The Afro-American, April 7, 2018 - April 13, 2018
Avon and Jeanette Garrett
Dorothy Stone, Ovella Queen, past National Basileus
Fannie Johansson, Nicholas Johansson, Noah and Carter Johansson
Kopelle Awards honorees are Darolyn Milburn, Roxanna Brooks, Joyce Sturgis, Dr. Sheula Jessup, Lenora Terrell
TheIotaChapterofLambdaKappaMuSorority,heldits71stAnniversary Founders’DayAwardsluncheononMarch31,attheForumCatererson Primrose Avenue. FormerKopellesgraduates,whohavepursuedcareersandoutstanding achievementinthefieldsofmedicineandinternationaleducation marketing, were honored by the Iota Chapter members. CrystalC.Watkins-Johansson,MD,Ph.D.,receivedbothherMDandPh.D. degreesfromtheJohnsHopkinsUniversitySchoolofMedicine.Dr.WatkinsJohanssonistheassistantprofessorofPsychiatryatHopkinsandher research focus is on using brain imaging and blood markers. StacyGarrett-Ray,MD,MPH,MBAisthePresidentoftheUniversityof MarylandQualityCareNetworkandVicePresident/MedicalDirectorofthe PopulationHealthServicesOrganizationfortheUniversityofMaryland. Dr.Garrett-Rayisalsoafamilyphysicianwhopracticedprimarycareatthe University of Maryland Community Medical Group.
Dorothea E. Jordan, Joyce Sturgis, W. Annette Dredden, co-chairperson
John Watkins, Nettie Watkins, John II Turner, Lauren Turner
Community Service Awards Honorees are Dr. Crystal Watkins-Johansson, Gretchen Cook-Anderson, Dr. Stacy Garrett-Ray
TheBaltimoreChaptermembersoftheLinkscelebratedtheir10thannual EmpoweredWomen’sLeadershipluncheononMarch17,attheStudent Activity Center at Morgan State University. Apanelofnotablemediaprofessionalsdiscussedthetheme,“Articulate Women,BreakingMediaStereotypesandBuildingPathwaysto Success.”PanelistswereMichelleBernard,politicalanalyst, Dr. Maya Rockeymoore Cummings, president/CEO,BernardCenterforWomen;JannetteDates,dean President/CEO, Global Policy Solutions, EmeritaofHowardUniversity,SchoolofCommunications;April Master of Ceremonies and Sen. Ryan,WhiteHousecorrespondent,American Benjamin L. Cardin UrbanRadioNetworksBureauChief;Jeff Ballou,110presidentoftheNationalPress Club,AlJazeeraMediaNetworkNews Editor. FormerBaltimoreMayor,Stephanie Rawlings-Blake,SRB&Associates, wasthepanelmoderatorandDr. Lydia Mussenden, 98-year old MayaRockeymooreCummings, Baltimore (MD) Link president/CEO,GlobalPolicy Solutionsservedasmistress April Ryan, White House Correspondent, of ceremonies. American Urban Radio Networks Bureau Chief, panelist
Photos by Dr. A. Lois De Laine
Catherine Moore DeFord, Beverly Holman
Photos by Dr. A. Lois De Laine
Janette L. Dates, Dean Emirita, Howard University School of Communications
Dr. Dominique Allen, Rose Hamm and Carolyn Cole
Stephanie Rawlngs Blake 49th Mayor of Baltimore served as Panel Moderator
Panelist Jeff Ballou, President, National Press Club
Michelle Bernard, political analyst, president/CEO, Bernard Center for Women, Politics & Public Policy
The Afro-American, April 7, 2018 - April 13, 2018
Shero Award Honoree, Wanda Durant
The Prince George’s County chapter of National Coalition of 100 Black Women (NCBW) presented the SHERO awards at the My Sister’s Keeper annual program on March 10 at the Scripture Cathedral
Church in Hyattsville, Maryland. This year’s honorees were Wanda Durant and Delores Hawkins. Both ladies have passions that inspired them to give back through various ways to Prince George’s County communities. Dr. Gretchen Lofland is the chapter president. Photos by Leta Harrison
Chantrell McCormick, Shero Award Honoree Delores Hawkins and Dr. Gretchen Lofland
Wanda Durant(center) with some of the attendees
Ceretta Lee
Wanda Durant, Shero Award Honoree, Dr. Gretchen Lofland and Deloris Hawkins, Shero Award Honoree
Former Congresswoman Donna Edwards(D-MD)
Chantrell McCormick, Dr. Betty Stelzer and Dr. Gretchen Lofland
Dawn Stevens, Guest, Darlene carter, Dr. Gretchen Lofland, president of NCBW of Prince George’s County, Jennifer Dickens, Guest, Bernita Graham and Chantrell McCormick
A. Peter Bailey( seated), the Play writer with cast members: Kevin Green, Carole Mumin, the director, Arjun Collins, Myles Copeland and Malaak Shabazz
Photos by Rob Roberts
Nadira, Associate Producer, Ibrahim Mumin, Nehemiah and Marcia Sellers
Malissa Tarver (far left) and Anaka Osbourne (far right) with students from KIPPDC-Aim Academy
Maryland State Delegate Dianna Fennel
The Town Hall education Arts Recreation Center (THEARC) and A. Peter Bailey presented the production “Malcolm, Martin, Medgar” on Feb. 22 at the THEARC in Southeast, Washington, D.C. The play was Malaak Shabazz, written and produced cast member by A. Peter Bailey, directed by and daughter of Carole Mumin and produced Malcolm X by OFTON with Dr. Betty Shabazz, Malcolm X’s widow, and Malaak Shabazz, daughter of Malcolm X, in a starring role and his great-grandnephew, Arjun Collins played the role of Malcolm X and also featured Carole Mumin and Amy Billingsley Kevin Green and Myles Copeland playing Dr. King and Medgar Evers respectively.
Arjun Collins, playing the role of Malcolm X, Myles Copeland playing the role of Medgar Evers and Kevin Green, playing the role of Dr. King
The Zumba Zone with Club Rachel
Madison Chambers and Bryce Armstrong with Tara Morrison (center), Superintendent, National Capital Region-east
Michael Lester and Gwendolyn Wade with the Wizards Mascot
District Pageant Queens and Residents Alike, Get Fit and Have Fun at the
Madison Chambers, Miss DC Teen USA, Leon Harris, NBC4 news anchor and Byrce Armstrong, Miss DC USA
The NBC 4 Health and Fitness Expo celebrated its 25th year of providing fitness; fun, and information for Washington Metropolitan area residents on March 10 and March 11 at the Walter E. Washington Convention Center. On Saturday, pageant queens, Bryce Armstrong, Miss District
Prince Georges County Chapter, Top Ladies of Distinction: Michelle Jiggetts, Carolyn Culver, Darlene Boykins, Lateisha Powell, Pam Wright, Cynthia Jones and Voka Norwood
of Columbia USA, and Madison Chambers, Miss District of Columbia Teen USA, greeted attendees and joined in on some of many activities offered. Rock climbing, Zumba, yoga, and virtual reality rides, were some of the fun, educational activities attendees enjoyed during the Expo.
Madison Chambers, Miss District of Columbia Teen USA (left) and Bryce Armstrong, Miss District of Columbia USA with some of the youngest visitors to Health and Fitness Expo
Candace Caren, Bryce Armstrong, Estelle Lloyd, Madison Chambers and Johnette Wilson; Caren, Lloyd and Wilson are with the DC Health link
Rock climbing Photos by Rob Roberts