PG County 8-25-2017

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November 12, 2016 - November 12, 2016, The Afro-American A1 PRINCE GEORGE’S COUNTY EDITION

Volume 126 No. 4

AUGUST 26, 2017 - SEPTEMBER 1, 2017

Inside Commentary

The Confederate Problem

Confederate Cover-Up

Baltimore • White Supremacy Floats in Baltimore’s Inner Harbor

By Duvalier Malone



Prince George’s Exploring Whitney Houston’s Privileged Upbringing and Troubling Death


• Remembering AP Photo/Steve Helber

City workers drape a tarp over the statue of Confederate General Robert E. Lee in Emancipation park in Charlottesville, Va., Aug. 23. This is the latest Confederate statue to either be covered up or taken down in America following the death Heather Heyer at the hands of an alleged White supremacist in Charlottesville earlier this month. See story below.

the over


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To some, it’s hard to understand how a talented comedian could walk away from a multi-million dollar contract in the 1960s and exchange the big stage for a life of marching, protesting and activism. Even though odd, comedian and social activist Dick Gregory did just that. Whether he was marching for integration in Selma in the 1960s or advocating that “Black Lives Matter” in Washington D.C. in 2016, Gregory was indeed a freedom fighter for his people until he died Aug. 19 at the age of 84. “It is with enormous sadness that the Gregory family confirms that their father, comedic legend

and civil rights activist Mr. Dick Gregory departed this earth tonight in Washington, D.C.,” his son Christian Gregory said in a post on Gregory’s Facebook page. “The family appreciates the outpouring of support and love and respectfully asks for their privacy as they grieve during this very difficult time. More details will be released over the next few days.” Gregory was — E. Faye Williams a regular on 1450 WOL-AM, the very first station that evolved into the Radio One and now the TV One network. “He loved us – he appreciated the work we were doing to keep our community informed and, most importantly, we were Dick Gregory’s home base,”

“He often taught me to be lovable than to be loved because everybody wants to be loved.”

Continued on C5

Is the Racial Tension Between Mayweather and McGregor Real? By Perry Green AFRO Sports Editor If you’ve been following all of the hype surrounding the upcoming match between legendary undefeated boxer Floyd Mayweather Jr. and UFC star Connor McGregor,

there’s no doubt you’ve heard a ton of trash-talk from both sides. Mayweather and McGregor are two of the most braggart personalities in all of professional sports, so fans were expecting the two to talk smack to each other leading up to the fight. Yet what we got from

them during their four-day press conference tour back in July, and the days that followed, didn’t feel like typical trash talk between two premiere competitors that simply wanted to one-up each other. It didn’t even feel like two arch rivals who hate one Continued on A2

Booker, Pelosi, and Norton Take on Confederate Statutes By James Wright Special to the AFRO

U.S. Sen. Cory Booker (D-N.J.) and House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.), called for the removal of 12 Confederate statutes currently on display inside the U.S. Capitol and District of Columbia. In addition, Del. Eleanor Holmes Norton wants to

have a different statue of a Confederate general removed from federal grounds in the city. Booker and Norton, both Democrats, are acting in response to the national outcry that Confederate statutes be taken from public view because they are offensive to Blacks and celebrate those who committed treason against Continued on A3

After Charlottesville

Black Caucus Vows to Take on Trump Agenda By James Wright Special to the AFRO

AP Photo/John Locher

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Dick Gregory Fought for Freedom Until the End

By Hamil R. Harris Special to the AFRO


the Godfather of Go-Go

The upcoming fight between Floyd Mayweather Jr., center left, and Conor McGregor in Las Vegas Aug. 26 has been marked by both fighters using racial tension to sell the event.

U.S. Rep. Cedric Richmond (D-La.), chairman of the 49-member Congressional Black Caucus, said the CBC will assert itself when it comes to defeating the Trump agenda when Congress returns in September. The CBC has a Continued on A2

Copyright © 2017 by the Afro-American Company

U.S. Rep. Cedric Richmond is the chairman of the Congressional Black Caucus. AFRO File Photo

The Afro-American, August 26, 2017 - September 1, 2017

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Man Who Shot Judge was Father of Player Convicted of Rape By The Associated Press

A man who shot and wounded a judge outside a county courthouse before being gunned down by a probation officer was the father of a high school football player who was convicted of rape in 2013, authorities said Aug. 21. Jefferson County Judge Joseph Bruzzese Jr. was shot Monday morning near the courthouse in Steubenville, across the Ohio River from West Virginia’s northern panhandle and just west of Pittsburgh. Authorities identified the gunman as Nathaniel “Nate” Richmond, the father of Ma’Lik Richmond. Ma’Lik, then 17, served about 10 months in a juvenile lockup after being convicted with another Steubenville High School football player of raping a 16-year-old girl during an alcohol-fueled party in 2012. The case brought international attention to the eastern Ohio city of 18,000 residents and led to allegations of a cover-up to protect the football team. Investigators are looking for a motive in the shooting and haven’t found a connection to the rape case, prosecutor Jane AP Photo/Keith Srakocic, Pool Hanlin said. Nathaniel Richmond, A visiting judge from father of Ma’Lik Richmond, Hamilton County, where apologizes to the victim Cincinnati is located, handled and her family after his the majority of the rape case. Records show Bruzzese was son and co-defendant overseeing a wrongful-death Trent Mays, were found lawsuit that Nate Richmond delinquent on rape and filed in April against the other charges. Jefferson County Metropolitan Housing Authority. A hearing on a motion by the housing authority to dismiss punitive damages claims was set for Aug. 28. Messages were left for Richmond’s attorneys. Richmond had a few traffic violations in the past couple of years, and several years ago he was arrested on various domestic violence and assault charges, court records show. Bruzzese was talking after being wounded, Steubenville City Manager James Mavromatis told WTOV-TV. The judge was flown to a Pittsburgh-area hospital. Republican Gov. John Kasich said he was told the judge would survive. Ma’Lik Richmond, now 21, is currently on the Youngstown

State football team but isn’t allowed to play in any games, the school said this month. News of his participation drew a wave of criticism in the university community recently, and a petition was started to keep him from playing.

Officials: Slain Florida Officers Didn’t Have Chance to Return Fire By The Associated Press

A police officer in Florida died from his injuries Aug. 19, a day after his colleague was killed when a suspect fired at them during a scuffle while they were on patrol. The suspect was later arrested at a bar. Sgt. Sam Howard died Saturday afternoon at a hospital where he had been taken following Friday night’s attack in Kissimmee, Florida, located Police said Everett Glenn south of the theme park hub of Miller is a suspect in the Orlando. Officer Matthew Baxter died Aug. 18 shootings of Friday night, a short time after Officers Sam Howard and authorities say he was shot by Matthew Baxter. 45-year-old Everett Miller. Miller faces a charge of first-degree murder for the killing of Baxter. Authorities hadn’t yet said what charges he could face for Howard’s death. During a patrol late Friday of a neighborhood with a history of drug activity, Baxter was “checking out” three people, including Miller, when the officer got into a scuffle with Miller. Howard, his sergeant, responded as backup, said Kissimmee Police Chief Jeff O’Dell. The officers didn’t have an opportunity to return fire. They weren’t wearing body cameras. Sheriff’s deputies with a neighboring law enforcement agency later tracked Miller down to a bar and approached him. Miller started reaching toward his waistband when the deputies tackled and subdued him, O’Dell said. They found a handgun and revolver on him. Authorities originally said they believed there were four suspects, but the chief said Saturday that no other arrests are anticipated. Miller, 45, was a Marine veteran and was recently involuntarily committed for a mental evaluation by the Osceola County Sheriff’s Office. The early stages of the investigation shows that Miller had made threats to law enforcement on Facebook, O’Dell said.

Mayweather Continued from A1 another and just wants to get under each other’s skin. What it felt like was two savvy businessmen desperately doing and saying anything they could to sell a fight that fans just haven’t quite bought into yet. Even if that meant playing on the racial tension of our country. It’s no secret that Floyd and Connor have had a hard time selling tickets to their socalled “mega-fight.” According to reports, the fight, which will be held at the T-Mobile Arena in Las Vegas, still hasn’t sold out, even with ticket prices being marked down as much as 35 percent from the original price. Avid boxing fans simply aren’t excited to see the fight because they believe a mixed martial artist with an amateur background in boxing is no match for arguably the most skillful pro boxer ever in Mayweather. And although Mayweather is superior to Connor in the ring, his defensive style of boxing has never been exciting to watch.

But Mayweather and McGregor seem like two very intelligent men. I believe they could tell people weren’t feeling this fight from the beginning. That’s why they’ve been putting on cartwheels over the last two months to get people to buy in. The only problem is they’re both terrible actors. Everything came off as phony and just a ploy to sell tickets. Even the racial tension between them feels manufactured. Mayweather supposedly called McGregor out for making racial comments during one of the press conferences. McGregor had shouted “dance, boy” at Mayweather during a moment in the presser where Mayweather was dancing. Later, McGregor addressed criticism for the comment by jokingly claiming he can’t be racist because he’s half-Black. He also claimed he had “a little present for [his] beautiful Black female fans.” “This is an event where two fighters are competing against one another, but saying a lot of racist things like today toward Black

women. I have two Black daughters, a Black mother, of course I’m a Black man,” Mayweather said. “He’s crossing the line, but I can’t really focus on that right now. I’m here to do a job, and my job is to go out there and entertain. But he’s losing a lot of fans by doing that.” Nice try, Floyd. But I’m not sold. And honestly, I’m a little offended. These are troubling times in our country. Racial tension is spilling all over the U.S. People are losing their lives, practically every day, stemming from racism. So when you make racial claims, you don’t jus brush it off and handle your business as an entertainer. You don’t call someone out for being racist, then go on stage with them the next day and smile and laugh while cracking jokes on each other before a crowd of fans. And that’s where they

Black Caucus Continued from A1 hashtag to support its efforts. Confederates should be re-named. Richmond, during a Aug. 21 conference call with reporters, Richmond said the CBC will continue to act as the said the behavior of the president and the policies that he has “conscience of the Congress” and fight Trump’s efforts to reproffered are a challenge to Blacks. “We are in a tough place,” institute the war on drugs and fight for more federal assistance Richmond said. “A sad and shameful place. But we will keep for HBCUs. our eye on the prize.” On the call, Richmond was joined by Reps. Andre Carson Using the hashtag #RootOutRacism in the White House, (D-Ind.), Karen Bass (D-Calif.) and Brenda Lawrence federal policy, and public places, Richmond said the CBC will (D-Mich.). Carson talked about the fight to stop Trump’s use it as a vehicle to fight racial discrimination and policies that Muslim ban while Bass focused on the president’s immigration deal with criminal justice and policies that are hurting housing, and other issues on people of African descent the federal level. such as Haitians, Liberians, Richmond said people and Somalis. who work in the White House Lawrence said the CBC – Rep. Cedric Richmond shouldn’t be affiliated with will continue to question the White nationalists’ groups. purpose of the Trump voter “[Steve] Bannon is out but there are others,” Richmond said, commission and fight domestic terrorism that takes the form of referring to ousted chief aide Steve Bannon who sympathized racism and segregation. with White nationalists. “I have heard that President Trump Richmond said the CBC will work in coalition with other Googles people who want to work for him to see what they like-minded caucuses to fight the Trump agenda and said have said about him but he should also Google to see if some of his group has not ruled out civil disobedience to make its his people have ties to White nationalists.” point. Noting that three CBC members, Reps. Maxine Waters Richmond said the CBC supports removing Confederate (D-Calif.), Gwen Moore (D-Wisc.), and Al Green (D-Texas) statutes in outside spaces and backs Sen. Cory Booker’s have called for the consideration of impeaching Trump, (D-N.J.) bill to take those statutes out of the U.S. Capitol. Richmond said his group “will have a robust discussion on He also said that military bases that bear the names of that.”

“We are in a tough place.”

Kissimmee Police Department/Orlando Sentinel via AP


lose me. That’s where I begin to feel like I’m being hustled, as if they’re trying to play on my emotions, knowing we’re all emotionally invested in the racial climate of our country. Perhaps Floyd calling Connor out for racist remarks is supposed to inspire me to PPV the fight so I can watch Floyd enact justice by beating the White man. Believe it or not, a lot of Black folks will be tuning into the fight with that very reason in mind. I guess if we can’t get justice and equality in the real world, we might as well settle for a night of it in the boxing ring. All it’ll cost us is $99.95.


The Afro-American, August 26, 2017 - August 26, 2017

August 26, 2017 - September 1, 2017, The Afro-American


AFSCME Set to Lead King Assassination Anniversary in 2018 By James Wright Special to the AFRO Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., was assassinated in Memphis on April 4, 1968 and one of the country’s largest unions is leading the effort to make people remember the event at its 50th anniversary next year. The American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employee (AFSCME) launched a campaign “I Am 2018” that was started in June and will culminate with various activities on April 3-4, 2018 in Memphis. Lee Saunders, the president of AFSCME, told the AFRO that it is only appropriate that his union spearhead the King remembrance. “There were sanitation workers who were striking since February 1968 because of poor working conditions and wages,” Saunders said. “Two sanitation workers were killed because of faulty equipment and the workers of AFSCME Local 1733 that consisted of 1,300 workers who were mainly Black, decided to strike. When they marched, they had signs that said: “I Am a Man.” AFSCME is a member of the AFL-CIO

and with 1.6 million members is the largest public trade union in the nation. Saunders said what the strikers were doing at the time “wasn’t popular in Memphis” and that King decided to visit the city to support the strikers. On April 3, King delivered his last speech, the famous “I’ve Been to the Mountaintop” address at the Mason Temple Church of God & Christ in the city, in support of the union. “King had an understanding

“This will be a call to action and a conversation on what we need to do as a community.” – Lee Saunders that civil rights [are] labor rights and human rights,” Saunders, the first African American to lead the union, said. “Today, we have come a long way but we still have a long way to go.” Saunders said that during April 3-4 there will be an array of activities taking place in Memphis such as town hall meetings, training in community and union organizing, as well as seminars on mobilizing the community. He said Mason Temple, the Church of God & Christ denomination, and progressive-minded

Courtesy photo

Lee Saunders, president of AFSCME, is planning an event that will pay homage to the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. in April. corporations and organizations, entertainers and athletes, and leaders of national organizations will participate and sponsor activities. “There will be a service at Mason Temple and we will recreate the march that the

sanitation workers undertook,” he said. “We are also planning a major concert. This will be a call to action and a conversation on what we need to do as a community.” Saunders said the NAACP has decided to participate and he has also received positive feedback from various leaders of faith and fraternal organizations. He added that young adults will play a major role in the activities. “It is important to know your history,” he said. “You have to know where you came from before you know where you are going.” He said the recent violent protests in Charlottesville, Va., “should open our eyes” to what is going on in the country and that “young people get it.” “Our entire country has a lot of problems and there are some who want to take us backward,” Saunders said. “Young people understand what is going on even though they have a different type of approach. Young people need to learn the lesson of 1968.” The 50th anniversary of King’s assassination will no doubt be an emotional period of time for many Americans and some would argue that AFSCME is trying to capitalize on that, but Saunders made it clear that isn’t the purpose. “The sanitation workers are a part of our history,” he said. “We ask people who question us to join us and participate in the events that we have planned. We are planning a positive path for the future.”

Confederate Memorials Continue to Fall Across Country By James Wright Special to the AFRO While Confederate statues being removed in New Orleans and Baltimore have received national attention, statues are being taken down across America. Here is a list of cities where Confederate statutes have been removed because of official government action or the decision of university leaders as of Aug. 23. Florida: Statute honoring Confederate soldiers Kentucky: Statutes of Confederate officers John Hunt Morgan and John C. Breckinridge Louisiana: Statutes of Robert E. Lee Confederacy President Jefferson Davis General G.P.T. Beauregard Liberty Place Monument AP Photo/Steve Helber

City workers drop a tarp over the statue of Confederate General Stonewall Jackson in Justice park in Chrlottesville, Va. The move to cover the statues is intended to symbolize the city’s mourning for Heather Heyer, killed while protesting a White nationalist rally earlier this month.

Confederate Statues Continued from A1 the United States. Their call, with others, is in response to the Aug. 12 protest in Charlottesville, Va. that resulted in the death of Heather Heyer, a White woman demonstrating against White supremacy. “The Capitol is a place for all Americans to come and feel welcomed, encouraged and inspired,” a statement from Booker’s office said. “Confederate statutes do the opposite. They are, unequivocally, not only statues of treasonous Americans, but are symbolic to some who seek to revise the history and advance hate

and division. “To millions of Americans, they are painful, injurious symbols of bigotry and hate, celebrating individuals who sought to break our nation asunder and preserve the vile institution of slavery and White supremacy.” Confederates in the National Statutory Hall section of the U.S. Capitol include Alexander Stephens, Jefferson Davis, John Calhoun, Wade Hamilton, Robert Lee, and Zebulon Vance. Each state decides what two state figures can be represented in Statutory Hall

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Baltimore Afro-American – (USPS 040-800) is published weekly by The Afro-American Newspapers, 2519 N. Charles Street, Baltimore, MD 21218-4602. Subscription Rate: Baltimore - 1 Year - $70.00(Price includes tax.) Checks for subscriptions should be made payable to: The Afro-American Newspaper Company, 2519 N. Charles Street, Baltimore, MD 21218-4602. Periodicals postage paid at Baltimore, MD. POSTMASTER: Send addresses changes to: The Afro-American Newspapers Company, 2519 N. Charles Street, Baltimore, MD 21218-4602.

