May 5, 2018 – May 11, 2018, The Afro-American
The 61st annual celebration was held at the Hyatt Regency downtown on April 27. This year’s theme was “A Legacy of Leadership.” This year’s award recipients are Baltimore City State’s Attorney Marilyn J. Mosby, John B. Frisch of the law firm Miles and Stockbridge, Pastor of Empowerment Temple, Rev. Dr. Jamal Harrison Bryant and Cathy Hughes, CEO of Radio One. J. Howard Henderson, who is retiring as CEO of the Greater Baltimore Rev. Frances “Toni” Draper (AFRO Urban League, was honored for his years CEO/Publisher) and J. Howard of service. Kai Reed (WBAL TV) was the Henderson (GBUL CEO) mistress of ceremonies.
Feature performer Eddie Levert
Yvonne Wynn, Brian Haysbert and Darlene Moss
Honoree Marilyn J. Mosby (Balto. City State’s Attorney)
J. Howard Henderson (GBUL CEO) and Honoree Cathy Hughes (Founder/ Chair, Urban One, Inc.)
Whitney M. Young Jr. awardee Rev. Dr. Jamal Harrison Bryant
Cherie Brooks accepts the Environmentalist Award for the Power 52 Foundation
President’s Award Recipients Estelle Young and Barbara Redman
Performance by the Growing Griots
Clarence Campbell (SVP PNC Bank) and a representative from Kaiser Permanente accepts the Corporate Award
Raymond V. Haysbert Sr. Award Recipient James W. Hamlin Mistress of Ceremony Kai Reed (WBAL TV)
Jerome R. Alexander (GBLA Pres.), Honoree Nicolette A. Louissaint Ph.D., Honoree Stacey Ann Dyce MHS
Photos by Anderson R. Ward
Rene Vincent, Pat Roberts, Michelle Williams, C. Hughes, Danni Grayson, Denise Wright, Thelma Matthews and Bonita Bush
Mayor Catherine E. Pugh and guests celebrated women on April 24 at the Accelerator Space in Northeast Baltimore. Mayor Pugh honored other distinguished women including: Jill P. Carter, recently appointed Senator for the 41st District and director of the Baltimore Office of Civil Rights; Dr. Argentine S. Craig, Ph.D, Mayor Pugh’s high school teacher; Diane Bell-McKoy, president and CEO of Associated Black Charities; Nancy Whiteman Greene, Esq., first chairwoman of Miles and Stockbridge and Sharon Middleton, Jocelyn Gainbers, Robin Truettvice- president Theodorson, Kim Morton and Baltimore City Dana Moore Council. Jayson Williams
Front l to r; Valerie Fraling,Michele Emery; Top l to r; Betty Clark,Laura Byrd,Mayor Catherine Pugh,Dr.Frances”Toni”Draper and Carmen Holmes
David Goodman, Lori Arguelles and Mike Tapper
Catherine Kirk-Robbins and Dan Rice
Danni Grayson,Bonita Bush, Mayor Catherine Pugh and Kristen Allen
Avalon S. Brandt, Randall J. Craig Jr. and Cara L.O’Brien
Dr. Argentine S.Craig,Ph.D, Renowned National Training Laboratories scholar and practitioner,and Mayor Pugh’s high school teacher
Honoree Sharon Middleton, Vice-President Baltimore City Council
Honoree Diane BellMcKoy, President & CEO of Associated Black Charities
Honoree Nancy Whiteman Greene, First Chairwomen of Miles & Stockbridge in 87 year history
Honoree Jill P. Carter, Civil Rights Leader and Maryland State Delegate
Selena and Marcine Britton, Diane Hocker
Photos by James Fields Sr.
The Afro-American, May 5, 2018 - May 11, 2018
On April 14, six young writers were recognized by the Metropolitan District of Columbia Chapter of the Link during their 36th Annual Dr. Jean Mosee Young Writers Awards Luncheon at Howard University’s Armour Blackburn Center. Each Jacquelyn winner received a prize Dunmore- Griffith package that included cash scholarships up to $500. More than 2,000 students have participated over the life of the program, which was created in 1982 to encourage writing among middle and high school students, especially students of color and to publicly recognize their literary talents.
Natalie Hopkinson, PhD, author of “A Mouth is Always Muzzled: Six Dissidents, Five Continents and the Art of Resistance” provided the keynote at the awards luncheon.
Ja Rai A. Williams, Niani Assata Tarik, First Place Winner for the National Poster Arts Competition, and Debra Mayfield
Top: Skylar Ogunshakin, Natalie Hopkinson, Ja Rai A. Williams Bottom: Niani Assata Tarik, Ammi Amin and Ammar Amin
Eloise Foster, Introduction of Keynote Speaker
Jana Taylor, Mistress of Ceremony
Natalie Hopkins, Keynote Speaker
Student honorees, the keynote speaker and members of the Metropolitan (DC) Chapter of the Links
The Metropolitan (DC) Chapter of the Links Chapter Members Photos by Leta Harrison
Patricia Moore-Batten and other family funded scholarships.
On April 7, Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated XI Sigma Omega Chapter and the Pearls of Hope Community Foundation held the “Haute Pink Couture” scholarship luncheon and fashion show. Held at the Bethesda North Marriott and Conference Center, the event directly supported college scholarships and
Ida’s Idea model
Golden Sorors (members of AKA for 50+ years)
Pearls of Hope Community Foundation Board of Directors: Dr. Arla J. Bentley, Jacqueline Rose, Stephanie Jameison, Charlene Matthews, Chandria Jones, Pearl Coleman, Lanay Coleman, Shelia Harrison, Zenobia Pope
Ida’s Idea professional models
community service programs sponsored by the chapter and was emceed by Shomari Stone of NBC Washington. About 860 people were present and more than $21, 500 in scholarship funds were awarded to 14 Montgomery County, Maryland, high school seniors. Awards included the HBCU 4-year, Ola Berry Carter, Bernice Pindell and Golden Soror,
(Written by Melanie Smith, Ivy Leaf reporter)
Xi Sigma Omega Scholarship Committee. Center: Dr. Arla J. Bentley, Xi Sigma Omega Chapter President; right of center Ms. Krystal Gutierrez, Xi Sigma Omega Scholarship Committee Chair and to the far right is LaNay Coleman, President of the Pearls of Hope Community Foundation
2018 Scholarship recipients
Pearls of Hope Community Foundation President Lanay Coleman, “Haute Pink Couture” emcee Shomari Stone, Xi Sigma Omega Chapter President Dr. Arla J. Bentley and Fundraising Committee Chair Luana Dean Barber
On April 28 approximately 30,000 people filled RFK Stadium for the sold-out Broccoli City Festival, an all-day concert that happens during Broccoli City (BC) Week. This year’s BC Week included a 5K Run, a two-day conference, the major festival and several parties. Broccoli City Festival Local artists featured an all-star lineup with paint a backdrop for attendees
Mercedes Cooley, Karen Calhoun, Golden Soror Gladys Dean, Alberta Clemen, Sandra Jenkins and Callian Jenkins Courtesy Photos
Grammy-nominated rap group, Migos, Grammy-winning singer Miguel, Grammy-nominated rapper Cardi B, and other talented artists such as Daniel Caesar, H.E.R., Nipsey Hussle, and D.C.’s own Lightshow.
Grammynominated singer Daniel Caesar
Grammy-nominated rapper Cardi B
Singer H.E.R.
Brian Lamont, Fashion Stylist and Entertainment Blogger
Rapper Nipsey Hussle The VIP section The audience
Photos by Brigette Squire