November 12, 2016 - November 12, 2016, The Afro-American A1 PRINCE GEORGE’S COUNTY EDITION
Volume 125 No. 51
JULY 22, 2017 - JULY 28, 2017
Inside Commentary
Let’s Finish the Job on Rough Rides By Robert Weiner and Paula Hong
Prince George’s • Women Return
to Protest
The Return of Baltimore’s Artscape C1
Trump to NAACP: Nah AP Photo/Alex Brandon
President Donald Trump’s spokeswoman told reporters the President, breaking with long standing tradition, will not attend the NAACP national convention in Baltimore. NAACP Board Chairman Leon Russell told the Associated Press, “The president’s decision today underscores the harsh fact: we have lost - we’ve lost the will of the current administration to listen to issues facing the Black community.”
NAACP National Convention
‘We Have A Lot of Work to Do’
By Alexis Taylor Special to the AFRO
the over
members of the AFRO Facebook Family
Healthcare, criminal justice, and civic engagement are among the most pressing issues to be focused on during the NAACP’s 108th National Convention taking place in Baltimore this year. The conference, at the Baltimore Convention Center July 22-26, will include a host of celebrity speakers, panel discussions, movie screenings, and work sessions focused on improving life for African Americans and making the Black community, “Steadfast and Immovable,” the convention’s
theme. However, the civil rights group founded in 1909, is currently an organization in transition. Former president Cornell William Brooks ended his run as leader on June 30, when the NAACP opted not to renew his contract. He had held the position since 2014. Chairman Leon W. Russell is currently acting as director of the organization. “We have a lot of work to do,” Tessa Hill- Aston, president of the Baltimore Chapter of the NAACP, told the AFRO. “Right now is a trying time for all of us with Black on Black crime, drugs and other things affecting our communities.”
Your History • Your Community • Your News
• Amid Rising
Violence, Key Homicide Stat Appears Misleading
D1 Black Ministers File Lawsuit Over Sugary
By Hamil R. Harris Special to the AFRO
Ben Jealous Lays Out Why He is Running for Md. Gov. Ben Jealous, 44, Democratic gubernatorial candidate 2018, sat down for an interview with the AFRO July 16 in Baltimore’s Inner Harbor. Jealous, a Rhodes scholar and long-time activist, is now an entrepreneur with Kapor Capital. Jealous, a former
Photo by J. K. Schmid
Ben Jealous is vying for the Democratic Party nomination for governor of Maryland.
Rep. Cummings’ Wife Ponders Bid for Md. Gov. By James Wright Special to the AFRO
AP Photo/Brian Witte
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Charging that more people die of diabetes and preventable diseases in the Black community than of gunshot wounds and violence, Courtesy photo two area pastors have joined a Some of the more prominent speakers scheduled lawsuit against Coca Cola for to address the 108th NAACP National Convention being part of the problem. include: Rep. Elijah Cummings, (D-MD.), former The Rev. Delman Coates, U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder, Sen. Kamala pastor of Mt. Ennon Baptist Harris (pictured), (D-CA.), acclaimed actor Church in Clinton Md., is Continued on A3 Chadwick Boseman and Sen. Cory Booker, (D-NJ). part of a lawsuit that the Rev. William Lamar, pastor of Metropolitan African Methodist Episcopal Church filed in the D.C. Superior NAACP national leader, has a federation of Black Court. The suit charges the also worked as a reporter newspapers and still serves as sugar the company puts into and executive director of a board member of the AFRO. its products is killing too the National Newspapers Jealous, born in California, many Blacks in the Publishers Association, Continued on A4 Continued on A3
By J. K. Schmid Special to the AFRO
The AFROAmerican Newspaper Prince George’s County Edition is Published weekly as an E-edition. Notification is sent to you via email. You can opt-out of receiving this by selecting the unsubscribe option at the bottom of each email notice.
Maya Rockeymoore, wife of U.S. Rep. Elijah Cummings, is considerin a bid for Maryland governor.
Maya Rockeymoore, the wife of veteran U.S. Rep. Elijah Cummings, told the AFRO July 19 that she is strongly considering a run for the Democratic Party nomination for governor of Maryland in 2018. “Maryland is ready for fresh leadership,” Continued on A3
July 23 will mark the 50th anniversary of the Detroit riots, during which 43 people were killed. The summer of 1967 also saw riots in Atlanta, Boston and Cincinnati, among other places. The below story details how then President Lyndon B. Johnson convened a commission in an effort to understand how and why the riots began and how to prevent future riots. At the same time, civil rights groups began trying to answer some of the the same questions.
AFRO Archived History
Search Begins For Some Way To Ease Frustration in Ghettos President’s commission given orders August 5, 1967 WASHINGTON President Johnson assembled his Blue Ribbon Riot Commission for its first meeting Saturday and gave it this work order: Find solutions, short term and long term. He gave the 11-member panel of labor, management, government and civil rights leaders this time table: An interim report no later than March 1 and a final report within a year. Spelling out the group’s mission in Continued on A4
Copyright © 2017 by the Afro-American Company
The Afro-American, July 22, 2017 - July 28, 2017
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Canceled $30K Wedding Becomes Dinner for Indiana Homeless
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O.J. Simpson Faces Good Chance at Parole in Nevada Robbery
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along with one of Araujo’s family friends, paying the rest. Cummins said that when she approached Araujo about donating the dinner, he agreed to what he believed was a selfless way to handle the situation. Cummins said she is not sure yet what she will do with the wedding dress. “It’s too painful to think about.”
Kelly Wilkinson/The Indianapolis Star via AP
Katelin Decraene, center, gives Trishell Crawford and her daughter Jacqueline Crawford, from Dayspring, salads at a reception at the Ritz Charles July 15. By The Associated Press An Indiana woman didn’t want her canceled $30,000 wedding to go to waste, so she threw a party for the homeless. A bus pulled up to the swanky event center July 15 that Sarah Cummins had booked for the reception in Carmel, a suburb just north of Indianapolis. About a dozen veterans from a local organization were among the guests who dined on bourbon-glazed meatballs, roasted garlic bruschetta and wedding cake. Cummins told the Indianapolis Star that she and her fiance called off the wedding a week ago. She declined to give a reason, but she said they were left with a nonrefundable contract for the Ritz Charles in Carmel and a plated dinner for 170 guests. Cummins said she decided that rather than throw away the food she would bring some purpose to the event and contacted area homeless shelters. She cheerfully greeted and welcomed her guests when they arrived to attend the Saturday party. “For me, it was an opportunity to let these people know they deserved to be at a place like this just as much as everyone else does,” Cummins said. Cummins, a 25-year-old Purdue University pharmacy student, said her ex-fiance, Logan Araujo, footed most of the bill for the wedding contract, with Cummins and her parents,
By The Associated Press O.J. Simpson, the former football star, TV pitchman and now Nevada prison inmate No. 1027820, will have a lot going for him when he asks state parole board members to release him after serving more than eight years for an ill-fated bid to retrieve sports memorabilia. Now 70, Simpson will have history in his favor and a clean record behind bars as he approaches the nine-year minimum of his 33-year sentence for armed robbery and assault with a weapon. Plus, the parole board sided with him once before. No one at his July 20 hearing is expected to oppose releasing him in October — not his victim, not even the former prosecutor who persuaded a jury in Las Vegas to convict Simpson in 2008. “Assuming that he’s AP Photo/Julie Jacobson behaved himself in O.J. Simpson, the former prison, I don’t think it football star, TV pitchman and will be out of line for him now Nevada prison inmate, will to get parole,” said David have a lot going for him when Roger, the retired Clark he appears before state parole County district attorney. board members.
B A C K 2 G O O D W M ATA . c o m / B A C K 2 G O O D
The Afro-American, July 22, 2017 - July 22, 2017
NAACP Continued from A1 Hill-Aston said that progress begins with education, strong mentors and returning selfesteem back to the Black community. “It starts with helping the young men who are killing each other over petty stuff and small amounts of money. In the past, regardless of whether you were college bound or not, you still learned a trade. We need to get back to that and let people feel good about what they can do.” Hill-Aston said she plans to be a part of the discussion on criminal justice reform, which includes information about expungement and
Rockeymoore Continued from A1 Rockeymoore said. “Gov. Hogan has failed as a leader of our state and the people of Maryland deserve better.” Rockeymoore leads Global Policy Solutions, a Washington D.C.-based policy firm that advocates on behalf of a wide range of issues from a progressive point of view. She holds a bachelor’s degree from Prairie View A&M University in Texas and a Master’s and Doctorate degree from Purdue University in Indiana. Rockeymoore is a former adjunct professor in the Women in Politics Institute at American University. She also has served as the vice president of research and programs at the Congressional Black Caucus Foundation (CBCF), senior resident scholar at the National Urban League, chief of staff to Rep. Charles Rangel (D-N.Y.), and as a CBCF legislative fellow for Rep. Mel Watt (D-N.C.).
Jealous Continued from A1 was asked about his connection with Baltimore. “My mom grew up in the NAACP here,” said Jealous. “Jeez, I’m the fourth generation in my family to attend St. James Episcopal Church, Lafayette Square. That’s where I was baptized, my mom was baptized, my son was baptized.” Jealous’ mother, Ann Todd Jealous, at 12 years old, sued Western High School for Girls for the right to attend the then segregated school. Western eventually desegregated when she was 15. She met a fellow organizer, Fred Jealous, when they both taught at Harlem Park Junior High years later. Marriage between Ann and Fred, a Black woman and a White man, was a criminal act in Maryland at the time. They married in Washington, DC. “I always joke it’s better that the landmark decision be Loving v. Virginia than Jealous v. Maryland,” Jealous said. “It was illegal for them to cohabitate as man and wife here, just like the Lovings in Virginia, they had to live in fear of the sheriff or the police breaking into their house.” That fear is what drove Jealous’ family to California. Ben was born in Pacific Grove. “I was shipped back here every summer,” said Jealous. “I knew where we were from and maintained connection to the family. I would tell folks that being a child of the 70s and 80s were the years where Baltimore was really falling apart. Deindustrialization, rise of hardcore drugs and hardcore violence and the crack years really get started around ‘87. My childhood is
July 22, 2017 - July 28, 2017, The Afro-American
voting laws for convicted felons. Among the more prominent speakers featured this year are, former U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder, U.S. Senators Cory Booker and Kamala Harris, Congressman Elijah E. Cummings, actor Chadwick Boseman, and famed journalists April Ryan and Maureen Bunyan. Aside from a host of speakers, the NAACP’s Afro-Academic, Cultural, Technological and Scientific Olympics (ACTSO) will also be taking place for hundreds of African-American high school students looking to excel in the STEAM (science, technology, engineering, art, math) fields. The students have been preparing all year to compete in 32 different domains and will
arrive earlier than convention attendees to participate in the competition, which begins July 20. And while the convention does have an agenda for youth, it is separate from the adult agenda, which some local activists say is a fundamental problem with the organization. “One of the main issues with traditional civil rights organizations is that they are typically not very good at drawing in a younger audience,” said Adam Jackson, chief executive officer of Leaders of a Beautiful Struggle, a Baltimore-based think tank. “They aren’t focused on developing young leadership to have a voice in their organization.” Though Jackson said he sees the conference as, “People taking a paid vacation to talk about things they already know about,” he says
he will still be in attendance to network and exchange ideas with others from around the country. Jackson said he hopes the NAACP on a national level will begin to back efforts already in place to improve the Black community. “All around Baltimore we have mentoring programs that work with youth and focus on education. They can support them and -by proxy- support the voices of young folks,” he said. While Jackson blasted the NAACP on a national level, he did praise Hill-Aston, saying, “The national NAACP has been generally irrelevant to most of the things that we are working on here in Baltimore, (but) the local chapter has been pretty supportive.”
If Rockeymoore chooses to run, she will join Georgia State Rep. Stacey Abrams (D-Albany) as being the only Black women seeking the governor’s mansion in their states for 2018. In addition, Rockeymoore joins a race that is getting crowded. Prince George’s County Executive Rushern Baker, III is running for the Democratic nomination along with former NAACP President and CEO Benjamin Jealous,
Rockeymoore said she is not deterred by talk among some political activists in Maryland that three Blacks in the race would split the Black vote. “I think it is good that African Americans will have a choice in the race,” she said. “Ben, the county executive and I have a lot to offer African Americans. I want African Americans turnout in every county in this state to be strong.” Blacks comprise 30.7 percent of Maryland’s
Rockeymoore said she is a practical progressive and has been a fighter for civil rights for women, seniors, children, Blacks, Latinos, and Asians and for the poor and working class. She wants every Marylander to have an opportunity to have a stake in the state’s growing economy. A major part of the state’s economy is Baltimore City and Rockeymoore said she has plans for it. “Baltimore City needs equitable development, healthy neighborhoods that are safe and environmentally clean and an education system that works,” she said. “We must prepare our young people for the new Baltimore economy that is emerging.” Rockeymoore said she also has plans for Prince George’s County. “Prince George’s County is an incredible beacon of hope for African Americans here and around the nation,” she said. “The AfricanAmerican wealth in the county is a sign of upward mobility. However, many working class Prince Georgians are still recovering from the Great Recession in which many lost their homes to foreclosure. In Prince George’s, as governor, I will work toward better wealth building opportunities and better schools.” She said as governor, there will be a strategy to revitalize homeownership in the county and “that equitable economic development will continue on its trajectory.” Rockeymoore also said that Prince George’s, noting its proximity to the nation’s capital, will be included as a major part of any growth plan for the state and not as a sidebar. Rockeymoore said she will make a final decision on the gubernatorial run in the early Fall.
“Maryland is ready for fresh leadership.” – Maya Rockeymoore Maryland State Sen. Richard Maldaleno (D-Montgomery County), entrepreneur Alex Ross and attorney James Shea. Hogan is expected to run for re-election as well. The Democratic primary will take place on June 26, 2018, and the general election will occur on Nov. 6, 2018.
right in between.” The candidate reminisced about the unique culture of Pulaski Street, where his cousins lived at the time. “Saturdays, they were washing down the marble steps with bleach” Jealous said. “Friday nights, a young man was singing a cappella on the corner. All that sort of thing. You’ve got to really love West Baltimore to keep coming back when things are falling apart.” The AFRO asked the candidate what the candidate has learned from the last generation of civil rights activists in an environment of encroaching retrenchment. “What that teaches you, is that our country is a country that often takes a step back and then will respond by taking two steps forward. It’s always darkest before it’s dawn, we go down in order to go up higher. And I believe we’re living through one of those moments right now. We are on the verge of becoming a nation where every group is a minority. Where we all have to get along with one and other groups demographically in order to succeed democratically.” When it comes to democratic, big and little “D,” success, the Republican incumbent, Larry Hogan is up against a number of structural and statistical hurdles. The last two-term Republican governor was Theodore Roosevelt McKeldin who left office in 1959. “If you look at McKeldin, what’s interesting is that he was elected at a time when Republicans were able to build multi-racial, multiclass coalitions that included significant numbers of union members and Black voters,” Jealous said. “The Republicans are almost incapable of doing
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Baltimore Afro-American – (USPS 040-800) is published weekly by The Afro-American Newspapers, 2519 N. Charles Street, Baltimore, MD 21218-4602. Subscription Rate: Baltimore - 1 Year - $70.00(Price includes tax.) Checks for subscriptions should be made payable to: The Afro-American Newspaper Company, 2519 N. Charles Street, Baltimore, MD 21218-4602. Periodicals postage paid at Baltimore, MD. POSTMASTER: Send addresses changes to: The Afro-American Newspapers Company, 2519 N. Charles Street, Baltimore, MD 21218-4602.
The Washington Afro-American & Washington Tribune – (0276-6523) is published weekly by the Afro-American Newspapers at 1816 12th Street, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20009-4422. Subscription Rate: Washington - 1 Year - $70.00(Price includes tax.) Periodicals postage paid at Washington, D.C. POSTMASTER: Send addresses changes to: The Washington Afro-American & Washington Tribune, 2519 N. Charles Street, Baltimore, MD 21218-4602.
that now. They may get some folks from the more conservative unions, but they lose them overwhelmingly and few Blacks will vote for them. They have isolated themselves.” Ben Jealous recently secured the endorsement of the American Postal Workers Union. McKeldin famously stated “I rode by train over several state borders. I carried no passports. No one asked me to identify myself. No one had the right to. This is America.” Jealous was asked to compare this attitude with Hogan’s resistance to the concepts of sanctuary states and cities and fears across and throughout Baltimore City and the state of ICE aggression. “It’s easy to prey on people’s fears, it’s easy to pit them against each other, it is also profoundly destructive and short sighted,” Jealous said. The candidate said he sees a clear way to Annapolis. “Hogan won by 63,000 votes in a year when 125,000 Democrats did not turn out,” Jealous said. “These were not unlikely voters, these were the most likely voters.” Jealous has repeated often how his dramatic turnaround of NAACP membership from the hundreds of thousands to the millions, proves him well suited to turning out voters on election days. “I get very excited because, throughout my career as an organizer, starting at age 14 with the Jesse Jackson campaign, 2012 with the reelection of Barack Obama, what I’ve excelled in is building teams that turn out unlikely voters,” said Jealous. “We can defeat Hogan just on likely voters. We will wallop him with unlikely voters.” Hogan announced his candidacy in June. He is expected to run unchallenged for the Republican ticket next year. Jealous is facing a Democratic primary with four candidates, including Prince George’s County Executive Rushern Baker,III so far. In addition, Maya Rockeymoore Cummings, wife of Congressman Elijah Cummings, and Baltimore County Executive Kevin Kamenetz are strongly considering entering the race.
population, according to 2016 U.S. Census Bureau statistics and makeup the majority in Baltimore City and Prince George’s County and are close to a majority in Charles County and a healthy share of the population in Baltimore County (26 percent) and Montgomery County (18 percent). However, with the exception of lieutenant governor that is part of a gubernatorial ticket, no African American has been elected to a statewide office in Maryland. Rockeymoore said she will not ride on the coattails of her powerful spouse. “I want the voters to read my resume and learn more about my work,” she said. “I have years of experience of advocacy on issues that affect people’s lives and I will be able to run this state based on the work I have done. My record is comparable to any candidate in the race and I will be happy to talk to any group about my plans for Maryland.” Cummings is the ranking member of the House Committee on Government Operations, a former state legislator and a fixture in the state’s Democratic political structure.
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The Afro-American, July 22, 2017 - July 28, 2017
Ministers Continued from A1 community. “In the District of Columbia more people die of diabetic related illnesses than from murder, cancer, and AIDS combined,” Lamar told the AFRO. Coates added that even
with Coke’s history of philanthropy for decades in the Black community they don’t get a pass. The Praxis Project, a nonprofit organization focused on building healthier communities, is also a party in the suit charging that despite scientifically established links between sugar drinks and obesity,
July 22, 2017 - July 22, 2017, The Afro-American
Type 2 diabetes, and heart disease, the Coca-Cola Company continues to engage in deceptive practices in the marketing of its products to the Black community. “This is about saving lives, this is not about sponsorships for a dinner,” said Coates referring to the fact that Coca-Cola has been a major sponsor of the annual
“This is about saving lives, this is not about sponsorships for a dinner.” – Rev. Delman Coates Congressional Black Caucus Legislative Conference. The lawsuit seeks an injunction under the District of Columbia’s Consumer Protection Procedures Act, to stop engaging in the deceptive marketing of sugarsweetened drinks that can lead to obesity, Type 2 diabetes, or cardiovascular disease. “I am the one who goes to the hospital room who presides over the planning and preparation of funerals in our congregation,” said Coates on a YouTube video produced by the Center for Science in the Public Interest. From challenging BET’s owner over images and the portrayal of the Black Community to supporting the Maryland Marriage Equality measure, Coates, a Harvard and Yale trained pastor, has
consistently embraced causes that others have shied away from. But in this battle, the question is how willing is he willing to be the David in a battle against a corporate giant like Coca-Cola? The legal battle by the Praxis Project began in January when the group filed a 40-page lawsuit in California charging CocaCola and the American Beverage Association (ABA) engaged “in false and misleading marketing of sugar-sweetened beverages.” In a response, the CocaCola company said, in a statement, that the lawsuit, was “legally and factually meritless” and said “we take our consumers and their health very seriously and have been on a journey to become a more credible and
Continued from A1
almost military preciseness, the President said answers must be found to three basic questions: “WHAT HAPPENED?” Why did it happen? What can be done to prevent it from happening again and again?” “We are asking for advice,” he said, “on short term measures that can prevent riots, better measures to contain the riots once they begin, and long term measures that will make them only a sordid page in our history.” The President said one thing that should be absolutely clear was that the problem was “far too important for politics.” After addressing the members in the cabinet room, Mr. Johnson signed an executive
helpful partner in helping consumers manage their sugar consumption.” Coates said he is in this lawsuit and the greater campaign to change mindsets in the Black community. “Everything that I have done has been for the long haul,” Coates said. “I’m looking for other pastors to raise awareness on the way we are losing lives due to false marketing because of companies like Coca-Cola. I’m hearing from pastors across the country who want to help our people practice for what we pray for.” The Rev. Jerome Stephens, associate minister of the New Shiloh Baptist Church in Baltimore and director of community outreach for Sen. Ben Cardin (D-Md.), said that even though he was not familiar with the lawsuit or campaign, he planned to talk with Coates because “we need to look into a number of issues plaguing our communities.”
order defining the Commission’s powers and establishing its timetable. The meeting had come swiftly—just two days after the President announced plans for the group in a nationwide TV appeal. The talk came in the wake of disastrous rioting in Newark and Detroit and lesser racial eruptions in at least 16 other cities. THE PROBLEM was also being attacked on other fronts—at the state and city level, in discussion forums, by civil rights leaders and in Congress. National civic, business, labor and civil rights leaders met in Washington on Monday to consider measures to eliminate squalid living conditions in cities. IN HIS Thursday night speech, President Johnson also designated Sunday as day of prayer for an end to the racial turmoil.
In 1967, a police raid ignited Detroit’s simmering racial tensions, sparking five days of rioting that left 43 dead and hundreds injured.
Join us as we look back Sunday, July 23, noon ET LIVE from the Detroit Free Press
7/14/17 11:38 AM
July 22, 2017 - July 28, 2017, The Afro-American
Lives in the Balance
Part IV: Where the Public’s Health is at Stake, First, Do No Harm For nearly a decade, Democrats, as well as some Republicans and many Independents, have been defending the healthcare reforms contained in the Affordable Care Act (the “ACA” or “Obamacare”), while many Republicans and some Independents have been clamoring for repeal. Now, under Republican control of both the White House and the Congress, our national debate about how best to assure Congressman affordable healthcare for all Elijah Cummings Americans has intensified. In this context, we, who serve in government, would do well to follow that ancient first maxim of the medical professions: Primum non nocere. “First, do no harm.” This was the core advice Maryland’s Democratic congressional delegation gave to Governor Larry Hogan back in February. We urged him to join other Republican Governors in protecting the people of our states by forcefully demanding a viable replacement for the Affordable Care Act in any Republican legislation to “repeal” Obamacare. If we are to do no harm, we argued, we must protect the more than 400,000 Marylanders who have gained insurance coverage as a result of the ACA – reforms that substantially reduced Maryland’s uninsured rate from 10.2 percent in 2013 to 6.6 percent in 2015. We cannot meet the test of doing no harm, we continued, if we allow reactionary elements in the Congress and White House to strip the ACA’s protections against predatory insurance practices from millions of Marylanders. Maryland’s families are depending upon us, we noted, to strongly defend the “Patient’s Bill of Rights.” These ACA provisions require insurance companies to cover emergency services, protect those with preexisting conditions, mandate coverage of preventive services with no cost-sharing, eliminate annual and lifetime coverage limits, and allow young people to remain on their parents’ plans until reaching the age of 26. Finally, we advised Governor Hogan that we must protect our State’s budget and economy against the devastating economic impacts of any callous ACA “repeal.” According to the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities, repeal of the ACA and its Medicaid expansion and premium tax credits would endanger 52,000 Maryland jobs in 2019. It also would cause
Maryland’s state budget to lose $23.4 billion in federal Medicaid funding between 2019 and 2028. To his credit, Governor Hogan recently indicated (through his spokesman) that the current Republican repeal proposals “do not work for Maryland.” I fully agree. Analysts with the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation have determined that, by 2022, 528,000 more Marylanders would be uninsured under the Senate Republicans’ “repeal and replace” bill than under the ACA. By the end of that same five year period, Maryland would lose $3.7 billion (45 percent) of our federal Medicaid and ACA funding. Moreover, according to the Kaiser Family Foundation, the human and financial damage would not be limited to those who depend upon Medicaid for their health and survival. Rather than reducing premiums in the individual private market for health insurance (a primary concern driving public sentiment for reform), the average monthly premium for a Maryland “Silver Plan” under the Senate bill would increase to $333 – 74 percent higher than under the ACA. A premium increase of that magnitude, when added to less help with deductibles and co-pays, would mean that many Maryland families with modest incomes could not afford health insurance. As a result, they would not receive the care that they need and deserve until a crisis forced them into our emergency rooms at even higher cost to us all. This was the context last week when Republican Senate leaders proposed amendments to their “repeal and replace” proposal that did little to mitigate the harm that this proposed legislation would impose on the people of Maryland and, in fact, made that potential harm even worse. In whatever form, the Republican proposals to “repeal and replace Obamacare” do not work for Maryland or America. I also agree with Governor Hogan’s suggestion that “Congress should go back to the drawing board in an open and bipartisan fashion to craft a bill that works for all Americans.” As a first step, we must live up to our duty to “do no harm” by
defeating the current Republican “repeal and replace” proposals. We need Maryland’s Governor to join other Republican state leaders who have been more forceful and outspoken in challenging the practical and moral implications of these bills. Next, the Congress must act promptly and on a bipartisan basis to reduce the harm that many Americans in some individual insurance markets are currently experiencing. We must immediately take thoughtful, non-partisan and evidencebased action to stabilize the individual insurance markets that are struggling and make their premiums more affordable – and we must challenge the Trump Administration to stop its efforts to sabotage those markets. The American people are sending us a clear message. Their lives are in the balance, and they have had enough of political partisanship where the health and safety of their families is concerned. Federal initiatives to protect our families against injury and serious illness are just as important as defending our nation against foreign military attack. We who serve in Washington must listen to the people we serve and act accordingly. Congressman Elijah Cummings represents Maryland’s 7th Congressional District in the United States House of Representatives.
