Lifestyle Sophisticated Settings February 15 2014

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February 15, 2014 - February 21, 2014, The Afro-American


Photos by Anderson Ward

Wanda Wickham with new PRT members, Hans Edwards and Tony Hill

PRT member, Calvin Mims

Del. Barbara Robinson

The Presidents’ RoundTable held its 2014 Legislative Reception – The Valencia Politics of Minority McClure, Business: Access and BGE Opportunities in Maryland – Jan. 28 at the Historic Inns of Annapolis – The Maryland Inn. Following opening remarks by RoundTable president, Sheila Brooks, area senators and delegates Cora Williams, Ideal addressed issues of interest to Electric Supply participants and made them aware of the agenda for the current session.

PRT member, Q. C. Jones

Del. Jill Carter Carla Thomas, BGE, volunteer

Sen. Verna JonesRodwell

Herman Taylor, Sheila Brooks, PRT president and Larry McKenney PRT member, Robert Wallace

AFRO publisher Jake Oliver chats with Arnold Williams

Del. Adrienne A. Jones and Wanda Wickham, PRT executive director Sen. Cathy Pugh

PRT member, Donna Stevenson

PRT member, Arnold Williams

Sen. Delores G. Kelley

PRT member, Stanley Tucker

PRT member, Armentha “Mike” Cruise

February 15, 2014 - February 21, 2014, The Afro-American

By Shari L. McCoy The Most Worshipful Prince Hall Grand Lodge and the Georgiana Thomas Grand Chapter, Order of the Eastern Star, PHA, in

partnership with the Prince Hall Freemason and Eastern Star Charitable Foundation held its 2nd Annual D.C. Prince Hall Masonic Classic pitting Howard University Bisons against the North Carolina Central Eagles, Feb 1, at Howard University Burr Gymnasium. A reception was held prior to the start of the Women’s

Grand Worthy Patron Barbara E. Murray presents check to the AFRO’s Edgar Brookins as Worthy Matron Shari McCoy looks on

Grand Worthy Matron Barbara E. Murray and husband Past Grand Master, J. Raymond Murray with the Lady Bison mascot at the pre-reception Photos by Stephen L. Jacobs

game. The D.C. Prince Hall Masonic Classic is one of the signature charitable activities of the Most Worshipful Grand Master John T. Doles Sr., awarding two $5,000 DC Masonic family award scholarships to Howard University students Arianna Davis and DeAndre Prince. Grand Worthy Matron Barbara E. Murray and Grand Worthy


Post game reception: Associate Grand Conductress

Patron Thomas L. Eunice J. Dingle (D.C.), Grand Master Melvin M. Thorpe Coleman were in (Md.), Grand Worthy Matron Carol D. Simon (Md.), attendance along Associate Grand Matron Venecia C. Bessellieu (D.C.), with the Most Grand Worthy Matron Barbara E. Murray (D.C.), Associate Worshipful Grand Grand Patron Albert Pope (D.C.), Grand Master John T. Master Melvin M. Dole Sr. (D.C.), Grand Worthy Patron Thomas L. Coleman Thorpe and Grand (D.C.), Deputy Grand Master Lee A. Worthy Matron Taylor Jr. (Md.) Tracy I. Brown Grand Carol S. Simon of Associate Matron (Md.) and District the Jurisdiction of Deputy Grand Maryland and Most Associate Matron Sherri J. Worshipful Grand Offer Master Milton “Toby Fitch” from the jurisdiction of North Carolina. Prior to the Masonic Classic, the Most Worshipful Prince Hall Grand Lodge and the Georgiana Thomas Grand Chapter, Order of the Eastern Star, PHA, donated $4,000 to the Washington Afro American Newspaper for its outstanding work in the community and being a stalwart in the journalism field telling the story of African Georgiana Thomas Grand Chapter’s Americans. Tonya Fadis poses with Lady Bison at pre-game reception

Past Matron Brenda S. Young of Electa Chapter #6 sings the National Anthem at the start of the game

