of 20004 INC simple. cureBy: theJames foreclosure of the liens amounts due and And this Action: Square: 5209 D McGinley Unknown Occupant on the Real Propright of redemption in the owing Defendants. Lot: 0015, SQUARE: Serve also: Clerk of thewhich Court following real property (For Purposes of D.C. lo- erty in accordance with 5209 LOT: 0015, Karl A. Racine, Attorney Code James McGinley cated in the District of the provisions §47-1371(b)(1)(G)) ORDER OFof D.C. mayBy: also be D known as 03/16, 03/23, 03/30/18 General of the District of §47-1361, or an- And Columbia to the Plaintiff in CodePUBLICATION 5337 Hayes St NE, Columbia 441 4th Street, swer the complaint, or TYPESET: EDT 2018 this Action: Square: 5242 In accordance with D.C. W A S H I N G TTue O N Mar , D C13 17:20:49 NW Washington, D.C. (For Purposes of D.C. thereafter, a final judg03/16, 03/23, 03/30/18 Lot: SQUARE: THE0892, DISTRICT OF Official Code §47-1375 20019 The Complaint 20001 Code §47-1371(b)(1)(G)) ment will be entered foreTYPESET: Tue Mar 13 17:21:44 EDT 2018 LOT: 0892, which (2001 ed.), the object of Pursuant to the Chief 5242 COLUMBIA states, among other closing the right of sereproceeding is to Judge´s Administration may also be known as this things, that SUPERIOR the amounts IN THE And demption in the of Real the foreclosure the Order Number 02-11, it is 5 2 2 4 AServe: m e s S t N E , cure necessary for redemption COURT OF THE DISTRICT OF Property and vesting Muriel Bowser of redemption in thein this 23RD day of January, W A S HING T O N , D C right have THE not DISTRICT been paid. IN THE SUPERIOR All unknown owners of the 20019. COLUMBIA the Plaintiff title in lofee Mayor ofThe the District of following real aproperty 2018, Complaint OF COLUMBIA COURT OF real property the District of 1350 PennORDERED by described the Super- Columbia states, among other cated CIVIL DIVISION THEtheir DISTRICT below, heirs, deviServe: sylvania ior OF Court of the District of things, that Avenue, the amounts Columbia to the Plaintiff in COLUMBIA sees, personal repreMuriel Bowser Clerk of the 5321 Court NW Washington, D.C. this Action: Square: Columbia, that notice be necessary for redemption Civil Action No. CIVIL DIVISION sentatives, executors, Mayor of the District of James SQUARE: D McGinley 20004 given by the insertion of a have not been paid. Lot:By:2002, 2018 CA 000533 L (RP) administrators, grantees, Columbia 1350 Penncopy of Action this Order Pursuant to the Chief 5321 LOT: 2002, which ACTION INVOLVING Civil No. in the assigns or successors in sylvania Avenue, TYPESET: Maras13 17:22:30 EDT 2018 Serve also: may also beTue known Wa sCA h i n g t o n ALf r(RP) oJudge´s Administration REAL PROPERTY 2018 right, title,000535 and and Karl NW Washington, D.C. 03/16, 03/30/18 A.Number Racine, 02-11, Attorney D St03/23, SE Unit: 103, American, a interest newspaper Order it is 5005 CALENDAR 18 ACTION INVOLVING any and all persons hav20004 of day the District of WASHINGTON, DC having aPROPERTY general circula- General this 23RD of January, necessary for redemption MAGISTRATE JUDGE REAL ing or claiming have any 441 4th Street, 20019.The Complaint tion in the to District of Columbia 2018, have Serve not been RENEE RAYMOND CALENDAR 18 adIN THE SUPERIOR interest, also: paid. NW Washington, amongOFother Columbia,including once a week ORDERED by the D.C. Super- states,COURT Pursuant to the Chief MAGISTRATE JUDGE verse possession, in the ior Court20001 Karl A. Racine, Attorney thatDISTRICT the amounts for three (3) successive of the District of things,THE Judge´s Administration THORNTON MELLON RENEE RAYMOND leasehold or the fee simGeneral of the District of weeks, notifying all per- Columbia, that notice be Order Number 02-11, it is LLC OF COLUMBIA ple in the real property Columbia 441 4th Street, sons interested in and the And given by the insertion of a this 23RD day of January, THORNTON MELLON CIVIL DIVISION premises, situate, lying NW Washington, D.C. Real Property described copy of this Order in the 2018, Plaintiff, LLC and being the District of All 20001 unknown owners above to inappear in this Wa shingto n A f rof o -the ORDERED by the Superv. Civil Action No. Columbia described as property described Court by the 23RD day of real American, a newspaper ior Court of the District of Plaintiff, 2018 CA 000528 L (RP) Dix NE, WASHINGAnd heirs, circuladeviMay,St2018,, redeem below, having their a general Columbia, that notice be RODNEY D. SIMMS v. andSquare: ACTION INVOLVING TON, DC Property 20019, TYPESET: Tue Mar of13a repre-of the Real by pay- sees, tion inpersonal the District given by the insertion RODNEY D. SIMMS REAL PROPERTY 5235, Lot 0025, assessed All unknown owners of the executors, ment ofF. $13587.80, plus sentatives, Columbia, once a week copy property of this Order in the RODNEY D. SIMMS JOHN WILKINSON CALENDAR 18 to the owner of record real described grantees, interest from the date the administrators, for three (3) successive Wa s h i n g t o n A f r o Unknown Occupant IV MAGISTRATE JUDGE listed above,was sold, all assigns below, their heirs, devior successors in Certificate weeks, notifying all perIN THE SUPERIOR American, a newspaper SunTrust Bank RENEE RAYMOND sees, personal repreand interest expenses provided for by right, sonstitle, interested in and the COURT OF having a general circulaSunTrust Defendants. sentatives, executors, all persons havD.C. Code §47-1377 and any Realand Property described tionTHE in DISTRICT the District of And Bank THORNTON MELLON administrators, grantees, or claiming to have D.C. Code §47-1361, and ing above to appear in any this OF COLUMBIA Columbia, once a week SunTrust Bank Pamela LLC ORDER OF assigns or successors in interest, including adall outstanding municipal Court by the 23RD day of DIVISION for CIVIL three (3) interest successive (For Purposes of D.C. Tatum & right, title, and and in the liensPUBLICATION amounts due and verse May, possession, 2018, and redeem weeks, all havperCode §47-1371(b)(1)(G)) Marylin Long Plaintiff, Inowing accordance with PropD.C. leasehold any and notifying all persons or the fee on the Real the Real Property bysimpayCivil Action No. sons interested in the Unknown Occupant v. Official Code §47-1375 ing or claiming to have any in the real property and erty in accordance with ple ment of $2915.50, plus in2018 000942 L (RP) Real CA Property described (2001 ed.), the object of premises, interest, including adsituate, lying the provisions of D.C. terest from the date the ACTION above to INVOLVING appear in this THE DISTRICT OF Wells Fargo Bank, this proceeding is to verse possession, in the being in was the District Code §47-1361, or sean- and Certificate sold, of all REAL Court byPROPERTY the 23RD of COLUMBIA NA cure foreclosure of the leasehold or the feeday simdescribedforas swerthethe complaint, or Columbia expenses provided by CALENDAR 18 May, 2018, and redeem Wells Fargo Bank, NA right of redemption in the ple in the real property and 3 3 5 Code D r a §47-1377 k e P l Sand E, thereafter, a final judg- 5D.C. MAGISTRATE JUDGE the Real Property bylying payServe: And Pellegrino Condo. following propertyforelo- WA premises, situate, SH I N G§47-1361, TON, DC ment willreal be entered D.C. Code and RENEE RAYMOND ment of $4734.02, plus inMuriel Bowser Assoc. cated in the the right District of 20019, and being in the District of closing of reall outstanding municipal terest from the date Mayor of the District of (For Purposes of D.C. Unknown Occupant Columbia to the Plaintiff in liens amounts due and Columbia described the as demption in the Real THORNTON MELLON Certificate was sold, all Columbia 1350 Penn- Code §47-1371(b)(1)(G)) this Action:and Square: 5235in owingDefendants. 300 50th St SE Unit: 104, Property vesting on the Real Propexpenses provided sylvania Avenue, Lot: 0025, aSQUARE: WA S H I NLLC G T O N , for D Cby the Plaintiff title in fee erty in accordance with D.C. Code §47-1377 NW Washington, D.C. And 5235 LOT: 0025, which the provisions 20019, Square: 5323, and Lot ORDER OFof D.C. simple. Plaintiff, D.C. Code §47-1361, and 20004 THE DISTRICT may also be knownOF as Dix Code 2004, assessed to the PUBLICATION §47-1361, or anv. all outstanding municipal COLUMBIA (For Purposes of D.C. St NE, Clerk WASHINGTON, owner of record listed accordance with D.C. of the Court Inswer the complaint, or liens amounts due and Serve also: Code §47-1371(b)(1)(G)) DC 20019. TheDComplaint above, Code §47-1375 By: James McGinley Official thereafter, a final judgWOODSON owing on theHEIGHTS Real PropKarl A. Racine, Attorney states, Serve: among other (2001 ed.),bethe objectforeof ment will entered CONDO ASSOC.INCwith erty inDefendants. accordance General of the District of Muriel Bowser things, that the amounts this proceeding is to closing the right of sereWOODSON HEIGHTS the provisions of D.C. Columbia 441 4th Street, necessary Mayor of the District of THE DISTRICT OF for redemption the foreclosure the 03/16, 03/23, 03/30/18 cure demption in the ofReal CONDO ASSOC. Code §47-1361, or anNW Washington, D.C. Columbia COLUMBIA have not 1350 beenPennpaid. right ORDER OF INC of redemption in the Property and vesting in Unknown Occupant or swer the complaint, 20001 sylvaniato Avenue, Pursuant the Chief following PUBLICATION real aproperty the Plaintiff title in lofee thereafter, a final NW Washington, D.C. Serve: Judge´s Administration cated IIn accordance with judgD.C. the District of And ment willCode be entered foreAnd 200042018 Muriel Bowser TYPESET: Tue Mar 13 17:21:15 EDT Order Number 02-11, it is Columbia to the Plaintiff in Official §47-1375 closing the right of Mayor of the District of this 23RD day of January, this Action: (2001 ed.), the object reof Square: 5299 Clerk of the Court (Forproceeding Purposes ofisD.C. demption in the All unknown owners of the 2018, Serve also: Columbia 1350 Pennthis toReal seLot:By: 0010, JamesSQUARE: D McGinley Code §47-1371(b)(1)(G)) Property and vesting in real property described ORDERED Karl A. Racine, Attorney sylvania Avenue, by the Super- 5299 LOT: 0010, which cure the foreclosure of the IN THE SUPERIOR the Plaintiff a title in in the fee below, their heirs, devi- ior General NW Washington, D.C. Courtofofthe theDistrict Districtofof may also be known as right of redemption COURT OF simple. real property losees, personal repre- Columbia Street, 20004 Columbia,441 that4th notice be 5TYPESET: following THE DISTRICT 3 303/16, 5 Dra k Tue e P03/30/18 lMar S E 13 , 17:22:06 EDT 2018 03/23, THE in DISTRICT OF of sentatives, executors, given NW Washington, D.C. by the insertion of a W A S H I N G T O N , D C cated the District OF COLUMBIA COLUMBIA Clerk the Court administrators, grantees, copy of this 20001 Serve also: Order in the 20019. The Complaint to theofPlaintiff in CIVILorDIVISION have been paid. Columbia By: James D McGinley assigns successors in Wa s h i n g t o n A f r o Karl A. not Racine, Attorney this Action: Square: 5323 Pursuant to District the Chief states, among other Serve: IN THE SUPERIOR right, title, and interest and And General of the of Lot: 2004, SQUARE: No. hav- American, a newspaper things, COURT Judge´s 441 Administration that the OF amounts anyCivil and Action all persons Columbia 4th Street, 5323Muriel having a general circula- necessary for redemption LOT: Bowser 2004, which 2018 000534 L (RP) Order Number 02-11, Mayor ofbe the District THE DISTRICT 03/16, 03/23, 03/30/18 ing orCA claiming to have any All unknown of the NW Washington, is may tion in theowners District of also known asof 300 ACTION INVOLVING this 23RD20001 day of January, Columbia 1350 PennOF COLUMBIA interest, including ad- real property described Columbia, once a week 50th St SE Unit: 104, REAL PROPERTY 2018, sylvania Avenue, CIVIL DIVISION verse possession, in the below, their heirs, devifor three (3) successive ASHINGTON, DC CALENDAR ORDERED by the Super- WNW Washington, D.C. leasehold or the 18 fee sim- sees, And weeks,personal notifying repreall per20019. The Complaint MAGISTRATE JUDGE TYPESET: Mar 13of 17:22:51 EDT 2018 ior Court ofTue the District 20004 Civil Action No. ple in the real property and sentatives, executors, sons interested in the states, among other RENEE RAYMOND Columbia, that notice be 2018 CA 000529 L (RP) premises, situate, lying administrators, grantees, All unknown owners of the Real Property described givenproperty by the insertion of a things,Serve that the also:amounts ACTION INVOLVING and being in the District of assigns or appear successors in real described above to in this THORNTON MELLONas right, copy oftheir this Order in the necessary for redemption Karl A. Racine, Attorney REAL PROPERTY Columbia described and23RD interest and IN THE SUPERIOR below, heirs, deviCourttitle, by the day of Wa s h i n g t o n A f r o have not been paid. General of the District of CALENDAR 18 5 3 3 7 H aLLC y e s S t N E , any and all persons havCOURT OF sees, personal repreMay, 2018,and redeem American, aexecutors, newspaper Columbia Pursuant441 to 4th theStreet, Chief MAGISTRATE JUDGE WA S H I N G T O N , D C ing or claiming to have any THE DISTRICT sentatives, the Real Property by payPlaintiff, having a general circula- Judge´s Administration NW Washington, D.C. RENEE RAYMOND 20019, Square: 5209, Lot interest, including OF COLUMBIA administrators, grantees, ment of $503.69, plusadinv. tionCIVIL in orthe District in of Order Number 2000102-11, it is 0015, assessed to the verse in the DIVISION assigns successors terest possession, from the date the Columbia, once a week this 24TH day of January, THORNTON MELLON owner of record listed leasehold or the fee simright, title, and interest and Certificate was sold, all BARRON DAWSON for Civil threeAction successive 2018, LLC above, ple in the real propertyfor and No. hav- And any and all(3) persons expenses provided by Unknown Occupant weeks, notifying per- ORDERED by the Superpremises, situate, lying 2018 000943 Lall (RP) ing or CA claiming to have any D.C. Code §47-1377 and sons interested in the iorunknown Court of owners the District of of the Plaintiff, Defendants. and the Districtand of ACTION INVOLVING interest, including ad- All D.C.being Codein§47-1361, Real Property described Columbia, thatdescribed notice be property v. Columbia described as REAL PROPERTY verse possession, in the real all outstanding municipal And above to orappear this below, given by the insertion of a their heirs, deviORDER OF 5liens 2 2 4 amounts A m e s Sdue t Nand E, CALENDAR 18insimleasehold the fee Court byreal theproperty 23RD day copy ofpersonal this Orderreprein the GILBERT J. & PUBLICATION WA S Hon ING T OReal N, D C MAGISTRATE JUDGE ple in the andof sees, owing the Prop(For Purposes of D.C. May, 2018, and redeem Wa s h i n g t o n A f r o JONI B. LEONARD In accordance with D.C. 20019, 5242, with Lot RENEE RAYMOND premises, situate, lying sentatives, executors, erty inSquare: accordance Code §47-1371(b)(1)(G)) the being Real Property by payAmerican, a newspaper grantees, Private Mortgage Official Code §47-1375 0892, assessed ofto D.C. the and in the District of administrators, the provisions ment of $6003.45, plusas in- assigns having aorgeneral circulasuccessors in Funding LLC Srs 24 (2001 ed.), the object of owner of record listed THORNTON MELLON Columbia described Code §47-1361, or anterestD from theUnit: date103, the right, tion title, in the Districtand of and interest Richard Sugarman this proceeding is to se- above, 5005 StLLC SE swer the complaint, or THE DISTRICT OF Certificate was sold, all Columbia, once a week any and all persons havUnknown Occupant cure the foreclosure of the thereafter, a final judgWA S H I N G T O N , D C expenses provided for by for three (3) successive ing or claiming to have any right ofCOLUMBIA redemption in the ment will Defendants. Plaintiff, 20019, Square: 5321, Lot be entered foreD.C. Code and interest, weeks, notifying all adperincluding following real property lo- closing the right of rev.§47-1377 2002, assessed to the D.C. Code §47-1361, and verse sons possession, interested in the the cated inServe: the District of demption ORDER OF owner of record listed in the Real Muriel Bowser all outstanding municipal Real Property described leasehold or the fee simColumbia to the Plaintiff in Property PUBLICATION WOODSON HEIGHTS above, and vesting in Mayor of the District5209 of liens amounts due and ple above toreal appear in and this in the property And this Action: Square: In accordance with D.C. CONDO the Plaintiff a title in fee Columbia 1350 PennowingASSOC. on the INC Real Prop- premises, Court by the 30th day of situate, lying Lot: 0015, SQUARE: Official Defendants. simple. Code §47-1375 sylvania erty in accordance May, 2018, , and redeem being in the District of (For Purposes of D.C. 5209 LOT: Avenue, 0015, which (2001 ed.), the object of WOODSON HEIGHTSwith and NW Washington, D.C. the provisions of D.C. the Real Property by payColumbia described as Code §47-1371(b)(1)(G)) may also be known as this proceeding seCONDO ASSOC. ORDER OF Clerk of is thetoCourt CodePUBLICATION §47-1361, or an- 5000 mentCall of $3054.15, plus inPl SE Unit: 104, 5 3 3 7 H20004 a y e s S t N E , cureBy: theJames foreclosure of the INC D McGinley swer the complaint, or WA terest S H from I N G Tthe O Ndate , D Cthe W A S H I N G T O N , D C right of redemption in the Unknown Occupant In accordance with D.C. Serve also: thereafter, a final judg- 20019, Certificate was5323, sold,Lot all Square: THE DISTRICT OF 20019 The Complaint following real property loOfficial Code §47-1375 Karl A. Racine, Attorney ment will entered expenses providedtoforthe by assessed COLUMBIA states, among other cated in the District of (2001 ed.),bethe objectforeof 2020, 03/16, 03/23, 03/30/18 General of the District of closing the right of reD.C. Code §47-1377 and owner of record listed things, that the amounts Columbia to the Plaintiff in And this proceeding is to seColumbia Street, this Action: Square: 5242 demption in the ofReal D.C. Code §47-1361, and Serve: necessary441 for 4th redemption cure the foreclosure the above, NW Washington, Property and of vesting Muriel Bowser have not been D.C. paid. Lot: 0892, SQUARE: (Forof Purposes D.C. right redemption in thein all outstanding municipal 20001 the Plaintiff a title in fee Mayor of the District of 5242 LOT: 0892, which Code §47-1371(b)(1)(G)) following real property lo- liens amounts due and the District of owing Defendants. on the Real PropColumbia 1350 Penn- cated may also be known as And sylvania Avenue, Columbia to the Plaintiff in erty in accordance with Clerk of the Court the provisions ORDER OFof D.C. NW Washington, D.C. DISTRICT OF5321 thisTHE Action: Square: And



