The Afro-American, April 15, 2017 - April 21, 2017
In honor of serving the A.M.E. church for 50 years, a celebration for Presiding Elder (Rev. Dr.) Ronald E. Braxton was held on April 2 at the LaFountaine Bleu in
Glen Burnie, Md. The event was sponsored by the Potomac District, Washington Conference and the Second Episcopal District of the A.M.E. Church. Family, friends and congregants came out to pay
tribute to Rev. Braxton. His wife, Rev. Dr. Marie Phillips Braxton and other family members welcomed attendees, including A.M.E. Bishop James Davis and Bishop Harry l. Seawright. Bishop Harry L. Seawright, 9th Episcopal District, A.M.E. Church
Tribute from Betty Jean Singletary, Allen A.M.E. Church in Baltimore
Bishop James Davis, Arelis Davis, Second Episcopal District supervisor, Rev. Ronald Braxton, Rev. Dr. Marie Phillips Braxton and Derek Braxton
Rev. Braxton and Donald Tynes, Waters
Tribute to Rev. Braxton from friend, Rev. Dr. George Flowers, executive director, Global Witness and Ministry
Tribute from Rev. Dr. Louis-Charles Harvey, presiding elder, Capital District
Benjamin Murphy Phillips V and Lynelle A. Murphy Carpenter
Elsie Scott and Thedford Collins from Metropolitan A.M.E. Church in D.C.
Bishop James Davis, presiding prelate, 2nd Episcopal District, A.M.E. Church
Felecia Murphy-Phillips, Benjamin Murphy Phillips IV and Rachael Murphy Humphrey Photos by Rob Roberts
The Most Worshipful Prince Hall Grand Lodge, Georgiana Thomas Grand Chapter, Order of The Eastern Star and Prince Hall Freemason and Eastern Star Charitable Foundation held its
5th Annual D.C. Prince Hall Masonic Classic at Howard University Burr Gymnasium on Feb. 18. The Bison men and women’s basketball teams played the Aggies of North Carolina A&T University.
Rev. Dr. Grainger Browning Jr., pastor and Rev. Dr. JoAnn Browning, co-pastor, Ebenezer A.M.E. Church in Fort Washington, Md.
Photos by Shari L. McCoy
Actor Ernest L. Thomas, and the Honorable Phillip David, Most Worshipful Prince Hall Grand Lodge of D.C.
Masonic Scholarship recipients Na’Vauhn T. Martin and Betel Asfaha
Past Grand Worthy Patron Thomas L. Coleman, Past Grand Worthy Matron Margaret E. Anderson, Grand Conductress Sheila A. Smith, Grand Worthy Matron Riccardo Montague, Grand Worthy Matron Patricia L. Young, scholarship recipients Betel Asfaha and Na’Vaughn, Associate Grand Matron Eunice J. Dingle, Associate Grand Patron Joseph A. Dingle, Jr., Past Grand Worthy Matron Venecia C. Bessellieu, and Past Grand Master John T. Doles Sr.
Scholarship recipients Betel Asfaha and Na’Naughn T. Martin with Actor Ernest Lee Thomas and The Prince Hall Freemason and Eastern Star Charitable Foundation Board Members Phillip Davie, Patricia L. Young, Kelli J. McCoy-Burkett, Daanen Stachan, Shari L. McCoy and Victor Sherod
Foundation President Kelli J. McCoy-Burkett; Ernest Lee Thomas, Masonic Classic vice chairman; Marjay Anderson; The Honorable Phillip David; scholarship recipient Na’Vaughn T. Martin and family; scholarship recipient Betel Asfaha and family; Grand Worthy Matron Patricia L. Young; Foundation Vice President Daanen Strachan, and Masonic Classic Chairman Thomas L. Coleman
The Honorable Philip David, presenting a Certificate of Appreciation to the Masonic Classic Visionary, Past Grand Master John T. Doles, Sr. along with Chairs Thomas L. Coleman and Marjay Anderson
The Honorable Philip David, Marjay Anderson, Thomas L. Coleman and Grand Worthy Matron Patricia L. Young
To purchase this digital photo page contact Takiea Hinton: thinton@afro.com or 410.554.8277.