The Washington Afro-American & Washington Tribune – (0276-6523) is published weekly by the Afro-American Newspapers at 1816 12th Street, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20009-4422. Subscription Rate: Washington - 1 Year - $70.00(Price includes tax.) Periodicals postage paid at Washington, D.C. POSTMASTER: Send addresses changes to: The Washington Afro-American & Washington Tribune, 2519 N. Charles Street, Baltimore, MD 21218-4602.

and it has the right to reverse its decision with the approval of the U.S. Congress. Meanwhile, Norton supports the D.C. Council’s effort to remove the statute

the mutilating of Union soldiers and was imprisoned reportedly misappropriating funds. “Adding to the dishonor of taking up arms against the United States,

“They are, unequivocally, not only statues of treasonous Americans, but are symbolic to some who seek to revise the history and advance hate and division.”

– Sen. Booker

of Gen. Albert Pike and is set to meet with Michael Reynolds, the acting director of the National Park Service, to talk about the matter when Congress returns in September. To read more about the Council’s removal of the Pike statue see D1. “In addition to his abhorrent pro-slavery views, Gen. Pike was a Confederate general forced to resign in disgrace,” the delegate said, noting that Pike tolerated

Pike dishonored even his Confederate military service. He certainly has no claim whatsoever to be memorialized in the nation’s capital.” The Pike statute was a gift to the federal government from the Freemasons in 1901, of which Pike was a prominent part and is still considered an icon in the White branches of that fraternal organization. Pike was a District resident when

Maryland: Statutes of Generals Robert E. Lee and Thomas J. “Stonewall” Jackson Confederate Women Monument Chief Justice of the United States Roger B. Taney Statute Confederate Soldiers & Sailors Statute New York: Busts of Robert E. Lee and Stonewall Jackson at the City University of New York’s Hall of Fame Missouri: Confederate Memorial North Carolina: Statute of a Confederate Soldier at county courthouse Robert E. Lee statute at Duke University Chapel Ohio: Monument of Robert E. Lee Texas: Statutes of Robert E. Lee and General Albert Sidney Johnston Confederate Postmaster General John H. Reagan Virgina: Statute of Robert E. Lee in Emancipation Park Wisconsin: Two Confederate Memorials

he died in 1891. D.C. Mayor Muriel Bowser (D) supports the removal of Pike’s statute from the grounds of Judiciary Square along with D.C. Attorney General Karl Racine (D) and the majority of the D.C. Council. There are currently four Black figures commemorated

in the Statutory Hall, including Frederick Douglas and Rosa Parks – who have statues – and busts of Martin Luther King Jr. and Sojourner Truth. The Douglass statute was placed in the Hall by the District on June 19, 2013 with then Vice President Joe Biden serving as a primary speaker as a result of Norton’s efforts.


The Afro-American, August 26, 2017 - September 1, 2017


The Confederate Problem

When our nation is defined by images of White supremacists, we have a serious problem How do we want to define our country? That is the question that has been hanging over the entire nation ever since we all watched a rally of White supremacists and neo-Nazis as they marched on the University of Virginia campus, carrying torches and spewing hate. These white supremacists are card-carrying members of various racist and antisemitic Duvalier Malone groups, as many of them proudly admitted during their interview with HBO’s VICE. They are also supporters of the Confederate image, and they have gone on record to say that they want to take America back to the days of blatant White privilege. In the aftermath of the march, white supremacist leaders have taken solace in the fact that President Trump has refused to condemn their actions. Instead, he has skirted around the issue, declaring that there are “good” neo-Nazis. After President Trump’s now-infamous press conference, former Ku Klux Klan leader David Duke tweeted out his thanks to the President for his support. The leaders of these white supremacist groups are proud of their actions. They don’t care that everything they are doing goes against the very principles on which this country was founded. They don’t care that their message of hate has been taken as a directive by various individuals as they commit horrible crimes. They don’t care that one of their members allegedly plowed his car into a crowd of innocent people, and murdered Heather Heyer, a young woman who was simply exercising her right as an American to protest and speak up for what she felt was right. So how do we define our country? For decades, Americans have held ourselves out as a moral standard: as an example that other nations should look to and follow. Very few have disagreed with that position, because the world has always recognized that although we may have made

mistakes yesterday, we have never refused to condemn those mistakes as we moved forward into the progress of tomorrow. But it seems that this is now changing. America is in the middle of a revolution of some sort. What it means, I’m not sure; but there’s no doubt that this moment in history will define our country in the future. What each of us does, matters —now more than ever. Each American has a duty to follow his or her moral conscience. But at the forefront of some 320 million American citizens, stands our president. Our nation has always looked to each one of our presidents in our darkest hours. We have always been comforted by the fact that no matter how bleak our future seemed, we could always look for the shining light on the hill in the form of our president. Up until now, every president has come out before us to inspire us to be better, and encourage us to do what we all know is right. The President of the United States has always borne the responsibility of lighting the torch of justice within the heart of each American citizen. And somehow, no matter who has held that esteemed position as the leader of the free world, they always seemed to have the right words that would calm, inspire, encourage and renew. But what happens when we don’t have that anymore? It’s hard to say, but I truly feel that President Trump does not care about our country. Otherwise, why would he work so hard to divide us? By voicing his support for Confederate images and statues, President Trump is sending a clear dog whistle to the racists in

Last year my company was contracted to install an indoor edible herb garden at a senior living facility in Frederick, Md. Nearby, sitting on a couch in the activity room where the installation was taking place, was a nonresponsive man that suffered a stroke a few months ago, sitting next to his wife who was visiting. His wife said, “Do I smell basil? My husband loves basil. I used to cook with it all the time.” Cathy Allen Of course, I immediately walk over to the couch and handed her the basil plant. Instantly, her husband became alert; with a smile, as bright as the sun cascading through the blinds. His wife was awestruck and said, “I told you he loves basil and look he is back to me,” as loving, tender tears ran down her cheeks. I witness miracles like this with people connecting to plants

on a weekly basis through the therapeutic-sensory gardening programs I offer to senior living facilities for people living with dementia and Alzheimer’s disease in Maryland. What is sensory gardening? All plants appeal to our senses in one way or another. Every plant has its own characteristics to tantalize our different senses through their array of colors, textures and smells. Sensory gardening is a garden environment that is designed to maximize and stimulate all the senses. The stimulation occurs courtesy of the plants and the use of materials that engage the senses of sight, touch, taste, smell and sound. There are a wealth of reasons, research, studies and facts that shows our connection to plants and why connecting to certain plants can promote memory, and cogitative functioning naturally and effectively. • A Rutgers University found that plants and flowers are natural and healthful companions for moderating happy moods. • The physical activity associated with gardening helps to lower the risk of dementia. A recent study found that those who gardened regularly had a 36% to 47% lower risk for developing dementia then non-gardeners. • A study out of the Netherlands found that people who garden

Sensory Gardening Stimulating Seniors

America. That is what Confederate relics have become: a rallying cry for racists. If for no other reason than the controversy that surrounds them, these Confederate images should be removed from our culture. Send them to museums where they belong. Remove the Confederate image from the Mississippi state flag. If you say it represents your history, then I’m here to tell you: History belongs in a museum. Duvalier Malone, a native of Fayette, Mississippi lives in Washington, D.C. He is the CEO and founder of Duvalier Malone Enterprises, a youth oriented non-profit.

have a better view on life and the people around them. The study also showed that people who are around plants exhibit lower levels of cortisol, the stress hormone in our bodies. I am on a quest to have sensory gardening programs in senior living facilities across America, but I sincerely need your assistance. If you have a loved one living in a facility that does not have a gardening program please, encourage them to establish one. If you are in the industry of senior living care, suggest a gardening program or if you know someone that works in the field, please share this article. The connection plants have with people is undeniable. Connecting with plants is natural, effective, loving and healthy. Cathy Allen is an award-winning Urban Environmentalist, the co-creator of G.R.A.S.S. (Growing Resources After Sowing Seed) as well as Chair of the “Grow-It Eat It” campaign. G.R.A.S.S. is an environmental entrepreneurial nonprofit program based on the fundamentals of gardening, agriculture and ecology. In conjunction with Baltimore City Public Schools, Allen’s campaign has planted over a half-million trees on the lawns of Baltimore City public schools.

This Is Why I Partnered with Airbnb to Engage Communities of Color The history of housing in America is a history of discrimination. Even as people of color have made strides in countless other areas of American life, home ownership—and the intergenerational wealth that comes along with it—remains out of reach for far too many. Even Frederick Douglass, when buying his first home in 1892, noted the importance of home ownership in building community wealth for African Americans. While being Danny Glover committed to economic justice we must also rethink how we cultivate strong dynamic communities of inclusion and belonging. That is why I have started working with Airbnb and will be serving as an adviser for their efforts to engage communities of color, ensuring members of these communities are taking advantage of the economic opportunity of hosting on the Airbnb platform. I know Airbnb has had its own share of challenges in this arena—but in working with them, I’ve seen first-hand how committed they are to getting it right. And I have been heartened to see the resources, desire and drive they are directing towards ensuring that their service is used fairly and inclusively. Over the past several months, I have had the opportunity of meeting numerous African American and Latinx Airbnb hosts, each of whom has impacted me deeply. There are more stories than I could share, but I do want you to know about a couple of the hosts I met. In Brooklyn, I met Michelle—who has seen the cost of living in

the rapidly gentrifying Bedford-Stuyvesant neighborhood increase tremendously since she moved there twenty years ago. Ordinarily, Michelle would have had to move to another neighborhood. But by renting out her garden apartment on Airbnb, she could not only afford to stay in the neighborhood, but could also help pay her daughter’s way through college. Cia, a host I met in San Francisco, raised her children as a single mother—and is now raising a granddaughter as well. Today, Airbnb helps her make ends meet for her whole family, and in the years ahead, Cia says Airbnb will make it possible for her to retire. These are just a few of the many stories I have heard—with people from all different backgrounds using Airbnb as a bridge to financial stability and even homeownership. These stories are not the exception either. In the U.S., the typical Airbnb U.S. host earns $6,100 every year they share their home— supplemental income that can cover expenses like food, rent, caring for a sick relative and education for their children. Airbnb also allows communities traditionally underserved by the tourism industry to reap the financial rewards of travel, with the share of Airbnb bookings in communities of color in some major cities exceeding the share of local hotel rooms that can be found in them. Yet, Airbnb’s potential benefits also go beyond finances as the service can bring people of diverse origins and walks of life together in a context geared toward hospitality and sharing. The bonds that can form in these interactions are indispensable to the greater project of breaking down the social barriers that make all forms of discrimination so intractable in the first place. These spontaneous interpersonal relationships are the laboratories for transforming relationships among people; the sites at which we begin to implement our highest ideals in practical yet poignant ways. African American, Latinx, and other communities of color are some of Airbnb’s fastest growing host communities in the U.S, which is a step in the right direction. But the underlying housing

market is still fundamentally unfair—and, disappointingly, even as we have made progress in other areas, the Airbnb community can sometimes reflect the broader discriminatory realities of present-day American society. Working with the Airbnb community first-hand –which includes its executive leaders, employees, and hosts–has allowed me to witness just how committed they are to addressing these issues proactively. They have issued a report on building inclusion and engaged with civil rights leaders across the country. I see this as a continuation of the work I have done throughout my life, fighting for fairness and equality for working people, including hotel workers and supporting union workers, which both of my parents were. In March, Airbnb unveiled its Economic Empowerment Agenda—which established the goal of doubling the size of its U.S. host community in urban majority-minority districts and underserved areas within the next two years. This will be achieved through partnerships with national and local organizations and onthe-ground events and trainings to help more people understand the economic opportunity that home sharing can provide. Airbnb and the NAACP have also established a partnership to increase the participation of hosts of color and increase tourism to neighborhoods of color, to diversify Airbnb’s workforce and to commit a share of Airbnb’s revenue to supporting civil rights initiatives. The fight for fairer housing won’t be easy—and it won’t be over anytime soon. But you can be part of making a difference right now. So I hope you’ll consider investing in your future, signing up to host on Airbnb, and helping us work towards housing equality—one listing at a time. And I’ll be working closely with everyone at Airbnb to help more people of color benefit from home sharing. Danny Glover is an actor, director, producer and humanitarian.

August 26, 2017 - September 1, 2017, The Afro-American



The Afro-American, August 26, 2017 - September 1, 2017


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August 26, 2017 - September 1, 2017, The Afro-American


Dismantling the Nonprofit Industrial Complex For many the uprising of April 2015 following the death of Freddie Gray was a tipping point moment in Sean Yoes Baltimore’s Baltimore AFRO history. Editor Those perilous hours after Gray’s funeral ultimately revealed the character and resiliency of some of the most underserved communities in our city. In addition, they shed light on some individuals and entities that have been courageously doing vital work in those communities for years and some cases, decades. However, the difficult days that followed have also revealed that many of those individuals and entities and their sometimes life sustaining work has been chronically and in my mind, criminally underfunded. I’m not suggesting laws have been broken by denying dollars to some of these people and groups in favor of more “established” syndicates (although there are laws against larceny in our city). But, it seems particularly egregious that many of Baltimore’s largest, most influential non-profit organizations have for years, consistently received the lion’s share of the millions of non-profit dollars (exponentially more money has flowed into the city after the death of Freddie Gray), to the demise, or diminution of so many who deserve a healthy share of those resources. Leaders of a Beautiful

Continued on B2

USCGC Roger B. Taney

White Supremacy Floats In Baltimore’s Inner Harbor

The decommissioned USCGC Roger B. Taney, named for the author of the notorious Dred Scott Supreme Court decision, is currently a museum in downtown Baltimore.

Photo credit: Sean Yoes

officially commissioned Oct. 24, 1936. The Taney, “saw extensive service in war and peace for half a century,” according to the Historic Ships in Baltimore website. Historic Ships in Baltimore operates as steward (overseen by Living For those who fought, in some cases for years, to have Classrooms) of several of the city’s historic vessels, including Baltimore’s four monuments to the Confederacy removed the Taney, and operates them as floating museums. from the city, last week’s victory is perhaps incomplete. The Taney was decommissioned at Portsmouth, Va., Another monument to White supremacy, in the minds of many, December 7, 1986, 45 years after the Japanese attack on continues to nevertheless exist in the form of a floating museum Pearl Harbor during World War II, where the Taney engaged currently in the waters of Baltimore’s Inner Harbor. Japanese planes flying over Honolulu, according to the Historic Statues to Roger B. Taney, the Supreme Court Justice Ships website. The ship was later donated to Baltimore, where who crafted the Dred Scott Decision in 1857, which at that it currently floats serving as both a memorial and museum. time affirmed the White On August 22, AFRO supremacist mantra that reporter Jennifer Wright Black people were inherently spoke to people planning subhuman, were removed to tour the Taney. In wake last week from Baltimore of the violent and deadly and Annapolis. However, events in Charlottesville, the United States Coast which led to the removal of Guard Cutter (USCGC), – Baltimore City Councilman Brandon Scott the Confederate and Taney Roger B. Taney has been monuments, their insights quietly floating in the Inner were varied. Harbor, nestled in the channel between the Power Plant and the “I think renaming the ship is erasing history,” said Linda, Columbus Center for years. 50 of Park Heights. “This is different than taking down The USCGC Taney is owned by the City of Baltimore Confederate monuments, which were erected after the Civil and its operation is facilitated by the Living Classrooms War.” Foundation, which provides education and job training “I don’t agree with what he did, but I don’t agree with what utilizing, “urban, natural, and maritime resources as “living a lot of people did,” said Wendy B., 39 of Mt. Washington. “If classrooms,” according to the group’s website. The AFRO you rename this ship, then you have to rename everything.” reached out to Living Classrooms for comment on the Taney Taney is infamous for his ruling on Dred v. Sanford, which controversy, but did not get a response to our inquiry before denied Dred Scott, a slave, his freedom. Scott had sued the press time. United States based on the fact he had moved to a free territory The USCGC Taney was built in the mid 1930’s and Continued on B2 By Sean Yoes Baltimore AFRO Editor

“We should change the name of it. Name it after Frederick Douglass, wouldn’t that be something?”

