Prince Georges Afro-American Newspaper October 11 2014

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Volume 123 No. 10

Nation’s #1 African American Newspaper 2014 Nielsen-Essence Consumer Report

OCTOBER 11, 2014 - OCTOBER 17, 2014

Congressmen, Advocates Discuss Initiative to Save Young Black Men By Courtney Jacobs Special to the AFRO U.S. Rep. Steny Hoyer (D-Md.) and Sen. Ben Cardin (D-Md.) joined advocates for Black youth at Bowie State University Oct. 3. There they participated in a briefing on President Obama’s My Brother’s Keeper initiative, which addresses persistent opportunity gaps faced by boys and young men of color. The event was held at the home of the Bulldogs due to the successes of the university’s male initiative. Bowie’s initiative, established in 2009 by Mickey L. Burnim, president of the university, was designed to help male students reach their full potential by developing

their academic, personal, and social skills. Hoyer and Cardin were joined by Roy Austin, director of the Office of Urban Affairs, Justice and Opportunity at

and Darryl Smith, JP Morgan Chase and Co. vice president of Relations Management and Office of Corporate Responsibilities. My Brother’s Keeper was

“We need to know the importance of young people and them pushing and pursuing their dreams.” – Steny Hoyer the White House Domestic Policy Council; Michael Smith, director of the Social Innovation Fund at the Corporation for National and Community Service; Brandee McHale, chief operations officer of Citi Foundation;

brought into perspective by Obama in February to ensure that all youth, including boys and young men of color, have opportunities to improve their outcomes in life and overcome barriers to success. Continued on A3

Bustier Brunch Promotes Breast Health Awareness By Andrea “Aunni” Young Special to the AFRO A sea of women in pink celebrated breast cancer survivors during an artsy and culture-rich brunch Oct. 4 at

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Ignorance of the Law No Excuse for Police By Gloria J. Browne-Marshall AANIC Supreme Court Correspondent

Like most people, Sgt. Matt Darisse said he believed driving with a broken tail light was against the law, but he was wrong. On Oct. 6 the U.S. Supreme Court heard oral arguments that ignorance of the law is no excuse for police officers or well as private citizens. This was the first case of the Supreme Court’s new term. Sgt. Darisse was on the look-out for guns and drugs in April 2009, when he spotted a Ford Escort with a broken brake light. Maynor Javier Vasquez and Nicholas Heien were on I-77, in Surrey County, N.C. Vasquez drove. Heien, the car’s owner, slept in back. Darisse pulled them over and wrote a ticket for the tail light. But, he said the men struck

him as suspicious. Darisse asked to search the car. Heien and Vasquez agreed. That is when the officer found a cellophane wrapper with white powder residue in the driver’s door panel and burnt marijuana seeds in an ashtray. It was a duffel bag in the back hatch area containing cocaine that resulted in a sentence of two consecutive prison terms of 10 to 12 months for drug trafficking. Heien appealed. One broken brake light is not against the law in North Carolina. Stock Allowing Image Darisse’s legal mistake to stand would “vastly – Robert Montgomery expand police powers,” said Jeffrey Fisher, attorney for Heien. Darisse, sporting a six-inch salt-and-pepper goatee, sat in the far corner of the courtroom as attorneys argued over his mistake and a law Continued on A3

“A police officer does not have to be perfect.”

the Howard Theatre in Northwest D.C. The second annual “Bustier Brunch: An Afternoon with the Girls” is a signature event for the Natalie Williams Photo by Rob Roberts Breast Care Natalie Williams welcomes actress Lynn Foundation, Whitfield the leading voice in the promotion and had a mammogram of breast care awareness to kick off the NWBCF among women of color. Lynn campaign,” Williams said. Whitfield, an award-winning “The mammography unit took actress, was the keynote great care of her and she was speaker. encouraged by our state-of“This weekend Ms. the art MicroDose machine Whitfield visited UMC that detects even the smallest

cancers.” Natalie Williams, the foundation’s founder and chair, is a 2012 survivor who chose to have a double mastectomy to battle breast cancer. She has become a leading voice for breast care support, advocating regular mammograms for women of color, specifically those who live east of the river where lack of awareness and resources have been reported as the highest in the area. As a hospital spokesperson at United Medical Center, she also serves as the president of the Ward 8 Democrats

and is also an advisory neighborhood commissioner. Award-winning actress Lynn Whitfield, daughter of a breast cancer survivor and third generation graduate of Howard University, gave the keynote address. Whitfield, graceful and poised, thrilled the audience with her bluesstyle rendition of Dr. Maya Angelou’s “Still I Rise.” Two of Washington, D.C.’s top-rated media personalities served as mistresses of ceremony, Triscina Grey, personality for Howard University’s WHUR 96.3 FM radio station, and Shawn

Yancy, co-anchor for Fox 5 News. Williams said she was pleased the women could make the event. Miss Cydney Hill, Miss District of Columbia’s Outstanding Teen 2014

See more event photos on B1. brought tears of joy as she opened the brunch with a modern dance performance to the music “I Love the Lord” by Whitney Houston Continued on A4

Prince George’s County Deltas Empower Minority Businesswomen Sheila Brooks, moderator, William Von Hoene, senior executive vice president and chief strategy officer, Exelon; Bridget Reidy, senior vice president and chief supply officer, Exelon; Emmett Vaughn, director of Diverse Business Empowerment, Exelon; and Calvin Butler Jr., CEO, BGE Photo by Rob Roberts

Pepco Merger Seeks Engagement for Minority Businesses By Christina Sturdivant Special to the AFRO More than 150 minority business owners serving Washington, D.C. residents had details of the proposed merger of Chicagobased energy company Exelon and parent company of D.C.based utility Pepco shared with them on Oct. 7, at the Carnegie Library at Mt. Vernon Square in Northwest. The forum was co-hosted by The President’s Roundtable and Capital Region Minority Supplier Development Council. The $6.8 billion merger consists of Exelon’s 3 utilities – BGE, ComEd and PECO – and Pepco Holdings Inc.’s (PHI) 3 utilities – Atlantic City Electric, Delmarva Power and Pepco, which will create a leading mid-Atlantic electric and gas utility. Since the announcement that the two companies signed a definitive agreement in April, skepticism has surfaced about the benefits Continued on A4

By Maria Adebola AFRO Staff Writer It’s no surprise that minority women have already sparked a new revolution that is reshaping the working landscape, but even after almost two decades with women starting businesses at a higher rate than men, the success of these businesses is still at a dismal low, especially in the small startup business venture, according to business magazine Black Enterprise. The women only “2014 Women’s Business Empowerment Expo,” hosted by the Prince George’s County Alumnae Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Prince George’s County Delta Alumnae Foundation, International Franchise Association, and America’s Small Business Development Center of Maryland Corridor Region convened at the University of Maryland A. James Clark School of Engineering building Oct. 4. It highlighted several resources and outlets available to those who aspire to own

businesses or are in the process of growing their businesses. With about 75 women in attendance, the conference covered a variety of topics, including branding through social media, direct sales, understanding the method in marketing a business, and a panel discussion on seeking out resources available to support women and their businesses. In the stratosphere of building a small business, Miriam Brewer, senior director of education and diversity for the International Franchise Education, and one of the cochairs for chapter said she believes minority women do have a leg up in business, but they – Miriam Brewer also do face challenges. “We are at a disadvantage because sometimes ‘we don’t know that we don’t know,’” she explained, saying that sometimes women are not aware of the resources available to assist them. “We are at a disadvantage sometimes financially also because we may not have excess money Continued on A3

“We are at a disadvantage because sometimes ‘we don’t know that we don’t know”

Copyright © 2014 by the Afro-American Company


The Afro-American, October 11, 2014 - October 17, 2014


failed to sign documents in her divorce dispute. A status conference on Hamood’s lawsuit is scheduled for Jan. 2.

African-Born Population of U.S. Sees Significant Growth Since 1970s The African-born population of the United States has doubled every decade since 1970, with many settling in the

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White House photo

Attendees at the 2014 U.S.-Africa Leaders Summit D.C.-Maryland-Virginia area, according to a recent report by the U.S. Census Bureau. In 1970, there were approximately 80,100 African-born persons living in the U.S., representing less than 1 percent of the foreign-born population. By 1980, the population was around 199,700, more than doubling. That trend has more or less continued every decade since, and between 2008 and 2012, the African-born population of the United States reached 1.58 million, now 4 percent of the entire foreign-born U.S. population. Many of these immigrants have come to settle in the DMV. Maryland was one of four states with over 100,000 Africanborn persons, with a total of 120,000. The other states were the far more populous New York, California and Texas. Both Maryland and Virginia had a percentage of Africanborn persons among their foreign-born residents that was at least twice the national average, with Africans making up 15 and 9 percent of their foreign-born populations, respectively. Washington, D.C., is the metropolitan area with the secondhighest number – 161,000 – of African-born persons, trailing only New York, with 212,000. The Bureau released this data in a brief titled “The ForeignBorn Population From Africa: 2008-2012.�

Anita Baker Being Sued By Lawyer

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Helen Monroe I’ll pray for the man cause NOBODY is without fault. We’re human. And humans screw up all the time.

Gregory Green Great actor with a great voice. May you R.I.P. Geoffrey Holder.

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Glen Eccles Good grief! Anything to keep him from competing! It was a setup. Some [expletive] narced on him because they knew they couldn’t win against him.

Ralph Tucker R.I.P. Will never forget that voice of his.

General Manager Washington Circulation/Distribution Manager Edgar Brookins - 202-332-0080, ext. 106

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Jonathan A. Washington Does anyone notice how quiet the national media is on this subject? When he was winning gold medals he was on ESPN 24/7 and now they act like they never heard of him. This is on the heels of Hope Solo’s domestic abuse case. The double standard is amazing.

Geoffrey Holder, Director and Actor, Dies at 84

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Business Solutions Consultant Elaine Fuller - ext. 115 -

USA Swimming Suspends Michael Phelps for 6 Months

Anita Baker The soulful and smooth jazz singer Anita Baker is facing a lawsuit from her former lawyer. According to The Associated Press, Jamal Hamood, who represented Baker when she was sued for allegedly failing to pay for work done on her Detroit-area home, filed a $150,000 complaint against Baker Sept. 29 in Wayne County Circuit Court. In the suit, Hamood alleges that the Grammywinning vocalist owes him nearly $69,000 for salary, travel and other expenses for more than a year of work, according to WXYZ-TV. This is not Baker’s first brush with the law. In March, an arrest warrant was issued for Baker stemming from the case that alleges she failed to pay $15,351.41 for work done on her Grosse Pointe, Mich., home, but it was later dismissed. Baker also narrowly escaped jail time in 2010 when she allegedly

Meru Nombeko Aisha An artist whose presence took over a room. So full of life. Rest in peace!

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The Afro-American, July 5, 2014 - July 5, 2014

October 11, 2014 - October 17, 2014, The Afro-American


Reel Independent Film Extravaganza Hosts Inaugural IndeCapitol Awards By Adina Young Special to the AFRO Five years ago Skyrocket Productions LLC began its annual, Reel Independent Film Extravaganza (RIFE), a weeklong film festival “created by filmmakers for filmmakers.” This year RIFE, scheduled for Oct. 10 – 16 at West End Cinema are various locations around the District, will include on Oct. 12 the first IndeCapitol Awards. RIFE is collaborating with IndeCapitol, an entertainment hub that provides news and updates on D.C. area independent films, to host the awards ceremony. The event, to be held at the Angelika Film Center in Fairfax, Va., will recognize Courtesy Photos filmmakers from Virginia, Maryland, Anthony Greene, producer at and D.C. in 18 Skyrocket Productions LLC categories judged by the Washington D.C. Area Film Critics Association. RIFE will also present its own categories of awards during this event. “For the first time, we will have what equates to a local Oscars event for independent filmmakers, where they can be recognized by their peers, families and fans in an official way,” said Dr. Spencer Johnson, CEO and founder of RIFE and CEO and executive producer of Skyrocket Productions LLC.

Johnson, a Baltimore native, is a board certified psychiatrist practicing in Maryland and D.C. He developed an interest in filmmaking when he was five years old. “When I tell people that I’m a doctor and a filmmaker, it generates conversation,” Johnson said. “They’re amazed because doctors are not usually seen as terribly creative people. Doctors are kind of pigeonholed.” Filmmaking and psychiatry, according to Johnson, are not as different as most people would think. “It’s all about people

the country and the world,” said Anthony Greene, producer at Skyrocket Productions and for the film festival. Greene, a native-Washingtonian, said he is excited to show even more local films during this year’s festival. “The audience can expect great films that span many genres and opportunities to meet and appreciate the creators behind the content,” he said. Greene has been working in the film industry for seven years and said he always had a deep love and respect for cinema, in particular foreign, independent, and art house films. “I’m most passionate about the connection between the audience and the storytelling,” Greene said. “There’s a –Spencer Johnson special magic present in the experience of escaping into someone else’s thoughts and ideas. Film has a definitive power that can bring all kinds of people, cultures, and ideals together.”

“For the first time, we will have what equates to a local Oscars event for independent filmmakers, where they can be recognized by their peers, families, and fans in an official way.”

edification,” Johnson said. “Film and psychiatry are both about helping people feel comfortable in their own skin and bringing the best out of them.” Johnson founded Skyrocket Productions LLC, a Blackowned independent film and television production and distribution company, with two other film enthusiasts after the start of his psychiatry career. “My artistic passion is the making of movies and having this film festival,” Johnson said. “My ministry, the reason why God put me here, is for psychiatry.” This year the “People’s Film Festival,” will feature even more independently-produced local films than in previous years in addition to domestic and international independent films, according to an event press release. “We are advocating the uplifting and notoriety of our area’s filmmakers as well as maintaining a great program selection for fans of films around

Spencer Johnson, CEO and founder of RIFE

For more information or to purchase tickets for the festival, visit http://www. reelindependentfilm. com/.

