Prince georges afro american newspaper november 16 2013

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November 16, 2013 - November 16, 2013, The Afro-American A1 PRINCE GEORGE’S COUNTY EDITION

Volume 122 No. 15

NOVEMBER 16, 2013 - NOVEMBER 22, 2013

Greenbelt Seats First African American Mayor By Blair Adams AFRO Staff Writer For the first time in the history of Prince George’s County’s government, Greenbelt, a town that grew out of the post-Depression New Deal era, has a Black mayor. On Nov. 11, former councilman and former mayor pro tem Emmett V. Jordan, 56, was sworn in as mayor of Greenbelt. “I want to express my gratitude to the residents of Greenbelt who again placed their trust in me and the other members of city council,” Jordan said during the news conference—after assuming his new role as mayor. “We will continue to work hard together on your behalf for the best interest of the city.” Jordan thanked his fellow Continued on A3


Blacks Honored in Veterans Day Celebrations By Zachary Lester and Blair Adams AFRO Staff Writers

The year Richard Overton was born, President Theodore Roosevelt dismissed three companies of Black soldiers for rioting against segregation in Texas, seven African-American students at Cornell University founded Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity and 73 lynchings were recorded. Thirty-five years later, in 1942, Overton volunteered for the military. Now 107, he made news and history Nov. 11 when he was welcomed to the White House by President Obama for a celebratory breakfast with other veterans before he accompanied the Chief Executive to Arlington

Emmett V. Jordan

Protesters Urge Justice in Michigan Killing The Associated Press

D.C.’s Therrell C. Smith Celebrates 96th Birthday With a Dance


The Best Man Holiday Review

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Protestors march after Renisha McBride’s killing.

DEARBORN HEIGHTS, Mich. (AP) — Protesters and civil rights groups are calling for justice after a suburban Detroit homeowner fatally shot a 19-yearold woman on his porch. No charges have been filed after authorities said Renisha McBride, of Detroit, was killed by a shotgun blast to the face early last Saturday in Dearborn Heights. A man told investigators that he thought someone was trying to break into his home and accidentally discharged the gun, according to police. McBride’s family said she likely approached the home to

seek help after getting into a car accident nearby. “She was shot in the front of the face, near the mouth,” police Lt. James Serwatowski told the Detroit Free Press. Friends and family filled a Detroit church Friday for a threehour funeral, which was closed to reporters. Outside the service, an aunt, Kay Lumpkin, said McBride was a former cheerleader who graduated from Southfield High School in 2012. The theme of the funeral “was, it’s a tragedy that didn’t have to happen and not to let this be swept under the rug,” Lumpkin said. Police made a request for Continued on A4

Bishop Sarah Frances New Trial Sought for Black SC Boy, Davis, President, AME 14, Executed in Electric Chair in 1944 Council of Bishops, Dies hearing will show he is COLUMBIA, S.C. killing two girls are asking — (AP) Supporters of a 14-year-old South Carolina boy put to death in the electric chair in 1944 for

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a judge to grant him a new trial. The family of George Stinney hopes the court

George Stinney AP Photo



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Richard Overton, the oldest living WWII veteran, Continued on A6 listened to President Obama on Veterans Day.

innocent. The motion says Stinney was convicted on a shaky confession in a segregated society that wanted revenge on a Black boy accused of beating to death two White girls, ages 11 and 7 in Clarendon County. The request includes sworn statements from two of Stinney’s siblings, saying he was around them all day the girls were killed. Stinney was executed 84 days after the girls disappeared. Records of Stinney’s confession and other evidence from the trial have disappeared.

By AFRO Staff Bishop Sarah Frances Davis, president of the Council of Bishops of the African Methodist Episcopal (AME) Church, and vice president of the World Methodist Council, died Nov. 9 after a brief illness, the World Methodist Council said in a statement.
A clerical trailblazer, she was only the third woman in the 218-year history of the AME Church to reach its highest level, the office of bishop on July 6, 2004, and at the time of her death was the presiding prelate of the16th Episcopal District. That district is made up of churches and schools in Continued on A4

Bishop Sarah Frances Davis




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The Afro-American, November 16, 2013 - November 22, 2013

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NATION & WORLD John Legend Partners with NAACP to Promote Voting Rights

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John Legend John Legend is no stranger to politics or activism. He was an unabashed supporter of Barack Obama during his 2008 campaign, contributing to’s campaign video “Yes We Can,” performing at benefit concerts and appearing front and center at the Democratic National Convention, where he performed his song “If You’re Out There,” a call for voter participation and civic engagement.

 Now, the Grammy Award-winning artist is turning his eye toward voting rights, which has been bombarded from many sides in the past few years.

 This month, Legend formed a partnership with the NAACP to launch a nationwide campaign to promote voting rights and register eligible Americans to vote. The campaign was launched at his recent concert in Durham, N.C., where he asked his fans to join him in taking a stand for voting rights by texting “LEGEND” to 62227 and helped eligible concert-goers register to vote. North Carolina is infamous for having one of the most restrictive voter ID laws in the country.

 Legend said he will continue this advocacy throughout his “Made to Love” tour.

 Since President Obama was elected the first AfricanAmerican commander-in-chief in 2008, GOP-led state legislatures have unleashed a wave of laws with the sum impact of suppressing minority votes. Those changes included fewer early voting days, restrictive voter ID laws, purging of voter rolls and more.

 And, a July 2013 Supreme Court ruling that invalidated Section 4 of the Voting Rights Act—essentially crippling Section 5 of the same statute, which has long served to protect minority voters against discrimination—has further emboldened those anti-voting rights efforts.

What’s in a Name? Ask Kylie, Formerly Known as Keisha

For some teenagers, being multicultural can be daunting enough, but to be teased for having what some call a “Black” name was too much for Keisha Austin, 19, of Kansas City, Mo. who now goes by Kylie Austin. 

 The name change was made official by her mother, who went to court to change it as an early Christmas gift to her daughter.

 Born to a White mother and a Black father, the biracial teen, who graduated from Shawnee Mission North High School last year, said she was repeatedly teased for having the name, according to the Kansas City Star. Now that she is in the adult world, where job seeking can be influenced by a name, she wanted to change it.
“It’s like they assumed that I must be a certain kind of girl,” she said. “Like, my name is Keisha so they think they know something about me, and it always felt negative.”

Cristy Austin, the teens’ mother, said she named her daughter “Keisha” because she thought it represented a “strong, feminine, Kylie Austin beautiful Black woman.”

 But Keisha—Kylie—didn’t see it that way. Not growing up in a diverse community, she was ashamed. 

 She said that she was constantly teased and her peers asked her if there was a “La” or a “Sha” in front of her name. 

 Her mother said she is still the same person, regardless of her name.

Don Lemon Responds to ‘Stop-and-Frisk’ Commentary Reaction

CNN anchor Don Lemon was demonized on social media for a Nov. 5 commentary that seemed supportive of New York’s racially discriminatory “stop-and-frisk” policy. But on Nov. 6 he told Richard Prince’s Journal-isms that his remarks were “grossly misinterpreted” and declared, “I am not supporting stopDon Lemon and-frisk.”
 Lemon’s controversial remarks were made during his segment on the Nov. 5 edition of the “Tom Joyner Morning Show,” the very day New York voters were determining their new mayor. One of the key choices voters faced at the ballot box was whether their new chief should continue outgoing mayor Michael’s Bloomberg’s “stop-and-frisk” law enforcement policy.

 Lemon’s take was that “if you question many people in New York City, even some Black and Hispanic people, they will tell you that on the surface they don’t really have an issue with stop-question-and-frisk. Not the idea of it, at least.”

 And they feel that way despite knowing that police officers “will most likely not be that polite,” and will be discriminatory, Lemon continued.

 The news anchor theorized about what would happen if Mayor-elect Bill de Blasio changed Bloomberg’s law enforcement formula and crime went up.
“If he alters the equation of the formula that has reduced crime in New York City to its lowest in decades, one of which is stop-question-and-frisk, and the crime rate creeps back up, beyond local citizens moving away to the suburbs, people will stop visiting, stop spending their tourist dollars,” Lemon said.

Lemon concluded, “So the question is: would you rather be politically correct or safe and alive?”
The closing sentence acted as a spark on dry kindling, igniting a firestorm of vitriol against the Black journalist. 
On Twitter, the CNN anchor earned his own hashtag.
“#DonLemon On Don Lemon: Would you rather be acceptable to whites and get paid to hate yourself or be liked by the coloreds and get nothing?” read one tweet.

 “Don Lemon on Slavery: would you rather be free and unemployed or have a home and a job?” read another.

Several websites and individuals questioned the Lemon’s authenticity given his 2001 lawsuit against Tower Records for racial profiling. In speaking to Journal-ism’s, Lemon said the suit did not make him a hypocrite because “99 percent of what I wrote is against stop-and-frisk. It’s a shame that people are taking it that way.”

 Lemon also said the last statement of his commentary, about the choice between being “politically correct or safe and alive” was meant to provoke thought among the radio show’s listeners and was not an endorsement of New York’s policy.

Jennifer Hudson and her mom, Darnell Donerson who was killed, as well as her brother, Jason.


the body of her 7-year-old

plate X584859 was found on

after his body was found in a

police received a 7 a.m. call

deep into your soul,” he said. “We were created as a fighter and should be committed to By Alan Kingfight of faith.” fight the good AFRO Staff Writer The first day’s session opened with FBCG Music Presidential candidate John Minister Stephen Hurd McCain’s attack on ACORN – leading theCommunity men in a praise Associated and worship service. Then, Organization for Reform Now – confirms theintroduced. success of the Lewis was organization, the head of the His was entitled group says. Endings.” He told “Necessary is testimony to the work the “This men that before and after we’ve done and success we’ve each game, he would look up had,” Maude Hurd, president of at the sky. People thought he ACORN, said in an interview was for a win before withpraying the AFRO. or thanking God for started, a victory “When this attack we after the clock ran out. had just announced that we had That wasn’t whatnew he was registered 1.3 million voters,” shetosaid. just to say saying God,“That’s he said. that“Isomeone’s running thanked him for scared because success.” 27 yearsofofACORN’s not getting McCain, who is running paralyzed,” Lewis said tofor president on applause. the Republican tickthunderous et, lashed out at ACORN in the He talked about his years final debate against Barack growing up, from his Obama, contending the mother group “is kicking him out of herperpetrathouse on the verge of maybe ing one of the greatest frauds in voter history in this country, maybe destroying the fabric of democracy.”, a non-partisan Web site, found those claims to be “exaggerated,” with “no evidence of any such democracydestroying fraud.” Hurd believes the McCain charges were politically motivated. She said, “Because it’s lowand moderate-income people, and people of color, I believe the McCain campaign thinks those voters are going to vote Democratic, which is not necessarily true.” ACORN is no stranger to controversy. For 38 years, the non-partisan organization has fought for social and economic justice for lowand moderate-income Americans. With 400,000 member families organized into more than 1,200 neighborhood chapters in 110 cities nationwide, The Rev. Teddy Parker Jr. ACORN has over the years seen its share of criticism while advoiscating darkest before Hehousing, shows for affordable living healthcare for the up, butwages, you can rest assured underserved— while organthat He’s goingand to be there to izing voter drives. deliver andregistration see you through.” ButInnone has been as withering another year-old sermon and baseless as this one. posted on, With the presidential election entitled “What to Do When less than two weeks away, You Need God to Work a the ACORN’s detractors allege Miracle,” Parker said, “I organization has engaged inknow maswhy I’m going through this— sive voter registration fraud after to for what on theprepare reportedme discovery ofisbogus names, such as Mickey Mouse the other side.”

twice—when he was 9 and 11. The first time she told him she was financially unable and Dallas Cowboys players to take care of him and his Tony Romo and Terrell Owens, siblings and sent submitted him to live among the names to with a relative. After she got election officials. back up on feetworkers, and hewho Hurd saidher those returned, she put him were doing those thingsout without aACORN’s second time because knowledge orher permission, were fired. “The evidence that has surfaced so far shows they faked forms to get paid for work they didn’t do, not to stuff ballot boxes.” ACORN, she said, is the victim of fraud, not the perpetrator of it. boyfriend didn’t wantthings him in Hurd said the only the home, Lewis said. bogus are the charges themHe said he survived selves. And factcheck. orgby agrees. surrounding himself with It concluded, positive people “Neither and spending ACORN nortime its employees most of his playing have been found guiltyheof,credited or even football, which charged with, casting fraudulent with keeping him out of votes.” trouble. The problem came about pri“Show me who marily because of theyour way friends are and I’llRather showthan you ACORN operates. rely on volunteers, it pays people, many of them poor or unemployed, to sign up new voters. The idea was to help both those being registered and those doing the registration. Maud explained, “We have a of his deathforsent zeroNews tolerance policy delibershockwaves through religious ate falsification of registration.” Most news account neglect to circles. point out that ACORN is “Pastor Teddy Parker, required law toof turn all regJr., seniorbypastor theinBibb istrationZion forms. And they also fail Mount Baptist Church to note that Georgia, it was the went organizaof Macon, tion, in many instances, that first home to be with the Lord on brought the phony registrations Sunday, November 10, 2013,” to the attention of authorities. the The Rev.McCain Robertcamp Earl Houston, apparently pastor First Baptist Church isn’t interested in those fine of Frankfort, Ky., posted on his points, preferring to air misleading ads that seek to link Obama website. to ACORN, undercutting Another thereby post read: “Pastor his political support. Teddy Parker pastored the McCain: I’mBaptist John McCain Bibb Mt. Zion Church and I approve this message. in Macon, GA. They were Announcer: Who is Barack building a new church..... Obama? A man with “a political #RIP.” baptism performed at warp “Wow equally shocked speed.” Vast ambition. After colto hear of his passing. A lege, he moved to Chicago. tremendous brother and Became a community organizer. There, Obama met Madeleine preacher!” tweeted Dr. Craig Talbot, partpastor of the of Chicago L. Oliver, Elizabeth branch of ACORN. He was so Baptist Church in Atlanta. impressive thatsparked he was asked to The death a train the ACORN staff. lengthy conversation on at What did ACORN in Chicago least one Twitter site about the engage in? Bullying banks. need for members support Intimidation Disruption their pastors and for ministers of business. ACORN forced to seektocounseling if theyloans. get banks issue risky home overwhelmed. The same types of loans that caused the 2financial “Need say this:crisis my we’re in today. friend took his life after his

The Afro-American,nephew November 16,Side 2013 Chicago’s West after Monday,16, just 2013 hours - November

