July 18, 2015 - July 18, 2015, The Afro-American A1 PRINCE GEORGE’S COUNTY EDITION
Volume 124 No. 3
AUGUST 22, 2015 - AUGUST 28, 2015
Passing of Two Giants
• D.C. Mayor Plans to Invest in Solar Energy B1
Commentary: Black, Female and Afraid
Julian Bond and Louis Stokes, two champions of the civil rights movement, have died. For more on Stokes, see below. For more on Julian Bond, turn to A3.
Corey Hawkins on Making “Straight Outta Compton”
5,400 That’s how many new people liked our Facebook page last week. Join our 495,000 other fans.
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AFRO Exclusive
Brown Campaigns On Public Service Platform By James Wright Special to the AFRO jwright@afro.com Former Lt. Gov. Anthony Brown is running for the House seat that is being vacated by U.S. Rep. Donna Edwards (D-Md.), who is a 2016 candidate for the U.S. Senate. Brown, who lost the race to become the state’s first Black governor in the November 2014 general election, said he is running for the U.S. Congress because of his desire to continue public service. “Public service defines me,” Brown said in an interview with the AFRO on Aug. 17. “I have served in the military, the Maryland House of Delegates, as lieutenant governor and as a practicing attorney involved in pro bono work. My father, who was a doctor, told me when I was young that ‘Anthony, you have to
serve other people.’” The Fourth Congressional District comprises a large portion of Prince George’s County and part of Anne Arundel County. The 2010 census reported that the district is 58 percent Black. The district has consistently voted Democratic in recent presidential elections and is considered a Democratic stronghold in statewide general elections. In the 2014 general election, Brown said that he carried the Fourth Congressional District by a 65-70 percent margin. “I won 89 percent of the Democrats who voted in that race,” he said. Brown said that he talked with Edwards about the race in mid-March before she announced her candidacy for the U.S. Senate. “We had breakfast
Emma Didlake Dies at 110 Nation’s Oldest Vet
By The Associated Press
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The AFROAmerican Newspaper Prince George’s County Edition is Published weekly as an E-edition. Notification is sent to you via email. You can opt-out of receiving this by selecting the unsubscribe option at the bottom of each email notice.
A Michigan woman who was believed to be the nation’s oldest veteran at 110 has died, about a month after meeting President Barack Obama in the Oval Office. Emma Didlake died on Aug. 16 in West Bloomfield, northwest of Detroit, according to the Oakland County medical examiner’s office. Didlake was a 38-year-old wife and mother of five when she signed up in 1943 for the Women’s Army Auxiliary Corps. She served about seven months stateside during the war, as a private and driver. She spent time with the president in July during a trip to Washington that was arranged by Talons Out Honor Flight, a southwest Michigan chapter of a national nonprofit that provides free, one-day trips for veterans to Continued on A4
President Barack Obama meets with Emma Didlake, 110, of Detroit, the oldest known World War II veteran, in the Oval Office of the White House on July 17.
Continued on A4
Provideds Needed Outlet D1
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Anthony Brown is a former lieutenant governor of Maryland.
300 Men March From Baltimore to D.C. Stop the Violence By Lisa Snowden-McCray Special to the AFRO The weather was a steamy 82 degrees on August 16 around 5 p.m. when men in black t-shirts began gathering in Carroll Park in South West Baltimore. While families hung out at the park’s picnic tables, or strolled along in the grass, the men were getting set to walk 35 miles from Baltimore to the White House in Washington, D.C. They were walking, they said, to raise awareness about Baltimore City’s ever-growing violence problem. Some of the roughly 40 men, members
of the group 300 Men March, rested. Others stretched. A group of women in white t-shirts were also gathered. It would be their role to support the men by seeing them off, bringing them supplies and driving them back to Baltimore when the journey was complete. Why were they walking? “We have to,” said Munir Bahar, who co-founded the group three years ago with Baltimore City Council Member Brandon Scott. “The current reality and what’s happening implies that much, much more has to be done to stop the murders. We Continued on A4
Longtime Ohio Congressman, and CBC Warrior, Louis Stokes Dies at 90 By The Associated Press
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at the National Harbor,” he said. “I was interested in her vision of the Fourth Congressional District and wanted to hear, from her, the district’s aspirations and its needs.” Edwards hasn’t endorsed any candidate running for her house seat at this point. Brown was elected to the House of Delegates in 1998 and in his second term was picked by the leadership to be the vice chairman of the Judiciary Committee. In 2006, then Baltimore Mayor Martin O’Malley picked Brown to be his running mate for the governorship. They won the general election that year and were re-elected in 2010 to a second four-year term. Brown said that as lieutenant governor, he spearheaded cleaning up Maryland’s Medicaid system,
• Balto. Grief Camp
Former U.S. Rep. Louis Stokes, a 15-term congressman from Ohio who took on tough assignments looking into assassinations and scandals, has died at the age of 90, his family said on Aug. 19. He died peacefully at home Tuesday with his wife, Jay, at his side, a month after he announced he had brain and lung cancer. “During his
illness, he confronted it as he did life — with bravery and strength,” his family said in a statement. Stokes was elected to the House in 1968, becoming Ohio’s first Black member of Congress and one of its most respected and influential representatives. Just a year earlier, his brother, Carl, had been elected mayor of Cleveland — the first Black elected mayor of a major U.S. city.
Copyright © 2015 by the Afro-American Company
The White House issued a statement from President Barack Obama that noted how Stokes overcame hardships while growing up in Cleveland and praised him for his belief that everyone should have a chance to succeed. “Lou leaves behind an indelible legacy in the countless generations of young leaders that he inspired, and he will be sorely missed,” Obama said.
The Afro-American, August 22, 2015 - August 28, 2015
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Prince to New Recording Artists: “Don’t Sign”
Tyrese Pays Compton Teen’s College Tuition
Special to the AFRO
Senior AFRO Correspondent
Prince has a message for new artists eager for a record deal: “Don’t sign.” According to National Public Radio, Prince’s comment came during a meeting with selected journalists in his Minneapolis hometown for the 2015 National Association of Black Journalists Convention. “Record contracts are just like — I’m gonna say the word – slavery,” said the Grammy Award winning singer-songwriter, as he discussed the music industry at his Paisley Park Studios. “I would tell any young artist…don’t sign.” No recording of the artist’s statements exist, according to NPR, as devices that could take picture or video were banned from the studio. Nonetheless, artists are sounding off about the controversial statements. “Unfortunately, I believe that today’s artist should avoid signing a contract with any label,” said Kevin Powe, Jr., a governor with The Washington, D.C. Chapter of The Recording Academy, which leads advocacy issues for the organization. “Artists are now intellectually capable of doing everything a record company used to do for an artist.” Powe said that social media has made the entire world accessible, freeing artists “to do and say whatever their heart desires.” Aside from voicing disdain for record labels, Prince also railed against music streaming services, both of which he sees as middle men taking money from artists who should be in control of their own music, money, and brand. “Once we have our own resources, we can provide what we need for ourselves,” said Prince, who waged a turbulent war in the 1990s against Warner Bros. Records. During that time, Prince performed as a Warner Bros. Records artist with the word “slave” written on his face. He further protested by changing his name to a symbol with no pronunciation. In an interview with Rolling Stone, Prince said the symbol was “adopted as a means to free myself from undesirable relationships.” In the end, Prince lost the rights to his own famous catalogue and the stage name. “People think I’m a crazy fool for writing ‘slave’ on my face,” Prince told Rolling Stone. “But if I can’t do what I want to do, what am I? When you stop a man from dreaming, he becomes a slave. That’s where I was. I don’t own Prince’s music. If you don’t own your masters, your master owns you.” In 2014 Prince re-signed with Warner Bros. Records, regaining the rights to his catalogue, along with more control over his art and the business of his music. In July, Prince fans using streaming services like Spotify were cut off from their supply of his work. As the artist continued his efforts to control distribution of his music, Prince videos have also been removed from Vevo and YouTube. Prince will release his new album, “HitNRun,” Sept. 7 exclusively on Tidal, a streaming service created by Jay Z that pays artists directly.
A Compton, Calif., teenager has achieved a life’s dream with the help of an earthly guardian angel. Lorenzo Murphy recently began classes at Morehouse College, one of the country’s premier HBCUs which counts luminaries such as the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. as alum. He’s doing so for free, thanks to the aid of R&B singer and actor Tyrese Gibson. Gibson said he was inspired to pay Murphy’s tuition by radio personality Tom Joyner, who recently received the Humanitarian Award at the 2015 BET Awards for his foundation’s work in supporting thousands of African-American students and HBCUs. “Why did I decide to put this young kid from Compton through college? Because I #dream with my eyes OPEN and this year I watch Tyrese Gibson [sic] this true legend get UP on stage and give the most moving speech about WHY he has raised and donated over 65 million dollars and put close to 30,000 African American kids into college and I decided at that MOMENT I needed to DO something,” Tyrese said in a comment posted alongside an image of Joyner on his Instagram account. Murphy, who goes by the handle “zothemotivator” and has more than 9,400 followers on Instagram, took to the medium to offer sincere thanks to Tyrese this week. “As of today I begin my journey as a Man of Morehouse. I am beyond grateful and thankful to be apart [sic] of such great legacy. None of this would be possible without God, @tyrese, the support from my family and of course, my relentless hard work,” he wrote. “Annually, Morehouse is around 45k-50k and as you can imagine, that is a lot of money. I thank God for placing @tyrese in my life. It is because of him believing in me and investing in my future, that I am able to receive my education,” Murphy continued. “I am amongst the world’s [sic] greatest leaders and I want to thank @tyrese for giving me the opportunity to… pursue my academic and career endeavors at Morehouse College.” According to Murphy’s social media profile, his goal is “to encourage, inspire, motivate, leave a legacy, and leave an impact that glorifies Jesus Christ.”
By Alexis Taylor
By Zenitha Prince
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The Afro-American, August 22, 2015 - August 22, 2015
August 22, 2015 - August 28, 2015, The Afro-American
In Memoriam: AFRO Tribute to Julian Bond Julian Bond, proclaimed a hero by President Obama, was a beacon for civil rights and justice. As the former chair of the NAACP, leader of the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee and co-founder of the Southern Poverty Law Center, he earnestly fought against inequality on the basis of color and income. Bond also disputed the country’s involvement in the Vietnam War. Along with being a writer, commentator and professor, he also served in the Georgia House of Representatives January 29, 1966 and the State Senate.
Julian Bond in 1968.
Bond quits SNCC, has other plans
September 17, 1966
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Julian Bond, second from left, with Dr. Martin Luther King, standing, and others in 1966.
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Julian Bond addressing the Richmond Urban League in 1969.
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Julian Bond and James Brown in 1972.
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The Baltimore Afro-Ame
The Afro-American, August 22, 2015 - August 28, 2015
Continued from A1 strengthened the state’s public-private partnership apparatus and worked on the Base Realignment Commission. However, he has been criticized for the state’s troubled health care exchange introduction and for championing a series of new taxes that have proven to be unpopular among many Marylanders. Brown said that he is
running for the House “to strengthen our communities and the economic security of our family and workers with educational opportunity and training.” “We can help our young
August 22, 2015 - August 22, 2015, The Afro-American
income disparities, improve classroom education and fight the district’s foreclosure crisis. “The Fourth Congressional District has the highest foreclosure rate in the state,” Brown said.
“Public service defines me.” – Anthony Brown people achieve through education and opportunity and not arrest and incarceration,” he said. He also wants to close
If he wins the House seat in 2016, he will likely be a freshman member of a Republican-dominated chamber. He said that doesn’t faze him at all. “Whether you serve one-term or two decades in the [U.S.] House of Representatives, you belong to a deliberative body of leaders,” he said. “These are people who are leaders, sometimes on discreet issues, but they have demonstrated leadership.” Brown realizes that the demographics of Prince George’s and Anne Arundel counties are different but said there are common traits. “A voter is a voter is a voter,” he said. “All voters have things in common. They want good schools and good jobs.” Brown said that he has knocked on 1,600 doors throughout the congressional district and attended events in Crofton, Ports Town, and Capitol Heights, engaging Democrats in both counties. He said that he won’t make the mistakes he made in the 2014 general election. “We won the Democratic primary by 27 points by getting our message to the voters,” he said, “but we didn’t do that in the general election because of the issues that were defined. This is a neighborhood to neighborhood campaign and I
am knocking on doors myself to tell the voters why I want to represent them in Congress.” Brown is joined in the race by former Prince George’s County State’s Attorney Glenn Ivey, former Prince George’s
County Council member Ingrid Turner, Maryland Delegates Dereck Davis (D-District 25) and Joseline Pena-Melnyk (D-District 21), political scientist Alvin Thornton, former federal government
Oldest Vet Continued from A1
visit monuments and memorials in the nation’s capital. “Emma Didlake served her country with distinction and honor, a true trailblazer for generations of Americans who have sacrificed so much for their country,” Obama said Monday afternoon in a statement. “I was humbled and grateful to welcome Emma to the White House last month, and Michelle and I send our deepest condolences to Emma’s family, friends, and everyone she inspired over her long and quintessentially American life.” Didlake was born in Alabama and moved with her family to Detroit in 1944. She was known to her family as “Big Mama” and
300 Men March Continued from A1
feel that we have to be a symbol of physical commitment.” Baltimore has had 211 homicides this year while the District has had 97. Bahar said that the journey was their way of are showing people that it’s time to come from behind their television and computer screens and join them in the fight. “We know -- black men in Baltimore -- too many are sitting on the couch while children are being murdered outside. So this is a message to get black men off the couch, out from spending three hours watching the game while children are out here dying.” And to skeptics who might not see why the walk can help, Bahar said, “See how you feel when your child gets shot and what you want to do. There are a lot of skeptics but those people sit on the sidelines. We are effective.” Councilman Scott said the civil rights walks that have come before this would be
executive Warren Christopher, and Capitol Hill staff veteran Lisa Ransom. The Democratic Party primary for Edwards’ seat will take place on April 26, 2016. There are no Republicans in the race at this time.
recently moved to an assisted living family in suburban Detroit. She was deemed the oldest U.S. veteran based on information gleaned by Honor Flight representatives through national outreach campaigns. Granddaughter Marilyn Horne told The Associated Press last month that when Talons Out officials presented her grandmother with a short-sleeved shirt bearing the group’s logo to wear on the trip to Washington, Didlake took a look and said: “’I don’t have Michelle Obama arms — I’m going to need a jacket.’” During her visit to the White House, Didlake wore a patriotic-themed neck scarf and sat in her wheelchair in the same spot in the Oval Office where foreign leaders sit when they meet with Obama. in the forefront of his mind. “You can’t help but think about history – what folks walked for before for me to be able to have the opportunities that I have,” he said. “For me to not be the best person I can be and take steps forward and put myself out there and work as hard as I can every day…is a direct disrespect to them.” Just before the group’s 6:30 p.m. departure, Bahar gathered everyone together for a speech. He said that the status quo wasn’t good enough when it comes to saving lives in the city. He said the group had put together a plan that would raise $1.7 million for things like youth services in the most violent parts of Baltimore. The marchers arrived at the National Mall at 2 p.m. Monday afternoon. Scott said they were able to meet with White House staffers to talk about 300 Men March and ways of reducing violence. He said they used the time to explain who they were and why they were a necessary solution. When they reached their destination, marchers were greeted by the women who had seen them off on Sunday.
