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The Afro-American, February 18, 2017 - February 24, 2017

The 31st Black Engineer of the Year Awards (BEYA) conference, in partnership with the U.S. Army, was held in Washington D.C. from Feb. 9 to Feb. 11. The STEM networking conference included a student career fair, a Stars and Stripes dinner and a BEYA awards gala. The BEYA award was given to co-founder Eugene DeLoatch. The award is the highest honor given at the conference. More than 100 scientists and engineers received awards and special recognition honors in 31 categories at the 2017 Conference.

Dr. Everett Roper (left) recipient of The Professional Achievement in Government Award, Gen. Gustave Perna, deputy chief of staff, US Army

Lt. Gen. Stayce D. Harris, assistant vice chief of staff and director, Air Staff, Headquarters U.S. Air Force

Retired Military Generals and Tyrone D. Taborn, chairman and CEO of Career Communications Group

Lt. Gen. (Ret.) Kip Ward and Joyce Ward

Brig. Gen.(Ret.) Velma Richardson and Brig. Gen. (Ret.) Belinda Pinckney

Jesse McCurdy, Us Navy (Ret.) Eugene DeLoatch, BEYA co-founder and dean emeritus and professor at Morgan State University in Baltimore received BEYA award

Lt. Gen. Gwen Bingham is the assistant chief of staff for Installation Management

Col. Karen M. Wrancher and Maj. Yasmeen Neal Brig. Gen. Scott Dingle, Brig. Gen. Charles Hamilton, Brig. Gen. Richard B. Dix and Col. (R) E.W. Lilliewood

Chris Jones, president, Technology Services, Northrop Grumman Corporation

Gen. (Ret.) Lloyd James Austin, III; Gen. (Ret.) Johnnie E. Wilson and wife, and Charlene Austin

Shauntel Foster (holding mic) Huntington-Ingalls Industries

Malcolm J. Dixon, US Naval Academy cadet

Army Gen. Vincent Brooks, command of U.S. Forces Korea, combined Forces Command and United Nations Command speaks with cadet

Tyrone Taborn, Kim Butler and Derek McGowan

Friendship Academy of Engineering & Technology Students from Baltimore with their teacher Dennis Ndato

Arm y Surgeon General, U.S. Army Medical Command Lt. Gen. Nadja West and spouse Col. (Ret.) Donald West

Lt. Gen. Robert Ferrell, Army Chief Information Officer and Gen. (Ret) William “Kip� Ward

West Point Military Academy cadets

Stars & Stripes Dinner

Students from Riverdale Baptist School in Upper Marlboro, Md. Morgan State University Choir Photos by Rob Roberts

To purchase this digital photo page contact Takiea Hinton: or 410.554.8277.

Linda and Gen. (Ret.) Dennis Via


The Afro-American, February 18, 2017 - February 24, 2017

Chris Hoelzl, Bernard C.”Jack”Young, Janice Janik, Kimberly R. Moffitt, E. Claire Jerry, Donna Rattley Washington, Wanda Q. Draper and J. Howard Henderson

Robert Dukes and Anthony Williams

Larry and Dianna Gibson

Brandon Bryant, Anthony Johnson and Brandon Hurst

Dr. Anne Emery, Phyllis Reese, Cori Ramos, Mary Demory, Landa Mclaurin and Bernice Beaird

Dr. Anne Emery former Assistant Baltimore City Schools Superintendent

Wanda Q. Draper, executive director, Reginald F. Lewis Museum of Maryland African American History and Culture

Chris Hoelzl, SVP, Research and Development, Smithsonian Channel

Comcast, Smithsonian Channel and the Reginald F. Lewis Museum of Maryland and African American History & Culture partnered to host a private screening of “The Obama Years: The Power of Words” at the Reginald F. Lewis Museum on Feb. 9. The film featured iconic speeches made by President Barack as well as interviews with historians and accounts from key figures in his writings.

Photos by James Fields Sr.

Photos by Dr. A. Lois De Laine

Tevin Green, Admissions Counselor, Lisa Pasteur Simmons,’2001, Trinity Washington University, School of Nursing and Health Programs

Honorees Michael E. Cryor, Delegate Adrienne Jones, A. Dwight Pettit with Dr. Brian Johnson, president, Tuskegee University

Students received Scholarships ranging from $10,000 to $5,000

Flutist Arte’ Warren, a junior at Baltimore Polytechnic Institute

Se’Anti Wilson, Tyshea Pratt, Jemyri Jones, Lakiaya Ames, members of the Augusta Fells Savage Institute of Visual Arts

One of America’s oldest Historically Black Institutions, the Baltimore Tuskegee Alumni Association, in partnership with the Baltimore Tuskegee Alumni Foundation sponsored their 35th Carver-Washington Scholarship Awards Breakfast on Feb. 11 at the Forum Caterers on Primrose Avenue. Among the honorees were: Delegate Adrienne A. Jones, Maryland House of Delegates, Michael E. Cryor, president of The Cryor Group, A. Dwight Pettit, civil rights attorney and author. Tevin Green, admission counselor and recruiter from Tuskegee, along with the President, Dr. Brian Johnson awarded students from the Baltimore area with scholarships and Tuskegee alumni grants. are Dr. Mildred Huff Ofosu, John Hicks, Vivian Jones, Minnie Smoot, Dolores Street

Wilbert and Dr. Doris Starks, first honoree (35 years ago), Tuskegee University Breakfast

Gregory Dash, president, Baltimore Tuskegee Alumni Association and Dr. Anne O. Emery, chair, Scholarship

Irving McConnell, member, Board of Trustees, Delegate Pamela Queen, Maryland House of Delegates, Calvin Austin, past president, Baltimore Tuskegee Alumni

Morgan State College 1949 graduate, Brown Pinkney Sr. celebrates 99 years and turns 100 yrs old in October pictured with wife, Oglatha of 68 years, and daughter Anita Pinkney

Waqiba Strother, treasurer, Walter Jackson, past president, Baltimore Tuskegee Alumni, Wyndolyn Alexander, Breakfast co-chair

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