December April 10, 2010 14, 2013 - April- December 16, 2010, The 20, 2013, Baltimore TheAfro-American Afro-American
he world stood still on Dec. 5 when the announcement came that the beloved South African justice fighter, Nelson Mandela, had fled this world for the next. Not even eight months of preparation, trips to and from the hospital, reports of ups and downs from the family, would make us believe we’d eventually be deprived of our Madiba. His giant soul convinced us he belonged to us all. Now, he belongs to the universe, President Obama said in his official statement. We think he always did.
1994 - ANC leader Nelson Mandela casts his vote at Ohlanga High School hall in Inanda, 10 miles north of Durban, April 27, in South Africa’s first all-race elections.
1990 - Nelson Mandela and his wife, Winnie give the clenched fist sign as they walk hand in hand into the Soweto Soccer City stadium, Feb. 13, to attend a welcome rally for Mandela.
1993 - Lindiwe Mabuza, ANC chief representative to the U.S. and Nelson Mandela are among the early arrivals at the Capitol, Jan. 20, for the inauguration of Presidentelect Bill Clinton.
1995 - South African President Nelson Mandela greets young supporters, May 21, at a rally at Kwa-Makwethu in Northern KawZulu-Natal where, in his address, he again threatened to cut government funds to the area if violence continued. The day before, a gunman fired shots in the air just 20 meters from the president when he attended a funeral for massacre victims.
1991 - ANC deputy president Nelson Mandela and Inkatha Freedom Party president Mangosuthu Buthelezi embrace at the start of talks March 30, aimed at ending fighting between their followers.
1996 - Michael Jackson applauds Mandela after singing “Happy Birthday” to him at a private birthday function at the president’s Johannesburg home, July 18.
1994 - President Mandela with the Congressional Black Caucus, Oct. 4, on Capital Hill. From left are Rep. Barbara-Rose Collins, D-Mich; Mandela, Rep. Bobby Rush, D-Ill and Rep. Kweisi Mfume, D-Md., chairman of the caucus.
1990 - Nelson Mandela spends a few minutes with Harry Belafonte at New York’s City Hall, June 20, before stepping outside to accept the key to the city on his first day in the United States. 1958 - Nelson and Winnie Mandela on their wedding day, June 14.
1990-Eight-year-old Bernard Charles from New York gazes at Mandela after the leader invited him to the stage during the June 21 filming of a town hall meeting.
1994 - A hug from Whitney Houston, Nov. 10, at the Union Buildings in Pretoria.
1994 - President and Mrs. Clinton stand with President Mandela and his daughter, Zinzi Mandela Hlongwane, Oct. 4, at the North Portico of the White House.
1993 - This 1961 photo was posted in observance of ANC President Nelson Mandela sharing that year’s Nobel Peace Prize with South African President F.W. de Klerk. The Nobel committee cited their efforts to “peacefully end apartheid.”
Nelson Mandela, as captured in Nelson Mandela: The Struggle is My Life.
1990 - Atlanta Mayor Maynard Jackson, center, and Coretta Scott King join Nelson Mandela in holding up clenched fists during the playing of the anthem of Mandela’s African National Congress, June 27.
1996 - South African President Nelson Mandela greets Graca Machel on arrival at the Kutama Mission Church, about 50 miles south west of Harare on the occasion of the Zimbabwean President Robert Mugabe’s marriage to Grace Marufu on August 17. Machel would become Mandela’s bride on his 80th birthday, July 18, 1988.
1995 - President Mandela smiles July 12, after his arrival at Maseru International Airport in the mountain kingdom of Lesotho as part of a twoday tour of the neighboring country. Mandela was presented with traditional Basotho dress by King Moshoeshoe II after his arrival.
1989 - Black nationalist Winnie Mandela embraces the flag of the outlawed African national Congress during a peaceful protest march, Sept. 15, to Johannesburg police headquarters.
1992 - ANC President Nelson Mandela pumps the handle of a water pump on a visit to a water project in the Lebowa Black homeland in Jane Furse. 1995 - An aid helps South African President Nelson Mandela put his shoes back on after visiting the Mahatma Gandhi memorial in New Delhi, Jan. 25.
1992 - ANC President Mandela receives a proclamation declaring April 27 as “Nelson Mandela Day” in Miami Beach, Fla., from James A. Joseph, president of the U.S. based Council of Foundation. Two years ago local officials in the Miami area refused to honor Mandela because of his support for Cuban leader Fidel Castro.
Editorial Cartoon by Thomas Stockett
1990 - Nelson Mandela waves to the crowd outside the John P. Kennedy Library in Boston, June 23, as Rep. Joseph Kennedy waits to present a plaque to the South African leader, which bears a quote by his late father, Robert R. Kennedy. Looking on is Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis.
