LifeStyle 6-1-2018

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The Afro-American, June 2, 2018 - June 8, 2018

Coppin’s graduation was held at the CSU Physical Education Complex on May 19. Paris Holmes (CSU SGA Pres.) and Destiny Brown (CSU Senior Class Pres.) gave greetings. CSU President Maria Thompson introduced the keynote speaker Stedman Graham, chairman and CEO of S. Graham and Associates, and longtime companion of Oprah Winfrey. Former Alumni Assoc. Pres., James “Winky” Camphor was awarded an honorary doctorate degree. There were over 800 graduates in the Spring Class of 2018.

Doctor Of Nursing Practice graduates: Christy E. Abumere, Miriam P. Washington, Cathy D. Hardwick, Lori A. Yerrell-Garrett and Paula U. Ohiku

Kambrielle Phillips and graduating mom Okema Johnson

Janet P. Hopkins (60th year class reunion) James “Winky” Camphor receives a Honorary Doctor’s Degree from CSU President Maria Thompson Ph.D

Dr. Ruth J. K. Pratt Paris Holmes (CSU SGA President) and Destiney Brown (CSU Senior Class President)

Keynote speaker Stedman Graham

The Leutze family from the Republic Of Cameroon CSU President Maria Thompson Ph.D. Photos byAnderson R. Ward

The DuBois Circle, the oldest Black women’s organization in Baltimore, held its annual closing meeting on May 15 at Martin’s West, in Woodlawn. Members of the Circle welcomed their guest speaker, Margot Lee Shetterly, the African American author of Hidden Figures. Shetterly’s

Dr.Linda Fassett, Frances Watkins, Toni Colvin, Elizabeth Hickey, Lovetta Turnage. Seated are Mayziner Welllons, Norma Brooks, Dr. Shirley Evans, Gloria S. Jennings

book (which was made into a motion picture), featured three brilliant AfricanAmerican women at NASA who served as the brains behind one of the greatest operations in history: the launch of astronaut John Glenn into orbit. The year’s theme was “The DuBois Circle and the City.” Vocal selection was performed by Jasmine Barnes, a graduate of Morgan State University.

Pamela Holt, Samuel Redd, Lydia McCargo Redd, Judge Yvonne Holt-Stone, Mr. Williams, Elizabeth Williams, Sandy Simms

DIVAS - Girls Mentoring Group; designed to develop inner values to acquire success

Di’ Jones, Dr. Valeria Hairston, Joan M. Pratt, Comptroller, Baltimore City, Tina Hall

Valerie Montague with several Girl Scouts of Central Maryland

Jennifer Carter, Beverly Carter, Rev. Dr. Frances Murphy Draper, AFRO Publisher, Margot Lee Shetterly, author, Hidden Figures, Aran Shetterly

Sara Jerkins, Asia Adams, Dr. Clara Adams, Leonara Terrell, Joyce Sturgis

Rev. Canon Dr. Sandye Wilson, Dr. Patricia Schmoke, Alice Pinderhughes, Margarett J. Shipley, president, Dr. Maxine Wood, Carolyn Cole

Janet T. Johnson, Henry S.Johnson, Valerie Fraling , AFRO columnist

Judith Adams, Rev. Dr.Richard Adams, Dr. Edmonia T. Yates, Sarah Elias, Elise Mason Jude Photos by Dr. A. Lois De Laine


The Afro-American, June 2, 2018 - June 8, 2018

FCAC Delta of the Year Award (L-R): Lenior Simmons (President, FCAC), Gwendolyn King (Awardee) and Connie Jackson

The Fairfax County Alumnae Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority celebrated its 25th Anniversary on May 20 with a Spring Hat Luncheon at Westfields Marriott Washington Dulles, Chantilly, VA. The Theme was “Continuing the Commitment to Service, Empowerment, and Leadership.” Guest speaker, Lt. Gen. Stayce D. Harris, Inspector General, U. S. Air Force, spoke about sisterhood and community service. As part of the celebration, FCAC awarded $27,000 in scholarship funds to nine young women and book awards to two young men.

