LifeStyle 1-19-2018

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The Afro-American, January 20, 2018 - January 26, 2018

President IDSEF Gerald Gladney

President IDSEF Gerald Gladney; Second place winner, Samantha O’Sullivan; First place winner, Paris Washington; third place winner, Louis Crimiel; Xi Alpha Lambda Chapter President, Bro. Jeffrey Dunn

MLK Oratorical Contest The Ira Dorsey Scholarship Endowment Fund (IDSEF), which is the 501(c)(3) charitable fundraising arm of the Xi Alpha Lambda Chapter of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, held its annual MLK Oratorical Contest and

Master of Ceremonies Brother Sid Evans

Community Recognition Brunch on Jan. 13 at the Waterford in Springfield, Va. This event was in its third year and asked high school orators from the D.C.-area to present essays on a specific MLK theme. The theme for the event was, “A Mountaintop View.” Sid Evans was the program chairman and Gerald L. Gladney is President of the Endowment Fund.

Contest Speaker and First Place winner, Paris Washington

Community Recognition Award Recipient Hazel Petty

Judges: Brothers Herschel Haliday, Maurice Bland, Forte Ward

Brothers Earl Nix, Chet Johnson and Robert Dutchie

Photos Mark Mahoney

The National Museum of African American History and Culture(NMAAHC) hosted a special media briefing on its latest exhibition “City of Hope: Resurrection City and the 1968 Poor People’s Campaign” located in the gallery inside the museum on Jan. 9. The exhibition will commemorate the 50th anniversary of the 1968 Poor People’s Campaign with a brief panel presentation, Q&A session and guided tours of Robert Houston, Black Star photographer the exhibition. The City of Hope exhibit explores the on assignment for Life magazine at the City of Hope, Resurrection City construction and dismantling of Resurrection City, the six-week experience living on the National Mall and the legacy of what became known as Dr. King’s final and most ambitious campaign to end poverty in America.

Panelist: Marc Steiner, founding president/CEO, Center for Emerging Media Karen Adebiyi and Sharon Scott

Reporters ask Aaron Byrant, a curator at NMAAHC, questions while he gives them a tour of the City of Hope exhibit

Anne Williams, Lindsey Konen, Lanne Spruce and Ravon Ruffin, public affairs and social media, NMAAHC

Photos by Rob Roberts

Panelists: Marc Morial, president/CEO, National Urban League and Peter Edelman, professor of Law and Public Policy, Georgetown University

Robert Houston, Aaron Bryant, Photography/Visual Arts, Marc Steiner, Laura Jones, Lonnie G. Bunch, III, Kenneth Jabin, Peter Edelman, Ginse Sibibeny and Kinshasha Holman Conwill

Kinshasha Holman, deputy director at NMAAHC, was the moderator

Lonnie G. Bunch, founding director, NMAAHC


The Afro-American, January 20, 2018 - January 26, 2018

MLK Parade princess

Christian and Dwayne, Hug Don’t Shoot

Mayor Catherine E. Pugh and the Baltimore Office of Promotion & The Arts presented the 18th annual parade, celebrating the life of civil rights leader Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., Jan. 15. Many groups participated in the parade including high school and community bands, honor/color guards, equestrian units, fraternities and sororities, dance squads and civic organizations. The grand marshal of this year’s parade was “The Voice” finalist and Baltimore native Davon Fleming. The parade was MC’d by Konan of 92Q. Community partners for MLK Parade included: Radio One:,92Q, Magic 95.9, Praise 106.1, Spirit 1400 and WOLB 1010, The AFRO American Newspapers and Lexington Market.

Bernard “Jack” Young, president, Baltimore City Council

Jill Carter, director of the Baltimore City Office of Civil Rights, with staff members

Baltimore Cease Fire Movement

Larry Young, WOLB Talk 1010

Tristan Lebrew Mayor Catherine Pugh ,Davon Fleming, John Sarbanes and city staff

Ravens Skate Team

Rayona Moore, Adam Zuwallack,Nancheire Butler,Darrin Gray,Rayna Moore and Jared Gandy

N- Full Motion Marching Stallions Band

City wide Goldstarz Marching Band

Photos by James Fields For 43 years, the Kings Landing Women’s Service Club has celebrated the life and legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. with a memorial breakfast in Baltimore. On Jan. 15, the group held its annual MLK Breakfast, one of the Man of the Year recipient, oldest in the nation, at Martin’s West Rev. Damon Cooper with in Woodlawn. Linda Hursey, president The keynote speaker was the Rev. Dr. C. Rev. Dr. C. Anthony Hunt, pastor, Epworth Anthony Hunt, United Methodist pastor, Epworth Chapel was the keynote United Methodist speaker Chapel who Yvonne Woods reiterated some of Howard, the principles of Dr. King. president, Awards were presented to Rev. Damion Cooper, Continental Kenneth Wright Societies, Inc., Man of the Year, Rev. Dr. Christina Holtsclaw, received the Youth Baltimore Lifetime Legacy Award, Kenneth Wright, Youth Achievement Chapter, receives Award Achievement a plaque for the Award. Legacy organization awards were presented to Damitra Sorden-Viera, Betsy D. Simon, Del. Adrienne Jones, speaker Pro Tem, Sen. Shirley NathanPulliam, Dr. Marie Rev. Dr. Bettina J. Washington, Baltimore Chapter Scott, Phyllis Street Dr. Marie J. of The Continental Washington Societies. was a Legacy

Scholarship winners with the Howard L. Cornish Alumni Chapter members and Dr. David Wilson (Pres. MSU)

Honoree Shirley Marcus Buckner Denise DeLeaver, Pat Roberts and Takiea Hinton

Honoree April D. Ryan

The Howard L. Cornish Alumni Chapter sponsored the 33rd Annual Martin Luther King Jr. breakfast on Jan. 13th. The breakfast was held at the Calvin and Tina Tyler Ballroom, at Morgan’s Student Center. Twenty-eight scholarships were awarded and several students were given laptop computers. The MSU Choir and Corey Smith performed. Jandie Smith Turner, CEO of Acuity Sports was the keynote speaker. Andre Hepkins, news anchor for WBAL TV 11 was the M.C. Kent Fisher Furs provided furs and accessories as door prize gifts.

Award recipient

Betsy D. Simon received the Legacy Award

Sen. Shirley NathanPulliam received the Legacy Award

Gloria E. Wayman, Honoree Dr. A. Lois DeLaine, AFRO photographer; Anthony McPhail and Andre Hepkins Mary Brown, Cathy Dison-Kheir, Cheryl Reddick, Linda Vaughn

Dr. Lisa Lucas, Raymond Lucas, Damien Myers

Photos by A. Lois DeLaine

Standing: Gloria E. Wayman , Dr. David Wilson (Pres. MSU), Rev. Dr. Charles Fletcher, Jr. (Pres. MSU Alumni Assoc.), Anthony McPhail (Event Chair.), Seated: Honorees Dr. Jelani Zarif, Dr. Ruthe T. Sheffey, Donald Tynes, Sr., and Dr. A. Lois DeLaine

Keynote speaker Jandie Smith Turner (CEO Acuity Sports)

Corey Smith played a piano selection

William Jackson, Erica M. Waters, Anthony McPhail (Event Chair.) and Marshall Brooks

Photos by Anderson R. Ward

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