April 12, 2014 - April 18, 2014, The Afro-American
embers of THE ROCKS gathered at the Army Navy Club in Arlington, Va., March 29, to celebrate 40 years of sustained and unwavering service in leading and training the future leaders of this Nation that is reflected in their
motto: CONCERN, DEDICATION and PROFESSIONALISM. Hosted by the national board, chaired by Brig. Gen. (Ret.) Earl Simms and the Washington D.C. chapter, Col. Conrado Morgan, president, the gala provided an opportunity to
recognize and congratulate the ROCKS of the Year; the Honorary Rock of the Year, the Col. Robert B. Burke awardees and the ROTC scholarship winners. The headline theme for the gala was , “Leading and Excellence in a Time of
Brig. Gen. (Ret.) Clara L. Adams-Ender, Lt. Gen. Patricia Horoho and Brig. Gen. (Ret.) Velma Richardson
Transformation” as THE ROCKS organization continues its core mission of mentoring military officers and cadets and fostering professional development as they serve our Nation and communities. Special letters of commendation
were received from the Secretary of Defense, the Secretary of the Army and the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. The legacy of Brig. Gen. Roscoe “Rock” Cartwright is alive and well and lives on…HOOAH, Army Strong!
Gold Star Mother Mrs. Perez with spouse receiving Certificate of Commendation
Brig. Gen. (Ret.) Simms present certificate to Maj. Kim McGhee, co-emcee
Col. Charles Hamilton received the ROCK of the Year Award
Retired Lt. Gen. Julius Becton and Brig. Gen. Patrick Sargent Gold Star Mother Michelle Murphy with spouse, Kenmore, receiving Certificate of Commendation Brig. Gen. (Ret.) Earl Simms presents Certificate of Commendation to Cadet Michelle Cardenas
Joyce Ward and Brig. Gen. (Ret.) Velma Richardson Gold Star Mother Janice Chance and spouse, Charlton receiving Certificate of Commendation
ROCKS Chair Brig. Gen. (Ret.) Earl Simms presenting the ROCKS’ Chairman Legacy Award to the Family of ROCKS Founder, Brig. Gen. Roscoe Cartwright: Bridget Cartwright-Jones; Tracey Cartwright-Johnson; Verda Cartwright and Roscoe Cartwright, III
Thanks to The ROCKS Spring Gala planning team Col. Conrado Morgan honoring these Gold Star Mothers with Certificates
ROCK Honoree, Maj. Gen. Gwen Bingham and the Rev. Dr. E. Gail Anderson Holness Army Cadets: Future military leaders Howard University ROTC cadets Honoring POWs/ MIAs/IN HARMS WAY, Comrades in Arms
Officer with two USMA cadets and three ROTC cadets during the reception
Lt. Gen. (Ret.) William Ward, Gen. Dennis Via, Gen. Vincent Brooks, Gen. (Ret.) Johnnie Wilson and Chief Warrant Officer Five, David Williams, Army Staff, Department of the Army
Retired Maj. Gen. George Alexander, MD and Retired Col. Dorene Hurt with Gen. and Mrs. Dennis Via
Major Luke Makinde, second from the right, with USMA cadets Frederick Walker, James Ethington and Charles Grey
Brig. Gen. Earl Simms (Ret.), chair, National Board of ROCKS, Gen. Vincent Brooks, ROCK of the Year Honoree, his mother, Naomi Brooks and Lt. Gen. and Mrs. Robert Ferrell, Army Chief Information Officer Maj. Gen. Bingham (center) with guests at the ROCKS Gala
Morgan State University cadets: Quincy Holder, Traylene Parker, Shanell Seemungal and Master Sgt. Courtland Ballou, Senior Military Instructor
Colonels Linwood Clark, Johnnie Johnson, Mike Roger and Lt. Col. (Promotable) Ken Williams
Twins in Arms: Maj (promotable) Clydellia Prichard-Allen, sang the National Anthem and Lt. Col. Clydea Prichard-Brown served as emcee
Presentation of the Colors by the Joint Armed Forces Color Guard
ROCKS members who are with the Army Medical Command
Gen. Vincent Brooks, Commander, US Army Pacific Command and Gen. Dennis Via, Commander, US Army Materiel Command with Edgar Brookins, USA Ret (center), Afro American Newspaper
Lt. Colonels Antoinette Rainey, Brigitte Landry and Darryl Sharp, Sr.
We are The ROCKS…..
Photos by Rob Roberts
April 12, 2014 - April 18, 2014, The Afro-American
Rev. Dr. Andre Humphrey
Michele Noel, Samuel Redd and Councilman Carl Stokes
Pastor Terry Love, Sr. New Beginnings Ministries Church of Jesus Christ
Lt. Col. Melvin T. Russel with family and friends
The Rev. Dr. Frances “Toni” Draper told how she met Lt. Col. Russell
Lt. Col. Melvin Russell, Community Partnership Division, Baltimore City Police Department, was the first recipient of the John H. Murphy Sr. Award, March 29 at the Reginald F. Lewis Museum in Baltimore. With co-workers, family members and friends, Jake Oliver, AFRO publisher, affirmed the joint decision with an enthusiastic, “I knew we made the right choice.” Commemorating the hard work and vision of the AFRO founder, the award goes to those who do it every day until they get it done.
Lolita Russell, Lt. Col. Russell and Jake Oliver
Lt. Col. Russell receives the official citation from Maryland’s General Assembly from AFRO Advertising Director Lenora Howze.
Andre Draper, left, Ben Abell and Dr. Bob Blum Jake Oliver greets Phyllis Reece and Marco, Merrick, chief deputy Register of Wills
Lt. Col. Garnell Green, presented citations from the Baltimore City Police Department and Mayor Stephanie Rawlings Blake
Adam Rosenberg, executive director, BCAC and Sugar Ray Leonard, keynote speaker
Deborah Weiner, WBAL-TV
Photos by J.D. Howard
The inaugural “Be a Hero” event was held April 4 at the American Visionary Museum to celebrate the Baltimore Child Abuse Center’s 25 years of advocacy and to make it known that April is National Child Abuse Awareness Month. Sugar Ray Leonard, Olympic athlete and world Ruby and Vernon Nelson champion boxer, himself an abuse survivor, was the keynote speaker and expressed gratitude at being able to move on after sharing his personal story. Deborah Phelps, director of the Education Foundation of Baltimore County Public Schools and Gregg L. Bernstein, state’s attorney for Baltimore City served as honorary co-chairs. Honorees Neil Meltzer and Ellen Wasserman
Andrew Bertimini, Wells Fargo representative
Baltimore City State’s Attorney Gregg Bernstein
Debbie Phelps, honorary cochair, and Jen Sachs, event co-chair
Sugar Ray Leonard, keynote speaker
Auction item by artist Gail Glikmann
Honoree Angelique Redmond and daughter, Malayah Photos by Anderson Ward