The Afro-American, March 17, 2018 - March Code 23, §47-1371(b)(1)(G)) 2018

TYPESET: Tue Mar 13

Mar 13

demption the Real following realinproperty loProperty and District vesting ofin cated in the the Plaintiff a title in Columbia to the Plaintifffee in simple. this Action: Square: 5209 Lot: 0015, SQUARE: Clerk of thewhich Court 5209 LOT: 0015, James McGinley mayBy: also be D known as 5337 Hayes St NE, WASHINGTON, DC 03/16, 03/23, 03/30/18 20019 The Complaint states, among other LEGAL NOTICES things, that the amounts 17:20:49 EDT 2018 necessary for redemption have not been paid. Pursuant to the Chief Judge´s Administration Order Number 02-11, it is this 23RD day of January, 2018, ORDERED by the Superior Court of the District of Columbia, that notice be given by the insertion of a copy of this Order in the Wa s h i n g t o n A f r o American, a newspaper having a general circulation in the District of Columbia, once a week for three (3) successive weeks, notifying all persons interested in the Real Property described above to appear in this Court by the 23RD day of May, 2018,, and redeem the Real Property by payment of $13587.80, plus interest from the date the Certificate was sold, all expenses provided for by D.C. Code §47-1377 and D.C. Code §47-1361, and all outstanding municipal liens amounts due and owing on the Real Property in accordance with the provisions of D.C. Code §47-1361, or answer the complaint, or thereafter, a final judgment will be entered foreclosing the right of redemption in the Real Property and vesting in the Plaintiff a title in fee simple.