Freddie Gray
Let’s Finish the Job on Rough Rides Five officers are now being disciplined internally for Freddie Gray’s handling, “rough ride” and death. Also this year, Baltimore has retrofitted vehicles to keep people strapped in and filmed in the vans as a way to stop rough rides. There are new rules blocking hazardous driving where police purposely bounce prisoners around. But the work is nowhere near complete to end the disgraceful practice that captured the nation’s attention in a justifiably negative way after Freddie Gray’s death in 2015. There still needs to be an outright ban of so-called rough rides. Everyone remembers that the courts last year did not convict any of the police involved in the ride that ended in Gray’s death . They found no “legal basis” to convict. A law outright banning rough rides could have brought a totally different outcome. Senator Cardin (D-MD) said last year that he is interested in the possibility of federal legislation as well as what happens on a state and local level. Protests in the city after Gray’s death on April 19, 2015, preceded state legislators’ hearings. However, the State Senate’s Judicial Proceedings Committee voted against a bill outright banning the practice on March 11, 2016 on a 5-5-tie. Maryland State Senator Bobby Zirkin reported the proposal violated the committee’s way of “debating bills on legal merits.” Rough rides are a form of police brutality. Suspects are helplessly tied, then forced through what sometimes ends up being
Robert Weiner and Paula Hong
over an hour of searing physical torture. The suspect is violently thrown around in the back of a police van being driven through sharp turns and bumpy roads often for extra distance for no reason. 27-year-old Christine Abbott received $95,000 in October of 2015 after the city of Baltimore agreed she had been “grabbed, thrown onto the ground” and “handcuffed” into a police van which she recalled was “manically [driven] to the police station. An officer admitted he “did not strap or harness” Abbott to the van. The recent proposed ban would have required Baltimore police officers to securely fasten all detainees with seat belts and impose a $10,000 fine if any detainee proved injured during the rides. City Councilman Brandon Scott stated in January 2016 that “There is no doubt that we must change the way we transport prisoners.” Since then, Baltimore has released upwards of 23 improved vehicles, all with at least 4 cameras which officers can use to monitor certain behavior. On May 19 this year, the five officers involved with the Freddie Gray case were all charged internally by Howard and Montgomery police and could lose their jobs or receive other discipline. Despite all five officers’ attorney Michael E. Davey’s report that “the officers are being convicted of violation of policy and procedure” the charges leave many of the officers’ colleagues and citizens of Baltimore on both sides of the issue angry. The legislation would provide clarity. The Huffington Post reported that there continue to be, “no local, state or federal lawmakers [that] have banned police
Can the Children of Baltimore Live? Heart disease, cancer, asthma, and premature births are illnesses that residents of south Baltimore face. The neighborhood of Curtis Bay, located in South Baltimore, is known as “the workmen’s part of town” due to the fact that industrial plants surround the small neighborhood. Living in the community of Curtis Bay are low income families, immigrant residents and minorities. We the people need to come together to bring a better quality of life to them. Because of the industrial plants, Curtis Bay has the highest level of air pollution in the city. The Maryland Clean Air Progress Report reported that Baltimore does not meet the sulfur release standards. Sulfur dioxide is released into the air and destroys our ozone. Sulfur dioxide is defined as a colorless, odorous (similar to the smell of eggs), toxic gas formed by burning sulfur in the air. Sulfur dioxide is a combination of fossil fuel that comes from power plants, industrial boilers, coal usage and oil refineries. Sulfur can enter your body through your nose and lungs.
Veronica Brown
Sulfur can lead to multiple health problems such as premature birth, heart disease, and is also linked to cancer. In 2016, the Environmental Integrity Project monitored air pollution in Curtis Bay and found numerous hazardous materials were released into the environment along with coal burning. This pollution leads to more children and adults being diagnosed with asthma. Currently, in Baltimore City, 12.4 percent of adults have asthma compared to the national rate of 8.6 percent. The number of children with asthma in Baltimore is 20percent; more than twice the national average of 9.4 percent. In 2016, the number of deaths caused by cancer in Maryland was so high that we were ranked 27th in the nation. Herbert A. Wagner and C.P. Crane power plants, both of which are near Curtis Bay, are some of Maryland’s top polluters. In 2016, the Maryland Department of the Environment placed regulations on the plants to help lessen the sulfur release. Would you live in Curtis Bay? I propose an alternative way to release environmental hazards in a safer manner. One way that can be, is by setting higher hazardous release standards for these companies and by creating wind turbines. This will eventually
from using unnecessary deadly force” by all police drivers with whipping speeds and turns that would hurt passengers. Additionally, there needs to be a mandate for providing immediate health care if needed, as should have been the case with Freddie Gray. President Obama publicly recognized that Gray may have had his spine snapped by police even before his horrific ride finished him off. When the idea of banning rough rides was first brought up in June 19, 2015, the president of the Maryland Fraternal Order of Police, Vince Canales, said that rough rides should be decided “case by case.” Seriously? No ban of this inhumane practice? Four Star General Barry McCaffrey, the Iraq hero who has seen the worst abuses of war, told us that banning the practice is so obvious, “I don’t even know why we are talking about this.” McCaffrey is 100% right. It’s time to move that tie vote forward to ban “rough rides” outright, directly and clearly. The issue is a national one. Just this month, Detroit was sued by a “rough ride” victim. Baltimore can be a national model for improving police rides-- but this should be a matter of law, not discretion and discipline because someone happens to be caught. Robert Weiner is a former White House Drug Control Policy spokesman, senior aide to Congressmen John Conyers and Charles Rangel, and US Drug Czars Lee Brown and Barry McCaffrey. Paula Hong is criminal justice policy analyst at Robert Weiner Associates and Solutions for Change.
help decrease air pollution and enrich the quality of life in Baltimore. The Maryland Energy Administration Wind Energy Program will supply over 20 percent of renewable energy by 2022 by creating wind farms. We as residents and good-hearted individuals need to come together and put an end to the sulfur release. We should fight for quality air and the enrichment of life for Curtis Bay. This starts by creating efficient ways to dispose of hazardous waste by using renewable energy. Bringing a better quality of life to one part of the city can inspire the rest of the city to follow through. My proposal will give Curtis Bay a healthier lifestyle, lessen the pollution and, eventually, put an end to the unsafe sulfur release. If we work together, Baltimore as a whole will benefit and become a better, healthier place for children to develop and for adults to thrive. Veronica Brown received her Master’s of Public Health from Western Michigan University. She is currently an epidemiologist research assistant at the University of Maryland, School of Nursing.
The Afro-American, July 22, 2017 - July 28, 2017
July 22, 2017 - July 28, 2017, The Afro-American
Long-time Resident Stands Determined To Win
Women Return to Protest
By Hamil Harris Special to the AFRO From her fifth floor perch, overlooking the Capital Beltway, Carolyn Cuff thanks God for a smart decision that bloomed into successful real estate, computer science and media entities. At one time the New Carrollton, Md. space where Cuff’s office is located was home to Cathy Hughes and the Radio One family. “I am passionate about entrepreneurship,” said Cuff, a former telecom executive who founded High Tech Minds, business and technology training loft in Lanham, Md., in 2006. Under her brand she operates
Prince George’s County
Questions Arise After Feds Pull FBI Headquarters Relocation Photos by Lauryn Hill
On July 14 and 15, protesters stood against the Department of Justice and the National Rifle Association in protest of countless deaths from gun violence. (Insert) Tamika Mallory speaks to marchers on July 14. By Lauryn Hill Special to the AFRO
to the DOJ.”The women are leading the fight against the bigotry and hypocrisy against the NRA.”
Leaders of the Women’s March, which attracted millions of protestors after the presidential inauguration in Jan., organized another march to combat the National Rifle Association (NRA) and the Department of Justice (DOJ). On July 14, hundreds of protestors gathered at the headquarters of the NRA to protest an advertisement which activists called divisive and aimed against minority and progressive groups. Then, on July 15, activists held a vigil and rally at the DOJ. The March included an 18.6 mile trek from the NRA headquarters in Fairfax, Va. to the Department of Justice in D.C. Tamika Mallory, co-president of the Women’s March, told protesters if the NRA believes no one will fight for human rights, then women will. “Guess who’s going to lead it? We are,” Mallory said during her speech before the group marched
Mallory was joined by other leaders who helped organize the Women’s March including, coPresident Bob Bland, Treasurer Carmen Perez, and Assistant Treasurer Linda Sarsour. Adriana Dominguez marched the entire way. She described how her body was sweating a lot of the water she constantly – Valerie Castile consumed. Dominguez, 22, said the afternoon storm brought relief from the high temperature for marches. “[Organization Leaders] wanted us to take a bus to meet up with some of the other people who went ahead, but we were like no. We are going to march every single mile of this thing,” Dominguez told the AFRO. “And we finished it. We caught up with them.” The march primarily sparked from the acquittal of former Officer Jeronimo Yanez, the policeman who fatally shot Continued on B2
“The NRA should be ashamed of themselves for waiting a whole damn year to issue a statement about my son…my son followed all of the rules.”
Courtesy photo
Carolyn Cuff is a business consultant in Prince George’s County who helps small businesses. publications, a television studio for productions, a half dozen business suites for rent, classrooms and a 6,000 foot space used for corporate and special events. “The truth is many people start a business but they don’t know to make money,” the business mogul said. “I stay in contact with entrepreneurs [and] contractors and I help other people fulfill their dreams,” Cuff has developed expertise through holding contracts with federal government agencies, non profit groups and small businesses. She is also an author, trainer, speaker and diversity business expert. In addition to Cuff’s professional work, she has appeared on ABC News Channel 7 several times throughout the years and has produced several business and nonprofit media productions on Radio One. In 2014 Cuff was selected to participate in a health care initiative program launched by President Barack Obama’s foundation Organizing For Action, where she was a grassroots organizer promoting women’s health. Her current title under the organization is as state digital lead for Maryland and Washington D.C. A native of Wallace, N.C., Cuff moved to the D.C. area in the early the 1970’s when she worked for Xerox and then she enlisted in the Army. Following a honorable discharge she returned to D.C. and worked for several Fortune 500 companies, gaining experience as a software engineer. “I was on the ground floor in the advancement of Continued on B2
Prince George’s County
runs, and 33 runs batted in (RBI). “It is a pleasure to see him reach his God-given potential,” Riverdale Baptist Head Coach Ryan Terrill told the AFRO. “He brought a big game presence with him, and
four opponents 52-9 leading Riverdale Baptist to a 15-4 win over Pottstown, Penn.Former Lanham, Md.based Hill School in the based Riverdale Baptist High championship game. School pitcher Harold Cortijo Cortijo received MVP recently signed with the New honors for his performance in York Yankees. Picked by the the tourney and was awarded Yankees in the Maryland the 14th round Gatorade of the 2017 Player of the MLB Draft, Year in May. the nineteenRiverdale year-old is Baptist also currently named him getting his the Player feet wet as of the Year a rookie in for a second the Gulf consecutive Coast League year. Since Yankees East the rightsquad. handed Cortijo pitcher has helped lead played for the Photo by Daniel Kucin Crusaders, he the Crusaders Harold Cortijo was recently drafted by the New York to a 30-1 has only lost Yankees. He is currently playing on the Gulf Coast League one game (19record last of the Yankees East squad. season and 1) in 23 of was one of 28 total starts the main with an ERA contributors to the team both he was a guy that enjoyed the of 1.20. offensively and defensively. magnitude of competition. “I’m very excited that he He had a perfect 11-0 record Every time we went out there [Cortijo] got drafted by the on the mound pitching over we felt that we had a good Yankees,” Riverdale Baptist 63 innings, and he tallied shot to win when he was out catcher Ian Clements told the 86 strikeouts with an earned there pitching.” AFRO. “It was well deserved, run average (ERA) of 0.55. Riverdale Baptist finished and he’s a hard-working Cortijo also showed his its season winning the player, a great teammate, power in the batter’s box with 2017 NACA Tournament a great player, and a great a .537 batting average with in Dayton, Tenn. The Continued on B2 four homeruns, 58 hits, 53 Crusaders outscored their
By Hamil Harris Special to the AFRO Shaking his head in disgust, Greenbelt, Md. Mayor Emmett Jordan said he can’t understand why the White House and the Republicans would pull the plug on the FBI Headquarters project after five years of planning. “It’s obviously a disappointment,” Jordan told the AFRO. “For Greenbelt, Prince George’s County and the state of Maryland, WMATA (Washington Area Metropolitan Transit Association), and the developer – we put a lot of time and effort in this project.” Jordan said 11,000 workers would have come to Greenbelt had their site been selected and while a Continued on B2
Urbanski Indicted for Murder of 2nd Lt. Richard Collins
Riverdale Baptist Grad Signs with N.Y. Yankees
By Daniel Kucin Jr. Special to the AFRO
Leaves County 0-2 Loss
By The Associated Press Courtesy photo
A man arrested in a fatal stabbing at the University of Maryland that has been under investigation as a possible hate crime was indicted Thursday on a murder charge. A grand jury indicted Sean Urbanski on one count of murder in the death of Richard Collins III, the Prince George’s County Office of the State’s Attorney said in a statement. Prince George’s County State’s Attorney Angela Alsobrooks said at a news conference that the motive in the case continues to be investigated. If evidence warrants, the state can seek a superseding indictment from the grand jury, charging Urbanski with a hate crime. Alsobrooks’ office intends to seek a sentence of life without parole in the case. Collins was fatally stabbed on May 20, just days before he was scheduled to graduate from Bowie State University. Collins was black. Urbanski is white. Authorities said previously that police and the FBI were investigating the killing as a possible hate crime because Urbanski became a member of a racist Facebook group several months before the stabbing. The FBI is helping with analysis of the digital equipment seized from Urbanski and is expected to conclude its investigation within the coming weeks, the State’s Attorney’s office said. Army 2nd Lt. Richard Collins was stabbed to death on May 20, three days before he was to receive his Bachelor’s Degree from Bowie State University.
The Afro-American, July 22, 2017 - July 28, 2017
FBI Headquarters Continued from B1
site in Landover, Md. and one in Springfield, Va. were under consideration the worst part of this decision is that federal officials have made no decision. “The FBI needs a place to go and to spend this amount of time on something and not make a decision has people scratching their heads,” said Jordan, adding that now the developer of the project is forced into a waiting game after spending hundreds of thousands of dollars. Prince George’s County Executive Rushern L. Baker III also voiced disappointment after the Subcommittee on Financial Services and General Government of the House Appropriations Committee voted to rescind $200 million for the FBI headquarters relocation project in the Fiscal Year 2018 appropriations bill last week. “This is a huge step backward and frankly, the Subcommittee of Congress has reneged on their commitment to fully fund the remainder of a project that is critical for the protection of U.S. citizens from international threats,” Baker, who is running for Gov. of Maryland, said in a statement. “If ever a project should have bi-partisan support and be recognized as vital for national security, this should.” Baker went onto say that every year of delay could cost U.S. taxpayers as much as $100 million in additional costs.
“The time is now to move ahead with funding to build a FBI Headquarters to better protect the American people,” he said. Seat Pleasant Mayor Eugene Grant said he never thought the FBI would relocate to the Landover site and he is not sad
“We need real opportunities, real investments to have real outcomes.” – Eugene Grant Courtesy photo
that they are not coming. “Given the history of the relationship between the African-American community and FBI, I was not enthusiastic about their presence in the county but that doesn’t mean we don’t want another government agency,” said Grant whose jurisdiction was near the Landover site. “We need real opportunities, real investments to have real outcomes.” The FBI was poised to announce the site for its new headquarters and Prince George’s County officials were hopeful
Photo of the current FBI Headquarters in D.C. that facility, scheduled to be built in 2025, would be located in their backyard. However, some Greenbelt residents questioned the level of congestion that would have accompanied the new building. “We can’t handle any more traffic, the area is not meant for mega development,” Judy Blumenthal, a resident of College Park, Md., said in February.
Continued from B1 Philando Castile in Minnesota in 2016, and an NRA ad which featured conservative television host Dana Leosch. The ad, which was released on June 29, seemed to address left-wing protestors by showing clips of looters and vandals destroying property during a protest that was unnamed. Mallory slammed the ad by issuing an open letter to NRA’s CEO, Wayne LaPierre. Mallory called on the NRA to remove the ad and apologize for the “recent irresponsible and dangerous propaganda videos” which she said she sees as “a direct attack on people of color, progressives, and anyone who exercises their First Amendment right to protest.” Mallory also called on the NRA to defend Philando Castile’s Second Amendment right and to demand that the DOJ indict Yanez for Castile’s murder. According to media outlets, NRA commentator Grant Stinchfield, personally addressed Mallory in another ad, telling her to “get over it, and grow up.” Castile’s mother, Valerie Castile, did
not attend the rally, but provided a written statement that was read by civil rights lawyer, Nekima Levy-Pounds. The letter expressed her outrage with the NRA’s reluctance to release a formal statement on behalf of Castile’s Second Amendment rights. “I want Black men who have a license to carry, to be treated the same way, that a White man would be treated,” the lawyer read to the crowd on June 14. “The NRA should be ashamed of themselves for waiting a whole damn year to issue a statement about my son . . . my son followed all of the rules.” Jennifer Adu, 29, who lives in Fairfax, Va., said she believes in her Second Amendment right but knows many people have abused it. “People have used it in the wrong ways and they have taken the right and transformed it for their own agendas to do things that aren’t fair,” she told the AFRO. Adu mentioned that some police are among the people who have abused this right and she said she hoped the NRA would remove the ad from their website. Other protestors who saw the NRA ad said
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they were caught off-guard and felt unsafe by the statements spoken by Leosch. Maribel Pizarro, who is from Miami, said she was “taken aback” upon seeing the NRA ad. “I was immediately defensive when I saw the
“…now you’re not just attacking an individual, you’re attacking a society, a culture, a community.” – Maribel Pizarro video mainly because it incites a second civil war,” Pizarro told the AFRO. “Without directly calling people out by names, they called out groups, and to me that’s just so much worse, because now you’re not just attacking an individual, you’re attacking a society, a culture,
a community.” Pizarro, 38, was accompanied by Alberta Jean, who was there to show her support for her Black son. “Whenever he goes out the house, it’s a concern,” Jean, 43, told the AFRO. “And I don’t want to have to continue living like this. We shouldn’t be living in America, and be scared that our sons are going to get killed.” Mallory, who has an 18-year-old son, said she hopes her son and other Black and Brown men and boys “get the message that someone cares.” “It’s important against all the hate that we see out of the country, the amount of times they see that Black lives don’t matter to many people, that they also see the resistance; that there are people of all views on the other side of the conservation telling them that their lives do matter, that they count, and that we are prepared to put our lives on the line in order for them to live in what we believe is one day going to be the beloved community of this country,” Mallory told reporters.
Long-time Resident Continued from B1
computer technology and I was coding when it was cobalt, JSl and other computer languages,” said Cuff who in the 1980s entered into the publishing field, where she started a newspaper called DEW -- Determined to Win -- in addition to being a federal contractor. “I really wanted my degree,” said Cuff who in 1988 earned a Bachelor’s of Science degree in Business Administration from Strayer University. In 2013 she received a Master’s degree specializing in Acquisition and Supply Chain Management from the University of Maryland University College. In addition to computer technology, Cuff also studied theology, earning a Doctorate of Ministry from Breakthrough Bible College in Oxon Hill, Md. in 2013. Cuff continued her education getting a certificate in 2014 in Intellectual Property, Digitization and Digital Media. “I earned my degrees to prepare myself for my clients in changing business environment,” Cuff said. “We are now in the age of disruption, Uber is disrupting the cab industry, Airbnb is disrupting the hotel industry and online education is disrupting brick and mortar universities.” In 2009, Cuff published “Run It Girl,” a book that teaches women how they can run a small corporation. While Cuff has many degrees she has a long list of businesses that she has started and ran. In terms of her experiences the bulk of her work has been setting up non-profits and through helping others secure government contracts. “You don’t get a grant because you want one, you have to show that you are already doing the work in the community and developing partnerships,” Cuff said. “I have helped more than clients. Some of the clients never got off the ground but I helped them anyway. I did all of their business filings and now I have been blessed to have clients like the current Miss USA Kara McClough. I helped her set her non-profit organization.” “The most important thing that I have done is what I am doing now,” said Cuff. “I have 6,000 square feet where small business can come fulfill their dreams. We have office space, training space and an event venue.” Cuff is a resident of Prince Georges County. She is married and has three sons. Her husband works for the federal government.
Continued from B1
friend. He is probably one of the best players that I ever played with, and he never lets the team down.” The six-foot-two star played a total of 68 games with 110 hits, 73 RBI and seven homeruns in 206 plate appearances. He originally committed to play for Seminole State College before the start of the regular season, but when Cortijo got the nod to play in the big leagues, he didn’t hesitate to hit the road and travel to Tampa, Fla. “You cannot do better than being in an organization like the New York Yankees from a class standpoint,” Terrill said. “They take
care of their high school kids and have a track record of developing high school pitchers. I think that’s what went into the decision of Harold bypassing college.” So far, Cortijo is searching for his first win in the Gulf Coast League after only playing three games, but he has also struck out seven batters during that process. Cortijo is the 21st player to enter the pros from Riverdale Baptist and is the last player to be drafted since Matt McPhearson was – Ian Clements selected by the Arizona Diamondbacks in 2013. “Every time that he stepped on the mound, we knew it was going to be a good game,” said Clements.
“Every time that he stepped on the mound, we knew it was going to be a good game.”
July 22, 2017 - July 28, 2017, The Afro-American
Healthy Living
COMMUNITY CONNECTIONS America. As a former federal prosecutor, Paul Butler provides legal commentary for MSNBC, CNN, and NPR and has been featured on 60 Minutes and profiled in The Washington Post. James Forman, Jr. is a professor of law at Yale Law School. He has written for the New York Times, The Atlantic, numerous law reviews, and other publications. As a former clerk for Supreme Court Justice Sandra Day O’Connor, Forman spent six years as a public defender in Washington, D.C., where he co-founded the Maya Angelou Public Charter School. The conversation will be moderated by Raben Principal Katharine Huffman. A book signing be available after the event. Refreshments will be served. Admission is free. This event will be held on July 25 from 5:30 p.m.-7 p.m. at The Raben Group, 1341 G Street, NW. To register, visit
Washington, D.C.
Renaissance Hotel, 999 9th St., NW Washington D.C. Metro Area Career Fair Top employers hiring for Sales, Customer Service, Retail, Financial Services, Management, IT and Government positions will be available at the Washington D.C. Metro Area Career Fair. Professional Dress is required and bring additional copies of resume. Admission is free. This event will be held on July 20 from 10 a.m.-1 p.m. at the Renaissance Hotel, 999 9th Street. For more information, visit The Park at 14th, 920 14th St, NW BlackX, Social Business Network BlackX, a Black business network, is hosting a social business network created with the mission to connect black owned businesses and entrepreneurs. Participants will be able to share expertise in various business arenas. Participants should be prepared to share a brief pitch on their business, a success story or a current pain point. Admission is free. This event will be held on July 20 from 5 p.m.-10 p.m. at The Park at 14th, located at 920 14th St., NW. To register, visit
African American History and Culture Museum, 1400 Constitution Ave , NW Clement Alexander Price Lectures: The Newark Rebellion of 1967: A Historic Moment Considered The program consists of a range of discussions that encompass efforts to rebuild the city, post-rebellion, and the challenges to Newark, N.J.’s past and current leadership. This event will be held on July 26 from 4pm8:30pm in the Oprah Winfrey Theatre inside the National Museum of African American History and Culture, 1400 Constitution Ave., NW. Admission is free. For more information, visit
1924 9th St., NW Vision 1804 Hosts Appioo African Bar & Grill Fundraiser Vision 1804 is scheduled to hold a fundraiser on July 21 from 5pm-9pm at its venue on 1924 9th St, NW. The fundraiser will help provide scholarships to support students attending CENA School in Arcahaie, Haiti. Admission is free. To register for tickets, visit
Homicide Count 2017 Total
Past Seven Days
Data as of July 19
The Raben Group, 1341 G Street, NW An Evening with Paul Butler and James Forman, Jr. The Raben Group is scheduled to hold an evening of conversation with Paul Butler, author of Chokehold: Policing Black Men and James Forman, Jr. author of Locking Up Our Own: Crime and Punishment in Black
D.C. Native Opens New Market Place in Ward 7
don’t get jobs, they start businesses. And so, what is so cool about the community is that they have a centralized market place. Although District native Mary Blackford is set to the community wasn’t rich it had its total premiere the Market 7 Flea Market on July autonomy and it owned everything around it 30 in the parking lot of 3701 Benning Road, because they provided everything they need NE. Market 7 Flea is a grassroots initiative themselves, so all-natural resources, all food, structured to provide food and retail options their clothing, all products you need you could that are currently unavailable in Ward 7. The get from this centralized market,” Blackford launch will include various other Black food said. and retail businesses in the Once Blackford returned District. from her travels and moved “I’m blessed enough to back home to Ward 7, she have a job that pays enough discovered exactly how for me to kind of go around disparaged her community was the city and live in multiple after comparing it to what she areas of the city. A lot of people had learned. As a vegetarian, don’t. So, they’re subject to she faced difficulty finding the retail options over there healthy food options close to and I don’t think that’s right. her home. These conditions, And so, the only way to fix which do not support healthy it is to essentially gentrify living, motivated her to attend and move them out. But I’m Advisory Neighborhood like, well then there goes my Commission meetings to speak community. So, I’m like there on the lack of food and retail in has to be a medium here. There her home community. has to be a way to keep people “People want to see a Courtesy photo in their homes and keep the thriving city, but often-times Mary Blackford plans culture here and then also have to start a flea market in the cost of that is a high one. sustainable places for us to eat, Ward 7 in an effort to get It’s not cheap to change a city shop, and grow,” Blackford over or neighborhood over. residents to eat healthier. told the AFRO. And so, what people generally Eager to preserve the people do when they want to change and culture of Ward 7, Blackford looked for over a community is that you know, you raise Black businesses interested in bringing their property values, you build nice, fancy condos, talents and services in closer proximity to East and that attracts retail and that attracts a certain of the River residents. The concept of Market 7 level of investments. And then you see kind was inspired not only by the desolate needs of of the community change over and that’s what Ward 7 residents, but also by a trip Blackford we’ve been seeing all around the city. What is took to Ghana in 2011. so dissatisfying about that is you see the native Blackford attended the Business and culture go out,” Blackford said. Finance Academy at HD Woodson Senior High Market 7 Flea will be showcasing a variety School in Northeast D.C. While studying at of local businesses such as local Black Farmers, Babson College in Massachusetts, Blackford providing fresh food for residents to purchase, and fellow students had the opportunity to teach as well as clothing, jewelry, art, skin care, and an entrepreneurship course in Takoradi, a small more. As of July 18, market vendors include: G fishing district of Ghana. It was during this visit Styles (African clothing), Earl’s Closet (vintage that Blackford witnessed community members clothing), Bailiwick Clothing (clothing), Shea operating their own centralized market, serving Yeleen (beauty and skin care), BINC Hair (hair as the hub of their community. Blackford said care), Chloe (book seller), Nail Glam by Jove she was determined to duplicate this efficient Co. (beauty/nail care), Jude’s Farm Stand (UDCmodel to her own Black community in Ward 7. farmer), Mr. Carltion’s Ice Cream (food), Brown “Ghana is like little hustle nation. People Girl Prints (art), Carrots DC (art/photography). By Lindi Vilakazi Special to the AFRO
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The Afro-American, July 22, 2017 - July 28, 2017
Previous Ms. Senior D.C. winners
The 2017 Ms. Senior D.C. Pageant, for women who are 60-years-old and older, was held at the University of the District of Columbia, Performing Arts Theater on June 25 in Northwest, Washington, D.C. Francis Curtis Johnson was crowned
the 2017 Ms. Senior D.C. with Judyan Andrews as the first runner up and Patricia Ragland the second runner up. The pageant is a collaborative effort of the D.C. Office of Aging and the D.C. Seniors Cameo Club.
