Lifestyle Sophisticated Settings Pages January 25, 18, 11 2014

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January 25, 2014 - January 31, 2014, The Afro-American


Little Majorette 213 Marching Club (Shriners)

It’s a way for the entire community to share in a memory, and for once no one had to freeze to enjoy it. The annual Martin Luther King Jr. parade, Jan. 20, in Baltimore gives everyone a chance to participate: marching groups,

Buffalo Soldiers, sororities and fraternities, school children and churches. Signs on the sidewalk along the route rival the ones on the boulevard as residents, young and old, have their say and remember a King.

AKA Sorority celebrates MLK

Baltimore’s Arabbers

Douglass H. S. Band

Providence Baptist Church members Diane Morgan, Makenzie Moore and Deasia Hart iiKane (Erica Kane 92Q), Keller Wynder, Konan (92Q) and LoLo (Magic 95.9)

Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity

Drum Major with Edmondson-Westside H. S.

Former members of the 231st Transportation Truck Battallion who fought in the Korean War

Delta Sigma Theta Sorors

Jerusalem Temple Shriners

Buffalo Soldiers

Kevin Parsons and the members of Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity

Photos by Anderson Ward

When everyone’s thoughts turned to ways to commemorate the life of the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., the Arch Social Club, known to hold a certain standard,

The Queens with Sen. JonesRodwell

The official board members Arch Social Club with Mayor RawlingsBlake and Councilman Pete Welch

unveiled the remarkable makeover to its historical diggs on The Avenue in West Baltimore. More than a century

Music by Bobby Ruck’s Group Del. Stukes giving citation to Pres. Anderson and Chairman Tshamba

Kimberly Brown, Anaya Womack, Madison Dukes and Cynthia Dukes

in years, the casual gentleman’s club still draws folks of all ages, as it did to the Jan. 19 re-opening.

Mr. Taylor, Rev. Washington and Bro Watson

Catherine M. Feford, former Mayor Dixon

The Dee Jay, J. Juddy

Mr. and Mrs. Charles Wilson, dance instructors

Buffet line

The official ribbon cutting - Arch Social Club Photos by J.D. Howard

January 25, 2014 - January 31, 2014, The Afro-American


he Luther Jackson High School Alumni Association represents graduates and attendees of Luther Jackson when it existed as the only high school for students of African-American heritage in Fairfax County, Va. from 1954 to 1965. The Association was organized to award college scholarships to students who Louvenia Johnson, Jessie Pearson, Nathalie are descendants of graduates or attendees of the high school. Pearson, Coara Norfleet and Asia Smith Association’s held its Annual Dinner Dance at the Marriott in Fairfax, VA on Nov. 30, 2013 which is their major fundraiser for its scholarship program. It Charlie Gardner, left and clockwise, Evelene is attended Adams, Paul Bellamy, Lillian Bellamy, Kim by Luther Sulton, Jamie Murray, Dorothy Hurley, Zach Jackson Hurley, Robert Pullen and Ann Smith Elaine Carter, left and clockwise, Carroll Carter, Charles High School Chichester, Sylvia Robertson, Helen Payne, James Quinn, graduates, Arthur Carter, Gladys Brown and John Brown attendees and their families and friends and also serves as an annual class reunion. The 50th anniversary of the Class of 1963 was highlighted during the dinner dance. Earl Marshall, Brenda Marshall Duncan, Virginia Thornton and Herbert Marshall

Thelma Jackson, Carolyn Robinson, Roberta Hamilton, Margaret Diamond, Joyce Kendall and Martha Barbour


Scholarship recipients: Andria Marshall, Jessica Marshall, Jordan Jackson, Desirae Jackson, Lacy Harris and Cashmire Norfleet

Class of 1960: Cleo Willson, Don Willson, Brenda Marshall Duncan, Ronald Reaves (President), Jean Kyles, Doris Stuck, and Brenda Haight (Secretary)

Elouise Duncan-Grimes, Ceola Naylor, Regina Thomas and Pompa Thomas

Bettie Kelley, Florence King, Ruby Holland, Gladys Robinson, Robert Yancy, Ernice Banks, Cardell Banks, Cammie Jeffress and Valdoris Ellis