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August 22, 2015 - August 28, 2015, The Afro-American
Black, Female, and Afraid
In the year since Michael Brown was killed in Ferguson, MO, the national conversation on race has been mostly about Black men. Indeed, the vast majority of stories about police violence are about young Black men dying at the hands of (mostly) white police officers. But Sandra Bland’s mysterious, troubling death on July 13 expanded the dialogue to include Black women. Although it has officially George H. been called a suicide, Lambert, Jr. journalists and activists have questioned the circumstances of Bland’s death. Pulled over for failing to signal a turn, she initially complied with the police officer’s requests, but the situation quickly turned antagonistic, and a routine traffic violation turned into resisting arrest. Apparently, she was left unattended in a jail in Waller County, Texas. Officials claim she then hung herself in her cell. The family has filed a wrongful death suit. I am sure we will hear more about the case in the weeks and months to come. I must admit, the female half of the “Black Lives Matter” equation took me by surprise. I could relate to countless incidents of black men being pulled over and harassed by police officers because, after all, these things have happened to me. Back when I used to be a distance runner, it was a common occurrence for White female runners to trip over their own feet as they scurried out of my way. These experiences didn’t seem to translate to Black women. After speaking to my wife and to female friends, however, I’ve come to understand that fear and unease are also an all-too-normal part of their lives as well. For my wife, the vulnerability of being a woman arises when she finds herself alone in parking garages or other unpopulated surroundings. A close friend, Gasby Brown, a Harvard-educated Black woman and president of The Gasby Group, a national philanthropy consulting firm, says, “Sandra Bland’s story could be mine. I travel alone a lot for work, and it’s very easy to imagine this
kind of encounter with a police officer in a strange city. It is dangerous to assume that education, designer clothes and success create immunity to injustice for Black women. “ I am grateful for the candid and sometimes painful dialogue with women whose character and intelligence I respect. It has enlightened my tunnel vision. This is not the time for a hesaid, she-said competition of who has it tougher in America. All people of color know in their bones a persistent fear that even our well-intentioned white friends can imagine and empathize with, but may not really discern. I am old enough
to remember decades past, when racial relations were even more explosive, but the past twelve months have taught us that what looks like progress may in fact be political correctness masking the same old racism. It is a sad commentary that we all confront outright racism and harmful stereotypes in our daily and professional lives, and my personal lesson for this month is that black women’s lives matter. Their experiences are neither entirely the same as mine, nor entirely different. George H. Lambert, Jr. is the President and CEO of the Greater Washington Urban League.
The Truth about Foster Care and Homelessness Ask anyone in child welfare about foster youth aging out of the foster care system and you’re sure to hear about everything from high rates of incarceration, early parenting, homelessness, unemployment and discussion about mental health issues. There are approximately 6,000 children in Maryland’s foster care system. Approximately 500 Maryland youth age out of the foster care system at 21 with the majority of those youth aging out of the Baltimore City Department of Social Services. In January 2011, more than 650 unaccompanied homeless youth were documented in Baltimore by the Center for Adolescent Health at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health during a one day “census.” Foster youth are not, repeat not, juvenile delinquents. In fact, youth come into the foster care system because of abuse and/or neglect in the home, or because of the death of their parents when all other suitable guardians from their biological families cannot be located or do not have the resources to care for them. Once in the foster care system, foster youth are placed in homes with complete strangers that sometimes are just as dysfunctional, if not more, than the homes they were
Shalita O’Neale and Susan Emfinger
removed from. They move from home to home, foster family to foster family, and often from school system to school system, an average of twice a year. Often, they are labeled with a behavioral disorder and prescribed medication upon the slightest of evidence that they may not be easily controlled due to their emotional reactions to being removed from their family. They are almost never allowed to feel and express the pain, frustration and anger associated with being taken from the only “normality” they have ever known. Often, child welfare professionals wait to start asking foster youth about “life skills” until they’ve become teenagers with less than a few years to “age-out” when many have been in foster care multiple times since very young ages. Organizations like Loving Arms Inc. and Hope Forward Inc. (both based in Baltimore City) are working extremely hard to address homelessness among young adults from the foster care system and in general by providing emergency and transitional housing support among other services like mental health support, employment assistance and connection to supportive networks. After over 10 years of working within child welfare and 19 collective years living in kinship and foster care, I have begun to realize that organizations in the community will always struggle to provide services to these young adults for reasons
that involve lack of adequate funding and lack of collaboration across organizations and systems. Progress of child welfare agencies will always be determined, and in some cases confined, by their leadership and the bureaucracy associated with how children are prepared for adulthood and stability after foster care. In my opinion, aggressive and lasting change will only come by empowering those individuals in and from the foster care system to create it. Given all they go through, foster youth are pretty amazing people. In fact, some foster youth manage, through a combination of personal grit and some exceptional mentors, to do what every foster child deserves to have the opportunity to do: we achieve. We get an education. We pursue careers. We buy homes. We start our own families. We start our own businesses. We vote. Shalita O’Neale is the Founder and CEO of Fostering Change Network, a Baltimore based network of alumni of the foster care system. Susan Emfinger is a Senior Consultant with the organization. The 2nd annual Alumni Networking Powerhouse Conference will be held in May. For more information go to fosteringchangenetwork.com or call 800660-2338.
What Must We Do to Get to the Promised Land?
Throughout President Barack Obama’s six and a half years in office, despite inheriting the worst economy since the great depression, facing unprincipled insurgent resistance from Republicans in Congress, and having to deal with the turbulent climate of race relations as the nation’s first Black president, the President has achieved undeniable success: passage of health care reform, the stimulus bill, Dodd-Frank bill (Wall Street Reform); he ended the war in Iraq, eliminated Osama Bin Laden, and created Race to the Top. In addition, Obama is the first president in the history of The United States to visit federal prisons, calling attention to the crisis of mass incarceration. Yet despite Obama’s brilliance, charisma, oratorical gifts, and hard-fought political victories, America has yet to realize the fulfillment of Dr. King’s dream.
Zach Wood
As a nineteen year old Black man who aspires to be a transformational president one day, I admire Obama and have studied his presidency. Often, I have asked myself: if Martinå Luther King Jr. were alive today, what would he have to say about Obama’s presidency? I feel that it is vital for us to look to the legacy of Dr. King, particularly his “I Have a Dream” speech where he states that he has a dream “that one day people will not be judged by the color of their skin, but instead by the content of their character.” I believe we have to challenge ourselves to think critically about the meaning of racial justice. Does a racially just society mean that racial prejudice is non-existent, or just significantly reduced? In order for my generation to make marked progress in terms of reaching the racial promised land, we must define what racial justice means in political, economic, social, and cultural terms.
Since 1965, we have made great strides yet we have also bore witness to disheartening setbacks and disturbing reminders of the prevalence of racism and white supremacy along the way. What I am suggesting here is that a racially just society can only be fully conceived of and truly realized through broadening and deepening the scope of our moral vision, through specifying in concrete terms the goals we want to achieve and how we plan to achieve them in the years to come. Our most valuable and reliable sources for help, hope, and power should consist of ourselves and our common history. Let us embrace the challenge of exploring the topography of a racially just society and in doing so ask ourselves: what can we do, individually and collectively, to get there? Zach Wood is a sophomore at Williams College in Williamstown, MA majoring in political science and philosophy.
The opinions on this page are those of the writers and not necessarily those of the AFRO. Send letters to The Afro-American 2519 N. Charles St. • Baltimore, MD 21218 or fax to 1-877-570-9297 or e-mail to editor@afro.com
The Afro-American, August 22, 2015 - August 28, 2015
Send your news tips to tips@afro.com.
August 22, 2015 - August 28, 2015, The Afro-American
PRINCE GEORGE’S COUNTY MGM Funds PG County’s Community College Hospitality Program
Bowser Administration Urges Solar Energy in D.C. By James Wright Special to the AFRO jwright@afro.com D.C. Mayor Muriel Bowser (D) wants the District to use more green energy. On Aug. 12 she convened a press conference on the roof of the Frank D. Reeves Municipal Center in Northwest with officials of her administration. She, along with Tommy Wells, director of the District Department of Energy and Environment (DDOEE), were there to announce her clean energy initiatives which include solarizing residences
By Courtney Jacobs AFRO Staff Writer cjacobs@afro.com
“Solar helps me save money with my energy bills.” – Darlene Williams and businesses. Bowser is following President Obama’s urge to Americans to use green energy sources, such as solar, when possible. “Washington, D.C. is answering the president’s call by making the District a greener and healthier city,” the mayor said. “And we’re doing it in a way that puts residents first and saves their hardearned tax dollars. We want to show the rest of the country what’s possible through commitment, collaboration and creativity.” Bowser has charged Wells with promoting solar energy to District residents. “Over the coming weeks, the Department of Energy and Environment will announce several initiatives utilizing solar power to help District residents reduce their power bills to lowering financial barriers and expanding renewable energy access to District-based small businesses through innovative policy-driven public-private investment,” he said. He said a program to solarize the homes of 130 lowincome residents is already in place. “Those residents will be in Wards 5, 7, and 8,” Wells said. “The process is simple: fill out an application, [and] the DDOEE will verify income, look at the house, and make plans to install the solar energy system.” Wells said that small businesses can go through a similar process. Robert Robinson, vice president for outreach for DC SUN, a pro-solar power organization, told the AFRO that many residents in eastern Washington are using the Low Income Energy Assistance Program because they need assistance in paying their electric bills and that solar homes are more energy efficient. Darlene Williams, a Deanwood resident, likes the solar panels on her roof. “Solar helps me save money with my energy bills,” she said. Williams said in the winter, her bills range from $15-$75 a month, and during the summer months, because her cooling system is on automatic, her bills are about $195. “If I didn’t have solar, in the winter my bills would be about $100 and in the summer $400,” she said.
Photo by LaTrina Antoine
Residents of Ward 4, the D.C. Council seat AJ Cooper was campaigning for before is untimely death, gathered on the corner of Georgia Avenue and Kennedy Street in Northwest for the third annual Feed the Needy barbeque and birthday celebration.
D.C. Residents and Leaders Remember the Late A.J. Cooper III By James Wright Special to the AFRO jwright@afro.com
A.J. Cooper III, a young political leader running for the Ward 4 D.C. Council seat in the April 28 special election, died unexpectedly on Dec. 3, 2014. Cooper’s fiancée, Ryan Palmer, held a series of events in the city on Aug. 16-17 to honor the man she loved. The events were also posted on social media under #givelike AJCIII. “Jay had a strong sense of service and we wanted to continue that,” Palmer said during the Aug. 16 barbecue at the intersection of Kennedy and Illinois Streets in Northwest D.C. “This is the third time we have [had] this barbecue and the first time we’ve done [it] without him. There was so much momentum for doing this cookout that it would be a dishonor to his memory not to continue it.” Cooper was the son of former Pritchard, Alabama Mayor
“There was so much momentum for doing this cookout that it would be a dishonor to his memory not to continue it.” – Ryan Palmer Algernon Johnson Cooper, the first Black in that state to lead a majority-White city, and the nephew of Peggy Cooper Cafritz, the former president of the D.C. Board of Education. He was a former host of BET’s Teen Summit program and served in the U.S. Marine Corps. Cooper graduated from the District’s Theodore Roosevelt Continued on B2
The Prince George’s County Economic Development Corporation and Prince George’s Community College partnered with MGM Resorts to provide workforce development training to students and job seekers. On behalf of MGM National Harbor, a casino set to open in the second half of 2016 in Prince George’s County, a $100,000 check was presented to Prince George’s County Economic Development Corporation (EDC) President Jim Coleman and Prince George’s Community College President Dr. Charlene Dukes on Aug. 17. The money will fund a scholarship program for eligible county residents to take a Hospitality Express Course to prepare them for jobs in the hospitality industry. “When we came to Prince George’s County, one of the commitments we made was to hire 40-50 percent of our employees from Prince George’s County,” MGM Vice President of Human Resources Logan Gaskill told the AFRO. “Prince George’s Community College already has a great hospitality program and is well respected in the area, so it just made sense that they would be an organization we would partner with.” According to a press release, the scholarship program is for 13 weeks consisting of five classes and five certifications. Gaskill said MGM has similar workforce partnerships in Las Vegas that provide people for hospitality jobs and that it is going “great.” Continued on B2
Protesters March in D.C. for the Black Lives Taken by Police Brutality supporters took turns lifting a hand-made coffin to represent the increasing count of Black bodies at the hands of those sworn to serve and protect. Songstress Janelle Monae and rapper Jidenna led over 100 protestors to Sandra Bland is among the most recent names added to the list of unarmed the White House, where the two groups merged to march to the west lawn of Blacks who have died, either at the hands of the police or while in their the U.S. Capitol. The rally also paused along its route on 15th Street NW, in custody. But, her family and supporters of the front of Donald Trump’s forthcoming hotel #BlackLivesMatter movement are not buying site, to denounce his presidential campaign and reports by Texas authorities who say she hung refute his controversial statements about Latin herself after being arrested. Americans made in reference to his plan for On Aug. 15, at least 300 people formed immigration reform in which he proposes to end a diverse crowd at Lafayette Square for birthright citizenship for children born to illegal Blackout DC 2015, a protest to voice aliens. dissatisfaction with the treatment of Black Further down the road, two protestors – one Americans. “With the recent death of Sandra of whom said she is a member of the Black Bland, which echoes countless encounters Panther Party – became angry when Metropolitan of police brutality, the burning of Black police blocked the procession from taking churches, and other racially motivated attacks Interstate 395 to the building. However, the event against Black Americans, it is important that remained peaceful from start to finish and was we make it known that we will not stand by as escorted by police cruisers. Blacks continue to be targeted and murdered,” With a cracked voice, the names of just Blackout DC lead coordinator Indigo said in a some of the unarmed Black men and women statement. “Across this country, Black bodies who have lost their lives to the police were are marked as dangerous, and because of this, read in front of the Capitol, including Michael not only are we brutalized and murdered, but Brown, Eric Garner, Tamir Rice, Rekia Boyd, our murders are justified.” Freddie Gray, Jonathan Crawford, Walter Scott, Signs stating, “Stop the war on Black and Sam Dubose. “We need to stand up for the America” and “Stop racist police terror” were right to be Black in America, because we seek Photo by Melanie Duncan extended in the air by Black and White hands. merely to exist without threat, to be allowed to One young White woman made a sign stating, People of all races, ages and gender supported Blackout thrive without the fear of brutality,” Indigo said. “Even White people are tired of White people’s DC, marching from the White House to the U.S. Capitol to “Blackness is not a danger nor a disease, and it is bullsh*t.” And young Black and White time we stop allowing society to treat it like so.” oppose police mistreatment of African Americans. By Melanie R. Duncan Special to The AFRO
The Afro-American, August 22, 2015 - August 28, 2015
Black-Owned Business Profile
D.C. Tech Entrepreneur Provides Gateway to Youth By Christina Sturdivant Special to the AFRO
As a child, Aaron K. Saunders was small and was often picked on by classmates. Instead of going outside for recess, he sat in the library, where he developed an interest in computer programming. “There was a computer that had been sitting in the box for weeks because none of the librarians knew how to use it, so I asked them if I could open it up and they said yes,” Saunders told the AFRO. Today, he is the CEO of Washington, D.C.-based tech startup Clearly Innovative. For the past five years, the company has provided services focused on strategy, user experience, design and development for web and mobile apps. Clients have included the NAACP, DC Health Link and the National Military Family Association, among others. With each product, Saunders’ goal is to empower companies to be effective, innovative leaders in their industries. A solution for the Queens Public Library, for instance, allows library cardholders to access an application to read ebooks and magazines as well as watch movies from home. Individuals who may not have access to mobile devices can rent tablets from the library with the app pre-loaded. In 2014, the project titled “Enriching the Lives of a Challenged Community by Lending Tablets” won the
“The thing that I’m most proud about is that the bulk of our organization is Black and brown people.” – Aaron K. Saunders ALA/Information Today Inc. Library of the Future Award Courtesy photo from The American Library Association. The solution also received two awards from the state of New York. Aaron K. Saunders, CEO of “The thing that I’m most proud about is that the bulk of Clearly Innovative our organization is Black and brown people. We don’t just talk about diversity, we actually stress it,” says Saunders, who makes it a priority to seek interns and youth from Howard University, the University of the District of Columbia, and the DC Summer Youth Employment Program. Working directly on client projects, internships allow students to apply what they learn in school to real world situations. “That is what’s going to give them the real opportunity when they start going on interviews because they’re going to be competing with other kids who have had internships,” says Saunders. “So I feel that as long as I have my company and I am able to provide this opportunity for kids – as many as I can take – that’s what I’m going to try and do.” In addition to offering career opportunities to high school and college students, a primary feature of Clearly Innovative is educating even younger youth. The company’s educational branch, Luma Labs, provides summer and yearlong technology classes to middle school students at Howard University Middle School for Math and Sciences, Georgetown Day School, and two branches of the Washington Region Boys and Girls Club. “Tech-based programs of this kind can cost thousand of dollars, a fee that many parents of color cannot afford,” says Saunders. “And although people in society want to say that it’s a level playing field and money is a non-issue because technology is the great equalizer, the reality is that it’s not. If you don’t have the ability to be exposed to it, it’s not a level playing field.”