Evening gown competition
2016 Ms. Senior D.C., Billie LaVern Smith, final walk
Lillian Pope Berry, pageant judge
First runner up, Judyan Andrews; Ms. Senior D.C. 2017, Francis Curtis Johnson and Second runner up, Patricia Ragland
James Hughes, pageant judge
Alvanetta S. Cribbs, pageant judge
Honoree Bern Nadette Stanis
Marco Clark, founder/ CEO, Richard Wright Public Charter School for Journalism and Media Arts and Gregory Adams, chair, Board of Trustees
Edgar Brookins, Washington D.C. AFRO office General Manager and JC Hayward, former WUSA9 News anchor
Deborah Robinson, pageant judge
Darlene Nowlin, D.C. State Pageant director, Francis Curtis Johnson, Ms. Senior DC 2017 and Laura Newland, executive director, D.C. Office of Aging
Romain B. Thomas, chair, D.C. Commission of Aging
Carroll “Mr. C” Hynson, WHUR radio personality, emcee
Photos by Rob Roberts
Richard Wright Public Charter School for Journalism and Media Arts hosted its 6th Annual Richard Wright Black Tie Gala on June 10 at the historic Warner Theatre in Northwest D.C . Engaging student-produced short films of Honoree, Ward 8 D.C. various genres, inspired the captivated Council member, audience with innovative techniques, fresh Trayon White, Sr. perspectives, and powerful voices of change. The theme of Gala 2017 was “Inspiring the Next Generation.” Honorees included the Rev. Jesse L. Jackson, Sr., Actress Bern Nadette Stanis and John Gibson, advisor for Inclusion and Multicultural Outreach for the Motion Picture Association of America. Joe Clair, WPGC, and Renee Starlynn Allen served as the event’s emcees.
Joe Clair
Renee Starlynn Allen, honoree Jim Watkins, general manager; WHUR-FM Radio, honoree Renee Nash, director, public affairs; WHUR-FM Radio and Darlene Jackson, director, WHUR-FM Promotions Kim Moss, Wanda Watts, Crystal Riley and Anita Graham
Alyssa McCall, Classy Consulting Solutions with Henry and April Jenkins
Melissa Macaya, president, The National Association of the Hispanic Journalists, D.C. Chapter
Richard Wright Instrumental Ensemble U.S. Rep. Franklin Garcia for the District of Columbia, and president of the D.C. Latino Leadership Council
Photo by Rob Roberts
July 22, 2017 - July 28, 2017, The Afro-American
The Return of Baltimore’s Artscape By Jennifer Wright Special to the AFRO
Artscape, the annual Baltimore cultural festival, will host the 36th iteration of the long running event July 21-23. This year’s theme is “Camp Artscape: Adventure Awaits.” Friday night’s headliner will be legendary R&B artist Sheila E. Festivals Director, Kathleen Hornig, said in a statement, “Sheila E. has been on our wishlist for a couple of years and when we saw that she was available on our dates, we jumped right on it. We’re really excited to start Artscape with such a strong female lead.” The weekend long festival will have a strong African-American presence. The Morgan State University Sound Off Live! Stage will host a diverse mix of music from the winners of Sound Off Live! and local and regional singers and bands. On July 21the stage hosted by the HBCU will host Fruition Experience, a neo-soul group which produces “uplifting music that taps on your conscious mind and feeds your soul.” The group will be performing at 4:30 p.m. On Saturday, the Sound Off Live! Stage will host High-Brid Band, an all-African American rock band who aims to bring a new genre of music to the current generation. The band will be performing early on Saturday at 12:30 p.m. Right after High-Brid Band performs, Wordsmith, a hip-hop artist and entrepreneur, will be performing with his mission of entertaining and educating through the “Message of Purpose.” The rapper leads by example
through producing clean, marketable “music for the masses.” Sheila E. will not be the only African-American to grace Artscape’s Main Stage. Right before her performance, April Sampe, a neo-soul artist will take the stage at 6 p.m. on Friday. On Sunday, T.K. Blue, an electric blues saxophonist will perform on the Main Stage early at noon. The festival will close on Sunday with an AfricanAmerican presence. Soul band Robert Randolph & The Baltimore’s Artscape will feature a Family Band will take the Artscape Main Stage at 6:30, wide range of activities for families. closing on the annual festival which brings revelers from all Courtesy photo across the country. This years’ festival will offer new and revived generation rockets which will transport humans to Mars. experiences, such as “Film at Artscape” which shows short films The Baltimore Youth Council will also be there to create art varying from animation, drama, documentaries and comedies at and perform at open mic among various other activities. Parkway Theatre, home of the Maryland Film Festival. The films Artscape is America’s largest free arts festival which is will be featured Saturday and Sunday from noon to 6 p.m. with a expected to attract over 350,000 people this year. It will take place Q&A discussion with the filmmakers after the premiere. in the Mount Royal neighborhood between Mount Royal Avenue New this year is The Mess Hall, an interactive area with and North Charles Street. demonstrations and performances, featuring culinary arts, camp Last year’s festival was marred by arrests of peaceful protesters and outdoor-related education and entertainment. rallying against police misconduct. Around 65 protesters blocked Camp NASA: The Universe Awaits, is also a new exhibit off a ramp of I-83 which was already closed due to the festival. featuring educational and interactive hands-on activities for Community organizing group Baltimore Bloc filed a class action “would-be space explorers of all ages.” Observers can see what life lawsuit against the Baltimore City Police Department over the is like on the International Space Station, touch a moon rock and arrests earlier this month. train like an astronaut. There will even be scale models of the next
Ed Sullivan’s Commitment to Civil Rights
Artscape 2017
AFRO Writer, School Teacher, Singer By Janneh G. Johnson Special to the AFRO Alexis Joyce Taylor is many things. Besides writing for the AFRO she is a teacher for Baltimore City Public Schools and a singer. On July 21 she will take the main stage at Baltimore’s annual cultural festival Artscape. Taylor will be performing at the country’s largest free arts festival as a “Sound Off Live!” winner, which is an annual competition for emerging musicians in the Maryland, Delaware, D.C. and Virginia area. “The past several months have been a whirlwind and to say I am ‘excited’ is an understatement,” Taylor, who first auditioned for the 2017 Baltimore City festival cycle in October of last year, told the AFRO. “To be given the opportunity to share my words and my music with all of Baltimore and beyond is literally a dream materialized.” Taylor has always had a passion for music and has been singing for most of her life. The vocalist made her first appearance on stage at the age of six in a German community theatre, where her father was stationed in the military. Taylor spent most of her childhood at Fort Jackson in South Carolina. “Music has always been a part of my life- from musical theatre to church and school choirs. It wasn’t until I moved to Baltimore in 2008 that I actually began to write my own music and think about putting together the album, ‘Words.’” Although Taylor is currently a teacher for Baltimore City Public Schools, she still finds the time to express herself through her writing and her music. “I love helping people learn and I love music,” Taylor said. “My students love when I teach them little songs about on how to write a sentence correctly, how to count, or the best way to form a paragraph using details. Music is very much a part of everything I do.” Known for her high-energy presence on stage and mix of gritty, soulful vocals, Taylor says this year’s Artscape crowd can expect nothing less than a good time as they rock out to original pieces and covers. “Whether you like rock, soul, or R&B- there will be music to make the whole family groove.” She plans to perform covers by artists such as Stevie Wonder, Chaka Khan and Michael
Courtesy photo
AFRO writer Alexis Joyce Taylor will be performing on the main stage of Artscape.
Jackson. Taylor was originally chosen to perform one night at the Light City Festival, which took place in the Baltimore Inner Harbor. However, before the festival could begin, she was asked to perform two nights instead of just one. Then came the call for Artscape. “I was on my lunch break at school when I got the message and it was one of the best moments,” said Taylor. “It became even more real when I realized I would be an opening act for the legendary Sheila E.” Taylor will be performing from 4:30-5:30 p.m. on the Artscape Main Stage located at 1400 Cathedral Street. The festival will take place from July 21 to July 23 in downtown Baltimore, and covers every aspect of art from dance to opera. Taylor’s CD “Words” is available now.
By Shantella Y. Sherman Special to the AFRO
Few television shows in the history of American popular culture have come to represent the sheer magnitude of Black musical and theatrical talent and creativity more than “The Ed Sullivan show.” Broadcasting weekly – from 1948 until 1971, the show is the longest running variety show in television history. It not only changed the landscape of American television by providing a platform for Black performers, but also served as a catalyst for the civil rights movement, demonstrating the power of positive race relations and social cohesion. That often-overlooked history will soon
“If you appeared on the Ed Sullivan Show, most of America saw you; and if there was an African-American on the show, there were celebrations going on.”
– Jackie Gales Webb
hit theaters and households across the nation, thanks to a new documentary, “Sullivision: Ed Sullivan and the Struggle for Civil Rights,” which is produced and directed by Sullivan’s granddaughter Margo Precht Speciale and Suzanne Kay, the daughter of legendary entertainer Diahann Carroll – who appeared on Sullivan’s show nine times.
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The Afro-American, July 22, 2017 - July 28, 2017
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No. SEALED PROPOSAL RESPONSES ARE DUE ON Administration OR BEFORE Tues2017ADM604 day, September 05, 2017 at 12:00 PM. Randall Bevins Decedent
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The Parkway Overlook LP (POLP) requires a qualified General Contractor for General Construction Services for the rehabilitation of a currently vacant apartment complex located at 2841 Robinson Place, SE, Washing11. ton, DC. POLP is a District of Columbia limited partnership and an instrumentality of District of Columbia Housing Authority. TYPESET: Tue Jul 18 17:24:32 EDT 2017 SOLICITATION DOCUMENTS will be available at the Issuing Office at 1133 North Capitol Street, NE, Suite 300, OfficeSuperior of Administrative Court of Services/Contracts and Procurement, Washington, DC the 20002-7599, District of between the hours of 9:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m., Monday through Friday, District of Columbia DIVISIONat beginning MONDAY, JULY 17, 2017 and available onPROBATE DCHA’s website Washington, D.C.
NAME: ________________________________________________ ADDRESS: _____________________________________________ PHONE NO.:____________________________________________ Superior Court of the District of CLASSIFICATION: ______________________________________ District of Columbia PROBATE DIVISION (Room, Apt., House, etc.) TYPESET: Tue Jul 18 17:22:16 EDT 2017 Washington, D.C. 20001-2131 INSERTION DATE:_________________ Administration No.
TYPESET: Tue Jul 18 17:28:19 EDT 2017
Washington, DC IN THE SUPERIOR 20036-6300 COURT THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA AUTHORITY OF THE HOUSINGAttorney VIRGIN ISLANDS NOTICE OF Superior Court of 2017ADM655 DIVISION OF ST. CROIX REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS (RFP)APPOINTMENT, the District of Francis Hawkins LPP MORTGAGE, LTD., NOTICE TO SOLICITATION NO.: 0032-2017 District of Columbia Decedent f/k/a LOAN )PARTICICREDITORS PROBATE DIVISION NOTICE OF PANT PARTNERS, LTD. AND NOTICE TO MOVING SERVICES Washington, D.C. APPOINTMENT, Plaintiff UNKNOWN HEIRS 20001-2131 Legal Advertising Rates NOTICE TO Jennifer Bevins, whose The District of Columbia requires proAdministration No. vs. Housing Authority (DCHA) CREDITORS address is 51 Sawyer Effective October 1, 2008 2017ADM734 fessional moving services throughout various DCHAAvenue, properties. AND NOTICE TO Medford, MA Albert H Coleman Jr. JOYCE PARRILLA, UNKNOWN HEIRS 02155, was appointed SOLICITATION DOCUMENTS ELEUTERIO will be available atpersonal the Issuing Office at Claudette Ward , whose Decedent representative TYPESET: Tue Jul 18 17:25:54 EDT 2017 PARRILLA, GISELA PAR- Office of Administrative address is 3630 Suitland Monica Shepherd PROBATE DIVISION 1133 North Capitol Street, NE, Suite 300, of the estate of Randall RILLA and, North Oak Rd., SE, Washington, DC Services/Contracts and Procurement, Washington,Bevins, DC 20002-7599, bewho died on April (Estates) OMAR PARRILLA 16, 2017 withoutFriday, a will, 20020 was appointed Professional Park, tween the hours of 9:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m., Monday through Superior Court of Rd. personal representative 3034 Mitchellville202-332-0080 and will serve without beginning Monday, July 17, 2017 and on- DCHA’s website at SX - 05 - CV 612 the District of of the estate of Francis Bowie, MD 20716 Court supervision. All unPlaintiff, District of Columbia PROBATE NOTICES known heirs and heirs Hawkins , who died on Attorney ACTION FOR PROBATE DIVISION NOTICE OF where-abouts are November 5, 2016 withPARTITION Washington, D.C. SEALED PROPOSAL RESPONSES ARE DUE ONwhose OR BEFORE Friday, APPOINTMENT, unknown shall enter their out a will, and will serve AND FORECLOSURE TYPESET: Jul 18 17:28:41 E 20001-2131 NOTICE TO August 18, 2017 at 11:00 a.m. a. Order Nisi $ 60 per insertion $180.00 per 3Tue weeks without Court supervia p p e a r a n c e i n t h i s OF JUDGMENT LIEN Administration No. CREDITORS All unknown heirs proceeding. Objections sion. b. Small Estates (single publication $ 60 per insertion 2017ADM729 AND NOTICE TO Contact LaShawn Mizzell-McLeod, Contract Specialist at (202) 535-1212 a n d h e i r s w h o s e to such appointment SUMMONS Shirley Ann Thompson Superior Court of UNKNOWN HEIRS c. Notice toare Creditors unor by email at with copy to shall be filed with the whereabouts Decedent TYPESET: Tue Jul 18 17:13:47 EDTPARRILLA 2017 the District of enter their Ashaki Coleman, whose To: forGISELA additional information.Register of Wills, D.C., known1.shall Domestic $ 60 per insertion $180.00 per 3 weeks NOTICE OF District of Columbia address is 24 Wagon 9200 Stream Valley Lane 515 5th Street, N.W., 3rd a p p e a r a n c e i n t h i s APPOINTMENT, 2. Foreign $ 60 per insertion $180.00 per 3DIVISION weeks PROBATE Lane, Cherry Hill, NJ Clinton, Maryland Floor Washington, D.C. proceeding. Objections NOTICE TO Washington, D.C. such appointment (or 08002, was appointed Superior Court of 20735-1935 Escheated Estates $ 60 per insertion $360.00 per 6 weeks 20001, on or before to d. CREDITORS 20001-2131 probate of de- personal representative the January 7, 2018. Claims to e.the AND NOTICE TO Standard Probates $125.00 Administration No. District of Columbia Within the time limited by against the decedent cedent´s will) shall be of the estate of Albert H. UNKNOWN HEIRS 2017ADM756 law (see note below) you PROBATE DIVISION shall be presented to the filed with the Register of Coleman, who died on Leon V Thompson Jr., Pearl B Rudisill February 26, 2016 withare hereby required to apWashington, D.C. undersigned with a copy Wills, D.C., 515 5th whose address is 1015 Decedent out a will, and will serve CIVIL NOTICES pear before this Court and 20001-2131 to the Register of Wills or Street, N.W., 3rd Floor NOTICE OF without Court supervi- Kings Heather Drive, answer to a complaint ington, D.C. 2017ADM828 filed with the Register of W aa.s hName Changes 202-879-1133 Bowie, MD, 20721 was $ 80.00 APPOINTMENT, filed against you in this acMary Velma Gordon Wills with a copy to the 20001, on or before sion. All unknown heirs appointed personal retion and in case of your NOTICE TO 7, 2018. Claims a n d h e i r s w h o s e Decedent b. Real Property $ 200.00 undersigned, on or be- January presentative of the estate failure to appear or anCREDITORS NOTICE OF fore January 7, 2018, or against the decedent whereabouts are un- o f S h i r l e y A n n swer, judgment by default AND NOTICE TO APPOINTMENT, be forever barred. Per- shall be presented to the known shall enter their Thompson, who died on will be taken against you UNKNOWN HEIRS undersigned with a copy a p p e a r a n c e i n t h i s NOTICE TO sons believed to be heirs FAMILY COURT as demanded in the First September 3, 2015 withCREDITORS or legatees of the de- to the Register of Wills or proceeding. Objections out a will, and will serve Valerie Rudisill, whose Amended Complaint, for address is 2343 Green (or AND NOTICE TO 202-879-1212 cedent who do not re- filed with the Register of to such appointment of de- without Court supervi- St. SE Apt #1, WashingUNKNOWN HEIRS ceive a copy of this notice Wills with a copy to the to the probate PARTITION AND sion. All unknown heirs DOMESTIC RELATIONS Mary Brenda Witherby mail within 25 days of undersigned, on or be- cedent´s will) shall be a n d h e i r s w h o s e ton, DC 20020, was apFORECLOSURE pointed personal repreof spoon, whose address is OF JUDGMENT LIEN. its first publication shall fore January 7, 2018, or filed with the Register 202-879-0157 whereabouts are un- sentative of the estate of 232 Kentucky Avenue so inform the Register of be forever barred. Per- Wills, D.C., 515 5th known shall enter their Pearl B Rudisill, who died SE, Washington, DC Wills, including name, sons believed to be heirs Street, N.W., 3rd Floor a p p e a r a n c e i n t h i s SO ORDERED this 3rd on May 3, 2017 without a legatees of the de- W a s h i n g t o n , D . C . 20003, was, appointed address and relation- or a. day of May, 2017. Absent Defendant 150.00 and will serve withcedent who do not re- 20001, on or before proceeding. Objections $ will, personal representative ship. to such appointment (or out Court supervision. All ceive a copy of thisDivorce notice January 7, 2018. Claims of the estate of Mary Date of Publication: b. Absolute $ 150.00 to the probate of deunknown heirs and heirs against the decedent by mail within 25 days of Velma Gordon, who died ROBERT A. MOLLOY July 7, 2017 whose whereabouts are its c. first publication shall shall be presented to the cedent´s will) shall be $150.00 Custody Divorce on April 24, 2015 with a Judge of the Name of newspaper: so inform the Register of undersigned with a copy filed with the Register of unknown shall enter their will, and will serve with- Superior Court Afro-American appearance in this Wills, including name, to the Register of Wills or Wills, D.C., 515 5th out Court supervision. All Washington N.W., 3rd Floor proceeding. Objections with the Register of Street, address and relationunknown heirs and heirs Richard H. Dollison, Esq. To place your ad,filed call 1-800-237-6892, ext. 262, Public Notices $50.00 & up Law Reporter W a s h i n g t o n , D . C . to such appointment Wills with a copy to the whose where-abouts are Attorney for Plaintiff Jennifer Bevins ship. 20001, on or before shall be filed with the undersigned, on or bedepending on size, Baltimore Legal Notices are $24.84 per inch. unknown shall enter their LPP Mortgage, Ltd. Personal Date of Publication: fore January 7, 2018, or January 7, 2018. Claims Register of Wills, D.C., The Law Offices of Richappearance in this Representative July 7, 2017 1-800 (AFRO) 892 be forever barred. Per- against the decedent 515 5th Street, N.W., 3rd Name of newspaper: proceeding. Objections ard H. Dollison, P.C. presented to the Floor Washington, D.C. believed to be heirs Afro-AmericanFor Proof sons to such appointment (or 48 Dronningens Gade, of Publication, pleaseshall callbe1-800-237-6892, ext. 244 TRUE TEST COPY or legatees of the de- undersigned with a copy 20001, on or before Washington to the probate of de- Ste. 2C REGISTER OF WILLS to the Register of Wills or P.O. Box 6135 January 7, 2018. Claims cedent who do not reLaw Reporter cedent´s will) shall be Tue Jul 18 17:28:19 EDT 2017 Ward ceive a copy of this notice filed with the Register of against the decedent Claudette filed with the Register of St. Thomas, U.S. Virgin Is- TYPESET: 07/7, 07/14, 07/21/17 lands 00804-6135 Personal by mail within 25 days of Wills with a copy to the shall be presented to the Wills, D.C., 515 5th LEGAL NOTICES NOTICES LEGAL NOTICES LEGALRepresentative NOTICES itsLEGAL on or be- undersigned with a copy first publication shall undersigned, Street, N.W., 3rd Floor NOTE: This defendant, if so inform the Register of fore January 7, 2018, or to the Register of Wills or Superior Court of Wa s h i n g t o n , D . C . served personally, is rebe forever barred. Perfiled with the Register of Wills, including name, the District of TRUE TEST COPY 20001, on or before quired to file his answer or address and relation- sons believed to be heirs Wills with a copy to the District of Columbia REGISTER OF WILLS J a n u a r y 2 1 , 2 0 1 8 . other defenses with the or legatees of the deundersigned, on or beship. PROBATE DIVISION Claims against the de- Clerk of this Court, and to TYPESET: Tue Jul 18 17:22:16 EDT 2017 cedent who do not re- fore January 7, 2018, or Date of Publication: Washington, D.C. 07/7, 07/14, 07/21/17 cedent shall be pre- serve a copy thereof upon ceive a copy of this notice be forever barred. PerJuly 7, 2017 20001-2131 sented to the under- the plain-tiff´s attorney by mail within 25 days of sons believed to be heirs Name of newspaper: Administration No. signed with a copy to the within twenty (20) days Superior Court of its first publication shall or legatees of the deAfro-American 2017ADM655 Register of Wills or filed after service of this sumthe District of so inform the Register of cedent who do not reWashington with the Register of Wills mons, excluding the date Francis Hawkins District of Columbia Wills, including name, ceive a copy of this notice Law Reporter with a copy to the under- of service. The defendant, Decedent PROBATE DIVISION Ashaki Coleman address and relation- by mail within 25 days of NOTICE OF signed, on or before if served by publication or Washington, D.C. its first publication shall Personal ship. APPOINTMENT, January 21, 2018, or be by personal service out20001-2131 so inform the Register of Representative Date of Publication: NOTICE TO forever barred. Persons side of the jurisdiction, is Administration No. July 7, 2017 Wills, including name, CREDITORS believed to be heirs or required to file his answer 2017ADM734 Name of newspaper: address and relationTRUE TEST COPY AND NOTICE TO legatees of the decedent or other defense with the Albert H Coleman Jr. Afro-American ship. REGISTER OF WILLS UNKNOWN HEIRS who do not receive a Clerk of this Court, and to Washington Date of Publication: copy of this notice by mail serve a copy thereof upon Claudette Ward , whose Decedent TYPESET: Tue Jul 18 17:25:54 EDT 2017 Monica Shepherd Law Reporter July 7, 2017 07/7, 07/14, 07/21/17 within 25 days of its first the attorney for the plaintiff address is 3630 Suitland North Oak Leon V Thompson Jr. Name of newspaper: publication shall so in- within thirty (30) days after Rd., SE, Washington, DC Professional Park, Personal the completion of the peAfro-American 20020 was appointed form the Register of Superior Court of 3034 Mitchellville Rd. Representative riod of publication or perWashington personal representative Wills, including name, the District of Law Reporter address and relation- sonal service outside of of the estate of Francis Bowie, MD 20716 District of Columbia Attorney the jurisdiction. TRUE TEST COPY Valerie Rudisill Hawkins , who died on ship. PROBATE DIVISION NOTICE OF REGISTER OF WILLS Personal November 5, 2016 withDate of Publication: Washington, D.C. APPOINTMENT, Representative out a will, and2017 will serve July 21, 2017 TYPESET: Tue EDT TYPESET: Tue Jul 18 17:28:41 EDT 2017 20001-2131 0 7/1, 07/7 , 0Jul 7 / 118 4 , 17:24:32 NOTICE TO 07/7, 07/14, 07/21/17 without Court superviName of newspaper: 07/21/17 Administration No. CREDITORS TRUE TEST COPY sion. All unknown heirs Afro-American 2017ADM729 AND NOTICE TO REGISTER OF WILLS and heirs whose Washington Superior Court of Shirley Ann Thompson UNKNOWN HEIRS Superior Court of whereabouts are unLaw Reporter the District of Decedent TYPESET: Jul 18 17:24:13 E Ashaki Coleman, whose the District of 07/7, 07/14, Tue 07/21/17 known shall enter their District of Columbia NOTICE OF address is 24 Wagon District of Columbia appearance in this Mary Brenda PROBATE DIVISION APPOINTMENT, PROBATE DIVISION proceeding. Objections Lane, Cherry Hill, NJ Witherspoon Washington, D.C. NOTICE TO Washington, D.C. Superior Court of to such appointment (or 08002, was appointed Personal 20001-2131 CREDITORS 20001-2131 the District of to the probate of de- personal representative Representative Administration No. AND NOTICE TO of the estate of Albert H. Administration No. District of Columbia cedent´s will) shall be 2017ADM604 UNKNOWN HEIRS Coleman, who died on 2017ADM756 PROBATE DIVISION filed with the Register of TRUE TEST COPY Randall Bevins February 26, 2016 with- Leon V Thompson Jr., Pearl B Rudisill Washington, D.C. Wills, D.C., 515 5th REGISTER OF WILLS Decedent 20001-2131 Street, N.W., 3rd Floor out a will, and will serve whose address is 1015 Decedent Sebastian Krop, Esq without Court supervi- Kings Heather Drive, NOTICE OF Administration No. TYPESET: Jul 18 17:30:23 EDT 2017 Wa s h i n g t o n , D . C . 