For these pictures and more go to afro.com/slideshows.
The Afro-American, November 7, 2015 - November 13, 2015
Keonna Johnson and Jackie Johnson
Photos and story by Anderson Ward The Thriller Halloween Night was given by DJ Mike Crosby, DJ Tanz, DJ Kenny K and DJ Tony T. at the Forum Caterers in Baltimore on Oct. 31. Hundreds of people showed up for the Halloween Costume
Dance and there was a $500.00 prize for the best costume. Five of Baltimore’s top DJs DJ Tanz, DJ Tony T, DJ Biskit, DJ Mike Crosby and DJ Kenny K provided the music. There were a wide range of funny, sexy and scary costumes. Mike Pitts (“Mr.
Otis” from the Martin Show) was the $500.00 costume contest winner.
Reggie Reg presents the $500.00 best costume prize to “Mr. Otis” Mike Pitts
Tarsha Fitzgerald is frightened! Dollar Bill and friends
“Salt -N-Pepa” by Mariah Heath, Kelly Norman and Raven Daley
DJ Kenny K, DJ Tanz, Tarsha Fitzgerald and DJ Tony T
Annette Joyner, Demi Brown and Quana Truitt
Malkia Litaker, Mia Williams and Tyra McKnight
Women of Courage are Teresa Elaine Mack, diagnosed in 1982 and Gloria Harrison, diagnosed in 2014
Women of Courage Sarah Brown, diagnosed in 2010 with stage 4 breast cancer and Cecila Carr, a breast cancer survivor
Members of the TWINKS Social and Civic Club, Inc., Baltimore Chapter (Group II)
Nino and Domonique
Rhonda L. Clyburn, national president, TWINKS
Photos by Dr. A. Lois De Laine
LInda Bryant was diagnosed in 2008 with Stage 2 breast cancer and Annie Bacote, a breast cancer survivor cutline
Count Dracula, Brian Collins
The TWINKS Social and Civic Club, a non-profit organization which has been in existence since Sarah Mackey, Women of Courage are Baltimore Chapter Denise Parker diagnosed in 1956, is devoted to service and President 2014 with Triple Negative giving back to the community. breast cancer and Elaine The TWINKS, short for Today’s Raines diagnosed with Ovarian Cancer and Breast Women Initiating Nobility, Antoinette (Andie) Cancer Knowledge and Sisterhood, give Roberson was diagnosed with ESS a fundraisers to support their rare form of uterine service projects. In recognition of National Breast Cancer cancer in2009; she was also diagnosed with Awareness Month the group held its first Pink Pancakes and LUPUS in 2002 Pearls Prayer Breakfast to honor “Women of Courage” who are valiantly battling breast cancer. The Prayer Breakfast was a celebration Carla Corbettthat Fisher,TWINKS chronicled Baltimore Chapter 20 women’s Breast Cancer survivors are Sarah Brown, Denise plights, their Parker, Gloria Harrison, Alberta Cook, Linda Davis, Frances Webb, Faye Fulcher, Linda Bryant, fights, and Cheryl Torain, Elaine Raines and Annie Bacote Inspirational their stories. Speaker and Singer
Members of the TWINKS Social and Civic Club, Inc., Baltimore Chapter (Group I)
Guest speaker Rev. Rhonda S. BoozerYeary, Associate Pastor Douglas Memorial Community Church
The Afro-American, November 7, 2015 - November 13, 2015
For these pictures and more go to afro.com/slideshows.
Public Relations agency Ketchum and the Black Public Relations Society-D.C. Chapter (BPRS) hosted Oct. 29 a panel discussion and open house on “The Importance of Diversity and Inclusion in Public Relations” at Ketchum’s D.C. headquarters in Northwest. The evening began with a meet and greet reception with light refreshments followed by a panel discussion, including Sharon Jones, senior vice president, director of Human Resources in D.C., Atlanta and Dallas and director, Diversity and Inclusion North America; Charles Fancer, president, FancherAssociates and Antonice Jackson, digital marketing associate at Reingold and vice president of BPRS.
Antonice Jackson, Cathryn Gibbs, Courtnee Davis and Mesha Williams
Member of the Ketchum’s staff
Tangela Richardson and an audience member
Audience members
Brittany Simpson, Jasmine Brown and Cydny Henry
Dayana Bernavil, Henry Christan, Carley Trotman and Joanne Louis
Panelist Charles Fancher, Fancher Associates president and Shawn Chuman, moderator, Ketchum’s Worldwide
Panelists Sharon Jones, senior vice president, director, Human Resources, Ketchum South and Antonice Jackson, digital marketing at Reingold and vice president, Black Public Relations Society (BPRS)
LaTrina Antoine, D.C. AFRO editor
Mesha Williams and Christopher Epps
BPRS’ members: Glenn Dixon, Michael Dutton and Edgar Brookins Dayana Bernavil
Photos by Rob Roberts
Alpha Chapter, Chi Eta Phi Sorority held its 49th Annual Fashion Show and Luncheon, Lovely Lady Presents “When Fashion Meets Style” on Oct. 25 at Martin’s Crosswinds, Greenbelt, Maryland. Participants were treated to an afternoon of fun and pleasure that included a meal, a vendor’s market showcase, a raffle and giveaways. A community service award was given to “So Others Might Eat” to help them continue to feed the Hungary. D.C. Mayor Muriel Bowser attended and Richard Glover was the guest emcee. The afternoon’s luncheon was capped off by a New York style fashion extravaganza presented by Lovely Lady Boutique.
The Ways and Means Committee; chaired by Janet Jones (seated)
D.C. Mayor Muriel Bowser with her mother, Joan Bowser (standing Brenda Ingram, president, Alpha Chapter and Leia Ingram, U.S. Navy Photos by Rob Roberts
Donnina Burnett, Rev. Veronica Tasker-Battle and Delores Burnett
Receiving the Community Service Award for “So Others May Eat”, Aaron Peters and Stephanie Shallah being presented by Janet Jones (center)
Raynette Sanders (right) and daughter, Lovely Lady Boutique owners
Claudine Hawkins, Marion Richardson, Ruth B. YoungRichardson, Joseph Steward, Mack Kennedy, Barbara Kennedy, Greta Wiggins-Bell, Florine Brackett, Gina Williams and guests
Janet Jones (seated, left) and friends
Emcee Richard Glover, Edgar Brookins and LaShaunne’ David with D.C. Mayor Muriel Bowser (seated)
Kittie Dowdy, Harriet Tate, Agnes McLinton, Francenia Thompson, and Kattie Rickles
To see more of these photos and purchase them visit afro.com/slideshows. To purchase this digital photo page contact Takiea Hinton: thinton@afro.com or 410.554.8277.