Ignorance of the Law

Continued from A1

written back when brake lights were called automobile lamps. Heien argued that his constitutional rights were violated. He said he wants the Supreme Court to throw out his conviction, since Sgt. Darisse was mistaken about the law. There was no probable cause to stop the car. The Fourth Amendment requires probable cause or reasonable suspicion. It was confirmed that Darisse had neither. The amendment also protects against unreasonable searches and seizures by police. Evidence from an unreasonable, or illegal, police search cannot be used against a defendant in court. Darisse found the cocaine after stopping Heien. So, if the stop was illegal, the cocaine found while searching his car must be excluded from evidence, Fisher said. Police must know the laws they are enforcing, he said.

Ignorance of the law is no excuse, even for police, he argued to the Court. “Knowledge of and obedience to the law” should apply to police officers and private citizens alike, said the National Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers’ in their amicus brief. The ACLU, Cato, and Conservative Legal Defense and Education Fund are among the diverse organizations asking the Supreme Court to rule on behalf of Heien. But, North Carolina’s attorney, Robert Montgomery, told the Court, “A police officer does not have to be perfect.” They can make mistakes in law and fact. Forcing police officers to be perfect would make it impossible for them to do their jobs, he said. North Carolina claims Darisse made a reasonable mistake. Courts have allowed reasonable mistakes by police in the past.

Even Chief Justice John Roberts thought a broken brake light was a moving violation. However, when Justice Sonia Sotomayor asked Montgomery if stopping Heien’s car for a broken brake light was mere pretext to search for drugs, he gave no response. Sotomayor expressed concern that police would begin stopping cars, and people, based on their belief of what the law is and not the actual law.


Why do some people reach age 80, 90, and older living free of physical and cognitive disease? National Institute on Aging (NIA) researchers on the Baltimore Longitudinal Study of Aging (BLSA) are exploring this question through the IDEAL (Insight into Determinants of Exceptional Aging and Longevity) Study. Although research exists on the relationship between long life and functional decline, we still know relatively little about why certain individuals have excellent health well into their 80’s while others experience disease and physical decline earlier in life.

Congressman, Advocates

Continued from A1

and their dreams.” More than 100 mayors, county officials, and tribal nations have already accepted the “My Brother’s Keeper Community Challenge.” It is an effort to encourage communities to implement a coherent cradle-to-college and career strategy aimed at improving life outcomes for all young people, to help all youth achieve their full potential. Some of the main goals for the initiative’s challenge are that all children enter school cognitively, physically, socially, and emotionally prepared, read at grade level by third grade, graduate from high school and complete post-secondary education or training. All of the youth out of school are employed and that all young

people are safe from violent crime. The challenge calls upon mayors, tribal leaders, town and county executives, encouraging them to take the following steps within 45 days of accepting the challenge: convene a local action summit with key public and private sector stakeholders to assess needs, determine priorities and decide what combination of the above objectives they will tackle. Within six months of accepting the challenge, communities should publicly launch a plan of action for accomplishing their goals, which will include a protocol for tracking data, benchmarks for tracking progress, and a blueprint for how the community would resource its efforts.

media evolution which big businesses are already using to build their brand. “Statistics show that more small businesses are creating jobs, so from an overall economic perspective more people are looking at what opportunities exist in the realm of being their own boss,” Driver said. “I think more small businesses need to realize that our time has evolved and some of the social media tools available to them are at no costs and it most definitely helps to increase their business visibility as well as audience engagement.” “For me, I certainly would like to see more women, in particular more African-American women to become franchise owners, and for them to become

the franchisor because we are represented,” Brewer said. A study conducted by the Minority Business Development Agency finds that based on gender, about 20.5 percent of franchised businesses was femaleowned.


Continued from A1 set aside in a business. But we are at an advantage because of the growing number of women going to work for themselves. It may be a little bias, but I believe that there is something innate in us women that makes us good business women.” Regarding creating special initiatives to empower more minority women going into small business, Tamara Birts concurred, saying the problem is most women are not equipped with a solid business plan or knowledge of available resources. For Kathleen Driver, owner and chief business coach of Mind Your Business LLC, a consulting business that mentors emerging entrepreneurs, said more small businesses should take advantage of the social

The university’s initiative focuses on the advancement of male students at Bowie State through mentoring, a speaker’s series, and academic and career workshops. The motive is to achieve higher retention and graduation rates for male students. Oluwatobi Owolabi who joined in 2013 said in a statement, “Participating in the BSU Male Initiative provided me with strong campus leadership on many, if not all, of the challenges I faced. I was paired with a mentor who served as a valuable resource and introduced me to others with prior experience in my chosen career path. This invaluable insight enabled me to construct a sturdy blueprint to assist in achieving goals.”

IDEAL Study participants can help NIH researchers uncover secrets of healthy aging.

Participants are 80 years or older and: Can walk a quarter mile unassisted Have no severe memory problems Have no major medical conditions Does this describe you or someone you know? Call Toll-Free 1-855-80 IDEAL (1-855-804-3325) or email

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Part of this initiative was the My Brother’s Keeper Task Force, established to review public and private sector programs, policies, and strategies, and determine ways the federal government can better support these efforts. The task force was also charged with determining how to better involve state and local officials, the private sector, and the philanthropic community. “We need to know the importance of young people and them pushing and pursuing their dreams,” Hoyer told the capacity audience at the university. “It’s easier to build up boys, than to repair broken men. We can help them avoid the disparities of poverty and despair. Get on and stay on the path to college

Insight into Determinants of Exceptional Aging and Longevity

IO #



The Afro-American,October 11, 2014 - October 17, 2014

Sportscaster Harold Bell Plans Ali Documentary By James Wright Special to the AFRO One of the District and the country’s earliest Black sportscasters plans to release a film in the near future on boxing legend Muhammad Ali on the noted anniversary of one of the pugilist’s greatest fights. Harold Bell, who coined the term “Inside Sports,” showed a 30-minute documentary titled Ali’s Words of Wisdom on Oct. 4 at Tony’s Boxing Gym in Northeast Washington and a shorter version on Oct. 5 at Ben’s Chili Bowl on U Street, N.W. Bell worked on the film with noted actor Robert Hooks, who served as a commentator, and said the timing is right to re-air the interview. “I interviewed Ali right after the ‘Rumble in the

Jungle’ fight that took place in Zaire,” Bell said. “We are coming on to the 40th anniversary of the fight and I decided to revisit the interview he granted to me. I was the first person to interview him after that fight.” The fight between Ali and George Foreman, which had an unprecedented worldwide audience, took place on Oct. 30, 1974 at the 20th of May Stadium in Kinshasa, Zaire (now the Democratic Republic of the Congo). Ali won the fight by knocking out Foreman at the end of the eighth round. Sports media experts and promoters have called it the greatest sporting event of the 20th century. From 1960-1990, Bell was a prominent fixture on the sports media scene on television and the radio in the District and

“I talked to Ali about the game of life. Ali is a deep man.” – Harold Bell

The 40th anniversary of the ‘Rumble in the Jungle’ fight is Oct. 30.

Black Women’s Roundtable Discusses Domestic Violence By Lauren E. Williams Special to the AFRO

AFRO File Photo

Harold Bell with “The Greatest” Muhammad Ali nationally, interviewing and interacting with such figures as Georgetown University head basketball coach John Thompson Jr., Olympic and professional boxer Sugar Ray Leonard, NFL Hall of Famer Jim Brown, and a host of Washington Redskins and Washington Bullets players. He also has operated his charity, Kids in Trouble, that has given toys and support for decades, and counted President Richard M. Nixon as a friend and mentor. Bell met Ali at Howard University in 1964 after he addressed students there. They had preliminary conversations about doing a project together but lost contact for five years due to Ali’s schedule and the events in his controversial life, notably fighting the U.S. government over being drafted into service in Vietnam. The two re-connected in Cleveland where Ali was putting on a boxing exhibition. Bell kept in touch with Ali, and notes that when the opportunity came for the sportscaster to fly to Zaire for the fight, he declined to

do so. “I told Ali that I could not fly over all of that water,” Bell said. “Ali mocked me by flapping his arms like a chicken.” Hooks, a well-known actor who has worked on such films as Hurry Sundown in 1967, Trouble Man in 1972 and Star Trek III: The Search for Spock in 1974, said he is happy to work with Bell on the project. “Harold Bell is an old friend of mine,” the actor said. “He contacted me and showed me a film of the interview and I thought that it was extraordinary.” Bell said that the Ali interview was not designed to be a typical sportscaster interaction. “I talked to Ali about the game of life,” he said. “Ali is a deep man.” The documentary shows Ali sitting with Bell musing on subjects such as politics, religion, and life. At times, the boxer uses his verbal skills of rhyme to explain his positions while Bell dutifully listens. Bell’s project could become a hot commodity because Ali sold 80 percent of his name and likeness to the entertainment and licensing

Recent stories surrounding National Football League (NFL) player Ray Rice have not only focused national attention on domestic violence, but have caused a public and community outcry regarding diversity, fairness, and representation within the NFL. Following a midSeptember announcement by NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell to create an all-women advisory board to aid the organization in addressing the issue within its teams, the Black Women’s Roundtable sounded the alarm in opposition. If their press conference, held in conjunction with the Congressional Black Caucus Foundation’s 44th Annual Legislative Conference on Sept. 24, is any indication of the breadth and depth of their movement, they are not backing down. “The fact that not one of the women experts appointed to the advisory board was Black is totally unacceptable,” exclaimed Melanie Campbell, president and CEO, National Coalition on Black Civic Participation and convener of the roundtable at the press conference. “Nearly 70 percent of the NFL players are Black and most of the victims are Black women and children. Clearly, Black women understand the social construct and cultural sensitivities of the victims as well as the young players from our community and can advise the NFL accordingly.” Following Campbell’s comments, representatives of the roundtable’s member organizations each walked up to the podium one-by-one to express their support and solidarity. Attendees included: Dr. Avis Jones-DeWeever, Ph.D., Incite Unlimited LLC; Chanelle Hardy, National Urban League; Janaye Ingram, National Action Network; Teresa Younger, president, Ms. Foundation for Women; Waikinya Clanton, National Organization of Black Elected Legislative Women (NOBEL Women); Pam Meanes, National Bar Association; and Elsie Scott, PhD., Ronald W. Walters Leadership and Public Policy Center. The purpose of the press conference was to highlight domestic abuse within the Black community, and request an emergency meeting with Goodell. The NFL recently added a Black woman, Beth E. Richie as a senior advisor to the board. firm CKX for $50 million and 20 percent control of advertising. Bell’s friends have suggested he approach HBO or ESPN for the right to air the documentary. Tony Bell, a longtime friend of Bell’s and the owner of Tony’s Gym, said he supports what Bell is trying

to do. “I went to school with Harold Bell’s brother and I know him from his years as a roving leader for the District government,” Bell, a former D.C. police sergeant, said. “I was happy to host the showing of the documentary at my gym because I know what he has done for the community.”

Pepco Merger

Continued from A1

of the merger to minority-owned businesses. “Any time businesses come together, you always worry about a shrink in the market,” Larry McKenney, CEO of Laurel Radiology Services, told the AFRO during the event. The forum’s message, however, enforced the corporations’ commitment to the inclusion of varied suppliers. “Diversity is a core value of PHI,” said Reginald McCauley, director supply of chain at PHI during his opening statement. “We have the ability to make sure that opportunities for diversity happen.” In 2013, Exelon spent $906 million with certified diverse suppliers and PHI’s Pepco

utility spent $80.1 million on diverse supplier procurement, yearly increases for both companies. During the event, minority entrepreneurs benefited from face-to-face access to Exelon and PHI leaders as opposed to less intimate dialogue via phone and internet that have become popular in this age. “It’s a part of business relationships that are being lost,” said McKenney. The corporations’ leaders were able to share information about approaches to working with diverse businesses in the D.C. metropolitan area. “We are challenging [to our partners], but everyone perceives their business as better

because we challenge them,” Emmet Vaughn, director of diverse business empowerment at Exelon. Not only will vendors and the communities they serve benefit from partnering, but the Exelon and PHI expect the same rewards. “The reason that this is important to us is because we are better when we bring people to the table with different perspectives and vantage points,” said William Von Hoene, senior executive vice president and chief strategy officer at Exelon during a panel discussion that included senior leaders at Exelon. “Our obligation is to do our business in the best way possible.”

The panel also dove into strategies for how to successfully compete for contracts and partner with the companies, as well as answered questions related to vendor promotions, providing support to the merger and expectations related specifically to District businesses. The merger is expected to be completed in the second or third quarter of 2015 and the corporations will continue to actively engage with minority businesses, said Melissa Sherrod, vice president of corporate affairs at Exelon, “If we haven’t knocked on your door yet, we’re coming.”

Bustier Brunch

Continued from A1

(featuring the Georgia Mass Choir). The Kendall Isadore and the all-female band, Dream Unleashed, provided musical entertainment. As a part of National Breast Cancer Awareness Month, Williams’ NWBCF has kicked off its “Test my Breast Campaign”, an effort to register women of color for mammograms in record numbers, to combat the overall disparity in the disease and to make sure women are tested regularly.

