PG County 11-10-2017

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November 12, 2016 - November 12, 2016, The Afro-American A1 PRINCE GEORGE’S COUNTY EDITION

Volume 126 No.15

NOVEMBER 11, 2017 - NOVEMBER 17, 2017


Prince George’s

AFRO Editorial

Trump’s Smear of the King Legacy


• Justin Fairfax

Wins Lt. Gov. Seat


Baltimore Will Deshaun Watson Be the Next RGIII?


• Van Driver

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Bernice King, daughter of Martin Luther King Jr, released the following statement after the Trump administration released rumor filled FBI reports about her late father.

Trump Admin ‘Assassinates’ King Again By Lenore T. Adkins and James Wright Special to the AFRO Bernice King, the daughter of the late Rev. Dr.Martin Luther King, Jr., a Nobel Peace Prize winner and Civil Rights Movement

Many Firsts in 2017 Election By AFRO Staff

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leader, said old FBI documents released by the Trump administration, which contain rumor and innuendo about her father, have assassinated him for the second time. The files were released as a part of the John F. Kennedy

In an election widely viewed as a rebuke to President Donald Trump and his policies, Nov. 7 marked a day of many firsts as several Black candidates in the United States won political offices that had not been occupied by their race or gender. Some of the politicians embarking on their

firsts include: Brendon Barber was elected as the first Black mayor of Georgetown, Brendon Barber S.C. Melvin Carter was elected as St. Paul, Minn.’s first Black mayor. Mary Parham Copelan Continued on A3

HBCU Equity Lawsuit

Decision Postpones Justice for Md. HBCUs; Special Master Appointed By Kamau High AFRO Managing Editor The longrunning lawsuit by HBCU alumni, students, and others against the state of Maryland over the effects of duplicating successful programs at HBCUs took

another twist on Nov.8. U.S. District Judge Catherine Blake, who has been overseeing the case, declared that neither party’s proposed solutions were adequate to effectively address the “de jure segregation” that had resulted from Traditional White Institutions

“I still believe that Daddy’s nonviolent philosophy and methodology is the way forward.”

– Bernice King

Assassination Records Act that governs how documents and paperwork related to the Nov. 22, 1963 slaying of President Kennedy are handled. The

materials are managed by the National Archives. The Act gives the sitting president the authority to Continued on A3

Goodson Cleared of All BPD Administrative Charges


ACA Enrollment Surging, Even Though It Ends Dec. 15 By Cash Michaels Special to the NNPA The enrollment period to be covered by the federal Affordable Care Act (ACA) began Nov.1, and is scheduled to end Dec. 15th, for those hoping to qualify for health care coverage beginning Jan. Continued on A3

Nov. 7, 2017 was a night of historic firsts (see story at left). However, 49 years-ago Shirley Chisholm became the first Black woman elected to Congress. She soundly defeated her Republican opponent to become a Representative for Brooklyn, NY.

AFRO Archived History

Woman, 8 men win House seats Nov. 9, 1968 By A. N. Said Americans of color will have a bigger representation at Capitol Hill when the 91st Congress starts business next January. In addition to the six incumbents, voters this year elected three more Congressmen. For the first time in the nation’s history a colored congresswoman Continued on A3

Continued on A3

Copyright © 2017 by the Afro-American Company

Continued on A2


The Afro-American, November 11, 2017 - November 17, 2017

Your History • Your Community • Your News

The Afro-American Newspapers

Baltimore Office • Corporate Headquarters 2519 N. Charles Street Baltimore, Maryland 21218-4602 410-554-8200 • Fax: 1-877-570-9297 Founded by John Henry Murphy Sr., August 13, 1892 Chairman of the Board/Publisher - John J. Oliver, Jr. Executive Assistant - Sallie Brown - 410-554-8222 Receptionist - Wanda Pearson - 410-554-8200 Director of Advertising Lenora Howze - 410-554-8271 - Advertising Account Executives Baltimore - Robert Blount - 410-554-8246 - Washington, D.C. - Vetta Ridgeway - 202-332-0080-ext. 1104 Director of Finance - Ronald W. Harrison - 410-554-8242 Assistant Archivist - Shelia Scott - 410-554-8265 Director, Community & Public Relations Diane W. Hocker - 410-554-8243 Editorial Managing Editor - Kamau High Baltimore Editor - Sean Yoes Washington, D.C. Editor - LaTrina Antoine Editorial Assistant - Takiea Hinton Production Department - 410-554-8288 Baltimore Circulation/Distribution Manager Clarence Massey - 410-554-8232

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Customer Service, Home Delivery and Subscriptions: 410-554-8234 • Customer Billing Inquiries: 410-554-8226 Nights and Weekends: 410-554-8282

Baltimore Remembrance Betty Williams, Retired Baltimore Educator, Dies at 94 teaching English at Dunbar Evening Betty Williams, a veteran School, and for 32 Baltimore City Public Schools years she worked teacher and administrator and diligently to advance a literary scholar, died recently the quality of after a brief illness. She was education in the 94. Baltimore Public Betty Iglehart Williams, Schools System. Her the daughter of Mary C. and assigned schools Iglehart W. Williams, was born included Booker in New York City on Aug. 15, T. Washington, 1923. She was raised by her Lemmel Junior grandparents the Rev. William High, Northwestern Carpenter and Mrs. Eliza High and Eastern Betty Williams, Retired Mary Carpenter in Northeast High School for Baltimore Educator Baltimore, in the Waverly Girls. She held community. As a child, she positions beginning grew up in their Barclay with substitute Street home and lived in that teacher, secondary neighborhood almost half of English teacher, her life. In later years, Williams English Department purchased her first home on head, special Barclay Street, down the street assistant-unit school, from her childhood home. assistant principal, She was educated in principal, and her Baltimore City schools—a last assignment member of the second was assistant graduating class of Dunbar to the regional High School in February superintendent (19761941. Williams is a graduate 1982). She considered of the 1944 class of Morgan full retirement in Betty Williams shortly State University, where 1982 but decided after celebrating her she earned her bachelor’s semi-retirement 93rd birthday. degree, and she received her was a better option. master’s of education degree from Johns Williams stayed active teaching courses Hopkins University. Additional graduate at Morgan State University and later studies were accomplished at Columbia obtained a work assignment in the ROTC University (Faculty of Philosophy) and office. Baltimore Mayor Kurt Schmoke Howard University (Department of appointed Williams to the Baltimore English). Commission on Aging. Williams’ career began in 1950 For her 94th birthday, Williams By AFRO Staff

traveled to the Dominican Republic with the Black Ski Club. Her travel companions surprised her with a birthday cake and all the young men lined up to dance with the beautiful lady. Her extensive travel experience includes: Canada, Puerto Rico and islands in the Caribbean, France, Rome, Haiti, Nova Scotia, Austria, Germany, Israel, Egypt, Chile and China. She climbed the Great Wall, loved the Alaska trip to see the ceremonial start of the Iditarod and she was baptized in the Jordan River in the Middle East. Williams valued her membership in The DuBois Circle, a women’s group founded in 1906 that prides itself on having notable speakers address the issues of the day. She held every office in this group and continued active membership until her death. The Johns Hopkins Club highlighted her 45-year membership in The Club Herald (JulyAugust 2017). Williams enjoyed her work with Our Daily Bread, a kitchen for the poor and homeless. She served meals for seven years and believed, “Anytime you give, it’s doing your Christian duty.” Williams was a member of Waters AME Church. She also was a member of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority. Williams had one brother, Wallace S. Williams who preceded her in death. Her godchildren Ms. Terri Parker (daughters Erin B. Rigsby and Morgan D. Rigsby), Dr. Marsha Brown and Mrs. H. Lynn Harris Jones will remember her dearly. She will also be missed by relatives, friends, colleagues and former students. At her request, Williams will not have a memorial or funeral service.


The Afro-American, November 11, 2017 - November 11, 2017

November 11, 2017 - November 17, 2017, The Afro-American


AFRO Set to Move to New Baltimore Area, Digitally Focused, Location By AFRO Staff The AFRO-American Newspaper Company will have a new address beginning Nov. 30, from which it will continue its long legacy of producing award-winning news of interest to African-Americans. The 125-year old company will complete the move to its new location at 1531 South Edgewood Street in the Caton 95 Office Park at the end of November. The new

headquarters continues the AFRO’s successful navigation of the shifting digital trends that have redefined the news business worldwide. “Over the past five years we have come to recognize that the changes wrought by the digital revolution have reduced the amount of office space required for our continuing operations,” said Jake Oliver, AFRO CEO and

Publisher. “We are excited about the opportunities that operating in a more cohesive setting will provide us,” Oliver added. “We

include extramarital affairs and other sexual indiscretions. The FBI analysis was dated March 12, 1968, Continued from A1 three weeks before King’s assassination in Memphis, Tenn. and it is unclear if any of the release some materials at certain times. information was verified. On Oct. 22, President Trump released The analysis reflects an FBI determined to the latest round of materials that dealt with vilify the slain civil rights leader. It concludes Kennedy’s relationship with Castro and talks by questioning whether he should have won the about attempts by the CIA to kill the Cuban 1964 Nobel Peace Prize. leader. There is also material that speculates “These facts about the Nobel Peace Prize about organized crime groups in the United winner make his remarks seem incongruous States murdering Castro. when he replied after winning this cherished Trump said he released the materials in the award, ‘History has thrust me into this interest of transparency. position. It would be both immoral and a The document’s 20-page analysis of King sign of ingratitude if I did not face my moral attempted to link him to communist influences responsibility to do what I can in the civil rights and allege financial misdeeds within the struggle,’” the document said. Southern Christian Leadership Council, his civil Another part of the analysis brands the rights organization. Southern Christian Leadership Conference The analysis also contains assertions “a tax dodge” and says King associated with and innuendos about King’s private life that people who had communist ties. The analysis was completed while J. Edgar Hoover was director of the FBI — Hoover was notorious for having his agents follow and spy on King, which was part of the FBI’s larger domestic counterintelligence program, COINTELPRO. The program was widely panned years later and resulted in various reforms. In 1964, an anonymous package that a Senate committee later confirmed was from the FBI, was sent to King’s house containing Courtesy photo a letter urging King to kill Bernice King at the National Civil Rights Museum in himself. Memphis standing in front of a picture of her father, Martin The letter had the line: Luther King Jr. “There is only one thing left


ACA Enrollment Continued from A1 1, 2018. The Trump Administration, which has made no secret of its wish to “repeal and replace” President Barack Obama’s signature legislative achievement, has done everything it can to force the ACA to whither on the vine by cutting the enrollment period from the previous three months, to just 45 days. And it has also cut the $100 million Obama Administration budget to both advertise the open enrollment period, and slashed grant funding efforts for state and community organizations across the nation that reach those in dire need of all that the ACA offers through education and mobilization, by an estimated 90 percent to just $10 million for the entire nation. And yet, according to recent published reports, Pres. Trump’s efforts to strangle the ACA to discourage participation are coming up short. In fact, based on available numbers, people are enrolling at a higher, faster pace than last year at this time, and there’s every reason to believe that pace will continue the closer Dec. 15 comes. While no official numbers have been released by the administration yet, The Washington Post reports that, “More than 200,000 Americans chose a plan on Nov. 1st (first day of open enrollment). That’s more than double the number of consumers who signed up on the first day of enrollment last year. More than 1 million people visited, the official federal website, the official said, which amounts to roughly a 33 percent increase in traffic compared with 2016.” This doesn’t account for over a dozen states that have their own health insurance exchanges. However, several states, like California, New York and Connecticut, all say they are seeing

Identification Statements

Baltimore Afro-American – (USPS 040-800) is published weekly by The Afro-American Newspapers, 2519 N. Charles Street, Baltimore, MD 21218-4602. Subscription Rate: Baltimore - 1 Year - $70.00(Price includes tax.) Checks for subscriptions should be made payable to: The Afro-American Newspaper Company, 2519 N. Charles Street, Baltimore, MD 21218-4602. Periodicals postage paid at Baltimore, MD. POSTMASTER: Send addresses changes to: The Afro-American Newspapers Company, 2519 N. Charles Street, Baltimore, MD 21218-4602.

The Washington Afro-American & Washington Tribune – (0276-6523) is published weekly by the Afro-American Newspapers at 1816 12th Street, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20009-4422. Subscription Rate: Washington - 1 Year - $70.00(Price includes tax.) Periodicals postage paid at Washington, D.C. POSTMASTER: Send addresses changes to: The Washington Afro-American & Washington Tribune, 2519 N. Charles Street, Baltimore, MD 21218-4602.

will maintain exploring the many technologies the digital environment is constantly unveiling in order to improve and grow our digital reach to AFRO readers across the United States and around the world.” The family-owned business was founded in 1892 by former slave John H. Murphy Sr., and today is the number one news source for African-Americans.

for you to do. You know what it is. You have just 34 days.” Clayborne Carson, director of the Martin Luther King Jr. Research and Education Institute and a history professor at Stanford University, doubts the veracity of the FBI’s King analysis. “When we look closely at this, what we see is that there is a person who is trying his best to damage Martin Luther King’s reputation,” Carson said of Hoover to CNN’s Anderson Cooper. The FBI analysis was part of 676 documents that President Donald Trump released Nov.

The AFRO currently reaches more than 684,000 readers on Facebook, making it one of the most digitally-followed Black publications in the country. The AFRO will continue to publish in print and online with no interruption of service to its readers or advertisers during its move to the new location. The sale of the AFRO’s existing location at 2519 N. Charles Street in Baltimore was completed on Oct. 30.

3 about Kennedy’s assassination — it is not known how the King analysis was mixed in with the Kennedy files and why it remained secret for nearly 50 years. King biographer David Garrow, in his 1981 book, “The FBI and Martin Luther King Jr.,” as well as other authors have long speculated that information about King having Communist ties and his extra-marital affairs, could be released through the JFK files 50-year window. Trump has said he will release every document tied to Kennedy’s 1963 assassination. The FBI’s files on King are slated to be opened in 2027.

Md. HBCUs Continued from A1 (TWI) duplicating successful academic programs at HBCUs. Instead, Blake ruled that a Special Master, will be appointed, who in turn will be assisted by a committee of his choosing, to develop a plan that attempts to address the inequalities between state funded TWIs and HBCUs. Once the Special Master is appointed, he or she will have one year to file a plan with the court on the method to effectively end segregation at Maryland higher education institutions. The judge did not say how much money would be needed to provide relief to the HBCUs. In the Coalition for Equity and Excellence in Maryland Higher Education lawsuit, originally filed in 2006, the U.S. Federal District Court found that the state of Maryland continues to operate a de jure system of segregation in higher education that has systemically discriminated against students at Historical Black Institutions. The Special Master’s job will be to decide which “unique, high demand programs” should be created at Maryland HBCUs. These

more signups over last year as well. ndeed, those wishing to enroll should go to to qualify for federal tax subsidies to offset the rising cost of health insurance premiums. Those subsidies, better known as APT (Advanced Premium Tax Subsidies), make monthly premiums more affordable for most Americans who apply. Premiums on some health insurance plans can be subsidized as low as $87 per month from a high of $662, depending on the type of plan an applicant needs and signs up for. To make sure Pres. Trump’s efforts to squash the ACA signup period fails, several advocacy groups across the nation, including the NNPA, have stepped forward, making sure that

programs would, in theory, draw more nonminority students to them. Blake decreed that no programs would be transferred from TWIs to HBCUs because of the possible negative effects the TWIs would suffer. She also ordered Maryland to give additional funding to HBCUs for student recruitment, financial aid and marketing. Any new programs started at TWIs must be approved by the Special Master, to avoid further duplication. “…the court finds that neither party’s remedy, as currently proposed, is practicable, educationally sound, and sufficient to address the segregative harms of program duplication at the HBIs,” Blake wrote. “At least in part, this results from the parties’ failure or inability to consult with the other side in crafting their proposals. Further, the court has not been given sufficient information about the cost of the proposals. Instead of adopting either one as it stands, the court will appoint a Special Master to develop a Remedial Plan.” Sean Yoes, AFRO Baltimore Editor, contributed to this report.

their constituencies are properly informed about all ACA deadlines and requirements. Some states are stepping up to cover the cost of open enrollment education too, like California, adding $5 million to its efforts. The question now is, though it’s clear that many Americans are ignoring Trump’s efforts to kill the ACA, just how many of them are young people. There is concern in the health care community that most of the new signups are people who are older and have afflictions, versus young, healthy people who are needed in large numbers in order for the ACA to work properly.

Brooklyn was the main factor in her success. Unlike her opponent, Mrs. Continued from A1 Chisholm was born, raised and educated in Brooklyn. will join the ranks of those At 43, the former school respectable men and women teacher had come a long way who make up the Legislative from a ‘first’ in New York’s Branch of the American State Assembly (after 19 years government. of active politics) to a ‘first’ in No newcomer to politics, the Congress. ‘first’ lady of Congress is New Joining her as newest York’s Shirley Chisholm. members of Congress in She won election Tuesday January will be Louis Stokes over her Republican opponent, of Cleveland, and William L. James Farmer, by a vote Clay of St. Louis, Mo., both of 35,239 to 13,615 in the Democrats. 12th Congressional District, Heading the list of six Brooklyn. incumbents who won reFarmer, former head of election is Harlem’s Adam CORE, was the first major civil Clayton Powell. rights leader to seek a political Victory also came to office. He lost to Mrs. Chisholm incumbent Congressman by a heavy margin in the predominantly colored Puerto AFRO file photo Charles Diggs, of Detroit’s 13th District and Augustus Rican section of Brooklyn’s Mrs. Shirley Chisholm, 43, the first non-white Hawkins, of Los Angeles’ 21st Bedford-Stuyvesant. female to be elected to Congress, receives a kiss District, both Democrats. Tuesday’s victory marks a from her husband, Conrad. Three incumbent second similar event for the congressmen who won re-election had token opposition. ‘first’ congresswoman. Four years ago, she made history They were Robert Nix, Philadelphia’s Second District; John when she won election to the State Assembly. Conyers, Detroit’s First District and William L. Dawson, Her record as assemblywoman during the past four Chicago’s First District, all Democrats. years, coupled with her popularity among her people in



The Afro-American, November 11, 2017 - November 17, 2017

AFRO Editorial


Trump’s Smear of the King Legacy President Donald Trump has crossed the line. Trump, who continues to disrespect former President Barack Obama, who is hell-bent on repealing the Affordable Care Act, who shows disdain for civil rights and supports White supremacists, is now dragging Dr. Martin Luther King’s legacy through the mud. Trump ordered the National Archive to release all documents relating to the assassination of President John F. Kennedy. A 20-page dossier compiled by the FBI on Dr. Martin Luther King, dated three weeks before King’s April 4, 1968 assassination was part of the released documents. Nothing in the King dossier has anything to do with the JFK assassination. The 49-year-old King dossier was filed while J. Edgar Hoover, a well-known anti-King protagonist, was director of the FBI. The 1968 King dossier asserts a number of damaging allegations including, financial irregularities within King’s Southern Christian Leadership Conference, King having connections with communist groups, and King allegedly engaging in sexual misconduct and having multiple affairs. None of these assertions about King appear to be verified or corroborated by Hoover or the FBI. Neither Trump nor the FBI have offered any explanation as to why the King dossier was included in the documents relating to the Kennedy assassination. Furthermore, no explanation has been offered as to why after 48 years, this Trump Administration felt compelled to make the King dossier public. We view the Trump Administration’s issuance of this damaging and insulting King dossier to be an intentional and significantly slanderous campaign to discredit Dr. Martin Luther King, America’s most influential and revered civil rights leader. King died in his attempt to bring peace and unification to a racially polarized nation in the 1960s. Today, America remains deeply divided along racial lines. Given the series of despicable incidents that reflect Trump’s inability to utter the truth and his support of racists groups in Charlottesville; this latest attempt by Trump to tarnish the reputation of one of America’s most respected Black heroes crystalizes, in our opinion, Trump’s unwillingness and inability to improve the racial environment that continues to decline during his leadership of our country The blame for this president’s failures, however, must be shared by the Republican party, whose quest for political legitimization causes them to consistently ignore the glaring short comings of Trump’s leadership as the Republican party leader. Trump’s racist actions and continuing failure to unify America’s diverse citizen populations has cast a negative shadow over the entire Republican group. The recent loses the Republicans have suffered in this week’s elections is an indication of Trumps impact on his party’s political power. As mid-term elections approach, it is imperative that all of the diverse American communities commit to remove the hurtful Republican domination in Congress. The racist actions of Trump and the Republicans must cease. The collective majority of this country’s citizens deserve to have a leadership that truly reflects, promotes and respects the reality of a unified diverse foundation these united states claim, and were

originally intended, to personify. Trump’s release of the King dossier is clear evidence of his miserable failure to unite America’s citizens.

Trump no longer deserves our respect.