Class of 1963: Lillie Warner, Annie Jackson, Earlene Thompson, Barbara Dodson, Thomas Dodson, John Thompson, Stephen Parks, Ernice Banks, Robert Yancy, Bessie Alkisswani(Treasurer), Waymond Wade, Louvenia Johnson(VP) and Milton Grimnes

Lillie Warner, Carolyn Edwards, David Haight, Gwen Haight, Charles Pearson and Mary Lee Crabbe And so we dance, Patricia Alexander and Ronald Marshall

Louise Aronlie, Stanley Willams, Ada Vanison, James Vanison, Tina Vanison and Charles Pearson

Connie Moore, Conrad Hawkins, Anesia Hawkins, Celeste Morton, Teresa Morton, James Morton, Tony Winkler and Alice Hawkins

Photos by Rob Roberts


he Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Inc. under its National President, Jonathan A. Mason capped of

Thurroya Kent, Marian Barnwell, Linda Edwards, Sharon McClendon, Honoree Clayola Brown and Kendra Glover

its Centennial Founder’s Day weekend with a grand gala at the Renaissance Hotel in Northwest, Washington, D.C., Jan 11. Under the theme, “Stony the Road, We Trod,” the gala featured activist/actor Harry Belafonte as keynote speaker and a Glenn Coleman, Dwight Cummings, Honoree Rep. John Lewis special video message by President Bill Clinton. The Lifetime Achievement Award (D-MD), Peter Adams, Daryl Anderson and Mark Cornelius was presented to Rep. John Lewis(D-GA), civil rights activist, the Rev. Al Sharpton; civil rights icon, the Rev. C.T. Vivian;original freedom fighter, Hank Thomas and activist Elizabeth Williams-Omilami. Actor Malik Yoba was the emcee. The 2014 Centennial celebration will culminate with a week-long Keynote speaker Harry Belafonte ,left, celebration, July 16 -20 in receives honorary membership in Phi Washington, DC. For more Beta Sigma Fraternity from the National Meta Renee Williams (center) accepting an award info, visit their website: www. President, Jonathan Mason Sr. as a on behalf of the United Negro College Fund member looks on

Honoree Rev. C.T. Vivian with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Belafonte

Denise Dotson, Darling Barnes, Mary Breaux Wright, International President, Zeta Phi Beta Sorority and Rages Barns

Celia Washington, Evelyn Sample-Oates and Janet Bivins

Video greeting from the Honorable William Clinton, an honorary member of Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity

Men of Omega welcoming the Sigmas to the 100th Year Club: Ben Jeffers, Kenneth Brown, Dr. Andrew Ray, Grand Basileus, Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, and Harvey Woodson

We are the Men of Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Inc.

Photos by Rob Roberts

Robert and Melanie Carter with Debra and Allen Grimes Tamika Auguste and Stirling Demby with Veronica Overton and Davion Williams

Hank Thomas, recipient of the Centennial Lifetime Achievement Award

Sigma National President, Jonathan Mason Sr., presents the Centennial Lifetime Achievement award to Elizabeth WilliamsOmilami with Actor Malik Yoba, the emcee

Rep. John Lewis (D-GA-5) receives the Lifetime Achievement Award

Members of Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc.

