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The Afro-American, September 5, 2015 - September 11, 2015
The Woodlands Golf Course Clubhouse Logan
Eunice Robinson, Belzora Joppy, Pat Stokes and LaVerne Holland are ready to tee-off
Murphy Scholarship winner Kierra Curtis
The Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Baltimore Alumnae Chapter, in conjunction with the Delta Research and Educational Foundation hosted their annual scholarship golf classic fundraiser on Aug. 14 at the Woodlands Golf Course in Windsor Mill, Md. The scholarship program supports graduating high school students from Baltimore and prior scholarship recipients who display academic excellence, community service, leadership skills, and/or financial need. The DST Murphy Memorial Golf Classic is held in memory of Vashti Turley Murphy, a founder of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority.
Adriene Boone, event co-chair; Monica Watkins, DST Balto. Alumni Chap. president and Krystle I. Meyers, event co-chair
Bobbie Swann, Alice Taylor, Laura Byrd and Diane Craven
Monica Watkins with the first place team: George Taylor, Charles Brown, Lerhman Dotson and Horatio Rice
Eunice Robinson, Patricia Stokes and LaVerne Holland Monica Watkins with the second place team: Kenneth Kincaid, Michael Randall and Larry Wongus
Susan Pierce and Bonnie Logan
Standing: Juanita Bellamy, Laura Byrd, Seated: Minnye King, Deborah Johnson-Ross and Alva Smith
Monica Watkins with third place team: Judson Wood, Mike Bell and Ortho Thompson
Mike Norton Carl Swann, Horatio Rice, George Taylor, Lerhman Dotson and Charlie Brown
John Stanley, Ortho Thompson, Arthur Lambert, Judson Wood, Charles Summers and Mike Bell
Mike Bell, Kirkland Gabriel and Qiana Murphy-Gabriel
Photos by Anderson Ward
Rev. Cynthia Harvin, pastor, St. James AME Church, gives the invocation
The Kappa Chapter of Iota Phi Lambda Sorority observed 75 years of sisterhood, scholarship and service at The Forum in Baltimore, Md. on July 11. Historical photos of members and events scrolled across the screen while the members and guests laughed, clapped and reminisced about their beginnings and continued up to the present. Special guest Baltimore Councilman William “Pete” Welch presented resolutions to the entire group of sorority sisters.
Ruth Elder, Gladys Ball and Lorraine T. Kellum Councilmann Welch presents Resolution to Mindy Rae Ellison, Chapter president
Gussie Goodman, Anne Chester and Yvette Belt Maria Robinson-Conaway, Thomasine A. Stith and Ann Foster-Ledbetter
Awanya Aglin-Brodie, Jessica Dickerson and Darcell Graham
Patricia Tunstall, presiding
Sandra Ray, chairperson, receives Resolution from Councilman Welch
Angela Powell aroused the crowd with her singing
Guest speaker Rose Hamm
Joyce Dixon
Geraldine Hooper, Evelyn Faulk, Blanche A. Williams and Joyce Dixon
Rev. Cynthia Harvin, Alan Poulson and Margaret Selby Patria A. HIll, Agnes F. Ray, Juanita Grier and Justine Bonner
All sorority members of Kappa Chapter, Iota Phi Lambda received resolutions from Councilman William “Pete” Welch
Margaret Selby shared the history with the audience
Nona Diggs, Sandra LaKay Biles, Janice Brown and Betty Wilson-Jones
Photos by Dr. A. Lois De Laine
To see more of these photos and purchase them visit afro.com/slideshows. To purchase this digital photo page contact Takiea Hinton: thinton@afro.com or 410.554.8277.
The Afro-American, September 5, 2015 - September 11, 2015
For these pictures and more go to afro.com/slideshows.
Photos by Rob Roberts
Joyce Hameen, Delta Airlines, Maurese Jenkins and Ariethia Jones
Captains and First Officer airline pilots
Janice Glenn, Robert Brown and Linda Carter
Kelly Wheatherby, Carl Anderson, Andre and Stephanie Johnson and Grant Walker
Wanda Brown, Ejide Fashina, Bert Taylor and Elizabeth Taylor
Branden Dungy receives the Southwest Airlines Scholarship presented by Airline pilot Capt. William Davis (right.)
U.S. Military Color Guard
James Gordon, Louis Freeman receives the Lifetime Achievement Award and Karl Minter
Maj. Gen. Stayce Harris accepted the Military Partner Award for the U.S. Air Force
Jillian Gordon, Mary Gordon, James Gordon, Joyce Gordon, James Gordon, II and Rev. Dr. (Lt. Col., USAF) Mytle Bowen
More than 1500 aviation and aerospace professionals convened Capt. Douglas Taylor, Aug. 12 – 14 for the 39th Annual National Convention and Career Damen Forté, A.J. Tolbert Exposition at the Crystal Gateway Marriott in Arlington, Va. Presented and Bryon Granger annually by the Organization of Black Aerospace Professionals (OBAP), the convention featured 20 notable speakers and 30 airline companies that included workshops and seminars designed to provide professional career guidance to attendees. The three-day program included a welcome reception, OBAP Board of Directors and special guests a career fair, a youth luncheon, presentations on aviation, an Odyssey Dinner Cruise, a Strategic Industry Symposium and an awards gala. A Founders and Pioneers Breakfast was also held to induct fivemembers into the OBAP Hall of Fame. OBAP, founded in 1976, is dedicated to the encouragement and advancement of minorities Corporate in all Sponsor aviation and Award presented aerospace to UPS careers.
Slyver Ford, Kourtney Gillespie, Carol Hopson (flight instructor) and Ayisha Minter; all three flight students have completed their solo flights
Military Partner Award presented to the U.S. Marines
Dr. Aprille Ericsson, aerospace engineer, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
OBAP Academy former student, First Officer Medina McCord
Letty Ashworth, Delta Airlines
Lt. Col. (ret.) Tony Marshall, OBAP founder and Pioneers Hall of Fame 2015 inductee
Janice Glenn, OBAP founder and Pioneer Hall of Fame inductee, Maj. Gen. Stayce Harris, Vanessa Blacknall-Jamison, Lisa Price, Sylvia Banks, Shawn Parker and Judith Simons
Lynda Gray receives the Chairman’s Commendation
Grant Walker, Jr., OBAP 2015 Convention Chair
To see more of these photos and purchase them visit afro.com/slideshows. To purchase this digital photo page contact Takiea Hinton: thinton@afro.com or 410.554.8277.