1996 - President Mandela signs into law the new constitution, while the chairman of the Constitutional Assembly, Cyrill Ramaphosa, looks over his shoulder during a special ceremony held in the Sharpeville township south of Johannesburg, Dec. 10.
1990 - Bishop Philip R. Cousin of Jacksonville, Fla., presents Nelson Mandela with a $200,000 check from the National Council of Churches for the ANC.
December 14, 2013 -December 20, 2013, The Afro-American
Judge M. Holland, Josephine Dotson, sister and Toussaint Holland, nephew
John Carter, Judge Beverly Carter and Kurt Schmoke and Judge Robert Bell, retired
Baltimore’s judicial and legal bar establishment led the huge turnout for Circuit Administrative Judge Marcella Holland’s retirement Diana Gibson celebration Nov. 14 at the Reginald and her F. Lewis Museum. From retired husband, Appeals Court Chief Judge Robert attorney, author, Bell to the newest law school Larry Gibson graduates and legal educators, the crowd applauded Holland, who has been on the Eighth Circuit Court bench since 1997, in recognition of a career that Harry Chase, J. John began as a clerk to Judge Bell Glynn and Charles and included a stint as assistant Bloomquist state’s attorney in Baltimore.
Judge Holland surrounded by law clerk staff
Judge Holland and Scott Phillips standing. Seated, Judge Susan Clayton, Judge Shirley Watts and Judge Michelle Hatten
Photos by J.D. Howard
Judge Holland, Catherine Dorsey and Josephine Dotson, sister
John R. Avery, Judge Bell and Sean Burns
Toi Carter, Joi Belfon-Valentine and Michelle Wilson
Marvelous Marva gives away door prizes
Nicholas Jones, Judge Jennifer Carter Jones and Jake Oliver
Dana Buttion, Michelle Wilson, Cheryl Lotz, Cynthia Jones and Kaye Sullivan
Attorney Warren Brown, Charles Byrd, Judge Meliosa Phinn, and Judge Videtta Brown
Margret Smith, Dorothy Maith, Faye Burnett, Aramenta Cooper, Janet Cooper and Cassandra Burnett
Teresa Payne-Nunn, Valerie Fraling, Denise DobsonMcDonald, former Mayor, Sheila Dixon and Pat Roselle
Ann Branch and Wanetah Wilkins
Jackie Williams and sister, Antonia Colvin
Tony Ferguson, Allen Bennett and Floyd E. Taliaferro III Bob Matlend, Evangela Drummond, Alexia Boone and Don Brock
Elizabeth Julian, Sen Lisa Gladden, Yvonne Lansey and Kurt Dishong
The Baltimore Baltimore Chapter, Silhouettes of Silhouettes of Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity presented its Jazz Scholarship Brunch and Silent Auction, Nov. 16 at The Forum Caterers in Baltimore. The group, whose president is Freddi Vaughn, honored Cynthia Brooks, Bea Gaddy’s daughter, and president of the Bea Gaddy Family Center. Brooks has continued the work her mother started in 1981 and has expanded it to include mentoring programs for young people The always dapper Andre and daily meals Honoree, Miles Cynthia for the homeless. Brooks, Bea Gaddy’s daughter
Judy Rainey, Valerie Fraling and Jackie Brock
Loretta Mitchell, Sharon Bunch and Edith Jenkins Howard L. Tutman Jr. and Carolyn Tutman Howard L. Tutman Jr., Robert Draine, and Allen Bennett
Audrey Bennett, vice president and Lora Mayo
Ann Branch, Mildred LongHarper, Denise DobsonMcDonald, June Brown and guest
Door prize winner AFRO columnist, Rosa PryorTrusty
Virginia and Zion Bowser
Betty Greene, Phil Strambler and Elton Martin
Jacquelene Massey, National Silhouettes President; Dr. Thelma T. Daley, former Delta Sigma Theta national president; and Freddi Vaughn, president, Baltimore Chapter Silhouettes.
