May 3, 2014 - May 9, 2014, The Afro-American
The Debutantes and their escorts dancing the minuet
Fathers dancing with their daughters; the waltz
Miss Cotillion 2014 with her mother
Dr. Willie Jolley, Dee TaylorJolley, Lauren Ashley Rachael Winger, Sue Banks and Tony Winger
The escorts The mothers of the Debutantes
Presenting the Debutantes of the 57th Annual Cotillion
The mistress of ceremonies, Debbie McCain Wesley
The Debutante’s fathers By Latrina Antoine • Special to the AFRO
Chandler Mobley, Carolyn Rowe, Patricia Wallace, Dawn Mobley, Sandra McCullough-Cobey and Michele Crawley
The parents dancing the waltz with their daughter and escort looking on
DeChane Dorsey
2014 scholarship recipients with parents and family members
And we are enjoying the festivities.
Zeta Chi Omega Chapter of Alpha Kappa Alpha Inc. held its 57th annual Cotillion Ball at the Hilton Mark Center in Alexandria, Va. The theme of the evening was “Celebrating our Future: Cultivating Precious Pearls.” “The cotillion is the culminating event of many activities that have happened since the fall of last year,” Kendra C. Gillespie, chapter president told guests. “This is a true testament of something that we have done that we are very proud of in developing these young ladies.” Congratulatory messages were sent from several political figures including Sen. Mark Warner (D-Va.), Rep. Donna Edwards (D-Md.), and Alexandria Mayor William D. Euille (D). The 2014 Debutantes are Briana Morgan Bouldin (1st Attendant) from C.D. Hylton Senior High School in Woodbridge, Va.; T’Chynna Kabri Carpenter and Lauren Ashley Rachael Winger from Washington-Lee High School in Arlington, Va.; Kiersten Dejai Criddle (Miss Cotillion 2014) from Robert E. Lee High School in Springfield, Va.; Jordan Elizabeth Dey (2nd Attendant and Miss Congeniality) from West Springfield High School in Springfield, Va.; Raquel Maria Elias from Paint Branch High School in Silver Spring, Md.; Justyc Araybhia Hicks from Friendly Senior High School in Fort Washington, Md.; Adrienne Latreece Holliday from Eleanor Roosevelt High School in Greenbelt, Md.; and Aisha Janae Hollins from North Point High School for Science, Technology, and Industry in Waldorf, Md. Charletta Wilson Jacks, chair, International Membership Committee, AKA, also spoke to the debutantes emphasizing to them love and respect everyone and themselves. The success of the Cotillion was evident by the glowing smiles of adoration and pride shown by the parent, family members, and supporters of these young ladies.
Stacey Mangham, back row, Debra Josey, Edgar Brookins, LaNay Coleman, Ruth Gittens, Erin Smith, and Alexis Coleman; Francine Cole, front row, Linda Smith, Martha McKensie, and Joan Jackson
Rhonda Luss, chapter vice president
Charletta Wilson Jacks, chair, International Membership Committee, AKA and Joyce Henderson
Miss Cotillion 1st Attendant, Briana Bouldin; Miss Cotillion 2014, Kiersten Deja Criddle; and Miss Cotillion 2nd Attendant/Miss Congeniality, Jordan Elizabeth Dey Photos by Rob Roberts
Catherine Leggett (left), first lady of Montgomery County, with some friends
Deborah Hobbs and Jackie Rose
The sisters of Xi Sigma Omega Chapter of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority hosted their 2014 Elegance Sparkle Pizzazz Fashion Show and Luncheon Fundraiser, April 12, at the Bethesda North Marriott Hotel and Conference Center in North Bethesda, Md. Over 800 guests attended this year’s sold-out event and enjoyed an afternoon of fun and frivolity. The mistress of ceremonies was chapter member Marshae Murrell and the event showcased the couture The fashion show producers: Ida’s Idea Boutique
Stephanie Jameison, LaNay Coleman, Sheila Harrison, Aria Johnson, Christine Botts and Bridget Harrison
and designer fashions of Ida’s Idea Boutique of Washington, D.C. Guests enjoyed a pre-show mimosa bar and fabulous shopping for fashions, jewelry and accessories provided by more than 20 top-quality vendors. Funds raised from this event support the Chapter’s scholarships and community service programs. In 30 plus
Spring colors on the runway
The fashion show finale
Amy Bryant, Cynthia Anderson, Debbie Bragg, Ann Everett, Phyllis York and Dr. Judy Doccol
Brenda Williams, Crystal Cala, Jackie Ross, Andriae Holt, Chandria Jones and Tracy Salaam
Kendra Gillespie, chapter president and Hazel Cameron, IFNV Chairman
Photos by Rob Roberts
Montgomery County Executive Isaiah Leggett being introduced
years of existence as a chapter, Xi Sigma Omega has awarded over $100,000 in scholarships. Roberta M. Haines, chapter president, and Charlene Matthews, scholarship chairman, awarded scholarships to 13 graduating Montgomery County high school seniors who distinguished themselves as leaders, excelled academically, and exemplified the meaning of community service. The event was hosted Jacqueline Rose, fundraising chairman of Xi Sigma Omega Chapter.