for THE threeDISTRICT (3)executors, successive Order Number 02-11, it is sentatives, weeks, notifying all per- this 24th day of January, administrators, grantees, OF COLUMBIA sons interested in the assigns successors in 2018, CIVILorDIVISION Real title, Property described right, and interest and ORDERED by the Superabove to appear in this any and all persons havTHORNTON MELLON ior Court of the District of Civil Action No. Court by000938 the to 30th day of Columbia, that notice be ing orCA claiming have any LLC 2018 L (RP) May, 2018, , , and redeem interest, including ad- given by the insertion of a ACTION INVOLVING the Real Property by verse possession, in paythe copy of this Order in the Plaintiff, REAL PROPERTY ment of $3905.80, plus in- Wa s h i n g t o n A f r o leasehold or the 18 fee simv. CALENDAR terest from theJUDGE dateand the American, a newspaper ple in the real property MAGISTRATE Certificate was sold, all having a general circulapremises, situate, lying MARCUS LITTLE RENEE RAYMOND LEGAL LEGAL NOTICES LEGAL expenses for of by tion and being inprovided the District UnknownNOTICES Occupant in theNOTICES District of D.C. Codedescribed §47-1377 Columbia as Columbia, once a week THORNTON MELLONand 5D.C. 0 5 8Code ALLC s t§47-1361, o r P l Sand E , for three (3) successive And all outstanding WA S H I N G T O Nmunicipal , DC weeks, notifying all perliens amounts due and 20019, Square: Lot sons interested in the (For Purposes of D.C. Plaintiff, 5327, owing assessed on v. the RealtoProp0035, the Real Property described Code §47-1371(b)(1)(G)) erty in ofaccordance with above to appear in this owner record listed the provisions above, Federal MIS of D.C. Court by the 30th day of Code §47-1361, or an- May, 2018, and redeem THE DISTRICT OF Limited Pshp. swerFederal the complaint, or the Real Property by payCOLUMBIA MIS thereafter, a final judg- ment of $3845.78, plus inDefendants. Limited Pshp. ment will be entered foreServe: terest from the date the Federal MIS Limited closingORDER the right OF of re- Certificate was sold, all Muriel Bowser Pshp.Unknown Occupant demption in the Real expenses provided for by PUBLICATION Mayor of the District of Property and vesting In accordance with D.C. Code §47-1377 and Columbia 1350 Penn- And the Plaintiff in fee D.C. Code §47-1361, and Official Codea title §47-1375 sylvania Avenue, simple. (2001 ed.), the NW Washington, D.C. (For Purposes ofobject D.C. of all outstanding municipal Clerk of the Court this proceeding is to se- liens amounts due and 20004 Code §47-1371(b)(1)(G)) Clerk of theof Court By: James D McGinley cure the foreclosure the owing on the Real PropBy: James D McGinley right of redemption in the erty in accordance with Serve also: following real property Karl A. Racine, Attorney THE DISTRICT OF lo- the provisions of D.C. TYPESET: Tue03/30/18 Mar 13 17:23:14 EDT 2018 of 03/16, 03/23, cated COLUMBIA in the District of Code §47-1361, or anGeneral of the District 03/16,to 03/23, 03/30/18 the Plaintiff in swer the complaint, or Columbia 441 4th Street, Columbia have not been paid. this Action: Square: 5327 thereafter, a final judgNW Washington, D.C. Serve: Pursuant20001 to the Chief Lot: Muriel 0035, SQUARE: IN THE SUPERIOR ment will be entered foreBowser TYPESET: Tue Mar 13 17:23:54 2018 which Judge´s Administration 5327 COURT OF closing the right of reMayorLOT: ofEDT the0035, District of Order Number 02-11, it is Columbia may also 1350 be known And THE DISTRICT Penn-as demption in the Real this 24th day of January, 5 0 5sylvania 8 A s t Avenue, o r P l S E , Property and vesting in OF COLUMBIA 2018, A SWashington, H I N G T O ND.C. , D C the Plaintiff a title in fee All unknown owners of the WNW CIVIL DIVISION IN THE SUPERIOR ORDERED the Super- 20019. The real property described simple. COURTbyOF 20004Complaint ior THE Court of the District below, their heirs, devi-of states, among other Civil Action No. DISTRICT Columbia, that notice be that the sees, personal repre- things,Serve 2018 CA 000942 L (RP) Clerk of the Court OF COLUMBIA also:amounts given by the insertion of a necessary for redemption sentatives, executors, ACTION INVOLVING By: James D McGinley CIVIL DIVISION Karl A. Racine, Attorney copy of this Order in the have not been paid. administrators, grantees, REAL PROPERTY General of the District of WaCivil s h i nor g tsuccessors o n No. A f r o - in Columbia Pursuant441 to 4th theStreet, Chief assigns CALENDAR 18 Action TYPESET: Tue03/30/18 Mar 13 17:24:40 American, newspaper Administration right, title,000939 anda interest and Judge´s MAGISTRATE JUDGE 03/16, 03/23, 2018 CA L (RP) NW Washington, D.C. having a general circulaOrder Number 02-11, it is any and all persons havRENEE RAYMOND ACTION INVOLVING 20001 tion in PROPERTY the to District of this 24th day of January, Pursuan ing or claiming have any REAL Columbia, once18a week Judge´s 2018, interest, including ad- And THORNTON MELLON IN THE SUPERIOR CALENDAR for three (3) successive Order N verse possession, in the ORDERED by the SuperLLC COURT OF MAGISTRATE JUDGE weeks, notifying all perthis 24th ior Court of the District of leasehold or the fee simTHE DISTRICT RENEE RAYMOND All unknown owners of the sons interested in and the real 2018, Columbia, that notice be ple in the real property Plaintiff, OF COLUMBIA property described Real Property described ORDER given by the insertion of a premises, situate, lying below, v. CIVIL DIVISION THORNTON MELLON their heirs, deviabove to appear in this ior Cour copy ofpersonal this Orderreprein the and beingLLC in the District of sees, Court by the 30th dayasof sentatives, Columbi Wa s h i n g t o nexecutors, AfroColumbia described WOODSON HEIGHTS Civil Action No. May,B2018, and redeem administrators, given by American, a newspaper 5001 St SE,, WASHINGCONDO ASSOC.INC 2018 CA 000936 L (RP) Plaintiff, grantees, the Real by pay- assigns copy of having aorgeneral circulaTON, DC Property 20019, Square: WOODSON HEIGHTS ACTION INVOLVING v. successors in ment of $3095.89, plus inWa s h i n tion title, in the Districtand of 5325, Lot 0001, assessed right, CONDO ASSOC. INC REAL PROPERTY and interest terest from the date the America Columbia, once a week to the owner of record Unknown Occupant CALENDAR 18 ASTOR PARTNERSHIP any and all persons havCertificate was sold, all ing having a for orthree (3) successive listed above, MAGISTRATE JUDGE LLC claiming to have any expenses provided for by interest, tion in weeks, notifying all adperAnd RENEE RAYMOND ASTOR PARTNERSHIP including D.C. Code §47-1377 and Columbi sons possession, interested in the the LLC verse D.C. Code §47-1361, and for three Real Property described Defendants. (For Purposes of D.C. THORNTON MELLON ASTOR PARTNERSHIP leasehold or the fee simall outstanding weeks, above to appear in this Code §47-1371(b)(1)(G)) LLC LLC municipal ple in the real property and liens Eagle amounts due and premises, sons in Court by the 30th day of ORDER OF Bank situate, lying owing on the Real PropReal Pr May,being 2018, andDistrict redeem PUBLICATION Plaintiff, Eagle Bank and in the of in accordance with above t the Real Property by payInerty accordance with D.C. THE DISTRICT OF v. Antonio Marquez & Columbia described as the provisions of D.C. Cment Court by of $3400.14, plus inOfficial Code COLUMBIA Ryan Riel§47-1375 entral Ave SE, Code §47-1361, or anMay, 20 terest (2001 ed.), the object of WA BTC HOLDINGS II LLC Unknown Occupant S Hfrom I N G Tthe O Ndate , D Cthe swer the complaint, or the Real Certificate was5329, sold,Lot all this proceeding is to se- 20019, Serve: BTC HOLDINGS II LLC Square: thereafter, a final judgment of expenses provided for by cure the foreclosure of the Muriel Bowser BTC HOLDINGS II LLC And 0009, assessed to the mentofwill be entered terest fr D.C. Code §47-1377 and right redemption in forethe owner Mayor of the District of Unknown Occupant of record listed closing the right of lore- above, Certifica D.C. Code §47-1361, and real property Columbia 1350 Penn- following (For Purposes of D.C. demption in the Real expense cated§47-1371(b)(1)(G)) in the District of all outstanding municipal sylvania Avenue, Code Property toand vesting inin liens Defendants. D.C. Co amounts due and Columbia the Plaintiff NW Washington, D.C. And 17:22:51 EDT 2018 the Action: PlaintiffSquare: a title in fee owing on the Real PropD.C. Co this 5325 20004 simple. all outst erty inORDER accordance with Lot: SQUARE: (For Purposes of D.C. THE0001, DISTRICT OF OF things,Serve that the amounts liens am provisions of D.C. 5325 COLUMBIA LOT: 0001, which the PUBLICATION also: Code §47-1371(b)(1)(G)) necessary for redemption owing o Code §47-1361, or anmay also be known as In Karl A. Racine, Attorney accordance with D.C. have been paid. Clerk of the Court Official erty in swer the complaint, or 5001 B St SE, WASHINGGeneralnot of the District of Serve: Code §47-1375 Pursuant to the Chief By: James D McGinley the pro thereafter, a final judgDC 20019. The (2001 Columbia 441 4th Street, TON, THE DISTRICT OF Muriel Bowser ed.), the object of Judge´s Administration Code § mentproceeding will be entered Complaint states, among NW Washington, D.C. COLUMBIA Mayor of the District of this is to foreseOrder Number swer th closing the right of reother things, that the 2000102-11, it is Columbia 1350 Penncure the foreclosure the this 24TH day of January, amounts 03/16, 03/23, 03/30/18 thereafte demption in the Real necessary for re- right Serve: sylvania Avenue, of redemption in the 2018, ment wil Property real andproperty vesting lo-in demption have not been following And Muriel Bowser NW Washington, D.C. ORDERED by the Super- paid.Pursuant closing the Plaintiff title in fee to the Chief cated Mayor of the District of in thea District of iorunknown Court of owners the District of Judge´s20004 demptio simple. to the Plaintiff in Administration Columbia All of the Columbia 1350 PennColumbia, that notice be 17:23:35 Property TYPESET: Tue Mar 13 EDT 2018 Order Serve Number 02-11, it is this Action: Square: 5329 real property described sylvania Avenue, also: given by the insertion of a the Plai Clerk SQUARE: of the Court this A. 24th day ofAttorney January, Lot: 0009, below, their heirs, devi- Karl NW Washington, D.C. Racine, copy of this Order in the simple. By:LOT: James D McGinley sees, personal repre- General 20004 2018, of the District of 5329 0009, which Wa s h i n g t o nexecutors, Afrosentatives, Columbia 441by4th ORDERED theStreet, Super- may also be known as IN THE SUPERIOR American, a newspaper administrators, grantees, Serve also: NW Washington, D.C. ior Court of the District of CTYPESET: e n t r a l ATue v e Mar S E 13 , 17:24:18 EDT 2018 COURT OF circulahaving aorgeneral By: J 03/30/18 assigns successors in Columbia, Karl A. Racine, Attorney 20001 that notice be W A03/16, S H I N03/23, GTON , DC tionTHE in DISTRICT the Districtand of right, title, and interest General of the District of given by the insertion of a 20019. The Complaint OF COLUMBIA have not been paid. Columbia, once a week any and all persons havColumbia And copy of this Order in the states, among other CIVIL DIVISION Pursuant441 to 4th theStreet, Chief IN THE SUPERIOR foror three (3) tosuccessive 03/16 ing claiming have any Wa s h i n g t o n A f r o NW Washington, D.C. things, COURT that the OF amounts Judge´s Administration weeks, notifying all adperinterest, including 20001 All unknown owners of the American, a newspaper necessary for redemption Civil Action No. Order Number 02-11, it is THE DISTRICT sons interested in the verseCA possession, in the real property described having a general circula2018 000941described L (RP) this 24th day of January, OF COLUMBIA Real Property leasehold or the fee sim- below, And devi-of the heirs, District ACTION INVOLVING 2018, CIVIL DIVISION above toreal appear in and this tion intheir ple in the property sees, personal repreColumbia, once a week REAL ORDERED by the SuperCourt byPROPERTY the 30th day of premises, situate, lying All of theof sentatives, executors, for three (3) successive CALENDAR 18 iorunknown Court of owners the District Civil Action No. May, 2018, , and redeem and being in the District of administrators, real property grantees, weeks, notifying all perMAGISTRATE JUDGE Columbia, thatdescribed notice be 2018 CA 000938 L (RP) the Real Property by payColumbia described as below, their heirs, devior successors in sons interested in the RENEE RAYMOND given by the insertion of a ACTION INVOLVING ment of $3054.15, plus in- assigns 5000 Call Pl SE Unit: 104, sees, right, and interest and Realtitle, Property described copy ofpersonal this Orderreprein the REAL PROPERTY terest WA S H from I N G Tthe O Ndate , D Cthe any sentatives, executors, and all persons havabove to appear in this THORNTON MELLON Wa s h i n g t o n A f r o CALENDAR 18 Certificate was5323, sold,Lot all 20019, Square: administrators, grantees, or claiming have anyof Court by the to 30th day LLC American, a newspaper MAGISTRATE JUDGE expenses providedtoforthe by ing 2020, assessed assigns successors in interest, including adMay, 2018, , , and redeem having aorgeneral circulaRENEE RAYMOND D.C. Code §47-1377 and owner Plaintiff, of record listed verse right, title, and interest possession, in the the Real Property by paytion in the Districtand of D.C. Code §47-1361, and above, any and all persons havleasehold or the fee simment of $3905.80, plus inv. Columbia, once a week THORNTON MELLON all outstanding municipal ing or claiming to have any ple in the real property and terest from the date the for three (3) successive LLC liens amounts due and interest, including lying Certificate situate, was sold, all MARCUS weeks, notifying all adperowing on theLITTLE Real Prop- premises, Defendants. verse being inprovided the District expenses for of by Unknown Occupant with and sons possession, interested