Denise DobsonMcDonald, Joan Pratt, Balto. City Comptroller; Jackie Brock and Freddi Vaughn, president
December 14, 2013 - December 20, 2013, The Afro-American
“Reflections of Our Journey” was the theme of the 60th anniversary luncheon for the Washington, D. C. Chapter of the Continental Societies Nov. 2 at the Washington The Birthday Cake...blow out those candles Marriott Hotel where Legend Awards were presented to Permelia Carvella Vaughn Beavers, Norma Jean Stewart and Ethel Lee Walker. Chapter President Venida Hamilton and anniversary committee Co-Chairs Aurelia Martin and Xzaquoinett Warrick orchestrated an afternoon of dining, liturgical Mayor Gray presents a Proclamation dancing , spiritual hymns and in honor of the chapter’s 60th Mayor Gray congratulates the celebration capped by the cutting Anniversary to Venida Hamilton, Continental Dancers of the Davis of a birthday cake for the chapter Chapter President and Edna Lee Dance Center (Continental Beatrice and a slide show of the service Moffitt, National President Davis-Williams Director) on their organization’s history. performance
Continental Dr. Janette Hoston Harris (center, seated) with her guests
Continentals:(Seated) Diana Jones, Norma Stewart, Gloria QuickAlexander and Barbara Morgan; (Standing) Patricia Hopson Wilson, Queen Gladden, Dorothy Bondurant, Venida Hamilton, Ann Chapman, Gloria Johnson and Sheila Shears
Photos by Rob Roberts
Musical selection by Jasmine Bailey and Jahari Shelton from Zion Baptist Church Youth Choir
Continental Josephine Moss-Nelson and grandson. Her Sons Drs. Vance and Vince Moss established a $10,000 Scholarship Endowment in the chapter
Greetings by Venida Y. Hamilton, Chapter President, extending a warm welcome to guests
Venida Hamilton and Edna Lee Moffitt presents flowers to the 60th Anniversary Celebration CoChairs, Xzaquoinett Y. Warrick(left) and Aurelia D. Martin (right)
Past National Presidents & Past Chapter Presidents: (Seated) Dr. Lois Harrison Jones Fears; Dee Evelyn Matthews; Kathleen Williams and Evelyn Means; (Standing) - Dr. Mary Grant; Venida Hamilton; Edna Lee Moffitt, National President and E. Tonya Green
Mentoring to Manhood (M2M), a grassroots organization dedicated to steering boys toward academic
Venida Y. Hamilton, Chapter President(left) and Edna Lee Moffitt (right), National President presents Legend Award to Carvella Beavers, Ethel Lee Walker and Norma Stewart
Former Scholarship Recipients Sherry Felix and Jaleya Leonard
excellence, strong character and life skills vital for manhood, hosted its annual Men Who Make the Difference celebration on Nov. 15 at Martin’s Camelot
Guests and Visiting Continentals (Seated): Shirley White, President, Anne Arundel Chapter; Mae Beale, President, Southern Howard/Laurel Chapter; Lillette Green Campbell, Chapter Financial Secretary and Gabrielle Hefetz; (Standing): Unidentified Guest; Continentals Danise Dorsey and Venida Hamilton and Unidentified Guest
Continentals Essie Page, Margo Briggs, National Treasurer, Dr. Mary Grant, Ann Shepherd, Venida Hamilton, Stacy McGann and guests
Brenda Johnson (center), Eastern Regional Director presents commendation plaque to the Washington, D.C. Chapter
Washington DC Chapter Members: Officers not pictured are Margo Briggs, 1st VP; Sandra Wallace, Recording Secretary and Dr. Mary Grant, Public Relations Officer
in Greenbelt, Md. Over 300 corporate sponsors, business leaders, educators, students, family and friends, honored four men who are blazing a path to
adulthood for many Black youth. The honorees were: M2M founder Robert Malone; Dr. Mickey Burnim, president of Bowie State University; Rev. Tony Lee,
founder and pastor of Community of Hope AME Church, and Gorman Brown, principal of Charles H. Flowers High School.
Courtesy Photos
Barry Hudson congratulates MWMD honorees on behalf of Prince George’s County Executive Rushern Baker
Flower HS Principal Gorman Brown and family
M2M mentee graduate Joshua Akintonde shares how M2M helped him become a Virginia Union graduate who is now a systems engineer with Northrop Grumman during intro of honoree
M2M Mentee Gabriel Bell-Wood shares how he's improved his GPA from below 2.0 to honor roll
Emcees with Dr. Burnim's wife, LaVera Levels Burnim, Dr. Mickey Burnim, daughter Cinnamon Bowser, and son Adrian Burnim
M2M Executive Director Robert Howze (right) discusses benefits of M2M Emcees with Rev. Tony Lee and Councilwoman Karen Toles
Dr. Segun Banks delivers words of encouragement
Sponsor Clarke Construction Team lead by Project Executive and M2M Advisory Board member John P. Cooper
M2M Chairman of the Board Therman Evans, Esq.
M2M Board member Paula R. Bruner, Parent Coordinator Karen Scott, and Media Coordinator Gloria Murry Ford
Student Mentee Clarence Dillahunt, III welcomes the guests
M2M Founder Robert Malone with family, mentee presenters, and emcees
Emcees Craig and Yolanda Muckle open program