August 16, 2014 - August 22, 2014, The Afro-American
Bishop Floyd Collins
Photos by J.D. Howard
Arnold Jolivet II pays tribute to his father
New Shiloh’s Comfort Choir
The community gathered, Aug. 7, at New Shiloh Baptist Church to celebrate the life and legacy of noted print and broadcast journalist, George W. Collins, who died July 31. He began his career with the AFRO in 1950 and continued with WMAR TV in 1968 and eventually WEAA FM Radio.
Kwesi Mfume
Deaconess Jamila Ward
Eloise Collins (married to George Collins for more than 65 years), Sylvia Collins and Donald Collins
Photos by Travis Riddick
The many people mentored and enriched by the leadership and business acumen of Arnold M. Jolivet expressed their appreciation and respect, Aug. 6 at Union Baptist Church in West Baltimore. Jolivet was determined that minority businesses far and wide would have equal access and opportunity.
The Collins family, from left, Valerie, Eloise, Sylvia and Ronald Collins, Barbara Rhodes, Dr. Warren Rhodes, Vanessa and James Pyatt
Don Scott, Rep. Elijah Cummings, Tony White, Billy Murphy and Sen. Nathaniel McFadden
Rep. Cummings confers with the Rev. Dr. Al Hathaway, pastor of Union Baptist Church
Attendants laying flag on casket
The Rev. Dr. Harold A. Carter Jr., pastor of New Shiloh Baptist Church
Milagros Williams and Juana Brown greet family members
August 16, 2014 - August 22, 2014, The Afro-American
Margot James Copeland, immediate past national president of The Links chartered The Patuxent River (Md.) Chapter at the Rockville Hilton and Conference Center in Rockville, Md. This marked the last chartering of the “Sensational Seven,” seven new chapters chartered under Mrs. Copeland’s administration. The evening, themed “Cherishing Friendship and Embracing Service,” culminated with a Chartering Dinner and Afterglow event where over 300 guests, including the organization’s National and Eastern Area leadership, chartering members, fellow members, family, friends and community partners, were present to celebrate the grand occasion. The Patuxent River Chapter was established in upper The Links, Patuxent River (Md.) Chapter charter members are joined by Jeannine Quick-Frasier, Montgomery County, Md. with 48 new Co-Chair of the Chapter Establishment Committee (front left center) and Sandra Malone, Chair members, to improve the lives of children, of the Chapter Establishment Committee (front right center) families, and the local community. The chapter established a two-year transformational program focused on the youth of Germantown Elementary School, which promotes self-awareness, self-
Under the administration of immediate past National President, Margot James Copeland (front right center), The Links, Patuxent River (Md.) Chapter was the seventh chapter chartered
Photos by Rob Roberts
Glenda Newell-Harris, M.D., current National President, introduces Margot James Copeland, immediate past National President
Margot James Copeland, Immediate Past National President of the Links, Incorporated, shares her wisdom with new chapter president Sandra Maddox Britt, Esquire
Authority, and the Pregnancy Aid Center. “Members of Sigma Gamma Rho believe in serving our communities. We support these organizations because this affects our children and can further their development educationally and socially,” said Bonita M. Herring, 23rd International president of Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority Inc. There was a sea of royal blue and gold, the sorority’s colors, as
Annie Everett, Chapter Vice President of Programs, served as the event’s Mistress of Ceremony
Chapter Organizer, Annie Whatley, President of The Links, Capitol City (DC) Chapter
Margot James Copeland, Immediate Past President, delivers greetings and remarks to culminate the chartering of the “Sensational Seven” new chapters of The Links
Patuxent River (Md.) Chapter organizer and Arlington (Va.) Chapter President, Shirley Watkins Bowden and spouse R. Kirk Bowden enjoy the After-Glow dessert reception celebrating the group’s chartering
Chapter Establishment Members of The Links, were responsible for chartering seven new chapters within the last two years. Shown (LR): Dianne Smith Hardison, Eastern Area Director, Jeannine QuickFrasier, Co-Chair, Margo James Copeland, Sandra Malone, Chair and Lynnette Heard
Community service was the focal point for members of Sigma Gamma Rho (SGR) Sorority as they wrapped up their 55th Biennial Boule, or convention, at National Harbor. More than 1,300 members attended the five-day event at the Gaylord National Resort and Convention Center from July 18 - 22. The organization kicked off the Boule by donating more than $90,000 to various organizations including St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital, March of Dimes, the Children’s Defense Fund, the Gwendolyn Sawyer Cherry Scholarship Endowment at Florida A&M University College of Law, the Annapolis Housing
skills to avoid being a victim or victimizing others by addressing, among other things, issues of bullying and low self-esteem. Additionally, the chapter has launched a program to enhance citizens’ knowledge of key health and financial issues, and resources to assist them in addressing their individual and/or family challenges.