07/21, 07/28,Tue 8/4/17 1330 New Hampshire Bowie, MD, 20721 was sion. All unknown heirs APPOINTMENT, 2017ADM133 20001, on or before Ave. NW #111 NOTICE TO Mirriam Reid Harrod January 7, 2018. Claims a n d h e i r s w h o s e appointed personal reWashington, DC presentative of the estate whereabouts are unCREDITORS AKA IN THE SUPERIOR against the decedent 20036-6300 AND NOTICE TO Mirriam R. Harrod COURT shall be presented to the known shall enter their o f S h i r l e y A n n Attorney UNKNOWN HEIRS Decedent OF THE undersigned with a copy a p p e a r a n c e i n t h i s Thompson, who died on NOTICE OF September 3, 2015 withValerie Rudisill, whose NOTICE OF VIRGIN ISLANDS to the Register of Wills or proceeding. Objections APPOINTMENT, out a will, and will serve to such appointment (or address is 2343 Green DIVISION OF ST. CROIX APPOINTMENT, filed with the Register of NOTICE TO without Court supervito the probate of deSt. SE Apt #1, WashingLPP MORTGAGE, LTD., NOTICE TO Wills with a copy to the CREDITORS f/k/a LOAN )PARTICICREDITORS undersigned, on or be- cedent´s will) shall be sion. All unknown heirs ton, DC 20020, was apAND NOTICE TO a n d h e i r s w h o s e filed with the Register of PANT PARTNERS, LTD. pointed personal repreAND NOTICE TO fore January 7, 2018, or UNKNOWN HEIRS Plaintiff UNKNOWN HEIRS be forever barred. Per- Wills, D.C., 515 5th whereabouts are un- sentative of the estate of Jennifer Bevins, whose known shall enter their Pearl B Rudisill, who died Trina Renee Harrod, sons believed to be heirs Street, N.W., 3rd Floor address is 51 Sawyer vs. appearance in this on May 3, 2017 without a whose address is 5723 or legatees of the de- W a s h i n g t o n , D . C . Avenue, Medford, MA proceeding. Objections 20001, on or before will, and will serve with- 3rd Place, NW, Washingcedent who do not reJOYCE PARRILLA, 02155, was appointed ceive a copy of this notice January 7, 2018. Claims to such appointment (or out Court supervision. All ton, DC 20011 was apELEUTERIO personal representative against the decedent to the probate of de- unknown heirs and heirs pointed personal reprePARRILLA, GISELA PAR- of the estate of Randall by mail within 25 days of shall be presented to the cedent´s will) shall be whose whereabouts are sentative of the estate of its first publication shall RILLA and, Bevins, who died on April so inform the Register of undersigned with a copy filed with the Register of unknown shall enter their Mirriam Reid Harrod OMAR PARRILLA 16, 2017 without a will, appearance in this AKA Mirriam R. Reid Wills, including name, to the Register of Wills or Wills, D.C., 515 5th and will serve without address and relation- filed with the Register of Street, N.W., 3rd Floor proceeding. Objections ,who died on January 6, SX - 05 - CV - 612 Court supervision. All unW a s h i n g t o n , D . C . Wills with a copy to the to such appointment 2017 with a will, and will ship. Plaintiff, known heirs and heirs undersigned, on or be- 20001, on or before shall be filed with the serve without Court suDate of Publication: ACTION FOR whose where-abouts are January 7, 2018. Claims fore January 7, 2018, or Register of Wills, D.C., pervision. All unknown July 7, 2017 PARTITION unknown shall enter their be forever barred. Per- against the decedent 515 5th Street, N.W., 3rd heirs and heirs whose Name of newspaper: AND FORECLOSURE appearance in this shall be presented to the sons believed to be heirs Floor Washington, D.C. where-abouts are unAfro-American OF JUDGMENT LIEN proceeding. Objections or legatees of the de- undersigned with a copy 20001, on or before known shall enter their Washington to such appointment cedent who do not re- to the Register of Wills or January 7, 2018. Claims a p p e a r a n c e i n t h i s SUMMONS Law Reporter shall be filed with the Claudette Ward ceive a copy of this notice filed with the Register of against the decedent proceeding. Objections Register of Wills, D.C., To: GISELA PARRILLA Personal by mail within 25 days of Wills with a copy to the shall be presented to the to such appointment (or 9200 Stream Valley Lane 515 5th Street, N.W., 3rd Representative its first publication shall undersigned, on or be- undersigned with a copy to the probate of deso inform the Register of fore January 7, 2018, or to the Register of Wills or cedent´s will) shall be C l i n t o n , M a r y l a n d Floor Washington, D.C. 20001, on or before Wills, including name, be forever barred. Per- filed with the Register of filed with the Register of 20735-1935 TRUE TEST COPY January 7, 2018. Claims address and relation- sons believed to be heirs Wills with a copy to the Wills, D.C., 515 5th REGISTER OF WILLS against the decedent or legatees of the de- undersigned, on or be- Street, N.W., 3rd Floor Within the time limited by ship. cedent who do not re- fore January 7, 2018, or W a s h i n g t o n , D . C . law (see note below) you shall be presented to the 07/7, 07/14, 07/21/17 Date of Publication: ceive a copy of this notice be forever barred. Perare hereby required to ap- undersigned with a copy July 7, 2017
,who died on January 6, 2017 with a will, and will serve without Court supervision. All unknown heirs and heirs whose where-abouts are unknown shall enter their appearance in this proceeding. Objections to such appointment (or NOTICES toLEGAL the probate of decedent´s will) shall be filed with the Register of Wills, D.C., 515 5th Street, N.W., 3rd Floor Wa s h i n g t o n , D . C . 20001, on or before January 7, 2018. Claims against the decedent shall be presented to the undersigned with a copy to the Register of Wills or filed with the Register of Wills with a copy to the undersigned, on or before January 7, 2018, or be forever barred. Persons believed to be heirs or legatees of the decedent who do not receive a copy of this notice by mail within 25 days of its first publication shall so inform the Register of Wills, including name, address and relationship. Date of Publication: July 7, 2017 Name of newspaper: Afro-American Washington Law Reporter Trina Renee Harrod Personal Representative TRUE TEST COPY REGISTER OF WILLS
TYPESET: Tue Jul 18 07/7, 07/14, 07/21/17
Superior Court of the District of District of Columbia PROBATE DIVISION Washington, D.C. 20001-2131 Administration No. 2017ADM584 Janice C Lipsen Decedent Jay M. Eisenberg Esq. 12505 Park Potomac Ave. 6th Floor Potomac, MD 20854 Attorney NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT, NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND NOTICE TO UNKNOWN HEIRS Linda Lipsen, whose address is 3033 Ordway Street, NW, Washington, DC 20008, was appointed personal representative of the estate of Janice C. Lipsen who died on April 17, 2017 witha will, and will serve without Court supervision. All unknown heirs and heirs whose whereabouts are unknown shall enter their appearance in this proceeding. Objections to such appointment (or to the probate of decedent´s will) shall be filed with the Register of Wills, D.C., 515 5th Street, N.W., 3rd Floor Wa s h i n g t o n , D . C . 20001, on or before January 7, 2018. Claims against the decedent shall be presented to the undersigned with a copy to the Register of Wills or filed with the Register of Wills with a copy to the undersigned, on or before January 7, 2018, or be forever barred. Persons believed to be heirs or legatees of the decedent who do not receive a copy of this notice by mail within 25 days of its first publication shall so inform the Register of Wills, including name, address and relationship. Date of Publication: July 7, 2017 Name of newspaper: Afro-American Washington Law Reporter Linda Lipsen Personal Representative TRUE TEST COPY REGISTER OF WILLS
TYPESET: Jul 18 07/7, 07/14, Tue 07/21/17 Superior Court of the District of District of Columbia PROBATE DIVISION Washington, D.C. 20001-2131 Administration No. 2016ADM1366 Eugene F. Bernard Decedent Margaret A Iremiren 718 Oglethorpe Street NW Washington, DC 20011 Attorney NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT, NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND NOTICE TO UNKNOWN HEIRS Margaret A. Iremiren, whose address is 718 Oglethorpe street NW, Washington, DC 20011 was appointed personal representative of the estate of Eugene F. Bernard, who died on June 1, 2016 without a will, and will serve without Court supervision. All unknown heirs and heirs whose whereabouts are unknown shall enter their appearance in this proceeding. Objections to such appointment (or to the probate of decedent´s will) shall be filed with the Register of Wills, D.C., 515 5th Street, N.W., 3rd Floor Wa s h i n g t o n , D . C . 20001, on or before January 7, 2018. Claims against the decedent shall be presented to the undersigned with a copy to the Register of Wills or filed with the Register of Wills with a copy to the undersigned, on or before January 7, 2018, or be forever barred. Persons believed to be heirs or legatees of the decedent who do not receive a copy of this notice by mail within 25 days of its first publication shall so inform the Register of Wills, including name, address and relationship. Date of Publication: July 7. 2017 Name of newspaper: Afro-American Washington Law Reporter Margaret a Iremiren
sons believed to be heirs or legatees of the decedent who do not receive a copy of this notice by mail within 25 days of its first publication shall so inform the Register of Wills, including name, address and relationship. LEGAL NOTICES Date of Publication: July 7. 2017 Name of newspaper: Afro-American Washington Law Reporter Margaret a Iremiren Personal Representative TRUE TEST COPY REGISTER OF WILLS 07/7, 07/14, Tue 07/21/17 TYPESET: Jul 18 Superior Court of the District of District of Columbia PROBATE DIVISION Washington, D.C. 20001-2131 Administration No. 2017ADM755 Eunice B. Rivers AKA Eunice Beatrice Rivers Decedent NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT, NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND NOTICE TO UNKNOWN HEIRS Cynthia M Scott , whose address is 45257 Coledorall Ct., Calif., MD 20619 was appointed personal representative 17:22:56 EDTof2017 of the estate Eunice B. Rivers AKA Eunice Beatrice Rivers, who died on March 8, 2017 with a will, and will serve without Court supervision. All unknown heirs and heirs whose whereabouts are unknown shall enter their appearance in this proceeding. Objections to such appointment (or to the probate of decedent´s will) shall be filed with the Register of Wills, D.C., 515 5th Street, N.W., 3rd Floor Wa s h i n g t o n , D . C . 20001, on or before January 7, 2018. Claims against the decedent shall be presented to the undersigned with a copy to the Register of Wills or filed with the Register of Wills with a copy to the undersigned, on or before January 7, 2018, or be forever barred. Persons believed to be heirs or legatees of the decedent who do not receive a copy of this notice by mail within 25 days of its first publication shall so inform the Register of Wills, including name, address and relationship. Date of Publication: July 7, 2017 Name of newspaper: Afro-American Washington Law Reporter Cynthia M Scott Personal Representative TRUE TEST COPY REGISTER OF WILLS 07/7, 07/14, 07/21/17 TYPESET: Tue Jul 18 Superior Court of the District of District of Columbia PROBATE DIVISION Washington, D.C. 20001-2131 Administration No. 2017ADM605 Norval V Lacey Decedent W. Alton Lewis 1450 Mercantile Lane Suite 155 Largo, MD 20774 Attorney NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT, NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND NOTICE TO UNKNOWN HEIRS Norvell V Lacey, whose address is 2357 Skyland Terrace, SE, Washington, DC 20020 was appointed personal representative of the estate of 17:23:53 EDT 2017 Norval V. Lacey, who died on May 4, 2017 with a will, and will serve without Court supervision. All unknown heirs and heirs whose whereabouts are unknown shall enter their appearance in this proceeding. Objections to such appointment (or to the probate of decedent´s will) shall be filed with the Register of Wills, D.C., 515 5th Street, N.W., 3rd Floor Wa s h i n g t o n , D . C . 20001, on or before January 7, 2018. Claims against the decedent shall be presented to the undersigned with a copy to the Register of Wills or filed with the Register of Wills with a copy to the undersigned, on or before January 7, 2018, or be forever barred. Persons believed to be heirs or legatees of the decedent who do not receive a copy of this notice by mail within 25 days of its first publication shall so inform the Register of Wills, including name, address and relationship. Date of Publication: July 7, 2017 Name of newspaper: Afro-American Washington Law Reporter Norvell V Lacey Personal Representative TRUE TEST COPY REGISTER OF WILLS 07/7, 07/14, 07/21/17 TYPESET: Tue Jul 18 Superior Court of the District of District of Columbia PROBATE DIVISION Washington, D.C. 20001-2131 Administration No. 2017ADM744 Allene Harper Decedent NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT, NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND NOTICE TO UNKNOWN HEIRS Sharmika Gatewood, whose address is 105 P i e r c e S t r e e t , N W, Washington, DC 20001, was appointed personal
Washington, D.C. 20001-2131 Administration No. 2017ADM744 Allene Harper Decedent NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT, NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND NOTICE TO LEGAL NOTICES UNKNOWN HEIRS Sharmika Gatewood, whose address is 105 P i e r c e S t r e e t , N W, Washington, DC 20001, was appointed personal representative of the estate of Allene Harper, who died on January 5, 2008 without a will, and will serve with Court supervision. All unknown heirs and heirs whose whereabouts are un17:25:15 EDT 2017 known shall enter their appearance in this proceeding. Objections to such appointment shall be filed with the Register of Wills, D.C., 515 5th Street, N.W., 3rd Floor Washington, D.C. 20001, on or before January 7, 2018. Claims against the decedent shall be presented to the undersigned with a copy to the Register of Wills or filed with the Register of Wills with a copy to the undersigned, on or before January 7, 2018, or be forever barred. Persons believed to be heirs or legatees of the decedent who do not receive a copy of this notice by mail within 25 days of its first publication shall so inform the Register of Wills, including name, address and relationship. Date of Publication: July 7, 2017 Name of newspaper: Afro-American Washington Law Reporter Sharmika Gatewood Personal Representative TRUE TEST COPY REGISTER OF WILLS 07/7, 07/14, Tue 07/21/17 TYPESET: Jul 18 Superior Court of the District of District of Columbia PROBATE DIVISION Washington, D.C. 20001-2131 Administration No. 2017ADM726 Virginia B Haskel Decedent NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT, NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND NOTICE TO UNKNOWN HEIRS James E Haskel, Sr. , whose address is 845 M a r j o r i e C T, S E , Washington, DC 20032, was appointed personal representative of the estate of Virginia B. Haskel, who died on February 27, 2017 with a will, and will serve without Court supervision. All unknown heirs and heirs whose where-abouts are unknown shall enter their appearance in this proceeding. Objections to such EDT appointment 17:23:34 2017 (or to the probate of decedent´s will) shall be filed with the Register of Wills, D.C., 515 5th Street, N.W., 3rd Floor Wa s h i n g t o n , D . C . 20001, on or before January 7, 2018. Claims against the decedent shall be presented to the undersigned with a copy to the Register of Wills or filed with the Register of Wills with a copy to the undersigned, on or before January 7, 2018, or be forever barred. Persons believed to be heirs or legatees of the decedent who do not receive a copy of this notice by mail within 25 days of its first publication shall so inform the Register of Wills, including name, address and relationship. Date of Publication: July 7, 2017 Name of newspaper: Afro-American Washington Law Reporter James E. Haskel Sr. Personal Representative TRUE TEST COPY REGISTER OF WILLS
TYPESET: Jul 18 07/7, 07/14, Tue 07/21/17 Superior Court of the District of District of Columbia PROBATE DIVISION Washington, D.C. 20001-2131 Administration No. 2017ADM469 Dorsey Battle Decedent NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT, NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND NOTICE TO UNKNOWN HEIRS Reginald B Battle, whose address is 514 12th NE, Washington, DC 20002, was appointed personal representative of the estate of Dorsey Battle, who died on August 17, 2016 with a will, and will serve without Court supervision. All unknown heirs and heirs whose whereabouts are unknown shall enter their appearance in this proceeding. Objections to such appointment (or to the probate of decedent´s will) shall be filed with the Register of Wills, D.C., 515 5th Street, N.W., 3rd Floor 17:29:00 W a s h i nEDT g t o n2017 , D.C. 20001, on or before January 7, 2018. Claims against the decedent shall be presented to the undersigned with a copy to the Register of Wills or filed with the Register of Wills with a copy to the undersigned, on or before January 7, 2018, or be forever barred. Persons believed to be heirs or legatees of the decedent who do not receive a copy of this notice by mail within 25 days of its first publication shall so inform the Register of Wills, including name, address and relationship. Date of Publication: July 7, 2017
Wills with a copy to the undersigned, on or before January 7, 2018, or be forever barred. Persons believed to be heirs or legatees of the decedent who do not receive a copy of this notice by mail within 25 days of its first publication shall LEGAL NOTICES so inform the Register of Wills, including name, address and relationship. Date of Publication: July 7, 2017 Name of newspaper: Afro-American Washington Law Reporter Reginald B Battle Personal Representative TRUE TEST COPY REGISTER OF WILLS
TYPESET: Jul 18 07/7, 07/14, Tue 07/21/17 Superior Court of the District of District of Columbia PROBATE DIVISION Washington, D.C. 20001-2131 Administration No. 2017ADM717 Earthel Whittaker Decedent NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT, NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND NOTICE TO UNKNOWN HEIRS Mary C Whittaker, whose address is 638 Rock Creek Church Road, NW., Washington, DC 20010 was appointed personal representative of the estate of Earthel Whittaker, who died on April 15, 2017 witha will, and will serve without Court supervision. All unknown heirs and heirs whose whereabouts are unknown shall enter their appearance in this proceeding. Objections to such appointment (or to the probate of decedent´s will) shall be filed with the Register of Wills, D.C., 515 5th 17:27:04 EDT 2017 Street, N.W., 3rd Floor Wa s h i n g t o n , D . C . 20001, on or before January 7, 2018. Claims against the decedent shall be presented to the undersigned with a copy to the Register of Wills or filed with the Register of Wills with a copy to the undersigned, on or before January 7, 2018, or be forever barred. Persons believed to be heirs or legatees of the decedent who do not receive a copy of this notice by mail within 25 days of its first publication shall so inform the Register of Wills, including name, address and relationship. Date of Publication: July 7, 2017 Name of newspaper: Afro-American Washington Law Reporter Mary C Whittaker Personal Representative TRUE TEST COPY REGISTER OF WILLS
TYPESET: Tue Jul 18
07/7, 07/14, 07/21/17
Superior Court of the District of Columbia PROBATE DIVISION Washington, D.C. 20001-2131 Administration No. 2017ADM462 Victoria T. Scott Decedent Samuel C. Hamilton, Esq 8601 Georgia Ave., Suite 608 Silver Spring, MD 20910 Attorney NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT, NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND NOTICE TO UNKNOWN HEIRS Thelma D. Satterwhite, whose address is 132 ”S” Street, NW, Washington, DC 20001 , was appointed personal representative of the estate of Victoria T. Scott, who died on December 31,2016 with a will, and will serve without Court supervision. All unknown heirs and heirs whose whereabouts are un17:27:57 EDT 2017 known shall enter their appearance in this proceeding. Objections to such appointment (or to the probate of decedent´s will) shall be filed with the Register of Wills, D.C., 515 5th Street, N.W., 3rd Floor Wa s h i n g t o n , D . C . 20001, on or before January 14, 2018. Claims against the decedent shall be presented to the undersigned with a copy to the Register of Wills or filed with the Register of Wills with a copy to the undersigned, on or before January 14, 2018, or be forever barred. Persons believed to be heirs or legatees of the decedent who do not receive a copy of this notice by mail within 25 days of its first publication shall so inform the Register of Wills, including name, address and relationship. Date of Publication: July 14, 2017 Name of newspaper: Afro-American Washington Law Reporter Thelma D Satterwhite Personal Representative
SUPERIOR COURT OF THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA PROBATE DIVISION Washington, D.C. 20001-2131 Foreign No. 2017FEP66 Date of Death April 9, 2017 LEGAL NOTICES Wanda Marie Harris Decedent NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT OF FOREIGN PERSONAL REPRESENTATIVE AND NOTICE TO CREDITORS Renee T. Harris whose address is 211 Poplar Spring Road, Rockville, MD 20850 was appointed personal representative of the estate of Wanda Marie Harris, deceased EDT by the2017 Orphan’s 17:25:33 Court for Prince George’s County, State of Maryland ., on April 24, 2017, Service of process may be made upon Aminah T. Alisha, 3910 10th Street, NE, Unit #3, Washington, DC 20017 whose designation as District of Columbia agent has been filed with the Register of Wills, D.C. The decedent owned the following District of Colombia real property: 1772 Lyman Place, NE, Washington, DC 20002 Claims against the decedent may be presented to the undersigned and filed with the Register of Wills for the District of Columbia, Building A, 515 5th Street, NW., 3rd FloorWashington, D.C. 20001 within 6 months from the date of first publication of this notice. Renee T. Harris Personal Representative(s) TRUE TEST COPY REGISTER OF WILLS Date of first publication: July 7, 2017 Name of newspapers and/or periodical: The Daily Washington Law Reporter The Afro-American 07/07, 07/14,07/21/17 TYPESET: Tue Jul 18 SUPERIOR COURT OF THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA PROBATE DIVISION Washington, D.C. 20001-2131 Foreign No. 2017FEP76 Date of Death November 17, 2016 Madeline Serafinski White Decedent NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT OF FOREIGN PERSONAL REPRESENTATIVE AND NOTICE TO CREDITORS Jeffrey White whose address is 7770-17th Street, NW, Washington DC 20012 was appointed personal representative of the estate of Madeline Serafinski White , deceased by the Orphan’s Court Court for Prince 17:16:49 EDT 2017 Georges County, State of Maryland., on November 23, 2016. Service of process may be made upon Shelore A. C. Williams, 3215-13th Street, NW, Washington, DC 20010 whose designation as District of Columbia agent has been filed with the Register of Wills, D.C. The decedent owned the following District of Colombia real property: 4718 B St., SE, DC 20019 ; 45 W Street, NW, DC 20001; 548-24th St, NE, DC 20002 Claims against the decedent may be presented to the undersigned and filed with the Register of Wills for the District of Columbia, Building A, 515 5th Street, NW., 3rd Floor,Washington, D.C. 20001 within 6 months from the date of first publication of this notice. Jeffrey White Personal Representative(s) TRUE TEST COPY REGISTER OF WILLS Date of first publication: July 7, 2017 Name of newspapers and/or periodical: The Daily Washington Law Reporter The Afro-American 07/7, 07/14, 07/21/17
TYPESET: Tue Jul 18
Superior Court of the District of Columbia PROBATE DIVISION Washington, D.C. 20001-2131 Administration No. 2017ADM777 Emily J Jackson Decedent Anitra Ash- Shakoor, Esq Capital Justice 1300 I Street, NW, Suite 400E Washington, DC 20005 Attorney NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT, NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND NOTICE TO UNKNOWN HEIRS Cynthia M Bankston and Vera J Stringfellow, whose address is 1027 Ruatan St., Silver Spring MD 20903 & 2902 56th Place, Cheverity, MD 20785 was appointed personal representative(s) of the estate of Emily J Jackson who TRUE TEST COPY died on June 28, 2013 REGISTER OF WILLS with a will, and will serve without EDT Court2017 superviTYPESET: Tue Jul 18 17:29:41 07/14, 07/21, 07/28/17 sion. All unknown heirs and heirs whose whereabouts are unSUPERIOR COURT OF known shall enter their THE DISTRICT OF appearance in this COLUMBIA proceeding. Objections PROBATE DIVISION to such appointment (or Washington, D.C. to the probate of de20001-2131 cedent´s will) shall be Foreign No. filed with the Register of 2017FEP66 Wills, D.C., 515 5th Date of Death Street, N.W., 3rd Floor April 9, 2017 Wa s h i n g t o n , D . C . Wanda Marie Harris 20001, on or before Decedent January 14, 2018. NOTICE OF Claims against the deAPPOINTMENT cedent shall be preOF FOREIGN sented to the underPERSONAL signed with a copy to the
whereabouts are unknown shall enter their appearance in this proceeding. Objections to such appointment (or to the probate of decedent´s will) shall be filed with the Register of Wills, D.C., 515 5th Street, N.W., 3rd Floor LEGAL W a s h i n g tNOTICES on, D.C. 20001, on or before January 14, 2018. Claims against the decedent shall be presented to the undersigned with a copy to the Register of Wills or filed with the Register of Wills with a copy to the undersigned, on or before January 14, 2018, or be forever barred. Persons believed to be heirs or legatees of the decedent who do not receive a copy of this notice by mail within 25 days of its first publication shall so inform the Register of Wills, including name, address and relationship. Date of Publication: July 14, 2017 Name of newspaper: Afro-American Washington Law Reporter Cynthia M Bankston Vera J Stringfellow Personal Representative
UNKNOWN HEIRS Gloria Blackmon , whose address is 9410 Utiica Pl, Springdale, MD 20774 , was appointed personal representative of the estate of Evonne H. Williams, AKA Evonne Williams who died on 17:22:34 2017without JanuaryEDT 1, 2017 NOTICES aLEGAL will, and will serve without Court supervision. All unknown heirs and heirs whose whereabouts are unknown shall enter their appearance in this proceeding. Objections to such appointment shall be filed with the Register of Wills, D.C., 515 5th Street, N.W., 3rd Floor Washington, D.C. 20001, on or before October 28, 2017. Claims against the decedent shall be presented to the undersigned with a copy to the Register of Wills or filed with the Register of Wills with a copy to the undersigned, on or before October 28, 2017, or be forever barred. Persons believed to be heirs or legatees of the decedent who do not receive a copy of this notice by mail within 25 days of its first publication shall so inform the Register of Wills, including name, address and relationship. Date of Publication: April 28, 2017 Name of newspaper: Afro-American Washington Law Reporter Gloria Blackmon Personal Representative
with the Register of Wills with a copy to the undersigned, on or before January 14, 2018, or be forever barred. Persons believed to be heirs or legatees of the decedent who do not receive a copy of this notice by mail within 25 days of its first LEGAL NOTICES publication shall so inform the Register of Wills, including name, address and relationship. Date of Publication: July 14, 2017 Name of newspaper: Afro-American Washington Law Reporter Glenn A. Davis Personal Representative
