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November 11, 2017 - November 11, 2017, The Afro-American A1 PRINCE GEORGE’S COUNTY EDITION

Volume 127 No. 25

JANUARY 27, 2018 - FEBRUARY 2, 2018



Who is BPD Chief Darryl De Sousa?

B1 Prince George’s

Corinne Massiah Finds Her Way in ‘9-1-1’

C1 Black D.C. Should Be Worried About Latest Jobs Report

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Photo by J. K. Schmid

Protests were held across the nation, including this one in Baltimore, to mark the first year of the Trump presidency.

Nation Takes to Streets on Trump Anniversary By J. K. Schmid Special to the AFRO On the anniversary of the inauguration of President Donald J. Trump and the first day of a federal government shutdown, thousands attended a rallies and marches in Baltimore, Washington, D.C. and across the nation. Marchers took to the streets across the country and

the globe Jan. 20. Hundreds of thousands marched in New York, Chicago and Los Angeles. Women marched in Canada and as far away as Japan and Germany. Organizers were anticipating a dramatic uptick in attendance in Baltimore’s 2018 Women’s March where approximately 5,000 marches met at the intersection of 33rd and Charles Streets. Councilwoman Mary Pat Clarke, D-District 14, estimated 10,000 attendees at this year’s march from

Democrats Seek to Censure Trump By James Wright Special to the AFRO The chairman of the Congressional Black Caucus and the ranking Democrat on the U.S. House of Representatives’ Committee on the Judiciary want to censure President Trump for his remarks denigrating Haiti, El Salvador, and African countries. “We were deeply disturbed and offended by President Trump’s remarks regarding Haiti and African countries,” U.S. Rep. Cedric Richmond (D-La.) and Committee on the Judiciary Chairman Rep. Jerold Nadler (D-N.Y.) said at a news conference on Jan. 18. “The countries he called ‘s—tholes’ produce immigrants that are remarkable and make significant contributions to our country. A high percentage of those immigrants have college degrees and when they get here they create businesses and jobs.” The remarks were reportedly uttered by the president during a meeting that took place at the White House on Jan. 11. U.S. Sens. Dick Durbin (D-Ill.) and Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) have confirmed that the president used the derogatory term to describe the developing nations. The censure is in order, Richmond said, because the “president’s bigoted fearmongering is not acceptable and his remarks completely warrant total Continued on A2

Rep. Davis Introduces Bill to Ban Cash Bail By James Wright Special to the AFRO U.S. Rep. Danny Davis (D-Ill.) recently introduced legislation that would ban cash bail for non-violent and low-level crime suspects. “At any given time, there are roughly 500,000 people sitting in local jails awaiting their day in court,” Davis said at a news conference Jan. 18. “These are people who have been charged with a crime but not convicted. They are deemed innocent in the eyes of the law. “Some of these have

committed violent offenses and need to be constrained to protect; in some instances, for themselves but certainly for the protection and safety of others.” Davis cited a study sponsored by the National Conference of State Legislatures that said 75 percent of those detained are for non-violent offenses such as traffic violations, property crimes, simple drug possession, or other some minor offense and many will be found innocent, have their charges dropped, or do community service and

AP Photo/Alex Brandon

U.S. Rep. Cedric Richmond (D-La.), the chairman of the Congressional Black Caucus, is seeking to censure President Donald Trump for his remarks denigrating Haiti, El Salvador, and African countries.

Leggett Picks Mentor Baker in Maryland Governor Race


her vantage point on a stage erected in War Memorial Plaza. Almost 40 speakers were scheduled for the 11 a.m. rally including representatives of local, state and city government, alongside activists in labor and social justice movements. Speakers celebrated historic victories, recent achievements and admonished the crowd to step up and take action. “There are issues that we are debating and having bill hearings in Annapolis,” said Maryland House Speaker Pro Tem Adrienne A. Jones, D-District 19. “We need to see you in November, we need you to contact members on those committees. Let them know that this is the way you want them to vote. You can make a difference.” Ricarra Jones, 1199SEIU United Healthcare Workers East, had very specific policies in mind. Citing that 55 percent of Maryland lowwage workers are women, including diverse fields such as healthcare, retail and security. “They are working 40 hours and bringing home 370 dollars a week, that’s a damn shame,” Jones told the crowd. “We cannot kick back and allow women, who raise families and who are the primary income in their households, to continue to receive starvation wages. No one working full time should have Continued on A2

Wyatt T. Walker, a former executive assistant to Martin Luther King Jr. and the first chairman of the Nation Action Network, which is now headed by Rev. Al Sharpton, died Jan. 23. at the age of 88. The AFRO wrote about him in 1964 when he left the Southern Christian Leadership Conference to work on a publishing project.

AFRO Archived History

Wyatt T. Walker leaves SCLC for ‘cultural black-out’ project June 27, 1964 YONKERS, N.Y.—A Yonkers publishing firm, Educational Heritage, this week announced appointment as vice president, of Dr. Martin Luther King’s executive assistant, Wyatt Tee Walker of Atlanta, Ga. Mr. Walker, a 34-year-old ordained minister, will be on a two year “lend lease” from the Southern Christian Leadership Conference. Mr. Walker will supervise development

Continued on A2

Copyright © 2018 by the Afro-American Company

of the Negro Heritage Library program, part of which is a twenty volume presentation scheduled for release Sept. 1. The goal of the 4 million dollar project, Mr. Walker said, is to “so document the history of the colored community that the true record will be eventually interpolated in all texts in the nation’s public schools.” Mr. Walker, in a prepared statement, Continued on A2


The Afro-American, January 27, 2018 - February 2, 2018 Your History • Your Community • Your News

The Afro-American Newspapers

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Streets Continued from A1 to get food stamps or cash assistance, because there should be dignity in work.” At ‘dignity’ the crowd erupted to cheers and applause “You have to go beyond this march today and turn our voices into action,” Jones echoed the House Speaker’s sentiment. “And women, we can’t do better until we all do better. So when you leave this march today, call your legislators, show up in Annapolis, and ask them: When it’s time to fight for

Editorial Managing Editor - Kamau High Baltimore Editor - Sean Yoes Washington, D.C. Editor - Micha Green Editorial Assistant - Takiea Hinton


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Continued from A1

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condemnation.” The U.S. Congress has the right to censure those who work in the executive branch of government but it is largely a symbolic gesture. Richmond said, “We will be asking the Republican leadership to bring our resolution of censure up for swift consideration and approval.” “Congress must speak with one voice in condemning these offensive and antiAmerican remarks,” he said. “There is no excuse for it.” U.S. House Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) and Democratic Whip Steny Hoyer (DMd.) have gone on record supporting the censure. In addition to Richmond, CBC members attending the news conference were Reps. Barbara Lee (D-Calif.), Karen Bass (D-Calif.), Sheila Jackson Lee (D-Texas), Al

15, and raise wages for women, are they gonna stand with women, or with greedy corporations?” Jones agitated for the same at Baltimore City Hall in 2017, but the combined effort of a Mayor Pugh veto and City Council President Bernard C. “Jack” Young declining to schedule an override vote, killed a bill that would ultimately raise Baltimore City workers’ minimum wage to 15 dollars an hour. Dr. Zainab Chaudhry, Council on American Islamic Relations, held up two examples from the last year on the value of voting.

“If you doubt the power of one single vote, ask Democrat Shelly Simonds of Virginia, who was forced to concede an election, over one vote,” Chaudhry reminded the crowd. “A Black woman in Alabama changed the color of a map, proving that colors of map are not more permanent than the power of our convictions. When women unite and mobilize, we see progress.” Since the march, Doug Jones, the Democrat Alabama Senator, joined with Republicans to allow the federal government to reopen and remain open another three weeks. The crisis erupted over

the guarantee of protection for U.S. illegal immigrants, which Democrats in the Black and Latino Caucuses would not compromise on. Jones and 32 other Democrats agreed to table the issue with no obvious concessions from Senate Republicans. One rally participant, Jane Runciman, a 35-year resident of Baltimore City came with a small simple sign. On a white card, in thin black marker, it read “Why do I still have to do this?” “I believe that everybody has value, and I don’t believe that our president believes that,” Runciman told the AFRO.

Lawson (D-Fla.), Assistant Democratic Leader James Clyburn (D-S.C.), Val Demings (D-Fla.), Robin Kelly (D-Ill.), Alma Adams (D-N.C.) and Eddie Bernice Johnson (D-Texas). In response to a question by the AFRO, Richmond said that there was a discussion on a boycott of Trump’s State of the Union address. “We talked about it,” Richmond said. “There are some who believe that we should do it while there are others who believe that it will just give more publicity to the president. Some just said they won’t show up. “Forty-eight members run the gamut. As a body, we have not decided on whether we will boycott as of yet.” Richmond said the odds

are against the censure passing, given that the House is majority Republican but they will press on. “If the chair [Speaker of the House] rules against bringing the censure to the floor, we will

(CBC) boycotted a State Of The Union address was in January 1971. President Nixon refused to meet with the CBC and their boycott of the address got widespread attention. Nixon soon met

“We were deeply disturbed and offended by President Trump’s remarks regarding Haiti and African countries.” – Rep. Cedric Richmond appeal the ruling of the chair,” he said. “We have creative devices that will help us accomplish what we want.” The last time the Congressional Black Caucus

with the CBC after that and the organization got concessions from him on social services, criminal justice and affirmative action issues.

original co-sponsor of Davis’ bill and said it is needed. “Harris County is the poster child for what Continued from A1 is wrong with the bail system,” Lee said. “We are the fifth largest county in the country and receive probation. there are about 10,000 people in the Harris “Many of the people waiting in jail are County jail. Simply put, if you have no money, forced to wait simply because they cannot you are in jail.” afford to post bail,” he said. New Jersey is Lee said the cash bail system in the the only state that has eliminated cash bail Houston area has caused families to break completely. New York Governor Andrew up and people to lose jobs. She urged the Cuomo (D) has said that eliminating cash Judiciary Committee to hold a swift hearing on bail is a priority this year. In the District of the The Bail Fairness Act of 2018 and said that Columbia, a defendant is not required to post it should be brought to the House floor and get bail. a U.S. Senate sponsor. Maryland state legislators, particularly Evans, who represents many Black those who are African American, are working Philadelphians, said the problem of cash to end the practice in their state. Davis’s bill bail has gotten ridiculous in some instances. is “The Bail Fairness Act of 2018.” The bill “I have heard about a woman who is in jail requires states to release persons charged because she didn’t have $100 for bail,” he with a non-violent misdemeanor on nonsaid. “We should have addressed this a long monetary conditions only prior to court time ago. This problem is fixable.” adjudication. The bill would also require Dr. Willie Wilson is a passionate states to dismiss any criminal charges filed opponent of cash bail and is a noted Chicago against an offender if he or she qualifies for entrepreneur and social justice advocate. Wilson, who attended the news conference, said that cash bail is unfair to taxpayers. “It costs $168 a day to house an inmate in the Cook County Jail,” he said. “That money could be used elsewhere. People who have the lightest offenses should not have to spend time in jail.” – Rep. Danny Davis Davis said even some of his conservative colleagues are intrigued by the idea of eliminating cash bail. “Those and satisfactorily completes a state-authorized who are not liberal rebuff at taking care of mental health diversion program, drug/alcohol someone else at the public’s expense,” he said. abuse diversion program, community service diversion program, and any other program that “They understand that eliminating cash bail will reduce costs.” deals with the issue of the offender’s age. To the defenders of the cash bail system, The Davis bill has a penalty for states that who argue that it ensures that defendants show fail to comply with his legislation. Those up for court dates, Davis said that’s simply states will have a 20 percent reduction of JAG not true. “Studies have shown that in non-cash (Justice Assistance Grants) funds. bail cities and states, 96 percent do show up Joining Davis at the news conference to court obligations,” he said. “Besides, how were Reps. Sheila Jackson Lee (D-Texas) and can anyone flee when they have no money to Dwight Evans (D-Pa.). Lee, who represents travel?” much of Houston’s Black community, is an

Cash Bail

“Many of the people waiting in jail are forced to wait simply because they cannot afford to post bail.”

AFRO Archived History Continued from A1 called the “cultural black-out” resulting from deliberate exclusion from history texts, “a major tragedy of our times.” The signing into law a Civil Rights bill, Mr. Walker said, is only the first step. A native of Brockton, Massachusetts, Mr. Walker attended public schools in Merchantville, New Jersey and studied at Virginia Union University in Richmond, where he earned a bachelor of science in chemistry and physics and a bachelor of divinity from the Graduate School of Theology. He joined

Dr. King in 1960 after eight years as minister of the 1,000 member Old Gillfield Baptist Church, Petersburg, Va. The new vice president is married to the former Theresa Edwards of Washington, D.C. They are the parents of four children, ages eight to twelve. Mr. Walker and family will reside in the New York area where he is expected to continue supervision of SCLC’s New York office. Dr. King said: “Wyatt Walker is one of the keenest minds in the non-violent revolution. He has made a tremendous contribution to the life and growth of SCLC and the South as a whole. We will sorely miss his services during the period of his leave.”

January 27, 2018 - February 2, 2018, The Afro-American



Black D.C. Should Be Worried About Latest Jobs Report You may have heard in recent weeks that the economy added jobs and that Black unemployment is down. But don’t be fooled by rosy headlines: We should worry about the state of jobs in urban areas such as the Washington, D.C. region and what that might mean for historically vulnerable populations. When the federal Bureau of Labor Statistics releases their monthly employment and unemployment numbers, it’s only natural to focus in on the national data– now at 4.1 percent. That is supposed to act as a psychological boost for consumers and workers: the jobless rate now, at least officially, is down from 5 percentage points this same time two years ago. Even the topline statistic of “148,000 jobs added” in December will be viewed as positive. Many observers, particularly those eager to show Trump administration success in a bid to “normalize” his presidency, are busily touting those numbers as a sign of an economy on the upswing. But how those numbers are perceived and discussed depend largely on how they are spun and who spins them. Yes: the “official” employment data didn’t show the economy slicing jobs but instead showed it adding. Unemployment, reportedly, is at a 17-year low. That briefing, issued on the first Friday of the New Year, was preceded by a buoyant Wall Street that hit a record 25,000 points on the stock exchange. No matter that the jobs numbers did not meet general economist expectations of 190,000 jobs added, the White House moved fast to leverage the 148,000. And both mainstream news headlines, along with the president on Twitter, wasted no time pointing out a lower Black unemployment rate. According to the BLS data, Black unemployment dipped to 6.8 percent, a 1.2 percent drop from a year ago. This is encouraging, considering Black unemployment was at a historical peak of nearly 17 percent in March 2010. By early Saturday morning, the president was on Twitter celebrating better Black job numbers, churning up the narrative that he would be a better economic president than his predecessor President Obama. The problem with that assessment, however, is that it doesn’t show the complete picture. In fact, it potentially distorts it in such a way that it risks pushing Black America into a false sense of economic security. Annual jobs growth in 2017 (the first year of the new administration) was the slowest it’s been in six years. The national economy added only 2.05 million jobs versus 2.24 million jobs in 2016 – the last full year of the Obama presidency. In fact, they were steady and significant job increases between 2011 (1.84 million jobs added) and 2013 (3.11 million jobs added). The first substantial decrease in job creation was in 2017. That trend doesn’t bode well for African Americans, our unemployment rate is still near double that of Whites and nearly two percentage points higher than the Latinx rate. And what the BLS numbers also show us is that overall

George H. Lambert Jr.

unemployment remains higher than the national average in places where there are high concentrations of Black people. This includes the District of Columbia, which is still – technically – majority Black. The overall District jobless rate in November 2017 was 5.8 percent and it was a full percentage point higher in October 2017. While the rate dropped noticeably between October and November 2017, October 2016 was actually a percentage point lower. More alarming is that the District has the highest “state” unemployment rate in the country, an instant indication that Black unemployment has not dropped. And while the official federal unemployment rate appears low, economist John Williams still insists the jobless rate for December 2017 is actually 400 percent higher, at nearly 22 percent than what federal data suggests. Williams’ methodology includes “… long-term discouraged workers, who were defined out of official existence in 1994. That estimate is added to the BLS estimate of U-6 unemployment, which includes short-term discouraged workers.” Also left out of the federal report: the state of the retail sector. Retail stores continued to take heavy hits in 2017, with more familiar and so-called “Big Box” stores announcing more store closures and job losses in the coming months. Retail chain bankruptcies were more than 30 percent of all industry defaults issued in 2017. The pain of retail sector hemorrhaging will be most severe for Black workers considering retail is the second largest Black population employer. Nearly 12 percent of retail workers are Black – close to their overall population ratio. And 54 percent of Black retail workers are supporting households, according to think tank Demos, the highest proportion of any demographic group in that sector. Black retail workers also suffer the highest poverty rates. We must watch these numbers carefully and begin an earnest conversation on how the Black community adapts to what is, contrary to the headlines, an uncertain economic landscape – especially for Black America. That is particularly crucial for Washington, D.C. According to the D.C. Fiscal Policy Institute, the

District’s current unemployment rate is still slightly higher than it was right before the Recession (in 2007, it was 5.8 percent), and the Black unemployment rate in D.C. (at 13.4 percent) is – tragically – nearly 8 times that of White workers (at just 1.6 percent). If we’re caught unprepared, the current administration’s active shrinkage of the federal civilian workforce - a longtime financial security umbrella for the Washington metropolitan area’s Black middle class - could be rather destructive to Black communities in the region. In the first six months of the new administration, more than 11,000 federal jobs were cut. Estimates from D.C.-focused George Mason University economist Stephen Fuller suggest the region could be bracing from 16,000 to more than 30,000 federal jobs cut by 2021. It’s only a matter of time before that trend aggravates Black unemployment in the District and throughout the Greater Washington area. The first major step is recognizing where these trends are headed and what we do, collectively, to diminish their impact. Getting caught up in headline hype and spin, sadly, won’t help that. George H. Lambert, Jr. is the President and CEO of The Greater Washington Urban League.

Health, Homelessness and Health Care Marcia Jackson

Homelessness is brutal. Without shelter, food, income, hygiene and physical or behavioral health care it is

impossible to be healthy. Homelessness is defined as living on the streets, in a shelter or transitional housing; living in an abandoned buildings or vehicle, “doubled up” -living with family, neighbors or friends. An individual who is released from a hospital or prison without permanent, stable housing is considered homeless. Statistics report the average age of a homeless person is 9. The average life expectancy of a homeless person is 47. According to The Daily Telegraph, the life expectancy of a homeless woman is 43. The leading causes of homelessness include the lack of affordable housing, unemployment, low wages and poverty. Some health problems precede, cause or contribute to homelessness. Other health problems are consequences of homelessness. Being homeless complicates the treatment of many illnesses. The homeless are 3-4 times more likely to die prematurely and 2 times more likely to have a heart attack. Between the age of 2544, the homeless are 3 times more likely to die of heart disease.

Events that may lead to homelessness include major mental illness, especially schizophrenia, AIDS, alcoholism or drug dependence, age related degenerative diseases and job-related accidental injury. The homeless have the same health problems as the general population but at a much higher rate. Homeless people are usually sicker and at greater risk of death than those with stable housing. Being very sick can lead to homelessness. If you’re sick, homelessness may make you sicker. According to, homelessness is often the cause of poor health. The homeless population is more prone to cardiac disease, tuberculosis skin diseases and infectious or communicable diseases. Circulation issues may affect the extremities. Malnutrition, dental and periodontal disease, degenerative joint disease, venereal disease, hepatic cirrhosis related to alcohol and infectious hepatitis related to IV drug use are seen at higher rates among the homeless. The most basic medical treatment is extremely difficult for the homeless. Bed rest is usually impossible. Shelter rules usually require the homeless leave a shelter in the early morning. Diabetes is not difficult to treat with daily insulin injections and a controlled diet. For a homeless person, this treatment is unlikely: Some insulins need to be refrigerated; insulin syringes may be stolen because

of their high street value. A homeless diabetic may be mistaken for an IV drug abuser. The diet cannot be controlled because soup kitchens serve whatever is available. On any given night in Baltimore, there may be 3,000 homeless. Reportedly, during the 2012-13 school year, 2,809 Baltimore City School students were identified as homelessness. Locally, Healthcare for The Homeless serves the homeless population. In 2014, 1,523 children were served by this organization. In 2016, 10,000 individuals received their services including medical, convalescence, dental, psychiatric, behavioral health and addiction treatment. The Affordable Care Act (ACA or Obama Care) includes provisions that allow the homeless access to health care. States can choose to expand their Medicaid criteria to increase eligibility. Most states, including Maryland chose to expand their Medicaid eligibility with designated federal funding from the ACA. Children receive expanded Medicaid health care benefits through The CHIP program. Homeless adults and children needing health care or information can contact Health Care for The Homeless at 410-837-5533. Marcia Jackson is a retired RN and Baltimore area resident.

D.C.’s School Reform Works This week is National School Choice Week, when parents, students and teachers meet with elected representatives at the federal, state and local level, making the case for school choice for those who have it—and their peers who want it. Today, public charter schools represent the most vibrant and rapidly-expanding form of choice. Since the first chartered public school opened in 1992, enrollment has steadily increased to over three million nationwide. And only six states don’t have charter schools, according to the National Alliance for Public Charter Schools. More dramatically, the share of students educated at charters in urban areas—where traditional public school systems had failed generations of children—are among the highest in the nation. In New Orleans, 92 percent of public school students attend charters; in Detroit, 53 percent; and in the nation’s capital, 46 percent. A different kind of public school, charters are publicly-funded, tuition-free and open to all, but operate independently of traditional school districts. These unique public schools have the autonomy to design and develop their own educational programs, while being held accountable for improved student performance by their authorizers. Children in the District of Columbia have benefited from a strong public charter school law, and nationally-acclaimed authorizer, the D.C. Public Charter School Board, courtesy of the 1995 D.C. School Reform Act. This enabled many high-quality schools to open, especially in chronically underserved neighborhoods, taking enrollment from two campuses in 1996 to nearly half of all public school students. And now, more than 10,000 individual names are on

Ramona Edelin

waitlists, trying to secure a place at over-subscribed schools. The evidence confirms the high demand for charters. Once the monopoly of D.C. Public Schools ended, high-school graduation rates climbed to 73 percent for charter students, from an estimated 40-50 percent without them. Standardized test scores also have steadily improved; and student safety has been transformed. Alongside academic gains, a multiplication of extra-curricular options and an enrichment of curricula beyond those subjects that feature in the standardized tests has been established. Charters’ success in attracting students encouraged the city to hand control of DCPS over to the mayor, leading to a decade of reform that also saw graduation and student proficiency rates rise. But perhaps the greatest contribution of charters has been in D.C.’s most vulnerable communities. Charter students in Wards Seven and Eight are twice as likely to meet citywide benchmarks for college and career-readiness as their counterparts in the traditional system. This lifeline—of access to college and careers—is critical to reversing the historic neglect of public education in the city’s most deprived areas, where half the adults are functionally illiterate. In the District, all charter schools are by law nonprofits and the charter board denies more applications for the—time-limited—right to operate than it approves. Charters have produced significantly stronger schools and student achievement with fewer taxpayer dollars than the traditional system. Their model—of holding schools to account for results, but not process—has worked and improved the prospects not only of their own students, but also those enrolled in DCPS, benefiting every District child. The old regime, which commanded school policy for all students

from a central bureaucracy, failed District students to the extent that enrollment declined for a generation, leaving behind only those families who lacked other options. School choice for all—regardless of income or zip code—allowed new, more effective educational approaches to be tried and tested. Flexibility in how to arrive at better performance was key to this, making charter schools’ autonomy an essential ingredient in raising the game of public education in the District, after prolonged neglect and indifference. It also gave the lie to the prejudice that economically-disadvantaged students could not succeed at a high level. So many cutting-edge educational innovations have been introduced and become widespread thanks to the pioneering role of charters, once they opened in D.C. From Early College, in which high schoolers take college courses to pre-K programs that attempt to eliminate the achievement gap before kindergarten and teaching world languages, charters have blazed a trail. Charter schools brought the use of data into schools to better monitor and boost student progress as well as a vast array of supports to ensure access to college and success once matriculated. As schools of choice, charters also are held accountable by families, with public money following their choices rather than being distributed regardless of school quality. With their flexibility and autonomy combined with accountability, charter schools are reversing decades of decline. Ramona Edelin is Executive Director of the D.C. Association of Chartered Public Schools.


