LifeStyle 5-18-2018

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The Afro-American, May 19, 2018 - May 25, 2018

College Signing Day is a national initiative created by former First Lady Michele Obama. In Baltimore, over 5,000 high school seniors attended the event held at the Royal Farms Arena on May 11, sponsored Aaron Maybin (Teacher and by Mayor Pugh’s former NFL player) Office and Baltimore City Public

Volunteers cheering the students

Students from Western High School

Students from Baltimore City College H.S.

Baltimore Design School students

Photos by Anderson R. Ward

Craig Rivers, Principal Mergenthaler V.T.High School

Bro. V Whitmore

Little Bacon Bear

Jay Cee

Dr. Sonja Santelises (CEO BCPS) and Dr. David Wilson (MSU Pres.)

The Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Rho Tau Lambda chapter, hosted their 2018 Young Scholars awards at Mergenthaler Vocational-Technical (Mervo), High School in Northeast Baltimore. Craig Rivers, Mervo’s principal, welcomed the guests and Dr. Russell Perkins introduced the guest speaker, Baltimore City Councilman, Brandon Scott, a graduate of Mervo.

Carol Foreman,Lynda Henderson wives of former members Award winners Nadiere Morales,Zachary Jeffers,Stacey Carver,Ade Ogunshina,Elijah Dukes,past winner Alexander Freeman Sheila Burden mother of winner Jemar Burden and members of the Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. Rho Tau Lambda Chapter

President Bro. John Purnell, Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. Rho Tau Lambda Chapter

Photos by James Fields Sr.

Alta Morehead, honored Pinochle Bug Legend of the Year

Schools (BCPS). BCPS CEO Dr. Sonja B. Santelises, Mayor Pugh, Dr. David Wilson, Morgan St. University Pres., Del. Nick Mosby and Baltimore City State’s Attorney, Marilyn Mosby, were among those in attendance. All the students invited to the event have been accepted to college.

Virginia Jones, Baltimore County Chapter

Award winner Ade Ogunshina and Bro. Ovando Brown

Helen McDonald

Stacey Carver, Award winner and Bro. Ryan Penalver

Nadiere Morales, Award winner and Bro. John Johnson

Award winner Zachary Jeffers and Bro. Will Copeland

On Saturday April 28, the Baltimore County Pinochle Bugs Social and Civic Club, hosted their annual Legends event at Margret Davis the Pikesville Hilton and Vivian Ward in Pikesville, Md. The Pinochle Bugs consist of more than175 women, with chapters in 16 cities, who gather on a regular basis to play highly competitive games of Pinochle.

Rosemary Estes, Lois Bowe Laura Phillips Byrd, Elaine Estes, Sharron Dubose, and Cheryl Mackey Gloria Adderly

Brenda Wallace, (Nat.Treasure), Wanda Callands (Nat. Financial Sec.), Trina Stowe Hackett (Exec Secretary) Carolyn Wainwright (Nat. Vice President)and Donna Holiday Nat. President

Baltiimore City Councilman Brandon Scott, a candidate for Lt. Gov.

Photos by DeVone Marshall

Pinochle Bugs Baltimore County Chapter, Dorothy Short, Virginia Johns, Helen McDanald, Valerie Rubardson, Dr. Mabel Murray, President

Alexander Freeman, Morgan State University Past Scholarship winner

Dr. Mabel Murray President of Pinochle Bugs, Baltimore County

The AFRO’s Diane Hocker receives an award from the Pinochle Bugs.

Lois Bowe, Rosemary Estes, Elaine Estes (100 years old) Washington, DC Chapter


The Afro-American, May 19, 2018 - May 25, 2018

In honor of 150 years of African American collegiate excellence, Howard University held its sesquicentennial commencement on May 12 on the

yard of the institution. Howard University alum and “Black Panther” star, Chadwick Boseman, served as the commencement speaker in order

Students process into the 150th Howard University commencement

to commemorate the 150th anniversary of the graduation exercises and in celebration of his recent record breaking and history making film.

