The Afro-American, July 1, 2017 - July 7, 2017
Dr. Mohan Suntha, Honoree and Head of University of Maryland Medical Systems
The 2017 ABC Gala was held at Martin’s West, June 10. The splashy, fundraising event supports ABC’s vital work, advocating for workforce development, career advancement and health equity issues that affect Black Americans and the broader community.
Mr. & Mrs. Jeff Hargrave, Drew Hawkins & Carla Peck and Mr. & Mrs. Earl Scott
Jason Sander and Danielle Torrain
Mr. and Mrs. Reggie Scriber
Mayor Catherine Pugh
Mimi Roeder Vaughn, Gala Chair, Diane Bell McKoy, President / CEO Associated Black Charities, Chineta Kennedy, Gala Co-Chair
Patrice Harris, Sharon Butler, Dionne Joyner-Weems
Stacey Ullrich, Alicia Wilson, Shelonda Stokes and Tisha Edwards Robert Wallace and Wayne Fraizer
Diane Bell-McKoy and Marsha Jews
Stephan Pickett Guy Fieri’s Baltimore Kitchen and Bar Jeff Hargrave, Mahogony and Earl Scott, GymGo CoFounder/CEO
Jesse Bennett, Sheilah Davenport and Curtis McMicken
Terri Scott and James Scott, Penan & Scott Organic Sponsor
ABC Board
The American Cancer Society event, “A Taste for Life,” was held at The Horseshoe Casino in Baltimore, June 25. Cecil Flamer, of Brown Capital Management Group, was chairperson of the event. Tswana Sewell, of the American Cancer Society spoke on the importance of the Society and how the funds raised go a long way in the treatment of cancer patients. One of the guest speakers was Dr. Sumati Murli, director of Clinical Research for the Johns Hopkins Hospital. A variety of popular music was performed by the Secret Society Band. There was a silent auction as well as a live auction. Guests Dierdre Miller,Crystal feasted on food prepared by Horseshoe Casino Williams and Jose Rivera Johnny Sanchez Restaurant restaurants, and sipped on dozens of wines.
Joan Sloan and Tswana Sewell
Members of the National Coalition of 100 Black Women, Inc., Baltimore Metropolitan Chapter: Marcine Britton, Gwen Skillern, Landa McLaurin, President, Valerie Thomas, Kathy Robertson
Brian Phoenix and Mary Broadwater
Dr.Sumati Murli Director of Clinical Research The Johns Hopkins Hospital
Cecil Flamer, Event Chair
The sorority members of Baltimore Alumnae Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. gathered on April 30 at the Delta Community Center for an afternoon of elegance to celebrate the 95th Anniversary of the chapter. As guests arrived, they were greeted by the sounds of a live jazz band and Lataysheia D. Lance, Joanne Mack, Elexis enjoyed scrumptious hors d’oeuvres with a champagne toast. Bond, Gladys Rice, Eleanor P. Matthews, The Legacy of Love and Service of Delta from 1922 through 2017 was Rev. Dr. Frances (Toni) Murphy Draper (2nd from right) and displayed through a historical walk down memory lane, “Echoes of the Past” her Delta sisters with a photo of her grandmother Vashti about “Women of Vision Who Dared to Venture.” Turley Murphy. Dr. Draper wrote a book , “No Ordinary Hookup”, which details the courtship of her grandmother and In addition to the vendors, the granddaughter of Vashti Turley Murphy, one grandfather, Dr. Carl Murphy. of the founders of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Rev. Dr. Frances “Toni” Murphy Draper held a book signing of “No Ordinary Hook Up.” The Honorary chair was Lydia Mussenden, a Amanda Morgan, Juanita Bellamy, Delta for more than 60 years. Bernadette Adams General chairs were Eleanor Matthews and Kathy Alexander. More than 400 members make up Long-time Delta sisters are Frances Honorary chair, Lydia the Baltimore Alumnae Gaines and Dr. Ruth King Pratt Mussenden with daughters, Dr. Chapter. Beverly Boston, Caryl Mussenden Ellis, Chris Mussenden Williams
Sabrina Bush
Goldie Wood, Doris Smith, Gloria Campbell
Kathy Alexander, Ann Branch, Helen McDonald, Mildred Harper, Allenette Valentine
Ebony Plowden, Bobbie Swann, Photos by Dr. A. Pamela Crawford Lois De Laine
Laura Phillips Byrd, Eleanor P. Matthews, chairperson, 95th Anniversary, Hon. Marilyn Mosby, Baltimore City States Attorney, Dr. Thelma T. Daley, 16th National President, Delta Sigma Sorority, Inc., Mary Demory, Lydia Mussenden, honorary chair
July 1, 2017 - July 7, 2017, The Afro-American
The National Newspapers Publishers Association held its 2017 convention in Washington D.C. Speakers stressed the importance of the press addressing issues integral to bettering the Black community. Along with several panel discussions, the convention included a town hall meeting on the Every Student Succeeds Act, a Merit Awards Dinner and a National Legacy Awards Black Tie Gala.
NNPA President and CEO Ben Chavis
Philadelphia Tribune: Allen T. Warlina, Stacy Brown, Robert W. Bogle, publisher and Vincent Faust
Dorothy Leavell Kerri Watkins, Afro Times, Donna Clark, Philadelphia Tribune; John R. Holmes, CFO, Philadelphia Tribune
Denise Rolark Barnes makes her farewell speech as Dorothy Leavell steps into the office of Chairman
Marcus Mitchell
Lt. Col. Roger M. Cabiness II, 2nd Lt. Alexander J. Tzomides and 2nd Lt. Benjamin McKnight
Recipient of the NNPA’s Legacy Award, Martin Luther King III and Micha Green
Miami Times are Carolyn Guniss and Garth Reeves AFRO Director, Community and Public Relations Diane Hocker; AFRO Director of Advertising Lenora Howze; Lon Walls and AFRO Publisher and Chairman Jake Oliver
Kevin McNair, Editor Washington Informer; Brian Welburn, Carol H. Williams Advertising and Amirah S. Salaam, National School Board Association
Patricia McDougall, Guy Lambert and Denise Mitchem
Tamara Weston , Claudette Perry, NNPA national events manager, Linda K. Brown, Fran Farrer and Edgar Brookins, AFRO D.C. General Manager Members of Nisson Martin Luther King III and family
Photos by Rob Roberts
Negro League Legends Hall of Fame(NLLHOF) Corvette 495 Beltway Charity Run was held on April 29 in Prince George’s County, Md. Several corvette clubs convoyed down the 495 beltway
with local police and state trooper escorts to raise funds for the Capital Area Food Bank. They event raised $3,700, which is equal to 9,250 meals. The event also collected 2,956 lbs of food for a total of 11,713 meals for needy children, seniors and families.
Northwestern High School Air Force ROTC Color Guard Capital Food Bank
Southern Soul Corvette Club
Capital Area Food Bank Truck with donations from Southern Soul Corvette Club, Baltimore County Corvette Club, Top Flight Corvette Club, Metro Vette Corvette Club and Elite Stylz Corvette Club
CAFB Lavette S. Sims head of the partnership receives a check from the Metro Vette Club
Motor Cycle Escort
Courtesy Photos
To purchase this digital photo page contact Takiea Hinton: thinton@afro.com or 410.554.8277.
NLLHOF Founder Dwayne Renal Sims