“She held hands with her family. It was obviously a very emotional mome

“remained strong for her famibeing convicted of attempted video screen, the family chose violen ly” and was clearly its leader. murder and vehicular hijackthe latter. According to the In held hands with fami- The ing.Afro-American Cook County records show home, - November 22,her 2013, Tribune,November Hudson said, 16, “Yes,2013 “She ly,” the spokesman said. “It that he pleaded guilty to both that’s him.” and ho was obviously a very emotional charges in 1999. He was also kiss th moment.” convicted in 1998 for possesing th The boy – the son of Julia sion of a stolen motor vehicle. Jason. Hudson, Jennifer’s sister – had He was released from prison in “Ev been missing since Friday, 2006 after serving seven years your future,” Lewis said. futures, he said. spoke to him. throug when relativetold found Julian’s forJakes the attempted and “Show me who you text Hisa mother him told him,murder “You’re West, grandmother, car hijacking everyday and I’ll show you she consideredDarnell not keeping about to miss charges. a big turn that area to No wonder Obama’s campaign is Donerson, 57, and his uncle, boy remained have t where you’ll be in five years.” him when she learned she GodThe is trying to showmissing you.” trying to distance him from the Jasonpregnant. Hudson, God 29, shot toher, death through asaid longheweekend in young Irvin was the main speaker was told Irvin left Bible group, saying, “Barack Obama in his grandmother’s home in which police and volunteers for wh on the second day. His however, that this child would study and drove to meet Never Organized with ACORN.” the 7000 block of South Yale message was “Put Up Your “get her out of the ghetto.” a woman at a hotel. After But Obama’s ties to ACORN run Avenue. Dukes.” Irvin said he started seeing her, he recalled Jakes’ long and deep. He taught classes An Amber Alert – a desigsaidThey he was football in high message and decided to for Irvin ACORN. eventhe endorsed playing nation for high-risk missing him for President. school, then won a “focus more on God” after his children – was issued Friday But now ACORN is in trouble. scholarship to the University NFL career was over. after Julian was discovered Reporter: There are at least missing the being murders. of Miamiafter before drafted During Irvin’s very next 11 investigations across the Police arrested William by the Cowboys. game against the Philadelphia country involving thousands of Balfour, thewinning missing three boy’s step- Eagles, a few days later, Despite – Ray Lewis father potentially fraudulent ACORN and estranged husband Super Bowls in 10 years, he he suffered a broken neck, forms. of Julia, at his girlfriend’s still felt empty and turned ending his NFL career. Announcer: Massive voter Southside apartment several 15th of 17 siblings raised to drugs and women, even As he lay on the ground, fraud. And the Obama campaign hours after the murders. by a single mother after his though he was married and unable to move, he feared paid more than $800,000 to an Balfour’s mother, Michele, has father left when he was a vote had children. that he would never be able to ACORN front for get out the told reporters that her son had efforts. preschooler. He compared the “I was trying to feel this hold or play with his children nothing to do with the slayings. Pressuring to issue riskyin size of his banks childhood home holeBalfour up with things, instead of again. He wasn’t thinking remains a suspect in Jason Hudson loans. Nationwide fraud. Ft. Lauderdale to voter one of the God,” he said. about football. Barackmeeting Obama.rooms Bad judgment. small in the One day at a Bible study Irvin said he pledged that Blind ambition. Too risky for church. Despite their poverty, session with his teammates, if God would heal him, he America. his mother raised the children Irvin said Bishop T.D. Jakes, would change his life. to be confident in their a nationally known DallasHe told the crowd that he Since McCain’s comments, SQUARE abilities and hopeful for their based preacher and author, has been faithful ever since.HIGH ACORN’s 87 offices have been bombarded with threats and racist mail. The day after the presidential debate, vandals broke into the organization’s Boston and Seattle offices and stole computers. NOT ON TH BREAD After a Cleveland representative 1st service. 42 years Praying for his wife, kids, enough to make them need appeared on He TV, was an e-mail was old preachsaying his she church.” time away from the job; and sent& to couldn’t the local office “is going to have her lifeDr. ended.” next service,” tweeted E. According to Burnout. 57 percent would do another A workerSmith, in Providence, R.I., Dewey Jr., pastor of com, a website dedicated job if they were able. received a threatening call saythe House of Hope Atlanta, to helping clergy members LEFT “1,500 pastors leave their RIGH ing, “We know you get off work whose members responded to survive the stressors of ministries each month due at 9”they and uttered racial epithets. that were praying for ministering, pastors suffer to burnout, conflict, or moral A caller to one office left a Parker, his family and Smith. disproportionately from stress- failure,” the Times reported. message on the answering “Oh wow. It’s“Hi, deep when induced issues. The website “Doctors, lawyers and clergy machine, saying: I was just he takes his own life. Ministry quoted a New York Times story have the most problems with calling to let you know that is a heavy yoke. Many don’t from 2010 that listed some drug abuse, alcoholism and Barack Obama needs to get fully how heavy until dazzling statistics on pastors: suicide.” hung.realize He’s a (expletive deleted) nigger, he’s a piece Moms of it’s too and late,” tweeted 25 percent reported not Parker’s father was a (expletive deleted). You guys are knowing where to turn for Babely. pastor. He was ordained at fraudulent, and youthe need to go to help with a personal conflict; Oliver voiced age 22. He became pastor of hell. All the of niggers onwho oak trees. 33 percent feel burned out sentiments others BMZBC in July 1997. Under They’re gonna“It’s get all hung honknew Parker. painful within the first five years; 1 BANANA his administration, the church eys, they’re going to get assassiBro...I just didn’t know…. 45 percent of pastors say built a family life center, nated, they’re gonna get killed.” wish I could’ve done that they’ve experienced renovated the sanctuary and Another message said, “You something….anything….. depression or burnout severe added 20 new ministries. liberal idiots. Dumb (expletive deleted). Welfare bums. You guys just (expletive deleted) come to our country, consume every natural resource there is, and make a lot of babies. That’s all you guys do. And then suck up the welfare and expect everyone else to pay for your hospital bills for your kids. I jus’ say let Before age five, every room is a cl your kids die. That’s the best move. Just let your children die. Fun learning opportunities are everywhere. Simple Forget about paying for hospital counting and identifying shapes activate a child’s learn bills for them. I’m not gonna do and help them enter school more prepared. That’ it. You guys are lowlifes. And I founded Grow Up Great and its Spanish-language equiva hope you all die.” con Éxito, a 10-year, $100 million program to help pre Hurd thinks the hate calls will children for school and life. Pick up a free bilingual Sesa cease soon. “Happy, Healthy, Ready for School” kit at a PNC branc “In two weeks, I think these with all kinds of simple, everyday things you can do to h attacks will be over. But I think it learn. Together, we can work with our communities s will be harder for us to get our generation won’t just grow up... but gro name back on good graces because they really trashed us in the last few weeks.” To find out more, go to But ACORN will not be or call 1-877-PNC-GROW. deterred. “We’ve been fighting for a long time, for over 30 years, for the rights of low- and moderateincome people all across the country,” Hurd said. “We’re going to continue to fight for economic justice in our communities.” TM /©2008 Sesame Workshop. All rights reserved. ©2008 The PNC Financial Services Group, Inc. All r


First Baptist Church ofBack Glenarden Hosts Men’s Conference ACORN Fights By Courtney Jacobs AFRO Staff Writer

Leader Calls Voter Registration Fraud Charges ‘Bogus’

The Mighty Men of Valor, a conference designed to draw more men into the service of Jesus Christ, drew thousands of men to First Baptist Church of Glenarden in Upper Marlboro November 8-9. The theme for this year’s two-day conference was “Battle Tested.” Keynote speakers included sports commentators Michael Irvin, formerly of the Dallas Cowboys; Ray Lewis, a retired member of the Baltimore Ravens; and Chris Broussard, an analyst with ESPN. Dr. Clifford Ashe, the founder of the organization, told the men at the opening day ceremony to be steadfast in their pursuit of Christ. “Let the messages speak

“Show me who your friends are and I’ll show you your future.”

Macon Ga. Preacher Fatally Shoots Self Between Sunday Services Possible Reflection of Ministry’s ‘Heavy Yoke’ By Zachary Lester AFRO Staff Writer The pastor of a church in Macon, Ga., apparently shot himself fatally after returning to his home from Sunday services, authorities said. The Rev. Teddy Parker Jr., pastor of Bibb Mount Zion Baptist Church, was found dead in the driveway of his home in Warner Robins, Houston County Coroner Danny Galpin told Macon’s 13WMAZ. He was 42. His wife, Larrinecia Sims Parker, found his body. Authorities believe the gunshot wound that caused his death was self inflicted. The couple has two daughters, Kamry Tednae and Kerrington Tyier Parker. It could not be determined if they were with their mother when she found him. In a sermon posted on from 2010 entitled “Facing Your Storm With Confidence,” Parker told his congregation that God does not always immediately respond to struggle. “There are times when God wants you to have faith,” said Parker. “You might not be able to feel Him. You might not be able to see Him. You might not be able to hear His voice, but you’ve got to walk by faith. Not by sight, not by hearing, walk by faith!” He continued. “God might not show up when you want Him, but when He shows up, He is always right on time!” Parker told the congregation. “And sometimes He waits until it

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November 16, 2013 - November 16, 2013, The Afro-American

The Afro-American, November 16, 2013 - November 22, 2013


National Archives Hosts Discussion on Civil Rights

march. As the plane flew over Washington, she he said. “It wasn’t ‘us versus them.’ It didn’t can remember seeing the people in huddles all change southern senators, but it made them over the city. realize that a dialogue was going to take Former Maryland Lt. Gov. Michael Steele “At one point they just began to march,” place.” said he once told his sons that their White Norton said, adding that leaders had Steele recalled his inauguration as friends may think like them and share the same to run to the front of the line. Maryland’s first Black lieutenant governor. interests, but if they were stopped by police, Some national politicians were “Standing on the steps of our state capital that they would be singled out. worried about the movement. looking out at this crowd of people and “He’s going to look at you differently than “[Some] were so fearful they understanding on whose shoulders I was he will look at your White friends in the car,” tried to discourage the march,” standing was very powerful,” he said. “But do Steele said he explained to his sons. His sons Norton said. “There were a few you know what the most poignant moment was weren’t convinced, then the Trayvon Martin people who came from the South for me? Knowing and realizing that literally case happened. who opposed the march. They were less than a mile behind me, at the Annapolis Carol Moseley Braun “I think it brought home to them the idea so few they never got to the march,” Harbor, Kunte Kinte was brought to this that the work that has gone before, profoundly Norton said. country as a slave. That linkage was a very important, changed a whole heck of a lot, but The panelists agreed that much has been Ferris remembered the transformation of powerful arc that has tied me, bound me to this its different now,” Steele said. “The drumbeat accomplished in race relations since the CRA the mindset of lawmakers after the march. journey of civil rights in the modern era. That of racism is different. It’s quieter. It’s less and VRA were passed. They also agreed that “It changed the character of the dialogue,” arc is still a very viable link.” in your face. Where you see it now is the more needs to be done. redlining of neighborhoods. Where you see “While we achieved an end to segregation, it now is getting job applications through the we did not achieve integration really, so our system, through profiling and other things.” society is still very divided, both in terms of Continued from A1 Steele’s comments were part of a panel economic integration and social integration,” charges, but the Wayne discussion Nov. 7 entitled “A Path to Equality: Braun said. County prosecutor’s office The Impact of the Civil Rights Act of the She cited as examples “the fact that sent it back Wednesday for 1960s” at the National Archives, sponsored minority students are more likely not to by the archives and the U.S. Association of graduate from high school, more likely to be in additional investigation. A vigil was held that same Former Members of Congress. schools that are underfunded, more likely not Other panelists included Rep. Eleanor to get educational opportunities, are less likely day outside the home, and about 50 people rallied Holmes Norton (D-D.C.), former U.S. senators to have the opportunity to start businesses or Thursday outside the Police Carol Moseley Braun, one of only two Blacks be in businesses, have less access to capital.” Department. elected to the U.S. Senate during the 20th Norton talked about the night before the “It’s hard to ... believe it’s century and Robert James “Jim” Jones, the March on Washington in 1963 and how she an accident when a gun is former appointments secretary to President was tasked to take phone calls in Harlem to in her face and the trigger is Johnson; and Charles D. Ferris, who served as assist people who needed transportation to the pulled,” the family’s attorney, Gerald Thurswell, told The Detroit News. The 54-year-old Continued from A1 homeowner has not been arrested or named by police. council members for the for 14 years, Jordan relocated the town’s Black population “I’m confident when the reelection and for selecting to the area to work with the growing from 40 percent in evidence comes it will show him as mayor. He also University of Maryland in 2000 to 48 percent in 2010 that my client was justified recognized the outstanding 1998. He decided settle there while the White population and acted as a reasonable service of Judith F. Davis, because of the great access to shrank from 39 percent to 30 person would who was in whose 16-year tenure makes transportation, recreational percent in the same period. fear for his life,” Cheryl her the longest continuouslyamenities, shopping and the “I’m honored to have Carpenter, one of two lawyers serving mayor in the history park-like atmosphere of the the opportunity to serve as representing the man, told of Greenbelt. community. mayor and hopefully, I’ll be The Detroit News. Her “regional and national Greenbelt was created in remembered as an effective Her client’s race has not contacts have benefited the 1937 as a New Deal initiative mayor, working with council been reported, and she did city in immeasurable ways,” to create cooperative to get things accomplished,” not return a message left by Jordan said. “I learned a community of affordable he said. The Associated Press seeking great deal from her and I will housing for government With plans to focus on Sharpton’s National Action will closely monitor the comment. McBride was an continue to rely on her for workers. the community, economic Network. They called for a developing investigation and African-American. advice,” he said. In an interview with The development, Jordan said thorough investigation. legal proceedings,” said U.S. McBride’s death has A resident of Greenbelt Gazette, Jordan, noting the being elected as mayor is a “We join the greater Rep. John Conyers of Detroit, changing demographics of reflection of the community’s drawn attention from civil Detroit community in the senior Democrat on the rights groups including the the town in northern Prince will. mourning her passing and House Judiciary Committee. NAACP and the Rev. Al George’s County, that a Black mayor should be no surprise here. “Because Greenbelt is Bethel AME Church in San Church (2009-2011); was Transmission of the Christian a very diverse community, it Antonio, Texas, making her a member of the Jamaica Faith, addressed the call of Continued from A1 was only a matter of time.” the first female in Texas to be Council of Churches at the the Church to its original South America (Guyana and Between the census of named to run a major AME time of her death.
 missionary goal and sought Suriname); Windward Islands 2000 and 2010, there has church. 
In August 2011, she was to rekindle the original fire (Trinidad, Tobago, Barbados been a population shift, 

In 1997 she became elected vice president of the in Christians worldwide, and Grenada); the Caribbean according to the U.S. Census the first woman in the World Methodist Council, according to the World Islands (Jamaica, Haiti, Bureau statistics showing Connectional AME church to linking Methodist, Wesleyan Methodist Council website.
 Dominican Republic, and be appointed chair of a board and related Union churches 
She earned a Doctor of Virgin Islands); and Europe of examiners, serving as chair in more than 132 countries, Ministry degree from Southern (London, the Netherlands and of the board for the Tenth representing nearly 43 million Methodist University Perkins France).

 Episcopal District.
 members worldwide.
 School of Theology, a Master She was known as the 
In 2004, she was singled 
In October 2012, Bishop of Divinity from the Houston “Prayer Bishop” because of Davis represented the World Graduate School of Theology, her consistent emphasis on the out by Ebony Magazine as one of the 50 Most Intriguing Methodist Council as a a Master of Science from Pace importance of prayer in the life Persons for 2004.
 guest of His Holiness, Pope University in New York, and of the Church.
She was a member of Benedict XVI at the XIII a Bachelor of Arts from the 
Her ministerial career the Board of Trustees for the Ordinary General Assembly University of North Texas.

 included several “firsts” Houston Graduate School of of the Synod of Bishops in “In October [World beginning with her Theology; served as Chair Rome, Italy. The meeting Methodist Council Youth and appointment by AME Bishop of the Global Development held under the theme The Young Adult Coordinator] John Bryant as the first female Council (GDC) of the AME New Evangelization for the John Thomas III and I had pastor of the 115-year old a chance to visit Bishop Davis on behalf of the World BOOKS DVDs CLOTHING PRINTS PAINTINGS Methodist Council. We found her to be in great spirits and excited that her hopes for the Council meeting in London were realized,” remarked General Secretary Ivan Abrahams.
Bishop Davis is survived by her husband, Claytie Davis Jr., her sons Corey B. + shipping & handling Davis, Dr. Claytie Davis III 18 and his wife Yolanda, and a grandchild, Alexandra Morgan Davis.