The Links, Eastern Area Officers take a photo opportunity with the Patuxent River (MD) Chapter Officers. Seated (L-R): Cheryl Simmons Gray, Pharm D (Financial Secretary), Pamela Queen, Ph.D (Treasurer), Sandra Maddox Britt, Esquire (President), Sandra Seaton Pina (Vice President), and Yvonne D. McKinney (Recording Secretary) Standing (LR): Michele Spady (Eastern Area Program Coordinator), Ethelyn Bowers (Eastern Area Treasurer), Dianne Smith Hardison (Eastern Area Director), Diane Guilford (Eastern Area Protocol Chair)
Patuxent River(Md.) Chapter charter members, The Links
Program Participants take a moment to smile for the camera. Shown (L-R, Clockwise): Dr. Mildred Brown, Sandra Maddox Britt, Esquire, Margot James Copeland, Dianne Smith Hardison, Glenda Newell-Harris, M.D., Sandra Seaton Pina, Sandra Malone, Jeannine QuickFrasier, LeShawndra Price, Ph.D.
respect, and encourages leadership skills. The transformational program, “GlobalMinded, Empowered, and Motivated for Success” is coined as the GEMS program. Through their program for youth, the Patuxent River Chapter provides multiple workshops, activities, and field trips aimed at creating an environment where girls are empowered by promoting selfawareness, self-respect, and developing
members of Sigma Gamma Rho also made an impact on the Capitol during their “Boule Day on the Hill.” Other speakers included actress Victoria Rowell who addressed the group on foster care and Dr. Brenda Girtman, a representative from the White House. “Our goal was to build awareness around these important topics. I want our members to discuss these issues in their local communities and work to be change agents for the next generation,” said Herring.
Anika Quinn and Sheila White Sigma Gamma Rho on the steps of the Capitol
SGR Sorority presents $30,000 to the March of Dimes Darius Taylor, Harold Young, Ramesh Ramperson, Authur Russell, Debra Hughes, Ms. Kimberly, Keith Yancey, Chris Brown and Harold Young
SGR Sorority presents $30,000 to the St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital
SGR recognizes some of the younger members of the sorority LaShonda Johnson, Monica Harris, Takimva Martin, Joyvan Malbon, Henryetta O’Neal, Vanessa Anderson, Tiffany Hightower, Pamela Kadirifu, Emmanuela Ebunilo and Charisma White
SGR Sorority presents $5,000 to the Gwendolyn Sawyer Cherry Scholarship SGR National President, Bonita Herring being escorted by Keith Yancey into the awards banquet
Dr. Alice Cryer
Five leaders of the Divine Nine Black Greek Organizations Tiffany Hightower being escorted by Authur Russell Mae Frances Frazier, Emmanuela Ebunilo, Debra CatchingSmith and Bonita Herring
LaShonda Taylor being escorted by Authur Russell
Gwen Cannon and Debra Hughes
Elouise Gosserand, National Philo Queen, Southwest region, Mu Sigma Chapter, Baton Rouge, La.