The Afro-American, January 27, 2018 - February 2, 2018

January 27, 2018 - February 2, 2018, The Afro-American


Race and Politics

What Would a New Start for Baltimore Police Really Look Like?

Last week, Darryl De Sousa former deputy commissioner and command staff veteran of the Sean Yoes Baltimore Baltimore AFRO Police Department Editor (BPD), replaced Kevin Davis, who was fired by Mayor Catherine Pugh, as BPD Commissioner. After more than 1,000 homicides in the last three years, with Davis officially at the helm for the vast majority of that time, perhaps the move was inevitable. “I’m impatient, we need violence reduction, we need the numbers to go down faster than they are,” Mayor Catherine Pugh said during last week’s press conference announcing De Sousa’s ascension to the commissioner’s chair. Notwithstanding Mayor Pugh’s seemingly callous reference to “numbers,” all of us want to see violence, homicides and crime in general reduced dramatically in Baltimore. However, De Sousa is Baltimore’s eighth police commissioner in 18 years; he will preside over a department reeling from scandal, seemingly rife with corruption and decidedly demoralized after suffering a series of catastrophic blows. Despite De Sousa’s sterling

“I’m impatient, we need violence reduction, we need the numbers to go down faster than they are.”

–Mayor Catherine Pugh

reputation, should we expect a holistic transformation of the BPD because of a change at the top? Perhaps, an even more cogent question is, should we continue to sink nearly a half billion dollars of the city’s treasure into a department many believe to be broken? A radical solution has been bandied about more frequently over the last few years in the midst of historic levels of murder and mayhem; a total reconstruction of the Baltimore Police Department. It is a remedy I suspect will never be realized for a myriad of reasons, most of them political. However, in New Jersey the radical became reality in 2013, and the results are eye-popping. That’s when the Camden, New Jersey Police Department disbanded; the police union was broken, Continued on B2

Baltimore Police Department

Who is Darryl De Sousa?

But confidence in De Sousa was tempered by a shared concern that complex, On the surface, Mayor and at times conflicting Catherine Pugh’s decision crosscurrents are buffeting the to remove Baltimore department. Particularly what Police Department (BPD) many see will be a delicate Commissioner Kevin Davis, balancing act of fighting and replace him with BPD a surging crime rate while veteran Darryl De Sousa, reigning in an agency under seems like just another a federal consent decree for changing of the guard for a unconstitutional policing. department used to turnover “He has the talent and at the top. the integrity. I think he will But, like many things do a good job if he selects which occur inside the the right people,” said Dr. sprawling law environment Tyrone Powers, director of agency, which soaks up more the Homeland Security and half the city’s discretionary Criminal Justice Institute at spending, appearances are Anne Arundel Community often misleading. College. Both current and former But Powers, a former FBI law enforcement officers, agent and Maryland state Courtesy Photo along with members of the trooper, cautioned that until Darryl De Sousa, 53, is the eighth Baltimore police city council who spoke to the BPD reckons with a commissioner in 18 years. the AFRO, had mostly good series of scandals that have things to say about De Sousa, rocked the department it will a Morgan State University graduate, who rose through the be difficult to make it more effective. Especially with the ranks during his roughly 30-year career with the department. continuing fallout over scandal involving the elite Gun Trace “He has boundless energy,” said former BPD Colonel and Task Force (GTTF), whose members are accused of robbing retired Indianapolis Police Chief Rick Hite. residents, dealing drugs, and stealing overtime pay. “He is one of the few people in the department who truly “The Gun Trace Task Force is part of a systemic problem, understands the community.” it’s part of the culture” said Powers. “That is not the only There was also optimism that an African-American who special unit where it was allowed to happen.” had worked his way to the top could bolster morale among During the opening arguments Jan. 23, in the trial for two younger officers of color. of those GTTF officers, Marcus Taylor and Daniel Hersl. “I was talking to a commander who told me how much it Attorneys for Hersl described a department that was willing would mean for a young black officer to see someone in the to overlook bad behavior in exchange for stats. chief’s job who is African-American,” Councilman Kristerfer “The mandate of the Gun Trace Task Force was to get Continued on B2 Burnett said. By Stephen Janis Special to the AFRO

In Memoriam

Thomas L. Saunders, Historian, Activist By Yvonne J. Medley Special to the AFRO

specifically tailored to their interests.. Saunders was a community activist as well. Politicians dating back to the days when William Donald Schaefer was Mayor of Baltimore, to today, sought Saunders’ advice and his influence in some Baltimore communities. His mission was to protect the historical legacy of people of color from obscurity and neglect, and to empower the disenfranchised. “With a graveled, inquisitive voice [Saunders] was a walking, talking encyclopedia of African American history,” wrote Lionel Foster in a 2009 March issue of Urbanite Magazine. Saunders was a 1975 graduate of Baltimore Polytechnic Institute, and a

Thomas Lawrence Saunders, a historian and CEO of Renaissance Productions and Tours, died of cancer at the Howard County General Hospital on Courtesy Photo Jan. 11. He was 60. Thomas L. Saunders died Saunders was a lifelong Jan. 11, after a battle with resident of Baltimore City and cancer. his work and passion to create living history here was well Early on, a longtime documented in local media. mentor and former chair of For more than 30 years, the Education Department Saunders accrued and at Morgan State University, enjoyed partnerships with Dr. Eugenia Collier, the National Blacks in Wax nurtured Saunders’ love for Museum, Frederick Douglasshistory. She also ignited his Isaac Myers Maritime Park, love for the arts: literary, Reginald F. Lewis Museum, performing arts, music and Maryland Women’s Heritage visual. In 1994, he merged Museum, Enoch Pratt Free them all when Renaissance Library, B&O Railroad Productions and Tours was Museum, to celebrate the born. contributions The of Black entrepreneur Americans. worked to Saunders generate was a longtime awareness for member people and of several places like The organizations, Lexington Market, including the local independent Baltimore bookstores, Tourism authors and Association, – Lionel Foster in a 2009 March issue of artists. and he served He enjoyed Urbanite Magazine on several special partnerships Boards and with the legendary Commissions, Arch Social Club such as The Greater Baltimore member of its Black History on Pennsylvania Avenue, Cultural Alliance. Primary Club. In 1980, Saunders schools and universities, graduated from the University founded in 1905. Saunders was a pivotal player in the family reunions, government of Maryland at Baltimore creation of Baltimore’s Martin delegations and others, locally County (UMBC), earning a and nationally, routinely B.A. in Health Administration Luther King, Jr. parade. He played a key role in creating booked Saunders’ tours and African-American and events, which were Studies. Continued on B2

“With a graveled, inquisitive voice [Saunders] was a walking, talking encyclopedia of African American history.”



Former Baltimore County Schools Superintendent Facing Perjury Charges By The Associated Press A former Baltimore county schools superintendent is facing charges of perjury over his financial disclosure forms and ties to companies that contracted with the district. Maryland’s prosecutor’s office said in a statement Jan. 23, that Shaun Dallas Dance failed to disclose that he worked for SUPES Academy and the related company

Courtesy Photo

S. Dallas Dance is facing charges of perjury stemming from his tenure (2012 to 2017) as Baltimore County Schools Superintendent.

Continued on B2

17-Year Old Charged in Attempted Murder Case By Michelle Richardson Special to the AFRO Baltimore Police have arrested and charged a suspect in the December shooting of a 23-year-old man. Teon Grant, 17, of the 6600 block of Eberle Drive in Northwest Baltimore, will be charged as an adult for the attempted murder of a man he shot in the head, chest and forearm while the victim sat in a car around 4:20 p.m. in the 500 block of Wellesley Street, in Gwynns Falls Parkway community in West Baltimore, on Dec. 19, according to police. Police do not release the names of victims that have survived shootings. No motive was given for the attack. Grant, who was arrested Jan. 22, is charged with 10 criminal counts, including first and second degree attempted murder, assault, reckless Courtesy Photo endangerment, and handgun Teon Grant, 17, was violations according to arrested this week and Maryland Case Search. charged with attempted Grant did not have an murder in a shooting on attorney listed as of Jan Dec. 19. 23. Visits by the AFRO to Grant’s listed address went unanswered. Grant, is being held at Central Booking and had not been seen by a court commissioner as of AFRO press time. Police urge anyone with any information in the case to call 1-866-7LOCKUP.


Past Seven Days

19 2018 Total

Data as of Jan. 24


The Afro-American, January 27, 2018 - February 2, 2018

Race and Politics Continued from D1

fewer officers were hired at lower wages to fill the ranks of the new department, which focused on a community policing strategy. (In 2013, the City of Camden agreed to pay $3.5 million in damages to 88 people whose convictions were overturned because of pervasive corruption within the Camden Police Department, including cases of evidence planting, false police reports and perjury, similar to the current climate of corruption within the BPD). Camden is significantly smaller than Baltimore in area and population (about 77, 000 people compared to roughly 600,000), still, many of that city’s ills mirror our own; rampant poverty, drug addiction, high unemployment in communities of color and substandard public school education, among them. And despite the disparity in size between Baltimore and Camden, Camden’s turnaround is more than noteworthy. There were 22 homicides in Camden in 2017, half of 2016’s total of 44, and less than one third of the 2012 total of 67. Robberies, aggravated assaults, violent crimes, property crimes, and non-fatal shootings are also all down significantly since the restructuring of the department. “The old police mantra was make it home safely. Now

we’re being taught not only should we make it home safely, but so should the victim and suspect,” said Camden police officer Tyrell Bagby to the New York Times, last April, discussing Camden’s emphasis on community policing. Reconstruction is working in Camden. But, it will most likely never happen in Baltimore because of Baltimore’s

“Now we’re being taught not only should we make it home safely, but so should the victim and suspect.” – Camden police officer Tyrell Bagby Fraternal Order of Police (FOP), and a seminal moment in the city’s history. In July 1974 the Baltimore City Police Department went on

strike for less than one week, from July 11, 1974 to July 17, 1974. And when I say the police went on strike, I mean officers literally stopped their cars in the middle of the street, got out and left them there. It scared the hell out of Baltimore from top to bottom. That same year the Law Enforcement Officers Bill of Rights (LEOBOR), the first and strongest set of legal protections for law enforcement officers in the nation was forged in Maryland. The specter of the summer of 1974 probably haunts many of the city’s more venerable power brokers to this day (at least the ones who are still around), giving the Baltimore FOP perhaps unprecedented power. Imagine Baltimore police getting out of their cars en masse and leaving them in the middle of the streets of the city in 2018. Scary thought. And that fear has permeated politicians (and most residents) since that strike in 1974 and probably made radical law enforcement reform in Baltimore impossible. Sean Yoes is Baltimore editor of the AFRO and host and executive producer of the AFRO First Edition video podcast, which airs Monday and Friday on the AFRO’s Facebook page.

De Sousa

PUBLIC WORKSHOPS Monday, February 5, 2018

Tuesday, February 6, 2018

(4:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m.)

(4:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m.)

Enoch Pratt Library Walbrook Branch 3203 W. North Avenue Baltimore, MD 21216

Enoch Pratt Library Pennsylvania Ave Branch 1531 W. North Avenue Baltimore, MD 21217

*Snow Date: February 12, 2018

*Snow Date: February 13, 2018

Wednesday, February 7, 2018

Thursday, February 8, 2018

(4:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m.)

(4:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m.)

Baltimore City Public Schools First Floor Board Room 200 E. North Avenue Baltimore, MD 21202

Harford Heights Elementary School Second Floor Cafeteria 1919 North Broadway Baltimore, MD 21213

*Snow Date: February 14, 2018

*Snow Date: February 15, 2018

Use of library meeting space does not constitute endorsement of this organization, this program or its content by the Enoch Pratt Free Library.

The Maryland Department of Transportation Maryland Transit Administration and the Baltimore City Department of Transportation invite the community to attend the next series of Public Workshops dedicated to supporting economic revitalization on North Avenue through targeted transportation infrastructure investments. At our kick-off meetings in November 2017, we collected big ideas from community stakeholders about what they’d like to see on North Avenue. Since then, the project team has been busy developing initial designs that respond to your suggestions. Now is your opportunity to work directly with project staff and neighbors to help answer key questions such as: • What kind of bus shelters and amenities would work best in different locations? • How can we make transferring buses more convenient? • Which intersections need to be safer for pedestrians to cross? • What’s the best way to make people on bikes feel safe in this busy corridor? The same information will be shared at each meeting, so stop by anytime between 4:00pm and 7:00pm! Locations are accessible for people with disabilities. For more information or to request additional accommodations, an interpreter, this information in an alternate format or translated, please contact the department listed below. Los sitios tienen acceso para personas con discapacidades. Para mayor información o para requerir acomodos adicionales, un intérprete o esta información traducida o en formato alterno, por favor contacte al departamento enlistado abajo. Nos sites sont accessibles aux personnes handicapées. Pour plus d’informations ou pour demander des aménagements supplémentaires, un interprète, ces informations dans un format différent ou traduites, veuillez contacter le département indiqué ci-dessous. Ang mga lokasyon ay napupuntahan para sa mga taong may mga kapansanan. Para sa higit na impormasyon o para humiling ng karagdagang akomodasyon, ng interpreter, ang impormasyon na ito na nasa panghaliling format o nakasaling-wika, mangyaring kontakin ang departamentong nakalista sa ibaba. 地点方便残障人士进入。欲了解更多信息或要求其它安排、口译服务、翻译本信息或本信息的其它格 式,请与以下列出的部门联系。 К площадкам обеспечен доступ для людей с ограниченными возможностями. За дополнительной информацией или для запроса на получение дополнительных приспособлений, услуг переводчика либо перевода данной информации или ее получения в другом формате, обращайтесь в отдел, указанный ниже. 이들 장소에는 장애인들도 접근할 수 있습니다. 아래에 기재된 부서에 연락하시어 자세한 정보, 장애인용 부가 시설, 통역사, 또는 이 정보의 번역본이나 다른 매체로 제공해 줄 것을 요청하시기 바랍니다.

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Continued from D1

guns off the street,” attorney William Purpura The resignations were accompanied by told the jury. “We don’t care how you do, a statement from spokesman T.J. Smith that just do it.” implied more changes were coming. Which is why Hersl’s attorney also “The Commissioner-Designate will be brushed aside allegations he stole overtime, defining the new organizational structure and arguing the thousands of dollars in payouts command staff of the department,” Smith for hours he didn’t work were sanctioned by said in an email. “At that time, we will be in his superiors. a position to share an updated organizational “This overtime was given with a wink and chart with the media and public.” an eye with full knowledge of command,” Sgt. Louis Hopson, a board member Purpura argued while recounting an unofficial of The Vanguard Justice Society, an incentive plan, which awarded four to eight organization of Black BPD officers, said a hours of overtime for broader purge would each confiscated gun. not surprise him. . It’s this dilemma, “As he gets settled how to fix the into the job, I think management culture you will see more of a department changes,” Hopson that, at best, looked said. the other way when Still, De Sousa’s officers broke the law appointment elicited – Dr. Tyrone Powers plenty of optimism, while fighting crime, Powers says, will even if his first week be De Sousa’s most on the job produced daunting task. mixed results. “Dealing with issues of crime and issues At his first press conference at City Hall within the department are not mutually he promised to flood crime ‘hot spots’ with exclusive,” Powers said. “It’s tough to do, officers. A strategy that didn’t appear to pan but fixing one does in fact help you address out as the city notched seven homicides in the other.” roughly five days. A big part of this balancing act will Powers said it is critical for De Sousa to require substantive changes at the top. A immediately tackle multiple tasks at the same process that appeared to have begun this time. week with the resignation of two high-level “Whatever changes he makes they have to commanders, Deputy Commissioner Jason happen sooner rather than later, we are a city Johnson and Chief Ganesha Martin. in crisis.”

“Dealing with issues of crime and issues within the department are not mutually exclusive.”

Thomas L. Saunders Continued from D1

a commemorative plaque, honoring Mother Mary Lange, the founder of the Oblate Sisters of Providence in 1829, and a statue of Baltimore’s legendary songbird, Billie Holiday. On his bus tours, Saunders transformed slices of the city using authentic period props, costumes

And the $10,000 winner is...

Fountain Green Elementary school This safety comic strip submitted by the fourth grade class at Fountain Green Elementary School is the “Captain’s Choice” winner in The Adventures of Captain Mercaptan, BGE’s Natural Gas Safety Hero Challenge. As a result, Fountain Green Elementary School was awarded $10,000 to use for an enrichment project. BGE would like to congratulate all of this year’s winners and thank all of the schools that submitted entries and helped promote natural gas safety in their school and community. You played an important part in promoting natural gas safety in your school community. To learn more about the annual contest, and to see all of the entries, visit

and re-enactors; sightseers learned about the little-known historic contributions of Baltimore’s African-American trailblazers, while they ate what he dubbed a Shoebox Lunch. It symbolized a time before-and-during the civil rights era when persons of color could not travel interstate highways without fear of the possibility of racially motivated attacks. Saunders explained those perils, while his passengers ate fried chicken, rolls, fruit and a slice of homemade pound cake. The meal, packed in a shoebox, served as a vivid reenactment of how his own grandmother wrapped up love, protection and nourishment whenever his

Perjury Publication: Advertiser:

parents and older brother took to the highways, especially heading South. Over the years, Saunders fed many. Saunders leaves to mourn: his parents, Robert R. Saunders and Julia E. (Tomlin) Saunders, and his older brother, Stacey A. Saunders. He is survived by his nephew, Kenya H. Saunders, his children, Kayla and Dillon Saunders; a niece, Sakena Saunders, her children, NiYonna Saunders, Sanaa Perry, Aylah Perry and Ja’Lae Perry, a host of cousins, dear friends and associates.


Afro American Continued from D1 Insertion Date: 1/27/2018 Synesi Associates. Authorities said Dance negotiated no-bid contracts with the firms7.28” on behalf Ad Size: x 5” of Baltimore County schools. Prosecutors alleged that Dance claimed to have no outside income was M paid $13,500 by Synesi and $500 Title:in 2012 when he Capt. Fall 2017 Winner by SUPES. IfAuthorities you havealso received thisDance publication material income said that denied receiving in his error, have anyExcellence questionsConsulting. about it please from firmorDeliberate The charges contact traffic $72,000 dept. atinWeber Shandwick allege that hethe received 2013 from Deliberate for at (410) 558 2100. services rendered to Synesi and others. It is unclear if Dance has a lawyer.

January 27, 2018 - February 2, 2018, The Afro-American

“How can I say thanks for the things you’ve done for me. Things so undeserved yet you gave to prove your love to me. The voices of a million angels could not express my gratitude. All that I am and ever hope to be I owe it all to Thee. To God be the glory for the things He has done. With His blood, He has saved me with His power, He has raised me.To God be the glory for the things he has done.” Andrae Crouch Closing out the first month of 2018, we look to a new year of hope and prosperity, giving and receiving. A year of health, friendship and love; a year of togetherness in our homes, school and our community. A year free of murders and limited school resources. A year that will remind elected officials why they were elected. And finally, a year when all faiths come together to heal a wounded city. “City traffic’s movin’ way too slow drop the pedal and go, go come on now, go. We goin’ ridin’ on the freeway…” Aretha Franklin When I get a traffic ticket, I’m going to court even if it is on the Eastern Shore. On a clear wintry day, my friend Jackie Robinson Brown drove me to Salisbury to defend a speeding ticket with a 2-point penalty. It was a scenic 2-hour drive across the ice laden Chesapeake Bay. “And you don’t know how glad I am,” I went to court. After sitting through the afternoon court session, I look and it’s, “just the two of us”. The Judge said, “Thanks for sitting here all afternoon your case is dismissed.” Hallelujah, now it’s time to celebrate. We decided to stop at Annapolis’ Cantler’s Inn for a delicious meal. Tuesday night dinner special, buy one dinner and get the second one free. The prime rib was succulent and well worth a return trip. “We have no fear ‘cause we’re a winner we’re a winner and never let anybody say, girl you can’t make it” Curtis Mayfield Jerome Fisher rolled the dice and came up a winner when he had a surprise retirement party for his wife Gloria at the Delta Center. When guests arrived, they entered a room transformed into a casino complete with gaming tables, croupiers and a 4-tiered cake decorated with edible cards and dice.