According to Philips Healthcare and Dr. Raymond Tu, UMC chairman of Diagnostic and Intervention Radiology, MicroDose is the next generation in full-field – Natalie Williams mammography, where the radiation dose is half of a standard mammogram and the detector is three times greater in density, utilizing a photon detector that produces greater images. Cutting the radiation dose in half, according to Dr. Wu, reduces the risk of radiationinduced breast cancers, a breakthrough technology for UMC, specifically available to the greater Southeast area.

“The Natalie Williams Breast Care Foundation is reaching out and saving the lives of women of color all across the District of Columbia.”


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October 11, 2014 - October 17, 2014, The Afro-American

Coming Together to Reduce Calories 2014 COMMITMENT to ACTION

The Alliance for a Healthier Generation, the Clinton Foundation and America’s leading beverage companies have come together to announce a landmark Clinton Global Initiative commitment to help fight obesity by reducing beverage calories consumed per person by 20 percent by 2025. The initiative will leverage the beverage companies’ marketing, innovation and distribution strengths to: • Increase consumer interest in and access to beverage options that can help them reduce calories, such as smaller portion sizes, water and other no- or lower-calorie options. • Provide calorie counts and promote calorie awareness and balance on all company-controlled equipment nationwide, this includes more than three million vending machines, self-serve fountain dispensers and retail coolers, within two years. • Focus on communities where the effort can have the greatest impact: where there is less interest in and/or access to beverage options that can help consumers reduce their calories. This commitment builds upon the beverage companies’ existing efforts to help address obesity including its partnership with the Alliance, which led to the Alliance School Beverage Guidelines and a 90 percent reduction of beverage calories in schools nationwide. The initiative will continue to help transform the beverage landscape in America and further our commitment to consumers, bringing meaningful solutions to families and communities nationwide.

Go to or for more information.



The Afro-American, October 11, 2014 - October 17, 2014

COMMUNITY CONNECTION Washington, D.C. Mount Carmel Harvest Celebration 2014

Mount Carmel Baptist Church will hold its second annual Harvest Celebration Oct. 22-24. The church is located at 901 Third Street, N.W. There will be an open forum each night from 6:15 p.m. to 7 p.m. Worship service will begin at 7 p.m. Oct. 24 is Youth night. Admission is Free. For more information, contact Melton Baxter, 202-723-1328.

Memorial Celebration for Dr. Shabazz

Rev. Joseph Evans, pastor of Nation’s Mosque, Masjid Muhammad and Mount Carmel Baptist Church Dunbar High School Alumni Association will host a memorial celebration for Dr. Abdulalim Shabazz Oct. 18 from 2 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. at the Dunbar High School Auditorium located at 101 N Street N.W. For more information contact, Ibrahim Mumin at 202-462-6879 or or contact the mosque at or 202-4838832.

D.C. Association of Parliamentarians Celebrates Parliamentary Law Day The District of Columbia Association of Parliamentarians is celebrating its 46th Annual Parliamentary Law Day Observance. The forum will be held at the Washington Navy Yard Catering and Conference Center, Building 211, on, Oct. 25 from 11:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. The event will feature two presenters: Darlene T. Allen, Professional Registered Parliamentarian and the National Parliamentarian Association, Director of District Two who will bring both

local and national information. Following a lunch, John D. Stackpole, Ph.D., Professional Registered Parliamentarian and Certified Professional Parliamentarian will conduct a “Voting on a Three Way Decision” workshop.

Landover, Md. Prince George’s County Deltas Seek to Empower Young Men

The Prince George’s County Alumnae Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority and the Prince George’s County Police Department will hold Empowering Males to Build Opportunities for Developing Independence (EMBODI) meetings. Meetings will be held every third Saturday of the month from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the Prince George’s County Police Department located at the Complex Services Building, 7600 Barlowe Rd. Young men will partake in activities, such as manhood preparation training, rap seessions, mentoring, college tours, gang, violence prevention workshops, community service projects, male etiquette classes and more.

Largo, Md. Prince George’s County Chamber of Commerce Hosts Job Fair

On Oct. 23, the Prince George’s Chamber of Commerce will sponsor a Prince George’s County Career Job Fair. The job fair will be held at Prince George’s Community College, Largo Student Center, located at 301 Largo Road from 12 p.m. to 2 p.m. For more information, visit Events/Career_Fair.aspx.

October 11, 2014 - October 17, 2014, The Afro-American



To Protect and Defend

Rep. Elijah Cummings

Experienced law enforcement officers understand that maintaining the public’s trust is essential to fulfilling their oath to “protect and defend” our communities. They also realize, however, that this critically important foundation of their legitimacy has been severely damaged by recent events. For the public and our police officers alike, we must work together to establish a renewed social contract that will allow our police to fight dangerous crime more effectively while also reassuring the public that those whom we arm to defend us will perform their mission in

a professional and law-abiding way. Expanded training and oversight of our law enforcement officers are objectives in which we all have an interest - especially those of us who are Americans of Color. Here is our challenge from the viewpoint of a life-long resident of Baltimore’s inner, inner city. Few of us in Baltimore would dispute that we have an acute and pervasive need for more effective policing. Our relatively greater vulnerability to violence and other serious crimes confirms this reality. At the same time, we also are more likely to be harmed by racial profiling and excessive utilization of force by some police officers. Most police officers do everything within their power to fulfill their mission in a reasonable, prudent and lawful manner. Yet, they, too, are being weakened - and even endangered - by the failings of those who abuse their authority. Neither our police officers nor the public whom they are pledged to protect and defend can afford the profiling and excessive use of force that have become far too evident. Our dismay and outrage are not limited to the debacle that our nation has witnessed in Ferguson, Mo. However, the “policeinvolved-shooting of a young man named Michael Brown may well be galvanizing our nation - and our federal government - toward constructive reform. That is why I am so deeply grateful to my Congressional Black Caucus colleagues, our chair, Rep. Marcia Fudge, and the more than one hundred other American leaders who have joined me in proposing a strong reform agenda to President Obama. Here is what we propose. - All law enforcement personnel, under guidelines set by the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ), should be required to undergo racial bias training. - National accountability measures must be implemented in

circumstances where police shoot unarmed victims. These measures must be democratic, transparent, and enforceable. - Using diversity best practices established in other sectors, DOJ must set, implement, and monitor diversity hiring and retention guidelines for local police departments. - To reduce stereotyping and bias, the Obama Administration should authorize support for youth engagement activity under existing youth grants issued by DOJ. - The Administration should suspend programs that transfer military equipment into the hands of local police departments and create guidelines that regulate and monitor the use of the militarygrade weaponry that has already been distributed. - The Administration should establish a national commission to review existing police policies and practices and identify the best policies and practices that can prevent more Fergusons and vastly improve policing in communities across the nation. - Finally, the Administration should appoint a federal Czar, housed in the U.S. Department of Justice, who is specifically tasked with promoting the professionalization of local law enforcement, monitoring egregious law enforcement activities, and adjudicating suspicious actions of local law enforcement agencies that receive federal funding. In achieving these objectives, our votes this year are critical. That is why, in a recent public forum at Baltimore’s Empowerment Temple Church, and again during the Congressional Black Caucus’ National Faith Leaders’ Roundtable, I posed two critical questions directed toward our ability to support police reform at both the local and national levels. First, I asked, do we think that the events in Ferguson, Mo., could have been different if that small, majority-minority city had elected men and women of greater racial sensitivity to its political leadership and achieved more racial balance within its police department? I submit to you that we could be having a very different national conversation about our police if the leadership of Ferguson more

accurately reflected the lives and perspectives of the citizens it is pledged to serve, protect and defend. Second, if Barack Obama were not our President and Eric Holder were not our Attorney General, do we think that a U.S. Department of Justice civil rights investigation of the death of Michael Brown, as well as a “pattern and practice” investigation of suburban St. Louis police departments, would be ongoing at this time? In achieving reform, our voting for progressive local, state and national leaders this November will be critical. Working - and voting - together, we can achieve a national agenda for change that will restore to our law enforcement officers the legitimacy and honor that we justly afford to those who protect and defend us all. Rep. Elijah Cummings represents Maryland’s 7th Congressional District in the U.S. House of Representatives.

Has The “Asian Takeover of the World Bank” Worsened Discrimination Against Blacks? The World Bank’s rumor mill has been abuzz with Frank E. Watkins “the Asians are taking over the World Bank” whispers since Dr. Jim Yong Kim, a Korean-born American, became the first non-Caucasian president in the World Bank. Of the 12 top management brass, including the President and those who report directly to him, six are of Asian origin. The concentration of power in the hands of Asians is also evident in the portfolios they control. Sri Mulyani Indrawati of Indonesia was given an expanded portfolio as Chief Operating Officer, becoming second only to the President. Asians sit at the helm of the World Bank Group’s two most important semiautonomous agencies -- the International Finance Corporation and the Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency. Of the two senior vice presidents, one is Indian, who also serves as the Bank’s Chief Economist and another Asian leads the President’s reform agenda. Many see a White rumor mill at work here, fanned by an establishment that sees its institutional grip on power rapidly dissipating. But the real issue isn’t just about complexion, more importantly it is also about direction. The “in-group” and “out-group” racial space In 2003, former President James Wolfensohn commissioned a study to determine if there was an “in-group” and “out-group” dynamic operating at the World Bank. The purpose was to determine if “the World Bank is a particular kind of ‘space’ with deeply entrenched attitudes, policies, and processes that tend to generate differentiation among staff — albeit unconsciously — on the basis of where they come from and what they look like.” The study was a follow-up to a 2001 World Bank study titled “Differences in Pay and Grade at the World Bank” that found staff from different regions were paid different wages based on their race and socio-economic status. The 2003 study titled “Enhancing Inclusion at the World Bank Group, Diagnosis and Solutions” found a caste-like racial social order. Though far higher than Blacks in the pecking order, Asians found themselves situated below Whites. In general, Whites were the “in-group” wielding power. Asians, along with Hispanics, served as technocrats with limited influence in decision-making. Blacks constituted the “outgroup” largely confined to sub-professional positions in the various vice presidential units without any handprint in the World Bank’s power structure. Blacks Under the Current Administration In December 2012, Justice for Blacks, a group consisting of current and former World Bank staff, wrote an open letter to President Kim stating: “As the first Asian-born president of the World Bank and as one nominated by the first African American President of the United States, we are hopeful that you will restore the human dignity and rights of people of African origin in the World Bank.” The President, who often harps on his personal encounter with racial discrimination growing up in the State of Iowa has

made him sensitive to racial indignities that minorities face, has been found to be tone deaf to discrimination against Blacks. He ignored Justice for Black’s pleas and rebuffed its request for a meeting. Far from strengthening racial inclusion programs, the first department that his administration abolished was the Office of Diversity. As the most discriminated group in the World Bank, Blacks were affected the most by his actions. Since he took office, the President has taken strong actions condemning institutionalized discrimination against women and gays/lesbians. In an op-ed article in the Huffington Post he called for jailing those who violate the human dignity and rights of women. In another op-ed piece in the Washington Post he advocated for the rights of gays and lesbians. He walked the talk, blocking a $90 million loan to Uganda in reaction to that country’s institutionalized discrimination against gays and

“Many see a White rumor mill at work here, fanned by an establishment that sees its institutional grip on power rapidly dissipating.” lesbians. The only time the President gave racial discrimination full attention was when he wrote a defensive letter to the editor of the Chicago Sun-Times to deny the existence of racial discrimination at the World Bank. This is disturbing because there are six confidential World Bank reports confirming that racial discrimination against Blacks exists and is “systemic.” In February 2014, a Civil Rights Coalition was formed with the sole purpose of ending institutionalized racism in the World Bank. The Coalition consists of America’s leading civil rights organizations. President Kim rejected the Coalition’s demands and rebuffed its request for a meeting. This was noteworthy not least because the President had met independently with gays/ lesbians and gender equality advocates. The double standard is too obvious to miss and too systemic to ignore. Demonstrating insensitivity in racial discrimination matters, in April 2014, the President stormed out of a meeting with African Ministers of Finance after they questioned why he failed to appoint a single African when he announced 16 new senior directors. This is significant because over half of the International Development Assistance (IDA) funds are spent in Africa. The African Ministers took issue with the President’s explanation that there were not qualified Africans in the application pool. The confrontation led the President to storm out of the meeting, leaving the African dignitaries shocked and frozen in their seats with indignation. Though the President sent a letter of apology the next day, the damage had already been

done. Rather than addressing the root causes of the Bank’s systemic discrimination, President Kim chose to launch a public relations campaign to counter the Civil Rights Coalition’s call for justice. On October 1, 2014, in the midst of heavy security, he gave a speech at Howard University, a predominantly Black institution. Before the President took the podium, his operatives had Howard University security officers kick out Dr. Yonas Biru, founder and co-chair of Justice for Blacks, from the auditorium. His crime was that his internationally known racial discrimination case has become the rallying point of the Civil Rights Coalition. The World Bank also required that all questions during the Q&A period be submitted in writing for screening. This writer was passing out fliers containing information on the World Bank’s racism including suggested questions to ask Dr. Kim. Howard security told me that I could not pass out written literature on campus – the campus of a university dedicated to diverse information and the first amendment. A student sitting next to me submitted a question regarding a statement made by a World Bank director that Historically Black Colleges and Universities did not adequately prepare students to work at the World Bank. Her question was screened out. This was disturbing, not the least, because President Kim has given similar speeches at Georgetown and George Washington universities, which are predominantly White institutions, without such a heavy security presence in the auditorium and unsavory requests to screen questions coming from teachers and professors in attendance. Though the topic of his speech at Howard was how to reduce global inequality around the world, he spent a good amount of time painting a positive picture of the working environment in the World Bank. The audience was not allowed to challenge him from the floor. Establishing Accountability To date, President Kim has vehemently rejected legitimate demands to establish accountability even in the most egregious cases of racial discrimination. Recently, his administration banned Mr. Eugene Nyambal, a former staff of African origin from entering the World Bank after he filed a lawsuit against the International Monetary Fund (IMF). Mr. Nyambal, who consulted on and off for the World Bank after leaving the IMF, can no longer work for the World Bank. As noted above, the current administration has gone as far as violating the basic civil rights of Dr. Biru outside of the World Bank. Little known is the World Bank’s immunity from U.S. anti-racial discrimination laws and institutions. The systemic abuse has been taken to an unprecedented level. It is past time to establish accountability. The Buck stops with Dr. Kim, as the President and Chair of the Board of Directors. Frank E. Watkins is the Rainbow PUSH Coalition’s DC Public Policy Director.