 Social media outlets began to crackle within hours of 16"X20" Photo Stock Image her death. AME Bishop John Bryant tweeted, “This day w/Molded Frame a great woman has fallen in Only $89.95 Zion, Bishop Sarah Frances + shipping & handling Davis of the 16th District of the AMEC.” The Rev. Frank Order Today! M Reid III, pastor of Bethel AME Church in Baltimore, tweeted, “Please pray for the family of Bishop Sarah Davis who died this morning! Pray for the 16th Episcopal District Mandela Carver Angela Davis Huey Bob Marley and their healing!” By Angela Swinson Lee Special to the AFRO

chief counsel to then-Senate Majority Leader Mike Mansfield during the debate over the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and Voting Rights Act of 1965.

“While we achieved an end to segregation, we did not achieve integration really, so our society is still very divided, both in terms of economic integration and social integration.” –




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November 16, 2013 - November 22, 2013, The Afro-American


Courtesy photo

COMMUNITY CONNECTION Featuring a powerful blend of music, drama, mime, and dance, this unique worship experience will be highlighted by a replica of a Christmas tree that stands over six tiers tall. Among the decorations adorning the tree, will be approximately 50 men and women from area churches who will sing the best of the season’s sacred music while standing within its structure, thus bringing the tree to life. For more information:

Hanover, Md.

Sister 4 Sisters Network to Host Scholarship Awards Gala

The Sisters 4 Sisters Network is celebrating 10+ years promoting and supporting womenowned businesses with a Scholarship and Awards Gala on Nov. 15 2013 at the Hotel at Arundel Preserve in Hanover, Md. The event will include music, fine dining and fun for all. Formal attire is required and scholarships will be presented. For more information:

Tysons Corner, Va.

Zeta Chi Omega AKAs to Host Annual Fashion Show Luncheon

The Zeta Chi Omega Chapter of the Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority will host their annual luncheon and fashion show on Nov. 17 at the McLean Hilton in Tysons Corner, Va. The event will feature vendors, food, fashion shows and more. For more information: 301-646-1777

Fort Meyer, Va.

Fellowship Thanksgiving Dinner

Pennsylvania Avenue Baptist Church’s “Living” Christmas Tree.

Pennsylvania Avenue Baptist Church Rings in Holiday Season with ‘Living’ Christmas Tree

The Pennsylvania Avenue Baptist Church in the District is once again celebrating the Christmas season with a “living” Christmas tree event on Dec. 6-8.

The Joint Base Myer-Henderson Hall Gospel Service and the Better Opportunity for Singles Soldiers (BOSS) organization will host their annual Fellowship Thanksgiving Dinner on Nov. 16 at the JBM-HH Community Center in Fort Meyer, Va. The dinner is free and open to all service members and their families. For more information: 703-6184344



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A4 A6

The Afro-American, November 16, 2013 - November 22, 16, 2013


Continued from A1

National Cemetery to pay homage to the nation’s men and women in uniform at the annual Veterans Day ceremony. “As we pay tribute to our veterans, we are mindful that no ceremony or parade can fully repay that debt,” Obama said in a proclamation. “We remember that our obligations endure long after the battle ends, and we make it our mission to give them the respect and care they have earned.” All around the nation, Americans gathered at monuments and memorials, with marches and parades, to honor the nation’s service members. “I always come down here to celebrate our veterans on Veterans Day,” said Dahlia Morgan, 37, of Philadelphia, who visited the military memorials with her husband, Scott, and three children. “My father was in the military, so I know the sacrifice people in service to our country make. It makes me feel proud to be Photos by Courtney Jacobs an American to see so many Gerald L. Daye, 47, Marine veteran and Jerry W. Daye, 38, people honoring those who current National Guardman sacrificed for our freedom.” “Our men and women in uniform make At the African American countless sacrifices, travel far from their Civil War Memorial and Museum in families, and risk their lives in pursuit of Northwest, dozens of people gathered for a one of the most honorable missions of all – wreath-laying ceremony at the memorial and service to this great nation,” said Rep. Elijah a program at the museum featuring Mayor Cummings (D-Md.). “On Veterans Day, Vincent C. Gray and Rep. Eleanor Holmes Americans honor the courage and valor of Norton (D-D.C.). In Prince George’s County, current and former service members. But to police packed care packages to be sent to the truly honor these heroes, we must do our best seven officers from the department who are to serve them when they return home. No one currently deployed to Afghanistan. is more deserving of our help.” In Baltimore, veterans were celebrated Bill Broadwater of Upper Marlboro, in at a march that started at the Washington Prince George’s County, said that as a veteran, Monument and concluded at War Memorial it makes him feel appreciated that the nation Plaza. The nation’s leaders paid tribute to those in stops to remember heroes like him. “I am glad they take the time out to uniform, as well.


Be safe and smart when parking

DC STREETCAR PARKING ENFORCEMENT CAMPAIGN STARTS SOON Streetcar vehicles will be on the H Street/Benning Road Corridor soon to test and train for passenger service. Cars parked outside of the lines, including illegally double-parked vehicles, will impede the streetcar, delay service along the line, and result in a ticket and/or tow for vehicles. To remind drivers of proper parking etiquette, District Department of Transportation will distribute warning tickets to improperly parked cars in the corridor during the month of November. Real ticketing will begin on December 1, 2013. For more information, visit or call 855-413-2954.

District Department of Transportation

UDC Honors Veterans Day

Courtesy photo

Maj. Gen. Errol Schwartz, commanding general, D.C. Army National Guard, speaks as part of a Veterans Day event at UDC. Boyd Early, 59, who spent six years in the Army National Guard, much of it working as a medic. “This is the day that men celebrate putting their [lives] on the line,” said Early, who received an honorable discharge in 1980 at the age of 31. After getting out, he worked at Bethlehem Steel as a “scaleman,” someone who weighed steel. Morgan Hall, 44, now a U.S. Army chemist, spent 23 years serving his country in the Army National Guard. “My greatest gift was the opportunity to lead troops in a battle and safely bring them back home,” Hall said of his yearlong stint in Afghanistan. An infantryman, he also has been deployed to Lithuania and Latvia. He spent Veterans Day reconnecting with friends he met serving his country. Back in Washington, John I. Williams, 63, Vietnam Veterans of America Overton, who served in an all-Black unit in the Pacific recognize us,” said Broadwater, 87, a member during World War II, was big news. of the illustrious Tuskegee Airmen. “I am “War’s nothing to be into,” Overton told grateful that the nation recalls that the veterans USA Today. “You don’t want to go into the war went to these wars, sacrificed and some of if you don’t have to. But I had to go. I enjoyed them died because we don’t do much else for it after I’d went and come back, but I didn’t many of them.” enjoy it when I was over there. I had to do In Baltimore, Mayor Stephanie Rawlingsthings I didn’t want to do.” Blake, the host of the parade, thanked veterans, He told the newspaper that he flavors his including those who served or are serving in coffee with a tablespoon of whiskey each the Middle East, for their commitment to their morning, enjoys a dozen cigars each day and country. was accompanied to D.C. by Earlene Love, 89, Among the veterans she celebrated was his “lady friend.”

November 16, 2013 - November 22, 2013, The Afro-American



For Diabetics, Health is Defined by Sugar November is National Diabetes Month By Byron Scott Special to the AFRO

For Ray Smith, it was an abrupt transition from a normal state of health —if a tad overweight—into a world in which thirst, hunger and even dimming eyesight can no longer be ignored. Smith, 53, was far from his home in Prince George’s County when he got the first signs that his health was changing forever. He was coaching basketball at an Amateur Athletic Union (AAU) tournament in Nashville, Tenn. in 1993 when his health turned the corner into diabetes. “Something strange started happening. I was very thirsty, urinating quite frequently; just ravenous, hungry all the time. And it was just strange because I never felt that way,” “When I got home, I got checked out and

they told me I had type II diabetes,” he said. And, just like that, Smith became part of the 26 million Americans with Type II diabetes, squarely in the middle of the 45- to 64-yearold age group that has seen a 118 percent increase in diabetes diagnoses in the last 30 years. Normally, the body metabolizes sugar without much incident. Insulin regulates how the body uses carbohydrates and controls fat metabolism. But in diabetics, that mechanism is out of control and the body can go haywire. Undiagnosed or unchecked, diabetes can lead to a litany of ailments including terminal heart disease or stroke; kidney failure; nerve

damage; loss of eyesight; skin problems, such as infections and sores, and dental problems. Smith said he thought he had it under control but at some point, he said, “I kind of got off.” He said his eating habits were terrible and he wasn’t exercising. Soon his body weight soared from about 175 to 230 pounds. But the most dramatic moments – Ray Smith were yet to come. In 2005, he traveled to High Point, N.C. to see his aunt who had just turned 100. The last time Smith saw her he was four years old. By now, Smith said, his diabetes was out of control and his aunt could tell. “And as I greeted her, she observed my stature and looked in my eyes and asked me

a question: she said: ‘Are you diabetic?’ And I was, like, ‘Wow! Yes.’” Two years later a permanent life change came. “I was sitting at my desk at my office. I worked at a law firm in D.C.; sitting at my desk, my left eye went completely blank.” Eventually he lost sight in both eyes. It didn’t have to be this way, according to Howard University Hospital endocrinologist Dr. Gail Nunlee-Bland. Still, diet and exercise are the most effective ways of controlling diabetes, says Dr. NunleeBland. “Half your plate should be vegetables. And then the other half, you divide that in half where a quarter of it would be your starch and the other quarter would be meat… drinking water instead of juice and soda.” Also, health experts urge exercise, such as a brisk 30 minute daily walk.

wanted to be associated with. I started out working in transitional shelters for the homeless, where a lot of the guys were affected with HIV. I went on to work in a clinic. I truly loved the work, but felt there was so much more I could do to have an impact. That’s when I started working with a focus on young people and began my working relationship with the University of Maryland. The HIV epidemic in Baltimore is pretty interesting and somewhat unique. You can clearly see the divide in how the transmission of the virus is spreading. With the older generations of those infected and affected by the virus, much of the transmission has to do with issues centered on years of substance abuse. With the younger people, HIV seems to be more connected to sexual behavior or they

were born already infected. But for the most part we have an epidemic that is primarily affecting young Black gay men. I can’t tell you how much I feel I was meant to do this work. It’s been amazing. I’ve been able to work with so many people, and I continue to watch the changes in their lives because they’re involved in one of our programs. I’ve seen many of them get involved, eventually working in one of our programs. In the Black AIDS Institute’s African American HIV University’s Science and Treatment College, I was able to meet some awesome people doing some incredible work. Coming into the training, I always knew I was prepared in counseling and testing, and I felt I had a strong foundation in practice and

behavioral research, but I did not have a strong knowledge of the science of HIV. Now I have a stronger knowledge of the science behind HIV and a greater understanding about the amazing medicines currently available. We are able to identify more people and are getting more people tested and into treatment. I still see the stigma in the Black church in regards to HIV, but I must say that many churches are making great efforts to understand HIV and do something in the community.

“Something strange started happening. I was very thirsty, urinating quite frequently; just ravenous, hungry all the time.”

Growing as an HIV/AIDS Advocate By Jamal Hailey Special to the AFRO

For the past 10 years I have lived in Baltimore, where I am the director of programs for STAR TRACK (Special Teens at Risk, Together Reaching Access, Care and Knowledge) at the University of Maryland, Baltimore. I have been in this position for two years, and prior to that I was with the university for six years as HIV-prevention manager. My work in HIV started as volunteer while I was an undergraduate student. I have several family members who are affected by HIV, including two who have died. Seeing what HIV is all about from such a personal experience made me realize that this is a cause I always

This story, told to Glenn Ellis, a health writer and radio commentator, is one in a series about the 2013 fellows in the Black AIDS Institute’s African American HIV University’s Science and Treatment College.

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The Afro-American, November 16, 2013 - November 22, 2013


D.C.’s Therrell C. Smith Celebrates her 96th Birthday With a Dance

By AFRO Staff Therrell Smith’s dream was always to dance and to inspire others to do the same. She began dancing ballet in the District 88 years ago. While attending Dunbar High School, she choreographed many of the school plays and operettas. She volunteered as a dance instructor for a local charity to make extra money as a teen. During her years at Fisk University, she spent summers working as a dance teacher at a summer camp in Wisconsin. After graduation, she continued to work with young people as a camp counselor and drama teacher at a camp in Massachusetts.

The highlight of her own training came when she was selected to study in Paris under the famous Mathilde Kschessinska, prima ballerina assoluta of the Imperial Russian Ballet. For 65 years, she has taught dance, first at the LeDroit Park Nursery School, then later at facilities on Rhode Island Avenue, NW and Bunker Hill Road, NE, where she continues to work with young people. At four years shy of a century, dance is still her life. And when members of her congregation decided to help her celebrate her birthday on Nov. 10, she knew exactly what to give them in return: the gift of dance. A members of the Unity of Washington D.C. church gathered inside the sanctuary, resplendent in their Sunday best, Smith blessed them with a classical modern dance. She was welcomed by Sheryl McCullough, who could barely contain her excitement. “I’d like to introduce to you today, a woman that has accomplished so much in her career,” McCullough said. “It is an honor and privilege that she is with us here today. She wants to dance for us here on her 96th birthday…Ms. Smith, please

UDC Theology Lecture

The Rev. Lennox Abrigo lecturing on religion at The University of the District of Columbia

Faith and Fashion Collaborate in Church

Photos by Imani Dennison

stand up.” As Smith rose, the crowd immediately rose as well, giving her a standing ovation before she even moved into position. There were tears in her eyes as she approached the front of the church. As she danced, the members cheered her on, marveling that she was still as light on her feet as a feather, as confident of her moves as an eagle in flight. When the music stopped, Smith blew kisses to the crowd. As she took one last bow, there was scarcely a dry eye in the room. On this Sunday, Therell C. Smith had turned 96 years young, and she had celebrated by sharing her art with people she loved, as she had since she was 8 years old.

Family Day at Peoples Church The Diaconate Board of the Peoples Congregational UCC is pleased to announce that a Friends and Family Worship Service will be held 8:30 and 11 a.m., Nov. 17, at the church located at 4704 13th St. N.W. The speaker for both services will be the Rev. Dr. Yvonne Delk. Music will be provided by the Chancel Choir. Prizes will be provided to three persons at each service who are responsible for bringing the most people with them. A reception hour will follow after both services. Delk serves as the founding director of the Center for African American Theological Studies located in Chicago. For nearly 40 years, she has been a strong ally in the fight for human and civil rights for people of color, children and the poor. In 1974, she became the first AfricanAmerican woman to be ordained in the United File Photo by Herb Quarles Church of Christ. She has been a visiting The Rev. Leslie Cannon greets the Rev professor at Harvard Divinity School in Dr. Yvonne V. Delk during a reception at Cambridge, Mass., Virginia Union Seminary in Peoples Congregational UCC. Richmond, Va. and the Seminary Consortium for Pastoral Education in Chicago. Dr. Delk currently serves on the board of directors of Franklinton Center and the steering committee of the Covenant Academy for Urban Ministry in the UCC. Call (202) 686-8836 for additional information.