Allenette Valentine, Katie Burrell and Carolyn Richardson. Thinking of you George Liston, Ann Branch, Tracey Jennifer and Jerrelle Francois. “In my solitude, you haunt me with dreadful ease of days gone by. In my solitude you taunt me with memories that never die. I sit in my chair and filled with despair there’s no one could be so sad. With gloom everywhere I sit and I stare…”Billie Holiday Keeping these families in our prayers as they mourn the death of their loved ones. Elise Jude Mason and family on the death of her sister Laura Jude Gardner; the family of Brenda Holmes; Muriel Gates on the death of her mother Juanita Gates; Del. Bilal Ali on the death of his sister Mary Jones; Gregory Adams on the death of his father Gregory Adams Sr., and to the family of Jammone Driver. “What’s Happening” Dare to Dream Productions, founded by Janora “Lady J” Winkler and The Arch Social Club President Sozufe Nnamdi, are sponsoring live music on the Avenue with “It’s a man’s world,” at The Arch Social Club, on Feb.11. The event will feature all male singers including Baltimore’s favorites Al, Billy, Luke, Lenny and Ronny with surprise guest performers. Call 443-9558600 for tickets or more information. The 100 Black Men of Maryland are hosting their annual Heritage Luncheon on Feb.19, at Bonefish Grill. The musical entertainment


will be Sterling Silver, featuring Guy Bragg, Bobbette Hitchcock, Darrel Taylor, Daryl Adams, Ike Clayton and Maynard Parker. For more information, contact Mel Bates, at 443.997.0771. Thanks for your service In remembrance of Executive Order 9981, join our friend and honoree Michael Gales at the 18th annual Buffalo Soldiers Memorial Banquet at Morgan State University Feb.17. Call Angela Phillips at 410-3026758 or . Sharon Green Middleton, vice president of the Baltimore City Council, is re-opening the Maryland Women’s Commission. If interested in joining applications are being accepted through February 9 at Grandiosity Events is sponsoring “Dancing in the Moonlight,” Feb.10. Contact: grandiosity-events-presents-dancing-in-the-moonlighta-valentines-event-tickets-39853640311 I’ll be seeing you! Valerie and the Friday Night Bunch

“Surprise, Surprise, Surprise!” Gomer Pyle Family and friends cheered when Gregory Williams walked into Colin’s Restaurant for what he thought was a family planning meeting for their upcoming “family reunion.” Greg, an administrator at Family Health Centers of Baltimore, had retired a few days earlier. Not a person for a lot of fanfare, Greg thought he would just simply retire quietly. His family and friends had a different plan, after many years of dedicated and committed service to family health care they felt it was a time to celebrate. “It’s a family affair.” Family and friends join Leo and Myrna Blackwell at their wedding celebration dinner at Colin’s Restaurant. Great seeing Maurice Blackwell, Beverly Carroll and Leo’s mom, 96 yearold Priscilla Blackwell enjoying the festivities. Wishing “love and happiness” to the newlyweds. “When we met, I always knew I would feel the magic for you. On my mind, constantly in my arms is where you should be. I love you here by me, baby you let my love fly free I want you in my life for all time”Anita Baker Steve and Carolyn Wainwright “caught up in the rapture of love,” 50 plus years ago are celebrating their anniversary. It’s been a joy to see this beautiful couple together. In the words of Robert Redford in the movie “Indecent Proposal,” “A love like this comes around once in a lifetime.” It’s your birthday! Melvine Turlington, Candes Daniels, Mattie Jean Johnson, Deborah Peak Coleman, Gloria Marrow, Dr. Cynthia Neverdon Morton,

saveALL ENERGY AND MONEY WINTER. Now that winter’s here, your home may be using more energy to keep you comfortable—and your energy bill may show it. What can you do now to reduce your costs? Using the energy tips below could pay off.

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If in co at


The Afro-American, January 27, 2018 - February 2, 2018

Harry Williams, Betty Williams Founder, Hon. Lonnie Spruill, Jr., Toni Calvin Daniel P. Henson III, charter member, Del Henson

André R.Manson, 22nd International Grand Polaris, Mayor Catherine Pugh, Sean D. Housen Sr., 22nd Grand Vice Polaris

Maceo Davis, Trena Taylor Brown, Dwight Taylor, Aileen Taylor, Pat Crisp, Charles Groce

Rodney Norris, Adrienne Norris, Karen Evans, Thelphs Evans

Standing left, Lester Rainey, Peggy Jobe, Judy Rainey, Donald Rainey, Frank Hocker. Seated left, Allen Eason, Paula Eason, Fred Helm, Ivana Helm Betty Dorsey, Wayne Dorsey, charter member, Bruce Dorsey, Kim Dorsey, Chineta Alford, Fitzhugh Alford Lorna Byers, Hilbert Byers

Cheryl Hitchcock, Hon. Frank Coakley, founder, Dr. Marcia Henson Coakley

Cathy Hardwich, Marilyn J. Mosby, State’s Attorney for Baltimore City, Nina Spencer, Stacia Dashiell

The Gamma Omicron Omega Scholarship Foundation Committee of Iota Phi Theta Fraternity celebrated its 4th annual black tie gala. With the theme, “Cultivating Paths to Academic Success,” the chapter highlighted the efforts of honoree Mayor Catherine Pugh, for cultivating paths for academic success for African American students. In 2017, chapter members of Gamma Omicron Omega participated

Chezz Scott, Guest Speaker, Denise Scott , Clifford Daniels, Lynn Scott, Joshua Summers and Rev. Dr. Douglas E. Summers, Co - Pastor of Providence Baptist Church

Brendella Hawkins, Roman Hawkins, Justin Maynor, Erika Maynor, Elva D. Williams, Elizabeth E. Craig

Dennis Shipley, Margarett Shipley, Lorne D. Matthews, Shirley Connor, Maxine J. Wood, Royce E. Jones and Sheila Abrams - Jones

Tyrone McCormick, Curtis Shirley, Zelda McCormick, Cynthia Shirley, Denise Ruffin and Barbara Somerville

in over 40 community service projects within the Baltimore area. Reggie Williams, Andrea Williams, The fraternity announced the Evan Pittman Legacy Academic Linda Moucon, Excellence Scholarship Award, which was presented to Joshua Henry Moucon Smith, computer science sophomore at Morgan State University and Kyle David, a freshman at the Earl G. Graves School of Photos by Dr. A. Business and Management at Morgan State University.

Lois DeLaine

On Jan. 13, the Men’s Fellowship of Providence Baptist Church held their annual Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. prayer breakfast. The guest speaker was Charles “Chezz” Scott, founder of a Positively Caviar, Inc. The nonprofit focuses on empowering, inspiring and motivating individuals with a special emphasis on youth.

Charles Scott, founder, Positively Caviar

Bro. Joshua Summers

Bro. Marshall T. Goodwin, Chairman

Bro. Bobby Harris blessing the food

Bro. Marshall Goodwin, Taylor Calvin, Cierra Wyoh , Charles Scott, Roman Hawkins, Justin Maynor, Blair Wyho , Mason Byron, Isaiah Tucker and Rev. Dr. Douglas E. Summers

Photos by DeVone R. Marshall

January 27, 2018 - February 2, 2018, The Afro-American



Corinne Massiah Finds Her Way in ‘9-1-1’ Is 2018 the Year of has brought its own challenges at times. Being a working person while still in elementary school required her to be at a level of maturity far ahead of her peers. California born and bred actress Corinne Massiah only needed her She explains, “Being in this business you have to develop a sister and an iPhone to secure her latest role as the teen daughter of backbone earlier because you’re dealing with so much rejection Angela Bassett’s (“Black Panther,” “Waiting To Exhale”) character at a young age. You’re also on set with adults so you have to be Athena Grant, on Fox’ new drama “9-1-1.” ”I professional and mature. Some of the kids auditioned in my bedroom,” she tells the AFRO when I was nine and ten they didn’t understand “It was a self-tape audition and my sister helped that I wasn’t really into things that they were me with it. We had an iPhone camera on a little into, or I handled situations differently than tripod. She helped me read the lines and it them.” took about fifteen minutes. It was really easy.” Massiah never went to middle school. Corinne summarily won the role of May Grant, a Because of her non-traditional schedule, which teenager caught, with her little brother, between required being able to go out on auditions or her two beleaguered parents who aren’t doing a filming at random, she was homeschooled from great job at coping with their pain. sixth through eighth grades. “The hardest thing Co-starring Rockmond Dunbar (“Sons of was the social aspect because I’m very social Anarchy,” “Soul Food”), Aisha Hinds (“True and I love having friends. I didn’t have many Blood,” “Underground”), and Oliver Stark (“Into friends when I was homeschooled so that was The Badlands”), “9-1-1” centers around the lives the hardest part.” She got through it all with the of a group of firefighters and first responders in help of her family. “My Mom and my sister. I Los Angeles. Debuting just a few weeks ago and have a twin sister so I never go into anything already picked up for a second season, the series really alone. It’s always us two. She’s always starts out with the Grant family in crisis. They right by my side. My Mom, my sister, my Dad; are dealing with the shocking (or maybe not they’re always around me.” so much if we’re being honest) revelation that Now that she is in high school, she gets May’s dad is gay. In any case, Mama Grant is to foster her friendships doing some of her decidedly not taking the news well. favorite things with them such as going to May has a lot of empathy for her father the movies in the newly renovated theater in who has been struggling with this secret all his her neighborhood. Massiah is also an avid life. Massiah says, “Finding out her Dad is gay, volleyball player and has been involved in the Courtesy photo she doesn’t really care. She loves her father sport since she was six years old. “I am very Corinne Massiah is one of the stars and doesn’t care that he’s gay.” May though, is big into volleyball.” She emphasizes. “I was of the new Fox drama ‘9-1-1.’ conflicted. She has an intuitive understanding of on my high school team and then I’m also on a the concept of keeping up appearances even at club team.” such a young age. “May is just starting high school and she’s trying Massiah, who counts Zendaya, Jennifer Lawrence, and Angela to find herself and at that age having friends is so important. She Bassett as among her favorite actresses, has her own ideas about just wants him to be in the house so that it won’t affect her social her character’s relationship with her family. She says, “I would relationships. That’s where she’s having such a big problem with it.” want May to be closer to her Mom because there is a lot of tension Viewers might recognize Massiah from her four season run between them. She can see how her parents are fighting so much and playing Rochelle Aytes’ (“Madea’s Family Reunion”) characters’ she totally accepts that her dad is gay but I don’t think she believes daughter Lucy on ABC’s “Mistresses.” Though she has been part of her Mom accepts him. I just want them to resolve it, to sit down and the often glamorous world of acting since she was a very young girl, it hopefully build a better relationship.” By Nadine Matthews Special to the AFRO

AFRO Sports Desk Faceoff


Should Wizards Trade John Wall? By Perry Green and Stephen D. Riley AFRO Sports Desk

should make a trade, but Wall isn’t the player that they need to shop.

The Washington Wizards are stuck in neutral, and only a seismic trade can push them forward. Mired in mediocrity for 40-plus years, the Wizards have been sandwiched between horrible and decent since they landed prized pick John Wall with the first pick in the 2010 draft. Wall’s size, speed and athleticism gave the club a bluechip guard with all the right physical tools to contend with the other top guards in the NBA. As a rookie, Wall’s talent helped endear him to a long-suffering franchise fresh off a nightmarish campaign. Eight years later, inconsistency, knee problems and a still-dicey jump shot has Wall and the Wizards in the NBA’s dreaded gray area—they’re good enough to make the playoffs, but not quite talented enough to contend for a title. Has the time come for the Wizards to trade John Wall? Perry Green and Stephen D. Riley of the AFRO Sports Desk debate this important question.

Riley: At this point, I don’t see how the club gets significantly better without taking steps back. Wall or Bradley Beal should be on the Wizards’ trade block, unfortunately, because they are the only assets they have that would fetch a sensible return. Beal’s contract, position and injury history doesn’t hold a lot of value among the league’s other front offices, but there’s always a market for athletic, oversized point guards in the prime of their career, even with Wall’s mega-extension set to kick in next year. Washington’s best plan for improvement was adding a

Green: Maybe the Wizards should trade Wall. Moving him for a few valuable pieces would flick the reset switch, but the failures that general manager Ernie Grunfeld has endured in his tenure in Washington, D.C. don’t give me the greatest confidence that he can make such a move and come out ahead. Trading away All-Stars never fetches a fair return anyway, and I fear Grunfeld would only set the franchise back even further. Besides, Wall is still the face of the team and is already inside the Association’s circle of upperechelon players, so his continued presence could be a free agent magnet if Washington ever clears enough money off the books to enter the market. The Wizards

key free agent or two a couple of summers ago when they had sizable cap room, and they blew it. In true Wizards fashion, the team squandered just over $30 million in cap space on guys who would barely crack the rotation on the league’s worst teams. Players like Ian Mahinmi, Jason Smith and Andrew Nicholson (who the club traded less than eight months after acquiring him in July 2016) swallowed a bulk of that cap room and spit out nothing in return. The Nicholson move was a double blow because Washington had to include their own first-round pick just to entice teams to take him and his erroneous contract off their hands. Grunfeld’s blundering has put the team in the inevitable

position that they may have to move back short-term to move forward long-term. Green: This team and the fans can’t handle another three to five years of incompetence. Frankly, there just is not any more room in the District for any more incompetence. It isn’t like the Wizards are the Cleveland Browns. They’re still in contention in the East and are selling tickets. The long-standing theory around the District is that Grunfeld and team owner Ted Leonsis are simply satisfied with the team being watchable and pushing merchandise. If that’s the case, then as long as the team is above water, I just can’t see


By AFRO Staff After two straight years of all White nominees in the major acting categories in 2015 and 2016 things got slightly better in 2017 when “Moonlight” won not only Best Picture but several other categories, including Mahershala Ali for Best Supporting Actor. This year there are numerous African Americans nominated for a range of categories from Best Director (Jordan Peele) to Best Short Film (Kobe Bryant). Below is a list of Black nominees. The 90th Annual Academy Awards air on March 4 on ABC. Best Actor Daniel Kaluuya (Get Out) Denzel Washington (Roman J. Israel, Esq.) Best Supporting Actress Mary J. Blige (Mudbound) Best Director Jordan Peele (Get Out)

Nephew Emmett)

Best Adapted Screenplay Virgil Williams, Dee Rees (Mudbound) Best Original Screenplay Jordan Peele (Get Out)

Best Documentary Yance Ford (Strong Island)

Best Music, Original Song Mary J. Blige, Raphael Saadiq, Taura Stinson (Mudbound) Common (Marshall) Best Picture Jordan Peele (Get Out) Best Short Film (Animated) Kobe Bryant (Dear Basketball)

Photo by Rich Fury/Invision/AP

Best Short Film (LiveAction) Kevin Wilson, Jr. (My

Jordan Peele received numerous nominations for his film ‘Get Out.’

Grunfeld moving Wall. Wall, Beal and Otto Porter Jr. were signed to massive extensions over back-toback summers. Fans should just buckle up, because the core of this team may be in D.C. for years to come.

Riley: Porter and Beal probably can’t be moved because the money on them doesn’t match their play. If this team really wants to move up the ladder, then flipping Wall for some acceleration pieces will be key.


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TYPESET: Tue Jan 23 15:26:56 ESTTue 2018 TYPESET: Jan 23 15:28:26 EST 2018 Decedent



Superior Court of the District of Columbia PROBATE DIVISION Washington, D.C. 20001-2131 Administration No. 2017ADM001469 Evelyn Lucille Chandler Decedent Thomas P Hartnett Esq 209 Pennsylvania Ave SE Washington, DC 20003 Attorney NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT, NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND NOTICE TO UNKNOWN HEIRS Sheila Burr, whose address is 132 Tennessee Ave., NE, Washington, DC 20002 was appointed personal representative of the estate of Evelyn Lucille Chandler , who died on December 8, 2016without a will, and will serve without Court supervision. All unknown heirs and heirs whose whereabouts are unknown shall enter their appearance in this proceeding. Objections to such appointment shall be filed with the Register of Wills, D.C., 515 5th Street, N.W., 3rd Floor Washington, D.C. 20001, on or before July 12, 2018. Claims against the decedent shall be presented to the undersigned with a copy to the Register of Wills or filed with the Register of Wills with a copy to the undersigned, on or before July 12, 2018, or be forever barred. Persons believed to be heirs or legatees of the decedent who do not receive a copy of this notice by mail within 25 days of its first publication shall so inform the Register of Wills, including name, address and relationship. Date of Publication: January 12, 2018 Name of newspaper: Afro-American Washington Law Reporter Sheila Burr Personal Representative

Superior Court of the District of District of Columbia PROBATE DIVISION Washington, D.C. 20001-2131 Administration No. 2017ADM001468 Cora L Peeples Decedent NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT, NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND NOTICE TO UNKNOWN HEIRS Deborah A Price, whose address is 7039 Cradlerock Farm Court, Columbia MD 21045 was appointed personal representative of the estate of Cora L Peeples, who died on August 8, 2014 without a will, and will serve without Court supervision. All unknown heirs and heirs whose whereabouts are unknown shall enter their appearance in this proceeding. Objections to such appointment (or to the probate of decedent´s will) shall be filed with the Register of Wills, D.C., 515 5th Street, N.W., 3rd Floor Wa s h i n g t o n , D . C . 20001, on or before July 12, 2018. Claims against the decedent shall be presented to the undersigned with a copy to the Register of Wills or filed with the Register of Wills with a copy to the undersigned, on or before July 12, 2018, or be forever barred. Persons believed to be heirs or legatees of the decedent who do not receive a copy of this notice by mail within 25 days of its first publication shall so inform the Register of Wills, including name, address and relationship. Date of Publication: January 12, 2018 Name of newspaper: Afro-American Washington Law Reporter Deborah A Price Personal Representative

TRUE TEST COPY REGISTER OF WILLS 01/12, 01/19, 01/26/18


TYPESET: Jan 23 01/12, 01/19,Tue 01/26/18 Superior Court of

the TYPESET: Tue Jan 23 15:28:07 EST 2018 District of Columbia Superior Court of the District of Columbia PROBATE DIVISION Washington, D.C. 20001-2131 Administration No. 2017ADM001460 Lynda Hollice Hicks Decedent Andrew T Richardson III 1629 K Street, NW Suite 300 Washington, DC 20006 Attorney NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT, NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND NOTICE TO UNKNOWN HEIRS Rita Dease 3931 7th Street, NE, Washington, DC 20017, was appointed personal representative of the estate of Lynda Hollice , who died on October 10, 2016 without a will, and will serve without Court supervision. All unknown heirs and heirs whose whereabouts are unknown shall enter their appearance in this proceeding. Objections to such appointment shall be filed with the Register of Wills, D.C., 515 5th Street, N.W., 3rd Floor Washington, D.C. 20001, on or before July 12, 2018. Claims against the decedent shall be presented to the undersigned with a copy to the Register of Wills or filed with the Register of Wills with a copy to the undersigned, on or before July 12, 2018 , or be forever barred. Persons believed to be heirs or legatees of the decedent who do not receive a copy of this notice by mail within 25 days of its first publication shall so inform the Register of Wills, including name, address and relationship. Date of Publication: January 12, 2018 Name of newspaper: Afro-American Washington Law Reporter Rita Dease Personal Representative TRUE TEST COPY REGISTER OF WILLS 01/12, 01/19, 01/26/17

PROBATE DIVISION Washington, D.C. 20001-2131 Administration No. 2017ADM834 Torrey Marcellus Bowman Decedent Adam E Moskowitz Esq 7101 Wisconsin Ave Suite 1011 Bethesda, MD 20814 Attorney NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT, NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND NOTICE TO UNKNOWN HEIRS Denisha Yancey, whose address is 3800 Regency Parkway, Apt 204, Suitland, MD 20746 was appointed personal representative of the estate of Torrey Marcellus Bowman , who died on February 23, 2015 without a will, and will serve without Court supervision. All unknown heirs and heirs whose whereabouts are unknown shall enter their appearance in this proceeding. Objections to such appointment shall be filed with the Register of Wills, D.C., 515 5th Street, N.W., 3rd Floor Washington, D.C. 20001, on or before July 12, 2018. Claims against the decedent shall be presented to the undersigned with a copy to the Register of Wills or filed with the Register of Wills with a copy to the undersigned, on or before July 12, 2018, or be forever barred. Persons believed to be heirs or legatees of the decedent who do not receive a copy of this notice by mail within 25 days of its first publication shall so inform the Register of Wills, including name, address and relationship. Date of Publication: January 12, 2018 Name of newspaper: Afro-American Washington Law Reporter Denisha Yancey Personal Representative TRUE TEST COPY REGISTER OF WILLS

01/12, 01/19,Tue 01/26/18 TYPESET: Jan 23 Superior Court of the District of Columbia PROBATE DIVISION Washington, D.C. 20001-2131 Administration No. 2017ADM001453 Ophella W Durant Decedent NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT, NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND NOTICE TO UNKNOWN HEIRS Patricia D King, whose


APPOINTMENT, NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND NOTICE TO UNKNOWN HEIRS Patricia D King, whose address is 536 Oneida Place, NW, Washington, DC 20011, was appointed personal representative of the estate of Ophelia W Durant, who died on July 14, 2017 witha will, and will serve without Court supervision. All unknown heirs and heirs whose whereabouts are unknown shall enter their appearance in this proceeding. Objections to such appointment (or to the probate of decedent´s will) shall be filed with the Register of Wills, D.C., 515 5th Street, N.W., 3rd Floor Wa s h i n g t o n , D . C . 20001, on or before July 12, 2018. Claims against the decedent shall be presented to the undersigned with a copy to the Register of Wills or filed with the Register of Wills with a copy to the undersigned, on or before July 12, 2018, or be forever barred. Persons believed to be heirs or legatees of the decedent who do not receive a copy of this notice by mail within 25 days of its first publication shall so inform the Register of Wills, including name, address and relationship. Date of Publication: January 12, 2018 Name of newspaper: Afro-American Washington Law Reporter Patricia D King Personal Representative



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4.Tue Jan 23 15:26:03 5. EST 2018 TYPESET: IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA CIVIL DIVISION Civil Action No. 2017CA008132 L(RP) (Action Involving Real Property) Calendar #18Magistrate Judge Raymond











14. 19.

Christopher Hauser Plaintiff

tion in the District of Columbia, once a week for three (3) successive weeks, notifying all persons interested in the Real Property described above to appear in this Court by the 11th day of April, 2018, and redeem the Real Property by payment of $2160.41, together with interest from the date the Real Property tax certificate was purchased, court costs, and reasonable attorney’s fees, expenses incurred in the service of process and service of process by publication, reasonable fees for the title search, and all other amounts paid by the Plaintiff in accordance with the provisions of D. C. Official Code §§ 47-1361 and 47-1377 (2001 ed.), and all outstanding municipal lien amounts due and owing on the aforemen-tioned Real Property, or answer the complaint, or, thereafter, a final judgment will be entered foreclosing the right of redemption in the Real Property and vesting in the Plaintiff(s) a title in fee simple.

