LifeStyle 4-13-2018

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The Afro-American, April 14, 2018 - April 20, 2018

Event Co-Chairs Theresa Peterson and Telesa Via (Arlington Links)

Glitz, Glamour and Giving were the signatures of the Arlington Links 44th Monte Carlo night on March 17 at the Crystal Gateway Marriott Hotel in Arlington, Virginia. While billed as a fundraiser, the evening put the “fun” in “fundraisng” to support scholarships, youth programs and women’s health initiatives. Entertainment Monte Carlo Emcees, veteran news anchors Lesli was provided by the Foster (WUSA 9) and Kai Jackson (FOX 45) Marcus Johnson Project and emcees Lesli Foster, WUSA9 News and Kai Jackson, Fox 45 News, kept Monte Carlo guests play to win big (with play money) the evening flowing. Art and Sela Collins

$10,000 50/50 Raffle Winner, Celebrity Guest “Leon” (Five Heartbeats),

Nearly 1,000 attendees at Monte Carlo…a night of glitz, glam and giving

Kim Leftwich (Arlington Links),Jackie Rosier (Old Dominion Links), Celebrity Guest Morocco Omari (Empire TV Series) and Linda Washington (Arlington Links)

Teree Caldwell (Des Moines Links), Kimberly Jeffries Leonard, The Links Inc. National VP (Arlington Links) and Bishetta Merritt (Washington, DC Links)

Monte Carlo guests enjoy line dancing in “The Disco Lounge”

Photos by David Kitzpatrick

The Greater Washington Urban League hosted over 650 attendees at its 46th Annual Whitney M. Young, Jr. Memorial Gala March 16 at the Ronald Reagan Building and International Trade Center, in Northwest, Washington, D.C. History was made as business icon and recently retired American Express Chairman and GWUL President CEO, Ken Chenault & CEO, George H. Lambert, Jr., interviewed Grammy Nominee Congressman John Eric Roberson and Lewis on stage. The DC Mayor Muriel Bowser civil rights icon and legendary legislator then received the 2018 Courage Under Fire: Impact Leader Award for his decades of heroic and inspiring service in civil and human rights.

Monte Carlo live entertainment featuring Marcus Johnson

News Reporters Molette Green, NBC 4 and WHUR 96.3 FM (second from the left), Shawn Yancy FOX 5 (third from the left) with friends.

Carla Johnson (Arlington Links President), Shirley Bowden (past Arlington Links President) and Christina Landrum (daughter of Carla Johnson)

Thursday Network – GWUL Young Professionals Auxiliary Group Honors Congressman John Lewis

Miss Black DC and Thursday Network Member, Bianca Little

Maudine Cooper Recognized as Longest Tenured President & CEO of GWUL

GWUL Supporters, Mr. & Mrs. Moore Raise their paddle to signify their ongoing financial support of the work of the league for the next 80 years

Legendary Civil Rights Leader Congressman John Lewis is interviewed by Business Icon Ken Chennault, Former CEO of American Express

Eric Roberson performs for GWUL Gala Attendees

Photos by Ronald Baker and Reese Bland

Chair of the Board of Directors, Jesse Price helps present Congressman John Lewis(DGA with the Greater Washington Urban League Courage Under Fire

GWUL President & CEO, George H. Lambert, Jr.


The Afro-American, April 14, 2018 - April 20, 2018

Photos by DeVone Marshall

Brand new floor, brand new skates and happy faces Baltimore City Police Commissioner Darryl Da Sousa interacting with the youth of Baltimore City

On March 23, the Shake and Bake Family Fun Center reopened on Pennsylvania Ave. The Baltimore City Department of Parks and Recreation sponsored the remodeling of the West Baltimore facility, which is again available for youth, young adults and people of all ages.

Makayla Williams , Denelle Barrow , William Derrick Barrow III and granddad John Barns

Lydell Mitchell, Nikki Doughty, Lamont Medley, Baltimore Comptroller Joan Pratt, Baltimore Mayor Catherine Pugh, # 35 Glen Doughty, Nicole Warren, and City Council Vice President Sharon Middleton

Councilman Brandon Scott, Baltimore City States Attorney Marylin Mosby

Nikki Doughty

Baltimore City Police Commissioner Darryl Da Sousa

Roni Marsh, Asia Scott, Rhonda Hammonds and Tracey Estep

Wilson Trueheart and Eric Burris

Starting Line

Monte Sanders leads the runners into a warm-up routine

Photos by Anderson R. Ward

Edmondson -Westside H.S. Band

Heart and Sole members: Sa’Toya Truss, Valda Ricks, Zara Thomas and Angela D. Wharton

Baltimore Police Explorers Brett Smith, Jared Hester, Blair Smith, Jeremiah Fisher and Officer Joe Bank

The annual 5k run was held in Druid Hill Park on April 7. The event is sponsored by the Baltimore City State’s Attorney’s Office. The race raises funds for the Victims Emergency Fund, which provides money to aid crime victims. The Edmondson-Westside H.S. Marching Band performed. Fitness trainer Monte Sanders led the warm-up exercises. Patrice Sanders (Fox 45) and Marilyn J. Mosby, Baltimore City State’s Attorney, addressed the crowd before the race. Jazz, a radio personality from 95.9 FM, led the awards ceremony.

Hermandad De Sigma Iota Alpha, Inc. members from Johns Hopkins University

Trophy winner Abdou Diongue

Patrice Sanders (Fox 45 TV) and daughter Naomi

Female winner Jennifer Brill and Marilyn J. Mosby (Baltimore City S.A.)

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