By Stephen Janis Special to the AFRO An internal police email obtained by the AFRO revealing a supervisor demanding regular statistical updates on the number of car stops and warrant checks by officers under his command, has elicited a sharp rebuke from advocates and attorneys who say it represents a step backwards in efforts to reform policing in Baltimore. The correspondence between a Lieutenant and several shift supervisors was defended by police. But revelations that the department is still evaluating officers based upon numbers is seen as troubling amid efforts to transform an agency that is often at odds with the community. “If it looks like a quota, if it sounds like a quota, if it smells like a quota, then it’s a quota,” Todd Oppenheim, a public defender and former candidate for circuit court judge told the AFRO, after reviewing the email. “We know that quotas come from outdated police models that lock people up in discriminatory manners while removing key discretion from officers on the streets who need it most,” Oppenheimer added. Police say the email, which asked supervisors to give text updates on the number of investigative stops and other public interactions of patrol officers, was intended to measure productivity during an upswing in crime. “Starting today, every 2 hours you are to collect stats from each officer” the Lieutenant writes in the email. “If you have an officer that gives you nothing,” the Continued on B2


Baltimore 5K Aims to Raise Awareness about Sickle Cell Disease

New Body Cam Video Shows ‘Questionable Activity’

By Alexis Taylor Special to the AFRO Charm City won’t wait until September to put a spotlight on sickle cell disease. On Aug. 26 hundreds are expected to join the Sickle Cell Disease Association of America (SCDAA) in Baltimore to bring attention to the disease, educate the public, and raise money for research. “This is an awareness event,” said Sonja L. Banks, president and chief operating officer of the SCDAA. “We want people to understand that sickle cell still exists and we have to raise national awareness.” Banks said that “over 80 percent of all the dollars raised goes back into the community based organizations that really serve patients. We’re raising money so they can provide those services and bolster research.” Participants can register for the 4th Annual Walk with the Stars 5K beforehand on the SCDAA website, or register on-site from 8-9:30 a.m. at Canton Waterfront Park before the 10 a.m. kickoff. The walk is one of many sickle cell awareness events taking place from June to Dec. 31, 2017 as the SCDAA’s “One Community- One Cause” campaign sweeps across the country. The disease affects approximately 100,000 Americans- almost all of whom are Black. Banks said African-American churches, schools, and community organizations need to “make sickle cell disease part of our agenda. We have diabetes, heart disease, AIDs, and cancer as part of our agenda. We need to step it up and add sickle cell disease.” According to the Centers for Disease Control, the term “sickle cell disease” (SCD) covers a group of “inherited red blood cell disorders.” SCD occurs when red blood cells take on a “sickle” or

Internal Cop Email Ignites Fear of Return of Quotas

By Michelle Richardson Special to the AFRO

Courtesy photo

A participant at a previous SCDAA 5k run. “C-shaped form” instead of a normal circle shape. Red blood cells deliver oxygen throughout the body via tiny blood vessels, but this job gets complicated when the sickle cells become “hard and sticky,” die prematurely, and clog blood vessel entrances. “This can cause pain and other serious problems such as infection, acute chest syndrome and stroke.” One out of every 13 African Americans born has the sickle cell trait (SCT) but no SCD symptoms. However, when two parents have the sickle cell trait there is a 25 percent chance that their child will be born with SCD, and a 50 percent chance that someone will pass along the trait. One out of every – Sonja L. Banks 365 Black births lead to an SCD diagnosis. Dr. Sophie Miriam Lanzkron, director of the Sickle Cell Center for Adults at The Johns Hopkins Hospital in Baltimore told the AFRO, “The most commonly used therapy is hydroxyurea. It

“We want people to understand that sickle cell still exists and we have to raise national awareness.”

Continued on B2

The Baltimore City State’s Attorney’s Office announced on Aug. 21 their investigation into a third case involving a Baltimore Police Department officer’s body camera footage. According to State’s Attorney Marilyn Mosby, the officer “self-reported” the footage of a,”re-enactment of the seizure of evidence.” Mosby stated her office initially investigated the tape because it showed “questionable activity.” Prosecutors have already identified 43 cases to be dropped connected to the latest footage. “The body-worn-camera program was established to fight crime, better protect officers, and foster public trust,” said Mosby in a statement. “Whether planting evidence, re-enacting the seizure of evidence or prematurely turning off the departmentissued body-worn camera, those actions misrepresent the truth and undermine public trust,” Mosby added. “This is not an allegation of planting evidence. This is a selfreported situation where the officer felt that it deserved more scrutiny based on the things that have been in the news. We are

Continued on B2


Past Seven Days

228 2017 Total

Data as of Aug. 23

Race and Politics



The Afro-American, August 26, 2017 - September 1, 2017

Race and Politics Continued from B1

Struggle (LBS), the grassroots think tank wants to change how the non-profit money gets chopped up. “For years we have critiqued the nonprofit industrial complex in Baltimore and how it undermines authentic Black empowerment,” wrote Dayvon Love, director of Research and Public Policy, for LBS in an Op-Ed on the group’s website titled, “For Black People When White Saviors Aren’t Enough.” He went on. “What we have argued is that the notion of White supremacy in the nonprofit sector is manifested in three key ways.” Love makes his case by stating: the boards of many of the nonprofits that are supposed to serve Black people are in bed with the corporate sector and mostly White; the social networks deemed to be legitimate by the non-profit sector are mostly White; and the non-profit sector’s White dominated leadership is dismissive of community based, African/Black methodologies and considers them inferior. Love’s colleague, Adam Jackson, CEO of LBS, co-chaired the Children and Youth Fund Task Force, which began its work in Feb.

The group, made up of community leaders, youth program service providers and City government representatives, was established by Baltimore City Council President Bernard C. “Jack” Young, to make recommendations on the Youth Fund’s governance. The fund has $12 million a year set aside from property tax revenue to aid youth programs in the city. The task force concluded its work in May and crafted a set of values that would radically change the way Baltimore funds youth programs, who makes the decisions within that funding apparatus and ultimately, which programs get funded. More broadly, if LBS has its way, the nonprofit funding infrastructure currently in place (which seems inherently inequitable and racist) in Baltimore will be dismantled and replaced with one authentically rooted in the city’s disenfranchised communities. “Black people are often relegated to a position of having to beg White people for acceptance and resources. As a result of this dynamic Black people who are advocating for resources often frame the solution to this problem in terms of pressuring White

people and the government to do more for us,” wrote Love of LBS. The Baltimore City Council is scheduled to review the recommendations of the Children and Youth Fund Task Force in September, and perhaps vote for their implementation. If the group’s recommendations are fully established, it could redistribute funding of Baltimore’s youth programs and dramatically shift the balance of the city’s nonprofit infrastructure. “This frame is disempowering because it easily folds right into the notion of Black people as being dependent on White power,” Love wrote. “This disempowerment has diminished the emphasis on building our own institutional wherewithal to solve our own problems and has allowed people outside of our community to make a living off of our suffering.” Sean Yoes is the AFRO’s Baltimore editor and host and executive producer of AFRO First Edition, which airs Monday through Friday 5 p.m.-7 p.m. on WEAA, 88.9.


Continued from B1 doesn’t bring crisis frequencies to zero, but it cuts it in half for people with the most common form of sickle cell disease.” Until last month, hydroxyurea was the only drug approved to treat the disease. Lanzkron said the latest therapy, Endari, is shown to decrease painful episodes by 25 percent. It is not available to the public yet, but could possibly be used along with hydroxyurea in the future. Lanzkron also said that 98 percent of her patients are African American. Many of them receive chronic transfusion therapy, a monthly blood transfusion that replenishes blood cells and decreases the occurrence of painful crisis. This type of therapy highlights the importance of “having blood from the community of the person who needs it.” Other treatments include bone marrow transplants and gene therapy, but both are typically out of reach for patients for a number of reasons. “We used to do bone marrow transplants only with donors who were an exact match but we do half- matches now. A parent or a child can be a donor,” said Lanzkron. Still, between the inability to complete preparative regimens, rejection of transplants, the three-month recovery period, and money, bone marrow transplants are rarely an option- especially for adults. “In the last decade we’ve probably had about 50 transplants at Johns Hopkins. That number doesn’t include children.” Because pain is the most common symptom of SCD, the disease has presented a unique problem to lawmakers trying to regulate opioid abuse. Lanzkron said pain from SCD can present as early as four to six months, and eventually becomes an everyday occurrence for as many as 60 percent of adults. “These episodes of excruciating pain have been described as worse than child labor. All we can do is give opioids. The new restrictions on the amount and use of opioids thankfully said sickle cell is an exclusion to these new rules.” Lanzkron said, “In this day in age everyone should know their trait status,” something that Michael L. Matthews, Executive Director of the Children’s Sickle Cell Foundation, urges as well. “Find out if you are a carrier or not- before you decide to have a family,” said Matthews, whose own son was diagnosed with SCD. “You don’t want the first time you hear the term “sickle cell” to be when the doctor is telling you that your beautiful newborn baby has the disease.” Banks said that information about sickle cell trait status is held by the public health department

and some states are not required to tell you if you have the trait- only if you have the disease. The SCDAA will hold their 45th Annual Convention from Oct. 25- 28 in Atlanta. They will also be raising awareness through social media during Sickle Cell Awareness Month in September with several Twitter campaigns focused on advocacy, awareness, access to treatment, and finding a universal cure.


Continued from B1 email continues “then give that officer specific direction of what you need from them.” Spokesman T.J Smith said supervisors have wide discretion for employing strategies to track officer’s work habits. “This was sent by a commander of a shift who has the ability to command his officers in the manner in which he sees appropriate,’ Smith said in an email. “Officers should be constantly focused and he is holding them accountable to that. The commander is following up on his direction by asking for information to confirm that his direction is being met.” But advocates for police reform called the strategy wrongheaded. “In the past when we’ve used quotas we’ve also had some of the highest crimes rates,” said the Rev. C.D Witherspoon, an outspoken advocate for police reform. “What they do is, they escalate circumstances where people’s rights are violated in the community and consequently cause tensions with police,” Witherspoon said. The possibility that police are evaluating officers based upon quotas comes as the city is on track for yet another record year of homicides. In response, a variety of crime plans have emerged from City Hall, none of which called for quotas. Last week, the City Council’s public safety committee released a comprehensive

crime strategy called Live to Be More, which emphasized expanding recreation options and cracking down on chronic truancy. One of its architects, City Councilman Kristopher Burnett, says the email has prompted him to formally ask the department if it represents a comprehensive shift in strategy. “I am concerned about how widespread this is and if this is being implemented broadly,” Burnett told the AFRO. “So I’ve asked for more information.” “If it is something being applied across the board, then it is bringing us back to a zerotolerance type policy which is something I do not support.” The email was also a concern for residents who have fought statistics driven policing in the past. Former Baltimore NAACP President Marvin ‘Doc’ Cheatham, who along with the Maryland ACLU sued the police department in 2006 over its zero-tolerance policy, said the email marks a departure from promised changes in tactics to make police more community oriented. “I think this is going totally in the wrong direction,” Cheatham said. “We’re at a stage now where we are trying to rebuild the relationship between the police and the community and this seems like a step backwards,” he said. “We need to do better than coming up with quotas.”


Continued from B1






Be a part of the 47th Annual Legislative Conference (ALC) on Sept. 20-24, 2017 held at the Walter E. Washington Convention Center. ALC is the leading policy conference on issues impacting African Americans and the global black community. More than 10,000 people attend more than 100 public policy forums, a national town hall, networking sessions, procurement fair, prayer breakfast, the Phoenix Awards Dinner and much more.


aware of it and it is something that we are looking into,” said Baltimore Police Spokesman T.J. Smith. Smith said the video is under review by the BPD. Neither he nor Mosby’s office would confirm what was on the tape or the details of the case connected to the video but, instead stressed the fact that it was self-reported. “Officers who mainly work with the utmost credibility, don’t want their credibility challenged because of a misunderstanding,” said Smith. “So this is a good problem to have, when you are selfreporting.” Mosby’s office would not disclose how many officers were involved in the new body camera footage. The video, which was recorded in June, was not brought to prosecutors until August 2. The 43 cases that are being dropped include 12 defendants who were in custody pending trial. Twenty-two other cases will be investigated connected to the officer or officers in the body camera video. Prosecutors are also reviewing 36 closed cases. This latest case of alleged misconduct comes after it was revealed two earlier BPD body camera videos are being investigated. In a video from November of 2016 and another from January, the Public Defender’s office and a private attorney have alleged that evidence was planted. Dozens of cases connected to those two body camera videos have been dropped by Mosby’s office, while dozens more are under investigation.

White Supremacy Continued from B1

(Illinois) with his owner. Taney in his opinion wrote in part: “They had for more than a century before been regarded as beings of an inferior order, and altogether unfit to associate with the White race, either in social or political relations; and so far inferior, that they had no rights which the White man was bound to respect; and that the Negro might justly and lawfully be reduced to slavery for his benefit.” Taney’s opinion is characterized by many historians as the most virulently racist in the history of the Supreme Court. The United States government honored his legacy when it commissioned the USCGC Taney. “I think the name should be changed,” Tarrah,

28 of Canton said. Baltimore City Councilman Brandon Scott (D-2nd Dist.), who introduced a resolution in the Council to take down the Confederate monuments last week, agrees. “We should change the name of it. Name it after Frederick Douglass, wouldn’t that be something?” Scott said. One prospective visitor to the USCGC Taney had a change of heart once he was informed of its namesakes history. “Knowing that this ship is named after a racist, I’m not going to visit,” said Ivan, 27, of Woodlawn. AFRO reporter Jennifer Wright contributed to this article.

August 26, 2017 - September 1, 2017, The Afro-American

“There’s a time of the day when the sun is going down, that’s the golden time of day. It’s a time that the sun turns gold all around, that’s the golden time of day. At the end of the day when the wind is soft and warm, don’t it make the flowers sway? When the sun settles down and it takes a lovely form, that’s the golden time of day. People let me tell you there’s a time in your life when you find who you are, that’s the golden time of day. In your mind, you will find you’re a bright shining star, ooh that’s the golden time of day‌â€? Frankie Beverly and Maze David Couser’s rooftop party under a clear, cloudless sky with only a full moon illuminating the night was “simply beautiful.â€? People danced to the sound of a cool band and a rocking DJ as the white table clothes and white draped linen, decorating the cabana danced to the cool breeze. Always great seeing #55 relaxing during the off-season, David’s brother Michael and sister Stacey are always there giving that family support to brother David. Gents on the Move’s, “The Prom,â€? at the Columbus Room in Parkville, was a huge success with guests arriving in tuxedos, white tails, white dinner jackets, gowns and after five attire. The guests enjoyed an open bar, sit down dinner and a majestic performance by1970’s singing legends, First Class during dinner. DJ Jammin Jessie kept the guests on the dance floor with old time favorites and the latest hits. Gents on the Move members are Larry Winkler, AJ Miles, Herbert Scott and Jerry Chambers. Make plans to attend the Gents on the Move annual Christmas party at The Ivy Center December 23, 2017, featuring an open bar and buffet. For tickets contact AJ Miles at 410-488-1674, ticket price is $30 for a fun filled night. What a way to celebrate her birthday after attending “The Promâ€? on Saturday! Carol Miles’ husband AJ surprised her with a birthday party at the Elks Home on Harford Road. Carol thought they were just stopping by for drinks and was surprised when “her boys,â€? The Panama Band showed up and performed, celebrating with family and friends. “Among the delights of summer were picnics to the woods.â€? Georg Brandes The Three No Trump Bridge Club, out trumped themselves at their annual party in Patapsco State Park where guests dined on barbecue, fried fish, burgers and

more, prepared by Chef Damien Pulley, assisted by his wife Tobi. Each host provides the libations of choice for their invited guests. The tranquility of the park and the sound of music enhanced the exquisite table designs arranged by the hosts, adorned with crystal, china, napkins and floral arrangements. The Three No Trump members are: Brenda Sykes, Sara Smalley, Dr. Charlene Cooper-Boston, Rosemary Atkinson, Shirley Richmond, Denise Dobson-McDonald, Aldonna Wylie, Joan Brown, Jean Powell, Pat Roselle, Evon Haskins Jackson and Steve Wainwright. Happy birthday Mattie Mumby,Thurman Pinder, Rita Cooper, Debbie Parker, Joyce Gillard, Joselyn Alexander, Charlene Brown Baldwin, Reuben Marshall, Dr. Louise Johnson, Faith Thomas, G. Louise Green, Tanya Pajardo, Glen Middleton, Marian Finney and Rosalind Robinson. Guess who’s turning 50, the twins Russell is and Robin Neverdon, and happy 80th birthday Judson Wood! Lovin’ you is easy ‘cause you’re beautiful makin’ love with you is all I wanna do. Lovin’ you is more than just a dream come true and everything that I do is out of lovin’ you. No one else can make me feel the colors that you bring. Stay with me while we grow old and we will live each day in springtime. ‘Cause lovin’ you has made my life so beautiful and every day of my life is filled with lovin’ you. Lovin’ you, I see your soul come shinin’ through and every time that we, ooh I’m more in love with you.� Minnie Riperrton


journey, receiving my Master’s degree in Vocational Rehabilitation Counseling. If you want to hear God laugh tell him your plans. People ask when are you going to retire, but I remember the words of my friend Mildred Harris at her retirement celebration, “You know when it’s time.� Thinking of you Joanne, James “Dickey� Harris, Alvin Jones, Bernice McDaniels and Laura and Karl Knight, sending a bushel and a peck and a hug around the neck. The homegoing services for Laverne Gaither’s mother Eva Frances Lockwood was August 11. Continue to keep Laverne in your prayers. What’s happening! The Honorable Marilyn Mosby was honored in Atlanta, Georgia August 11, at an evening reception hosted by Ambassador Andrew Young, Mayor Kasim Reed, DeKalb County State’s Attorney Sherry Boston and Rev. Dr. Raphael Warnock of Ebenezer Baptist Church. Congratulations Marilyn on a well-deserved honor!