10. 15. 20.

vs. NAME: ________________________________________________ Unknown Heirs, devisees, ADDRESS: _____________________________________________ personal representatives, executor, administrators & PHONE NO.:____________________________________________ grantees of Edna Kellum, deceased; CLASSIFICATION: ______________________________________ Theresa Banks; District of Columbia Water (Room, Apt., House, etc.) and Sewer Authority; THE DISTRICT OF INSERTION DATE:_________________ COLUMBIA, And

WASHINGTON AFRO-AMERICAN NEWSPAPER All unknown owners of the Legal Advertising Rates described real property below, their heirs, deviEffective October 2008 represees, 1, personal

sentatives, executors, administrators, grantees, /s/ Cheryl Bailey assigns or successors in PROBATE DIVISION Acting Clerk of the Court right, title, and interest (Estates) By: James McGinley andany and all persons having or claiming tohave 202-332-0080 01/13, 01/19, 01/26/18 any interest, including adverse possession, in the PROBATE NOTICES leasehold or the fee simple in the real property and premises situate, lying a. Order Nisi $ 60 per insertion and being in the District of $180.00 per 3 weeks Columbia described as a b. Small Estates (single publication $ 60 per insertion vacant lot on the east side c. Notice to Creditors of 54th St., SE, adjacent TRUE TEST COPY and east of improvement $180.00 per 3 weeks 1. Domestic $ 60 per insertion known as 5400 Drake Pl., REGISTER OF WILLS 2. Foreign $ 60 per insertion SE: Square 5295, Lot $180.00 per 3 weeks 0021 and assessed to Un- $360.00 per 6 weeks d. Escheated Estates $ 60 per insertion known Heirs, devisees, 01/12, 01/19,Tue 01/26/18 TYPESET: Jan 23 15:29:18 EST 2018 e. Standard Probates personal representatives, $125.00 executor, administrators & grantees of Edna Kellum, Superior Court of deceased and otherwise CIVIL NOTICES the TYPESET: Tue Jan 23 15:27:18 EST 2018 known as SE, WashingDistrict of Columbia a. Name Changes 202-879-1133 $ 80.00 ton, D.C., PROBATE DIVISION b. Real Property $ 200.00 Washington, D.C. Superior Court of Defendants 20001-2131 the Administration No. District of Columbia ORDER OF 2017ADM001084 FAMILY COURT PROBATE DIVISION PUBLICATION 15:26:39 EST 2018 Patrick N Brown In accordance with D.C. Washington, D.C. 202-879-1212 Decedent Official Code § 47-1375 20001-2131 TYPESET: Tue Jan 23 15:26:03 EST NOTICE OF (2001 ed.), the2018 object of Administration No. DOMESTIC RELATIONS APPOINTMENT, this proceeding is to se2017ADM001466 tion in the District NOTICE TO cure the foreclosure of theof TYPESET: Tue Jan 23 15:25:35 202-879-0157 Noble J Watkins Columbia, once ainweek right of redemption the CREDITORS IN THE SUPERIOR Decedent for threereal (3)property successive following loCOURT OF AND NOTICE TO Williams S Stancil, Esq weeks, notifying all cated in the District perof SUPERIOR COURT OF THE DISTRICT OF UNKNOWN HEIRS 739 CongressDefendant Street, a. Absent sons interested in the$ 150.00 Columbia, and sold by the COLUMBIA L a Ve n s u s M J o n e s , SE THE DISTRICT OF Real Property described Mayor of the District of $ 150.00 CIVIL DIVISION b. Absolute Divorce whose address is 231 Washington, DC 20032 COLUMBIA above toto appear in this Columbia the Plaintiff in Civil Action No. R0hode Island Ave., NW, Attorney PROBATE DIVISION Court by the 11th day of$150.00 c. Custody Divorce this action: Square 5295 2017CA008132 L(RP) Washington, DC 20001 NOTICE OF Washington, D.C. April, 2018, and redeem 0021 which may also (Action Involving Real Lot was appointed personal APPOINTMENT, 20001-2131 e kReal n o wProperty n a s Sby E , payP r o p e r t y ) C a l e n d a r b the representative of the NOTICE TO Foreign No. ment262, of $2160.41, toDC. Judge Washington To place your ad, #18Magistrate call 1-800-237-6892, ext. Public Notices $50.00 & up estate of Patrick N CREDITORS 2017FEP127 gether with interest from The complaint states, Raymond Brown, who died on July AND NOTICE TO Date of Death theNotices date the Real Property among other things, that depending on size, Baltimore Legal are $24.84 per inch. 16, 2017 without a will, UNKNOWN HEIRS May 01, 2017 tax amounts certificatenecessary was purthe Christopher Hauser and will serve without Lorraine A Watkins, 1-800 (AFRO) 892court costs, chased, and Mary Ellen Wilmoth for redemption have not Plaintiff Court supervision. All un- whose address is 319 K reasonable attorney’s Decedent For Proof of Publication, pleasebeen callpaid. 1-800-237-6892, ext. NOTICE 244 OF known heirs and heirs Street, NE, Washington, fees, expenses incurred Pursuant to the Chiefin vs. whose whereabouts are DC 20002 was appointed the service of process and Judge’s Administration APPOINTMENT unknown shall enter their personal representative service of process by itpubNumber 02-11, is Unknown Heirs, devisees, Order OF FOREIGN appearance in this of the estate of Noble J h i s 5 reasonable t h d a y fees of personal representatives, t lication, PERSONAL proceeding. Objections Watkins, for the title search, and all December,2017 2018, who died on executor, administrators & REPRESENTATIVE LEGAL NOTICES LEGAL NOTICES LEGAL NOTICES LEGAL NOTICES to such appointment December 26, 1994 withother amounts paid by the by the Supergrantees of Edna Kellum, ORDERED AND Plaintiff shall be filed with the out a will, and will serve ior Court ofintheaccordance District of deceased; NOTICE TO with the provisions of D. Register of Wills, D.C., with Court supervision. Columbia, that notice beC. Theresa Banks; CREDITORS Official Code §§ 47-1361 515 5th Street, N.W., 3rd All unknown heirs and by the insertion of a Angus Rollie Wilmoth Jr. District of Columbia Water given and of 47-1377 (2001 copy this Order in ed.), the whose address is 1314 Floor Washington, D.C. h e i r s w h o s e and Sewer a nsdh i n a gl lt oonu tAs ft raon-d i n g Wa Authority; 20001, on or before July whereabouts are unmunicipal amounts Harwich Drive, Waldorf, Tue JanOF23 15:26:03 ESTalien 2018 American, newspaper THE DISTRICT 12, 2018. Claims against known shall enter their TYPESET: due and owing circulaon the MD 20601 was aphaving a general COLUMBIA, the decedent shall be a p p e a r a n c e i n t h i s pointed personal repreaforemen-tioned tion in the DistrictReal of sentative of the estate of presented to the under- proceeding. Objections Property, once or answer the Columbia, a week IN THE SUPERIOR signed with a copy to the to such appointment complaint, or,successive thereafter, a Mary Ellen Wolmoth, deAndOF for three (3) COURT Register of Wills or filed shall be filed with the final judgment en- ceased by the Register of weeks, notifyingwill allbe perTHE DISTRICT OF with the Register of Wills Register of Wills, D.C., tered interested foreclosing the right Wills Court for Charles All unknown owners of the sons in the COLUMBIA with a copy to the under- 515 5th Street, N.W., 3rd of redemption in the Real C o u n t y, S t a t e o f realCIVIL property described Real Property described DIVISION signed, on or before July Floor Washington, D.C. Property and vesting below, heirs, to appear in thisin Maryland, on October 5, Civiltheir Action No. devi- above 12, 2018, or be forever 20001, on or before July the Plaintiff(s) a title in of fee 2017. sees, personalL(RP) repre- Court by the 11th day 2017CA008132 barred. Persons believed 12, 2018. Claims against simple. sentatives, executors, April, 2018, and redeem Service of process may Involving Real to be heirs or legatees of the decedent shall be (Action administrators, the Real Property by pay- be made upon Whitney r o p e r t y ) C a lgrantees, endar the decedent who do not presented to the under- Passigns /s/ Cheryl Bailey or successors to- Cleaver Smith. 1310 FloJudgein ment of $2160.41, receive a copy of this no- signed with a copy to the #18Magistrate Acting Clerk of the from Court ral Street, NW, Washingright, Raymond title, and interest gether with interest tice by mail within 25 Register of Wills or filed By: James McGinley ton DC 20012 whose andany and all persons the date the Real Property days of its first publica- with the Register of Wills having or claiming tohave tax certificate was pur- designation as District of Christopher Hauser tion shall so inform the with a copy to the under01/13, 01/19, 01/26/18 any interest, including ad- chased, court costs, and Columbia agent has Plaintiff Register of Wills, includ- signed, on or before July verse possession, in the reasonable attorney’s been filed with the Regising name, address and 12, 2018, or be forever leasehold vs. or the fee sim- fees, expenses incurred in ter of Wills, D.C. relationship. ple in the real property and the service of process and The decedent owned the barred. Persons believed Date of Publication: premises situate, lying service of process by pub- f o l l o w i n g D i s t r i c t o f to be heirs or legatees of Unknown Heirs, devisees, January 12, 2018 and being in the District of lication, reasonable fees Colombia real property: the decedent who do not personal representatives, Name of newspaper: Columbia described as& a for the title search, and all 2711 29th Street, SE, executor, administrators receive a copy of this novacant lot the east side other amounts paid by the #213, Washington, DC Afro-American ofon Edna Kellum, tice by mail within 25 grantees of 54th St., SE, adjacent Plaintiff in accordance 20020. Washington days of its first publica- deceased; and east of improvement with the provisions of D. C. Claims against the deLaw Reporter tion shall so inform the Theresa Banks; knownofas 5400 Drake Pl., Official Code §§ 47-1361 cedent may be preLaVensus M Jones Register of Wills, includ- District Columbia Water SE:Sewer Square 5295, Lot and 47-1377 (2001 ed.), Personal ing name, address and and 0021 and assessed to Un- a n d a l l o u t s t a n d i n g sented to the underAuthority; Representative relationship. known Heirs, devisees, municipal lien amounts signed and filed with the THE DISTRICT OF Date of Publication: personal representatives, due and owing on the Register of Wills for the COLUMBIA, TRUE TEST COPY January 12, 2018 executor, administrators & aforemen-tioned Real District of Columbia, 500 REGISTER OF WILLS Name of newspaper: grantees of Edna Kellum, Property, or answer the Indiana Avenue, N.W., Afro-American deceasedAnd and otherwise complaint, or, thereafter, a Washington, D.C. 20001 TYPESET: Jan 23 15:27:18 EST 2018 01/12, 01/19,Tue 01/26/18 Washington known as SE, Washing- final judgment will be en- within 6 months from the Law Reporter ton, D.C., owners of the tered foreclosing the right date of first publication of All unknown Lorraine A Watkins real property described of redemption in the Real this notice. Superior Court of Personal below, their Defendants Property and vesting in heirs, devithe Representative sees, personal reprethe Plaintiff(s) a title in fee Angus Rollie Wilmoth,Jr. District of Columbia ORDER OF Personal simple. sentatives, executors, PROBATE DIVISION TRUE TEST COPY PUBLICATION Representative(s) administrators, grantees, W a s h i n g t o n , D . C . REGISTER OF WILLS In accordance with D.C. /s/ Cheryl Bailey TRUE TEST COPY assigns or successors in 20001-2131 Official Code § interest 47-1375 Acting Clerk of the Court REGISTER OF WILLS right, title, and TYPESET: Jan 23 15:26:03 EST 2018 Administration No. (2001 ed.), object of By: James McGinley Date of first publication: 01/12, 01/19,Tue 01/26/18 andany and the all persons 2017ADM001466 this proceeding to sehaving or claimingistohave November 30, 2017 tion in foreclosure theincluding District of TYPESET: cure the ofadthe Noble J Watkins 01/13, 01/19, Tue01/26/18 Jan 23 15:25:35 EST 2018 any interest, Name of newspapers Columbia, once ainin week IN THE SUPERIOR right of redemption the Decedent verse possession, the and/or periodical: for threeor (3) successive COURT OF following real loWilliams S Stancil, Esq leasehold theproperty fee simThe Daily Washington weeks, notifying all and perTHE DISTRICT OF cated the District of SUPERIOR COURT OF Law Reporter 739 Congress Street, ple in thein real property sons interested COLUMBIA Columbia, and soldin by the the premises situate, lying SE THE DISTRICT OF The Afro-American Real Property described CIVIL DIVISION Mayor ofin the District and being the District ofof Washington, DC 20032 COLUMBIA above todescribed appear inasthis Civil Action No. Columbia to the Plaintiff 15:29:00 EST 2018 Columbia ain Attorney PROBATE DIVISION Courtaction: byon the 11th of 2017CA008132 L(RP) this Square 5295 vacant lot the eastday side NOTICE OF Washington, D.C. 11/3, 11/10, 11/17/18 April, 2018, andadjacent redeem (Action Involving Real ofLot 0021 may also 54th St.,which SE, APPOINTMENT, 20001-2131 the Real Property byEpayP r o p e r t y ) C a l e n d a r and b e east k n oof w nimprovement as S , NOTICE TO Foreign No. ment of $2160.41, to#18Magistrate Judge known Washington DC. as 5400 Drake Pl., CREDITORS 2017FEP127 gether with interest from Raymond The complaint states, SE: Square 5295, Lot AND NOTICE TO Date of Death the date the Real among other things, that 0021 and assessedProperty to UnUNKNOWN HEIRS tax certificate was purMay 01, 2017 Christopher Hauser the amounts necessary known Heirs, devisees, Lorraine A Watkins, chased, court costs, Plaintiff for redemption have and not Mary Ellen Wilmoth personal representatives, whose address is 319 K reasonable attorney’s Decedent •Your History been paid. executor, administrators & Street, NE, Washington, fees, expenses incurred in vs. NOTICE OF Pursuant to the Chief grantees of Edna Kellum, DC 20002 was appointed the serviceand of process and APPOINTMENT Judge’s Administration deceased otherwise •Your Community serviceas of process by pubpersonal representative Unknown Heirs, devisees, known OF FOREIGN Order Number 02-11, it is SE, Washingof the estate of Noble J personal representatives, ton, tlication, h D.C., i s 5reasonable t h d a y fees of PERSONAL • Your News for the title search, and all Watkins, who died on executor, administrators & December,2017 2018, REPRESENTATIVE other amounts by the December 26, 1994 with- grantees of Edna Kellum, ORDERED by paid the SuperAND Defendants Plaintiff in the accordance out a will, and will serve deceased; ior Court of District of NOTICE TO with the provisions of D. be C. with Court supervision. Theresa Banks; Columbia, thatOF notice ORDER CREDITORS Official Code §§ 47-1361 All unknown heirs and District of Columbia Water given by the insertion of a PUBLICATION Angus Rollie Wilmoth Jr. and 47-1377 (2001 ed.), of this Order the h e i r s w h o s e and Sewer Incopy accordance with in D.C. a n ds haiCode t af rnod- i n g whose address is 1314 Wa nl lg tooun§t sA whereabouts are un- Authority; Official 47-1375 Harwich Drive, Waldorf,