January 18, 2014 - January 24, 2014, The Afro-American

Dr. Marco Merrick, Dr. Nina Rawlings, Gordon Stills, Roland Fletcher

The Howard L. Cornish Metropolitan Baltimore Chapter of the Morgan State University National Alumni Association celebrated the 29th anniversary of the Dr. Six scholars received $1,000 from the Howard L. Cornish Chapter; Martin L. King Jr. Scholarship Breakfast, eight students received $500 scholarships; four students received laptop Jan. 11 at Martin’s West, Woodlawn. computers; six scholars received $1,000 from Tau Alpha Upsilon Fraternity. Nimatul-ain Muhammad, the student who designed the souvenir journal cover, received $500 and a laptop computer. Dr. David Wilson, president, The guest speaker for the event was Larry Gibson, author of Young Morgan State University, Thurgood: The Making of a Supreme Court Justice. welcomed alumni and Alumni were recognized for their financial support and active friends participation in the activities of the university. Anthony McPhails presents a plaque The Howard L. Cornish Chapter Appreciation Award was presented to of appreciation to Patrice Sanders Dr. Clara I. Adams; Dr. Edmonia T. Yates was presented the Distinguished Educator Award; March Funeral Homes was the recipient of the Community Service Award; The Montford Point MarinesMaryland Chapter #17 received the Drum Major Award; Dr. Eugene DeLoatch, dean, Morgan’s School of Engineering, received the Drum Major Award, and Mattie F. Gaines, treasurer of the Dr. Eugene De Loatch, host chapter received the Chapter Distinguished dean, School of Mattie Gaines, treasurer, Award. Engineering receives Howard L. Cornish the Drum Major Award Chapter received Irving C. Williams '54, Joyce Brown, Franklin Beaird, Distinguished Service Bernice Beaird Award

Scholarship recipients Marcus Ward and Tyniece Bowser

Scholarship recipients Michael Faulkner, Jerry Rush, Anwar Battle, Duane Saunders Jr.

Scholarship recipients Sharde Harrison, Ashley B. Johnson, Latara Swann, Emmanuel Onafeko

Wilbert Walker, Deneen Walker, Ronald L. Walker, Kim Wilder-Walker

Larry Gibson gave the 2014 MLK Jr Scholarship Breakfast address

The Montford Point Marines, Maryland Chapter No. 17 received the Drum Major Award from co-chair Carole A. Jeffries

Photos by Dr. A. Lois De Laine

Donna Spaulding, Myrna Jackson-Cann, Anita Turks Hunter, Dr. Norma Jones, Sheila Whitaker

Betty Fitzgerald and Dr. Brenda Bowe-Johnson

Throughout the 2013 year, the Rho Xi Omega Chapter of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority has held many public events and service activities to commemorate and celebrate their 25th anniversary of service to the Baltimore community. The Chapter hosted its “Silverbration: An Evening of Elegance Gala, a black-tie formal which attracted over 300 guests from Washington, DC, Albany, New York, and the greater Baltimore region. Special Baltimore guests included Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake and Joan Pratt, city comptroller. Rho Xi Omega Chapter served as one of two hostess chapters for the National Founders’ Day celebration to honor the 105th anniversary of AKA, partnered with the eight graduate and undergraduate chapters in the Baltimore area to “Keep the Promise to Our Veterans” during the MLK Day of Service weekend; hosted their largest Founders’ Day Prayer Breakfast, honored 19 longstanding programmatic partners and awarded $25,000 to support their work at “Spirit of Giving” event and celebrated Emerging Young Leaders program participants. Karen Barland and Robin Ott were chairpersons of the gala; Tracey Barbour-Gillett is president of Rho Xi Omega Chapter.

George and Rhoda Jones

Janeen Jackson, Sheila Rolack, Sherry Armstead Leonard and Denese Powell

Patricia Richardson, Geraldine Barbour, Gwendolyn Barbour

Nicole Leonard, Lydia McCargo-Redd, Nicole Cameron-Becketts

Sheronda Willingham, Lynnea C. Cornish, Autumn Anderson, Mary Langston

Sandra Edmonds and Deborah Childs

Gloria Adams Jones, and Amy Adams congratulate Dr. Clara Adams who received the Appreciation Award

Jean Stevenson, Linda Hollis, Eslyn G. Hinmon

Scholarship students Brielle Hendricks, Brianna Dorsey, Olivia Askew, Nimatul-ain Muhammad

Filmore Hart, Elaine Harris, Sen. Nathaniel McFadden, Rose Wiggins

Waqiba Strother, Beverly Reid, Henri A. Daniels, Diane McPhail

Ronald Neverdon, Gail Neverdon Edmonds, Joseph Edmonds, Tiffany Neverdon, Russell Neverdon, Morris Johnson, Dr. Cynthia Neverdon, Robin Neverdon

Dignitaries Dr. C. Edith Booker, Erin Baron, Tracey BarbourGillett, president, Susan Simms Marsh, Evelyn Sample Oates, Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake


Youth SpotlightCarolyn Lynch, Baltimore City Youth Poetry Team

Anthony McPhail presents Community Service Award to Annette March Grier, March Funeral Homes, Inc.