The Afro-American, October 11, 2014 - October 17, 2014

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October 11, 2014 - October 17, 2014, The Afro-American


Actress Lynn Whitfield giving words of encouragement to all the breast cancer survivors, family members and friends in attendance

The Natalie Williams Breast Care Foundation (NWBCF) hosted its 2nd Annual 2014 “Bustier Brunch” – An Afternoon with the Girls fundraiser on October 4 at the historic Howard Theatre in N.W. D.C. Founded by Natalie Williams in January 2013 after she was diagnosed with breast cancer in July 2012, she attributes her remission to an increased awareness of the risk factors of breast cancer and her continued focus on a healthy mind, body and spirit. Over 500 women was welcomed to the brunch where AwardWinning Actress Lynn Whitfield gave Presentation by Dr. TillieWilliams,”Test My Breast-Why is This Important”

Natalie Williams and Donna Rouse, executive director, NWBCF, a breast cancer survivor also

an inspirational message of encouragement which was preceded by a dance ministry by Cydney Hill, Miss District of Columbia Teen. Dr. Tillie Williams gave a brief synopsis on The Importance of Testing Your Breasts…early detection of cancer is key. Musical entertainment was provided by jazz violinist Kendall Isadore. Guest emcees were Shawn Yancy of Fox 5 News and Triscina Grey a radio personality at WHUR Radio. According to Williams, their goal is to register 5000 women of color for mammogram testing across the DC Metropolitan area by October 2015.

Mistress of ceremonies Shawn Yancy, FOX 5 News Anchor

Jeanelle Williams, a five-year breast cancer survivor with her daughter Amora Geriral Vanessa Adams, event committee chair, Natalie Williams, CEO, NWBCF and Carletta Marrow, international affairs chair Stefanie Smith, Tonya Perkinson and Anita Carter

Opening performance by Cydney Hill, Miss DC Outstanding Teen

Triscina Grey, Vanessa Adams and Shawn Yancy

Actress Lynn Whitfield, special guest speaker with Natalie Willams

IMPACT hosts “PREVIEW: A Red Carpet Affair”

It’s a family affair: Linda Jenifer and Triscina Grey (WHUR Radio Personality) and seated, Marie Jenifer and Loretta Grey

The Dream Unleashed Band performing

Cydney Williams, Miss DC Outstanding Teen and Natalie Williams, CEO, Natalie Williams Breast Cancer Foundation (NWBCF)

Carolyn Guest, Barbara Batiste, Juanita Jefferson, Elizabeth HelmFrazier and Darrin Davis Photos by Rob Roberts

On Sept. 26, IMPACT hosted “PREVIEW: A Red Carpet Affair” at the St. Regis Hotel in Washington, D.C. to honor the nation’s young leaders. Each month, IMPACT features a young professional, dubbed IMPACT Leader of the Month, who makes significant positive contributions to their communities, both professionally and philanthropically. In the month leading up to PREVIEW, individuals were encouraged to vote for the person who embodies IMPACT’s three core principles (civic engagement, political involvement, and economic empowerment) through their professional accomplishments and work in the community. This year, IMPACT presented Ashley Bell with the IMPACT Leader of the Year award. During the event, Representatives Gregory Meeks (D-N.Y.), Andrè Carson (D-Ind.), Hakeem Jeffries (D-N.Y.), and Steven Horsford (D-Nev.) gave remarks. Team IMPACT includes Sarah Misailidis, Nina Smith, Brandon Andrews, Justin Tanner, Erica Butler, Krystal Leaphart, Lauren Campbell, Eugene Brown, and Tyrik McKeiver.

Rep. Gregory Meeks (D-NY) gives remarks

Rep. Hakeem Jeffries (D-NY)

Rep. Andre Carson (D-IN) Steven Napier, left, Shawn Gore and June 2014 IMPACT Leader of the Month Deon Jones

IMPACT Director Sarah Misailidis, IMPACT Special Project Manager Lauren Campbell, and IMPACT Press Secretary Erica Butler

Rep. Steven Horsford (D-NV)

IMPACT Special Project Manager Lauren Campbell presents an award to 2014 IMPACT Leader of the Year Ashley Bell

Janaye Ingram of the National Action Network, Rep. G.K. Butterfield (D-NC), and Angela Rye, Principal and CEO of IMPACT Strategies, strike a pose on the red carpet

IMPACT Director Nina Smith speaks to guests at “PREVIEW: A Red Carpet Affair” Photos by Kea Taylor of Imagine Photography

Former IMPACT Leaders Phillip Agnew (Dream Defenders), Janaye Ingram (National Action Network), Deon Jones, Jamal Sowell, Ebonie Johnson Cooper, and Ivory Toldson

IMPACT Special Project Manager Tyrik McKeiver, IMPACT Leader Staci Arnold and Edward Parkinson

Team IMPACT and supporters strike a pose on the red carpet

William Jawando, senior advisor for Gov. Martin O’Malley’s political action committee, and Michelle Jawando, vice president for legal progress at American Progress


The Afro-American, October 11, 2014 - October 17, 2014


Exactly How Fit are You?

By Marcia Ra-Akbar Special to the AFRO

Starting any fitness program can be an exciting time in your life and the temptation to jump in without establishing clear goals is the number one mistake newbies make. Establishing how

2. Muscular Component.

3. Flexibility Component.

Going up a flight of stairs can be a challenge for some. Muscle fitness relates to your strength, and the Your aerobic endurance is a very important component endurance of that strength. Your muscular fitness level of overall health. A healthy heart lowers cardiovascular can show how susceptible you are to injury. It also relates to your bone disease and keeps the weight off. Aerobic mass. A very movement requires the delivery of oxygen to simple way of the muscles. Oxygen is delivered to the muscles testing your via your bloodstream. Each heartbeat you have muscular fitness is an indicator of the amount of blood traveling is with push-ups. through your bloodstream. A high resting heart You can time rate is an indicator of poor health. One way to yourself, and measure your aerobic fitness is to take your heart see how many rate, or pulse. Record your resting pulse rate, and Aerobic movement requires you do in that then go for a one-mile brisk walk. Take your pulse the delivery of oxygen to timeframe. Or, again once you’ve immediately finished the mile, the muscles. and record how long it took you to walk. As you Photos: Morguefile you can just complete as gain aerobic fitness, your heart rate should lower. many push-ups So should the time it takes you to walk the mile! The average resting heart rate for an adult is 60 to 100 as possible before fatigue sets in. The number of pushups beats per minute (bpm). The lower your heart rate at you do should be your starting baseline and your goal rest, implies efficient cardiovascular health and better should be to increase that number through effective weight training. cardio fitness.

Stiffness in the back, neck and behind the legs are common ailments with individuals living a sedentary Your waist may be the biggest predictor of your health. lifestyle. Your body’s ability to move joints and muscles Your body composition tends to relate to the amount through a full range of motion is a predictor of great of fat on your body, and where that fat is located. The flexibility fitness. Flexibility also relates to location of fat your balance and coordination levels. A tight at specific sites muscle can prevent normal movement. (in particular, The most common way to measure your the waist area) flexibility is via the sit and reach test. With places you at this test, you’ll need a measuring tape. Place higher risk for the measuring tape along the floor. With high blood your feet at zero, and the tape stretching pressure, heart Your body’s ability to move joints away from you, sit on the floor with your disease, and and muscles through a full range legs straight out in front of you. Try to touch diabetes. A of motion is a predictor of great your feet or stretch as far past your feet as simple way flexibility fitness. possible. Have a friend check how far you of measuring went on the measuring tape. If you can’t your body reach your toes, you’ll have a negative number. If you composition test is to measure your waist. Anything stretch past your feet, you’ll have a positive number. The larger than 40 inches for men, and 35 inches for more flexible your legs, hips, and lower back are, the women increases your health risks. further you will be able to reach in this test. So how fit are you? But more importantly, how fit do you intend to be? Set your goals, work your program, and watch as those numbers go down. Have a Question? Send them to Follow me on Facebook: facebook. com/mraakbar, Instagram: @mraakbar, and Twitter @liveyourbestyou.


OF  “BOB  MARLEY’S  WAILERS� October 18, 2014 at 8 p.m.


Turning Young People On to the Wonders of Science Needs Sense of Urgency By Emmanuel Glakpe Special to the AFRO

Tickets  are  $25  Regular,  $20  Seniors,  and  $10  Students MC  Students  are  free  with  Student  ID


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4. Body Composition Component.

African Americans have yet to really seize the enormous opportunities offered by science and engineering. Two major campaigns should be mounted – one to improve the quality of education, the other to publicize the hell out of Blacks whose accomplishments in science and technology have left an indelible footprint. Young people learn from each other. News of opportunities spreads fast. Placing the story of an accomplished person in print or on the Internet can be transformative. Because quite a number of Black scientists and engineers are making their mark in government, industry and academia, it’s not that hard to cite a few who are in the prime of their careers. Being a nuclear engineer who came to this country from Ghana, I have been dazzled by the accomplishments of three African-American physicists – two are nuclear physicists, the third an astrophysicist -- who are self-accelerating, worldlywise, experienced, cultivated, and urbane. Until recently, William Magwood was a member of the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, which oversees the U.S. fleet of 100 nuclear power plants and sets the gold standard for nuclear safety worldwide. As a commissioner, Magwood led an effort to move NRC’s regulation of nuclear plants to a more risk-informed basis, grounding more of the agency’s safety requirements on information from tools such as computer models that calculate the probability of various accident scenarios. Magwood, a graduate of Carnegie-Mellon University in Pittsburgh, got his start as a scientist with Westinghouse, then became manager of nuclear programs at the Edison Electric Institute in Washington, DC. In 1998, Magwood was appointed director of nuclear energy at the U.S. Department of Energy, a position he held for seven years until he moved over to the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. Today he is director general of the Paris-based Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development’s Nuclear


Energy Agency. Shirley Ann Jackson, a nuclear physicist, was the first African-American woman to earn a doctorate at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, writing her thesis on solid-state physics. Dr. Jackson’s research specialty is in theoretical condensed matter physics, and the physics of opto-electronic materials. Dr. Jackson was chairman of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. Prior to joining the agency, she was a theoretical physicist at the former AT&T Bell Laboratories and professor of theoretical physics at Rutgers University. She has also served as president, then chairman, of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, the world’s largest general scientific society. On July 1, 1999, Dr. Jackson became the 18th president of Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute in Troy, N.Y., one of the nation’s premier research universities. Neil deGrasse Tyson is perhaps the best-known astrophysicist in the United States, if not the world. Born and raised in New York City, Tyson attended the Bronx High School of Science, then Harvard University. A longtime champion of the space program, Tyson was awarded the NASA Distinguished Public Service Medal. Tyson is currently director of the Hayden Planetarium at the American Museum of Natural History in New York City. A prolific author and a science communicator, Tyson hosted the educational science television show NOVA Science/Now on PBS and Cosmos: A Spacetime Odyssey. There is so much work to do in introducing young people to the wonders of science and technology that it doesn’t matter who does it. School teachers are just fine. Public television is just fine. Large corporations looking to recruit a new generation of scientists and engineers are just fine. Accomplishing what is needed will take diligence and commitment to instill a love for knowledge of the universe. Time is of the essence. We need a sense of urgency. Emmanuel Glakpe is professor of nuclear engineering at Howard University in Washington, D. C.




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Photo of Roscoe Orman & Eddie Ray Jackson by Kevin Berne

1. Cardiovascular Component.

fit you are first, is the most effective way to start your journey. So, how fit are you? I find this out in my first session. Without the answer, I can’t help clients reach their goals effectively. No trainer can. If you’re lucky enough to belong to a gym that will do one for you, schedule that appointment. If you’re like most, the following four guidelines will give you the tools you need to create goals, and track progress.

October 11, 2014 - October 17, 2014, The Afro-American



Kodjoe Aglow!

Patton, Derek Luke and Trey Songz. Onstage, Boris made his Broadway debut in “Cat on a Hot Tin Roof,” opposite James Earl Jones, Phylicia Rashad and Anika Noni Rose. Previously, he toured the country in the play “Whatever She Wants” with Vivica A. Fox and Richard Roundtree. Boris and his brother Patrick have launched the clothing company ALFA (Affordable Luxury For All), bringing the luxury of custom-made clothing to everyone in America at affordable prices. The line can be accessed at www.worldofalfa. com. But his primary personal interest is to raise funds for Sophie’s Voice Foundation (www., a charity he started with his wife in honor of his daughter Sophie, who was diagnosed with spina bifida at birth. Here, Boris discusses his new movie, “Addicted,” the screen adaptation of the steamy best-seller by Zane. KW: You know, I recently met Nicole at a charity function here in Princeton after one of her performances of Antony & Cleopatra. BK: Wow! KW: That was a lot of fun after having interviewed her several times over the years. She’s even more beautiful and gracious in person. Now, let me ask you about the movie. What interested you in “Addicted?” Were you already a Zane fan? BK: I wasn’t as aware of her before I read the script. That’s when I began to find out more and more about Zane, her tremendous fan base, and all of her books. KW: How did you like the idea of playing the aggrieved party instead of the hunk the female lead is after? BK: It was interesting to me, because he went from being a victim to being a protagonist, in a way, once he found out his wife had been leading this parallel life. So, the character had to deal wiith all kinds of obstacles, and ups-anddowns that I found intriguing.

