The Afro-American, June 27, 2015 - July 3, 2015
The Patuxent River Chapter of The Links held a luncheon on May 17 with exiled Burundian Princess Esther Kamatari, author and France’s first Black supermodel. Young ladies from Montgomery County, Md. schools, including Princess Esther Kamatari, Sheila Ginyard Ogilvie, Germantown Elementary School and Roberto Animatrice and M. Parker Anderson Mabry, translator Clemente Middle School, as well as 20 girls attending the Franklin Military Academy in Richmond, Va. were in attendance.The luncheon and reception was held at the William F. Bolger Center in Potomac, Md. Entertainment was provided by musical artist Smooth Soundz. Photos by Rob Roberts
Entertainment by Yuma Bellomee and Ni Demboya and the West African Drummers
LaTanya G. Higginbotham
Princess Esther Kamatari with members of the Patuxent River (Md.) Chapter of The Links
Entertainment by Smooth Soundz
Taheba Byrd, Stacey Mangham, Stephanie Jameison, Sandra M. Britt, Esq., Shelia Harrison
Carlotta Boone
Germantown Elementary School (GEMS) receiving certificates of completion with Ann Everett, vice president of Program and Amy Bryant, chair, Services to Youth Facet for the Patuxent River (Md.) Chapter of The Links
Erma Wither, Ph.D., Ann Everett, Sandra M. Britt, Esq., Princess Esther, Shirley Watkins Bowden, Kimberly Jefferies Leonard, Ph.D., Barbara Nance Mckee, chairperson
On May 6, the Virginia VLI founder Leadership Institute and CEO Krysta Jones brought together over 100 supporters to honor several leaders from Virginia, Maryland and Washington, D.C. at the Lyceum in Old Town
Morgan Kumi, Princess Esther Kamatari, Olvia Bello-Burgos, Christine (Kemi) Xu
Connecting Links, Adam Mckee (Md. R.,) Wesley Webb, Vernon Mabry, Princess Esther Kamatari, Leroy (Lee) Everett, Al Britt, Lawrence Cross, R. Kirk Bowden
Seated: Takara McLaughlin and Arlean Leland; Standing: Sandra M. Britt, Esq. and Evon Ervin
VLI executive member La’Ketha Prioleau
Top Leader Under 40 Jason Andrean
2015 VLI Scholarship winner Marlo Thomas Watson
Young men of the Mu Nu Chapter, Omega Psi Phi’s Game Changers Program: UCF Executive Director Donald Williams (front row), Darius Namulo, Jeuanni Sutton, Tieone Tyler, Ore Awogboro and DeMond Battle. Chris Earl (back row), Zeeshawn Ahmed, Josiah Holmes, Steve Vilmenay, Richard Epperly
Top Leader Under 40 Derrick Wood
Alexandria. Founded in 2006 to increase the number of Black elected and appointed officials, the institute works tirelessly to help prepare leaders who will work on innovative and collaborative solutions. Each year, the
2015 Trailblazer Awardee Brenda Kelley-Nelum
Top Leader Under 40 Sandra McLean
institute recognizes community and political leaders from across the area, in the hopes that the awardees will inspire others to do their part and ‘take their seat at the table’. Courtesy photos
La’Ketha Prioleau, VLI executive team member and Kisha Dyson, VLI supporter
Nicholas Jordan, VLI 2015 Top Leader awardee and Catherine Read, VLI supporter
VLI 2015 Top Leaders: Sidney Locks (Washington, DC), Nicholas Jordan (Arlington, Va.), Christopher Chauncey Watson (Washington, DC), Sandra McLean (Dumfries, Va.), Jason E. Andrean (Washington, DC), Krysta Jones, (founder and CEO), LaDonna J. Sanders (Alexandria, Va.), Charles Phillipe Jean-Pierre (Washington, DC), LeVar Jones (Washington, DC), Monika Jones (Alexandria, Va.), Derrick Wood (Dumfries, Va.)
Derrick Wood, VLI 2015 Top Leader awardee, VLI Guest, Brenda Kelley Nelum, VLI 2015 Trailblazer awardee, Ramunda Lark Young, VLI 2014 Top Leader awardee, Marlo Thomas Watson, VLI 2015 Scholarship awardee, Sandra McLean, VLI 2015 Top Leader awardee, Krysta Jones, founder and CEO, Don Scoggins, VLI 2012 Trailblazer awardee and VLI Guest.
Christmas Hutchinson, president of Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Alexandria chapter; Sonja Caison, owner of the Cleaning Authority, and Top Leader Under 40 awardee, Monika Jones
The Afro-American, June 27, 2015 - July 3, 2015
The Philomathians, an organization which honors women who are making significant contributions to the community, demonstrated its commitment by recognizing five “Women on the Move” and one “Woman to Watch” at the Forum on May 2, in Baltimore, Maryland. The Philomathians tag line is “Lovers of Learning.” The Women on the Move included Ariel Symone Bowers, research analyst, Space Telescope; Sheri J. Booker, instructor, Baltimore Leadership School for Young Women; Tamira Dunn, CEO/Founder, Dream Girls Mentoring Program, Camay Jackson, 2015 Morgan State University Graduate;
and Chichi Nygah-Nash, administrative chief, Baltimore City Department of General Services. The Honorable Marilyn Mosby, Baltimore City State’s Attorney was honored as The Philomathians 2015 Woman to Watch. The Philomathians are also involved in stimulating interest in learning, surfacing the challenges that face women, to studying aspects of contemporary life and encouraging participation in the cultural and intellectual life of the community. Dr. Thelma T. Daley is president; Rev. Marie Braxton is vice president. The Philomathians was founded in 1932 by Vashti Turley Murphy and Vivian Johnson Cook.
