Sophisticated Settings Lifestyle March 28, 2015

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The Afro-American, March 28, 2015 - April 3, 2015

The Association for the Study of African American Life and History (ASALH) hosted its 89th Annual Black History Luncheon on Feb. 28 at the Marriott Wardman Park Hotel in N.W. D.C. The event’s theme was, “A Century of Black Life, History and Culture” and the association’s president, Dr. Daryl Scott, was the keynote speaker. Highlights of the luncheon included the presentation of the 2015 Living Legacy Honorees that included, Rep. James E. Clyburn (D-S.C.); an original poem by poet laureate, Sonia Sanchez; the unveiling of a Commemorative Stamp by the U.S. Post Office; and a $10,000 check presentation by Omega Psi Phi Fraternity. A featured authors’ event preceded the luncheon.

Dr. Valerie Maholmes, chair, Luncheon Committee, Sylvia Cyrus, former editor of Essence magazine, Susan Taylor, Sonia Sanchez, Dr. Daryl Scott and Dr. Sheila Flemming Hunter

The luncheon emcee, A’Lelia Bundles, Dr. Karsonya WiseWhitehead

Omega Psi Phi Fraternity donates $10,000 to ASALH

Living Legacy Award honoree in the field of business, Myron Gray with Gina Paige, Awards Committee co-chair

Dr. Louis Sullivan and Rep. James Clyburn

2015 Living Legacy Award Honorees with Dr. Daryl Scott ,3rd from left and Sylvia Cyrus ,far right

Unveiling of the Commemorative Stamp by the U.S. Post Office

Members of the Dr. Carter G. Woodson family

Kiamsha Youth Empowerment Group led the singing of, “Lift Every Voice”

Sylvia Cyrus, executive director, ASALH (left) and Dr. Daryl Scott, president, ASALH, present the Living Legacy Award to Rep. James Clyburn

ASALH PR/Media team: Tangela Richardson, Leris Bernard, LaTrina Antoine, Edgar Brookins, Ebony Andrews, Miss Black Maryland, Faye Hyslop, Lisa Matthews and Venitra Miller Honoree Rev. Dr. Jonathan Weaver ,center, with members of his congregation, Mt. Nebo AME Church

Local Queens who served as hostesses

Author, Judge Rohulamin Quander

Melvin Williams brings remarks on behalf of the White House

Men of Omega with Rep. James Clyburn, center Photos by Rob Roberts


he Washington DC Alumnae Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, hosted its 11th Annual Distinguished Men Cookin’ with the Deltas community fundraiser on March 7 at the Howard University Blackburn Center in N.W. D.C. About 500 patrons jammed into the ballroom to sample the various dishes that the chefs prepared. Chef Brandon Todd was voted the top chef with his award- winning corn pudding. Cheers to the Deltas and the chapter leadership for a fun filled afternoon of dining, dancing and networking for a worthy cause. Proceeds from the event help students attend college.

Toiya, Jordyn and Janice Crump

Selerya Moore trying out the Banana Pudding from the chef

Rahman “Rock” Harper, celebrity chef, Kimberly Davis, 3rd VP, Nancy Harris, Chef Brandon Todd, Top Chef Winner, Darryl Haley, Nichelle Poe, chapter president, Michelle Robertson, committee co-chair, Audrey Domain and Keela Seales

Author Willie Cooper and Robert Fuller Houston ,curator

Photos by Rob Roberts

We are Deltas

Gwendolyn Brown (standing) and Deloves Burnett; Donna Burnett (seated), Lois Hopson Reeder and Kenneth Reeder

Audrey M. Domain, president, Washington, D.C. Alumnae Foundation, Jacqueline Boles and Melanee Woodard of the Industrial Bank and Nichelle A. Poe, chapter president

The cookin’ chefs

Master of Ceremonies, former NFL football player, Darryl Haley with some Delta ladies