in in the the Plaintiff, erty in accordance leasehold or the fee simColumbia described as D.C. Code §47-1377 and Real Property described v. the provisions ORDER OFof D.C. 5D.C. ple in the real property and 0 5 8 A s t o r P l S E , Code §47-1361, and And above to appear in this CodePUBLICATION §47-1361, or anpremises, situate, lyingof H I N G T O Nmunicipal , DC all S outstanding Court by the 30th day Federal MIS swer the complaint, or WA In accordance with D.C. and being in the District of Square: 5327, liens amounts due Lot and (For Purposes of D.C. May, 2018, and redeem Limited Pshp. thereafter, a final judg- 20019, Official Code §47-1375 Columbia described as 0035, assessed to the owing on the Real PropCode §47-1371(b)(1)(G)) the Real Property by payFederal MIS ment will be entered fore(2001 ed.), the object of owner 4ment 9 3 9of C a l l P l plus S Ein, record listed with $3845.78, Limited Pshp. closing the right of sere- erty inofaccordance this proceeding is to WA S H from I N G Tthe O Ndate , D Cthe above, the provisions of D.C. Federal MIS Limited terest demption in the ofReal cure the foreclosure the 20019, Square: 5337, Lot Code §47-1361, or anTHE DISTRICT OF in Certificate was sold, all Pshp.Unknown Occupant Property and vesting right ofCOLUMBIA redemption in the swer the complaint, or 0019, assessed expenses providedtoforthe by the Plaintiff title in lofee following real aproperty owner of record listed Defendants. thereafter, a final judgD.C. Code §47-1377 and And the District of cated above, ment will be entered foreServe: D.C. Code §47-1361, and Columbia toBowser the Plaintiff in closing ORDER OF of rethe right Muriel all outstanding municipal (For Purposes of D.C. Clerk of the 5323 Court this Action: Square: PUBLICATION demption in the Real Mayor of the District of liens Defendants. amounts due and Code §47-1371(b)(1)(G)) By: James D McGinley Lot: 2020, SQUARE: accordance and with vesting Columbia 1350 Penn- InProperty owing on the Real Prop5323 LOT: 2020, which OF Official Codea §47-1375 the Plaintiff title in fee sylvania Avenue, erty inORDER accordance with may also be known ed.), the object of simple. NW Washington, D.C. as (2001 the PUBLICATION provisions of D.C. THE DISTRICT OF 03/23, 03/30/18 500003/16, Call20004 Pl SE Unit: 104, this proceeding is to seIn accordance with D.C. Code §47-1361, or anCOLUMBIA W A S H I N G T O N , D C cure the foreclosure Official Code §47-1375 the Clerk of theofCourt swer the complaint, or 20019.Serve Thealso: Complaint rightBy: (2001 ed.), the object of of redemption in the James D McGinley thereafter, a final judgServe: states, among other this proceeding is to sefollowing real property loKarl A. Racine, Attorney ment will be entered foreMuriel Bowser 17:23:14 EDT 2018 things, that the amounts cure the foreclosure of the TYPESET: Mar of13 17:23:54 2018 of cated in the Tue District General of the District of closing the right of reMayor ofEDT the District necessary441 for 4th redemption right of redemption the the Plaintiff in 03/16,to03/23, 03/30/18 Columbia Street, Columbia demption in the inReal Columbia 1350 Pennhave not been D.C. paid. this Action: Square: 5327 5 0 5sylvania 8 A s tAvenue, o r P l S E , following NW Washington, Property real andproperty vestinglo-in in thea District of Pursuant20001 to the Chief Lot:IN0035, SQUARE: WNW A SWashington, H I N G T O ND.C. , D C cated THE SUPERIOR the Plaintiff title in fee Judge´s Administration 5327 LOT: 0035, 20019. The COURT OF which simple. to the Plaintiff in 20004Complaint Columbia Order Number 02-11, it is may also be known as states, among other this Action: Square: 5337 And THE DISTRICT this 24th day of January, things,Serve that the OF COLUMBIA ClerkSQUARE: of the Court also:amounts Lot: 0019, 5337 0019, which 2018, necessary for redemption All unknown owners of the CIVIL DIVISION By:LOT: James D McGinley Karl A. Racine, Attorney may also be known as ORDERED by described the Superhave not been paid. real property General of the District of ior Court of the District Pursuant441 to 4th theStreet, Chief 4 9 3 9 C a l l P l S E , below, their heirs, devi-of Civil Action No. Columbia W A03/16, S H I N03/23, GTON , DC Columbia, that notice be Judge´s Administration sees, personal repre2018 CA 000939 L (RP) 03/30/18 NW Washington, D.C. given by the insertion of a Order Number sentatives, executors, ACTION INVOLVING 20001 02-11, it is 20019. The Complaint states, among other copy of this Order in the this 24th day of January, administrators, grantees, REAL PROPERTY things, that the amounts Wa s h i norg tsuccessors o n A f r o - in 2018, assigns CALENDAR 18 And necessary for redemption American, a interest newspaper TYPESET: Mar 13 17:24:40 EDT 2018 ORDERED Tue by the Superright, title, and and MAGISTRATE JUDGE having a general circulaiorunknown Court of owners the District any and all persons havRENEE RAYMOND All of theof have not been paid. tion in the to District of Pursuant to the Chief Columbia, that notice be ing or claiming have any real property described Columbia,including once a week given by the insertion of a Judge´s Administration interest, adIN THE SUPERIOR THORNTON MELLON below, their heirs, devifor three (3) successive copy COURT ofpersonal this Order in the Order Number 02-11, it is verse possession, in the OF repreLLC sees, weeks, notifying all simperthis 24th day of January, WaTHE s h i nDISTRICT g t o nexecutors, Afroleasehold or the fee sentatives, sons interested in and the American, a newspaper ple in the real property OF COLUMBIA Plaintiff, administrators, grantees, 2018, Real Property described having a general circulapremises, situate, lying CIVIL DIVISION v. assigns or successors in ORDERED by the Superabove to inappear in this tion title, in and the interest Districtand of ior Court of the District of and being the District of right, Court by the 30th day of Columbia, onceNo. a week Columbia described as Civil Action ASTOR PARTNERSHIP any and all persons hav- Columbia, that notice be May,B2018, and redeem for three (3) successive 5001 St SE,, WASHING2018 000936 L (RP) LLC ing or CA claiming to have any given by the insertion of a the Real by payweeks, all adper- copy of this Order in the TON, DC Property 20019, Square: ACTIONnotifying INVOLVING ASTOR PARTNERSHIP interest, including ment Lot of $3095.89, plus insons interested in the the Wa s h i n g t o n A f r o 5325, 0001, assessed REAL PROPERTY LLC verse possession, in terest from the date the Real Property to the owner of record CALENDAR 18 sim- American, a newspaper ASTOR PARTNERSHIP leasehold or the described fee Certificate above to appear in this listed above,was sold, all MAGISTRATE JUDGE LLC ple in the real property and having a general circulaexpenses provided for by Court by RAYMOND the 30th day RENEE Eagle Bank premises, situate, lyingof tion in the District of D.C. Code §47-1377 and May, 2018, and redeem Eagle Bank and being in the District of Columbia, once a week D.C. Code §47-1361, and the Real Property by payDefendants. THORNTON MELLON Antonio Marquez & Columbia described as for three (3) successive all outstanding municipal ment of $3400.14, plus Ryan Riel C e n t r aLLC l A v e S Ein, weeks, notifying all perliens ORDER amountsOF due and terest Unknown Occupant WA S H from I N G Tthe O Ndate , D Cthe sons interested in the owing on the Real PropCertificate was5329, sold,Lot all Real Property described PUBLICATION Plaintiff, 20019, Square: in accordance with And expenses provided by above to appear in this Inerty accordance with D.C. v. 0009, assessed toforthe the provisions of D.C. D.C. Code §47-1377 and Official Code §47-1375 owner of record listed Court by the 30th day of Code ed.), §47-1361, or anD.C. HOLDINGS Code §47-1361, and May, 2018, and redeem (2001 the object of BTC II LLC (For Purposes of D.C. above, swerproceeding the complaint, or the Real Property by payall outstanding this is to seBTC HOLDINGSmunicipal II LLC Code §47-1371(b)(1)(G)) thereafter, a final judgliensHOLDINGS amounts due and ment of $732.84, plus incure the foreclosure of the BTC II LLC Defendants. mentofwill be entered terest from the date the owing on the Real Propright redemption in forethe Unknown Occupant closing the right of loreerty inORDER accordance with Certificate was sold, all following real property THE DISTRICT OF OF demption the Real the PUBLICATION provisions of D.C. expenses provided for by cated in thein District of COLUMBIA Property toand vesting inin §47-1361, an- D.C. Code §47-1377 and Columbia the Plaintiff And InCode accordance withorD.C. the Action: PlaintiffSquare: a title in fee swer complaint, or D.C. Code §47-1361, and this 5325 Serve: Officialthe Code §47-1375 simple. thereafter, a final judgLot: 0001, SQUARE: (For Purposes of D.C. Muriel Bowser (2001 ed.), the object of all outstanding municipal ment will be entered 5325 LOT: 0001, which Code §47-1371(b)(1)(G)) Mayor of the District of this proceeding is to forese- liens amounts due and closing the right of re- owing on the Real Propmay also be known as Columbia 1350 Penn- cure the foreclosure of the of the Court demption in the Real 5001 B StClerk SE, WASHINGsylvania Avenue, right of redemption in the erty in accordance with By: DC James D McGinley Property and vesting TON, 20019. The THE DISTRICT OF NW Washington, D.C. following real property lo-in the provisions of D.C. the Plaintiff title in fee Complaint states, among COLUMBIA 20004 cated in thea District of Code §47-1361, or ansimple. to the Plaintiff in swer the complaint, or other things,Tue that Columbia TYPESET: Marthe13 17:23:35 EDT 2018 03/16, 03/23, 03/30/18 amounts necessary for reServe: Serve also: this Action: Square: 5329 thereafter, a final judgClerk of the Court ment will be entered foredemption have not been Bowser Karl Lot: Muriel 0009, SQUARE: 2018,A. Racine, Attorney closing the right of reBy:LOT: James D McGinley paid.Pursuant to the Chief Mayor of the0009, District of General of the of 5329 which ORDERED by District the SuperIN THE SUPERIOR Judge´s Administration PennColumbia 4th Street,of Columbia may also 1350 be known as demption in the Real ior Court 441 of the District COURT02-11, OF it is Order Number NW Washington, D.C. be C e sylvania n t r a l Avenue, A v e S E , Property and vesting in Columbia, that notice THEday DISTRICT 03/30/18 this 24th of January, D.C. A03/16, SWashington, H I N03/23, GTON , D C the Plaintiff a title in fee given by 20001 the insertion of a WNW OF COLUMBIA simple. 20004Complaint copy of this Order in the 20019. The CIVIL DIVISION And states, among other Wa s h i n g t Tue o n AMar f r o - 13 17:24:18 TYPESET: EDT 2018 Clerk of the Court also:amounts that the American, a newspaper things,Serve Civil Action No. By: James D McGinley Karl A. Racine, Attorney All unknown ownerscirculaof the necessary for redemption having a general 2018 CA 000941 L (RP) been paid. Generalnot of the District of real describedof have tion property in the District ACTION INVOLVING Pursuant441 to 4th the Street, Chief below, their heirs,a deviIN THE SUPERIOR Columbia, once week Columbia REAL PROPERTY 03/16, 03/23, 03/30/18 Administration NW Washington, D.C. sees, personal repre- Judge´s COURT for three (3) OF successive CALENDAR 18 2000102-11, it is sentatives, executors, THE DISTRICT weeks, notifying all per- Order Number MAGISTRATE JUDGE administrators, grantees, OF interested COLUMBIA sons in the this 24th day of January, RENEE RAYMOND 2018, assigns orDIVISION successors in And CIVIL Real Property described right, title, interest above toand appear in and this ORDERED by the SuperTHORNTON MELLON Court of owners the District of All of the any and all persons havCivilbyAction of iorunknown Court the 30th LLC SUPPORT Columbia, thatdescribed notice be property ing orCA claiming have any real 2018 000938 L redeem (RP) May, 2018, , , to and given bytheir the insertion of a below, heirs, deviinterest, including adACTION INVOLVING the Real Property by payPlaintiff, OUR copy ofpersonal this Orderreprein the verse possession, in the REAL PROPERTY ment of $3905.80, plus in- sees, v. Wa s h i n g t o nexecutors, Afroleasehold or the fee CALENDAR terest from the 18 datesimthe sentatives, ADVERTISERS American, a newspaper grantees, ple in the realwas property MAGISTRATE JUDGE Certificate sold,and all administrators, MARCUS LITTLE having aorgeneral circulasuccessors in premises, situate, for lying RENEE RAYMOND expenses provided by assigns Unknown Occupant tion title, in the Districtand of and interest and in §47-1377 the Districtand of right, D.C.being Code Columbia, once a week any and all persons havColumbia described as THORNTON MELLONand D.C. Code §47-1361, And for three (3) successive ing or claiming to have any 5all 0 5outstanding 8 A LLC stor P l S E , municipal weeks, notifying all adperincluding WA S Hamounts I N G T O Ndue , DC liens and interest, (For Purposes of D.C. sons possession, interested in the the 5327,PropLot verse Plaintiff, owing Square: on the Real Code §47-1371(b)(1)(G)) 20019, Real Property described leasehold or the fee sim0035, assessed to the v. erty in accordance with above appear in and this in thetoreal property owner of record listed ple weeks, notifying all persons interested in the Real Property described above to appear in this Court by the 30th day of May, 2018, , and redeem the Real Property by payment of $3054.15, plus interest from the date the Certificate was sold, all expenses provided for by LEGAL NOTICES D.C. Code §47-1377 and D.C. Code §47-1361, and all outstanding municipal liens amounts due and owing on the Real Property in accordance with the provisions of D.C. Code §47-1361, or answer the complaint, or thereafter, a final judgment will be entered foreclosing the right of redemption in the Real Property and vesting in the Plaintiff a title in fee simple.


