Howard Sophisticated Settings & Morgan Lifestyle Homecoming 10-24-2015

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The Afro-American, October 24, 2015 - October 30, 2015

Photos by Rob Roberts

Fredricka Whitfield, CNN News anchor

Alumni and friends gathered at the Howard University 2015 Homecoming Bruch and Fashion Show on Oct. 4 at the Marriott Wardman Park Hotel in Northwest, Washington, D.C. This annual affair provided an opportunity to renew old acquaintances , make new friends, network but most importantly, to reconnect with former classmates and schoolmates from years past. It also served as a fundraiser to support programs and activities of the alumni association.

Red, Red, Red... always in season

The classic black couture gown Something for the younger set

Audrey Doman and Joan Tillery Classic black tuxedo

Invocation by Rev. Dr. Canon Michele V. Hagans

Stepping out in furs

Greetings from Simone Frederick, honorary chair

Warming up for the coming Winter season

(Seated) Dr. Lois Morton, Rachel Williams, Laryce Goodyear, Raymond Benett, Darlene Mathis Garner and Bernice Love; (standing) Dr. Marilyn Brow, Evelyn Horad, Andrea Flamer, Pat Hobson, Beverly Anderson and guest

Mialyn Tapscott, Dr. Denia Tapscott Lee, John Mercer, Dr. Janis Mercer, Paula Payton-Tapscott, Jean Chin Tapscott and Monica Chin Young Weaver

Michelle Bernard, MSNBC analyst and event emcee

The atmosphere was festive and heart-warming as more than 200 guests joined the Michael and

Jean Bentley, Rosalyn Epps, M.D., Foster P. Payne, E. Veronica Pace and Carmen Myrie Williams, M.D.

Mauritia Patcha Foundation, a nonprofit organization that increases immigrant access to cancer screenings,

early detection, and other health services and sponsor health missions to Cameroon. The organization

Patricia Green, and Dr. Winston Price, Power of One Award recipient Mrs. Bern Mukam

Celebrity Make-up Artists Derrick Rutledge and Sarita Prince

hosted its annual Awards Dinner and Fundraising Gala Oct. 10 at the Patuxent Greens Country Club in Laurel, Maryland.

Ernestine Manga and Presenter Dr. Njwen Anyangwe-Ngute Two Power of One Award Honorees, Nathan Simb, health care philanthropist in Cameroon and Dr. Winston Price, past president, National Medical Association

Event coordinator, Barbara Tchinjo Kuate of Oulalachic Events

Ray Michael Bridgewater, founder, Assembly of Petworth, and guest Dr. Winston Price, past president, National Medical Association with Martin Hamlette, the organization’s executive director

Stella Patcha, president, Patcha Foundation

Patcha Foundation board member Bah Boniface PaJoe Chungong and his wife Lesley Chungong

Patcha Foundation board member Ivo Tasong, co-founder, AttivaSoft LLC.

Dr. Kwaku Amexo, CEO, and Aminul Khan of BisaDoc

Photos by Life Depicted Productions

Elmer Nene Shadzeka Jimla, Cameroonian journalist/host of #1 show on CRTV “HELLO”

Patcha Foundation board VP, Dr. Georgette Bibum and her husband Martin Bibum

Noelle Karmo-Walsh, Patcha Foundation Youth Advocacy Award Recipient, with her mother, Maimah Karmo, founder, Tigerlily Foundation, and event keynote speaker

2014 Power Of One recipient, Vice Chair of (Patcha Foundation) Cameroon, founder/CEO, ASCOVIME, and CNN Top Ten Hero, Visceral Surgeon Dr. Georges Bwelle, Lesley Chungong, Cynthia Ekeme Ngassa, and 2015 Power Of One Awardee Dr. Winston Price

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The Afro-American, October 24, 2015 - October 30, 2015

Janese Daniels and Valerie Phillips Ortho and Rose Thompson, Willie Lanier Photos by Dr. A. Lois De Laine

Gwen Hackney, Carolyn Cole, co-chair, Charles Owens and Sheila Bennett

Alumni, corporate sponsors, many supporters and friends attended Morgan State University’s Gala on Oct. 16 at Martin’s West in Baltimore. The Gala kicked off the homecoming weekend of renewing old friendships and meeting new alumni.

The program consisted of Dr. David Wilson, president of Morgan, introducing the major sponsors and contributors, Board of Regents, giving an up-to-date report on the status of Morgan and the reasons why the alumni should continue to support their alma mater. The Mr. and Miss Morgan: Wayne culminating activity was the singing of Mitchell and Jillian Curry Morgan’s school song.

Robert Stokes, Diane Bell-McKoy, CEO Associated Black Charities, Traci and James Allatey

Janese and Rev. Brian E. Murray, Sen. Shirley Nathan Pulliam and Pat Hines

Germaine Bolds-Leftridge, Congresswoman Donna Edwards, Angela Gaither-Scott and Sharon Pinder

Regent chair, Kweisi and Tiffany Mfume, Hon. Marilyn Mosby and Councilman Nick Mosby

Marcus Smith, Cylia Lowe-Smith, Trena Taylor Brown and Maceo Davis

Warren and Michelle BaileyHedgepeth, Alice Pinderhughes and LaGreta Williams

Sean and Andrea Evans, LaVerne E. Chandler and Natasha Neely

Lloyd Buckner, Dr. David Wilson, MSU president and Dr. Donnie Cook

Michael Bruce, Yvonne Williams, Ivy and Danard Smith

Frederick and Lavonne Grant, Darlene Y. Seay and Thomas Hampton

Herbert and Faye Long, Vernard and Yvonne Wynn

Mendele Cager, Dr. Walker Robinson and Khadija E. Terre

The Raven’s mascot Poe and Isaiah Curbeam

Photos by Anderson Ward

On Sept. 12 at the intersections of West Baltimore and South Pulaski streets in Baltimore, Bon Secours Health System, The Tabernacle of the Lord Church and The Central Baptist Church sponsored a community fest with free health screenings and activities for families living in the area.

Katore Yerby

Central Baptist Church

Flo Brown and James Long lead an aerobics workout

Balto. City Councilman William “Pete” Welch

Juliette Griffin and Chimetta Langley

Brian Smith, Pastor Guy Robinson (Tabernacle of the Lord), Calvin Baker and Margret Berkley Monae Megginson

MC Tiba Aldridge

Pastor Guy Robinson, Del. Pat Young, Del. Barbara Robinson, Dr. Samuel Ross (CEO Bon Secours) and Sister Anne Lutz Aniyha Sarvis, Alexis Williams and Deborah Wheeler

Deborah Winfield and sister Denise Fowler-Moott

Tap dancer Diamond

Harriet and Richard Banks

Mayoral candidate Sheila Dixon

Clothing give-away

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