Gwendolyn Rooks, Lisa Shipley, Elise Jude Mason, Felicia MurphyPhillips and Rev. Marie Braxton, vice president Dr. Thelma T. Daley, president presents the Woman to Watch Award to The Honorable Marilyn Mosby, JD, Baltimore City state’s attorney Women on the Move Honorees were Chichi Nygah-Nash, Ariel Symone Bowers, Tamira Dunn, Camay Jackson and Sheri Booker
Dr. A. Lois De Laine, Dr. Thelma T. Daley, Honorable Marilyn Mosby, Baltimore City’s state’s attorney and Laverne Turner
Mattie Mumby, Rita Turner and Blanche Beckham
Laura Knight, Eleanor Matthews, Gwendolyn Lindsay and Rita Cooper Nikita Haysbert, Jessie Douglas and Faith Thomas
Carolyn Roberts, Kay Muhammad, Alma Roberts, Veris Lee and Sara Jerkins. Seated: Dr. Geraldine R. Waters
Doris Cole, Deanna Brown and Geraldine Young Norma Scott, Dr. Ruthe T. Sheffey and Jean Tucker-Mann
Jacqueline Richardson, Anne Roberts, Dolores Winston and Shirley Johnson
Dr. Jesse Weaver, Alice Pinderhughes, Jennifer Bannister, Crafton Reed, Orlo Reed. Seated are Helen Lee (100 yrs. old) and Gladys Reed (96 years old)
Monica Walker, Dr. Flossie Windley and Alexa Walker
On April 24, The National Black Caucus of State Legislators (NBCSL) Conference and Reception was Photos and story by Da’Rrell Privott
Sen. Catherine E. Pugh and Bernard C. “Jack” Young, president of the Baltimore City Council
Marion Patterson, Ellen D. Howard and Jacqueline Massey
Photos and story by Dr. A. Lois DeLaine
held at the Reginald F. Lewis Museum in Baltimore, Maryland. The members of organization were here in town for their Executive Board Meeting and were convening with Senator Catherine Pugh, President of NBCSL and host of the event. The venue was excellent with Dr. A. Skipp Sanders, the Executive Director, of this beautiful museum, celebrating its tenth year. Dr. Sanders was on hand to give a welcoming
speech to the NBCSL members and guests. A NBCSL press conference was also held in response to African Americans being killed by police officials where several elected officials weighed in. There was jazz by The Rodney
David Haley, State Of Kansas Senator, Kansas Senate District 04, and Da’Rrell L Privott Dr. A. Skipp Sanders, executive director of The Reginald F. Lewis Museum gives welcoming speech
Cory V. McCray, The Maryland House of Delegates Legislative District 45 Baltimore City; Alonzo T. Washington, State Delegate District 22, Prince George’s County; Antonio Hayes,40th District Delegate; Brandon M. Scott, Baltimore City Council, 2nd District
Sen. Catherine E. Pugh and Laura Hall Alabama House of Legislature,19th District Delegate Joseline A. Pene and Delegate Nathaniel T. Oaks
Barbra Staples King, Dr. Walker Roberson, Roslyn L. Smith, Donnie E. Trotter, assistant majority leader Chicago, Illinois, State Senator, 17th District, Citscko Staples Miller, and Yvette Williams
Verna L. Jones-Rodwell and Bernard C. “Jack” Young
The Rodney Kelley Experience
Kelley Experience, a delightful catered dinner, as well as the opportunity for the members to take part in collaborating with other elected officials from all over the nation.
J Johnny L. Ford, mayor Tuskegee, Alabama, and Roslyn L. Smith, interim executive director for the National Black Caucus of State Legislators
Johnny L. Ford , mayor Tuskegee, Alabama, speaks at NBCSL
Cori A. Ramos, director of sales & special events of The Reginald F. Lewis Museum
Rosalie Turpin-Belcher, Dr. Anna McPhatter, Dr. Patricia Welch, Kim Sydnor and Grace Coffey
Chimaobi Chijioke , BGE manager major accounts, Sen. Catherine E. Pugh and Alexander G. Nunez, BGE vice president governmental & external affairs
Dr. A. Skipp Sanders and Tabb Bishop
Ammanuel C. Moore, Fredrick Cager, Bernard C. “Jack” Young, president of the Baltimore City Council, Delegate Curt Anderson, Curt Anderson Jr; and City Councilman Carl Stokes
Members and guests gather at the round table Front Row (left to right): Rep. Ray Hull (RI), Rep. Gloria Fox (MA),Rep. Laura V. Hall (AL),Rep. Gilda Cobb-Hunter (SC), Rep. Vanessa Lowery-Brown (PA) and Tabb Bishop. Second Row (left to right) (Unknown), Rep. Sharon Beasley-Teague (GA), Former Del. Verna Rodwell (MD), Del. Cheryl Glenn (MD), Del. Barbara Robinson (MD) Rep. Helen) Miller (IA), Sen. Catherine Pugh (NBCSL President), Rep. Regina Barrow (LA), Rep. Greg Porter (IN) – (NBCSL President),Rep. Dee Dawkins-Haigler (GA) , NBCSL Chaplain Third Row (left to right): Sen. David Haley (KS), (Unknown), Rep. Harold Love, Jr. (TN), Rep. Karla May (MO), Bernard Young , president, City Council, Del. Nathaniel Oaks (MD) and Sen. Donne Trotter (IL)
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