Lifestyle - Sophisticated Settings -- February 13 2016

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The Afro-American, February 13, 2016 - February 19, 2016

Dr. Gordon F. May, president, Baltimore City Community College

Rho Xi Omega Chapter of the Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority celebrated their Founders’ Day with their annual prayer breakfast at the Martin’s Valley Mansion in Cockeysville, MD. The inspirational message for the prayer

Cynthia Bruce, the recipient of the Top Fundraiser Award is congratulated by Tasha Edmonds

breakfast was provided by Dr. Glenda Baskin Glover, International First VicePresident of AKA Sorority, who is currently serving as President of Tennessee State University.

Unsung Award was given to Tonya Johnson and was congratulated by Mary Langston Mason

New Golden Sorors recognized are Helen G. Anderson, Cynthia Porter and Juanita Tillery

Lambda Beta Chapter, Towson University sorors pose with Grad advisor Joanna Langston (4th from left) and Dr. Glenda Baskin Glover, International First Vice President

Tribute and awards were presented to members of the Chapter who celebrated 25 and 50 years of sisterhood in the sorority.

Dr. Gina McKnight-Smith acknowledges special guests

Autumn Anderson, recipient of the Leadership Award

Golden Sorors are Carol Carter, Dr. Norma Jones and Celia Carr

Towson University Undergrad - Lambda Beta Chapter of Alpha Kppa Alpha Sorority Sheila Rolack received the Cultural Pearl Award, the highest award from the chapter

Deleanor Harris-Boone and the Hon. Joan Pratt, Baltimore City Comptroller "Great is Thy Faithfulness" was performed by Rochelle M. Archelus

Loretta Byers, Tenne Throwen, Linay Reed, Gladys Rice and Reada Nelson

Vincent Whitmore congratulates Edith AydlettWhitmore on receiving the highest recognition, the Cultured Pearl Award

The 28th Annual Booklovers’ Breakfast, sponsored by the Enoch Pratt Library, was held on Feb. 6 at the Marriott Waterfront Hotel in Baltimore’s Inner Harbor. More than 500 lovers of learning were in attendance as Kai Jackson, FOX 45 News Anchor, led the conversation with Edward Lewis, co-founder of

Golden Sorors (50 years) Judge Yvonne Holt Stone, Vivian Braxton, Jo Ann Jolivet and Helen G. Anderson

Keynote Speaker Dr. Glenda Baskin Glover, International First Vice President, Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority

Photos by Dr. A. Lois De Laine

Essence, the most popular Black Women’s magazine in history. Mr. Lewis sold the magazine to Time, Inc. in 2005, and several questions were asked of the author regarding the sale. In his book, “The Man From Essence,” Mr. Lewis tells the inspirational story of his humble beginnings in South Bronx to a media giant.

Edward Lewis, author of The Man from Essence with moderator Kai Jackson, FOX 45 news anchor

Antionette McAllister, Pamela Ramsey, Dr. Everett Garnett, Arnette Brock and Deborah Jones

Marion Murphy, Rosalind Williams, Maya Holland Knight and Kimberly Miller

Dr. Carla Hayden with her mother, Colllen Hayden

Joy Pinder Savage, Laura Phillips Byrd and Sherry Massey

Bernadette Green, Diane Wilson, Gloria Bell and Angela Faltz Stacia Mobley, Octavia Smith, Andrea Billips, Kim Baker, Carole Green are members of Friends that Read, Eat Drink and Be Literate, Books, Etc. Book Clubs

Dionne Hudgins, Beverly Woolford, Lily McElveen, Laverne Artis, Irma Johnson and Helen Shelton

(L-R) Sean Armstrong (grandson); Roderick Armstrong(son); Mario Armstrong (grandson) reading a proclamation from President Obama

The Baltimore Society, Inc. Book Club members include Veronica Blackwell, Brenda Bakder, Deborah Hawkins, Deborah Courtney, LaVerne Naesea Sandra Estes, Donna Wilson Johnson, Aldonna Wylie, Deborah Taylor and Jackie Brown

Reading By The Dozen book club members are Sarah Jerkins, Monzella Goodwin, Barbara Johnson, Beatrice Grant, Jacqueline Golden, Ernestine Jolicvet, JoAnn Jolivet, Russell Jolivet, Marion Starks and Jean Chaney

Peggy Jackson, Mary Radcliffe, Celestine Knight and Delores Small Photos by Dr. A. Lois De Laine

Margaret Armstrong, one of the founders of the Baltimore School for the Arts, turned 100 on Jan. 30. Celebrating with her at Brookdale Towson, a senior living center in Baltimore, were her friends and family. The Armstrong Family

Clara Adams, Special Assistant, Office of the President of Morgan State University and long time friend congratulates Margaret on reaching 100 years

Margaret’s sister, Frances Ashby

Friends of Margaret Armstrong’s sons who attended to wish her a ‘Happy 100th’ birthday

Courtesy Photos

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The Afro-American, February 13, 2016 - February 19, 2016

MLK DC Support Group President Beverly Griggs and Ferline Buie, 2016 Humanitarian Award Recipient

Wyonette Brown, 1st vice president

The Martin Luther King DC Support Group hosted its 44 Annual Scholarship Luncheon and Fashion Show Jan. 18 at Martin’s Crosswinds in Greenbelt, Maryland. The group holds the event each year to pay homage to Dr. King’s legacy. Ferline Buie was presented with the 2016 Humanitarian Award Recipient. Fashions were provided by Lovely Lady Boutique.

Thomas Blanton , Ron Magnus and Rev. Lewis Anthony

Photos by Robert Bennett

Yvonne Harris and Phyllis Ballenger MLK DC Support Group

MLK DC Support Group members and supporters

Helen V Tate, founder of MLK DC Support Group

Excellence by an Academic Leadership Team, HD Cooke Elementary School. Principal Katie Larkin at podium


Burrville Elementary School Principal Tui Roper (at podium), Award for Excellence in School Innovation

Principal of the Year, Kim B. Jackson

Phallon Lattimore D.C. Mayor Muriel Bowser

D.C. Public Schools Chancellor Kaya Henderson

Nova Y. Payton

David M. Rubenstein, The Carlyle Group

Tim Gunn, actor and television personality

Teacher of the Year, James Cunningham and GWUL Chair Michael Akin

On Feb. 1, the District of Columbia Public Schools (DCPS) celebrated the 6th annual Standing Ovation for D.C. Public Schools, which celebrates the best teachers, administrators, and staff. DCPS faculty and staff along with city officials and the business, education, arts, and philanthropic communities gathered at The John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts to hold the ceremony.

Maximilian L. Mixon and Cami Maxard


Photos by Rob Roberts

Constance JM Thayer (at podium) presents the Award for Excellence in Service

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