July 22, 2017 - July 28, 2017, The Afro-American
TYPESET: Jul 18 07/14, 07/21,Tue 07/28/17 Superior Court of the District of Columbia PROBATE DIVISION Washington, D.C. 20001-2131 Administration No. 2017ADM257 Bernice M. Gibbs Decedent NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT, NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND NOTICE TO UNKNOWN HEIRS Denise M. Mayo, whose address is 4272 East Capitol Street NE #201. Washington, DC 20019, was appointed personal 17:26:43 EDT 2017 representative of the estate of Bernice M Gibbs, who died on July 17, 2013 without a will, and will serve without Court supervision. All unknown heirs and heirs whose whereabouts are unknown shall enter their appearance in this proceeding. Objections to such appointment shall be filed with the Register of Wills, D.C., 515 5th Street, N.W., 3rd Floor Washington, D.C. 20001, on or before September 24, 2017. Claims against the decedent shall be presented to the undersigned with a copy to the Register of Wills or filed with the Register of Wills with a copy to the undersigned, on or before September 24, 2017, or be forever barred. Persons believed to be heirs or legatees of the decedent who do not receive a copy of this notice by mail within 25 days of its first publication shall so inform the Register of Wills, including name, address and relationship. Date of Publication: March 24, 2017 Name of newspaper: Afro-American Washington Law Reporter Denise M Mayo Personal Representative TRUE TEST COPY REGISTER OF WILLS 03/24, 03/31, 4/7/17
TYPESET: Tue Jul 18
Superior Court of the District of Columbia PROBATE DIVISION Washington, D.C. 20001-2131 Administration No. 2017ADM469 Dorsey Battle Decedent NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT, NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND NOTICE TO UNKNOWN HEIRS Reginald B Battle, whose address is 514 12th NE, Washington DC 20002 was appointed personal representative of the estate of Dorsey Battle, who died on August 17, 17:16:13 EDT 2017 2016 with a will, and will serve without Court supervision. All unknown heirs and heirs whose where-abouts are unknown shall enter their appearance in this proceeding. Objections to such appointment (or to the probate of decedent´s will) shall be filed with the Register of Wills, D.C., 515 5th Street, N.W., 3rd Floor Wa s h i n g t o n , D . C . 20001, on or before January 7, 2018. Claims against the decedent shall be presented to the undersigned with a copy to the Register of Wills or filed with the Register of Wills with a copy to the undersigned, on or before January 7, 2018, or be forever barred. Persons believed to be heirs or legatees of the decedent who do not receive a copy of this notice by mail within 25 days of its first publication shall so inform the Register of Wills, including name, address and relationship. Date of Publication: July 7, 2017 Name of newspaper: Afro-American Washington Law Reporter Reginald Battle Personal Representative TRUE TEST COPY REGISTER OF WILLS 07/7, 07/14, 07/21/17
TYPESET: Tue Jul 18
Superior Court of the District of Columbia PROBATE DIVISION Washington, D.C. 20001-2131 Administration No. 2017ADM614 William Reuben Howze Decedent Julius P. Terrell, Esq 1455 Pennsylvania Ave. NW Washington, DC 20004 Attorney NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT, NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND NOTICE TO UNKNOWN HEIRS William R Howze Jr. , whose address is 6611 7th Pl., NW, Washington DC 20012, was appointed personal representative of the estate of William Reuben Howze, who died on January 21, 2015 without a will, and will serve without Court supervision. All unknown heirs and heirs whose whereabouts are unknown shall enter their a p p e a rEDT a n c e2017 in this 17:29:18 proceeding. Objections to such appointment (or to the probate of decedent´s will) shall be filed with the Register of Wills, D.C., 515 5th Street, N.W., 3rd Floor Wa s h i n g t o n , D . C . 20001, on or before December 16, 2017. Claims against the decedent shall be presented to the undersigned with a copy to the Register of Wills or filed with the Register of Wills with a copy to the undersigned, on or before December 16, 2017, or be forever barred. Persons believed to be heirs or legatees of the decedent who do not receive a copy of this notice by mail within 25 days of its first publication shall so inform the Register of Wills, including name, address and relationship. Date of Publication: June 16, 2017 Name of newspaper: Afro-American Washington Law Reporter William R. Howze Jr. Personal Representative TRUE TEST COPY REGISTER OF WILLS 06/16, 06/23,Tue 06/30/17 TYPESET: Jul 18 SUPERIOR COURT OF THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA PROBATE DIVISION Washington, D.C. 20001-2131 Foreign No. 2016FEP120 Date of Death September 20, 2016 John Coleman Morgan Jr. Decedent NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT OF FOREIGN PERSONAL REPRESENTATIVE AND NOTICE TO CREDITORS Keith B Morgan whose address is 1700 Remington Drive. Crofton. MD 21114 was appointed personal representative of the estate of John Coleman Morgan Jr., deceased EDT by the Probate 17:27:29 2017 Court for Prince Georges C o u n t y, S t a t e o f Maryland on October 20, 2016. Service of process may be made upon Jamison B Taylor, 1218 11th St. NW, Washington, DC 20001 whose designation as District of Columbia agent has been filed with the Register of Wills, D.C. The decedent owned the following District of Colombia real property: 400 Shephard St., NW, Washington, DC 20011. Claims against the decedent may be presented to the undersigned and filed with the Register of Wills for the District of Columbia, 515 5th Street, NW., 3rd Floor,Washington, D.C. 20001 within 6 months from the date of first publication of this notice. Keith B Morgan Personal Representative(s) TRUE TEST COPY REGISTER OF WILLS Date of first publication: June 22, 2017 Name of newspapers and/or periodical: The Daily Washington Law Reporter The Afro-American 06/23, 06/30, TYPESET: Tue7/7/17 Jul 18 Superior Court of the District of District of Columbia PROBATE DIVISION Washington, D.C. 20001-2131 Administration No. 2017ADM423 Evonne H Williams AKA Evonne Williams Decedent Jamison B. Taylor 1218 11th St. NW Washington, DC 20001 Attorney NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT, NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND NOTICE TO UNKNOWN HEIRS Gloria Blackmon , whose address is 9410 Utiica Pl, Springdale, MD 20774 , was appointed personal representative of the estate of Evonne H. Williams, AKA Evonne Williams who died on January 1, 2017 without a will, and will serve without Court supervision. All unknown heirs and heirs whose whereabouts are unknown shall enter their appearance in this proceeding. Objections
TRUE TEST COPY REGISTER OF WILLS 04/28, 05/05,Wed 05/12/17 TYPESET: Jul 19 Superior Court of the District of Columbia PROBATE DIVISION Washington, D.C. 20001-2131 Administration No. 2017ADM759 Thomas B Young Jr. AKA Thomas B.Young Decedent NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT, NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND NOTICE TO UNKNOWN HEIRS Thomas Bernard Young III, whose address is 3035 Adam Street, NE, Washington, DC 20018, was appointed personal representative of the estate of Thomas B. Young Jr. AKA Thomas B Young , who died on June 7, 2013 without a will, and will serve without Court supervision. All unknown heirs and heirs 17:30:02 EDT 2017 are whose where-abouts unknown shall enter their appearance in this proceeding. Objections to such appointment shall be filed with the Register of Wills, D.C., 515 5th Street, N.W., 3rd Floor Washington, D.C. 20001, on or before January 21, 2018. Claims against the decedent shall be presented to the undersigned with a copy to the Register of Wills or filed with the Register of Wills with a copy to the undersigned, on or before January 21, 2018, or be forever barred. Persons believed to be heirs or legatees of the decedent who do not receive a copy of this notice by mail within 25 days of its first publication shall so inform the Register of Wills, including name, address and relationship. Date of Publication: July 21, 2017 Name of newspaper: Afro-American Washington Law Reporter Thomas Bernard Young III Personal Representative TRUE TEST COPY REGISTER OF WILLS 07/21, 07/28,Tue 08/04/17 TYPESET: Jul 18 Superior Court of the District of Columbia PROBATE DIVISION Washington, D.C. 20001-2131 Administration No. 2017ADM758 Irene Davis AKA Irene Delores Davis Decedent NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT, NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND NOTICE TO UNKNOWN HEIRS Glenn A Davis , whose address is 6322 Holy Hill Ln, West Chester, Ohio 45069 was appointed personal representative of the estate of Irene Davis AKAEDT Irene Delores 17:23:16 2017 Davis, who died on August 22, 2011 with a will, and will serve without Court supervision. All unknown heirs and heirs whose whereabouts are unknown shall enter their appearance in this proceeding. Objections to such appointment (or to the probate of decedent´s will) shall be filed with the Register of Wills, D.C., 515 5th Street, N.W., 3rd Floor Wa s h i n g t o n , D . C . 20001, on or before January 14, 2018. Claims against the decedent shall be presented to the undersigned with a copy to the Register of Wills or filed with the Register of Wills with a copy to the undersigned, on or before January 14, 2018, or be forever barred. Persons believed to be heirs or legatees of the decedent who do not receive a copy of this notice by mail within 25 days of its first publication shall so inform the Register of Wills, including name, address and relationship. Date of Publication: July 14, 2017
07/14, 07/21,Tue 07/28/17 TYPESET: Jul 18 17:18:05 E Superior Court of the District of Columbia PROBATE DIVISION Washington, D.C. 20001-2131 Administration No. 2017ADM748 Clarice T. Harvey Decedent Daniel H Ruttenberg 8045 Leesburg Pike, Fifth Floor Tysons, VA 22182 Attorney NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT, NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND NOTICE TO UNKNOWN HEIRS Charles Harvey, whose address is 4641 H Street SE, Washington, DC 20019, was appointed personal representative of the estate Clarice T 12:38:07 EDTof 2017 Harvey, who died on September 17, 2016 without a will, and will serve without Court supervision. All unknown heirs and heirs whose whereabouts are unknown shall enter their appearance in this proceeding. Objections to such appointment shall be filed with the Register of Wills, D.C., 515 5th Street, N.W., 3rd Floor Washington, D.C. 20001, on or before January 14, 2018. Claims against the decedent shall be presented to the undersigned with a copy to the Register of Wills or filed with the Register of Wills with a copy to the undersigned, on or before January 14, 2018, or be forever barred. Persons believed to be heirs or legatees of the decedent who do not receive a copy of this notice by mail within 25 days of its first publication shall so inform the Register of Wills, including name, address and relationship. Date of Publication: July 14, 2017 Name of newspaper: Afro-American Washington Law Reporter Charles Harvey Personal Representative TRUE TEST COPY REGISTER OF WILLS
TYPESET: Jul 18 17:20:12 07/14, 07/21,Tue 07/28/17 SUPERIOR COURT OF THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA PROBATE DIVISION Washington, D.C. 20001-2131 Administration No. 2017ADM824 Estate of Gladys I Lewis Deceased NOTICE OF STANDARD PROBATE Notice is hereby given that a petition has been filed in this Court by Patricia Holloway Means for standard probate, including the appointment of one or more personal representative. Unless a complaint or an objection in accordance with Superior Court Probate DivisionEDT Rule 2017 407 is filed 17:17:09 in this Court within 30 days from the date of first publication of this notice, the Court may take the action hereinafter set forth. 0 Admit to the court that t h e w i l l d a t e d _______________ exhibted with the petition upon proof satisfactory to the Court of due execution by affidavidt of rhe witness or otherwise Register of Wills Clerk of the Probate Division Date of First Publication July 14, 2017 Names of Newspapers: Washington Law Reporter Washington AFRO-AMERICAN Christal E Edwards 9701 Apollo Drive, Suite 301 Largo, MD 20774 Signature of Petitioners/Attorney
TYPESET: Tue Jul 18 17:19:09 E 07/14, 07/21/17
Superior Court of the District of Columbia PROBATE DIVISION Washington, D.C. 20001-2131 Administration No. 2017ADM715 Mildred L Day Decedent NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT, NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND NOTICE TO UNKNOWN HEIRS Thomas L Day, whose address is 4506 Squiredale Sq, Alexandia Va, 22309, was appointed personal representative of the estate of Mildred L Day, who died on November 14, 2008 without a will, and will serve with Court supervision. All unknown heirs and heirs whose whereabouts are unknown shall enter their appearance in this proceeding. Objections to such appointment shall be filed with the Register of Wills, D.C., 515 5th Street, N.W., 3rd
Alexandia Va, 22309, was appointed personal representative of the estate of Mildred L Day, who died on November 14, 2008 without a will, and will serve with Court supervision. All unknown heirs and heirs whose whereabouts are unLEGAL NOTICES known shall enter their appearance in this proceeding. Objections to such appointment shall be filed with the Register of Wills, D.C., 515 5th Street, N.W., 3rd Floor Washington, D.C. 20001, on or before January 7, 2018. Claims against the decedent shall be presented to the undersigned with a copy to the Register of Wills or filed with the Register of Wills with a copy to the undersigned, on or before January 7, 2018, or be forever barred. Persons believed to be heirs or legatees of the decedent who do not receive a copy of this notice by mail within 25 days of its first publication shall so inform the Register of Wills, including name, address and relationship. Date of Publication: July 7, 2017 Name of newspaper: Afro-American Washington Law Reporter Thomas L Day Personal Representative
Claims against the de-
TYPESET: Tue Jul 18 17:21:54 cedent EDT shall2017 be pre-
sented to the undersigned with a copy to the SUPERIOR COURT OF Register of Wills or filed THE with the Register of Wills COLUMBIA with a copy to the underPROBATE DIVISION signed, on or before Washington, D.C. January 14, 2018, or be 20001-2131 forever barred. Persons LEGALtoNOTICES LEGAL NOTICES Administration No. believed be heirs or 2017ADM247 legatees of the decedent Estate of who do not receive a Gladys Marie Miller copy of this notice by mail Deceased within 25 days of its first NOTICE OF publication shall so inSTANDARD form the Register of PROBATE Wills, including name, Notice is hereby given address and relationthat a petition has been ship. filed in this Court by Vic- Date of Publication: tor Miller for standard July 14, 2017 probate, including the Name of newspaper: appointment of one or Afro-American more personal repre- Washington sentative. Unless a com- Law Reporter plaint or an objection in Sirus Delpazir accordance with SuperGhassemi ior Court Probate DiPersonal vision Rule 407 is filed in Representative this Court within 30 days from the date of first pub- TRUE TEST COPY lication of this notice, the REGISTER OF WILLS Court may take the action hereinafter set forth. 07/14, 07/21, 07/28/17 0 in the absence of a will TYPESET: Tue Jul 18 or proof satisfactory to the Court of due execution, enter an order deter- SUPERIOR COURT OF mining that the decedent THE DISTRICT OF died intestate COLUMBIA Register of Wills PROBATE DIVISION Clerk of the Washington, D.C. Probate Division 20001-2131 Date of First Publication Administration No. July 14, 2014 2017ADM815 Names of Newspapers: Estate of Washington Mary Elizabeth Wilson Law Reporter Deceased Washington TRUE TEST COPY NOTICE OF AFRO-AMERICAN REGISTER OF WILLS STANDARD Jamison B Taylor PROBATE 1218 11th St. NW 07/7, 07/14, 07/21/17 Notice is hereby given TYPESET: Tue Jul 18 17:19:52 EDTDC 2017 Washington, 20001 that a petition has been Signature of filed in this Court by Petitioners/Attorney Brenda J Gober for stanSUPERIOR COURT OF dard probate, including THE DISTRICT OF 07/14, 07/21/17 the appoint-ment TYPESET: Tue Jul 18 17:18:30 EDT 2017of one COLUMBIA or more personal reprePROBATE DIVISION sentative. Unless a comWashington, D.C. SUPERIOR COURT OF plaint or an objection in 20001-2131 accordance with SuperTHE Administration No. ior Court Probate DiCOLUMBIA 2017ADM834 vision Rule 407 is filed in PROBATE DIVISION Estate of this Court within 30 days Washington, D.C. Torrey Marcellus Bowfrom the date of first pub20001-2131 man lication of this notice, the Foreign No. Deceased Court may take the ac2017FEP77 NOTICE OF tion hereinafter set forth. Date of Death 0 STANDARD In the absence of a will July 8, 2006 PROBATE or proof satisfactory to Lawrence P Jones Notice is hereby given the Court of due executhat a petition has been Decedent tion, enter an order deterNOTICE OF filed in this Court by mining that the decedent APPOINTMENT Denisha Yancey and died intestate OF FOREIGN 0 Deja Michelle Faust for appoint a supervised PERSONAL standard probate, inpersonal representative REPRESENTATIVE cluding the appoint-ment Register of Wills AND of one or more personal Clerk of NOTICE TO representative. Unless a the Probate Division CREDITORS complaint or an objection Date of First Publication Lydia Jones- Nunn and in accordance with July 14, 2017 Superior Court Probate Laureen Jones Mullins Names of Newspapers: Division Rule 407 is filed whose address is 6200 Washington Law in this Court within 30 Targon Ct, Ft Washing- Reporter days from the date of first ton, MD 20744 was ap- Washington publication of this notice, pointed personal repre- AFRO-AMERICAN the Court may take the sentative of the estate of Brenda J Gober action hereinafter set Lawrence P Jones , de- 2224 Perry St. NE ceased by the Orphan’s forth. Washington, DC 20018 0 In the absence of a will C o u r t f o r P r o n c e Signature of or proof satisfactory to Georges County, State of Petitioners/Attorney the Court of due execu- Maryland, on May 18, tion, enter an order deter- 2017. 07/14, 07/21/17 TYPESET: Tue Jul 18 mining that the decedent Service of process may died intestate0 appoint an be made upon Philip J. unsupervised personal Mullins, 4538 Eads Superior Court of Place, NE, Washington, representative the Register of Wills DC 20019 whose desDistrict of Columbia Clerk of the ignation as District of PROBATE DIVISION Probate Division Columbia agent has Washington, D.C. been filed with the RegisDate of First Publication 20001-2131 ter of Wills, D.C. July 14, 2017 Administration No. The decedent owned the Names of Newspapers: 2017ADM814 following District of Washington Colombia real property: David C Murray Law Reporter Decedent Undeveloped Lot, Washington Square 5132, Lot 30, in James E McCollum Jr. AFRO-AMERICAN McCollum & AssoAdam E Moskowitz, Esq NE ciates LLC 7101 Wisconsin Ave., Claims against the de- 7309 Baltimore Ave., Suite 1011 Bethesda, cedent may be presented to the under- Suite 117 MD signed and filed with the College Park, Maryland Adam E Moskowitz Esq Register of Wills for the 20740 Signature of Attorney District of Columbia, Petitioners/Attorney NOTICE OF Building A, 515 5th APPOINTMENT, S t r e e t , N W. , 3 r d 07/14, 07/21/17 NOTICE TO TYPESET: Tue Jul 18 17:19:27 EDT 2017 F LWa s h ingto n, D.C. CREDITORS 20001 within 6 months AND NOTICE TO from the date of first pubUNKNOWN HEIRS SUPERIOR COURT OF lication of this notice. Lydia Jones-Nunn Donne Malloy, whose adTHE DISTRICT OF Laureen Jones Mullins dress is 2215 Rand COLUMBIA Personal Place, NE, Washington, PROBATE DIVISION Representative(s) DC 20002, was apWashington, D.C. TRUE TEST COPY pointed personal repre20001-2131 REGISTER OF WILLS sentative of the estate of Administration No. David C Murray, who Date of first publication: 2017ADM830 died on June 9, 2014 July 14, 2017 Estate of Name of newspapers without a will, and will Ruth B Rich serve without Court suand/or periodical: Deceased The Daily Washington pervision. All unknown NOTICE OF heirs and heirs whose Law Reporter STANDARD whereabouts are unThe Afro-American PROBATE known shall enter their Notice is hereby given appearance in this that a petition has been proceeding. Objections 07/21,Tue 07/28/17 filed in this Court by Ron- 07/14, TYPESET: Jul 18 17:15:47 EDT 2017 to such appointment ald C Hill for standard shall be filed with the probate, including the Register of Wills, D.C., appointment of one or Superior Court of 515 5th Street, N.W., 3rd more personal reprethe Floor Washington, D.C. sentative. Unless a comDistrict of Columbia 20001, on or before plaint or an objection in PROBATE DIVISION January 21, 2018. accordance with SuperWashington, D.C. Claims against the deior Court Probate Di20001-2131 cedent shall be prevision Rule 407 is filed in Administration No. sented to the underthis Court within 30 days 2017ADM718 signed with a copy to the from the date of first pubParviz Delpazir Register of Wills or filed lication of this notice, the Ghassemi with the Register of Wills Court may take the acAKA with a copy to the undertion hereinafter set forth. Parviz Delpazir 0 signed, on or before Admit to probate the will Decedent January 21, 2018, or be dated March 21, 2007 Jeremy D Rachlin, Esq exhibited with the petition 3 Bethesda Metro Cen- forever barred. Persons believed to be heirs or upon proof satisfactory to ter, legatees of the decedent the Court of due execu- Suite 500 tion by affidavit of wit- Bethesda, Maryland who do not receive a copy of this notice by mail nesses or otherwise 20814 0 within 25 days of its first Order witnesses to the Attorney publication shall so inalleged will dated ----- to NOTICE OF form the Register of appear and give testiAPPOINTMENT, Wills, including name, mony regarding its exNOTICE TO address and relationecution CREDITORS 0 ship. Ordered any interested AND NOTICE TO Date of Publication: person to show cause UNKNOWN HEIRS why the provisions of the Sirus Delpazir Ghassemi July 21, 2017 lost or destroyed will , whose address is 4200 Name of newspaper: dated ----- should not be Cathedral Avenue, NW, Afro-American admitted to probate as apartment 601 Washing- Washington expressed in the petition ton, DC 20016 was ap- Law Reporter 0 Donne Malloy Appoint an unsupointed personal reprePersonal pervised personal reper- sentative of the estate of Representative sentative Parviz Delpazir Register of Wills Ghassemi AKA Parviz Clerk of the Delpazir, who died on TRUE TEST COPY Probate Division March 23, 2017 without a REGISTER OF WILLS Date of First Publication will, and will serve with- 07/21, 07/28, 8/4/17 July 14, 2017 out Court supervision. All TYPESET: Tue Jul 18 Names of Newspapers: unknown heirs and heirs Washington whose whereabouts are Law Reporter unknown shall enter their Superior Court of Washington appearance in this the AFRO-AMERICAN proceeding. Objections District of Columbia Ronald C Hill to such appointment PROBATE DIVISION 10905 Ft Washington Rd shall be filed with the Washington, D.C. ste 201 Register of Wills, D.C., 20001-2131 Fort Washington, MD 515 5th Street, N.W., 3rd Administration No. 20744 Floor Washington, D.C. 2017ADM731 Signature of 20001, on or before Edith D Grant Petitioners/Attorney J a n u a r y 1 4 , 2 0 1 8 . AKA Claims against the de- Edith Dorsey Grant 07/14, 7/21/17 TYPESET: Tue Jul 18 17:21:54 cedentEDT shall2017 be pre- Decedent sented to the underNOTICE OF signed with a copy to the APPOINTMENT, Register of Wills or filed NOTICE TO SUPERIOR COURT OF with the Register of Wills CREDITORS THE with a copy to the underAND NOTICE TO COLUMBIA signed, on or before UNKNOWN HEIRS PROBATE DIVISION January 14, 2018, or be Michael D Grant, whose Washington, D.C. forever barred. Persons address is 2104 Iverson 20001-2131 believed to be heirs or Street, Temple Hills, MD, Administration No. legatees of the decedent 20748 was appointed 2017ADM247 who do not receive a personal representative Estate of copy of this notice by mail of the estate of Edith D Gladys Marie Miller within 25 days of its first Grant AKA Edith Dorsey Deceased publication shall so in- Grant , who died on NOTICE OF form the Register of January 28, 2017 with a
Call 202-332-0080
The Afro-American, July 22, 2017 - July 28, 2017
To advertise in the Washington AFRO
