Lifestyle Sophisticated Settings May 21 2016

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The Afro-American, May 21, 2016 - May 27, 2016

Julia Bital

The AFRO hosted its 19th annual Black History Month Program on May 16th at the Reginald F. Lewis Museum. The AFRO-American Newspapers Community Heroes Contest was about recognizing the everyday people in our communities who make a difference. Students’ from the Benjamin Banneker middle school in Montgomery County participated. Each student was asked to tell the story of someone in their community who was a hero. They could write about them, make a photo collage, craft a sculpture or create a web site. No limits were imposed on creativity.The showcase finalists accepted their awards and presented their artwork about their Teachers Rachael Pope and Lisa Stauffer heroes. BGE and with Dr. Otis Lee, principal Verizon were the sponsors.

Lia Tejada

Amie Pannah with her grandmother

Keisha Clarke-English, marketing manager, BGE

Laylah Smith

Lanice Kear with her mother Community Hero Winners

Diane Hocker, Gregory Bell and Jake Oliver, AFRO CEO

These students received special recognition

Anthony Glen and family members

Photos by Chanet Wallace Photos by Anderson Ward

The Baltimore Child Abuse Center held its’ Be A Hero fundraiser at the Pazo Restaurant in Harbor East on May 13. It was well attended by supporters, sponsors and city officials. Awards were presented to Monica Haskins, Det. Maynard Johnson (BCPD), Kelly DeCunha, Maryland State Senator Susan Lee (D), Del. Brooke Lierman (D) and Del. Eric Luedtke (D). The Baltimore City Police Commissioner, Kevin Davis, was a special guest. Adam Rosenberg (Exec. Dir. BCAC) and Jennifer Sachs (BCAC Bd.) were the co-hosts.

Amy Kowitz, Andrew Alperstein, Colby Simon and Cathy Pascale (BCAC)

Robert Johnson, Elvera Johnson, Robin Johnson, Tori Johnson and Raynard Johnson

Honorees Kelly DaCunha and Monica Haskins with Jennifer Sachs, Adam Rosenberg and Honoree Detective Raynard Johnson, BCPD

Diane Hocker and Jennifer Sachs

St. Sen. Susan C. Lee, Landon Eum and Chung Pak

Adam Rosenberg, executive director BCAC, Marilyn Mosby, state attorney Baltimore city and Diane Hocker, AFRO American Newspapers

Denia Clark and Japera Burgess

Honoree Del. Brooke E. Lierman

Honoree Monica Haskins and daughter Brionna Boyd

Super Hero Action Skit

Cathy Donaldson, Glenn Donaldson, Lisa Davis and BCPD Commissioner Kevin Davis

Craig Spencer, Nina Spencer and Janese Murray

Lt. Darrell Merrick (BCPD), Sammy Jo Kanekuni and Honoree Det. Raynard Johnson (BCPD)

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The Afro-American, May 21, 2016 - May 27, 2016

Broderick Johnson, assistant to President Obama and the White House Cabinet Secretary. He is the chairman of the My Brother’s Keeper Task Force. UDC Chorale with Orchestra, Richard Odom, director, Monique Steele-Griffths, soloist

Earl W. Stafford Sr., CEO and president, The Wentworth Group, LLC (Doctor of Humane Letters); Raymond A. Huger, CEO and president, Paradigm Solutions International (Doctor of Humane Letters) and Eric T. Pulley, senior class president

UDC President Ronald Mason

The University of the District of Columbia held its 39th Annual Commencement May 14 at the Walter E. Washington Convention Center in Northwest D.C. Broderick Johnson was the keynote speaker. Photos by Robert Roberts

Rev. Lewis M. Anthony, administrative assistant for Contemporary and Political Affairs Adviser to the Assembly of Christian Educators

Elaine A. Crider, chair, UDC Board of Trustees

Tasneem Robinson, Abdurahim Robinson, Sadiyya Rockett (Masters Early Childhood Education), Nasim Robinson and Noorudin Robinson

Torch of Truth Award Recipient Kimberly Stokes, vice president, T. Rowe Prince Group with Hercules Scholar Charles Moka Jr., Jacqueline Sales, chair of the BSU Foundation and BSU President Mickey Burnim

Military Service Award – Lt. Col. Jonathan Watson could not attend. Accepting on his behalf was his brother John Watson and niece Jiamond Watson

The Bowie State University Foundation Founders Kim Coles Day Awards Gala paid tribute to the individuals who have made a significant impact on the university and its surrounding communities on April 23. Grammy Award-nominated singer/ songwriter Will Downing and actress Kim Coles helped Bowie State honor the achievements of alumni, friends and community leaders for their significant impact. The gala was held at the Gaylord National Resort and Convention Will Downing Center in Maryland.

Logan Gaskill, vice president of Human Resources, MGM National Harbor

Founders Promise Award Recipient – M. Sammye Miller, chair, Department of History & Government, Bowie State University

Courtesy Photos

BSU Student Leaders and Miss Bowie State University Carissa Smith

BSU First Lady LaVera Burnim

Former Congressman Al Wynn

Hercules Scholars Jackie Berry and Eric Berry (twins), Charles Moka Jr. and Jacqueline Sales

Tammi Thomas and Rep. Steny Hoyer (D-Md.)

Honorary Committee Member Valencia McClure, vice president of Governmental and External Affairs, BGE

Charlene Dukes, president, Prince George’s Community College

Tammi Thomas, BSU’s chief of staff

Heritage Ward Recipient Lonnie Bunch, director, National Museum of African American History and Culture, Smithsonian Institution

BSU’s oldest alumni, J. Sidney Sheppard (’47) (sitting in front), and Essie Molock Banks (’48) (sitting in blue dress)

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