PUBLICATION 451 Seventh Street SW in the Washington Afro the decedent shall be NOTICE TO presented to the underWashington, American Newspaper, a And DC 20410 IN THE SUPERIOR presented to the underCREDITORS signed with a copy to the In accordance with D. cirC. newspaper of general COURT signed with a copy to the AND NOTICE TO Register of Wills or filed Code theof culation§47-1375, in the District SENIORAnd OFFICIAL OF THE DISTRICT Register of Wills or filed UNKNOWN HEIRS with the Register of Wills object of this proceeding Columbia, once a week WITH OF COLUMBIA with the Register of Wills Bruce E Gardner , whose with a copy to the underisfortothree secure forecloD.C. DEPARTMENT OF (3)the successive RESPONSIBILITY with a copy to the underaddress is 1101 Penn- signed, on or before July CIVIL DIVISION sure of notifying the right all of perreCONSUMER AND weeks, FOR SINGLE Civil Action No. signed, on or before July s y l v a n i a A v e . , N W, 19, 2018, or be forever 2017 CA 005698 L(RP) demption in the following REGULATORY sons interested in the FAMILY MORTGAGE 19, 2018, or be forever Washington, DC 20004, barred. Persons believed (Action Involving Real real in AFFAIRS Realproperty Propertylocated described INSURANCE barred. Persons believed was appointed personal to be heirs or legatees of the District of Columbia, 1100 4th Street above to appear in this PROGRAMS IN THE Property) to be heirs or legatees of TYPESET: Tue Jan 23 15:24:07 15:26:22 EST 2018 EST 2018 Tue Jan 23 15:19:27 EST 2018 representative of the the decedent who do not TYPESET: and sold the5th Mayor SW Washington,OF DC Court bybythe day of of DEPARTMENT Calendar 18 the decedent who do not LEGAL NOTICES estate LEGAL NOTICES LEGAL NOTICES LEGAL NOTICES LEGAL20024 NOTICES LEGAL NOTICES of Elese A An- receive LEGAL NOTICES a copy of this nothe District of Columbia to April, 2018, and redeem HOUSING AND URBAN Magistrate Judge receive copy of this weeks, anotifying all noperderson, who died on tice by mail within 25 the in this acthe Plaintiff(s) Real Property by payDEVELOPMENT FIELD Rainey Brandt tice mail within sonsbyinterested in 25 the tion described as Square June 4, 2016 without a days of its first publicaSuperior Court of Superior Court of And ment of $7,885.51, toOFFICE, days its first described publicaReal of Property 3743 Lotwith 0050, which may will, and will serve with tion shall so inform the gether interest from the theCUSTODIAN District of TRUSTEE MTAG above to so appear in the this tion shall inform also be known as 5714 the date the Real Property D.C. WATER Court supervision. All un451 Seventh Street SW District of Columbia Register of Wills, includDistrict of Columbia FOR EMPIRE VIII Court byofthe 11thincludday of Register Wills, Etax a s tcertificate e r n Av e nwas u e NpurE, AND SEWER known heirs and heirs ing name, address and Washington, DC 20410 PROBATE DIVISION PROBATE DIVISION DC PORTFOLIO, LLC Aprilname, 2018,address and redeem ing and Washington, 20011 chased; courtDC costs and AUTHORITY whose whereabouts are relationship. (MTAG CUST. FOR Washington, D.C. Washington, D.C. the Real Property by pay(the ”Real Property”).The relationship. attorney’s fees; expenses 5000 Overlook And Avenue unknown shall enter their Date of Publication: EMPIRE VIII DC 20001-2131 20001-2131 mentofof $17016.09, tocomplaint among Date Publication: incurred instates, the publication SW Washington, DC PORTFOLIO) No. appearance in this Administration No. January 19, 2018 Administration gether with interest from other things, that the and service of process by 20032 January 19, 2018 MILLARD S. 57 W 38th Street, proceeding. Objections Name of newspaper: 2017ADM1098 2017ADM1257 the date Real Property amounts necessary republication and forforreaRUBENSTEIN, Name of the newspaper: 9th Floor to such appointment (or Afro-American Mary E Langford Verla Mae D Goff Kelly tax certificate was purdemption havefor notthe been sonable fees title And TRUSTEE Afro-American New York, NY 10018 to the probate of de- Washington AKA chased, court costs, and Decedent paid.Pursuant to the Chief search; all other amounts 300 Red Brook Washington cedent´s will) shall be Law Reporter Vickey A Wright-Smith Verla Mae Goff Kelly reasonable attorney’s Judge’s Administration paid by the petitioner in THE DISTRICT OF Boulevard, #300 Plaintiff Law Reporter 1629 K Street, NW, #300 filed with the Register of Essie Mae Rembert Decedent fees, expenses Order Number 02-11, it is accordance with the proviOwingsCOLUMBIA Mills, MD 21117 Anita Aincurred Crowellin Wills, D.C., 515 5th Personal Sebastian Krop, Esq the service of process and Washington, DC 20006 this 3rd of dayD.of C. January, sions Code Serve: Mayor of the vs.Hampshire Barbara Mprocess Manzieby pub- Attorney Street, N.W., 3rd Floor Representative 1330 New service of 2018, § 4 7 -ORDERED 1 3 6 1 a nby d the all District And of Columbia Wa s h i n g t o n , D . C . NOTICE OF Avenue, NW $#111 lication, reasonable fees Superior Court of the Disoutstanding municipal lien Muriel Bowser SHARON R. Personal 20001, on or before July APPOINTMENT, TRUE TEST COPY Washington, DC for the title search, and all trict of Columbia, noamounts and real that property Attn: Office ofOF the SECRETARY COLE-PEARSON, Representative 19, 2018. Claims against REGISTER OF WILLS TYPESET: NOTICE TO EST 2018 other amounts paid by the tice be due givenand by the insertaxes owing on Secretary P20036-6300 E R S O N ATue L RJan E P R23 E - 15:19:06 HOUSING the decedent shall be CREDITORS Attorney Plaintiff in accordance tion of a copy of this Order the aforemen-tioned Real 1350 Pennsylvania AND URBAN SENTATIVE OF THE TRUE TEST COPYof D. C. presented to the under- 01/19, 01/26, 02/2/18 AND NOTICE TO NOTICE OF with the provisions 451 Seventh Street SW in the Washington Afro Property, or answer the Avenue, N.W., DEVELOPMENT ESTATE OF TYPESET: Tue Jan 23 15:22:29 EST 2018 REGISTER OF§§WILLS signed with a copy to the Official Code 47-1361 UNKNOWN HEIRS APPOINTMENT, Washington, DC 20410 American complaint,Newspaper, or, thereafter,aa #419 Washington, DC INGEORGIANNA THE SUPERIOR M. and 47-1377 (2001 ed.), D i a n e P C l a i b o r n e , Register of Wills or filed NOTICE newspaper of general final judgment will beciren20001 COURT DUPREETO TYPESET: Tue Jan 23 15:23:23 EST 2018 01/19, an d a l l01/26, o u t s2/2/18 t a n d i n g whose address is 12407 with the Register of Wills CREDITORS And culation in the District of tered foreclosing the right Serve: Attorney General OF THELotus DISTRICT 4169 Circle Superior Court of municipal lien amounts G a b l e L a n e , F o r t with a copy to the underColumbia, oncein atheweek AND NOTICE TO of redemption Real of the District of OF COLUMBIA Ellicott City, MD 21043 the due and owing on the Washington, MD 20774, signed, on or before July D.C. DEPARTMENT for three (3) UNKNOWN Property andsuccessive vesting in Columbia OF CIVIL DIVISION HEIRS District of Columbia Superior Court ofReal was appointed personal 19, 2018, or be forever aforemen-tioned CONSUMER weeks, notifying all inperthe Plaintiff a title fee Attn: Darlene AND Fields Maurice Kelly, Civil Action No. adAnd whose PROBATE DIVISION Property, the or answer the representative of the barred. Persons believed REGULATORY sons interested in the simple. 441 4th Street, NW 2017 L(RP) dressCA is 005698 1423 Crittenden Washington, D.C. District ofor,Columbia complaint, thereafter, a e s t a t e o f M a r y E AFFAIRS Real Property described Washington, DC 20001 to be heirs or legatees of (Action Involving Real Street NW, Washington JAMES E. CLARKE, 20001-2131 PROBATE DIVISION final judgment will be en- Longford, who died on the decedent who do not 1100 4th Street above toClerk appear in Court this of the Property) SUBSTITUTE DC 20011 was appointed tered foreclosingD.C. the right November 11, 2005 with- receive a copy of this noAdministration No. Washington, SW Washington, DC Court by the 5th day of And Calendar 18 TRUSTEE personal representative of redemption in the Real out a will, and will serve tice by mail within 25 2017ADM1162 20001-2131 20024 April, 2018, and redeem By:_________________ Judge 1602 Village Market ofMagistrate the estate of Verla Mae Property and vesting Administration No. in without Court supervi- days of its first publica- Brittany Anne Danisch by payMagistrate Rainey Brandt Boulevard SE Mae All Unknown Owners of the Real Property D Goff AKA Verla the2017ADM000697 Plaintiff(s) a title in fee And described ment Judge of $7,885.51, toRainey Brandt Suitewho 310 died on the Property tion shall so inform the Decedent sion. All unknown heirs Goff Kelly, simple. Margie Lee Clouds MTAG CUSTODIAN Leesburg, 20175 a n d h e i r s w h o s e Register of Wills, includ- Eli J Guiterman Esq. August 20, VA 2017 with a below, their Heirs, Per- gether with interest from D.C. WATER the date the Real Property sonal Representatives, 2120 L Stret, NW, Suite Decedent FOR EMPIRE VIII withwill, and will serve Cheryl Bailey whereabouts are un- ing name, address and 700 AND SEWER tax certificate pur1/26, 02/2 ,was 2/9/18 AdministraDC LLC All Executors, William R/s/ Voltz out PORTFOLIO, Court And supervision. Acting Clerk of theSuite Court known shall enter their relationship. AUTHORITY Grantees, Assigns or chased; court costs and (MTAG CUST. FOR Washington, DC 20037 2120 L Street NW Date of Publication: appearance in this unknown heirs and heirs tors, By: James McGinley 5000 Overlook Avenue in Right, Title, attorney’s fees; expenses EMPIRE VIII DC are Successors RENEE DYSON, Attorney 700 proceeding. Objections January 19, 2018 whose where-abouts SW Washington, DC all incurred in the publication Interest, and Any and PORTFOLIO) SUBSTITUTE NOTICE OF Washington, DC 20037 to such appointment Name of newspaper: unknown shall enter their p e r s o n s20032 and service of process by h a v i n g or 57 W 38th Street, TRUSTEE APPOINTMENT, Attorney shall be filed with the Afro-American a p p e a9th r aFloor nce in this 01/12, 01/19, 01/26 claiming to have any inter- publication and for rea1602 Village Market NOTICE TO NOTICE OF Register of Wills, D.C., Washington proceeding. Objections And est in the leasehold or fee sonable fees for the title NewBoulevard York, NY 10018 SE CREDITORS APPOINTMENT, 515 5th Street, N.W., 3rd Law Reporter to suchSuite appointment (or simple in the property and search; all other amounts 310 AND NOTICE TO NOTICE TO Bruce E Gardner Floor Washington, D.C. toLeesburg, the Plaintiff probate of de- premises THE DISTRICT OF situate, lying paid by the petitioner in VA 20175 UNKNOWN HEIRS CREDITORS Personal 20001, on or before July cedent´s will) shall be and being COLUMBIA in the District of accordance with the proviAND NOTICE TO Representative Eli J Guiterman, whose filed with vs. 19, 2018. Claims against the Register of Serve: Mayor of the sions of D. C. Code Columbia described as: And address is 2120 L Street, Wills, D.C., UNKNOWN HEIRS the decedent shall be 515 5th District3743 of Columbia Square Lot 0050. § 4 7 - 1 3 6 1 a n d a l l NW, Suite 700, Washing- Street, N.W., 3rd Floor May Muriel Sheila Jackson, whose presented to the under- TRUE TEST COPY Bowser also be known as outstanding municipal lien SHARON R. FKA CIT BANK, N.A. ton, DC 20037 was ap- WCOLE-PEARSON, address is 7415 Upshur signed with a copy to the REGISTER OF WILLS Attn:Eastern Office of Avenue the amounts and real property a s hONEWEST ington, D.C. 5714 pointed personal repre- P E Street, Hyattsville, MD Register of Wills or filed Secretary NE, Washington, DC taxes due and owing on 20001, before July R S OBANK, Non A Lor N.A. R EPRE sentative of the estate of 26, 20784 was appointed 1350 Pennsylvania the aforemen-tioned Real 20011 with the Register of Wills 2018. against SENTATIVE OF Group, THE c/o AtlanticClaims Law Brittany Anne Danisch, the decedent personal representative with a copy to the under- 01/19, 01/26, 02/2/18 Avenue, N.W., Property, or answer the ESTATE LLCOFshall be TYPESET: Tue Jan 23 15:20:03 EST 2018 who died on February 14, of the estate of Margie signed, on or before July #419 Washington, complaint, or, thereafter, a Defendants DC GEORGIANNA M. presented to the under1602 Village Market 2017 without a will, and signed Lee Clouds, who died on 19, 2018, or be forever 20001 final judgment will be enDUPREE Boulevard 310 withSESuite a copy to the will serve without Court Register February 17, 2017 with- barred. Persons believed Serve: Attorney General tered foreclosing the right ORDER OF 4169 Lotus Circle Leesburg, 20175 of VA Wills or filed Superior Court of supervision. All unknown Ellicott out a will, and will serve to be heirs or legatees of of the District of of redemption in the Real PUBLICATION City, MD 21043 with the Register of Wills the Columbia Property and vesting in heirs and heirs whose with a copy without Court supervi- the decedent who do not And to the underDistrict of Columbia Darlene with Fields whereabouts are un- signed, on sion. All unknown heirs receive a copy of this noaccordance D. C. the Plaintiff a title in fee And or before July In Attn: PROBATE DIVISION 441 4th Street, NW simple. Code §47-1375, the known shall enter their 26,SENIOR a n d h e i r s w h o s e tice by mail within 25 OFFICIAL 2018, or be forever Washington, D.C. Washington, 20001 object of thisDC proceeding appearance in this JAMESPersons E. CLARKE, whereabouts are un- days of its first publicaWITH barred. believed 20001-2131 Clerk of the Court the forecloSUBSTITUTE proceeding. Objections to be known shall enter their tion shall so inform the RESPONSIBILITY heirs or legatees of is to secure Administration No. Andright of resure of the TRUSTEE to such appointment (or the decedent FOR SINGLE appearance in this Register of Wills, includwho do not demption in the following By:_________________ 2017ADM001165 1602 Village Market FAMILY to the probate of deproceeding. Objections ing name, address and a MORTGAGE copySE of this no- All Magistrate Geoffrey Allen Geppert cedent´s will) shall be receive realUnknown property Owners located ofin Boulevard INSURANCE to such appointment (or relationship. tice by mail within 25 the Judge Rainey Brandt the Property District of described Columbia, Decedent Suite 310IN PROGRAMS THE filed with the Register of days to the probate of de- Date of Publication: of its first publicabelow, their Heirs, Per-of and sold by the Mayor Leesburg, VA 20175 Patrick J Howley Esq DEPARTMENT OF Wills, D.C., 515 5th cedent´s will) shall be January 19, 2018 tion shall AND so inform the sonal Representatives, the District of Columbia to 12505 Park Potomac Street, N.W., 3rd Floor HOUSING URBAN filed with the Register of Name of newspaper: Register And of Wills,FIELD includ- Executors, Administra1/26, 02/2 , 2/9/18 the Plaintiff(s) in this DEVELOPMENT Avenue Wa s h i n g t o n , D . C . Wills, D.C., 515 5th TYPESET: Wed Jan ac17 17:58:24 EST 2018 Afro-American ing name, address and tors, Assigns or tion Grantees, described as Square OFFICE, Patrick J Howley Esq 20001, on or before July relationship. Street, N.W., 3rd Floor Washington Successors in Right, 3743 Lot 0050, whichTitle, may RENEE DYSON, TRUSTEE 12505 Park Potomac 19, 2018. Claims against Wa s h i n g t o n , D . C . Law Reporter Date of Publication: Interest, Any as and5714 all also be and known 451SUBSTITUTE Seventh Street SW Ave the decedent shall be January 20001, on or before July Diane P Claiborne 6th Floor 26, 2018 pEear s o hAv a veinnugeOF oN rE LIQUORLICENSE COMMISSIONERS FOR t enrsnBOARD , TRUSTEE Washington, DC 20410 presented to the under19, 2018 . Claims against claiming to haveDC any 20011 interPersonal Potomac, MD 20854 Name of newspaper: Washington, 1602 Village Market BALTIMORE CITY signed with a copy to the the decedent shall be est in ”Real the leasehold or fee Representative Attorney Afro-American (the Property”).The Boulevard And SE NOTICE-SPECIAL AD - JANUARY 16, 2018 Register of Wills or filed Washington presented to the undersimple in thestates, property and complaint among Suite 310 NOTICE OF with the Register of Wills Law signed with a copy to the TRUE TEST COPY premises situate, other things, thatlying the Leesburg, VA 20175 Reporter MILLARD S. APPOINTMENT, Petitions been filed by the following applicants for licenses to sell with a copy to the underRegister of Wills or filed REGISTER OF WILLS being necessary inhave the District amounts for of reMaurice Kelly and RUBENSTEIN, NOTICE TO alcoholic beverages at the premises set opposite their respective names. signed, on or before July with the Register of Wills demptiondescribed have notas: been And Personal Columbia TRUSTEE CREDITORS 19, 2018, or be forever with a copy to the under- 01/19, 01/26, 02/2/18 The real3743 property for these applications will be posted on various dates. Square Lot paid.Pursuant to the0050. Chief 300 Red Brook Representative 2018TO ANDEST NOTICE barred. Persons believed signed, on or before July TYPESET: Tue Jan 23 15:22:58 May alsoprotests be known as Written concerning any application will be accepted until and Judge’s Administration CITBoulevard, BANK, N.A. FKA #300 UNKNOWN HEIRS to be heirs or legatees of TRUE 5714 Avenue 19, 2018, or be forever Order Eastern Number 02-11, is hearing. Public hearings will be held on or after ONEWEST including the time ofit the Owings Mills, COPY MD 21117 TEST Eric Geppert , whose adNE, DC the decedent who do not REGISTER barred. Persons believed this Washington, 3rd day January, BANK, N.A. February 15, of 2018. Interested parties should contact the office of the Board, OF WILLS d r e s s i s 2 7 3 9 receive a copy of this no- c/o 20011 Superior Court of 2018, by the 6th Floor, Baltimore, Maryland 21202 or by calling to be heirs or legatees of AtlanticAnd Law Group, 231 E.ORDERED Baltimore Street, Chesapeake Street, NW, tice by mail within 25 TYPESET: Tue Jan 23 15:19:06 EST 2018 the Superior Court of the the decedent who do not LLC 02/2, 02/09/18 (410) 396-4380 to Disdetermine the exact time and date that a particular Washington, DC 20006 days of its first publica- 01/26, trict ofDefendants Columbia, that noDistrict of Columbia 1602 Village Market receive a copy of this noSECRETARY OF application will be considered the Board. was appointed personal tion shall so inform the Boulevard tice beSeventh given byStreet the inserSESuite 310 PROBATE DIVISION 451 SW in the by Washington AfroWritten protests will be tice by mail within 25 HOUSING acknowledged by20410 the Board and such protestants representative of the Register of Wills, includtion ofORDER a copy ofOF this Order Leesburg, VA 20175 Washington, D.C. Washington, DC American Newspaper, a will be notified as to the URBAN days of its first publicaIN AND THE SUPERIOR estate of Geoffrey Allen ing name, address and date,PUBLICATION time and place of the newspaper hearing. of general cirDEVELOPMENT 20001-2131 tion shall so inform the COURT Geppert who died on Au- relationship. And And culation in the District of Administration No. OF THE DISTRICT Register of Wills, includIn with D. C. gust 18, 2017 without a Date of Publication: Columbia, once a LICENSE week 2017ADM000582 OF COLUMBIA 1. accordance CLASS ”BD7” BEER, WINE & LIQUOR ing name, address and Code §47-1375, the SENIOR OFFICIAL will, and will serve with- January 19, 2018 D.C. DEPARTMENT OF for three (3) successive CIVIL DIVISION Lavonne C Bridges relationship. object of this proceeding WITH CONSUMER AND weeks, notifying all per- Axes - Krista Paton and out Court supervision. All Civil Action No. Decedent Name of newspaper: Date of Publication: Urban Axes Baltimore, LLC T/a Urban isApplicant: to secure the forecloRESPONSIBILITY REGULATORY sons interested in the unknown heirs and heirs Afro-American 2017 CA 005698 L(RP) Dennis Eshman Esq January 19, 2018 Sabrina Turner right of reFORInvolving SINGLE Real sure of the AFFAIRS Real Property described (Action 1629 K Street NW Suite whose whereabouts are Washington Name of newspaper: Petition: of ownership of this a Class ”BD7” Beer, Wine & demption inTransfer theStreet following FAMILYProperty) MORTGAGE 1100 4th aboveand to location appear in unknown shall enter their Law Reporter 300 Afro-American real property located in Liquor license presently located E. Clement INSURANCE SW Washington, DC Court at by1515 the 5th day of Street Calendar 18 appearance in this Washington, DC 20006 Eli J Guiterman Washington the District20024 of1 N. Columbia, PROGRAMS THE April, 2018, and redeem Premises: Haven Street 21224 MagistrateIN Judge proceeding. Objections Attorney Personal Law Reporter and sold by the Mayor of DEPARTMENT OF the Real Property by payRainey Brandt to such appointment (or NOTICE OF Representative HOUSING Margie Lee Clouds the District of Columbia to AND URBAN And ment of $7,885.51, toto the probate of deAPPOINTMENT, Personal the Plaintiff(s) in this acDEVELOPMENT FIELD gether with interest from MTAG CUSTODIAN cedent´s will) shall be TRUE TEST COPY NOTICE TO Representative tion described as Square OFFICE, D.C. WATER the date the Real Property FOR EMPIRE VIII filed with the Register of REGISTER OF WILLS CREDITORS 3743 Lot 0050, which may TRUSTEE LLC AND SEWER tax certificate was purDC PORTFOLIO, Wills, D.C., 515 5th AND NOTICE TO TRUE TEST COPY also be known as 5714 451(MTAG Seventh StreetFOR SW AUTHORITY chased; courtPress costsFoundation and The MDDC is looking for CUST. Street, N.W., 3rd Floor 01/19, 01/26, 02/2/18 UNKNOWN HEIRS REGISTER OF WILLS E a s t e r n Av e n u e N E , Washington, DC 20410 5000 Overlook Avenue attorney’s fees; expenses EMPIRE DC TYPESET: Tue Jan 23 15:19:45 EST VIII 2018 Dennis Eshman Esq, W a s h i n g t o n , D . C . anincurred outstanding senior staff member from a high Washington, DC 20011 SW Washington, DC in the publication PORTFOLIO) whose address is 1629 K 20001, on or before July (the ”Real 20032 Property”).The 01/19, 01/26, 2/2/18 and service of process by 57 W And 38th Street, TYPESET: Tue Jan 23 15:22:07 EST Suite 2018 300, 19, 2018. Claims against newspaper in Maryland, Delaware or D.C. complaint states, among school Street, NW, publication and for rea9th Floor Superior Court of other things, that the Washington, DC 20006 the decedent shall be MILLARD S. And sonable fees for the title New York, NY 10018 the amounts necessary for rewasappointed personal presented to the underRUBENSTEIN, search; all other amounts Superior Court of District of Columbia demption have not been TRUSTEE representative of the signed with a copy to the THE DISTRICT OF paid by the petitioner in Plaintiff the paid.Pursuant to the Chief Register of Wills or filed PROBATE DIVISION 300 Red Brook estate of Lavonne C COLUMBIA accordance with the proviVisit’s Administration District of Columbia Washington, D.C. Boulevard, #300 Serve: Mayor of the sions of D. Code Bridges , who died on with the Register of Wills vs. for details. Order Number 02-11, it is PROBATE DIVISION 20001-2131 Owings Mills, MD 21117 District of Columbia § 4 7 - 1 3 6 1Application a n d Deadline: a l l February 9, 2018 November 24, 2016 with- with a copy to the underthis 3rdMuriel day Bowser of January, Washington, D.C. Administration No. outstanding municipal lien out a will, and will serve signed, on or before July SHARON R. 2018,Attn: ORDERED And 20001-2131 2017ADM1162 Office ofby thethe amounts and real property COLE-PEARSON, without Court supervi- 19, 2018 or be forever of the DisSecretary taxes due and owing on Administration No. P E R S O N A L R E P R E - Superior Court sion. All unknown heirs barred. Persons believed Brittany Anne Danisch trict of Columbia, that noSECRETARY OF 1350 Pennsylvania the aforemen-tioned Real 2017ADM001366 to be heirs or legatees of Decedent SENTATIVE OF THE and heirs whose tice be Avenue, given by N.W., the inserHOUSING Property, or answer the Mary Stone Hanley ESTATE OF whereabouts are un- the decedent who do not Eli J Guiterman Esq tion of a copy of this Order AND URBAN M. #419 Washington, DC complaint, or, thereafter, a Decedent GEORGIANNA known shall enter their receive a copy of this no- 2120 L Street, NW Suite DEVELOPMENT 20001 final judgment will be enDUPREE Thomas L Campbell a p p e a r a n c e i n t h i s tice by mail within 25 700 Serve: Attorney General tered foreclosing the right 4169 Lotus Circle Esq proceeding. Objections days of its first publica- Washington, DC 20037 of the District of of redemption in the Real Ellicott City, MD 21043 3807 Minnesota Ave. to such appointment (or tion shall so inform the Attorney Columbia Property and vesting in NE NOTICE OF to the probate of de- Register of Wills, includAttn: Darlene Fields the Plaintiff a title in fee And Washington, DC 20019 cedent´s will) shall be ing name, address and APPOINTMENT, 441 4th Street, NW simple. Attorney NOTICE TO filed with the Register of relationship. Washington, DC 20001 JAMES E. CLARKE, NOTICE OF Date of Publication: CREDITORS Wills, D.C., 515 5th Clerk of the Court SUBSTITUTE APPOINTMENT, AND NOTICE TO Street, N.W., 3rd Floor January 19, 2018 And TRUSTEE NOTICE TO Name of newspaper: UNKNOWN HEIRS Wa s h i n g t o n , D . C . By:_________________ 1602 Village Market CREDITORS Eli J Guiterman , whose 20001, on or before July Afro-American All Unknown Owners of Magistrate Boulevard SE AND NOTICE TO address is 2120 L Street, 19, 2018. Claims against Washington the Property described Judge Rainey Brandt Suite 310 UNKNOWN HEIRS NW, Suite 700, Washingthe decedent shall be Law Reporter below, their Heirs, PerLeesburg, VA 20175 William Hanley III, whose presented to the underEric Geppert ton DC 20037 was apsonal Representatives, address is 1315 Mor- signed with a copy to the Personal pointed personal repreExecutors, Administra1/26, 02/2 , 2/9/18 And reene Road #7J, Dur- Register of Wills or filed Representative sentative of the estate of tors, Grantees, Assigns or ham, North Carolina with the Register of Wills Brittany Anne Danisch, Successors in Right, Title, RENEE DYSON, 27705 was appointed with a copy to the under- TRUE TEST COPY who died on February 14, Interest, and Any and all SUBSTITUTE personal representative signed, on or before July REGISTER OF WILLS 2017 without a will, and persons having or TRUSTEE of the estate of Mary 19, 2018, or be forever will serve without Court claiming to have any inter1602 Village Market TYPESET: Jan 23 15:24:44 ESTAll2018 Stone Hanley, who died barred. Persons believed 01/19, est in the leasehold or fee 01/26,Tue 2/2/18 supervision. unknown Boulevard SE simple in the property and on September 28, 2017 heirs and heirs whose Suite 310 to be heirs or legatees of 15:25:03 EST 2018 premises situate, lying witha will, and will serve the decedent who do not whereabouts are unLeesburg, VA 20175 and being in the District of Superior Court of without Court supervi- receive a copy of this noknown shall enter their Columbia described as: the And sion. All unknown heirs tice by mail within 25 appearance in this Square 3743 Lot 0050. District of Columbia a n d h e i r s w h o s e days of its first publicaproceeding. Objections May also be known as PROBATE DIVISION CIT BANK, N.A. FKA whereabouts are un- tion shall so inform the to such appointment (or 5714 Eastern Avenue ONEWEST Washington, D.C. known shall enter their Register of Wills, includto the probate of deNE, Washington, DC BANK, N.A. 20001-2131 appearance in this cedent´s will) shall be ing name, address and 20011 c/o Atlantic Law Group, Administration No. proceeding. Objections relationship. filed with the Register of LLC 2017ADM001490 to such appointment (or Date of Publication: Wills, D.C., 515 5th Defendants 1602 Village Market Essie Mae Rembert to the probate of de- January 19, 2018 Street, N.W., 3rd Floor Boulevard SESuite 310 Decedent cedent´s will) shall be Name of newspaper: Wa s h i n g t o n , D . C . ORDER OF Leesburg, VA 20175 NOTICE OF filed with the Register of Afro-American 20001, on or before July PUBLICATION APPOINTMENT, Wills, D.C., 515 5th 26, 2018. Claims against Washington And NOTICE TO Street, N.W., 3rd Floor Law Reporter the decedent shall be In accordance with D. C. CREDITORS Wa s h i n g t o n , D . C . presented to the underDennis Eshman, Esq Code §47-1375, the SENIOR OFFICIAL AND NOTICE TO 20001, on or before July signed with a copy to the Personal object of this proceeding WITH UNKNOWN HEIRS 19, 2018. Claims against Register of Wills or filed Representative is to secure the forecloRESPONSIBILITY Juel D Rembert , whose with the Register of Wills the decedent shall be sure of the right of reFOR SINGLE address is 3001 Branch with a copy to the underpresented to the under- TRUE TEST COPY demption in the following FAMILY MORTGAGE Avenue, Apt 611, Temple signed, on or before July signed with a copy to the REGISTER OF WILLS real property located in INSURANCE Hills, MD 20748 was apRegister of Wills or filed 26, 2017, or be forever the District of Columbia, PROGRAMS IN THE pointed personal repre- barred. Persons believed with the Register of Wills and sold by the Mayor of DEPARTMENT OF sentative of the estate of to be heirs or legatees of the District of Columbia to with a copy to the under- 01/19, 01/26, 02/2/18 HOUSING AND URBAN TYPESET: Tue Jan 23 15:24:26 EST 2018 Essie Mae Rembert, who the decedent who do not the Plaintiff(s) in this acsigned, on or before July DEVELOPMENT FIELD died on November 9, receive a copy of this notion described as Square 19, 2018 or be forever OFFICE, 3743 Lot 0050, which may 2017 without a will, and TRUSTEE barred. Persons believed tice by mail within 25 Superior Court of also be known as 5714 will serve without Court days of its first publica451 Seventh Street SW to be heirs or legatees of the E a s t e r n Av e n u Jan e N24 E , 14:24:26 EST 2018 supervision. All unknown tion shall so inform the Washington, DC 20410 the decedent who do not TYPESET: Wed Continued District of Columbia Washington, DCfrom 20011C4 heirs and heirs whose Register of Wills, includreceive a copy of this noPROBATE DIVISION (the ”Real Property”).The And whereabouts are un- ing name, address and tice by mail within 25 complaint states, among Washington, D.C. known shall enter their relationship. days of its first publicaother things, that theNotice to MBE/WBE Firms 20001-2131 MILLARD S. a p p e a r a n c e i n t h i s tion shall so inform the Date of Publication: amounts necessary for re-Request for Qualifications Administration No. RUBENSTEIN, proceeding. Objections January 26, 2017 Register of Wills, includdemption have not been TRUSTEE 2017ADM1157 to such appointment (or Name of newspaper: ing name, address and paid.Pursuant to the Chief Engineering Services 300 Red Brook Elese A Anderson to the probate of de- Afro-American relationship. Judge’s Administration Boulevard, #300 Decedent Perryville Wastewater Plant ENR Refinement cedent´s will) shall be Washington Date of Publication: Order Number 02-11, it is Owings Mills, MD 21117 Bruce E Gardner, Esq filed with the Register of Law Reporter January 19, 2018 this 3rd day of January, 1101 Pennsylvania Wills, D.C., 515 5th George, Miles & by Buhr, Name of newspaper: Eli J Guiterman 2018, ORDERED the LLC (GMB) is soliciting MDOT-certified Minority/ And Ave, NW Suite 300 Street, N.W., 3rd Floor Afro-American Personal Women to provide consultant engineering services Superior Business Court of theEnterprises DisWashington, DC 20004 Wa s h i n g t o n , D . C . Washington Representative for project trictaofwastewater Columbia, that no- associated with the Perryville Wastewater Plant SECRETARY OF Attorney 20001, on or before July Law Reporter tice be given by the inserENR Refinement. This project is to be funded in part by grants from the HOUSING NOTICE OF 19, 2018. Claims against TYPESET: William Hanley III TRUE TESTTue COPY tion of a copy of this Orderof Environment (MDE) under the Chesapeake Bay Jan 23 15:19:06AND ESTURBAN 2018 Maryland Department APPOINTMENT, the decedent shall be REGISTER OF WILLS Personal DEVELOPMENT Restoration Fund (BRF). Qualified minority business enterprises (MBE’s) NOTICE TO presented to the underRepresentative 451 Seventh Street SW in the Washington Afro enterprises (WBE’s) are especially encouraged to and women’s business CREDITORS signed with a copy to the 01/26, 02/2, 02/9/18 Washington, DC 20410 American Newspaper, a will be accepted from firms with experience in: IN THE SUPERIOR participate. Qualifications AND NOTICE TO Register of Wills or filed TRUE TEST COPY newspaper of general cirCOURT UNKNOWN HEIRS surveying; mechanical, electrical, structural, and geotechnical engineering; with the Register of Wills REGISTER OF WILLS And culation in the District of OF THE DISTRICT Bruce E Gardner , whose environmental stormwater management; erosion/sediment with a copy to the underColumbia, onceassessment; a week OF COLUMBIA address is 1101 Pennsigned, on or before July control; drafting; wetlands/forest delineation and materials testing. 01/19, 01/26, 2/2/18 D.C. DEPARTMENT OF for threeCAD (3) successive CIVIL DIVISION s y l v a n i a A v e . , N W, 19, 2018, or be forever Qualified firms should CONSUMER AND weeks, notifying all per-submit a brief firm history, description of services Civil Action No. Washington, DC 20004, barred. Persons believed 2017 CA 005698 L(RP) REGULATORY sons interested the personnel, and SF254 to GMB at 954 Ridgebrook offered, resumes in of key was appointed personal to be heirs or legatees of (Action Involving Real AFFAIRS Real Property described Road, Suite 230, Sparks, MD 21152, or via e-mail to representative of the the decedent who do not 1100 4th Street above appear in this 23, 2018. For additional project information, call Property) no latertothan February estate of Elese A Anreceive a copy of this noSW Washington, DC Court by the 5th day of Calendar 18 (410) 329-5005. derson, who died on 20024 April, 2018, and redeem tice by mail within 25 Magistrate Judge June 4, 2016 without a the Real Property by paydays of its first publicaRainey Brandt will, and will serve with And ment of $7,885.51, totion shall so inform the Court supervision. All ungether with interest from MTAG CUSTODIAN Register of Wills, includknown heirs and heirs D.C. WATER the date the Real Property FOR EMPIRE VIII ing name, address and AND SEWER tax certificate was purwhose whereabouts are DC PORTFOLIO, LLC