Photos by Rob Roberts and Travis Riddick
August 9, 2014 - August 15, 2014, The Afro-American
Matriarch Tessie Monroe, 80, holds youngest child, Eilijah Byrd, 11 months old, with standing, Aaron Monroe, Kynea Armstread, Ashanti Ford, Serne Cooper, Asha Cooper, Roderick Byrd Seated, Richard Cooper, Jacqueline Ford, Geneva Monroe
Rev. Dr. Alvin C. Hathaway Sr., host, greets all his family members to the reunion
Family members traveled from Allen, Texas; Norfolk and Richmond, Va.; Ft. Wayne, Ind.; Edenton, N.C., Philadelphia, and several parts of Maryland, including Salisbury and Laurel to share in the festivities of the 48th Hathaway family’s three-day reunion, Aug.1-3 at the Radisson Cross Keys. The underlying theme has remained “Faith, Family and Finances” which was drilled into them by their grandparents, the Rev. Anthony and Elizabeth Hathaway Sr., according to the Rev. Milton Hathaway, the family spokesman. Tassie Monroe, family matriarch, traveled from Edgerton, N.C. to fellowship with the five generations represented at the reunion. “There are medical doctors,
Fourth generation family members are Kyle and Kolby Setzer Front row, Maryclaire, Michael and Gloria Lane
car dealership entrepreneurs, ministers, engineers and college professors represented throughout our family tree,” said Rev. Milton Hathaway. “We are holding true to the theme of “Faith, Family and Finances.” Upon arrival, the Hathaways had a “meet and greet” crab feast. On Saturday, after members explored the sites of Baltimore, they returned to a sit down banquet and reacquainted themselves with each other while dancing into the wee hours of the morning. Then there was church on Sunday at Union Baptist Church where the Rev. Dr. Alvin Hathaway Sr. is senior pastor, and Rev. Milton Hathaway delivered the sermon. Before departing, the culminating activity included each family giving an update of personal news for the year.
Host family members Rev. Dr. Alvin C. Hathaway Sr., Kathleen B., Adaria K., Sheneika and Alvin C. Hathaway Jr. Lane Family members are Mary Claire,Gloria, and Michael with parents Christopher and Judy Lane
Monica Horne, Rod Horne, BreAnna Alexander
Setzer Family members are Kolbe, Kathleen, Kyle and Kevin Setzer
Charles David Stokes III, Kamari Celeste Stokes, Ja'Don Pleasants, Arletha Diane Stokes, Rene'McClain, Kakwa McClain
Host family Rev.Dr. Alvin C.Hathaway, Kathleen Hathaway, Kathleen Setzer, Kevin Setzer
Evelyn Hathaway, Angela Hathaway Cary, Jalen Cary, Jasmine and William Cary
New Kent, VA Hathaway family members are Angela, Joshua, Sylvia Hathaway Alyvia, Rev. Milton Hathaway, Jordan and Rodney
H. Alan Hathaway and E. Danielle Musgrove
Sheneika Hathaway, Ronnie Mae Black, Clarissa Baker
Oshin Tai Wilson, Lisa Faulk, Frances HathawayMcKinney, Terri Moses, Kevin Moses, Isaiah Moses, Nadia Moses Sidney Sogbor and Adaria Hathaway
Troy Reddick, Troi Reddikck, Joanne Reddick, Clinton Reddick, Regina Smith, Michael Smith Kolby Setzer welcomes the family members Photos by Dr. A. Lois De Laine
The Hathaways: Danielle, Michael, Marcia, Malcolm, Monte, Michael, Erica, Emmanuel, Diana
August 9, 2014 - August 15, 2014, The Afro-American
“Army Strong”. . . fellow soldiers congratulate the Morgan family
Col. Morgan receives the official Certificate of Retirement from Robert J. Dalessandro
Col. Morgan presents flowers to his mother.