By Ashley D. Diggs

Style and Trends Writer Local fashion enthusiasts didn’t have to wait for the traditional New York or DC Fashion Weeks to see the latest and be in the know. They merely had to attend activities of the Oct. 27 – Nov. 2 Christian Fashion Week hosted by Designed Life and held at First United Methodist Church in Hyattsville, Md. Especially on Saturday night when the church’s altar became the top of the runway as The Power Merger: Tasteful Fashion is Limitless finale brought Christian Fashion Week to a close. The opening titled “The Vintage Voyage” led the show with designs by Primrose Boutique T-Simone Designs, and fashions by Retrocakes. Tenisha Simone, who began sewing at 13, said her clothing line is “a marriage of color and fabrics.” The designer, fashionably referred to as T-Simone, incorporated warm autumn hues like rust and cognac, earth tones such as mushroom and beige, and bold floral prints to represent her collection, “Fall Into Action: 13 Edition.” T-Simone, a seamstress for seven years now, showcased a collection of mixed fabrics, silk and satin with a floral print, synthesized into an individual garment. Her two-tone, no pocket, waist-high pants were constructed with a cotton floral front panel and a rust-colored back panel made of satin. Those pants, and a printed hunter green and chocolate blousy top tightened with a drawstring, received many ohhs and ahhs from the crowd as it came down the runway. Thirteen-year-old model Alicia Jones explained backstage how much she enjoys the fashion arena. “I’m excited, but I have been modeling since I was 8 [years-old]. I just like clothes.” A personal favorite line of clothing, Retrocakes is a contemporary, yet classic retro brand created by Renica Beery, 32-year-old designer who provides consultations, and creates tailor-made garments. A youthful model pranced the runway wearing the most adorable, flirty, sleeveless, dress with the newspaper inspired words, “Extra, Extra.” The one-of-a-kind dress retailed for $100. Another jaw-dropping garment, by Retrocakes aficionado Renica Beery, was a custom-made lace gown called “Officer’s Ball.” The story behind “Officer’s Ball” Beery said, “….was my husband. He is an officer and my inspiration.” That beauty was priced at $180. Retrocakes, the highly favored clothing line, got its name and concept, the owner explained, from the feeling that every day should feel like your birthday, so why not, she said, “Have your cake and eat it, too.”

The night continued with the second half of the fashion show, titled “Gorgeously Global” with collections from Taaru, Zodogi Fashion, and Le’onche’. Le’onche’, an international clothing line, featured modern day western style designs with an African twist of expression. Models strut their stuff in these garments made with an African matte, cotton wax fabric called; Ankara. The vibrant colored, eye-catching casual and cocktail attire is the representation of the Sierra Leone designer. “You will not see my [clothing] line in full black. Black is somber. No matter the season, you should always show color,” says Le’onche’, 34 year-old designer. Osikani, another fabric used by the designer, is an African cotton wax, lighter, metallic material; while George cloth is a thick, heavy Indian fabric covered with embroidery. These threads, worn by persons of the African and Indian descent, beautifully cascaded down the runway. The final segment of the show, “Classically Couture,” showed pieces from retail store Ashley Stewart, and Star’s Studio Designs. Local designer Starbrille Cook, 25, of Star’s Studio Designs and also a stylist, worked on this year’s well-known fashion spectacle on BET, Rip the Runway.

November 16, 2013 - November 22, 2013, The Afro-American



Maryland’s Higher Education Practice Unsustainable

Never has there been a more important conversation about Maryland higher education than the conversation surrounding the recent ruling of U.S. District Court Judge Catherine C. Blake against unnecessary academic program duplication. In her ruling, the judge identifies the harm Maryland has done to its Historically Black Institutions (HBIs) by its unlawful practice and outlines several Earl Richardson strategies for addressing it. Those strategies include enhancing existing programs, establishing new, unique and high demand programs, transferring duplicated programs back to HBIs, and creating program collaborations that enhance academic offerings at HBIs. Judge Blake’s already famous ruling has ignited a spirited discussion of whether or not Maryland will come to grips with its legal responsibility to eliminate its segregated system of higher education or seek instead, again, to explain it away. Will state officials continue to simply make superficial changes of little or no effect, or will they have the moral courage to create a more rational system of public colleges and universities? Most importantly, will state officials realize that while the court ruling provides an opportunity to address the harm done for many decades to Historically Black Institutions and their students, it also provides also an extraordinary opportunity for redesigning the whole of higher education consistent with the demographic, fiscal, technological and legal imperatives of this century and beyond? The current system of higher education is not the product of rational state planning. Most of the major decisions made by the state that have been the result of these non-educational factors have become today’s constraints and problems. And decisions made over the last two decades have had the effect of compounding, rather than minimizing, the impact of these problems. In failing to make its HBIs an integral part of the public sector, it has continued to selectively expand some institutions

and to add too many other campuses to the system. Duplicate offerings breed mediocrity by distributing money for a single area of study over five campuses rather than concentrating those dollars on one or two institutions to build world class programs. The problem is particularly acute in the Baltimore area where there are five standalone comprehensive public four-year campuses from the Beltway inward. But there are only so many possibilities for unique offerings or expensive doctorate degrees and campuses often end up duplicating existing offerings. Primary emphasis on campus prestige rather than on system-wide distinction, in particular, leaves the state with many campuses, but not enough spaces for many students capable of succeeding in college. The current practice of Maryland higher education is unsustainable in the current fiscal climate and the state will be challenged to meet its goals for producing college graduates and otherwise supporting economic development through research, technology and innovation. Demographics are changing significantly the composition of the college-age population. In just the past few years there has been a steep decline in white public high school graduates. A sharp increase in Hispanics is just ahead. African-Americans now make up over 35 percent of high school graduates and will maintain that share. The problem for Maryland is that there is a large academic achievement gap and degree attainment gap between whites and these minority groups. It is unlikely that higher education in Maryland or elsewhere will experience an extended period of generous state funding in the future. There are just too many things that states have to support. But the court may have done the state a favor. It has provided the occasion to think carefully about the state’s higher education system, with special attention being given to

its overall design; policies on academic program approval and operating and capital funding; instructional delivery systems and its framework for compliance with federal civil rights laws and obligations. That process might well begin with a consideration of the realignment of institutional missions and programs to reflect a more complementary model of higher education. Transformation of the Maryland system of higher education within the parameters stipulated in Judge Blake’s ruling will position the state as a national leader among those states deemed to have lingering vestiges of segregation. To attain that mantle of leadership, conversations about the future of higher education cannot be narrowly focused on fears of disruption to majority-serving institutions and dire predictions of white prejudice against Historically Black Institutions. The discussion must be bold, and open to great wonder of the contributions a more comparable and competitive group of HBIs can make to the economic, social and political well-being of the state and its increasingly diverse citizenry. Earl S. Richardson, President Emeritus and Distinguished Professor of Morgan State University

Inequality and HBCUs—a CliffsNotes Version

The reason students are encouraged to avoid CliffsNotes is because in their haste to report the summary of assigned readings, they may miss important themes, nuanced characters, and layers of meaning that are typically understood only with a full reading of the entire text. This caution is equally apropos about the rulings of federal courts. George R. La Noue, a professor of political science and public policy at the University of Maryland Baltimore County appears to have forgotten this caution when he described Judge Catherine Blake’s ruling in the Coalition for Equity and Excellence in Maryland Higher Education, et al., v. Maryland Higher Education Commission, et al. (Coalition v. MHEC), as “anti-climatic and antiquated.” He concluded that “closing or transferring academic programs will not integrate Maryland’s historically black colleges.” Mr. La Noue’s opinions appeared in the Oct. 27 editions of the Baltimore Sun. Mr. La Noue’s failure to fully comprehend the issues that prompted the Coalition to file its suit against the State of Maryland, as well as his mischaracterization of both the substance and the significance of Judge Blake’s ruling, is another reminder of the dangers of relying on Cliffs Notes if one is to truly appreciate important texts. Specifically, Mr. La Noue’s assertion that “Maryland

Maurice C. Taylor

officials had glibly promised to make the state’s HBIs ‘comparable and competitive’ to its traditionally white institutions (TWIs)” is contradicted by the tortuous history of civil rights and higher education in Maryland. The goal of making all of Maryland’s colleges and universities, including its HBIs, comparable and competitive was decades in the making and fiercely resisted by the state. Based on a shallow understanding of the case, he surmises that the Coalition plaintiffs’ “ultimate goal was more state money and an expanded role for HBIs.” He asserts, without benefit of insight (since he is neither a plaintiff nor a member of the Coalition’s legal team), that: “The coalition plaintiffs had no interest in closing or merging institutions or eliminating the very substantial gap in admissions standards which would have decimated enrollment among HBIs.” The central issue in the Coalition case is not integration, as Mr. La Noue would have us believe. The Coalition’s “ultimate goal” is, in fact, twofold: first, to stop the state from continuing to discriminate against students, regardless of race and/or ethnicity, who are attending Maryland’s public HBIs; and, second, to pursue remedies to stem the harm resulting from such continuing discrimination. Mr. La Noue’s summary of the judge’s decision is mischaracterized, too. Judge Blake did not conclude that Maryland HBIs did not have limited missions nor did she find

that the state’s HBIs had received equitable funding. Judge Blake did find, however, that “the Coalition has proven that unnecessary program duplication continues in Maryland, to the detriment of its HBIs, and is traceable to the de jure era. Judge Blake “strongly suggests the parties enter mediation.” Mr. La Noue imagines a litany of horrors that could befall TWIs, particularly those that might affect his own university. Yet, Judge Blake’s rather limited set of proposed remedies is merely the consequences of the state’s decades-long failure to dismantle its segregated system of higher education. Mr. La Noue ignores Judge Blake’s finding of continuing discrimination by the state and proposes nothing in the way of remedies for the continuing harm. Mr. La Noue then asserts: “While all of the once segregated TWIs have worked hard to erase that past and welcome students from all backgrounds, the HBIs still seek to retain a racial identity.” It is his final mischaracterization of this case that I find most revealing. Rather than engage in an honest and/or thorough assessment of the Coalition’s case and Judge Blake’s ruling, Mr. La Noue seems to be comfortable resorting to 1988 Willie Horton style of political theater to elicit support for his broad-brush views. Maurice C. Taylor is the Vice President for Academic Outreach and Engagement at Morgan State University. He has served on a number of MHEC committees and can be reached at

The Power of Our Shared Vision and Partnership

Two decades ago, as a young organizer in Mississippi, I learned that there are only two types of temporal power: organized people and organized money. I also learned that in a democracy, the people can win every time— but only if we are organized.

Benjamin Todd Jealous

Today, when I reflect back on my half-decade at the helm of the NAACP, I am deeply proud of what we have accomplished together as we organized our communities. We have abolished the death penalty in five states, defended voting rights from coast to coast, freed multiple wrongfully incarcerated people and shrunk prison systems. We have increased funding for health care, defended the rights of workers, held wayward mortgage companies accountable and curbed the school-toprison pipeline in multiple states. We have built powerful bridges to help faith communities join the struggle for marriage equality and the struggle against the scourge of HIV, and we have come to the aid of our allies in the struggles for environmental protection and immigrants’ rights. Through all this, we have dramatically expanded the ranks of those who would assist us in combating racial discrimination in the streets

and at the ballot box. Five years ago, the NAACP was what it had been for most of the past half century: the biggest civil rights organization in the streets. Today, we are that and also the biggest online, on mobile and at the ballot box as well. All of this success is testament to the power of our shared vision and partnership to come together for a stronger, more inclusive America. Things could have gone a different way. Since 2010, farright-wing extremists have repeatedly and simultaneously attacked the most basic civil rights protections of most Americans. They’ve attacked women’s rights, affirmative action, workers’ rights, immigration, LGBT equality, food security, health care and even our right to drink clean water and breathe clean air. One has to wonder whether their decision to attack all of us all at once was motivated by mere greed or by an even more devious design to ensure that we would balkanize as we each retreated into a defensive posture. However, together, we chose the courageous path. We have marched forward arm in arm, repeatedly embracing the motto of the three musketeers: “All for one and one for all.” As a result, we have passed powerful anti-racial profiling legislation in New York City and even abolished the death

penalty in Maryland with the help of leaders in the LGBT community; passed marriage equality bills from coast to coast with increased support from faith leaders and communities of color; and, most recently, we have built a powerful defense and offense for voting rights by pulling the entire progressive family together in ways incomparable to those used in recent memory. Occasionally, we have even picked up new conservative friends and allies. Today, as I prepare to leave my position at the NAACP, I am confident that there is a bright future for both the association and the larger civil and human rights struggle. We may have started this century like we started the last: fighting assaults on our voting rights and pushing back against attacks on our most basic civil and human rights. Nonetheless, this time, we have a distinct advantage. We know that no matter what happens in the courts, every year, our ability to defend and expand civil and human rights protections at the ballot box in statehouses and on city councils will increase. Moreover, as organizers, we understand that while the future will come no matter what, we have the power to make the future come faster. Benjamin Todd Jealous is the outgoing president and CEO of the NAACP.


The Afro-American, November 16, 2013 - November 22, 2013

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November 16, 2013 - November 22, 2013, The Afro-American

Maudine R. Cooper, who spent more than 40 years of her life fighting for justice for the voiceless and powerless, including 23 at the Greater Washington Urban League was celebrated Nov. 8 at a gala at the Marriott Wardman Park hotel. The guest included a veritable Who’s Who of the Washington region. Speaker after speaker extolled Cooper’s virtues as a champion of those in need, whether it be a family in need of shelter or a young person in need of a job or job training. Cooper, who is known for getting even the most daunting job done, is stepping down to spend more time with her family.