TYPESET: Tue Jan 23


IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA CIVIL DIVISION Civil Action No. 2017 CA 008140 L(RP) (Action Involving Real Property) Calendar #18 Magistrate Judge Raymond Christopher Hauser Plaintiff vs. Unknown Heirs, devisees, personal representatives, executor, administrators & grantees of Eleanora Janifer, deceased;District of Columbia Water and Sewer Authority; THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA, And All unknown owners of the real property described below, their heirs, devisees, personal representatives, executors, administrators, grantees, assigns or successors in right, title, and interest andany and all persons having or claiming tohave any interest, including adverse possession, in the leasehold or the fee simple in the real property and premises situate, lying and being in the District of Columbia described as : Square 5179, Lot 0803 and assessed to Unknown Heirs, devisees, personal representatives, executor, administrators & grantees of Eleanora Janifer, deceased and otherwise known as 4916 Nannie Helen Boroughs Ave, Washington, D.C., Defendants

Jan 23



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F ON ith D.C. 47-1375 object of s to sere of the on in the perty lostrict of ld by the strict of laintiff in re 5179 may also 6 Nannie s Ave, he comng other amounts emption n paid. e Chief stration -11, it is ecember

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ORDER OF PUBLICATION In accordance with D.C. Official Code § 47-1375 (2001 ed.), the object of this proceeding is to secure the foreclosure of the right of redemption in the following real property located in the District of Columbia, and sold by the Mayor of the District of Columbia to the Plaintiff in this action: Square 5179 Lot 0803 which may also be known as 4916 Nannie Helen Boroughs Ave, Washington DC.The complaint states, among other things, that the amounts necessary for redemption have not been paid. Pursuant to the Chief Judge’s Administration Order Number 02-11, it is this 5th day of December 2017, ORDERED by the Superior Court of the District of Columbia, that notice be given by the insertion of a copy of this Order in the Wa s h i n g t o n A f r o American, a newspaper having a general circulation in the District of 15:26:22 ESTonce 2018a week Columbia, for three (3) successive weeks, notifying all persons interested in the Real Property described above to appear in this Court by the 11th day of April 2018, and redeem the Real Property by payment of $17016.09, together with interest from the date the Real Property tax certificate was purchased, court costs, and reasonable attorney’s fees, expenses incurred in the service of process and service of process by publication, reasonable fees for the title search, and all other amounts paid by the Plaintiff in accordance with the provisions of D. C. Official Code §§ 47-1361 and 47-1377 (2001 ed.), and all outstanding municipal lien amounts due and owing on the aforemen-tioned Real Property, or answer the complaint, or, thereafter, a final judgment will be entered foreclosing the right of redemption in the Real Property and vesting in the Plaintiff(s) a title in fee simple. /s/ Cheryl Bailey Acting Clerk of the Court By: James McGinley

TYPESET: Tue01/26 Jan 23 01/12, 01/19, Superior Court of the District of Columbia PROBATE DIVISION Washington, D.C. 20001-2131 Administration No. 2018ADM000008 Annie M Crowell Decedent NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT, NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND NOTICE TO UNKNOWN HEIRS Anita A Crowell and Barbara M Manzie, whose addressare 887 St Michael Dr, was appointed personal representative of Annie M Crowell the estate of Annie M Crowell, who died on August 26, 2017 with without a will, and will serve without Court supervision. All unknown heirs and heirs whose whereabouts are unknown shall enter their appearance in this proceeding. Objections to such appointment shall be filed with the Register of Wills, D.C., 515 5th Street, N.W., 3rd Floor Washington, D.C. 20001, on or before July 19, 2018. Claims against the decedent shall be presented to the undersigned with a copy to the Register of Wills or filed with the Register of Wills with a copy to the undersigned, on or before July 19, 2018, or be forever barred. Persons believed to be heirs or legatees of the decedent who do not receive a copy of this notice by mail within 25 days of its first publication shall so inform the Register of Wills, including name, address and



