The Afro-American, January 30, 2016 - February 5, 2016
For these pictures and more go to afro.com/slideshows.
Photos by Rob Roberts
The University of the District of Columbia held a Ribbon-Cutting and Grand Opening Ceremony for its newly built student center Jan. 20. The building is designed to be environmentally sensitive and is the first of its kind on the East Coast. D.C. Mayor Muriel Bowser (D) speaks to D.C. Council Chair Phil Mendelson (D)
New UDC Student Center
The UDC University Chorale
Theodore Wilhite, student representative, Board of Trustees; Tsholofelo Motshwane, vice president, Undergraduate Student Government Association and Joshua Lopez UDC alumnus
Attendee and former D.C. Mayor Vincent Gray
Diamond Barbour and Felicia Phillips, executive director, UDC Foundation
Lisa Pointer, UDC student
Roland G. Lemke, Cannon Design
Valerie Epps, chief student development and success officer
James E. Lyons Sr.
Lisa Pointer, UDC student; Roland G. Lemke; Michael Marshall
Michael Marshall, Marshall Moya Design
Erik Thompson and Renee Allen
Brandon Wallace, president, Student Bar Association, David A. Clark School of Law; Lana Qudat, UDC alumna; Joniee Barnes, president, Undergraduate Student Government Association and Rok Bozie, UDC student athlete
Mayor Bowser (D); Ronald Mason, Jr., UDC president and Elaine A. Crider, chair, Board of Trustees
For these pictures and more go to afro.com/slideshows.
The Afro-American, January 30, 2016 - February 5, 2016
The Howard L. Cornish Metropolitan Baltimore Alumni Chapter of The Morgan State University Alumni Association held its 31st Dr. Martin Luther Jr. Scholarship Breakfast on Jan. 9 at the Morgan’s Student Center in Baltimore, MD. The Scholarship Breakfast, the Chapter’s premier scholarship fundraising mechanism, commemorates the birthday of Dr. King, and provides financial assistance to deserving
students. More than $50,000 in scholarships and 8 laptop computers were awarded to Morgan students. Scholar Niraje’ Medley-Bacon was recognized for acquiring a 4.0 GPA, and Scholar Stanley Gross was awarded $500 for designing the MLK souvenir journal cover design. The Cornish Alumni Chapter gave its first time
$10,000 Endowed Scholarship to the Morgan State University Foundation. Major General Linda L. Singh, Commander, Maryland National Guard was the keynote speaker who encouraged the scholars “not to give up their dreams…surround yourself with people who are positive and those who want to make a change in the world.”
Scholarship recipients are Monique Wynder, Crystal De Leon and Kenya Grant Scholarship recipients are Nomina Waters, Raigan Wheeler and Brianna Williams
Rev. Dr. Charles Fletcher Jr, president, Morgan State University Alumni Association
Marcus Washington, WJZ-13 News Anchor, Master of Ceremonies and received an Appreciation Award
Anthony C. McPhail and Ernestine Shepherd received the Howard L. Cornish Humanitarian Award Jeheiel Smith, soloist from The Baltimore School for the Arts performed for the crowd
Erica M. Waters received the Howard L. Cornish Chapter Distinguished Service Award
Joseph Haskins Jr, The Harbor Bank of Maryland, received the Howard L. Cornish Drum Major Award
Scholarship recipients are Janae Peterson, Emmanuel Shedu and Chabelle Arroyo
Scholarship recipents are Ijang Nolika, Oluwamayowa Middleton and Micah Middleton
Bishop Heber M. Brown II, Shiloh Baptist Church of Baltimore County received the Howard L. Cornish Community Service
Scholarship recipients are Jasmine Cooper, Kendra Hawkins and Michael Faulkner
Scholarship recipients are Brianna Dorsey, Olakunle Awotedu and Jhenelle Anglin
The breakfast address was delivered by Major General Linda L. Singh, Commander, Maryland National Guard
The Morgan Singers
Cheryl Hitchcock, vice president, Morgan State University Foundation and Dr. Wilson accept a $10,000 donation from the Howard L. Cornish Chapter
Dr. Clara I. Adams, a gold sponsor and Ernestine Dunston, Chairman’s Circle were recognized by the Howard Cornish Chapter
Tomasine Kirkland-Quamina received the Howard L. Cornish Appreciation Award with Delores C. Cooke, president, Howard L. Cornish Alumni Chapter
Virginia B. Coleman, founder of the Howard Cornish Chapter, Wilbert Walker, Chairman’s Circle with Henri Daniels Photos by Dr. A. Lois De Laine
By Chanet Wallace Just the first of many anticipated events, Strong City Baltimore Americorps VISTA Impact Taskforce held a panel, Jan. 19th, about its initiative to expand employment opportunities for the youth and Photos by Chanet Wallace
Melissa Wells and Dexter Thompson Kimberly Lagree and Marvin Price
VISTA Member Matheno Fraizer- Bey with comments and questions
VISTA Taskforce Members
Panelist Chris Eames, Social worker Lara Law, Celia Neustadt, and Author Jay Gillen, with Karen Stokes
Lewis Smith speaking on youth violence
preventing violence in Baltimore’s communities. Each panelist had ten minutes to speak about making their organization and resources more effective and improving collaboration among youth-services providers, while the audience took notes. Shortly after the last panelist spoke, the audience were able to ask questions, concerning jobs, financial stability, and the future of youth of Baltimore.
Chris Eames and Resource Coordinator Kimberly Lagree
Police Commander Lt. Melvin Russell
Jeff Harris with a few comments and questions for the panelists VISTA Members John Descoteaux, Kylea Wright and Mark Oberly
Michael Stevenson and Rachael Wooden
Kristin Blumer and Tony Brown
To see more of these photos and purchase them visit afro.com/slideshows. To purchase this digital photo page contact Takiea Hinton: thinton@afro.com or 410.554.8277.