Retiring GWUL President/CEO Maudine R. Cooper

Maudine Cooper with Maggie Trent, granddaughter

Maudine Cooper with AFRO Executive Editor Avis Thomas-Lester


Maudine Cooper with former D.C. Council member Carol Schwartz

Maudine Cooper with Prince George’s County Executive Rushern L. Baker III

Ann Jordan, Vernon Jordan and the Rev. Wallace Smith D.C. Mayor Vincent C. Gray

Host Omarosa and AFRO D.C. General Manager Edgar Brookins

AFRO Publisher Jake Oliver and National Urban League President Marc Morial

Maudine Cooper with Vernon Jordan

Rep. Eleanor Holmes Norton

Retired Pepco executive Beverly Perry, Maudine Cooper and her daughter, Maria Cooper Trent

Maudine Cooper with representatives from Urban League chapters around the country

Jake Oliver, Maudine Cooper and Edgar Brookins

Deltas sing to their sister, Maudine Cooper

Omarosa and Queen Gladden

Mayor Gray presents Maudine Cooper with award

AFRO Executive Assistant Takiea Hinton, Willa Hall-Smith, Associate VP for Federal Relations, Tuskegee University and GWUL Board Member and Avis Thomas-Lester

Maudine Cooper and some friends from Kappa Alpha Psi

Photos by Rob Roberts


The Afro-American, November 16, 2013 - November 22, 2013

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November 16, 2013 - November 22, 2013, The Afro-American



The Best Man Holiday

Romancing and Reminiscing Through the Holidays Film Review by Kam Williams When released back in 1999, The Best Man was dismissed by some as merely an African-American variation on The Big Chill, and by others as the black male answer to the sassy sisters dishing the dirt in Waiting to Exhale. But the romantic romp revolving around a sophisticated set of college grads was actually entertaining enough to stand on its own, and was even well-enough received to land a trio of NAACP Image Awards, including Best Picture. Set 15 years later, The Best Man Holiday is an eagerly-anticipated sequel reuniting the principal ensemble for a mix of reminiscing, rivalry and sobering reality unfolding during a very eventful Christmas season. Written and directed by Malcolm Lee (Undercover Brother), the film features Morris Chestnut, Nia Long, Terrence Howard, Sanaa Lathan, Taye Diggs, Harold Perrineau, Regina Hall, Melissa De Sousa and Monica Calhoun reprising the roles they played in the first

Morris Chestnut The Best Man Holiday

episode. At the point of departure, we find the gang gathering at the sprawling mansion of Lance Sullivan (Chestnut), an NFL running back on the brink of retirement after a recordingbreaking career with the New York Giants. The God-fearing family man is relishing the prospect of spending more quality time with his wife, Mia (Calhoun), and their children. Author Harper Stewart (Diggs), the best man at their wedding, had stirred-up considerable controversy in the original by writing a thinly-veiled account of his buddies’ sexual exploits. This time around, he lands


The Best Chestnut!

strongly about it. It’s a great, emotional role in a great movie overall.

Interview with Kam Williams

Morris Chestnut was born on New Year’s Day 1969 in Cerritos, Calif. where he was a student-athlete in high school who majored in finance and drama at California State University. He made his big screen debut opposite Ice Cube in John Singleton’s Boyz n the Hood, and subsequently enjoyed his breakout role as the groom-tobe in Malcolm Lee’s The Best Man. The handsome heartthrob has been a much-in-demand leading man ever since, starring in hits like The Call, Think Like a Man, Identity Thief, The Brothers, Not Easily Broken, Kick Ass 2, Two Can Play That Game, Breakin’ All the Rules, The Perfect Holiday, Half Past Dead, Like Mike, Ladder 94 and The Game Plan. A dedicated family man away from work, Morris and his wife, Pam, live in suburban L.A. with their son, Grant, and daughter, Paige. Here, he talks about reprising the memorable role of Lance Sullivan in the eagerly-anticipated sequel, The Best Man Holiday. Kam Williams: Hey Morris, thanks for another interview. Morris Chestnut: No problem, no problem, Kam. Thank YOU, again. KW: What message do you think people will take away from the film? MC: There are so many messages, because the film has a number of storylines. One thing I love about making an ensemble film like this is that you can have ten people come away from it with ten different messages. KW: Would you consider your role in The Best Man or in Boyz n the Hood to be your signature role? MC: [I‘d like to think that they both are. Boyz n the Hood definitely put me on

Morris Chestnut the map and really brought me into the game. Hopefully, this one does the same thing, twenty-something years later, because I feel very

back in trouble when plans to publish a biography of host Lance come to light. Furthermore, despite the fact that his wife, Robin (Lathan), is nine months pregnant, Harper feels pangs of passion at first sight of his gorgeous ex-girlfriend, Jordan (Long). So, when her handsome beau (Eddie Cibrian) excuses himself to spend Christmas with his parents, it’s just a matter of time before flirting leaves Harper in the dog house with Robin, too. Meanwhile, nerdy Julian (Perrineau), who tied the knot with the stripper (Hall) he fell for way back at Lance’s bachelor party,

KW: You have been in the movie business for decades. What advice do you have for aspiring actors? MC: I would say focus on your craft. Nowadays, a lot of people come to quote-unquote Hollywood thinking that all they just have to be different or do something outlandish or have a huge personality to become a star. But I think that if you just focus on the craft, you’ll have a better chance at

Mrs. Santa Donation Form The Afro-American Newspaper family is helping to grant a wish for the area’s most vulnerable. Would you like to help a child or family and create memories that will last a lifetime? For many disadvantaged families, you can turn dreams into reality by participating in the Mrs. Santa Campaign. o I want to join the AFRO’s spirit of giving. Please accept my contribution of $___________ to benefit a less fortunate family.

KW: If you only had 24 hours to live, how would you spend the time? MC: With my family. KW: What is your earliest childhood memory? MC: One Christmas, my

Organization_________________________ City________________________________ State___________________ Zip_________ Phone_______________________________ E-mail_______________________________ Please send all contributions and adoption requests to:

Afro-Charities, Inc. Attn: Diane W. Hocker 2519 N. Charles Street Baltimore, MD 21218 410-554-8243

Excellent (4 stars) Rated R for profanity, sexuality, ethnic slurs and brief nudity Running Time: 124 minutes Distributor: Universal Pictures

brother and I woke up at about 2 in the morning. These dirt bikes were there under the tree, so we went outside and started riding them around our tiny backyard in the middle of the night. KW: What key quality do you believe all successful

people share? MC: Perseverance. They don’t give up. They just continue to strive for what they want. KW: How do you want to be remembered? MC: Just as someone who has always done right by others.



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is currently worried that an old YouTube video of his scantily-clad spouse might surface, now that he’s made an honest woman of her. Hard to ignore is Julian’s flamboyant ex-girlfriend, Shelby (De Sousa), a dramaloving reality-TV star. All of the above is cleverly commented upon by the clownish Quentin (Howard), a one-man Greek chorus again supplying intermittent comic relief. The multi-plotted storyline proves thoroughly absorbing for the duration, feverishly alternating between fond reflections and fresh crises. By viewing’s end, all the loose ends are satisfactorily resolved, allowing for a memorable, if bittersweet sendoff, as well as a transparent setup of the franchise’s next installment. Let’s just hope it doesn’t take Malcolm Lee 15 years to shoot another sequel!

Call Angie Lockhart with any questions. Angie Lockhart Publicist Robert E. Parilla Performing Arts Center Montgomery College 51 Mannakee Street Rockville, MD 20850 phone 240-567-7538 fax 240-567-7542


The Afro-American, November 16, 2013 - November 22, 2013

GapBuster Students Win Big at NSBE Regional Conference In a feat of academic prowess, teamwork and leadership, GapBuster Leaders-in-Training student in junior chapters of the National Society of Black Engineers emerged victorious from the Fall Region II Conference of the NSBE, Nov. 8-10 in Charlotte, N.C. The students, from high and middle schools in Montgomery and Prince George’s counties, worked in teams in math competitions, winning two contests. Sligo Middle School student Chris Okorie claimed first place in the overall competition with the highest math score. The NSBE conference, entitled the “R2FRC: Engineering and Leadership in Harmony,” focused on growth and tested students intellectually through competition. In the TMAL (Try Math-A-Lon), in which GapBuster’s 9th and 10th graders participated, the GapBuster team (dubbed “Hakuna Matata”) obtained first place. The Sligo Middle School “All-Stars,” consisting of students from that school’s NSBE Jr. chapter, won Math Counts. Eighth-grader Chris Okorie was the overall winner of the

Courtesy photo

NSBE, Jr. winning teams - Cindy, Daniela, MiGlanhe, Akira, Cameron, Russell, and Chris

Gospel Artist Joshua Rogers Releases Sophomore Project - Unconditional The year after a major win on any reality singing competition, is often the telling year. It’s the year that makes or breaks an artist, and determines if they can stand on their own two feet. The second project, for such artists, is just as telling – it represents whether singers can develop into their own, or whether they fade away after the TV crowds can no longer view them from week to week on their favorite network. Joshua Rogers, Season 5 winner of BET’s hit series, Sunday Best, has just released his second project atop the Billboard Gospel Charts at #2 in his first week of sales, with his debut release, Well Done premiering in 2012 at #1 on the Billboard Charts. The young singer, who made history as both the youngest winner of the series, as well as the only male winner, has made a declaration that he is here to stay with the release of his current project – Unconditional. The latest release from the 19-year-old phenom is his first album with original content, 90 percent of which is written or co-written by him. Unconditional showcases the singer’s growth, diversity, effortless range and youthful vitality. Still, Rogers reminds listeners that he is well beyond his years, delivering hymns and standards with the poise and passion of a seasoned vocalist matched with vibrant up-tempo tunes that urge listeners to move. After completing the first leg of his Unconditional tour, which kicked off in London, and hit major cities such as Chicago, Atlanta, Houston, Dallas, Washington D.C., New York and culminated in his hometown of South Carolina, Rogers is now prepping for the release of the music video for his current single, So Good. Rogers is taking his time, doing the necessary hard work to lay the groundwork for a long-lasting career. Unconditional is available on iTunes, Amazon and stores everywhere.

competition, and took home two medals for his excellent performance. Considering that GapBuster established a NSBE Jr. chapter at Sligo Middle School a few short months ago, this has been a great achievement for the organization, the students and the volunteers and parents at Sligo. GapBuster’s NSBE Jr. chapters will represent Region II for the math competitions at the National Convention in March, which will be held in Memphis, Tenn. Additionally, GapBuster will be presenting three teams to participate in the NASCAR Ten80 competition. As part of the Leaders-In-Training program that GapBuster offers, the organization has three chapters, located in Wheaton High School, Sligo Middle School, and the Center for Educational Partnership in Riverdale, Md. Students from 7th, 8th, 9th, 10th and 12th grades from Sligo Middle School, Wheaton High School, Parkdale High School, Roosevelt High School and Montgomery Blair High School went to the Charlotte conference.

Ebony & Ivy Race, Slavery, and the Troubled History of America’s Universities By Craig Steven Wilder Book Review by Kam Williams “Ebony & Ivy… delivers a groundbreaking and incendiary exploration of the intertwined histories of slavery, race, and higher education… Many of America’s revered colleges and universities… Harvard, Yale, and Princeton… were drenched in the sweat, the tears, and sometimes the blood of people of color... Money from the purchase and sale of human beings built the campuses, stocked the libraries, and swelled the endowments of American colleges. Slaves waited on faculty and students; academic leaders eagerly courted the support of slaveholders and slave traders. Ultimately, our leading universities were thoroughly dependent on enslavement and became breeding grounds for the racist ideas that sustained it. In short, the American academy never stood apart from American slavery—it stood beside church and state as the third pillar of a civilization built on bondage.”

Most people hold the Ivy League in high esteem as an exclusive oasis of intellectual thinking where one can acquire an excellent education. What they might not know is that its long-revered universities were also once intimately involved in slavery, depending on that evil institution for everything from funding to free labor. Furthermore, places like Princeton served as a proving ground for the sons of plantation owners being trained in classes on slave management that: “For Sullenness, Obstinancy, or Idleness… Take a Negro, strip him, tie him fast to a post; take then a sharp CurryComb, & curry him severely til he is well scrap’d; & call a boy with some dry Hay, and make the Boy rub him down YOU AND A GUEST ARE INVITED TO A for several Minutes, then salt SPECIAL ADVANCE SCREENING OF him & unlose him.” From inciting antiabolitionist riots, to spearheading the back to Africa movement to teaching courses codifying the notion of white superiority, the Ivy League openly functioned as a subtle affirmation of slavery.” Despite the fact that it had played such a pivotal role in the creation and maintenance of a colorcoded society, it would later put considerable effort into “cleansing the stain of human slavery from the story of its prosperity.” This is the thesis of Craig Steven Wilder, as eloquently substantiated in Ebony & Ivy: Race, Slavery, and the Troubled History. A professor of history at MIT, Wilder’s painstakingly-researched opus uncovers the ugly underbelly of Ivy League and other Colonial era colleges BASED ON LANGSTON HUGHES’ CELEBRATED PLAY like Rutgers and Williams. The author goes on to point out how, after the Civil War, “some of the besteducated people in the nation were revising history to romanticize and sanitize their relationship to bondage. They erased their pasts as masters or reimagined their slaves EMAIL: CUSTOMERSERVICE@AFRO.COM as a lower order of adopted TO REGISTER TO WIN TICKETS!” family—trusted, faithful, and beloved servants whom they No purchase necessary. Supplies are limited. One pass per winner. Each pass admits two. Seating is NOT guaranteed and on a first-come, had treated with dignity and first-served basis. Employees of all promotional partners, Fox Searchlight, and The Afro American are not eligible. human sympathy.” All decisions are final. This film is rated PG. Yankee academia exposed as a former bastion of Southern aristocracy.





-- Excerpted from Foreword


November 16, 2013 - November 22, 2013, The Afro-American


The G Spa International Welcomes Beauty Insider The G Spa International announced that magazine cover model, author and entrepreneur, Sonya Lowery, will lead their marketing efforts as their new spokesperson and beauty insider. “Lowery is a natural fit to represent women of color that simply wish to enhance and maintain,” founder Dr. G. Hudson Drakes told “She brings a fresh new attitude toward beauty and asks that women embrace the notion of being the best possible you at any age.” Lowery is best known as an avid thrill-seeker,

Sonya Lowery

lifestyle enthusiast and founder of the adventure movement, World Next Door. She believes in the philosophy of living and sharing your best life. “I spend a lot of time outdoors, and despite the exposure to the sun, wind and other harsh elements, I am always being asked how I keep my skin so healthy looking. I don’t believe that women want drastic changes, only an opportunity to enhance what they already have. And that’s why I’m so excited about being part of the G Spa family. I believe that small changes can make a big difference in how women feel about themselves.” Launched in 2011, The G Spa International Laser & Aesthetic Center is known for its cutting-edge approach to beauty. All treatments are performed by licensed medical professionals using the latest in advanced products and technology. “In many ways, Lowery is the epitome of the active, vigorous, and discerning consumer we hope to reach,” says Drakes. “We hope to utilize her perspective creatively as a busy professional and woman on the go.” For more information, visit their web page at www.