January 27, 2018 - February 2, 2018, The Afro-American



2018 Michael S. Powell

High School Journalist of the Year

BALTIMORE Classifieds



CLASSIFIED The Afro-American, January 27, 2018 - February 2, 2018


l ad Foreclosed

TYPESET: Wed Jan 24 14:25:37 EST 2018




cidental to the Propconveyance of the erty Registry. The inProperties shall be formation contained CIPRIANI borne by the purherein was obtained & chaser. The Propfrom sources deemed WERNER, P.C. erties will be sold in an to be reliable, but is ofEXECUTIVE PLAZA AS IS condition, withfered for informational III, SUITE 302 3812 Ednor Road: out any warranties or purposes only. The 11350 McCORMICK ALL THAT FEE SIMrepresentations either Mortgage Assignee, ROAD P L E L O T O F express or implied as Auctioneer and SeHUNT VALLEY, MD GROUND AND THE to the nature, concured Party do not 21031 IMPROVEMENTS dition or description of make any representathereon situate and lythe improvements tions or warranties MORTGAGE ing in Baltimore City, thereon and subject to with respect to the ASSIGNEE’S SALE Maryland and more all easements, conaccuracy of this inOF FEE SIMPLE fully described in the ditions, restrictions, formation. AFRO Classified minimum ad rate is $26.54 Payment Policy for legal notice advertisements. AND VALUABLE aforesaid Mortgage, a rights of redemption, LEASEHOLD Effective immediately, The Afro American Newspapers will require prepayment for publication of all legal notices. per col. inch (an inch consists of up to 20 copy of which may be covenants, encum1/12, 1/19, 1/26/18 PROPERTIES obtained from the brances, such state of Payment will be accepted in the form of chwecks, credit card or money order. Any returned checks will be subject words). Mail in your ad on form below along Mortgage Assignee. facts that an accurate (Known As) to a $25.00 processing fee and may result in the suspension of any future advertising at our discretion. The property is besurvey or physical TYPESET: Wed Jan 24 14:25:37 EST 2018 with CHECK or MONEY ORDER to: TYPESET: Wed Jan 24 14:25:37 2018 lieved to EST be improved inspection of the 601 DUMBARTON by a 3 bedroom 1.5 Properties might disBALTIMORE AFRO-AMERICAN CO. AVENUE c i d e n t a l t o t h e Foreclosed PropTYPESET: Wed Jan 24 14:23:59 EST 2018 c i dand e n tagreements a l t ooft hthe e Foreclosed PropLEGAL NOTICES NOTICES bath close BALTIMORE,LEGAL MD TheRowhome. property is beconveyance erty Registry. The inThe property is beconveyance of the erty Registry. The in2519 N. Charles Street ofProperties record affecting 21218 lieved to be improved shallthe be formation contained CIPRIANI lieved to improved Properties shall be formation contained CIPRIANI TERMS OFbeSALE: A same, ifbyany. PurAND by a 4 bedroom 2 bath borne the purherein was obtained & Baltimore, Md. 21218-4602 CITY OF BALTIMORE by a 4 bedroom 2 bath borne purherein was deemed obtained & ROAD deposit of $5,000.00 ch a s e r sby h athe l l Propbe 3812WERNER, EDNOR semi-detached Colochaser. The from sources P.C. semi-detached chaser. from sourcesbut deemed DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION WERNER,PLAZA P.C. for each propertyColoin r eerties s p owill n s be i The b sold l e Propfino an r BALTIMORE, MD nial. to be reliable, is ofAttn: Adv. Dept. EXECUTIVE nial. erties will be sold in an to be reliable, but is Clsf. ofEXECUTIVE PLAZA NOTICE OF LETTING cash or certified funds obtaining physical AS IS condition, withfered for informational III,21218 SUITE 302 AS IS condition, withfered for informational III, SUITE 302 will be required of the possession of the Sealed Bids or Proposal, in duplicate addressed to the Board of Estimates 3812 Ednor Road: out any warranties or purposes only. The 11350 McCORMICK 3812 Ednor out any warranties purposes Assignee, only. The 11350 McCORMICK purchaser(s) at Road: time properties. In either the or and by virtue of ALL THAT FEE SIMrepresentations Mortgage of the Mayor and City Council of Baltimore and marked for TR18013 Under ROAD ALL THAT FEE SIMrepresentations either Mortgage Assignee, ROAD and place of Auction event a Property is a d e c r e e a n d / o r P L E L O T O F express or implied as Auctioneer and SeHUNT VALLEY, MD RECONSTRUCTION OF FOOTWAYS CITYWIDE will be received at the P L E L O T O F express or implied as Auctioneer SeHUNT VALLEY, MD Sale. Balance dueTHE in subject a ground of sale GROUND AND to the tonature, concured Party and do not Office of the Comptroller, Room 204, City Hall, Baltimore, Maryland until p o w e r 21031 GROUND AND THE to the nature, concured Party do not 21031 cash or certified funds rent, buyer agrees to contained in a certain I M P R O V E M E N T S dition or description of make any representaFEBRUARY 7, 2018 at 11:00 A.M. Board of Estimates employees will be P u r c h a s e M o n e y I M P Rtwenty O V E Mand E NT dition or description make any representawithin (20) the leasehold pur- of thereon situate ly-S the improvements tions or warranties MORTGAGE thereon situate and lythe subject improvements tionsrespect or warranties stationed at the Security Unit Counter just inside the Holliday Street en- Mortgage MORTGAGE days final chase to theto from SALE 601 ing infollowing Baltimore City, thereon and subject with to the ASSIGNEE’S ing in Baltimore City, thereon and subject to with respect to the ASSIGNEE’S SALE trance to City Hall from 10:45 A.M. to 11:00 A.M. every Wednesday to Dumbarton ratification the sale ground rent with conno LLC and Maryland ofand more all easements, accuracy of this inOF FEE SIMPLE Maryland and more all easements, conaccuracy of this inOF FEE SIMPLE by the Circuit Court for adjustment in the purreceive Bids. Positively no bids will be received after 11:00 A.M. Bids will be Beatrice Burroughsfully described in the ditions, restrictions, formation. AND VALUABLE fully described in the ditions, restrictions, formation. AND VALUABLE B a l t i m o r e C i t y, chase price. In addiBrown, dated Novemaforesaid Mortgage, a rights of redemption, publicly opened by the Board of Estimates in Room 215, City Hall at Noon. LEASEHOLD aforesaid Mortgage, a rights of redemption, LEASEHOLD Maryland. Interest tion, the Properties 2013 and recopy of which maytobe covenants, encum1/12, 1/19, 1/26/18 PROPERTIES The Contract Documents may be examined, without charge at the Depart- ber 8, copy which maythe be 14:25:37 covenants, encum1/12, 1/19, 1/26/18 PROPERTIES beobtained paid of on the unpaid will be sold2018 subject from brances, such statetoof TYPESET: Wed Jan 24 EST ment of Public Works Service Center located on the first floor of the Abel corded among the obtained from the brances, such state of purchase price at the all existing housing, land records of BalMortgage Assignee. facts that an accurate (Known As) Wolman Municipal Building, 200 N. Holliday Street, Baltimore, Maryland timore (Known Mortgage facts that accurate As) r aThe t e oproperty f 2 5Assignee. % isp eber building and zoning City, Maryland survey oranphysical cidental to the Foreclosed PropThe property besurvey or isphysical 21202 as of JANUARY 19, 2018 and copies may be purchased for a at 601 annum from dayis of code violations, and LiberDUMBARTON 15906, Folio lieved to be improved inspection ofbethe The property conveyance of the erty Registry. The inlieved to be improved inspection ofenvithe 601 DUMBARTON non-refundable cost of $75.00. Conditions and requirements of the Bid 109, theAVENUE Auction to date of subject all holder of the by CIPRIANI a 3Sale bedroom 1.5 Properties might dislieved to betoimproved Properties shall be formation contained by a 3 bedroom 1.5 Properties might disAVENUE settlement. Time shall ronmental problems are found in the bid package. All contractors bidding on this Contract must i n dBALTIMORE, e b t e d n e s s MD sebath Rowhome. and agreements by aclose 4 bedroom 2 bath borne by the purherein was obtained & bath Rowhome. close and agreements BALTIMORE, MD be of the essence with and violations which cured by said Mortof record affecting the semi-detached Colochaser. The Propfrom sources deemed first be prequalified by the City of Baltimore Contractors’ Qualification 21218 WERNER, P.C. of record affecting the 21218 respect to settlement may exist on or with gage having assigned TERMS OF SALE: A same, if any. Purnial. erties will be sold in an to be reliable, but is ofAND EXECUTIVE PLAZA Committee. Interested parties should call (410) 396-6883 or contact the TERMS OF SALE: A same, ifsthe any. PurANDtoROAD bydeposit the purchaser(s). respect to Propthe Mortgage Paul of $5,000.00 c h a s e r h a l l b e AS IS condition, withfered for informational 3812 EDNOR III, SUITE 302 Committee at 4 S. Frederick Street, 4th Floor, Baltimore, Maryland 21202. If deposit of $5,000.00 c h a s e r s h a l l b e 3812 EDNOR ROAD The Mortgage Aserties and subject to Cohen for the MD purfor each property in r e sEdnor p o n s iRoad: ble for 3812 out any warranties or purposes only. The BALTIMORE, 11350 a bid is submitted by a joint venture (”JV”), then in that event, the J. for McCORMICK each property in r e s p o n s i b l e f o r MD signee reserves the all matters and reposeBALTIMORE, of 21218 foreclosure, cash or certified funds obtaining physical ALL THAT FEE SIMrepresentations either Mortgage Assignee, ROAD cash or certified funds obtaining physical document that established the JV shall be submitted with the bid for default having 21218 ocr i g h t , i n h i s s o l e strictions of record will be required of the possession of the P L E L O T O F express or implied as Auctioneer and SeHUNT MDof the will VALLEY, be required possession of the the verification purposes. The Prequalification Categories required for bid- c uUnder discretion, to at reject affecting the same, if r r e d and u n by d evirtue r t h eof purchaser(s) time properties. In GROUND AND THE to the nature, concured Party do not 21031 purchaser(s) at time properties. In the Under and by virtue of any and all bids or any. The purchaser(s) ding on this project are A02601 PORTLAND CEMENT CONCRETE PAV- t ear mdse ct rheee uanndde /r o- r and place of Auction event Property IMP R O VaE M E N T S is dition or description of make any representaand place of Auction event a Property is a d e c r e e a n d / o r withdraw a Property at the foreclosure sale signed Mortgage, and Sale. Balance due in subject to a ground thereon situate and lythe improvements tions or warranties ING. Cost Qualification Range for this work shall be $500,000.00 to power of sale MORTGAGE Sale. Balance due in subject to agrees athe ground pthe o wrequest e r ino af of sthe ale from sale at any time shall assume risk at cash or certified funds rent, buyer to ing in Baltimore City, thereon and subject to with respect to the contained certain ASSIGNEE’S SALEfunds $900,000.00. A ”Pre-Bidding Information” session will be conducted at cash or or twenty certified rent, buyer to contained inthereby, a certain before at the Aucofthe lossleasehold for the agrees aboveparty served within (20) purMaryland and more all easements, conaccuracy of this inP u r c h a s e M o n e y OF FEE SIMPLE 10:00 A.M. on FEBRUARY 2, 2018 at Charles L. Benton Jr. Building, 417 E. within twenty (20) the leasehold purP u r c h a s e M o n e y tion. The party sereferenced Properties the Mortgage daysVALUABLE following final subject to the fullychase described in the ditions, restrictions, formation. Mortgage fromAs601 AND Fayette Street, Room 702.Principle Items of work for this project are: daysherein, following final chase subject to the Mortgage from 601 cured if a bidimmediately after the signee will offer for ratification of the sale ground rent with no aforesaid Mortgage, a rights of redemption, Dumbarton LLC and LEASEHOLD ratification of thebe sale ground rent with no 5” Concrete Sidewalk - 91,628 Square Feet. Dumbarton LLC and der, shall not Auction Sale takes sale at public auction by the Circuit Court for adjustment in the purcopy of which may be covenants, encum1/12, 1/19, 1/26/18 Beatrice BurroughsPROPERTIES Court Beatrice Burroughs5” Concrete Sidewalk Damaged by Tree Roots 25,000 Square Feet. required to ai tdep chase ladjustment a c e . price. T h einInthe P u rpuronBrown, the front steps of Bby a lthe t i mCircuit o rpost e C y, for addiobtained from the brances, such state of dated NovemB a l t i m o r e C i t y, chase price. In addiBrown, dated Novemposit or pay interest. c h a s e r w i l l h o l d the Court Maryland. Interest to tion, the Properties Mortgage Assignee. facts that an accurate berCircuit 8, 2013 andfor re(Known As) Maryland. Interest tion, ber 8, 2013 reInbe the event theunpaid pur- to hwill a r be m lthe e s Properties sis a n dto Baltimore City, and Clapaid on the sold subject The property besurvey or physical The MBE Goal is 37% corded among the be paid fails onprice the unpaid willto be sold subject to corded among the chaser(s) to go to indemnify the Aucrence M. Mitchell purchase at the all existing housing, lieved be improved inspection of the land records of Bal601 DUMBARTON The WBE Goal is 12% price atp the land records of N. Balsettlement as as well as the Courthouse, 100 rpurchase a tAVENUE e of 2 5 %reer building and housing, zoning bytioneer aall3 existing bedroom 1.5 Properties might distimore City, Maryland r a t e o f 2 5 % p e r building and zoning timore City, Maryland quired, the deposit Mortgage Assignee Calvert annum fromMD day of violations, and bathcode Rowhome. close and agreements at LiberStreet, 15906,BalFolio BALTIMORE, APPROVED: annum fromto date day of code violations, and Advertising at Liber 15906, Folio shall be forfeited and and all employees timore, Maryland Legal Rates Effective October 1, 2008 Auction Sale of subject to all enviof record affecting the 109, the holder of the 21218 Auction Sale to date of subject to problems all the enviBernice H. Taylor, Clerk the Property resold at and agents of 21202, on: settlement. Time shall ronmental TERMS OF SALE: A same, if any. Puri 109, n d e bthe t e dholder n e s s ofsthe eAND Time shall settlement. ronmental problems i n d e b t e d n e s s s e Board of Estimates* the and expense foregoing against Tcured U E S A YMort* be risk of the essence with and violations which deposit of $5,000.00 chaser shall be by Dsaid 3812 EDNOR ROAD be thetoessence with andand violations which cured byWed of theofEST defaulting allonclaims J gage A NU A R said Yassigned 3 Mort0 ,24 14:25:37 respect settlement may exist orin with forany each property r e s p o n sPROBATE ible for TYPESET: Jan 2018 having BALTIMORE, MDpurDIVISION respect tothe settlement may exist on or with gage having assigned chaser. If Mortand/or actions aris201710:00 AM601 by the purchaser(s). respect to the Propcash or certified funds obtaining physical THESE DATES ARE TENTATIVE UNTIL WE RECEIVE BOARD OF ESthe Mortgage to Paul by 21218 the purchaser(s). respect totoosubject the Propthe Mortgage toOpurPaul gage Assignee is uni n g o u t f A u c D U M B A R T N The Mortgage Aserties and to will be required of the possession of the c i d e n t a l t h e Foreclosed Prop(Estates) J. Cohen for the TIMATES PRE-APPROVAL. The Aserties and to J. Cohen for the purable to Mortgage convey tioneer’s participaAVE10:10 AM3812 signee reserves the all matters and purchaser(s) atsubject time properties. InThe theinThe property is title, beconveyance of thereerty Registry. pose of foreclosure, Under and by virtue of signee all matters and pose of foreclosure, the tion in the 202-332-0080 EDNOR ROAD hrtto , ebe i nreserves h ids/ osole srothe le strictions ofauction record and place of shall Auction event a Property is improved Properties bereformation contained default having oca lieved drrieiggcpurchaser´s e a n CIPRIANI h t , i n h i s s o l e strictions of record default having ocremedy in law and in from date of sale to discretion, to reject affecting the same, if Sale. Balance duepurin subject a obtained ground ae 4 bedroom 2a bath borne by the herein to was c u r r e d &u n d e r t h e p by ow r o f sto lreject e TYPESET: Wed Jan 24 14:24:54 EST 2018 PROBATE NOTICES discretion, affecting thefunds same, if ur m r r seDumbarton dt huenP.C. duenrd et hr -e equity shall be limited date of settlement, 601 any and all bids or any. The purchaser(s) cash or certified rent, buyer agrees to semi-detached Colochaser. The Propfrom sources deemed tceWERNER, contained in a all certain any and bids or any. The t e r mAvenue: sMortgage, t h ePLAZA u n dand ertowithdraw of othe deincluding without a Property at the foreclosure sale within twenty (20) the leasehold erties will bepurchaser(s) sold in an to be reliable, butpuris ofsigned Pnial. u rwithdraw ca hrefund ase M n e y EXECUTIVE a any Property atIS foreclosure sale signed Mortgage, and Order $ 60 per insertion $180.00 per 3 weeks posit the sale la. ishall m ithe t condition, aassume t i o Nisi n , final ewithx -risk ALL THAT from and sale at time the days following chase to the AS fered subject for informational at the request Mortgage from 601 III, SUITE 302of the frombe sale at the any time shall theorrisk atLEASEHOLD theMcCORMICK request of the BALTIMORE REGIONAL HOUSING PARTNERSH shall penses, judgments, before orconsidered at Aucof lossassume for the sale aboveratification of the ground rent only. with no 3812 Ednor Road: out any warranties purposes The party served thereby, Dumbarton LLC and 11350 b. Small Estates (single publication $ 60 per insertion before or at the Aucof loss for the abovepartyOF served thereby, null and voidFEE and of no fines, settlements IPREQUEST FOR QUALIFICATIONS LOT GROUND tion. The party sereferenced Properties byrepresentations the Circuit Court for adjustment the purALL THAT SIMeither Mortgage inAssignee, the Mortgage AsBeatrice BurroughsROAD tion. The referenced Properties the AND Mortgage effect. Taxes, ground amounts c.limmediately to THE cured herein, if O a bidthe Bexpress aand t iNotice mother o ror e implied C i after tCreditors y, as chase price. In addiP L Edated L ONovemTparty FseAuctioneer and SeDEVELOPER PARTNERS signee will offer for Brown, HUNT VALLEY, MDAscured herein, if a bidimmediately after the signee will offer for rent, water rent and all actually and reasonIMPROVEMENTS der, shall not Sale contakes Maryland. Interest to tion, theParty Properties GROUND AND THE toAuction the nature, cured do $not sale at21031 public auction ber 8, 2013 and re-be 1.c eiDomestic 60 per insertion $180.00 per 3 weeks der, shall not be Auction Sale takes sale at public auction other public charges a b l y n c u r r e d i n thereon situate and lyrequired to post a dep l a . T h e P u r bedition paidor ondescription the unpaidof will be sold subject to I M P R Oamong VEMEN TS make any representaon the front steps of corded the RFQ NUMBER: 2017-101 required to post aly-dephl2. aimprovements cForeign eprice . w Twith h el the Poul d ronMORTGAGE frontCourt steps of and assessments, connection any $ 60 per insertion $180.00 per 3 weeks ing inthe Baltimore City, posit or pay interest. c a s e r i l h purchase at all existing housing, thereon situate and the tions or warranties the Circuit for landposit records of Balor pay interest. e2suit, w o ldd the Circuit Court for payable onMaryland an annual liability, Maryland and more In inthe event the purr fs mand lr5esubject s iaction, slpl Estates n r athereon thecah oa % eahrto building and zoning ing Baltimore City, with respect to $the Baltimore City, Clatimore City, ASSIGNEE’S SALE d. Escheated 60 per insertion $360.00 per 6 weeks In the event the purh a r m l e s s a n d The Baltimore Regional Housing Partnership (BRHP) is soliciting proposals fully Baltimore City, Clabasis, including speloss or damage as a in the chaser(s) failsFolio to go to theconAucannum from day of code violations, andinand more allindemnify easements, accuracy of this rence Mitchell atMaryland Liber 15906, OFdescribed FEEM. SIMPLE chaser(s) fails go to indemnify the rence M. Mitchell from interested parties to participate in the Project-Based Assistance aforesaid cial paving taxes and/ re. e sStandard uSale l t restrictions, otowell fdate A uofAuccthe Mortgage, Probates $125.00 settlement as retioneer as as Auction subject to all envifully described into the ditions, formation. Courthouse, 100 aN. 109, the holder of the AND VALUABLE settlement as retioneer as well as the Courthouse, 100 or metropolitan tioneer’s participacomponent of the Baltimore Housing Mobility Program (Program). copy of which may beN. the deposit Mortgage Assignee settlement. Time shall ronmental problems rights of redemption, Calvert Street, Bali naforesaid dquired, equired, b t e d nMortgage, e s s district se-a LEASEHOLD the deposit Mortgage Assignee Calvert Street, Balcharges, shall be tion inessence theemployees auction. obtained from the shallof forfeited and and all becovenants, of the with and violations which copy which may be encum1/12, 1/19, 1/26/18 timore, Maryland cured bybe said MortPROPERTIES shall be forfeited and and all timore, Maryland adjusted to date of Pand u rto csuch h employees astate sofeof r Assignee. the Property resold at agents the respect settlement may exist on CIVIL or with NOTICES obtained from the brances, 21202, on: gage having assigned BRHP seeks to add and assist 75 new units to its Program under this Mortgage the Property resold at and agents of the 21202, on: auction sale and asacknowledges the the risk and expense foregoing against byfacts thethat purchaser(s). respect to the PropMortgage Assignee. an accurate T U(Known E S D the Mortgage to Paul As)A Y * solicitation. All interested parties must submit 1 original and 5 hard copies of thethe risk and expense foregoing against SR Dwill Ybe sumed thereafter by requirements of MD property a.any Name Changes 202-879-1133 $ 80.00 of defaulting purand all claims The Mortgage Aserties and subject to property besurvey or physical JTAU N EU A YA 3 0 ,* J.The Cohen for theispurthe proposal in a sealed envelope labeled appropriately along with an The ofpurchaser. the defaulting purany reserves and all claims J ADUMBARTON NUAR Y the 3 0, the Cost of Code, Real Property, sold subject to chaser. If improved the Mortand/or actions arissignee all matters and relieved toforeclosure, be inspection of the the 201710:00 AM601 pose of 601 chaser. If the Mortand/or actions ariselectronic copy according to the instructions contained in the Request for payment b. Real Property $ 200.00 201710:00 AM601 a l l d o c u m e n t a r y § 14-126.1, et. seq. is1.5 uni nt ,g i no uhtmight r i Properties gh i so fs oA l eu c strictions of record bygage a 3 Assignee bedroomocdisD U AVENUE M of B the A RfollowTON default having gage istitle, uni n gand o agreements utot participao fForeAucDGround U M B Rent: A RMD T3812 ON Qualifications (RFQ). srtable aemd pto suAssignee ,n convey rearn st hf e Internet-based ing tioneer’s discretion, reject affecting the same, if Rowhome. close AVE10:10 AMc ubath rable dtconvey ertitle, BALTIMORE, to tioneer’s participaAVE10:10 AM-Ave3812 xse spurchaser´s closed Property 601 Dumbarton sole tion the auction any andinall bids or any. The purchaser(s) of record affecting the EDNOR ROAD t etrathe m t,h ed oucnudmeer n -t 21218 tion date in the auction EDNOR ROAD p remedy rthe e pMortgage, apurchaser´s r aOF tini olaw n , and t i t lsole Registry, which re-to - $75.00 - paid and from of sale withdraw Property at the foreclosureCOURT sale TERMS SALE: Aein same, ifa any. PurThe RFQ must be received by BRHP on or before Friday, February 23, 2018 nue FAMILY • 202-879-1212 signed AND remedy in law and in from date of sale to insurance, survey q u i r e s t h a t t h i s semi-annually on the equity shall be limited settlement, from ats any shall assume the risk of $5,000.00 c hdate asale s e rof h a l ltime be Dumbarton atdeposit the request of the 3812601 EDNOR ROAD at 5:00 P.M. EST. equity shall be limited date of settlement, 601 Dumbarton costs and all other setproperty be regisDOMESTIC RELATIONS • 202-879-0157 TYPESET: Wed Jan 24 14:25:37 EST 2018 1st days of April and to a refund of the deincluding without before of loss for the abovefor each property in r e s por o nats ithe b l eAucfor Avenue:MD party thereby, BALTIMORE, toserved a offunds theindeAvenue: tlement expenses tered the in THAT each and posit and the lincluding im i twith a tparty io n without , seeMD xtion. The referenced Properties cash orrefund certified obtaining physical ALL the Mortgage As-sale 21218 Solicitation documents are available online at October posit and the sale l i m i t a t i o n , e x ALL THAT c shall i dbe e nwill tbe a l offer t o of th e Foreclosed everyLEASEHOLD year. considered penses, cured herein,judgments, if of aPropbidimmediately after the will required the possession the signee for shall be considered penses, judgments, requests_for_proposals. LEASEHOLD TheLOT property is beconveyance of time the erty Registry. The innull void and of no settlements der, shall not be Auction Sale takes purchaser(s) at properties. In the OFby GROUND sale at and public auction Under and virtue of a.fines, Absent Defendant $ 150.00 null and void and of no fines, settlements LOT OF GROUND lieved to be improved Properties shall be formation contained effect. Taxes, ground and other amounts required post a de-is place. The Purplace of Auction event ato Property CIPRIANI onand the frontTaxes, steps of a d e c AND r e e THE and/or effect. ground and other amounts AND THE by a 4 bedroom 2 bath borne by the purherein was obtained Requests for RFQ copies, inquiries and proposals should be&directed to: b. Absolute Divorce $ 150.00 rent, water rent and all actually and reasonposit or pay interest. c h a s e r w i l l h o l d Sale. Balance due in subject to a ground IMPROVEMENTS the rent, Circuit Court for power of sale and all IMPROVEMENTS semi-detached Colochaser. Therent Propfrom sources other public charges aactually b lbuyer y i n cand udeemed r rreasone d toi n Inrent, the event the purharmless and cash or water certified funds agrees WERNER, P.C. Miriam S. Fuchs, Esq. thereon situate and lyBaltimore City, Clacontained in a certain other public charges a b l y i n c u r r e d i n c. Custody Divorce $150.00 thereon situate and lyerties be sold(20) in an toconnection beleasehold reliable, istoofand will assessments, with any chaser(s) fails tobut gopurindemnify the Aucwithin twenty the EXECUTIVE PLAZA ing rence M. Mitchell Pnial. u r c in h aBaltimore s e M o n eCity, y Senior Counsel and Director of Development and assessments, connection any ing in Baltimore City, AS IS following condition, withfered for informational payable on100 an annual liability, suit, action, settlement as with retioneer as well as the days final chase subject to the III, SUITE 302 Maryland and 601 more Courthouse, N. Mortgage from Baltimore Regional Housing Partnership payable on an annual liability, suit, action, Maryland and more 3812 Ednor Road: out anyStreet, warranties or purposes only. basis, including speloss or damage as quired, the deposit Mortgage Assignee ratification of the sale ground rent with The no a 11350 McCORMICK fully described in the Calvert BalDumbarton LLC and 20 South Charles Street, Suite 801 basis, including speor fullyTHAT described in the ALL FEE SIMrepresentations either Mortgage Assignee, cial taxes and/ rloss ebe s uforfeited l t damage o the f your Apuruas c ad, -a call shall and and 1-800-237-6892, all employees by thepaving Circuit Court for adjustment in ROAD To place ext. 262, Public Notices $50.00 & up aforesaid Mortgage, a timore, Maryland Beatrice Burroughscial paving taxes and/ r e s u l t o f A u c Baltimore, Maryland 21201 aforesaid Mortgage, a Pcopy L E of Lwhich O NovemT may O F Auctioneer and Seor tioneer’s participathe Property resold at and agents of the Bexpress a l tmetropolitan im r eimplied C i tdistrict y, as chase price. In addiHUNT VALLEY, MD be 21202, on:oor Brown, dated or metropolitan district tioneer’s participacopy of which may be depending on size, Baltimore Legal Notices are $24.84 per inch. GROUND AND THE to the nature, concured Party do not charges, shall be tion in the auction. the riskthe and Properties expense foregoing against tion, 21031 obtained the T Maryland. Ucharges, E S DInterest A Y *tobe ber 8, 2013 from and rethe obtained the TYPESET: IM P R O among V EAssignee. Mfrom E Nthe TS dition description make any adjusted toshall date Ption udefaulting rin2018 crepresentah aauction. s to e r ofwill the purany and all claims paid on unpaid be sold subject Wed Jan 14:25:37 EST Mortgage J be A N UorA Rthe Y 3date 024 , ofof corded 1-800 (AFRO) 6892 adjusted to of P u r c h a s e r Mortgage Assignee. thereon situateofand lythe improvements tions or warranties auction sale and asacknowledges chaser. If the Mort-the and/or actions arispurchase price at the all existing housing, MORTGAGE 201710:00 AM601 land records Balauction and acknowledges the c iidnegn toaul t t oo f t hAeu c ing in property Baltimore City, with respect tounthe thereafter by requirements ofProof MD gage Assignee is asumed tM e Bo fand 2sale 5subject %O pNeto rasbuilding andFor zoning Foreclosed PropASSIGNEE’S SALE The will be Drthereon U A R T timore City, Maryland of Publication, please call 1-800-237-6892, ext. 244 sumed thereafter by The requirements of MD conveyance The property willthe be Maryland and to more allthe easements, conaccuracy ofis Property, this inpurchaser. Cost Code, Real able to violations, convey title, tioneer’s participaannum from ofof code and property beof the erty Registry. The inOF FEE SIMPLE sold AVE10:10 AM- day 3812 at Libersubject 15906, Folio TYPESET: Wed Jan 24 14:25:18 EST 2018 the purchaser. Cost of lieved Code, Real Property, sold subject to the fully described in the ditions, restrictions, formation. a l l d o c u m e n t a r y § 14-126.1, et. seq. the purchaser´s sole tion in the auction Auction Sale to date of subject to all envito be improved Properties shall be formation contained AND VALUABLE payment of the followEDNOR ROAD 109, the holder of the CIPRIANI d §bedroom 14-126.1, et.Forerights of sat lal m& poscredemption, ,u tm r aennshall st faerry in lawproblems inseq. borne from date of sale settlement. Time byremedy aronmental 4Internet-based 2 and bath by NOTICES the pur-to herein was obtained LEASEHOLD Ground iaforesaid ning dpayment eb t e dMortgage, nof eRent: sthe s followsea LEGAL msp,essence s d, otencumsef enrt Internet-based Fore- chaser. ing of Ground copy may be covenants, 1/12, 1/19,be 1/26/18 tsaoftxathe eDumbarton cr au nm closed Property equity shall limited date ofThe settlement, be with and violations which semi-detached ColoPropfrom sources deemed PROPERTIES 601 Dumbarton Ave601 cured bywhich saidRent: MortWERNER, P.C. t a x e s , d o c u m e n t closed Property 601 Dumbarton AveBOARD OF LIQUORLICENSE COMMISSIONERS FOR obtained from the brances, such state of p r e p a r a t i o n , t i t l e Registry, which retomay a refund including without respect to PLAZA settlement exist of onthe or dewith nial. erties will be sold in an to be reliable, but is ofnuehaving - $75.00 - paid EXECUTIVE Avenue: gage assigned p the re p apurchaser(s). ran a t iaccurate o nsurvey , title Registry, which renue $75.00 paid Mortgage Assignee. facts that BALTIMORE CITY insurance, q u i r e s t h a t t h i s posit and the sale l i m i t a t i o n , e x by respect to the PropAS IS condition, withfered for informational (Known As) semi-annually on the ALL THAT the Mortgage to Paul III,insurance, SUITE 302 survey qEdnor ube i rand econsidered s subject tbe h a tregist to h i s out semi-annually on the 11350 The property is besurvey or physical costs and all other setproperty shall penses, judgments, The Mortgage Aserties 3812 Road: any warranties or purposes only. The NOTICE-SPECIAL AD - JANUARYTYPESET: 16, 2018 Wed Jan 24 14:25:37 1st days of April and LEASEHOLD J. Cohen for the purMcCORMICK ESTof2018 costs and all other setproperty be regis1st days April and lieved to be inspection of the tlement expenses tered with the MD representations null and void and of no fines, settlements signee thein- ALL allTHAT matters and reFEE SIMeither Mortgage Assignee, 601 DUMBARTON October in improved each and LOT OF reserves GROUND pose of foreclosure, ROAD tlement expenses intered with the MD October in each and by a 3 bedroom 1.5 Properties might disand other amounts r icgihdAND te, ni tnaTHE so st ohlee record P effect. Lstrictions E LTaxes, O Tofground O F express or implied as Auctioneer and SeAVENUE every year. having ocHUNT VALLEY, l h itMD Foreclosed PropPetitions have been filed by the following applicants for licenses to sell default every year. bath close and agreements rent, water rent and all ifin- toactually and reasondiscretion, to reject affecting the same, AND THE the nature, concured Party do not BALTIMORE, MD IMPROVEMENTS r r eRowhome. dproperty u n d e r ist hbee 21031 conveyance of the GROUND erty Registry. The alcoholic beverages at the premises set opposite their respective names. c uThe of record affecting the other public charges a b l y i n c u r r e d i n any and all bids or any. The purchaser(s) I M P R O V E M E N T S dition or description of make any representa21218 thereon situate and lyt e r m s t h e u n d e r Properties shall be formation contained lieved to be improved CIPRIANI The real property for these applications will be posted on various dates. TERMS OF SALE: A same, ifby Purand assessments, connection with any withdraw aany. Property atherein the foreclosure situate andobtained ly-sale the improvements tions or warranties AND ing in Baltimore City, signed MORTGAGE borne the pur- thereon was by a 4Mortgage, bedroom 2and bath & Written protests concerning any application will be accepted until and deposit of $5,000.00 c h a s e r s h a l l b e payable on an annual liability, action, from saleand atThe any time shall assume the risk ing infrom Baltimore City, thereon andsuit, subject to with respect to the 3812 EDNOR ROAD Maryland more atsemi-detached the request of Colothe ASSIGNEE’S SALE chaser. Propsources deemed WERNER, P.C. for each property in r e s p o n s i b l e f o r including the time of the hearing. Public hearings will be held on or after basis, including speloss or damage as a before or at the Aucof loss for the aboveMaryland and more all easements, conaccuracy of this inBALTIMORE, MD fully described in the party OFerties FEE SIMPLE will be sold in an to be reliable, but is ofnial. served thereby, EXECUTIVE PLAZA cashMortgage or certified funds obtaining physical cial paving taxes and/ r e s u l t o f A u c tion. The party sereferenced Properties fully described in the ditions, restrictions, formation. 21218 February 15, 2018. Interested parties should contact theIII, office of the Board, aforesaid Mortgage, a the AsAND VALUABLE AS IS condition, withfered for informational SUITE 302 will be required the possession theor aforesaid orimmediately metropolitan district tioneer’s participacured herein, ifofa be bidafter Mortgage, a the of redemption, copy which may will offerof for LEASEHOLD 231 E. Baltimore Street, 6th Floor, Baltimore, Maryland 21202 or by calling signee outofany warranties purposes only. The rights 3812 Ednor Road: 11350 McCORMICK purchaser(s) at time properties. In the charges, shall be tion in theencumauction. der, shall notthe be Auction takes copy of whichSale may be covenants, 1/12, 1/19, 1/26/18 byavirtue of obtained from sale publicFEE auction PROPERTIES representations either Mortgage Assignee, ALLatTHAT SIM(410) 396-4380 to determine the exact time andUnder dateand that particular ROAD and Auction event aAssignee. Property is adjusted toT hdate ofSeP u r such c h state a s of e r required toor post a dep Auctioneer l a c e . from eand Pu rthe brances, a HUNT d e c rprotests e e a n d MD /will o r be on Mortgage express implied as obtained P the Lplace Efront L ofOsteps T Oof F VALLEY, application will be considered by the Board. Written Sale. Balance due in subject to a ground auction sale and asacknowledges the posit or pay interest. c h a s e r w i l l h o l d Mortgage Assignee. facts that an accurate p o w e r21031 of sale the Circuit Court for (Known As) to the nature, concured Party do not GROUND AND THE acknowledged by the Board and such protestants will be notified as to the Baltimore cash funds rent, buyer agrees toof The sumed requirements of MD In the event the be purh make a r mthereafter l e srepresentaaby nd property iss besurvey or physical contained in a certain The property will Cladition or description any I M Por R certified O VCity, EME NTS date, time and place of the hearing. within twenty (20)lythe leasehold purthe purchaser. CostAucof Code, Realof Property, chaser(s) failstoto the go to indemnify the lieved to beor improved inspection the P u r cMORTGAGE hase Money sold subject rence Mitchell 601 DUMBARTON thereonM. situate and the improvements tions warranties days following final chase subject to the a l l d o c u m e n t a r y § 14-126.1, et. seq. settlement as retioneer as well as the by a 3 bedroom 1.5 Properties might disMortgage from 601 payment of and the followCourthouse, 100 City, N. AVENUE ing in Baltimore thereon subject to with respect to the ASSIGNEE’S SALE ratification of the sale ground rent with no s t a m p s , t r a n s f e r Internet-based Forequired, the deposit Mortgage Assignee bath Rowhome. close and agreements Dumbarton LLC and 1. CLASS ”BD7” BEER, WINE & LIQUOR LICENSE ing Ground Rent: Calvert Street, BalBALTIMORE, MD Maryland and more all easements, conaccuracy of this inOF FEE SIMPLE by the described Circuit Court adjustment in the purt aand xformation. e s ,alld oemployees cument Property shall be forfeited and ofclosed record affecting the Beatrice Burroughs601 Dumbarton Avetimore, Maryland 21218 fully in for the ditions, restrictions, AND VALUABLE Baforesaid a l t i mon: o r eMortgage, C i t y, a chase price. addip rand e p a OF r a t iSALE: o n , of t iA t lthe e Registry, which the resold at agents TERMS same, if any. Pur-reBrown, dated Novemnue -Property $75.00 -Inpaid AND rights of redemption, Applicant: Urban Axes Baltimore, LLC T/a Urban Axes - Krista Paton and 21202, LEASEHOLD Maryland. Interest to tion, the Properties insurance, survey q u i r e s t h a t t h the risk and expense foregoing against deposit of $5,000.00 c h a s e r s h a l l b eis ber 8, 2013 and resemi-annually on the T copy U EofSwhich D A may Y be * 3812 EDNOR ROAD covenants, encum1/12, 1/19, 1/26/18 PROPERTIES Sabrina Turner the will be sold subject toof forcosts and all all other setof the defaulting purany and claims each property in r eproperty s p o n s i bbe l e regisfor corded among the TYPESET: Jan 24 EST 2018 1st days of such April and Jbe Apaid N U on AWed R Y unpaid 3 0the , 14:25:37 BALTIMORE, MDstate obtained from brances, Petition: Transfer of ownership and location of a Class ”BD7” Beer, Wine & purchase at601 the all existing housing, tlement expenses intered with the MD chaser. the Mortand/or actions ariscash or certified funds obtaining physical land records of BalOctober inIf each and 201710:00 AM21218 Mortgageprice Assignee. facts that an accurate (Known As) Liquor license presently located at 1515 E. Clement Street r The aUt eM property oBf A2 R 5% building and zoning gage Assignee is unn egrequired f t the will possession the timore City, Maryland c ibe d n toaul t t ooof hAeu c Foreclosedof Propevery year. D T isOp e Nr besurvey or physical annum from day of code violations, and Premises: 1 N. Haven Street 21224 able to convey title, tioneer’s participapurchaser(s) at time properties. In theinat 601 LiberDUMBARTON 15906, Folio The property is beconveyance of the erty Registry. The AVE10:10 AM3812 Under and by virtue lieved to be improved inspection ofof the Auction Sale to date of subject to all envithe purchaser´s sole tion in the auction and place of Auction event a Property is 109, theAVENUE holder of the lieved to be improved Properties shall be formation contained EDNOR ROAD a d e c r e e a n d / o r CIPRIANI by a 3 bedroom 1.5 Properties might dissettlement. ronmental from date of sale Sale. Balance due in to subject a ground i n dBALTIMORE, e b t e d n e s s MD seaclose 2and bath borne by the purherein towas obtained p by o remedy w e4 rbedroom oinf law sproblems a l e in & Time shall bath Rowhome. and agreements be of the essence with and violations which equity shall be Cololimited date ofThe settlement, or certified funds rent, agrees to cured by21218 said Mortsemi-detached chaser. Propfrombuyer sources deemed 601 Dumbarton contained in a affecting certain WERNER, P.C. of record the cash respect toOF settlement or to a arefund of deincluding without twenty (20) the leasehold purgage having assigned nial. erties will be sold in an to be reliable, but is ofAvenue: rmay csame, h sexist e ifMon o nthe e ywith EXECUTIVE PLAZA TERMS SALE: A P u any. Pur- within AND by the purchaser(s). respect to the Propposit and the sale l i m i t a t i o n , e x days following final chase subject to the the Mortgage to Paul AS IS condition, withfered for informational ALL THAT Mortgage from 601 III, SUITE 302 deposit of $5,000.00 chaser shall be 3812 EDNOR ROAD The Mortgage As-in Dumbarton erties and shall penses, ofjudgments, the saleor ground rent only. with no J. Cohen for the MD pur3812 out any warranties purposes The 11350 McCORMICK forLEASEHOLD each property r e sEdnor pbe o LLC nconsidered ssubject i Road: band l e fto o r ratification BALTIMORE, signee the all matters and renull and void and of no fines, settlements byrepresentations the Circuit Courteither for adjustment the purpose of 21218 foreclosure, ALL THAT FEE SIMMortgageinAssignee, LOT OF GROUND Beatrice BurroughscashROAD orreserves certified funds obtaining physical r i g h t , i n h i s s o l e strictions of record effect. Taxes, ground and other amounts B a l t i m o r e C i t y, chase price. In addidefault having ocP L E L O T O F express or implied as Auctioneer and SeAND THEMD dated NovemHUNT VALLEY, will be required of the Brown, possession of the discretion, reject affecting the if rent, waterAND rentsame, and and reasonMaryland. Interest to tion, theParty Properties cUnder u r r e dand u nby d evirtue r t h eof GROUND THE toactually the nature, concured do not IMPROVEMENTS 8, 2013 and re21031 to at purchaser(s) time ber properties. In all the any allofbids or any. purchaser(s) other public a b l yor i the n c uunpaid r r e d ofi n paid ondescription will be sold to t ea r m IM P RThe O VaE M Echarges N T S is bedition make any subject representathereon situate and lycorded among the and and place Auction event Property d se ctrheee uanndde/ro- r withdraw a Property atsubject theassessments, foreclosure sale and connection with purchase price at theany alltions existing housing, signed Mortgage, thereon situate lythe improvements or warranties ing in Baltimore City,in land records BalMORTGAGE Sale. Balance due toof aand ground powe r o f s and ale from sale at any time shall assume the risk payable on an annual liability, suit, action, r a t e o f 2 5 % p e r building and zoning atcontained the request of the ing in Baltimore City, thereon and subject to with respect to the Maryland and more City, Maryland ASSIGNEE’S SALE cash or certified funds timore rent, buyer agrees to in a certain before orSIMPLE at theinAucofthe loss forand theFolio abovebasis, including speor damage from day conofas a code violations, andinparty more allloss easements, accuracy of this fully described the atMaryland Liber 15906, OF FEE within twenty (20) leasehold pur- annum P u r cserved h a s e thereby, Money tion. The party final sereferenced Properties cial paving taxes and/ r e s Sale u l restrictions, t toodate f Aofu c subject to all envithe Mortgage fully described the ditions, formation. aforesaid Mortgage, a 109, the holder ofinthe AND daysVALUABLE following chase subject to the Auction Mortgage fromAs601 cured ifthe a bidimmediately the tioneer’s participashall ronmental problems signee will offer for rights of Time redemption, copy ofherein, whichofmay be i naforesaid dor e bmetropolitan t e d nMortgage, erent s s after sdistrict e- a LEASEHOLD ratification sale ground with no settlement. Dumbarton LLC and der, shall not be Auction Sale takes charges, shall be tion in the auction. be of the essence with and violations which sale at public auction copy of which may be covenants, encum1/12, 1/19, 1/26/18 obtained from thefor curedadjustment by said MortPROPERTIES by the Circuit Court in the purBeatrice Burroughsrequired pchase lhaving a c e . price. 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January 27, 2018 - February 2, 2018, The Afro-American



