March 3, 2018 – March 9, 2018, The Afro-American
Will Walters, publisher of Monarch Magazine, and Diane Wallace Booker, executive director of the U.S. Dream Academy, partnered together to host a private screening of the record-breaking “Black Panther” movie for U.S. Dream Academy teens and their mentors. The screening was held Feb. 18 during the film’s opening weekend at the AMC Mazza Gallerie Theater in Northwest, Washington, D.C. The master of ceremonies was WPGC radio personality and Fox 5 correspondent, Guy Lambert.
Dream Academy students with Guy Lambert, WPGC Radio, the emcee
Dream academy student commenting on the movie
Christian and Rita Lewis Will Walters, Publisher, Monarch Magazine and host, Black Panther free screening for students, Faye Hyslop and Joseph Walters
Sophia Copeland, Demetrius Copeland, Jamie and Anthony Guthrie
Honorees Larry McKenney and State Sen. Jackie Winters(OR-R)
Friends of the honorees
Edgar Brookins, General Manager, Washington Afro American Newspaper and Guy Lambert
Dream Academy students with Will Walters, Diane Wallace Booker, Guy Lambert and some of their mentors
2018 Honorees with host, Raynard Jackson,(far left): Minnie Finley, retired educator and family member of A.G. Gaston family, Birmingham, AL; Larry McKenney, CEO Innovative Health Care Solutions, Gaithersburg, MD; Herman Cain, former presidential candidate and serial entrepreneur, Atlanta, GA; Sen. Minority Leader, Oregon State Senate, Jackie Winters and John Sibley Butler, Director of Texas Venture Labs, Austin, TX.
Brenda Madison
Photos by Rob Roberts
The Black Republican Trailblazer Awards was held Feb. 10 at the Intercontinental Hotel/ Wharf in Northwest Washington, D.C. The awards were established to recognize Black Republicans who have made significant contributions to America, the Black community and the Republican Party. The awards program was created by Republican political strategist Raynard Jackson, founder and president of Black Americans for a Better Future.
2017 honoree, Richard Finley and 2018 honoree, his wife, Minnie Finley
Diane Wallace Booker, Executive Director, U.S. Dream Academy
U.S. Treasurer, Jovita Carranza
Honoree Herman Cain and Maggie Harris, president of ESC, Inc.
Photos by Lateef Mangum
March 3, 2018 – March 9, 2018, The Afro-American
Thurgood Marshall display
Hon. Emanuel J. Stanley, 33 (Most Worshipful Grand Master) and Honorees Nykidra Robinson (CEO Black Girls Vote), Del. Adrienne A. Jones, R. Wesley Webb (Pres. 100 Black Men), J. Howard Henderson (CEO GBUL) and Maj. Gen Linda L. Singh (MD. Nat. Guard)
Hon. Kweisi Mfume (Chair. MSU Regents)
Sen. Nathaniel McFadden Mrs. Cecelia Marshall (Thurgood’s widow) and Maj. Gen. Linda L. Singh (MD. Nat. Guard)
TheMostWorshipfulPrinceHallGrandLodgeFAMofMaryland sponsoredthecelebrationnamedafterthefirstBlackSupreme CourtJusticeandBaltimorenative,Feb.25,attheMurphyFine ArtsCenteratMorganStateUniversity.Hundredsofmasons, shrinersandmembersoftheOrderofEasternStarandtheir guestsfilledtheauditoriumforthisevent.Speakersincluded theHon.KweisiMfume,Sen.NathanielMcFadden,RoslynM. Brock(FormerNAACPBoardChair.),UniversityofLawProf.Larry GibsonandKaiJackson(Fox45),wastheM.C.Elevenservice awardsweregivenoutincludingonetoAFROcolumnistRosa Pryor.TheCarterLegacyChoirandhonoreeDavonFleming(“The Voice”TVcompetition)performed.ThurgoodMarshall’swidow Cecelia Marshall was in attendance.
Photos by Anderson Ward
The 5th annual Black History Month celebrationwasheldFeb.22attheMaryland Live Casino. TheMarylandWashingtonMinority ContractorsAssociation(MWMCA),cosponsoredtheevent.PeteSmith,Anne ArundelCountyCouncilmanwelcomed guests.Remarksweregivenby ZedSmith,COO,TheCordish Co.,WayneR.Frazier,Pres., MWMCA,andTravisLamb, GeneralManager,Maryland LiveCasino.Thekeynote speakerwasLt.Gov.Boyd Pete Smith (AA K.Rutherford.TheSignature Co. Council) Bandprovidedthemusic.
Wayne R. Frazier, Sr. (CEO /Pres. MD. Washington Minority Co. Assoc.)
John Fitts, Lawrence Hopkins and Damon Hughes
Honoree Jeanne Hitchcock and Lt. Gov. Boyd K. Rutherford
Photos by Anderson Ward
Sheron Russell, Le Gretta Ross-Rawlins, Paula Stephens and Rev. Jerome Stephens
Theawardseventcelebrated Baltimore County’s African American heritage, Feb. 5, at theOwingsMillscampusofthe CommunityCollegeofBaltimore County, (CCBC).The opening Kevin Kamenentz (Balto. Co. Executive) remarkswerepresentedby and Honoree Dr. Tim Tooten, Sr. (WBAL TV) StacieBurgess,directorof OliverJr.PublisherEmeritusoftheAFRO communicationsforBaltimore AmericanNewspapers,Dr.TimTootenSr. County government. (WBALTV)andVerlettaWhite,interim KevinKamenetz,Baltimore superintendent,BaltimoreCounty CountyExecutiveExecutiveand PublicSchools.Awardswerepresented Stacie Burgess (Balto. Co. Gov. Comm. Dir.) and John J. Oliver Jr. candidate for Governor, was byDel.AdrienneJones.Theawardswere (AFRO Publisher Emeritus) theM.C.HonoreeswereJohnJ. namedafterhistorianLouisS.Diggs.
King’s Landing Women- Denise Fitzgerald, Lorraine Dailey, Sybil D. Thomas and Dorothy Bostic
Elizabeth Diggs and Historian Louis S. Diggs
Barry Wiliams (Dir. Balto. Co. Parks and Recs.) and Sandra Kurtinitis (Pres. CCBC)
Honoree Verletta White (Interim BCPS Supt.)
Marietta English (Pres. BTU) and Dr. Charlene Cooper Boston
Luther Atkinson former member Satchel Paige Allstars (Negro League Baseball)
Photos by Anderson Ward