Please visit www.wbtickets.com and enter the code DWcge98787 to download your complimentary passes! THIS FILM IS RATED R FOR LANGUAGE THROUGHOUT, DRUG USE, SEXUAL CONTENT AND SOME NUDITY. PLEASE NOTE: Passes are limited and will be distributed on a first come, first served basis while supplies last. No phone calls, please. Limit one pass per person. Each pass admits two. Seating is not guaranteed. Arrive early. Theater is not responsible for overbooking. This screening will be monitored for unauthorized recording. By attending, you agree not to bring any audio or video recording device into the theater (audio recording devices for credentialed press excepted) and consent to a physical search of your belongings and person. Any attempted use of recording devices will result in immediate removal from the theater, forfeiture, and may subject you to criminal and civilliability. Please allow additional time for heightened security. You can assist us by leaving all nonessential bags at home or in your vehicle.
INSoundtrack THEATERS AUGUST 28 Available Now wayf-movie.com #WAYF
Continued from B1 The scholarship will provide training to residents interested in employment as a server, host, dealer, and many more opportunities at the new MGM Resort at National Harbor. “We have 4,600 jobs available that are up for grabs [that] people need to apply for,” Coleman told the AFRO. “These are jobs that are going to help you to get the higher paying jobs. You will be with an organization that has multiple locations throughout the world, where you will have a long-term career.” According to Jeffrey Swilley, deputy director for the development corporation, eligibility for the program is two-fold. He said interested participants will have to first qualify with the community college. And, if additional funding is needed for eligible participants, the Workforce Development Services could assist with providing additional financial assistance if federal requirements, including income eligibility and residency, are met. However, Swilley said all interested persons must complete the first step which is taking an assessment to determine if hospitality jobs would be the appropriate career choice for that individual. The assessment can be found on the MGM
Book Bag Giveaway Majic 102.3 will give away book bags to start the school year off right on Aug. 22 from 11 a.m.-1 p.m. at Largo Town Center, 950 Largo Center Drive. To receive a free book bag a guardian must be present with child. Hurry while supplies last. Stop by with your child and have fun learning more about safety for kids with the local Police and Fire Dept.
Washington, D.C.
Hair and Health Trade Show The 2015 Ubiquitous Hair & Health Trade Show will occur from Aug. 22-23 at the Walter E. Washington Convention Center, 801 Mt Vernon Pl NW. The theme for the show is “Where Relaxed Meets Natural Hair.” The show is scheduled to run from 11 a.m.-7 p.m. on Aug. 22 and 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. on Aug. 23. The show will include performances by Chante Moore, Kim Kimble, Co-Pastor Mia Wright and Maurette Brown Clark. Tickets cost $15 in advance and $20 at the door. For more information, visit Ubiquitoushairandhealthshow.com.
Bowie, Md.
Sisters Who Swing Golf Outing It is time to Swing UpWARD 4 Cancer, and Sisters Who Swing Golf Association will be hosting their annual Cancer outing on Aug. 29 at the Bowie Golf Course, 7420 Laurel Bowie Rd. This is a great event with lots of family fun with music and food. There is also a clinic available for anyone who is interested in learning to play the game of golf. For more information or to register, visit swsgolfassoc.com or mail in your registration to SWS Golf Association 6378 Patience Court, Alexandria, Va. 22315.
Montgomery County, Md.
Free English Classes The Literacy Council of Montgomery County (LCMC) will hold English literacy classes at the Gaithersburg Library, 18330 Montgomery Village Avenue, and the Upcounty Regional Services Center, 12900 Middlebrook Rd., in the Fall of 2015 on Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays from 9:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Orientations for the classes will be held on Sept. 8 and Sept. 10 for the library and on Sept. 30 and Oct. 1 for the Services Center. The classes are free. For more information, visit literacycouncilmcmd. org/fall-2015-english-classes-flyers/ or call 301-610-0030.
Washington, D.C.
Save the Date: ASALH Centennial The Association for the Study of African American Life and History will be holding its Centennial Founder’s Day celebration on Sept. 9 from 4 p.m. – 6p.m. at the Shiloh Baptist Church, 1510 9th St. NW. For more information, contact Bettye Gardner, BGardner@coppin.edu or Barbara Dunn, bspencerdunn@yahoo.com. Race for Education Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority Xi Omega Chapter in partnership with The Pearl and Ivy Educational Foundation will host the Norma E. Boyd 5K Race for Education at Rock Creek Park, 16 and 17 Streets NW, on Sept. 27 at 8 a.m. Race day packet pick up will begin at 7:15 a.m. Registration for the race, until Sept. 25, is $40. For more information or to register, visit active.com or contact Vivian English-Washington at 202-288-4996.
A.J. Cooper III Continued from B1
High School and got his bachelor’s degree from the University of Maryland in 2009. He worked for several years as the policy director for the D.C. Campaign to Prevent Teen Pregnancy. He ran unsuccessfully for one of the two D.C. Council at-large seats in 2012 as an independent and moved toward running in the April 23, 2013 special election for the vacated at-large seat on the council but bowed out to support Elissa Silverman. Cooper was involved in an urban farming initiative to grow food at the St. Elizabeths Hospital complex in Ward 8 for low-income residents and at charter schools throughout the city. Cooper died of a heart attack at the age of 34. On Aug. 17, his birthday, there was a Martha’s Table Summer Market at the Browne Educational Campus where fresh fruits and vegetables were available to the general public in the afternoon. In the evening there was a community speak out on housing at the John A. Wilson Building. Silverman, elected to the council in November 2014, and her colleague, D.C. Council member Kenyan McDuffie (D-Ward 5) were prominent at the Martha’s Table event. Silverman served food at the barbecue along with Ward 4 community leaders
including Robert White, president of the Brightwood Citizens Association. “I was inspired by A.J. Cooper,” White said. “He was a friend of mine and I admired his spirit of giving.” Tiffani Johnson, a resident of Ward 4, said that if Cooper was still alive, he would be on the D.C. Council. “I like [D.C. Council member] Brandon Todd and Mayor Muriel Bowser, but I think, like a lot of people, that he would have won that council seat if he lived,” Johnson said. “I was at his kickoff rally last year and the community really believed in him. It was A.J.’s time on the council dais.” Former Ward 8 D.C. Board of Education member Trayon White came to Northwest to the barbecue to remember Cooper. “A.J. Cooper was the epitome of selflessness,” White said. “We worked on projects together and he was a true warrior for the people.” Ward 4 resident Christopher Proctor attended the cookout and said he didn’t know Cooper, but thought that he must have been someone special. “When I heard his name in the community and the way people talked about him, I thought he was running for mayor,” Proctor said. “I like this event though. All types of people, the elderly, young people, Black people, White people, are coming together and eating good food and I like that.”
Photo courtesy of Portia Wiggins, R&R Resources+
Denise Ware, program director, Hospitality, Tourism and Culinary Arts Institute, Prince George’s Community College; Bill Boasberg, general manager, MGM National Harbor; Camye Mackey, regional vice president, Talent & Development, MGM Resorts; Dr. Charlene M. Dukes, president, Prince George’s Community College; Logan Gaskill, vice president of human resources, MGM National Harbor; Yvette Snowden, dean of Workforce Development and Community Partnerships, Prince George’s Community College website. Regardless of the outcome, he said the Prince George’s One Stop Career Centers are available to help residents find employment
opportunities, receive job placement assistance, and receive skills training and occupational skills training in other industry sectors. For more information
on the program, visit pgcc. edu/Hospitality_Express_ Training_Program/. Washington D.C. Editor LaTrina Antoine contributed to this article.
August 22, 2015 - August 28, 2015, The Afro-American
D.C. Community News
On Aug. 14, Attorney General Karl A. Racine congratulated the Howard University Law School Juris Doctor Class of 2018 and the Master of Laws Class of 2016 at their
annual pinning ceremony, inducting the new law-school students into the legal profession. Racine called on students to represent their future clients with zeal, integrity, and empathy.
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With the bill to date feature on My Account, you can manage your budget and energy use by seeing how much energy you’ve used and your projected bill at any time during the month.
The Afro-American, August 22, 2015 - August 28, 2015
Photos by Rob Roberts
Jada Crowell, 1st runner up; Michaela Dunn, Miss Black USA Jr. Teen 2015 and Ta’Maya Chamber, 2nd runner up
Kennedy Byrdand, Miss Black USA Jr. Teen 2014 and Kylee Johnson, Miss Black USA Talented Teen 2014
Miss Black USA 2015, Madison Gibbs
On Aug. 9 at the University of the District of Columbia Theater of Arts Building Miss Black USA 2015 was crowned in front of a sold out audience. The winner was Miss Greensboro, N.C., Madison Gibbs. Madison is a native to North Carolina and an alumna of North Carolina A&T. She is also a proud member of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority and is scheduled to begin her first year of law school at Howard University. Thirty-six young ladies competed for the coveted crown with preliminaries leading up to the finals. The pageant was hosted by Kalilah Allen-Harris, M.D., an actress and former Miss Black USA 2007. There was a special performance by Grammynominated singer Johnny Britt. Aliah Butler and Michaela Dunn were also crowned as Miss Black USA Talented Teen and Miss Black USA Junior Teen, respectively. The pageant was founded by Karen Arrington.
Contestant in the talent competition
Lisa Matthews, PhD; Edgar Brookins, Julie Moultrie and Jewel Morgan
The newly crowned Miss Black USA 2015, Madison Gibbs (center) with her court, Dawn Moss (far left), emcee, Dr. Kalilah Allen-Harris, Miss Black USA 2007 (far right)
Teen judges: Brittany Griffin, Kimi Williams and Jasmin Alexander, Miss Black USA 2014
Alexis Brown, 1st runner up; Aliah Butler, Miss Black USA Teen 2015 and Brittanie Guibeaux, 2nd runner up
Jasmin Alexander, Miss Black USA 2014 and Stacye Mootez
Alonzo Warren, Yvette Johnson and LaTrina Antoine
Contestant in the evening gown competition
The Power Beyond Measure Organization members: Catherine Gycbi, Raven McKnight, Adig Harris, Trinity McKell, Mokayla McGill, Diamon Green and Tracy Press
The judges: Derrick Rutledge, Michele Blanchard, John Bassinggame, Stacye Mootez and Thomas Dorich, Jr.
To see more of these photos and purchase them visit afro.com/slideshows. To purchase this digital photo page contact Takiea Hinton: thinton@afro.com or 410.554.8277.
August 22, 2015 - August 28, 2015, The Afro-American
Corey Hawkins on Making ‘Straight Outta Compton’ By Kam Williams Born in Washington, DC on October 22, 1988, Corey Hawkins studied acting at Juilliard before making his big screen debut in 2012 opposite Bow Wow in Allegiance, a military drama. The next year, he appeared in Iron Man 3 with Robert Downey, Jr., and in Non-Stop with Liam Neeson the year after that. Here, he talks about his breakout role playing Dr. Dre in Straight Outta Compton, a biopic about the legendary rap group NWA, which took in a more than expected $60.2 million in its debut weekend. Kam Williams: What interested you in Straight Outta Compton? Were you a fan of NWA? Corey Hawkins: Absolutely. I was definitely a fan of NWA growing up. I was a fan of their music because it hit so close to home. I grew up in the DMV [Washington, DC metropolitan area]. I always liked their music and honest music in general. KW: How did you approach playing Dr. Dre?
Book Review
Engaging Coming of Age Story ‘The Star Side of Bird Hill’ Dwells on the Power of Women pregnancy. And when an uninvited guest appears outside Hyacinth’s door, The Star Side of Bird Hill, Phaedra wonders if Hyacinth Naomi Jackson’s debut novel, is the one responsible for the is a beautifully written story woman’s high heels being that concerns itself primarily sucked into the mud or for the with women and their power. gust of wind that blows the It is the story of two sisters, woman’s dress up. Dionne, 16 and Phaedra, 10, There are men in the who are sent from New tale, but they are at the York City to Barbados, sidelines. There is the to live with their girls’ grandfather, who grandmother, created a lifelong rift Hyacinth. between himself and The reason for his only daughter by the girl’s trip is that throwing out a special their mother, treasure of hers. Avril, has There are two become too Bird Hill boys mentally ill who make fast Naomi Jackson’s deals to care for connections with women and their them. Under with Phaedra power. Hyacinth’s and Dionne, roof, the girls while the must cope with their mother’s girls of the community are absence, the mess their old still figuring them out. And life in New York City has there is the girls’ handsome, become and their separate dashing and absentee father – journeys toward womanhood. who the girls must figure out The girls must also learn the for themselves. ways of the Hill women – The story is at its best, the close-knit community to though, when it’s concerned which they now belong. with the womn. Via Hyacinth Jackson weaves touches and the lessons she teaches of magic throughout the story, her granddaughters, Jackson especially when she writes hits at the reality of life in the about the all-knowing, allworld as a black woman. seeing Hyacinth. “For Hyacinth the surprise “I wanted to know if it’s was…that she and Zelma had true what people say about thrived for so long in a world your family. If it’s true that that was a best indifferent you can’t die,” an island boy to their survival,” Jackson who has befriended Phaedra writes. tells her. In the end, however, Hyacinth is the Jackson leaves readers with community’s midwife and a message of hope and selfmedicine woman – it’s a job reliance. the women in her family “The same way that your have done for generations. father’s people’s blood run Because of this, she has an through your veins, you have otherworldly knowledge a strong line of women behind about the ways of both people you,” Hyacinth tells Dionne. and nature. It is Hyacinth “If they could still stand up who senses when her older after what they did and what granddaughter has lost her had been done to them, you virginity and concocts a tea have more than enough legs to make sure the girl is not to stand up on now.” burdened with an unwanted By Lisa Snowden-McCray Special to The AFRO
Did you consult him for pointers? CH: I spoke with him every day. He was on set every day. He didn’t want me to imitate him or mimic him or do an impersonation. He didn›t want me to stare at him and watch how he moved. Because of my training,
open to anything. It was very disciplined, so you know, technically, how to get to where you need to get to.
Corey Hawkins as Dr. Dre in a scene from the film, Straight Outta Compton.
KW: It also helps when you have colorblind casting being encouraged by people on the others side of the camera like writer/producers like Shonda Rhimes. CH: Yeah, Shonda and the writer on Gabrielle Union’s show, Being Mary Jane, Mara Brock Akil. There are so many different writers and producers behind the scenes who are pushing for us now. That’s what we need more of, the people creating the stories. We can’t expect others to write our stories. That’s where I hope to get one day, and I look at Cube [Ice Cube] as a mentor now, because I see what he’s done with this film. Straight Outta Compton isn’t just any old rap biopic, but a story about complex characters, and that’s what you get onscreen.
KW: The film is also very timely, given its focus on police brutality and the recent rise of the Black Lives Matter movement. Is that a lucky coincidence or divine intervention? CH: It might be divine intervention, Kam, because this script had been circulating for the past thirteen years. It’s sad that the issue is still relevant. Being a black kid in Compton, you shouldn’t feel like you’re living in a war zone. As society devotes Jaimie Trueblood/Universal Pictures via AP more attention to the issue, I think police officers are he was willing to trust the craft. He just wanted me to capture starting to see what’s going on a little more clearly. Hopefully, what NWA spoke to in terms of their lyrics and in terms of what this film will continue the dialogue, because we definitely attack they were representing as young black artists coming out of the subject without letting up, in the same way N.W.A. attacked Compton. it back then with the record Straight Outta Compton. KW: I recently interviewed Ving Rhames, who also graduated from Juilliard. Are you also an advocate of studying acting? CH: Definitely. In fact, Ving and I spoke at the premiere, and he was very supportive of me and very positive about the movie. And, yes, I am an advocate of what I did as far as training, especially as an African American in this business. It›s getting better, but there’s still that stigma that we can only do one thing. I hope to break down that barrier and play whatever type of character in whatever genre of picture I’m interested in. But you need the versatility to be able to do that, and the versatility comes through your training. I think Juilliard was a great playground for that, because you could be
KW: What message do you think people will take away from the movie? CH: It might sound like a cliché, but what we really want is for people to feel inspired. If you look at what the people we portray in this movie accomplished and where they came from, I hope people take away that you can achieve anything. I hope it inspires young kids growing up in inner cities like I did to make positive choices in the circumstances they were given. You feel this movie. You feel L.A. You feel the humiliation. You feel the pride. You root for them. You laugh. You cry. You really go on a ride without even knowing it. I love seeing everybody’s reaction to it, whether they’re Black, White, Latino or Asian. It’s such a powerful story. Straight Outta Compton is in theaters now.
