Sophisticated Settings Lifestyle June 20 2015

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The Afro-American, June 20, 2015 - June 26, 2015

The Montgomery County, Maryland Delta Alumnae Foundation in collaboration with the Montgomery County (MD)

Alumnae Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority (MCAC) winds in Greenbelt, Maryland. Entertainment for the evening hosted its 45th anniversary fundraiser Jazzmatazz on May 1 was provided by jazz singer Shirleta Settles. The event also from 8 p.m. to Midnight. The event was held at Martin’s Cross- highlighted charter members and past chapter presidents. Proceeds from this popular event will benefit public service and scholarship programs sponsored by MCAC.

Christopher Capers, Dr. Edna TaylorCapers, Gina Harrell and Ricky Capers Carole Wilson, Brenda Wolff, Art Goff, Bessie Henderson and Romaine Peace

LaTonyia D. Wade and Liz Stroud (far right) present the Louis Armstrong Award to Ade Uiydshioria

Charter Members: Wilma Holmes, Charleise Toland Young, Celissi Klugh, Jackie Williams, Myra Wesley and Ann Burke

Liz Stroud

Mona Williams, chapter 1st vice president; Donald Williams, Michael Henderson and Marnee Robinson Members of the Potomac Valley Alumnae Chapter: Debbie Tijani, Marie Carter, chapter vice president; Debra Thomas, chapter president and Toian Vaughn

Chapter President LaTonyia Wade receives MCAC Certificate of Commendation from County Executive Isaiah Leggett

LaTonyia Wade, Theljewa Garrett, Margaret Davis, raffle winner and Naya Frazier Past Chapter Presidents: Anita Hackney, Dorothy J. Christian, Sarah Pinkney-Moukey, Elizabeth Stroud, LaTonyia Wade, current president; Cindy Douglas, Chris Richardson, Ruby Rubens and Lorna Forde

Local Chapter Presidents and Regional Representatives: Carol Moses, Prince George’s Alumnae Chapter, Dawnielle Battle, Fort Washington Alumnae Chapter, Olivia White, Frederick County Alumnae Chapter; Naya Frazier, Eastern Regional Representative, LaTonyia Wade, Montgomery County Alumnae Chapter, Theljewa Garrett, Eastern Regional Director, Debra Thomas, Potomac Valley Alumnae Chapter, Ava Morton, Tri-County Alumnae Chapter and Jerri Reid, Baltimore County Alumnae Chapter

Jazzmatazz featured Singer Shirleta Settles (left) Catherine and Isaiah Leggett, Montgomery County Executive

Photos by Rob Roberts

The Debutantes - Jasmine Yvette Bolding, Jadah Simone Clarke, Cheyenne Meredith Taylor, Nia Elizabeth White, Morgan Elaine Trivers, Christina Danielle Landrum, Kaitlin Latrease Gates, Gabriella Oriana Corradi, Helena Christine Barber, Tamia Sade’ Prescott

Morgan Elaine Trivers Miss Cotillion 2015

The Escorts - Tomas Tommy Tesfaldat, Dorian Chandler Hall, Jesse Ernest, Tyler Williams, Miles Wesley Lucas, Tyrone Anthony Shaw Jr.,Diquan Perry, Kevin Tollar, George Raymond Brown III, Jalen Wright

The Mothers - April Clarke, Carletha Gates, Carolyn Trivers, Jaffee White, Danyale Corridi, Marleece Barber, Lynne Taylor, Carol Bolding, Carla Thomas, Nakita Prescott-Harris

Kaitlin Gates and George Raymond Brown III The Fathers - Barrington Taylor, Harvey Gates, Timothy Bolding, Rev. Darrell K. White, Robert Corradi, Charles Clarke, Alton Barber Jr., Jermaine A. Harris, Glennwood Trivers Jr., William Landrum III

Sharon K. Gregg, co-sponsor, Morgan Elaine Trivers - Miss Cotillion 2015, Hazel M. Cameron, co-sponsor

Zeta Chi Omega Chapter of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority and its charitable affiliate, the Ivy Foundation of Northern Virginia, presented its 58th Annual Cotillion at the Hilton Mark Center on April 18 in Alexandria, Va. Ten young ladies participated in the program, which included cultural and educational activities, and seminars on budgeting, interviewing skills, career choices, college life and health/fitness awareness. Families and friends applauded the debutantes as they received scholarships to pursue their academic goals. The event was chaired by Sharon K. Gregg and Hazel M. Cameron.

