Sophisticated Settings Lifestyle CBCF - Oct 4-11

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October 4, 2014 - October 10, 2014, The Afro-American

AFRO Advertising Manager Lenora Howze

Catherine L. Hughes, Founder, Radio One

Rep. Chaka Fattah (D-PA), Chair, CBCFINC and his wife Renee Chenault-Fattah

Rep. Donna Edwards (D-MD),Rep. Barbara Lee (D-CA) and Rep. Yvette Clark (D-NY) Books, books, books for sale in the exhibitor hall

The exhibit hall provided an opportunity for corporate entities, federal government agencies, authors and local vendors to showcase the products and services they offer as CBCF conferees walked the exhibit hall.

Authors at the books pavilion Photos by Rob Roberts and Travis Riddick

Virlynn AtkinsonWhite, Blaine White, Oscar Ride, Selena Jennings and Billy Vaughn

Miss Black America, Alexandra Morton

Dr. Chavis with Kenny Gamble

Rep. Chaka Fattah, Renee Cheault-Fattah, Faatimah Gamble, A. Shuanise Washington and Kenny Gamble

Attendees of the Chairman’s Reception MC Lyte and Cloves Campbell, chair, NNPA Board of Directors

Photos by Rob Roberts

NNPA Leadership Award winner Melvin Foote

Rep. Charles Rangel (D-NY),center, with some NNPA members and friends

NNPA Leadership honoree, Margaret Fortune

The Congressional Black Caucus Foundation, Inc. Board of Directors hosted a Chair’s Reception in honor of the Foundation’s Chair, Rep. Chaka Fattah(D-PA) at the elegant Marriott Marquis Washington, DC Hotel. An overwhelming crowd of registered attendees packed the ballroom. R & B singer Kenny Gamble was given a special award of merit. After the formal program, the guests grooved the night away on the dance floor listening and stepping to the sounds of the DJ.

The Dept. of State was recruiting for Foreign Service Officers

The ‘Personalize Your Coke’ booth

Cheryl PearsonMcNeil, senior vice president, U.S. Strategic Community Alliance and Consumer Engagement, Nielsen


The Vance family

The National Newspaper Publisher Association (NNPA) hosted a Celebration of Leadership Awards Reception during the CBCF ALC at the Renaissance Hotel in Northwest D.C. Spearheaded under the leadership of Cloves Campbell, chair, Board of Directors, NNPA Foundation and Dr. Ben Chavis, president, NNPA,

several awards were presented to honorees including Rep. John Lewis(D-Ga.) and female rapper, MC Lyte. Other special guests include Rep. Charles Rangel (D-N.Y.) and Rep. Bobby Scott (D-Va.). The evening’s program was a validation of the role of the Black Press and its impact on the community at large.

The AFRO team: LaTrina Antoine, DC editor; Edgar Brookins, DC manager; Ben Phillips, president; Lenora Howze, advertising director and Diane Hocker, community and public relation

Cloves Campbell, Dr. Benjamin Chavis, NNPA Leadership Awardee, Rep. John Lewis (DGA) and John Smith, publisher/ CEO, The Atlanta Inquirer

CeCe Peniston provided the entertainment for the evening.

Jake Oliver, publisher and CEO, AFRO

Ann Ragland, George Curry, Dr. Carrie Brown, John Smith, Dr. Hazel Harper and Robert Jones

Photos by Rob Roberts


The Afro-American, October 4, 2014 - October 10, 2014

Rep. Donna Christensen (D-VI) and Rep. Elijah Cummings (DMD)

Cellist Joshua Perkins, student scholarship winner

Award recipient, Bill Withers

Joe Biden, Vice President of the U.S. and Rep. James Clyburn (D-SC)