Claims against the de- seeks to quiet the title to sented to the under- TYPESET: Wed Jul 19 12:15:37 EDT 2017 was appointed personal cedent shall be pre- the premises commonly signed with a copy to the representative of the known as 1320 K Street, sented to the underRegister of Wills or filed estate of Randolph B Alsigned with a copy to the S.E., Washington, DC. with the Register of Wills len, who died on May 17, Superior Court of Register of Wills or filed and it is further In the with a copy to the under2017 without a will, and the event that you wish lo aswith the Register of Wills sert a claim against Eng- signed, on or before will serve without Court District of Columbia with a copy to the under- lish Bradshaw, or against January 21, 2018 , or be supervision. All unknown PROBATE DIVISION signed, on or before the premises, you arc ad- forever barred. Persons heirs and heirs whose Washington, D.C. January 21, 2018, or be vised to contact the at- believed to be heirs or whereabouts are un20001-2131 forever barred. Persons torney for Plaintiff, William legatees of the decedent known shall enter their Administration No. LEGAL NOTICES LEGALtoNOTICES LEGAL NOTICES LEGAL NOTICES believed be heirs or R. who do not receive a aLEGAL p p e a r a n NOTICES ce in this 2017ADM795 Voltz, 2120 L Street, legatees of the decedent N.W.. Suite 700, Washing- copy of this notice by mail Marion L Smith proceeding. Objections who do not receive a ton, D.C. 20037, telewithin 25 days of its first Decedent to such appointment copy of this notice by mail p h o n e n u m b e r : publication shall so in- Elton F Norman Esq shall be filed with the within 25 days of its first 202-293-2131, on or be- form the Register of The Norman Law Firm Register of Wills, D.C., publication shall so in- fore the thirtieth (30th) day Wills, including name, PLLC 515 5th Street, N.W., 3rd form the Register of after the date on which address and relation- 8720 Georgia Ave. Ste Floor Washington, D.C. Wills, including name, this Notice was published, ship. 20001, on or before 703 address and relation- p r o v i d i n g a w r i t t e n Date of Publication: Silver Spring, MD January 21, 2018. description of your claim ship. July 21, 2017 Claims against the de20910 against English Bradshaw Name of newspaper: Date of Publication: cedent shall be preAttorney or against said premises. Afro-American July 21, 2017 sented to the underNOTICE OF or to file a responsive Washington Name of newspaper: signed with a copy to the APPOINTMENT, pleading by said date in Law Reporter Afro-American Register of Wills or filed NOTICE TO the Superior Court of the Washington Bettye T. Briscoe with the Register of Wills CREDITORS District of Columbia. In the TYPESET: Wed Jul 19 12:26:22 EDT 2017 Law Reporter Personal with a copy to the underAND NOTICE TO Clifton B Childers Sr. alternative, you can apRepresentative signed, on or before UNKNOWN HEIRS Personal pear at the Scheduling Ronald E Smith Jr , January 21, 2018, or be Conference Hearing at TRUE TEST COPY SUPERIOR COURT Representative whose address is 4401 forever barred. Persons the Superior Court of the REGISTER OF WILLS OF 28th Place # 2, Mount believed to be heirs or District of Columbia, 500 THE TEST DISTRICT OF TRUE COPY Rainer , MD 20712, was legatees of the decedent Indiana Avenue, NW, COLUMBIA REGISTER OF WILLS 07/28, 08/4/17 appointed personal re- who do not receive a Washington, D.C. 20001 07/21, CIVIL DIVISION TYPESET: Tue Jul 18 17:13:23 EDTof2017 presentative the estate copy of this notice by mail in Courtroom 214 at 9:30 07/21, 07/28, 08/4/17 of Marion L Smith, who within 25 days of its first TYPESET: Tue Jul 18 17:11:01 a.m. on EDT August2017 18, 2017. died on October 4, 2016 publication shall so inFailure to do so will result BETTY BRADSHAW, Superior Court of with a will, and will serve form the Register of in a bar to any such claims the without Court supervi- Wills, including name, and a judgment by default Superior Court of Plaintiff, District of Columbia sion. All unknown heirs address and relationmay be entered against the PROBATE DIVISION and heirs whose where- ship. you with respect to any vs.District of Columbia Washington, D.C. abouts are unknown Date of Publication: claims you may be entitled PROBATE DIVISION 20001-2131 shall enter their appear- July 21, 2017 to assert; ENGLISH BRADSHAW, Washington, D.C. Administration No. and it is further ance in this proceeding. Name of newspaper: 20001-2131 2017ADM772 Afro-American Objections to such Defendant. Administration No. Angela Agnes SmallORDERED, that the parappointment shall be Washington 2017ADM809 wood ties shall appear for the filed with the Register of Law Reporter Elizabeth M. Aman Scheduling Conference Decedent Sean Allen Case No.2016CA7649 B Wills, D.C., 515 5th Decedent Hearing on NOTICE OF Calendar 12 Personal Street, N.W., 3rd Floor Francis John Kreysa APPOINTMENT, Judge Representative Wa s h i n g t o n , D . C . Esq Brian F. Holeman August 18, 2017 at 9:30 NOTICE TO 20001, on or before 2 Proffessional Dr., a.m. in Courtroom 214; ORDER OF CREDITORS J a n u a r y 2 1 , 2 0 1 8 . TRUE TEST COPY Suite 215 and it is further PUBLICATION AND NOTICE TO Claims against the de- REGISTER OF WILLS G a i tconsideration h e r s b u r g ,of M Upon theD UNKNOWN HEIRS cedent shall be pre20879for Re-Issuance of ORDERED, that Plaintiffs C y n t h i a S m a l l w o o d Motion 07/21, 07/28, 08/4/17 Attorney SHALL FILE Proof of Ser- whose address is 2612 sented to the underOrder for Publication, filed vice on or before August 31st Place NE, Washing- signed with a copy to the on JuneNOTICE 22, 2017,OF it is this Register of Wills or filed 4, 2017. 2nd APPOINTMENT, day of July 2017. ton, DC 20018 was ap- with the Register of Wills hereby NOTICE TO pointed personal repre- with a copy to the underCREDITORS ORDERED, the Motion for sentative of the estate of signed, on or before BRIAN F. HOLEMAN AND NOTICE TO for Re-Issuance of Order JUDGE A n g e l a A g n e s January 21, 2018, or be UNKNOWN HEIRS Publication is GRANTED; Smalwood, who died on forever barred. Persons Francis John Kreysa , and it is further May 17,EDT 20172017 without a believed to be heirs or TYPESET: Jul 18 17:14:37 07/21, 07/28,Tue 08/4/17 ORDERED, that notice be whose address is 2 Prowill, and will serve with- legatees of the decedent given. by the insertion of a fessional Dr., Suite 215, out Court supervision. All who do not receive a copy of this Order The Gaithersburg, MDin20879 unknown heirs and heirs copy of this notice by mail TRUE TEST COPY Daily Washington Law Superior Court of was appointed personal whose where-abouts are within 25 days of its first REGISTER OF WILLS Rrepresentative e p o r t e r a n d t of h e the the unknown shall enter their publication shall so inWa shing n Afro- M District of Columbia estate oft o Elizabeth appearance in this 07/21, 07/28, 8/4/17 form the Register of American, newspapers PROBATE DIVISION Aman, who died on May TYPESET: Tue Jul 18 17:12:34 EDT 2017 proceeding. Objections Wills, including name, having a general circulaWashington, D.C. 28, 2017 with a will, and to such appointment address and relationtion in the District of 20001-2131 will serve without Court shall be filed with the ship. Columbia, once week Administration No. supervision. Allper unknown Superior Court of Register of Wills, D.C., Date of Publication: for three (3) successive 2017ADM402 heirs and heirs whose the 515 5th Street, N.W., 3rd July 21, 2017 weeks, commencing as Milton Ree Henderson whereabouts are unDistrict of Columbia Floor Washington, D.C. Name of newspaper: soon as practicable; and it PROBATE DIVISION isknown further shall enter their Decedent 20001, on or before Afro-American NOTICE OF a p p e a r a n c e i n t h i s Washington, D.C. ORDERED that the folJ a n u a r y 2 1 , 2 0 1 8 . Washington APPOINTMENT, proceeding. Objections 20001-2131 lowing Notice be pubClaims against the de- Law Reporter NOTICE TO to such appointment Administration No. lished to provide notice (or to cedent shall be preRonald E Smith Jr. CREDITORS 2017ADM803 uto n kthe n o wprobate n h e i r sofa nded sented to the underPersonal AND NOTICE TO cedent´sof will) shall be creditors English BradBarbara A Warren signed with a copy to the Representative UNKNOWN HEIRS filed with the Register of shaw in these proceedAKA Register of Wills or filed Sowande Tichawonna, Wills, D.C., 515 5th ings: Barbara Anne Warren with the Register of Wills TRUE TEST COPY Street, N.W., 3rd Floor whose address is 1320 Decedent with a copy to the under- REGISTER OF WILLS Webster St., NE, W aNOTICE shingto n ,ANY D.C. TO NOTICE OF signed, on or before Washington, DC 20017, 20001, on HEIRS or before UNKNOWN OR APPOINTMENT, January 21, 2018, or be TYPESET: 07/21, 07/28,Wed 08/4/17 Jul 19 12:15:10 EDT 2017 J a n u a r y 2 1OF , 2ENG0 1 8 . was appointed personal CREDITORS NOTICE TO forever barred. Persons LISH BRADSHAW AND representative of the Claims against the deCREDITORS believed to be heirs or TO ANY CLAIMANTS TO estate of Milton Ree Hencedent shall be preAND NOTICE TO legatees of the decedent AN INTEREST THE Superior Court of derson , who died on sented to theINunderUNKNOWN HEIRS who do not receive a PREMISES COMMONLY the Sharyn L Warren, whose signed with a copy to the March 11, 2017 without a copy of this notice by mail K N O W N A S 1 3 2 0 K District of Columbia will, and will serve withaddress is 4050 W Riv- Register of Wills or filed within 25 days of its first Swith T Rthe E Register E T , S of . EWills . , PROBATE DIVISION out Court supervision. All ers Edge Circle, Unit 10, WASHINGTON, DC publication shall so inWashington, D.C. Brown Deer, Wisconsin with a copy to the under- unknown heirs and heirs form the Register of 20001-2131 signed, on or before whose whereabouts are 53209, was appointed Betty Wills, including name, Bradshaw has or filed Administration No. January 21, 2018, be unknown shall enter their personalEDT representative address and relationaforever lawsuitbarred. in the Superior 17:12:07 2017 2017ADM355 Persons a p p e a r a n c e i n t h i s of the estate of Barbara A Court for the District ship. Elizabeth Hammond believed to be heirs of or proceeding. Objections Warren AKA Barbara Columbia, Date of Publication: Case No. 2016 Cash to such appointment (or legatees of the decedent Anne Warren , who died CA 7649 B. This lawsuit July 21, 2017 Decedent who do not the receive on May 17, 2017 with a seeks to quiet title toa to the probate of deName of newspaper: William A. Bland cedent´s will) shall be copypremises of this notice by mail will, and will serve with- the commonly Afro-American 1140 Connecticut Ave. within as 25 1320 days K of Street, its first filed with the Register of out Court supervision. All known Washington NW #1100 publication shall soDC. in- Wills, D.C., 515 5th unknown heirs and heirs S.E., Washington, Law Reporter Washington, DC 20036 Street, N.W., 3rd Floor form the Register of whose where-abouts are and it is further In the Attorney Wa s h i n g t o n , D . C . Wills,that including you wish name, lo asunknown shall enter their event Cynthia Smallwood NOTICE OF 20001, on or before address relationa claimand against Enga p p e a r a n c e i n t h i s sert Personal APPOINTMENT, January 21, 2018. ship. Bradshaw, or against proceeding. Objections lish Representative NOTICE TO Claims against the deDate of Publication: premises, you arc adto such appointment (or the CREDITORS cedent shall be preJuly 21, to 2017 contact the atto the probate of de- vised TRUE TEST COPY AND NOTICE TO sented to the underName of newspaper: torney for Plaintiff, William cedent´s will) shall be REGISTER OF WILLS UNKNOWN HEIRS Voltz, 2120 L Street, signed with a copy to the Afro-American filed with the Register of R. Suite 700, WashingIrvin Ferdinand Cash, Register of Wills or filed Washington Wills, D.C., 515 5th N.W.. 07/21, 07/28,Wed 08/4/17 TYPESET: Jul 19 12:16:01 EDT 2017 20037, telewhose address is 5390 with the Register of Wills Law D.C. Reporter Street, N.W., 3rd Floor ton, p h o n e n u m b e r : Chillum Place, NE, Francis John Kreysa with a copy to the underWa s h i n g t o n , D . C . 202-293-2131, on or beWashington, DC 20011 signed, on or before Personal 20001, on or before Superior Court of fore the thirtieth (30th) day was appointed personal January 21, 2018, or be Representative J a n u a r y 2 1 , 2 0 1 8 . after the date on which the representative of the forever barred. Persons Claims against the de- this Notice was published, District of Columbia estate of Elizabeth Hambelieved to be heirs or TEST COPY cedent shall be pre- pTRUE r o v i d i n g a w r i t t e n PROBATE DIVISION mond Cash, who died on legatees of the decedent REGISTER OF WILLS sented to the under- description of your claim Washington, D.C. January 22, 2017 witha who do not receive a signed with a copy to the against English Bradshaw 20001-2131 will, and will serve withcopy of this notice by mail 07/21, 07/28, 08/4/17 TYPESET: Wed Jul 19 12:26:22 EDT 2017 Register of Wills or filed or against said premises. Administration No. out Court supervision. All within 25 days of its first with the Register of Wills or to file a responsive 2017ADM796 unknown heirs and heirs publication so inpear at theshall Scheduling with a copy to the under- pleading by said date in Mozelle Louise Harris whose whereabouts are form the Register Conference Hearingofat COURT signed, on or before theSUPERIOR Superior Court of the Decedent unknown shall enter their Wills, including the Superior Courtname, of the OF January 21, 2018, or be District of Columbia. In the Vincent Wilkins, Jr. appearance in this District ofand Columbia, 500 address relationTHE DISTRICT OFapforever barred. Persons alternative, you can 1408 Canadian Geese Indiana Avenue, NW, proceeding. Objections ship. COLUMBIA believed to be heirs or Washington, D.C. 20001 Court to such appointment (or Date of Publication: CIVIL DIVISION legatees of the decedent in Courtroom July 21, 2017 214 at 9:30 Upper Marlboro, MD to the probate of dewho do not receive a 20774 a.m. on 18, 2017. cedent´s will) shall be Name of August newspaper: copy of this notice by mail Failure to do so will result Attorney filed with the Register of Afro-American within 25 days of its first BETTY BRADSHAW, in a bar to any such claims NOTICE OF Wills, D.C., 515 5th Washington publication shall so inand Reporter a judgment by default APPOINTMENT, Plaintiff, Street, N.W., 3rd Floor Law form the Register of may be entered against NOTICE TO Wa s h i n g t o n , D . C . Sowande Tichawonna Wills, including name, you with respect to any CREDITORS vs. 20001, on or before Personal address and relationclaims you may be entitled AND NOTICE TO October 21, 2017. Representative ship. to assert; ENGLISH BRADSHAW, UNKNOWN HEIRS Claims against the deDate of Publication: and it is further James Elgin Harris , cedent shall be preTRUE TEST COPY July 21, 2017 Defendant. whose address is 5311 sented to the underREGISTER OF WILLS Name of newspaper: ORDERED, that the par- C h i l l u m P l a c e N E . , Afro-American ties shall appear for the Washington, DC 20011 signed with a copy to the Register of Wills or filed 07/21, 07/28, Conference 08/4/17 Washington Scheduling Case No.2016CA7649 B appointed personal re- with the Register of Wills Law Reporter Hearing on Tue Jul 18 17:11:24 TYPESET: EDTof2017 Calendar 12 presentative the estate with a copy to the underSharyn L Warren Judge Brian F. Holeman August 18, 2017 at 9:30 of Mozelle Louise Harris , signed, on or before Personal who died on February 16, October 21, 2017, or be a.m. in Courtroom Representative ORDER OF Superior Court of214; 2017 without a will, and forever barred. Persons and it is further PUBLICATION the will serve with Court su- believed to be heirs or Upon consideration of the TRUE TEST COPY District of Columbia ORDERED, that Plaintiffs pervision. All unknown legatees of the decedent Motion for Re-Issuance of REGISTER OF WILLS PROBATE SHALL FILE DIVISION Proof of Ser- heirs and heirs whose who do not receive a Order for Publication, filed Washington, vice on or beforeD.C. August where-abouts are un- copy of this notice by mail on June 22, 2017, it is this 07/21, 07/28, 08/4/17 20001-2131 known shall enter their within 25 days of its first 4, 2017. 2nd dayEDT of July 2017. TYPESET: Tue Jul 18 17:15:01 2017 Administration No. a p p e a r a n c e i n t h i s publication shall so inhereby 2017ADM785 proceeding. Objections form the Register of ORDERED, the Motion for Emma E Thomas to such appointment Wills, including name, BRIAN F. HOLEMAN Re-Issuance of Order for Decedent Superior Court of JUDGE shall be filed with the address and relationPublication is GRANTED; Michael N Russo, Jr. the Register of Wills, D.C., ship. and it is further Esq District of Columbia 07/21, 07/28, 08/4/17 515 5th Street, N.W., 3rd Date of Publication: ORDERED, that notice be 125 West Street, 4th PROBATE DIVISION Floor Washington, D.C. April 21, 2017 given. by the insertion of a Floor Washington, D.C. copy of this Order in The 20001, on or before Name of newspaper: Annapolis, MD 21401 20001-2131 Daily Washington Law J a n u a r y 2 1 , 2 0 1 8 . Afro-American Attorney Reporter and the Administration No. Claims against the de- Washington NOTICE OF Wa s h i n g t o n A f r o 2017ADM807 cedent shall be pre- Law Reporter APPOINTMENT, American, newspapers Lillian G. Childers sented to the underIrvin Ferdinand Cash having a general circulaNOTICE TO Decedent signed with a copy to the Personal tion in the District of CREDITORS NOTICE OF Register of Wills or filed Representative Columbia, once per week AND NOTICE TO APPOINTMENT, with the Register of Wills for three (3) successive UNKNOWN HEIRS NOTICE TO with a copy to the under- TRUE TEST COPY weeks, commencing as Bettye T Briscoe, whose signed, on or before REGISTER OF WILLS CREDITORS soon as practicable; and it address is 8912 Wal- January 21, 2018, or be AND NOTICE TO is further kerton Drive, Lanham, forever barred. Persons 04/21, 04/28, 05/5/17 UNKNOWN HEIRS MD 20706 was apClifton B. Childers, Sr. ORDERED that the folbelieved to be heirs or TYPESET: Wed Jul 19 12:14:36 EDT 2017 lowing Notice be pubpointed personal repre- legatees of the decedent whose address is 9702 lished to provide notice to sentative of the estate of who do not receive a Cottrell Terrace, Silver u n k n o w n h e i r s a n d Emma E Thomas, who copy of this notice by mail Superior Court of S p r i n g , M D 2 0 9 0 3 , creditors of English Braddied on July 14, 2009 within 25 days of its first the wasappointed personal shaw in these proceedwith a will, and will serve publication shall so inDistrict of Columbia representative of the ings: with Court supervision. form the Register of PROBATE DIVISION estate of Lillian G All unknown heirs and Wills, including name, Washington, D.C. Childers, who died on NOTICE TO ANY heirs whose where20001-2131 January 17, 2017 with a UNKNOWN HEIRS OR address and relationabouts are unknown ship. Administration No. will, and will serve with- CREDITORS OF ENG17:13:00 EDT 2017 All LISH BRADSHAW AND shall enter their appear- Date of Publication: 2017ADM804 out Court supervision. ance in this proceeding. July 21, 2017 Randolph B Allen unknown heirs and heirs TO ANY CLAIMANTS TO Objections to such Decedent whose where-abouts are AN INTEREST IN THE Name of newspaper: appointment (or to the Afro-American NOTICE OF unknown shall enter their PREMISES COMMONLY probate of decedent´s APPOINTMENT, KNOWN AS 1320 K appearance in this Washington will) shall be filed with the Law Reporter NOTICE TO proceeding. Objections S T R E E T , S . E . , Register of Wills, D.C., CREDITORS to such appointment WASHINGTON, DC James Elgin Harris 515 5th Street, N.W., 3rd AND NOTICE TO shall be filed with the Personal Floor Washington, D.C. UNKNOWN HEIRS Register of Wills, D.C., Betty Bradshaw has filed Representative a lawsuit in the Superior 20001, on or before Sean Allen, whose 515 5th Street, N.W., 3rd J a n u a r y 2 1 , 2 0 1 8 . TRUE TEST COPY address is 8702 Floor Washington, D.C. Court for the District of Claims against the de- REGISTER OF WILLS Binghampton Pl, Upper 20001, on or before Columbia, Case No. 2016 cedent shall be preMarlboro, MD 20772, J a n u a r y 2 1 , 2 0 1 8 . CA 7649 B. This lawsuit seeks to quiet the title to sented to the under- TYPESET: was appointed personal Claims against the deJul 19 12:15:37 EDT 2017 07/21, 07/28,Wed 8/4/17 the premises commonly signed with a copy to the representative of the cedent shall be preknown as 1320 K Street, Register of Wills or filed estate of Randolph B Alsented to the under- S.E., Washington, DC. with the Register of Wills len, who died on May 17, signed with a copy to the and it is further In the Superior Court of with a copy to the under2017 without a will, and Register of Wills or filed event that you wish lo asthe signed, on or before will serve without Court with the Register of Wills sert a claim against EngDistrict of Columbia January 21, 2018 , or be supervision. All unknown with a copy to the under- lish Bradshaw, or against PROBATE DIVISION forever barred. Persons heirs and heirs whose signed, on or before the premises, you arc adWashington, D.C. believed to be heirs or whereabouts are unJanuary 21, 2018, or be vised to contact the at20001-2131 legatees of the decedent known shall enter their forever barred. Persons torney for Plaintiff, William Administration No. who do not receive a appearance in this believed to be heirs or R. Voltz, 2120 L Street, 2017ADM795 copy of this notice by mail Marion L Smith proceeding. Objections legatees of the decedent N.W.. Suite 700, Washingwithin 25 days of its first Decedent to such appointment who do not receive a ton, D.C. 20037, telepublication shall so in- Elton F Norman Esq shall be filed with the copy of this notice by mail p h o n e n u m b e r : form the Register of within 25 days of its first 202-293-2131, on or beThe Norman Law Firm Register of Wills, D.C., Wills, including name, PLLC 515 5th Street, N.W., 3rd publication shall so in- fore the thirtieth (30th) day address and relationFloor Washington, D.C. after the date on which form the Register of
Edith Dorsey Grant Decedent NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT, NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND NOTICE TO UNKNOWN HEIRS Michael D Grant, whose address is 2104 Iverson LEGAL NOTICES Street, Temple Hills, MD, 20748 was appointed personal representative of the estate of Edith D Grant AKA Edith Dorsey Grant , who died on January 28, 2017 with a will, and will serve without Court supervision. All unknown heirs and heirs whose whereabouts are unknown shall enter their appearance in this proceeding. Objections to such appointment (or to the probate of decedent´s will) shall be filed with the Register of Wills, D.C., 515 5th Street, N.W., 3rd Floor Wa s h i n g t o n , D . C . 20001, on or before January 21, 2018. Claims against the decedent shall be presented EDT to the 17:20:35 2017undersigned with a copy to the Register of Wills or filed with the Register of Wills with a copy to the undersigned, on or before January 21, 2018, or be forever barred. Persons believed to be heirs or legatees of the decedent who do not receive a copy of this notice by mail within 25 days of its first publication shall so inform the Register of Wills, including name, address and relationship. Date of Publication: July 21, 2017 Name of newspaper: Afro-American Washington Law Reporter Michael D Grant Personal Representative
PROPOSALS WILL BE DUE no later than 2:00 p.m. Eastern Time on Monday, August 28, 2017.
l ads
(41 2>; 91>5/-: A8E
A non-mandatory pre-proposal conference will be held on Wednesday,
RFP NUMBER: B-1850-17
5F6BD:C:>8 '6DG?B; 2C
Housing Authority of Baltimore City C:CD I?E :> 8B?G:>8 I?EB 3EC:>6CC 2>5 :>4B62C:>8 Division of Fiscal Operations, Purchasing Department 417 E. Fayette Street, Room 414 I?EB 4ECD?=6B 32C6 2<< D?52I 2D
Baltimore, Maryland 21202 2>5 CD2BD:>8 C66:>8 Attention: John Airey, Senior Contract Manager B6CE<DC '(/ Tel: (410) 396-3261 john.airey@habc.orgGGG =554@B6CC 4?= Questions regarding the RFP should be directed in writing to #! !! the address and individual indicated above, and must include the reference: HABC RFP ! $ ! TYPESET: Wed Jul 19 13:59:12 EDT 2017 Number B-1850-17.
B6CE<DC 3I @<24:>8 I?EB -:0 '-85?.A>E >1/15B1 @415> ;C: 2A:05:3 05>1/@8E 2>;9 ) C588 25C :> D96 & K >1/15B1 -.;A@NUMBER: 95885;: 5: B-1846-17 $" 2A:05:3 95885;: 5: 2A:05:3 RFP 95885;: 5: ' 2A:05:3 95885;: 5: ( 2A:05:3 -:0 95885;: 5: <2CC:M65 5F6BD:C:>8 $%+ 2A:05:3 5: ,
>6DG?B; 2<< D?52I The Housing Authority of Baltimore City (â&#x20AC;?HABCâ&#x20AC;?) is requesting proposals C; 7?B -005@5;: @; firms @41 -.;B1 5@ ?4;A80 proposals -8?; .1 :;@10 for @4-@the @41 ;:?;850-@10 from interested and :qualified to submit acquisition%8-: of &E<D: &65:2 +@64:2<:CD -8?; 9-71? 5@site <;??5.81 2;> <A.85/ 4;A?5:3 -A@4;>5@51? 8;/-8 3;B1>: approximately 80 scattered public housing units within Baltimore City.
/2>52 G2D49 I?EB 91:@? :;:<>;25@ ;>3-:5F-@5;:? /;99A:5@E -/@5;: -31:/51? -:0 ;@41>? @; HABC was awarded a $20 millionA:01> HOPE VI grant from3>-:@ the <>;3>-9? U.S. Department -<<8E 2;> 2A:05:3 ) G? /;9<1@5@5B1 !;/-8 <A.85/ B6CE<DC 8B?G 4;A?5:3 -A@4;>5@E %8-:? (â&#x20AC;?HUDâ&#x20AC;?) 9A?@ .1 /;:?5?@1:@ @41 '@-@1G? ;:?;850-@10 of Housing and Urban Development for theC5@4 redevelopment of the %8-: -:0 )' ->91>G? ;91 4;A?5:3 <>;3>-9? -:0 101>-8 pre!;C Hollander Ridge public housing development. Subsequent litigation :/;91 ;A?5:3 (-D >105@? ->1 -8?; /;;>05:-@10 C5@4 @41 %8-: !-?@8E $ " vented the use of the funds at this location. amended revitalization plan C4581 :;@ 05>1/@8E /;B1>10 .E @41An ;:?;850-@10 %8-: ) 2A:05:3 -88;/- " ! @41 '1/@5;: 1>@525/-@1 -:0 remaining *;A/41> <>;3>-9? 9-Eto.1develop 9-01 5: has been approved@5;:? by 2;> HUD for the use of the funds C-E @4-@ 1:-.81? 6A>5?05/@5;:? @; /->>E ;A@ @415> ;:?;850-@10 %8-: scattered site public housing units. (462> :DI &2BI<2>5
F6BD:C:>8 '6DG?B; K %6D A non-mandatory pre-proposal conference will be held& 96<@ I?E 8B?G on Wednesday, I?EB 3EC:>6CC 2<< ,(
August 9, 2017 at 10:00 a.m. in the Charles L. Benton 0 2D D? Building, 417 E. Fayette Street, Room 416, Baltimore, Maryland, 21202. :>4B62C6 I?EB 4ECD?=6B 32C6 2>5 86D B6CE<DC
6CD C6<64D:?> ?7 277?B5 : 01B18;<5:3 5@? 25B1 E1-> %8-: @41 '@-@1 01@1>95:10 5@ C;A80 2;/A? 5@? 23<6 B6>D2<C E<< @2BD:2< >1?;A>/1? ;: 2;A>no 9-5: <>5;>5@51? &1B5@-85F5:3 ;99A:5@51? @41 PROPOSALS WILL BE DUE later than 2:00 p.m. Eastern D<-:05:3 Time on E<; 25F6BD:C:>8 2D :DC ;2 1/1:@ 22;>0-.81 ;A?5:3 %>;B505:3 ;91;C:1>?45< $<<;>@A G66;C 2<< 7?B * Friday, August 18, 'A<<8E 2017. 36CD 25F6BD:C6 :> ?F6B :5@51? -:0 &10A/5:3 ;9181??:1?? (41 ::A-8 %8-: A<0-@1 C45/4 C588 .1 3B?49EB6 (@6> 52:<I 2;> @41 @45>0 E1-> ;2 @41 /A>>1:@ 5B1 ,1-> %8-: C588 1?@-.85?4 ;:1 E1-> 3;-8? >6GC@2@6BC 2>5 HOUSING AUTHORITY OF BALTIMORE CITY !?<:52I *6C?BD +6B
2;> @41?1 <>5;>5@51? @ 5? 2;> @45? <A><;?1 @4-@ C1 ->1 4;805:3 <A.85/ 41->5:3? A non-mandatory pre-proposal conference will be held on Wednesday, B6249 =:<<:?>C ?7 B6256BC REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS FOR F:46C @; 3-5: 5:<A@ a.m., >13->05:3 @; /->>E ;A@ @41?1 3;-8? 5: @41 Room /;95:3 E1-> August 2, 2017, at 10:00 at4;C 417 E. Fayette Street, 416, G:D9 (' 42<< B?256> (><:>6 B6C6BF2D:?>C FULLY INSURED VISION PLAN SERVICES I?EB B6249 2>5 86D Baltimore, Maryland, (4121202. 0>-2@ ::A-8 %8-: 4-? .11: C>5@@1: @ ?4;A80 .1 :;@10 @4-@ ) 4-? GGG 9?<:52I?4 4?= B6CE<DC 7?B @6>>:6C @6B /4-:310 @41 ::A-8 %8-: 2>;9 - C>5@@1: 0;/A91:@ @; - 8->318E ;:85:1 @;;8 RFP NUMBER: B-1849-17 A?5:3 a <>1 258810 0-@- 4-?twenty C>5@@1: -percent 0>-2@ ::A-8 %8-: of A?5:3 :1C B6256B 2<< /2>52 2D HABC has established minimum goal of (20%) the@41total ;:85:1 ?E?@19 A?5:3 @41 0-@- @4-@ ) 4-? <>;B5010 -:0 4-? ;<1:10 - ?B 6=2:< contract for Minority Enterprise 0-E proposed <A.85/ /;991:@ <1>5;0 .135::5:3 ";:0-E Business A8E
The Housing Authority of Baltimore City (â&#x20AC;?HABCâ&#x20AC;?) will issue a Request for dollar amount of the GC=:D9 =554@B6CC to all minority and non-minority businesses Proposals (â&#x20AC;?RFPâ&#x20AC;?) for interested and qualified vendors to 4?= submit proposals (â&#x20AC;?MBEâ&#x20AC;?) utilization, applicable ?1/;:0 ?1@ ;2 41->5:3? C588 .1 4180 @41 contractor. @45>0 C117 5: A8E proposing to provide the requested services as .135::5:3 the prime No to provide fully insured vision plan services. +>5@@1: /;991:@? .E .;@4 19-58 -:0 ?@-:0->0 9-58 C588 -8?; .1 -//1<@10 for participation of Women-owned businesses -@ @41 41->5:3? ;> 9-E .1 ?A.95@@10 5: C>5@5:3 @4>;A34 $ 'A:0-E A8E )<246 2 3EC:>6CC 42B5 25 goal has been established
-@ @41strongly -00>1?? 85?@10 .18;C (41 25:-8 ;2 @41 ::A-8pro%8-: HABC encourages andB1>?5;: affirmatively :> D96 *68:?>2< +=2<< PROPOSALS WILL BE DUE no later than 2:00 p.m. Eastern Time on (â&#x20AC;?WBEsâ&#x20AC;?), however, C588 .1 ?A.95@@10 @; ) ;: ;> ->;A:0 A3A?@
motes the use of WBEs in all HABC contracts. :C@<2I H H 5
Monday, August 28, 2017.