Happy 49th wedding anniversary Sarah “Sadie� and Eugene Smalley, Bobby and Lorraine Williams and Dante and Candes Williams Daniels celebrating their 9th wedding anniversary. “How can I give thanks for all the things you have done for me. Things so undeserved yet you gave to prove your love for me. And the voices of a million angels could not express my gratitude. All that I am and ever hope to be I owe it all to Thee. To God be the Glory� Andre Crouch. Praise the Lord Saints, I’m celebrating 42 years and, “I ain’t no ways tired,� of working with the most dedicated and committed public servants in the federal government and, “I never could have made it without you,� Marvin Sapp. 42 years ago, I thought this was a temporary stop as I completed my educational



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Lonnie Liston Smith


The Afro-American, August 26, 2017 - September 1, 2017

The Clayborn family Sheri, Patrick and son Patrick ll

Bethel Helping Hand Ministries

On August 19, the Bethel AME Church of Baltimore sponsored a block party and health fair giving away backpacks filled with school supplies. Some of the bigger vendors represented were the University of Maryland, Enoch Free Library, Maryland Insurance, the City of Baltimore and the Baltimore City Sheriff’s Office. Food and clothes were given away to needy families. Rev. Dr. Patrick D. Clayborn, pastor of Bethel AME Church, let the community know that the church just didn’t support them for one day but all year. Kids played games and people danced to music played by DJ Dunnrite.

Giving out school supplies

Gabrielle Hairston

Rev. Clayborn with Sheriff’s Department

Chaz Smith Enoch Pratt Free Library’s table, Kay Price, Ethel Green, Dilan Price and Donna Burley

Rev. Sheri Clayborn, Carla Henry Hopkins and Jenette R. Smith

Church members Robin Boston, Barbara Knox and former Mayor Sheila Dixon

Photos by James Fields Sr.

Tara Shannon, Morgan Patterson, Octavia McCuin, Tajonnae McGinnis and Cordae Crowder Navasha Daya (Event Director) and Fanon Hill (Event Founder)

The Cherry Hill Arts and Music Festival, was on August 19, in Reedbird Park in Cherry Hill. The first annual festival was produced by The Youth Resiliency Institute in partnership with The Cherry Hill Development Corporation and the Cherry Hill Community Coalition. The Youth Resiliency Institute was founded by the husband and wife team of Fannon Hill, a music producer and community activist and Navasha Daya, an internationally acclaimed singer and recording artist and community activist. Daya was the headlining performer of the festival. The Cherry Hill Arts and Music Festival also featured: internationally renowned jazz musician Lafayette Gilchrist, The Panama Band, Russ Shanks, D J Mighty Mark, Tru Soldier, Tidy Baggs, T.T. the Artist, Jonathan Gilmore, Karter Jaymes and Too Phliy.

James Lesane ‘75 and Jackie Linton

Sharon DickersonGreene ‘74 and Brenda Wax ‘73

Charles F.Robinson lll ‘74

Ka’rin Lane and Jasmine Turner

The Opening Parade

Northwestern High School, located in Northwest Baltimore, at 6900 Park Heights Avenue, celebrated its 50th anniversary during the Wildcat Gala at Martin’s West, August 4 2017. Some of the school’s more well-known alumni include former Baltimore Mayor Sheila Dixon and Baltimore City Comptroller Joan Pratt. The evening began with a welcome by Charles F.Robinson, lll (class of 1974) and Stacie Teal Locust greeting their Wildcat classmates. The program included dinner, music and a performance by former Northwestern cheerleaders. There were also awards given to Andre Armwood (class of 1975), Derek Brooks (class of 1972) and Edward Shivers inducted into the school’s Hall of Fame. A memorial video was also played in honor of some of Northwestern’s deceased classmates. Although it was a night of celebration, it Myron Sears ‘76 was bitter sweet, and Gordy Green’75 because Baltimore City Public Schools decided to merge Northwestern with Forest Park High School Ronald Johnson and at the end of the last Gary Jackson ‘72 school year.

Abu Jibril

Larry “The Celebrity Cab Driver”

Photos by Anderson R. Ward

Former cheerleaders

Happy classmates enjoying the gala

Michael Haynie ‘76 and Angie Murphy ‘83

Photos by James Fields Sr.

August 26, 2017 - September 1, 2017, The Afro-American




Exploring Whitney Houston’s Privileged Upbringing and Troubling Death By Nadine Matthews Special to the AFRO About ten minutes into Showtime’s upcoming documentary “Whitney: Can I Be Me”, Houston’s two older brothers, Michael and Gary are shown standing in the backyard of the family’s modest twostory Cape-style former home in East Orange, N.J. Michael wears a baseball cap set defiantly at an angle. Gary’s newsboy hat is perched unassumingly atop his head. They both sport oversized T-shirts that don’t quite succeed in disguising the paunch of middle-age and indulgent living. They could be anybody’s brothers or uncles or cousins reminiscing about sneaking in through their little sister’s bedroom window after missing curfew or recalling the peculiarities of being the first Black family to move into the area. Except of course, they’re not. They are the older siblings of America’s first Black pop princess. This is the way observers often describe the singer, model and actress who famously, yet in the most cliche of ways, died from a drug overdose in the bathtub of a posh hotel room of the Beverly Hilton February 2012. There is no questioning director Rudi Dolezal’s admiration for the preternaturally beautiful and talented songstress. Dolezal told the AFRO, “Whitney Houston to me is and was one of the greatest voices in pop culture of all time by all standards. I saw her in at least fifty concerts that I filmed with both small camera crews and big camera crews singing her heart out for the people. She was a passionate artist on stage and the stage was her home.” In 1999 Houston, impressed with Dolezal’s Emmy nominated documentary about rock musician Freddie Mercury, commissioned him to do one about her. He immediately began shooting footage of all aspects of her life. He told her at the time, “The Rolling Stones, Queen, everything happened because they let me film everything. Afterward we decide if it’s too private, doesn’t look great or it’s too stupid.” Houston gave him unprecedented access to her life. The resulting film is an intimate collection of still images and video documenting Houston’s childhood through her rise to stardom and ultimate troubled final years. There are interviews with the people who spent the most time with her. We see twelve year-old Whitney singing in church bedecked in simple pearl earrings and a white choir robe that, in combination with her otherworldly voice and poise brings to mind imagery of angels. Footage of a more grown-up nineteen year-old Whitney in her first TV appearance highlights the full grace and power of her voice. It is also here that we witness much of what it was about Whitney that appealed to mainstream audiences. Fresh-faced with caramel colored skin, perfectly proportionate features, and lithe frame, she made mainstream audiences comfortable with having her voice as the soundtrack to their lives. A number of record industry executives had as their goal the creation of a Black crossover artist- one who would appeal to the Black working class as well as to White pop music consumers. It may be argued that Diana Ross achieved this in the seventies but there is no doubt record producer Clive Davis did so with Houston did in the mid-eighties. In “Whitney: Can I Be Me”, race and class can intersect in a

Courtesy photo

Superstar singer Whitney Houston’s life and times are dissected in the new Showtime documentary, ‘Whitney: Can I Be Me.’ arring manner. Dolezal makes much of the fact that Houston was born in Newark, N.J. as if geography was fate. There are visuals are of the 1967 Newark uprisings. It is implied that Herculean efforts went into making Houston into the “princess of pop” that the world came to know her as. “Clive Davis had tried to have a very successful crossover artist who would appeal to a mass White audience. He had worked on that for years. And then Whitney came along. You could create this pop princess, this American princess and her background from Newark and all of that was kind of put under the carpet,” Dolezal said. Besides her drug use, which affects people from all walks of life, we don’t see exactly what, if anything else, was “put under the carpet”. In this respect, Dolezal misses the mark. That somehow her difficulties with drugs or her conflict over the type of music she was making were inevitable because of where she was born and raised is an oversimplification. Though true her image was carefully cultivated, that is true of many music artists and was likely not the root of her problems. Though she came from rather humble beginnings, the singer who was family to both vocal stylist Dionne Warwick and opera singer Leontyne Price, was the progeny of fiercely ambitious and upwardly mobile Cissy and John Houston. There is no evidence of Houston rejected that upbringing. The film inexplicably ignores a much more likely explanation for private-school educated Houston’s eventual troubles. Following the moment in the childhood backyard, Whitney’s brother Michael states in voiceover that as kids he and Whitney, “Did everything together, I taught her to drive.” When the subject approaches her initiation into drug use, he slips suspiciously into the second person saying, “Everything you do together growing up and when you try drugs you do that together too.” Clearly, he continues to have issues accepting his culpability in the chemical addiction that led to her demise. Further, Houston’s


other older brother Gary, a former NBA player, admits in the film that he began using heroin at the age of ten. Both Michael and Gary continue to have well-publicized battles with drugs. “Whitney: Can I Be Me” successfully puts to rest the notion that Houston’s husband of 14 years, singer Bobby Brown was responsible for her downward and ultimately fatal spiral. Rather than existential conflict about the type of music she should be singing or that she had to maintain a certain image, the more likely cause of Houston’s issues with drugs would have to do with her being introduced to it by her brothers, gaining the type of fame and wealth that made acquiring drugs easy, as well as the psychological and practical day to pressures of being a world-renowned pop star with a large group of people whose livelihoods depend on your ability to work at full capacity over long stretches of time. There also seems to be no doubt that Houston was a “pleaser” who bravely endured Brown’s prolific infidelities and periodic emotional and physical abuse, and did not fully accept her bisexuality. She selfmedicated to mask those feelings. When asked if he believed Houston had in fact had a relationship with her friend and longtime creative director Robyn Crawford Dolezal’s answer was, “Is the pope Catholic?” Whitney: Can I Be Me premieres on Showtime Aug. 25.

Cosby Hires Michael Jackson’s Lawyer for Sex Assault Retrial By The Associated Press Bill Cosby has hired Michael Jackson’s former lawyer to represent him at his November retrial on sexual-assault charges in Pennsylvania. Cosby’s spokesman announced Aug. 22 the 80-year-old comedian is bringing in Tom Mesereau to lead a retooled defense team. Lawyers from the first trial in June had said they wanted off the case. Mesereau won an acquittal in Jackson’s 2005 child molestation trial. He also has represented boxer Mike Tyson, rap mogul Marion “Suge” Knight and a Playboy bunny. Mesereau will be joined by former federal prosecutor Kathleen Bliss and Sam

Silver, who represented nowimprisoned former U.S. Rep. Chaka Fattah (SHAW’-kah fa-TAH’) in a corruption case. Cosby’s first trial on charges he drugged and molested a woman at his suburban Philadelphia home in 2004 ended in a hung jury.

AP Photo/Matt Rourke, File

Bill Cosby has hired Michael Jackson’s former lawyer, Tom Mesereau, to represent him at his November retrial on sexual assault charges in Pennsylvania.


Bowie State Looks to Finally Win the CIAA Championship Game

11. Those same rules also mandate that programs can totally compensate seven full time staff coaching positions yet they can only afford two. The financial disparity that separates them During the late 1970’s then Houston Oilers quarterback Dan from the other elite programs in the CIAA is not an excuse but Pastorini made a bold declaration after a second straight AFC a reality that hovers over the program every year. Championship Game loss to the great “We don’t make any excuses they Pittsburgh Steelers. “Last year we are just circumstances that force us knocked on the door, this year we to be creative with how we do things banged on it, next year we’re going around here,” Wilson said. to kick it in.” The Oilers never went To navigate through the quandary back to that championship game and of the scholarship dilemma Bowie ultimately became the Tennessee State relies heavily on redshirting Titans. true freshmen athletes. By sitting Bowie State finds themselves out for a season before officially in the same circumstance entering playing they grow academically this season. For the last two years and physically so by the time they they’ve lost to Winston Salem State are in uniform players understand in the Central Intercollegiate Athletic the culture of the program on the Association (CIAA) Championship field and off. With their success and game which drives everyone in the improvements to the stadium and program as they try to find the key weight room the program has become to get that last victory and bring a attractive to players from their football championship home. backyard. “Our veteran leaders have had a “Recruiting here in [the DMV] Courtesy photo is important for us there’s no doubt lot of success and done all we asked of them so I would like to send them Bowie State head coach Damon Wilson about that,” said Wilson. “We are the has led the Bulldogs to consecutive CIAA out with a championship,” head major Division II program in the state coach Damon Wilson told the AFRO. Championship games and hopes to lead them of Maryland and about 95 percent of to the title this year. Despite not having as many full our roster built around from this area. scholarships or a complete full time That doesn’t mean we are looking coaching staff, Bowie State has for Division II football players we’re dominated the northern division of the CIAA. The Bulldogs looking for good football players that can help us win.” know what it takes to win the division but with Virginia Perhaps the most important recruit this year won’t play State, Virginia Union and Chowan closing the gap nothing is a single down having already exhausted his eligibility and guaranteed. earned his place in the University’s Hall of Fame. Former NCAA Division II rules state football teams can award a championship coach and quarterback Henry Frazier is back on maximum of 53 full scholarships yet Bowie St. can only offer Continued on C5 By Mark F. Gray Special to the AFRO








