LifeStyle 6-8-2018

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The Afro-American, June 9, 2018 - June 15, 2018

Sunday Morning processional led by Robert Goodman

Ministers of the Philadelphia-Baltimore Conference

Bishop W. Darin Moore and Mrs. Katherine Burrell present Samantha Wormley Scholarship to Tyrus Pincham

May 22-27 congregants from more than 60 churches in Maryland, Pennsylvania and the District of Columbia flocked to the Bethesda North Marriott Hotel and Conference Center for the 189th Annual Session of the Philadelphia and Baltimore Conference of the African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church. Bishop W. Darin Moore is the Presiding Prelate Jim Winkler, General Secretary and Mrs. Devieta Moore is National Council of Churches and the Rev. Dr. Vernon Shannon the Missionary Supervisor. The Conference featured informative workshops, spirited worship services and a blacktie Freedom Awards’ Gala and Ceremony. Special Freedom Awardees were the Rev. John Walker from Contee AME Zion Church in Washington, D.C. and Montgomery County Executive Isiah “Ike” Leggett. Guest preachers and psalmists included Bishop Louis Hunter, retired Bishop A.M.E. Zion Church; the Rev. Dr. Kevin Cosby of Louisville, Ky, the Rev. Dr. Dominique Robinson Gianna Brown of Atlanta, GA, Charles Butler and Trinity, Chris House and Kaneisha Rev. Dr. Frances “NeeCee” Trott. In addition, the “Toni” Draper, AFRO Conference Lay Council awarded Publisher/CEO $2500 scholarships to four deserving students. Bishop Moore is also the Chair of the Governing Board of the National Council of Churches of Christ in the U.S.A. (NCC)

Many young people participated in the conference

Photos by Yvonne Smith (l to r) Bishops Dennis V. Proctor, Louis Hunter Sr., W. Darin Moore (at the pulpit), Presiding Elders Evalina Huggins, Rita J. Colbert, and Monica Hargrove

Samantha Wormley Scholarship recipients Angelina Alozia and Kiera Brysco Bishop Louis Hunter Sr.

Samantha Wormley Scholarship recipient, Ridia Seratta

Mrs. Shanna Strickland and Missionary Supervisors Georgia Thompson, Devieta Moore, and the Rev. Lula G. Williams

Christian educators waiting to be stoled.

Women’s Home and Overseas Missionaries processional led by Missionary Supervisor Devieta Moore (2nd from the l), Georgia Woodruff (l), Wilhemina Frazier (2nd from the r), and Charlottee Umoja (far r)

John Wesley AME Zion Church (Washington, DC) Choir

June 9, 2018 - June 15, 2018, The Afro-American

The Residences at Arundel Preserve in Hanover, Maryland was the site of the of the official pre-release party and

reception for Dr. Hattie Washington’s new book, “Aunt Hattie’s Cookbook: Southern Comfort Food and Beyond” on May 8. Guests enjoyed succulent chicken and waffles, family favorites-mac and cheese, almandine garlic green beans, and her signature bread pudding. There was jazz music, door prizes and giveaways like the Aunt Hattie’s appliqued aprons along with a Book N’


Basket. Partial proceeds from the launch party and reception will be donated to the Aunt Hattie’s Scholarship Fund at Coppin State University where she was the first female Vice President. Stephen Rumble, Dr. Hattie Washington and Christine Rumble Photos by Bruce Smallwood

Juanita Thomas, Dr. Hattie Washington and Cheryl Washington

Shawn Papi and Eric Twiggs Dr. Hattie Washington, the author

Charlene Day, Eric Twiggs and Melody Jackson

Portia Frazier, Julie Haskins-Turner, Dr. Hattie Washington and Diane Pruitt

Jeffery Braxton, Leslie Ragin and Kahalia Wilson (L & L Catering) Susan Ottly Preddie, Charlene Day, Hattie Washington, Sharon Bullock and Peggy Morris

Former Mayor of Alexandria, VA, William “Bill” Euille

The Honorable Justin Fairfax, Lt. Gov., the Commonwealth of Virginia receives the “Man of the Year” Award from John Chapman, member, the Alexandria, VA City Council

Vivian Malloy and Cheryl Washington

The Northern Virginia Urban League honored Virginia Lieutenant Governor Justin E. Fairfax, former Virginia Governor L. Douglas Wilder and Fairfax Virginia native Cadet Simone Askew, First Captain of the Corp of Cadets, West Point, first African American female appointed to this position were presented at the 28th Annual Community Service and Scholarship Awards on Fri., April 22 at the Hilton McLean Tysons Corner Hotel, McLean, Virginia. Other honorees included SunTrust Bank, Outstanding Corporate Sponsor Award and Naomi Wadler, Young Emerging Leader Award. Over $32,500 in scholarships was awarded to local minority Northern Virginia students. The theme for the gala was, “ Preserving Our History and Empowering the Future”; Angela Stribling, WHUR radio personality was the emcee.

Naomi Wadler, the youngest speaker at the “March For Our Lives” being recognized by Diana McLaughlin, 2018 gala chair

Dr. Hattie Washington and Kellie Johnson

Tracey Walker, Chair, Board of Directors, NOVA Urban League receives Proclamation from the Honorable Alison Silberberg, Mayor, Alexandria, VA.

Jimmi Barnwell, William and Joyce Ward

Levon Anderson, Gen. (Ret.) Johnnie Wilson and Col. (Ret.) Marion Barnwell

Scholarship recipients(seated): Clarence Brown III (his mother receiving for him), Adrianna Jones, Justin Moore, Naomi Nero, WHUR Radio Host, Zoe Price and Tylan Reeves; standing behind the students Angela Stribling, are the scholarship sponsors: NVUL, Neil and Judy Robinson, emcee Fannie Mae, Dominion Energy, NVUL Guild and Cox

Tracey Walker, honoree Muriel Garr, SunTrust Bank and Diane McLaughlin

Joint Armed Forces Color Guard The Todd Ledbetter Trio

Lt. Gov. Justin Fairfax(third from the left), Lt. Gov. of the Commonwealth of Virginia with family and friends Photos by Rob Roberts

Cora Barry with Prince George’s County State’s Attorney and County Executive Candidate Angela Alsobrooks

Cora Barry with the SETLCs Blacks N Wax version of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., Rosa Parks and Erykah Badu

The AFRO was invited to the Southeast Tennis and Leadership Center (SETLC) founded by Cora Masters Barry, who also serves as the facility’s Chief Operating Officer. There students are offered a variety of experiences where they are exposed to strong tennis training and facilities, reading programs, acting training, performance opportunities at the Kennedy Center such as their annual Blacks in Wax program, robotics, computer training and even sewing with the program Sew N Know that culminates with an annual fashion show. This year’s fashion show is on June 9. Courtesy Photos

Cora Barry with the SETLC’s Blacks N Wax version of New Edition

Cora Barry with Washington, D.C. Atlarge Candidate Marcus Goodwin

Janice Rankins, Program Director, Sew N Know and Raji Rankins, Executive Director, Sewing Opportunity Never Ending

James Wright, AFRO Senior writer, Cora Bary and Micha Green, AFRO Washington, D.C. editor

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