Author’s Corner Kimberly K. Parker What was the impetus for writing this book? One morning in January 2013, I woke up and simply said, “I want to move to China to teach English.” When I uttered those words, I knew the inspiration was directly from God because I held no affinity to China. Besides, I was married 19 years at the time, taking care of four children and my 81 year old father, and running a book publishing company at the time. Clearly, the thought of moving to China came through me and not from me. I took appropriate steps to make it my reality. I moved there in January 2014 for one year and decided to share my life-altering experiences by writing this book. What’s the overall theme? The overall theme of my book is you’re neither too old nor too established to fulfill your heart’s desire. Live your dream. With great faith, unwavering vision and a strong will to persevere, you can do and be whatever you desire. What surprised you about the development of the book? I had no intentions on writing a book. I had already written four books and simply resigned myself to revising my fourth book to make it more marketable. One morning in November 2014, just two months before I was scheduled to return to the States, I began my normal routine of journaling, but what I wrote was the entire Table of Contents for the book. I completed the book round about the beginning of February 2015, but it did not resonate deeply enough with me. So, I discarded about half of the book, took a Kimberly Parker’s book I Dream of China: A Glimpse at My Year in Asia is available now. different approach, and completed it in less than two weeks. I experienced a similar situation with my third book. When that
occurs, I know there’s a need for me to be more transparent and bolder in my writing.
Who is the audience for this book? My book is written for anyone who enjoys a little adventure in their life but may not know how to start an adventure. My book is for those who think it’s too late and too costly to live their dreams. What one thing do you most want the reader to learn? I want the reader to know it’s never too late. What one thing do you want the reader to remember forever? I want the reader to forever remember the people of China are everyday people who have hopes, dreams, and aspirations like every other group of people in the world. I experienced such great love and respect there and was highly regarded because I was investing in the lives of future generations who would have a better life than many of their parents and grandparents. That was so HUGE to them! What did you learn during the writing process? I learned that writing is my charge and I want to teach others how to do it as well. Any advice for aspiring writers? To aspiring writers, my advice is to stop waiting for the perfect time to write for there’s no such thing. Stop waiting until you’ve “got it all together” because that day may never come. And, for love’s sake, stop believing the negative chatter inside your head. Write. Get it out your head and into the hands of readers. What’s next on the horizon for you? During my 370 plus days in China, many followed my journey. People told me, “I wish I could be there with you.” So, when I came back home, I established educational tours abroad and a group of us will return to China in April 2016 for a nine day tour. This trip is open to the public. They just need to contact me.
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TYPESET: Tue Aug 18
SUPERIOR COURT OF THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA PROBATE DIVISION Washington, D.C. 20001-2131 Foreign No. 2015FEP79 Date of Death May 12, 2012 Bernice Luella Green Decedent NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT OF FOREIGN PERSONAL REPRESENTATIVE AND NOTICE TO CREDITORS Margo Ericka Jackson whose address is 1605 Aragona Blvd. Fort Washington, MD 20744 was appointed personal representative of the estate of Bernice Luella Green, deceased by the Register of Wills Court for Prince Georges C o u n t y, S t a t e o f Maryland., on February 21, 2014. Service of process may be made upon Jay Haigler , 3445 Massachusetts Ave,SE., Washington, DC, 20019-2947 whose designation as District of Columbia agent has been filed with the Register of Wills, D.C. The decedent owned the following District of Colombia real property: 5040 Hanna Place, SE, Washington, DC 20019 Claims against the decedent may be presented to the undersigned and filed with the Register of Wills for the District of Columbia, 500 Indiana Avenue, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20001 within 6 months from the date of first publication of this notice. Margo Ericka Jackson Personal Representative(s) TRUE TEST COPY REGISTER OF WILLS Date of first publication: August 7, 2015 Name of newspapers and/or periodical: The Daily Washington Law Reporter The Afro-American 08/07, 08/14, 08/21/15
1 Col. Inch Up to TYPESET: Tue2015 Aug 18 13:59:12 EDT 2015 TYPESET: Tue2015 Aug 18 13:59:55 EDT TYPESET: Tue Aug 18 14:03:20 EDT LEGAL NOTICES 20 Words
Superior Court of the District of District of Columbia PROBATE DIVISION Washington, D.C. 20001-2131 Administration No. 2014ADM117 Ethel Y. Ross Decedent Wesley L. Clarke 1629 K Street, NW, Ste 300, Washington, DC 20006 Attorney NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT, NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND NOTICE TO UNKNOWN HEIRS Wesley L. Clarke, whose address is 1629 K Street, NW, Ste. 300, Washington DC 20006, was appointed personal representative of the estate of Ethel Y. Ross, who died on May 12, 2003 without a will, and will serve without Court supervision. All unknown heirs and heirs whose whereabouts are unknown shall enter their appearance in this proceeding. Objections to such appointment shall be filed with the Register of Wills, D.C., 515 5th Street, N.W., 3rd Floor Washington, D.C. 20001, on or before February 7, 2016. Claims against the decedent shall be presented to the undersigned with a copy to the Register of Wills or filed with the Register of Wills with a copy to the undersigned, on or before February 7, 2016, or be forever barred. Persons believed to be heirs or legatees of the decedent who do not receive a copy of this notice by mail within 25 days of its first publication shall so inform the Register of Wills, including name, address and relationship. Date of Publication: August 7, 2015 Name of newspaper: Afro-American Washington Law Reporter Wesley L. Clarke Personal Representative TRUE TEST COPY REGISTER OF WILLS 08/7, 08/14, 08/21/15
TYPESET: Tue Aug 18 Superior Court of the District of District of Columbia PROBATE DIVISION Washington, D.C. 14:05:04 EDT 2015 20001-2131 Administration No. 2015ADM936 Denise Wall Barnes Decedent NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT, NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND NOTICE TO UNKNOWN HEIRS Veronica L. Wall, whose address is 315 W Grand Street, #3N, Elizabeth, NJ 07202, was appointed personal reprentative of the estate of Denise Wall Barnes, who died on June 18, 2015 without a will, and will serve without Court supervision. All unknown heirs and heirs whose whereabouts are unknown shall enter their appearance in this proceeding. Objections to such appointment (or to the probate of decedent´s will) shall be filed with the Register of Wills, D.C., 515 5th Street, N.W., 3rd Floor Wa s h i n g t o n , D . C . 20001, on or before February 14, 2016. Claims against the decedent shall be presented to the undersigned with a copy to the Register of Wills or filed with the Register of Wills with a copy to the undersigned, on or before February 14, 2016, or be forever barred. Persons believed to be heirs or legatees of the decedent who do not receive a copy of this notice by mail within 25 days of its first publication shall so inform the Register of Wills, including name, address and relationship. Date of Publication: August 14, 2015 Name of newspaper: Afro-American Washington Law Reporter Veronica L. Wall Personal Representative TRUE TEST COPY REGISTER OF WILLS 08/14, 08/21, 8/28/2015
Superior Court of the District of District of Columbia PROBATE DIVISION Washington, D.C. 20001-2131 Administration No. 2015ADM866 James L. Goldring AKA James Linwood Goldring Decedent Nathan A. Neal, Esq, Law Offices of Nathan ANeal, PLLC 209 Kennedy Street, NW, Washington, DC 20011-5214Attorney NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT, NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND NOTICE TO UNKNOWN HEIRS Joseph Spencer Goldring, whose address(es) is 2024 Forest Dale Drive, Adelphi, MD, 20783, was appointed personal representative(s) of the estate of James L. Goldring AKA James Linwood Goldring, who died on March 12, 2015 witha will, and will serve without Court supervision. All unknown heirs and heirs whose whereabouts are unknown shall enter their appearance in this proceeding. Objections to such appointment (or to the probate of decedent´s will) shall be filed with the Register of Wills, D.C., 515 5th Street, N.W., 3rd Floor Wa s h i n g t o n , D . C . 20001, on or before February 14, 2016. Claims against the decedent shall be presented to the undersigned with a copy to the Register of Wills or filed with the Register of Wills with a copy to the undersigned, on or before February 14, 2016, or be forever barred. Persons believed to be heirs or legatees of the decedent who do not receive a copy of this notice by mail within 25 days of its first publication shall so inform the Register of Wills, including name, address and relationship. Date of Publication: August 14, 2015 Name of newspaper: Afro-American TRUE TEST COPY Washington REGISTER OF WILLS Law Reporter 14:00:15 EDT TYPESET: Tue2015 Aug 18 13:59:33 EDT 2015 Joseph Spencer 08/14, 08/21, 08/28/15 Goldring Personal Superior Court of Representative the District of District of Columbia TRUE TEST COPY PROBATE DIVISION REGISTER OF WILLS Washington, D.C. 20001-2131 08/14, 08/21, 8/28/2015 Administration No. TYPESET: Tue Aug 18 2015ADM898 Kendrick L. Richardson Superior Court of Decedent the District of Jacqueline P. ByrdDistrict of Columbia Tillman, Esq PROBATE DIVISION 9698 Marlboro Pike Washington, D.C. Upper Marboro, MD 20001-2131 Administration No. 20772 2015ADM947 Attorney Alice Marie Mitchell NOTICE OF Decedent APPOINTMENT, NOTICE OF NOTICE TO APPOINTMENT, CREDITORS NOTICE TO AND NOTICE TO CREDITORS UNKNOWN HEIRS AND NOTICE TO Douglas D. Richardson, UNKNOWN HEIRS whose address is 7716 C h e s t e r f i e l d C o u r t , Ethel Marie Mitchell, White Plains, MD 20695, whose address is 5703 was appointed personal Oak Ct., Indian Head, representative of the MD 20640 was apestate of Kendrick L. pointed personal repreRichardson, who died on sentative of the estate of August 12, 2012 without Alice Marie Mitchell, who a will, and will serve with- died on September 24, out Court supervision. All 2014 with a will, and will unknown heirs and heirs serve without Court supervision. All unknown whose whereabouts are heirs and heirs whose unknown shall enter their whereabouts are unappearance in this known shall enter their proceeding. Objections a p p e a r a n c e i n t h i s to such appointment proceeding. Objections shall be filed with the to such appointment Register of Wills, D.C., shall be filed with the 515 5th Street, N.W., 3rd Register of Wills, D.C., Floor Washington, D.C. 515 5th Street, N.W., 3rd 20001, on or before Feb- Floor Washington, D.C. ruary 14, 2015. Claims 20001, on or before Febagainst the decedent ruary 21, 2016. Claims shall be presented to the against the decedent undersigned with a copy shall be presented to the to the Register of Wills or undersigned with a copy filed with the Register of to the Register of Wills or Wills with a copy to the filed with the Register of undersigned, on or be- Wills with a copy to the fore February 14, 2016, undersigned, on or beor be forever barred. Per- fore February 21, 2016, sons believed to be heirs or be forever barred. Peror legatees of the de- sons believed to be heirs cedent who do not re- or legatees of the deceive a copy of this notice cedent who do not reby mail within 25 days of ceive a copy of this notice its first publication shall by mail within 25 days of so inform the Register of its first publication shall Wills, including name, so inform the Register of address and relation- Wills, including name, address and relationship. ship. Date of Publication: Date of Publication: August 14, 2015 August 21, 2015 Name of newspaper: Name of newspaper: Afro-American Afro-American Washington Washington Law Reporter Douglas D. Richardson Law Reporter Ethel Marie Mitchell Personal Personal Representative Representative Superior Court of the District of District of Columbia PROBATE DIVISION Washington, D.C. 20001-2131 Administration No. 2015ADM629 Valerie Defillipo Decedent NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT, NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND NOTICE TO UNKNOWN HEIRS Ioannis Pasparakis and Christina Pasparakis, whose address is 250 Sunrise Dr. Apt D, Key Biscayne FL 33149, 3206 Oliver St. NW, Washington, DC 20015 were appointed personal representative of the estate of Valerie Defillipo, who died on April 16, 2015 with a will, and will serve without Court supervision. All unknown heirs and heirs whose whereabouts are unknown shall enter their appearance in this proceeding. Objections to such appointment (or to the probate of decedent´s will) shall be filed with the Register of Wills, D.C., 515 5th Street, N.W., 3rd Floor Wa s h i n g t o n , D . C . 20001, on or before February 14, 2016. Claims against the decedent shall be presented to the undersigned with a copy to the Register of Wills or filed with the Register of Wills with a copy to the undersigned, on or before February 14, 2016, or be forever barred. Persons believed to be heirs or legatees of the decedent who do not receive a copy of this notice by mail within 25 days of its first publication shall so inform the Register of Wills, including name, address and relationship. Date of Publication: August 14, 2015 Name of newspaper: Afro-American Washington Law Reporter Ioannis Pasparakis Christina Pasparakis Personal Representative
08/21, 08/28, 9/4/15
08/21, 08/28, 9/04/2015
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results AFRO Classified minimum ad rate is $26.54 per col. inch (an inch consists of up to 20 words). Mail in your ad on form below along with CHECK or MONEY ORDER to: WASHINGTON AFRO-AMERICAN CO. 1917 Benning Road, N.E. Washington, D.C. 20002-4723 Attn: Clsf. Adv. Dept.
NAME: ________________________________________________ ADDRESS: _____________________________________________ TYPESET: Tue Aug 18 17:31:25 EDT 2015 PHONE NO.:____________________________________________ CLASSIFICATION:Superior ______________________________________ Court of the District of (Room, Apt., House, etc.) District of Columbia PROBATE DIVISION INSERTION DATE:_________________ Washington, D.C.