The Afro-American, August 26, 2017 - September 1, 2017

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Superior Court of the Payment Policy for legal notice advertisements. District of Columbia DIVISION Effective immediately, The Afro American Newspapers will require prepayment for publication of PROBATE allWashington, legal notices. D.C. 20001-2131 Payment will be accepted in the form of chwecks, credit card or money order. Any returned checks will be subject Administration No. to a $25.00 processing fee and may result in the suspension of any future advertising at our discretion. 2017ADM839 Richard Henry Hamm Decedent TYPESET: Tue Aug 22 16:21:42 EDT OF 2017 NOTICE Tue Aug 22 16:20:02 EDT 2017 AD NETWORK AD NETWORK TYPESET: LEGAL NOTICES APPOINTMENT, LEGAL NOTICES LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE TO AUTOMOBILE CREDITORS Superior Court of Superior Court of SERVS./MISC. AND NOTICE TO the District of DONATIONS the District of UNKNOWN HEIRS District of Columbia District DONATE AUTOS, Increase your cusAaron Henry Hamm, PROBATE DIVISION PROBATE DIVISION whose address is 908 Washington, D.C. TRUCKS, RV’S. tomer base and get great Washington, D.C. P a r k Te r r a c e , F o r t 20001-2131 20001-2131 LUTHERAN MISSION results by placing your Washington, MD 20744, Administration No. Administration No. SOCIETY. Your donaads in the MDDC – was appointed personal 2017ADM874 2017ADM861 representative of the Katie Ruth Walker tion helps local families Classified Advertising Raul C. Anderson estate of Richard Henry Decedent AKA with food, clothing, network! Call today Hamm, who died on NOTICE OF Raul Cecilio Anderson shelter, counseling. 410-212-0616 Ask for October 16, 2013 without APPOINTMENT, Decedent a will, and will serve withNOTICE TO Tax deductible. MVA Multi-Media Specialist Vickey A Wright-Smith, out Court supervision. All CREDITORS 1629 K Street NW License #W1044. -Wanda & watch your unknown heirs and heirs AND NOTICE TO #300 410-636-0123 or www. results grow. whose whereabouts are UNKNOWN HEIRS Washington, DC 20006 LutheranMissionSociSims Summerlin Walker unknown shall enter their Attorney Jr., whose address is a p p e a r a n c e i n t h i s NOTICE OF SAVE loads of money 9345 Davis Drive, Lor- proceeding. Objections APPOINTMENT, with your advertising ton, VA 22079, was ap- to such appointment NOTICE TO BUDGETS; CONpointed personal repre- shall be filed with the CREDITORS BUSINESS sentative of the estate of Register of Wills, D.C., AND NOTICE TO NECT with the MultiKatie Ruth Walker, who 515 5th Street, N.W., 3rd UNKNOWN HEIRS SERVICES Media Specialists of Sofia Ellis, whose ad- died on June 17, 2017 Floor Washington, D.C. the MDDC Advertising Bulk advertising at its dress is 200 43rd Road with a will, and will serve 20001, on or before FebNetworks; GET Bulk NE , Unit #303, Washing- without Court supervi- ruary 4, 2018. Claims best: advertise in over ton, DC 20019, was ap- sion. All unknown heirs against the decedent Advertising Oppor70 newspapers and reach pointed personal repre- a n d h e i r s w h o s e shall be presented to the tunities NOW;CALL millions of readers with sentative of the estate of whereabouts are un- undersigned with a copy ONE call. Broaden your TODAY; With One Call; Raul C Anderson AKA known shall enter their to the Register of Wills or filed with the Register of Raul Cecilio Anderson , a p p e a r a n c e i n t h i s With One Ad Placereach and get results for who died on March 20, proceeding. Objections Wills with a copy to the pennies per reader. Call ment & One Bill; You’ll 2017 witha will, and will to such appointment (or undersigned, on or beReach the Entire MidWanda at 410-212-0616 serve without Court su- to the probate of de- fore February 4, 2018, or pervision. All unknown cedent´s will) shall be be forever barred. PerAtlantic Region; Call or email wsmith@mdheirs and heirs whose filed with the Register of sons believed to be heirs 410-212-0616 or legatees of the dewhere-abouts are un- Wills, D.C., 515 5th known shall enter their Street, N.W., 3rd Floor cedent who do not receive a copy of this notice W a s h i n g t o n , D . C . Place a business card ad a p p e a r a n c e i n t h i s Place a business card proceeding. Objections 20001, on or before Feb- by mail within 25 days of in the Regional Small ad in the Regional to such appointment (or ruary 11, 2018. Claims its first publication shall Display 2x2/2x4 Adver- to the probate of de- against the decedent so inform the Register of Small Display 2x2/2x4 cedent´s will) shall be shall be presented to the Wills, including name, tising Network - Reach Advertising Network undersigned with a copy address and relation3.6 Million readers with filed with the Register of to the Register of Wills or ship. – Let MDDC help you Wills, D.C., 515 5th grow your business! Call just one call, one bill Street, N.W., 3rd Floor filed with the Register of Date of Publication: Wills with a copy to the August 4, 2017 Wa s h i n g t o n , D . C . 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Per- Wills, including name, TYPESET: Tue Aug 22 email Wanda Smith @ Ad Network; Call today sons believed to be heirs address and relation- 08/04, 08/11, 08/18/17 ship. or legatees of the to find out maximize cedent who do not re- Date of Publication: your presence on Social Superior Court of ceive a copy of this notice August 11, 2017 the Media; 410-212-0616; by mail within 25 days of Name of newspaper: VACATION District of Columbia its first publication shall Afro-American or email Wanda Smith @ PROBATE DIVISION RENTALS so inform the Register of Washington Washington, D.C. Wills, including name, Law Reporter OCEAN CITY, MARY20001-2131 address and relation- Sims Summerlin Walker Administration No. Jr. LAND. Best selection ship. EDUCATION/CAREER 0000018-09 Personal Date of Publication: of affordable rentals. TRAINING Representative J o s e p h B e n j a m i n August 11, 2017 Full/partial weeks. Call Smith Name of newspaper: Decedent TRUE TESTTue COPY AIRLINE MECHANIC for FREE brochure. Afro-American TYPESET: Aug 22 16:21:42 2017 Jeanne KEDT Aelion REGISTER OF WILLS Washington Open daily. Holiday TRAINING – Get 6915 Laurel Bowie Law Reporter Resort Servoces. FAA certification to fix Road 08/11, 08/18, 08/25/17 Raul C Anderson Superior Court of Bowie, MD 20715 1-800-638-2102. Online AKA planes. Financial Aid if the District of Attorney Sofia Ellis reservations: www. qualified. Approved for District of Columbia NOTICE OF Personal 5% base military benefits.Call PROBATE DIVISION APPOINTMENT, Representative Washington, D.C. NOTICE TO rent discount-use code Aviation Institute of 20001-2131 CREDITORS TRUE TEST COPY NYPS17.Ends Oct Maintenance 866-823Administration No. AND NOTICE TO REGISTER OF WILLS -01-2017 6729 2017ADM874 UNKNOWN HEIRS Katie Ruth Walker Mary S Rhett, whose ad08/11, 08/18,Tue 08/25/17 TYPESET: Aug 22 16:21:20 DecedentEDT 2017 dress is 13801 Belle Looking for a great afNOTICE OF Chase Blvd, Unit 210, terschool/weekend proAPPOINTMENT, Laurel MD 20707, was NOTICE TO Superior Court of gram targeted towards appointed personal reCREDITORS the presentative of the estate computer training-Call AND NOTICE TO District of Columbia of Joseph Benjamin Stanford Tech 240-882UNKNOWN HEIRS PROBATE DIVISION Smith, who died on May Sims Summerlin Walker 23, 2017 without a will, Washington, D.C. 1673; Enroll NowJr., whose address is 20001-2131 and will serve without Receive backpack with 9345 Davis Drive, Lor- Court supervision. All unAdministration No. school supplies. www. ton, VA 22079, was ap- known heirs and heirs 2017ADM862 pointed personal repre- whose whereabouts are Lawrence D Cundiff sentative of the estate of unknown shall enter their Decedent Katie Ruth Walker, who a p p e a r a n c e i n t h i s Frazer Walton Jr. died on June 17, 2017 proceeding. Objections 1913 D Street, NE HELP WANTED with a will, and will serve to such appointment Washington, DC 20002 without Court supervi- shall be filed with the Attorney EARN $500 A DAY: sion. All unknown heirs Register of Wills, D.C., NOTICE OF a n d h e i r s w h o s e 515 5th Street, N.W., 3rd APPOINTMENT, Lincoln Heritage whereabouts are un- Floor Washington, D.C. NOTICE TO Life Insurance Wants known shall enter their 20001, on or before FebCREDITORS Insurance Agents* appearance in this AND NOTICE TO ruary 4, 2018 . Claims proceeding. Objections against the decedent UNKNOWN HEIRS Leads, No Cold to such appointment (or Mary Alice Brown, whose shall be presented to the Calls*Commissions address is 2521 Harlem to the probate of de- undersigned with a copy Paid Daily*Agency cedent´s will) shall be Avenue, Baltimore, to the Register of Wills or Training*Life Insurance Maryland, 21216 wasap- filed with the Register of filed with the Register of Wills, D.C., 515 5th pointed personal repreWills with a copy to the Required. Call 1-888sentative of the estate of Street, N.W., 3rd Floor undersigned, on or be713-6020 Lawrence D Cundiff, who W a s h i n g t o n , D . C . fore February 4, 2018, or died on January 5, 2016 20001, on or before Feb- be forever barred. Perruary 11, 2018. Claims without a will, and will sons believed to be heirs MOUNTAIN serve with Court supervi- against the decedent or legatees of the desion. All unknown heirs shall be presented to the cedent who do not rePROPERTY a n d h e i r s w h o s e undersigned with a copy ceive a copy of this notice whereabouts are un- to the Register of Wills or by mail within 25 days of MOUNT LAND BARknown shall enter their filed with the Register of its first publication shall GAIN. 14+ ACRES Wills with a copy to the so inform the Register of appearance in this only $58,345 BREAKproceeding. Objections undersigned, on or be- Wills, including name, to such appointment fore February 11, 2018, address and relationTAKING VIEWS. shall be filed with the or be forever barred. Per- ship. EASY DRIVE DC. Register of Wills, D.C., sons believed to be heirs Date of Publication: Rare! Level moun515 5th Street, N.W., 3rd or legatees of the de- August 4, 2017 Floor Washington, D.C. cedent who do not re- Name of newspaper: tain acreage mature 20001, on or before Feb- ceive a copy of this notice Afro-American hardwoods, easy access ruary 11, 2018. Claims by mail within 25 days of Washington 5 mins to quiet country against the decedent its first publication shall Law Reporter shall be presented to the so inform the Register of town w/everything! Mary S. Rhett undersigned with a copy Wills, including name, Personal Abundant wildlife. to the Register of Wills or address and relationRepresentative Public river fishing & filed with the Register of ship. Wills with a copy to the Date of Publication: canoeing await! One of TRUE TEST COPY undersigned, on or be- August 11, 2017 REGISTER OF WILLS a kind. Perc approved. fore February 11, 2018, Name of newspaper: Ready to build when Afro-American or be forever barred. PerTYPESET: Tue Aug 22 08/4, 08/11, 08/18/17 you are! Low down sons believed to be heirs Washington Law Reporter or legatees of the depayment Call now 304cedent who do not re- Sims Summerlin Walker SUPERIOR COURT OF 901-4931. Jr. ceive a copy of this notice THE DISTRICT OF Personal by mail within 25 days of COLUMBIA Representative its first publication shall PROBATE DIVISION REAL ESTATE so inform the Register of Washington, D.C. FOR SALE Wills, including name, TRUE TEST COPY 20001-2131 address and relation- REGISTER OF WILLS Foreign No. Delaware New Move-In ship. TYPESET: Tue Aug 22 16:23:10 EDT 2017 2017FEP90 08/11, 08/18, 08/25/17 Ready Homes! Low Date of Publication: Date of Death August 11, 2017 May 5, 2016 Taxes! Close to Beaches, Name of newspaper: Anne Marie Perna Superior Court of Gated, Olympic pool. Afro-American Decedent the New Homes from low Washington NOTICE OF District of Columbia Law Reporter APPOINTMENT $100’s. No HOA Fees. PROBATE DIVISION Mary Alice Brown OF FOREIGN Washington, D.C. Brochures Available Personal PERSONAL 20001-2131 1-866-629-0770 or Representative REPRESENTATIVE Administration No. AND 2017ADM839 TRUE TEST COPY NOTICE TO Richard Henry Hamm REGISTER OF WILLS CREDITORS Decedent Elisa Anne Guarino NOTICE OF 08/11, 08/18, 08/25/17 whose address is 6005 APPOINTMENT, Oxbury Court, Glenn AlNOTICE TO len, VA 23059 was apCREDITORS pointed personal repreAND NOTICE TO sentative of the estate of UNKNOWN HEIRS Aaron Henry Hamm, Anne Marie Perna , dewhose address is 908 ceased by the Circuit P a r k Te r r a c e , F o r t C o u r t f o r H e n r i c o County, State of Virginia


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OF FOREIGN NOTICE TO 20001-2131 For Proof of Publication, 1-800-237-6892, ext. 244 PERSONAL please call Administration No. CREDITORS REPRESENTATIVE 2017ADM842 Elisa Anne Guarino Evelyn Elizabeth Pitts AND whose address is 6005 TYPESET: Tue Aug 22 16:18:34 Decedent NOTICE TO Oxbury Court, Glenn AlLEGAL NOTICES LEGAL NOTICES LEGAL NOTICES CREDITORS len, VA 23059 was apLEGAL NOTICES Jason A DeLoach, pointed personal repre- Nahil A. Karkenny whose Superior Court of Esq., sentative of the estate of a d d r e s s i s 2 3 0 7 the District of Alexander & Cleaver Anne Marie Perna , de- Greenery Lane #402, SilColumbia PA ceased by the Circuit ver Spring , MD 20906 PROBATE DIVISION 11414 Livingston Road was appointed personal Court for Henrico Washington, D.C. Fort Washington, MD County, State of Virginia representative of the 20001-2131 20744 estate of Moses Hanna ., on August 19, 2016. Administration No. Attorney Service of process may Karkenny, deceased by 2017ADM916 NOTICE OF be made upon Juanita F the Orphans’ Court for Tyrone Cephas Bonner APPOINTMENT, Ferguson, 1376 C Street, Montgomery County, Decedent NOTICE TO NE, Washington, DC State of Maryland . on NOTICE OF CREDITORS 20016 whose designa- June 22, 2017, APPOINTMENT, AND NOTICE TO tion as District of Colum- Service of process may NOTICE TO UNKNOWN HEIRS bia agent has been filed be made upon Rima CREDITORS Loyce S Pitts , whose adwith the Register of Wills, Karim 5010 4th Street, AND NOTICE TO dress is 1208 Jefferson NW, Washington, DC D.C. UNKNOWN HEIRS St. NW, Washington, DC The decedent owned the 20011 whose designa20011, was appointed Gayle C Rutland, whose f o l l o w i n g D i s t r i c t o f tion as District of Columpersonal representative address is P.O. Box Colombia real property: bia agent has been filed of the estate of Evelyn 5044, Fredericksburg, 4621 42nd Street, NW, with the Register of Wills, Elizabeth Pitts, who died VA 22403 was appointed D.C. on June 30, 2012 (with, personal representative Washington, DC 20016 without) a will, and will of the estate of Tyrone Claims against the de- The decedent owned the serve without Court su- Caphas Bonner , who f o l l o w i n g D i s t r i c t o f cedent may be prepervision. All unknown died on June 2, 2017 sented to the under- Colombia real property: heirs and heirs whose without a will, and will signed and filed with the 6712 4th St.NW, WDC, whereabouts are un- serve without Court suRegister of Wills for the 6503 8th St, NW, WDC, known shall enter their pervision. All unknown 1417 Crittenden St, NW District of Columbia, heirs and heirs whose appearance in this Levis St, NW (no street Building A, 515 5th proceeding. Objections whereabouts are unStreet, NW., 3rd Floor- number), WDC Trinidad to such appointment (or known shall enter their Washington, D.C. 20001 Sub: B Deed Sq. 4076, to the probate of de- a p p e a r a n c e i n t h i s within 6 months from the Lot 0823 cedent´s will) shall be proceeding. Objections date of first publication of Claims against the defiled with the Register of to such appointment cedent may be prethis notice. Wills, D.C., 515 5th shall be filed with the Elisa Anne Guarino sented to the underStreet, N.W., 3rd Floor Register of Wills, D.C., Personal signed and filed with the Wa s h i n g t o n , D . C . 515 5th Street, N.W., 3rd Representative(s) Register of Wills for the 20001, on or before Floor Washington, D.C. TRUE TEST COPY District of Columbia, 500 J a n u a r y 2 8 , 2 0 1 8 . 20001, on or before FebREGISTER OF WILLS Indiana Avenue, N.W., Claims against the de- ruary 18, 2018. Claims Washington, D.C. 20001 Date of first publication: cedent shall be pre- against the decedent within 6 months from the August 11, 2017 sented to the under- shall be presented to the Name of newspapers date of first publication of signed with a copy to the undersigned with a copy this notice. and/or periodical: Register of Wills or filed to the Register of Wills or 16:23:30 EDT 2017 Nahil A Karkenny The Daily Washington with the Register of Wills filed with the Register of Personal Law Reporter with a copy to the under- Wills with a copy to the Representative(s) signed, on or before undersigned, on or beThe Afro-American TYPESET: Aug 22 16:22:05 EDT 2017 TRUE TEST COPY 08/11, 08/18,Tue 08/25/17 January 28, 2018, or be fore February 18, 2018, forever barred. Persons or be forever barred. PerREGISTER OF WILLS believed to be heirs or sons believed to be heirs Date of first publication: SUPERIOR COURT OF legatees of the decedent or legatees of the deAugust 11, 2017 THE DISTRICT OF who do not receive a cedent who do not reName of newspapers COLUMBIA copy of this notice by mail ceive a copy of this notice and/or periodical: within 25 days of its first by mail within 25 days of PROBATE DIVISION The Daily Washington publication shall so in- its first publication shall Washington, D.C. Law Reporter form the Register of so inform the Register of 20001-2131 The Afro-American Wills, including name, Wills, including name, Foreign No. address and relationTYPESET: Tue Aug 22 16:20:23 EDT 2017 address and relation2017FEP89 08/11, 08/18, 08/25/17 ship. ship. Date of Death Date of Publication: Date of Publication: April 10, 2017 07/28/2017 August 18, 2017 Moses Hanna KarSuperior Court of Name of newspaper: Name of newspaper: kenny the District of Afro-American Afro-American Decedent Columbia Washington Washington NOTICE OF PROBATE DIVISION Law Reporter Law Reporter APPOINTMENT Washington, D.C. Loyce S Pitts Gayle C Rutland OF FOREIGN 20001-2131 Personal Personal PERSONAL Administration No. Representative Representative REPRESENTATIVE 2017ADM842 AND Evelyn Elizabeth Pitts TRUE TEST COPY TRUE TEST COPY NOTICE TO Decedent REGISTER OF WILLS REGISTER OF WILLS CREDITORS Nahil A. Karkenny whose Jason A DeLoach, 07/28, 08/4, 08/11/17 08/18, 08/25, 09/1/17 address is 2307 Esq., Greenery Lane #402, SilAlexander & Cleaver ver Spring , MD 20906 PA was appointed personal 11414 Livingston Road representative of the Fort Washington, MD

whereabouts are unknown shall enter their appearance in this proceeding. Objections to such appointment shall be filed with the Register of Wills, D.C., 515 5th Street, N.W., 3rd Floor Washington, D.C. 20001, on or before February 18, 2018. Claims against the decedent shall be presented to the undersigned with a copy to the Register of Wills or filed with the Register of Wills with a copy to the undersigned, on or before February 18, 2018, or be forever barred. Persons believed to be heirs or legatees of the decedent who do not receive a copy of this notice by mail within 25 days of its first publication shall so inform the Register of Wills, including name, address and relationship. Date of Publication: August 18, 2017 Name of newspaper: Afro-American Washington Law Reporter Garett Wong Personal Representative TRUE TEST COPY REGISTER OF WILLS

TYPESET: Aug 22 08/18, 8/25, Tue 09/01/17 Superior Court of the District of Columbia PROBATE DIVISION Washington, D.C. 20001-2131 Administration No. 2017ADM908 Arthur L Stephens Decedent NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT, NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND NOTICE TO UNKNOWN HEIRS Renee L Williams, whose address is 233 Oneida St. NE, Washington, DC 20011, was appointed personal representative of the estate of Arthur L Stephens , who died on March 18, 2017 with a will, and will serve without Court supervision. All unknown heirs and heirs whose whereabouts are unknown shall enter their appearance in this proceeding. Objections to such appointment (or to the probate of de-