Chadwick Boseman doing the Wakanda symbol from the hit movie “Black Panther”

Student raises fist In agreement

Students at commencement

Students at Graduation TV Host Rock Newman

The crowd

Photos by Everette Wright

Inez Davis (Lifetime Achievement Award Recipient), Shirley G. Ali (Community Service Award Recipient), Vivian L. Smith (Leadership Award Recipient), and Dr. LeTea Perry (General Welfare Award Recipient)

Photos by Brigitte White

Gale Perry, Chair Spirit of Bethune, Student Section, Lori Hawkins, Jennifer Phillips Gibbs, Co-Founder and Dr. Beth Reeves, President of the Washington School for Girls (Community Partner Award Recipient), and Dr. Renee´ Starlyn Allen

On April 21, the Washington Section, National Council of Negro Women (NCNW), Inc. celebrated its 75th Anniversary “The Vision Lives On…” and hosted its 9th Annual Jazz Luncheon & Silent Auction at the College Park Marriott Hotel and Conference Center with over 430 guests in attendance. This event provides funds for the Washington Section’s community service projects, advocacy partnerships, and scholarships. The” Community Woman Award” was presented to three people who provide exemplary service and leadership in the areas of:

Some of the many guests of Raynard Jackson

Shay Hawkins, Legislative Assistant to Sen. Tim Scott, Dr. Ben Chavis, President and CEO of NNPA, Sen. Tim Scott (R-SC), Dorothy Leavell, Publisher of The Crusader Newspaper and Chairman of NNPA, and Raynard Jackson, President & CEO of Raynard Jackson & Associates

April Gaines-Jernigan, President, Xi Omega Chapter of Alpha Kappa, Alpha Sorority (Community Partner Philanthropy Award Recipient) Lori Hawkins

Constance L. Washington is presented with the “Woman in Action award” by Rita Lewis

Shay Hawkins, Legislative Assistant to Sen. Tim Scott, and Raynard Jackson, President & CEO of Raynard Jackson & Associates

Maggie Harris, President & CEO, ESC

General Welfare, Leadership, and Community Service. A Lifetime Achievement Award was presented to someone who demonstrated 25 years or more of sustained and outstanding service.” Community Partner and Community Partner Philantrophy Awards’” were presented to two organizations in the community that support the mission of NCNW, Inc.“Focused on My Future” scholarships were awarded to 2 minority high school seniors in the amount of $2,000 each. Entertainment was provided by the “Johnnie Steele & the Steele4 Real Band & Show.” Dr. Renee’ Starlyn Allen, host of the Renee’ Allen & Friends Show was the Mistress of Ceremonies.

Dr. LeTea Perry, Katrina Turner, “Focused on my Future” scholarship winner, Rita Lewis and Dr. Renee’ Starlyn Allen

Rita Lewis, President of the Washington section of NCNW, Inc, seated on the left, Lori Hawkins, 1st Vice President and Chairwoman, 75th Anniversary & 9th Annual Jazz Luncheon & Silent Auction seated on the right; Paula S.F. Marshall (Co-Chair)third from right on the front row; Tameka Farley (Co-Chair), fourth from right on the front row ; and members the Washington Section

Tim Scott (R-SC) hosted a policy discussion as a part of his continuing National Opportunities Tour on Wed. Apr 25 at The Washington Court Hotel in Northwest,

Washington. DC. The tour highlights the “Investing in Opportunity Act,” which was recently passed tax legislation back

in December 2017. He discussed how the tax bill could positively impact economically distressed neighborhoods across the country. The discussion was moderated by Raynard Jackson, President & CEO of Raynard Jackson & Associates & a nationally syndicated newspaper columnist.

Sen. Tim Scott (R-SC) and Raynard Jackson, President & CEO of Raynard Jackson & Associates

Dr. Ben Chavis, President and CEO of NNPA, Steve P. Munisteri, The White House Office of Public Liaison Deputy Assistant to the President/ Principal Deputy Director,Dorothy Leavell, Publisher of The Crusader Newspaper and Chairman of NNPA, and Raynard Jackson, President & CEO of Raynard Jackson & Associates

Aaron Manaigo, Partner, Potomac International Partners

Steve P. Munisteri, The White House Office of Public Liaison, Deputy Assistant to the President/ Principal Deputy Director

Photos by Mark Mahoney

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