Boris Kodjoe The “Addicted” Interview with Kam Williams Headline:From his big screen and television roles to his theater and entrepreneurial skills, Boris Kodjoe has proven to be one of Hollywood’s most sought-after talents. He is probably best known for his role as Damon Carter on the TV series “Soul Food.” He can currently be seen opposite Kevin Hart, Nick Cannon and JB Smoove on another hit sitcom, “The Real Husbands of Hollywood,” and will soon be starring in the upcoming series “Members Only” which will premiere this fall on ABC. And on the big screen, Boris was recently seen reprising his role as Luther West in the box office hit Resident Evil: Retribution, as well as in Baggage Claim opposite Paula

and everybody. So, it was quite easy to trust my director. My job was basically to make Sharon feel comfortable and protected. She was so courageous and vulnerable, and did such an amazing job. And I was sort of the safety net for her to do all that. KW: Was there any tension on the set between Zane, the author of the novel, and Bille in terms of their vision for the screen adaptation? BK: No, they got all of that out of the way before we started shooting. They had numerous meetings, and made sure they were on the same page. To make a movie like that, you really have to trust your director, and they were on the same page. KW: What message do you think people will take away from? BK: It’s about communication, weathering the storms, and making sure you really understand each other. In a situation like that, especially where addiction is involved, that lines of communication are open for the spouse not only to understand but to be ready to jump in and help. In the film, you see how difficult it can be because there’s guilt, there’s blame, there’s doubt, and therapy comes into play, as well. And it encourages the audience to engage in conversation after seeing the movie, which is great, too. KW: You’re really busy on TV nowadays, between Real Husbands of Hollywood and Members Only. BK: Yeah, Husbands starts up on Oct. 14, that’s when Season Three premieres. And I just finished the first episode of Members Only, which takes a unique look into contemporary life at a country club, at a lot of scandal and other ridiculousness that transpires there. So, it’s been exciting for me to do both shows, and a diverse selection of work overall. KW: Do the series’ shooting schedules overlap? BK: No, it worked out perfectly, which things usually do when you relinquish control and give it to God. To see a trailer for Addicted, visit: http://www.

KW: Tell me a little about what it was like making this movie. BK: It was great. It was almost like a family affair. I’ve known [director] Bille Woodruff for years, as well as [fellow cast members] Tyson [Beckford], Sharon [Leal]

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The Afro-American, October 11, 2014 - October 17, 2014


AFRO Sports Desk Faceoff

Do the Washington Wizards have the NBA’s Best Backcourt? By Stephen D. Riley and Perry Green AFRO Sports Writers An online war of words clouded NBA headlines this past week after shooting guards, Wizards’ Bradley Beal and Cavaliers’ Dion Waiters voiced opposing opinions on which team had the league’s best backcourt. The Washington Wizards dived into the second round of this past summer’s postseason behind guards John Wall and Beal. And while the Cleveland Cavaliers haven’t experienced much success behind Waiters and point guard Kyrie Irving, the talent between the two is visibly apparent and should only be on bigger display with the arrival of LeBron James and Kevin Love. But who has the NBA’s best backcourt? Perry Green and Stephen D. Riley debate of the AFRO Sports Desk debate the question. Riley: If I had to start an NBA team right now and pick the perfect foundation to build upon, I’d have to go with Wall and Beal. Unlike Irving, Wall presents the perfect pass-first point guard and his speed and size allows him to push the pace on the break and defend opposing guards. Beal’s range on his jump shot allows for ultimate spacing, and at times he’s shown that he can be the focal point of an offense and carry the load. The two different styles flow together perfectly while both players work diligently on taking parts from each other’s games. Beal’s still steadily improving his one-on-one game – the specialty of his counterpart – while Wall continues to improve the mechanics and range on his jump shot, which is already the best part of Beal’s game. Any advancement between the two players on those critical areas will take this backcourt from the best to heads and shoulders above the rest. Green: Although Waiters threw the Cavaliers’ name in the hat in regards to backcourts, the Golden State Warriors definitely have a gripe to voice. Stephen Curry and Klay Thompson offer great flexibility and picture-perfect shooting, the ideal

combination that any coach would want out of his backcourt group. Thompson stands a legitimate 6-foot-7-inches tall and Curry’s close to 6-foot-3, giving the Warriors two big guards that can shoot over most opposition and defend with relative ease. Curry offers a lot of skills that Wall already possesses while Wall simply can’t match Curry’s instincts and shooting. And, Thompson is every bit the shooter that Beal is—and even more. Riley: Thompson’s importance to the Warriors has been clear as his name has been mentioned in numerous trade rumors over the last few seasons. Curry has been stellar, but the attractiveness of his game just depends on what you prefer out of your point guards. Do you like the pass-first guard who gets his teammates involved, or do you like the floor generals that can isolate and drop 30-plus points? It’s simply a matter of preference. But let’s not forget: despite Wall’s penchant for passing, he does have a career-high of 47 points, so he can get it done if the flow of the game demands it. Green: Great players have been moved in trades before so it doesn’t matter how many times Thompson’s name has been linked to trade talks. He’s still with the team and continues to shine as a two-way player on one of the most electric teams in the Association. The “Splash Brothers” have definitely lived up to the hype and the billing as a dominant duo, and one playoff run by the Wizards doesn’t automatically translate to them having the best backcourt in the league. Personally, there’s no way I’m taking Wall over Curry. And, considering that Beal and Thompson offer you the same type of performance, I’ll always take the players with the height advantage. It makes for more flexibility and more strategies to dial up. All three backcourts of the Wizards, Warriors and Cavs are stellar, but when it comes to the most skilled and highest-producing duo, Curry and Thompson have the title locked down.

Bowie State University Football Weekly-6

Bowie State Wins First Game of Season with Shutout over Johnson C. Smith By Perry Green AFRO Sports Editor Junior quarterback Trevon Bennett tossed two touchdown passes and redshirt-senior running back Keith Brown ran for a game-high 102 rushing yards to lead the Bowie State Bulldogs to their first win of the season, a 24-0 shutout over Johnson C. Smith (JCU) on Oct. 4 in Bowie, Md. The Bulldogs used stout defense to hold Johnson C. Smith scoreless throughout four quarters. JCU produced a mere 240 total yards of offense, 134 yards passing and 106 yards rushing, and didn’t come near the end zone all game. Meanwhile, Bowie State generated 457 total yards of offense. Graduate student Kendall Jefferson scored the first touchdown of the game and Bennett scored the Bulldogs’ next two touchdowns to put the game away. Bennett finished with 173 yards and two touchdown passes on 15 of 29 pass attempts completed; Brown had 102 yards on 22 carries and also caught a touchdown pass from Bennett. Bowie State (1-4 overall, 1-1 in the Central Interscholastic Athletic Association) will travel to Murfreesboro, N.C., to face Chowan University on Oct. 11. • Your History • Your Community • Your News


PUBLIC NOTICE FORMAL CASE NO. 1102, IN THE MATTER OF THE INVESTIGATION INTO THE CONTINUED USE OF VERIZON WASHINGTON, DC, INC.’S COPPER INFRASTRUCTURE TO PROVIDE TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICES This Notice informs the public that the Public Service Commission of the District of Columbia (“Commission”) seeks input on its investigation regarding Verizon Washington, DC, Inc.’s (“Verizon DC”) continued use of its copper infrastructure for the provision of telecommunications services in the District of Columbia and whether, and under what circumstances, the Company plans to transition customers from the telecommunications services provided over copper facilities to telecommunications services provided over fiber facilities. On December 3 and 4, 2014, the Commission will hold an evidentiary hearing. The Commission will convene a community hearing to receive comments from the public on this issue on the following dates

November 5, 2014 – 6 pm

November 10, 2014 – 6 pm

Public Service Commission of the District of Columbia Hearing Room 1333 H Street, NW, Suite 700, East Tower Washington, DC 20005

Cleveland Park Neighborhood Library First Floor Auditorium 3310 Connecticut Avenue, NW Washington, DC 20008

Those who wish to testify at this community hearing should contact the Commission Secretary by the close of business on October 30, 2014 by contacting the Commission Secretary at (202) 626-5150 or Psc-commissionsecretary@psc. Representatives of organizations shall be permitted a maximum of five minutes for oral presentations. Individuals shall be permitted a maximum of three minutes for oral presentations. If an organization or an individual is unable to offer comments at the community hearing, written statements may be submitted by November 17, 2014, addressed to Brinda Westbrook-Sedgwick, Commission Secretary, Public Service Commission of the District of Columbia, 1333 H Street, NW, Suite 200 West Tower, Washington DC 20005. Any person who is deaf or hard-of-hearing, and cannot readily understand or communicate in spoken English, and persons with disabilities who need special accommodations in order to participate in the hearing, must contact the Commission Secretary by the close of seven days prior to the date of the community hearing. Persons who wish to testify in Spanish, Chinese, Amharic, or Korean must also contact the Commission Secretary by close of business three (3) business days before the date of the hearing. The number to call to request special accommodations and interpretation services is (202) 626-5150. Copies of previously filed documents in this proceeding, Formal Case No. 1102, are available on the Commission’s website ( and inspection at the Commission’s Office of the Commission Secretary, 1333 H Street, NW, Suite 200 West Tower, Washington DC 20005 between the hours of 9:00 a.m. through 5:30 p.m., Monday through Friday. Copies of any of the documents in this proceeding may be purchased at the Commission at a cost of $0.10 per page, actual reproduction cost.

NOTICE OF COMMUNITY HEARING PUBLIC INPUT SOUGHT ON THE POTOMAC ELECTRIC POWER COMPANY’S NOTICE TO CONSTRUCT A 230kV/138 kV/13 kV SUBSTATION AND FOUR 230 kV/138 kV UNDERGROUND TRANSMISSION CIRCUITS ON BUZZARD POINT FORMAL CASE NO. 1123, IN THE MATTER OF THE POTOMAC ELECTRIC COMPANY’S NOTICE TO CONSTRUCT A 230kV/138 kV/13 kV SUBSTATION AND FOUR 230 kV/138 kV UNDERGROUND TRANSMISSION CIRCUITS ON BUZZARD POINT This Notice informs the public that the Public Service Commission of the District of Columbia (“Commission”) seeks input on the Potomac Electric Power Company’s (“Pepco”) Formal Notice of its intent “to construct a 230 kilovolt (“kV”)/138 kV/13 kV substation and four (4) 230 kV/138 kV underground transmission circuits on Buzzard Point in the Southwest section of the District of Columbia. The Commission will convene a community hearing at the following location on the specified date to receive comments from the public:

November 6, 2014 – 6:00 p.m. Westminster Presbyterian Church 400 I Street, S.W., Washington, D.C. Those who wish to testify at the community hearing should contact the Commission Secretary by 5:30 p.m. on November 3, 2014, by calling (202) 626-5150 or Representatives of organizations shall be permitted a maximum of five minutes for oral presentations. Individuals shall be permitted a maximum of three minutes for oral presentations. If an organization or an individual is unable to offer comments at the community hearings, written statements may be submitted by November 14, 2014 to the Public Service Commission of the District of Columbia, 1333 H Street, NW, Suite 200, West Tower, Washington DC 20005. Any person who is deaf or hearing-impaired, and cannot readily understand or communicate in spoken English, and persons with disabilities who need special accommodations in order to participate in the hearing, must contact the Commission Secretary by close of seven business days prior to the date of the hearing. Persons who wish to testify in Spanish, Chinese, Amharic, or Korean must also contact the Commission Secretary by close of business three business days before the day of the hearing. The number to call to request special accommodations and interpretation services is (202) 626-5150. Pepco’s Formal Notice may be reviewed at the Office of the Commission Secretary, 1333 H Street, N.W., Second Floor, West Tower, Washington, D.C. 20005, between the hours of 9:00 a.m. and 5:30 p.m., Monday through Friday or may be viewed on the Commission’s website by visiting and, under the “eDocket System” tab, selecting “Search Current Dockets” and typing “F.C. 1123” in the field labeled “Select Case Number.” A copy of the Formal Notice is available upon request to any person requesting copies at a per-page reproduction fee.

