Sophisticated Settings-Lifestyle August 1st & 8th Editions

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By Shari L. McCoy n June 6, the annual Jurisdictional Scholarship Awards Program was held at the Masonic Temple, 1000 U Street, NW. The event was sponsored by the Prince Hall Freemason and Eastern Star Charitable Foundation (PHFESCF), in conjunction with the Most Worshipful Prince Hall Grand Lodge, Free and Accepted Masons, Prince Hall Affiliation of the District of Columbia and the Georgiana Thomas Grand Chapter, Order of the Eastern Star, Prince Hall Affiliation of the District of

Scholarship Recipient Kennedy Cymone Bell singing “Hero”

Courtesy photos

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The Afro-American, August 1, 2015 - August 7, 2015

Columbia. Over $80,000 was awarded to graduating seniors or continuing college students in the Washington Metropolitan area. The Honorable Norman L. Campbell, Most Worshipful Grand Master, congratulated the students on their first step in life toward adulthood and challenged students to remember the sacrifices of their families. Dr. Venecia C. Bessellieu, Grand Worthy Matron of the Georgiana Thomas Grand Chapter, Order of the Eastern Star, further challenged the scholarship recipients to

Order of the Knights of Pythagoras member Clarence “CJ” Berry Prince Hall Free Mason and Eastern Star Charitable Foundation President George C. Lacy

Keynote speaker Dr. Ramona Hoage Edelin, executive director, D.C. Association of Chartered Public Schools

Kailah Doles, granddaughter of MWPGM John T. Doles Sr., singing “The Greatest Love of All”

Norman L. Campbell, Most Worshipful Grand Master

Dr. Venecia C. Bessellieu, Grand Worthy Matron of the Georgiana Thomas Grand Chapter, Order of the Eastern Star, PHA

2015 Jurisdictional Scholarship Committee: Past Matron Lynne Fairfax, Associate Matron Dorothy Kitrell, Past Matron Glaceria Mason, Associate Matron Tanya Slaughter, Worshipful Junior Grand Deacon William “Jay” Jones, Past Matron Kelli J. McCoy, Past Matron Karen Robinson, Past Matron Shari L. McCoy, Associate Matron Margo Skinner and Sister Latorsha Patterson

Grand Worthy Patron Albert Pope, Grand Worthy Matron Venecia C. Bessellieu, scholarship recipient Ciara Montgomery, Most Worshipful Grand Master Norman L. Campbell and Foundation President George C. Lacy

Jurisdictional Chairs: Past Matron Kelli J. McCoy-Burkett (VP) and Past Matron Glaceria Mason

dedicate themselves to advancing their education and pursuing their dreams. The 2015 scholarship program was chaired by Kelli J. McCoy-Burkett, vice president of the foundation. Her committee selected approximately 70 students. The keynote speaker was Dr. Ramona Hoage Edelin, executive director of the D.C. Association of Public Charter Schools. Since the inception of the scholarship program in 1957, this Masonic organization has awarded over $50,000,000 in scholarships.

Most Worshipful Grand Master Norman L. Campbell, Grand Worthy Matron Venecia C. Besselliu, Grand Worthy Patron Albert Pope with scholarship recipients

The Washington Government Relations Group (WGRG), in conjunction with the embassy of Canada, held its Sixth Annual Tin Cup Awards on July 15. The event, held at the Canadian embassy, honored U.S. Rep. Elijah Cummings (D-Md.); U.S. Sen. Cory Booker (D-N.J.); Federal Housing Agency Finance Director Melvin L. Watt; Jackie Ellis, chief of staff to Rep. Al Green (D-Texas); MSNBC’s Joy Reid; and lobbyists Darlene Taylor presents The Tiffany M. Moore and Linda Banton. They each received a trophy Adam Clayton Powell Award for and recognition for their works. Leadership in Diversity to Rep. Elijah E. Cummings (D-Md.)

