Mayor Barry Farewell Lifestyle - Sophisticated Settings Dec 6 and 13

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The Afro-American, December 13, 2014 - December 19, 2014

Photos by J.D. Howard

The Rev. Jesse Jackson Flag draped coffin being removed by police honor guard

The Rev. Dr. Jamal Bryant, pastor of the Empowerment Temple

The Rev. Zina Pierre, Temple of Praise

Attorney General Eric Holder

Tyrone Parker from Concerned Black Men

Cora Barry is escorted from the service

Clergy from near and far spoke about Barry’s legacy

Marion Christopher Barry Jr., Mayor Marion Barry's son

The choir celebrated a life well lived

Worshippers of all ages, color and creed came in tribute

December 13, 2014 - December 19, 2014, The Afro-American


Spouses of deceased musicians, Dr. A. Lois De Laine, Yvette Bradbie with Sandi Mallory, On Air Host, WEAA FM Morgan State University, Ethel Williams, president, Jazz Heritage Foundation of Baltimore. Can you think of a better way to spend a fall Saturday evening than to enjoy great jazz and good food with other avid music lovers? The Jazz Heritage Foundation of Baltimore held a concert with the Tom Williams Quintet, featuring Antonio Hart, saxophonist who attended the Baltimore School for the Arts and is now a full professor at Queens College, City University of New York. During the intermission, two active members of the Jazz Heritage Foundation of Baltimore, Powhatan Sterling Bradbie “BRAD” and Dr. Thomas H. De Laine “DEX” who recently passed away less than two months of each other, were honored for their contributions to the society of jazz. The Jazz Heritage Foundation “has suffered a tremendous loss,” according to Ethel Williams, president. Bradbie wrote, composed and played jazz as a pianist. He produced his own CD, “Now and Then” which was released in 2012. He organized annual jazz concerts for many years in Lusby, Maryland known as “Jazz Down by the Riverside.” Dr. De Laine, performer, music educator, conductor, lecturer, and adjudicator was an ardent supporter of jazz, who also performed with many notable artists in DC, Virginia, Baltimore.

Hassan Abdullah, Mufee Mulagin, Jerome Ward

Jazz Heritage Board members Joyce McGlaughlin, secretary with Ethel S. Williams, president

Daughters of Powhatan Sterling Bradbie are Janis Bradbie, Judy Bradbie-Munoz, Cheryl L. Skinner

Jazz Heritage members are Kimberly Simmons, Barbara Dyson

Jazz lovers Ione Williams and Jim Williams

Dr. Thomas De Laine's family, daughters Kimberleigh De Laine and Chandra De Laine Jackson with son-in-law Ellsworth Jackson

Joan Belt and Gloria Miller Jazz Heritage board members, Mark Dyson, acting vice president with Melvin D. Warren

Roger Warren, Margaret Warren, Murriel Johnson, Deborah Smith

Zoe Rideout and Sylvia Dickerson

Regular jazz patrons are Dr. David and Norma Scott

Shirley and Talmadge Hill

Linda West and Marcella Goodall

Listening to the sounds of jazz are Stan and Betty Gilmer

Regular jazz patrons are Shirley Holly, Lori Graham, Laurence Holly

Powhatan Sterling Bradbie’s family is Allilia Price, Philip Sadler Jr., Yvette Bradbie (wife) and Philip Sadler Sr.

Residents of the Liberty Senior Center enjoying the jazz concert are Alice Murphy, Eva Bowers, Shirley Chandler, Janet Carney

Photos by Dr. A. Lois De Laine

Hall of Fame Inductee, Jimmy Briscoe and The Little Beavers, later known as Jimmy Briscoe and the Beavers was a 1970s singing group