Phylicia Rashad

The Congressional Black Caucus Spouses hosted its signature event, The Celebration of Leadership in the Fine Arts at the NEWSEUM in Dr. Maya Rockymoore Cummings, NW Washington, DC. Under the dynamic leadership of Mereda Davis Johnson, chair, CBC Spouses and Dr. Maya Rockeymore Cummings, Dr. Alvin Poussaint) and Mereda event chair, three notable citizens were recognized: psychiatrist, Davis Johnson educator, respected social critic and author Dr. Alvin Poussaint, actress Phylicia Rashad and R&B singer Bill Withers. Special guest, Vice President Joe Biden gave remarks. After the awards program, a meet and greet reception was held in the lobby area with smooth jazz Rep. Emanuel Cleaver (D-KS), Yohannes Abraham, event by Marcus Johnson. emcee Angela Raye and Eugene Brown

Jackson Lee Davis, The Walt Disney Company and Yvonne Cummings Photos by Rob Roberts

Rep. Sanford Bishop (D-GA), honorary cochair, CBCF ALC

Award-winning gospel singer, Richard Smallwood singing “Total Praise”

Invocation by Imam Plemon T. El-Amin Central State University Chorus, Wilberforce, Ohio

TV News Commentator Roland Martin and Renee ChenaultFattah

One of the most heavily attended and highly anticipated events during the Congressional Black Caucus Foundation Annual Legislative Conference(CBCF ALC) is the annual Prayer Breakfast held in Hall D of the convention center where an overwhelming crowd, got spiritually lifted by the singing, The spirit the praying, the praising and the preaching. filled the Program participants included Rep. Chaka ballroom. Fattah, A. Shuanise Washington, Rep. Marcia Fudge, Lori George Billingsley, The Coca Cola Company and the CBCF ALC Honorary Co-Chairs, Rep. Sanford Bishop, Jr. (D-GA) and Rep. Joyce Beatty. The keynote message was given by the Rev. Dr. Calvin Butts III, pastor, Abyssinian Baptist Church in the City of New York. For the first time ever, the prayer breakfast was live streamed over Rep. Donald Payne Interactive One, an online Jr. (D-NJ) platform owned by Radio One.

Rev. Dr. Suzan Johnson Cook and Rep. Charles Rangel (D-NY).

Members of the Joint Base MyerHenderson Hall Gospel Service, Fort Myer, Va. Photos by Rob Roberts

A. Shuanise Washington, president and CEO, CBCF

Photos by Rob Roberts

Rep. Joyce Beatty (D-OH), honorary co-chair, CBCF ALC and Dr. Barbara Williams-Skinner

Members of the Congressional Black Caucus

Even though the Black community has gained substantial liberty over the years, there is still much more to gain. And, in order to do that, the Black community’s need to vote is essential, which is what several speakers – including President Barack Obama – emphasized during the Congressional Black Caucus Foundation’s (CBCF) 44th Annual Phoenix Awards Dinner Gala Sept. 28 at the Annual Legislative Conference (ALC) held in Washington D.C. The dinner awarded the CBCF Chair’s Award to Radio One founder Cathy Hughes; the Ralph Metcalf Award for Health to legendary boxer and activist Muhammad Ali; the ALC Co-Chair’s Phoenix Award to journalist Susan L. Taylor; the CBC Chair’s Award to civil rights leader Wade Henderson and the ALC Co-Chair’s Phoenix Award to chairman and CEO of FE Holdings Robert L. Wright Jr.

CBC Chair Rep. Marcia Fudge (D-OH)

Bishop Timothy Clarke, First Church of God, Columbus, Ohio; Rev. Jesse Jackson and keynote speaker Rev. Dr. Calvin Butts III, pastor, Abyssinian Baptist Church, NYC

Judge Greg Mathis and actress Sheryl Lee Ralph emceed the event. The dinner also acknowledged the work of Attorney General Eric Holder who announced his resignation Sept. 25. Rep. Marcia Fudge (D-Ohio), chair of the 43-member Congressional Black Caucus, told attendees that Holder “has never hesitated to remind us that our pursuit of justice is a fundamental one and critical to the divide of our democracy.” She wished him the very best in his next endeavors. The resignations of Del. Donna Christensen (D-V.I.) and former Congressman Melvin Watt were also acknowledged. Christensen is running for governor in the Virgin Islands and Watt is the new director for the Federal Housing Finance Agency.