Chef Edgar Brookins dishes up a sample of his award-winning bread pudding

On the serving line… yummy, yummy

We ate, now we dance the pounds away

Chef Reginald Thomas serves up his Shrimp Potato Soup to DeGloria Hallman

Michelle Robertson, Committee Chair, Anthony Lacey, Lt. Cdr. Kami Cooper, US Public Health Service, Ayanna Hawkins with daughter, Nasya and Latecia Engram


The Afro-American, March 28, 2015 - April 3, 2015

The Baltimore Metropolitan Alumnae Chapter Choir thrilled the audience with inspirational songs

Deltas Sherri Small, Valarie Smith, Jennell Rogers, June James, Deniece McClure

Benita Parham, Wanda Smith, Michele Gardner

Naya Frazier

The theme, “Uncompromising Commitment to Communities: Service, Metropolitan Alumnae Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority were recognized by their peers for outstanding Dr. Thelma T.Daley, 16th accomplishment and dedication to the Baltimore National President, Delta metropolitan area. Sigma Theta Sorority, Dr. Thelma T.Daley, 16th National President of Delta receives a gift from Sigma Theta Sorority, presented a tribute to the founders and charter Joann Oatis, president, members were recognized by Doris Jackson. Baltimore Metropolitan The keynote address was given by the Honorable Marilyn Mosby, Alumnae Baltimore City State’s Attorney who was presented the Verda Freeman Welcome Chapter Legislative Award by the late Senator’s daughter, Mary Sue Welcome. The Honorable Patricia C. Jessamy, the former Baltimore City State’s Attorney was also the recipient of the Verda F. Welcome Legislative Award and the Hortense Golden Canady Torchbearer Award. The Baltimore Metropolitan Alumnae Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority was chartered on March 1, 1987 by 36 illustrious women to support the The Honorable Patricia Jessamy Marilyn public service activities received the Hortense Golden Mosby of sorority nationally, Canady Torchbearer Award regionally and locally.

Cynthia Horton, Justine Johnson, Kimberly Lyles

Deltas Kimberly Robinson, Laura Phillips Byrd, Cimmon Byrd Burris

Sharon Shay Webb received the Soror of the Year Award from Lynn Knight Middleton, past Soror of the Year recipient.

Bowie student Alexis Barnes received the Academic Excellence Award.

Cherimonda Arrington, Deborah Wainwright Outstanding Chair Award winner and Tary Scroggins, 3rd Vice President, BMAC

Stephanie V. Lee received the Barbara McGregor Murphy Award

Deltas Carolyn Chissell and Mary Sue Welcome

Glynis Sampson, Brenda Barksdale, Brenda Hubbard

Debbie Tijani, MD state coordinator; Monica Watkins, president, Baltimore Alumnae Chapter; Doris Jackson, BMAC, Keitha Robinson

Morgan student Sarah Nwagbaraocha received the Academic Excellence Award

Photos by Dr. A. Lois De Laine

Ambassador Amina Salum Ali (keynote)

Closing prayer

Victory Ensemble Shiloh AME Church

Baba Africa and the drummers

Dr. Salima Marriott

Tshepho Mahlangu

Dr. Michele Rigaud, Rev. Charlotte Clemons and Rev. Dr. Mankekolo Mahlangu-Ngcobo

Eleanor Simms

Abu Jibril “the flute maker”

Rev. Sindile Dlamini

Bro. Charles Dugger

Ntokozo Ngcobo, Rev. Dr. Mankekolo Mahlangu-Ngcobo, Ambassador Amina Salum Ali and Rev. Sindile Dlamini Life Restoration Ministry celebrated its 5th anniversary and International Women’s Day, March 8 at Payne Memorial AME Church. ‘Make it Happen, Restoring Africa by Empowering Women!’ was this year’s theme. Ambassador Amina Ali, African Union Permanent Representative to the U.S.A., was the guest speaker. Over 150 women came out dressed to represent their country. There were women in attendance from Bukina Faso, Cameroon, Haiti, Jamaica, Kenya, Nigeria, Republic of Congo, South Africa and the United States.

Ntokozo Ngcobo

Rev. Shelton Sullivan

Min. Vincent Green

Photos by Anderson Ward

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