The 2nd League and Hall of Fame Awards Celebration brought together childhood friends, schoolmates, entrepreneurs and neighbors from the Cherry Hill community to recognize leaders and mentors who have excelled in various careers. The Hall of Fame inductees are Judge William H. “Billy” Murphy Jr., Jimmy Briscoe & The Little Beavers, Commissioner Leonard Hamm, Bishop Walter Scott Thomas Sr. and Lenny Loggins. The Legend Award winners included athletes who played in the Major Leagues, the coaches who mentored the neighborhood children, entrepreneurs who owned the corner grocery stores, cleaners, and the ministers who provided spiritual guidance for those worshipping in the Cherry Hill community. The atmosphere was one of a great family reunion with hugs and kisses, and everyone glad to see Del. Melvin Stukes, Legend each other, in some case, after a really long Award Winner absence. The proceeds will go towards future events and construction of The Cherry Hill Wall of Hall of Fame Inductee Fame. Leonard Hamm, Chief of Police and Director of Public Safety at Coppin State University

Jewel Wells, Gerald Griffin, Clevette Chandler, Alexia Clifton Bernadette Ballard and Burnett Davis Legend Award Winner Trench “Trenny” Davis and from 1970-1974 he played with the Elite Giants baseball team

Daughters Jacqueline Smothers and Sabrina Boddy accepted the Legend Award for their deceased father Melvin Smothers

Leroy Loggins, former professional basketball player was inducted into the Hall of Fame; Kerry Eugene Hamilton, Legend Award Winner

William Ballard Jr., Alvin Rawlings, Jean Rawlings Photos by Dr. A. Lois De Laine

Danielle Johnson, Myrtle Agent, Edward Williams Family members of Leroy Loggins from Argentina are Lily Madden, Chicka Madden, Peyton Carny

Linda Queen and Diane Sydnor Helen Pat Reed-Rowe, US Ambassador (retired) with brother Alvin Reed

Legend Award winner Tony “Pumpkin” Carter (third from left). He played basketball for Coppin State College in the 1975-76 and 1976-77 seasons and helped lead the Eagles to the 1976 NAIA National Championship

December 13, 2014 - December 19, 2014, The Afro-American

Katie Whitley, Debbie Davis, Sandra Kelly, Ida Singleton, Juella Young and Juanita Goudy

Maureen Barnes (seated), Patsy Jenkins, Judy Walton, Bobbi Polston and Tonya Winston; Patricia Hill Cherry (standing), Joan Stanard, Mary Michael and Spurgeon Stanard

Bethune/Height Achievers: Eleanor Thompson, Pamela Queen, Juanita Goudy, Connie Blake, Claudine Wiley, Sheryl Saunders, Carolyn Fisher and New Life Member, Theola Myo Khin


Reaching Out to the Community The Montgomery County, Md. Section of the National Sandra Kelly and Community Delores Nichols, Earldine Council of Negro Women (NCNW) hosted its annual fundService Award winner Tina Fisher, Maxine Jenkins, Monica raiser Inspirational Brunch on November 8 at the Hilton Frundt , founder/CEO of Baltimore and Bridget Jackson Washington DC/Rockville Hotel. Rev. Dr. Duane T. Kay, Courtney’s House Pat Grant Senior Pastor, First Baptist Church of North Brentwood Maryland, delivered a speech that set an inspirational tone for The brunch’s theme “A Life of Faith & Service.” Community Service Awards were presented to the minister of outreach for Rev. Matthew L. Wadley, Pastor, Reid Temple, North Campus, Silver Spring, Md. and Tina Fundt, Courtney House, Washington, DC. Proceeds from this popular event will be used to support some of the Section’s many community projects, food Anne drives, health fairs, senior citizens, people-in-crisis OheneRev. Terrance and our Female Achievers Maintaining Excellence twun McKinley Leonard Young, Kenneth (FAME) Youth Section. Thanks to the section Stanard, Spurgeon Stanard, president, Juanita Goudy and the Ways and guest speaker Rev. Dr. Duane T. Means Committee, chaired by Janice Kay and Jim Offord Jeter for an enjoyable and spirit Joan Stanard and Mary Michael filled event.