March 17, 2018 - March 23, 2018, The Afro-American TYPESET: Tue Mar 13 17:25:03 EDT 2018


Civil Action No. 2018 CA 000935 L (RP) ACTION INVOLVING REAL PROPERTY CALENDAR 18 MAGISTRATE JUDGE RENEE RAYMOND THORNTON MELLON LLC Plaintiff, v. BTC HOLDINGS II LLC BTC HOLDINGS II LLC BTC HOLDINGS II LLC Unknown Occupant And (For Purposes of D.C. Code §47-1371(b)(1)(G)) THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA Serve: Muriel Bowser Mayor of the District of Columbia 1350 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW Washington, D.C. 20004 Serve also: Karl A. Racine, Attorney General of the District of Columbia 441 4th Street, NW Washington, D.C. 20001


Pursuant to the Chief Judge´s Administration Order Number 02-11, it is this 24th day of January, 2018, ORDERED by the Superior Court of the District of Columbia, that notice be given by the insertion of a copy of this Order in the Wa s h i n g t o n A f r o American, a newspaper having a general circulation in the District of Columbia, once a week for three (3) successive weeks, notifying all persons interested in the Real Property described above to appear in this Court by the 30th day of May, 2018, and redeem the Real Property by payment of $732.84, plus interest from the date the Certificate was sold, all expenses provided for by D.C. Code §47-1377 and D.C. Code §47-1361, and all outstanding municipal liens amounts due and owing on the Real Property in accordance with the provisions of D.C. Code §47-1361, or answer the complaint, or thereafter, a final judgment will be entered foreclosing the right of redemption in the Real Property and vesting in the Plaintiff a title in fee simple.