May 3, 2014 - May 9, 2014, The Afro-American
The fellowship hall at Whitestone Baptist Church was packed with excited friends and relatives who were buzzing around in preparation for Elizabeth J. Goins who would soon be entering the banquet hall. The crowd applauded as Mrs. Goins was escorted in by her grandson, Darryl Davis, as grandson, Reginald Love played Donnie McClurkin’s “We Fall Down, But We Get Up” on the keyboard. The mother of four, grandmother of 34, and great grand mother of 12, Elizabeth Josephine Rice Goins never sat down as she greeted her guests who came to celebrate her 90th birthday. The Hon. Kweisi Mfume, who lived across the street from the Goins family, reminisced about his “Neighborhood Mom” from the Sandtown area of Baltimore. Mrs. Goins summarized her birthday with a grateful heart of wisdom. “I thank God first of all,” she said as she recalled suffering a massive heart attack while in Atlanta with her daughter Jackie. “God has been very good to me,” Mrs. Goins continued. “The Springfield Church members in Atlanta made me their ‘Honorary Usher Mom.’ People love me, and God knows I love people.” The native of Spartenburg, S.C. fills her time with booking bus trips and cruises all over the world and working in Whitestone Baptist, the church she has belonged to for 66 years.
Elizabeth J. Goins, celebrating her 90th birthday, is escorted into the church fellowship hall by her grandson, Darryl Davis
Lillian Colbey, close friend sang a favorite selection, “I Know Who Holds my Hand”
Arnetta Stock, Marjorie Jeffers, Dale Knight, Leona Holly, close friends
The grand children and great grand gathered around Nana as they sang Happy Birthday
Kurt Richardson, great great grandson welcomed the family and guests to his Nana’s birthday celebration
Evangelist Debra Stokes read Psalm 46, a scripture chosen by the honoree.
Birthday celebrant, Elizabeth Goins with her siblings, Shirley Cooper, left, and Dorothy Harvey
The Rev. Dr. Robbin Blackwell, Mrs. Goins' goddaughter, offers the prayer
The Hon. Kweisi Mfume, birthday celebrant and the Rev. Dr. E.E. Warren Jr. Linda Miles, Alma Rowlette and Alma Rollins Grandson Reginald Love plays “What a Mighty God We Serve”
Rev. Dr. E.E. Warren Jr., host pastor
Rhoda Jones served as mistress of ceremonies Grandchildren of Elizabeth Goins
Women’s Auxiliary of the United Baptist Missionary Convention of Md. include Elizabeth Able, Lucille Johnson, Joyce Middleton, Barbara Booth, Mary Jones
The 2014 John Mackay Award Gala was held, April 12, at the Baltimore Marriott Hotel, hosted by friends of John Mackey, those responsible for the administration of the John Mackey Award and the John Mackey Award Selection Committee. WBAL sports director and Baltimore Ravens broadcaster Gerry Sandusky presented the evening awards to: Ozzie Newsome, Ravens general manager, who received the John Mackay Leadership Award; Stephen A. Smith and Skip Bayless of ESPN First Take who received the Outstanding Journalism Award. The highlight of the evening was the fourteenth annual presentation of the John Mackey Award to Austin Seferian-Jenkins of the University of Washington.
Nattie Comas, Mrs. Goins’ granddaughter, is all smiles
Seferian-Jenkins made an emotional thank you speech and participated in a live question and answer session. Proceeds from the event supported the Omega Baltimore Foundation. The John Mackey Award is a member of the National College Football Awards Association (NCFAA) which encompasses the most prestigious awards in college football. The 21 awards boast 678 years of tradition-selection excellence.
Great grandson twins Tyree and Tyrelle
Many guests attended the birthday celebration Photos by Dr. A. Lois De Laine
Jerry Mackey Sr., chairman and honorees Austin S. Jenkins, Ozzie Newsome, Stephen A. Smith
Photos by J.D. Howard
Gbolahan Lasaki, Tolu Lasaki, Mark Azevedo and Chad Alexander
Melissa B. sang the National Anthem
Mark Stevens and Jerry Mackey Jerry Mackey Sr., chairman; Ozzie Newsome, Austin S. Jenkins, Sylvia Mackey, Gerry Sandusky, MC and Stephen A. Smith Ozzie Newson, recipient of the John Mackey Leadership Award
Lawrence Boileau, Stephen A. Smith, Sylvia Mackey and Gerry Sandusky
Austin S. Jenkins, recipient of the John Mackey Award and family members
Gerry Sandusky interviewing Austin S. Jenkins
Beulah Pittman, Gerald Miles and Gloria Miles