The Afro-American, November 16, 2013 - November 22, 2013


AFRO Sports Desk

Was Incognito Wrong for How He Treated Martin? By Perry Green and Stephen D. Riley The NFL dominated headlines this week after reports surfaced that the Miami Dolphins had suspended veteran guard Richie Incognito for “conduct detrimental to the team.” According to reports, Incognito allegedly bullied his teammate, second-year left tackle, Jonathan Martin, by verbally abusing him through the form of hazing throughout Martin’s two seasons with the Dolphins. Reports included a transcribed voicemail from Incognito to Martin that contained vulgar language, including an instance where Incognito, a Caucasian male, referred to Martin, an African American, as a “half N-word.” The report of Incognito’s actions surfaced following Martin’s decision to leave the team 10 days ago. Since then, Martin has yet to return to the team and Incognito has been suspended by the team indefinitely. More details of Martin and Incognito’s relationship continue to unravel each day, including a claim from Incognito during a recent interview that he received a text from Martin just days ago that read, “I will murder your whole F’ing family.” Incognito said the text was a joke from Martin and that he knew Martin wasn’t serious because he “knew it was coming from [someone I considered] a brother.” Incognito’s teammates also support him, calling the eight-year veteran a great teammate and friend. But while his teammates consider him a “brother,” many others consider Incognito a hostile racist and bigot. Which prompts the question - was Incognito wrong for how he treated Martin? The AFRO Sports Desk debates the question: Green: This is a tough subject to debate because there is so much information that needs to be considered to making a rationale judgment, yet most of the information is based on hearsay. Some say Incognito has a checkered past with violent, inappropriate behavior, while others that have known him personally for years claim he is a “good guy” with a great heart. I could easily take a stance that all forms of hazing are wrong, yet it’s such a normal occurrence among the NFL that it has become widely accepted among the NFL culture. Every NFL rookie player has been hazed in one way or another, whether they were tied to the goal post in their underwear after practice or forced to pick up a $10,000 tab at a team dinner meeting. Dolphins linebacker Cameron Wake called it “the rites of passage” from outsider to a lifetime member of the NFL’s brotherhood and fraternity. And honestly, I respect that. The question is, did Incognito go too far with his hazing of Martin? Riley: The answer to that question is yes and no. Yes, because Incognito called Martin a “half-ni___.” No White person should ever call a Black person “ni__” and not expect backlash from it. The history of that term is so ugly; it’s probably the ugliest word in U.S. history. But at the same time, there are Black Dolphin players who told reporters that they didn’t mind Incognito using the “n-word,” citing that they considered him an “honorary brother” and have embraced him as one of their own among the African-American community. Some reports even say a few Black Dolphin players had embraced Incognito into their culture more than Martin, who was always so “standoffish” from the rest of the players on the team. Now I think that’s just plain silly to say a White man acts “more Black” than a man of African-American descent, but

Sam Lacy: He Made a Difference—Part III

Covering sports events caused Sam to realize that there was something wrong with the racial setting of sports. The memory of his childhood surfaced. He remembered the days where he witnessed both Black and White teams compete, and he realized the level of competition was on a par, and sometimes better. With this in mind, he solicited, and was granted an audience with Clark Griffith, owner of the Washington Senators. He made the case that there was some colored talent being wasted, and Griffith should consider some of the best for his team. Griffith listened, but rebutted Sam’s position with the excuse that recruitment of colored players would be the cause of the demise of the Negro Leagues. In 1944, Sam was on loan to the Chicago Defender Newspaper. The Defender had a gaping hole in their coverage of sports and thought that Sam, who by this time had gained a level of notoriety, would be just the medicine to cure this

I get the point that was trying to be made. The Black players on the team are sticking up for a player they respected and enjoyed playing with so they’re coming to his support. They probably think Incognito went too far saying the n-word but it may not have been with the malicious intent that everyone initially thought. Green: I agree, I think Incognito shouldn’t be using the term “ni___,” whether he is joking or not. Now, I am taking into consideration the ni___r/n___a complex, which is an entirely separate debate in its self. Many younger generation African Americans have voiced their belief in using the term “ni__a” as a term of endearment, which they consider a separate term in reverse of the derogatory term “ni___r.” It’s the equivalent of the African-American race taking slave food like chitterlings and turning it into a traditional dish of delicacy. But it doesn’t appear Incognito was using that reversed term. The way I see it, he was saying anything he could to get under the skin of Martin, perhaps to get a fired reaction from his teammate. For example, in the movie Men of Honor the first Black Navy diver was called “cookie” by his training instructor with purpose of motivating the diver to use his anger to perform at a higher level. Incognito may have taken the same approach and just went too far. However, Incognito’s interview with Fox Sport’s Jay Glazier leads me to think that Incognito wasn’t the only one going a little too far. Incognito showed Glazier a text of Martin threatening to kill Incognito’s family. The text was sent a week before Martin left the team. Incognito said he didn’t take Martin seriously because that’s just how they “talked to each other as brothers.” This adds value to a point that former Dolphins running back Ricky Williams made when he stated days ago that Martin may have been using Incognito as a scapegoat to get out of a league that he really didn’t want to play in anymore. Williams was famous for leaving the NFL seven years ago because he wanted to smoke weed and kept failing drug tests. Williams said the only difference between him and Martin is he kept it real with why he wasn’t in the right state of mind to play pro football at the time, while Martin is using Incognito and bullying as a way out. Riley: I hate to say it, but Williams may be right. After all, Incognito shared a text with Glazier showing Martin telling him that he wasn’t at fault for him leaving. The text read: “Wassup man the world’s gone crazy. [Laughing out loud]. I’m good [though]. Congrats on the win. I’m good man. It’s insane bro but just know I don’t blame u guys at all. It’s just the culture around football and the lockerroom got to me a little.” Now when I read that text, I didn’t sense a man afraid of being bullied or emotionally abused by Incognito. It reads more like a young man who was having a hard time adjusting to the pressure of performing for a professional football team and simply broke down. Reports say Martin didn’t leave the team until he went to sit-down for lunch with his fellow offensive linemen and they all got up from the table and left him sitting alone. “O-line made fun of him and he snapped,” according to ESPN. Not everyone is mentally made up to make it in the NFL, and maybe Martin isn’t either. It’s clear that he was emotionally unstable and perhaps let all of his emotions pile up before eventually breaking down. I hope both he and Incognito are able to eventually move forward with their careers. It’ll be interesting to see how this story develops.

ailment. reasons. Jackie had been an officer in the military, had played While with the Defender, Sam pursued his mission to in an integrated environment at UCLA, and most importantly, integrate baseball. He was able to set up a meeting with was engaged to his sweetheart, Rachel. Branch Rickey (Brooklyn Dodgers), Kenesaw Mountain The issue was on the front burner because the last colored Landis (Commissioner of Major League Baseball) and athlete to make an impact on America was heavyweight Wendell Smith (who, like Sam, was a Negro Sports Writer Champion John Henry Johnson, who had a penchant for White with the Pittsburgh Courier). women. The support and advice Rickey received from Sam The meeting took place without Sam. His boss decided to and Wendell was enough to seal the deal for Rickey. replace him with Paul Robeson. Robeson was well known at In 1947, Jackie stepped onto the field as a member of this time for his singing performances. the Brooklyn Dodgers, and another integration barrier came But, unfortunately he had been very outspoken on his crashing down. support of Communism. The meeting was a bust, but Branch This was all Bill Veeck needed, because 11 weeks later he Rickey held on to the dream. signed Larry Doby. Rickey set up another meeting with Sam and Smith with More to come in my next column… the sole purpose of selecting the player who would be most suited to endure the rigors of being the first Negro to enter Major League Baseball. In the interim, Bill Veeck (Cleveland Indians) queried Sam on the subject of bringing a colored player to the Indians. Sam pointed out that this may be a bad idea since Veeck had played a midget, a player considered a giant and a woman. If he brought a colored player on board, the experiment would fail because it would be considered just another act in Bill Veeck’s circus. When the meeting with Rickey took place, Jackie AFRO Facebook page comments Robinson was the unanimous choice for a number of

McGhee Shines in Howard Victory Over Savannah State By Perry Green AFRO Sports Editor

Howard junior quarterback Greg McGhee scored a career-high four touchdowns with 474 total yards as the Bison smashed Savannah State, 42-14 in a Mid-Eastern Athletic Conference (MEAC) game on Nov. 9 at Greene Stadium in Washington, D.C. McGhee initially got off to a rough start as he fumbled on Howard’s very first offensive possession of the game, which led to Savannah State’s first touchdown. Howard then missed two straight field goals as they fell behind, 7-0 by the end of the first period. But McGhee did a complete reversal in the second quarter, terrorizing Savannah State’s defense for the rest of the game. McGhee’s first touchdown of the game was a 6-yard pass to sophomore receiver Matt Colvin that gave

Howard a 14-7 lead in the second quarter. He scored again on a 53-yard touchdown sprint in the third quarter, followed by a 27-yard touchdown run just minutes later. He closed out a career day with a 6-yard touchdown pass to junior wide receiver Richard Ayiegoro. McGhee finished with 148 yards and two touchdowns rushing, while completing 26-of-37 passes for 326 yards and two passing touchdowns. McGhee’s 474 total yards ranks second in Howard history for a single-game performance behind only former Bison quarterback and current offensive coordinator Ted White and fellow former Bison quarterback Bobby Townsend. “Greg played an outstanding game, one of the best games he has played since he’s been here,” said Howard interim head coach Ray Petty. “He was running the ball well and passing the ball well and his decision-making was outstanding.” Freshman running back Anthony Philyaw also played well, rushing for two touchdowns before leaving the game with an injury.

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November 16, 2013 - November 22, 2013, The Afro-American


Whoopi Goldberg Presents Moms Mabley By Ja-Zette Marshburn AFRO Archivist Multi-talented comedienne and actress Whoopi Goldberg can now add director credits to her resume with the Nov. 7 premiere in New York City of Whoopi Goldberg Presents Moms Mabley, a documentary for Home Box Office about the life and works of Jackie “Moms” Mabley, a trailblazer for African American women in stand-up comedy. It was only fitting that the Apollo Theater was the site of the first showing of the film. As a pioneer of stand-up comedy by Black women, Moms Mabley Moms Mabley was a fixture at the Harlem theater throughout her 50-plus years in show business. Born Loretta Mary Aiken in Brevard, N.C. in 1897, the performer toured on what was known as the “Chitlin Circuit,” the string of performance venues throughout the U.S. that catered to African American entertainers during the age of racial segregation. These theaters included the Apollo Theater in Harlem, the Regal Theater in Chicago, the Fox Theater in Detroit, the Howard Theater in Washington, D.C. and the Royal Theater in Baltimore. Goldberg said she patterned her style of stand-up comedy after Mabley, who fearlessly spun monologues on sex, manwoman relationships, race relations and politics. Moms’ life story was shrouded in mystery, an element highlighted in the film as Goldberg attempted to produce more than a biopic to show that blunt-speaking Mabley was an asset to African American culture. The entertainer reportedly spent time in Washington, D.C. neighborhoods. According to longtime D.C. resident Dorothy Chambers, Mabley had a home off North Capitol Street. Chambers said that, although the comedienne wasn’t seen often, she was always nice and just as “funny as can be all of the time.” It was this benevolent spirit that Goldberg said she wanted to embody in the film. In the film, Mabley is depicted as a mentor for young entertainers and a political activist. The documentary includes testimonials by entertainers who told stories about Moms’ effervescent personality and her ability to separate her own

Photo by Ja-Zette Marshburn

The famous Apollo marquee at the Moms Mabley premier

identity from the character she portrayed. Entertainment industry notables on hand for the premiere included Quincy Jones, Bill Cosby, Harry Belafonte, Sidney Poitier, Joan Rivers, and Jerry Stiller. The film showed Mabley’s ability to tackle thorny topics such as race relations with humor, wit and grace. Her influence on the likes of Goldberg, Eddie Murphy, Arsenio Hall, Kathy Griffin and Richard Pryor was unmistakable, as made evident by the film. Pryor’s daughter Rain was among audience members at the premiere along with other notable AFRO file photos personalities such as actress Phylicia Rashad, fashion designer André Leon Talley and dance icon Carmen De Lavallade. There was also a mention of Moms’ last film appearance in the Stan Lathan-directed movie, Amazing Grace, a comedy based on political campaign in Baltimore. Familiar landmarks, such as Morgan State University, were included as backdrops in the 1974 film. Her final speech in the film prophesied that young people will drive change in society. In a speech unmarred by her signature toothless delivery, she said: “You got a mouth! Speak out and speak up!!” It was on the set of the film that Moms suffered a debilitating heart attack that ultimately caused her demise. The AFRO even played a part in bringing Moms’ story to life by providing exclusive archival photos of Moms’ mentors and fellow entertainers, Butterbeans & Susie and The Nicholas Brothers. The cable outlet Home Box Office (HBO) hosted the premiere, its head of HBO Documentary Films, Sheila Nevins gave opening remarks and introduced Goldberg. Nevins read a letter from “Moms” which detailed the gratitude to Goldberg for finally telling “her story”. The laughter exploded around the halls of the Apollo as the audience feasted on the film’s old clips interviews and recordings of Moms’ comedic artistry. A young moviegoer remarked, “It’s as if you can feel Moms’ spirit in the room.” The film drew rave reviews at the Tribeca Film Festival over the summer, sparking HBO’s interest. The film will be shown on HBO on Nov. 18 at 9 p.m.


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Superior Court of the District of Columbia Civil Division Case No. 13-0007513 IN RE: Akrum Ahmad Al-Ali Applicant ORDER OF PUBLICATION CHANGE OF 2013 NAME 16:26:26 EST Akrum Ahmad Al-Ali having filed a complaint for judgment changing Akrum Ahmad Al-Ali´s name to Akrum Ahmad Ali and having applied to the court for an Order of Publication of the notice required by law in such cases; it is by the Court this 5th day of November 2013, hereby ORDERED, that a copy of this order be published once a week for three consecutive weeks before said day in the AfroAmerican newspaper of general circulation of the District of Columbia; and it is further ORDERED, that the publication must begin no later than two weeks after the filing of the application; and it is further ORDERED, that the FINAL HEARING on this application to change name will be held in Judge-in-Chambers, Room 4220 in the District of Columbia at 500 Indiana Avenue NW Washington DC 20001, on the 20th day of December, 2013 at 2:30 p.m..If any person desires to oppose this application, that person or his or her attorney must be present at the hearing or file written detailed objections five (5) days in advance of the hearing with Judge-in-Chambers and mail a copy of the applicant or applicant’s counsel; and it is further

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Superior Court of the District of District of Columbia PROBATE DIVISION Washington, D.C. 20001-2131 Administration No. 2013ADM846 Daniel W. A. Talley, Sr. Decedent NOTICE 16:27:33 EST OF 2013 APPOINTMENT, NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND NOTICE TO UNKNOWN HEIRS Jeanetta Talley-Smith, whose address is 208 Pepper Mill Drive, Capital Heights, MD 20743, was appointed personal representative of the estate of Daniel W. A. Talley, Sr., who died on July 17, 2010 with a will, and will serve without Court supervision. All unknown heirs and heirs whose whereabouts are unknown shall enter their appearance in this proceeding. Objections to such appointment (or to the probate of decedent´s will) shall be filed with the Register of Wills, D.C., 515 5th Street, N.W., 3rd Floor Wa s h i n g t o n , D . C . 20001, on or before May 15, 2014. Claims against the decedent shall be presented to the undersigned with a copy to the Register of Wills or filed with the Register of Wills with a copy to the undersigned, on or before May 15, 2014, or be forever barred. Persons believed to be heirs or legatees of the decedent who do not receive a copy of this notice by mail within 25 days of its first publication shall so inform the Register of Wills, including name, address and relationship. Date of Publication: November 15, 2013 Name of newspaper: Afro-American Washington Law Reporter Jeanetta Talley-Smith Personal Representative TRUE TEST COPY REGISTER OF WILLS 11/15, 11/22 & 11/29/13

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The Afro-American, November 16, 2013 - November 22, 2013



to the probate of decedent´s will) shall be filed with the Register of Wills, D.C., 515 5th Street, N.W., 3rd Floor Wa s h i n g t o n , D . C . 20001, on or before May 15, 2014. Claims against the decedent shall be presented to the undersigned with a copy to the Register of Wills or filed with the Register of Wills with a copy to the undersigned, on or before May 15, 2014, or be forever barred. Persons believed to be heirs or legatees of the decedent who do not receive a copy of this notice by mail within 25 days of its first publication shall so inform the Register of Wills, including name, address and relationship. LEGAL NOTICES Date of Publication: November 15, 2013 Name of newspaper: Afro-American Washington Law Reporter Rebecca W. Van Ness Personal Representative