Eulada Watt; The Honorable Melvin L. Watt, recipient of The President’s Award for Career Achievement - Leadership & Excellence; Darlene Taylor; Linda Banton, recipient of The Reginald Gillian Award for Lifetime Achievement and Brooks Banton

Marcus Mason, president, WGRG, Nicole Venable, Darlene Taylor, Marie Sylla-Dixon, Tusla Cole and Alyssa Beta - (Top Row) Yul Edwards, Nigel Stephens and Janatha Betz

Robert Drummer, Eden Shiferaw, Rodney Emery, Erica J. Johnson and Norman Ross

Recipient of the Lucile Harris Bluford Spotlight Award for Journalism, Joy-Ann Reid, National Correspondent, MSNBC being presented by Angela Rye

Judge Eric T. Washington

Tasha Cole, Lakeitha Anderson, Yolonda Faulkner, Lisa Ranson and J. Dominique Joseph

United States Secretary of Transportation Anthony Foxx presents The President’s Award for Career Achievement - Leadership & Excellence to The Honorable Melvin L. Watt

The recipient of The Adam Clayton Powell Award for Leadership in Diversity, Sen. Cory Booker (D-N.J.) - Presenting the Award, Norman Ross, vice president, Regional and Federal Government Affairs at MGM Resorts International

Daron Watt, partner, Sidley Austin, LLP and Patrice Webb (right), American Beverage Association presents the Terri Grier Memorial Scholarship to Khaleeq Everett, a senior at Marymount University

Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee (D-Texas) and Marcus Mason, president, Washington Government Relations Group

The Recipient of The Augustus F. Hawkins Award for Leadership in DiversityOrganization, Jacqueline “Jackie” Ellis, chief of staff, Rep. Al Green (D-Texas) and Rep. Al Green

Lisa Ramsom, Yolanda Hendricks-Roach and J. Dominique Joseph Photos by Rob Roberts

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The Afro-American, August 1, 2015 - August 7, 2015

Valerie Fraling and Cheryl Solomon Bailey

Willie L. Foreman and Elizabeth Johnson

Robert Blount, Monica Blount-Hart and Tobi Pulley

Photos and text by Dr. A. Lois De Laine

Under bright sunshine the Baltimore Rowing Club was the scene of the first-time May-Fabulous event sponsored by the Baltimore Chapter of the Drifters, International. For 27 years the Baltimore Drifters have been involved in providing service and resources to the Baltimore community. Profits from this event will go toward providing scholarships and services.

The Drifters

Dianne Hardison and Dr. J. Laws Nickens

Mitchellville Drifters: Renée McDonald, Helen Nuttall, Lula Hicks, Carol A. Walker, Vinetta C. Jones, Ella P. High, Thelma Scott and Urlecia Cook

Drifters and their guests enjoyed dancing to the great music.

Dr. Anne O. Emery and Delores Baden

Dr. John Lamkin, Eartha Lamkin and Martin Lamkin

Rev. Allen Robinson, Patricia Tunstall and E. Gaines Lansey

Eugene Smalley, Carolyn and Steve Wainwright

Victoria M. Lamkin, Darlene and Carlton Douglass

Photos by TC Caldwell Autumn Joi and Konan from 92Q

Gospel group Zie’l enjoying a post performance interview

Gospel artist Maurette BrownClark inspiring the crowd

Philly vs. Baltimore 2015, sponsored by the One Goal Foundation and organized by Donyae Dukes

Unity in the Community was sponsored by 92Q and 106.1 Praise on July 25th at Druid Hill Park in Baltimore. Health care groups, local food vendors, and business owners were involved in the city wide event. Artist Zie’l and local artist Maurette Brown-Clark, in addition to other gospel acts, lifted up their voices and sang for the inspiration of the people with great conviction and praise. Radio personality Willie Moore Jr. was an excellent emcee. Richard Smallwood Unity in the Community brought the community together for a spiritual community revival.

Radio host Willie Moore Jr and son

VaShawn Mitchell

Excited fans enjoying the music.

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The Afro-American, August 8, 2015 - August 14, 2015

Summer Survival Basketball League opened on July 6th at the Bentalou Recreation Center, 222 North Bentalou Street in Baltimore. The youth league features boys ranging from ages 9 to 13. The games are played Monday through Thursday at 6 p.m., 7 p.m., 8 p.m. and will conclude on August 13th. In January ITSUITSYOU formed the Summer Survival Basketball League pilot program. ITSUITSYOU is a 501(c) (3) non-profit organization that provides individual development, image consultation, suits and associated apparel to economically challenged males. Visit www. for more information.

Devin McNeal and Jordan Darden keep track of the score and time

Home of the Bentalou Project Survival Summer League

The Hornets ( 9yrs. and under ) get ready for the game

League Officials Paul Franklin and wife, Celeste Nelson The tip off!