Winning Our Fight for Middle Class Tax Reform Along with my Democratic colleagues in the Congress, I support tax reform legislation that would truly help everyday Americans and the small businesses that employ them while protecting critical federal commitments to the education, health care, Social Security and housing of the American people. However, the budgetary and taxation proposals being advanced by the Republicans fail these fundamental tests. The current Republican proposals would primarily benefit large corporations and the wealthiest among us, increase the federal debt, and set the stage for massive cuts in Medicare, Medicaid, Social Security, education and other critically important federal programs. These shortcomings are why the Republican congressional leadership has worked in stealth mode to advance their tax proposals without much bipartisan consideration, negotiation or intellectual input. It also is why the American people are rising up against them. A major political hurdle that President Trump and congressional Republicans are facing in their obsession to enact their so-called “middle class tax reforms” is that their proposals are far more likely to harm, rather than help, our nation’s middle class. When the Republicans attempt to hide the truth about their taxation and budgetary plans under the “spin” of “middle class tax reform,” the contradiction between the spin and the truth is blatant – and a majority of Americans view it that way. The Republican would do well to truly listen to the people whom they were elected to serve. By large margins, the public is telling the Republicans to provide tax relief to everyday Americans and the small businesses that employ them – while protecting the federal programs that help everyday people

Elijah Cummings

survive and thrive. Consider the perspectives advanced by the American public in the October 27-30 CBS News poll []. A clear majority of Americans believe that the Republicans favor the most affluent among us [58 percent] and that “the rich” would benefit the most from the Republican tax proposals [56 percent]. Most Americans have also concluded that the taxes paid by “middle class Americans” should be decreased [60 percent] while the taxes paid by “wealthy Americans” should be increased [58 percent]. Where corporate taxes are concerned, American majorities currently believe that the taxes currently paid by large corporations are less than “their fair share” [52 percent] and should be increased [56 percent], while the taxes paid by small businesses should be decreased [68 percent]. What we all need to understand, however, is that, contrary to the views of the American majority, congressional Republicans are attempting to rush their radical proposals into law before the American people have a chance to fully understand the consequences for their families. The American people deserve the truth about the real consequences for all of us if these Republican tax and budgetary proposals become law – so here is a brief summary. The Republicans are proposing to borrow an additional $1.5 trillion in order to provide unfair and largely ineffective tax cuts, 80 percent of which will go to the wealthiest 1 percent among us. Taxes will actually be increased for many middle class American families. The broader Republican budgetary plan would devastate Medicare and Medicaid, slashing Medicare by $473 billion and imposing $1 trillion in cuts on hard-working Americans on Medicaid: veterans, seniors with long-term care needs, children and rural communities.

This same radical agenda would slash non-defense spending by $5 trillion over 10 years, including cutting mandatory programs by over $4 trillion and cutting nondefense discretionary programs by $660 billion. The Republicans would actually cost our economy jobs by cutting infrastructure funding, as well as federal investments in education, innovation, clean energy, job training, R&D, and medical research – all investments that are needed to create jobs and grow our economy. These consequences are why we must defeat the Republican tax and budgetary plans and move on to truly bipartisan and legitimate tax reform that will truly stimulate our economy, create more well-paying jobs and protect our safety net. To win this fight, however, we will need the full engagement of the American people – the same constructive public outcry that Americans demonstrated in defense of the Affordable Care Act. We need the American people to raise their voices now. We can expect the Republicans to bring their tax plan to a vote by the House of Representatives during the week of November 13 – and a vote in the Senate after Thanksgiving but before December 11. In the Senate and House, Maryland’s representatives are raising our voices and challenging these unfair Republican plans. Meanwhile, in Washington, as well as in Senate and House offices throughout the nation, Americans are challenging the Republicans and demanding that they act in the public interest – not the interest of the wealthy and powerful few. This is how we can win the fight for true middle class tax reform. This is how democracy – and the will of the American people – can once again prevail. Congressman Elijah Cummings represents Maryland’s 7th Congressional District in the United States House of Representatives.


Following Lifting of Sanctions, Development is Imperative On Oct. 12, the U.S. announced the long overdue removal of some sanctions on Sudan. Now, new and exciting potentials lie ahead for the future of Sudan and its people. This is not the time to delay; the government of Sudan should seize the moment to implement policies that will lead to the economic development of this vast nation, and the raising of the standard of living of its more than forty million citizens. According to U.S. government representatives, President Trump’s executive decision does not terminate President’s Clinton’s E.O. 13067, issued on Nov. 3, 1997, but it removes those sanctions that had enforced an embargo on commercial transactions with Sudan. Now companies and individuals wishing to export, invest and trade with Sudan can conduct business using the international banking system without fear of being penalized. However, targeted sanctions remain, and there are licensing requirements for agricultural and medical exports. This milestone in U.S.-Sudan relations is, in large part, due to the relentless efforts by Foreign Minister Ibrahim Ghandour, especially his leadership over the last sixteen months. Ghandour, who was appointed to head Sudan’s foreign office in 2015, has successfully changed the dynamics of a detrimental and hostile U.S. attitude against his nation. Nearly twenty years of sanctions have accomplished nothing except to cause greater suffering and hardship for the Sudanese people. Finally, this suffocating policy has ended, allowing Sudan the opportunity to move forward. However, the U.S. now maintains a peculiar and contradictory policy towards Sudan: Lifting trade sanctions allows companies to conduct commercial activity in Sudan without penalty, but the U.S. cannot offer financial support to investors from any of its lending institutions, because Sudan remains on the U.S. State Department’s list of “states sponsoring terrorism.” Under the administration’s new executive order, Sudan is removed from a short list of nations under “comprehensive sanctions”: North Korea, Syria, Iran, and Cuba, and is placed on a broader list of nations subject to “targeted sanctions.” The government of Sudan intends to seek redress of its wrongful inclusion on the SST list. Removal from this list would allow Sudan to seek relief from its onerous forty-plus billions

Lawrence Freeman

of dollars of debt, and make it eligible to receive favorable treatment from U.S. lending facilities. Unfortunately, removing Sudan from the SST list would require the approval of the U.S. Congress, which is still antagonistic towards Sudan. Shaping a Better Future with China’s Belt and Road Since Sudan’s liberation from colonialism, during which, the British Imperialists codified into law the artificial division between the so-called North and South, Sudan has never realized it full economic potential. This lack of development has been at the core of Sudan’s difficulties. This can now change. The spirit of China’s 21st Century Silk Road has created a new dynamic on the African continent that Sudan is well positioned to harness. Sudan’s neighbors in East Africa are already participating in a density of construction of new rail lines going East to West that have the potential to transform Africa, becoming the eastern leg of the longawaited East-West railroad that would link the Atlantic to the Indian Oceans. Ethiopia has completed the first electrically driven railroad connecting the capital Addis Ababa to the Port of Djibouti, and has devised a strategy to connect to all its neighboring countries by rail. Kenya has completed the first phase of the standard-gauge railroad, from the Port of Mombasa to Kenya’s capital, Nairobi. This the first phase of a plan to connect the nations of the Horn of Arica to those of the Great Lakes Region. Tanzania has begun the first two stages of Dar es Salaam-Iska-Kagali/Keza-Musongati (DIKKM) rail project, a 1672-kilometer railroad connecting Kigali in Rwanda and Musongati in Burundi to Kenya’s Port of Dar Es Salaam. Most of these transportation infrastructure projects are being supported by China, both in funding and construction. The Port of Sudan is officially on China’s Maritime Silk Road, and the Ports of Mombasa, Djibouti, and Dar es Salaam are there implicitly. Sudan is geographically positioned to become the nexus point for the East-West and North South trans-Africa rail-lines, possibly crossing in the city of Sennar on the Blue Nile. The Sudanese government has already prepared an ambitious multi-phase plan to connect all parts of its territory with its neighbors by rail. China has been a consistent economic partner of Sudan and is a likely candidate to collaborate on

these rail projects. Sudan is also in urgent need of more electricity to power its economy. The erection of the Merowe Dam, with a capacity of 1.2 gigawatts, was a significant accomplishment in 2009-2010, and there have been smaller hydropower projects in the eastern portion of the country. However, Sudan, like the rest of sub-Sharan Africa, is suffering from a huge deficit in electrical power that is now holding back, and will continue to retard economic growth until it is rectified. Sub-Saharan Africa needs over 1,000 gigawatts of power to begin to obtain the level of modern Afro-industrial societies Sudan Is Open for Business Speaking in Washington, D.C. on October 16, at a forum sponsored by the Corporate Council of Africa, Sudanese Minister of Finance and Economic Planning, Dr. Mohamed Othman Al-Rikabii outlined the areas of potential investments in Sudan’s resources, including; water, gold, oil, mining, livestock, gas, and tourism. He emphasized the enormous potential for investment in agriculture in Sudan, with presently only 20% of its sixty million hectares of fertile land under cultivation. For the first time in decades, Sudan has the opportunity to design polices that focus on the development of the nation. Productive employment must be created to provide hope for a better future for the Sudanese people, especially its youth, who are living in poverty. This will require immediate construction--shovels in the ground--of vitally needed infrastructure. China, in the “Spirit of the New Silk Road,” will undoubtedly be a willing partner to Sudan’s future economic growth. Whether the U.S., under President Trump, will be wise enough to contribute to Sudan’s development after twenty years of failed sanctions, remains to be seen. As for the government of Sudan, there is no time to waste, and no acceptable delays. Economic development is the agenda. Lawrence Freeman is a researcher, writer, and speaker on a variety of topics concerning Africa. He provides economic-political analysis for the continent, including members of African governments, especially on the importance of infrastructure in economic growth. He is an adjunct instructor at Community College of Baltimore County and Frederick Community College, where he teaches courses on African history.

November 11, 2017 - November 17, 2017, The Afro-American


Playing the Maryland Lottery is fun, but please play within your limits. For confidential help with gambling problems, please visit or call 1-800-GAMBLER. You must be 18 to play.



November 11, 2017 - November 11, 2017, The Afro-American

The Afro-American, November 11, 2017 - November 17, 2017

Firsts Continued from A1 was elected as the first Black woman to become mayor in Milledgeville, Ga. Wilmot Collins was elected as the first Black mayor of Helena, Montana. Booker Gainor was elected as Cairo, Ga.’s first Black mayor. Andrea Jenkins was elected as the first transgender Black women to join the City Council of Minneapolis. Vi Lyles was elected as the first Black woman mayor in Charlotte, N.C. Jonathan McCollar was elected as the first Black mayor of Statesboro, Ga. Sheila Oliver was elected as the first Black woman to become lieutenant governor in New Jersey. Mazahir Salih was elected as the first SudaneseAmerican to the Iowa City Council. Yvonne Spicer was elected the first Black woman to become mayor of the city of Framingham, Mass.

Jonathan McCollar

Melvin Carter

Mary Parham Copelan

Wilmot Collins

Booker Gainor

Andrea Jenkins

Vi Lyles

Sheila Oliver

Mazahir Salih

Yvonne Spicer

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November 11, 2017 - November 17, 2017, The Afro-American



Black Vets Face Obstacles on Home Front By Hamil R. Harris Special to the AFRO

Fairfax Elected Virginia’s Second Black Lt. Gov.

Prince George’s County Elections

Ayers Steps Up to Improve Sheriff’s Office By James Wright Special to the AFRO

Georgia Eaves can’t count how many Veterans Day parades and events she has participated in since she served as an Army Captain during the Vietnam War. While Eaves will take part in events in Washington, D.C. and Maryland this Veterans Day weekend she said her heart is heavy because of how she sees veterans being treated, today. “A lot of young veterans are not being given the same opportunities as veterans from other cultures but we are all part of the same system,” said Eaves, the D.C. commander of the National Black American Veterans Association. Eaves’ sentiments are being echoed by James A.

Anthony Ayers Sr. has held prominent positions in Prince George’s County law enforcement. Now, he is taking the electoral route and said he hopes county residents elect him as sheriff. Ayers is the former police chief of Capitol Heights, Md., and a retired Prince George’s County police officer recognized for his keen community engagement. Ayers told the AFRO he wanted to become sheriff to make changes in the department.

Democrat Lt. Gov.-elect Justin Fairfax addresses attendees at an election night party at George Mason University in Fairfax, Va. on Nov. 7. Fairfax is the second Black man to hold the position. Read the story on

Prince George’s County

School System Audit Inconclusive on Grade Tampering in High Schools to. However, former Board of Education member Beverly Anderson said the results of the audit and the need for such a review is troubling. Anderson resigned earlier this year because Prince George’s County Executive Rushern L. Baker, III is she disagreed with the direction of the board. defending a 200 page audit that raises questions about whether “I am not surprised with the findings of the audit report, and or not school officials engaged in I am deeply concerned about the four a wide scale grade fraud to help summary findings,” she wrote in a students graduate. letter to the AFRO. The audit was unable to verify Anderson said that her concerns whether 24.5 percent of graduated were in four areas: seniors, the sample assessed, had 1) PGCPS’s governance structure their grades changed for the sole has performance gaps; purpose of boosting the County’s 2) PGCPS staff does not graduation rate. In response to the consistently adhere to policies and audit, released by the Maryland State procedures related to grading and Department of Education regarding graduation certification; Prince George’s County Public 3) School level record keeping for Schools (PGCPS) graduation rates, grading and graduation certification is Baker said nothing was found that poor; and incriminates the school system. 4) Irregularities in grade changes “As we suspected, the audit did were identified. not reveal any corruption or top The audit report found problems down mandates from Dr. Maxwell’s of attendance as compared to the office or other PGCPS leadership to graduation rate in the Prince George’s change or fix grades,” Baker said in a County Public Schools. The focus statement. “No other school district should not be on board members in the State of Maryland has had a who brought the allegations of grade (Courtesy photo) comprehensive audit of its graduation County Executive Rushern Baker is changing, some of whom faced records like Prince George’s County. defending the results of an audit conducted retaliatory measures, , Anderson said. This audit is unprecedented and The report said that out of the on the Prince George’s County Public it was the second review of our 28 high schools that were cited for Schools. graduation practices by the State poor record keeping in relation to Board of Education.” graduation certification, at least Baker said the audit should be used as a catalyst to improve 96 percent of those schools did not adhere to policies and oversight of the state graduation certification process and procedures for grading timelines and attendance and 68 percent to develop clear standards that school districts must adhere Continued on B2 By Hamil R. Harris Special to the AFRO

Courtesy photo

Vietnam Veteran Georgia Eaves attended Veterans Prayer Breakfast in 2016. She is not pleased with the way veterans are treated.

Dula, a retired Air Force Major who is chairman of the South (Prince George’s) County Democratic Club. “All Vietnam era veterans have been left out of the equation,” he said. “When we came home there were no parades or celebrations. We came home with post traumatic stress disorder.” Taking note of the mass shooting that took place near San Antonio, Texas, Dula said he wasn’t surprised the 26-year-old suspect was an Air Force veteran. “I

“We have to band together.” – Greg Crawford saw a lot of people coming through who shouldn’t have been in the Air Force,” Dula said. “Look at this man. He assaulted his wife, his child and that led him to be courtmarshaled and dishonorably discharged.” Greg Crawford, director of access housing, said Veterans can do well with support services. Crawford’s father, who was one of the first Blacks elected to the D.C. Council and now deceased member H.R. Crawford, who was a Republican, founded the veterans group that provides Continued on B2

House Fire That Oxon Hill Shuts Out Left 2 Men Dead in Maryland was Arson Bowie 48-0 Prince George’s County HS Football

By Daniel Kucin Jr. Special to the AFRO

Oxon Hill High School defeated Bowie High School 48-0 on Nov. 4. Clippers senior quarterback DaJuan Rollins threw four touchdowns during the blowout. Two of his first half scores went to Penn State University commit Daniel George. George hauled in a 4-yard touchdown in the first quarter and a 10-yard score in the second quarter for good measure. Oxon Hill is now 6-4, and they will sail off to face Chopticon High School located in Morganza, Md. on Continued on B2

By The Associated Press Authorities say a house fire that left two men dead in a Maryland suburb of Washington was deliberately set. Police and fire officials in Prince George’s County said in a statement Nov. 7 that the fire broke out Nov. 2 in a vacant, single-family house in Seat Pleasant, Md. As firefighters battled the blaze, they found the bodies of two men. The Office of the Chief Medical Examiner says the men died of smoke inhalation. Police say they have identified the men, but will not release their names until relatives are notified.

(Courtesy photo)

Anthony Ayers, former police chief of Capitol Heights, Md., is joining the race to become the next county sheriff. “It is time to be more proactive instead of reactive,” he said. “We need to be more collaborative and deal with other agencies and pool our resources to help people.” Ayers said he wants to minimize the “lock up” mentality in law enforcement and work to solve the problems of residents who commit crimes or are facing eviction. He said that as sheriff he will work with the county’s social service agencies to help the people. In addition to collaboration, Ayers said he wants to raise the level of professionalism in the sheriff’s office and enhance its training program. “We need for our sheriff’s deputies to be cross-trained and become more effective first responders,” he said. “People need our help and we need to provide the resources for them.” For example, if a person is set to be evicted, Ayers would have his deputies and staff engage a housing agency to see if the person could get rental assistance and, if not, emergency housing.

“Anthony is in touch with the local community.” – Belinda Queen He said, in an Ayers-led sheriff department, a person arrested for a crime would get a mental health evaluation during the process of arrest and incarceration. Ayers said he tried this approach as the chief of police in Capitol Heights, Md. and it worked. Continued on B2


The Afro-American, November 11, 2017 - November 17, 2017

School Board


had irregularities that resulted in graduation rate increases. “There is no doubt that PGCPS has made progress by increasing enrollment, offering more rigorous programs, expanding early learning and preparing more students for college and careers,” Baker said in a statement. “However, there is more work to do and I expect PGCPS, as well as students and parents, to continue their efforts to move our school system forward.”

temporary and permanent housing for veterans as well as other critical services needed to transition them from homelessness to self-sufficiency. The concept of a Veteran’s Center started in the 1970s, after the older Crawford, who represented Ward 7, received a call about a group of homeless men who had created an encampment under a bridge near Georgetown. “We shared a meal of fried chicken and hot coffee that had been prepared on a hot plate,” Crawford told the AFRO in 2016. The experience was catalyst for the founding of Access Housing and earlier this week Crawford said unfortunately homeless people are still living under the same bridge. Crawford died Feb. 10 at age 78. He was remembered as a zealous advocate for residents of Ward 7 and he will be honored during a Veterans Day program at the Southeast Veterans center on Nov. 8. While veterans continue to have issues, Greg said things are getting better nationally. “In January of 2016, communities across America identified 39,471 homeless veterans during point-in-time counts. This represents a substantial decrease (56 percent) in the number of homeless veterans counted in 2010,” he said. In terms of going forward, Greg said: “We have to band together,” and while Eaves was critical of Trump, Greg is giving him the benefit of the doubt. “It’s only been 10 months and as a community we have to raise awareness about those who have made the sacrifices for this country,” he said.

Continued from B1

Continued from B1

“This audit is unprecedented and it was the second review of our graduation practices by the State Board of Education.” – County Executive Rusher Baker, III Even though the report could not specifically say whether grade tampering in graduation rates occurred, some board members, such as Edward Burroughs said they feel as if the audit has diverted attention away from properly teaching students. According WTOP, Maxwell will ask for a follow up review next year. Washington D.C. Editor LaTrina Antoine contributed to this article.


Continued from B1 He said his campaign won’t be based on making current Sheriff Melvin High look bad but will point out some shortcomings. “Melvin High is my mentor,” he said. “I have worked as a sheriff’s deputy while he hasn’t. High works on the higher level of the sheriff’s department and he never has to deal with the day to day workings. He doesn’t see the inefficiencies but I did. His subordinates tell him everything is fine but it is not.” In addition to High, Ayers faces deputy sheriff Kendal Wade and former U.S. Marshal David Grogan as competitive candidates in the June 29, 2018 Democratic Party primary. The winner of the primary will run in the Nov. 6, 2018 general election. Ayers is a graduate of Bishop McNamara High School, located in Forestville, Md., and spent several years in the U.S. Navy after his high school graduation. When he left the Navy, Ayers joined the county police department, which he he from after 20 years of service. Ayers was involved in community policing for 13 of those years, establishing contacts with political leaders such as Maryland State Sen. Joanne Benson (D-District 24) and Prince George’s

HS Sports Continued from B1

(Photo by Daniel Kucin Jr.)

Oxon Hill wide receiver Daniel George hauled in two touchdowns against Bowie High School on Nov. 4. Nov. 10. Upper Marlboro, Md.-based Dr. Henry A. Wise, Jr. High School took down DuVal High School located in Lanham, Md. 39-6 on Nov. 4. Wise junior running back Brandon Bell could not be contained by the Tigers defense as he accounted for 100 yards and two touchdowns. Pumas junior quarterback Quinton Williams also had an impressive performance. Williams went 9-of-12 for 159 yards and two touchdowns as well. He also accounted for seven yards rushing and a score on the ground. Wise remains undefeated, and they are gearing up to face Forestville, Md.-based Suitland High School on Nov. 10. Brandywine, Md.-based Gwynn Park High School knocked off Suitland High School located in Forestville, Md. 26-19 on Nov. 3. Gwynn Park running back Kibwe Galloway led his team in rushing with five carries for 63 yards and a touchdown. Fellow running back Terrell Lindsey rushed for 54 yards, and he also pulled down an interception for a touchdown on defense. Gwynn Park also relied on running back/ linebacker Ryan Clemons, who rushed for 60 yards and a touchdown. Clemons also recovered a fumble for a score on defense to

pull away from the Rams. Gwynn Park will look forward to taking on Westlake High School located in Waldorf, Md. on Nov. 24. Hyattsville, Md.-based DeMatha High School shut out Archbishop Carroll High School 50-0 on Nov. 4. The Stags secured their second consecutive win after an impressive performance from junior quarterback Eric Najarian. Najarian went 9-of-12 for 126 yards and two touchdowns. One of his favorite targets was sophomore wide receiver Joshua Dodd who hauled in four receptions for 76 yards and each of Najarian’s touchdown tosses. DeMatha running backs Marshawn Lloyd, Myles Miree and Sieh Bangura all combined for 179 yards and four touchdowns collectively. The Stags are now 6-4 as the regular season has come to a close. Charles H. Flowers High School, located in Springdale, Md., finished off Bladensburg High School 26-6 on Nov. 3. Flowers junior quarterback Julius Duvall rushed for two touchdowns on the ground and junior running back Mekhi Williams led the Jaguars in rushing with 65 yards on six carries. An undefeated regular season is in the books for the Jaguars at 12-0.