(41 0>-2@ ::A-8 %8-: 5? -B-58-.81 ;: 85:1 ;: I? C1.?5@1 -@ 4@@< 04/0
9->E8-:0 3;B %-31? 012-A8@ -?<D /-: .1 2;A:0 A:01> @41 H%A.85/-@5;:?H The Request for Proposals (RFP) will require @Responders to submit a plan 41-05:3 -@ @41 .;@@;9 ;2 @41 C1.?5@1 ;2 @41 0>-2@ ::A-8 for complying with the MBE utilization goal and : a -005@5;: plan for/;<51? complying with all %8-: ->1 -B-58-.81 -@ @41 2;88;C5:3 85.>->51? @41 :;/4 %>-@@ >11 !5.>->E 5: applicable requirements of@41 Section 3 !5.>->E of the5:Housing and Urban Develop -8@59;>1 8-/7C188 '-85?.A>E @41 +-?45:3@;: ;A:@E >11 !5.>->E 5: -31>?@;C: !1C5? $>@ !5.>->E 5: >;?@.A>3 @41 >101>5/7 ment Act of 1968, 12 U.S.C. Section@41 1701u. ;A38-? !5.>->E 5: %>5:/1?? ::1 -:0 @41 ';A@41>: "->E8-:0 &135;:-8
HABC has established a minimum goal of twenty percent (20%) of the total !5.>->E 5: 4->8;@@1 -88 8->31 <>5:@ B1>?5;: 5? -B-58-.81 -@ @41 !5.>->E 2;> on or after Monday, July 24, 2017, at/;<51? the following @41 85:0 -:0 %4E?5/-88E -:05/-<<10 5: -8@59;>1 >11 ;2 @41 0>-2@ dollar amount of the proposed contract for Minority Business Enterprise The RFP may be obtained ">4B62C6 I?EB @B6C6>46 ::A-8 %8-: ->1 -8?; -B-58-.81 .E /-885:3 C>5@5:3 ;> 1 9-585:3 @41 -00>1?? location: (â&#x20AC;?MBEâ&#x20AC;?) utilization, applicable to all minority and non-minority businesses 3I 25F6BD:C:>8 ?>
-:0 <4;:1 :A9.1>? 85?@10 .18;C proposing to provide the requested services as the prime contractor. No (($ ,/",, * Housing of Baltimore City %8-: C588 .1 4180 -@ @41 (41 ?1/;:0 Authority ?1@ ;2 41->5:3? ;: @41 0>-2@ ::A-8 ' (businesses % + goal has been established for participation of Women-owned 2;88;C5:3 0-@1? @591? -:0 <8-/1? Division of Fiscal Operations, Purchasing Department 2<< ?EB &E<D: &65:2 (â&#x20AC;?WBEsâ&#x20AC;? ), however, HABC strongly encourages and affirmatively pro417 E. Fayette Street, Room 414 +@64:2<:CDC D? 6H@6B:6>46 motes the use of WBEs in all HABC contracts. "8+6*'9 809 '7 4 1 D96 CE446CC ?7 C?4:2< Baltimore, Maryland 21202 (;C?;: !5.>->E =65:2 25F6BD:C:>8 D?52I
John ,;>7 &;-0 Attention: Airey, Chief of Contracting Services Responders shall also comply with all applicable requirements of Section 3 +58?;: &;;9 %% Tel: (410) 396-3261 of the Housing and Urban Development Act of 1968, 12 U.S.C. Section (;C?;: "->E8-:0 1701u. ">4B62C6 I?EB B6AE6>4I
%+*2+6*'9 809 '7 ' 1
(;C: ;2 1:@;: the RFP should be directed in writing to the address The RFP may be obtained on or after Monday, July 31, 2017, at the following Questions regarding G:D9 I?EB 5F6BD:C:>8 # '1/;:0 '@>11@ and individual indicated and &;;9 1:@;: must include ,0) + , /65the #E< reference: , '1/;:0above, 8;;> (>-5:5:3 2<< ?>6 ?7 & LC location: TYPESET: Wed Jul 19 14:00:25 EDT 2017 "->E8-:0 &E<D: &65:2 C@64:2<:CDC HABC RFP Number B-1846-17. ".856*'9 809 '7 ' 1 D? 8B?G I?EB 3EC:>6CC Housing Authority,0) + , of Baltimore City !84+5/35 3857 /65 #E< , -5>B51C >-:/4 !5.>->E 2<< /2>52 2D
3, 7.+ Division of Fiscal Operations, Purchasing Department /675/)7 3, 3081(/' ?B 6=2:< GC=:D9 '9-88 "11@5:3 &;;9 417 E. Fayette Street, Room 414 " $ ! City of Baltimore " ! &@ -:0 4-:1EB5881 &;-0 =554@B6CC 4?= Baltimore, Maryland 21202 Department Finance $C5:3? of "->E8-:0
%'6./2-732 # " & :! # Attention: John Airey, Senior Contract Manager Bureau of Purchases *1/2/675'7/32 3 5/*'9 809 '7 4 1
# " Tel: (410) ):01> 396-3261 @41 3A50185:1? 1?@-.85?410 .E @41 ) ' 1<->@91:@ ;2 ;A?5:3 -:0 8813-:E ;A:@E $225/1 ;9<81D +52/)+ /((6 " addressed Board of )>.-: 1B18;<91:@ ) :;@5/1 5? 41>1.E 35B1:Sealed @4-@ @41 proposals "->E8-:0 188E &;-0 to the +)+*+27 1<->@91:@ ;2 ;A?5:3 -:0 ;99A:5@E 1B18;<91:@Estimates C588 4;80 - %;@;9-/will &;;9 " of Baltimore be
received until, ;2 <A.85/ 41->5:3? @; "*%"' & ! '" 01B18;< 5@? :1C 0>-2@ ::A-8 %8-: A<0-@1 ;2 @41 A9.1>8-:0 "->E8-:0
" " Questions regarding the RFP should?1>51? be directed in writing to the address but not later than 11:00a.m. local time on " the " '@-@1G? ;:?;850-@10 %8-: ,* "'"' K 6D " ! and individual indicated above, and must include the reference: HABC RFP following date(s) for the requirements: 88 ;2 @41 stated 41->5:3 >;;9? ->1 -//1??5.81 @; <1>?;:? C5@4 05?-.585@51? %1>?;:? 46BD:M42D:?> D? MH TYPESET: Wed Jul 19 13:59:46 EDT 2017 " (41 ;:?;850-@10 %8-: 5? - 25B1 E1-> <8-::5:3 0;/A91:@ >1=A5>10 .E ) >1=A5>5:3 - @>-:?8-@;> ?4;A80 >1=A1?@ ;:1 " -@ 81-?@ @4>11 0-E? <>5;> @; @41 Number B-1849-17.
@<2>6C :>2>4:2< :5 # % ;> ! @4-@ ?1@? ;A@ ;B1>-88 '@-@1C501 3;-8? -:0 <>5;>5@51? 2;> 4;A?5:3 /;99A:5@E 41->5:3 @41E <8-: @; -@@1:0 :E =A1?@5;:? /;991:@? ?4;A80 .1 05>1/@10 :7 AE2<:M65 @@B?F65 1:5?1 " "-E; C4;?1 9,@41 2017 01B18;<91:@ -:0 1/;:;95/ 01B18;<91:@ -/@5B5@51? '<1/5-8 19<4-?5? 5? August @; 91 -@ -00>1?? <4;:1 :A9.1>? ;> 1 9-58 -00>1?? 5?
-?@ 85?@10 .18;C 7?B =:<:D2BI 36>6MDC 35B1: A:01> @41 %8-: @; <>;B501 -??5?@-:/1 2;> 1D@>1918E 8;C 8;C -:0 -<5@;8 '@>11@ #
HOUSING AUTHORITY9;01>-@1 5:/;91 OF BALTIMORE CITY 2<< F:2D:?> ">CD:DED6 ?7 <1>?;:? : -005@5;: @; .15:3 - <8-::5:3 0;/A91:@ @41 HEAD ">? -I#-5 '@>1-@ +-?45:3@;:
*SUPPLY START PRE-K REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS ;:?;850-@10 %8-:FOR -8?; ?1>B1? -? @41 '@-@1I? -<<85/-@5;: @; ) 2;> '1:5;> ;A?5:3 %;85/E :-8E?@ &2:>D6>2>46
C-? -<<;5:@10 <1>?;:-8 EDUCATION ITEMS B50005076 ;99A:5@E 1B18;<91:@ 8;/7 >-:@ $" :B1?@91:@ %->@ "->E8-:0 1<->@91:@ ;2 ;A?5:3 -:0 ;99A:5@E >1<>1?1:@-@5B1 ;2 @41 1B18;<91:@ FULLY INSURED DENTAL PLAN SERVICES 1?@-@1 ;2 1>:5/1 " :1>?45<? $" 91>31:/E ';8A@5;:? >-:@? ' ;A?5:3 $<<;>@A
->75:? &;-0 5..? C4; 0510 ;: A8E :5@E +5@4 ' $%+ -:0 @41 ;A?5:3 (>A?@ A:0THE ( (41?1 2A:0? SOLICITATION !-:4-9 "->E8-:0
ENTIRE DOCUMENT B?>6 ,B2:>:>8 )B6@2B6 &18-E
C5@4;A@ - C588 -@
RFP NUMBER: ->1 B-1848-17 A?10 <>59->58E 5: @41 '@-@1I? >A>-8 ->1-? C5@4 @41 1D/1<@5;: ;2 ( -? ;> "->E8-:0 2;> @41 1-2 CAN BE ;C->0 VIEWED6-:-5 ?@>1-@ 9->E8-:0 3;B AND DOWN LOADED -:0 C588BY ?1>B1 C5@4;A@ 7?B D96 6H2= D? ?@
9-:E /;99A:5@51? 5:/8A05:3 ::1 >A:018 -8@59;>1 ->2;>0 ;A>@ ?A<1>B5?5;: 88 A: THE CITYâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;S WEB SITE: ";:@3;91>E -:0 %>5:/1 1;>31I? ;A:@51? -? C188 -?VISITING @41 5@51? ;2 ::-< 6B2D6 ->=2>>65 :B4B27D 7:;C: 415>? -:0 415>? The Housing Authority of Baltimore City will A9.1>8-:0 issue a Request ;85? (â&#x20AC;?HABCâ&#x20AC;?) -8@59;>1 ;C51 >101>5/7 for -5@41>?.A>3 -31>?@;C: +ICD6=C 7?B 4?==6B4:2< C4;?1 C41>1-.;A@? ->1 Proposals (â&#x20AC;?RFPâ&#x20AC;?) for interested and qualified vendors submit proposals -:0 '-85?.A>E >1/15B1 to @415> ;C: 2A:05:3 05>1/@8E 2>;9 ) C588 A:7:;C: ?4-88 1:@1> @415> EC6 ?F6B D96 G66;6>5 >1/15B1 -.;A@ 95885;: 5: $" 2A:05:3 95885;: 5: 2A:05:3 to provide fully insured dental plan services. -<<1->-:/1 5: @45? 95885;: 5: ' 2A:05:3 .:C:CD GGG 2:=E2C 4?= 95885;: 5: ( 2A:05:3 -:0 95885;: 5: <>;/1105:3 $.61/@5;:? ?B 42<< $%+ 2A:05:3 5: ,
@; ?A/4 -<<;5:@91:@
PROPOSALS WILL BE DUE no later than 2:00 p.m. Eastern Time on : -005@5;: @; @41 -.;B1 5@ ?4;A80 -8?; .1 :;@10 @4-@ @41 ;:?;850-@10 %8-: Monday, August 28, 2017.
?4-88 .1 25810 C5@4 @41 &135?@1> ;2 +588? /65 #E< , @4 '@>11@ # + >0 -8?; 9-71? 5@ <;??5.81 2;> <A.85/ 4;A?5:3 -A@4;>5@51? 8;/-8 3;B1>: ,0) + , % " 8;;> +-?45:3@;: 91:@? :;:<>;25@ ;>3-:5F-@5;:? /;99A:5@E -/@5;: -31:/51? -:0 ;@41>? @;
;: ;> .12;>1 A non-mandatory pre-proposal conference will be held on /;9<1@5@5B1 Wednesday, *' 0 -<<8E 2;> 2A:05:3 A:01> ) G? 3>-:@ <>;3>-9? !;/-8 <A.85/ '1<@19.1>
!84+5/35 3857 -A@4;>5@E %8-:? 9A?@ .1 /;:?5?@1:@ %:>4?<> !6B:D286 August 9, 2017 at 10:00 a.m. in the4;A?5:3 Charles L. Benton Building, 417C5@4 E.@41 '@-@1G? ;:?;850-@10 8-59? -3-5:?@ @41 01 3, 7.+ -:0 )' ->91>G? ;91 4;A?5:3 <>;3>-9? -:0 101>-8 !;C %:76 ">CEB2>46 /2>DC /101:@ ?4-88 .1 <>1 /675/)7 3, 3081(/' Fayette Street, Room 416, Baltimore,%8-: Maryland, 21202. :/;91 ;A?5:3 (-D >105@? ->1 -8?; /;;>05:-@10 C5@4 @41 %8-: !-?@8E ?1:@10 @; @41 A:01> " $ ! ">CEB2>46 86>DC C4581 :;@ 05>1/@8E /;B1>10 .E @41 ;:?;850-@10 %8-: ) 2A:05:3 -88;/- ?53:10 C5@4 - /;<E @; @41 %'6./2-732 %625C '? ?<5 @5;:? @41 '1/@5;: 1>@525/-@1 -:0 <>;3>-9? 9-E .1 9-01 5: &135?@1> ;2 +588? ;> 25810 HABC has established a minimum goal of2;> twenty percent (20%) of*;A/41> the total 2<<C ?==:CC:?>C C-E @4-@ 1:-.81? 6A>5?05/@5;:? @; /->>E ;A@ @415> ;:?;850-@10 %8-: C5@4 @41 &135?@1> ;2 +588? *1/2/675'7/32 3 dollar amount of the proposed contract for Minority Business Enterprise C5@4 - /;<E @; @41 A:01>
)2:5 2:<I 86>4I ?53:10 ;: ;> .12;>1 (â&#x20AC;?MBEâ&#x20AC;?) utilization, applicable to all minority and5@?non-minority businesses : 01B18;<5:3 25B1 E1->,B2:>:>8 %:76 ">CEB2>46 %8-: @41 '@-@1 01@1>95:10 5@ C;A80 2;/A? 5@? +52/)+ /((6 '1<@19.1>
;> +)+*+27 >1?;A>/1? ;: 2;A> 9-5: <>5;>5@51? &1B5@-85F5:3 ;99A:5@51? D<-:05:3 @41 proposing to provide the requested services as the prime contractor. No *6AE:B65 2<<
.1 2;>1B1> .->>10 %1> " 'A<<8E ;2 1/1:@ 22;>0-.81 ;A?5:3 %>;B505:3 ;91;C:1>?45< $<<;>@A goal has been established for participation of Women-owned businesses ?;:? .1851B10 @; .1 415>? " " :5@51? -:0 &10A/5:3 ;9181??:1?? (41 ::A-8 %8-: A<0-@1 C45/4 C588 .1 ;> 813-@11? ;2 @41 01 " " (â&#x20AC;?WBEsâ&#x20AC;?), however, HABC strongly2;>encourages and affirmatively pro@41 @45>0 E1-> ;2 @41 /A>>1:@ 5B1 ,1-> %8-: C588 1?@-.85?4 ;:1 E1-> 3;-8? /101:@ C4; 0; :;@ >1 " ! 2;> @41?1 <>5;>5@51? @ 5? 2;> @45? <A><;?1 @4-@ C1 ->1 4;805:3 <A.85/ 41->5:3? motes the use of WBEs in all HABC contracts. /15B1 - /;<E ;2 @45? :;@5/1 " " ! #! @; 3-5: 5:<A@ >13->05:3 4;C @; /->>E ;A@ @41?1 3;-8? 5: @41 /;95:3 E1-> .E 9-58 C5@45: 0-E? ;2 # % ! 1:5?1 " "-E; C4;?1 5@? 25>?@ <A.85/-@5;: ?4-88 Responders shall also comply with all(41 applicable requirements of Section 3 .1 :;@10 @4-@ ) 4-? -00>1?? 5? -?@ ?; 5:2;>9 @41 &135?@1> ;2 0>-2@ ::A-8 %8-: 4-?#?:> ?D96B 25F6BD:C6BC .11: C>5@@1: @ ?4;A80 ?7 D96 & +=2<< /4-:310 @41of ::A-8 %8-:12 2>;9 - C>5@@1:Section 0;/A91:@ @; - 8->318E ;:85:1 @;;8 -<5@;8 '@>11@ #
+588? 5:/8A05:3 :-91 of the Housing and Urban Development Act 1968, U.S.C.
-00>1?? -:0 >18-@5;: A?5:3 <>1 258810 0-@- :C@<2I 5F6BD:C:>8 4-? C>5@@1: - 0>-2@ ::A-8 %8-: A?5:3 @41 :1C Jul+-?45:3@;: TYPESET: Wed 19 14:02:46 EDT 2017 1701u. ;:85:1 ?E?@19 A?5:3 @41 0-@@4-@ ) B?G I?EB 4-? <>;B5010 -:0 4-? ;<1:10 - C-? -<<;5:@10 <1>?;:-8 ?45< '6DG?B; -@1 ;2 %A.85/-@5;: >1<>1?1:@-@5B1 ;2 @41 0-E <A.85/ /;991:@ <1>5;0 .135::5:3 ";:0-E A8E
*6F6>E6 G:D9 2 3EC:>6CC "->/4
1?@-@1 ;2 1>:5/1 " The RFP may be obtained on or after Monday, July 31, 2017, at the following ;2 :1C?<-<1> ?1/;:0 ?1@ ;2 41->5:3? C:J6 25 :> D9:C >6DG?B; C588 .1 4180 .135::5:3 @41 @45>0 C117 5: A8E 5..? C4; 0510 ;: A8E #-91
C5@4;A@ - C588 2>; 91>5/-: location: %6D D96 &E<D: &65:2 +>5@@1: /;991:@? .E .;@4 19-58 -:0 ?@-:0->0 9-58 C588 -8?; .1 -//1<@10 -:0 C588 ?1>B1 C5@4;A@ +-?45:3@;: -@ @41 41->5:3? ;> 9-E .1+@64:2<:CDC 96<@ I?E ?A.95@@10 5: C>5@5:3 @4>;A34 $ 'A:0-E A8E ;A>@ ?A<1>B5?5;: 88 A: !-C &1<;>@1> -@ @41 -00>1?? .18;C (41 25:-8 B1>?5;: ;2 @41 ::A-8 %8-: 7:;C: 415>? -:0 415>? 1:5?1 " "-E; Housing Authority of
Baltimore City 85?@10 :>4B62C6 I?EB 4ECD?=6B C588 .1 ?A.95@@10 @; ) ;: ;> ->;A:0 A3A?@
%1>?;:-8 C4;?1 C41>1-.;A@? ->1 32C6 %% ,( 0 Division of Fiscal Operations, Purchasing Department &1<>1?1:@-@5B1 A:7:;C: ?4-88 1:@1> @415> K +66 417 E. Fayette Street, 4145? -B-58-.81 (41 0>-2@Room ::A-8 %8-: ;: 85:1 ;: I? C1.?5@1 -@ 4@@< 04/0 - < < 1 - > - : / 1 5 : @ 4 5 ? I?EB B6CE<DC '(/ 9->E8-:0 3;B %-31? 012-A8@ -?<D @ /-: .1 2;A:0 A:01> @41 H%A.85/-@5;:?H <>;/1105:3 $.61/@5;:? (&) ( '( $%, Baltimore, Maryland 21202 41-05:3 -@ @41 .;@@;9 ;2 @41 C1.?5@1 : -005@5;: /;<51? ;2 @41 0>-2@ ::A-8 @; ?A/4 -<<;5:@91:@ & '( & $ + !!' Attention: John Airey, Senior Contract Manager %8-: ->1 -B-58-.81 -@ @41 2;88;C5:3 85.>->51? @41 :;/4 %>-@@ >11 !5.>->E 5: ?4-88 .1 25810 C5@4 @41 Tel: (410) -8@59;>1 396-3261 @41 8-/7C188 !5.>->E 5: '-85?.A>E @41 +-?45:3@;: ;A:@E >11 &135?@1> ;2 +588? @4 '@>11@ # + >0 !5.>->E 5: -31>?@;C: @41 !1C5? $>@ !5.>->E 5: >;?@.A>3 @41 >101>5/7 8;;> +-?45:3@;: ;A38-? !5.>->E 5: %>5:/1?? ::1 -:0 @41 ';A@41>: "->E8-:0 &135;:-8
;: ;> .12;>1 !5.>->E 5: 4->8;@@1 -88 8->31 <>5:@ B1>?5;: 5? -B-58-.81 -@ @41 !5.>->E 2;> '1<@19.1>
Questions regarding the RFP should@41 be 85:0 directed in writing to the 5:address -:0 %4E?5/-88E -:05/-<<10 -8@59;>1 >11 /;<51? ;2 @41 0>-2@ 8-59? -3-5:?@ @41 01 ::A-8 %8-: ->1the -8?;reference: -B-58-.81 .E /-885:3 and individual indicated above, and must include HABCC>5@5:3 RFP ;> 1 9-585:3 @41 -00>1?? /101:@ ?4-88 .1 <>1 -:0 <4;:1 :A9.1>? 85?@10 .18;C ?1:@10 @; @41 A:01> TYPESET: Wed Jul 19 14:00:06 EDT 2017 Number B-1848-17. ?53:10 C5@4 - /;<E @; @41 (41 ?1/;:0 ?1@ ;2 41->5:3? ;: @41 0>-2@ ::A-8 %8-: C588 .1 4180 -@ @41 &135?@1> ;2 +588? ;> 25810 C5@4 @41 &135?@1> ;2 +588? 2;88;C5:3 0-@1? @591? -:0 <8-/1? C5@4 - /;<E @; @41 A:01> HOUSING AUTHORITY"8+6*'9 OF BALTIMORE CITY ?53:10 ;: ;> .12;>1 809 '7 4 1 '1<@19.1>
;> REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS (;C?;: !5.>->E FOR .1 2;>1B1> .->>10 %1>
MEDICAL ,;>7 &;-0 PLAN SERVICES FULLY INSURED PPO/POS/HMO ?;:? .1851B10 @; .1 415>? +58?;: &;;9 ;> 813-@11? ;2 @41 01 (;C?;: "->E8-:0
/101:@ C4; 0; :;@ >1 RFP NUMBER: B-1847-17 /15B1 - /;<E ;2 @45? :;@5/1 %+*2+6*'9 809 '7 ' 1 .E 9-58 C5@45: 0-E? ;2 5@? 25>?@ <A.85/-@5;: ?4-88 (;C: ;2 1:@;: The Housing Authority of Baltimore City (â&#x20AC;?HABCâ&#x20AC;?) will issue a Request for ?; 5:2;>9 @41 &135?@1> ;2 # '1/;:0 '@>11@ +588? 5:/8A05:3 :-91 Proposals (â&#x20AC;?RFPâ&#x20AC;?) for interested and qualified vendors submit proposals '1/;:0 8;;> (>-5:5:3 to &;;9 1:@;: "->E8-:0 -00>1?? -:0 >18-@5;: to provide fully insured PPO/POS/HMO medical plan services. ?45< ".856*'9 809 '7 ' 1 -@1 ;2 %A.85/-@5;: -5>B51C >-:/4 !5.>->E "->/4
PROPOSALS WILL BE DUE no later than 2:00 p.m. Eastern Time on #-91 ;2 :1C?<-<1> Monday, August 28, 2017. 2>; 91>5/-: +-?45:3@;: !-C &1<;>@1> A non-mandatory pre-proposal conference will be held on Wednesday, 1:5?1 " "-E; %1>?;:-8 August 9, 2017 at 10:00 a.m. in the Charles L. Benton Building, 417 E. &1<>1?1:@-@5B1
CAREER CORNER Maryland Department of Housing and Community Development
Administrative Officer II
Supervisor of Operations/HR Liaison Recruitment# 17-003235-0020 Deadline: 07/31/17
Hourly Pay: $38,880.00 - $61,691.00/ Annually Location: Lanham, Maryland
Work that matters. The Maryland Department of Housing and Community Development is a national leader in community development and affordable housing.
Fayette Street, Room 416, Baltimore, Maryland, 21202.
HABC has established a minimum goal of twenty percent (20%) of the total dollar amount of the proposed contract for Minority Business Enterprise (â&#x20AC;?MBEâ&#x20AC;?) utilization, applicable to all minority and non-minority businesses proposing to provide the requested services as the prime contractor. No goal has been established for participation of Women-owned businesses (â&#x20AC;?WBEsâ&#x20AC;?), however, HABC strongly encourages and affirmatively promotes the use of WBEs in all HABC contracts. Responders shall also comply with all applicable requirements of Section 3 of the Housing and Urban Development Act of 1968, 12 U.S.C. Section 1701u. The RFP may be obtained on or after Monday, July 31, 2017, at the following location:
Responders shall also comply with all applicable requirements of Section 3 of the Housing and Urban Development Act of 1968, 12 U.S.C. Section $ $ " LEGAL NOTICES 1701u. The Housing Authority of Baltimore City (â&#x20AC;?HABCâ&#x20AC;?) will issue a Request for $ # # ! $ " ! Proposals (â&#x20AC;?RFPâ&#x20AC;?) for interested and qualified vendors to submit proposals $ # # $ $ ! # ! The RFP may be obtained on or after Monday, July 31, 2017, at the following to provide fully insured life and disability plan services. $ ! ! $ ! ! " ! location: ,0) + , /65 #E< , PROPOSALS WILL BE DUE no later than 2:00 p.m. Eastern Time on "% "% Housing Authority of Baltimore City " ! Monday, August 28, 2017. " ! Division of Fiscal Operations, Purchasing Department #" !" " 417 E. Fayette Street, Room 414 # " & :! # A non-mandatory pre-proposal conference will be held on " ! Wednesday, ! Baltimore, Maryland 21202 August 9, 2017 at 10:00 a.m. in the Charles L. Benton (' , -,(+ Building, 417 E. ):01> @41 3A50185:1? 1?@-.85?410 .E @41 ) ' 1<->@91:@ ;2 ;A?5:3 -:0 6<2G2B6 '6G &?F6
Attention: John Airey, Senior Contract Manager Fayette Street, Room 416, Baltimore, Maryland, 21202. ,*- $+ *.L+ )>.-: 1B18;<91:@ ) :;@5/1 5? 41>1.E 35B1: @4-@ @41 "->E8-:0 "> *625I !?=6C Tel: (410) -:0 396-3261 %-,! * ' &"++"(' 1<->@91:@ ;2 ;A?5:3 ;99A:5@E 1B18;<91:@ C588 4;80 %?G ,2H6C <?C6 D? ?1>51? ;2 <A.85/ 41->5:3? @; 01B18;< 5@? :1C 0>-2@ ::A-8 %8-: A<0-@1 ;2 @41 +( " ,0 0?EB 5?>2
HABC has established a minimum goal of twenty percent (20%) of the total 62496C '@-@1G? ;:?;850-@10 %8-: D:?> 96<@C <?42< 72=:<:6C dollar amount of the proposed contract for Minority Business Enterprise 2D65 (<I=@:4 @??< G:D9 7??5 4<?D9:>8 Questions regarding RFP should directed in writing to>1=A5>10 the address (41the ;:?;850-@10 %8-: 5? be - 25B1 E1-> <8-::5:3 0;/A91:@ .E ) (â&#x20AC;?MBEâ&#x20AC;?) utilization, applicable to all minority and non-minority businesses '6G !?=6C 7B?= <?G C96<D6B 4?E>C6<:>8 @4-@ ?1@? ;A@ ;B1>-88 3;-8? -:0the <>5;>5@51? 2;> 4;A?5:3 /;99A:5@E and individual indicated above, and'@-@1C501 must include reference: HABC RFP proposing to provide the requested services as the prime contractor. No LC '? !( 66C ,2H 565E4D:3<6 &. 01B18;<91:@ -:0 1/;:;95/ 01B18;<91:@ -/@5B5@51? '<1/5-8 19<4-?5? 5? TYPESET: Wed Jul 19 14:00:44 EDT 2017 Number B-1847-17. goal has been established for participation of Women-owned businesses B?49EB6C F2:<23<6 35B1: A:01> @41 %8-: @; <>;B501 -??5?@-:/1 2;> 1D@>1918E 8;C 8;C -:0 %:46>C6 / ?B 9;01>-@1 5:/;91 <1>?;:? : -005@5;: @; .15:3 <8-::5:3 0;/A91:@ @41 (â&#x20AC;?WBEsâ&#x20AC;?), however, HABC strongly encourages and affirmatively pro ?B GGG GGG 4??<3B2>49 4?= ;:?;850-@10 %8-: -8?; ?1>B1? -? @41 '@-@1I? -<<85/-@5;: @; ) 2;> motes the use of WBEs in all HABC contracts. %ED96B2>&:CC:?>+?4:
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TYPESET: Wed Jul 19 13:58:53 EDT 2017
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July 22, 2017 - July 28, 2017, The Afro-American
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The Afro-American, July 22, 2017 - July 28, 2017
Photos by James Fields Sr.
