The Afro-American, March 7, 2015 - March 13, 2015
Shirley Bowden, President Arlington (Va.) Chapter, Nicholette Martin, Chair, Red Dress Committee and Glenda Newell-Harris
For the first time ever, the District of Columbia, Maryland and Virginia (DMV) chapters of The Links jointly hosted the 7th Annual Red Dress Event at the historic Army Navy Country Club in Arlington, Va hosted by the Arlington Chapter. The event promotes heart health and education for minority women who are at risk. Over 430 Links and guests attended including special guests Dr. Glenda Newell-Harris, the National President of The Links; Rep. Don Beyer(D-Va.) and Alexandria, Va. Mayor William Euille. Speakers included African American female cardiologists, Dr. Patricia Davidson and Dr. Shawn Howell. Heart healthy snacks were provided and guests left with Coca Cola gift bags filled with heart health goodies. Community partners included AARP, INOVA Health Sysrem, NHLBI, Morgan Karen Johnson getting Stanley, Nationwide, Must Love Foods, Howard her blood pressure University Hospital and BET Networks made the checked by student event possible. Michelle from George Mason Bernard, University MSNBC was the emcee.
Annie Whatley, Claudia McKoin, Shirley Barton, Sheila Washington
Members of Arlington (Va.) Chapter of The links, Inc.
Representatives from INOVA Hospital
Honoree Janice Chance with spouse, Charlton Chance
Cardiologists Dr. Shawn Howell and Dr. Patricia Davidson
Connecting Links supporting the Red Dress Event
Alexandria, Va. Mayor William Euille, Lavern Chatman, Chair, National Partnerships, Rep. Don Byers,(D-Va.), Link Shirley Bowden and Link Natalie Fant, Eastern Area Vice Director
Reps from Howard University Hospital with Glenda NewellHarris
Genea Luck of AARP
Honoree Lt. Gen. Robert S. Ferrell and spouse, Monique Doute’ Ferrell
Emcee Ebony McMorris, News and Community Affairs Director, RadioOne Washington, D.C.
While the snow was falling outside, the energy and enthusiasm was rising inside the Memorial Chapel on Joint Base MyerGuests enjoying Henderson Hall with the Gospel Service’s the music annual “Black History Month ‘Keeper of the Community’ Awards and Dinner” on Feb. 21. Honorees included Lt. Gen. Robert Ferrell, Army Chief Information Officer; Janice Chance, Gold Star Mother; Allyson Carpenter, Ward 1 ANC Commissioner and Lt. The Planning Committee: Carol Gibson; Anita Laury; Col. David Everly, U.S. Marine Corps, Junior Pamela Douglas; Jerome Lindsey; Renee Anderson, Military Assistant to the Secretary of Defense. Gail Forest; Bernetta Townsend and Edgar Brookins, Deacon Floyd and Deaconess Toni Jenkins Committee Chair were presented the Gospel Service’s Edgar A. Brookins, Jr. Keeper of the Community Award. The theme of the event was “Our Legacy - The Church and the Community.” The event included music by gospel recording artist Phillip Carter and the Sounds of Victory and the Largo High School Gospel Choir. Bishop Glen Staples, Senior Pastor from the Temple of Praise Church, located on 700 Southern Ave SE, gave the message. Guest emcee was Ebony McMorris, News and Community Affairs Director, Radio-One D.C. Ebony McMorris, Cydney Hill, Miss Photos by Rob Roberts
Gospel recording artist Phillip Carter and the Sounds of Victory
District of Columbia Teen and her mother, Tonya Thomas
Mistress of Ceremonies, Michelle Bernard
We are Links, we are connected.