County Council member Karen Toles (D-District 7). He was involved in several community events in the Capitol Heights-Seat Pleasant-Fairmount Heights-District Heights area. Ayers was instrumental in a Capitol Heights-Ward 7 parade, an event, that for two years, has brought bordering neighborhoods together in celebration, bonding and networking. He also had a short stint as a sheriff’s deputy in Capitol Heights, Md. Ayers is a member of the St. Joseph’s Catholic Church in Largo, Md. Belinda Queen has been active in the effort to engage the county’s law enforcement agencies on behalf of residents. “He is a community person and he did a great job reaching out to the community as the designated police officer in that capacity. Anthony is in touch with the local community,” Queen told the AFRO. “Anthony is well-known in the local [central Prince George’s County] community, but he has to reach out to all of Prince George’s County and some people in other parts of the county may not know him.”

November 11, 2017 - November 17, 2017, The Afro-American


Centennial Celebration

Therrell Smith, D.C. Dance Legend, Turns 100 By Jasmine A. Ball Special to the AFRO As Therrell Smith greeted family and friends during her 100th birthday party Nov. 5 at the University of the District of Columbia, she said she was thankful to be so blessed. Identified as a D.C. dance legend by the International Association of Blacks in Dance, Smith, who has spent most of her life in D.C., has enjoyed spreading cheer to others through dance. She said she has been dancing since she was 8-years-old. “I am very blessed to see the age 100 and to still be able to do the things that I’ve been doing,” she told the AFRO, in reference to her mobility.“It brings me joy to know that I’ve touched so many lives. This is what my life is all about, my goal is to continue. This is what keeps me going.” As a teen, Smith attended Dunbar High School in Northeast D.C. where she choreographed several of the school’s plays and operettas. After graduating high Photo by Ron Thomas school, Smith studied Therrell Smith turned 100 years at Fisk University old on Nov. 5. in Nashville, Tenn., where she spent summers working as a dance teacher at a summer camp in Wisconsin. After graduation, she continued to work with young people as a camp counselor and drama teacher at a camp in Massachusetts. During her younger years, she was selected to study in Paris under the famous Mathilde Kschessinska, prima ballerina assoluta of the Imperial Russian Ballet. “There is no finer person than I can think of to be a better role model. She is just an excellent person,” her niece Shelley Brown told the AFRO. In the District, Smith founded the Therrell Smith School of Dance in 1948. Through the school she has taught dance at




1111 Pennsylvania Ave., NW Black Artists of Today: Reinventing Tomorrow

The Zenith Gallery Space is celebrating African Heritage

Month by showcasing diverse African art and featuring artists. The gallery will be available to the public every day from Nov. 6 to Jan. 6, 2018. The art includes wooden sculptures, paintings, and mosaics. For more information, visit

CHURCH EVENTS Alexandria, Va.

909 Queen St. Ebenezer Baptist Church ‘Keep It Real’ Fridays Ebenezer Baptist Church, located at 909 Queen St., is continuing installments of Keep It Real Fridays on Nov. 10 at 7:30 p.m. This event will feature special guests, including spoken word artist Chaye Benjamin and the First Baptist Church of Manassas Youth Step Team.

Washington, D.C.

Mount Moriah Baptist Church: 1636 E. Capitol St., NE ‘A Memorial to Lives Lost by Gun Violence’ Mount Moriah Baptist Church and Hill Havurah, an independent Jewish community, are hosting “A Memorial To Lives Taken by Gun Violence” at 1636 E. Capitol St., NE on Nov. 12 from 2 p.m.-4 p.m. The event, which will address the the LeDroit Park Nursery School, on Rhode Island Avenue in Northwest D.C. and at the school’s current site on Bunker Hill Rd in Northeast D.C. Smith attends Unity Church in Northwest D.C. “I didn’t think about dancing as a livelihood, but it was a good choice”, Smith told the AFRO. Smith, who was born and raised in D.C., has been a member of the Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority for 78 years. “She is a warm, loving, and a humble person. She is very giving and willing to serve which is demonstrated through the community,” Jackie Harris, who is Smith’s sorority sister and has known her for many years, told the AFRO.

significance of community involvement in decreasing gun violence in Ward 6, will be led by Rabbi Hannah Spiro and Senior Pastor Lucius Dalton. Attendees are encouraged to come early for the pre-program event that is scheduled to begin at 2 p.m., where guests can place the names of victims on T-shirts at the memorial. The vigil is scheduled to begin at 3 p.m. Zion Baptist Church: 4850 Blagden Avenue, NW HBCU Celebration at Zion Baptist The officers and members of Zion Baptist Church are inviting residents in the area to the annual observance of HBCU Day to celebrate Historically Black Colleges and Universities. The event is scheduled to begin at 10:15 a.m. on Nov. 12. The guest speaker is slated to be Rev. Justin Rhodes, executive pastor of Trinidad Baptist Church in Northeast, D.C. Zion is located at 4850 Blagden Avenue, NW. For more details, call 202-722-4940.

Homicide Count 2017 Total


Past Seven Days


Data as of Nov. 8

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The Afro-American, November 11, 2017 - November 17, 2017

Craig Muckle, Wynona Redmond, Edgar Brookins, honoree, Candice Nicole Mackel, Millennial Award honoree, Alex Hill, Millennial Award honoree, Joanne Williams, Legacy Award honoree, Antonice Jackson, president, BPRS-DC and Deborah Hyman

Brittany Lewis, Miss Black America 2017

The National Black Public Relations Society’s Washington, D.C. Chapter hosted an event Oct. 21 that celebrated the life and legacy of Ofield Dukes. The Inaugural Ofield Dukes Excellence in Public Relations Reception and Awards was held at the J.W. Marriott Hotel in Northwest D.C. More than 100 Public Relations and Communications professionals attended to William “Larry” Lucas speaking give tribute to Dukes, about Ofield Dukes who died on Dec 7, 2011.

Antonice Jackson, President, BPRS’ presents the Inaugural Blue Heart Award to Edgar Brookins, D.C. AFRO general manager

Rochelle Ford, Rev. Dr. Unnia Pettus, Lavonia Perryman, Roxie Victorian and her mother, and Johnetta Hardy

Rochelle Ford(left) and Rev. Dr. Unnia Pettus present Ofield Dukes scholarship to Ricky Davis, student at Howard University

Ronald Baker presents the Legacy Award to Joanne Williams

Michael Dutton, Ciara Brooks and Antonice Jackson

Photos by Ronald Baker – Solid Image Photo

Ms. Veteran America 2017 Catherine Bach, keynote speaker, showing off award for outstanding service Cassandra Taylor, talent competition

Rebekah Lloyd, 1st runner up, Callandra Monday, 2nd runner up and Lindsay Gutierrez, Ms. Veteran America 2017 Callandra Mondy, Show Stopper Award and Nicole Margaret Ellingwood Malachowski, 1st USAF Female Pilot with The Thunderbirds

Actor Lamman Rucker and Army Veteran Marissa Strock, emcees

Chelsea Evans, winner of the G.I. Jane Competition; Sgt. First Class Akia Sieben (back , left)

Denyse Gordon Watts, Lindsay Gutierrez and Jas Booth, founder and president, Final Salute

Ricardo Watts, Denyse Gordon Watts, Ms. Veteran America Emeritus, Lamman Rucker, Jan Booth and Jammel Booth

Photos by Rob Roberts

Grace, poise, beauty and service are the exemplary qualities that ladies exhibited when they participated in the Ms. Veteran America Competition on Oct. 8 at the Liaison Capitol Hill in Northwest, Washington D.C. The Woman Beyond the Uniform was clearly demonstrated when

more than 20 women veterans strutted across the stage in the categories of G.I. Jane, talent and evening wear. When the dust of the combat boots had settled, Lindsay Gutierrez was crowned Ms. Veteran America 2017. Proceeds from the event will go toward housing for homeless women veterans and their children.

Judges: Gladys Hughes, former Ms. Veteran America, Chief Jessica Myers, Command Sgt. Maj. (Ret.) Michele Jones, Dr. Karen Walker and Kimberly Michelle Miller

The final 10

Ms. Veteran America 2016, Molly Mae Potter does her final walk.

November 11, 2017 - November 17, 2017, The Afro-American



‘The Frankie Lymon Story’ Brings Doo-Wop Back to D.C. By Micha Green Special to the AFRO A local nonprofit organization dedicated to fostering crosscultural understanding, increasing awareness and preserving the legacy of Black heritage in the Black Theatre, recently put on a production of Fool in Love: The Frankie Lymon Story in Silver Spring, Md. While it still may not be apparent why fools fall in love, Live Garra Theatre’s production, currently playing at Silver Spring Black Box Theatre, chronicles the rise and fall of the teen, doowop and rhythm and blues sensation. Directed by D.C. director Thomas W. Jones II, the fastmoving, finger-snapping, and foot-tapping show transports audiences to the early 1950s when Lymon was just a little boy, singing with his family, working as a grocery boy, and pimping on Courtesy photo the streets, to the very end of his life, when he died of an overdose Cast members Lori Williams, Rayshun Lamarr (Frankie Lymon) and Roz White perform during the “Fool in Love: The at 25. Frankie Lymon Story” stage play in Silver Spring, Md. Despite the tragic ending of Lymon’s life, the powerhouse cast, “I think you get a little more understanding through the show, than you do just looking at the featuring the high-energy and impressively high-pitched singing of Rayshun Lamarr (Lymon), and movie. And I think it’s just important for people to come see it in real life. To see the action of it- the the sweet, soulful, and sometimes, sensual sounds of Roz White and Lori Williams help audiences to story, and what happened when, how it went down, and to actually be there in the presence. I know understand what made the young artist great and memorable almost 50 years after his death in 1968. it’s not reality, but just to be there live is a great thing to do,” he said. “It’s a classic retelling of a story that should be heard historically and you have someone who is Since its New York debut, Fool in Love has had a few iterations, including a two-day show run a pioneer in this music. We know about the Little Stevies of the world… but the Frankie Lymons at a Senior Center in Atlanta, yet this is the first long-running version of the production, and its D.C. of the world become obsolete. You don’t hear so much about them or their lifestyles so we want to debut. make sure their story is told accurately and authentically,” said ensemble member, and professional “It’s swinging. It’s fun to lay it out for a long period of time, because really it’s a show that singer and music teacher, Lori Williams. doesn’t wear out…. It’s just fun,” William Knowles, who is the musical composer and band director, “He was a great artist despite told the AFRO. He has been part of the production since its original stage production in 2010 at the the downfalls. He was a wonderful Triad Theatre in New York City. artist. He put out great music… and The story of Lymon’s life was told with the fun, feelings associated with doo-wop. With song, I just think people need to know his dance, comedic relief, and a great deal of audience interaction, the show keeps viewers engaged, on story other than the movie that’s out,” the edge of their seats and even singing and snapping along to the doo-wop sounds. Lamarr told the AFRO, referencing “Frankie was not in a can. He was singing to you in a real live fashion. And it’s a very different the 1998, Warner Bros. Pictures energy to have real people singing and real people playing, than someone playing the air guitar or film, “Why Do Fools Fall in Love,” something, or someone who makes beats,” Knowles said. starring Larenz Tate as the teenage The “Fool in Love” production is scheduled to run until Nov. 19 at the Live Garra Theatre in superstar. residence at Silver Spring Black Box Theatre.

“It’s a classic retelling of a story that should be heard historically…” -- Lori Williams

UCLA Coach Sits 3 Players Reportedly Involved in China Shoplifting Incident

LiAngelo Ball, Younger Brother of L.A. Lakers’ Lonzo Ball, Among Those Involved AP Photo/Eric Christian Smith

Houston Texans quarterback Deshaun Watson sustained a season-ending knee injury in practice and will go on the injured reserve.

AFRO Sports Desk Faceoff

Will Deshaun Watson Be the Next RGIII? By Perry Green and Stephen D. Riley AFRO Sports Desk AFRO Sports Desk

Just as Houston Texans quarterback Deshaun Watson was unwrapping the gift of perhaps the best rookie season ever, it was over. Watson exploded on the scene with a 50-yard run against the Cincinnati Bengals on a nationally televised Thursday night game and never looked back—until last week. Watson tore his ACL in practice on Nov. 1, ending perhaps the most exciting rookie season from a Black quarterback since Robert Griffin III. In similar fashion, Griffin tore his ACL after mesmerizing fans in the District his rookie year and instantly became the savior for the Washington football team. Griffin, however, never regained the magic from his inaugural season and is currently out of football. Will Watson bounce back or go out RGIII style? Perry Green and Stephen D. Riley of the AFRO Sports Desk debate this question. Riley: It’s tough for Watson and all of his fans. He was everything you want a quarterback to be, and before we could even savor his rookie year, it was all gone. A mobile signal caller with the ability to manipulate defenses with run options and play action, Watson played arguably better football than any other signal caller so far this year. His mobility made him deadly, and while it’s not out the realm that he can regain his leg strength after his latest injury, there’s

just no telling if he’ll be the same threat. I would love to see it but the odds are against him. Green: The thing that separated Griffin from Watson was that the latter pushed the ball downfield relentlessly. The mobility was a plus and definitely made him a threat to run but Watson didn’t have to rely upon that. Even if his mobility is zapped when he returns, his intelligence, arm strength and accuracy will continue to make him a weapon in the league. Watson’s personality is different from Griffin’s, who received a lot of criticism off the field for how he conducted himself inside the locker room and among fans. Watson is the real deal and he’s torn an ACL in his left leg before so I wouldn’t count him out. Riley: Tearing an ACL in college is one thing. Tearing an ACL and returning to NFL action is a whole different world. Regardless of Watson’s leadership skills or characteristics, an ACL injury is going to greatly affect his mobility and that’s where his dangerousness came from. It’s easy to push the ball downfield when defenses are trying to account for you taking off and running but when that threat is gone then what? Ask RGIII. Green: Watson isn’t Griffin, though, and that’s easy to see. Aside from that 50-yarder he broke against the Bengals, we haven’t had to see much of Watson running this year. He’s an official quarterback who can hurt you in a number of ways whether it’s running, throwing or decision making. He’ll bounce back just like he did before and he’ll progress in the NFL, unlike RGIII.

AP Photo/ File

At left, Aransas Pass high school basketball player Jalen Hill, at center Sierra Canyon’s Cody Riley and at right LiAngelo Ball were involved in a shoplifting incident in China. UCLA basketball coach Steve Alford will sit the three players for the upcoming game against Georgia Tech in Shanghai. By The Associated Press UCLA basketball coach Steve Alford will sit the three players reportedly involved in a shoplifting incident in China for the Nov. 11 game against Georgia Tech in Shanghai. Alford, however, declined to address the issue further. “The University came out with a statement, so I won’t have any further comment on this other than in answering that question — those individuals won’t play on Saturday,” Alford said Wednesday in Shanghai. Pac-12 Conference Commissioner Larry Scott issued a statement Tuesday night saying that UCLA basketball players were “involved in a situation” in China, with police being summoned to the team’s hotel to investigate the matter. “UCLA is cooperating fully with local authorities,” Scott said. Continued on C6




The Afro-American, November 11, 2017 - November 17, 2017



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Payment Policy for legal notice advertisements. Superior Court of Effective immediately, The Afro American Newspapers will require prepayment for publication of all legalthe notices. District of Columbia Payment will be accepted in the form of chwecks, credit card or money order. Any returned checks will be subject PROBATE DIVISION D.C. to a $25.00 processing fee and may result in the suspension of any future advertising at our Washington, discretion. 20001-2131 Administration No.






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2017ADM001182 TYPESET: Tue Nov 07 17:42:36 ESTTue 2017 TYPESET: Nov 07 17:41:35 EST 2017



Superior Court of the District of Columbia PROBATE DIVISION Washington, D.C. 20001-2131 Administration No. 2017ADM620 Joseph Dawson Jr. Decedent NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT, NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND NOTICE TO UNKNOWN HEIRS Karen D. Dawson and Sherry L. Dawson , whose addresses are 7959 Riggs Rd#10 Adelphi MD 20783 10810 B l a c k s t o n e Av e n u e , Cheltenham MD 20623 were appointed personal representatives of the estate of Joseph Dawson Jr., who died on May 6, 2017 with a will, and will serve without, Court supervision. All unknown heirs and heirs whose whereabouts are unknown shall enter their appearance in this proceeding. Objections to such appointment (or to the probate of decedent´s will) shall be filed with the Register of Wills, D.C., 515 5th Street, N.W., 3rd Floor Wa s h i n g t o n , D . C . 20001, on or before March 8, 2018. Claims against the decedent shall be presented to the undersigned with a copy to the Register of Wills or filed with the Register of Wills with a copy to the undersigned, on or before March 8, 2018, or be forever barred. Persons believed to be heirs or legatees of the decedent who do not receive a copy of this notice by mail within 25 days of its first publication shall so inform the Register of Wills, including name, address and relationship. Date of Publication: September 8, 2017 Name of newspaper: Afro-American Washington Law Reporter Karen D Dawson Sherry L Dawson Personal Representative

Superior Court of the District of Columbia PROBATE DIVISION Washington, D.C. 20001-2131 Administration No. 2016ADM000360 Pauline Peay Decedent Samuel C Hamilton Esq 8601 Georgia Ave Suite 608 Silver Spring, Maryland 20910 Attorney NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT, NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND NOTICE TO UNKNOWN HEIRS Samuel C Hamilton Esq, whose address is 8601 Georgia Ave, Suite 608, Silver Spring, MD 20910 wasappointed personal representative of the estate of Pauline Peay, who died on January 2, 2013 without a will, and will serve with Court supervision. All unknown heirs and heirs whose whereabouts are unknown shall enter their appearance in this proceeding. Objections to such appointment shall be filed with the Register of Wills, D.C., 515 5th Street, N.W., 3rd Floor Washington, D.C. 20001, on or before April 27, 2018. Claims against the decedent shall be presented to the undersigned with a copy to the Register of Wills or filed with the Register of Wills with a copy to the undersigned, on or before April 27, 2018, or be forever barred. Persons believed to be heirs or legatees of the decedent who do not receive a copy of this notice by mail within 25 days of its first publication shall so inform the Register of Wills, including name, address and relationship. Date of Publication: October 27, 2017 Name of newspaper: Afro-American Washington Law Reporter Samuel C Hamilton Personal Representative

Theresa Howe Jones LEGAL NOTICES Decedent Donata Edwards 1629 k Street NW Suite 300 Washington, DC 20006 Attorney NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT, NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND NOTICE TO UNKNOWN HEIRS Deborah T Jones , whose address is 4016 Martin Luther King Ave., SW, Washington, DC 20032 was appointed personal representative of the estate of Theresa Howe Jones, who died on July 10, 2017 with a will, and will serve without Court supervision. All unknown heirs and heirs whose where-abouts are unknown shall enter their appearance in this proceeding. Objections to such appointment (or to the probate of decedent´s will) shall be filed with the Register of Wills, D.C., 515 5th Street, N.W., 3rd Floor Wa s h i n g t o n , D . C . 20001, on or before April 27, 2018. Claims against the decedent shall be presented to the undersigned with a copy to the Register of Wills or filed with the Register of Wills with a copy to the undersigned, on or before April 27, 2018, or be forever barred. Persons believed to be heirs or legatees of the decedent who do not receive a copy of this notice by mail within 25 days of its first publication shall so inform the Register of Wills, including name, address and relationship. Date of Publication: October 27, 2017 Name of newspaper: Afro-American Washington Law Reporter Deborah T Jones Personal Representative TRUE TEST COPY REGISTER OF WILLS