Eddie Hawkins, Musical Icon with Ties to the District

Leggett Picks Mentee Baker in Maryland Governor Race

Groundbreaking, awardwinning gospel artist, Edwin Hawkins, died Jan. 15 at his home in Pleasanton, California, after battling pancreatic cancer. He was 74. Hawkins is best known for his lively, rhythm and blues rendition of “Oh Happy Day” paving a way for a major shift in gospel music. In the 1960s many gospel singers were limited to choir robes, sheet music, and the tradition of singing church hymns under the strict eye of a pianist. In 1968, Edwin Hawkins and a group of singers who grew up in the projects of Oakland, California recorded “Oh Happy Day.” This song was a turning point in gospel music, as it became clear that it was okay to rock and clap in God’s House. Suddenly little old ladies were being replaced by choir directors, hymn books were scrapped and a nation learned a more contemporary way to praise the Lord through song. Hawkins never set out to perform. His parents, Mamie and Dan Lee

Courtesy photo

Prince George’s County Executive Rushern Baker III, right, has been endorsed for governor by Montgomery County Executive Isiah Leggett. By James Wright Special to the AFRO

Courtesy photo

Hawkins wanted to get their children involved in singing as an alternative to life in Oakland’s Campbell Village public housing complexes. By age 5, Edwin was playing the piano for a Church of God in Christ, and at 16, he formed the Northern California State Youth Choir and had his own gospel radio show.
 “Oh Happy Day” was an accident between he and Betty Watson that had its beginning in Washington, D.C. In 1968 Hawkins and Watson attended a youth convention at the Church of God in Christ in D.C. and when they got back, decided to make a recording. They only made 500 copies, but, a disc jockey at a rock station played the music and it took off. An executive from Buddha Records flew out and signed them for $5,000. For a group of young people from the projects in the late 60’s, that was a lot of money. From northern California to southern Florida, “Oh Continued on D2

Prince George’s County Top Performances By Daniel Kucin Jr. Special to the AFRO

By Hamil R. Harris Special to the AFRO

Edwin Hawkins performing at Paramount Theatre in Oakland, Calif.

High School Basketball

institution and Baker as a student in the mid-1980s. “Today, after seven years of his leadership and innovation, property values are on the rise, crime has been cut in half near all-time lows and his county is among the growth leaders in the D.C. region and the state of Maryland,” Leggett said at the endorsement news conference according to the Washington Post. Leggett and Baker have served as county executives of their respective jurisdictions since 2006 and 2010, Continued on D2

“Both men are graduates of Howard’s law school, with Leggett serving as an assistant dean of the institution and Baker as a student in the mid-1980s.”

In his quest to be the next governor of Maryland, Prince George’s County Executive Rushern Baker III picked up an important and very familiar endorsement. On Jan.23, Baker received the endorsement of Montgomery County, Md., County Executive Isiah Leggett (D) on the campus of the Howard University School of Law in the District of Columbia. Both men are graduates of Howard’s law school, with Leggett serving as a dean of the

Upper Marlboro, Md.based Dr. Henry A. Wise, Jr. High School (11-2) defeated Suitland High School located in Forestville, Md. 56-47 on Jan. 18. Wise senior forward Terrance Gibbons led the Pumas in scoring with 16 points and pulled down 14 rebounds. Senior guard Sherwyn Devonish scored 14 points, had six rebounds and dished out four assists to help lead his team to victory. Greenbelt, Md.-based Eleanor Roosevelt High School (9-3) slipped past Bowie High School (Bowie, Md.) 58-57 on Jan. 19. Raiders senior guard Juston Bailey led the way with 19 points, but some of his fellow teammates pitched in with solid performances as well. Senior guard Jaden Faulkner and junior guard Isaiah Gross both scored in double-figures combining for 20 points in total. Gwynn Park High School (8-5) located in Brandywine, Md. took down Oxon Hill High School (Oxon Hill, Md.) 66-64 on Jan. 19. Yellow Jackets senior guard Shawn Shade was on fire scoring 28 points, and he had two rebounds as well. Rudy Jean-Pierre scored in double-figures with 11 points and filled the scoring line with six assists and four rebounds. Frederick Douglass High School (8-5) located in Upper Marlboro, Md. defeated Potomac High School 61-56 on Jan. 19. Senior small forward Eric Isler led the Eagles in scoring with 24 points. Sophomore Darnell Snowden pitched in with 12 points, and junior guard Jaylen Vines scored 11 points. The Eagles snapped the Wolverines 11-game win streak and handed them their first loss of the season. Continued on D2

Black Church Leadership Makes Call to Action at MLK Prayer Breakfast

president of the North Carolina chapter of the NAACP, used the event to call for a new Poor People’s Campaign. The District’s Shiloh Baptist Church hosted In the wake of King’s death in 1968, the its 27th Annual Martin Luther King Memorial Rev. Ralph Abernathy made good on Dr. Prayer Breakfast. The Rev. William Barber II, King’s call for a “Poor People’s Campaign,” bringing about 3,000 people to DC who set up makeshift campsites in the shadows of the Washington Monument. “We are doing a multi-year campaign to engage more than 100 million people who sometimes never even hear their name or their condition,” Barber said. “We are dealing with the systemic racism, systemic poverty, ecological devastation, the war economy, and the distorted moral narrative that is promoted by Christian nationalism that Photo by Hamil R. Harris is contrary to our deepest The Rev. William Barber, president of the North Carolina Christian values.” chapter of the NAACP, issued a call for a new Poor People’s campaign during the King Memorial Prayer Breakfast. Continued on D2 By Hamil R. Harris Special to the AFRO

Prince George’s County

Top School Staff Removed Amid Report of Grading Violations By The Associated Press

A Maryland school district has removed top staff from a Continued on D3


The Afro-American, January 27, 2018 - February 2, 2018


Continued from D1

respectively. They have worked together on projects such as the Purple Line and school construction and both endorsed Sen. Chris Van Hollen (D-Md.) for senator in 2016 against Rep. Donna Edwards (D) in a move that was controversial for both in the state’s Black community. In 2002, Leggett was widely touted as a possible running mate as lieutenant governor with Kathleen Kennedy Townsend as the Democrat’s gubernatorial candidate. Townsend chose Admiral Charles Larson and lost the race to Robert Ehrlich (R). Leggett is a former chairman of the Maryland Democratic

Party. Both African-American men are the leaders of the two of the biggest population centers of the state. Baker often tells a story about the time he was in law school and needed more time to study for a property law exam because of outside employment. So the young Baker went to Leggett to request another time to take the exam and Leggett said no. Baker said that he took and passed the exam, anyway. In the June 26 Democratic primary, Baker is facing former NAACP President Ben Jealous, Baltimore County



Happy Day” became a hit with 7 million copies sold. Overnight, a musical family from an Oakland church called the “Love Center” became stars. These musical pied pipers, launched a new genre of gospel music and a style that sparked a change in music and dress on Sunday morning that was so profound that faith piano players were replaced by a new generation of singers and choir directors who knew how to “play by ear.” Hawkins and his family were the gospel music equivalent of the Beatles. The Hawkins’ music made deacons tap their toes, turned singers into preachers and made young people feel good about singing and playing in church. “Edwin Hawkins was a great example of style and grace. He just had a presence,” Jerome Bell, an area radio

DeMatha Catholic High School (153) located in Hyattsville, Md. completely dismantled (Washington, D.C.) Archbishop Carroll High School 72-54 on Jan. 19. Stags sophomore center Hunter Dickinson led DeMatha with 18 points, and junior guard Jahmir Young accounted for 15 points. Another player who had a solid game was sophomore guard Earl Timberlake. He scored in double-figures with 10 points. Central High School (4-7) located in Capitol Heights, Md. defeated Clinton, Md.-based Surrattsville High School 54-50 on Jan. 19. Falcons senior guard Craig Morton, junior forward Devonte Young, and junior guard Devonte Photo by Daniel Kucin Jr. Young all scored 12 Wise senior forward Terrance Williams (#3) led the Pumas in scoring (16 points) against Suitland points respectively. High School on Jan. 18.

Continued from D1

Executive Kevin Kamenetz, Maryland State Sen. Richard Madaleno (D-District 18) of Montgomery County, Baltimore attorney Jim Shea, tech entrepreneur Alec Ross and Krishanti Vignarajah, an adviser for former first lady Michelle Obama. In the Jan. 10 edition of the Baltimore Sun, a poll conducted by Gonzalez Research & Marketing Strategies from Dec. 27-Jan. 5 showed Baker leading for the nomination with 24 percent, followed by Kamenetz and Jealous tied at 14 percent and the others in the single digits. The winner of the Democratic primary will face Gov. Larry Hogan (R) in the Nov. 6 general election.

Continued from D1

“Edwin Hawkins was a great example of style and grace. He just had a presence.” – Jerome Bell personality and Maryland pastor, who often hosted Hawkins family concerts in the area, told the AFRO. In 1999, The Hawkins family, still based in Oakland, went on a national tour to commemorate the success of “Oh Happy Day.” On July 24, they rolled up to the National Church of God in Oxon Hill in a big luxury coach, walked into the pulpit and captivated more than 1,300 people with three decades of music. During the concert Walter Hawkins was the musical director, Tremaine Hawkins was most often the lead singer and Edwin would always be at the organ. “The Hawkins were responsible for bringing us gospel Hollywood,” said Bell, adding that the group imported their own style and substance complete with lights and sound long before the other singers came along. D.C. resident Bill Carpenter was the publicist for Edwin Hawkins for two decades. He said, “He came from a generation where he was matter of fact.” Bell said a local memorial service is being planned for Hawkins, who along with his family performed at various churches in the area.

Black Church Continued from B1

During his speech Barber reminded those gathered of how Martin Luther King was very unpopular after he spoke out against the Vietnam War on April 4th, 1967 at the Riverside Church in New York City. “He was killed one year to date after that sermon,” Barber said. “[FBI Director] J Edgar Hoover labeled him as the number one enemy of America and there were others in Black leadership who challenged him.” Shiloh Baptist Church Pastor, the Rev. Doctor Wallace Charles Smith, welcomed Barber to a breakfast that took place on the Saturday morning after the federal government was shut down. The fellowship hall was packed with federal workers, former White House appointees, and veterans of the Civil Rights battles that many thought were won in the 1960s. “This demonstrates that the church is fighting on and we will not give up,” Smith said. “Even though the government is shut down, the church is still open . . .” The Rev. Thomas L. Bowen, minister of Congregational Life at Shiloh and director of Religious Affairs for Mayor Muriel Bowser said,” There has never been a time like this and the stakes are raised.” “We are picking up where Dr. King left off. The dream has to be one that uplifts everyone and we have much more work to do,” said Bowen. Barber, co-chair of the Poor People’s Campaign, said during Black History month he will lead a national effort where people will protest in various sites across the country in groups of 2,500. “Fifty years after the Poor People’s Campaign, it is about motor mobilization. It is a launch, we are not commemorating the Poor People’s Campaign, we are reigniting it.” “We need to remember that the real Martin Luther King found himself having to take on a society that had a neurotic sickness and a septic commitment to racism, poverty, and war that was literally destroying the soul of this nation and ripping apart its moral promises,” Barber said. “When Dr. King rendered this diagnosis and committed to raise a Poor People’s Campaign for a moral revolution of values with those who had nothing to lose, he was declared even more an enemy of the state and a threat to the powers that be.” In the same way King became disliked, Barber said, ministers today must be willing to become unpopular if social change is going to come.

January 27, 2018 - February 2, 2018, The Afro-American




Continued from D1

high school where investigators found violations of grading and graduation certification procedures. The Washington Post reports the principal, assistant principal and three other employees of DuVal High have been removed. Prince George’s County officials announced the changes Jan. 22, but declined to provide details. DuVal was praised last year for having a graduation rate above 90 percent. But a report sampling students with late grade changes in 2016 and 2017 found more than a quarter of that group either didn’t qualify to graduate or lacked graduation eligibility documentation. The report found the school ran an

unofficial credit recovery program to make up for failing grades. The district will appear before the State Board of Education next week to address the report.

Washington, D.C.

Sisters Anointed for Encouragement will host their January conference “The Assignment: Living in Purpose� from 2 p.m. -5 p.m. Jan. 27 at THEARC, 1901 Mississippi Ave. SE, Washington, D.C., 20020. The event will feature a discussion about following one’s purpose, followed by a vision spiritual board creative session. The Episcopal Diocese of Washington will host “UpBeat!: A Joyful Night of Music and Spoken Word� from 7 p.m.-9 p.m. Jan. 26 at the Washington National Cathedral, 3101 Wisconsin Ave. NW, Washington, D.C., 20016. Howard University’s vocal group, Afro Blu, and Atlantabased activist and priest, the Rev. Kim Jackson, are the featured guests. Representatives from various faith communities and organizations will also take part in the program.

Alexandria, Va.

Alfred Street Baptist Church, 301 S. Alfred St. Alexandria, Va., 22314, will host their final installment of 2018 January Saturday Bible Study Series: Subversive Readings of Scripture at 9 a.m. on Jan. 27. Dr. Gay Byron of Howard University School of Divinity will speak and deliver a message titled “Expanding the Discourse: Womanist Approaches to the Bible.� A free continental breakfast will be offered prior to the session at 8 a.m.

Vienna, Va.

The Northern Virginia Urban League Young Professionals Network will host Church n’ Brunch, at 10 a.m. on Jan. 28. Each Sunday morning participants can visit various churches in the Northern Virginia area, followed by faith, food and fellowship at a local brunch spot. This week, the group will attend service at First Baptist Church of Vienna, 450 Orchard St NW, Vienna, Va., 22180 and meet for brunch at Requin, 8296 Glass Alley #110, Fairfax, Va., 22031, in Mosaic District.


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The Afro-American, January 27, 2018 - February 2, 2018

Bowie High School Bulldogs, Bowie, Md. stand for that anthem at the start of the game. Canarsie High School The Chiefs, Brooklyn, NY. stand during the anthem.

The Panthers, from Cristo Rey Brooklyn High School, NY look on.

Canarsie High School Cheer Leaders

The Bulldogs bring the ball down the court.

The Basketball Group, which exists to promote under the radar players, hosted its Inaugural MLK East Coast Jam Fest at the historic Archbishop Carroll High School Jan. 13 in Northwest, Washington, D.C. The event was created to provide an opportunity for student athletes to compete on a national level. Each game provided hot competition and sizzling showmanship for those in attendance. The jam fest was produced by the National Federation of State High School Network. The games were streamed live to each state that has been sanctioned by all participating states athletic governing organizations.

Bulldogs Coach Tremaine (left) gives his team some pointers during the game.

Members of Xi Alpha Lambda chapter, Alpha Kappa Alpha Fraternity; Dr. King was an Alpha Man.

All the oratorical contest participants with Lorraine Jackson, chapter president(far right).

Bowie defends during the game against Canarsie High School.

The referees confer.

Radius Stanton; Coach Jake Edwards, Canarsie High School; and Issac Adisa, Most Valuable Player for The Chiefs

The Chiefs go for a layup.

Photos by Rob Roberts

Oratorical finalists: Angela Ngono Noumedem, Gainesville Middle School; Syed Sarim, Mary G. Porter Traditional School; Gladys Gonzales, Osbourn High School; Zoree Jones, Patriot High School(high school winner); Zion fozo, Potomac High School and Jennine Faruque, Stonwell Middle School(middle school winner).

Sheila Bryant, program co-chair, Lorraine Jackson, chapter president and Dr. Sandra Mitchell, program co-chair.

Hampton University NOVA Chapter, National Alumni Association members: Averi Collins and Willie Wiliams.

Men of Omega Psi Phi Fraternity served as ushers. Manassas Park High School Drumline.

The Delta Research and Educational Foundation, in affiliation with the Prince William County Alumnae Chapter, Delta Sigma Theta Sorority and the Cecil & Irene Hylton Foundation presented the 28th Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Program and Youth Oratorical Contest Jan. 15 at the Hylton Memorial Chapel in Woodbridge, VA. Students from throughout the Prince William County region participated and all school representatives received a King Drum Major Medal and a $50 check. Of the six regional finalist that competed on the MLK Program, the judges selected the “ Best Before the Audience” speakers; Jennine Faruque, middle school winner and Zoree S. Jones, high school winner. The chapel was packed with family members, school administrators, local politicians, HBCU Alumni Associations and sponsors.

Doris Shropshire, Edgar Brookins, Washington Afro General Manager and Pamela Jenkins. Dr. VaCora L. Rainey, Lorraine Jackson, Sophia McKenzie and Rev. Eloria, pastor, First AME Church, Manassas, VA.

Prince William County Chapter, Delta Sigma Theta Sorority.

Rep. Gerry Connolly(DVA).

Singing “We Shall Overcome”, Lillie Jessie, Vice Chair, Prince William County School Board, Joann Bagnerise and grand children Joseph, Julius and Jasmine.

Photos by Rob Roberts

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