CBC Future leaders

Harry Johnson, the MLK Foundation and Susan Taylor, former editor, Essence Magazine

Honorary Co-Chairs Rep. Sanford Bishop (D-GA) and Rep. Joyce Beatty (D-OH)

Rep. Chaka Fattah, chair, Board of Directors, CBCFINC, First Lady Michelle Obama and President Barack Obama

Emcees Judge Greg Mathis and Sheryl Lee Ralph

October 4, 2014 - October 10, 2014, The Afro-American

Baltimore Metropolitan Alumnae Deltas Crab Feast Fundraiser Comerleta Cooks, Tyuana James-Traore, Wilma George, Sheila Richburg Gerry Fintch and Monica Watkins, president, Baltimore Alumnae Chapter, Delta Sigma Theta Sorority

More than 1,100 crab lovers were able to get in on one of the last crab feast gatherings before the season ended. The Baltimore Metropolitan Alumnae Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority and the Metro Delta Torchbearer Foundation held its 26th Annual Crab Feast on Sept. 19, the last weekend of summer. Along with a continuous replenishment of baskets of steamed crabs, other guests dined on fried chicken, shrimp creole over white rice, tossed salad, crab soup, corn on the cob, and other assortment of dishes


and a variety of desserts. The ballroom floor was packed with partygoers dancing to the sounds of music played by DJ Tanz until the last song was played at 1 a.m. The very popular crab feast has increased in attendance from 150+ in 1989 to its current attendance of more than 1,100. The anticipated profit is more than $27,000. Joe Ann Oatis is president of BMAC; Yolanda Winkler is president of Metro Delta Foundation.

Cynthia Horton, 2nd VP. Tary Sroggins, 3rd VP., Joe Ann Oatis, president, Gerri Reid, president Baltimore County Alumnae, Monica Watkins, Baltimore Alumnae

Delectable crabs for Tiffany Turpin, Shanika Turner, Charmayne Turner Chairs, Angela Ayers Ramsey, Tray Riller Givens, Yolanda Winklar, Sharon A. Johnson, Joe Ann Oatis, president, Baltimore Metropolitan Alumnae

Jeania White and Felicia Coffield

Merle Green, Jane Waters, Gloria Shelton

Mother-daughter duo Ericka Moten, Prince Georges Alumnae, Georgia L. Diggins, Baltimore Metro Alumnae

Shelly Griffin, Lynn Marks, Pearlette Pullen, Potomac Valley Alumnae Chapter

Pat Harracksingh, Judy Bailey, Ricky Harracksingh, Michael Bailey

Shaunda White, Alleace Gibbs, LaVonda Pernell, Fort Washington Alumnae Chapter Sheila Richburg, Marsha Logan, Lynn Woolridge, Bronwyn Leslie Smith, Fort Washington Alumnae Chapter

Valerie Allen, Deborah Resper, Alisha White

BMAC Past president Kathie McLaughlin, Ramona Williams, Joanne Rollins Robinson, Stephenie V. Lee, Wanda L. Carrington, Kimberly Y. Robinson, Cimmon Byrd Burris Alice Williams, Sybil Woodward, Vera Lawson

Harry Smith, Leta Bromell, Robin Oliver, Avery Wilson, Sharon Forest

Stacey Nance, Karen Carroll, Kim Eubanks, Sharon Greene, Niki Wallace, Tony Clark