10/27, 11/3, 11/10/17 TYPESET: Tue Nov 07

Superior Court of the District of District of Columbia TRUE TEST COPY PROBATE DIVISION TRUE TEST COPY REGISTER OF WILLS Washington, D.C. REGISTER OF WILLS 20001-2131 10/27, 11/3, 11/10/17 TYPESET: Tue Nov 07 17:44:09 EST 2017 Administration No. 09/8, 09/15, 09/22/17 2017ADM930 TYPESET: Tue Nov 07 17:43:47 EST 2017 Anna B Newkirk Decedent Superior Court of NOTICE OF the SUPERIOR COURT OF APPOINTMENT, District of Columbia THE DISTRICT OF NOTICE TO PROBATE DIVISION COLUMBIA CREDITORS Washington, D.C. PROBATE DIVISION AND NOTICE TO 20001-2131 Washington, D.C. UNKNOWN HEIRS Administration No. 20001-2131 Valerie J Ducker , whose 2017ADM680 Foreign No. address is 1833 Upshur Leonard C Corbin Sr. 2017FEP124 Street, NE, Washington, Decedent Date of Death DC 20018 , was apNOTICE OF August 31, 2009 pointed personal repreAPPOINTMENT, Sally A Flowers sentative of the estate of NOTICE TO Decedent Anna B Newkirk , who CREDITORS NOTICE OF died on January 28, 2017 AND NOTICE TO APPOINTMENT with a will, and will serve UNKNOWN HEIRS OF FOREIGN Joel R Davidson, Esq, without Court superviPERSONAL whose address is 611 sion. All unknown heirs REPRESENTATIVE Pennsylvania Ave, SE, a n d h e i r s w h o s e AND No 288, Washington, DC whereabouts are unNOTICE TO 20003, was appointed known shall enter their CREDITORS personal representative a p p e a r a n c e i n t h i s Krystle Clarke and Karen of the estate of Leonard proceeding. Objections C Winston whose adC Corbin Sr, who died on to such appointment (or dress is 14421 Jaystone April 7, 2011 with a will, to the probate of deDr, Silver Spring, MD and and will serve without cedent´s will) shall be 18019 Santa Barbara Court supervision. All un- filed with the Register of Drive, Detroit, MI 48221 known heirs and heirs Wills, D.C., 515 5th were appointed personal whose whereabouts are Street, N.W., 3rd Floor representatives of the unknown shall enter their W a s h i n g t o n , D . C . estate of Sally A Flowers, a p p e a r a n c e i n t h i s 20001, on or before May deceased by the Orproceeding. Objections 3, 2018. Claims against phan’s Court for to such appointment (or the decedent shall be Montgomery County, to the probate of de- presented to the underState of Maryland., on cedent´s will) shall be signed with a copy to the September, 21 2009, filed with the Register of Register of Wills or filed Service of process may Wills, D.C., 515 5th with the Register of Wills be made upon Marc A Street, N.W., 3rd Floor with a copy to the underIsaacs, Esquire, 1350 signed, on or before May Wa s h i n g t o n , D . C . Connecticut Ave. NW, 20001, on or before April 3, 2018, or be forever Ste, 600 Washington, 27, 2018. Claims against barred. Persons believed DC 20036 whose desthe decedent shall be to be heirs or legatees of ignation as District of presented to the under- the decedent who do not Columbia agent has signed with a copy to the receive a copy of this nobeen filed with the RegisRegister of Wills or filed tice by mail within 25 ter of Wills, D.C. with the Register of Wills days of its first publicaThe decedent owned the with a copy to the under- tion shall so inform the following District of signed, on or before April Register of Wills, includColombia real property: 27, 2018, or be forever ing name, address and 250 Kennedy Street, barred. Persons believed relationship. NW, Washington, DC to be heirs or legatees of Date of Publication: 20011 the decedent who do not November 3, 2017 Claims against the dereceive a copy of this no- Name of newspaper: cedent may be pretice by mail within 25 Afro-American sented to the underdays of its first publica- Washington signed and filed with the tion shall so inform the Law Reporter Register of Wills for the Valerie J Ducker Register of Wills, includDistrict of Columbia, Personal ing name, address and Building A, 515 5th Street Representative relationship. NWWashington, D.C. Date of Publication: 20001 within 6 months TRUE TEST COPY October 27, 2017 from the date of first pubREGISTER OF WILLS Name of newspaper: lication of this notice. Afro-American Krstle Clark 11/3, 11/10, 11/17/17 TYPESET: Tue Nov 07 Washington Karen C Winston Law Reporter Personal Joel R Davidson Representatives Personal Superior Court of TRUE TEST COPY Representative the District of REGISTER OF WILLS District of Columbia Date of first publication: TRUE TEST COPY PROBATE DIVISION October 27, 2017 REGISTER OF WILLS Washington, D.C. Name of newspapers 20001-2131 and/or periodical: 10/27, 11/3, 11/10/17 Administration No. TYPESET: Tue Nov 07 17:41:57 EST 2017 The Daily 2017ADM001186 Washington Gracie Riley Law Reporter Decedent The Afro-American Superior Court of Cecilia R Jones Esq the 5335 Wisconsin Ave 10/27, 11/3, 11/10/17 District of Columbia NW #440 PROBATE DIVISION Washington, DC 20015 Washington, D.C. Attorney 20001-2131 NOTICE OF Administration No. APPOINTMENT, 2017ADM001182 NOTICE TO Theresa Howe Jones CREDITORS Decedent AND NOTICE TO Donata Edwards UNKNOWN HEIRS 1629 k Street NW Suite Mary E Adams , whose 300 address is 338 11th Washington, DC 20006 Street, SE, Washington, Attorney DC 20003, was apNOTICE OF


TYPESET: Tue Nov 07 17:41:57 EST 2017

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5. TYPESET: Tue Nov 07 17:38:26 10.

IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA CIVIL DIVISION Civil Action No. 2017 CA 005674 L(RP) (Action Involving Real Property) Calendar 18 Magistrate Judge Raymond

15. 20.


NAME: ________________________________________________ ADDRESS: _____________________________________________ PHONE NO.:____________________________________________ CLASSIFICATION: ______________________________________ Plaintiff (Room, Apt., House, etc.) vs. INSERTION DATE:_________________

ANTAWAN WILLIAMS 3602 Copperville Way Fort Washington, MD 20744


Legal Advertising Rates Effective October 1, 2008 PROBATE DIVISION (Estates) 202-332-0080 PROBATE NOTICES

a. Order Nisi $ 60 per insertion b. Small Estates (single publication $ 60 per insertion c. Notice to Creditors 1. Domestic $ 60 per insertion 2. Foreign $ 60 per insertion d. Escheated Estates $ 60 per insertion e. Standard Probates

CIVIL NOTICES a. Name Changes 202-879-1133 17:40:08 EST 2017 b. Real Property FAMILY COURT TYPESET: Tue Nov 202-879-1212 17:39:20 EST 2017 DOMESTIC RELATIONS IN THE SUPERIOR 202-879-0157 COURT OF THE

JOHN GAMBLE, TRUSTEE 8700 Georgia Avenue, Suite 305 Silver Spring, MD 20910 And CLAUDE O. BARRINGTON, TRUSTEE 8700 Georgia Avenue, Suite3305 $180.00 per weeks Silver Spring, MD 20910 And

$180.00 per 3 weeks INDUSTRIAL BANK 8700 Georgia Avenue, $180.00 per 3 weeks Suite 305, Silver Spring, $360.00 MD per20910 6 weeks $125.00 And

$ $

DC WATER AND SEWER AUTHORITY 80.00 810 First Street, NE Washington, DC 20002 200.00 And

All Unk the Pro below, sonal R Executo tors, Gra Success Interest, person claiming est in the simple in premise and bein Columb Square May als 1114 Qu Washin


O PU In accor Code § object o is to se sure of demptio real pro the Dist and sold the Distr the Plai tion des 4058 Lo also be Queen Washing (the ”Re complain other t amounts demptio paid. P Chief Ju tion Ord it is this gust, 20 the Sup District notice b insertion Order in Afro Am paper, general District o a week success ing all p in the R scribed a this Cou of Dece redeem by paym together J the date tax cert 11/3, 11 chased; attorney incurred and serv publicati sonable search; paid by accorda sions o §47-1 outstand amounts taxes du the afor Property complain final jud tered for of redem Property the Plai simple.

THE 2472 ALABAMA 07 17:38:26AVENUE EST 2017 CONDOMINIUM UNIT TYPESET: Tue Nov 07 OWNERS And ASSOCIATION, INC. All Unknown Owners of Superior Court of ResAgent, Inc., thec/oProperty described DISTRICT OF the District of Registered Agent Perbelow, their Heirs, COLUMBIA District of Columbia 1800 M Street, NW, Suite a. Absent Defendant $ 150.00 sonal Representatives, CIVIL DIVISION PROBATE DIVISION 450N Executors, AdministraCivil Action No. Washington, b. AbsoluteD.C. Divorce $ 150.00 Washington, DC 20036 or tors, Grantees, Assigns 2017 CA 005674 L(RP) 20001-2131 Successors in Right, Title, (Action Involving c. Custody Divorce $150.00 Administration No. And Interest, and Any and all Real Property) 2017ADM001186 persons having or Calendar 18 Gracie Riley THEto DISTRICT claiming have any interMagistrate Judge Tue Nov 07 17:41:13 EST 2017 Notices Decedent OF& upor fee To place your ad, TYPESET: call 1-800-237-6892, ext. 262, Public est $50.00 in the leasehold Raymond Cecilia R Jones Esq COLUMBIA in the property and depending Notices are $24.84 simple per inch. 5335 Wisconsin Ave on size, Baltimore Legal Serve: Mayor of thelying premises situate, MTAG CUSTODIAN FOR District NW #440 SUPERIOR COURT OF and beingof inColumbia the District of E M P 892 IRE VIII DC 1-800 (AFRO) Muriel Bowser Washington, DC 20015 THE DISTRICT OF Columbia described as: PORTFOLIO, LLC Attn: Office the0038. Attorney For Proof of Publication, 1-800-237-6892, ext. 244 COLUMBIA please call Square 4058 of Lot (MTAG CUST. FOR Secretary NOTICE OF May also be known as PROBATE DIVISION EMPIRE VIII DC 1350 APPOINTMENT, 1114 Pennsylvania Queen StreetAveNE, Washington, D.C. PORTFOLIO) nue, N.W.,DC #419 NOTICE TO Washington, 20002 20001-2131 57 W 38th Street, Washington, DC CREDITORS 9th NOTICES Floor Administration No. LEGAL NOTICES LEGAL NOTICES LEGAL LEGAL NOTICES 20001 Defendants AND NOTICE TO New York, NY 10018 2017ADM001242 UNKNOWN HEIRS Estate of Serve: ORDER Attorney OF General Mary E Adams , whose Plaintiff Pearl Smith of the District PUBLICATION address is 338 11th Deceased of Columbia In accordance with D. C. vs. Street, SE, Washington, NOTICE OF Attn: Darlene Fieldsthe Code §47-1375, DC 20003, was apSTANDARD 441 4th Street, NW object ofEST this 2017 proceeding ANTAWANTue WILLIAMS pointed personal reprePROBATE TYPESET: Nov 07 17:38:26 Washington, DC 20001 is to secure the foreclo3602 Copperville Way sentative of the estate of Notice is hereby given sure of the right of reFort Washington, MD Gracie Riley, who died on that a petition has been And Ja demption in the following 20744 July 5, 2008 with a will, filed in this Court by MorIN THE SUPERIOR real property located in and will serve without All of 11/3, 11 ris Smith for standard COURTAnd OF THE theUnknown District ofOwners Columbia, Court supervision. All unthe described probate, including the DISTRICT OF and Property sold by the Mayor of known heirs and heirs below, their Heirs, Perappointment of one or COLUMBIA the District of Columbia to JOHN GAMBLE, sonal Representatives, whose where-abouts are CIVIL DIVISION more personal reprethe Plaintiff(s) in this acTRUSTEE Executors, Administraunknown shall enter their Civil Action No. sentative. Unless a comtion described as Square 8700 Georgia Avenue, tors, Grantees, Assigns or appearance in this 005674 L(RP) plaint or an objection in 2017 CASuite 4058 Lot 0038, which may 305 Successors in Right, proceeding. Objections (Action Involving accordance with Superalso be known as Title, 1114 Silver Spring, MD 20910 Interest, and Any and all Real Property) to such appointment (or ior Court Probate DiQueen Street NE, pWashington, e r s o n s h a vDC i n g 20002 or Calendar to the probate of devision Rule 407 is filed in And 18 claiming to have any interMagistrate Judge cedent´s will) shall be (the ”Real Property”).The this Court within 30 days est in the leasehold or fee RaymondO. filed with the Register of complaint states, among from the date of first pubCLAUDE simple the property Wills, D.C., 515 5th other inthings, that and the lication of this notice, the BARRINGTON, premises situate, for lying Street, N.W., 3rd Floor amounts necessary reCourt may take the ac- MTAG CUSTODIAN TRUSTEE FOR and being inhave the District of E M P I R E V I I I D C demption not been Wa s h i n g t o n , D . C . tion hereinafter set forth. 8700 Georgia Avenue, Columbia described as: PORTFOLIO, LLC 0 paid. Pursuant to the 20001, on or before May Suite 305 Admit to probate the will Square 4058 Lot 0038. (MTAG CUST. FOR Chief Judge’s Administra3, 2018. Claims against Spring, MD 20910 dated November 11, ESilver May also be known as MPIRE VIII DC tion Order Number 02-11, the decedent shall be 2002 exhibited with the 1114 Queen PORTFOLIO) it is this 15thStreet day ofNE, AuAnd presented to the underpetition upon proof satWashington, DC 20002 57 W 38th Street, gust, 2017, ORDERED by signed with a copy to the isfactory to the Court of 9th Floor BANK the Superior Court of the INDUSTRIAL Register of Wills or filed due execution by affidaNew York, NY 10018 DistrictDefendants of Columbia, that 8700 Georgia Avenue, with the Register of Wills vit of witnesses or othernotice be given by the Suite 305, Silver Spring, with a copy to the underwise ORDER OF of this Plaintiff insertion of a copy MD 20910 signed, on or before May Date of First Publication PUBLICATION Order in the Washington 3, 2018 , or be forever In accordance withNewsD. C. November 3, 2017 vs. Afro American And barred. Persons believed Code theof Names of Newspapers: paper, §47-1375, a newspaper to be heirs or legatees of object of this proceeding Washington ANTAWAN WILLIAMS general circulation in the DC WATER AND isDistrict to secure the foreclothe decedent who do not Law Reporter 3602 Copperville Way of Columbia, once SEWER sure of the of rereceive a copy of this noFort Washington, Washington a week forright three (3) AUTHORITYMD demption in weeks, the following tice by mail within 25 20744 AFRO-AMERICAN successive notify810 First Street, NE real property located in days of its first publicaMorris Smith ing all persons interested Washington, DC 20002 the District Columbia, And tion shall so inform the 1417 Montello Ave NE in the RealofProperty deand soldabove by thetoMayor Register of Wills, includWashington, DC 20002 scribed appearofin And the of Columbia to JOHN GAMBLE, ing name, address and Signature of thisDistrict Court by the 13th day the Plaintiff(s) in this acrelationship. of December, 2017, and Petitioners/Attorney THE TRUSTEE 2472 ALABAMA tion described as Square 8700 Georgia Avenue, Date of Publication: redeem the Real Property AVENUE Lot 0038, may Suite 305 UNIT 4058 November 3, 2017 by payment of which $4,756.67, 11/3, 11/10/17 CONDOMINIUM TYPESET: Tue Nov 07 17:38:26 EST 2017 also be known as 1114 Silver Spring, MD 20910 together with interest from Name of newspaper: OWNERS 17:39:20 EST 2017 Q u e e n S t r e e t N E, the date the Real Property Afro-American ASSOCIATION, INC. Washington, DC 20002 And James D. McGinley And tax certificate was purWashington (the ”Realcourt Property”).The IN THE SUPERIOR chased; costs and c/o ResAgent, Inc., Law Reporter states, among All Registered Unknown Owners of complaint 11/3, 11/10, 11/17/17 CLAUDE Agent O. COURT OF THE attorney’s fees; expenses Mary E Adams other things, that the theBARRINGTON, Property described DISTRICT OF incurred in the publication 1800 M Street, NW, Suite Personal amounts necessary for rebelow, their Heirs, PerTRUSTEE COLUMBIA and service of process by 450N Representative demption have sonal Representatives, 8700 Georgia Avenue, CIVIL DIVISION publication andnot forbeen reaWashington, DC 20036 Pursuant to the Executors, Administra- paid. Suite 305 Civil Action No. sonable fees for the title TRUE TEST COPY Judge’s Administrators, Grantees, Silver Spring, 20910 or Chief 2017 CA 005674 L(RP) search; all other amounts AndMDAssigns REGISTER OF WILLS Number 02-11,in Successors in Right, Title, tion (Action Involving paidOrder by the petitioner itaccordance is this 15thwith daytheofproviAuInterest, and Any and all And Real Property) THE DISTRICT 11/3, 11/10, 11/17/17 gust, 2017, by p e r s o n s OF having or Calendar 18 sions of ORDERED D. C. Code the Superior Court of claiming to haveBANK any inter- § 4 7 - 1 3 6 1 a n d the INDUSTRIAL TYPESET: Tue Nov 07 17:41:13 EST 2017 Magistrate Judge all COLUMBIA District of Columbia, that est in the leasehold or fee 8700 Georgia Avenue, Raymond outstanding municipal lien Serve: Mayor of the beand given by the simple in the property and notice Suite 305, Silver Spring, amounts real property District of Columbia insertion of aand copy of this premises situate, lying MD 20910 MTAG CUSTODIAN FOR taxes due owing on Muriel Bowser SUPERIOR COURT OF Order in the Washington andAttn: being in theofDistrict of the aforementioned Real EMPIRE VIII DC Office the THE DISTRICT OF Afro American NewsColumbia described as: And PORTFOLIO, LLC Property, or answer the Secretary COLUMBIA a newspaper Square 4058 Lot Ave0038. paper, (MTAG CUST. FOR complaint, or, thereafter,ofa 1350 Pennsylvania PROBATE DIVISION general circulation May also be known as DC WATER AND E M P I R E V I I I D C final judgment will in be the ennue, N.W., #419 Washington, D.C. District of Columbia, 1114 Queen SEWERStreet PORTFOLIO) foreclosing theonce right Washington, DC NE, atered 20001-2131 week for three (3) Washington, DC 20002 AUTHORITY 57 W 38th Street, of redemption in the Real 20001 Administration No. successive weeks, notify-in 810 First Street, NE 9th Floor Property and vesting 2017ADM001242 ing all persons Defendants Washington, DC 20002 New York, NY 10018 a interested title in fee Serve: Attorney General inthethePlaintiff Estate of Real Property desimple. of the District Pearl Smith scribed above to appear in ORDER And OF Plaintiff of Columbia this CourtClerk by the day Deceased PUBLICATION of 13th the Court Attn: Darlene Fields of December, 2017, and NOTICE OF In accordance with THE 2472 ALABAMA vs. 441 4th Street, NWD. C. redeem the Real Property STANDARD Code §47-1375, the AVENUE By: Clerk Washington, DC 20001 by payment of $4,756.67, object of this proceeding PROBATE CONDOMINIUM UNIT

TY et, NE C 20002


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F FOR AN ON DC th D. C. LLC 5, the FOR oceeding DC O)foreclott, 9th of re,ollowing NY cated in olumbia, Mayor of umbia to this acSquare hich .C. may as 1114 ollins, eent t NE, Cet,20002 NW, rty”).The among 0009 hat the ry for renot been to the KMAN, ministraer 02-11, egal, y of AuERED eet by 0rt of the bia, that 20016 by the y of this shington NewsZKOW, aper of n in the egal, bia, once ree eet (3) s, 0 notifyterested 20016 erty deappear in 13th day 17, and LOAN CProperty ,756.67, venue, Wrest from Property 0814 was purosts and xpenses blication ocess LE, by for reathe title venue amounts n, DC tioner in he provi. Code nd all cipal lien .property wing N, on ed Real wer the Avenue reafter, n, DC a ll be enthe right the Real esting in e in fee ANK venue n, DC he Court

PlaintiffGeneral Serve: Attorney of the District of Columbia vs Fields Attn: Darlene 441 4th Street, NW FLC 1101, L.L.C. Washington, DC 20001 c/o Alexandra Collins, Registered And Agent 1101 Euclid Street, NW, SuiteOwners 3 All Unknown of Washington, 20009 the Property DC described below, their Heirs, PerAnd sonal Representatives, Executors, AdministraSTEVEN N. tors, Grantees,BUCKMAN, Assigns or TRUSTEE Successors in Right, Title, c/o Buckman Interest, and AnyLegal, and all p e r s o n s PLLC having or 4315 50th Street claiming to have any interNW, Suite 60or fee est in the leasehold Washington, DC 20016 simple in the property and premises situate, lying And and being in the District of Columbia described as: JASON2862 S. GUETZKOW, Square Lot 0096. TRUSTEE May also be known as c/o Buckman Legal, 1101 Euclid Street NW, PLLC Washington, DC 20009 4315 50th Street NW, Suite 60 Defendants Washington, DC 20016 ORDER OF And PUBLICATION

