Sophisticated Settings Lifestyle September 19 2015

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The Afro-American, September 19, 2015 - September 25, 2015

Dr. Janette Hoston Harris

Anthony Browder, director, ASA Restoration Project

Celebrating 100 years, the Photos by Rob Roberts Association for the Study of African American Life and History (ASALH) hosted a Centennial Founders Day celebration on Sept. 9 at the Shiloh Baptist Church in Northwest, Washington, D.C. ASALH was founded by Dr. Carter G. Woodson and others on Sept. 9, 1915 in Chicago, Illinois and from that time until his death in 1950, he worked to advance African American thought and scholarship. Woodson was also the founder of Black History Month. The celebration included a keynote speech by Del. Eleanor Holmes Norton(D-D.C.), presentations by the Rays of Light honorees, remarks by organizations that support ASALH, a liturgical dance performance and musical songs by the D.C. Boys Choir. A highlight of the program was a Time Capsule Ceremony in tribute to Woodson. Co-sponsors of the celebration included: local ASALH chapters; the National Park Service; D.C. Humanities; Omega Psi Phi Fraternity – Woodson’s fraternity – and Shiloh Baptist Church.

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Men of Omega Psi Phi Fraternity

Dr. Carter G. Woodson family members

Barbara Dunn, co-chair, ASALH Centennial Founder’s Day Celebration

Stephanie Toothman, Dr. Bettye J. Gardner, co-chair, ASALH Centennial Founder’s Day Celebration; Gopaul Noojibail, Ann Honious and Kate Birmingham

Rev. Dr. Wallace Charles Smith, senior pastor, Shiloh Baptist Church

Markel Waters, Founder’s Day Committee, Sylvia Cyrus, executive director, ASALH and Dr. Thomas Battle, executive council, ASALH

The Rays of Light honorees and presenters Renada Johnson

Brother Ezekiel Dennison, 3rd District Representative, Omega Psi Phi Fraternity

Hilary Shelton, Washington Bureau Director, NAACP

Ayanna Gregory

Emcee Ebony McMorris, News and Community Affairs Director, Radio OneD.C.

Robert Stanton and keynote speaker, Del. Eleanor Holmes Norton (D-D.C.) Photos by Rob Roberts

Kappa Epsilon Psi Summer Probate Line

Lenora Holder, Shernell Nicholson, Tanga Green, Idola Henry Gunn and Pauline Rosa Moore

Kappa Epsilon Psi Military Sorority, Northern Virginia Delta chapter hosted it summer probate line and banquet on Aug. 29 at the Spates Community Club on Joint Base MyerHenderson Hall. Fourteen new pledges were initiated into the sorority, including members from all of the branches in the military forces. The overall focus of the event was to honor past veterans, fallen heroes and surviving families; unite families with current members and veterans and provide a means to mentor future military leadership including JROTC

Members of Kappa Lambda Chi Military Fraternity

Theta Chapter, Kappa Epsilion Psi sorority members: Shannon Ford, Jamie Dixon, LaWanda Leonard and Melina Moore

cadets. The inductees presented a series of step formations as part of their initiation and were presented with their sorority jackets and membership plaques followed by a cake cutting. Jensenia Gomez, Woodbridge High school JROTC received the organization’s first scholarship. Special guests included Miss Veteran America 2013 and 2014 along with national officers of the sorority. Ebony McMorris, Radio-One was guest emcee.

Theta Summer Line Dean Tanga Green (seated); and Big Sisters Fedena Mathis, Marvida Scarbrough and Tamara Sorrell

Sgt. 1st Class Donya Cox saluting the sorority’s fallen heroes Jesenia Gomez and Soror Patricia Coates

Kathryn Turner, Miss Veteran America 2013 Denyse Gordon, Miss Veteran America 2014 Kimberly Wolfanger, emcee Ebony McMorris and Edgar Brookins


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The Afro-American, September 19, 2015 - September 25, 2015

Elizabeth Napier, Director of Library/Media for Baltimore City Schools

Steven McAdams, Executive Director, Governor’s Office of Community Initiatives

The Maryland Higher Education Commission (MHEC), in conjunction with Governor Larry Hogan’s “Maryland Unites Day of Service” campaign, part-

Dr. Renee Foose, Superintendent of Howard County Public Schools

Dr. Jennie Hunter-Cevera, Acting Secretary of MHEC

Anwer Hasain, MHEC chairman

Lt. Governor Boyd K. Rutherford

nered with the Howard County Public Schools, Bon Secours Baltimore Health System and the Governor’s Office of Community Initiatives to replenish books in West Baltimore’s Lockerman- Bundy Elementary School library and donate school supplies on August 26. Brief remarks were made by Boyd K. Rutherford, Lt. Governor; Ms. Kimberly Hill, Principal; Dr. Jennie HunterCevera, Acting Secretary, Maryland Higher Education Commission; Dr. Renee Foose, Superintendent, Howard County Public Schools; Eric Clay, Director, Workforce development, Bon Secours Baltimore Health system; and Steven McAdams, Executive Director, Governor’s Office of Community Initiatives.

Mallory Crawford, Bon Secour’s Enrollment Coordinator

L-R: Kimberly Hill, Principal, Christopher Smith, 1st grader, Arianna Maye, 2nd grader and Tawanda Bridgeforth, 1st grade teacher

Imani Pittman, 5th grader, Lowrider James, 5th grader and Isaiah Dixon, 5th grader

Dorothy Washington, Librarian

Photos by JD Howard

Phyllis Reese, Director of Communications for MHEC and Joseph DeMattos Jr. MHEC Team

Maryland Higher Education Commission Team (MHEC)

The Patapsco River Chapter of The Links held their 22nd annual event recognizing and awarding scholarships to Baltimore County students in July. Three scholarships were awarded to: Qindasi Silva, who ranked number 1 in her class of 227 graduates at Overlea High School, Ivory Williams, an honor graduate of Western School of Technology and Environmental Science, and Julian Cuffie, a 2015 honor graduate of Randallstown High School.

Students recite a poem about reading for the audience

Scholarship mentors and members are Doris Cooke, Dr. Gina McKnight-Smith, Donnice Brown, vice president, Donna Price, chair, LaVerne Gaither, Robin Ott, Grace Coffey, Anita T. Hunter

Ivory Williams Jr., a 2015 honor graduate of Western School of Technology and Environmental Science will attend Clark Atlanta University Ricky Silva congratulates his daughter Qindasi Silva on her achievement

Donna Price presents scholarship certificate to Julian Cuffie, a graduate of Randallston High School

Links Reva Lewie and Anita T. Hunter

Councilman William “Pete” Welch

Qindasi Silva, a honor graduate of Overlea High School who ranked No. 1 in her class of 227, beams as she receives a scholarship from the Patapsco River Links

Deborah Cuffie congratulates son, Julian Cuffie on his achievement

Kara and Ivory Williams, parents of Ivory Williams Jr. congratulate their son on his achievement

Mentor Robin Ott with graduate Stacy Green, Hampton University

Stacy Green, Hampton University graduate with elated parents,Betty and Rodney Green

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