Master of Ceremony Jeff Johnson, author and journalist
Baltimore. zation’s 108th National was delivered by venIt was a, “who’s who,” The event kicked off Convention being held erable Baltimore dein Baltimore leadership the civil rights organithis year in Baltimore. fense attorney William in the areas of politics, The keyH. “Billy” Murphy. business, religion and note adeducation, when the dress Baltimore City Branch of the NAACP hosted its, “Heritage Breakfast,” Saturday July 15, Ramsey L. Harris, Vice President at the Reginald F. Lewis Community Reinvestment Act PNC Museum in downtown Financial Services Group and Glenard S William H. Murphy Jr. Middleton, Executive Director, Maryland and son Seth Murphy Council 67 and President of Maryland Public Employees, Local 44.
Tessa Hill-Aston and award winner Nykidra Robinson, Black Girls Vote Michael B.Mitchell, former State Senator,Tessa Hill-Aston President Baltimore City Branch NAACP, Zach McDaniels, Chairman 2017 Baltimore Branch Convention Steering Committee
Mayor Pugh and Tessa Hill-Aston, Baltimore NAACP President
Mike Miles with sons, Jace, Just and Jazz Miles with Senator Nathaniel J. McFadden
Ana Aponte, Rev. Jamal Bryant ,Empowerment Temple AME Church Baltimore and Charlene Keys
The Exhibit Halls of the Baltimore Convention Center on July 15 were crowded with gentlemen dressed in formal wear, mostly black and
gold, with their wives and escorts in colorful gowns as they attended the Alpha Phi Alpha Black and Old Gold Leadership Gala. After dinner awards were presented to chapters in
Bishop Frank M. Reid lll, Zach McDaniel, Jake Oliver CEO and Publisher, AFRO American Newspaper
recognized as having the oldest living fraternity
member: Dr. Samuel L. Myers, former president of Bowie State who is 98 years old.
Alpha men Jason Calhoun, Maurice Bland and Kenneth Wright
Dr. Audwin Fletcher, Letitia Newman and Dr. Anthony Newman
Marco Merrick, president, Delta Lambda Chapter (host chapter) with Teresa McNeal, Kay L. Davis, Timothy McFadden
Alpha men Marshall Glaze, Elliott Styler and Terrence O. Benn
several categories. Host chapter, Delta Lambda, received an award for having registered the largest amount of fraternity brothers. The chapter was also
Darrell N. Truesdale Sr Baltimore District Commander and Austin L .Ball Sr Baltimore District 1ST Commander American Legion
Percy Taylor, Linda Taylor, Yolanda Clemons and Edward Clemons
Alpha ladies are Arlene Wilkerson, Elizabeth Jones, Cynthia Conley, Dorothy Ragesdale Triplett, Edweana Aiken, Sandra Steward-Baker and Versie Wilson
Carla Gaskins and Dee Horn
Alpha men David Lawrence and Christian Albertie
Dr. Ralph Johnson, Rev. Dr. Richard Adams, Ryan Adams, Michelle Howard and Jacob Howard
Photos by DeVone Marshall
Right to left: Kelvin Lewis, Ronald Brooks, Milford Johnson and James Bracey
On May 28, 2017, the Fountain Baptist Church, 1215 E. Monument Street, celebrated their 115th
Dr. Earl S. Richardson, Dr. Sheila Richardson, Cinderitha Payton, Dr. Cecil Photos by Dr. A. Lois De Laine
anniversary. The church was established in 1902. The theme for the anniversary celebration was, “God Is About To Do Something Brand New,” from Isaiah 43:19-2. Richard Graham is the pastor. Lillian G. Person, Kathryn Winkler and Vivian F. Holmes
Min. Samuel P. McCullough, Bishop Reginald L. Kennedy and Rev. Richard Graham
Juanita M. Scott and Linda Jenkins Giving prayer, Bishop Reginald L. Kennedy
Anniversary Committee, left to right Gregory Moore, Ethel Hall, Chairperson Joyce L. Gillard, Co-chairperson Norma Griffin, Dora Graham and Ronald Brooks
Deacon Maurice Coleman
Deacon Ministry, Deacon Alvin O. Gillard chairperson (center)
The Mallory’s, a young family of Fountain Baptist Church
To purchase this digital photo page contact Takiea Hinton: or 410.554.8277.
Send your news tips to
July 22, 2017 - July 28, 2017, The Afro-American
Race and Politics
Potential New Baltimore Gun Law Draws Objections A new attempt to impose a mandatory one-year jail sentence for anybody caught Sean Yoes carrying a Baltimore AFRO handgun in Baltimore, Editor within 100 yards of a church, school, park, or any other public facility has members of the Baltimore City Council at odds and many in the community in opposition or unsure. On July 17, members debated the issue before it was formally introduced in the chamber. At last week’s press conference announcing the proposed legislation -- a media event conspicuous by the absence of Baltimore City State’s Attorney Marilyn Mosby -- it seemed clear the Council was prepared to move quickly on the measure. Mayor Catherine Pugh and Commissioner Kevin Davis support the bill, which makes sense; both are on the hot seat because Baltimore continues to be under a particularly virulent siege, which has the city on pace to eclipse the record number of homicides set in 2015. Obtaining a legal gun and permit to carry it in Baltimore City is already a difficult process. Five members of the
With 188 homicide victims (as of July 18) and counting, the pressure is on city leaders to, “do something.” Council, including president Bernard C. “Jack” Young, are listed as sponsors of the bill. In fact, Young told Council members the city could be on pace to surpass 400 homicides in 2017, emphasizing the urgency of passing the legislation. Eight council members are either against the legislation or still undecided. Four of the youngest, Kristerfer Burnett, Brandon Scott, Shannon Sneed and Ryan Dorsey are against the proposed law. Mary Pat Clarke, Bill Henry, Zeke Cohen and John Bullock are still pondering the measure. With 188 homicide victims (as of July 18) and counting, the pressure is on city leaders to “do something.” But, this proposed mandatory minimum gun legislation, which has been fast-tracked by the Council feels like a knee-jerk, maybe even
Continued on D2
Amid Rising Violence, Key Homicide Stat Appears Misleading
By Stephen Janis Special to the AFRO Ask the office of City State’s attorney Marilyn Mosby how many murders have resulted in arrests this year, and, as of July 19, they’ll give you a definitive number: 55. The Baltimore Police Department, which in the past has been known for massaging statistics, list 65 arrests for homicides that occurred in 2017. These important barometers of law enforcement effectiveness aren’t too far apart. But another key homicide statistic shows a bigger discrepancy between how many murders have occurred and how many perpetrators have ended up in handcuffs; the city’s homicide clearance rate. It’s a figure expressed as a percentage of murders in a given year divided by arrests, which BPD says currently stands at 58 percent. This number is often touted by the police department as an indicator of how many killers they’re taking off the streets. But an analysis by the AFRO found it has a murky provenance that doesn’t always come with an
asterisk explaining exactly what the number means. That’s because the clearance rate isn’t based solely upon arrests for cases which occurred this year. Instead, the number includes homicide arrests tied to cases which happened in years past. Put simply, based solely on homicide arrests made for cases which occurred this year the clearance rate would be cut roughly in half of what the BPD lists on its official statistics report circulated daily among law enforcement agencies. Police spokesman T.J. Smith told the AFRO, 50 arrests from cases which occurred prior to 2017 are figured into the department’s official 58 percent clearance rate. Among those Smith says, are 39 cases closed for reasons not directly tied to an arrest, including the death of a suspect, a federal indictment of a person suspected of a murder, and two cases prosecutors declined to pursue. Still, he says this method of calculation is standard and is used by police departments across the country. “Arrest is not the only way to measure homicide (clearance) rate. Sometimes, the suspect dies. Sometimes,
…the clearance rate isn’t based solely upon arrests for cases which occurred this year.
Mondawmin Mall
Second Attack on Store Owner Raises Security Questions allegedly stole Lee’s cell phone before fleeing the store. According to Julie Lee, the assailant manged to avoid video cameras and security After more than 20 years in business, guards on both occasions. owners of the One Hour Valet at Mondawmin “When my mother approached a mall Mall in West Baltimore, are strongly security guard and grabbed him, his response considering closing their doors, after a second to her was, `Get off my belt.’ They are not attack in less than a year. The incident has doing their job properly,” Julie Lee told the other merchants at the mall questioning AFRO. She says the two incidents have shaken management’s commitment to their security. her mother badly. “It’s torture mentally, she On July 11, around 6 p.m., Kyeong Lee, just can’t handle it. Not knowing what’s going 60 says an to happen is individual eating her jumped over alive,” Lee the counter of said. her family’s According dry cleaners to Julie Lee, located on the Detective first floor of Green of the Mondawmin Baltimore Mall. Police Fortunately, Department Lee was provided able to run satisfactory to the front service of the store, during the screaming, first incident which when her apparently mother was Courtesy Photo assaulted in startled the Mondawmin Mall in West Baltimore was the flash point potential August 2016. of the April 2015 uprising following the death of Freddie However, robber and Gray. Mall merchants have continued to raise questions he fled. But, Lee claims about mall security since then. Lee was not a member so fortunate of BPD she less than a identifies year ago, when she says she believes the same as Officer Krauss was less diligent in his person attacked her August 15, 2016. investigation. He allegedly offered the Lees According to Lee’s daughter Julie, her some advice to dissuade future assailants, `Get mother was punched in the head by the a dog,’ is what Julie Lees says the officer told assailant causing a concussion, tied to a her as well as her parents. chair and choked her from behind while he Mondawmin Mall, the flash point of demanded cash. He didn’t get money, but he Continued on D2 By Deborah Bailey Special to the AFRO
Continued on D2
Balto Cop Suspended; Lawyers Say Video Shows Drugs Planted By The Associated Press A Baltimore officer’s police powers have been suspended after defense attorneys released a body camera video that they said shows an officer planting drugs. Two other officers were put on non-public-contact administrative duty, Police Commissioner Kevin Davis said at a news conference July 19. The video released Tuesday by the public defender’s office was taken during a drug arrest in January. It shows an officer placing a can in a trash-filled lot as two other officers look on, then activating the camera and returning to pick up the can and pulling out a plastic bag of white capsules. The cameras save 30 seconds of video before they’re activated.
Continued on D2
Past Seven Days
A Family on the Frontlines (Part 3) By Bobby Marvin Holmes Special to the AFRO It’s late afternoon and Erricka Bridgeford is co-facilitating an open community meeting around Baltimore Ceasefire, a grassroots community initiative calling for no shooting or killing for 72 hours August 4-6. A group of over 20 people nearly fills up half of the foyer of the Community Mediation Center on Greenmount Avenue in East Baltimore. Comprised of various organizations including Out for Justice, Progressive Maryland, and Johns Hopkins Center for Youth Violence Prevention, they all are quiet and attentive as Bridgeford’s boisterous
“America is not a place that teaches you how to deal with conflict peacefully.” – Erricka Bridgeford voice commands the room. “America is not a place that teaches you how to deal with conflict peacefully. It teaches that if you want power you have to be violent. That’s how people got to this country in the first place. That’s how a lot of us got here in the first place. This is a place that celebrates violence and nurtures violence,” says Bridgeford, who is director of training for Community Mediation Maryland. “We are going to have 72 hours of peace.” Committed to slowing down Baltimore’s rapid rise Continued on D2
190 2017 Total
Data as of July 19
The Afro-American, July 22, 2017 - July 28, 2017
Race and Politics Continued from D1
desperate reaction to a grim scenario decades in the making. The Baltimore based Black think tank, Leaders of a Beautiful Struggle (LBS), recently published an op-ed in strong opposition to the city’s proposed gun policy. “We have a decade of analysis which says this policy won’t work and may in fact make the problem worse,” LBS said in a statement. Scholars from the University of Michigan did a definitive study which showed that incarceration did not deter crime, but in fact made crime worse by locking up minor offenders who become career criminals in jail...and the City Council wants to double down on the same policies which caused this crisis.” During an interview on First Edition (July 17), Dayvon Love, director of public policy for LBS, crafted a more specific context for the attempted implementation of the gun law. “If we look at the policies of the last administration (Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake) in particular, but even over the last 20 or 30 years, there’s been a fundamental neglect, both of young people -- you look at the cutting of rec centers, cutting of programs -- in addition to just a fundamental lack of regard for Black folks,” Love argued. “The corporate sector in this town has benefitted more from the prior administration more than any other demographic in this city. And so what we’re seeing
is...those young brothers who were 13, 14, back in 2011 are now... 17, 18, 19, 20. And so, we’re seeing now in the upsurge in violence the outcomes of policies that were neglectful of the folks that are involved in and in close proximity and perpetrating the kind of violence we see.” During the conversation with Love, he made the cogent connection between the current proposed gun policy and the, “zero tolerance,” policing policies implemented in 1999. “If we look at the impact of mandatory minimums it’s important for us to understand... there are a lot of people in our communities who were incarcerated for minor charges, and that spent time locked up,” Love said. “And that contributed to a mentality, to the kinds of detrimental contact with folks...who are criminal, to then produce people who are doing the things that we see today,” he added. “And so I think that it’s really important for us to have nuance in understanding why we would approach the situation differently than we did in the past.”
Homicide Stat
one suspect is responsible for more than one “The money we dedicate to policing means murder,” Smith said in an email. the numbers have to give an accurate picture “Just like a man died earlier this year after of what is and isn’t working,” Councilman being shot in 2007 and his death was ruled Kristopher Burnett, a member of the city’s a homicide last week counts as a murder public safety committee told the AFRO. this year. The same is true when we arrest “People get frustrated when they think the suspects from homicides of previous years.” numbers are fudged.” Former Baltimore police Lieutenant Like many of his colleagues on the Stephen Tabeling, who served in the city’s council, Burnett has been a proponent of the homicide unit in the 1970s, ‘Cure Violence’ model, which says adding arrests from past uses community mediation cases to increase the clearance to prevent violence before it rate has been a long-standing happens. The strategy, which way to bolster the numbers, is at the heart of programs like even if it leads to a misleading Safe Streets, was the subject picture of how efficiently of a pitched budget battle this murders are being solved in the year when Mayor Catherine present. Full disclosure: This Pugh initially cut funds for reporter co-authored a book on the program while increasing policing with Tabeling. spending on policing. All the – Stephen Tabeling more reason Burnett says, for “They’ll take a case from 1928 it doesn’t matter,” getting a clear picture of if that Tabeling told the AFRO. “It’s spending is making the city all about the stats, they want to make the safer. numbers look good.” “We need honest numbers to make the The clearance calculation methodology right decision. If something isn’t working raises concerns among those tasked with I’d rather know it so we can put the resources discerning how effective the city’s law where they’re needed and where they would enforcement agencies are battling violence. be most effective.”
in homicides, Bridgeford began to co-organize the ceasefire with her network of close friends and community members early this summer. They’re calling for a weekend of no shootings and encouraging residents to “Celebrate Life” on their own terms. The Baltimore Ceasefire message has already began to spread throughout the city via social media, flyers, and posters in an all out effort for residents to take ownership of the cause. “It can be what you want,” says Ellen Gee, a co-organizer of the Baltimore Ceasefire. “If your thing in your mind is, ‘I don’t want any of these little kids to be crying because they lost their uncle.’ If that’s the position you’re coming from, that’s the conversation you have.” As the meeting comes to a close, organizers along with a small group of attendees begin making their way outside to canvass the community and spread the word about the Baltimore Ceasefire. The group splits up to cover both sides of the street. From teenagers to older adults, the organizers hand out flyers along the cluster of storefronts that makes up the small business district on Greenmount Avenue. Some of the people passing by refuse to take flyers from organizers and continue to walk by. Gee acknowledges that some people are going to doubt the possibility of a ceasefire. “We lived with violence in the city for so long that the expectation probably is that we’re not going to be able to do it,” says Gee as she continues to hand out flyers to people she encounters. “So it’s not surprising to me that people expect that things wouldn’t be able to change. But the way that you change things is by doing
Continued from D1
Sean Yoes is the AFRO’s Baltimore editor and host and executive producer of First Edition, which airs Monday through Friday, 5-7 p.m. on WEAA, 88.9.
Continued from D1
“It’s all about the stats, they want to make the numbers look good.”
Courtesy Photo
Erricka Bridgeford, director of Community Mediation Maryland, is one of the organizers of Baltimore Ceasefire. something different.” On the corner of Greenmount and Gorsuch, Bridgeford’s voice can be heard echoing across the street as she asks people if they heard about the Baltimore Ceasefire. She huddles with her co-organizers waiting to catch bus riders as they get off at their stop. “Nobody is safe from getting a flyer [or] a poster [or] hearing about the ceasefire, ” said Bridgeford. “Everybody on the street has already received a flyer.” Confident in their outreach for the day, organizers make their way back to the Mediation Center. But Bridgeford remains focused as the days count down to the –Ellen Gee ceasefire weekend. “The pain has to keep me vigilant,” she says. “The pain has to keep me determined to heal whatever this is that keeps pushing us to not knowing a better way to deal with our conflict.”
“We lived with violence in the city for so long that the expectation probably is that we’re not going to be able to do it.”
Mondawmin Mall Continued from D1
the Baltimore uprising in April 2015, following the death of Freddie Gray, is one of the oldest malls in America (it opened in 1956). Mall management would not respond to a request to be interviewed for this story, saying they could not comment on the incident involving Lee or the Mall’s security operations. However, other merchants have had questions about mall security since clashes between police and students erupted during the uprising. While reporting on this story, a security guard stopped by Lee’s establishment to check on her, and said he was ordered to increase the frequency of foot patrols in front of the store and others since the incident earlier this month. “What is a foot patrol every 10 minutes going to do?” exclaimed a business owner near One Hour Valet, who did not wish to be identified. “That is the problem, whenever you need security, they are not there. The people who come to rob you or shoplift, they know how security works. They just wait until security has moved to another area,” the merchant added.
“There should be security guards at the doors of our shops all the time,” said another business owner who did not want to be identified. “People who come honestly to shop will not be offended,” said the merchant. “Traffic at the mall has not really picked up since the Freddie Gray incident. My shop is for established adults. Many who came here before Freddie Gray, simply don’t come out to Mondawmin Mall anymore.” Local residents have divided views on Mondawmin. Some young people like Gywnn Oaks resident Shaira Graham still supports the mall. “I feel like the mall is doing the best that they can. I like the fact that they are having community functions that attract the public,” she said. “That’s what brings the people together. They are opening up new stores and if they weren’t getting people out to shop, they’d be closed,” she added. Another Mondawmin merchant who has been operating for more than 20 years, says she doesn’t really see any major change in the mall’s atmosphere after the unrest. “It’s always been this way,” said the merchant, who also did not want to
be identified. “Things are happening here all the time... fights can break out at any time , robberies happen too often here. I see a different generation, doing the same stuff.”
Cop Suspended Continued from D1
The video was one of four body camera videos of the incident. Davis showed parts of the videos at the news conference. “Perception is reality,” Davis said. “If the community thinks police officers are planting evidence, I’ve got to do a bunch of things when allegations surface.” The incident is under investigation, Davis said, adding, “I know we can’t just say ‘no comment,’ investigation is underway.” Police haven’t reached any conclusions, David said. The videos lead to many questions, he said, including if any crimes were committed or any police procedures violated. “None of us can rely just on observations of video,” the commissioner said. “There are other factors we have to explore.”
July 22, 2017 - July 28, 2017, The Afro-American
Support Your Community Events & Mill Road. Festivals The NAACP is hosting a reception Hello my dear friends, I sure hope you at the historic Arch Social Club, 2426 are enjoying this wonderful weather we are Pennsylvania Avenue, July 22 from 6-10 having. There is so much crime going on p.m., featuring the one and only Dr. Phill in our city so we have to look for the joy Butts and the Sunset Band, and an old school and positive things that are going on too. DJ. The event includes open bar and open Hopefully it will override the negatives. I kitchen. For more information and tickets have the answer. Go where the music and fun call 410-206-3082. are in your community. I am going to help Every Wednesday from 3-7 you with that. p.m., Druid Hill Farmers Take out your calendar to mark Market adjacent to the these dates of some special events Rawlings Conservatory and get ready to 3100 Swann Drive is enjoy some a wonderful place to wonderful, hang out with the family fun and happy and friends. Take your things to do with blankets and folding friends and family. chairs and find a shady During this time of spot under the tree and the year me and my shop for fresh “Boo-Boo” cover vegetables, lots of festivals and fruit, flowers music events all and homemade over the city and jams. You can the counties. Many sip wine, while you times I also doing sample the great my book signings. offerings from all So look for me. the food vendors and The Upton watch movies on a big Boxing Center, screen. My favorite is Legends the live entertainment Park, 2000 they will feature such Pennsylvania as “Spice Band” on Avenue is August 2, the Mayo hosting a Family Bluegrass Band Courtesy Photo boxing & and later the Trinidad & Sheila E., legendary R&B/funk artist, is the jazz festival Tobago Baltimore Steel headline artist for Baltimore’s Artscape and will with The Orchestra, as well as the be performing on July 21. Firm Band, Panama Band. You can featuring go every Wednesday Nova Peele, renowned vocalist from and catch the show. 6-8 p.m., July 27 at Carroll Park, 1500 Now, I know you are quite familiar with Washington Blvd called “Music at the Artscape, one of America’s largest free arts Market with the Tari Lagru Band will be festivals. It’s happening in Mount Vernon performing from 5-7 p.m. Also on the same this weekend featuring over 150 artists, date “Concert in the Park” from 6-8:30 p.m. designers, arts & crafts, all kinds of food the Baltimore Brass Factory will perform at vendors, and much more. Enjoyment for the Gwynns Falls/Leakin Park 4921 Windsor the whole family includes live concerts, the
COMMUNITY CONNECTIONS 2800 Sisson Street, Baltimore, Maryland 21214 Gather Baltimore Healthy Blue Bags Gather Baltimore Healthy Blue Bags feeds families. Donate $7 or more and families of four can get one week’s worth of produce. Quantities and availability vary. Please call 443-990-1627 to learn when bags are available. Check for Gather Baltimore on Facebook for daily updates on Blue Bag availability. For volunteer opportunities , donations and more information visit . Baltimore Convention Center, One Pratt St NAACP Experience Families, students, professionals and residents of the Baltimore-Washington area are invited to attend the NAACP Experience July 22nd through Tuesday, July 25th. Co-sponsored by McDonald’s, Hyundai, and Geico, this family-friendly event is open to children ages 18 and under will take home backpacks filled with goodies. Adults will have the chance to win prizes and freebies. NAACP Experience is free and open to the Public. For a detailed schedule of events and locations, visit the NAACP convention website at Magooby’s Joke House, 9603 Deereco Road, Lutherville, Maryland 21093 Divas LIVE Noble 7 Entertainment and Black Diamond Productions present a jazz, R&B, soul and pop musical tribute on July 23 . This musical tribute stars: Carronne Jones, Tamika Caldwell, Candi Blue and Ashia Bello. For ticket information call 410.670.7123. Proceeds will support autism awareness. Go to: www.divatribute. W. Lanvale & N. Mount St. Baltimore, MD 21217 Baltimore Center for Green Careers Celebration Mayor Catherine Pugh will join with Baltimore Center for Green Careers to celebrate the city’s first class of storm water management technician trainees, July 25 at 10:30 a.m. For more information visit or call 410.929.6120 Baltimore Symphony Orchestra will perform, entertainment for children and it is all free. Remember my dear friends, festivals in Baltimore are not only celebrations of art, culture and music, but also the local food, drinks and charm that makes our home town so exciting. Whether it’s favorite regional delicacies, authentic ethnic foods or local craft brews, there is a festival in Baltimore that’s sure to please any one from all
walks of life. Join in a neighborhood block party, listen and dance to Baltimore bands, celebrate the season, or experience live street performances. There is fun to be had by all. I know I see it. Well by dear friends, I am out of space. Remember, if you need me, call me at 410833-9474 or email me at rosapryor@aol. com. Until the next time, I’m musically yours.
The Afro-American, July 22, 2017 - July 28, 2017
2017 DTU Fellows: Noni Marshall (Howard University), Alexa Spencer (Howard University), Darrell Williams (Morehouse College), Tiana Hunt (Clark Atlanta University), Ayron Lewallen (Morehouse College), Taylor Burris (Spelman College), Jordan Fisher (Clark Atlanta University), Kelsey Jones (Spelman College)
Our DTU Fellows are busy connecting and collecting amazing stories from the African American community! This year, Discover the Unexpected presented by the all-new 2018 Chevrolet Equinox in partnership with the National Newspaper Publishers Association includes students from Howard University, Spelman College, Morehouse College and Clark Atlanta University. Check out the inspirational stories and exciting videos from our 8 DTU Fellows from Atlanta, Washington D.C., Raleigh and New Orleans.