BWF PRIVATE In accordance withLOAN D. C. FUND, LLC the Code §47-1375, 7501 Wisconsin Avenue, object of this proceeding Suite 125 is to secure the W forecloBethesda, MD 20814 sure of the right of redemption in the following real property located in the District And of Columbia, and sold by the Mayor of JOHN GAMBLE, the District of Columbia to TRUSTEE the Plaintiff(s) in this acGeorgia tion4812 described asAvenue Square NW, Washington, 2862 Lot 0096, whichDC may 20011 also be known as 1101 E u c l i d S t r e e t N W, And Washington, DC 20009 (the ”Real Property”).The complaint states, among CLAUDEthat O. the other things, BARRINGTON, amounts necessary for reTRUSTEE demption have not been 4812 Georgia Avenue paid.Pursuant to the Chief NW, Washington, DC Judge’s Administration 20011 Order Number 02-11, it is this 15th day of August, And 2017, ORDERED by the INDUSTRIAL Superior Court of BANK the 4812 of Georgia Avenue District Columbia, that NW, Washington, notice be given byDC the insertion of20011 a copy of this Order in the Washington And NewsAfro American paper, a newspaper of generalDISTRICT circulationOFin the COLUMBIA of Columbia, once By: Clerk District DEPARTMENT a week for threeOF(3) PUBLIC WORKS successive weeks, notifyOF 2800B New York Avenue, ing all persons interested A NE,Real Washington, in the PropertyDC deT OF 20002 Nov 07 17:38:00 EST scribed above to2017 appear in KS this Court by the 13th day Avenue, of December, And2017, and n, DC redeem the Real Property RIOR b y p aDC y mWATER ent of AND SEWER AUTHORITY T 810 First Street, BIA NE, Washington, DC ION 20002 No. 7 L(RP) And lving rty) THE DISTRICT OF 18 COLUMBIA udge Serve: Mayor of the d District of Columbia Muriel Bowser AN FOR Attn: Office of the DC Secretary LLC 1350 Pennsylvania FOR Avenue, N.W., #419 DC Washington, DC 20001 O) et, 9th Serve: Attorney General k, NY of the District of Columbia Attn: Darlene Fields 441 4th Street, NW Washington, DC 20001

L.C. Collins, gent eet, NW,


CKMAN, E Legal,

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And All Unknown Owners of the Property described below, their Heirs, Personal Representatives, Executors, Administrators, Grantees, Assigns or Successors Tue in Right, TYPESET: NovTitle, 07 Interest, and Any and all persons having or claiming to have any interSUPERIOR estINinTHE the leasehold or fee COURT THE and simple in theOF property DISTRICT OF lying premises situate, COLUMBIA and being in the District of CIVIL DIVISION Columbia described as: Civil Action No.0096. Square 2862 Lot 2017 also CA 005624 L(RP)as May be known (Action Involving Real 1101 Euclid Street NW, Property) Washington, DC 20009 Calendar #18 Magistrate Judge Defendants Raymond ORDER OF Christopher Hauser PUBLICATION Plaintiffwith D. C. In accordance Code §47-1375, the vs. proceeding object of this is to secure the foreclo314 Associates, sure of the rightLLC, of rea Virginia LLC; demption in the following

DISTRICT OF and being in the District of COLUMBIA Columbia described as: CIVIL DIVISION Square 2862 Lot Civil Action No. 0096. May also be known 2017 CA 005624 L(RP)as 1101 Euclid Street NW, (Action Involving Real Washington, DC 20009 Property) Calendar #18 Defendants Magistrate Judge Raymond ORDER OF PUBLICATION LEGAL NOTICES Christopher Hauser

reasonable attorney’s fees, expenses incurred in the service of process and service of process by publication, reasonable fees for the title search, and all other amounts paid by the Plaintiff in accordance with the provisions of D. C. Official Code §§ 47-1361 and 47-1377 (2001 ed.), a LEGAL n d a l l oNOTICES utstanding municipal lien amounts due and owing on the afore-mentioned Real Property, or answer the complaint, or, thereafter, a final judgment will be entered foreclosing the right of redemption in the Real Property and vesting in the Plaintiff(s) a title in fee simple.

assigns or successors in right, title, and interest andany and all persons having or claiming tohave any interest, including adverse possession, in the leasehold or the fee simple in the real property and premises situate, lying and being in the District of Columbia described as a LEGAL vacant lot onNOTICES the east side of Montello Ave., NE east and adjacent to improvement known as 1323 Montello Ave., NE: Square 4063, Lot 0805 and assessed to Anthony Young and otherwise known as NE, Washington, D.C.,

In accordance Plaintiffwith D. C. Code §47-1375, the object of this vs. proceeding is to secure the foreclosure of the rightLLC, of re314 Associates, demption in the following a Virginia LLC; real property located THE DISTRICT OF in the District of Columbia, COLUMBIA, and sold by the Mayor of the DistrictAnd of Columbia to Defendants the Plaintiff(s) in this action described as Square ORDER OF All unknown owners of the James D. McGinley 2862property Lot 0096,described which may PUBLICATION real Acting Clerk of the Court In accordance with D.C. also be known 1101 below, their heirs,asdeviE u c l ipersonal d S t r e erepret N W, Official Code 47-1375 sees, Nov 07 17:37:35 EST §2017 11/10, 11/17, Tue 11/24/17 Washington,executors, DC 20009 TYPESET: (2001 ed.), the object of sentatives, (the ”Real Property”).The this proceeding is to seadministrators, grantees, the date the Real Property complaint states, among cure the foreclosure of the assigns or successors in tax certificate wasin purIN THE SUPERIOR othertitle, things, the right of redemption the right, and that interest chased, court costs, COURT OF THE amountsand necessary for refollowing real property and loandany all persons reasonable attorney’s DISTRICT OF demption have not been cated in the District of having or claiming tohave fees, expenses incurred in COLUMBIA paid.Pursuant to the Chief Columbia, and sold by the any interest, including adthe service of process CIVIL DIVISION Judge’s Administration Mayor of the District and of verse possession, in the service of process by pubCivil Action No. Order Number it is Columbia to the Plaintiff in leasehold or the02-11, fee simlication, reasonable fees 17-0004908 L(RP) this 15th day of August, this action: Square 4063 ple in the real property and for the title search, all (Action Involving Real 2017, Lot 0805 which mayand also premises situate, lying other amounts paid by Property) ORDERED by the b e k n o w n a s N E , the and being in the District of Plaintiff in accordance Calendar #18 Superior Court of theas a Washington DC.The comColumbia described with the provisions D. C. Magistrate Judge Districtlotof to Columbia, plaint states, amongofother vacant the east that of Official that Codethe §§amounts 47-1361 Raymond notice be given by as the things, improvement known and 47-1377 (2001 ed.), insertion of aNE: copy of this necessary for redemption 5318 1st Pl., Square a n d anot l l obeen u t s t a npaid. ding Christopher Hauser OrderLot in the Washington have 3701, 0072 and asmunicipal to lientheamounts Plaintiff Afro American NewsPursuant Chief sessed to 314 Associates, due and Administration owing on the Judge’s Lpaper, L C , a na d newspaper o t h e r w i s eof aforem-entioned vs. generalascirculation the Order Number 02-11,Real it is known IngrahaminSt., Property, or answer the District of Columbia, this 14th day of August, NE, Washington, D.C.,once complaint, or, thereafter, a Twelfth Street Partners, a week for three (3) 2017, Defendants final judgment willSuperbe enLLC; successive weeks, notifyORDERED by the tered foreclosing the right THE DISTRICT OF ing all persons interested ior Court of the District of of redemption the Real COLUMBIA, in theORDER Real Property Columbia, that innotice be OF 17:38:00 EST 2017 deProperty and vestingof a in scribed above to appear in given by the insertion PUBLICATION the Plaintiff(s) a titleininthe fee And Court by the 13th day copy of this Order Inthis accordance with D.C. $13,695.34, together with simple. And of December, and Official Code § 2017, 47-1375 interest from the date the Wa s h i n g t o n A f r o AllReal unknown owners the American, a newspaper redeem thethe Realobject Property (2001 ed.), of Property taxofcertifDC WATER D. McGinley real property described having James b y p a y m e n t o f a general circulathis proceeding is to seicate was purchased; AND SEWER Acting of the Court their and heirs, devi- tion in Clerk the District of cure the AUTHORITY foreclosure of the $13,695.34, together with below, court costs attorney’s personal incurred repre- in Columbia, once a week right of810 redemption in the interest from date the sees, fees; expenses Firstthe Street, 11/10, 11/17, 11/24 sentatives, executors, following real property loReal Property tax certifthe publication and ser- for three (3) successive NE, Washington, DC administrators, cated the District of icate inwas purchased; vice of processgrantees, by publica- weeks, notifying all per20002 assigns or successors in sons interested in the Columbia, and sold by the court costs and attorney’s tion and for reasonable interestall Real Property described Mayor of the District fees; expenses incurredofin right, fees title, for theand title search; And andany and all persons Columbia to the Plaintiff in the publication and serother amounts paid by the above to appear in this having or claiming tohave TYPESET: Tue Nov 07 17:37:13 2017day of Court byEST the 13th this Square 3701 viceaction: of process by publicapetitioner in accordance THE DISTRICT OF any interest, including Lot which may also tion0072 andCOLUMBIA for reasonable with the provisions ofadD. C. December, 2017, and retheall deem the Real Property be known as fees for theMayor titleIngraham search; Codepossession, §47-1361 in and Serve: of theall verse or the fee simSt., NE, Washington DC. IN THE SUPERIOR other amounts paid by the leasehold outstanding municipal lien by payment of $567.58, District of Columbia ple in the real property and The complaint states, COURTand OFreal THE petitioner in Bowser accordance amounts property together with interest from Muriel premises situate, lying among other things, that DISTRICT OF with the provisions of D. C. taxes due and owing on the date the Real Property Attn: Office of the in the DistrictReal of tax certificate was purthe amounts necessary COLUMBIA Code §47-1361 and all and thebeing aforementioned Secretary Columbia described as athe chased, court costs, and for redemption have not CIVIL DIVISION outstanding municipal lien Property, or answer 1350 Pennsylvania vacant lot east of 47th St., been paid.Pursuant to the amounts andN.W., real property complaint, or, thereafter, a reasonable attorney’s Avenue, #419 andjudgment adjacent will north Chief Judge’s Administrataxes due and owing on NEfinal be of en- fees, expenses incurred in Washington, DC 20001 tion Number 02-11, Civilforeclosing Actionknown No.the as the Order aforementioned Real improvement tered right the service of process and 405 47th St., NE: Square itProperty, isServe: this 1st day of August, 2017 CA 005625L(RP) or answer the of redemption in the Real service of process by pubAttorney General LotInvolving 0812 and 2017, (Action Realas- in lication, reasonable fees complaint, or, thereafter, a 5142, Property and vesting of the District of Columbia sessed to Twelfth ORDERED by the SuperProperty) finalAttn: judgment will be enthe Plaintiff a titleStreet in fee for the title search, and all Darlene Fields Partners, LLC and ior Court of the District of Calendar #18 other- other amounts paid by the tered foreclosing the right simple. 441 4th Street, NW wise known as 47th Columbia, that in notice be Magistrate Judge St., Plaintiff in accordance of Washington, redemption the Real DC 20001 given by theand insertion of ain NE, Washington, Raymond Property vesting Clerk ofD.C., the Court with the provisions of D. C. Official Code §§ 47-1361 copy of this And Order the Plaintiff a title ininthe fee Defendants Wa shington AfroChristopher Hauser simple. By Clerk and 47-1377 (2001 ed.), American, a newspaper PlaintiffD. McGinley a n d a l l o u t s t a n d i n g James All Unknown Owners of ORDER OF municipal lien amounts having a Clerk general circulaof described the Court the Property PUBLICATION due and owing on the tion in the District of 11/03,vs. 11/10, 11/17 below, their Heirs, PerColumbia, once aByweek Clerk In accordance with D.C. aforemen-tioned Real sonal Representatives, Official Code § 47-1375 Property, or answer the forExecutors, three (3) D. successive Anthony Young; James McGinley Administrathe LLC; object of complaint, or, thereafter, a weeks, notifying Assigns all per-or (2001 Zioned.), Group, tors, Grantees, this proceeding is to sefinal judgment will be ensons interested in the THE DISTRICT OF 11/03, 11/10, 11/17 Successors Tue in Right, TYPESET: NovTitle, 07 17:36:49foreclosure EST 2017 Real Property described COLUMBIA, of the tered foreclosing the right Interest, and Any and all cure the right of redemption in the of redemption in the Real above p e r s oton sappear h a v i ning this or the date the Property following realReal property lo- Property and vesting in Court by the 29thany dayinterof And claiming to have tax certificate was purcated in the District of IN THE SUPERIOR November, 2017, and reest in the leasehold or fee chased, court costs, and the Plaintiff(s) a title in fee Columbia, sold of bythe the simple. COURT OF THE and All deem thein the Real Property unknownand owners simple property reasonable attorney’s Mayor of the described District of DISTRICT OF lying real bypremises payment of $9587.59, property situate, fees, expenses incurred Columbia to the Plaintiff COLUMBIA James McGinley together withininterest fromof below, their heirs, devi-inin and being the District the action: service of process and this Square 5142 CIVIL DIVISION Acting Clerk of the Court personal repreColumbia described as: sees, service of process by pubLot 0812 which may also Civil Action No.0096. sentatives, executors, Square 2862 Lot lication, fees 11/10, be known reasonable as 47th St., NE, 2017 also CA 005624 L(RP)as administrators, 11/17, Tue 11/24/17 TYPESET: Nov 07 grantees, May be known for the title search, and Washington DC.The com(Action Involving Real or successors inall 1101 Euclid Street NW, assigns otherstates, amounts paid by the plaint among other Property) right, title, and interest Washington, DC 20009 Plaintiff in the accordance things, that amounts Calendar #18 andany and all persons Superior Court of with the of D. C. necessary for redemption Magistrate Judge having or provisions claiming tohave Defendants the District of Official Code §§ 47-1361 have not been paid. Raymond any interest, including adDistrict of Columbia and 47-1377 (2001 ed.), Pursuant to the verse possession, inChief the ORDER OF PROBATE DIVISION a n d a l l o u t s t a n d i n g Judge’s or Administration Christopher Hauser leasehold the fee simPUBLICATION Washington, D.C. municipal amounts Order Number 02-11, it is ple in the real lien property and 20001-2131 due18th and owing the this day of July,on 2017, Plaintiff situate, lying In accordance with D. C. premises afore-mentioned Administration No. and being in the DistrictReal of Code §47-1375, the Property, or answer the 2016ADM1187 ORDERED by the Supervs. described as a object of this proceeding Columbia complaint, ior Court of or, the District ofa Doris E Barker lot on thethereafter, east side is314 to Associates, secure the LLC, foreclo- vacant final judgment will be en- Decedent Columbia, that notice be of Montello Ave., NE east sure aof the right of reteredadjacent foreclosing right given by the insertion of a Virginia LLC; Jeanne K Aelion Esq and totheimdemption in the following of redemption in the copy of this Order in Real the THE DISTRICT OF 6915 Laurel Bowie known as real property located in provement Property and vesting in Wa s h i n g t o n A f r o COLUMBIA, Road, Ste 201, Montello Ave., NE: the District of Columbia, 1323 the Plaintiff(s) a title in fee American, a newspaper Bowie, MD 20715 Square 4063, Lot 0805 and sold by simple. having a general circulaAndthe Mayor of and Attorney assessed to Anthony the District of Columbia to tion in the District of NOTICE OF and otherwise the Plaintiff(s) in this ac- Young Columbia, once a week All unknown owners of the APPOINTMENT, as NE, Washingtion property described described as Square known James D. McGinley for three (3) successive real D.C., NOTICE TO 2862 Lot 0096, which may ton, Actingnotifying Clerk of the weeks, all Court perbelow, their heirs, deviCREDITORS also be known as 1101 sons interested in the sees, personal repreDefendants AND NOTICE TO E u c l i d S texecutors, r e e t N W , Real 11/10, 11/17, 11/24/17 Property described sentatives, UNKNOWN HEIRS Washington, DC 20009 above to appear in this administrators, grantees, ORDER OF Jeanne K Aelion, whose (the ”Real Property”).The by the 29th day of assigns or successors in CourtPUBLICATION complaint among November, address is 6915 Laurel 2017, and reright, title, states, and interest In accordance with D.C. other things, the deem the Real Property Bowie Road, Bowie MD, andany and all that persons Official Code § 47-1375 amounts necessary for re20715 was appointed by payment of 2017 $1019.48, TYPESET: Tue not Nov 07 17:37:35 EST having or claiming tohave (2001 ed.), the object of demption have been personal representative together with interest any interest, including ad- this proceeding is to from sepaid.Pursuant to the Chief of the estate of Doris E verse possession, in the cure the date the Real Property the foreclosure of the Judge’s or Administration Barker , who died on leasehold the fee sim- right tax of certificate wasin purIN THE SUPERIOR redemption the Order Number 02-11, it is November 2, 2015 with a ple in the realOF property and following chased, real courtproperty costs, and COURT THE lothis 15th day of August, will, and will serve withpremises situate, reasonable DISTRICT OF lying cated in the attorney’s District of 2017, and being in the District of Columbia, incurred COLUMBIA and sold by thein out Court supervision. All ORDERED by the as a fees, expenses unknown heirs and heirs Columbia described the service of process CIVIL Court DIVISION of the District and of Superior of east the of Mayor whose whereabouts are vacant to the service oftoprocess by pubCivillot Action No. that Columbia the Plaintiff in District of Columbia, improvement known as this lication, reasonable fees unknown shall enter their 17-0004908 L(RP) action: Square 4063 notice be given by the 5318 1stInvolving Pl., NE: Square for 0805 the title search, all a p p e a r a n c e i n t h i s (Action Realthis Lot which mayand also insertion a copy 3701, Lot of0072 andof ase k namounts o w n a spaid N Eby , the proceeding. Objections Order Property) in 314 the Associates, Washington bother sessed to Plaintiff in accordance to such appointment (or Calendar #18News- Washington DC.The comLAfro L Magistrate C , American a n d oJudge t h e r w i s e plaint with the provisions D. C. to the probate of destates, amongofother paper, a newspaper of known Raymond as Ingraham St., things, Code 47-1361 cedent´s will) shall be the§§amounts general circulation in the Officialthat NE, Washington, D.C., and 47-1377 (2001 ed.), filed with the Register of for redemption DistrictDefendants of Columbia, once necessary a n d a l l o u t s t a n d i n g Wills, D.C., 515 5th a Christopher week for Hauser three (3) have not been paid. municipal tolien Plaintiff theamounts Chief Street, N.W., 3rd Floor successive weeks, notify- Pursuant due andAdministration owing on the W a s h i n g t o n , D . C . ing allORDER personsOF interested Judge’s aforem-entioned vs. Property de- Order Number 02-11, Real it is 20001, on or before in the Real PUBLICATION Property, or answer the March 8, 2018. Claims this 14th day of August, scribed above to appear In accordance with 2017, complaint, or, thereafter, a Twelfth Street Partners, this Court by the47-1375 13th day against the decedent Official Code final judgment willSuperbe en- shall be presented to the LLC; §2017, by the of December, and ORDERED (2001 the object tered foreclosing the right THEed.), DISTRICT OF of ior Court of the District of redeem the Real Property undersigned with a copy this proceeding is to se- Columbia, of redemption the Real COLUMBIA, that in notice be b y the p aforeclosure y m e n t ofothe f to the Register of Wills or cure Property vesting given by theand insertion of ain filed with the Register of right of redemption in the copy the Plaintiff(s) a title in fee And of this Order in the $13,695.34, Wills with a copy to the following real together property with lo- Wa shington Afrointerest the date of the simple. undersigned, on or becated in from the District All unknown owners ofcertifthe American, a newspaper Real Property tax fore March 8, 2018, or be Columbia, and described sold by the having James D. McGinley real property a general circulaicate was purchased; forever barred. Persons Mayor their of theheirs, District of tion Acting ClerkDistrict of the Court below, deviin the of court costs andPlaintiff attorney’s believed to be heirs or Columbia to the in sees, personal incurred repre- in Columbia, once a week fees; expenses legatees of the decedent this action: Square 3701 for three 11/10,(3) 11/17, 11/24 sentatives, executors, successive TYPESET: Tue Nov 07 17:37:13 2017 a the publication and serLot 0072 whichgrantees, may also weeks, notifying all perwho do EST not receive administrators, vice of process by publicabe known as Ingraham copy of this notice by mail assigns or successors in sons interested in the tionNE, and for reasonable deem 25 thedays Realof Property St., Washington DC. Real Property described within its first right, title, interest fees complaint for theand title search; by paymentshall of $567.58, IN THE SUPERIOR The states,all above publication so inandany and all paid persons to appear in this other amounts by the together with interest from OF THE amongorother things, that CourtCOURT form the Register of having claiming tohave by the 13th day of petitioner in accordance the date the Real Property DISTRICT OF the interest, amounts necessary Wills, includingwas name, any including 2017, and rewith the provisions of adD. C. December, tax certificate purCOLUMBIA for redemption have not verse possession, theall address and costs, relationCodepaid.Pursuant §47-1361 in and chased, court and CIVIL DIVISION been the leasehold or the fee to simship. outstanding municipal lien reasonable attorney’s Chief Judge’s Administraple in the real property and Date of Publication: amounts and real property fees, expenses incurred in tion Order situate, Number 02-11, premises lyingon September 2017 and and owing the service 8, of process Civil Action No. it taxes is being this due 1st August, and inday the of District of Name of newspaper: the aforementioned Real service of process by pub2017 CA 005625L(RP) 2017, Columbia as a Afro-American Property,described or answer the lication, reasonable fees (Action Involving Real ORDERED byofthe Supervacant lot east 47th St., a Washington complaint, or, thereafter, for the title search, and all Property) ior Court of the District of NE and adjacent north of final judgment will be be enLaw Reporter other amounts paid by the Calendar #18 Columbia, thatknown notice improvement as tered foreclosing the right K Aelion PlaintiffJeanne in accordance Magistrate Judge given by the of a 405 47th St., insertion NE:inSquare of redemption the Real Personal with the provisions of D. C. Raymond copy of this Order in asthe 5142, Lot 0812 and Property and Official Code §§ 47-1361 Representative Wa s h i ntog tTwelfth o n Avesting f rStreet o - in sessed the Plaintiffa anewspaper title in fee and 47-1377 (2001 ed.), Christopher Hauser American, Partners, and othersimple.a LLC a n d TEST a l l o uCOPY tstanding TRUE Plaintiff having general circulawise known as 47th St., municipal lien amounts REGISTER OF WILLS tionWashington, in the District of NE, D.C., Clerk of the Court due and owing on the vs. Columbia, once a week aforemen-tioned 09/8, 9/15, 9/22/17 Real for three (3) successive Defendants TYPESET: Tue Nov 07 By Clerk Property, or answer the Anthony Young; weeks, notifying all perJames D. McGinley complaint, or, thereafter, a Zion Group, LLC; sons ORDER interested OF in the final judgment will be enTHE DISTRICT OF RealPUBLICATION Property described 11/03, 11/10, 11/17 tered foreclosing Superior Courtthe ofright COLUMBIA, above to appear this In accordance withinD.C. of redemption in of the Real the District Court by the 29th day of Official Code § 47-1375 Property and vesting And District of Columbia in November, and re(2001 ed.), 2017, the object of the Plaintiff(s) a title in fee PROBATE DIVISION deem the Real isProperty this proceeding to sesimple. All unknown owners of the 17:36:49 ESTof 2017 by payment $9587.59, Washington, D.C. cure the foreclosure of the real property described together with interest 20001-2131 right of redemption in from the James McGinley below, their heirs, deviAdministration No. the date the Property following realReal property loActing Clerk of the Court sees, personal repre2017ADM1209 tax certificate was purcated in the District of sentatives, executors, chased, court costs, and Elizabeth L Foushee Columbia, and sold by the 11/10, 11/17, 11/24/17 administrators, grantees, Decedent reasonable Mayor of the attorney’s District of fees, expenses incurredinin assigns or successors in NOTICE OF Columbia to the Plaintiff right, title, and interest the service process and this action: of Square 5142 APPOINTMENT, andany and all persons service process byalso pubLot 0812ofwhich may NOTICE TO lication, fees having or claiming tohave be known reasonable as 47th St., NE, CREDITORS for the title search, all any interest, including adWashington DC.Theand comAND NOTICE TO otherstates, amounts paid by the verse possession, in the plaint among other UNKNOWN HEIRS leasehold or the fee simPlaintiff accordance things, thatin the amounts Maurice K Foushee, with the provisions of D. C. ple in the real property and whose address is 2612 necessary for redemption premises situate, lying Officialnot Code §§ 47-1361 have been paid. 32nd St, SE, Washingand 47-1377 (2001Chief ed.), and being in the District of Pursuant to the a n d a l lAdministration o u t s t a n d i n g Columbia described as a ton, DC 20020, was apJudge’s vacant lot on the east side pointed personal repremunicipal lien02-11, amounts Order Number it is due18th and the of Montello Ave., NE east sentative of the estate of this dayowing of July,on 2017, Elizabeth L Foushee , afore-mentioned Real and adjacent to imProperty, or the provement known as who died on July 29, ORDERED by answer the Supercomplaint, ior Court of or, thethereafter, District ofa 1323 Montello Ave., NE: 2017 with a will, and will final judgment be be en- Square 4063, Lot 0805 serve without Court suColumbia, that will notice and assessed to Anthony pervision. All unknown teredby foreclosing the of right given the insertion a Young and otherwise heirs and heirs whose

NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT, NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND NOTICE TO UNKNOWN HEIRS Maurice K Foushee, whose address is 2612 32nd St, SE, Washington, DC 20020, was appointed personal repreLEGAL NOTICES sentative of the estate of Elizabeth L Foushee , who died on July 29, 2017 with a will, and will serve without Court supervision. All unknown heirs and heirs whose whereabouts are unknown shall enter their appearance in this proceeding. Objections to such appointment (or to the probate of decedent´s will) shall be filed with the Register of Wills, D.C., 515 5th Street, N.W., 3rd Floor Wa s h i n g t o n , D . C . 20001, on or before April 27, 2018. Claims against the decedent shall be presented to the undersigned with a copy to the Register of Wills or filed with the Register of Wills with a copy to the undersigned, on or before April 27, 2018, or be forever barred. Persons believed to be heirs or legatees of the decedent who do not receive a copy of this notice by mail within 25 days of its first publication shall so inform the Register of Wills, including name, address and relationship. Date of Publication: October 27, 2017 Name of newspaper: Afro-American Washington Law Reporter Maurice K Foushee Personal Representative

American Newspaper, a DC PORTFOLIO, LLC barred. Persons believed TYPESET: Wed Nov 08 12:51:55 EST 2017 (MTAG CUST. FOR EMto be heirs or legatees of newspaper of general cir- TYPESET: Wed Nov 08 12:51:31 EST 2017 culation in the District of PIRE VIII the decedent who do not Columbia, once a week for three (3) successive DC PORTFOLIO) receive a copy of this no- for three (3) successive weeks, notifying all per- together with interest from IN THE SUPERIOR W 38th the date the Real Property IN THE SUPERIOR tice57by mail Street, within 25 weeks, interested in the tax certificate was purnotifying all per- sons COURT OF THE 9th Floor COURT OF THE days New of itsYork, firstNY publica- sonsDISTRICT Property OF described chased, court costs, and interested OFin the Real DISTRICT tion shall10018 so inform the Real Property to appear in this reasonable attorney’s described aboveCOLUMBIA COLUMBIA Register of Wills, includ- above by the 29th day of fees, expenses incurred in to DIVISION appear in this Court CIVIL CIVIL DIVISION ing name, address and November, 2017,No. and re- the service of process and Court by the 13th day of Civil Action No. Plaintiff Civil Action relationship. the Real Property service of process by pubDecember, 2017, and re- deem 170005080 L(RP) 2017 CA 005305L(RP) LEGAL NOTICES deem Date of Publication: LEGAL NOTICES LEGAL NOTICES by payment of $426.40, the Real Property LEGAL NOTICES (Action Involving Real vs. lication, reasonable fees (Action Involving Real November 3, 2017 with interest from for the title search, and all by payment of $3,926.67, together Property) Property) the date the Real Property NamePERSONAL of newspaper: together with interest from Calendar #18 other amounts paid by the Calendar #18 certificate Judge was pur- Plaintiff in accordance theMagistrate date the Real Property taxMagistrate Afro-American Judge REPRESENTATIVE court costs, and with the provisions of D. C. tax certificate was pur- chased, Washington Raymond OF THE ESTATE OF Raymond chased; court costs and reasonable attorney’s Law Reporter MYRTLE A. Official Code §§ 47-1361 expensesHauser incurred in and 47-1377 (2001 ed.), fees;Hauser expenses fees, Christopher Carolyn Craig attorney’s WITHERSPOON Christopher in the publication the service of process and a n d a l l o u t s t a n d i n g Address Unknown Personal incurred Plaintiff process by pub- municipal lien amounts Representative and service of process by service of Plaintiff publicationvs. and for rea- lication, reasonable fees due and owing on the And for the title search, and all afore-mentioned Real sonable fees for the title vs. TRUE TEST COPY search; all other amounts other amounts paid by the Property, or answer the Unknown Heirs, THE DISTRICT OF REGISTER OF WILLS paid by the personal petitioner in Plaintiff in accordance complaint, or, thereafter, a devisees, COLUMBIA provisionsLLC, of D. C. final judgment will be enaccordance with the provi- with representatives, Serve: Mayor of the 314the Associates, 11/3, 11/10, 11/17/17 TYPESET: Wed Nov 08 12:52:19 EST 2017 Code §§ 47-1361 tered foreclosing the right sions of D. Code Official executorC. District of Columbia a Virginia LLC; 47-1377 (2001 § 4 7 - 1 3 6 1 &agrantees n d a l l and administrators Muriel Bowser THE DISTRICT OFed.), of redemption in the Real a l l o u t s t a n d i n g Property and vesting in outstanding municipal lien a n d COLUMBIA, Washington, DC 20017 of J. Frank Tiller, Attn: Office of the amounts andProperty”).The real property municipal lien amounts the Plaintiff(s) a title in fee (the ”Real deceased; Secretary IN THE SUPERIOR due and owing on the simple. taxes due and owing on complaint states, OF among THE DISTRICT 1350COURT Pennsylvania OF And the afore-mentioned other things, thatReal the afore-mentioned Real COLUMBIA, THE Avenue, DISTRICT OF Property, answer the Property, or answerforthe amounts necessary re- All N.W., #419 COLUMBIA unknownorowners of the complaint, or, thereafter, complaint, or, thereafter, a real demptionAnd have not been Washington, DC Cheryl Bailey CIVIL DIVISION property describeda final judgment will be enfinal judgment will be enpaid.Pursuant to the Chief below, their heirs, deviActing Clerk of the Court Civil20001 Action No. tered foreclosing the right tered foreclosing the right Judge’s Administration All unknown owners of the 2017 CA 005674 L(RP) sees, personal repreof redemptionexecutors, in the Real 11/10, 11/17, 11/24/17 ofOrder redemption the Real Numberin 02-11, it is sentatives, property described Serve: Attorney General (Action Involving Real real Property and vesting Property and vesting this 15th day of August, below, their heirs, devi-in administrators, of the District of Property) grantees,in the Plaintiff(s) a title in fee the Plaintiff a title in fee 2017, personal repre- assigns or successors sees, Columbia18 Calendar in simple. simple, ORDERED by the Supersentatives, executors, Attn: Darlene Fields Magistrate Judge right, title, and interest ior Court of thegrantees, District of andany and all persons administrators, 441 4th Street, NW Raymond Clerk of the Court Columbia, that notice assigns or successors inbe having or claiming tohave Washington, DC 20001 James McGinley giventitle, by theand insertion of a any interest, right, interest MTAG CUSTODIAN including adClerk of theinCourt By: Clerk copy of this Order in the verse possession, andany and all persons And FOR the W a sJames h iclaiming n gD. t oMcGinley ntohave A f r o leasehold or the fee simhaving or EMPIRE VIII 11/10, 11/17, 11/24/17and American interest, Newspaper, including ad- a ple All DC Unknown Owners PORTFOLIO, LLCof any in the real property TYPESET: Wed Nov 08 12:51:31 EST 2017 11/10, 11/17,of 11/24/17 newspaper general cirpossession, in the the Property TYPESET: Wed Nov 08 premises 12:51:55 EST 2017 (MTAG CUST.Described FOR EM- verse situate, lying culation in or the District fee sim-of and being in the District of below, their PIREHeirs, VIII Per- leasehold together with interest from Columbia, a and week Columbia ple in the real once property sonalDCRepresentatives, PORTFOLIO) described as a for three (3) successive the date the Real Property IN THE SUPERIOR forINthree (3) successive premises situate, lying vacant Executors, Administra57 W 38th Street, lotnotifying to the east of weeks, all perTHE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE weeks, notifying all perbeing in the of improvement tors, Grantees, Assigns or and 9th Floor known sons interested in as the tax certificate was purCOURT OFDistrict THE chased, court costs, and DISTRICT sonsDISTRICT interested described as the a 5318 Successors in Right, New York, NY Title, Columbia Pl., NE:OF Square Real1st Property described OF in COLUMBIA Real COLUMBIA Property described lot on the south 3701, Interest, and Any and all vacant 10018 andin asaboveLot to 0071 appear this reasonable attorney’s CIVIL DIVISION above to DIVISION appearStinNW, this sessed side of Buchannan persons having or to Associates, Court by314 the 29th day of fees, expenses incurred in CIVIL the service of process and Court byArkansas the 13th day of LNovember, claiming toPlaintiff have any inter- between L C Civil , a nAction d 2017, o t h eNo. rand w i sree Civil Action No.Ave., service of process by pub2017 CA December, 2017, re- known and 13th St, and NW, est in the leasehold or fee NW as Ingraham St., deem the005305L(RP) Real Property 170005080 L(RP) lication, reasonable fees (Action Involving Real deemof the Real Property the alley directly simple in thevs. property and south NE, Washington, by payment of D.C., $426.40, (Action Involving Real Property) by payment of $3,926.67, together improvements premises situate, lying behind Defendants with interest from for the title search, and all Property) Calendar #18 together from the date the Real Property other amounts paid by the as with 1310interest and and being in the District of known PERSONAL Calendar #18 1312 Judge theMagistrate date the Real Property Buchannan St., NW : Columbia described as: REPRESENTATIVE ORDER OF taxMagistrate certificate was pur- Plaintiff in accordance Judge Raymond tax certificate was0807 pur- chased, Square 2817, Lot Square 4011 Lot 0002. OF THE ESTATE OF PUBLICATION court costs, and with the provisions of D. C. Raymond Official Code §§ 47-1361 chased; courtto costs and reasonable attorney’s assessed J. Frank May also be known as and MYRTLE A. Christopher l lChristopher e r a n dfees; o tHauser hexpenses e r w i s e Infees, 1437WITHERSPOON Lawrence Street Tiattorney’s accordance with and 47-1377 (2001 ed.), expensesHauser incurred incurred in the Washingpublication Official asPlaintiff NW, NE, Address Washington, UnknownDC known Code § 47-1375 the service of process and a n d a l l o u t s t a n d i n g municipal lien amounts Plaintiff andD.C., service of process by (2001 ton, 20017 ed.), the object of service of process by pubpublicationvs.and for rea- this Defendants And proceeding is to selication, reasonable fees due and owing on the 17:40:51 EST 2017 vs. sonable fees for the title cure Defendants the title foreclosure theall afore-mentioned Real for the search, of and search; all other amounts right ORDER OF OF THE DISTRICT ofamounts redemption other paidinbythe the Property, or answer the Unknown Heirs, complaint, or, thereafter, a paid by thepersonal petitioner in following ORDER OF PUBLICATION COLUMBIA loPlaintiff real in property accordance devisees, 314the Associates, LLC, accordance with the provi- cated PUBLICATION Serve: Mayor of the in provisions the District with of D.ofC. final judgment will be enrepresentatives, tered foreclosing the right a Virginia LLC; sions executor of D. C. Code Columbia, In accordance with D. C. District of Columbia and sold by the Official Code §§ 47-1361 of redemption in the Real THE OFed.), § accordance 4 7 - 1 3 6 1 &with agrantees n dD.C. a l l Mayor In Code Muriel §47-1375, Bowser the ofDISTRICT the (2001 District of and 47-1377 administrators outstanding municipal lien Columbia Official §Tiller, 47-1375 objectAttn: of this proceeding Office of the a n d COLUMBIA, a l lto othe u t Plaintiff s t a n d i in n g Property and vesting in of J.Code Frank the Plaintiff(s) a title in fee amounts and property ed.), thereal object of this is to secure the foreclo- (2001 Secretary action: Square 3701 municipal lien amounts deceased; And taxes due and isowing proceeding to sure1350 of the right of re- this Pennsylvania mayonalso due0071 andwhich owing the simple. THE DISTRICT OFse-on Lot the the afore-mentioned Real be foreclosure of the demption Avenue, in the following cure known as Ingraham afore-mentioned Real COLUMBIA, All unknown ofDC. the Property, or answer the St., of redemption in the real property located in right N.W., #419 NE, Washington Property, orowners answer the Cheryl Bailey real property described complaint, or, thereafter, a following real property lothe District of Columbia, Washington, DC The complaint states, complaint, or, thereafter, a And Acting Clerk of the Court below, their heirs, devifinal judgment will be of en- among in the District and sold by the Mayor of cated 20001 other things, final judgment will bethat ensees, personal repretered foreclosing right the and soldthe by the District of Columbia to Columbia, amounts necessary tered foreclosing the right All unknown owners of the the 11/10, 11/17, 11/24/17 sentatives, of redemption in the Real of the District of for the Plaintiff(s) in General this ac- Mayor Serve: Attorney have not of redemptionexecutors, in the Real real property described administrators, grantees, Property and vesting in Columbia to the Plaintiff in tion described as Square of the District of been paid.Pursuant to thein Property and vesting below, their heirs, deviassigns or successors in theaction: Plaintiff a title in fee Chief Square 2817 4011 Lot Columbia 0002, which may this Judge’s Administrathe Plaintiff(s) a title in fee sees, personal repreright, title,Number and interest simple, 0807 which may also tion alsoAttn: be Darlene known as 1437 Lot Fields Order 02-11, simple. sentatives, executors, andany and all known as NW, Lawrence StreetNW NE, be 441 4th Street, it is this 1st day of persons August, administrators, grantees, having or claiming tohave Clerk of the Court Washington DC.The comWashington, DC 20001 2017, assigns or successors in any interest, including adplaint among other ORDERED by theMcGinley SuperJames right, states, title, and interest verse possession, the By: Clerk ior things, And Court of theofDistrict of Clerk theinCourt andany that andthe all amounts persons leasehold or thenotice fee simJames D. McGinley necessary for redemption that be having or claiming tohave Columbia, ple in the real property and not been paid. All Unknown Owners of have given by the insertion of a 11/10, 11/17, 11/24/17 any interest, including adpremises 11/10,possession, 11/17, to 11/24/17 the in Chief the Property Described Pursuant of thissituate, Order inlying the verse the copy and being in the District of Judge?s Administration below, their Heirs, Per- leasehold or the fee sim- Wa s h i n g t o n A f r o Columbia described as a Number 02-11, and it is American, sonal Representatives, Order a newspaper ple in the real property vacant alotgeneral to the circulaeast of 22nd day of July Executors, Administra- this premises situate, lying, having improvement known tors, Grantees, Assigns or 2017, of and being in the District of tion in the District as 5318 1st Pl., NE:aSquare by the SuperSuccessors in Right, Title, ORDERED once week Columbia described as a Columbia, 3701, Lot 0071 and asCourt of the District of Interest, and Any and all ior for three (3) successive vacant lot on the south sessed to 314 Associates, Columbia, that notice be weeks, persons having or notifying all perside of Buchannan St NW, L L C , interested a n d o t h ein r w the ise by the insertionAve., of a sons claiming to have any inter- given between Arkansas known as Ingraham St., copy of this Order in the est in the leasehold or fee NW and 13th St, NW, Real Property described NE, Washington, s h of i n gthe t o nalley A f rdirectly osimple in the property and Wa above to appearD.C., in this south Defendants a newspaper Court by premises situate, lying American, the 29th day of behind improvements a general circulaand being in the District of having known as 1310 and 1312 November , 2017, and reORDER tion in the District of Columbia described as: Property Buchannan St., NW : deem the RealOF PUBLICATION onceLot a week Square 4011 Lot 0002. Columbia, of $9614.13, Square 2817, 0807 by payment May also be known as and assessed to J. Frank 1437 Lawrence Street Ti l l e r a n d o t h e r w i s e In accordance with D.C. NE, Washington, DC known as NW, Washing- Official Code § 47-1375 (2001 ed.), the object of 20017 ton, D.C., this proceeding is to seDefendants cure the foreclosure of the Defendants right of redemption in the ORDER OF following real property loPUBLICATION ORDER OF cated in the District of PUBLICATION Columbia, and sold by the In accordance with D. C. Code §47-1375, the In accordance with D.C. Mayor of the District of object of this proceeding Official Code § 47-1375 Columbia to the Plaintiff in is to secure the foreclo- (2001 ed.), the object of this action: Square 3701 sure of the right of re- this proceeding is to se- Lot 0071 which may also demption in the following cure the foreclosure of the be known as Ingraham real property located in right of redemption in the St., NE, Washington DC. the District of Columbia, following real property lo- The complaint states, and sold by the Mayor of cated in the District of among other things, that the District of Columbia to Columbia, and sold by the the amounts necessary the Plaintiff(s) in this ac- Mayor of the District of for redemption have not tion described as Square Columbia to the Plaintiff in been paid.Pursuant to the 4011 Lot 0002, which may this action: Square 2817 Chief Judge’s Administraalso be known as 1437 Lot 0807 which may also tion Order Number 02-11, 12:52:19 EST 2017 it is this 1st day of August, Lawrence Street NE, be known as NW, Washington, DC 20017 Washington DC.The com- 2017, (the ”Real Property”).The plaint states, among other ORDERED by the Supercomplaint states, among things, that the amounts ior Court of the District of other things, that the necessary for redemption Columbia, that notice be amounts necessary for re- have not been paid. given by the insertion of a demption have not been Pursuant to the Chief copy of this Order in the paid.Pursuant to the Chief Judge?s Administration Wa s h i n g t o n A f r o Judge’s Administration Order Number 02-11, it is American, a newspaper Order Number 02-11, it is this 22nd day of July , having a general circulation in the District of this 15th day of August, 2017, 2017, ORDERED by the Super- Columbia, once a week ORDERED by the Super- ior Court of the District of for three (3) successive ior Court of the District of Columbia, that notice be weeks, notifying all perColumbia, that notice be given by the insertion of a sons interested in the Real Property described given by the insertion 17:39:46 EST 2017 of a copy of this Order in the above to appear in this copy of this Order in the Wa s h i n g t o n A f r o W a s h i n g t o n A f r o American, a newspaper Court by the 29th day of American Newspaper, a having a general circula- November , 2017, and redeem the EST Real 2017 Property TYPESET: Wed Nov of08 12:51:31 TYPESET: Wed Novcir08 12:51:55 EST 2017 newspaper of general tion in the District culation in the District of Columbia, once a week by payment of $9614.13, Columbia, once a week for three (3) successive together with interest from forINthree (3) successive weeks, IN THE SUPERIOR notifying all per- the date the Real Property THE SUPERIOR weeks, notifying all per- sons COURT OF THE interested in the tax certificate was purCOURT OF THE chased, court costs, and sonsDISTRICT interested OF Property described OFin the Real DISTRICT Real Property described COLUMBIA above to appear in this reasonable attorney’s COLUMBIA above to DIVISION appear in this Court CIVIL DIVISION by the 29th day of fees, expenses incurred in CIVIL Court by Action the 13th day of November, Civil Action 2017,No. and re- the service of process and Civil No. December, 2017, and re- deem 2017 CA the 005305L(RP) Real Property service of process by pub170005080 L(RP) lication, reasonable fees deem the Real Property (Action Involving Real by payment of $426.40, (Action Involving Real by payment of $3,926.67, togetherProperty) with interest from for the title search, and all Property) together with interest Calendar #18 the Real Property other amounts paid by the Calendar #18 from the date Plaintiff in accordance theMagistrate date the Real Property taxMagistrate certificate Judge was purJudge tax certificate was purRaymond chased, court costs, and with the provisions of D. C. Raymond Official Code §§ 47-1361 chased; court costs and reasonable attorney’s attorney’s fees;Hauser expenses fees, Christopher expensesHauser incurred in and 47-1377 (2001 ed.), Christopher incurred Plaintiff in the publication the service of process and a n d a l l o u t s t a n d i n g and service of process by service ofPlaintiff process by pub- municipal lien amounts publicationvs. and for rea- lication, reasonable fees due and owing on the sonable fees for the title for the title vs. search, and all afore-mentioned Real search; all other amounts other amounts paid by the Property, or answer the Unknown Heirs, paid by the petitioner in Plaintiff in accordance complaint, or, thereafter, a devisees, personal accordance with the provi- with 314the Associates, provisionsLLC, of D. C. final judgment will be enrepresentatives, sions of D. C. Code Official a Virginia LLC; Code §§ 47-1361 tered foreclosing the right executor § 4 7 - 1 3 6 1 &agrantees n d a l l andTHE DISTRICT OFed.), of redemption in the Real 47-1377 (2001 administrators outstanding municipal a l l o u t s t a n d i n g Property and vesting in of J. Frank Tiller, lien a n d COLUMBIA, amounts and real property municipal lien amounts the Plaintiff(s) a title in fee deceased; Visit and owing owing on the simple. THEdue DISTRICT OF on due and And page for details. the afore-mentioned COLUMBIA, Real afore-mentioned Real Application Deadline: February 9, 2018 Property, or answer the All unknownorowners of the Property, answer the Cheryl Bailey complaint,And or, thereafter, a real property describeda complaint, or, thereafter, Acting Clerk of the Court final judgment will be en- below, their heirs, devifinal judgment will be entered foreclosing theofright personal the repretered foreclosing right All unknown owners the sees, of redemption the Real sentatives, of redemptionexecutors, in the Real 11/10, 11/17, 11/24/17 real property in described Property and vesting in administrators, grantees, Property and vesting in below, their heirs, devithe Plaintiff a titlereprein fee assigns or successors in the Plaintiff(s) a title in fee sees, personal simple, simple.title, and interest sentatives, executors, right, administrators, grantees, andany and all persons Clerk of the Court having or claiming tohave assigns or successors in including adJames McGinley right, title, and interest any interest, Clerk verse possession, the Clerk of theinCourt andany and all By: persons James D. McGinley leasehold or the fee simhaving or claiming tohave ple in the real property and 11/10, 11/17, 11/24/17 any interest, including ad11/10,possession, 11/17, 11/24/17 verse in the premises situate, lying leasehold or the fee sim- and being in the District of ple in the real property and Columbia described as a premises situate, lying vacant lot to the east of and being in the District of improvement known as Columbia described as a 5318 1st Pl., NE: Square vacant lot on the south 3701, Lot 0071 and asside of Buchannan St NW, sessed to 314 Associates, between Arkansas Ave., L L C , a n d o t h e r w i s e NW and 13th St, NW, known as Ingraham St., south of the alley directly NE, Washington, D.C., Defendants behind improvements known as 1310 and 1312 ORDER OF Buchannan St., NW : PUBLICATION Square 2817, Lot 0807 and assessed to J. Frank Ti l l e r a n d o t h e r w i s e In accordance with D.C. known as NW, Washing- Official Code § 47-1375 (2001 ed.), the object of ton, D.C., this proceeding is to secure the foreclosure of the Defendants right of redemption in the following real property loORDER OF cated in the District of PUBLICATION Columbia, and sold by the In accordance with D.C. Mayor of the District of