Edith Aydlett-Whitmore, Anthony Wilson, Janet Cooper

Charter members Joan Pratt, Vivian Braxton, Joanna Langston

Clelia Ward-Wilson, Sheryl Nelson, past president, Patricia Robinson-Sharpe, Everene Johnson-Turner

Photos by Dr. A. Lois De Laine

Carolyn Wainwright, Gail Betts-Anderson, Constance Tucker

Nicole Nugent-Gyesie and Nana Gyesie

Gwendolyn Rooks and Dr. Clara G. Carter Evelyn Sample Oates and Donna Stevenson

Robin Ott and Karen C. Barland, chairs of the Gala

Thomas Smith, Eric Brown, John Berkley, Anthony Leonard

Shawn Millin and Saran Ott

Wanda King, NA Region Program Chair, Geanelle Griffth-Herring, 2nd VP, Columbia Chapter, Leslie Lyles Smith, president, Upsilon Epsilon Omega, Tracey Barbour-Gillett, president, Rho Xi Omega, Donna E. Davis, president, Rho Mu

January 18, 2014 - January 24, 2014, The Afro-American

Nieces and nephews of Anita Laury

“We Three Kings” perfoemed by men of the praise and worship team Denyse Gordan, Miss Veteran America 2012 and Ricardo Watts

Pam and William Douglas, Ebony Andrews, Miss Black D.C. USA, Dominick Fink, Miss D.C. Teen USA and Edgar Brookins

Andrea Joe, center, with her twin daughters, Victoria and Ashley

Bernetta Townsend with her nieces, nephews and friends

The Bailey family

The Webb family

Floyd and Toni Jenkins

James Winbush, spouse of Col. Fern Sumpter, commander, JBM-HH

Orchestra providing seasonal music


Guests moving through the buffet line

The McDonald family

Photos by Rob Roberts

The Command Group with military families who were honored with holiday gifts

Several military families were honored with gifts of the holiday season at the Joint Base Myer-Henderson Hall (JBM-HH) Gospel Service’s dinner and spiritual production at the JBM-HH Officer’s Club, Fort Myer, Va. Chaplain (Lt.) Devon Foster, pastor and Bernetta

Non-commissioned officers and enlisted personnel with the Queens

Townsend, music ministry leader, planned and orchestrated the evening’s celebration that included a dinner, gifts and a holiday production. Special guests included Col. Fern Sumpter, commander, JBM-HH; James Winbush; Col. Anthony Barnes, commander,

Headquarters and Service Battalion; Chaplain Gerald Jacobs; Ebony Andrews, Miss Black DC USA and Dominick Fink, Miss DC Teen USA. The joyful event provided another opportunity to express appreciation for our men and women in uniform.

Guests enjoy Xi Omega’s history exhibit at the 90th anniversary gala luncheon AKA North Atlantic Regional Director Constance Pizzarro and International President Carolyn House-Stewart view Xi Omega’s history exhibit

AKA International President Carolyn House-Stewart rings the bell to honor Xi Omega’s 90 years of service Xi Omega member Arlene Leland enjoys the gala luncheon

Guests enjoy Xi Omega’s history exhibit at the 90th anniversary gala luncheon

Xi Omega presents a $10,000 donation to the National Children’s Center

Xi Omega Chapter of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, (AKA) celebrated 90 years of service and sisterhood with a gala luncheon held Dec. 8, 2013 at the Marriott Wardman Park Hotel in Washington, DC. The event was attended by 600 AKA members, community partners, friends, and special guests. Mayor Vincent Gray brought greetings, and declared the day to be Xi Omega Day in the District of Columbia. AKA International President Carolyn House-Stewart gave the keynote address, and several international AKA leaders were in attendance. During the luncheon, Xi Omega made a presentation of $10,000 to the National Children’s Center’s School Technology Integration Project. In 2013, Xi Omega devoted more than 5,000 Xi Omega members Alyssa Kinghours to community service and Turner and Deidra Davis donated more than $85,000 to community initiatives, which included $31,500 given to scholarship recipients. Xi Omega President Celia Washington poses with the Living Legends

