The Afro-American, February 17, 2018 - February 23, 2018
DMV Links Presidents: Carla Johnson, Arlington; Yvonne Clarke, Annapolis; Martha Lloyd, old Dominion; Carla Williams, Reston; Candice Edwards, Mount Rose, Phyllis Caudle-Green, Capital City Links; unnamed; unnamed; unnamed and Sandra Britt, Patuxent River.
Lenora Johnson, from the National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute and Kimberly Jefferies Leonard, PhD, National Vice President of Links
Patuxent River Links members: Barbara McGee, Amy Bryan, lyndia Griggsby, Ann Everett and Sheila Harrison
Shirley Bowden with David and Latanya Higginbotham
Lt. Gen. Bruce Crawford, the Army Chief Information Officer/ C6 presents the Keeper of the Community Award to Lt. Gen. Gwen Bingham, the Assistant Chief of Staff for Installation Management
The speakers: Chaplain(Maj) Willie Mashack, USA and Lt Col Janelle T.H. Jackson, USAF
Veterans who are members of the Arlington(VA) Links chapter with Lt. Gen. Gwen Bingham
The co-emcees, Carol and Jesse Holland, the award winning author of The Black Panther
Jackie Harper and Josephine Rigmaiden Attendees received high blood pressure screenings
Speakers: Dr. Barbara Hutchinson, President, Association of Black Cardiologists and Dr. Olusey Princewill, Cardiologist, MEDSTAR Health Cardiology Associates
On Friday, Feb. 2, Local TV personalities Andrea Roane & Molette Green were the emcees for the 10th Annual Red Dress Event, “A Heart Healthy & Beautiful You” sponsored by the DMV Chapters of the Links. With well over 700 attendees, the event featured two noted
cardiologists, Dr. Barbara Hutchinson and Dr. Oluseyi Princewell, a vendor extravaganza, fabulous give-a-ways, coveted door prizes and a Heart Healthy buffet. The DMV Links Red Dress Event was first started by Arlington (VA) Links Member and National VicePresident of The Links.” N Street Village, the largest provider of housing and services for women in Washington Arlington Chapter Connecting D.C., is the proud Link member, Tommy Walker, community partner shared a testimonial about for this year’s Red heart healthiness Dress and received over $8,000 from the DMV Links.
Jeffrey Washington, Jeffrey Kennedy and John Giles Edna Moffitt and Ludlow McKay
Dr. Nicolette Martin, chair, Eastern Area Health and Human Services, The Links, Inc. presents Certificate of Appreciation to co-emcee Andrea Roane
Erma Withers, Sharon Bland, Elaine Bush, Wanda Smith and Lynn Selby
Co-emcees Andrea Roane, WUSA9 News and Molette Green, NBC4 News
Keeper of the Community honorees with the Gospel Service pastor, Chaplain(Lt. Col.) Sid Taylor(top right)
The Joint Base Myer-Henderson Hall(JBM-HH) Gospel Service hosted its Annual Black History Month Celebration and Keeper of the Community Awards Service Feb. 10 at the Memorial Chapel, Fort Myer, VA. The program included a presentation by the 3rd U.S. Infantry Regiment(The Old Guard) of the various military uniforms worn by Soldiers during times of war, musical selections by local church gospel choirs, a commemoration of Vietnam War Veterans, two speakers addressing the topic, “Why We Serve”, all centered around the presentation of the Keeper of the Community Awards to the honorees: Lt. Gen. Gwen Bingham, Howard University Air Force ROTC, Detachment 130, Dr. Shakina Dunbar Rawlings, Psi Alpha Alpha Chapter, Omega Psi Phi Fraternity and Sis. Cynthia Harris.
Edgar Brookins, chair and AFRO D.C. general manager, Black History Month Planning Committee present’s a Designated Offering on behalf of the Gospel Service to Jas Boothe, founder/ president, Final Salute, Inc.
Col(Ret.) Lucretia McClenney, Maj. Gen. (Ret.) Arnold Fields, USMC and Gunnery Sgt. Stewart Thomas, USMC
Mount Zion Baptist Church Creative Arts Ministries Choir
Lt. Gen. Bruce Crawford with members of Psi Alpha Alpha Chapter, Omega Psi Phi Fraternity; the chapter was a keeper of the Community awardee
Woodrow Jones, Gentry Jones, Zoree Jones and Angela Jones
Photos by Rob Roberts
February 17, 2018 – February 23, 2018, The Afro-American
Dr. William Watson, director, NE Region Tuskegee National Alumni Association, Inc.
James Hamlin, owner and operator of The Avenue Bakery
Anita Pinkney, chair, Members of the Baltimore Tuskegee Alumni Baltimore Tuskegee Association and Alumni Foundation hosted their Scholarship Breakfast 36th annual Carver-Washington Scholarship Awards breakfast, on Feb. 10, at the Forum on Primrose Avenue in Northwest Baltimore. The award honorees were outstanding business leaders who were honored for their positive contributions to the Baltimore community and the surrounding areas. Annette March-Grier, RN, CFSP is president/founder of the Roberta House and vice president of the well-known Gregory Dash, president, Waqiba Strother, family business, March Funeral Homes and James Baltimore Tuskegee treasurer, Baltimore Hamlin, owner and operator of The Avenue Bakery. Alumni Association Tuskegee Alumni Hamlin is also president and founder of The Royal Association Theatre and Community Heritage Corporation. Also honored was J. Albert Maddox Jr., president and CEO of amounts from funding full tuition to $10,000 Time Printers. Maddox’s grandfather, Gabriel Maddox and $5,000 respectively. Several Tuskegee Sr. was recognized for being the first instructor in alumni clubs from across the nation were printing and established the first printing shop at present for the breakfast. Tuskegee Institute. The theme, “Celebrating Our Legacy and Investing in the Future,” was emphasized by each of the honorees. Current Baltimore students enrolled at Tuskegee and incoming students were recognized for scholarships ranging in
Mary Wendhaus, Sen.Barbara A. Robinson, Fandreia Bowman
National Sorority of Phi Delta Kappa, Gamma Chapter, Alicia Copeland, Rodney’ English, Leta Smith, Beverly Woolford, Jadd Woolford, Kaneda Shipman
E. Fran Johnson. , Charlotte Bullock, Dr. Bettina Scott , Lois Wysinger
Time Printers family, Elsie Maddox, Greg Maddox, Brenda Maddox, Wayne Maddox
Caprisa Hooper, Julia Grier, Barbara Hall
Photos by Dr. A. Lois DeLaine
Wanda Draper, dir., Reginald F. Lewis Museum
A statue of Frederick Douglass by Joseph Sheppard
James Piper Bond (CEO Living Classrooms Foundation)
Baltimore City Council Pres., Bernard “Jack” Young
Baltimore Mayor Catherine Pugh hosted and led the commemoration of Frederick Douglass’ 200th birthday, on Feb. 1 at Baltimore City Hall. Entertainment was provided by the Dunbar Jazz Band. Sculptor Joseph Sheppard exhibited a statue of Douglass, a Maryland native and one of the most important Americans of the 19th century. Students from The Crossroads School gave a tribute to Douglass. James Piper Bond, CEO Living Classrooms, was one the speakers, as well as Baltimore City Council President Bernard “Jack” Young. Baltimore Comptroller Joan Pratt also spoke during the event. During the event, former Douglass High School graduates, Nathaniel Gibbs and Laurence Hurst also opened their art exhibit at City Hall.
Photos Anderson R. Ward Joseph Sheppard Baltimore City Councilman John Bullock
Baltimore City Comptroller Joan Pratt
Mayor Pugh with students from The Crossroads School