Photos by Dr. A. Lois De Laine

Ashburton Neighborhood 16th Block Party The Ashburton neighborhood with bordering streets of Liberty Heights and Sequoia Avenue held its Annual Block Party in the 3300 Block of Dorchester Road on Sept. 20. A perfect day for outside activities, there was entertainment, music, good food, moon bounce and horseback rides for the children. Officer Sandra Johnson from the Baltimore City Police Department was on hand to greet the residents, and the Baltimore Fire Department

provided fun experiences for the children as well as adults to tour the huge truck. In addition to Lt. Gov. Brown, residents of 80 plus years, persons living in Ashburton for 40 years or more, new residents and returning residents were acknowledged by Beatrice Scott, president of Ashburton Neighborhood Association. LifeBridge Health provided a grant of $1,000 for block party expenses and, in a prior year provided a grant to produce the Ashburton Book, one of which was presented to Lt. Gov. Brown and City Council President Jack “Bernard” Young.

Antawan Copeland, Elizabeth Smith, Del. Sandy I. Rosenberg

James Crockett converses with Lt. Gov. Anthony Brown as Bea Scott, introduces Ashburton book

Del. Jill P. Carter

The children (and some adults) had fun horse back riding Ayanna Richardson and Kaiyonna Jones had fun swirling the hoops around their arms

Michael May and Councilman Nick Mosby

Even four legged residents enjoyed the day

Del. Barbara Robinson and Antonio Hayes, who won the primary for a delegate seat in the 40th District

Joseph Spelman, Boy Scouts of America and Sen. Catherine Pugh

New residents at registration desk are Travis and Martine Winder with Sage, 3

Diane James, Beatrice Scott, president, Lt. Gov. Anthony Brown, State of Maryland, Marsha Hairston, John Pumphrey

Registration hostesses are Lavinia Alexander and Barbara Petit

Dwight Petit, Councilwoman Sharon Middleton, Bernard “Jack” Young, president, Baltimore City Council

Delicious food for everyone attending the Block Party Photos by Dr. A. Lois De Laine

October 11, 2014 - October 17, 2014, The Afro-American


Actress Lynn Whitfield giving words of encouragement to all the breast cancer survivors, family members and friends in attendance

The Natalie Williams Breast Care Foundation (NWBCF) hosted its 2nd Annual 2014 “Bustier Brunch” – An Afternoon with the Girls fundraiser on October 4 at the historic Howard Theatre in N.W. D.C. Founded by Natalie Williams in January 2013 after she was diagnosed with breast cancer in July 2012, she attributes her remission to an increased awareness of the risk factors of breast cancer and her continued focus on a healthy mind, body and spirit. Over 500 women was welcomed to the brunch where AwardWinning Actress Lynn Whitfield gave Presentation by Dr. TillieWilliams,”Test My Breast-Why is This Important”

Natalie Williams and Donna Rouse, executive director, NWBCF, a breast cancer survivor also

an inspirational message of encouragement which was preceded by a dance ministry by Cydney Hill, Miss District of Columbia Teen. Dr. Tillie Williams gave a brief synopsis on The Importance of Testing Your Breasts…early detection of cancer is key. Musical entertainment was provided by jazz violinist Kendall Isadore. Guest emcees were Shawn Yancy of Fox 5 News and Triscina Grey a radio personality at WHUR Radio. According to Williams, their goal is to register 5000 women of color for mammogram testing across the DC Metropolitan area by October 2015.

Mistress of ceremonies Shawn Yancy, FOX 5 News Anchor

Jeanelle Williams, a five-year breast cancer survivor with her daughter Amora Geriral Vanessa Adams, event committee chair, Natalie Williams, CEO, NWBCF and Carletta Marrow, international affairs chair Stefanie Smith, Tonya Perkinson and Anita Carter

Opening performance by Cydney Hill, Miss DC Outstanding Teen

Triscina Grey, Vanessa Adams and Shawn Yancy

Actress Lynn Whitfield, special guest speaker with Natalie Willams

IMPACT hosts “PREVIEW: A Red Carpet Affair”