Gala committee chair addresses the luncheon gathering

Xi Omega Chapter recognizes their Living Legends that have given more than 50 years of service to AKA

Standing, left: LavDena Orr, Dorothy Jackson, Comelia Sanford, and Vivian Smith. Seated, left: Cheryl Hill, Carolyn House-Stewart, Celia Washington and Constance Pizzaro

Mayor Gray declares Dec. 8, 2013 as Xi Omega Day in the District of Columbia AKA International Regional Director Evelyn Sample-Oates is flanked by Xi Omega Chapter past presidents Cheryl Parker, left, and Amy Jones

Xi Omega members Nadine Eads and Sharon Anderson

Former North Atlantic Regional Director Irma Barron, left, Xi Omega Chapter President Celia Washington, current North Atlantic Regional Director Constance Pizzaro, and former North Atlantic Regional Director and Xi Omega past president, C. Edith Booker

January 11, 2014 -January 17, 2014, The Afro-American

Photos by Dr. A. Lois De Laine

Crystal Goodman, president of the Senior Class

Bachelor of Science degrees for Joseph Rankin and Darryl Morris

Bachelor of Science degrees for Travis Clement and Ashley Kelley

Master of Science degrees for Olakunle Fakiyesi, Stephanie Larkin, Jillita Bulluck

Master of Science degrees for Belle CoxDavis and Samuel Unang

Master of Science Degrees recipient are recognized for their accomplishments


Dr. Emeka C. Anaedozie, Doctor of Philosophy Degree

ABC-TV Correspondent Byron Pitts is congratulated by the board of regents and President Wilson on receiving the Honorary Doctor of Humane Letters Degree

Master of Science degrees for Nicole Veney and Rashida K. Nesbit Bachelor’s degrees for Tawana Cook and Johnathan Miles

Dr. Meena Khorana, advisor to Dr. Anne Marie Robinson, English

Dr. Tiffany Lane, Doctor of Philosophy Degree

Bachelor of Arts degrees for Britney Mercer, Rachel Johnson, Lauren Carr

The first December Commencement exercises of Morgan State University were held in the James H. and Louise Hayley Gilliam Concert Hall in the Carl J. Murphy Fine Arts Center on Morgan’s Campus. The Concert Hall was filled to capacity with excited graduates, pleased parents and family members and faculty and administrators who were on hand to congratulate the new degree holders. During the two-hour-long event, 225 graduates were awarded degrees, Master of Arts, Master of Science, and Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Science degrees. The highlight of the morning The graduates are Bachelor of Science commencement exercises was the guest inducted into the degrees for Amanda Ross speaker, Byron Pitts, ABC anchor and chief National Alumni and Tiffany Foster national correspondent. Association A lively spokesperson who revealed in his memoirs, “Stepping Out on Nothing: How Faith and Family Helped Me Conquer Life’s Challenges,” that he was diagnosed by educators as being retarded, and the importance of having family and his mom, a Morgan State University graduate, who refused to accept the test results and used the power of prayer to change the direction of her son’s life. Pitts’ message to the students was: “Prepare, pursue, and Dr. Cathalene Bowler, business perform, and you will succeed. administration and Dr. Clayton G. And remember, make a Thomas, electrical engineering difference in the life of the Acie Williams community Sr. receives and the undergrad provide degree for his service to son who passed others. away one week before graduation.