Clerk of the Court By: James D McGinley 03/16, 03/23, 03/30/18

And All unknown owners of the real property described below, their heirs, devisees, personal representatives, executors, administrators, grantees, assigns or successors in right, title, and interest and any and all persons having or claiming to have any interest, including adverse possession, in the leasehold or the fee simple in the real property and premises, situate, lying and being in the District of Columbia described as 4941 Call Pl SE, WA S H I N G T O N , D C 20019, Square: 5337, Lot 0020, assessed to the owner of record listed above, Defendants.

ORDER OF PUBLICATION In accordance with D.C. Official Code §47-1375 (2001 ed.), the object of this proceeding is to secure the foreclosure of the right of redemption in the following real property located in the District of Columbia to the Plaintiff in this Action: Square: 5337 Lot: 0020, SQUARE: 5337 LOT: 0020, which may also be known as 4941 Call Pl SE, WASHINGTON, DC 20019.The Complaint states, among other things, that the amounts Mar 13 17:25:03 EDT 2018 necessary for redemption have not been paid. Pursuant to the Chief Judge´s Administration RIOR Order Number 02-11, it is F this 24th day of January, CT 2018, BIA ORDERED by the SuperON ior Court of the District of Columbia, that notice be No. given by the insertion of a 5 L (RP) copy of this Order in the LVING Wa s h i n g t o n A f r o ERTY American, a newspaper 18 having a general circulaJUDGE tion in the District of MOND Columbia, once a week for three (3) successive ELLON weeks, notifying all persons interested in the Real Property described above to appear in this Court by the 30th day of May, 2018, and redeem S II LLC the Real Property by payS II LLC ment of $732.84, plus inS II LLC terest from the date the upant Certificate was sold, all expenses provided for by D.C. Code §47-1377 and D.C. Code §47-1361, and all outstanding municipal of D.C. liens amounts due and b)(1)(G)) owing on the Real Property in accordance with the provisions of D.C. T OF Code §47-1361, or anA swer the complaint, or thereafter, a final judgment will be entered foreser closing the right of restrict of demption in the Real PennProperty and vesting in nue, the Plaintiff a title in fee n, D.C. simple.

o: Attorney strict of h Street, n, D.C.

Clerk of the Court By: James D McGinley 03/16, 03/23, 03/30/18

ers of the escribed s, devirepreecutors, rantees, ssors in erest and ons havhave any ing adn, in the fee simperty and e, lying District of ibed as Pl SE, N, DC 337, Lot to the d listed


F ON ith D.C. 47-1375 object of s to sere of the on in the perty lostrict of laintiff in re: 5337 QUARE: 0, which own as Pl SE, N, DC mplaint other amounts emption n paid.



The Afro-American, March 17, 2018 - March 23, 2018










March 17, 2018 - March 23, 2018, The Afro-American LEGAL NOTICES



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sylvania Avenue, NW Washington, D.C. 20004

The Afro-American, March 17, 2018 - March 23, 2018 LEGAL NOTICES





All unknown owners of the real property described below, their heirs, devisees, personal representatives, executors, administrators, grantees, assigns or successors in right, title, and interest and any and all persons having or claiming to have any interest, including adverse possession, in the leasehold or the fee simple in the real property and premises, situate, lying and being in the District of Columbia described as 933 52nd St NE, WA S H I N G T O N , D C 20019, Square: 5199, Lot 0037, assessed to the owner of record listed above, Defendants. ORDER OF PUBLICATION In accordance with D.C. Official Code §47-1375 (2001 ed.), the object of this proceeding is to secure the foreclosure of the right of redemption in the following real property located in the District of Columbia to the Plaintiff in this Action: Square: 5199 Lot: 0037, SQUARE: 5199 LOT: 0037, which may also be known as 933 52nd St NE, WASHINGTON, DC 20019. The Complaint states, among other things, that the amountsEDT necessary TYPESET: Tue Mar 13 17:20:28 2018for redemption have not been paid.Pursuant to the Chief Judge´s Administration IN THE SUPERIOR Order Number 02-11, it is COURT OF this 23RD day of January, THE DISTRICT 2018, OF COLUMBIA ORDERED by the SuperCIVIL DIVISION ior Court of the District of Columbia, that notice be Civil Action No. given by the insertion of a 2018 CA 000530 L (RP) copy of this Order in the ACTION INVOLVING Wa s h i n g t o n A f r o REAL PROPERTY American, a newspaper CALENDAR 18 having a general circulaMAGISTRATE JUDGE tion in the District of RENEE RAYMOND Columbia, once a week for three (3) successive THORNTON MELLON weeks, notifying all perLLC sons interested in the Real Property described Plaintiff, above to appear in this v. Court by the 23RD day of May, 2018,and redeem DEANWOOD REAL the Real Property by payESTATE INVEST. I LLC ment of $4405.85, plus inSantorini Capital LLC terest from the date the Brian Donegan & Certificate was sold, all William Leahy expenses provided for by Unknown Occupant D.C. Code §47-1377 and D.C. Code §47-1361, and And all outstanding municipal liens amounts due and (For Purposes of D.C. owing on the Real PropCode §47-1371(b)(1)(G)) erty in accordance with the provisions of D.C. Code §47-1361, or anTHE DISTRICT OF swer the complaint, or COLUMBIA thereafter, a final judgment will be entered foreServe: closing the right of reMuriel Bowser demption in the Real Mayor of the District of Property and vesting in Columbia 1350 Pennthe Plaintiff a title in fee sylvania Avenue, simple. NW Washington, D.C. 20004 Clerk of the Court By: James D McGinley Serve also: Karl A. Racine, Attorney General of the District of 03/16, 03/23, 03/30/18 Columbia 441 4th Street, NW Washington, D.C. 20001 And All unknown owners of the real property described below, their heirs, devisees, personal representatives, executors, administrators, grantees, assigns or successors in right, title, and interest and any and all persons having or claiming to have any interest, including adverse possession, in the leasehold or the fee simple in the real property and premises, situate, lying and being in the District of Columbia described as 933 52nd St NE, WA S H I N G T O N , D C 20019, Square: 5199, Lot 0037, assessed to the owner of record listed above,



To advertise in the WASHINGTON AFRO Call


Serve also: Karl A. Racine, Attorney General of the District of Columbia 441 4th Street, NW Washington, D.C. 20001


ORDER OF PUBLICATION In accordance with D.C. Official Code §47-1375 (2001 ed.), the object of this proceeding is to secure the foreclosure of the right of redemption in the following real property located in the District of Columbia to the Plaintiff in this Action: Square: 5199 Lot: 0037, SQUARE: 5199 LOT: 0037, which may also be known as 933 52nd St NE, WASHINGTON, DC 20019. The Complaint states, among TYPESET: other things,Tue thatMar the13 17:20:28 EDT 2018 amounts necessary for repaid.Pursuant to the Chief demption have not been Judge´s Administration IN THE SUPERIOR Order Number 02-11, it is COURT OF this 23RD day of January, THE DISTRICT 2018, OF COLUMBIA ORDERED by the SuperCIVIL DIVISION ior Court of the District of Columbia, that notice be Civil Action No. given by the insertion of a 2018 CA 000530 L (RP) copy of this Order in the ACTION INVOLVING Wa s h i n g t o n A f r o REAL PROPERTY American, a newspaper CALENDAR 18 having a general circulaMAGISTRATE JUDGE tion in the District of RENEE RAYMOND Columbia, once a week for three (3) successive THORNTON MELLON weeks, notifying all perLLC sons interested in the Real Property described Plaintiff, above to appear in this v. Court by the 23RD day of May, 2018,and redeem DEANWOOD REAL the Real Property by payESTATE INVEST. I LLC ment of $4405.85, plus inSantorini Capital LLC terest from the date the Brian Donegan & Certificate was sold, all William Leahy expenses provided for by Unknown Occupant D.C. Code §47-1377 and D.C. Code §47-1361, and And all outstanding municipal liens amounts due and (For Purposes of D.C. owing on the Real PropCode §47-1371(b)(1)(G)) erty in accordance with the provisions of D.C. Code §47-1361, or anTHE DISTRICT OF swer the complaint, or COLUMBIA thereafter, a final judgment will be entered foreServe: closing the right of reMuriel Bowser demption in the Real Mayor of the District of Property and vesting in Columbia 1350 Pennthe Plaintiff a title in fee sylvania Avenue, simple. NW Washington, D.C. 20004 Clerk of the Court By: James D McGinley Serve also: Karl A. Racine, Attorney General of the District of 03/16, 03/23, 03/30/18 Columbia 441 4th Street, NW Washington, D.C. 20001 And All unknown owners of the real property described

simple. Clerk of the Court By: James D McGinley 03/16, 03/23, 03/30/18







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March 17, 2018 - March 23, 2018, The Afro-American


Race and Politics

`A City On the Rise’ Baltimore Mayor Catherine Pugh delivered her second, “State of the City,” address Sean Yoes March Baltimore AFRO 12, in the Editor chambers of the Baltimore City Council. When Pugh delivered her first State of the City in March 2017, Baltimore was learning about the sordid details connected to the now disgraced Gun Trace Task Force and the city was in the midst of a record breaking year for murder. Those dark days of 2017 have cast a long shadow upon all of us. This week, Mayor Pugh argued in cautiously optimistic yet, confident tones