CREDITORS Jean Brooks Anderson whose address is 226 Loraine Drive, Memphis, TN 38109, was appointed personal representative of the estate of Lawrence A. Brooks, deceased, by the Orphans’ Court for Prince George’s County, State of Maryland, on August 01, 2013.. Service of process may be made upon Renunda Shea Lee, 3941 Pennsylvania Ave., SE, Washington, DC 20020 whose designation as District of Columbia agent has been filed with the Register of Wills, D.C. The decedent owned the following District of TYPESET: Mon Oct 28 17:35:05 EDT 2013 property: LEGAL NOTICES Colombia LEGAL real NOTICES 20 Chesapeake Street, SE #30C, Washington, Superior Court of DC 20032 the District of Claims against the deColumbia cedent may be preCivil Division sented to the underCase No. 2013FSP655 signed and filed with the Register of Wills for the IN RE: District of Columbia, 500 Shaneice Marie Battle Indiana Avenue, N.W., Applicant Washington, D.C. 20001 within 6 months from the ORDER OF date of first publication of PUBLICATION this notice. CHANGE OF NAME Cathy Marie Childs havJean Brooks Anderson ing filed a complaint for Personal judgment changing Representative Shaneice Marie Battle’s TRUE TEST COPY name to Shaneice Marie REGISTER OF WILLS Childs and having applied to the court for an Date of first publication: Order of Publication of November 15, 2013 the notice required by Name of newspapers law in such cases; it is by and/or periodical: the Court this 21st day of The Daily Washington November 2013. Law Reporter ORDERED, that all per- The Afro-American sons concerned show TYPESET: Mon Nov 11 cause, if any there be, on 11/15, 11/22 & 11/29/13 or before the 18th day of November 2013, why the Superior Court of prayers of said complaint the District of should not be granted; Columbia provided that a copy of Civil Division this order be published Case No.13-00005548 once a week for three IN RE: consecutive weeks be- Alaina Janine Talbot fore said day in the Afro- Applicant American. ORDER OF PUBLICATION JUDGE CHANGE OF NAME A TRUE COPY TEST: Alaina Janine Talbot havfiled anEST application TYPESET: Mon Nov 11 ing 16:26:44 2013 for 11/01, 11/08 & 11/15/13 judgment changing the name from Alaina Janine Talbot to Clayton Alain Superior Court of Talbot and having apthe District of plied to the court for an District of Columbia Order of Publication of PROBATE DIVISION the notice required by Washington, D.C. law in such cases; it is by 20001-2131 the Court this 2nd day of Administration No. October 2013, hereby 2013ADM111 ORDERED, that a copy Charles Bellinger, Sr. of this order be published Decedent once a week for three (3) William A. Bland, Esq Consecutive weeks, in 1140 Connecticut Ave. Afro American, a newsNW, Suite #1100 paper of general circulaAttorney tion of the District of NOTICE OF Columbia; and it is furAPPOINTMENT, ther NOTICE TO ORDERED, that the pubCREDITORS lication must begin no AND NOTICE TO later than two weeks UNKNOWN HEIRS Charles Bellinger, Jr. and days after filing of the application;and it is further Pamela R. BellingerD u n s o n , w h o s e a d - ORDERED, that the FIdresses are 2021 Brooks NAL HEARING on this Drive, Forestville, MD, application to change 20747 and 3004 Brinkley name of an adult will be Road, Apt. T2, Temple held in Judge-InHills, MD 20748, were Chambers, Room 4220 appointed personal re- in the District of Columpresentatives of the bia at 500 Indiana Aveestate of Charles Bel- nue N.W., Washinglinger, Sr., who died on ton,DC 20001 On The December 16, 2012 with- 5th day of December, out a will, and will serve 2013 at 2:30 p.m. If any with Court supervision. person desires to oppose All unknown heirs and this application, that the h e i r s w h o s e person or his or her atwhereabouts are un- torney must be present at known shall enter their the present hearing or file written detailed objecappearance in this proceeding. Objections tions five(5) business to such appointment days in advance of the shall be filed with the hearing with Judge-inRegister of Wills, D.C., Chambers and mail a 515 5th Street, N.W., 3rd copy to the applicant or Floor Washington, D.C. applicant’s counsel; and 20001, on or before May it if further 15, 2014. Claims against ORDERED,that the decedent shall be the applicant must send presented to the under- t h e a p p l i c a t i o n f o r signed with a copy to the change name of an adult Register of Wills or filed and notice of final hearwith the Register of Wills ing to the applicant’s with a copy to the under- creditors personally or by signed, on or before May registered or certified 15, 2014, or be forever mail and show proof of barred. Persons believed service by filing the to be heirs or legatees of affidavit/declaration of the decedent who do not service receive a copy of this no- SO ORDERED tice by mail within 25 JUDGE days of its first publicaA TRUE COPY TEST: tion shall so inform the TYPESET: Mon Nov 11 Register of Wills, includ11/15, 11/22 & 11/29/13 ing name, address and relationship. Superior Court of Date of Publication: the District of November 15, 2013 District of Columbia Name of newspaper: PROBATE DIVISION Afro-American Washington, D.C. Washington Law 20001-2131 Reporter Administration No. Charles Bellinger, Jr. 13ADM1103 Pamela R. BellingerDunson Dorothy W. Harris Personal Decedent Representatives Elise A. Joyner 1730 Rhode Island Avenue, NW, Ste 1015 TRUE TEST COPY Washington, DC 20036 REGISTER OF WILLS Attorney TYPESET: Mon Nov 11 16:28:50 EST OF 2013 NOTICE 11/15, 11/22 & 11/29/13 APPOINTMENT, NOTICE TO SUPERIOR COURT OF CREDITORS THE DISTRICT OF AND NOTICE TO COLUMBIA UNKNOWN HEIRS PROBATE DIVISION Rebecca W. Van Ness, W a s h i n g t o n , D . C . whose address is 2000 20001-2131 Riverside Drive, Apt. 6B, Foreign No. Richmond, VA 23225, 2013FEP118 was appointed personal Date of Death representative of the June 20, 2013 estate of Dorothy W. HarLawrence A. Brooks ris, who died on SeptemDecedent ber 2, 2013 with a will, NOTICE OF and will serve without APPOINTMENT Court supervision. All unOF FOREIGN known heirs and heirs PERSONAL whose whereabouts are REPRESENTATIVE unknown shall enter their AND appearance in this NOTICE TO proceeding. Objections CREDITORS to such appointment (or Jean Brooks Anderson to the probate of dewhose address is 226 cedent´s will) shall be Loraine Drive, Memphis, filed with the Register of TN 38109, was apWills, D.C., 515 5th pointed personal repre- Street, N.W., 3rd Floor sentative of the estate of W a s h i n g t o n , D . C . Lawrence A. Brooks, de- 20001, on or before May ceased, by the Orphans’ 15, 2014. Claims against C o u r t f o r P r i n c e the decedent shall be George’s County, State presented to the underof Maryland, on August signed with a copy to the 01, 2013.. Register of Wills or filed Service of process may with the Register of Wills be made upon Renunda with a copy to the underShea Lee, 3941 Penn- signed, on or before May s y l v a n i a A v e . , S E , 15, 2014, or be forever Washington, DC 20020 barred. Persons believed whose designation as to be heirs or legatees of District of Columbia the decedent who do not agent has been filed with receive a copy of this nothe Register of Wills, tice by mail within 25 D.C. days of its first publicaThe decedent owned the tion shall so inform the f o l l o w i n g D i s t r i c t o f Register of Wills, includColombia real property: ing name, address and 20 Chesapeake Street, relationship. SE #30C, Washington, Date of Publication: DC 20032 November 15, 2013 Claims against the de- Name of newspaper: cedent may be pre- Afro-American sented to the under- Washington Law signed and filed with the

Avenue NW Washington DC of December, 2013 at 2:45 p.m..If any person desires to oppose this application, that person or his or her attorney must be present at the hearing or file written detailed objections five (5) days in advance of the hearing with Judge-in-Chambers and mail a copy of the applicant or applicant’s counsel; and it is further ORDERED, the applicant must send the application for change of name of an adult and notice of final hearing to the D.C. Chief of Police, 300 Indiana Avenue, N.W., Room 5080, Washington, D.C. 20001, the Department of Corrections and the Court Services and Offender Supervision Agency personally or by registered or certified mail and the proof of service be made by filing the affidavit/declaration of service. ORDERED, the applicant must send the application for change of name of an adult and notice of final hearing to current probation, parole or supervisory release officer personally or by registered or certified mail and the proof of service be made by filing the affidavit/declaration of service. ORDERED, if incarcerated in a jurisdiction other that the District of Columbia, the ap-

20001, on EDT the 16th day TYPESET: Mon Oct 28 17:37:47 2013

11/01, 11/08 & 11/15/13

Superior Court of the District of District of Columbia PROBATE DIVISION Washington, D.C. 20001-2131 Administration No. 2013ADM555 Margaret Smith Ware Decedent Wesley L. Clarke 1629 K. Street, Ste 300 Washington, D.C. 20006 Attorney NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT, NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND NOTICE TO UNKNOWN HEIRS George Ware, whose add r e s s i s 111 3 4 2 n d Street, N.E., Washington, D.C. 20001, was appointed personal representative of the estate of Margaret Smith Ware, who died on September 30, 2008 without a will, and will serve without Court supervision. All unknown heirs and heirs whose whereabouts are

unknown shall enter their appearance in this proceeding. Objections to such appointment shall be filed with the Register of Wills, D.C., 515 5th Street, N.W., 3rd Floor Washington, D.C. 20001, on or before May 08, 2014. Claims against LEGAL NOTICES the decedent shall be presented to the undersigned with a copy to the Register of Wills or filed with the Register of Wills with a copy to the undersigned, on or before May 08, 2014, or be forever barred. Persons believed to be heirs or legatees of the decedent who do not receive a copy of this notice by mail within 25 days of its first publication shall so inform the The AFRO-AMERICAN Newspapers is looking to hire SO ORDERED Register of Wills, includJUDGE a part-time Sales Assistant to join our DC office team ing name, address and TYPESET: Mon Nov 04 14:07:23 EST 2013 relationship. 11/08, 11/15 & 11/22/13 located on Benning Road, NE in Washington, DC. This Date of Publication: entry-level position has advancement opportunity and 11/08/2013 Superior Court of Name of newspaper: will provide administrative support for our Advertising the District of Afro-American District of Columbia Washington Sales Department. Duties will include the following: PROBATE DIVISION Law Reporter Washington, D.C. Tuleda Poole Johnson Create master lists of media buyers, advertising 20001-2131 Personal Administration No. Representative agencies, government agencies, etc... to generate leads 2013ADM1100 Salena Pearl Quarles & interest in The AFRO TRUE TEST COPY Decedent REGISTER OF WILLS James Larry Frazier, TYPESET: Mon Nov 04 14:08:09 EST messages 2013 Create for e-blasts; do mail outs of media Esq 11/08, 11/15 & 11/22/13 kits and other advertising information 918 Maryland Avenue, NE Superior Court of Washington, DC 20002 Provide standard administrative and office support the District of Attorney Columbia NOTICE OF Civil Division Provide exemplary customer service APPOINTMENT, Case No. 13-0007418 NOTICE TO IN RE: CREDITORS Lula Mae Bethea AND NOTICE TO Applicant UNKNOWN HEIRS ORDER OF Bruce M. Quarles, whose Strong computer skills with proficiency in MS Office PUBLICATION address is 3965 AlaCHANGE OF NAME Suite b a m a A v e n u e , S E , Lula Mae Bethea having filed Washington, DC 20020, a complaint for judgment 17:36:44 EDT personal 2013 was appointed changing Lula Mae Bethea’s Knowledge of the Greater DC Metro area representative of the name to Lula Mae Harris and estate of Salena Pearl having applied to the court for Ability to perform well both independently and as team Order of Publication of the Quarles, who died on an notice required by law in such April 4, 2013 without a cases; it is by the Court this member will, and will serve with- 31st day of October 2013, out Court supervision. All hereby Ambitious & quick learner with great timeunknown heirs and heirs ORDERED, that a copy of management, organizational skills, detail oriented whose whereabouts are this Order be published once unknown shall enter their a week for three (3) consecutive weeks, in The Afroappearance in this Previous administrative or sales support experience American Newspapers, a proceeding. Objections newspaper of general cirto such appointment culation of the District of shall be filed with the Columbia; and it is further Please send your resume Register of Wills, D.C., ORDERED, that the publica515 5th Street, N.W., 3rd tion must began no later than two weeks after the filing of Or mail to: Diane W. Hocker Floor Washington, D.C. the application; and is further 20001, on or before May ORDERED, that the FINAL Director of Human Resources 8, 2014. Claims against HEARING on this application the decedent shall be to change name will be held 2519 N. Charles St., presented to the under- i n J u d g e - i n - C h a m b e r s , signed with a copy to the Room 4220 in the District of Baltimore, MD 21218 at 500 Indiana Register of Wills or filed Columbia Avenue NW Washington DC with the Register of Wills 20001, on the 19th day of with a copy to the under- December, 2013 at 2:30 TYPESET: Tue Oct 22 15:18:23 EDT 2013 signed, on or before May p.m..If any person desires to 8, 2014, or be forever oppose this application, that barred. Persons believed person or his or her attorney to be heirs or legatees of must be present at the hearFIREFIGHTER-EMERGENCY MEDICAL ing or file written detailed the decedent who do not objections five (5) days in adTECHNICIAN / MEDIC receive a copy of this no- vance of the hearing with We Train You! tice by mail within 25 Judge-in-Chambers and mail Full-Time Positions/$45,884/year days of its first publica- a copy of the applicant or apA CAREER YOU CAN BE PROUD OF. This is the tion shall so inform the plicant’s counsel; and it is furperfect career for the right men and women who are Register of Wills, includ- ther ORDERED, that the notice dedicated to protecting lives and serving the ing name, address and be sent to the applicant’s community. We train selected individuals to provide relationship. creditors personally or by emergency medical services, fight fires, perform Date of Publication: registered or certified mail rescues and promote fire safety and prevention. and the proof of service be November 8, 2013 made by filing the affidavit/ Name of newspaper: declaration of service in Experience is not necessary. This is a unique Afro-American name change cases. employment opportunity to earn full pay and benefits Washington SO ORDERED from day one of your 25-week training. This selecLaw Reporter JUDGE tion process is for a projected July 2014 hiring. Bruce M. Quarles Personal 11/08, 11/15 & 11/22/13 Prince William County, VA, pop. 400,000, is a large Representative and diverse community located 35 miles southwest of Washington, D.C. We are a growing organization TRUE TEST COPY of over 500 career personnel working out of 21 fire REGISTER OF WILLS stations. We offer tremendous learning and promoTYPESET: Tue Oct 29 12:10:04 EDT 2013 tional opportunities and are dedicated to the growth 11/08, 11/15 & 11/22/13 and development of a customer service-driven, diverse workforce to meet the needs of our citizens. or by registered or certified mail and the proof of service be made by filing the affidavit/declaration of service. ORDERED, the applicant must send the application for change of name of an adult and notice of final hearing to current probation, parole or supervisory release officer LEGALor NOTICES personally by registered or certified mail and the proof of service be made by filing the affidavit/declaration of service. ORDERED, if incarcerated in a jurisdiction other that the District of Columbia, the applicant must send the application for change of name and adult and notice of final hearing to the Federal Bureau of Prisons personally or by registered or certified mail and the proof of service be made by filing the affidavit/ declaration of service.