It’s a family affair: Linda Jenifer and Triscina Grey (WHUR Radio Personality) and seated, Marie Jenifer and Loretta Grey

The Dream Unleashed Band performing

Cydney Williams, Miss DC Outstanding Teen and Natalie Williams, CEO, Natalie Williams Breast Cancer Foundation (NWBCF)

Carolyn Guest, Barbara Batiste, Juanita Jefferson, Elizabeth HelmFrazier and Darrin Davis Photos by Rob Roberts

On Sept. 26, IMPACT hosted “PREVIEW: A Red Carpet Affair” at the St. Regis Hotel in Washington, D.C. to honor the nation’s young leaders. Each month, IMPACT features a young professional, dubbed IMPACT Leader of the Month, who makes significant positive contributions to their communities, both professionally and philanthropically. In the month leading up to PREVIEW, individuals were encouraged to vote for the person who embodies IMPACT’s three core principles (civic engagement, political involvement, and economic empowerment) through their professional accomplishments and work in the community. This year, IMPACT presented Ashley Bell with the IMPACT Leader of the Year award. During the event, Representatives Gregory Meeks (D-N.Y.), Andrè Carson (D-Ind.), Hakeem Jeffries (D-N.Y.), and Steven Horsford (D-Nev.) gave remarks. Team IMPACT includes Sarah Misailidis, Nina Smith, Brandon Andrews, Justin Tanner, Erica Butler, Krystal Leaphart, Lauren Campbell, Eugene Brown, and Tyrik McKeiver.

Rep. Gregory Meeks (D-NY) gives remarks

Rep. Hakeem Jeffries (D-NY)

Rep. Andre Carson (D-IN) Steven Napier, left, Shawn Gore and June 2014 IMPACT Leader of the Month Deon Jones

IMPACT Director Sarah Misailidis, IMPACT Special Project Manager Lauren Campbell, and IMPACT Press Secretary Erica Butler

Rep. Steven Horsford (D-NV)

IMPACT Special Project Manager Lauren Campbell presents an award to 2014 IMPACT Leader of the Year Ashley Bell

Janaye Ingram of the National Action Network, Rep. G.K. Butterfield (D-NC), and Angela Rye, Principal and CEO of IMPACT Strategies, strike a pose on the red carpet

IMPACT Director Nina Smith speaks to guests at “PREVIEW: A Red Carpet Affair” Photos by Kea Taylor of Imagine Photography

Former IMPACT Leaders Phillip Agnew (Dream Defenders), Janaye Ingram (National Action Network), Deon Jones, Jamal Sowell, Ebonie Johnson Cooper, and Ivory Toldson

IMPACT Special Project Manager Tyrik McKeiver, IMPACT Leader Staci Arnold and Edward Parkinson

Team IMPACT and supporters strike a pose on the red carpet

William Jawando, senior advisor for Gov. Martin O’Malley’s political action committee, and Michelle Jawando, vice president for legal progress at American Progress

October 11, 2014 - October 17, 2014, The Afro-American

Dr. Charles Simmons, president, SojournerDouglass College

Gilbert Rawlings received the Unsung Hero Award

Faculty/staff members Rosina Watkins, Eartha Lamkin, Dr. Linda Fassett

Continuing the Dream Honorees Paul Taylor, executive director, Small Business Resource Center, Diane Bell McKoy, CEO Associated Black Charities, Howard Henderson, CEO Greater Baltimore Urban League

Shop Rite, Howard Park guests are , Denise Jovan, Roi Rigin, Billye Young, Wilveria Mullen, Lisa Haines, Alice Essien, Barbara Brenner

Vanessa Francis, Sandra Morgan, Oliver Patrick Scott, Board chairman, Sojourner Douglass College

Chineta Davis, Barry Williams

2014 Scholarship recipient Vivienne C. Udoji

Sammy Graham, Baltimore AFRO circulation manager and wife, Darlene

Sojourner-Douglass College celebrated 42 years of “Bringing Opportunity to the Community” and honored individuals who make a difference in the lives of those who are challenged to fulfill their destiny. The theme was “Fulfilling the Mission…