November 11, 2017 - November 17, 2017, The Afro-American


TYPESET: Tue Nov 07 10/27, 11/3, 11/10/17 Superior Court of the District of District of Columbia PROBATE DIVISION Washington, D.C. 20001-2131 Administration No. 2017ADM001105 Vincent B Burner Decedent NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT, NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND NOTICE TO UNKNOWN HEIRS Garland M Burner , whose address is 5326 Doris Drive, Waldorf, MD 20601 wasappointed personal representative of the estate of Vincent B Burner , who died on June 21, 2017 with a will, and will serve without Court supervision. All unknown heirs and heirs whose where-abouts are unknown shall enter their appearance in this proceeding. Objections 17:38:48 EST 2017 to such appointment (or to the probate of decedent´s will) shall be filed with the Register of Wills, D.C., 515 5th Street, N.W., 3rd Floor Wa s h i n g t o n , D . C . 20001, on or before April 27, 2018. Claims against the decedent shall be presented to the undersigned with a copy to the Register of Wills or filed with the Register of Wills with a copy to the undersigned, on or before April 27, 2018, or be forever barred. Persons believed to be heirs or legatees of the decedent who do not receive a copy of this notice by mail within 25 days of its first publication shall so inform the Register of Wills, includTYPESET: Novand 08 ing name, Wed address relationship. Date of Publication: IN THE27, SUPERIOR October 2017 OF NameCOURT of newspaper: THE DISTRICT Afro-American OF COLUMBIA Washington DIVISION LawCIVIL Reporter Civil Action No. Garland Burner 2017 CA 005674ML(RP) Personal (Action Involving Real Representative Property) Calendar 18 TRUE TEST COPY Magistrate Judge REGISTER OF WILLS Raymond 11/3, 11/10, 11/17/17 MTAG CUSTODIAN TYPESET: Tue Nov 07

FOR EMPIRE VIII DCSuperior PORTFOLIO, CourtLLC of (MTAG CUST. FOR EMthe District PIRE VIII of District of Columbia DC PORTFOLIO) PROBATE 57 W 38th DIVISION Street, Washington, 9th Floor D.C. 20001-2131 New York, NY Administration No. 10018 2017ADM001226 Decedent Plaintiff Michael C Forster 2007 Vermont vs. Ave NW Washington, DC 20001 Attorney PERSONAL REPRESENTATIVE NOTICE OF OFAPPOINTMENT, THE ESTATE OF MYRTLE NOTICE A. TO WITHERSPOON CREDITORS Address Unknown AND NOTICE TO UNKNOWN HEIRS And Carolyn Craig , whose address is 5615 3rd St THEWashington, DISTRICT OF DC NW, COLUMBIA 20011, was appointed Serve: of the personal Mayor representative District of Columbia of the estate of Phyllis A Muriel Bowser Craig, who of died Attn: Office the on September 12, 2016 Secretary without a will, and 1350 Pennsylvania will serve without Avenue,Court supervision. unknown N.W.,All #419 heirs and heirsDC whose Washington, whereabouts 20001 are unknown shall enter their a p p e aAttorney r a n c e General in this Serve: proceeding. Objections of the District of to such appointment Columbia Attn:be Darlene shall filed Fields with the 17:40:28 2017 441 4thEST Street, NW Register of Wills, D.C., Washington, DC 20001 515 5th Street, N.W., 3rd Floor Washington, D.C. 20001, onAnd or before May 3, 2018. Claims against All theUnknown decedentOwners shall of be the Property presented to Described the underbelow, their Heirs, Persigned with a copy to the sonal Representatives, Register of Wills or filed Executors, Administrawith the Register of Wills tors, Grantees, Assigns or with a copy the underSuccessors intoRight, Title, signed, on before Interest, andorAny andMay all p3, e r s2018, o n s hora vbe i n gforever or barred. to Persons believed claiming have any interto be heirs or legatees est in the leasehold or feeof the decedent who doand not simple in the property receive a copy of this nopremises situate, lying ticebeing by mail 25 and in the within District of days of its first publicaColumbia described as: tion shall so inform the Square 4011 Lot 0002. Register includMay also of beWills, known as ing name, address and 1437 Lawrence Street NE, Washington, DC relationship. 20017 Date of Publication: Defendants November 3, 2017 Name of newspaper: ORDER OF Afro-American PUBLICATION Washington Law Reporter In accordance with D. C. Carolyn Craig Code §47-1375, the Personal


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50thCourt Streetof the the 4315 Superior NW, 60 District of Suite Columbia, that Washington, DC notice be given 20016 by the insertion of a copy of this AndWashington Order in the Afro American NewsJASON S. paper, a GUETZKOW, newspaper of generalTRUSTEE circulation in the c/o Buckman Legal,once District of Columbia, a week PLLC for three (3) 4315 50th Street successive weeks, notifyLEGAL NOTICES Suite interested 60 ing allNW, persons Washington, DC 20016dein the Real Property scribed above to appear in this Court And by the 13th day of December, 2017, and BWF PRIVATE redeem the RealLOAN Property FUND,ofLLC by payment $4,756.67, 7501 Wisconsin Avenue, together with interest from Suite the date the125 RealWProperty Bethesda, MD was 20814purtax certificate chased; court costs and attorney’s fees; expenses incurred inAnd the publication and service of process by JOHN GAMBLE, publication and for reaTRUSTEE sonable fees for the title 4812 Georgia search; all otherAvenue amounts NW,by Washington, DC in paid the petitioner 20011 accordance with the provisions of D. C. Code § 4 7 - 1 3 And 61 and all outstanding municipal lien amounts and real property taxes CLAUDE due and O. owing on the BARRINGTON, aforementioned Real TRUSTEE Property, or answer the 4812 Georgia Avenuea complaint, or, thereafter, NW,judgment Washington, DCenfinal will be 20011 the right tered foreclosing of redemption in the Real Property And and vesting in the Plaintiff a title in fee INDUSTRIAL BANK simple. 4812 Georgia Avenue NW, Washington, Clerk of theDC Court 20011 By: Clerk And James D. McGinley DISTRICT OF 11/3, 11/10, 11/17/17 COLUMBIA TYPESET: Tue Nov DEPARTMENT OF 07 PUBLIC WORKS 2800B New York Avenue, IN THE SUPERIOR NE, Washington, 17:38:00 EST 2017 DC COURT 20002 OF THE And DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA DC WATER CIVIL DIVISION AND SEWER Civil Action No. AUTHORITY 2017 CA 005667 L(RP) 810 First Street, (Action Involving NE, Washington, DC Real20002 Property) Calendar 18 Magistrate And Judge Raymond THE DISTRICT OF MTAGCOLUMBIA CUSTODIAN FOR EMPIRE VIIIofDC Serve: Mayor the PORTFOLIO, LLC District of Columbia (MTAG CUST. FOR Muriel Bowser EMPIRE DC Attn: OfficeVIII of the PORTFOLIO) Secretary 57 W 38th Street, 9th 1350 Pennsylvania Floor New York, NY Avenue, N.W., #419 10018 Washington, DC 20001

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Maryland General Assembly Administrative Positions 2018 Session Recruitment State Senators, Delegates and Legislative Committees are seeking staff to work with them during the upcoming session. All positions run January to April and are full-time temporary. Required qualifications include knowledge of office practices, procedures, and equipment; accurate typing, spelling and grammar skills; excellent communication skills; little supervision to complete tasks, and ability to work as part of a team in a busy workplace. Interested applicants should attend the testing session given by Human Resources. The proficiency test covers computer skills, grammar, spelling and filing. Must be proficient in Microsoft Word. Testing takes approximately one hour to complete. No appointment is necessary. *Test date: Friday, November 10, 2017 *Time: 9 a.m.-11 a.m. and 1 p.m.-3 p.m.Closed 12 noon to 1 p.m. *Location: Legislative Services Building 90 State Circle Annapolis, MD 21401 Please bring a resume. Parking is available in the Calvert Street garage. Must bring a photo I.D. to gain entry to the building. EOE SU_Press AssoAD_SAU_2015_Layout 1 8/20/15 11:24 AM Page 1


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November 11, 2017 - November 17, 2017, The Afro-American



The Afro-American, November 11, 2017 - November 17, 2017

UCLA Players Continued from C1

Citing a person close to the situation, the Los Angeles Times reported that freshmen LiAngelo Ball, Cody Riley and Jalen Hill were involved in a shoplifting incident. Ball is the younger brother of Lonzo Ball, the former UCLA star and current Los Angeles Lakers rookie. Their father, LaVar Ball, is also in China and told ESPN that he was “going to wait until I get more intel on what’s going on� before commenting. Police in Hangzhou did not respond to telephone calls from The Associated Press for details. Scott did not elaborate on what occurred and said the league was directing all inquiries about the specifics of the matter to UCLA. “We are very disappointed by any situation that detracts from the positive student-athlete educational and cultural experience that this week is all about,� Scott said. “Whether in the United States or abroad, we expect our studentathletes to uphold the highest standards. We will continue to closely monitor the situation.�

UCLA team spokesman Alex Timiraos said the school is aware of the situation and is gathering more information. The Atlanta Journal-Constitution reported that local police were called to the hotel where both teams were staying in Hangzhou and inspected UCLA’s bus as players waited to depart for practice. Police interviewed players from both teams before clearing three players from Georgia Tech, according to a statement released by the school. The teams were staying at the Hyatt Regency Hangzhou on Tuesday before leaving for Shanghai, where Georgia Tech and No. 21 UCLA are set to open the season. Georgia Tech said its players who were questioned were to rejoin the team and resume their scheduled activities. The teams are playing at Baoshan Arena in the annual Pac-12 China game, in which a conference school plays another American opponent as part of the league’s global initiative.


Case No. 13-25370-RAG

Notice to File Claim PLEASE TAKE NOTICE THAT: On September 10, 2013, City Homes, Inc. and certain of its subsidiaries (collectively, “City Homes�) each filed a petition for relief under Chapter 11 of the Bankruptcy Code. The cases were jointly administered under case No.: 13-25370. On April 13, 2017, the Bankruptcy Court confirmed a joint Plan of Reorganization. The Plan established a Voluntary Lead-Paint Compensation Fund for those who sustained bodily injury, sickness, disease, emotional distress, or other injuries, including wrongful death, arising from, in whole or in part, exposure to lead paint or lead-paint dust while occupying a City Homes property. To obtain a Claim Form or for more information, call 443-738-5263, email CityHomesBankruptcy@, or visit Claims must be filed by May 30, 2020.

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November 11, 2017 - November 17, 2017, The Afro-American


Race and Politics

Freddie Gray

Baltimore Van Driver Goodson Cleared of All BPD Ceasefire: Administrative Charges Choosing Life Over Death

There was about five hours left in the second Baltimore Ceasefire of 2017 and Ericka Sean Yoes Bridgeford Baltimore AFRO seemed exhilarated, Editor when she probably should have been exhausted. Bridgeford, one of the Ceasefire organizers, was at the Real News Network downtown to participate in a panel discussion, following

“I need you to understand what you are, you deserve deserve your chance in the sun.” –E. Bridgeford a screening of, “The Interrupters,” a documentary about the ceasefire movement in Chicago. Baltimore’s first took place this summer. She had just left Edmondson Village in West Baltimore where she and other members of the Ceasefire team were part of a massive “human chain,”

Continued on D2

Courtesy photo

Baltimore police officer Caesar Goodson, the van driver that transported an injured Freddie Gray, prior to his death in April 2015, was cleared of all charges during a departmental disciplinary trial this week. By Stephen Janis Special to the AFRO A disciplinary trial board cleared the officer who drove the van in which Freddie Gray sustained a fatal injury in 2015, of a series of administrative charges. Fourteen year-veteran Caesar Goodson was found not guilty of all 22 Baltimore Police Department (BPD) charges that alleged he had violated policy when he failed to seat belt Gray inside the van during the ride that led to his death in 2015. The decision by the threemember board came after a week-long public trial, and now leaves the fate of Goodson in the hands of police commissioner Kevin Davis. The ruling marked the first of three administrative hearings for officers previously charged criminally in the death of Gray. Earlier this year an investigation by Montgomery County police recommended Goodson, along with Sgt. Alicia White and Lt. Brian Rice be fired for violating internal policy during the arrest of Gray. Sean Malone, who represented Goodson, blamed the department for providing poor training and lax supervision for Goodson’s failure to seat belt Gray. The defense also cited the Department of Justice report, which concluded Baltimore

police used racist and unconstitutional tactics against the city’s African-American residents as proof that the department did not provide adequate training for officers. But lawyers representing the department argued Goodson ignored a policy directive known as a General Order issued shortly before Gray was arrested that required officers to seat belt prisoners during transport. The trial featured halting and at times vague video testimony from Goodson, who told investigators he could not explain why he failed to report van stops 3,4, and 5 during Gray’s transport on what’s known as ‘run sheet’, or a log of an officer’s daily activity. He also said he was not sure why he failed to report his visit to Maryland Shock Trauma center shortly after Gray was hospitalized. Goodson also testified that he thought Gray was playing the ‘hospital card’ when he asked another officer, William Porter, for medical assistance. The verdict promoted a quick response from police commissioner Kevin Davis. “Freddie Gray died in police custody. My thoughts and prayers remain with the Gray family. We will continue to make improvements within our organization to meet the expectations of constitutional policing demanded by our community,” Davis said in a written statement.

…Goodson also testified that he thought Gray was playing the ‘hospital card’ when he asked another officer, William Porter, for medical assistance.

DeGraffenreidt Named President of Walters Art Museum By J. K. Schmid Special to the AFRO

Nykidra Robinson has watched Black Girls Vote, a Baltimore based voting rights organization focused on capturing the vision and voices of young women, emerge from the grassroots movement that started in 2015 to represent Black women’s electoral aspirations ahead of the 2016 elections. This weekend, the non-partisan organization that represents the interests and concerns of black women, will host its first annual formal ball to celebrate the victories it has achieved in the two years since it was founded. Joy Reid, a host onMSNBC,will headline the event and give the keynote speech. Symone Sanders, CNN political commentator and former national press secretary for Bernie Sanders’ presidential campaign, will serve as the mistress of ceremonies. “What’s extremely important to us is the opportunity to share the message of Black Girls Vote with our attendees and the community,” said Robinson. “We’re officially sold out. And what is so exciting is that young women are driving the movement.” Reid, who is also co-editor of “We are the Change We Seek: Speeches of Barack Obama,” and a columnist at the Daily Beast, has followed Black Girls Vote since its inception. “Joy

James H. DeGraffenreidt, Jr. was named president of the Walters Art Museum Board, Oct. 16., making him the first African American to hold the position. He succeeds Ellen N. Bernhard, who was named chair of the board. Both will serve three-year terms. “It’s gonna be a lot of fun,” DeGraffenreidt told the AFRO. “I’m looking forward to it.” DeGraffenreidt, and his wife Dr. Mychelle Farmer, moved to Baltimore in 1979. He grew up in New York, visiting museums in the area. “The Walters can go toe-to-toe with any of the best museums in New York, including the Met,” Degraffenreidt said referring to the world famous Metropolitan Museum of Art. The Walters board, under his leadership, wants to establish a larger role in the Baltimore community, DeGraffenreidt said. The museum is already admission free and its entire collection is available to view online. “Our big objective is to Courtesy photo broaden the sense of ownership James H. DeGraffenreidt is of the Walters that the wider the first Black president of Baltimore community feels,” the Walters Art Museum. Degraffenreidt said.

Continued on D2

Continued on D2

`Black Girls Vote,’ A Political Force to Contend With By Deborah Bailey Special to the AFRO


Target Store at Mondawmin Mall Slated to Close By Baltimore AFRO Staff The Target store located at Mondawmin Mall in the heart of West Baltimore, was a popular with residents from across the city. However, Target’s headquarters announced Nov. 7 the store will close Feb. 2018, allegedly due to the Mondawmin location, “underperforming.” “This decision was not made lightly. We have a rigorous process in place to evaluate the performance of every store on an annual basis, closing or relocating under-performing locations

“Typically, a store is closed as a result of seeing several years of decreasing profitability.”