Estate of Bernard Bradley Anderson Bernard B Anderson Deceased NOTICE OF STANDARD PROBATE Notice is hereby given that a petition has been LEGAL NOTICES filed in this Court by Emawayish Gerima for standard probate, including the appoint-ment of one or more personal representative. Unless a TRUE TEST COPY complaint or an objection REGISTER OF WILLS in accordance with Superior Court Probate TYPESET: Aug 22 16:14:32 EDT407 2017 08/18, 08/25,Tue 09/1/17 Division Rule is filed in this Court within 30 days from the date of first Superior Court of publication of this notice, the District of the Court may take the Columbia action hereinafter set PROBATE DIVISION forth. 0 Washington, D.C. Admit to probate the will 20001-2131 dated July 27, 2014 Administration No. exhibited with the petition 2016ADM1437 upon proof satisfactory to Janie M Bonds the Court of due execuDecedent tion by affidavit of witVickey A. Wright Smith nesses or otherwise 1629 K Street, NW, #300 0order witnesses to the Washington, DC 20006 alleged will dated July Attorney 27, 2014 to appear and NOTICE OF give testimony regarding APPOINTMENT, its execution NOTICE TO Register of Wills CREDITORS Clerk of AND NOTICE TO the Probate Division UNKNOWN HEIRS Date of First Publication Vickey A Wright-Smith, August 18, 2017 whose address is 1629 K Names of Newspapers: S t r e e t , N W , # 3 0 0 , Washington Washington, DC 20006 Law Reporter was appointed personal Washington representative of the AFRO-AMERICAN estate of Janie M Bonds , David W Kestner who died on September 7700 Old Branch Ave 7, 2008 without a will, C101 and will serve without Clinton, MD 20735 Court supervision. All un- Signature of known heirs and heirs Petitioners/Attorney whose where-abouts are unknown shall enter their 08/18, 08/25/17 TYPESET: Tue Aug 22 16:18:07 a p p e a r aEDT n c e 2017 in this proceeding. Objections to such appointment (or Superior Court of to the probate of dethe District of cedent´s will) shall be District of Columbia filed with the Register of PROBATE DIVISION Wills, D.C., 515 5th Washington, D.C. Street, N.W., 3rd Floor 20001-2131 Wa s h i n g t o n , D . C . Administration No. 20001, on or before Feb2017ADM437 ruary 18, 2018 . Claims against the decedent Charles Roberts shall be presented to the Decedent undersigned with a copy Margaret A. Iremiren to the Register of Wills or 718 Oglethorpe Street filed with the Register of NW Wills with a copy to the Washington, DC 20011 undersigned, on or be- Attorney NOTICE OF fore February 18, 2018, APPOINTMENT, or be forever barred. PerNOTICE TO sons believed to be heirs CREDITORS or legatees of the deAND NOTICE TO cedent who do not reUNKNOWN HEIRS ceive a copy of this notice by mail within 25 days of Margaret A Iremiren , its first publication shall whose address is 718 so inform the Register of Oglethorpe Street NW, Wills, including name, Washington, DC 20011 , address and relation- was appointed personal representative of the ship. estate of Charles RobDate of Publication: erts , who died on August 18, 2017 November 08, 2016 withName of newspaper: out a will, and will serve Afro-American without Court superviWashington sion. All unknown heirs Law Reporter Vickey A Wright-Smith a n d h e i r s w h o s e Personal whereabouts are unRepresentative known shall enter their appearance in this proceeding. Objections TRUE TEST COPY to such appointment (or REGISTER OF WILLS to the probate of decedent´s EDT will) 2017 shall be TYPESET: Aug 22 16:16:07 08/18, 08/25,Tue 09/1/17 filed with the Register of Wills, D.C., 515 5th Street, N.W., 3rd Floor Superior Court of Wa s h i n g t o n , D . C . the District of 20001, on or before FebColumbia ruary 11, 2018. Claims PROBATE DIVISION against the decedent Washington, D.C. shall be presented to the 20001-2131 undersigned with a copy Administration No. to the Register of Wills or 2017ADM900 filed with the Register of Phillip Nelson Wallace Wills with a copy to the Decedent undersigned, on or beSilber, Perlman, Sig- fore February 11, 2018, man & Tilev PA or be forever barred. Per6930 Carroll Ave # 610 sons believed to be heirs Ta k o m a P a r k , M D or legatees of the de20912 cedent who do not reAttorney ceive a copy of this notice NOTICE OF by mail within 25 days of APPOINTMENT, its first publication shall NOTICE TO so inform the Register of CREDITORS Wills, including name, AND NOTICE TO address and relationUNKNOWN HEIRS ship. Jeannelle B Wallace , Date of Publication: whose address is 1411 August 11, 2017 Rittenhouse St., NW, Name of newspaper: TRUE TEST COPY Washington, DC 20011, Afro-American REGISTER OF WILLS was appointed personal Washington TYPESET: Tue Aug 22 16:16:54 EDT 2017 representative of the Law Reporter 08/18, 08/25, 9/1/17 estate of Phillip Nelson Margaret A Iremiren Wallace , who died on Personal May 23, 2017 without a Superior Court of Representative will, and will serve withthe District of out Court supervision. All TRUE TEST COPY District of Columbia unknown heirs and heirs REGISTER OF WILLS PROBATE DIVISION whose where-abouts are Washington, D.C. unknown shall enter their 20001-2131 appearance in this TYPESET: Aug 22 Administration No. 08/11, 08/18,Tue 08/25/17 proceeding. Objections 2017ADM904 to such appointment Maxine J Cain shall be filed with the SUPERIOR COURT OF Decedent Register of Wills, D.C., Barbara G Whitaker THE DISTRICT OF 515 5th Street, N.W., 3rd 635 Dahlia Street, NW COLUMBIA Floor Washington, D.C. Washington, DC PROBATE DIVISION 20001, on or before Feb20012-1841 Washington, D.C. ruary 18, 2018. Claims Attorney 20001-2131 against the decedent NOTICE OF Foreign No. shall be presented to the APPOINTMENT, 2017FEP26 undersigned with a copy NOTICE TO Date of Death to the Register of Wills or CREDITORS July 28, 2016 filed with the Register of Willard C McClain AND NOTICE TO Wills with a copy to the Decedent UNKNOWN HEIRS Rayna Bailey-Smith, undersigned, on or beNOTICE OF whose address is 301 fore February 18, 2018, APPOINTMENT or be forever barred. PerBenam Court , AccoOF FOREIGN keek, MD 20607, was ap- sons believed to be heirs PERSONAL pointed personal repre- or legatees of the deREPRESENTATIVE sentative of the estate of cedent who do not reAND Maxine J. Cain , who died ceive a copy of this notice NOTICE TO on October 5, 2016 with a by mail within 25 days of CREDITORS will, and will serve with- its first publication shall Doris A McClain whose out Court supervision. All so inform the Register of a d d r e s s i s 4 5 1 1 unknown heirs and heirs Wills, including name, Simmons Lane, Temple whose where-abouts are address and relation- Hills, MD 20748 was apunknown shall enter their ship. pointed personal repreDate of Publication: appearance in this sentative of the estate of proceeding. Objections August 18, 2017 Willard C McClain , deto such appointment (or Name of newspaper: ceased by the Probate to the probate of de- Afro-American Court for Prince Georges 16:17:15 EDT 2017 Washington cedent´s will) shall be C o u n t y, S t a t e o f filed with the Register of Law Reporter Maryland., on SeptemJeannelle B Wallace ber 20, 2016. Wills, D.C., 515 5th Personal Service of process may Street, N.W., 3rd Floor Representative be made upon Patricia A. Wa s h i n g t o n , D . C . 20001, on or before FebBarnes, Esquire, 1629 K TRUE TEST COPY ruary 18, 2018. Claims Street, NW, Washington, against the decedent REGISTER OF WILLS DC 20006 whose desshall be presented to the ignation as District of Aug 22 16:19:39 EDT 2017 has 08/18, 08/25,Tue 09/1/17 undersigned with a copy TYPESET: Columbia agent to the Register of Wills or been filed with the Regisfiled with the Register of ter of Wills, D.C. Wills with a copy to the SUPERIOR COURT OF The decedent owned the THE DISTRICT OF undersigned, on or befollowing District of COLUMBIA fore February 18, 2018, Colombia real property: PROBATE DIVISION or be forever barred. Per4613 B Street, SE, Washington, D.C. sons believed to be heirs Washington, DC 20019. 20001-2131 or legatees of the deClaims against the deAdministration No. cedent who do not recedent may be pre2017ADM972 ceive a copy of this notice sented to the underby mail within 25 days of Estate of signed and filed with the its first publication shall Bernard Bradley An- Register of Wills for the so inform the Register of derson District of Columbia, Wills, including name, Bernard B Anderson Building A, 515 5th address and relation- Deceased Street, NW, 3rd Floor, NOTICE OF ship. Washington, D.C. 20001 STANDARD Date of Publication: within 6 months from the PROBATE August 18, 2017 date of first publication of Notice is hereby given this notice. Name of newspaper: that a petition has been Afro-American filed in this Court by Washington Doris A. McClain Emawayish Gerima for Law Reporter Personal Rayna Bailey-Smith standard probate, includRepresentative(s) Personal ing the appoint-ment of TRUE TEST COPY Representative one or more personal reREGISTER OF WILLS presentative. Unless a Date of first publication: complaint or an objection March 24, 2017 TRUE TEST COPY

signed and filed with the Register of Wills for the District of Columbia, Building A, 515 5th Street, NW, 3rd Floor, Washington, D.C. 20001 within 6 months from the date of first publication of this notice.


August 26, 2017 - September 1, 2017, The Afro-American LEGAL NOTICES

Personal Representative(s) SUPERIOR COURT OF TRUE TEST COPY THE DISTRICT OF REGISTER OF WILLS COLUMBIA Date of first publication: PROBATE DIVISION March 24, 2017 Washington, D.C. Name of newspapers 20001-2131 and/or periodical: Foreign No. The Daily Washington 2017FEP97 Law Reporter Date of Death The Afro-American December 2012 TYPESET: Aug 22 16:15:39 EDT 4,2017 03/24, 03/31,Tue 4/7/17 Calvin H Steiner Jr. Decedent NOTICE OF Superior Court of APPOINTMENT the District of OF FOREIGN District of Columbia PERSONAL PROBATE DIVISION REPRESENTATIVE Washington, D.C. AND 20001-2131 NOTICE TO Administration No. CREDITORS 2016ADM626 Robbyn TuremanDora Smith Steiner whose address is Decedent 12409 Deloraine Circle. Clarissa Edwards Fort Washington, MD 2402 Lenfant Square 20744 was appointed SE personal representative Washington, DC 20020 of the estate of Calvin H Attorney Steiner Jr., deceased by NOTICE OF the Orphan’s Court for APPOINTMENT, Prince George’s County, NOTICE TO State of Maryland., on CREDITORS December 17, 2012, AND NOTICE TO Service of process may UNKNOWN HEIRS be made upon James Danielle Wright / Cathy Larry Frazier Esquire, Smith, whose address 918 Maryland Avenue, are 1276 Patriot Lane, NE, Washington, DC MD /99-04 57th Avenue 20002 whose designaQueens, NY 11368, were tion as District of Columappointed personal re- bia agent has been filed presentative of the estate with the Register of Wills, of Dora Smith, who died D.C. on February 19, 2016 The decedent owned the without a will, and will f o l l o w i n g D i s t r i c t o f 16:15:14 EDT Court 2017 suserve without Colombia real property: pervision. All unknown one-third interest as tenheirs and heirs whose ant in common for real where-abouts are un- property located at 229 known shall enter their Long Fellow St., NW, appearance in this Washington, DC proceeding. Objections Claims against the deto such appointment cedent may be preshall be filed with the sented to the underRegister of Wills, D.C., signed and filed with the 515 5th Street, N.W., 3rd Register of Wills for the Floor Washington, D.C. District of Columbia, 20001, on or before Feb- Building A, 515 5th ruary 25, 2018. Claims Street, NW, 3rd Floor against the decedent Washington, D.C. 20001 shall be presented to the within 6 months from the undersigned with a copy date of first publication of to the Register of Wills or this notice. filed with the Register of Wills with a copy to the Robbyn undersigned, on or beTureman-Steiner fore February 25, 2018, Personal or be forever barred. PerRepresentative(s) sons believed to be heirs TRUE TEST COPY or legatees of the deREGISTER OF WILLS cedent who do not re- Date of first publication: ceive a copy of this notice August 25, 2017 by mail within 25 days of Name of newspapers its first publication shall and/or periodical: so inform the Register of The Daily Washington Wills, including name, Law Reporter address and relation- The Afro-American ship. 08/25, 09/1, 09/08/17 Date of Publication: August 25, 2017 Name of newspaper: Afro-American Washington Law Reporter Danielle Wright/Cathy Smith Personal Representative TRUE TEST COPY REGISTER OF WILLS

08/25, 9/1, 09/8/17 TYPESET: Wed Aug 23 16:42:41 EDT 2017 Superior Court of the District of District of Columbia PROBATE DIVISION Washington, D.C. 20001-2131 Administration No. 2017ADM259 Ruth W Powell Decedent Elizabeth Victoria Noel, Esq 43 Randolph Rd #207 Silver Spring, MD 20904 Attorney NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT, NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND NOTICE TO UNKNOWN HEIRS Barbara A Thompson , whose address is 185 Occoneechee Trail, Hollister NC, 27844 , was appointed personal representative of the estate of Ruth W Powell, who died on January 6, 2008 without a will, and will serve with Court supervi16:19:17 2017heirs sion. All EDT unknown and heirs whose whereabouts are unknown shall enter their appearance in this proceeding. Objections to such appointment shall be filed with the Register of Wills, D.C., 515 5th Street, N.W., 3rd Floor Washington, D.C. 20001, on or before November 12, 2017. Claims against the decedent shall be presented to the undersigned with a copy to the Register of Wills or filed with the Register of Wills with a copy to the undersigned, on or before November 12, 2017, or be forever barred. Persons believed to be heirs or legatees of the decedent who do not receive a copy of this notice by mail within 25 days of its first publication shall so inform the Register of Wills, including name, address and relationship. Date of Publication: May 12, 2017 Name of newspaper: Afro-American Washington Law Reporter Barbara A Thompson Personal Representative TRUE TEST COPY REGISTER OF WILLS 05/12, 05/19, 05/26/17