Scholarship Recipients (L-R): Ashley Rock-Smith, Nadia Hernandez, Lauren Dessaure, Hannah King, Danielle Newsome, Rachel Jackson, Sinclaire Jones, Alissa Wells, Lauryn Mann, Jessica Kitchings and Kelli Boyer

FCAC Outstanding Community Partner Award: Joanelle Baptiste and Kofi Annan (President, Fairfax County NAACP

Empowering Males to Build Opportunities for Developing Independence (EMBODI) Awards (L-R): Benita Toler, Kelcey Parks (Awardee), Wallicia Gill and Emory Ortiz (Awardee

Photos by Ashley Rock-Smith

Chapter Presidents: Front Row (L-R): Darlene Faltz (19931995), Peggy Ridley (1995-1998), Yvonne McCall (19982003), Angela Wade (2003-2007), Princess Powell-McEvilley (2007-2011), Regina Milteer-Rock (2011-2015). Standing (L-R): Vicki West (2015-2017), Lenior Simmons (2017 to Present

Charter Members (Standing L-R): Arlene Donnelly, Carol Bradley, Juanita Trapp, Opal Cotton, Jonesetta Lassiter, Mary Ann Bosley, Benita Toler, Barbara Speed, Joyce Green, Linda Jones Kemp, Sharon Bundy, Janice Scott andShelia Edwards. Front Row (L-R): Darlene Faltz, Peggy Ridley, Yvonne McCall, Princess Powell-McEvilley andRegina Milteer-Rock

Joigic Tolson, Regina Davis Moss, Tisha Hyter, Edna Moffitt and Annie Whateley

Phyllis Caudle Green, (front, right), Chapter President and Dr. Glenda Newell-Harris, National President, The Links, 2nd front, left)

Educator Advisory Committee Program Excellence Award (L-R): Sharon Bundy (Awardee), Lenior Simmons (President, FCAC) and Shari Terry (Awardee)

On the Dais (L-R): Lenior Simmons (President, FCAC), Lt. General Stayce D. Harris (guest speaker), Michelle Lewis and Regina Milteer-Rock

Fairfax County Alumnae Chapter 2017-2018

The Capital City Chapter of The Links, led by chapter President Phyllis Caudle Green and Vice President, Nicole Venable, hosted it’s seventh annual Women’s Recognition High Tea, April 22 at the Fairmont Hotel, Washington, D.C. MSNBC’s Michelle D. Bernard and CNN’s Symone Sanders, members of Capital City Links, were Mistresses of Ceremonies. The High Tea honored six African American women including retired Dunbar High School counselor Willa Renee Burroughs Wallace; Denise Rolark Barnes, publisher, “The Washington Informer;” ColorComm president Lauren Wesley Wilson; Professor Anita F. Hill, Janaye M. Ingram, Director, National Partnerships, Airbnb; and Journalist/author April D. Ryan. Annie Whatley was the Chair of High Tea with Co-Chairs Dianna Campbell, Marilyn Gail Charity, and Joigie Tolson. Dignitaries included Glenda Newell-Harris, M.D., National President, The Links, Inc.; Kimberly Jeffries Leonard, Ph.D., National Vice President, The Links; Natalie H. Fant, Eastern Area Director, The Links.

Claudia McKoin, Alisa Dotson and Paulette Scott

FCAC Community Service Award : Jacy Yates Hobson (Awardee) and Joy Galberth

Sixty+ (60+) Years in Delta (L-R): Connie Jackson and Fredericka Phelps (Honoree)

Tracey Tolbert Jones, Debra Murphy and Michelle Jackson

April Gaines Jernigan, Shirley Bowden and Debbie Bragg

CNN News Contributor, Symone Sanders and Michelle Bernard, emcee

Dr. Glenda Newell-Harris receiving a special award from Phyllis Caudle Green, chapter president

Sixty+ (60+) Years in Delta: Yvonne McCall

McKenzie Green and Chelsey Rodgers

Councilmember Brandon Todd (Ward-4) speaking to guests

Dr. Kimberly Jeffries Leonard, National Vice President, The Links, (front, right) with other Links members and honorees

Michelle Bernard, Honoree Willa Renee Burroughs Wallace, Honoree Denise Rolark Barnes, Honoree Lauren Wesley Wilson, Honoree Anita Hill, Honoree Janaye Ingram, Honoree April Ryan, Phyllis Green and Annie Whatley Photos by Rob Roberts

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