20001-2131 Administration No. 2015ADM505 Joseph L. Dames TYPESET: Tue Aug 18 17:34:01 EDT 2015 Decedent Ashok K.Legal Batra, Advertising Esq Rates 14509 Cantrell Road 1, 2008 S i l v e r Effective S p r i n g , October MD Superior Court of 20905 the District of Attorney District of Columbia NOTICE OF PROBATE DIVISION PROBATE DIVISION TYPESET: Tue Aug 18 13:57:07 APPOINTMENT, Washington, D.C. (Estates) NOTICE TO 20001-2131 CREDITORS Administration No. 202-332-0080 AND NOTICE TO Superior Court of 2015ADM917 PROBATE NOTICES UNKNOWN HEIRS the District of Deborah Franklin Ashok K. Batra, Esq, Decedent District of Columbia whose address is 14509 PROBATE DIVISION NOTICE OF Cantrell Road, $ Silver a. Order Nisi 60 per insertion $180.00 per 3 weeks Washington, D.C. APPOINTMENT, Spring, Maryland, 20905 20001-2131 NOTICE TO b. Small Estates (singlewas publication $ 60 per insertion appointed personal Administration No. CREDITORS c. Notice to Creditors representative of the 2015ADM371 AND NOTICE TO estate of Joseph L. Lucille per A Sykes UNKNOWN HEIRS 1. Domestic $ 60 per insertion $180.00 3 weeks Dames, who died on July Donald Franklin , whose Decedent 2. Foreign insertion $180.00 per 3 weeks Sr. 4, 2008 without $ a 60 will,per address is 4812 7th Claude Roxborough and will serve with$Court 705 Irving St6 NW Street., NE, Washington, $360.00 d. Escheated Estates 60 per insertion per weeks supervision. All unknown DC 20017, was apWashington, DC 20010 e. Standard Probates heirs and heirs whose pointed personal repre- $125.00 Attorney whereabouts are un- sentative of the estate of NOTICE OF known shall enter their Deborah Franklin, who APPOINTMENT, appearance i n t h iNOTICES s died on April 14, 2015 CIVIL NOTICE TO proceeding. Objections without a will, and will CREDITORS a. Name Changes 202-879-1133 to such appointment (or serve without Court su- $ 80.00 AND NOTICE TO to the probate of de- pervision. All unknown $ 200.00 UNKNOWN HEIRS b. Real Property cedent´s will) shall be heirs and heirs whose Charles Douglas Sykes, filed with the Register of whereabouts are un- whose address is 4710 Wills, D.C., 515 5th known shall enter their Mann Street, Capital Street, N.W.,FAMILY 3rd Floor COURT Heights, MD 20748, was appearance in this W a s h i n g t o n , 202-879-1212 D.C. proceeding. Objections appointed personal re20001, on or before Feb- to such appointment (or presentative of the estate DOMESTIC ruary 21, 2016. ClaimsRELATIONS to the probate of de- of Lucille A Sykes, who against the decedent cedent´s will) shall be died on February 26, 202-879-0157 shall be presented to the filed with the Register of 1998 with a will, and will undersigned with a copy Wills, D.C., 515 5th serve with Court supervito the Register of Wills or Street, N.W., 3rd Floor sion. All unknown heirs a. Absent Defendant $ 150.00 filed with the Register of W a s h i n g t o n , D . C . a nd heirs whose Wills with a copy to the 20001, on or before Feb- whereabouts are unb. Absolute Divorce $ 150.00 undersigned, on or be- ruary 21, 2016. Claims known shall enter their fore February 21, 2016, against the decedent $150.00 appearance in this c. Custody Divorce or be forever barred. Per- shall be presented to the proceeding. Objections sons believed to be heirs undersigned with a copy to such appointment (or or legatees of the de- to probate of dethe 262, Register of WillsNotices or to the To place your ad, call 1-800-237-6892, ext. Public $50.00 & up 13:58:44 EDT 2015 cedent who do not re- filed with the Register of cedent´s will) shall be a copy of this notice depending onceive size, Baltimore Legal Notices are $24.84 per inch. Wills with a copy to the filed with the Register of by mail within 25 days of undersigned, on or be- Wills, D.C., 515 5th 1-800shall (AFRO) 892 21, 2016, Street, N.W., 3rd Floor its first publication fore February inform the Register of orcall a s h244 ington, D.C. be forever barred. Per- W For Proof ofso Publication, please 1-800-237-6892, ext. Wills, including name, sons believed to be heirs 20001, on or before Febaddress and relation- or legatees of the de- ruary 21, 2016. Claims ship. cedent who do not re- against the decedent TYPESET: Tue Aug 18 17:31:25 EDT LEGAL 2015 Date of Publication: ceive a copy of this notice shall be presented to the NOTICES August 21, 2015 by mail within 25 days of undersigned with a copy Name of newspaper: its first publication shall to the Register of Wills or Afro-American Superior Court of so inform the Register of filed with the Register of Washington the District of Wills, including name, Wills with a copy to the Law Reporter District of Columbia address and relation- undersigned, on or beAshok K. Batra, Esq ship. PROBATE DIVISION fore February 21, 2016, Personal Date of Publication: Washington, D.C. or be forever barred. PerRepresentative August 21, 2015 20001-2131 sons believed to be heirs Administration No. or legatees of the deName of newspaper: TRUE TEST COPY 2015ADM505 cedent who do not reAfro-American REGISTER OF WILLS Joseph L. Dames ceive a copy of this notice Washington Decedent by mail within 25 days of Law Reporter TYPESET: Tue Aug 18 17:34:01 EDT 2015 08/21, 08/28, 09/4/15 Ashok K. Batra, Esq Donald Franklin its first publication shall 14509 Cantrell Road Personal so inform the Register of Silver Spring, MD Representative Wills, including name, Superior Court of 20905 address and relationthe District of Attorney ship. TRUE TEST COPY District of Columbia NOTICE OF Date of Publication: REGISTER OF WILLS PROBATE DIVISION APPOINTMENT, August 21, 20152015 Washington, D.C. TYPESET: Tue Aug 18 13:57:07 EDT NOTICE TO Name of newspaper: 08/21, 08/28, 9/4/2015 20001-2131 CREDITORS Afro-American Administration No. AND NOTICE TO Washington 2015ADM917 Superior Court of UNKNOWN HEIRS Law Reporter Deborah Franklin the District of Ashok K. Batra, Esq, Decedent Charles Douglas Sykes District of Columbia whose address is 14509 Personal NOTICE OF PROBATE DIVISION Cantrell Road, Silver Representative APPOINTMENT, Washington, D.C. Spring, Maryland, 20905 NOTICE TO 20001-2131 was appointed personal TRUE TEST COPY CREDITORS Administration No. representative of the REGISTER OF WILLS AND NOTICE TO 2015ADM371 estate of Joseph L. UNKNOWN HEIRS Lucille A Sykes Dames, who died on July Donald Franklin , whose 08/21, 08/28, 09/04/15 4, 2008 without a will, address is 4812 7th Decedent and will serve with Court Street., NE, Washington, Claude Roxborough Sr. 705 Irving St NW supervision. All unknown DC 20017, was apheirs and heirs whose pointed personal repre- Washington, DC 20010 whereabouts are un- sentative of the estate of Attorney NOTICE OF known shall enter their Deborah Franklin, who APPOINTMENT, appearance in this died on April 14, 2015 NOTICE TO proceeding. Objections without a will, and will CREDITORS to such appointment (or serve without Court suAND NOTICE TO to the probate of de- pervision. All unknown UNKNOWN HEIRS cedent´s will) shall be heirs and heirs whose filed with the Register of whereabouts are un- Charles Douglas Sykes, whose address is 4710 Wills, D.C., 515 5th known shall enter their Mann Street, Capital Street, N.W., 3rd Floor a p p e a r a n c e i n t h i s Heights, MD 20748, was Wa s h i n g t o n , D . C . proceeding. Objections 20001, on or before Feb- to such appointment (or appointed personal reruary 21, 2016. Claims to the probate of de- presentative of the estate against the decedent cedent´s will) shall be of Lucille A Sykes, who shall be presented to the filed with the Register of died on February 26, 1998 with a will, and will undersigned with a copy Wills, D.C., 515 5th to the Register of Wills or Street, N.W., 3rd Floor serve with Court supervision. All unknown heirs filed with the Register of W a s h i n g t o n , D . C . Wills with a copy to the 20001, on or before Feb- a n d h e i r s w h o s e undersigned, on or be- ruary 21, 2016. Claims whereabouts are unfore February 21, 2016, against the decedent known shall enter their or be forever barred. Per- shall be presented to the a p p e a r a n c e i n t h i s sons believed to be heirs undersigned with a copy proceeding. Objections or legatees of the de- to the Register of Wills or to such appointment (or cedent who do not re- filed with the Register of to the probate of deceive a copy of this notice Wills with a copy to the cedent´s will) shall be by mail within 25 days of undersigned, on or be- filed with the Register of its first publication shall fore February 21, 2016, Wills, D.C., 515 5th so inform the Register of or be forever barred. Per- Street, N.W., 3rd Floor Wills, including name, sons believed to be heirs W a s h i n g t o n , D . C . address and relation- or legatees of the de- 20001, on or before February 21, 2016. Claims ship. cedent who do not re- against the decedent Date of Publication: ceive a copy of this notice shall be presented to the August 21, 2015 by mail within 25 days of undersigned with a copy Name of newspaper: its first publication shall to the Register of Wills or Afro-American so inform the Register of filed with the Register of Washington Wills, including name, Wills with a copy to the Law Reporter address and relation- undersigned, on or beAshok K. Batra, Esq ship. fore February 21, 2016, Personal Date of Publication: or be forever barred. Per-
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Payment Policy for legal notice advertisements. Effective immediately, The Afro American Newspapers will require prepayment for publication of all legal notices. Payment will be accepted in the form of chwecks, credit card or money order. Any returned checks will be subject to a $25.00 processing fee and may result in the suspension of any future advertising at our discretion.
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C2 The Afro-American, August 22, 2015 - August 28, 2015
Name of newspaper: Afro-American Washington Law Reporter Elaine Sabrina Butler Personal Representative TRUE TEST COPY REGISTER OF WILLS
TYPESET: Aug 18 08/07, 08/14,Tue 08/21/15 Superior Court of the District of District of Columbia PROBATE DIVISION Washington, D.C. 20001-2131 Administration No. 2015ADM879 Martha R. Bishop AKA Martha Ruth West Bishop Decedent NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT, NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND NOTICE TO UNKNOWN HEIRS Tondelayo V. Williams , whose address is 10038 Allentown Road, Fort Washngton, MD, 20744 , was appointed personal representative of the estate of Martha R. Bishop AKA Martha Ruth West Bishop , who died on April 24, 2015 with a will, and will serve without Court supervision. All unknown heirs and heirs whose where-abouts are 14:03:40 2015 their unknownEDT shall enter appearance in this proceeding. Objections to such appointment (or to the probate of decedent´s will) shall be filed with the Register of Wills, D.C., 515 5th Street, N.W., 3rd Floor Wa s h i n g t o n , D . C . 20001, on or before February 7, 2016. Claims against the decedent shall be presented to the undersigned with a copy to the Register of Wills or filed with the Register of Wills with a copy to the undersigned, on or before February 7, 2016, or be forever barred. Persons believed to be heirs or legatees of the decedent who do not receive a copy of this notice by mail within 25 days of its first publication shall so inform the Register of Wills, including name, address and relationship. Date of Publication: August 7, 2015 Name of newspaper: Afro-American Washington Law Reporter Tondelayo V. Williams Personal Representative TRUE TEST COPY REGISTER OF WILLS 08/07, 08/14, 08/21/15
08/7, 08/14, 08/21/15 TYPESET: Tue Aug 18 14:01:21 EDT 2015 Superior Court of the District of District of Columbia PROBATE DIVISION Washington, D.C. 20001-2131 Administration No. 2015ADM847 Wilbert J. Gray AKA Wilbert Jesse Gray, Jr. Decedent Shanta Ramson, Esq 4705 Sandy Spring Rd. Burtonsville, MD 20886 Attorney NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT, NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND NOTICE TO UNKNOWN HEIRS LaChelle Robinson, whose address is 1710 Linden Park Pl., Bowie, MD 20721, was appointed personal representative( of the estate of Wilbert J.Gray Jr.AKA Wilbert Jesse Gray Jr., who died on February 22, 2015 witha will, and will servewithout Court supervision. All unknown
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08/07, 08/14, 08/21/15 Superior Court of the District of District of Columbia PROBATE DIVISION Washington, D.C. 20001-2131 Administration No. 2015ADM831 William Thomas Butler Jr AKA William T. Butler Jr. Decedent NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT, NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND NOTICE TO UNKNOWN HEIRS Elaine Sabrina Butler, whose address is 5574 B St . SE Apt 204 Washington DC 20019, was appointed personal representative of the estate of William Thomas Butler Jr., who died on July 3, 2015 with a will, and will serve without Court supervision. All unknown heirs and heirs whose whereabouts are unknown shall enter their appearance in this proceeding. Objections to such appointment (or to the probate of de14:04:24 EDT 2015 cedent´s will) shall be filed with the Register of Wills, D.C., 515 5th Street, N.W., 3rd Floor Wa s h i n g t o n , D . C . 20001, on or before February 7, 2016. Claims against the decedent shall be presented to the undersigned with a copy to the Register of Wills or filed with the Register of Wills with a copy to the undersigned, on or before February 7, 2016, or be forever barred. Persons believed to be heirs or legatees of the decedent who do not receive a copy of this notice by mail within 25 days of its first publication shall so inform the Register of Wills, including name, address and relationship. Date of Publication:
August 22, 2015 - August 28, 2015, The Afro-American
NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND NOTICE TO UNKNOWN HEIRS LaChelle Robinson, whose address is 1710 Linden Park Pl., Bowie, MD 20721, was apTYPESET: Tue Aug 18 14:02:22 EDT 2015 pointed personal repreLEGAL NOTICES sentative( LEGALofNOTICES the estate of Wilbert J.Gray Jr.AKA Superior Court of Wilbert Jesse Gray Jr., the District of who died on February 22, District of Columbia 2015 witha will, and will PROBATE DIVISION servewithout Court suWashington, D.C. pervision. All unknown 14:02:49 EDT 2015 20001-2131 heirs and heirs whose Administration No. whereabouts are un2005ADM000600 known shall enter their Alonzo D.Green appearance in this Decedent proceeding. Objections Robert M Labelle to such appointment (or 7213 Burtonwood Dr to the probate of deAlexandria, VA 22307 cedent´s will) shall be Attorney filed with the Register of NOTICE OF Wills, D.C., 515 5th APPOINTMENT, Street, N.W., 3rd Floor NOTICE TO Wa s h i n g t o n , D . C . CREDITORS 20001, on or before FebAND NOTICE TO ruary 7, 2016. Claims UNKNOWN HEIRS against the decedent R o b e r t M . L a b e l l e , shall be presented to the whose address is 7213 undersigned with a copy Burtonwood Dr., Alexan- to the Register of Wills or dria VA 22307, wasap- filed with the Register of pointed personal repre- Wills with a copy to the sentative of the estate of undersigned, on or beAlonzo D Green, who fore February 7, 2016, or died on March 9, 2005 be forever barred. Perwith a will, and will serve sons believed to be heirs withCourt supervision. or legatees of the deAll unknown heirs and cedent who do not reh e i r s w h o s e whereabouts are un- ceive a copy of this notice known shall enter their by mail within 25 days of its first publication shall appearance in this proceeding. Objections so inform the Register of to such appointment (or Wills, including name, to the probate of de- address and relationcedent´s will) shall be ship. filed with the Register of Date of Publication: August 7, 2015 Wills, D.C., 515 5th Street, N.W., 3rd Floor Name of newspaper: Afro-American Wa s h i n g t o n , D . C . 20001, on or before Feb- Washington ruary 7, 2016. Claims Law Reporter LaChelle Robinson against the decedent Personal shall be presented to the Representative undersigned with a copy to the Register of Wills or filed with the Register of TRUE TEST COPY Wills with a copy to the REGISTER OF WILLS undersigned, on or be- TYPESET: Tue Aug 18 14:00:35 EDT 2015 fore February 7, 2016, or 08/07, 08/14, 08/21/15 be forever barred. Persons believed to be heirs Superior Court of or legatees of the dethe District of cedent who do not reDistrict of Columbia ceive a copy of this notice PROBATE DIVISION by mail within 25 days of Washington, D.C. its first publication shall 20001-2131 so inform the Register of Administration No. Wills, including name, 2015ADM665 address and relation- Clifton E. Jackson ship. AKA Date of Publication: Clifton Edward JackAugust 7, 2015 son Name of newspaper: Decedent Afro-American William A. Bland Esq Washington 1140 Connecticut Ave Law Reporter NW #1100 Robert M. LaBelle Washington, DC 20036 Personal Attorney Representative NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT, TRUE TEST COPY NOTICE TO REGISTER OF WILLS CREDITORS AND EDT NOTICE TO TYPESET: Aug 18 14:01:39 2015 08/04, 08/07,Tue 08/21/15 UNKNOWN HEIRS Jon W. Jackson and Clifton E. Jackson Jr, whose Superior Court of addresses are 3410 Curthe District of tis Dr #301, Temple Hills, District of Columbia MD 20746 and 5706 30th PROBATE DIVISION 14:01:58 EDT 2015 Ave, Hyattsville, MD Washington, D.C. 20782were appointed 20001-2131 personal representatives Administration No. of the estate of Clifton E. 2011ADM451 Jackson, AKA Clifton EdJanice Marie Autry ward Jackson, who died Decedent on April 4, 2015 without a Robert M. LaBelle will, and will serve with7213 Burtonwood out Court supervision. All Drive unknown heirs and heirs Alexandria, VA 22307 whose whereabouts are Attorney unknown shall enter their NOTICE OF appearance in this APPOINTMENT, proceeding. Objections NOTICE TO to such appointment (or CREDITORS to the probate of deAND NOTICE TO cedent´s will) shall be UNKNOWN HEIRS filed with the Register of Robert M. Labelle, Wills, D.C., 515 5th whose address is 7213 Street, N.W., 3rd Floor Burtonwood Drive, AlWa s h i n g t o n , D . C . exandria VA 22307 was 20001, on or before Febappointed personal reruary 7, 2016. Claims presentative(s) of the against the decedent estate of Janice Marie shall be presented to the A u t r y, w h o d i e d o n undersigned with a copy January 23, 2011 without to the Register of Wills or a will, and will serve with filed with the Register of Court supervision. All unWills with a copy to the known heirs and heirs undersigned, on or bewhose where-abouts are fore February 7, 2016, or unknown shall enter their be forever barred. Perappearance in this sons believed to be heirs proceeding. Objections or legatees of the deto such appointment (or cedent who do not reto the probate of deceive a copy of this notice cedent´s will) shall be by mail within 25 days of filed with the Register of its first publication shall Wills, D.C., 515 5th so inform the Register of Street, N.W., 3rd Floor Wills, including name, Wa s h i n g t o n , D . C . address and relation20001, on or before Febship. ruary 7, 2016. Claims Date of Publication: against the decedent August 7, 2015 shall be presented to the Name of newspaper: undersigned with a copy Afro-American to the Register of Wills or Washington filed with the Register of Law Reporter Wills with a copy to the Jon W Jackson undersigned, on or beClifton E Jackson, Jr. fore February 7, 2016, or Personal be forever barred. PerRepresentative sons believed to be heirs or legatees of the deTRUE TEST COPY cedent who do not reREGISTER OF WILLS ceive a copy of this notice by mail within 25 days of its first publication shall 08/07, 08/14, 08/21/15 so inform the Register of Wills, including name, address and relationship. Date of Publication: August 7, 2015 Name of newspaper: Afro-American Washington Law Reporter Robert M. Labelle Personal Representative
