The Afro-American, July 22, 2017 - July 28, 2017
Previous Ms. Senior D.C. winners
The 2017 Ms. Senior D.C. Pageant, for women who are 60-years-old and older, was held at the University of the District of Columbia, Performing Arts Theater on June 25 in Northwest, Washington, D.C. Francis Curtis Johnson was crowned
the 2017 Ms. Senior D.C. with Judyan Andrews as the first runner up and Patricia Ragland the second runner up. The pageant is a collaborative effort of the D.C. Office of Aging and the D.C. Seniors Cameo Club.
Evening gown competition
2016 Ms. Senior D.C., Billie LaVern Smith, final walk
Lillian Pope Berry, pageant judge
First runner up, Judyan Andrews; Ms. Senior D.C. 2017, Francis Curtis Johnson and Second runner up, Patricia Ragland
James Hughes, pageant judge
Alvanetta S. Cribbs, pageant judge
Honoree Bern Nadette Stanis
Marco Clark, founder/ CEO, Richard Wright Public Charter School for Journalism and Media Arts and Gregory Adams, chair, Board of Trustees
Edgar Brookins, Washington D.C. AFRO office General Manager and JC Hayward, former WUSA9 News anchor
Deborah Robinson, pageant judge
Darlene Nowlin, D.C. State Pageant director, Francis Curtis Johnson, Ms. Senior DC 2017 and Laura Newland, executive director, D.C. Office of Aging
Romain B. Thomas, chair, D.C. Commission of Aging
Carroll “Mr. C” Hynson, WHUR radio personality, emcee
Photos by Rob Roberts
Richard Wright Public Charter School for Journalism and Media Arts hosted its 6th Annual Richard Wright Black Tie Gala on June 10 at the historic Warner Theatre in Northwest D.C . Engaging student-produced short films of Honoree, Ward 8 D.C. various genres, inspired the captivated Council member, audience with innovative techniques, fresh Trayon White, Sr. perspectives, and powerful voices of change. The theme of Gala 2017 was “Inspiring the Next Generation.” Honorees included the Rev. Jesse L. Jackson, Sr., Actress Bern Nadette Stanis and John Gibson, advisor for Inclusion and Multicultural Outreach for the Motion Picture Association of America. Joe Clair, WPGC, and Renee Starlynn Allen served as the event’s emcees.
Joe Clair
Renee Starlynn Allen, honoree Jim Watkins, general manager; WHUR-FM Radio, honoree Renee Nash, director, public affairs; WHUR-FM Radio and Darlene Jackson, director, WHUR-FM Promotions Kim Moss, Wanda Watts, Crystal Riley and Anita Graham
Alyssa McCall, Classy Consulting Solutions with Henry and April Jenkins
Melissa Macaya, president, The National Association of the Hispanic Journalists, D.C. Chapter
Richard Wright Instrumental Ensemble U.S. Rep. Franklin Garcia for the District of Columbia, and president of the D.C. Latino Leadership Council
Photo by Rob Roberts
The Afro-American, July 22, 2017 - July 28, 2017
Photos by James Fields Sr.
Master of Ceremony Jeff Johnson, author and journalist
Baltimore. zation’s 108th National was delivered by venIt was a, “who’s who,” The event kicked off Convention being held erable Baltimore dein Baltimore leadership the civil rights organithis year in Baltimore. fense attorney William in the areas of politics, The keyH. “Billy” Murphy. business, religion and note adeducation, when the dress Baltimore City Branch of the NAACP hosted its, “Heritage Breakfast,” Saturday July 15, Ramsey L. Harris, Vice President at the Reginald F. Lewis Community Reinvestment Act PNC Museum in downtown Financial Services Group and Glenard S William H. Murphy Jr. Middleton, Executive Director, Maryland and son Seth Murphy Council 67 and President of Maryland Public Employees, Local 44.
Tessa Hill-Aston and award winner Nykidra Robinson, Black Girls Vote Michael B.Mitchell, former State Senator,Tessa Hill-Aston President Baltimore City Branch NAACP, Zach McDaniels, Chairman 2017 Baltimore Branch Convention Steering Committee
Mayor Pugh and Tessa Hill-Aston, Baltimore NAACP President
Mike Miles with sons, Jace, Just and Jazz Miles with Senator Nathaniel J. McFadden
Ana Aponte, Rev. Jamal Bryant ,Empowerment Temple AME Church Baltimore and Charlene Keys
The Exhibit Halls of the Baltimore Convention Center on July 15 were crowded with gentlemen dressed in formal wear, mostly black and
gold, with their wives and escorts in colorful gowns as they attended the Alpha Phi Alpha Black and Old Gold Leadership Gala. After dinner awards were presented to chapters in
Bishop Frank M. Reid lll, Zach McDaniel, Jake Oliver CEO and Publisher, AFRO American Newspaper
recognized as having the oldest living fraternity
member: Dr. Samuel L. Myers, former president of Bowie State who is 98 years old.
Alpha men Jason Calhoun, Maurice Bland and Kenneth Wright
Dr. Audwin Fletcher, Letitia Newman and Dr. Anthony Newman
Marco Merrick, president, Delta Lambda Chapter (host chapter) with Teresa McNeal, Kay L. Davis, Timothy McFadden
Alpha men Marshall Glaze, Elliott Styler and Terrence O. Benn
several categories. Host chapter, Delta Lambda, received an award for having registered the largest amount of fraternity brothers. The chapter was also
Darrell N. Truesdale Sr Baltimore District Commander and Austin L .Ball Sr Baltimore District 1ST Commander American Legion
Percy Taylor, Linda Taylor, Yolanda Clemons and Edward Clemons
Alpha ladies are Arlene Wilkerson, Elizabeth Jones, Cynthia Conley, Dorothy Ragesdale Triplett, Edweana Aiken, Sandra Steward-Baker and Versie Wilson
Carla Gaskins and Dee Horn
Alpha men David Lawrence and Christian Albertie
Dr. Ralph Johnson, Rev. Dr. Richard Adams, Ryan Adams, Michelle Howard and Jacob Howard
Photos by DeVone Marshall
Right to left: Kelvin Lewis, Ronald Brooks, Milford Johnson and James Bracey
On May 28, 2017, the Fountain Baptist Church, 1215 E. Monument Street, celebrated their 115th
Dr. Earl S. Richardson, Dr. Sheila Richardson, Cinderitha Payton, Dr. Cecil Photos by Dr. A. Lois De Laine
anniversary. The church was established in 1902. The theme for the anniversary celebration was, “God Is About To Do Something Brand New,” from Isaiah 43:19-2. Richard Graham is the pastor. Lillian G. Person, Kathryn Winkler and Vivian F. Holmes
Min. Samuel P. McCullough, Bishop Reginald L. Kennedy and Rev. Richard Graham
Juanita M. Scott and Linda Jenkins Giving prayer, Bishop Reginald L. Kennedy
Anniversary Committee, left to right Gregory Moore, Ethel Hall, Chairperson Joyce L. Gillard, Co-chairperson Norma Griffin, Dora Graham and Ronald Brooks
Deacon Maurice Coleman
Deacon Ministry, Deacon Alvin O. Gillard chairperson (center)
The Mallory’s, a young family of Fountain Baptist Church
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