Photos by Rob Roberts

Janice Jeter, Eleanor Thompson and Katie Whitley

STEM awardee Joseph Plummer of the DC STEM Fair

Rev. Dr. Duane T. Kay, Janice Jeter (far left and second to left), Pat Grant and Jennifer Washington (second to right and far right) with guests

Pamela Queen and Josephine Thomas

Members of Kappa Alpha Psi congratulate their award finalists Davey Yarborough, Rev. Jonathan Newton, and Rev. Dr. Howard-John Wesley

Honorary Event Chair Salaam Coleman Smith, AKA North Atlantic Regional Director Meredith L. Henderson, Cathy Hughes, Xi Omega President Dr. Lavdena Orr, and guest emcee WHUR radio personality Taylor Thomas

Alpha Kappa Alpha members enjoy the pre-event reception with honoree Cathy Hughes

Philanthropy awardee Thomas Raffa, President and CEO of Raffa PC

PEARLS Awards finalists pose with Xi Omega President Dr. Lavdena Orr and event chairs at the pre-event reception

The Xi Omega Chapter of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority (AKA) honored Radio One and TV One Founder Cathy Hughes and other community leaders at their inaugural PEARLS Awards held on November 21 at the historic Howard Theatre. The event was a scholarship fundraiser held in support of Xi Omega’s charitable arm, the Pearl and Ivy Foundation (PIEF). In 2014, PIEF awarded more than $44,000 in scholarships to deserving DC-area students. Hughes, an Honorary AKA member, received the distinguished “Illustrious PEARL” Award for her many philanthropic endeavors and unwavering commitment to social justice and human rights. ABC Family ABC Disney Group Executive Vice President Salaam Coleman Smith, a DC-area native and AKA member, was the Honorary Event Chair and WHUR radio personality Taylor Thomas served as guest emcee for the evening. Local community leaders were recognized for demonstrating excellence in the areas of philanthropy, education, arts, religion, leadership, and STEM fields. Special guests included AKA North Atlantic Regional Director Meredith L. Henderson. Awardees were: Thomas Raffa, President and CEO of Raffa PC; Davey Yarborough, musician and educator; A. Toni Lewis, FAME Founder and Executive Director; Rev. Jonathan Newton, Executive Minister of Metroplitan AME Church; Carrie Thornhill, community economic developer; and Joseph Plummer and James Rountree of the DC STEM Fair.

Xi Omega Fundraising Chair Comelia Sanford and Event Chair Shelly Vanderpool Jackson

Arts awardee A. Toni Lewis, FAME Founder and Executive Director

Education awardee Davey Yarborough, educator and musician

Religion awardee Rev. Jonathan Newton, Executive Minister of Metropolitan AME Church Leadership awardee Carrie Thornhill, community economic developer

PEARLS Awards committee members pose with honoree Cathy Hughes

Xi Omega President Dr. Lavdena Orr is flanked by representatives from the Comcast Foundation, event corporate sponsors Courtesy Photos

December 6, 2014 - December 12, 2014, The Afro-American

Alpha Chapter, Chi Eta Phi Sorority held its 48th Annual Fashion Show and Luncheon, Lovely Lady Presents, “Capturing the Season,” Oct. 26, at Martin’s Crosswinds, Greenbelt, Md. Under the leadership of chapter president, Brenda Ingram and the Ways and Means Committee chaired by Janet E. Jones and co-chair, Delores Washington, guests were treated to an afternoon of lively music, a vendor’s showcase, door prizes, a sumptuous meal and a fashion show extravaganza by the Lovely Lady Boutique. S.O.M.E/So Others May Eat was presented with a Community Service Award which including some holiday gifts. The afternoon ended with Alpha Chapter reaffirming its commitment of service to the community.

Misty Turner, the fashion show commentator, being escorted by a male model; she styles on the runway

Women’s suits...different styles for different occasions


Greetings from Brenda Ingram, chapter president

Photos by Rob Roberts

Afia Brown, a chapter member decided to strut the runway

Time to give some door prizes “Capturing the Season” as represented by these lovely models

Janet Jones and her mother, right, and Peola McCaskill

Music by the G-Clefts Kittie Dowdy, Harriet Tate and Agnes McLinton

Juanita Hall, Gwendolyn Webster and Gloria Williams

A style setter, eye-opener sleek colorful gown with a high slit...can you wear me?