– spokeswoman Kristy Welker

as needed. Typically, a store is closed as a result of seeing several years of decreasing profitability,” according to a statement by Kristy Welker, a Target spokeswoman. Welker also stated “eligible” Target employees at the Mondawmin location would be offered the opportunity to work at other Target locations. The reaction to the decision to close the store, which opened at Mondawmin in 2008 as part of a larger mall revitalization, was fast, furious and varied on social media, from disbelief, to

Continued on D2

Off-Duty D.C. Officer Becomes Baltimore’s 301st Homicide Victim By Michelle Richardson Special to the AFRO

An off-duty officer with the Metropolitan Police Department in Washington D.C. was killed in Baltimore, making him the city’s 301st homicide victim. Sgt. Anthony Mason Jr, 40, was killed when someone opened fire on the car he was sitting in with a 43- year old female in the early hours of Nov 4. The woman identified herself to police as Mason’s girlfriend. Mason was gunned down during the Baltimore Ceasefire Weekend, which called for no homicides in the city for 72 hours, Nov. 3 to Nov. 5. Mason’s death was the only homicide during the 72 hour period. According to the Baltimore Police Department (BPD), Mason was found with multiple gunshot wounds in the upper body in the 2800 block of Elgin Avenue in West Baltimore around 12:45 a.m. Mason’s companion was shot in the leg and is expected to

Continued on D2


Past Seven Days

303 2017 Total

Data as of Nov. 8


The Afro-American, November 11, 2017 - November 17, 2017

DeGraffenreidt Continued from D1

To build this sense, DeGraffenreidt said he is looking to continue building “personal connections” in a place that enables visitors to tell their own story reflecting on artifacts from centuries of civilization. “My personal connection is, I enjoy the variety of art that’s there and the serenity of the space,” DeGraffenreidt said. “I brought all four of my kids through the museum on a regular basis and they all did school projects based on visits to the museum throughout the course of their years growing up in Baltimore. Our connection to the museum is long standing and pretty deep.” From 2006 to 2016, DeGraffenreidt served on the Maryland Board of Education. He was president from 2008 to 2011. During his time with Maryland’s Board of Education, DeGraffenreidt said that he

recognized the connection between teachers, classrooms and curricula, and the educational work that the Walters provides and supports, especially in Baltimore City, Baltimore County, and Howard County. “Our education department works closely with principals and teachers and superintendents on how to integrate what the Walters has to offer; to breathe additional life into the curricula that the students are learning, and to enrich the teacher’s’ depth in those areas so they recognize opportunities to present that material,” said DeGraffenreidt. DeGraffenreidt hopes to strengthen that relationship in the future so that personal connections stay with young visitors into their adult years. From July 1, 2016 to June 30, 2017,150,000 visitors attended the Walters,

Race and Politics Continued from D1

hundreds of people locking arms and holding hands along three rainy city blocks in the Village, in solidarity with the Ceasefire Movement. The human chain and the Real News screening were just two of dozens of events during a 72 hour repudiation of violence and homicide in Baltimore. In the midst of what has turned out so far to be Baltimore’s most murderous year (an average of one homicide about every 19 hours), Baltimore was heading towards 48 hours without a murder. “So, we got through 24 and a half hours, and then like 12:45 a.m. police got the call,” Bridgeford said, referring to the murder of Anthony Mason, Jr., an off-duty DC cop who was killed on Elgin Ave., in West Baltimore. As she waited to sit down with her brothers and sisters on the Ceasefire team for the panel discussion, Bridgeford reflected on the past three days. “What we will have done is improved the Ceasefire Weekend from the last time. And I think what’s significant about it is, so many people got to work earlier this time, like really into their neighborhoods, really giving people resources, really having conversations. `What will keep you from being in violent situations? Can you just agree for these three these three days really mean anything to you?’” she said. Bridgeford’s life’s work has been helping people squash beefs and avoid violence as a community mediator (she is director of training for Community Mediation Maryland). She intimately understands how the immense pressure of poverty and ubiquitous violence traumatizes people in mostly Black, mostly poor communities and how the ability to breathe a little easier, if just for 72 hours, can mean the difference between life and death. “How much just having a break means because it’s just too much. In real life don’t nobody want to die out this bi--h. And that’s their language, that’s what they are talking about,” Bridgeford said. Baltimore’s national and global identity has mostly been of murder and mayhem, protest, poverty and police misconduct, fairly or unfairly. Yet, beyond Black Baltimore’s cloak of pathology is the beautifully resilient community Bridgeford and so many of us come from. And sometimes, we need a reminder of who we really are. “What I wanted personally, selfishly is for Baltimore’s self esteem to be risen. This narrative that I’m going to live and die in these streets, that’s just low self esteem. You don’t understand who you are,” Bridgeford said. “And real life I have survivor’s remorse. And every time somebody is like, `Oh, you’re so great, you’re so good,’ I’m great on the backs of all the people that I buried. I get to be great because I’m burying people and I need to do something with that pain. And I need people to understand that I’m not nothing that you’re not, I’m Baltimore. Nothing is more Baltimore than me. If you see greatness when you look at me, that’s because I’m just a mirror. So, I need you to understand what you are, you deserve deserve your chance in the sun. And we don’t talk about that enough.” Ultimately, Bridgeford, who lost her brother and several friends to the violence she combats, wants Baltimore residents who are all too often confronted with the most harrowing choices imaginable, to choose life over death, one day at a time.

of those hundreds of thousands, 58,388 were visitors who participated in Walters on-site education programs, 23,673 were students and teachers participating in K-12 school tours at the Walters. 8,600 of those visitors were students and teachers from Baltimore City schools, said Becca Seitz, The Walters Director of Marketing and Communication. “People will understand that there’s a lot of scholarship that resides in the museum that is useful in everything that they do,” DeGraffenreidt said. “But it’s gotta be personalized for them, because everybody’s experience is different.” While Dr. Farmer was in medical school at Yale, she along with other Yale interns, and residents were taken to museums to sharpen their observational skills, DeGraffenreidt said. “Coaching people through the experience


of observing a painting, or a piece of sculpture and describing what is going on, based on what you see, without making assumptions, but deriving conclusions based on the information on the canvas or that the object gives you, is just one small example of how people can have a personal, professional or educational experience, using what is available to them in the museum,” DeGraffenreidt said. While the particulars of the Walters mission have changed, the spirit hasn’t, Degraffenreidt said. “We’re trustees, literally, and in the highest sense of the word, trustees of a major gift that belongs to the citizens,” DeGraffenreidt said. “We’re trying to make sure that we maximize the benefit that was intended by the Walters, even as they probably couldn’t envision what Baltimore City would look like almost a hundred years since they initiated the gift.”

Black Girls Vote

Continued from D1

Continued from D1

Photo credit: Sean Yoes

The Target store at Mondawmin Mall is scheduled to be closed in Feb. 2018. The store employs about 134 people. anger, to numerous conspiracy theories about why the decision was made. People are not happy with the planned closing. AFRO reporter Jennifer Wright went to the store Nov. 8, the morning after the decision to close the store was made public and spoke with Target shoppers. “I don’t think the store should close. This store sells a variety of things here that you can’t get anywhere else,” –Thomas Brown said a woman named Melva, from Harlem Park, who didn’t want to use her last name. “I don’t want to see this store close,” Thomas Brown, a resident of Chinquapin Park-Belvedere, said succinctly. “I think it’s terrible,” said Ness of Liberty Square, who also did not want to use her last name. “We need it over here. People will be out of a job, this location was close for most of the workers. What are seniors going to do? A lot of people at the senior center on Towanda (Ave.) come over here to shop.” Targets says it is also closing stores in Florida, Georgia, Kansas, Louisiana, Michigan, Texas and Illinois.

“I don’t want to see this store close.”

AFRO reporter Jennifer Wright contributed reporting on this story.

“This weekend…`I’m not going to kill nobody, because I decided not to kill nobody, because I can do that,” she said. “You can’t un-forget that you had that choice. That you had that awakening about your power and your belief in yourself... and that feeling is just so good. I love that Baltimore is being the Baltimore that I know made me.”

was one of the first people who interviewed me with Black Girls Vote,” Robinson said. Black Girls Vote is preparing for the 2018 midterm elections, with educational and issue forums, and events to connect with young women at high schools and colleges throughout the region. The organization is concentrating on connecting with 18-25-year-old women and vows to be a force to reckon with both in the community and at the polls. “Young women want to be part of something, (we) will take the issues that we are experiencing in our community and transfer that energy to the polls,” Robinson said. Robinson said Black women are taking stock of the loyalty they showed to the Democratic Party during the 2016 elections. In the upcoming midterm elections, Robinson said it’s time for women of color to demand something in return. “Looking at women of color, 94% of us voted for the Democratic nominee in 2016. We are loyal voters. Do not knock the block,” Robinson said. “Women of color are saying we will vote and we will support you, but you have to support us, too.” Black Girls Vote is currently affiliated with several college campuses throughout the region and in 2018, will take their message to the high school level. Morgan State University is the first campus to host an official chapter of Black Girls Vote.

Homicide Continued from D1

survive. The suspect fled the scene. Mason, a father of three, served in the U.S. Army as a police officer for five years, before joining the Metropolitan Police Department as a Sergeant according to his cousin, James Grayton. According to the family, Mason was a Washington native, but moved to Baltimore and commuted to work in Northeast Washington. Mason had been with MPD for 17 years and served as an undercover officer in the 6th district in D.C. “He was a good father, a great person, loved people. Loved having fun,” Grayton told the AFRO. “Right now it’s a tragedy in our family and we are just trying to hold it together for the kids.” Family and friends gathered at Mason’s childhood home in Northeast Washington waiting for answers from police. “He was in his neighborhood. We don’t know any details, (we) just know he was close to his house that was it, said Grayton. “It’s just hard to figure out why he would lose his life in this way.” According to MPD, Mason was on non-contact status from the department because of an internal investigation, meaning he was assigned to administrative duties. D.C. police have not provided any information on the internal investigation except stating that it was a “personnel matter.” Anyone with information is asked to call detectives at 410396-2100 or Metro Crime Stoppers at 1-866-7LOCKUP. If you wish to remain anonymous, you can also text tips to 443-902-4824.


“Brings tears to your eyes it is so beautiful.” - DC Theatre Scene



November 11, 2017 - November 17, 2017, The Afro-American Promoter Hassan Rasheed Brings the Royal Theatre Back to Baltimore Hello everyone, the weather is good, so let’s enjoy it while we can because I do believe the real winter is on its way. In any case, we are truly blessed compared to other parts of the country that have had terrible weather and situations such as fires, hurricanes, flooding, etc. So we are thankful and praying for those cities that are going through hell. You know, I am so excited about this upcoming weekend, especially this Saturday. GIRLFRIEND! My kind of entertainment is coming to Baltimore thanks to Hassan Rasheed, the renowned promoter who is hosting this event called, “The Royal Theatre Reunion.” This will be one of the ‘baddest’ shows ever. He’s bringing back some of the acts that will remind us of our historic Pennsylvania Avenue in Baltimore and the

featuring Gerald Alston, Ray, Goodman and Brown, the Dynamic Superior, Kenneth Robinson, Crosswinds, Ms. Maybelle, First Impression, Janay and Style. Also, Larry Young, Wanda Coe-Stewart, DJ Sugar Chris, and former radio personality, Johnny Brown will be honored at this event. This all happens on Nov. 11, 8 p.m.- 1 a.m. You have to bring your own food (BYOF), but it is a cash bar, so my friends do not bring your bottle, they will search you. For ticket information, call 410-9054695. The Blessed Virgin Mary Sodality St. Pius V and St. Peter Claver Church, will host their 4th annual evening of jazz featuring Dr. Phil Butts Band. It will be Nov. 12 4

The Dynamic Superior, international recording artists, with (center) George Span, the original member & founder of the group with his good friend, Wilber Fletcher, the owner of the group, will be performing at the annual Royal Theatre Reunion Show at the Patapsco Arena on Nov.11. Royal Theatre shows back in the day. I am telling you the Patapsco Arena located at 3301 Annapolis Road will not be the same after this show. The show will feature live on stage, now check this out: The Manhattans

p.m - 7 p.m. at the Father Henry Harper Hall, 1546 N. Fremont Avenue. It is cabaret style, B.Y.O.B and B.Y.O.F. with free set-ups. For more information, call 410-2947275.

Robert and Elena Houston celebrate their 50th Anniversary. They were married on November 16. Robert retired from the US Postal Service and Elena from the Department of Social Services. They are both members of the Eastern United Methodist Church in Baltimore. Congratulations on your Golden Anniversary! Freddi Vaughn and the Baltimore Kappa Silhouettes present the annual scholarship on Nov.18, 11:30 a.m - 3 p.m. at the Forum Caterers featuring Baltimore’s own The Spindles. Your tickets include brunch, dancing, silent auction, vendors, door prizes and 50-50 chances. For ticket information, call 443-5428275. I will see you there. HONEY CHILD! The Caton Castle Lounge, located at 20 South Caton Avenue is doing it again with a dynamite jazz concert on Nov. 18, from 6 p.m.- 10 p.m., presented by Ruth Binsky and Steve Patton. It will be an evening of jazz with the Juli Wood Quintet featuring Juli Wood on sax, Tom Williams on trumpet, Tim Murphy on piano, Geoff Harper on bass and Lenny

Robinson on drums. For ticket information, email Or call 410-922-0752 and tell Ruth I told you. The Gospel Program Organizer & Promoter, Lonnie Parker Anniversary featuring a gospel program that will blow your mind and have you shouting up and down the aisles. The program will feature live on stage; The

Southern Gospel Singers, Wings of Praise, Nate and New Generation, James Price Sr. and The New Mighty Wonders, Eric Waddell and the Abundant Life Singers, The Edwards Sisters and gospel comedian, Rob Richardson on Nov. 12 at 3 p.m. at Brown’s Memorial Baptist Church, 3215 W. Belvedere Avenue in Baltimore. Food is on sale. For tickets call 410-358-9661 or

443-610-7583. One more thing I want to tell you about before I run out of space. I want you to get on the bus and join Mt. Zion United Methodist Church on Nov. 11 as they travel to Maryland’s Eastern Shore to tour the new Harriet Tubman Underground Railroad Visitor Center and a lot more fun. For more information, call Dorothy Randall at 410-298-0701. Okay, I know I am out of space now. So remember if you need me, call me at 410-833-9474 or email me at Until the next time, I’m musically yours.

We’ve decked the halls with boughs of jolly. If Santa had a theme park, this would be it! We have family fun at every turn. More than 700 uniquely amazing trees, wreaths and gingerbread houses. Entertainment, crafts, rides and games for kids. More than 100 gift boutiques. And, of course, Santa will be taking requests. Come get your festive on, at the Festival of Trees! MARYLAND STATE FAIRGROUNDS

General Admission

Breakfast Sunday 11/26 Friday 11/24 Saturday 11/25 Sunday 11/26 ❄ with Santa 8 am - 10 am 10 am - 9 pm 10 am - 9 pm 10 am - 6 pm Special ticket required. Limited quantities available. SHOW THIS AD AND GET $1 OFF ADMISSION! Discount not valid for Breakfast with Santa.


For tickets:

Proceeds from the Festival of Trees benefit the children of Kennedy Krieger Institute. PRESENTED BY BB&T PLATINUM SPONSORS Erickson Living ❄ The Whiting-Turner Contracting Company GOLD SPONSORS Chick-fil-A Restaurants (Greater Baltimore Area) Rosemore, Inc. & The Rosenberg Family ❄ Sylvan/Laureate Foundation SILVER SPONSORS Baker Donelson ❄ Baltimore Ravens ❄ BD ❄ CoreSource ❄ First Home Mortgage Corporation ❄ Investment Counselors of Maryland, LLC M&T Bank ❄ Merritt Companies ❄ Morgan Stanley ❄ RCM&D/RCM&D Foundation ❄ Patricia and Mark Joseph, The Shelter Foundation ❄ UnitedHealth Group BRONZE SPONSORS Alban CAT ❄ The Baltimore Life Companies ❄ Baltimore Marriott Waterfront ❄ Bank of America ❄ BGE ❄ Breakthru Beverage Group Capital One Bank, Commercial Banking ❄ CRGA Design ❄ P. Flanigan & Sons, Inc. ❄ Grandstand Grille at the Maryland State Fairgrounds Grandstand, 2nd floor Louis J. Grasmick Lumber Co. ❄ H&S Bakery, Inc. ❄ HMS Insurance Associates, Inc. ❄ Keelty Homes Kelly & Associates Insurance Group / KELLY Payroll (KELLY) ❄ Weis Markets ❄ WJZ-TV 13 Sponsors as of 10/12/17 13115_FOT2017_Afro_5_42x 6_M1.indd 1

10/25/17 7:34 PM

investing in

Good neighbors are always there to share their expertise. That’s why Johns Hopkins is a proud partner with Baltimore City Public Schools in P-TECH at Dunbar— Baltimore’s school-to-industry pipeline at Paul Laurence Dunbar High School. Through P-TECH, students are preparing for their futures by taking college-level health sciences courses alongside their traditional core subjects. With community college degrees already in hand, graduates can embark on careers in the health care industry, right here in Baltimore, or choose to go to four-year colleges. Helping prepare our city’s workforce for the jobs and careers of the future is important to us because when Baltimore thrives, we all do.

Johns Hopkins. Investing in our community.


Maria, Rodney, Kyona, and Ms. Cutrona build DNA strands in biology class at P-TECH at Dunbar in fall 2016.


The Afro-American, November 11, 2017 - November 17, 2017

Dr. Mae C. Jemison, the first African-American woman to travel to space, spoke on Nov. 1 at Martin’s West in Baltimore. “Girls do as well or better than boys all the way through high school in science and math,” said Dr. Jemison, the keynote speaker at the 2017

Dr. Mae C. Jemison and Linda Folson Jackson

Dr. Mae C. Jamison, featured speaker at the Women of Excellence Luncheon

Mindy Basara, WBAL-TV Anchor

Members of the Executive Alliance

Dr. Mae C. Jemison with young women from Invest in Girls Hope Baltimore

Women of Excellence luncheon sponsored by the Executive Alliance,an organization for women leaders in Maryland. Dr. Jemison continues to be a vocal activist for improving education access and advocating for greater inclusion of girls in STEM (Science Technology Engineering Math) programs.

Dr. Anne O. Emery and Karen Bond

Executive Alliance members Margaret Wood and Patricia Lambert

Diane Hocker, Dr. Mae Jemison, Dr. Anne O. Emery and Lenora Howze

Rev. Dr. Frances “Toni” Draper with Luwanda Jenkins

Dr. Mae C. Jemison, featured speaker with Executive Alliance members Luwanda Jenkins, Karen Bond, president, Chineta Davis

Courtesy Photos

On Oct. 29 at the Parkway Theater on North Ave., Rep. Elijah E. Cummings and his wife, Dr. Maya Rockeymoore Cummings hosted the Baltimore premier of, “Against All Odds: The Fight for a Black Middle Class,” a new documentary by

Carmen Williams and Nessie Scott

acclaimed journalist, Bob Herbert. Through historical footage and deeply personal interviews, the film details harsh and often brutal discrimination that has made it extremely difficult for African- Americans to establish and maintain

a middle class standard of living. After the viewing, there were discussions about the plight of the Black middle class. For the documentary, Herbert spoke with Rep. Cummings, activist Angela Glover Blackwell, Isabel Wilkerson, Marc Morial, Alvin Poussaint and others to uncover generational stories of damaging prejudice against Black families. Norris Davis Screenwriter

Dr. Akeda Pearson

Bob Herbert, Rep. Elijah Cummings, Brent, Gabrielle,Karla and Mikaela Swinton Family who participated in the documentary

Linda Stewart and Dr. Clarter

Bob Herbert, Dr. Maya Rockeymoore Cummings and Rep. Elijah E. Cummings

Leon F Pinkett lll , Del. Dr. Jay Jaalisi,Rep. Elijah Cummings and Dr. Maya Rockeymore Cummings

Lynn and Emerson Dorsey with Veronica G. Smith and Judge Paul A. Smith Photos by DeVone Marshall

The Children’s Home annual FACES “Glitz & Gloss” gala was on Oct. 27, at The M&T Bank Stadium. The event was hosted by Andre Cooper, CEO, Eric Collier, president and Gail Lee, director of development for the Children’s Home. Ladeishawna Smith spoke Antoynica Ryan, Dr. Dontae Ryan, CoFounders The Ryan Institute, LLC, with Demetriece Thomas, Program Director Diagnostic Unit of The Children’s Home

of her time as a resident and her success after leaving the Children’s Home. Jamie Costello, ABC News Anchor Desmond and Latrina Bowman

Denise Battaslica, displaying completed artwork , Still In Love

Davida Wilson, Lisa Poole and Myra Dickerson

Candice Cooper and Damien Perkins

Trina Green, Jeffrey Reid and Auna Cooper

Harold and Alice Spencer

Ladeishawna Smith, a former resident speaks of her success after leaving The Children’s Home

Timisha Porcher, Florence Scott and Vanessa Smith

Andre Cooper, CEO of The Children’s Home and Eric Collier Photos by DeVone Marshall

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