Sophisticated Settings - Lifestyle February 6 2019

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The Afro-American, February 6, 2016 - February 12, 2016

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Misty Copeland, principal dancer at American Ballet Theater, visited the Jones-Haywood Dance School in Washington D.C. on Jan. 27. The school was founded by two African American trailblazers, Claire Haywood and Doris Jones, 75 years ago. Copeland was given an award to commemorate the school’s 75th anniversary. Jones-Haywood Dance School develops dancers of color who go on to perform at dance companies in every genre in the U.S., Europe and on Broadway.

Sandra Fortune Green, Misty Copeland, Brandye Lee and Hinton Battle

Jones-Haywood Dancers

Misty Copeland, principal dancer, American Ballet Theatre Brandye Lee Jones, Haywood School of Ballet alum and rehearsal director, Collage Dance Collective (Memphis, Tenn.)

Noelle Mckoy and Nilah Pettus

D.C. Chief Judge Annice M. Wagner

Photos by Rob Roberts

Jeanarta McEachron and Siena Leeedit Sydney and Maren Shaw

Jeanarta McEachron, Brandye Lee and Doris Chandler

Liana Harris, Sequoia Ragland, Lauren Harris, Sherri Evans Harris and Michael Steen Sandra Byrd, Donella Brockington, Lauren Mosley and Camille Riggs Mosley

Phyllis Reid and Hinton Battle

Lauri Fitz-Pegado, Lynne Breece and Terri Thompson Diane Williamson, Nicole Clifton and Nadine Kearns

Carol Foster, Sandra Fortune Green, Phyllis Reid and Joyce Mosso Stores

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The Afro-American, February 6, 2016 - February 12, 2016

Sheila Brooks, SRB Communications Photos by Chanet Wallace

Sen. Nathaniel McFadden and Vice Chair, Del. Frank S. Turner

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Delegates, local officials and small business owners attended the 2016 Presidents’ Roundtable Legislative Reception, Jan. 28 at the Miller Senate Office Building in Annapolis, MD. Sheila Brooks, President of The Presidents’ Roundtable, started the reception with opening remarks. Following opening remarks, members of the Maryland General Assembly briefly spoke on minority business and economic opportunities. While attending delegates and senators discussed legislative initiatives; small business owners used the event as an opportunity to meet with elected officials to learn about various programs and opportunities that could possibly benefit their businesses.

Del. Keith Haynes

Stanley Tucker, Donna Stevenson, Tony Hill, Armentha Mike Cruise, Jeff Hargrave, Calvin Mims and John Walters Calvin Mims, Stanley Tucker, Del. Frank S. Turner and Jeff Hargrave

Tony Hill and Del. Elizabeth “Susie” Proctor

Chris Carroll and Keiffer J. Mitchell Jr., Special Advisor, Governor’s Legislative Office

Sen. Delores Kelley James E. Proctor III and Sheila Brooks

Janet Brown, Kappa Chapter President

Del. Frank Turner, Del. Antonio L. Hayes, Del. Keith Haynes, Del. Elizabeth “Susie” Proctor, Del. Dr. Terri Hill, Sen. Shirley NathanPulliam, Del. Charles Sydnor, Del. Will Smith and Del. Jay Jalisi

In recognition of American Education Week, the Kappa Chapter of Iota Phi Lambda Sorority honored six teachers from the Baltimore City Public School System at a luncheon held Nov. 21 at the Forum Caterers in Baltimore, MD. Guests/Educators included Each teacher was given an “Apple for the Rev. Cynthia Harvin, Pastor, St. James AME Church, Shirley Ann Teacher” plaque which highlighted their Cathorne and Rose Backus Hamm exemplary service to their specific school. The keynote address was given by Senator Catherine Pugh.

Photos by Dr. A. Lois De Laine

Nona Diggs shares the history of Apple for the Teacher

Toni Patton‘s award was presented to her principal in her absence.

Apple for the Teacher Awards were presented to Jennifer Smith Scheerer, Miya Simpson-Savoy, Lucia Fraser, Harriett Inyangson and Marzell Chase

Iota Phi Lambda Sorority, Inc., Kappa Chapter Supporters include Marilyn Goin, Linette Fitten, Ruby Lee, Robinette Banjo and Brenda Hanks

Joyce Tunstall-Dixon, chairperson, Janet Brown, Kappa Chapter President, Sen. Catherine Pugh and Sandra Ray, chairperson

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