November 16, 2013 - November 22, 2013, The Afro-American

Part-Time Sales Assistant

• • • • •


• • • •

Superior Court of the District of Columbia Civil Division Case No. 2013FSP664

IN RE: Mariah Lynn Davis Applicant ORDER OF PUBLICATION CHANGE OF NAME Terri Lynn Davis having filed a complaint for judgment changing Mariah Lynn Davis´s name to Mariah Lynn Bayless Davis and having applied to 14:06:59 EST the court for an 2013 Order of Publication of the notice required by law in such cases; it is by the Court this 28th day of October 2013. ORDERED, that all persons concerned show cause, if any there be, on or before the 6th day of December 2013, why the prayers of said complaint should not be granted; provided that a copy of this order be published once a week for three consecutive weeks before said day in the AfroAmerican. JUDGE A TRUE COPY TEST:

TYPESET: Mon Nov 04 14:07:46 EST 2013

11/01, 11/08 & 11/15/13

Superior Court of the District of District of Columbia PROBATE DIVISION Washington, D.C. 20001-2131 Administration No. 2013ADM795 Michael A. Johnson Decedent Gary Altman, Esq 11300 Rockville Pike, Suite 708 Rockville, MD 20852 Attorney NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT, NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND NOTICE TO UNKNOWN HEIRS Tuleda Poole Johnson, whose address is 1214 F l o r a l S t r e e t , N W, Washington, DC 20012 was appointed personal representative of the estate of Michael A. Johnson, who died on May 16, 2013 without a will, and will serve without Court supervision. All unknown heirs and heirs whose whereabouts are unknown shall enter their appearance in this proceeding. Objections to such appointment shall be filed with the Register of Wills, D.C., 515 5th Street, N.W., 3rd Floor Washington, D.C. 20001, on or before May 08, 2014. Claims against the decedent shall be presented to the undersigned with a copy to the Register of Wills or filed with the Register of Wills with a copy to the under-



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CREDITORS AND NOTICE TO UNKNOWN HEIRS George Ware, whose add r e s s i s 111 3 4 2 n d Street, N.E., Washington, D.C. 20001, was appointed personal representativeEDT of the2013 estate of TYPESET: Mon Oct 28 17:36:03 EDT 2013 TYPESET: Mon Oct 28 17:35:23 EDT 2013 TYPESET: Mon Oct 28 17:37:07 Margaret Smith Ware, LEGAL NOTICES LEGAL NOTICES LEGAL NOTICES LEGAL NOTICES who died on September 30, 2008 without a will, Superior Court of Superior Court of Superior Court of and will serve without the District of the District of the District of Court supervision. All unDistrict of Columbia District of Columbia District of Columbia known heirs and heirs PROBATE DIVISION PROBATE DIVISION PROBATE DIVISION whose whereabouts are Washington, D.C. Washington, D.C. Washington, D.C. unknown shall enter their 20001-2131 20001-2131 20001-2131 appearance in this Administration No. Administration No. Administration No. proceeding. Objections 2013ADM1077 2013ADM1075 2013ADM1089 to such appointment Ethelbert William Matthew G. Degnen Ethel B. Miller shall be filed with the Haskins Decedent Decedent Register of Wills, D.C., Decedent Carlos M. Recio, Esq Michelle Lanchester, 515 5th Street, N.W., 3rd NOTICE OF 1016 7Th Street, SE Esq. Floor Washington, D.C. APPOINTMENT, Washington, DC 20003 601 Pennsylvania 20001, on or before May NOTICE TO Attorney Ave., NW, Suite 900 1, 2014. Claims against CREDITORS NOTICE OF South Building the decedent shall be AND NOTICE TO APPOINTMENT, Washington, DC 20004 presented to the underUNKNOWN HEIRS NOTICE TO Attorney signed with a copy to the Patricia Ann Haskins, CREDITORS NOTICE OF Register of Wills or filed whose address is 8605 AND NOTICE TO APPOINTMENT, with the Register of Wills 11th Avenue, Silver UNKNOWN HEIRS NOTICE TO with a copy to the underChristopher John Deg- Spring, MD 20903-3203, CREDITORS signed, on or before May nen, whose address is 4 was appointed personal AND NOTICE TO 1, 2014, or be forever Taft Drive, Winchester, representative of the UNKNOWN HEIRS barred. Persons believed estate of Ethelbert Wil- Michael T. Miller, Sr, MA 01890, was apto be heirs or legatees of pointed personal repre- liam Haskins, who died whose address is 3901 the decedent who do not sentative of the estate of on September 2, 2013 5 3 r d S t r e e t , # 2 0 1 , receive a copy of this noMatthew G. Degnen, withwithout a will, and will Bladensburg, MD 20710, tice by mail within 25 who died on March 23, serve without Court su- was appointed personal days of its first publica2013 without a will, and pervision. All unknown representative of the tion shall so inform the will serve without Court heirs and heirs whose estate of Ethel B. Miller, Register of Wills, includsupervision. All unknown whereabouts are un- who died on August 24, ing name, address and heirs and heirs whose known shall enter their 2013 with a will, and will relationship. whereabouts are un- a p p e a r a n c e i n t h i s serve without Court suDate of Publication: known shall enter their proceeding. Objections pervision. All unknown November 1, 2013 to such appointment (or heirs and heirs whose appearance in this Name of newspaper: proceeding. Objections to the probate of de- whereabouts are unAfro-American to such appointment cedent´s will) shall be known shall enter their Washington Law shall be filed with the filed with the Register of a p p e a r a n c e i n t h i s Reporter Register of Wills, D.C., Wills, D.C., 515 5th proceeding. Objections George Ware 515 5th Street, N.W., 3rd Street, N.W., 3rd Floor to such appointment (or Personal Floor Washington, D.C. W a s h i n g t o n , D . C . to the probate of deRepresentative 20001, on or before May 20001, on or before May cedent´s will) shall be 1, 2014. Claims against 1, 2014. Claims against filed with the Register of TRUE TEST COPY the decedent shall be the decedent shall be Wills, D.C., 515 5th REGISTER OF WILLS presented to the under- presented to the under- Street, N.W., 3rd Floor TYPESET: Mon Oct 28 signed with a copy to the signed with a copy to the W a s h i n g t o n , D . C . 11/01, 11/08 & 11/15/13 Register of Wills or filed Register of Wills or filed 20001, on or before May with the Register of Wills with the Register of Wills 1, 2014. Claims against Superior Court of with a copy to the under- with a copy to the under- the decedent shall be the District of signed, on or before May signed, on or before May presented to the underDistrict of Columbia 1, 2014, or be forever 1, 2014, or be forever signed with a copy to the PROBATE DIVISION barred. Persons believed barred. Persons believed Register of Wills or filed Washington, D.C. to be heirs or legatees of to be heirs or legatees of with the Register of Wills 20001-2131 the decedent who do not the decedent who do not with a copy to the underAdministration No. receive a copy of this no- receive a copy of this no- signed, on or before May 2013ADM1035 tice by mail within 25 tice by mail within 25 1, 2014, or be forever Elizabeth G. Scott days of its first publica- days of its first publica- barred. Persons believed Decedent tion shall so inform the tion shall so inform the to be heirs or legatees of Attorney Register of Wills, includ- Register of Wills, includ- the decedent who do not NOTICE OF ing name, address and ing name, address and receive a copy of this noAPPOINTMENT, relationship. relationship. tice by mail within 25 NOTICE TO Date of Publication: Date of Publication: days of its first publicaCREDITORS November 1, 2013 November 1, 2013 tion shall so inform the AND NOTICE TO Name of newspaper: Name of newspaper: Register of Wills, includUNKNOWN HEIRS Afro-American Afro-American ing name, address and Leatha M. Fitchett, Washington Washington Law relationship. whose address is 8023 Law Reporter Reporter Date of Publication: Baldwin Street, Patricia Ann Haskins November 1, 2013 Christopher John Philadelphia, PA 19150, Personal Name of newspaper: Degnen was appointed personal Representative Afro-American Personal representative of the Representative Washington Law estate of Elizabeth G. TRUE TEST COPY Reporter Scott, who died on REGISTER OF WILLS TRUE TEST COPY Michael T. Miller, Sr. January 22, 2011 without REGISTER OF WILLS Personal a will, and will serve withTYPESET: Mon Oct 28 17:36:27 Representative EDT 2013 11/01, 11/08 & 11/15/13 TYPESET: Mon Oct 28 17:35:42 EDT 2013 out Court supervision. All 11/01, 11/08 & 11/15/13 unknown heirs and heirs TRUE TEST COPY whose whereabouts are REGISTER OF WILLS Superior Court of SUPERIOR COURT OF unknown shall enter their the District of TYPESET: Mon Oct 28 17:37:24 EDT 2013 THE DISTRICT OF appearance in this District of Columbia 11/01, 11/08 & 11/15/13 COLUMBIA proceeding. Objections PROBATE DIVISION PROBATE DIVISION to such appointment Washington, D.C. Washington, D.C. Superior Court of shall be filed with the 20001-2131 20001-2131 the District of Register of Wills, D.C., Administration No. Foreign No. District of Columbia 515 5th Street, N.W., 3rd 2013ADM1070 2013FEP000115 PROBATE DIVISION Floor Washington, D.C. Andrea Kusko Date of Death Washington, D.C. 20001, on or before May Decedent July 31, 2009 20001-2131 1, 2014. Claims against John C. Hendricks Bernadette G. Womble Administration No. the decedent shall be 7101 Wisconsin Ave. Decedent 2013ADM1088 presented to the underSuite 1011 NOTICE OF Thelma P. White signed with a copy to the Bethesda, MD 20814 APPOINTMENT AKA Register of Wills or filed Attorney OF FOREIGN Thelma Perry White with the Register of Wills NOTICE OF PERSONAL Decedent with a copy to the underAPPOINTMENT, REPRESENTATIVE NOTICE OF signed, on or before May NOTICE TO AND APPOINTMENT, 1, 2014, or be forever CREDITORS NOTICE TO NOTICE TO barred. Persons believed AND NOTICE TO CREDITORS CREDITORS to be heirs or legatees of UNKNOWN HEIRS Stephen Hudgens AND NOTICE TO the decedent who do not whose address is 146 Frederick Humphreys, UNKNOWN HEIRS receive a copy of this nowhose address is 3601 Quincy Place, NE, Judith W. Riggins and tice by mail within 25 Washington, DC 20002 Connecticut Ave., NW, Marilynn W. Syphax, days of its first publicawas appointed personal Apt. 413, Washington, whose addresses are tion shall so inform the representative of the DC 20008, was ap13230 Osterport Drive, Register of Wills, includestate of Bernadette G. pointed personal repre- Silver Spring, MD, 20906 ing name, address and sentative of the estate of Womble, deceased, by relationship. Andrea Kusko, who died and 1356 Iris Street, NW, the State of Michigan Washington, DC 20012, Date of Publication: on August 31, 2013 with Probate Court for Wayne were appointed personal November 1, 2013 a will, and will serve withC o u n t y, S t a t e o f representatives of the Name of newspaper: out Court supervision. All Michigan. Afro-American unknown heirs and heirs estate of Thelma P. Service of process may whose whereabouts are White AKA Thelma Perry Washington Law be made upon Stephen unknown shall enter their White, who died on Reporter Hudgens, 146 Quincy a p p e a r a n c e i n t h i s September 24, 2013 with Leatha M. Fitchett Place, NE, Washington, proceeding. Objections a will, and will serve withPersonal DC 20002, whose des- to such appointment (or out Court supervision. All Representative ignation as District of to the probate of de- unknown heirs and heirs Columbia agent has cedent´s will) shall be whose whereabouts are TRUE TEST COPY been filed with the Regis- filed with the Register of unknown shall enter their REGISTER OF WILLS ter of Wills, D.C. a p p e a r a n c e i n t h i s Wills, D.C., 515 5th Mon Nov 04 The decedent owned the Street, N.W., 3rd Floor proceeding. Objections TYPESET: 11/01, 11/08 & 11/15/13 following District of Wa s h i n g t o n , D . C . to such appointment (or Colombia real property: 20001, on or before May to the probate of deSuperior Court of 2 1 - 5 4 t h S t r e e t , S E , 1, 2014. Claims against cedent’s will) shall be the District of Washington, DC 20019 the decedent shall be filed with the Register of Columbia & 1669 Montello Avenue, presented to the under- Wills, D.C., 515 5th Civil Division Washington, DC 20002 signed with a copy to the Street, N.W., 3rd Floor Case No. 13-0007298 Claims against the de- Register of Wills or filed W a s h i n g t o n , D . C . cedent may be pre- with the Register of Wills 20001, on or before May IN RE: sented to the under- with a copy to the under- 1, 2014. Claims against Freddie Lee Holliman, signed and filed with the signed, on or before May the decedent shall be Jr. Register of Wills for the 1, 2014, or be forever presented to the under- Applicant ORDER OF District of Columbia, 500 barred. Persons believed signed with a copy to the PUBLICATION Indiana Avenue, N.W., to be heirs or legatees of Register of Wills or filed CHANGE OF NAME Washington, D.C. 20001 the decedent who do not with the Register of Wills Lee Holliman, Jr. within 6 months from the receive a copy of this no- with a copy to the under- Freddie having filed a complaint for date of first publication of tice by mail within 25 signed, on or before May judgment changing Freddie this notice. days of its first publica- 1, 2014, or be forever Lee Holliman’s name to Tiftion shall so inform the barred. Persons believed fany Diamond Chanel MonStephen Hudgens Register of Wills, includ- to be heirs or legatees of tana and having applied to Personal ing name, address and the decedent who do not the court for an Order of Publication of the notice required Representative(s) relationship. receive a copy of this no- by law in such cases; it is by TRUE TEST COPY Date of Publication: tice by mail within 25 the Court this 28th day of REGISTER OF WILLS November 1, 2013 days of its first publica- October 2013, hereby Date of first publication: tion shall so inform the ORDERED, that a copy of Name of newspaper: November 1, 2013 Register of Wills, includ- this Order be published once Afro-American Name of newspapers Washington Law ing name, address and a week for three (3) consecutive weeks, in The Afroand/or periodical: relationship. Reporter American Newspapers, a The Daily Washington Frederick Humphreys Date of Publication: newspaper of general cirLaw Reporter Personal November 1, 2013 culation of the District of The Afro-American Columbia; and it is further Representative Name of newspaper: ORDERED, that the publicaAfro-American tion must began no later than 11/01, 11/08 & 11/15/13 TRUE TEST COPY Washington Law 12 days after the filing of the REGISTER OF WILLS Reporter application; and is further Judith W. Riggins ORDERED, that the FINAL 11/01, 11/08 & 11/15/13 Marilynn W. Syphax HEARING on this application Personal to change name will be held Representatives i n J u d g e - i n - C h a m b e r s , Room 4220 in the District of TRUE TEST COPY Columbia at 500 Indiana REGISTER OF WILLS

Must be at least 18 years of age, have a valid driver´s license and high school diploma or GED by 7/1/14. Experience is not required; however, we give hiring preference and generous additional compensation to Virginia or Nationally Certified Paramedics. TO APPLY: Please visit our web pages at www. and click on Career Opportunities to apply by our 12/3/13 closing date. EOE


The Afro-American, November 16, 2013 - November 22, 2013

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