The Afro-American, April 15, 2017 - April 21, 2017
Contestant Dr. Mary Teddy Wray
Adam May WBAL TV (Master of Ceremonies)
Denise Koch WJZ TV (Mistress of Ceremonies)
Contestant Marie Hartman
1st Runner Up Team, Kia Seals and Michael Sims, Winners Maria Randlett-Tydings and Omar Jimenez, reporter for WBAL TV
Contest Judges Linh Bui (WJZ TV) and Deborah Weiner (WBAL TV)
Contestants Maureen Gary and John Dawson
Ernestine and Russell Jolivet Contestants Albert Powell Jr. and Tonia Jones Powell, Esq.
Contestant Elizabeth Allen
Dr. Gary Rodwell, Verna Jones-Rodwell, Rita Brooks, Tonia Jones Powell Esq., Albert Powell Jr. and Giavanni Powell
The 100 Black Men of Maryland held there 25th anniversary celebration on April 7 at Martin’s West Baltimore, Md. The Master of Ceremonies was Darren M. Hayes, ESPN anchor. Awards were presented to founding members and there was a salute to past presidents. Featured speakers
Tuskegee Airman Lemuel A.Lewie Jr and Fraternity Brothers
Cleveland Brister one of the Founders of 100 Black Men of Maryland,Inc.
Walter Carr Founding Member of 100 Black Men of Maryland
The 11th Annual Memory Ball Dancing Stars at the Baltimore Marriott Waterfront Hotel was held on April 8. Contestants were paired with a professional dancer and competed in a Ballroom Dance contest. Denise Koch, WJZ TV, and Adam May, WBAL TV, were Mistress and Master of Ceremonies. Winners of the Dance Contest were Omar Jimenez and Maria Randlett-Tydings. Over $500,000.00 was raised for the event Photos by Anderson R. Ward
were Mayor Catherine E. Pugh and Matthew Minson, senior advisor representing the office of Peter Franchot, comptroller of Maryland. The 25th anniversary celebratory message was delivered by Jerrid J. Douglas, Northern District Representative, 100 Black Men of America.
Dr. Thelma T. Daley
Mel Bates, the honorable Kweisi Mfume and Willie Nichols
Roderick Larry, former president and Wesley Webb, president Karin Outlaw,Tracey Durant and Michelle Young
Darren M. Haynes, ESPN Anchor and Mayor Catherine E. Pugh
Members of the 100 Black Men of Maryland Inc
Honoree Dr. Joanne Martin
Honoree James Britton
Mel Bates and Matthew Minson Senior Advisor Comptroller of Maryland
Robert Burkett and Al Hutchinson (Pres./CEO Visit Baltimore) Honoree Dr. Elaine Simon
Honoree Bon Whiting Tyree A. Huddleson accepting for Honoree, Tessa Hill-Aston
Honoree Shelonda Stokes
Travis Winkey, Dr. Joanne Martin (Pres., The National Great Blacks in Wax Museum), James Britton (CEO Class Act Catering)
The Baltimore African American Tourism Council of Maryland presented the Charm city Cultural Heritage Tourism Symposium on March 29 at the Reginald F. Lewis Museum of African American History & Culture in Baltimore. The event opened with a tourism seminar and a panel discussion. Lou Fields, president of Baltimore Black Heritage Tours was the moderator. Charm City Tourism Awards were given to Bon Whiting, vice president of membership for Visit
Photos by James Fields Sr.
Baltimore, Dr. Joanne Martin, cofounder of the National Great Blacks in Wax Museum, Tessa Hill-Aston, president of Baltimore City’s NAACP branch, Elizabeth Fitzsimmons, managing director of the Maryland Office of Tourism Development, Dr. Elaine Simon, president of the Baltimore Caribbean Association, Jim Britton, CEO of Class Act Catering and Shelonda Stokes, CEO of Greibo Media
Photos by Anderson R. Ward
Lou Fields (Pres. Balto. African American Tourist Council, Inc.)
Shirley Jennings, Dr. Elaine Simon and Phyllis Reese