Mai Skyles of Nationwide and Isaac Lewis of Morgan Stanley chat with guest Bob Harris
Photos by David Fitzpatrick
The JMB-HH Gospel Service Praise and Worship Team Chap.(LT) Devon Foster, Pastor, JMB-HH Gospel Service
Brandon Felder (choir director) and the Largo High School Gospel Choir
Honorees: Allyson Carpenter; Floyd and Toni Jenkins; Janice Chance; Lt. Gen. Robert Ferrell and Maj. Reeves (accepting on behalf of Lt. Col. David Everly)
Honoree Allyson Carpenter with family and friends
Maj. Reeves, Lt. Gen. Robert Ferrell, Chap.(Lt. Col.) Dave Dabeck and Chap.(Maj.) Jerald Jacobs
Bishop Glen Staples
The Afro-American, March 7, 2015 - March 13, 2015
On Feb. 19, the Greater Baltimore Urban League hosted its first annual Business Summit at the Hyatt Regency in Baltimore. The one-day event provided tools and resources for small, minority, women and veteran-owned business, to excel in today’s business culture. President and CEO of the Greater Baltimore Urban League, J. Howard Henderson, said this is the first of many more business summits. Dia Simms, keynote speaker for the business summit, enlightened the audience with tips on believing and keeping the dream of owning, managing and branding a business. “Taking risks are so important, make a decision, you make the right decision and be a student,” she said. Simms is the Executive Vice President of Ciroc Vodka & Innovations and President of Combs Wine & Spirits. The business summit workshops focused on financial resources and building capacity, maximizing technology to grow a business, building external resources and new supplier diversity. Local business leaders such as LaRian Finney, Zachary McDainels, Stanley Tucker, Paul Taylor Deb Tillet, Gueter Aurelien, Key note speaker, Stacie Price and many others came Dia Simms out in great support to encourage and share their testimonies and
Frank B. Coakley and Gordon M. Outlaw
experiences through panel discussions and one-on-one interviews with future business leaders. The Greater Baltimore Urban League is connecting with neighborhood businesses to impart knowledge to making the business a success. For more information visit http://www.gbul. org/.
Gueter Aurelien
Stanley Tucker, pres. Meridian Management Group
J. Howard Henderson (CEO BUL) and LaRian Finney (The Finn Group)
Dia Simms mingles with the crowd and answers questions
The audience was attentive Financial Resources Panel
Technology Panel Members J. Howard Henderson (CEO BUL), Dr. Ben F. Chavis Jr. and Zachary McDaniels, event chair
Lenora Howze, AFRO Dir. of Advertising
Photos by Anderson Ward
Darryl Stokes, Executive sponsor, EAARA and Emmett Vaughn
EAARA members are Dawn Alexander, Lily Kuitcha, Calvin Little, Allison Manswell, president
In celebration of Black History Month, Exelon’s African“focusing on professional development, employee engagement and American Resource Alliance (EAARA) hosted a group discussion on community services,” said Allison Manswell, president. “Career Development Insights from Susan L. Taylor: Nurturing Your The Black History event’s sponsors were Exelon, BGE, and Passion Along Your Career Path.” Constellation. Susan L. Taylor, founder and CEO, National CARES Mentoring Donna Richardson and Wayne R. Movement and Editor-in-Chief Emerita of Essence Magazine told Frazier Sr., president, Md. Washington the packed room of employees and executives that “We are Minority Companies Association each other’s keepers; money does not make you happy—there is something deeper—developing a core relationship with ourselves and with each other.” Taylor continued, “We are supposed to leave Sharon Thomas, Jennifer Hale, Angela Strange our children and our community better than we find them now—we are losing the battle of literacy. We have a huge responsibility to help our children.” EAARA Baltimore is an employee resource group dedicated to demonstrating and developing the business impact of diversity by
Ammanuel Moore, Lawanda Sheppard, Tavanna Cherry, Taiwo Alo
Nikki Bigelow and Erica Woolridge
Allison Manswell, president, EAARA, Exelon's AfricanAmerican Resource Alluiance
Ingrid Woods, Latarsha Carpenter, Alicia Ringgold
Gwen Sullivan, Sanmi Kalesanwo, Wilhelmina Moore
Penny Jenkins, Cynthia Edwards, Keisha Clarke-English
Tamla Olivier, Michael Pechin, Jennifer Lowry
Susan L. Taylor
Susan L. Taylor, Emmett Vaughn, Valencia McClure Maureta Scott, Sharon Davis, Andrea Moore Photos by Dr. A. Lois De Laine
Delali Tsogbe and Wanda Roberts