October 11, 2014 - October 17, 2014, The Afro-American



New Report Displays Disparities African-American Girls Face in School It’s been six decades since the seminal Brown v. Board of Education court case that integrated public schools across the country, but current research shows that African-American girls still

violence was 7 percent for African-American females and 0.8 percent for White females. The study also pointed out that White students are punished more for severe

positive take away from the study. According to the report, Black girls were more likely to consider themselves leaders in comparison to Hispanic and White girls. The report did outline

“…the negative perceptions of African-American females influence teachers to punish those students at a higher rate…” face major disparities in the classroom, which put them at a disadvantage. A report released Sept. 30 by the National Girls’ Law Center and the NAACP Legal Defense and Educational Fund shows that African-American girls are being disciplined at higher rates than White students. However, there is no evidence showing that Black girls misbehave any more than White girls, which researchers believe is related to racial and gender stereotypes. The study came to the conclusion that the negative perceptions of AfricanAmerican females influence teachers to punish those students at a higher rate because it is believed that they require greater social correction. An analysis of data from Ohio’s K-12 system in the 2013-2013 school year, for example, shows that the rate of out-of-school suspensions for disobedience was 16.3 percent for Black female students compared to 1.5 for White girls. The rate of outof-school suspensions for

violations, such as smoking and vandalism, while Black girls are punished for less offensive acts, including loitering and loud noise. In addition to AfricanAmerican girls facing harsher punishments, there is evidence that Black girls suffer from a lack of adequate resources, which hinders their educational opportunities. The data points out that there is a strong correlation between students who live in poverty and those that attend schools that lack adequate resources. African-American girls in many cases attend schools that don’t offer STEM courses. The data showed that 57 percent of AfricanAmerican high school students attend schools with advanced science and math classes, compared to 71 percent of White high school students. Not attending schools with a challenging curriculum discourages students from going into science and engineering fields later in life. Despite the disparities African-American girls face in school, there was one

suggestions going forward to rectify the inequality AfricanAmerican girls face in schools. To address the resource disparity, the report suggested that lawmakers should implement policies that ensure funding is distributed equally in all schools and that STEM and common core curriculum are put into schools. To correct the discipline disparity, the report recommended that policymakers require schools to keep data of school discipline broken down by demographics, enforce positive behavior incentives and better train school personnel. Sherrilyn A. Ifill, president of the Legal Defense Fund, said in a press release the report shows the need for change. “Our educational policies and practices must open the doors of opportunity for all -– regardless of race or gender. Only then will we fulfill the promise of Brown v. Board of Education, the landmark ruling that invalidated legal segregation in America 60 years ago,” Ifill said.

Dept. of Ed Details Racial Disparities in Letter to States, School Districts By Roberto Alejandro Special to the AFRO A letter from the U.S. Department of Education to states and school districts lays out the consistent racial disparities present in America’s public schools. The letter, prepared by the Department’s Office of Civil Rights (OCR), explains that such disparities violate Title VI of the Civil Rights Act, and suggests ways in which localities can monitor and address the problem. Of the high schools serving

be less effective because of their inexperience. On top of that, those schools paid, on average, $1,913 less during the 2011-2012 school year than those schools in the same district with the lowest percentage of minorities. The letter explains that the OCR is tasked with enforcing Title VI of the 1964 Civil Rights Act, which prohibits racial discrimination in any program receiving federal funds. The OCR notes that discrimination in the distribution of educational resources, not simply or necessarily funding, is what is prohibited by Title VI. The letter concludes with recommendations that school districts can take on their own to ensure that they are in compliance with Title VI. The OCR suggests school districts do regular evaluations to ensure that their resources are being distributed equitably among their students, and that they take proactive steps to remedy any disparities within the district or within individual schools.

“Almost 20 percent of Black high-schoolers attend a school with no Advanced Placement (AP) offerings…” mostly Black and Latino students during the 2011-2012 school year, only 74 percent offered advanced algebra, and only 66 percent offered chemistry. Almost 20 percent of Black highschoolers attend a school with no Advanced Placement (AP) offerings, a higher rate than any other racial group. Schools serving the most Blacks and Latinos are also 1.5 times more likely to employ younger teachers, who tend to


Not attending schools with a challenging curriculum discourages students from going into science and engineering fields later in life.

Breast Cancer Awareness Month

Celebrating Our Survivors If there is someone in your life who has fought and survived the battle against breast cancer, honor them with a tribute in The AFRO’s Breast Cancer Awareness issue on October 25th. Your tribute will be seen by The AFRO’s vast audience of readers and over 340,000 Facebook followers. It is certain to be a great joy and keepsake for your survivor honoree. You are such a special person in our lives, so we wanted to celebrate you in a special way. We love you for so many reasons, and are truly inspired by your strength, courage and determination. –Your friends and family


Valerie Fraling Breast Cancer Survivor

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In-Paper Announcement plus Facebook Post

3x3 (5.4”x 3”) : $125

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SUPERIOR COURT OF THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA PROBATE DIVISION Washington, D.C. 20001-2131 Foreign No. 2014FEP103 Date of Death October 12, 2006 Konstantinos Samaropoulos Decedent NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT OF FOREIGN PERSONAL R E P R E S E N TAT I V E AND NOTICE TO CREDITORS David A. Rosen whose address is BHLPC, 1861 Wiehle Avenue, Suite 300, Reston, VA 20190 was appointed personal representative of the estate of Konstantinos Samaropoulos, deceased, on July 17, 2014, , by the Circuit Court for Henrico County, State of Virginia. Service of process may be made upon Ramsey Saleeby, 3900 Tunlaw Rd. , NW, Apt 102, Washington, DC 20007 whose designation as District of Columbia agent has been filed with the Register of Wills, D.C. The decedent owned the following District of Colombia real property: 4545 MacArthur Blvd., NW, Suite 205, Washington, DC 20007-4261 The decendent owned District of Columbia personal property. Claims against the decedent may be presented to the undersigned and filed with the Register of Wills for the District of Columbia, Building A, 515 5th S t r e e t , N W, 3 r d F l , Washington, D.C. 20001 within 6 months from the date of first publication of this notice. David A. Rosen Personal Representative TRUE TEST COPY REGISTER OF WILLS Date of first publication: September 26, 2014 Name of newspapers and/or periodical: The Daily Washington Law Reporter The Afro-American

Superior Court of the District of District of Columbia PROBATE DIVISION Washington, D.C. 20001-2131 Administration No. 2014ADM959 Bennie Johnson Decedent NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT, NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND NOTICE TO UNKNOWN HEIRS David T. Johnson, whose address is 4926 7th Street, NE, Washington, DC 20017 was appointed personal representative of the estate of Bennie Johnson, who died on August 22, 2014 with a Will and will serve without Court supervision. All unknown heirs and heirs whose whereabouts are unknown shall enter their appearance in this proceeding. Objections to such appointment (or to the probate of decedent´s will) shall be filed with the Register of Wills, D.C., 515 5th Street, N.W., 3rd Floor Wa s h i n g t o n , D . C . 20001, on or before April 3, 2015. Claims against the decedent shall be presented to the undersigned with a copy to the Register of Wills or filed with the Register of Wills with a copy to the undersigned, on or before April 3, 2015, or be forever barred. Persons believed to be heirs or legatees of the decedent who do not receive a copy of this notice by mail within 25 days of its first publication shall so inform the Register of Wills, including name, address and relationship. Date of Publication: October 3, 2014 Name of newspaper: Afro-American Washington Law Reporter David T. Johnson Personal Representative TRUE TEST COPY REGISTER OF WILLS 10/03, 10/10, 10/17/14

Superior Court of the District of District of Columbia PROBATE DIVISION Washington, D.C. 20001-2131 Administration No. 2014ADM962 Dorothy M. Wilson Decedent NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT, NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND NOTICE TO UNKNOWN HEIRS Verdelle N. Hairston, whose address is 4110 Hanson Oaks, Hyattsville, MD 20784 was appointed personal representative of the estate of Dorothy M. Wilson, who died on August 16, 2014 with a Will, and will serve without Court supervision. All unknown heirs and heirs whose whereabouts are unknown shall enter their appearance in this proceeding. Objections to such appointment (or to the probate of decedent´s will) shall be filed with the Register of Wills, D.C., 515 5th Street, N.W., 3rd Floor Wa s h i n g t o n , D . C . 20001, on or before April 3, 2015. Claims against the decedent shall be presented to the undersigned with a copy to the Register of Wills or filed with the Register of Wills with a copy to the undersigned, on or before April 3, 2015, or be forever barred. Persons believed to be heirs or legatees of the decedent who do not receive a copy of this notice by mail within 25 days of its first publication shall so inform the Register of Wills, including name, address and relationship. Date of Publication: October 3, 2014 Name of newspaper: Afro-American Washington Law Reporter Verdelle N. Hairston Personal Representative TRUE TEST COPY REGISTER OF WILLS 10/03, 10/10, 10/17/14



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WASHINGTON AFRO-AMERICAN NEWSPAPER Legal Advertising Rates Effective October 1, 2008 PROBATE DIVISION (Estates) 202-332-0080 PROBATE NOTICES a. Order Nisi $ 60 per insertion b. Small Estates (single publication $ 60 per insertion c. Notice to Creditors 1. Domestic $ 60 per insertion 2. Foreign $ 60 per insertion d. Escheated Estates $ 60 per insertion e. Standard Probates

CIVIL NOTICES a. Name Changes 202-879-1133 b. Real Property

TYPESET: Tue2014 Sep 23 14:59:07 EDT 2014 TYPESET: Tue Sep 23 14:59:46 EDT

TYPESET: Sep 23 15:31:31 EDT 2014 09/26, 10/03,Tue 10/10/14 Superior Court of the District of District of Columbia Superior Court of PROBATE DIVISION the District of Washington, D.C. District of Columbia 20001-2131 PROBATE DIVISION Administration No. Washington, D.C. 2014ADM196 20001-2131 Lillian M. Allen Administration No. Decedent 2014ADM963 NOTICE OF Horace Fielder APPOINTMENT, Decedent NOTICE TO NOTICE OF CREDITORS APPOINTMENT, AND NOTICE TO NOTICE TO UNKNOWN HEIRS CREDITORS Darrin Lorenzo Allen, AND NOTICE TO whose address is 105 UNKNOWN HEIRS Michael Fielder, whose Woodland Rd., Indian address is 1638 Hazel Head MD 20640 was apStreet,Baltimore, MD pointed personal repre21226 was appointed sentative of the estate of personal representative Lillian M. Allen, who died of the estate of Horace on January 29, 2014 with Fielder, who died on July a will, and will without 9, 2014 with a will and will Court supervision. All unserve without Court su- known heirs and heirs pervision. All unknown whose where-abouts are heirs and heirs whose unknown shall enter their whereabouts are un- a p p e a r a n c e i n t h i s known shall enter their proceeding. Objections to such appointment (or appearance in this proceeding. Objections to the probate of deto such appointment (or cedent´s will) shall be to the probate of de- filed with the Register of cedent´s will) shall be Wills, D.C., 515 5th filed with the Register of Street, N.W., 3rd Floor Wa s h i n g t o n , D . C . Wills, D.C., 515 5th Street, N.W., 3rd Floor 20001, on or before March 26, 2015. Claims Wa s h i n g t o n , D . C . 20001, on or before against the decedent March 26, 2015. Claims shall be presented to the against the decedent undersigned with a copy shall be presented to the to the Register of Wills or undersigned with a copy filed with the Register of to the Register of Wills or Wills with a copy to the filed with the Register of undersigned, on or beWills with a copy to the fore March 26, 2015, or undersigned, on or be- be forever barred. Perfore March 26, 2015, or sons believed to be heirs be forever barred. Per- or legatees of the desons believed to be heirs cedent who do not reor legatees of the de- ceive a copy of this notice cedent who do not re- by mail within 25 days of ceive a copy of this notice its first publication shall by mail within 25 days of so inform the Register of its first publication shall Wills, including name, so inform the Register of address and relationWills, including name, ship. address and relation- Date of Publication: Sepetmber 26, 2014 ship. Name of newspaper: Date of Publication: Afro-American September 26, 2014 Washington Name of newspaper: Law Reporter Afro-American Darrin Lorenzo Allen Washington Personal Law Reporter Representative Michael Fielder Personal Representative TRUE TEST COPY REGISTER OF WILLS TRUE TEST COPY 09/26, 10/03, 10/10/14 REGISTER OF WILLS

Superior Court of the District of District of Columbia PROBATE DIVISION Washington, D.C. 20001-2131 Administration No. 2014ADM938 Margaret J. McElhaney Decedent NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT, NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND NOTICE TO UNKNOWN HEIRS M a m i e Y. W i l l i a m s , whose address is 5604 Larson Court, Capitol Heights, MD 20743 was appointed personal representative of the estate of Margaret J. McElhaney, who died on August 8, 2014 with a will, and will serve without Court supervision. All unknown heirs and heirs whose where-abouts are unknown shall enter their appearance in this proceeding. Objections to such appointment (or to the probate of decedent´s will) shall be filed with the Register of Wills, D.C., 515 5th Street, N.W., 3rd Floor Wa s h i n g t o n , D . C . 20001, on or before March 26, 2015. Claims against the decedent shall be presented to the undersigned with a copy to the Register of Wills or filed with the Register of Wills with a copy to the undersigned, on or before March 26, 2015, or be forever barred. Persons believed to be heirs or legatees of the decedent who do not receive a copy of this notice by mail within 25 days of its first publication shall so inform the Register of Wills, including name, address and relationship. Date of Publication: September 26, 2014 Name of newspaper: Afro-American Washington Law Reporter Mamie Y. Williams Personal Representative TRUE TEST COPY REGISTER OF WILLS 09/26, 10/03, 10/10/14