Brig. Gen. (Ret.) Earl Simms, Mag. Gen. (Ret.) Byron Bagby, Lt. Gen. (Ret.) William Ward, Gerald O’Keefe, SES, Maj. Gen. Marcia Anderson, Col. Conrado Morgan, retiring, Steve Redman, SES, Robert Dalessandro, SES, Maj. Gen. (Ret.) Reginal Clemmons, Lt. Gen. Michael Rochelle and Maj. Gen. (Ret.) Army retirees: Lt. Gen. (Ret.) William Ward, Maj. Gen. Hawthorne Proctor Reginal Clemmons, Edgar Brookins and Reginald Thomas
A guest at the party congratulates Col. Morgan
Singing of the national anthem with Lt. Col. Dea PrichardBrown
A retirement ceremony was held in honor of Col. Conrado B. Morgan, a U.S. Army Quartermaster Officer who served faithfully and honorably for over 30 years. Hosted by Robert Dalessandro, executive director/chief of military history, U.S. Army Center of Military History, the ceremony was held at the National Defense University, Lincoln Hall Auditorium, Fort McNair, Washington, D.C. Family, friend, and members of the military who served with Col. Morgan came out to bid farewell. The program followed The emcee – the protocols of a military retirement ceremony including the reading of his retirement orders, the presentation of awards and commendations, and a special Certificate of Lt. Col. (Ret.) Appreciation to his wife, Dr. Phyllis Morgan. Col. Morgan Margaret presented to flowers to his mother; his daughter, Cayla; Thomas and his wife. After remarks by Col. Morgan, the singing of the Army Song, and the benediction, a reception was held in the South Atrium. We salute now Ret. Col. Morgan for years of service in the defense of Col. Morgan this nation. He is a native of receives a Portsmouth, Va. and a 1974 shadow box graduate of Norfolk State with the U.S. U.S. Army Certificate of The Morgan family University. flag from Robert Appreciation is presented to Col. Morgan’s wife, Phyllis
Photos by Rob Roberts
John Barrows, Addie Johnson, Carol Willis and Allan Blackwell
Robin Samuel (back row), Danielle Samuel, Helen Toliver, Melanie Davis, Janice Gairey, Grant Bryant and Shawn Doyle; Karen Toliver (seated), Sakinna Gairey, Eber Doyle, Barry Sharpe and Donnal Sharpe
Third generation family members of Florence Leatha Thomas Powell (Leatha Howard Holland)
Denise Johnson, Priya Johnson and DeAnna Coleman
The oldest family members, Alice C. Thomas and George I. Campbell, with the youngest family member, Aria Faunteroy
The descendants of Jack and Polly Howard of Montgomery County, Md. gathered July 11 -13 in Gaithersburg, Md. for their 17th Biennial reunion. The reunion celebrates a family that was separated for 125 years via the Underground Railroad, when Jack and Polly’s grandsons, Thomas and William Holland, escaped to freedom. In 1977, Laura Holland’s son Harold, set in motion her quest to reunite the family, when he asked her to connect him with his “roots.” Laura, then a resident of California, gathered addresses and shared information with relatives in the United States, including in Maryland, Tanie Bacon, and in Charlene
Canada, including Hamilton, Amherstburg, and Toronto. In 1981 a few Canadian cousins traveled to Maryland to meet the family. Their visit in 1982 inspired the subsequent biennial family reunions which alternate between Ontario and Maryland, and the formation of the Howard-Holland Family Corporation. This year’s celebration weekend included a tour of the family historic grave site at the Howard Chapel; a tour of the George and Georgianna Campbell Slave Museum in Sandy Spring, Md.; A Howard-Holland exhibit room opening; a family breakfast followed by a family meeting; a family picnic; a Family Feud and Talent Show; capped off with the Sunday worship service. The family received well wishes from President Obama, Gov. Martin O’Malley, Montgomery County Executive Isaiah Leggett, and Gaithersburg, Md. Mayor Sidney Katz. Family members traveled from D.C., Baltimore, Virginia, New Jersey, New Octavia Hill-Jeffies York, North Carolina, holds up an ad Ohio, Michigan, and for the Snowden New Hampshire, with Funeral Home. half of them being Montgomery County residents. Twentyfive family members came from various parts of Ontario, Canada. The Howard-Holland family
Moore, Lorraine Driver and Judy Mauldin
Photos by Rob Roberts
Tianna, Blake and Jennifer Maclean, Trudy Samuel
Marie Donerson, Patrice Harris Talbott, Carson Talbott, Brooke Talbott, Edward Harris and Alma Harris
Kim Harris, Shelbi Harris, David Harris Sr., Theresa Harris, Stanley Harris and Sharon Harris
Shanika Pumphrey, Michaela Pumphrey, Rita Pumphrey and Thomas Pumphrey