so inform the Register of Wills, including name, address and relationship. Date of Publication: August 7, 2015 Name of newspaper: Afro-American Washington LEGAL NOTICES Law Reporter LaVon Bean Personal Representative
Marlboro MD 20774 and 3855 St. Barnabas Rd. #201, Suitland MD 20746, were appointed personal representatives of the estate of Russell S.Kilgore, who died on September 6, 2013 without a will, and will serve TYPESET: Tue Aug 18 13:57:38 EDT 2015 without Court superviLEGAL NOTICES LEGAL NOTICES sion. All unknown heirs and heirs whose Superior Court of whereabouts are unthe District of known shall enter their District of Columbia appearance in this PROBATE DIVISION proceeding. Objections Washington, D.C. to such appointment 20001-2131 shall be filed with the Administration No. Register of Wills, D.C., 2015ADM944 515 5th Street, N.W., 3rd Seretha M Stewart Floor Washington, D.C. Decedent 20001, on or before FebNOTICE OF ruary 7, 2016. Claims APPOINTMENT, against the decedent NOTICE TO shall be presented to the undersigned with a copy CREDITORS to the Register of Wills or AND NOTICE TO filed with the Register of UNKNOWN HEIRS Ernestine Thompson Wills with a copy to the AKA Ernestine T Olivo, undersigned, on or bewhose address is 1606 fore February 7, 2016, or Lawrence Street, NE, be forever barred. PerWashington, DC 20018 sons believed to be heirs was appointed personal or legatees of the derepresentative of the cedent who do not reestate of Seretha M ceive a copy of this notice Stewart , who died on by mail within 25 days of June 17, 2015 with a will, its first publication shall and will serve without so inform the Register of Court supervision. All un- Wills, including name, known heirs and heirs address and relationwhose where-abouts are ship. unknown shall enter their Date of Publication: a p p e a r a n c e i n t h i s August 7, 2015 proceeding. Objections Name of newspaper: to such appointment (or Afro-American to the probate of de- Washington cedent´s will) shall be Law Reporter Darnita D Brooks filed with the Register of Kenneth A. Fenwick Wills, D.C., 515 5th Personal Street, N.W., 3rd Floor Representative Wa s h i n g t o n , D . C . 20001, on or before February 21, 2016. Claims TRUE TEST COPY against the decedent REGISTER OF WILLS shall be presented to the TYPESET: Tue Aug 18 undersigned with a copy 08/7, 08/14, 08/21/15 to the Register of Wills or filed with the Register of Superior Court of Wills with a copy to the the District of undersigned, on or beDistrict of Columbia fore February 21, 2016, PROBATE DIVISION or be forever barred. PerWashington, D.C. sons believed to be heirs 20001-2131 or legatees of the deAdministration No. cedent who do not re2015ADM869 ceive a copy of this notice by mail within 25 days of Brian Raynor Sickles its first publication shall Jr. so inform the Register of Decedent NOTICE OF Wills, including name, APPOINTMENT, address and relationNOTICE TO ship. CREDITORS Date of Publication: AND NOTICE TO August 21, 2015 UNKNOWN HEIRS Name of newspaper: J a m a l B r i a n B a i l e y, Afro-American whose address is 2310 Washington Rosecroft Court, Oxon Law Reporter Seretha M Stewart Hill , MD 20745, was apPersonal pointed personal repreRepresentative sentative of the estate of Brian Raynor Sickles Jr., who died on June 18, TRUE TEST COPY 2015 without a will, and REGISTER OF WILLS will serve without Court supervision. All unknown 08/21, 8/28, 9/4/15 heirs andEDT heirs2015 whose TYPESET: Tue Aug 18 13:56:45 where-abouts are unknown shall enter their appearance in this Superior Court of proceeding. Objections the District of to such appointment District of Columbia shall be filed with the PROBATE DIVISION Register of Wills, D.C., Washington, D.C. 515 5th Street, N.W., 3rd 20001-2131 Floor Washington, D.C. Administration No. 20001, on or before Feb2015ADM939 ruary 7, 2016. Claims Brenda C. Butts against the decedent Decedent Jonathan F. Howard, shall be presented to the undersigned with a copy Esq 401 North Washington to the Register of Wills or filed with the Register of Street #110 Rockville, Maryland Wills with a copy to the undersigned, on or be20850 fore February 7, 2016, or Attorney be forever barred. PerNOTICE OF sons believed to be heirs APPOINTMENT, or legatees of the deNOTICE TO cedent who do not reCREDITORS ceive a copy of this notice AND NOTICE TO by mail within 25 days of UNKNOWN HEIRS Daniel Abebe, whose ad- its first publication shall dress is 1649 New Jer- so inform the Register of sey Ave. NW, Washing- Wills, including name, ton, DC 20001, was address and relationappointed personal re- ship. presentative of the estate Date of Publication: of Brenda C. Butts , who August 7,2015 died on June 8, 2013 with Name of newspaper: a will and will serve with- Afro-American out Court supervision. All Washington unknown heirs and heirs Law Reporter Jamal Brian Bailey whose whereabouts are Personal unknown shall enter their Representative appearance in this proceeding. Objections to such appointment (or TRUE TEST COPY to the probate of de- REGISTER OF WILLS cedent´s will) shall be 08/07, 08/14,Tue 08/14/15 Aug 18 filed with the Register of TYPESET: Wills, D.C., 515 5th Street, N.W., 3rd Floor Wa s h i n g t o n , D . C . Superior Court of 20001, on or before Febthe District of ruary 21, 2016. Claims District of Columbia against the decedent PROBATE DIVISION shall be presented to the Washington, D.C. undersigned with a copy 20001-2131 to the Register of Wills or Administration No. filed with the Register of 2015ADM846 Wills with a copy to the Barbara Annetta Price undersigned, on or be- Decedent fore February 21, 2016, Shanta Ramson, Esq or be forever barred. Per- 4705 Sandy Spring Rd. sons believed to be heirs Burtonsville, MD 20866 or legatees of the de- Attorney cedent who do not reNOTICE OF ceive a copy of this notice APPOINTMENT, by mail within 25 days of NOTICE TO its first publication shall CREDITORS so inform the Register of AND NOTICE TO Wills, including name, UNKNOWN HEIRS address and relation- LaVon Bean, whose adship. dress is 9018 Allentown Date of Publication: Rd., Ft. Washington, MD August 21, 2015 20744, wasappointed Name of newspaper: personal representative Afro-American of the estate of Barbara Washington Annetta Price, who died Law Reporter on March 24, 2010 withDaniel AbebePersonal out will, and will serve Representative without Court supervision. All unknown heirs TRUE TEST COPY and heirs whose REGISTER OF WILLS whereabouts are unknown shall enter their 08/21, 08/28,Tue 9/04/2015 TYPESET: Aug 18 14:03:57 a p p e a r aEDT n c e 2015 in this proceeding. Objections to such appointment shall be filed with the Superior Court of Register of Wills, D.C., the District of 515 5th Street, N.W., 3rd District of Columbia Floor Washington, D.C. PROBATE DIVISION 20001, on or before FebWashington, D.C. ruary 7, 2016. Claims 20001-2131 against the decedent Administration No. shall be presented to the 2015ADM890 undersigned with a copy Russell S Kilgore to the Register of Wills or Decedent filed with the Register of NOTICE OF Wills with a copy to the APPOINTMENT, undersigned, on or beNOTICE TO fore February 7, 2016, or CREDITORS be forever barred. PerAND NOTICE TO sons believed to be heirs UNKNOWN HEIRS Darnita D. Brooks and or legatees of the deKenneth A. Fenwick, cedent who do not rewhose addresses are ceive a copy of this notice 3206 Geaton Dr., Upper by mail within 25 days of Marlboro MD 20774 and its first publication shall 3855 St. Barnabas Rd. so inform the Register of Wills, including name, #201, Suitland MD 20746, were appointed address and relationpersonal representatives ship. of the estate of Russell Date of Publication: S.Kilgore, who died on August 7, 2015 September 6, 2013 with- Name of newspaper: out a will, and will serve Afro-American without Court supervi- Washington sion. All unknown heirs Law Reporter LaVon Bean and heirs whose Personal whereabouts are unRepresentative known shall enter their appearance in this proceeding. Objections TRUE TEST COPY to such appointment REGISTER OF WILLS
C4 The Afro-American, August 22, 2015 - August 28, 2015
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TYPESET: Wed Aug 19 15:11:28 EDT 2015
CITY OF BALTIMORE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION NOTICE OF LETTING Sealed Bids or Proposals, in duplicate addressed to the Board of Estimates of the Mayor and City Council of Baltimore and marked for F.AP. No. HP-4305(1)E; S.H.A. No. BC440002; CONTRACT NO. TR10318; REHABILITATION OF ROADWAYS AROUND EAST BALTIMORE LIFE SCIENCE PARK, PHASE 2A will be received at the Office of the Comptroller, Room 204 City Hall, Baltimore, Maryland until 11:00 A.M. OCTOBER 7, 2015. Positively no bids will be received after 11:00 A.M. Bids will be publicly opened by the Board of Estimates in Room 215, City Hall at Noon. The Contract Documents may be examined, without charge, at the Department of Public Works Service Center located on the first floor of the Abel Wolman Municipal Building, 200 N. Holliday Street, Baltimore, Maryland 21202 as of AUGUST 21,2015 and copies may be purchased for a non-refundable cost of $200.00. Conditions and requirements of the Bid are found in the bid package. All contractors bidding on this Contract must first be prerequalified by the City of Baltimore Contractors Qualification Committee. Interested parties should call (410) 396-6883 or contact the Committee at 3300 Druid Park Drive, Baltimore, Maryland 21215. If a bid is submitted by a joint venture (”JV”), then in that event, the document that established the JV shall be submitted with the bid for verification purposes. The Prequalification Category required for bidding on this project is A02602 Bituminous Concrete Paving; & D02620 Curbs, Gutters and Sidewalk. Cost Qualification Range for this work shall be $3,000,000.00 to $4,000,000.00. A ”Pre-Bidding Information” session will be conducted at 10:00 A.M. on SEPTEMBER 8, 2015 at the Charles L. Benton Building, 417 E. Fayette Street, Richard K. Chen Conference Room, Baltimore, MD 21201. Principal Items of work for this project are: HMA Superpave 19.0 MM for Base, PG64S-22,- Level 2 - 2,300 Ton; 5” Concrete Sidewalk - 36,812 SF; & 1-3” PVC Conduit (DB-120), Concrete Encased-Trenched Under Sidewalk - 3,030 LF The DBE goal is 25%. APPROVED: Bernice H. Taylor, Clerk Board of Estimates TYPESET: Wed Aug 19 14:56:36 EDT 2015
CITY OF BALTIMORE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION NOTICE OF LETTING Sealed Bids or Proposals, in duplicate addressed to the Board of Estimates of the Mayor and City Council of Baltimore and marked for BALTIMORE CITY NO. TR15021; STREET CLEANING PARKING RESTRICTION SIGNING PRORAM, REGION I will be received at the Office of the Comptroller, Room 204 City Hall, Baltimore, Maryland until 11:00 A.M. VACATION September 9, 2015. Positively no bids will be received after 11:00 A.M. Bids RENTALS will be publicly opened by the Board of Estimates in Room 215, City Hall at Noon. The Contract Documents may be examined, without charge, at the OCEAN CITY, Department of Public Works Service Center located on the first floor of the MARYLAND. Best Abel Wolman Municipal Building, 200 N. Holliday Street, Baltimore, Maryland 21202 as of August 14, 2015 and copies may be purchased for a selection of affordable non-refundable cost of $75.00. Conditions and requirements of the Bid rentals. are found in the bid package. All contractors bidding on this Contract must Full/ partial weeks. Call first be prerequalified by the City of Baltimore Contractors Qualification Committee. Interested parties should call (410) 396-6883 or contact the for FREE brochure. Committee at 3000 Druid Park Drive, Baltimore, Maryland 21215. If a bid is Open daily. Holiday submitted by a joint venture (”JV”), then in that event, the document Resort Services. 1-800that established the JV shall be submitted with the bid for verification 638-2102. Online purposes. The Prequalification Category required for bidding on this reservations: www. project G909927 Traffic Sign Installation. Cost Qualification Range for holidayoc.com this work shall be $1,000,000.00 to $1,300,000.00. A ”Pre-Bidding Information” session will be conducted at 10:00 A.M. on August 21, 2015 at 417 E. TYPESET: Wed Aug 19 14:54:37 Street, EDT 2015 Charles L. Benton Building, Room 700. Principal Items of LEGAL NOTICES Fayette work for this project are ”Furnish and Install Signs” - 32,950 SF. The MBE goal is 5% and WBE goal is 2% IN THE CIRCUIT APPROVED: Bernice H. Taylor, Clerk COURT FOR TYPESET: Wed Aug 19 14:56:06 EDT 2015 Board of Estimates BALTIMORE CITY Case No.: 24D15002330 CITY OF BALTIMORE IN THE MATTER OF DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Sarina Tanmeet NOTICE OF LETTING Shikh Sealed Bids or Proposals, in duplicate addressed to the Board of Estimates of the Mayor and City Council of Baltimore and marked for TR15018R, FOR CHANGE OF CONDUIT SYSTEM NEW CONSTRUCTION AT VARIOUS LOCATIONS NAME TO CITYWIDE (JOC), will be received at the Office of the Comptroller, Room Sarina Tanmeet 204 City Hall, Baltimore, Maryland until 11:00 A.M. September 9, 2015. Singh Positively no bids will be received after 11:00 A.M. Bids will be publicly opened by the Board of Estimates in Room 215, City Hall at Noon. The ORDER FOR Contract Documents may be examined, without charge, at the Department NOTICE BY of Public Works Service Center located on the first floor of the Abel Wolman PUBLICATION The object of this suit is Municipal Building, 200 N. Holliday Street, Baltimore, Maryland 21202 as of to officially change the August 14, 2015 and copies may be purchased for a non-refundable cost of name of the petitioner $75.00. Conditions and requirements of the Bid are found in the bid package. All contractors bidding on this Contract must first be prequalified from Sarina Tanmeet Shikh by the City of Baltimore Contractors Qualification Committee. Interested parties should call (410) 396-6883 or contact the Committee at 3000 Druid to Sarina Tanmeet Singh Park Drive, 1st Floor, Baltimore, Maryland 21215. If a bid is submitted by a joint venture (”JV”), then in that event, the document that established It is this 13th day of Au- the JV shall be submitted with the bid for verification purposes. The gust, 2015 by the Cir- Prequalification Category required for bidding on this project is B02553 cuit Court for Baltimore Duct Line Construction. Cost Qualification Range for this work shall be City, $1,000,000.00 to $2,000,000.00. A ”Pre-Bidding Information” session will ORDERED, that pub- be conducted at 10:00 A.M. on August 28, 2015 at 417 E. Fayette Street, lication be given one Charles L. Benton Building. Principal Items of work for this project are time in a newspaper of Concrete Encased Ducts 2,250 LF +/-, Cast in Place Electrical Manholes 40 general circulation in CY, and Precast Line and Junction Manholes 4EA. The MBE goal is 9% and Baltimore City on or WBE goal is 2% before the 13th day of APPROVED: Bernice H. Taylor, Clerk S e p t e m b e r, 2 0 1 5 , Board of Estimates which shall warn all TYPESET: Wed Aug 19 14:55:38 EDT 2015 interested persons to file an affidavit in opposition to the relief reCITY OF BALTIMORE quested on or before DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION the 27th day of NOTICE OF LETTING September, 2015. Frank M. Conaway Clerk 08/21/15
Payment Policy for legal notice advertisements. Effective immediately, The Afro American Newspapers will require prepayment for publication of all legal notices. Payment will be accepted in the form of checks, credit card or money order. Any returned checks will be subject to a $25.00 processing fee and may result in the suspension of any future advertising at our discretion.