TYPESET: Tue2017 Aug 22 16:22:25 TYPESET: Tue Aug 22 16:17:38 EDT TYPESET: Tue2017 Aug 22 16:18:57 EDT TYPESET: Tue2017 Aug 22 16:44:14 EDT


by mail within 25 days of its first publication shall so inform the Register of Wills, including name, address and relationship. Date of Publication: August 18, 2017 Name of newspaper: Afro-American LEGAL NOTICES Washington Law Reporter Rayna Bailey-Smith Personal Representative


address is 233 Oneida St. NE, Washington, DC 20011, was appointed personal representative of the estate of Arthur L Stephens , who died on March 18, 2017 with a will, and will serve without Court superviTYPESET: Tue Aug 22 16:13:49 2017heirs sion. All EDT unknown LEGAL NOTICES aLEGAL n d h e i NOTICES rs whose whereabouts are unknown shall enter their Superior Court of a ppearance in this the District of proceeding. Objections Columbia to such appointment (or PROBATE DIVISION to the probate of deWashington, D.C. cedent´s will) shall be 20001-2131 filed with the Register of Administration No. Wills, D.C., 515 5th 2017ADM920 Diana Harvie Ryan, Esq Street, N.W., 3rd Floor Wa s h i n g t o n , D . C . Decedent 20001, on or before FebPatricia D Ryan Esq ruary 18, 2018. Claims 6106 Harvard Avenue against the decedent P.O. Box 633 shall be presented to the Glen Echo, MD 20816 undersigned with a copy Attorney to the Register of Wills or NOTICE OF filed with the Register of APPOINTMENT, Wills with a copy to the NOTICE TO undersigned, on or beCREDITORS fore February 18, 2018, AND NOTICE TO or be forever barred. PerUNKNOWN HEIRS Coimbra Maher Sirica, sons believed to be heirs whose address is 188 or legatees of the deW o o d b i n e A v e n u e cedent who do not reNorthport, NY 11768, ceive a copy of this notice was appointed personal by mail within 25 days of representative of the its first publication shall estate of Diana Harvie so inform the Register of Maher, who died on Feb- Wills, including name, ruary 21, 2017 with a will, address and relationand will serve without ship. Court supervision. All un- Date of Publication: known heirs and heirs August 18, 2017 whose whereabouts are Name of newspaper: unknown shall enter their Afro-American Washington appearance in this proceeding. Objections Law Reporter Renee L Williams to such appointment (or Personal to the probate of deRepresentative cedent´s will) shall be filed with the Register of TRUE TEST COPY Wills, D.C., 515 5th Street, N.W., 3rd Floor REGISTER OF WILLS Wa s h i n g t o n , D . C . TYPESET: Aug 22 08/25,Tue 09/1/17 20001, on or before Feb- 08/18, ruary 18, 2018. Claims against the decedent Superior Court of shall be presented to the the District of undersigned with a copy Columbia to the Register of Wills or PROBATE DIVISION filed with the Register of Washington, D.C. Wills with a copy to the 20001-2131 undersigned, on or beAdministration No. fore February 18, 2018, 2017ADM903 or be forever barred. Persons believed to be heirs Hilda Audrey Hamm or legatees of the de- Decedent NOTICE OF cedent who do not reAPPOINTMENT, ceive a copy of this notice NOTICE TO by mail within 25 days of CREDITORS its first publication shall AND NOTICE TO so inform the Register of UNKNOWN HEIRS Wills, including name, address and relation- Tracy Lynne Hamm, whose address is 12607 ship. Abbottsford Circle, Ft Date of Publication: Washington, MD 20744, August 18, 2017 was appointed personal Name of newspaper: representative of the Afro-American estate of Hilda Audrey Washington Hamm, who died on FebLaw Reporter Coimbra Maher Sirica ruary 11, 2008 without a Personal will, and will serve withRepresentative out Court supervision. All unknown heirs and heirs whose whereabouts are TRUE TEST COPY unknown shall enter their REGISTER OF WILLS appearance in this proceeding. 08/18, 08/25,Tue 09/1/17 TYPESET: Aug 22 16:16:30 EDTObjections 2017 to such appointment shall be filed with the Register of Wills, D.C., Superior Court of 515 5th Street, N.W., 3rd the District of Floor Washington, D.C. Columbia 20001, on or before FebPROBATE DIVISION ruary 18, 2018. Claims Washington, D.C. against the decedent 20001-2131 shall be presented to the Administration No. undersigned with a copy 2017ADM888 to the Register of Wills or Richard Y Lee filed with the Register of Decedent Robert P. Newman, Esq Wills with a copy to the 801 Wayne Avenue, undersigned, on or before February 18, 2018, Suite 400 S i l v e r S p r i n g , M D or be forever barred. Persons believed to be heirs 20910 or legatees of the deAttorney cedent who do not reNOTICE OF ceive a copy of this notice APPOINTMENT, by mail within 25 days of NOTICE TO its first publication shall CREDITORS so inform the Register of AND NOTICE TO Wills, including name, UNKNOWN HEIRS Garrett Wong, whose ad- address and relationdress is 9607 Belvedere ship. Place, Silver Spring, MD Date of Publication: 20910 was appointed August 18, 2017 personal representative Name of newspaper: of the estate of Richard Y. Afro-American Lee, who died on May 27, Washington 2017 without a will, and Law Reporter Tracy Lynne Hamm will serve without Court Personal supervision. All unknown Representative heirs and heirs whose


SUPERIOR COURT OF THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA PROBATE DIVISION Washington, D.C. 20001-2131 Foreign No. 2017FEP96 Date of Death December 28, 2008 John H Blocker Decedent NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT OF FOREIGN PERSONAL REPRESENTATIVE AND NOTICE TO CREDITORS Leomie Blocker whose address is 99 Calhoun Street, Johnston, SC 29832 was appointed personal representative of the estate of John H Blocker, deceased by the Probate Court for Edgefield County, State of South Carolina., on February 7, 2017, Service of process may be made upon Thomas L Campbell Esquire , 3807 Minnesota Avenue NE, Washington, DC 20019 whose designation as District of Columbia agent has been filed with the Register of Wills, D.C. The decedent owned the following District of Colombia real property: 1/6 Interest in 2626 Evarts Street, NE, Washington, DC 20018 Claims against the decedent may be presented to the undersigned and filed with the Register of Wills for the District of Columbia,Building A , 515 5th St., NW, 3rd FloorWashington, D.C. 20001 within 6 months from the date of first publication of this notice. Leomie Blocker Personal Representative(s) TRUE TEST COPY REGISTER OF WILLS Date of first publication: August 25, 2017 Name of newspapers and/or periodical: The Daily Washington Law Reporter The Afro-American 08/25, 9/1, 09/8/17


Superior Court of the District of District of Columbia PROBATE DIVISION Washington, D.C. 20001-2131 Administration No. 2017ADM691 Levance Dickey Decedent Thecia Bethel, Attorney NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT, NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND NOTICE TO UNKNOWN HEIRS Thecia Bethel , whose address is 3321 Toledo Terrace, Suite 203, Hyattsville MD 20782 was appointed personal representative of the estate of Levance Dickey, who died on October 4, 2005 without a will, and will serve with Court supervision. All unknown heirs and heirs whose whereabouts are unknown shall enter their appearance in this proceeding. Objections to such appointment shall be filed with the Register of Wills, D.C., 515 5th Street, N.W., 3rd Floor Washington, D.C. 20001, on or before January 28, 2018. Claims against the decedent shall be presented to the undersigned with a copy to the Register of Wills or filed with the Register of Wills with a copy to the undersigned, on or before January 28, 2018, or be forever barred. Persons believed to be heirs or legatees of the decedent who do not receive a copy of this notice by mail within 25 days of its first publication shall so inform the Register of Wills, including name, address and relationship. Date of Publication: July 28, 2017 Name of newspaper: Afro-American Washington Law Reporter Thecia Bethel Personal Representative TRUE TEST COPY REGISTER OF WILLS


Superior Court of the District of Columbia PROBATE DIVISION Washington, D.C. 20001-2131 Administration No. 2017ADM573 Tsehay Tesfamariam Decedent NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT, NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND NOTICE TO UNKNOWN HEIRS Robel Tekle , whose address(es) is 7659 Stana Court, Lorton, VA 22079 was, appointed personal representative of the estate of Tsehay Tesfamariam, who died on October 6, 2016 without a will, and will serve without Court supervision. All unknown heirs and heirs whose whereabouts are unknown shall enter their appearance in this proceeding. Objections to such appointment (or to the probate of decedent´s will) shall be filed with the Register of Wills, D.C., 515 5th Street, N.W., 3rd Floor Wa s h i n g t o n , D . C . 20001, on or before February 11, 2018 Claims against the decedent shall be presented to the undersigned with a copy to the Register of Wills or filed with the Register of Wills with a copy to the undersigned, on or before February 11, 2018 or be forever barred. Persons believed to be heirs or legatees of the decedent who do not receive a copy of this notice by mail within 25 days of its first publication shall so inform the Register of Wills, including name, address and relationship. Date of Publication: August 11, 2017 Name of newspaper: Afro-American Washington Law Reporter Robel Tekle Personal Representative TRUE TEST COPY REGISTER OF WILLS 08/11, 08/18, 08/25/17

07/28, 08/4, 08/11/17

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City of Baltimore Department of Finance Bureau of Purchases Sealed proposals addressed to the Board of Estimates of Baltimore will be received until, but not later than 11:00a.m. local time on the following date(s) for the stated requirements: September 13, 2017 * M E T H A N O L F O R W A S T E W AT E R TREATMENT PLANTS B50005115 September 20, 2017 *LIQUID SODIUM BISULFITE FOR WASTEWATER TREATMENT PLANTS B50005114 THE ENTIRE SOLICITATION DOCUMENT CAN BE VIEWED AND DOWNLOADED BY VISITING THE CITY’S WEBSITE: TYPESET: Wed Aug 23 13:44:11 2017 LEGALEDT NOTICES

CITY OF BALTIMORE DEPARTMENT OF GENERAL SERVICES NOTICE OF LETTING Sealed Bids or Proposals, in duplicate, addressed to the Board of Estimates of the Mayor and City Council of Baltimore and marked for GS 16815 Mitchell Courthouse Jury Assembly Room 320 Renovations will be received at the Office of the Comptroller, Room 204, City Hall, Baltimore, Maryland until 11:00 A.M. on Wednesday, October 4, 2017. Positively no bids will be received after 11:00 A.M. The bids will be publicly opened by the Board of Estimates in Room 215, City Hall at Noon. The Contract Documents may be examined, without charge, in Room 6 located on the first floor of the Abel Wolman Municipal Building, 200 Holliday Street, Baltimore, Maryland 21202 as of Friday, August 25, 2017 and copies may be purchased for a non-refundable cost of $100.00. Conditions and requirements of the Bid are found in the bid package. All contractors bidding on this Contract must first be pre-qualified by the City of Baltimore Contractors Qualification Committee. Interested contractors should call 410 396-6883 or contact the Committee at 4 South Frederick Street, 4th Floor, Baltimore, MD 21202. If a bid is submitted by a Joint Venture (”JV”), then in that event, the documents that establish the JV shall be submitted with the bid for verification purposes. The Prequalification Category required for bidding on this project is E13004 Rehabilitation of Structures.The Cost Qualification Range for this work shall be $100,000.01 to $500,000.00 A” Pre-Bidding information” session will be conducted at The Site: 100 North Calvert St., Baltimore MD 21202 on Tuesday, September 5, 2017 at 10:00 A.M. Principal Items of work for this project are: 1.Finishes 2.HVAC The MBE goal is 32% The WBE goal is 6% CONTRACT NO. GS 16815

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The Afro-American, August 26, 2017 - September 1, 2017




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August 2017 - August1,26, 2017,The TheAfro-American Afro-American August 26, 201726,- September 2017,

A3 C5

Dick Gregory Fought for Freedom Until the End Continued from A1 said Radio One Owner and visionary Cathy Hughes during a special Broadcast on the Roland Martin Morning show. Hughes added that Gregory understood the power of what she was trying to do. “He knew at any time he could be on the internet, he could be on radio, he could be on television – he could continue to spread his powerful message of liberation for our community.” Hughes as well as one of his sons, who appeared on WHUR on Aug. 21 said that even though Gregory grew up in a St. Louis ghetto, he had the opportunity to make millions of dollars. His son said Gregory chose to be an advocate for his people. “He was given a choice,” Yohance Maqubela, Gregory’s son, told the AFRO on Aug. 21. “You either give up Civil Rights or we are going to give you up. That was the night club piece. When we see people today who are afraid to sit down and take a knee and here is a person who time and time again gave up multimillion contracts because Nov. 24, 1962 of his beliefs.” Gregory embraced many causes ranging from the March on Washington to the Million Man March. He also became an expert on health and wellness long before it was popular. “He often taught me to be lovable than to be loved because everybody wants to be loved,” Civil Rights activist E. Faye Williams told the AFRO. “He always wanted young people to listen more than they talked. He had been through things they had talked about and they could get more help by listening.” Gregory became a pioneer in stand-up comedy for his “no-holds-barred” sets, where he actually mocked

Dick Gregory in 1969.

April 27, 1963

July 19, 1980

ABOVE: Dick Gregory in 1974 ran a 900-mile route from Chicago to Washington, D.C. to protest hunger. Gregory is flanked by then D.C. Congressional Delegate Walter Fauntroy and then Congressman Andrew Young of Georgia. ABOVE RIGHT: Dick Gregory is satirically administered the oath of office by civil rights lawyer Jean Williams of Chicago in 1969. His inaugural address called for an end to hunger and racisim in America. RIGHT: Dick Gregory was the commencement speaker at Morgan State Collge in 1968. During his speech he said, “You did not come to school to be somebody, you are somebody.” FAR RIGHT: To protest apartheid in South Africa, Dick Gregory launched a 40-day fast. AFRO Archives photos

racism and bigotry. Gregory became the first Black comedian to successfully cross over to White audiences, appearing on television and putting out comedic record albums. “In the early 90s, when Cathy Hughes took some time off from her WOL and asked me to host, she hired Dick Gregory to cohost with me,” Mark Thompson, a RadioOne veteran, told the AFRO. “I was just a kid. Cathy and Dick were really my onair parents and they raised me on the radio. Dick and I have spoken every day since, and never missed a chance to engage in freedom- fighting together.” Around the country thousands have remembered the comedian for not only his talent, but also his work in fighting for Black rights. “He taught us how to laugh. He taught us how to fight. He taught us how to live. Dick Gregory was committed to Justice,” the Rev. Jesse Jackson tweeted on Aug. 19. “I miss him already. #RIP”

Oct. 6, 1984

June 22, 1963

Bowie State Continued from C1 the sidelines as Wilson’s assistant to the head coach. Being a bridesmaid has fueled an offseason where the program is driven by their recent season ending disappointments. There are 28 returning players and a group of seniors who have been groomed into a system where the Bulldogs no longer rebuild, they retool. The player’s ownership of the team means this year’s preseason camp isn’t teaching, it’s refining their execution.

Five players earned preseason all CIAA conference honors led by quarterback Amir Hall. Hall passed for 3,596 yards and 30 touchdowns last year. Receiver Brandon Britton – who averaged almost 15 yards per catch in 2016 - will play a bigger role as will Kerrick Pollack who returns from a medical redshirt. Versatile running back Robert Chesson who produced 1,417 yards of total offense with eight touchdowns returns as well.

Diversity in Careers and Education Expo Whether you’re an EMPLOYER with job openings to fill or an EDUCATOR recruiting for new students, The AFRO’s Diversity in Careers & Education Expo is the place where you can do both.

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The Afro-American, August 26, 2017 - September 1, 2017


undreds of Washington D.C.-area residents celebrated the legacy of Chuck Brown, the Godfather of GoGo music, during the Chuck Brown

Photos by Carlos Rice

Band’s second annual Chuck Brown Day on Aug. 19 at the Chuck Brown Memorial Park in the Northeast quadrant of the city.

Chris Paul

Darlene Hail

Darrel Stewart

Oliver W. Johnson Matt Talley

Regina Moore

Phillip Bowling

Freda Chase and Isie Collins

Local kids play chess during the festival

On July 30, Jerusalem Baptist Church in fellowship hall along with homemade desserts for Northwest, Washington, D.C. hosted their first a bake sale. Rev. Dr. Dwight Webster, a son of the Homecoming/Reunion. About 150 old and new church returned as the guest speaker along with 70 members shared in a fellowship meal in the previous members of the church that included the former first lady of the church, Mrs. Lois Washington, who set the church on fire with a musical selection. The inspiration for the Homecoming was based on an article in the AFRO American Newspapers that captured the churches 137th anniversary.

We Are One Band

Rev. Dr. Dwight Webster, guest minister

Deacon Harry Dancy delivers offertory prayer

Lois Washington

Rev. Rosa Clark

Deaconess Mary Thompson (at mic) and the Homecoming/Reunion Committee

Church Trustee Board: Jean Lucas, Norma Woody, T.J. Thomas, DeVera West and Barnard Fields

Alva Waller and Kevin Dial

Rev. Monica Teal, Rev. Rodney Teal, Pastor, Jerusalem Baptist Church, Rev. Dr. Dwight Webster and Trudell Webster

The Deacon’s Board

Photos by Rob Roberts

Zandra Johnson, Elizabeth Carroll, Jodi Brickus and Veronica Matthewson

Barbara Sawyer

Claudine Skinner and Deacon Carroll Washington On June 24, on the roof top of the Henry C. Gregory, III Family Life Center for the Historically Black College & University Council of Shiloh Baptist Church in Northwest, Washington, D.C. under the leadership of its Council President J. Otis Harris, Jr., held the Sweet White Jazzy Night Affair. Proceeds from the event and its the silent auction will go towards the HBCU Councils’ Scholarship Fund for freshmen and returning students who will be or are attending a HBCU.

Photos by Rob Roberts

Pat Cole and Daryl Barnson

Loretta Brown, 92 years old, Carolyn Moye’, Jeanelle Wallace, 90 years old and MiMi Milanes

Deacon John Bailey, Marjorie Bingham, Rita Bibbs-Booth and Juanita Coye Bailey

Hilda Isham, Wayne Mitchell and Shelley Poage

Denise Nash, Celphia Ridley, Rae Martel and Jody Jackson Julia Nixon, singer

The Collaboration Band

(seated), Helen james, Connie Deve, Stephanie Harper, Warren Pyles and Helen Charles (standing) Quentess Davis, Jeri Johnson and Pat Dunston

Brain Stephens, Debra Stephens, Sharon Parker and Bill Highsmith

To purchase this digital photo page contact Takiea Hinton: or 410.554.8277.

August 26, 2017 - September 1, 2017, The Afro-American


PRINCE GEORGE’S COUNTY-AREA Residents Despair as Lynn Hill Condominiums Close

Remembering the Godfather of Go-Go

By Bruce Branch Special to the AFRO Following years of struggle with condominium fees, code violations and landlord-tenant disputes, the Lynn Hill Condominiums in Temple Hills, Md. are being closed for code violations. Residents were given 24 hours to vacate on Aug. 22, but attorneys representing the tenants and condo association owners said they were filing a lawsuit to provide displaced tenants with more time to find someplace else to live. In an emotional scene marked by shouting and angst from the several of the 100 tenants remaining in the units, Prince George’s County Fire Continued on D2

Prince George’s County

School Year Opens to Potential Rough Start By Shantella Y. Sherman Special to the AFRO On the eve of the first day of classes for Prince George’s County Schools, parents, administrators, and the larger community remain optimistic that the body can rebound from accusations of grade tampering, a hurried attempt to hire necessary personnel and the conviction of a former student aide for sexual misconduct. For his part, public school system CEO Kevin Maxwell

Photos by Carlos Rice

The District of Columbia held its 2nd Annual Chuck Brown Day on Aug. 20 at Chuck Brown Memorial Park in Northeast D.C. Their patrons got to listen to the Chuck Brown Band, participate in fun activities and pay homage to the Godfather of Go-Go music. D.C. Del. Eleanor Holmes Norton designated Aug. 22 – Brown’s birthday – as Chuck Brown – Day in D.C. See more photos on C6.