Tanya Mitchell was the winner of the 50/50 raffle

Janet Jones, left, chair, Ways and Means Committee, presents gifts to S.O.M.E., represented by Lon’Dras Bradley and LaTonya Price

The Ways and Means Committee

The National Coalition of 100 Black Women, Prince William County Chapter(PWCC) held its 2nd Annual Fundraising Gala under the theme: “An Excellent Journey Through Glitz, Glamour and Giving” on Nov 8 at the Renaissance Arlington Capitol View Hotel, Arlington, Va. Kudos to the gala planning committee, chaired by Sherry Stone and co-chaired by Roxie Curtis and

the leadership of the chapter president and organizer, Dr. Alice Howard for providing an elegant evening for the guests in attendance. The evening included the presentation of the Executive Board and chapter members; a silent auction; a fabulous dinner with music by the Mike Girdy Quartet and door prizes. Gospel Artist Marcus Willey was the gala host. The evening concluded with guests jamming on the dance floor with music by DJ Thomas Verdun.

Dr. Alice Howard, president and organizer with her sister, Roxie Curtis, Gala co-chairperson Raven Thompson, Joyce Hinton, Cassandra Lakin, Lesleye William, Barbara William and Georgette Agnew

Cheryl Harris, Lorraine Jackson, Danielle Miles and Rev. Valena Metcalfe

Carl Murphy Humphrey, Constance Torian and Rev. Luke Torian, pastor, First Mount Zion Baptist Church and Commonwealth of Virginia legislator

Omega brothers: Calvin Cherry, Victor Hinton, Edgar Brookins and Conrado Morgan

Gala host, Gospel Artist Marcus Wiley, Sherry Stone and Roxie Curtis

Catrina Stroman, Beverly Johnson, Dr. Alice Howard, Chanel Pittman and Ashley Johnson Col. (Ret.) Conrado and Dr. Phyllis Morgan

Dr. Alice Howard, founder and organizer of the PWCC

Latrina Antoine and Sherry Stone, Gala chairperson

The Mike Girdy Quartet Dr. Deidra Haralson and Floyd Haralson

Members of the Prince Williams County Chapter, National Coalition of 100 Black Women Photos by Rob Roberts

Acknowledgements of special guests by Sheila Coleman, first vice president of programs

Katherine and Willie Washington, Douglas and Angela Davis and Audrey White

December 6, 2014 - December 12, 2014, The Afro-American

in Baltimore City

Charles Owens and granddaughter Brittany Brown

With the theme, “Giving Thanks, Moving Forward and Looking Back,� Macedonia Baptist Church celebrated its 140th anniversary honoring former pastors, sharing a brunch where the Rev. Jimmy Baldwin was the preacher and hearing a spirited word, Nov. 23, from the Rev. Al Sharpton.

Rev Jimmy Baldwin, Sr. Pastor, Rev Dr. Darron D. McKinney, Sr. Pastor and Dr. A.C. D. Vaughn

Photos by J.D. Howard

Rev Dr. Alvin Hathaway and First Lady Kathleen B. Hathaway

Celebration in Song, Psalmist Paula Huggins, First Mt. Olive Freewill Baptist Church

Celebration in Dance, Mr. Torens Johnson

Rev. Arlene E. C. White History Maker, First Ordained Woman Preacher of MBCBC

Macedonia Music Ministry, Derrick Thompson, Director

Buffet line

Joy Johnson, Nancy T. Thomas and Ronnie Thomas

Rev Jimmy C. Baldwin, New Shiloh Christian Community Church, Guest Speaker

Treasurers Dance Ministtry

Wendy Gordon, Mildred Taylor and Lisa White

McNair Taylor, Paula Abid and Aliyah Abid Praising time with Rev Al Sharpton, guest speaker

Macedonia Baptist Church Deacon Board

Rev Jimmy Baldwin and First Lady Charlene Baldwin

Female Usher Board Marching

Vikki Graham, Sherrel Taylor and Ruby M. Lee

Ryan Turner and Billie Jo McKinney

Deaconess LaVerne Holland, Chairperson


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