Grand Worthy Patron Thomas L. Coleman, Grand Worthy Matron Barbara E. Murray and Grand Master John T. Doles Sr. during the post game activities

RNC Chairman Reince Priebus speaks to the guests

Howard University Women’s Coach Tennille S. Adams, Grand Worthy Matron Barbara E. Murray, Grand Master John T. Doles Sr. and Grand Worthy Patron Thomas L. Coleman are all smiles with Lady Bison during the pre-game reception

Grand Master John T. Doles Sr. and Howard University Athletics Director Louis “Skip” Perkins during pre-game reception

The Masonic Family awarding scholarships: William Slade, Grand Master Melvin M. Thorpe (Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Maryland); Ms. Prince, mother of DeAndre Price; scholarship recipient DeAndre Price; Grand Master John T. Doles Sr. (Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Washington, DC); Ms. Davis, mother of Arianna Davis; scholarship recipient Arianna Davis; Grand Worthy Patron Thomas L. Coleman; Grand Worthy Matron Barbara E. Murray, and Foundation Vice President Kelli J. McCoy-Burkett

Masonic Classic executive committee shown with Lady Bison are Chairman Thomas L. Coleman (Ionic Lodge #17), Vice Chairman Dr. Marjay Anderson (Mattie R. Griffin Chapter #16), Worthy Matron Juanita Griffin Zani (Mattie R. Chapter #16), James Parker (Ionic Lodge #17), Past Matron Kelli J. McCoy-Burkett (Electa Chapter #6), Associate Grand Matron Venecia C. Besselieu (Prince Hall Chapter #5), Worthy Matron Shari L. McCoy (Electa Chapter #6)

The Republican National Committee, led by its chairman, Reince Priebus, hosted the 2nd Annual Black Republican Trailblazers Awards Luncheon, Feb 4, at the historic Howard Theatre in Northwest Washington, D.C. Under the theme, “Honoring Our Past and Building the Future,” three trailblazers were given Special Achievement Awards for their sustained and unwavering service to this nation: William C. Brooks, former assistant Secretary of Labor, 1989-1993; Judge Sara J. Harper, Ohio 8th District Court of Appeals, 1990-1996 and Dr. Louis W. Sullivan, former Secretary of Health and Human Services, 1989-1993. Chairman Priebus, after making remarks, introduced the keynote speaker, Commissioner Michael Williams. Musical performances were provided by Patrick Lundy and the Ministers of Music who led both the National Anthem and “Lift Every Voice and Sing” which was preceded by the Pledge of Allegiance. Kristal Quarker Hartsfield and Joseph Phillips were the luncheon hosts. Raynard Jackson, Republican Hosts: Kristal Quarker Hartsfield, strategist and author of Tara Walls, senior advisor, RNC National the newly released RNC and Raynard Jackson, Director for book: “Writing RNC political strategist and African American Wrongs: My Internet radio host Strategic Political Journey in Black and Initiatives and White” helped Joseph Phillips, organize the actor, writer and luncheon. spokesman

Walter Faggett, W. Ronald Evans, Robert Brown and Dr. Ada Fisher

Guests circling around former GOP Rep. West

Sharon Day, co-chair, RNC and Ray Jones

Hilary Shelton, State NAACP

Invocation by Bishop Ira Combs, Greater Bible Way Temple Church, Jackson, Miss.

Roland Martin, anchor, TV One and the keynote speaker, Commissioner Michael L. Williams, Texas Education Commission

Black Republican Trailblazer Awards Honorees: Williams Brooks, Dr. Louis Sullivan and Judge Sara Harper with RNC Chairman, Reince Priebus

Carmen Johnson, housing chair, State NAACP; Jacques Ross, Charles Lollar and his wife, Rosha

Raynard Jackson with Trina Braxton (of the Braxton sisters) and her husband

TV One Anchor, Roland Martin; Angela Harris, author of “Mommy What Is A CEO?” and Edgar Brookins, Afro American Newspaper Photos by Rob Roberts

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