Sealed Bids or Proposals, in duplicate addressed to the Board of Estimates of the Mayor and City Council of Baltimore and marked for TR15008RR, URGENT NEED CONTRACT CITYWIDE, will be received at the Office of the Comptroller, Room 204 City Hall, Baltimore, Maryland until 11:00 A.M. September 9, 2015. Positively no bids will be received after 11:00 A.M. Bids will be publicly opened by the Board of Estimates in Room 215, City Hall at Noon. The Contract Documents may be examined, without charge, at the Department of Public Works Service Center located on the first floor of the Abel Wolman Municipal Building, 200 N. Holliday Street, Baltimore, Maryland 21202 as of August 14, 2015 and copies may be purchased for a non-refundable cost of $75.00. Conditions and requirements of the Bid are found in the bid package. All contractors bidding on this Contract must first be prequalified by the City of Baltimore Contractors Qualification Committee. Interested parties should call (410) 396-6883 or contact the Committee at 3000 Druid Park Drive, 1st Floor, Baltimore, Maryland 21215. If a bid is submitted by a joint venture (”JV”), then in that event, the document that established the JV shall be submitted with the bid for verification purposes. The Prequalification Category required for bidding on this project are A02602 Bituminous Paving and D02620 Curbs, Gutters, & Sidewalk. Cost Qualification Range for this work shall be $1,000,000.00 to $1,500,000.00. A ”Pre-Bidding Information” session will be conducted at 10:00 A.M. on August 28, 2015 at 417 E. Fayette Street, Charles L. Benton Building, 7th Floor. Principal Items of work for this project are Asphalt Superpave for Surface (various types) - 3,425 Ton and Removal of Hotmix Asphalt - 18,500 SY. The MBE goal is 19% and WBE goal is 6% APPROVED: Bernice H. Taylor, Clerk Board of Estimates
TYPESET: Wed Aug 19 14:58:24 EDT 2015
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AFRO Classified minimum ad rate is $26.54 per col. inch (an inch consists of up to 20 words). Mail in your ad on form below along with CHECK or MONEY ORDER to: BALTIMORE AFRO-AMERICAN CO. 2519 N. Charles Street Baltimore, Md. 21218-4602 Attn: Clsf. Adv. Dept.
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BALTIMORE AFRO-AMERICAN NEWSPAPER Legal Advertising Rates Effective October 1, 2008 PROBATE DIVISION (Estates) 202-332-0080 PROBATE NOTICES a. Order Nisi $ 60 per insertion b. Small Estates (single publication $ 60 per insertion c. Notice to Creditors 1. Domestic $ 60 per insertion 2. Foreign $ 60 per insertion d. Escheated Estates $ 60 per insertion e. Standard Probates
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IN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR BALTIMORE CITY Case No.: 24D15002151 IN THE MATTER OF Kevin Earl Reed, Jr. FOR CHANGE OF NAME TO January Hazel Woods ORDER FOR NOTICE BY PUBLICATION The object of this suit is to officially change the name of the petitioner from Kevin Earl Reed, Jr. to January Hazel Woods It is this 29th day of July, 2015 by the Circuit Court for Baltimore City, ORDERED, that publication be given one time in a newspaper of general circulation in Baltimore City on or before the 29th day of August, 2015, which shall warn all interested persons to file an affidavit in opposition to the relief requested on or before the 14th day of September , 2015. Frank M. Conaway Clerk 08/21/15
IN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR BALTIMORE CITY Case No.: 24D15002223 IN THE MATTER OF Chamek Jarmal Smith FOR CHANGE OF NAME TO Chamek Jamal Warren ORDER FOR NOTICE BY PUBLICATION The object of this suit is to officially change the name of the petitioner from Chamek Jarmal Smith to Chamek Jamal Warren It is this 4th day of August, 2015 by the Circuit Court for Baltimore City, ORDERED, that publication be given one time in a newspaper of general circulation in Baltimore City on or before the 4th day of S e p t e m b e r, 2 0 1 5 , which shall warn all interested persons to file an affidavit in opposition to the relief requested on or before the 21st day of September , 2015 Frank M. Conaway Clerk 08/21/15
City of Baltimore Department of Finance Bureau of Purchases Sealed proposals addressed to the Board of Estimates of Baltimore will be received until, but not later than 11:00a.m. local time on the following date(s) for the stated requirements: August 26, 2015 *PROVIDE COACH STYLE BUS T R A N S P O RTAT I O N S E RV I C E S F O R SANDTOWN-WINCHESTER AND OLIVER SENIOR CITIZEN CENTERS B50004067 September 9, 2015 *BALTIMORE CITY BUILDING DEMOLITION B50004150 THE ENTIRE SOLICITATION DOCUMENT CAN BE VIEWED AND DOWN LOADED BY VISITING THE CITY?S WEB SITE: www.baltimorecitibuy.org
AFRO.COM •Your History •Your Community •Your News
August 22, 2015 - August 28, 2015, The Afro-American LEGALEDT NOTICES TYPESET: Wed Aug 19 14:54:18 2015
CITY RETIREMENT SYSTEM ANNOUNCES ELECTIONS FOR ACTIVE & RETIRED MEMBER TRUSTEES The Board of Trustees of the Employees´ Retirement System of the City of Baltimore (”ERS”) announces that elections will be held for two (2) Active Member Trustees and one (1) Retired Member Trustee on Tuesday, December 15, 2015 for terms specified below. Only active employees who are members of the ERS as of September 30, 2015, and ERS members who retired on or before September 1, 2015 are eligible to vote and/or become a candidate. The elections will be conducted by paper ballot mailed to each member/retiree home address on file with the ERS. These are non-paid positions. Beneficiaries of retired members are not eligible to run for the position or vote in the election. TERMS OF OFFICE: January 1, 2016 to December 31, 2019. For detailed information on the responsibilities and duties, election procedures and on becoming a candidate, please refer to the ERS website at www.bcers.org, or call our office at 443-984-3180. Roselyn H. Spencer, Executive Director & CIO Employees´ Retirement System TYPESET: Wed Aug 19 14:54:00 EDT 2015 CITY OF BALTIMORE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT OF RECREATION AND PARKS NOTICE OF LETTING Sealed Bids or Proposals, in duplicate addressed to the Board of Estimates of the Mayor and City Council of Baltimore and marked for RP 15824 FY’ 15 Playground and Court Improvements will be received at the Office of the Comptroller, Room 204, City Hall, Baltimore, Maryland until 11:00 A.M. on Wednesday, September 30, 2015. Positively no bids will be received after 11:00 A.M. Bids will be publicly opened by the Board of Estimates in Room 215, City Hall at Noon.The Contract Documents may be examined, without charge, at the Department of Public Works in Room 6 located on the first floor of the Abel Wolman Municipal Building, 200 N. Holliday Street, Baltimore, Maryland 21202 as of August 21, 2015 and copies may be purchased for a non-refundable cost of $100.00. Conditions and requirements of the Bid are found in the bid package. All contractors bidding on this Contract must first be prequalified by the City of Baltimore Contractors Qualification Committee. Interested parties should call 410-396-6883 or contact the Committee at 3000 Druid Park Drive, 1st Floor, Baltimore, Maryland 21215. If a bid is submitted by a joint venture (”JV”), then in that event, the document that established the JV shall be submitted with the bid for verification purposes. The Prequalification Category required for bidding on this project is G90041Installation of Playground Equipment Cost Qualification Range for this work shall be $500,000.01 to $1,000,000.00. A ”Pre-Bidding Information” session will be conducted at 2600 Madison Avenue, Baltimore, Maryland 21217 on Tuesday, September 1, 2015 at 10:00 A.M. Principal Items of work for this project are: Playground Equipment Installation
To advertise in the AFRO Call 410-554-8200
The MBE goal is 4% The WBE goal is 1% APPROVED: : Bernice H. Taylor Clerk, Board of Estimates
RP 15824
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The Afro-American, August 22, 2015 - August 28, 2015
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Send your news tips to tips@afro.com.
August 22, 2015 - August 28, 2015, The Afro-American
Gilmor Conditions
Lawsuit Expected Against Balto. Housing Authority By Roberto Alejandro Special to the AFRO ralejandro@afro.com A Charles Village attorney says he expects to file lawsuits on behalf of Gilmor Homes residents over the poor conditions of the units at the public housing project, lack of timely repairs, and sexual harassment of female residents seeking repairs from maintenance staff, within the next month. The AFRO first reported on the conditions and sexual harassment faced by residents of Gilmor Homes, the notorious housing project located in the SandtownWinchester neighborhood of West Baltimore where Freddy Gray lived before dying while in police custody earlier this year, on July 29, after being alerted about those conditions by organizers with Communities United. Residents of Gilmor complained to the AFRO of years-long delays for maintenance repairs in some instances, and five separate female residents (not all of whom were quoted in the original piece) have alleged that they were sexually harassed by maintenance supervisors and one maintenance worker while seeking repairs (in separate incidents), including two women who claimed they received unwanted physical
Cary Hansel, a Baltimorearea civil rights attorney, tells the AFRO that he plans to file a lawsuit on behalf of residents of the Gilmor Homes public housing project. contact. Cary Hansel, a civil rights attorney who has been practicing in Maryland for 16 years has been meeting with residents of Gilmor Homes for the past few weeks, gathering information and investigating their claims about the poor living conditions, lack of repairs, and sexual harassment at the complex. While he believes his investigation into residents’ claims will last approximately two or three more weeks, Hansel says he expects his firm to file suit on behalf of potentially a number of Gilmor residents within the next month. Hansel has not yet made any final decisions about appropriate defendants, and
Continued on D2
Dr. Keiffer J. Mitchell Sr.
Dr. Keiffer J. Mitchell Sr., Member of Famed Baltimore Family, Dies at 73 By James Bentley Associate Editor, The AFRO jbentley@afro.com
Two campers share a hug at Roberta’s House.
Baltimore Grief Camp Provides Needed Outlet
Photos Courtesy Roberta’s House/Shantivia Brown
By Zenitha Prince Senior AFRO Correspondent zprince@afro.com Annette March-Grier is no stranger to death and grief. “I was born into and grew up around the funeral industry,” the now-55-year-old said. March-Grier’s parents were founders of March Funeral Homes, one of the premier mortuary companies among Blacks in Baltimore. As a young woman, March-Grier fled the business of death and spent years as a registered nurse. But after several years at Johns Hopkins, the prodigal daughter returned to the family business and used her experience as a healer to make a mark. “Interestingly enough, I saw grief from a new perspective,” she said. “I saw how untreated grief led to poor health, substance abuse, domestic abuse and other forms of violence, and I saw there needed to be much more education and understanding about grief and loss in our community.” After obtaining training and education in grief counseling, March-Grier began running an adult bereavement support group over the next 30 years. “I discovered [that] in urban communities, families are dealing with multiple types of losses,” she said. Inner city communities such as Baltimore are often plagued
by violence, high unemployment and incarceration rates, foreclosures and homelessness, poor health and high rates of illness. “We provide support for families to understand their grief and adjust to the losses in their lives and learn coping skills that lead to productive lives and healthy outcomes,” she said. But those services were being offered in a veritable vacuum, in which even churches—who were also conducting many funeral services in Baltimore—seemed to lack the necessary tools, including trained staff, to cater to the overwhelming need for grief counseling. “Many of the participants in the group support sessions said they would get very angry with their pastor or church members because they felt they were not understood,” March-Grier said. “They would get all the Scriptures and clichés about being strong and having a strong faith and ‘you’ll see your loved one again’…. But those clichés could be very hurtful and harmful to people when they are going through their hard times.” The paucity of grief counseling services was particularly acute for children, March-Grier found. But that’s par for the course, said Derrick Gordon, assistant professor of psychiatry, Yale School of Medicine. “In urban communities there aren’t a lot of resources to help these (grieving) young people,” Gordon said. And, even when Continued on D2
Dr. Keiffer J. Mitchell Sr., a Baltimore physician, died on August 18 at the age of 73. According to his son, Keiffer J. Mitchell Jr., he passed surrounded by family at Medstar Good Samaritan Hospital in Baltimore after a brief illness. “All of Baltimore mourns the loss of a member of our legendary civil rights family, the Mitchells. Dr. Keiffer Mitchell Sr., the son of the 101st Senator and the father of former City Councilman and former Delegate Keiffer Mitchell Jr., was a kind man and loving father. My prayers are with the entire Mitchell family,” Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake said in a statement. Mitchell was born in Baltimore to Clarence M. Mitchell Jr., a longtime NAACP lobbyist and leading figure in the civil rights movement, and Juanita Jackson Mitchell, Esq., a NAACP activist and the first Black female admitted to practice law in the state of Maryland. She also was the daughter of famed Baltimore NAACP leader Dr. Lillie May Carroll Jackson. His uncle, the late Parren J. Mitchell, was the first Black member of the U.S. House of Representatives from Maryland. Continued on D2
Baltimore City Council: Helen Holton to Step Down After 20 Years Compiled by James Bentley Associate Editor, The Afro jbentley@afro.com
Ashburton Area Association hosted a Homebuyers tour to highlight their neighborhood on July 18. The tour was sponsored by Live Baltimore and more than 40 potential homebuyers showed up to tour Ashburton. An Ashburtom “Meet & Greet with Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake” was held on August 9 at the home of association president Beatrice Scott. This was an opportunity for a small group session to speak with the Mayor about topics such as education, crime, employment, economics, juvenile delinquency and seniors maintaining themselves in their homes. On Saturday August 22 from 11 a.m. – 3 p.m. the Ashburton Area Association will be sponsoring the Callaway Apple Orchard Festival in conjunction with the CallawayGarrison Improvement Association. It will take place on the Callaway Ave. median strip beginning at Liberty Heights Ave. This is a family friendly event and free to the public.
On July 17 the Matthew A. Henson Neighborhood Association held a second Salute to Baltimore’s own Billie ‘Lady Day’ Holiday, a free event at the Leonard E. Hicks Multi-Purpose Community Center located at 2718 W. North Avenue. Billie Holiday died on July 17, 1959. Dr. Marvin L. ‘Doc’ Cheatham, Sr., president of MAHNA, did a presentation showing Ms. Holiday singing songs during different parts of her career. Also posters and pictures were displayed throughout the room of Ms. Holiday. Earlier in April MAHNA celebrated Ms. Holiday’s April 7 birthday with songs, a wax figure, a birthday cake, singers and vendors, Saturday July 25 marked the 1st Annual Easterwood Cook-Out and Health Fair which saw MAHNA, Ash-Co East Coppin Heights Community, Bridgeview/Greenlaw Community and the Omega Baltimore Recreation Center at the Troy Brailey Easterwood Park, host over 600 children and residents at this free event. Along with free hot dogs, hamburgers and other refreshments there were moon bounces, softball games, Zuumba
Continued on D2
By Lisa Snowden-McCray Special to the AFRO Baltimore City Council member Helen Holton will step down at the end of this city council term. Holton, who represents District 8 and heads up the council’s budget committee, made the surprise announcement at the end of the August 17 meeting. She said that she was doing it because of some ongoing health issues. “I’m not as young as I used to be,” Holton said. She dhr.state.md.us told the council she hoped to Helen Holton continue to work hard for the city, but as a private citizen. In a statement released after the meeting, City Council President Bernard C. “Jack” Young praised the outgoing councilmember for her years of dedicated service. Holton’s tenure has not been without controversy; she faced campaign finance violation charges last year and also came under fire for alleged misuse of city funds for luxury trips she had taken. WBAL-TV reported that of all the council members, Holton had traveled the most.
The Afro-American, August 22, 2015 - August 28, 2015
Neighborhood News Continued from D1
classes, health tables, face painting, cotton candy, popcorn and basketball.
Howard Park
The Howard Park Civic Association, Inc.
hosted an “Outdoor Family Movie Night” where they showed “Annie (2014)” on Saturday August 15 at Calvin M. Rodwell Elementary School (East Lawn). This was a free event and popcorn was served.
The Belair-Edison community hosted it’s “1st Chess Match” in Herring Run Park on
Thursday August 20. It was a family friendly event and boards were provided along with snowballs, snacks and other games to entertain. On Saturday August 29 from 8 a.m. – 4 p.m. in partnership with the FINE (Financially Independent and Empowered) Women Academy the neighborhood will be sponsoring the organization’s 2015 Annual Convention at the Student Center at Morgan State University.
Guest speakers will include Marilyn J. Mosby, Baltimore City State’s Attorney and Diane Bell McKoy, President and CEO of Associated Black Charities. There will be workshops, panels, vendors, door prizes and giveaways. This is a free event but pre-registration is required, to register visit www.belair-edison. org/finewomen. For more information on this event email fine@aspecialgathering.com or call 410.685.7664.
