Sophisticated Settings -- Lifestyle April 9 2016

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The Afro-American, April 9, 2016 - April 15, 2016

Tangila N. Sanders, president, Gamma Chapter

The Iota Phi Lambda Sorority Gamma Chapter held its “Power of She” Gala April 2 at the Metro Points Hotel in New Carrollton, Maryland. The event was a part of the sorority’s 85 years of service to women business professionals.

Maxine Samms Washington, Judy Belton and Vonetta B. Martin, national executive director

Doris E. Johnson and Brenda C. Martin

Audrey Champagne, Shyawn T. Littleford and Mary L. Harley, eastern regional director Epsilon Zeta Chapter

Lindel Williams, Donna Rojas, Valentine Grant and Charmaine A. D. Grant

Charlotte M. Maull, Alpha Chi Chapter, master of ceremony

Lara Figures, Rachel J. Hall, Erica Patrice Belton and Denise Filien

Adrienne Sutton

Former Del. Donna Christenson (D-VI), Monique Ferrell and Robert S. Ferrell


Photos by Rob Roberts

The “Just’s Friends Band and Show”

The Omega Psi Phi Fraternity Gamma Psi Chapter in Prince George’s County, Maryland held a Mardi Gras Extravaganza: Hollywood at the Harbor March 19 at the Gaylord Hotel. The Friendship Charities Foundation sponsored the event.

Almarie Rush and Beverly Thomas

Andrea Harris-Phillip, Benjamin Harris, Tira Kimbo, John Harris Sr., Jackie Harris-Harrell and Robb Harrell

Shayla Simmons, Victoria Gourdin and Kirsten Beverly

Tracy Simpson, Shacy Morton, Mannette Henry, Joscphine Gupton and Jenna Fenderson

Rep. Donna Edwards (D-Md.)

Reggie Thomas, Ronnie McIlwain and Bill Reese

William N. Smith, The Friendship Charities Foundation and wife Joyce Sampson, Sen. Ulysses Currie (D-

Sylvea Davis-Smith, Donald R. Herring, FeliciaTodd- Banks, Warren Johnson and Lettie Miller

Cynthia Miles, Carolyn Chevalier, Linda Miles and Lester Miles

Md.) and Rev. Shirley GravelyCurrie

Mickey Burmm, president of Bowie State University, Rushern L. Baker, III, Prince George’s County executive and Richard Lucas, VP, Bowie State University Photos by Rob Roberts


For these pictures and more go to

The Afro-American, April 9, 2016 - April 15, 2016

Dr. Ruthe T. Sheffey, a 1947 graduate of Morgan State College, and Professor of English Emerita celebrated the inaugural Ruthe T. Sheffey Lecture in African-American Female Studies at Morgan State University in Baltimore, MD. The purpose of this annual event is to preserve the literary legacy of African Americans and enrich the learning environment on the Morgan State University campus by bringing notable African-American female scholars, such as Dr. Cheryl A. Wall, Board of Governors, Zora Neale Hurston professor of English at Rutgers University. Guests were invited to a luncheon where Dr. Sheffey was lauded by her former students, colleagues, family and friends for her outstanding teaching, exceptional service and generosity to the University. In 2014, Dr. Sheffey established the first endowed lectureship at Morgan State University to benefit African American youth. Dr. Sheffey served on the faculty of Morgan for 62 years.

Dr. Ruthe T. Sheffey, professor of English Emerita

Dr. Sheffey with guests

Dr. Gretchen Starks sang “My Tribute”

Cheryl Y. Hitchcock, vice president for Institutional Advancement

Rev. Dr. Bernard Keels, director, MSU Memorial Chapter

Some of Dr. Sheffey’s former students standing are Linda Carter, Benjamin Murphy Phillips IV, Felicia Murphy Phillips, Sara Jerkins, Melanie Marotta . Seated are Jesse Bennett, Chris Wilds, Dr. Ruthe Sheffey and Dr. Burney J. Hollis.

Dr. Sheffey’s granddaughter, Christina Strong, Michael Rawlings, grandson and Morgan Bowers, friend

Dr. Ruthe Sheffey with Dr. Cheryl A. Wall, Board of Governors, Zora Neale Hurston professor of English at Rutgers University

Valerie Allen and Desiree Cross

Dr. Burney J. Hollis, professor of English and Dean of the College of Liberal Arts and former student of Dr. Sheffey

Dr. David Wilson, president, Morgan State University

Friend Zemora Taylor from Heritage United Church of Christ, Dr. Sheffey and Rev. Jan Taylor, Martin Luther King UM Church Photos by Dr. A. Lois De Laine and Morgan State University

The Baltimore Metropolitan Alumnae Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, in partnership with Macy’s Security Square and the American Heart Association, held an afternoon of fun activities to bring attention to women’s heart issues. Macy’s depart-

ment store at the Security Square Mall offered free bra fittings and facial makeovers; the American Heart Associa-

Daphne Hicks, certified fitness instructor demonstrates the zumba steps

tion featured nurses from the Coppin State University giving free blood pressure screenings and informaVoter registration table was also tion about other health available for mall shoppers issues for women. Members Baltimore Metropolitan of the Chapter provided voter registration forms to mall shoppers ahead of the upcoming election.

Mall guests and Deltas enjoy the zumba classes and linedancing Sarah-Simone Fleurimond-Craan sat patiently still while her face was painted

Artists Cynthia Horton and Schelli Collins

Working the voter registration were Torena Brown, LaShauna Lipscomb, co-chair and Shawn Berry

Schelli Collins, vice president, Kim Knight, co-chair, Brooke Thomas, Carolyn Salley, Patsy Nwagbaraocha, vice president and Edna Green

Baltimore Metropolitan Alumnae Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority

A delicious snack for everyone included submarine sandwiches, chips and water served by Glynnis Sampson and Stacey Nance

Technician Akinyemi administers blood pressure screening to patient Georgia Montgomery

Alfred Robinson-Dawkins, Heart Attack Survivor (one year) with Annette Fisher, senior MARCOM, American Heart Association Photos by Dr. A. Lois De Laine

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