09/26, 10/03, 10/10/14



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were appointed personal representatives of the estate of John Thomas Ligon, who died on August 17, 2014 without a will, and will serve without Court supervision. All unknown heirs and heirs whose where-abouts are 13:17:25 EDT 2014 unknown shall enter their LEGAL NOTICES appearance in this proceeding. Objections to such appointment (or to the probate of decedent´s will) shall be filed with the Register of Wills, D.C., 515 5th Street, N.W., 3rd Floor Wa s h i n g t o n , D . C . 20001, on or before April 3, 2015. Claims against the decedent shall be presented to the undersigned with a copy to the Register of Wills or filed with the Register of Wills with a copy to the undersigned, on or before April 3, 2015, or be forever barred. Persons believed to be heirs or legatees of the decedent who do not receive a copy of this notice by mail within 25 days of its first publication shall so inform the Register of Wills, including name, address and relationship. Date of Publication: October 3, 2014 Name of newspaper: Afro-American Washington Law Reporter John Thomas Ligon Jr Brenda Ligon- Bundy Personal Representative

tice by mail within 25 days of its first publication shall so inform the Register of Wills, including name, address and relationship. Date of Publication: October 10, 2014 Name of newspaper: Afro-American LEGAL NOTICES Washington Law Reporter Robert E. Poindexter Personal Representative

ing name, address and relationship. Date of Publication: October 10, 2014 Name of newspaper: Afro-American Washington Law Reporter Claudine Head Personal LEGAL NOTICES Representative

Superior Court of the District of District of Columbia PROBATE DIVISION Washington, D.C. 20001-2131 Administration No. 2014ADM936 Richard G. Jenkins Decedent Gloria J. Jenkins 315 Quakenbos St., NE Washington, DC 20011 Attorney NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT, NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND NOTICE TO UNKNOWN HEIRS Gloria J. Jenkins, whose address is 315 Quakenbos St., NE, Washington, DC 20011 was appointed personal representative of the estate of Richard G. Jenkins, who died on July 3, 2014 without a will, and will serve without Court supervision. All unknown heirs and heirs whose where-abouts are unknown shall enter their appearance in this proceeding. Objections to such appointment shall be filed with the Register of Wills, D.C., 515 5th Street, N.W., 3rd Floor Washington, D.C. 20001, on or before March 26, 2015. Claims against the decedent shall be presented to the undersigned with a copy to the Register of Wills or filed with the Register of Wills with a copy to the undersigned, on or before March 26, 2015, or be forever barred. Persons believed to be heirs or legatees of the decedent who do not receive a copy of this notice by mail within 25 days of its first publication shall so inform the Register of Wills, including name, address and relationship. Date of Publication: September 26, 2014 Name of newspaper: Afro-American Washington Law Reporter Gloria J. Jenkins Personal Representative TRUE TEST COPY REGISTER OF WILLS

Superior Court of the District of District of Columbia PROBATE DIVISION Washington, D.C. 20001-2131 Administration No. 2014ADM593 Judy E. Martin Decedent NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT, NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND NOTICE TO UNKNOWN HEIRS Kisha Martin Riley & Nikita Petties, whose addresses are 20301 Mill Pond Terr, Germantown, MD 20876 and 419 Newton Pl, NW, Washington, DC were appointed personal representatives of the estate of Judy E. Martin, who died on April 18, 2014 without a Will, and will serve without Court supervision. All unknown heirs and heirs whose whereabouts are unknown shall enter their appearance in this proceeding. Objections to such appointment (or to the probate of decedent´s will) shall be filed with the Register of Wills, D.C., 515 5th Street, N.W., 3rd Floor Wa s h i n g t o n , D . C . 20001, on or before April 3, 2015. Claims against the decedent shall be presented to the undersigned with a copy to the Register of Wills or filed with the Register of Wills with a copy to the undersigned, on or before April 3, 2015, or be forever barred. Persons believed to be heirs or legatees of the decedent who do not receive a copy of this notice by mail within 25 days of its first publication shall so inform the Register of Wills, including name, address and relationship. Date of Publication: October 3, 2014 Name of newspaper: Afro-American Washington Law Reporter Kisha Martin Nikita Petties Personal Representatives TRUE TEST COPY

REGISTER OF2014 WILLS TYPESET: Tue Sep 23 14:58:29 EDT

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Superior Court of the District of District of Columbia PROBATE DIVISION Washington, D.C. 20001-2131 Administration No. 2014ADM944 Clifton Bernard Smith Decedent Julius P. Terrell 1455 Pennsylvania Ave, NW Suite 300 Washington, DC 20004 Attorney NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT, NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND NOTICE TO UNKNOWN HEIRS Cydne S. Nash, whose address is 1125 Delcastle Court, Bowie, MD 20721 was appointed personal representative of the estate of Clifton Bernard Smith, who died on June 16, 2014 without a will, and will serve without Court supervision. All unknown heirs and heirs whose where-abouts are unknown shall enter their appearance in this proceeding. Objections to such appointment shall be filed with the Register of Wills, D.C., 515 5th Street, N.W., 3rd Floor Washington, D.C. 20001, on or before March 26, 2015. Claims against the decedent shall be presented to the undersigned with a copy to the Register of Wills or filed with the Register of Wills with a copy to the undersigned, on or before March 26, 2015, or be forever barred. Persons believed to be heirs or legatees of the decedent who do not receive a copy of this notice by mail within 25 days of its first publication shall so inform the Register of Wills, including name, address and relationship. Date of Publication: September 26, 2014 Name of newspaper: Afro-American Washington Law Reporter Cydne S. Nash Personal Representative TRUE TEST COPY REGISTER OF WILLS 09/26, 10/03, 10/10/14

TRUE TEST COPY 10/03, 10/10,Tue 10/17/14 REGISTER OF2014 WILLS TYPESET: Sep 23 14:57:46 EDT Superior Court of the District of District of Columbia PROBATE DIVISION Washington, D.C. 20001-2131 Administration No. 2014ADM957 Charissa Hunter Decedent Thomas A. Gentile 911 Silver Spring Ave Suite 104 Silver Spring, MD 20910 Attorney NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT, NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND NOTICE TO UNKNOWN HEIRS Barbara Hunter and Charles Hunter, whose addresses are 5960 Stratford Ave. Baton Rouge, Louisiana, 70808 were appointed personal representatives of the estate of Charissa Hunter, who died on October 8, 2011 without a will, and will serve without Court supervision. All unknown heirs and heirs whose whereabouts are unknown shall enter their appearance in this proceeding. Objections to such appointment shall be filed with the Register of Wills, D.C., 515 5th Street, N.W., 3rd Floor Washington, D.C. 20001, on or before March 26, 2015. Claims against the decedent shall be presented to the undersigned with a copy to the Register of Wills or filed with the Register of Wills with a copy to the undersigned, on or before March 26, 2015, or be forever barred. Persons believed to be heirs or legatees of the decedent who do not receive a copy of this notice by mail within 25 days of its first publication shall so inform the Register of Wills, including name, address and relationship. Date of Publication: September 26, 2014 Name of newspaper: Afro-American Washington Law Reporter Barbara Hunter Charles Hunter Personal Representatives TRUE TEST COPY REGISTER OF WILLS


Superior Court of the District of District of Columbia PROBATE DIVISION Washington, D.C. 20001-2131 Administration No. 2014ADM420 Nellie J. Martin Decedent Darryl F. White 302 Mississippi Ave Silver Spring, MD 20910 Attorney NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT, NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND NOTICE TO UNKNOWN HEIRS Angela McClurkin and Mary Sazon, whose addresses are 11051 Fawn Creek Lane,Orland Park, IL 60467 were appointed personal representatives of the estate of Nellie J. Martin, who died on March 1, 1999 without a will, and will serve with Court supervision. All unknown heirs and heirs whose whereabouts are unknown shall enter their appearance in this proceeding. Objections to such appointment shall be filed with the Register of Wills, D.C., 515 5th Street, N.W., 3rd Floor Washington, D.C. 20001, on or before March 26, 2015. Claims against the decedent shall be presented to the undersigned with a copy to the Register of Wills or filed with the Register of Wills with a copy to the undersigned, on or before March 26, 2015, or be forever barred. Persons believed to be heirs or legatees of the decedent who do not receive a copy of this notice by mail within 25 days of its first publication shall so inform the Register of Wills, including name, address and relationship. Date of Publication: September 26, 2014 Name of newspaper: Afro-American Washington Law Reporter Angela McClurkin Mary Sazon Personal Representative

9/26, 10/3, 10/10/14

Superior Court of the District of District of Columbia PROBATE DIVISION Washington, D.C. 20001-2131 Administration No. 2014ADM176 Frederick Jordan Decedent Monica Shepherd North Oak Proffesional Park 3034 Mitchellville R. Bowie, MD 20716 Attorney NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT, NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND NOTICE TO UNKNOWN HEIRS Sarah Hamilton, whose address is 348 Tangerine Trail, Chesapeake, VA 23325 was appointed personal representative of the estate of Frederick Jordan, who died on December 4, 2013 with a will, and will serve without Court supervision. All unknown heirs and heirs whose where-abouts are unknown shall enter their appearance in this proceeding. Objections to such appointment (or to the probate of decedent´s will) shall be filed with the Register of Wills, D.C., 515 5th Street, N.W., 3rd Floor Wa s h i n g t o n , D . C . 20001, on or before March 26, 2015. Claims against the decedent shall be presented to the undersigned with a copy to the Register of Wills or filed with the Register of Wills with a copy to the undersigned, on or before March 26, 2015, or be forever barred. Persons believed to be heirs or legatees of the decedent who do not receive a copy of this notice by mail within 25 days of its first publication shall so inform the Register of Wills, including name, address and relationship. Date of Publication: September 26, 2014 Name of newspaper: Afro-American Washington Law Reporter Sarah Hamilton Personal Representative

Superior Court of the District of District of Columbia PROBATE DIVISION Washington, D.C. 20001-2131 Administration No. 2014ADM991 Irene M. Haas Decedent James C. Beadles, Esq 2341 Massanutten Drive Silver Spring, MD 20906 Attorney NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT, NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND NOTICE TO UNKNOWN HEIRS James C. Beadles, whose address is 2341 Massanutten Drive, Silver Spring, MD 20906 was appointed personal representative of the estate of Irene M. Haas, who died on July 8, 2014 with a Will, and will serve without Court supervision. All unknown heirs and heirs whose whereabouts are unknown shall enter their appearance in this proceeding. Objections to such appointment (or to the probate of decedent´s will) shall be filed with the Register of Wills, D.C., 515 5th Street, N.W., 3rd Floor Wa s h i n g t o n , D . C . 20001, on or before April 3, 2015. Claims against the decedent shall be presented to the undersigned with a copy to the Register of Wills or filed with the Register of Wills with a copy to the undersigned, on or before April 3, 2015, or be forever barred. Persons believed to be heirs or legatees of the decedent who do not receive a copy of this notice by mail within 25 days of its first publication shall so inform the Register of Wills, including name, address and relationship. Date of Publication: October 3, 2014 Name of newspaper: Afro-American Washington Law Reporter James C. Beadles Personal Representative



Superior Court of the District of District of Columbia PROBATE DIVISION Washington, D.C. 20001-2131 Administration No. 2014ADM974 David Nelson Decedent Seann P. Malloy, Esq 7910 Woodmont Ave. Suite 1440 Bethesda, MD 20814 Attorney NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT, NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND NOTICE TO UNKNOWN HEIRS Calvin Nelson, whose address is 4425 Falls Terrace, Apt 1, Washington, DC 20019 was appointed personal representative(s) of the estate of David Nelson, who died on March 26, 2014 withouta will, and will serve without Court supervision. All unknown heirs and heirs whose whereabouts are unknown shall enter their appearance in this proceeding. Objections to such appointment shall be filed with the Register of Wills, D.C., 515 5th Street, N.W., 3rd Floor Washington, D.C. 20001, on or before April 3, 2015. Claims against the decedent shall be presented to the undersigned with a copy to the Register of Wills or filed with the Register of Wills with a copy to the undersigned, on or before April 3, 2015, or be forever barred. Persons believed to be heirs or legatees of the decedent who do not receive a copy of this notice by mail within 25 days of its first publication shall so inform the Register of Wills, including name, address and relationship. Date of Publication: October 3, 2014 Name of newspaper: Afro-American Washington Law Reporter Calvin Nelson Personal Representative

Superior Court of the District of District of Columbia PROBATE DIVISION Washington, D.C. 20001-2131 Administration No. 2014ADM59 Lola Moss Lewis Decedent NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT, NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND NOTICE TO UNKNOWN HEIRS Floyd Hilton Lewis, Jr. whose address is 252 Maryland Avenue, NE #B, Washington, DC 20002 was appointed personal representative of the estate of Lola Moss Lewis, who died on October 10, 2013 without a will, and will serve without Court supervision. All unknown heirs and heirs whose whereabouts are unknown shall enter their appearance in this proceeding. Objections to such appointment shall be filed with the Register of Wills, D.C., 515 5th Street, N.W., 3rd Floor Washington, D.C. 20001, on or before April 3, 2015. Claims against the decedent shall be presented to the undersigned with a copy to the Register of Wills or filed with the Register of Wills with a copy to the undersigned, on or before April 3, 2015, or be forever barred. Persons believed to be heirs or legatees of the decedent who do not receive a copy of this notice by mail within 25 days of its first publication shall so inform the Register of Wills, including name, address and relationship. Date of Publication: October 3, 2014 Name of newspaper: Afro-American Washington Law Reporter Floyd Hilton Lewis, Jr. Personal Representative


Superior Court of the District of District of Columbia PROBATE DIVISION Washington, D.C. 20001-2131 Administration No. 2014ADM984 John Thomas Ligon Decedent NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT, NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND NOTICE TO UNKNOWN HEIRS John Thomas Ligon, Jr. and Brenda LigonBundy whose addresses are 6157 64th Ave. #5, Riverdale, MD 20737 4021 23rd Pkwy, #21, Temple Hills, MD, 20748 were appointed personal representatives of the estate of John Thomas Ligon, who died on August 17, 2014 without a will, and will serve without Court supervision. All unknown heirs and heirs whose where-abouts are unknown shall enter their appearance in this proceeding. Objections to such appointment (or to the probate of decedent´s will) shall be filed with the Register of Wills, D.C., 515 5th Street, N.W., 3rd Floor