Dr. Marcus Anthony Allen, Doctor of Philosophy degree

Master of Science degrees for Stacy A. Johnson and Latoyia Williams Madden

Undergraduate journalism degrees for Manyi Abangma and Coniah Adams

Dr. Milford A. Jeremiah, chief faculty marshall

January 11, 2014 - January 17, 2014, The Afro-American



he Prince George’s County DELTA Alumnae Foundation (PGCDAF) saluted Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCU) at Camelot in Upper Marlboro on Dec 6, 2013. Featuring the Howard University drum line under the direction of John Newson, teams of HBCU alumni and friends organized a friendly, but important competition with the goal of raising money to support an HBCU program. Hampton University, led by team leaders Marcia Fields Milton and Venera Busby captured the top honor followed by Morgan State University; Howard University and Virginia State University. Norfolk State University led by Joyce Hall Shambley Hampton University winning team members captured an honorable mention award. WHUR’s Triscina Gray served as the mistress of ceremonies, while committee co-chairs Kathleen Driver and Diane Venable enthusiastically introduced the 18 HBCU teams. Board chairperson, Norma J. Hatot thanked everyone for their support and paid a special tribute to the team leaders. While Holiday Splendor is an annual benefit, this is the first time that Some of the winning teams representing various HBCUs the focus has been on HBCUs.

(Standing) Carl Anderson, Joan Wickman, Ronald Milton, Chauncey Durham, Shirley Culley, James Morgan, Marcia Fields Milton, Beverly Anderson and Albert Anderson; (Seated) Keith Brock, Vivian Chadwick, Robert Chadwick Sr., and Robert Chadwick Jr.

(Standing) David Robinson, Bonnie Herring, Harold Suggs, Gloria Better and Ronald Jewell; (seated) Andrea Robinson, Fran Suggs, Adrienne Jewell and Panelope Jones

Harold and Joyce Shambley

Guests going though the buffet line; here Joelle Ivey (right) plating up with the good cuisine

(Standing) Gee James and Drew Corbett; (Seated) Dejha Wright, Veturah Thomas, Natak MacMurray and Jennifer Corbett

Joan Wickham, president, National Hampton Alumni Association, Marcia Fields Milton, board of directors and Hampton team leader and Norma J. Hatot, chair, board of directors, PGCDAF

Miriam Brewer and Sharon James representing Howard University with Phyllis Davis, Morgan State University

(Standing) Wendy Peebles, Edgar Brookins, Valerie Fleming; (Seated) Laverne Barron, Gloria Butler, Triscina and William Gray.

Board of directors, PGCDAF

Diane Venable and Kathi Driver presenting the awardees

The Howard University Drumline performed at the gala Photos by Rob Roberts


he Black Public Relations Society (BPRS), the Capitol Press Club and the Washington Association of Black Journalists combined to host their annual Holiday Mixer at the Public Bar in Northwest, Washington, DC. Members and patrons raised their glasses to toast another successful year while looking

Rabiah Burks, Brenda Stitch-Finch, Ciera Nicole Butts, Miss DC USA 2014, Jacques Van Brown and Allison Keyes, National Public Radio

Alana Hill, president, Black Public Relation Society; Robyn Wilkes, 1st vice president, Capital Press Club and Donna Walken, president, Washington Association of Black Journalists

Alana Hill, president, BPRS, Michael Dutton and Faye Hyslop

Darlene Superville, AP, Donna Walken and Stacey Samuel, CNN

Ebony Andrews, Miss Black DC USA 2014 mingles with guests

Capital Press Club (CPC) leadership: (back) Derrick Kenny and Trystin Francis; (front) Hazel Trice Edney, president, CPC, and Robyn Wilkes, 1st vice president

Naima Pettigrew and Courtney Rhodes

Edgar Brookins, Ciera Nicole Butts, Miss DC USA 2014 and Michael Dutton

Victoria Holmes, Dedra Owens, Faye Hyslop and Alana Hill

forward to 2014. Ciera Nicole Butts with Sheila Brooks Special guests included Ciera Nicole Butts, Miss DC USA and Ebony Andrews, Miss Black DC USA along with Sheila Brooks of SRB Communications and Brenda Stitch-Finch, president, VSU NOVA Alumni Byron Scott, Tetiana Anderson and Charles Jones Chapter. Cheers to all.

Boddy Kinzer, Sheila Brooks, SRB Communications, Maxine Chaplin and Yvette Watson

Brittany Carter, Jasmine Nesi and Yolanda McCutchen Photos by Rob Roberts

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