JHU Pres. Daniels Responds

Some Students Reject Planned JHU Police Force

Photo by Sean Yoes

Continued on D2

Courtesy photo

Johns Hopkins University is pushing legislation in Annapolis that would green light a private police force for the school. Some JHU students are pushing back against the effort. By Stephen Janis and Taya Graham Special to the AFRO It seemed like a relatively straightforward proposal. An uptick in crime around Johns Hopkins’ campuses in Homewood and East Baltimore prompted JHU president Ron Daniels to push for a law that would enable the university to establish a professional police force replete with arrest powers similar to nearby institutions like Morgan State University and Towson University. “As you can imagine post Freddie Gray, we had a significant surge of violence in the city and particularly around our campus,” Daniels told the AFRO. “We saw 18 armed robberies near the Homewood Campus just in the fall alone - 12 involving our students, this was a level of crime we were not used to.” But, in a city where police corruption continues to make national headlines and skepticism about the ability of cops to address the complex root causes of crime, nothing involving law enforcement is easy; particularly on a campus where students seem both conscious of the pitfalls of policing and

Baltimore Area Church News

‘The Hour of Power’

Church in West Baltimore, and the founder and director of the Abundant Life Singers, the Baltimore Sanctuary Choir and The There’s nothing quite like the sound of Voices of the Hour of Power. a gospel choir. Sunday morning church Sunday March 11th, the Hour of Power, service would not be the same without was held at Brown’s Memorial Baptist their presence; we love to hear and watch Church. The Abundant Life Singers, The them sing. Even the choir director plays an Baltimore Sanctuary Choir and The Voices important of the Hour role in of Power making sure all sang to a joyful the glory of noise is God. This made unto particular the Lord. Hour of If you Power was enjoy choir special music, then because the mark your theme was calendar for family and The Hour friends. I of Power, asked Mr. held every Waddell second about the Sunday of significance the month. of this and Hosted by he stated, Elder Eric “Every Waddell, year the each month Baltimore Photo by Joi Thomas one of gospel Gospel recording artist, Elder Eric Waddell, is founder of his choirs community The Hour of Power, gospel music series. sings for celebrates an hour, the and takes importance the congregation back in time by singing of worshipping together. We celebrate gospel classics from years past. family through Gospel Music,” Waddell Waddell, a gospel recording artist, is said. If you have ever been to an Hour of the minister of music at Mt. Pigsah CME Continued on D2 By Joi Thomas Special to the AFRO

Despite Efforts, Wage Gap Persists By Deborah Bailey Special to the AFRO

capable of making sure their voices are heard. “I think they are honestly surprised they are getting pushback, “ Victor Kumar a graduate student explained. “Which just goes to show how out of touch they are.” Along with a series of protests, students manned a phone bank this week to urge legislators to vote against a bill currently on the agenda in Annapolis that would grant Hopkins the right to enter into a memorandum of agreement with the Baltimore Police Department and establish a full fledged department. The legislation, sponsored – Victor Kumar by Del. Cheryl Glenn (D-45), in the house and Sen. Joan Carter-Conway (D-43), in the Senate, is currently in committee with a hearing before the House Judiciary Committee planned for March 16. Organizers said their efforts to stop the bill is tied to intractable problems of racialized policing and community distrust that has defined law enforcement in the city that surrounds them; particularly in light of the recent scandal involving the Gun Trace Task Force, which led to convictions and guilty pleas of nine officers accused of racketeering, overtime fraud and robbing residents. Continued on D2

“I think they are honestly surprised they are getting pushback. Which just goes to show how out of touch they are.”

Baltimore Mayor Catherine Pugh prepares to deliver her “State of the City” address in the chambers of the Baltimore City Council.


“I have plowed and reaped and husked and chopped and mowed, and can any man do more than that?” -Sojourner Truth, 1851 Sojourner Truth’s question still resonates in the persistent wage gap between Black women and White males in Maryland. Black women still earn a little more than 69 cents for every dollar earned by White male workers, according to

Black women still earn a little more than 69 cents for every dollar earned by White male workers... the National Women’s Law Center. Even with a 30 cent per dollar wage gap between Black women and White men, Maryland ranks fifth in the nation in term of pay equity based on the organization’s state-by-state ranking. Idaho currently leads the nation in coming the closet to closing the wage gap paying Black women 89.1 cents for every dollar earned by a White man. “We’re not looking at anything new,” said

Continued on D2

Eight Wounded in Four Separate Shootings By Michelle Richardson Special to the AFRO Eight people — including two teenagers— were injured in four different shootings the evening of March 12, according to the Baltimore Police Department (BPD). T.J. Smith, chief spokesman for BPD said all of the victims are, “varying from critical condition to stable and soon to be released.” Two women, two 17 yearold boys, and four adult males were shot. The rash of shootings started with two separate triple shootings that happened between 9:15 p.m. and 11:45 p.m. The first triple shooting happened in the Allendale neighborhood of West Baltimore, in the 3600 block of Mulberry St. According to police, at around 9:15 p.m., a 17-year old male was shot in the stomach, an adult male was shot in the upper body, and a 27-year old woman was shot in the chest. All three victims were taken area hospitals for treatment. As of AFRO press time there was no update on their injuries. At 9:50 p.m., in the 2300 block of Bryant Ave., police found a 23 year-old shot in the back in the Parkview/

Woodbrook neighborhood of West Baltimore. He was transported to an area hospital, no word on his condition. A little after 11:30 p.m., in the Penrose neighborhood, police said the second triple shooting of the night occurred when two men and a woman were shot in the 1900 blk., of Penrose Ave., also in West Baltimore. A 24 year old man was shot in the upper body, a 49 year-old man was shot in the cheek, and a 49 year-old woman was shot in the neck. The 17 year-old victim with a gunshot wound to the cheek, walked into an area hospital a short time later. The victim said he tried to run when he was shot. The Penrose community was also the sight of a homicide last weekend and another shooting last week where the victim suffered non-life threatening

48 2018 Total

injuries. Smith said police are “obviously concerned” about the spike in violence and are responding to it. He also stated police were paying close attention to the neighborhood on March 12, but, “Unfortunately, last night (March 12), some motivated bad guys were able to get through those deployments,” Smith said. “Between the weekend and last night, every commander was on conference calls and at work as part of an all-out strategy. There have been extra deployments placed on the streets in general, and people can ride around the city and see that.” Police are asking anyone with information in the shootings to call detectives at 410-396-2221 or call and leave a tip anonymously on the Metro Crime Stoppers line at 1-866-7-LOCK-UP.


Last Seven Days

Data as of March 14


The Afro-American, March 17, 2018 - March 23, 2018

Police Force Continued from D1

“Hopkins creating a private police force means there will be more cops in the city and they will be less accountable,” senior Hopkins student, Miranda Bachman told the AFRO. “If we’re in danger and there are students in danger it is from other students. The amount of reports we do not get for sexual assault is insane. I hear [this] from people all the time.” It is a concern Daniels argues a professional police force could address. “Particularly given concerns around sexual assault, we believe a well trained professional security force with sworn peace officers can play an important role in raising sensitivities to these issues,” Daniels explained. But, also problematic for students is that the plan to switch from security guards to a cadre of sworn officers was

announced without consulting them first. “I’m really curious why the university did this, and what they’re goals are and what they think this will accomplish,” Kumar said. Kumar is an anthropologist who teaches a course on the history of policing. A perspective that makes him wary of touting beefed up law enforcement as a surefire solution to crime. “Statistics change for all sorts of complex reasons, you have to be careful about making correlative conclusions,” he said. Still, he notes the university also faces the challenge of assuaging the fears of prospective students reluctant to attend Hopkins due to the perception the campus is unsafe.

“Hopkins knows their biggest weakness in attracting students to Baltimore is safety,” Kumar said. “I’ve talked to people in the administration and this is a major factor in terms of students not choosing Hopkins.” To address student concerns Daniels said he and other university officials will be holding a series of town hall meetings to foster discussion. Among the topics he hopes to confront are concerns that police are prone to target students of color and could engage in racial profiling. “We know a system of racial bias and racial profiling is a serious issue in contemporary law enforcement, but we also know other universities have been able to create agencies that don’t succumb to these patterns of behaviors,” Daniels said. “This is a start of a conversation and not the end of one.”

Taxation Committee and House Appropriations Committee late last month, Brinkley detailed efforts being made by the state to close the wage gap. “The Department of Budget and Management and the rest of the Hogan-Rutherford Administration take the issue of salary gaps very seriously,” said Brinkley “To address the disparity issues, the state has expanded its current relationships with Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCU) and professional organizations and its participation in job fairs that may be sources for African-American, Latino and other diversity recruitment,” Brinkley added. Officials at Bowie State University’s Career Development Center confirmed that the state has reached out to their school to connect with more students of color. “Yes, the department has conducted a career fair and has done career workshops to help prepare students for state jobs,” said April Johnson, director of Bowie’s Career Development Center. “Both Black men and Black women are over represented in the hourly wages categories and in lower pay grades,” said

Loubert. While career fairs may help broaden exposure and outreach to Black women for entry level positions, Loubert said state government leaders must adopt a mindset that propels the state to move toward salary equity – at all levels. “It’s really hard for Whites to decide it’s ok for Blacks to make the same amount of money. That mentality still persists,” Loubert said. “Just to have a state job means that you have all these other benefits, that to some extent increase the wealth of Black folks, even though at a lower level.” She said that those in power may unconsciously convince themselves with the rationale that, “It’s ok, at least they have good jobs,” Loubert added. “You’ve got to get the state to recognize this and admit it.” Brinkley’s testimony at least signals that DBM is working on the kind of analysis that will help the state move beyond pooling women of color in entry level positions. “DBM will work with state agencies following a thorough analysis of this information to ensure that more women and minorities are hired into professional positions,” he said.