Bishop Reginald L. Kennedy and his wife, first lady Kelly R. Kennedy

Rawlings family members Dr. Martha and Gilbert Rawlings, front; Rebecca Rawlings-Scott, Tonya Rawlings, Derek J. Rawlings Constance Stewart, Diane Moore, Linda Tull

Dr. Bettina Scott, board member, Min. A. Ty Cook, Wyonetta Johnson

Brenda Blount Saddler, Barbara Blount Armstrong

Photos by Dr. A. Lois DeLaine

Monica Watkins, president, Baltimore Alumnae, Delta Sigma Theta, Angela Ewell-Madison, Hattie Penn, president, Delta Sigma Theta Sorority

Baltimore Metropolitan Chapter, 100 Coalition of Black Women

Rev. Dr. Sandra E.Conner received the Unsung Shero Award

Continuing the Dream.” Diane Bell McCoy, CEO, Associated Black Charities; Howard Henderson, CEO, Greater Baltimore Urban League; and Paul Taylor, executive director, Small Business Resource Center were recognized for their achievements at the President’s Gala and Kenneth Brown, board member Eighth Annual Scholarship Banquet, Oct. and wife Betty Brown 2, at Martin’s West.

William Dickerson Jr., Dr. Deborah D. Carter, Tyrone Elliott

Kareem Aziz poured libations with the guests participating in the ceremony.


The Baltimore Metropolitan Chapter of the National Coalition 100 Black Women hosted its 25th Torchbearer Awards Breakfast, Sept. 27, at Morgan State University. The Chapter celebrated women who have been trailblazers in STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics) careers with the theme, “Embracing the Spirit and Power of Women to Advance Change.” Honorees were Dr. Shirley Malcolm, Dr. Charlene Dukes, Dr. Tuajuanda Jordan and Stephanie Cole-Hill who spoke on the importance of advocating more STEM and serving as role models for our students. The Jewel Award, the Chapter’s highest internal award was presented to chapter president, Landa McLaurin; Sara Howell Small, Dr. E. Fran Johnson and the AFRO. Sara Howell Smalley served as general chair for the Torchbearer Awards Breakfast.

Torchbearer Award winners Dr. Charlene M. Dukes, Dr. Tuajuanda C. Jordan and Stephanie C. Hill

Standing, Willie Larkins, Barbara Blount Armstrong, Dr. David Wilson, president, Morgan State University, Jussie Watson. Seated are Vivian Larkins, Dr. Patricia Welch, Keith Jackson Michele McNeillEmery, national president, NCBW

Alpha Alpha Sigma Gamma Rho supporters are standing, Towanda Maddox, Janet Hall. Seated are Barbara Sawyer, Alice Sue CooperLee, Wanda McAfee-Randall

Mary Demory, charter member, Sharon Wharton-Lewis, Marilyn Mosby, Democratic nominee for Baltimore City States Attorney, Bernice Bearid, charter member

Julie Gray Manley, Carol Boston Weatherford

Standing, Councilwoman Sharon Green Middleton, Ellen Smith, Alice Smith, Reba Anderson-Graham, Jerita Butler. Seated, Gloria Clark, Patricia Roberts, NCBW, Maria Hampton

Beatrice Payne, 104 years old (right) with Kathy Martin and Sandra West.

Rita Cooper, Beverly Boston, Karaleigh Henson, Edna Smith

Linda Boyd, Annis Gazaway, Annapolis Links, LaVerne Turner, Baltimore Links Alumnae

Dr. Shirley M. Malcolm, guest speaker

Family members, Landa McLaurin, Janet Brooks, Robert DeShazo

Peggy Drayton, Timothy Barber, Flossie Johnson

Photos by Dr. A. Lois DeLaine

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