Gilmor Conditions
Dr. Keiffer J. Mitchell Sr.
for now is only willing to say that his firm said Hansel, who added that, even with the “will aggressively pursue all responsible [for ability to speak to residents away from Gilmor the conditions at Gilmor], whether they are and with the assurance of confidentiality individuals or government agencies.” guaranteed by attorney-client privilege, it has The most obvious potential target is the been difficult to get residents to open up about Housing Authority of Baltimore City (HABC), what they have experienced. a federal agency, housed under the banner of “That also tells me that we are dealing Baltimore Housing alongside the Department with a very accurate picture of the facts at the of Housing and Community Development, a location, because when people are that hesitant separate and independent to come forward, and that city agency. HABC manages hesitant to talk, it shows me Baltimore City’s public that they have some very housing stock, including grave concerns,” added Gilmor Homes. Hansel. “I can tell you, at this Based on the evidence stage, I’m confident that there he has gathered so far, the are very serious problems at claims Hansel expects to this [housing] project. I’m file may include allegations confident that it would be of the due process rights demonstrable in a court of - Trina Ashley violations of residents law, that I could meet our stemming from the offer of burden of proof, and then quid pro quo exchanges of some, that the conditions maintenance work for sexual there are deplorable, that people have been favors, possible claims under landlord-tenant subject to some pretty awful harassment, and law for the delays in conducting repairs, and that things need to change,” said Hansel during tort claims stemming from the allegations of an interview with the AFRO. physical and verbal sexual harassment. At this point, Hansel says he has interviewed For Trina Ashley, an organizer with about six witnesses and is continuing to Communities United who lived in Gilmor from speak with residents and gather additional approximately 1983 to 2013, and who was been information. The fact that different residents, working with residents to fight for better living who do not know each other, have told him conditions at the public housing complex for very similar stories about the conditions and about six months, a lawsuit like the one Hansel harassment they have suffered while living in has in mind has been long overdue. Gilmor, has lent credibility to their accounts “It should’ve been done years ago,” said says Hansel. And so has their reticence to Ashley. “Actually, these [homes] should have speak. been shut down years ago. They’re almost “These are people who have been very 75 years old, they still have lead [paint] and afraid to come forward, so we’re not dealing asbestos in here. These people shouldn’t be with people who think that they’re doing this living like this.” for some personal gain. They’re very afraid to The Housing Authority of Baltimore City come forward and it’s hard to get them to talk,” did not return an email requesting comment.
As a youth, Dr. Mitchell attended Baltimore City public schools. In September 1954, he was the first Black student to integrate Gwynn Falls Junior High School. Residents of the neighborhood organized a protest that at times became violent. He went on to attend the prestigious Baltimore City College which he graduated from in 1959. He then went on to Lincoln University in Oxford, PA where he earned a degree in 1964. Next he would attend Meharry Medical College in Nashville, TN where he would obtain his M.D in 1967. After medical school he served as an intern and resident at the Greater Baltimore Medical Center in gastroenterology from 1967-1971. Upon completion of his internship and residency he concluded his PostDoctoral Fellowship at Johns Hopkins Hospital. Dr. Keiffer J. Mitchell Sr. grew up on the 1200 block of Druid Hill Ave. and practiced medicine on that very same block for 40 years. He repeatedly rejected opportunities to move his medical practice out of the neighborhood and put an emphasis of giving quality care to elderly patients. A lifelong Baltimorean, Dr. Mitchell lived in Guilford until his passing. He was an enthusiastic painter, avid photographer and devoted family man. He leaves behind a wife of 49 years, Nannette Kindle Mitchell, children, Keiffer J. Mitchell Jr., Kelly Mitchell and Kathleen Mitchell, grandchildren, Jade Newhouse, Kindle Mitchell, Marquis Newhouse, Keiffer J. Mitchell III, and a daughter in-law, Nicole Kramer Mitchell. The memorial service is scheduled for 3 p.m. Sunday, September 23 at Sharp Street Memorial United Methodist Church located at Dolphin and Etting Streets.
Continued from D1
“…These [homes] should have been shut down years ago.”
Continued from D1
Grief Camp Continued from D1
there are services available, “there aren’t support staff who understand, look like or have a cultural connection to the people they are meant to serve. “There isn’t a silver bullet when it comes to dealing with these situations,” the Yale professor added. “But a targeted response that meets those kids where they are to shepherd them through the process of healing is necessary.” In 2006, the personal loss of her mother, Julia Roberta March, set March-Grier on the path to providing that targeted response. She established Roberta’s House—named after her mother—which primarily provides psychological first aid to children, ages 5-17, who have experienced traumatic loss.
“Many of the participants in the group support sessions said they would get very angry with their pastor or church members because they felt they were not understood.” - Annette March-Grier The service is a needed one in Baltimore where many children in the Black community experience loss— particularly to violence— every day. Already, the city has experienced more than 200 homicides this year, with 19 in August alone. Every year, Roberta’s House facilitates mourning, providing mental health
We need your help. We are looking for people with knee pain who will meet with us for an hour and a half to discuss how, why and when you decide to see a doctor and what information you use to make healthcare decisions. The conversation will take place in a group. Who: African American and Hispanic Women with knee pain, 45 years and older Must be English speaking What: Research project including a group discussion on what information is critical to people with knee pain Patients will recieve a $25.00 gift card and a light meal. When: September 1, 2015 (9-11 AM or 4-6 PM) Where: Baltimore Marriott Inner Harbor at Camden Yards If you are interested, please call Taruja Karmarkar at 443-850-4592 or email kneefocusgroups@gmail.com
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support and training to about 800 children, families and practitioners through various programs and activities, according to their brochure. In addition to 10-week programs at the center, Roberta’s House conducts 10week peer support programs in Baltimore City Schools and bereavement counseling workshops for local churches, social workers, schools, and universities. And in July 2014, Roberta’s House began a partnership with the Mayor’s Office of Criminal Justice and the Baltimore City Police Department to implement a death notification pilot project. The organization provides relevant training to homicide detectives and case managers who can work together to conduct death notifications and help connect families with grief support and counseling. From Aug. 9-11, Roberta’s House hosted its sixth Camp Erin, a summer camp for grieving and recovering children, in partnership with The Moyer Foundation. Fifty Baltimore-area children were taken to the NorthBay Adventure Camp in Cecil County, Md., where they engaged in activities meant to help them mourn, including connecting with other children who have experienced loss, and, also, to have fun. “To get them out of the environment of their home and community, which can create more stress, fear and trauma, and take them out into nature facilitates the opening of the spirit and mind to explore their grief and see their situation from a broader world view,” March-Grier said about the camp. “To be around other children who are grieving gives them a safe place to express their feelings and to make friends and gives them a sense of hope that they can heal and grow from this experience.”
August 22, 2015 - August 28, 2015, The Afro-American
Hello my dear friends, I have so much to tell you, I don’t know where to start. Take out your calendar and fix a cocktail, because this will be a juicy one. First I want to tell you I had a long and very busy week last week, and I saw a lot of my fans who reads my columns and I want to thank you for coming up to me and introducing yourself. That meant a lot to me. My BooBoo and I covered the “Liberty Live” Community event in Randallstown. We also did a book-signing and covered the festival at Mt. Oliver Methodist Church on Old Court Road which was very nice, seeing so many of the community folks socializing and enjoying each other company. Last Friday and Saturday, we covered and did book signing at the “Ruth Kirk Fun Festival”, celebrating 21 years hosted by Cleve Brister and Ruth Kirk’s Children held at the Franklin Square Park. Many of the politicians were there including Senator Shirley Nathan-Pulliam, President of City Council, Carlos Hutchins is Jack Young, Shelia Dixon, celebrating 20 years Councilman Pete Welch and his mother Agnes just to name in the Marketing and Promotional Business by a few. This too was very given a special event on successful event with people August 30 from 4-9 p.m. from the neighborhoods and at the Forum Caterers, the community of thousands 4210 Primrose Avenue. who came together to shop You will be entertained at the vendors, listen to the by Art Sherrod, Jr., Elliott great music and enjoyed the Levine, Rollex Band, “Ms. live entertainment. It was Sasshey”, Isaac Parham and well organized. The last day DJ Diamond. The host is ended with Rosa Pryor’s Doresa Harvey of Heaven Motown group from out of 600 Radio Personality. DC “Signature Live” and Baltimore’s own fantastic group, the Spindles. Alright folks take out your calendar. As I mentioned before about DJ Mel Moore, who’s also a drummer, musician and Radio Personality with Wanda Coe-Stewart, will be hosting a huge Black Tie Affair, honoring and scheduled to be at this event are: Dells, The Manhattans, The Delfonics, Ray Goodman & Brown; The Original Vandellas, The Dramatics,
Larry Washington, member of the Historic Arch Social Club, 226 Pennsylvania Avenue, is hosting a “Seafood Dinner & Dance” on Sunday, August 23 from 5-9 p.m. at the club. For more information, call Tshamba at 410-728-6808. Also mark your calendar for the Maryland State Fair is August 28 through September 7. It will run a full 11 days with Midway rides for children and adults, food vendors, agriculture exhibits, horse racing, concerts, livestock and horse shows and much more. This will be held at the Maryland State Fairgrounds, located at 2200 York Road in Timonium, Maryland. Continue to mark your calendar for this one; Carlos Hutchins, renowned night club promoter is celebrating 20 years in the marketing and promotional business on Sunday, August 30, 4-9 p.m. at the Forum Caterers, 4210 Primrose Avenue. The entertainment line-up includes: Elliott Levine, Rollex Band, Slagz Band, Ms. Sasshey, MC Booze Band and Isaac Parham. This event will be hosted by Doresa Harvey, Radio Personality, the Gospel
The Stylistics, Jean Carne, Chris Jasper, Rena Scott, The Dynamic Superiors, Howard Hewitt and, Bobby Eli. He is also honoring in memory, Marvin Gaye, David Ruffin and Jimmy Ruffin & Levert. The performers are the New Fantastic 4, Skip Mahoney & the Casuals, the Stubbs Girls and They Dynamic Superiors. You see this is going to be a hell-la-va event. D&J Entertainment presents “Classic Soul Saturdays” on Saturday, August 29, from 8- midnight at the Arch Social Club, 2426 Pennsylvania Avenue featuring Van Fields’s Stylistics, First Class and Boo ’ne and Zo. Cash bar and BYOB or food is on sale. For more information, call 443-525-2715.
Gamel “DJ Mel” Moore and Wanda Coe-Stewart of WMEL 104.1 Radio and the DJ Mel Entertainment will host the “WMEL Honors” honoring the legends of soul and R&B entertainers on Sunday, August 23, 5-10:30 p.m. at a Black Tie Affair at the VFW Hall #6506, at 8777 Philadelphia Road in Rosedale, Maryland. More information in column. For ticket information, call 443-804-9781 or 443-5622859.
Lenny Moore, NFL Hall of Fame and former owner of the Sportsmen’s Lounge along with Greg Hatza, renowned organist and band leader, is hosting a “Sportsmen’s Lounge Reunion” at the Caton Castle Lounge, 20 S. Caton Avenue on Saturday, August 22, from 6-10 p.m. For ticket information, call 410-566-7086. Diva from Heaven 600 and he is honoring: Tony & Michael the owners of Corinthian Restaurant and Lounge, Michael Haynie of the Holiday Inn Belmont; Mary & Myra Hendricks of Sista’s Place; Dante Daniels and Candes of Maceo’s and Coin’s Seafood & Grill; Donna & Chuck Montgomery of Johnson’s Lounge; Valerie Fraling and Rosa Pryor of the Afro-American Newspaper; Charles “Rudy” Faison of “DipNic”, Tony Randall of Phaze 10 Restaurant and Lounge, Carl Beasley of Poet’s Athletic Club and so many more. For ticket information, call 410-448-0033 or 443-963-5711. Well folks, I am out of space, remember your entertainment events to me by email, rosapryor@aol.com or call me at 410833-9474. I am available for book signings; just contact me at least 3 weeks in advance. I will see you around. UNTIL THE NEXT TIME, I’M MUSICALLY YOURS.
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COMMUNITY CONNECTION For more community events go to afro.com/Baltimore-events
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approximately 10,000 families. In addition to nourishment, children will receive 1,000 free backpacks filled with school supplies. The event will also include an inspirational message of hope delivered by Pastor Michael Phillips of Kingdom Life Church. For additional information about the Have Life Community Event contact Chanel Crowder at 443-253-2965.
Charm City Roller Girls’ Open Tryouts Want to be a part of the hardest-hitting sport on wheels? The Charm City Roller Girls are holding open tryouts on August Free Dance Studio Open House 22. Tryouts will be held at Skateland North Point, 1113 North Rayn Fall Dance studio are hosting free movement Point Rd, Baltimore, MD. Participants should arrive classes for ages 3 and up on August 29 and September 5 by 9:30 a.m. The tryouts will begin at 10 a.m. from 9:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. Visit muse360.org to register and run until 12:30 p.m. The cost is $20 per or call Danielle Tidline participant to try out. Take a shot at joining one at 443.803.7181. of the top 20 roller derby leagues in the world. Participants must be 18 or older. All participants Book Release must sign a waiver, and personal insurance is Celebration and strongly recommended. Quad roller skates Speaking Tour are required; rental skates are available on Kick-off site for $2. Full safety gear in the form Come of a helmet, knee pads, elbow pads, celebrate wrist guards and a mouth guard the release are also required. Participants may of national wear other equipment (shin guards, Rayn Fall Dance playwright padded shorts) at their discretion. Charm studio are hosting and Baltimore City does have some loaner gear available, free movement native, Crystal L. but supply is limited and participants are classes. Bass’ sophomore book, STRONGLY recommended to have their own Whirlwind, The Sequel! This gear. Visit charmcityrollergirls.com or e-mail skatertots@ red carpet celebration will charmcityrollergirls.com for more information. allow attendees to purchase their autographed-copy of Baltimore Church Giveaway Whirlwind, meet and greet Kingdom Life Church will host Kingdom Come 2015: A with the author, take part Have Life Community Event and give away 100,000 pounds in readings and experience of fresh groceries on August 22 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at an unforgettable evening of 125 N. Hilton Street. The free event will feature a job fair, creative arts. The celebration health fair, children’s zone, haircuts and makeovers, and is on August 29 from 6 p.m. voter registration. The Have Life Community Event is an to 10 p.m. at the Hyatt Place outreach initiative to meet the tangible needs of Baltimore City Baltimore Inner Harbor, residents. Throughout the day attendees will have access to 511 South Central Avenue free health screenings, employment opportunities, community Baltimore, MD 21202. resources, and senior services. The grocery giveaway will For more information visit consist of 100,000 pounds of fresh meat, vegetables, and fruit CrystalLBass.com. distributed in bags to feed recipients for a week – a supply for
Valencia Warnock King at vking@abc-md.org Platinum Sponsor
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For these pictures and more go to afro.com/slideshows.
The Afro-American, August 22, 2015 - August 28, 2015
On Saturday, Aug. 8, at the Merriweather Post Pavilion in Columbia, MD, the weather was as hot as the line up for the “2015 Summer Spirit Festival.” The 10th anniversary celebration included long time favorite Erykah Badu. The list of performers also included Anthony Hamilton, Floetry, a reunited Tony! Toni! Toné, The Junkyard Band, Estelle, Avery Sunshine and Phony PPL.
Anthony Hamilton
Avery Sunshine
Erykah Badu
Photos by DaRrell Privott
Junkyard Band steps to the stage Dominic, Vernon and Ashley
Malika Ralph “ I love this show ” with Pam Wells, right
Leveson and Lisa Gasque, get down to some serious dancing Tony Toni Tone´ !
The Tri-State Elks of Maryland, Delaware and District of Columbia presented the 49th annual Beauty and Talent Department pageant on June 20 at the Sheraton Baltimore North Hotel in Towson. Miss Alijah Gee was crowned 2015 Queen at the event.
Miss Alijah Gee, 2015 Queen
Nova Adams and Shelly Brock having a good time at Spirit Fest
2015 Contestant, Lexus Collins, Sade Walker, Dgt State President, Bettie Weems, 2015 Ms. Tri State Alijah Gee, State President, Carlton Stanley, Tymarra Sherrill and 2014 Ms. Tri State Amber Wainwright
State Pres. Carlton Stanley, Dgt. State Pres. Bettie Weems, Grand Esteem, L.K., Leonard Polk, GD Ruler Margaret Scott and Grand Trustee Robert Hamilton
Photos by JD Howard
Sade Walker, contestant Lexus Collins, contestant
Ms. Tri State 2014, Amber Wainwright, final presentation
2015 Pageant Judges; Gloria Holley, Deborah Edwards and Diane Newman
Ms. Tri State, Mia Simpson, dance performance Tymarra Sherrill, contestant
Tri State Association Beauty and Talent Department Members, Miss Alijah Gee, 2015 Queen (seated in center)
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