The Afro-American, August 5, 2017 - August 11, 2017
Carla Williams, president, The Reston Chapter of The Links Mamie Parker, program coordinator
Col. (Ret.) Samuel Williamson waiting on name and Somara Theodore, NBC4 meteorologist
Joyce Ward and Eva Bulls
Lt. Gen.(Ret.) William “Kip” Ward Rory Miott (in white shirt) speaks to the boys about intimate relationships
Photos by Rob Roberts
Rory Miott, Eric Brown, Alvarez LeCesne and Ron Hamm
The Reston chapter of The Links’ High eSTEAM (science, technology, engineering,, art and math) program partnered with the Heritage Fellowship Church for a
Boys’ Fun Camp on July 26. NBC4 Meteorologist Somara Thedore, Col. (retired) Samuel Williamson and Gen. (retired) Kip Ward addressed the boys.
Celebrating Natural Beauty The National Beauty Culturist’s League(NBCL) President’s Banquet was held on July 19 as part of the National Beauty Culturist’s League 98th Convention at the Hilton Alexandria Mark Center in Virgina.
Dr. Wilma Reeves, supervisor of registration
Dr. Cindy Collins, Idam Foster, Elizabeth Simon, Barbara Frierson, Dr. Katie Catalon, LaShawn Deas, Dollie Swinton, Margaret Bell and Michelle Scott
Rev. Hazel Cherry, guest speaker
Rev. Dr. Deborah Alford, Dr. Lenora Washington, Dr. Gwendolyn Woodard and Dr. Deloves Scales
Kimberly Paster, 2016 queen and John Scott, 2016 king
Dr. Lafayette Jones, emcee
Hazel Cherry, guest speaker; Dr. Katie Catalon, national president; Dr. Mary Hawkins, president, D.C. Chapter and Stephaine Ellison
Edith Bishop, Elder Hester Lucas, Patrena Perraway and Alice Pope, eastern region secretary
Dr. Carol Lyles, 1st vice presiden; Dr. Bennie Lewis, 2nd vice president; Dr. Mary Halmer; Sunprime Basileies and Dr. Sarah, national dean of pledges Willie Singleton
Photos by Rob Roberts
Dr. Katie B. Catalon, national president
The Afro-American, August 5, 2017 - August 11, 2017
Photos by Anderson R. Ward
Alice Huffman (NAACP Bd. Member)
Dr. Benjamin F. Chavis and family member
Winners of the Short Film Award
Tessa Hill-Aston (Pres. Balto. Chapter NAACP) and Joe Aston
NAACP Freedom Fund Thalheimer Awards Dinner Co-Hosts Nischelle Turner and Laz Alonzo
The dinner was held on July 26, at the Baltimore Convention Center. Nischelle Turner from Entertainment Tonight and Laz Alonzo, actor and producer were the co-hosts. Performances were by Naturally 7, featuring Matia Washington, Major, Candace Coles, Maysa Leak, Avery Sunshine and Sounds Of Blackness. The keynote speaker was Chadwick Boseman, screenwriter, actor and director. Sponsors included BWW of North America, Coca Cola Co., FedEx, Chevron, Geico, UPS and JP Morgan Chase. Dr. Benjamin Chavis, civil rights leader and Reginald Hudlin, movie producer were in the audience. Closing remarks were given by Leon W. Russell, NAACP Board chair.
Avery Sunshine Derrick Johnson (NAACP Interim CEO)
John M. Wesley
Chadwick Boseman (Keynote Speaker)
NAACP Clarence Mitchell Memorial Luncheon
Marie Sylla-Dixon (V. P. T-Mobile)
Bradford M. Berry (NAACP General Counsel) and Honoree Aramis D. Ayala (Orlando, Fla. State Attorney)
The luncheon was held in the Baltimore Convention Center on July 23. Bradford M. Berry, Esq., NAACP General Counsel was the master of ceremonies. Greetings were given by Derrick Johnson, vice chair Board of Directors. The sponsor representatives were Maruiel PerkinsCheryl M. Gilliam (Kellog Chavis, vice president, Marriott International, John Company) with Kellogg Fellows Ridgeway, Toyota Motors North America and Marie Sylla-Dixon, vice president, T-Mobile. The honorees were: Marilyn Mosby, Baltimore City State’s Attorney and Aramis B. Ayala, State Attorney for the Ninth Judicial Circuit Court of Florida. Cong. Bobby Scott Hon. Eric H. Holder, Jr., former U.S. Attorney General was the Keynote (3rd. Dist. D-VA.) Speaker. Michael Mitchell, Clarence Mitchell’s son, and other Mitchell Hon. Eric H. family members were in attendance. Holder, Jr. (Keynote Speaker)
Former Judge Marcella A. Holland
Photos by Anderson R. Ward
Michael B. Mitchell Jr. and U.S. Senator Ben Cardin
John Ridgeway (Toyota Motors North America)
School # 122 Celebrating 90 Years of Educating Children Alumni Janet Powell, explains some of the unique history of their school to Ms. Gross’ 4th grade class.
An official Samuel Coleridge -Taylor Tee Shirt
Photos by DeVone Marshall
The Historic Samuel Coleridge Taylor Elementary School, located at 507 W. Preston Street in West Baltimore, celebrated 90 years of educating primarily African American children. The school originally opened in February 1927. On June 2, the alumni offered historical information to the students in their classrooms. On June 3, the alumni hosted a luncheon at the Village of Cross Keys to commemorate the staff, students and teachers.
The Historic Samuel Coleridge Taylor alumni and staff
The Samuel Coleridge Taylor teachers, principal and alumni
The Historic Samuel Coleridge Taylor Elementary School # 122