Prince George’s County

Residents Still Uneasy Following Declaration Foul Water is ‘Safe’ By Shantella Y. Sherman Special to the AFRO

drinking water, was detected. As a result, WSSC altered its filtration process, on Aug. 8 which “in turn caused more manganese and iron particles to enter the drinking water, explaining the lack of crystal clear appearance.” “Our number one goal is public health and I want all our customers to know that WSSC water is safe,” Reid said. “But from an aesthetic standpoint, the water is – Monica Patrick unacceptable and I sincerely apologize to our customers impacted by this discolored water. Our customers should not have to think twice about their drinking water when they turn on their taps. Continued on D2

“Flint taught the nation that we cannot take risks with our health based on the word of some of our officials.”

Despite reservations from both Montgomery and Prince George’s counties’ residents, Washington Suburban Sanitary Commission General Manager and CEO Carla A. Reid reiterated on Aug. 17 that the discolored and smelly water running from their taps is safe to consume and use. WSSC officials previously explained the change in water saying the presence of a harmful naturally-occurring organic material in the Potomac River, which is one of the agency’s sources for

Prince George’s County

Rev. Sharpton Calls for Pastors to March on D.C. in August By Bruce Branch Special to the AFRO More than 100 local ministers and community leaders heard National Action Network President Al Sharpton ask them to take up the mantle of “moral leadership” by participating in the Thousand Minister March on Washington Aug.28 at the Martin Luther King Memorial. Sharpton, the keynote speaker on Aug. 18 at a prayer breakfast held at the Southern Friendship Missionary Baptist Church in Temple Hills, Md., says the recent events in Charlottesville and in Maryland, where statues and Confederate symbols are coming down in the face of protests from White supremacists and President Donald Trump, have called into question many of the gains made during the Civil Rights era. “If you are not willing to become a moral leader, then put down your Bible and take off your collar,” said Sharpton. “It’s not about Black or White, Republican leadership or Democratic

leadership, it’s about moral leadership. If you are scared, say you are scared and sit down and let somebody else do something.” He said just as they did in the 1960s, it was time for ministers to take their positions as leaders for social change.

Courtesy photo

The Rev. Al Sharpton is recruiting area-pastors to stand for justice and march. The pre-march prayer breakfast was held to galvanize support among clergy for a march up Pennsylvania Avenue to the MLK Memorial. “We want to bring 1,000 ministers together,” Sharpton explained. “They can’t say it was the Black Lives Matter or anyone

else who was there to cause problems as they did in Charlottesville. We have faced bigger and badder than Trump.“ Sharpton said it is important to remember that statues coming down, including the one in Maryland of Roger Taney who upheld the Dred Scott decision that supported slavery and the oppression of Blacks, meant nothing if the policies that oppressed the poor and minorities remained the same. “We have to change the spirit,” he said. “It does little good to remove a statue if the laws that hurt us remain the same.” Maryland Del. Darryl Barnes (D-25), who attended to breakfast, told the AFRO that removing the statues was fine, but it was time for the people of Prince George’s to lay aside petty differences to take back the statehouse. “This is the best opportunity we have had to elect someone from Prince George’s County to the statehouse and to gain important positions in the legislature. It’s not about who didn’t speak to someone. Continued on D2

Prince George’s County

Judge Orders Competency Test for Alleged Murderer By James Wright Special to the AFRO A competency hearing will be held Aug. 29 for Antonio Williams, a resident of Clinton, Md., who admitted guilt to Prince George’s County police in the murders of three of his relatives. Williams allegedly said he killed his sister, six-yearold Nadira Withers, and two second cousins, nine-year-old Ariana Decree and six-year-old Ajayah Decree at 7:30 a.m. Aug. 18 at 6406 Brook Jane Drive, the Clinton home of his mother, Andrena Kelley. A Courtesy photo two-year-old girl was also in Antonio Williams has been the house, but was unharmed, charged with killing three according to the Prince young female relatives. George’s County police. Williams was at the scene when Kelley called the police, according to police documents obtained by the AFRO. The documents state Williams waived his right to counsel during interrogation by law enforcement and admitted committing the murders. On Aug. 21, there was a bond hearing for Williams presided over by Prince George’s County District Court Judge Patrice E. Lewis in Upper Marlboro, Md. During the hearing, shouting and profanities were swapped between family members of the slain girls and Williams’s immediate family. As a result of the melee, Lewis ordered a competency hearing. Prince George’s County State’s Attorney Angela Alsobrooks Continued on D2

Courtesy Photo

On the eve of the first day of classes, parents, administrators, and the larger community remain optimistic that the school district can rebound from recent adversity. remains in office and steadfast about moving the system forward, beginning with an effort over the summer to recruit educators through national searches. With a large amount of vacancies – more than 100 positions are still left to fill – Maxwell told WTOP that he believed the district had to appeal to top candidates. “When our folks go places, people listen to the things that we’re doing here,” Maxwell said. “The immersion programs that we have, the two international high schools that we have, the academy of health sciences that we have, the three science and tech magnets that we have” are all a draw for teacher talent, he said. But with an increase in need for special education

“When our folks go places, people listen to the things that we’re doing here.”

– Public Schools CEO Kevin Maxwell

teachers, foreign language instructors, and English-asa-Second Language (ESL) instructors, the most needed, prove the most difficult to fill. Maxwell believes that the remainder will be filled by the Sept. 6 opening bell. The call for investigations into grade tampering and fraud by the school system may also be a potential hindrance to luring in Continued on D2


The Afro-American, August 26, 2017 - September 1, 2017

County Politics Continued from D1

Department Chief announced that buildings located at 3103 and 3107 Good Hope Road were unsafe and unfit for human habitation after the units failed a morning Fire Inspection. Specifically, the management company was unable to rectify 14 of 23 fire code violations that were uncovered last week. Inspectors also say they found a fire alarm system that didn’t work, broken fire doors and vacant condos filled with trash. Some residents also said the units reeked of urine and some Courtesy Photo areas were overflowing with flies and other insects that were The Lynn Hill hovering around garbage. The units, several of them which were Condominiums in Temple boarded up, also had become a safe haven for the homeless and Hills, Md. are being closed squatters. Yet several people wanted to remain, even though for code violations. most of the residents left last October when the utilities were shut off because of unpaid bills. “There is nothing else we can do,” said Fire Chief Ben Barksdale who cut his press conference short because of yelling and screaming by residents who said the process was unfair and they should have been given more time to vacate. “There were just too many violations.” County officials also issued a statement that said management had been previously notified of violations several times and ordered to make corrections, but failed to do so in an expeditious

manner. Social Services were on hand and set up temporary offices at Community of Hope – Rev. Charles McNeill, Jr. AME Church located in the basement of the Iverson Mall. Social service worker said the county would be paying for extended hotel room stays, providing transportation to the mall and deposits for first month rent and deposits for displaced residents. The Maryland Business and Clergy Partnership also offered their help along with Rev. Charles McNeill, Jr. president of the National Capital Baptist Convention D.C. & Vicinity and a board member of UCAP. Residents who occupied about 36 units were paying rent of only $400 to $500, far below local market rates. A few had just moved in when the bad news hit. Now they will lose not only rent, but security deposits. Attorneys for the tenant association and condo owners said there had been several offers for the property although they failed to identify who the potential buyers were. They also said they would be attempting to reach out to absentee condo owners to apprise them of the situation. Meanwhile many people are being uprooted on short notice and forced to find another place to live. Many were in tears as the news came down from the chief. “This is a human tragedy,” McNeill told the AFRO. “The county and elected officials have to do a better job of handling these types of situations.”

“This is a human tragedy.”


Continued from D1

“From a public health standpoint, it is more important to address the naturally-occurring organic material versus the aesthetic issue of manganese,” the press release stated. Manganese, according to a WSSC report, is not considered a health hazard and is also not regulated by the EPA as a drinking water contaminant. EPA considers manganese a secondary contaminant for aesthetic reasons only. The EPA level for manganese, for aesthetic purposes, is 0.05 mg/l. WSSC’s current manganese levels are around 0.01 mg/l to 0.02 mg/l. Although below EPA’s aesthetic level, it can still cause discoloration. During the month of August, WSSC has received more than 700 discolored water complaints. “Protecting public

health by ensuring that drinking water provided by public water systems is safe and meets all standards is a priority for the Maryland Department of the Environment,” said Deputy Environment Secretary Horacio Tablada. “As part of its regulatory oversight, the department is working with WSSC as it makes operational adjustments to address changes in the nature of raw water in the Potomac River. The department’s most recent review of drinking water sampling data from WSSC shows that the utility is meeting all Safe Drinking Water Act standards.” However, an employee with NIH, who lives in an area experiencing discolored and foul-smelling water, told ABC 7 she switched to bottled water

for drinking, brushing her teeth, and cooking. The woman, who wished to remain anonymous, said that though no one in her household had experienced any illnesses related to water, as a precaution, she would not use it. Cheverly resident Monica Patrick told the AFRO it was unconscionable to tell residents something as foul as the water coming from her pipes was safe. Fearing a Flint-like disaster in the making, Patrick purchased several filtration systems and a lot of bottled water. “Flint taught the nation that we cannot take risks with our health based on the word of some of our officials. It is not to say that they are lying, but there is no way in the world someone with good sense would drink this,” Patrick said. “Better safe than sorry.”


Continued from D1 lamented the deaths, according to WTOP. “This was just excruciating . . . you have two fathers who were in the courtroom this morning grieving for their daughters who were expected to start first grade this week, and the other daughter, I believe, was starting third grade,” Alsobrooks said. “But instead they were here determining how to bury their children.”

Williams has been charged primarily with three counts of first-and-second degree murder. The state’s attorney said

she was surprised by the outburst in the courtroom and expects Williams to be mentally competent to stand

“We’re not aware of any mental health issue that he has . . . he cooperated in the interrogation process.” – Angela Alsobrooks

trial. “We’re not aware of any mental health issue that he has . . . he cooperated in the interrogation process,” she said. “We have every reason to believe that he is competent. But certainly, that is for a medical professional to make that determination.” It remains unclear why Williams allegedly murdered the girls.

School Year Continued from D1

new teachers. In June 2017 school board members Edward Burroughs, David Murray, Raaheela Ahmed, and student member Juwan Blocker petitioned Maryland Gov. Larry Hogan (R) to investigate improprieties and grade fixing throughout the system. Writing in a letter to Hogan that they had “clear and convincing evidence that the system has graduated hundreds of students who did not meet the Maryland State Department of Education graduation requirements,” the investigation remains open. Maxwell told the AFRO in July that the attacks against student progress and his record were untrue and “politically motivated.” But probably most disturbing, as the new school year gets underway, is the recent sentencing of former Prince George’s County school aide Deonte Carraway to 75 years in prison after he pleaded guilty to more than a dozen federal sexual exploitation and child pornography charges. Carraway was also found guilty of sexual exploitation of minors in the production

of child pornography which occurred both on school grounds and while children were in his care off grounds. Three months after Carraway’s conviction, another county school employee was also arrested on child pornography charges. “We’ve been taking serious steps to put new safeguards in place to protect children, even from people who have no prior criminal history,” said John White, a spokesman for the County’s public schools told the Washington Post. According to the school systems, students involved in the pornography and sexual exploitation acts with Carraway are receiving counseling.


Continued from D1 It’s about gaining political power and the ability to help our community.” The Rev. Charles W. McNeill Jr., president of the National Baptist Convention D.C. and Vicinity, who organized the

“If you are not willing to become a moral leader, then put down your bible and take off your collar.” – Rev. Al Sharpton event, said it is important members of the clergy be part of the solution rather than remain complacent. “We have to be the driving force for change in our community.”

August 26, 2017 - September 1, 2017, The Afro-American

Prince George’s County

Native Son Gets Second Wind on Washington’s NFL Team By Daniel Kucin Jr. Special to the AFRO After a rocky start to his professional career, former Brandywine, Md.-based Gwynn Park High School alumnus Phil Taylor Sr., once a first round pick for the Cleveland Browns, got a second wind with his hometown team. The Clinton, Md. native was selected 21st overall by the Browns in the 2011 NFL Draft after playing for Penn State University where his numerous altercations lead former head coach Joe Paterno to remove Taylor from the team. Taylor transferred to Baylor University in Texas, where he had a breakout junior season after he started nine games and accounted for 25 tackles, 2.5 sacks, an assisted Photo by Daniel Kucin Jr. sack, two blocked punts, and an Former Gwynn Park High School standout Phil Taylor Sr. takes down Green Bay interception. Cleveland felt he was the man for the job despite knowing Packers quarterback Brett Hundley during an NFL preseason match on August 19. of his off-field behavior earlier in his career. Taylor signed a rookie deal for four years and $8.1 million. He started all the regular season games during his rookie year posting 59 tackles, four sacks and accounted for one forced fumble. The six-foot-three, 343-pound lineman, was named to the NFL All-Rookie Team by the Pro Football Writers of America (PFWA) in 2011. After battling with several knee injuries, the 29-year old struggled to stay on the field, and the Browns released him three years later. Now he has a chance of redeeming himself as a member of the Washington football team. “Well, I’ll tell you, I was in Cincinnati for three years when he was in Cleveland, and I know what a force he can be at the nose,” Washington Head Coach Jay Gruden told the AFRO. “He was tough to deal with, he was. We had him for a workout, and I didn’t even know he was on the streets. His knee looked better. He was in good shape. He had a whole offseason and did some good things.” Since joining the Washington NFL team, Taylor has made an impact as a domineering force on the defensive line during training camp and in the preseason. He has shown glimpses of what he can do when healthy after he busted through the trenches to take down Green Bay Packers quarterback Brett Hundley for a sack in a preseason match on Aug. 19. “It was cool. You know, just getting back,” Taylor told the AFRO about his return to the county. “We still have to work on some things. I have to still work on some things. We will go in there tomorrow and look at things and move forward to Cincinnati.” Taylor racked up 77 tackles and 10 sacks during his senior year at Gwynn Park High School leading his team to an undefeated regular season in 2005. “It is going good, and I’m just taking it day by day,” Taylor said. “We have a good group here and we all gel, we’re just going out there and fighting for our brothers. You have just to go out there and do what you have to do. It is going to be a grind; that is the nature of the beast in the NFL.”


Tall Oaks High School, 2112 Church Rd. Love AME Church Hosts 2nd Annual Back to School Fest

Love AME Church, located at Tall Oaks High School, 2112 Church Rd., is scheduled to hold a Back to School Summerfest on Aug. 26 from 10 a.m.-2 p.m. The event will include free food, live music, games and other fun activities. Free haircuts and hair braiding will also be provided. Pastor Krishnan Natesan will perform baptisms during the event. For more information, visit

Temple Hills, Md.

The Refuge Temple Worship Center, 4479 Beech Rd The Refuge Temple Hosts ‘ABLAZE Youth Convention’

The Refuge Temple Worship Center, located at 4479 Beech Rd., is scheduled to host an ABLAZE Youth Convention from Aug. 25-27. The convention is slated to begin on Friday at 7:30 p.m., Saturday from noon-6 p.m. and on Sunday at 11 a.m. Lunch will be included on Saturday, along with youth-focused sessions discussing overcoming temptation and remaining steadfast in faith. To register for the free event, visit

Washington, D.C.

The Metropolitan Community Church of Washington, D.C., 474 Ridge St. NW MCCDC hosts Holy Conversation on Mental Health, Mental Illness and Addiction

The Metropolitan Community Church of Washington, D.C. (MCDCC), located at 474 Ridge St. NW, is scheduled to host a “Holy Conversation on Mental Health, Mental Illness and Addiction” on Aug. 26 from 2 p.m. - 5 p.m. The roundtable time will provide a safe space, devoted to dialogue, instruction and healing. Rev. Sandra Morris of Metropolitan Community Church in Toronto, Canada will be the guest speaker and facilitator. To RSVP for participation in the conversation, contact Associate Pastor Rev. Cathy Alexander at revcathy@ or 202-638-7373.


Care Is Around the Corner • Walk-in, no appointment necessary

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The Afro-American, August 26, 2017 - September 1, 2017



Congratulations to our Discover the Unexpected (DTU) Fellows! Discover the Unexpected, presented by the all-new 2018 Chevrolet Equinox in partnership with the National Newspaper Publishers Association, celebrates the impressive achievements of our HBCU student journalists. Because of our DTU Fellows, summer ’17 was full of important stories that inform, inspire, and shatter perceptions about African American culture as well as our community. Don’t miss their stories and videos from this road trip of a lifetime.



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