The Afro-American, May 13, 2017 - May 19, 2017
Beulah Jackson, Yvonne Flood, Georgia Jones, Lois Hoston and Barbara Wells
Catherine and Ike Leggett, Montgomery County executive
The Pearl of Hope Community Foundation and the Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Xi Sigma Omega Chapter hosted the Pink, Petals and Pearls Luncheon and Fashion Show on April 15 at the Marriott Bethesda North Hotel and Conference Center in Maryland. Fifteen local high school students were awarded scholarships at the
event. Shomari Stone, a NBC News4 reporter, served as the emcee. Special guests included Montgomery County Executive Ike Leggett and his wife Catherine.
Winner of the 50/50 raffle Ida’s Idea models
2017 Scholarship recipients with Stacey Mangham (far left), chapter president and Lanay Coleman (far right), foundation president
Stephanie Jameison and Cynthia Anderson
Guests of Stacey Mangham
Chapter members
Krystal Gutierrez, chair, Scholarship Committee
Scholarship Committee
AKA Golden Sorors Luana Dean-Barber, chair, Fundraising Committee and Stacey Mangham, chapter president
Raffle and 50/50 committee with Shomari Stone (2nd from left) NBC News 4 reporter and emcee Photo by Rob Roberts
Mississippi’s four HBCU’s (Tougaloo College, Jackson State, Alcorn State and Mississippi Valley State) alumni chapters in the D.C. Metro area hosted their annual TJAM Scholarship Masquerade Gala on April 8 at Martin’s Crosswinds in Greenbelt, Md. Sherwin, president, Jackson State Greater Washington, D.C. Area Alumni Chapter and Lillian Wilkinson Maynor
Photo by Rob Roberts
Scholarship Committee Teresa Washington, Loretta Ward Khaalid, Saiyd Khaalid, Mr. and Mrs. Groves, Rita Bibbs-Booth, Trinette Campbell, Dwayne Campbell, Yolanda Owens and Betty LeFlore
Charles Goings, Tara Goings, William Acevedo, Corliss Gillespie, Sam Washington, Maia McCloiston, Sandia Hammond, Thoessa Sanfoed, Melvin Carter and Erskin Mitchell
Sam Washington, president, D.C. HBCU Alliance
Miller Taylor, Bobbie and Bobby Mason Sherry Marshall, Teddi Payton, Vernestine Strickland and Helen King
(standing) Tom Williams and Edgar Brookins AFRO D.C. General Manager ; (seated) Pamela Jenkins, Carrie Williams and their guests
Erica Hall, Mississippi Valley State University, Sharon Davis, Jackson State University, Pat Smith, Alcorn State University and Thomessa Sanford, Alcorn State University
To purchase this digital photo page contact Takiea Hinton: thinton@afro.com or 410.554.8277.
The Afro-American, May 13, 2017 - May 19, 2017
Uncle Devin Drum Tales Performance
Storytelling with Maria Broom
Author Kwame Alexander
Parents and children meeting and greeting the African American Authors
Ezra Jack Keats Baltimore Bookmaking Competition awards a young author for her book. Callaloo Legend of the Golden Coqui
The 3rd annual Young Scholars Awards, sponsored by the Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Rho Tau Lambda Chapter, were held on May 3 at Mergenthaler Vocational Technical High School in Baltimore. Scholarships of $500 were given to high school seniors. The scholarship awardees were Justin Dickey and Alexander Freeman from Mergenthaler Voc.-Tech. H.S., Benjamin Baitman, Amir Scott and Julius Gingles from Baltimore Polytechnic Institute and Kyle Mayden from Baltimore City College. Jason Newton of WBAL TV was the Keynote Speaker Jason keynote speaker.
The 5th Annual African American Children’s Book Fair was held at the Reginald F. Lewis Museum of Maryland African American History & Culture in Baltimore on May 6. Actor and author, Taye Diggs and his Illustrator, Shane Evans, performed a reading followed by a book signing. Over 1,000 people attended. The book fair included many authors, illustrators and Taye Diggs book reading community and Shane Evans singing partners.
Wanda Draper, Executive Director of The Reginald F. Lewis Museum Anita Jackson, Vice President Baltimore Gas and Electric Co.
Photos by DeVone Marshall
Awardees with the Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity (Rho Tau Lambda Chapter) members
Newton (WBAL TV)
Craig Rivers (Mergenthaler Voc. Tech. Princilpal)
Awardees: Amir Scott, Benjamin Baitmain, Justin Dickey and Alexander Freeman
E. J. Stewart
Carol Foreman and Dr. Samuel Brown
Master of Ceremony Dr. Russell Perkins
Photos by Anderson R. Ward
Morgan State University Annual Scholarship Luncheon Brittney Gordon, one of the top 4 students with consecutive 4.0 GPA, scholarship recipient, spoke on behalf of the scholarship scholars
The Morgan State University Foundation held its annual scholarship luncheon on April 20 in the Calvin and Tina Tyler Ballroom of the Student Center on Morgan’s campus in Baltimore. The luncheon provides an opportunity for the University and
Family members congratulate scholarship recipient Kevin Antoine Jean Castor, Wendie Castor, Wieny Castor, scholarship recipient, Dr. Hongtao Yu, Dean, School of Computer and Natural Sciences
Iota Phi Theta “50” Anniversary Endowment, Tex Dean with scholarship recipient India Harper
Ricquel Ricks, daughter of the late donor Christenta deJesus Ricks-Johns with Deborah Givens, School of Business
students to recognize and thank the donors and sponsors for their role in providing need-based and deserving students funds to supplement their tuition, books, and other academic related expenses.
Cheryl Y. Hitchcock, Executive director, MSU Foundation Inc., VP, Institutional Advancement, Asmaa Hassan, biology major, Jacqueline Lawson, donor, Dr. David Wilson, president, Morgan State University
Joyce Brown, director, Alumni Relations, with Dr. Ruthe Sheffey, donor, Dr. Ruthe T. Sheffey Endowed Scholarship Kiya Wright, junior, Music Major, performs “ The Greatest Love of All”
Donors of scholarships are F. Aileen Taylor, Dwight Taylor and Trena T. Brown
Scholarship scholars are Damari Smith, Physical Therapy, Mailyn Phi, Tlavong, Nursing, Teanna Ligon, Marketing, Maya Tyler,m entrepreneurship
Scholarship donors are Michael & Erica Cryor , The Cryor-Fry Endowed Scholarship Fund with Jacqueline Lawson, center, The Art “Hema” & Jacqueline Lawson Endowed Scholarship Fund
Photos by Dr. A. Lois De Laine