Wage Gap Continued from D1

Linda Loubert a political economist and interim chair of the Behavioral and Social Science Center at Morgan State University. Working for the state doesn’t help black women close the wage gap in Maryland. The average salary for Black women in state jobs is still $10,000 below the average salary for White men, according to the Maryland Office of Budget and Management’s (DBM) 2017 annual report. “Maryland was a slave state and even though we now have a large number of Black legislators who can develop laws for us, it’s just not enough. Closing the wage gap is unfortunately not at the top of the list of the many needs blacks have in this state. We have had to pick our battles,” said Loubert. DBM Director David Brinkley said his organization is working on closing the pay gap in state government. The DBM report acknowledged that Blacks and particularly Black women, continue to be disproportionately represented in lower pay grade jobs, contributing to the wage gap. In written testimony submitted to the Senate Budget and

Race and Politics Continued from D1

that Baltimore is emerging from one of the city’s darkest chapters and is, “A city on the rise.” “I begin my address by reminding all of us of the truly great city we claim as home. Despite too much national attention for all the wrong reasons, we know that our city,

known for its irresistible charm is so much more,” Pugh said, alluding to our world class institutions of medicine and education, our sports teams, and a thriving cultural scene, which attracts, “tens of thousands of tourists and residents from neighboring counties…” Then, the mayor delivered her sober summary

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of last year’s record homicide rate, and the murder and mayhem that has gripped our city for far too long. “Yes, ours is also a city with too much tragedy. Too much crime, too much devastation, sadness and loss,” Pugh said. “Each and every one of those 343 lost due to gun violence in 2017, left behind too many loved ones and the collateral damage done is generational. Too many wounds that will not heal any time soon. I mourn, as all of us do...It must not continue!” And during the speech, Pugh gave significant attention to the corruption within the Baltimore Police Department, some argue is pervasive, embodied most boldly by the nefarious deeds of the now disbanded Gun

root out bad police, and we will reform this department…” Pugh went on to talk at length and in some detail about law enforcement reform and her multi-faceted approach (partnering with leaders across the state, including Gov. Larry Hogan), to provide improved public safety for Baltimore. As expected, she heaped praise upon her new Police Commissioner Darryl De Sousa. And she also name checked several of the grassroots groups and individuals that keep the city from being torn asunder, including: UMAR Boxing, No Hooks Before Books, Ray Kelly and the No Boundaries Coalition, Ericka Bridgeford and Baltimore Ceasefire, KEYES Development, Hugs Don’t Shoot, Community Mediation, among others. Ultimately, I thought Mayor Pugh delivered a clear-eyed, thorough assessment of our city’s many manifest ills, and cogently illuminated a plausible path forward (and identified many of the remedies already implemented). One community leader in attendance during the speech (who did not want – Mayor Pugh to be identified in this column), said, “She seems to be finding her stride.” I agree. Trace Task Force, which garnered national I’ve been very critical in this column (and headlines. on the airwaves) of the Baltimore Police “And then, there is that truly awful trial Department and the previous administration which exposed the very worst of those who and rightfully so. At times I’ve been skeptical betrayed the public trust. The evidence made of the current administration (publicly and clear that certain members of our police privately), as well. department were themselves criminals,” Pugh However, I believe the mayor deserves said. “The victimization of our community some space to manifest her vision for the city by those former officers - and the others also we love, not with impunity, but with some implicated - disgraced this police department patience. and disgraced our city. They will now suffer I personally pray, she...we are successful. the justice they deserve…The Gun Trace Task Force unit, its renegade culture and the sordid Sean Yoes is the Baltimore editor of the testimony that shocked us every day … will AFRO American and the host and executive long remind us of one of the most egregious producer of the AFRO First Edition video moments in our City’s history…it is a history I podcast, which airs Monday and Friday at 5 vow under my watch never to repeat…We will p.m. on the AFRO’s Facebook page.

“Yes, ours is also a city with too much tragedy. Too much crime, too much devastation, sadness and loss.”

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Church News Continued from D1

Power, then you know as soon as the music begins, it feels like one big family reunion. Everyone begins to sing and reminisce about days ago. The spirit of God is always felt, and you leave feeling like you have gotten the extra boost that you need to make it through the week. The Hour of Power is such a unique concept. I was interested in what

prompted Waddell to begin this movement in Baltimore. He informed me that it’s more than just singing for an hour. “I wanted a platform to educate and showcase the history of choir music,” he said. “The Hour of Power is a city-wide effort as we preserve songs from the past and celebrate where Gospel Music is headed. The vision is to motivate our church choirs

to stay alive, teach younger musicians the hymns of the church and unify our city in singing the good news.” Next month, April 8, The Hour of Power will celebrate five years. Plans are still underway, but be sure this will be an event you don’t want to miss. Check back next time to see all the details for the five year anniversary of The Hour of Power.

Advertise your church’s Good Friday and Easter services. Call Lenora Howze @ 410-554-8271 or email:

March 17, 2018 - March 23, 2018, The Afro-American


Baltimore Local Entertainers Are Awesome!

Hello my dear friends. I have been a little under the weather for the past couple of weeks, but the show must go on. I want to start off by telling you about my popular Godchild, Mrs. Maybelle, who is still making her mark in our Baltimore community by giving back. She is not only a very popular, very talented and gifted comedian, but she is the producer and CEO of her own full figured modeling company. This weekend, on March 18, at the Forum Caterers she will step up again with a fashion show only as Mrs. Maybelle, could do. Cash bar and lite fare are included. I will see you there. There is another one of our local entertainers who has gone national, but always comes back to his hometown to share his gift; I am talking about Isaac Parham a gifted and talented saxophonist. Parham is a native of Baltimore and attended the Music Careers Program at Frederick Douglass High School, and the Peabody Institute of the Johns Hopkins University, a conservatory and university-preparatory school. The school has influenced the music of Grover Washington, Jr., Charlie Parker, John Coltrane, David Sanborn and so many others. Check him out at the Caton Castle Lounge, on Caton Ave. and Hilton Street on March 17, 6p.m.10p.m. I promise you will not be disappointed. If you enjoy good jazz then you will enjoy Parham and his band. There are a couple of things I must inform you about in advance, because for one of the events, you have to make a deposit early for a jazz bus trip coming up in June. Let me explain; Jazz Expressways Foundation will host a weekend trip to the Clifford Brown Jazz Festival in Wilmington, June 22 thru June. As you see that is a few months away meaning you have to get your deposit in very soon this month. Now check this out! We are leaving Baltimore on June 22 at 10 a.m., from Cromwell Bridge Road in Towson, stopping for shopping and eating at Christiana Shopping Mall. The trip also includes reservations for two nights and three days at the Doubletree Hotel, admission to the festival and much more, including a stop at the Delaware Park Casino on the way home. Call 410-532-8536 for ticket information. The other event you need to know about in advance is called “Bangin’ with the Boomers” a party for the young at heart. Come and join me for an afternoon of fun, food, door prizes, vendors, live entertainment, dance music by DJ Sugar Chris and dancing for all my senior citizen fans, who love reading my column. We have put together a buffet luncheon party just for you at the Forum Caterers, 4210 Primrose Ave., on Apr. 12, noon- 3p.m. Get out of that senior citizen building; I don’t care if you come by mobility van, car, bus, wheelchair, walker or cane, come out and have some fun with me. For ticket information, call me at 410-833-9474. If you like it, then I will do this every 2nd Thursday of the month. So call me or email me at Well, my dear friends, it is about that time. Remember, I love you, and if you need me call me at 410-833-9474 or email me at Until the next time, I’m musically yours.


thank you

for your patience and confidence. As Winter Storm Riley battered central Maryland with high sustained winds and gusts exceeding 70 mph, its impact was felt by more than 460,000 BGE customers. Leading the effort to restore service were more than 3,100 crews, support staff and contractors, including crews who came to assist from our sister Exelon utilities, 13 states and Canada. Our restoration crews have worked in shifts around the clock against tremendous challenges—including delays caused by continued high winds, downed trees and damaged power equipment. We salute the efforts of first responders and emergency management partners, and all who have helped to safely restore power to our community. We realize the hardship of winter outages, and we thank our customers for their patience and confidence as we worked to complete the restoration.






Good neighbors know that a creative community is a vibrant, successful community. That’s why Johns Hopkins is supporting collaborative spaces and artistic endeavors across Baltimore City—renovating and revitalizing historic theaters, partnering with our peers to share programming, and creating opportunities for the city’s children to explore music, the arts, and dance. Sharing these resources with our neighbors is important to us because when Baltimore thrives, we all do.

Johns Hopkins. Investing in our community.



Calvin G. Butler Jr.


investing in


This piece by students at Highlandtown Elementary Middle School #215 is one of the many on display at the Creative Alliance Feb. 24 through March 10 as part of the 8th Black History Month Student Competition and Exhibition, sponsored by Johns Hopkins East Baltimore Community Affairs Office.

If in co at


March 17, 2018 – March 23, 2018, The Afro-American

Monica Scott

Dr. Tonja L. Ringgold

Rochelle Purnell, Delores Kelley, Darlene Hall, Jean Owens

The National Association of Negro Business and Professional Women’s Clubs, (NANBPWC), Baltimore City chapter, celebrated their 77th Founder’s Day and Living Women History Makers’ award breakfast, on March 3. Awardees were honored for their commitment to serve, outstanding leadership, and compassion. Mrs. Vanessa B. Joyce-Sutton, Dr. Tonja Ringgold, Ms. Monica Scott, and Joelle Lawson were all recipients of the Living Women History Makers’ award.

Delandria Mills Joelle Lawson, Vannessa B. Joyce-Sutton

Leah Akers, Maurette Brown Clark and Shellae Akers Shavon Houser and Shanaya Jones

Photos by Keyon Smith

On Feb. 23, the Union Temple Congregation, Arts Ministry (the church is located at 1100 W. North Ave.), held their 4th annual “Essence of Soul: A night at the Grammys,” which is a platform for local musical artists to share their gifts with the community. The event took place at the Gala Center in Windsor, Md., in Baltimore County.

Chevaun “Mack” Jackson event coordinator and Doriel Churn event Coordinator

Dana Dessesow

Michelle and Ericka Jackson

Tracey Thompson , Kiayra Dobbins and Stephane Cheatham Karen Duncan and Roslyn Harris

Photos by Devone Marshall

Vanderlean Mason - Uha, Rosalee Bailey, Trustee Larry Bailey and Camille S. Williams

Larry Rathar and Mary Jones

Last week we mistakenly identified Baltimore City Comptroller Joan Pratt, as “City Solicitor.” We regret the error.

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