2015 Cotillion Court - Nia Elizabeth White-2nd Attendant, Morgan Elaine Trivers - Miss Cotillion 2015, Christina Danielle Landrum -1st Attendant

Kendra Gillipsie, president of Zeta Chi Omega, Sharon K. Gregg, 2015 Cotillion co-chair, Undra Graves-Guyton, 2015 Cotillion co-chair, Vera M. Clyburn, 2015 Cotillion co-chair, Hazel M. Cameron, chairwoman of the IFNV

Jadah Clarke The 2015 Cotillion Committee, Zeta Chi Omega Courtesy Photos

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The Afro-American, June 20, 2015 - June 26, 2015

Elecia James, “ I came in support and to be real. ”

Kelsey Johnson, citywide youth commissioner and public information officer, Baltimore City

Kimberly Humphrey gives her testimony

Laouisha Hall, “We should airout our dirty Laundry,why wear dirty clothes?”

Panel members - Barbara A. Samuels, Jacqueline Robarge, Adar Ayira, Mothyna James-Brightful, Kimberle Crenshaw, Dr. Anika Simpson and Terry O’Neill

Jennifer Williams

Taneeka Richardson testifies Angela Bailey gives her testimony

Commissioners, Testifiers and Partnership Supporters all take the stage

On April 25th, Morgan State University (MSU) held its very first National Town Hall on women and girls of color called Breaking the Silence. This is a grass roots initiative providing a forum by which women of color can express many of the trials they have endured. Debbora Hanna There was a powerful presence of women gives her testimony preparing to testify about their life experiences. Panels addressed a wide range of topics including: public and private violence, school push-out, Photos and text by economic well being, housing issues, foster care, and Da’Rrell L. Privott incarceration.

There were numerous heart-felt testimonies like Angela Baily who spoke of the pain of being incarcerated and pregnant. There was also Lischa Cockrell, CEO and founder of Women for Change and Carmen Shorter of The Kitchen Table spoke on the Health Disparities Panel, with an persuasive dialogue about Zero and Negative Wealth, insurance rates, childcare rates, and its effect on Black women. On the same topic panelist Tambra Raye Stevenson – founder of Nativsol Kitchen spoke potently about the positive effect of healthy meals, as well as the dire facts

Karen Price-Ward, Southwest Air Honoree Eric White, Catalina Byrd and Doni Glover, Bmore News

Growing Griots perform

Bilal Ali and Zachary McDaniels

KIsha Brown, Katrina Dennis and Beverley Decaires Carol Jefferson and Dr. Anne O. Emery

Commissioners Terry O’Neill, Kimberle Crenshaw, Dr.Anika Simpson

surrounding the very high percentage of deaths among Black women due to diabetes, heart attacks, and colon cancer and the relationships of these diseases to stress. The evening concluded with encouragement from the commissioners along with helpful and real ways to seek treatment and the various organizations ready to serve them.

Commissioners and testifiers face each other for discussion

The Greater Baltimore Urban League hosted its 58th annual Whitney M. Young Jr. Celebration on April 17 . ‘Still Separate, Still Unequal’ Jane Holloway, Honoree Bettyjean Murphy, Hassan was this year’s theme. Kai Jackson Murphy and Gaurav Srivastava was the emcee. J. Howard Henderson, CEO of the Greater Baltimore Urban League, welcomed and thanked the mover and shakers of the Baltimore community for their support of the GBUL. “The future belongs to those who prepare today,” was the performance message from the Growing Griots, a literacy learning program in Baltimore city. Singer, and native daughter of Baltimore, Kissi B brought the musical entertainment. The keynote speaker was civil rights advocate Van Jones. Some of the award recipients were Tim Watts, Jake Oliver, AFRO Rev. Jerome and Paula Stephens publisher; Robert C. Embry Sr. and Armando and Kathlyn Seay. To learn more about the Greater Baltimore Urban League visit

Saturday Leadership Program members Davayonn Tyler, Daekwan Jacobs, Anthony Gary, Wesley Reid, Trisha Wallace and Mikellen Dunn

Darrell Peterson, Tessa HillAston, Balto. Chap. NAACP president and Joe Aston

Tyres Jones, Sr. and Rosalind Jones

Van Jones, keynote speaker

Andrew Bertamini, Wells Fargo and Monica Mitchell, Wells Fargo Frank Hocker, Dr. Maya Rockeymoore Cummings and Diane Hocker

Honorees Armando and Kathlyn Seay

Rep. Donna Edwards

Rep. Elijah Cummings

Honoree Jake Oliver, AFRO publisher

Maria Tildon accepts award for Carefirst

Honoree Robert C. Emory, Jr.

Adrian Harpool, J. Howard Henderson, CEO of GBUL, seated: Councilwoman Sharon Green-Middleton, Anika Middleton and Glenard S. Middleton, Sr.

Honoree Tim Watts

Photos by Anderson Ward

Nina Albert, director, Commissioner Anthony Batts, Baltimore City Police Community Affairs for Walmart Department

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