The Heat (9yrs. and under ) ready to play

Gavin Fayall at the foul line

The winning team, The Wizards (9yrs. and under ) with Coach Earl Kutcher

Last minute coaching

The tip-off for the 13yrs. and under game

The Warriors (13yrs. and under ) with Coach Dony'e Moses

The Cavaliers (13yrs. and under) with Coach Vernon McCoy

Good sportsmanship at the end of the game

Photos by Anderson Ward

Gospel Artist Carronne Jones singing her newest single “The Best In Me”

Pastor Michael Parker of AMES United Methodist Church of Bel Air

Aktiv Choice World Outreach Ministries hosted its annual Aktiv Empowerment Zone community festival on July 25th on the campus of Mary E Rodman Recreation Center. There were activities for kids; adults and the community such as a moon bounce house, games, artists singing, dancing and prayer. The Aktiv Empowerment Zone is a nonprofit organization that focuses on educating and empowering young people in the areas of education, career development and lifestyle counseling.

Parents and children creating together at the Arts&Crafts table

Members of the Freely Give Ministry getting ready for the festivities to start

Danielle and Jabrea Arm Glam enjoying the day selling there merchandise

Artist Rochelle Parks with Utrecht Music and singers Gernard Carter, Corren McEachern, and Sabrena Wright

Leticica A. Fitts sharing her books and African art with the community The Pampered Chef is ready to spice up your afternoon

Praise Dancer Ashley Morgan lifting everyone’s spirits Founder Tyrone Brown enjoying some time with local snow cone vendors

Pastor Devrin Lindsay from Giant Steps Church of Baltimore

Gospel Rapper AJ Davoice Taylor

The Seek & Find Players ready to groove with the crowd

The young and older generations join hands in listening to Pastor Michael Parker’s worship Photos by TC Caldwell

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The Afro-American, August 8 2015 - August 14, 2015

Chelsey Green and Friends

Student performance by Michael Thomas, Syndey Smith, Caroline Jiang and Miranda Moss

Nicole Latham and Cynthia Northington

Photos by Rob Roberts On July 23, FAME celebrated 11 years of providing young people of every socioeconomic and cultural background with scholarships, instruments, summer intensive workshops, access to rigorous educational experiences, cultural and artistic excursions and much more. The event was held at the Newton White Mansion in Mitchellville, Maryland. and hosted by Tony Richards, WHUR/XM Radio. Community leaders, elected officials and Friends of FAME attended. FAME’s Chairman Harry Staley and executive director A. Toni Lewis presented awards to eight individuals and organizations that have made significant contributions to help FAME. The awardees and FAME were also presented Certificates of Congressional Recognition by Congresswoman Donna Edwards.

The Honorees: Md. State Sen. J.J. Peters, Jackie Gales Webb accepting on behalf of Renee Nash, public relations director at WHUR; David Zahren, meteorologist, WJLA 7, Education Leadership Awardee; Prince George’s County Councilmen Obie Patterson, Government Leadership Awardee; Danielle White, accepted the Corporate Leadership Award for Lorenzo Creighton, MGM resorts; Prince George’s County Councilmen Derrick Leon Davis, Transformational Leader Awardee; Timothy Johnson, accepting on behalf of Rosie Allen-Herring, Community and Non-Profit Champion Award

Student testimonial by Anthony Hamm Jr.

A. Toni Lewis, FAME founder & executive director

WHUR personalities, Tony Richards, event emcee and Jackie Gales Webb

Orlan Johnson, public affairs and religious liberty director for the Seventh-day Adventist Church in North America

Restaurant owner Jimmy Marcos received the Award of Honor.

Lisa Weimin Liu, president of the United States-China Association of Commerce

Photos by Rob Roberts

Prince George’s County Executive Rushern Baker and Jim Coleman, president & CEO, Prince George’s County Economic Development Corporation

Jessica Reynolds, regional manager, Md. Department of Business and Economic Development

Prince George’s County Executive Rushern Baker plans on expanding the county’s trade reach to China. On July 17, Baker invited businesses to a complimentary Pre-Mission Briefing Breakfast at the Prince George’s Economic Development Corporation to educate, encourage and inform U.S. firms on identifying import and export opportunities. A panel spoke on topics including an overview of the

Harry Staley, president, Board of Directors, Karen Jackson, secretary, Board of Directors, Wilson and Joy Brown

Jeffrey Dutton, acting deputy director, Office of China & Mongolia, US Dept. of Commerce

2015 Trade Mission; attracting Foreign Direct Investment to Prince George’s County; and the value of doing business in China. Baker will lead a delegation of 25 county businesses in a visit to the country from Sept. 4-12.

Lori Valentine, director of communications, Prince George’s County Economic Development Corporation

To see more of these photos and purchase them visit To purchase this digital photo page contact Takiea Hinton: or 410.554.8277.

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