09/26, 10/03,Tue 10/10/14 TYPESET: Sep 30 13:19:20 EDT 10/10/14 2014 TYPESET: Tue Sep 30 10/03, 10/10, 10/17/14 TYPESET: Sep 30 13:18:02 EDT 2014 09/26, 10/03,Tue Superior Court of the District of District of Columbia PROBATE DIVISION Washington, D.C. 20001-2131 Administration No. 2014ADM539 Rosetta Toatley AKA Rosetta H. Toatley Decedent NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT, NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND NOTICE TO UNKNOWN HEIRS Peter Toatley, whose address is 1614 Thomas Road,Ft. Washington, MD 20744 was appointed personal representative of the estate of Rosetta Toatley AKA Rosetta H. Toatley, who died on April 30, 2014 with a Will, and will serve without Court supervision. All unknown heirs and heirs whose whereabouts are unknown shall enter their appearance in this proceeding. Objections to such appointment (or to the probate of decedent´s will) shall be filed with the Register of Wills, D.C., 515 5th Street, N.W., 3rd Floor Wa s h i n g t o n , D . C . 20001, on or before April 3, 2015. Claims against the decedent shall be presented to the undersigned with a copy to the Register of Wills or filed with the Register of Wills with a copy to the undersigned, on or before April 3, 2015, or be forever barred. Persons believed to be heirs or legatees of the decedent who do not receive a copy of this notice by mail within 25 days of its first publication shall so inform the Register of Wills, including name, address and relationship. Date of Publication: October 3, 2014 Name of newspaper: Afro-American Washington Law Reporter Peter Toatley Personal Representative TRUE TEST COPY REGISTER OF WILLS 10/03,10/10, 10/17/2014

10/03, 10/10, 10/17/14

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TYPESET: Tue Sep 30

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TYPESET: Tue Oct 07 14:23:31 EDT 2014

10/10, 10/17, 10/24/14

Superior TYPESET: Tue Oct 07 14:22:54 EDTCourt 2014 of

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the District of District of Columbia within the meaning of D.C. PROBATE DIVISION Code § 20-101(d). Washington, D.C. Date of First Publication: 20001-2131 October 10, 2014 Jack Administration No. Olender. TRUE2014ADM772 TEST COPY /s/ Volina M Major ANNE MEISTER, AKA Register of Wills. Volina Name Major of Newspapers: DWLR, Decedent AFRO-AMERICAN. NOTICE OF PubAPPOINTMENT, Dates: NOTICE TO 10/10,CREDITORS 10/17, 10/24/14 AND NOTICE TO UNKNOWN HEIRS Melva M Meade, whose address is 1726 L Street NE, Washington DC 20002 was appointed personal representative of the estate of Volina M Major AKA Volina Major, who died on April 3, 2013 with a will, and will serve without Court supervision. All unknown heirs and heirs whose whereabouts are unknown shall enter their appearance in this proceeding. Objections to such appointment (or to the probate of decedent´s will) shall be filed with the Register of Wills, D.C., 515 5th Street, N.W., 3rd Floor Wa s h i n g t o n , D . C . 20001, on or before April 10, 2015. Claims against the decedent shall be presented to the undersigned with a copy to the Register of Wills or filed with the Register of Wills with a copy to the undersigned, on or before April 10,2015, or be forever barred. Persons believed to be heirs or legatees of the decedent who do not receive a copy of this notice by mail within 25 days of its first publication shall so inform the Register of Wills, including name, address and relationship. Date of Publication: October 10, 2014 Name of newspaper: Afro-American Washington Law Reporter Melva M. Meade Personal Representative

Superior Court of the District of Columbia PROBATE DIVISION Trust No. 2014NRT31 Lovell R. Olender Deceased Notice of Existence of RevocablE Trust Lovell R. Olender (name of deceased settlor) whose address was 2500 Vi rg i ni a Av e . , NW Washington, Dc 20037 created a revocable trust on October 27, 2010 which remained in existence on the date of his/ her death on July 21, 2014 and Jack H. Olender whose address is 2500 V i r g i n i a A v e . , N W, Washington, DC 20037 is/ are the currently acting trustee(s), hereinafter the Trustee. Communications to the Trust should be mailed or directed to Charles F. Gormly at 5101 Wisconsin Ave., NW, TRUE TEST COPY #210 , Washington, DC REGISTER OF WILLS 20016 The Trust is subject TYPESET: Tue Sep 30 13:17:07 to claims EDT of the 2014 deceased 10/03, 10/10, 10/17/14 settlor’s creditors, costs of administration of the settlor’s estate, the expenses Superior Court of of the deceased settlor’s the District of funeral and disposal of reDistrict of Columbia mains, and statutory PROBATE DIVISION allowances to a surviving Washington, D.C. spouse and children to the 20001-2131 extent the deceased setAdministration No. tlor’s residuary probate 2014ADM576 estate is inadequate to Blanche L. Jackson satisfy those claims, Decedent costs, expenses, and Law office of Kathy allowances.Claims of the Brissette-Minus, LLC deceased settlors 9701 Apollo Dr, creditors are barred as Suite 230 against the Trustee and Largo, MD 20774 the trust property unless Attorney presented to the Trustee NOTICE OF at the address provided APPOINTMENT, herein on or before April NOTICE TO 10, 2015 (6 months after CREDITORS the date of first publication of this notice). An action to AND NOTICE TO contest the validity of this UNKNOWN HEIRS Cynthia S. Dearing, trust must be commenced whose address is 4604 by the earliest of (1) July Eaton Drive, Suitland, 21, 2015(one year from the death of the deceased MD 20746 was appointed personal repre- Settlor). (2) April 10, 2015 sentative of the estate of (6 months from the date of Blanche L. Jackson, who first publication of this nodied on September 6, tice) or (3) ninety days 2008 with a will, and will after the Trustee sends serve with Court supervi- the person a copy of the trust instrument and a nosion. All unknown heirs tice informing the person TRUE TEST COPY a n d h e i r s w h o s e of the trusts existence, of REGISTER OF WILLS whereabouts are un- the Trustee’s name and 13:20:18 EDT 2014 known shall enter their address, and of the time 10/10, 10/17, 10/24/14 appearance in this allowed for commencing a proceeding. Objections proceeding.The Trustee to such appointment (or may proceed to distribute to the probate of de- the trust property in accorcedent´s will) shall be dance with the terms of filed with the Register of trust before the expiration Wills, D.C., 515 5th of the time within which an Street, N.W., 3rd Floor action must be commenced unless the Wa s h i n g t o n , D . C . 20001, on or before April Trustee knows of a pend3, 2015. Claims against ing judicial proceeding the decedent shall be contesting the validity of presented to the under- the trust or the Trustee signed with a copy to the has received notice from a Register of Wills or filed potential contestant who with the Register of Wills thereafter commences a with a copy to the under- judicial proceeding within signed, on or before April s i x t y d a y s a f t e r 3, 2015, or be forever notification.This notice must be mailed postbarred. Persons believed marked within 15 days of to be heirs or legatees of its first publication to each the decedent who do not heir and qualified benefireceive a copy of this no- ciary of the trust and any tice by mail 25 14:22:54 TYPESET: Tuewithin Oct 07 EDT 2014 other person who would days of its first publica- be an interested person tion shall so inform the within the meaning of D.C. Register of Wills, Code § 20-101(d). Superior Court includof ing name, address the District of and Date of First Publication: October 10, 2014 Jack relationship. Columbia Olender. Date of Publication: PROBATE DIVISION TRUE TEST COPY /s/ October 3, 2014 Trust No. 2014NRT31 ANNE MEISTER, Lovell NameR. of Olender newspaper: Register of Wills. Deceased Afro-American Name of Newspapers: Notice of Washington DWLR, Existence of Law Reporter RevocablE Trust Cynthia S. Dearing AFRO-AMERICAN. Pub Dates: Lovell R. OlenderPersonal (name o f d e c e aRepresentative sed settlor) TYPESET: Tue Oct 07 14:23:15 EDT 2014 10/10, 10/17, 10/24/14 whose address was 2500 Virginia Av e . , NW TRUE TEST COPY Washington, DcWILLS 20037 REGISTER OF Superior Court of created a revocable trust the EDT District of TYPESET: Tue Oct 07 14:23:50 2014 on October 2010 10/03, 10/10, 27, 10/17/14 District of Columbia which remained in exisPROBATE DIVISION tence on the date of his/ Washington, D.C. her death on July 21, 2014 Superior Court of 20001-2131 and Jack H. Olender the District of Administration No. whose address is 2500 District of Columbia 2014ADM971 V i rPROBATE g i n i a A vDIVISION e . , N W, Barbara Carroll Washington, DC 20037 Washington, AKA are the20001-2131 currently acting Barbara Marie Carroll trustee(s), hereinafter the Administration No. Decedent Trustee. Communications 2014ADM996 NOTICE OF to the Trust should be Stanley L. Poindexter APPOINTMENT, mailed or directed to Decedent Charles F. Gormly at 5101 NOTICE TO NOTICE OF NW, Wisconsin Ave., CREDITORS APPOINTMENT, #210 , Washington, DC AND NOTICE TO NOTICE 20016 The Trust isTO subject UNKNOWN HEIRS CREDITORS to claims of the deceased Claudine Head, whose AND NOTICE TO of settlor’s creditors, costs address is 3614 St UNKNOWN administration ofHEIRS the setJohn’s Place, SpringRobert Eugene Pointlor’s estate, the expenses dale, MD 20743 was apwhose address ofdexter, the deceased settlor’sis pointed personal reprefuneral disposal of re153-27and 120 Avenue, Ja- sentative of the estate of mains, and York statutory maica, New 11434 Barbara Carroll AKA Barallowances to a surviving was appointed personal bara Marie Carroll, who spouse and children to representative of the the died on September 6, extent theofdeceased estate Stanleyset-L. 2014 with a will, and will tlor’s residuary Poindexter, whoprobate died on serve with Court superviestate is inadequate to February 16, 2014 withsion. All unknown heirs satisfy those out a will, and claims, will serve a n d h e i r s w h o s e costs, expenses, and without EDT Court2014 supervi- whereabouts are un13:39:40 allowances.Claims the sion. All unknownof heirs known shall enter their daenc de a hs e e di r ss ewt thl oo rsse a p p e a r a n c e i n t h i s creditors are barred as whereabouts are unproceeding. Objections against the Trustee and known enter their to such appointment (or the trust shall property unless a p p e a r a n c e i n t h i s to the probate of depresented to the Trustee atproceeding. the addressObjections provided cedent´s will) shall be to such appointment (or herein on or before April filed with the Register of to the probate of de10, 2015 (6 months after Wills, D.C., 515 5th cedent´s will) shall be the date of first publication Street, N.W., 3rd Floor theAn Register offiled this with notice). action toof W a s h i n g t o n , D . C . Wills, the D.C., 515 5th contest validity of this 20001, on or before April Street, 3rd Floor 10, 2015. Claims against trust mustN.W., be commenced W a s h i n g t o n , D . C . by the earliest of (1) July the decedent shall be 20001, on or before April presented to the under21, 2015(one year from the the deceased 10,death 2015.ofClaims against signed with a copy to the Settlor). (2) April 10, 2015 the decedent shall be Register of Wills or filed (6presented months from of to the thedate underwith the Register of Wills first publication of this nosigned with a copy to the with a copy to the undertice) or (3) Register of ninety Wills ordays filed signed, on or before April after the Register Trustee of sends with the Wills 10, 2015, or be forever the person copy the with a copya to the of underbarred. Persons believed trust instrument and a nosigned, on or before April to be heirs or legatees of tice informing the person 10, 2015 or be forever the decedent who do not ofbarred. the trusts existence, of Persons believed the Trustee’s andof receive a copy of this noto be heirs or name legatees tice by mail within 25 address, and ofwho thedo time the decedent not days of its first publicaallowed for commencing a receive a copy of this notion shall so inform the proceeding.The Trustee tice proceed by mailto within 25 Register of Wills, includmay distribute days its firstinpublicathe trustofproperty accoring name, address and tion shall dance with so theinform terms the of relationship. Register of Wills, includtrust before the expiration Date of Publication: ing name, address and of the time within which an October 10, 2014 relationship. action must be comName of newspaper: mDate e n c of e dPublication: unless the Afro-American October 10, 2014 Trustee knows of a pendWashington Name of newspaper: ing judicial proceeding Law Reporter Afro-American contesting the validity of Claudine Head the trust or the Trustee Washington Personal has received notice from a Law Reporter Representative potential contestant who Robert E. Poindexter thereafter commences a Personal TRUE TEST COPY judicial proceeding within Representative REGISTER OF WILLS sixty days after notification.This notice TRUE TEST COPY


TYPESET: Tue Sep 23 14:58:49 EDT 2014 TYPESET: Tue Sep 30 13:19:43 EDT 2014 TYPESET: Tue Sep 30 TYPESET: Tue Sep 23 15:51:35 EDT 2014 TYPESET: Tue Sep 23 14:58:08 2014 LEGAL NOTICES LEGAL NOTICES LEGALEDT NOTICES LEGAL NOTICES LEGAL NOTICES

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October 11, 2014 - October 17, 2014 The Afro-American


The Afro-American, October 11, 2014 - October 17, 2014





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